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KMTC/QP-08/EF PART TWO: SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (40 MARKS) 1 State five (5) components of a partograph 5 marks 2 State five (5) factors that contribute to normal labor 5 marks 3. _ State five (5) minor disorders of pregnancy 5 marks 4. Draw and label a diagram showing fundal height at variou' KS of pregnancy. 5 marks 5 Explain the physiological changes that take place in the reproductive system pregnant woman. 5 marks 6. Differentiate between true and false labor 2 marks 7. Outline the process of a normal peuperium 5 marks 8. Outline the mechanism of normal labo 8 marks PART THREE LONG ANSWER QUESTION (40 MARKS) 1. While working in labor ward, a mothers gives birth to a baby girl a) Define a normal neonate 1 mark b) State three (3) indications of 1st examination of a newborn. 3 marks the characteristics of a normal neonat 11 marks ) State five (5) principles of essential newborn care 5 marks 2. Ms. R aged 23 years para 0+0 gravida 1 is admitted in the labor ward in labor pains. On examination, the cervix is 4cm dilated a State five (5) indications of Vaginal examination 5 marks Describe the management of Ms. R from admission until the commencement of 2™ sta 10 marks ©) __ List danger signs of pregnancy (three) and peuperium (three) 3 marks d) State two (2) objectives of FANC 2 marks TC/QP-08/EP 16. True lat labor is characterized b is characterized by the following parameters ») ular contraction, contractions decreasing in strength with time, cervix shorten b) Regul lar contraction, cc f ) traction, contractions in¢reasing in strength with time, no cervix dilatation x) Regular contraction, contractions increasing In strength with time, cervix shortens “vy @) = Irregular contraction, contractions increasing in strength with time, cervix shorter 17. The concentration of chlorohexidine gel supposed to be applied on the umbilical cord q) 7.5 718. What do we assess to score a newborn's grimace in Apgar score Bb) Te OR 19. ‘Immediately after birth of fetal hgad, we check for: what do we check for before administeri 20. Immediately after birth of the bab oxytocin a) Second twin ¢) Uterine con! n d) Lengthening KMTC/QP-08/EPS 11. Active management of third stage of labour (AMTSL) should be practiced at all times and includes a) Confir ng second fetus, administering oxytocin, Uterine cantrat.fions dP b) Controlled cord trac ion for delivery of the baby; expelling of POCS, Uterine massage ©) Confirming second fetus, administering pain killers, Uterine massage 9) Controlled cord traction for delivery of the placenta, expe! ling of OCS; 12 There are four different ways to record the moulding on the partograph Uterine mi a) 0 If bones are separated and the sutures cannot be felt easily b) + If sutures are apposed but no overlap i.e. the bones ar ouching each other €) ++ If there is overlapping of the sutures but it is reducible d) +++ If the sutures overlap but not reduc ‘ible on touch 13. Minor complications during pregnancy include: a) Pica, heartburn, constipati lack of appetite - b) Pica, epigastric pain, constipation, too much of appetit ©) Pica, heartburn, frequency of stool, lack of appetite d) Satiety, heartburn, constipation, lack of appetite a 14, Indicate true or false: Anterior fontanelle closes at 18-nlonthsyr Posterior fontanelle closes at 6.radnths 15. Theories postulated to cause normal labor a) Hormonal factors, mechanical factor b) mysterical factors, mechanical factor c) Hormonal factors, Anxiety factors d) Over distension, mechanical factors wei diately 20. Immediately birth of the bal oxytocin J PART I: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (10 Marks) 1. Startingattheinner-m thelayersinorderare: = roftheheart to the outwagd most,thenamesof a) Pericardium,Epicardium,Myocardium and Endocagdium ” 4 J Pericardium,Epicardium, Endocardium and Myocardium dium, Myocardium and Pericardium jocardium,Pericardium and Epicafdium ersbelowputsthethreedivisionsofthe harynxindescending orde a rynx and Laryngopharynx pharynx ynx 3 2) Li aon 1xandNasopharynxv d yngopharynx and Nasopharynx ~ 4 al nbedividedintothreecontinuousphase le,thecorrectorderis: ; ferative ry 1s cretory,proliferative # A mus¢ inserts on the body of the mandible is probably involved i K b) Blo * ex Chi 4) Frowning ) Jv 5, Blood is supplied to the myocardium by 4 a) The coronary s 1US. ¥ — . b) The coronary arteries, ; C) Arteries that branch from thi oy Both A and B 6. The following are structural compo 1. Purkinje fibers 2. AV bundle eS 3. AV node % 4.SA node 5. Bundle branches a The sequence in which e i.3, 2, “aaey 1 Bes, 5,4, 2, 1 a yt, 3; 2) 5, 1s d}4, 2, 3,5, 1 r 7 segment of the small intestine is th A r 8. At the hepatic flexure, the col6n becomes t a) ascending b) Transverse colon. v gy Descending colon a d) Sigmoid colon, o Which 6f the following is not an a) Radius r b) humerus Q tarsals ~ d) carpals r 10. Synthesis of lipids and glycogen takes place at the a) ribosomes. o b) Rough ER.

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