Python Full Stack Syllabus Course Brochure

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This course is for those who want to start their coding journey, whether a
beginner or an expert.

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Python Syllabus
Module 1: Introduction to Languages
2. Python file extensions
1. What is Language?
3. Setting Path in Windows
2. Types of languages
4. Edit and Run python program without
3. What is Scripting Language?
4. Types of Script
5. Edit and Run python program using
5. Programming Languages v/s Scripting
7. Programmers View of Interpreter
Module 2: Introduction to Python
1. What is Python?
9. What is Byte Code in PYTHON?
3. What is PSF?
Module 6: Python variables
4. Python implementations
1. bytes Data Type
5. Python applications
2. ·byte array
6. Python versions
3. ·String Formatting in Python
4. ·Math, Random, Secrets Modules
8. Difference between Python 2.x and 3.x
5. ·Introduction
9. Difference between Python 3.7 and
6. Initialization of variables
7. Local variables
10. Software Development Architectures
8. Input and Output operations
9. Data conversion functions – int(),
Module 3: Python Software’s
float(), complex(), str(), chr(), ord()
1. Download &Python Installation
Process Online Python IDLE
Module 7: Operators
2. Python Real-time IDEs like Spyder,
1. Arithmetic Operators
Jupyter Note
2. Comparison Operators
3. Python Assignment Operators
Module 4: Python Language Fundamentals
4. Logical Operators
1. Python Implementation
5. Bitwise Operators
6. Shift operators
2. ·Keywords
7. Membership Operators
3. ·Identifiers
8. Identity Operators
4. ·Constants / Literals
9. Ternary Operator
5. ·Data types
10. Operator precedence
6. ·Python VS JAVA
11. Difference between "is" vs "=="
7. ·Python Syntax

Module 8: Input & Output Operators

Module 5: Different Modes of Python
1. Print
1. Comments in Python

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2. Input i. String functions

3. Command line arguments j. String Immutability

Module 9: Control Statements Module 11: List Collection

1. Conditional control statements 1. What is List
a. If 2. Need of List collection
b. If-else 3. Different ways of creating List
c. If-elif-else 4. List comprehension
d. Nested-if 5. List indices
2. ·Loop control statements 6. Processing elements of List through
a. for Indexing and Slicing
b. while 7. List object methods
c. Nested loops 8. List is Mutable
3. ·Branching statements 9. Mutable and Immutable elements of
a. Break List
b. Continue 10. Nested Lists
c. Pass 11. List_of_lists
d. Return 12. Hardcopy, shallowCopy and DeepCopy
13. zip() in Python
Module 10: Data structures or 14. How to unzip?
Collections 15. Python Arrays
1. Introduction 16. Case studies
2. Importance of Data structures
3. Applications of Data structures Module 12: Tuple collection
4. Types of Collections 1. What is tuple?
a. Sequence 2. Different ways of creating Tuple
i. Strings, List, Tuple, range 3. Method of Tuple object
b. Non sequence 4. Tuple is Immutable
i. Set, Frozen set, Dictionary 5. Mutable and Immutable elements of
5. Strings Tuple
a. What is string 6. Process tuple through Indexing and
b. Representation of Strings Slicing
c. Processing elements using 7. List v/s Tuple
indexing 8. Case studies
d. Processing elements using
Iterators Module 13: Set collection
e. Manipulation of String using 1. What is set?
Indexing and Slicing 2. Different ways of creating set
f. String operators 3. Difference between list and set
g. Methods of String object 4. Iteration Over Sets
h. String Formatting 5. Accessing elements of set

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6. Python Set Methods b. No arguments and With return

7. Python Set Operations values
8. Union of sets e. Recursion
9. functions and methods of set 6. Python argument type functions :
10. Python Frozen set a. Default argument functions
11. Difference between set and b. Required(Positional) arguments
frozenset ? function
12. Case study c. Keyword arguments function
d. Variable arguments functions
Module 14: Dictionary collection 7. 'pass’ keyword in functions
1. What is dictionary? 8. Lambda functions/Anonymous functions
2. Difference between list, set and a. map()
dictionary b. filter()
3. How to create a dictionary? c. reduce()
4. PYTHON HASHING? 9. Nested functions
5. Accessing values of dictionary 10. Non local variables, global variables
6. Python Dictionary Methods 11. Closures
7. Copying dictionary 12. Decorators
8. Updating Dictionary 13. Generators
9. Reading keys from Dictionary 14. Iterators
10. Reading values from Dictionary 15. Monkey patching
11. Reading items from Dictionary
12. Delete Keys from the dictionary Module 16: Python Modules
13. Sorting the Dictionary 1. Importance of modular programming
14. Python Dictionary Functions and 2. What is module
methods 3. Types of Modules – Pre defined, User
15. Dictionary comprehension defined.
4. User defined modules creation
Module 15: Functions 5. Functions based modules
1. What is Function? 6. Class based modules
2. Advantages of functions 7. Connecting modules
3. Syntax and Writing function 8. Import module
4. Calling or Invoking function 9. From … import
5. Classification of Functions 10. Module alias / Renaming module
a. No arguments and No return 11. Built In properties of module
b. With arguments and No return Module 17: Packages
values 1. Organizing python project into packages
c. With arguments and With 2. Types of packages – pre defined, user
return values defined.
3. Package v/s Folder

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4. file 19. Aggregation

5. Importing package 20. Inheritance – single , multi level,
6. PIP multiple, hierarchical and hybrid inheritance
a. Introduction to PIP and Diamond inheritance
b. Installing PIP 21. Constructors in inheritance
c. Installing Python packages 22. Object class
d. Un installing Python packages 23. super()
24. Runtime polymorphism
Module 18: OOPs 25. Method overriding
1. Procedural v/s Object oriented 26. Method resolution order(MRO)
programming 27. Method overriding in Multiple
2. Principles of OOP – Encapsulation , inheritance and Hybrid Inheritance
Abstraction (Data Hiding) 28. Duck typing
3. Classes and Objects 29. Concrete Methods in Abstract Base
4. How to define class in python Classes
5. Types of variables – instance 30. Difference between Abstraction &
variables, class variables. Encapsulation
6. Types of methods – instance 31. Inner classes
methods, class method, static 32. Introduction
method 33. Writing inner class
7. Constructors. 34. Accessing class level members of inner
8. Object initialization class
9. ‘self’ reference variable 35. Accessing object level members of
10. ‘cls’ reference variable inner class
11. Access modifiers – private(__) , 36. Local inner classes
protected(_), public 37. Complex inner classes
12. AT property class 38. Case studies
13. Property() object
14. Creating object properties using Module 19: Exception Handling & Types of
setaltr, getaltr functions Errors
15. Encapsulation(Data Binding) 1. What is Exception?
16. What is polymorphism? 2. Why exception handling?
a. Overriding 3. Syntax error v/s Runtime error
i. Method overriding 4. Exception codes – AttributeError,
ii. Constructor overriding ValueError, IndexError, TypeError…
b. Overloading a. Handling exception – try except
i. Method Overloading block
ii. Constructor Overloading b. Try with multi except
iii. Operator Overloading c. Handling multiple exceptions with
17. Class re-usability single except blockr
18. Composition

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5. Finally block Module 23: OS module

a. Try-except-finally 1. Shell script commands
b. Try with finally 2. Various OS operations in Python
c. Case study of finally block 3. Python file system shell methods
6. Raise keyword 4. Creating files and directories
a. Custom exceptions / User 5. Removing files and directories
defined exceptions 6. Shutdown and Restart system
b. Need to Custom exceptions 7. Renaming files and directories
7. Case studies 8. Executing system commands

Module 20: Regular expressions Module 24: Multi-threading & Multi

1. Understanding regular expressions Processing
2. String v/s Regular expression 1. Introduction
string 2. Multi tasking v/s Multi threading
3. “re” module functions 3. Threading module
4. Match() 4. ·Creating thread – inheriting Thread class ,
5. Search() Using callable object
6. Split() 5. Life cycle of thread
7. Findall() 6. Single threaded application
8. Compile() 7. Multi threaded application
9. Sub() 8. Can we call run() directly?
9. Need to start() method
Module 21: Python Logging 10. Sleep()
1. Logging Levels 11. Join()
2. implement Logging 12. Synchronization - Lock class – acquire(),
3. Configure Log File in over writing release() functions
Mode 13. Case studies
4. Timestamp in the Log Messages
5. Python Program Exceptions to the Module 25: Garbage collection
Log File 1. Introduction
6. Requirement of Our Own 2. Importance of Manual garbage collection
Customized Logger 3. Self reference objects garbage collection
4. ‘gc’ module
Module 22: Date & Time module 5. Collect() method
1. How to use Date & Date Time 6. Threshold function
class 7. Case studies
2. How to use Time Delta object
3. Formatting Date and Time Module 26: Python Data Base
4. Calendar module Communications(PDBC)
5. Text calendar 1. Introduction to DBMS applications
6. HTML calendar 2. File system v/s DBMS

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3. Communicating with MySQL 11. executeMany() method

4. Python – MySQL connector 12. fetchone()
5. mysql.connector module 13. fetchmany()
6. connect() method 14. fetchall()
7. Oracle Database 15. Static queries v/s Dynamic queries
8. Install cx_Oracle 16. Transaction management
9. Cursor Object methods 17. Case studies
10. execute() method

HTML Syllabus
Module 1: Web - Introduction Module 4: HTML - Elements
1. Introduction 1. <!DOCTYPE> HTML Version Info.
2. What is Web & History of Web? 2. Head Section
3. What is a web page? How does it work? a. <title>
4. What a browser does? b. <link>
5. What is W3C? The importance of W3C c. <meta>
standards d. <style>
6. Overview of the Internet e. <script>
7. Overview of the World Wide Web
(WWW) Module 5: HTML Special Characters or HTML
Module 2: Internet Based Services 1. &nbsp&copy
1. Email, SMTP MIME 2. &trade&reg
2. TELNET FTP 3. &lsquo&rsquo
3. What is HTTP & HTTPS 4. &ldquo &rdquo ..!!
4. What is URL, URI & URN
5. What is Client & Web Server? Module 6: HTML Colors
6. What is Hyperlink? 1. Hexadecimal Color Values
7. Types of Web Pages & Web Sites 2. Color Values
3. Web Safe Colors
Module 3: Introduction to HTML 4. 16 Million Different Colors
1. What is HTML? 5. HTML Color Names
2. HTML Editors 6. Computing Color Codes
3. HTML Versions
4. Featuresof HTML Module 7: Body Section
5. Limitations of HTML 1. body tag
6. Introduction to TAGS 2. font tag
7. Types of Tags 3. hr tag
8. Structure of HTML Document 4. paragraph Tag
9. HTML Comments 5. marquee tag

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6. pre tag Module 11: HTML - Tables

1. border
Module 8: HTML Presentational or 2. Headings in a Table
Formatting Tags 3. Empty Cells in a Table
1. bold 4. Declaring width & height
2. italic 5. Cellspacing & Cellpadding
3. strong 6. Bgcolor & caption tag
4. emphasis 7. Colspan and Rowspan
5. striking 8. Nesting tables
6. underline 9. Alignment & Rules Attributes
7. superscript
8. subscript Module 12: HTML - Lists
9. blockquote 1. Making Unordered lists
10. big 2. Making Ordered lists
11. small 3. Making Definition lists
12. center
13. quotes Module 13: HTML-Frames
14. horizontal Rule 1. Frameset
15. del 2. Frame
16. ins 3. Advantages of Frames
17. nobr 4. Disadvantages of Frames
18. html headings 5. Frame Errors
6. noframe
Module 9: HTML Images 7. Iframe tag
1. Web image formats
2. How images are used in web design Module 14: HTML "Computer Output" Tags
3. The image tag 1. Code
4. Clickable images 2. Kbd
5. Image Links 3. Samp
6. Images types 4. Var
5. pre
Module 10: HTML - Links
1. The anchor tag Module 15: HTML Citations, Quotations, and
2. Types of links Definition Tags
3. Internal Links & External Links 1. abbr
4. Text Links 2. address
5. Picture Links 3. bdo
6. Local Links 4. blockquote
7. Email links 5. q
6. cite

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7. dfn Module 19: Introduction to Advanced HTML

8. span (HTML5)
9. div 1. HTML4 Drawbacks
2. Introduction to HTML5
Module 16: HTML Forms 3. New Features and groups
1. Introduction to forms 4. Why HTML5?
2. Forms 5. Power of HTML5
3. Input 6. Structure of HTML5 Document
4. Text Fields
5. Password Module 20: HTML5 New Elements (More
6. Reset meaningful elements)
7. Submit 1. New Semantic/Structural Elements
8. Checkboxes 2. <article>
9. Radio 3. <aside>
10. Select 4. <bdi>
11. Hidden Fields 5. <bdo>
12. Upload 6. <command>
13. Text areas 7. <details>
14. Legend 8. <summary>
15. fieldset 9. <figure>
16. Small Project on Forms 10. <figcaption>
11. <footer>
Module 17: Introduction HTTP 12. <header>
1. HTTP Overview 13. <nav>
2. Architecture of HTTP 14. <ruby>
3. HTTP Methods 15. <rt>
4. GET vs. POST 16. <rp>
5. http status messages 17. <section>
18. <wbr>
Module 18: Web Hosting (Live Web Site)
1. What is Web Hosting? Module 21: HTML5 New inline elements
2. Hosting Types 1. <meter>
3. Free Hosting 2. <mark>
4. Shared Hosting 3. <progress>
5. Virtual Dedicated Hosting: 4. <time>
6. Dedicated Hosting
7. Collocated Hosting Module 22: HTML5 Input Types (More
8. What is Domain Name? meaningful elements)
9. General Domains 1. What is a Webform?(Web Forms 2.0)
10. Top Level Domains 2. Introduction
11. How to Register a Domain Name? 3. color(color chooser)

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4. date (popup calendar) 8. Rectangle

5. datetime (datetime chooser) 9. Circle
6. datetime-local (datetime chooser) 10. Ellipse
7. email (Email Entry) 11. Line
8. month (month year chooser) 12. Polyline
9. number (spinner) 13. Polygon
10. range (slider) 14. Path
11. search (Search Query Input)
12. tel Telephone Input) Module 25: HTML5 Multimedia (playing video
13. time (TimeSelector) and audio is easier than ever)
14. url ( 1. Introduction
15. week (WeekChooser) 2. What is Multimedia?
3. Browser Support
Module 23: HTML5 Canvas HTML5- 4. Multimedia Formats
GRAPHICS (2D and 3D Effects) 5. Video Formats
1. Introduction 6. Sound Formats
2. What is Canvas? 7. What is Ogg format?
3. Create a Canvas
4. Canvas Coordinates Module 26: HTML5 Video (playing video and
5. Canvas – Paths (lines, circles) audio is easier than ever)
6. Canvas - Text 1. Introduction
7. Canvas - Gradients 2. Video on the Web
8. Canvas – Images 3. Video with JS
9. createLinearGradient 4. How It Works?
10. createRadialGradient 5. Video Formats and Browser Support
6. HTML5 Video Tags
Module 24: HTML5 SVG HTML5-
GRAPHICS (2D and 3D Effects) Module 27: HTML5 Audio (playing video and
1. Introduction audio is easier than ever)
2. What is SVG? 1. Introduction
3. SVG Advantages 2. Audio With JS
4. Differences Between SVG and Canvas 3. Audio on the Web
5. Comparison of Canvas and SVG 4. How It Works?
6. Why SVG? 5. Audio Formats and Browser Support
7. SVG Shapes 6. HTML5 Audio Tags

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CSS Syllabus
3. line-height
Module 1: Introduction to CSS
4. text-align
1. Introduction
5. text-decoration
2. What is CS
6. text-indent
3. Why CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)
7. text-transform
4. Syntax
8. vertical-align
5. Advantages
9. White-space
6. Limitations

Module 7: Links
Module 2: Types of Style Sheets
1. a:link
1. Inline style
2. a:visited
2. Internal style sheet
3. a:hover
3. External style sheet
4. a:active
Module 3: Types of Selectors
Module 8: Custom Cursors
1. Tag or Type
1. Cursor Styles
2. Global
2. Custom Cursors
3. Class
3. Using Custom Cursors
4. ID
5. Grouped
Module 9: CSS Lists
6. Descendant
1. List
2. Different List Item Markers
Module 4: Background Properties
3. An Image as The List Item Marker
1. background-color
4. Cross browser Solution
2. background-image
5. List - Shorthand property
3. background-repeat
4. background-attachment
Module 10: CSS Tables
5. background-position
1. Table Borders
2. Collapse Borders
Module 5: Font Properties
3. Table Width and Height
1. font-family
4. Table Text Alignment
2. color
5. Table Padding
3. font-size
6. Table Color
4. font-style
5. font-variant
Module 11: Box Model
6. font-weight
1. Border
2. outline
Module 6: Text Properties
3. margin
1. letter-spacing
4. padding
2. Word-spacing

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Module 12: Advanced Cascading Style Module 17: CSS3 2D Transforms

Sheets 1. Introduction
1. Dimension 2. How does it Work?
2. Display 3. Browser Support
3. Positioning 4. 2D Transforms
4. Floating 5. translate()
5. Pseudo-classes 6. rotate()
6. Pseudo-element 7. sclae()
7. Navigation Bar 8. skew()
8. Image Gallery 9. matrix()
9. Image Opacity
10. Image Sprites Module 18: CSS3 Transitions
11. Media Types 1. Introduction
2. How does it work?
Module 13: Borders 3. transition-property
1. Introduction 4. transition-duration
2. border-radius 5. transition-delay
3. box-shadow
4. border-image Module 19: CSS3 Animations
1. Introduction
Module 14: CSS3 Backgrounds 2. CSS3 @keyframes Rule
1. Introduction 3. Browser Support
2. background-size 4. Animation, animation-duration
3. background-origin
4. background-clip Module 20: CSS3 Multiple Columns
1. Introduction
Module 15: CSS3 Text Effects 2. column-count
1. Introduction 3. column-gap
2. text-shadow 4. column-rule
3. word-wrap 5. column-rule-color
4. word-break 6. column-rule-style
5. CSS3 hanging-punctuation 7. column-rule-width

Module 16: CSS3 Fonts

1. Introduction
2. @font-face Rule
3. font-stretch
4. font-weight
5. font-style

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Syllabus Module 5: Introducing JavaScript Variables
1. Variable Declaration and the
Module 1: What is Scripting Language? Assignment Operator
1. Advantages of Scripting Languages 2. JavaScript Variable Naming
2. Limitations of Scripting Languages Conventions
3. Types of Scripts
4. Difference between Scripting and Module 6: JavaScript Variable Types
Programming Langs. 1. The JavaScript typeof Operator
5. What is JavaScript? Who Developed?
6. JS Versions history Module 7: JavaScript Operators
7. Features of JavaScript 1. Assignment Operators
8. What JavaScript can Do? 2. Arithmetic Operators
9. JavaScript Syntax 3. Unary Operators - Incrementing and
10. Single and double quotes in JavaScript Decrementing Variable Values
11. document.write() and 4. Comparison Operators
window.document.write() 5. String Operators
6. Conditional Operators
Module 2: The History of JavaScript 7. Logical Operators
1. Moving on from Static Web Pages
2. LiveScript, JavaScript, JScript, Module 8: JavaScript Flow Control and
ECMAScript - What's in a Name? Looping
1. JavaScript Conditional Statements
Module 3: More In Java Script 2. The JavaScript if Statement
1. Comments in JAVASCRIPT 3. The JavaScript if ... else Statements
2. Semicolons are Optional
3. JavaScript Place in HTML File Module 9: JavaScript Looping Statements
4. JavaScript Code 1. JavaScript for loops
5. JavaScript Blocks 2. JavaScript For In
6. JavaScript Popup Boxes 3. JavaScript while loops
7. JavaScript DataTypes 4. JavaScript For Of
8. <noscript> tag 5. JavaScript do ... while loops
6. JavaScript switch Statements
Module 4: Embedding JavaScript into Web 7. Breaking & Continue
pages 8. label Statements
1. The <script> element 9. JavaScript Type Conversion
2. Where to place JavaScript in a Web 10. Skipping Statements in Current Loop
Page Iteration

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Module 10: Understanding JavaScript Module 14: JS HTML DOM

Functions 1. DOM Intro
1. Declaring and Calling a JavaScript 2. DOM Methods
Function 3. DOM Document
2. Passing Arguments to a Function 4. DOM Elements
3. Returning a Value from a Function 5. DOM HTML
4. Where to Place Function 6. DOM CSS
Declarations 7. DOM Animations
8. DOM Events
Module 11: Events in JavaScript 9. DOM Event Listener
1. abort 10. DOM Navigation
2. click 11. DOM Nodes
3. dblclick 12. DOM Collections
4. error 13. DOM Node Lists
5. focus
6. load Module 15: JavaScript Object Basics
7. mouseout 1. Creating a Custom JavaScript Object
8. mouseover 2. Creating and Using Object Instances
9. reset 3. Extending JavaScript Objects
10. select
11. submit Module 16: JavaScript String Object
12. unload 1. Creating a JavaScript String Object
2. JavaScript String Object Methods
Module 12: JavaScript - Errors & 3. JavaScript String Object Properties
Exceptions Handling 4. JavaScript String Object Examples
1. try 5. Getting the length of a String Object
2. catch 6. Setting String Object text Effects
3. finally 7. Performing Conversions on String
4. throw Objects
5. onerror() 8. Manipulating Strings with the String
6. JavaScript Hoisting Object

Module 13: More in Java Script Module 17: JavaScript Date Object
1. JavaScript Use Strict 1. Understanding System Time
2. The JavaScript this Keyword 2. Creating a JavaScript Date Object
3. JavaScript Arrow Function 3. Setting the Time and Date of the
4. JavaScript Classes JavaScript Date Object
5. JavaScript Debugging 4. Reading the Date and Time from a
6. JavaScript Reserved Words JavaScript Date Object
5. UTC Time

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6. Finding the Time Zone Offset and

Getting Local Time 2. Reading the URL of the Current
Module 18: JavaScript Math Object 3. Extracting Parts of the URL
1. JavaScript Math Object Methods 4. JavaScript Location Object Methods
2. JavaScript Math Object Properties
3. Using JavaScript Math Object and Module 22: JavaScript History Object
4. Rounding and Truncating Numbers Module 23: JavaScript Regular Expressions
with the Math Object
Module 24: JavaScript Arrays
Module 19: JavaScript Window Object 1. What is a JavaScript Array
1. Referencing the JavaScript window 2. How to Create a JavaScript Array
Object 3. Initializing the Elements of an Array
2. JavaScript window Object Properties 4. Accessing the Elements of a
3. Opening Browser Windows using JavaScript Array
JavaScript 5. JavaScript Array Object Methods and
4. Closing Browser Windows using Properties
JavaScript 6. JavaScript Array Sorting
5. Moving and Resizing Windows
6. Changing Window Focus Module 25: JavaScript Timeouts
7. Displaying Message Box Dialogs 1. Setting up a JavaScript Timeout
2. Cancelling a JavaScript Timeout
Module 20: JavaScript Document Object 3. Setting up JavaScript Timeout to
1. What is the JavaScript Document Repeat
2. JavaScript Document Object Methods Module 26: Building Forms with JavaScript
and Properties 1. The JavaScript Form Object
3. Using the JavaScript Document 2. Accessing Objects in a Form
Object 3. The JavaScript Text Object
4. Writing text to a document 4. JavaScript Text Area Object
5. Writing Text to a document in a 5. The JavaScript Button Object
different Window 6. JavaScript Check Boxes
6. Changing the Document Title 7. JavaScript Radio Buttons
7. Changing the Document Colors 8. JavaScript Drop-down / Select
8. Getting a List of Objects in a Object
Document 9. Obtaining the Current Selection from
the JavaScript Select Object
Module 21: JavaScript Location Object 10. JavaScript Password Object
1. Loading a New URL into the Current

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Bootstrap Syllabus
Module 1: Bootstrap 6. Blockquotes
1. What is Bootstrap? 7. Lists
2. History of Bootstrap?
3. Why use Bootstrap? Module 7: Bootstrap Tables
4. What Bootstrap Package Includes? 1. Basic Table
2. Optional Table Classes
Module 2: Download Bootstrap 3. STRIPED TABLE
&Configuaration 4. BORDERED TABLE
1. File structure 5. HOVER TABLE
3. Basic Examples 7. Contextual classes
8. Responsive tables
Module 3: Bootstrap Grid System
1. What is a Grid? Module 8: Bootstrap Forms
2. What is Bootstrap Grid System? 1. Form Layout
4. Working of Bootstrap Grid System 3. INLINE FORM
5. Media Queries 4. HORIZONTAL FORM
5. Supported Form Controls
Module 4: Grid options 6. CHECKBOXES AND RADIOS
1. Responsive column resets 7. SELECTS
2. Offset columns 8. Form Control States
3. Nesting columns 9. Form Control Sizing
4. Column ordering 10. Help Text

Module 5: Bootstrap CSS Overview Module 9: Bootstrap Buttons

1. HTML5 doctype 1. Button Size
2. Mobile First 2. Button State
3. Responsive images 3. DISABLED STATE
4. Typography and links 4. Button Tags
5. Normalize
6. Containers Module 10: Bootstrap Images
1. .img-rounded
Module 6: Bootstrap Typography 2. .img-circle
1. Headings 3. .img-thumbnail
3. Emphasis Module 11: Bootstrap Helper Classes
4. Abbreviations 1. Close icon
5. Addresses 2. Carets

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Module 18: Bootstrap Navigation

3. Quick floats Elements
4. Center content blocks 1. Tabular Navigation or Tabs
5. Clearfix 2. Pills Navigation
6. Showing and hiding content 3. VERTICLE PILLS
7. Screen reader content 4. Justified Nav
5. Disabled Links
Module 12: Bootstrap Responsive utilities 6. Dropdowns
1. visible-xs 7. PILLS WITH DROPDOWNS
2. visible-sm
3. visible-md Module 19: Bootstrap Navbar
4. visible-lg 1. Default navbar
2. Responsive navbar
Module 13: Bootstrap Glyphicons 3. Forms in navbar
1. What are Glyphicons? 4. Buttons in navbar
2. Where to find Glyphicons? 5. Text in navbar
6. Non-nav links
Module 14: Bootstrap Dropdowns 7. Component alignment
1. Options 8. Fixed to top
2. ALIGNMENT 9. Fixed to bottom
3. HEADERS 10. Static top
11. Inverted navbar
Module 15: Bootstrap Button Groups 12. Bootstrap Breadcrumb
1. Basic Button Group
2. Button Toolbar Module 20: Bootstrap Pagination
3. Button Size 1. Pagination
5. Vertical Buttongroup 3. STATES
Module 16: Bootstrap Button Dropdowns 5. Pager
1. Split Button Dropdowns 6. ALIGNED LINKS
2. Button Dropdown Size 7. STATES
3. Dropup variation 8. Bootstrap Labels

Module 17: Bootstrap Input Groups Module 21: Bootstrap Badges

1. Basic Input Group 1. Bootstrap Jumbotron
2. Input Group Sizing 2. Bootstrap Page Header
3. Checkboxes and radio addons 3. Bootstrap Thumbnails
4. Button addons
5. Buttons with dropdowns Module 22: Bootstrap Alerts
6. Segmented buttons 1. Dismissal Alerts
2. Links in Alerts

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Module 23: Bootstrap Progress Bars 2. Linking List Group Items

1. Default Progress Bar 3. Add Custom Content to List Group
2. Alternate Progress Bar
3. Striped Progress Bar Module 26: Bootstrap Panels
4. Animated Progress Bar 1. Panel with heading
5. Stacked Progress Bar 2. Panel with footer
3. Panel Contextual alternatives
Module 24: Bootstrap Media Object 4. Panel with tables
1. .media 5. Panel with Listgroups
2. .media-list
Module 26: Bootstrap Wells
Module 25: Bootstrap List Group 1. well
1. Adding Badges to List Group 2. Sizing

Django Syllabus
Course Description
Django is PYTHON MVT web framework. It highly demands in the current market to build
rapid web applications. It is suitable to develop large projects in less time. It is highly secured
and scalable. Django is a Python based full stack web development framework means it is
used to develop full-fledged websites in Python. It encourages rapid development and
advocates pragmatic and clean code.

Why learn Django?

Django takes care of much of the hassle of Web development. It's free and open source.
Django was designed to help developers take applications from concept to completion as
quickly as possible.

Our Python Django tutorial is designed to help Any Graduates, Fresher, beginners and
professionals. Learn web framework from scratch.

What are the pre-requisites?

PYTHON knowledge is mandatory to learn Django, web knowledge recommended like
HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Bootstrap knowledge is added advantage.

Module 1: Introduction to Web

1. What is WEB? 5. Introduction to JAVASCRIPT
2. Features of WEB? 6. Introduction to Bootstrap
3. Introduction to HTML & HTML5 7. Creating Basic Web Pages
4. Introduction to CSS &CSS3 8. Introduction to SCRIPTS

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Module 2: Python Django Web 3. Django Template Configuration

Framework 4. render() function
1. What is a Framework 5. Django Template Language
2. Introduction to Django 6. Template Tags or Template Variables
3. Django – Design Philosophies 7. String interpolation
4. History of Django 8. What is a context?
5. Django Features 9. Define ContextProcessor?
6. Environment setup
7. ·Web Server Module 7: Working with Static Files
1. include Static Files inside Template
Module 3: Getting Started with Django 2. Configuring static files
1. Creating the first Project 3. Creating Project with static resources
2. Integrating the Project to PYCHARM 4. HTML, CSS, Images
& Other IDEs
3. The Project Structure Module 8: DJANGO MODEL
4. Running the in the server 1. Define Database?
5. Setting Up Your Project 2. Define DBMS, RDBMS?
6. Create and configure Django apps 3. What is Model?
7. Django App Structure 4. Database Configuration
8. Configuring App in Project 5. How to Check Django Database
Module 4: URLs and Views 6. Configuration of MySQL Database
1. What is URL? 7. SQLite
2. Define URL patterns 8. Defining Django Models
3. What is View 9. Django Model Fields
4. Configure URLs 10. Field Options
5. Developing different views 11. What is a Migration?
12. migrate Command
Module 5: URL dispatcher 13. Creation of Super User
1. Django URL Mapping 14. Register Model Inside Admin
2. Configuring URLconf's Interface
3. Django URL Functions 15. Difference between makemigrations
4. Path() and migrate
5. Re_path() 16. Define QuerySet
6. URL Patterns App Level and Project 17. The Python Template Engine
Level 18. Define Jinja2
7. Include() 19. Faker Module

Module 6: Django Templates Module 9: Relationships in DJANGO

1. Define Django Template MODEL
2. Django MVT Pattern 1. What is ORM?

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2. One-To-One Relationships Module 14: Advanced Templates

3. Many-To-One Relationships 1. Template Inheritance
4. Many-To-Many Relationships 2. Template Filters
3. Template tags for relative URLs
Module 10: Django Forms or Model 4. Block-endblock
Forms 5. extends
1. What is Model Form? 6. Advantages of Template Inheritance
2. Advantages of Django Forms 7. Why Template Filters?
3. Creating Django Forms 8. What is Template Filter?
4. CSRF 9. How to Create Customized Template
5. Creating a Login form Filters?
6. Creating Registration Form
Module 15: Session Management in
Module 11: Django Form Validation Django
1. What is Validation? 1. Cookies
2. is_valid() 2. What is Cookie?
3. Clean Methods 3. Why Cookie?
4. Creating Project 4. Types of Cookies
5. What is HTTP? 5. Advantages, Limitations
6. Basic Features 6. set_test_cookie():
7. http request methods 7. test_cookie_worked()
8. HTTP - URL Encoding 8. delete_test_cookie()
9. set_cookie()
Module 12: Django's Inbuilt Core 10. get()
Validators 11. Django Session Framework
1. Validators 12. request.session['key']
2. Custom Validators 13. request.session.get_expiry_date()
3. Validation of Total Form using Clean
Method Module 16: Authentication &
4. Validators Authorization
5. RegexValidator 1. Define Authentication
6. Validating EmailID 2. Define Authorization
7. What is BOT? 3. Auth System
8. How to prevent Requests from BOT 4. Enabling authentication
5. Auth system Consists
Module 13: Model Based Forms 6. Bcrypt& argon2
1. How to develop MBF 7. Real time example on AA
2. __all__ 8. Working with Admin
3. Exclude-List
4. Include-Tuple Module 17: Class Based Views (CBV)
5. Creating SuperUser 1. Function Based Views

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2. Class based Views Module 23: Outputting PDF with Django

3. Generic Class-Based Views 1. What is PDF?
4. Simple Generic Views 2. Creating a Live PDF Project
5. Template View
6. List Views Module 24: Django Crispy Forms
1. What is Crisply Form?
Module 18: Django File Upload 2. Installing Crispy form
1. What is upload 3. Template Packs
2. Creating media_root&url 4. Login Crispy form
3. How to upload files 5. Registration Crispy forms
4. Upload images 6. Crispy with Bootstrap
5. Upload Audio Files
6. Upload Video Files Module 25: GIT &Github
1. What is git?
Module 19: Django CRUD Operations 2. Define Version Control System
1. What is CRUD? 3. Git Installation
2. CREATE 4. Git commands
3. READ 5. Define Github
4. UPDATE 6. Pulling and Pushing
5. DELETE 7. Live Environment
6. CRUD with Project
Module 26: Bitbucket
Module 20: Django Middleware 1. What is Bitbucket?
1. Define Middleware 2. Web based Version Control System
2. Builtin Middleware 3. Commits
3. Customizing Middleware 4. Branches
4. Middleware Methods 5. Pull requests
6. Pipelines
Module 21: How to Send Email in a
Django Module 27: Deploying Django Apps
1. What is mail system &Heroku
2. Mail Requirements 1. What is deployment?
3. send_mail() 2. Creating a Project
4. Configuring Mail Settings 3. Deploying Django App at product
5. Sending Email level
6. Other Email Functions 4. Install heroku CLI
5. Virtual Environment
Module 22: Outputting CSV with Django 6. Introduction to HEROKU
1. What is CSV? 7. Deploy at HEROKU
2. CSV Using Models 8. $pip freeze
3. Creating a Live CSV Project

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1. What are Web Services?
2. Different Types of Web Services:
a. SOAP Web-Service
b. REST Web-Service

3. HTTP Request methods

4. Frequent HTTP Methods for RESTful Services
5. DRF Request & Response objects

6. Views for writing API

a. Class based views
b. Function Based Views
c. Generic views

7. DRF Serializers
a. Serializer Fields,
b. Serializer Validations

8. Format suffixes & writing URLs

9. DRF Viewsets& Routers

10. DRF permissions

11. DRF authentication

a. Basic Authentication
b. Token Authentication
c. Remote Authentication

12. Exception handling in DRF

13. Pagination
14. Status Codes
15. Settings
16. Testing

17. Overview of Project+ Resume

a. Web Project Implementation
b. Resume Preparation
c. Interview Questions

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