Python Full Stack Syllabus Course Brochure
Python Full Stack Syllabus Course Brochure
Python Full Stack Syllabus Course Brochure
ISO 21001:2018
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Frontlines Edutech Private Limited envisions bridging the gap between
academia and industry. We understand the pain of unemployment and are
trying to wipe off the words of impossible and unemployment from the brains
of youth by training and turning them into diamonds. We provide tailor-made,
hands-on, and need-based programs on par with industry standards.
We believe that the youth of today is the future of tomorrow. And so our
courses are tutored by experts from top industries who are passionate about
mentoring the youth. Since its inception, Frontlines Edutech has earned the trust
and gained recognition from thousands of learners across the state.
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Frontlines Edutech Private Limited
Why Us
We are Success Trainers, Mentors, and Motivators with a
passion for helping you be the best. We are warm and wise,
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Our intention is always for your highest good and greatest
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Easy to learn
Beginner Friendly
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Python Syllabus
Module 1: Introduction to Languages
2. Python file extensions
1. What is Language?
3. Setting Path in Windows
2. Types of languages
4. Edit and Run python program without
3. What is Scripting Language?
4. Types of Script
5. Edit and Run python program using
5. Programming Languages v/s Scripting
7. Programmers View of Interpreter
Module 2: Introduction to Python
1. What is Python?
9. What is Byte Code in PYTHON?
3. What is PSF?
Module 6: Python variables
4. Python implementations
1. bytes Data Type
5. Python applications
2. ·byte array
6. Python versions
3. ·String Formatting in Python
4. ·Math, Random, Secrets Modules
8. Difference between Python 2.x and 3.x
5. ·Introduction
9. Difference between Python 3.7 and
6. Initialization of variables
7. Local variables
10. Software Development Architectures
8. Input and Output operations
9. Data conversion functions – int(),
Module 3: Python Software’s
float(), complex(), str(), chr(), ord()
1. Download &Python Installation
Process Online Python IDLE
Module 7: Operators
2. Python Real-time IDEs like Spyder,
1. Arithmetic Operators
Jupyter Note
2. Comparison Operators
3. Python Assignment Operators
Module 4: Python Language Fundamentals
4. Logical Operators
1. Python Implementation
5. Bitwise Operators
6. Shift operators
2. ·Keywords
7. Membership Operators
3. ·Identifiers
8. Identity Operators
4. ·Constants / Literals
9. Ternary Operator
5. ·Data types
10. Operator precedence
6. ·Python VS JAVA
11. Difference between "is" vs "=="
7. ·Python Syntax
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HTML Syllabus
Module 1: Web - Introduction Module 4: HTML - Elements
1. Introduction 1. <!DOCTYPE> HTML Version Info.
2. What is Web & History of Web? 2. Head Section
3. What is a web page? How does it work? a. <title>
4. What a browser does? b. <link>
5. What is W3C? The importance of W3C c. <meta>
standards d. <style>
6. Overview of the Internet e. <script>
7. Overview of the World Wide Web
(WWW) Module 5: HTML Special Characters or HTML
Module 2: Internet Based Services 1.  ©
1. Email, SMTP MIME 2. &trade®
2. TELNET FTP 3. &lsquo&rsquo
3. What is HTTP & HTTPS 4. &ldquo &rdquo ..!!
4. What is URL, URI & URN
5. What is Client & Web Server? Module 6: HTML Colors
6. What is Hyperlink? 1. Hexadecimal Color Values
7. Types of Web Pages & Web Sites 2. Color Values
3. Web Safe Colors
Module 3: Introduction to HTML 4. 16 Million Different Colors
1. What is HTML? 5. HTML Color Names
2. HTML Editors 6. Computing Color Codes
3. HTML Versions
4. Featuresof HTML Module 7: Body Section
5. Limitations of HTML 1. body tag
6. Introduction to TAGS 2. font tag
7. Types of Tags 3. hr tag
8. Structure of HTML Document 4. paragraph Tag
9. HTML Comments 5. marquee tag
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CSS Syllabus
3. line-height
Module 1: Introduction to CSS
4. text-align
1. Introduction
5. text-decoration
2. What is CS
6. text-indent
3. Why CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)
7. text-transform
4. Syntax
8. vertical-align
5. Advantages
9. White-space
6. Limitations
Module 7: Links
Module 2: Types of Style Sheets
1. a:link
1. Inline style
2. a:visited
2. Internal style sheet
3. a:hover
3. External style sheet
4. a:active
Module 3: Types of Selectors
Module 8: Custom Cursors
1. Tag or Type
1. Cursor Styles
2. Global
2. Custom Cursors
3. Class
3. Using Custom Cursors
4. ID
5. Grouped
Module 9: CSS Lists
6. Descendant
1. List
2. Different List Item Markers
Module 4: Background Properties
3. An Image as The List Item Marker
1. background-color
4. Cross browser Solution
2. background-image
5. List - Shorthand property
3. background-repeat
4. background-attachment
Module 10: CSS Tables
5. background-position
1. Table Borders
2. Collapse Borders
Module 5: Font Properties
3. Table Width and Height
1. font-family
4. Table Text Alignment
2. color
5. Table Padding
3. font-size
6. Table Color
4. font-style
5. font-variant
Module 11: Box Model
6. font-weight
1. Border
2. outline
Module 6: Text Properties
3. margin
1. letter-spacing
4. padding
2. Word-spacing
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Syllabus Module 5: Introducing JavaScript Variables
1. Variable Declaration and the
Module 1: What is Scripting Language? Assignment Operator
1. Advantages of Scripting Languages 2. JavaScript Variable Naming
2. Limitations of Scripting Languages Conventions
3. Types of Scripts
4. Difference between Scripting and Module 6: JavaScript Variable Types
Programming Langs. 1. The JavaScript typeof Operator
5. What is JavaScript? Who Developed?
6. JS Versions history Module 7: JavaScript Operators
7. Features of JavaScript 1. Assignment Operators
8. What JavaScript can Do? 2. Arithmetic Operators
9. JavaScript Syntax 3. Unary Operators - Incrementing and
10. Single and double quotes in JavaScript Decrementing Variable Values
11. document.write() and 4. Comparison Operators
window.document.write() 5. String Operators
6. Conditional Operators
Module 2: The History of JavaScript 7. Logical Operators
1. Moving on from Static Web Pages
2. LiveScript, JavaScript, JScript, Module 8: JavaScript Flow Control and
ECMAScript - What's in a Name? Looping
1. JavaScript Conditional Statements
Module 3: More In Java Script 2. The JavaScript if Statement
1. Comments in JAVASCRIPT 3. The JavaScript if ... else Statements
2. Semicolons are Optional
3. JavaScript Place in HTML File Module 9: JavaScript Looping Statements
4. JavaScript Code 1. JavaScript for loops
5. JavaScript Blocks 2. JavaScript For In
6. JavaScript Popup Boxes 3. JavaScript while loops
7. JavaScript DataTypes 4. JavaScript For Of
8. <noscript> tag 5. JavaScript do ... while loops
6. JavaScript switch Statements
Module 4: Embedding JavaScript into Web 7. Breaking & Continue
pages 8. label Statements
1. The <script> element 9. JavaScript Type Conversion
2. Where to place JavaScript in a Web 10. Skipping Statements in Current Loop
Page Iteration
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Module 13: More in Java Script Module 17: JavaScript Date Object
1. JavaScript Use Strict 1. Understanding System Time
2. The JavaScript this Keyword 2. Creating a JavaScript Date Object
3. JavaScript Arrow Function 3. Setting the Time and Date of the
4. JavaScript Classes JavaScript Date Object
5. JavaScript Debugging 4. Reading the Date and Time from a
6. JavaScript Reserved Words JavaScript Date Object
5. UTC Time
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Bootstrap Syllabus
Module 1: Bootstrap 6. Blockquotes
1. What is Bootstrap? 7. Lists
2. History of Bootstrap?
3. Why use Bootstrap? Module 7: Bootstrap Tables
4. What Bootstrap Package Includes? 1. Basic Table
2. Optional Table Classes
Module 2: Download Bootstrap 3. STRIPED TABLE
&Configuaration 4. BORDERED TABLE
1. File structure 5. HOVER TABLE
3. Basic Examples 7. Contextual classes
8. Responsive tables
Module 3: Bootstrap Grid System
1. What is a Grid? Module 8: Bootstrap Forms
2. What is Bootstrap Grid System? 1. Form Layout
4. Working of Bootstrap Grid System 3. INLINE FORM
5. Media Queries 4. HORIZONTAL FORM
5. Supported Form Controls
Module 4: Grid options 6. CHECKBOXES AND RADIOS
1. Responsive column resets 7. SELECTS
2. Offset columns 8. Form Control States
3. Nesting columns 9. Form Control Sizing
4. Column ordering 10. Help Text
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Django Syllabus
Course Description
Django is PYTHON MVT web framework. It highly demands in the current market to build
rapid web applications. It is suitable to develop large projects in less time. It is highly secured
and scalable. Django is a Python based full stack web development framework means it is
used to develop full-fledged websites in Python. It encourages rapid development and
advocates pragmatic and clean code.
Our Python Django tutorial is designed to help Any Graduates, Fresher, beginners and
professionals. Learn web framework from scratch.
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7. DRF Serializers
a. Serializer Fields,
b. Serializer Validations
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