Botany 1st Year Imporstant Questions

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UNIT - I Diversity in the Living World 1-13

Chapter - 1 : The living World 1
Chapter - 2 : Biological Classification 3
Chapter - 3 : Science of Plants - Botany 6
Chapter - 4 : Plant Kingdom 9

UNIT - II Structural Organisation in Plants - Morphology 14-18

Chapter - 5 : Morphology of Flowering Plants 14
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UNIT - III Reproduction in Plants 19-23

Chapter - 7 : Sexual Reproduction in 19
Flowering Plants

UNIT - IV Plants Systematics 24-26

Chapter - 8 : Taxonomy of Angiosperms 24

UNIT - V Cell : Structure and Functions 27-52

Chapter - 9 : The Unit of Life 27
Chapter - 10 : Biomolecules 40
Chapter - 11 : Cell Cycle and Cell Divison 46

UNIT - VI Internal Organisation of Plants 53-59

Chapter - 12 : Histology and Anatomy of 59
Flowering Plants

UNIT - VII Plant Ecology 60-62

Chapter - 13 : Ecological Adaptations, 60
Succession and Ecological Services
Unit 1


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1. What does ICBN stand for?
Ans. ICBN stand for "International code for Botanical Nomenclature".
Based on ICBN rules scientific names are given to palnts.
2. What is flora?
Ans. Actual account of Habitat, distribution and systematic listing of plants of a given area is
called flora.
3. Define Metabolism. What is the difference between anabolism and catabolism?
Ans. Sum total of all the chemical reactions occuring in the body of an organism is called Metabolism.
Anabolism Catabolism
(i) It is a constructive metabolic process (i) It is a destructive metabolic process.
(ii) Complex molecules are formed from (ii) Complex molecules are broken down
simple molecules by photosynthesis. into simple molecules by respiration.
4. What is systematics?
Ans. "The study of different kinds of Organisms, their diversities and also the relationship
among them" is referred to as systematics.
The word systematic is derived from the latin word systema which means systematic
arrangement of organisms.
5. Give the scientific name of Mango. Identify th generic name and specific epithet.
Ans. Mangifera Indica.
Its generic name is "Mangifera" and specific epithet is "Indica".
6. What is growth? What is the difference between the growth in living organ-
isms and growth in non-living objects?
Ans. Growth is a permanent and irreversible increase in the size of a living organism.
In living organisms growth is from inside. Whereas in non-living objects like moun-
tains and sand mounds growth occurs by accumulation of material on the surface.
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1. What is meant by Identification and nomenclature? How is a key helpful in
the identification and classification of an organism?
Ans. Identification is to determine, "Whether a collected organism is entirely new or
already known"
Identification can be done by directly comparing the characters with herbarium or
indirectly with the help of keys in floras.
Nomenclature is defined as "Providing a scientific name to an identified organism".
Key : Key is a taxonomical aid used for Identification of plants and animals based on
the similarities and dissimilarities.
The key are based on the contrasting characters generally in a pair called couplet.
It represents the choice made between two opposite options.
Each statement in the key is called lead.
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Separate taxonomic keys are required for each taxonomic category such as family,
genus and species for identification purposes.
Keys are generally analytical in nuature.
2. Explain binomial nomenclature?
Ans. Naming the plants with two words is called Binomial nomenclature. This naming system
was given by carolus linnaeus. Naming is done by following some rules. They are.
1. Biological names are generally in latin and written in Italics.
2. The first word represents the genus while the second word represents the species.
3. Both the words, when hand written, are separately underlined.
4. The first word should starts with a capital letter while second word should starts with
a small letter.
5. The name of the author should be at the end of scientific name in abbreviated form.
Mangifera Indica
Ex : Linn
Genus Speies
Botany-I 3


1. What is the nature of cell - walls in diatoms?
Ans. In diatoms the cell walls form two thin overlaping shells, epitheca over hypotheca
which fit together as in a soapbox.
The wall is made up of silica and thus the walls are not distroy.
2. How are viroids different from viruses?
Ans. Viroids Viruses
(i) Viroids contains only nucleic acid (i) Viruses contains both Nucleic acid
and with out a protein coat. and protein coat.
Ex : Potato spindle tuber disease. Ex. TMV.
3. What do the terms phycobiont and mycobiant signify?
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Ans. The Algal component in a lichen is called phycobiont.
The fungal component in lichen is called mycobiont.
4. What to the terms 'algal bloom' and 'Red tides' signify?
Ans. Algal bloom : Sudden increases of algal growth which leads to water polluted and indi-
cate potentially harmful changes in local water that is called algal blooms.
Ex : Nostoc, Anabaena.
Red tides : Red dinoflagellates like Gonyaulax undergo rapid multiplication that they
make the sea appear red that is called "red tides".
5. State two economically important uses of heterotrophic bacteria.
Ans. Making curd from milk
production of Antibiotics
Nitrogen fixation in legume plants.
6. What is the principle underlying the use of cynobacteria in agriculture fields
for crop improvement?
Ans. Cyanobacteria can fix atmospheric Nitrogen.
Improve soil fertility and they show oxygenic photosynthesis.
7. Plants are autotrophic. Name Some plants which are partially heterotrophic.
Ans. Insectivorous plants. Ex : Bladderwort, venus fly trap.
Parasitic plants. Ex : Cuscuta.
8. Who proposed five kingdom classification? How many kingdoms of this classi-
fication contain eukaryotes?
Ans. R.H. Whittaker
Four kingdoms (Protista, fungi, plantae, Animalia) are Eukaryotes.
9. Give the main criteria used for classification by whittaker.
Ans. The main criteria for 5 kingdom classification Include cell structure, thallus organisation,
mode of Nutrition, Reproduction and phylogenetic relationships.
4 Basic Learning Material

10. Name two diseases caused by mycoplasmas.

Ans. Witches broom diseases in plants.
Pleuropneumonia in cattle
Mycoplasmal urethritis in Humans.
11. What are slime moulds? Explain what is meant by plasmodium with reference
to slime moulds.
Ans. Slime moulds are saprophytic protists.
The multinucleated mass of protoplasm is surrounded by a plasma membrane.
Under suitable conditions, they form ball like an aggregation called "Plasmodium".
1. What are the characteristic features of euglenoids?
Ans. 1. Most of the euglenoids are Fresh water organisms found in stagnant water.
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2. They have a protein rich layer called pellicle makes body flexible.
3. They have two flagella, a short and a long one.
4. The anterior part of the cell bears an invagination consiting of cytostome (cell mouth),
cytopharynx (gullet) and reservoir.
5. Eye spot or photosensitive stigma is present on the membrane of the reservoir.
6. They perform photosynthesis. In the absence of sunlight they behave like heterotrophs.
7. Reproduction is by longitudinal binary fission.
8. Pamella stage is found in Euglena.
2. Give the salient features and impartance of chrysophytes?
Ans. Chrysophytes includes diatoms and desmids.
They are found in freshwater as well as in marine water.
They are microscopic and floating organisms (plankton)
Most of them are photosynthetic.
In diatoms the cell walls form two thin overlapping shells, epitheca over hypotheca
which fit together as in a soap box.
The wall is made up of silica and thus the walls are not distroy.
Over a long period of time diatoms accumulated in the sediment of oceans, that leads
to diatomaceous earth is formed.
They reproduce asexually by binary fission and sexually by the formation of gametes.
In the sexual reproduction auxospores are formed, these are rejuvenatory spores.
Importance :
i. The diatomaceous earth is used in polishing, filtration of oils and syrups.
ii. Diatoms are the "Chief producers" in the oceans.
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3. Give a brief account of Dinoflagellates.

Ans. Dinoflagellates are mostly marine and phytosyhthetic.
They appear different colours based on the main pigments present in their cells.
The cell wall has stiff cellulose plates on the outer surface.
They have two flagella one lies longtudinally and other transversely.
The flagella produce spinning movements. So these are called "whirling whips".
The nucleus has condensed chromosomes even in interphase and the chromosomes
do not have histones. This is called mesokaryon.
Some dinoflagelletes like noctiluca show bioluminescence.
Red dinoflagellates like gonyaulax undergo rapid multiplication that they make the
sea appear red that is called red tides.
In this time, toxins produced by them may kill fishes.
4. Write the role of fungi in our daily life.
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Ans. Fungi in our daily life show some uses and disuses. They are.
Uses :
1. Yeast are used to make bread and beer.
2. Some fungi used as antibiotics. Ex : Pencillin.
3. Some fungi used as food. Ex: Mushrooms.
4. Fungi, act as scavengers of earth.
Disuses :
1. Spoilage of food and fruits.
2. Fungi cause diseases in plnats.
Ex : Rust in wheat, red rot in sugar cane.
3. Fungi cause diseases in humans.
Ex : Ringworm
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1. Explain how the term Botany has emerged?
Ans. In greek language, bous refers to cattle and Bouskein to cattle feed. In course of time
Bouskein gave rise to Botane which is modified to "Botany".
2. Name the books written Parasara and mention the important aspects discussed
in those books.
Ans. Parasara wrote two books.
"Krishi Parasaram" mentioned about agriculture and weeds.
"Vrikshayurveda" gives information about 14 types of forests; the external and inter-
nal character of plants including medicinal plants.
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3. Who is popularly known as father of Botany? What the book written by him?
Ans. Theophrastus.
"De-historia Plantarum".
4. Who are Herbalists? What are the books written by them?
Ans. The Scientists who described the live Medicinal plants technically are called the Herbalists.
The books written by them are called "Herbals".
5. What was the contribution of Corolus von linnaeus for the development of
plant taxonomy?
Ans. Carolus von linnaeus popularised the Binomial nomenclature and also proposed the sexual
system of classification.
6. Why is mendel considered as the father of Genetics?
Ans. Mendel conducted Hybridization experiments on pea plants and also introduced the laws
of inhertance. Hence, he is considered as the father of Genetics.
7. Who discovered the cell and what was the book written by him?
Ans. "Robert Hook"
8. What is palaeobotany? What is its use?
Ans. Palaeo botany deals with the study of fossil plants.
It helps us in understanding the course of evolution in plants.
9. Name the branches of Botany which deal with the chlorophyllous autotrophic
thallophytes and non-chlorophyllous Heterotropic thallophytes?
Ans. Algae - Phycology
Fungi - Mycology
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10. What are the groups of plants that live as symbionts in lichens? Name the
study of lichens?
Ans. Algae and Fungi
11. Which group of plants is called vascular cryptogams? Name the branch of
Botany which deals with them?
Ans. Pteridophytes
12. Which group of plants is called Amphibians of plant kingdom? Name the branch
of Botoany which deals with them?
Ans. Broyophytes
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1. Explain in brief the scope of Botany in relation to agriculture, horticulture and
Ans. 1) Agriculture, horticulture and medicine have recorded great progress through experi-
ments in hybridization and genetic engineering.
2) New techniques of plant breeding are useful to develop hybrid varieties in crop plants
like rice, wheat, maize, sugarcane etc.
3) Recently biodiesel produced from petro plants. Ex : Jatropa, Pongamia.
4) Antibiotics are obtained from fungi. Ex : Pencillin.
5) There are many plants like Cinchona, Neem, Datura, Digitalis, Rauwolfia, Withania,
Ocimum, Belladona, Aloe etc., which have medicinal values.
6) Using genetic engineering technique, cloned DNA s are produced which prepare
hormones like insulin, interferon and vaccines.
2. Explain the scope of Botany taking plant physiology as example.
Ans. 1) The efforts made in plant physiology have helped the development of agriculture.
2) The role of minerals in plant nutrition is useful in usage of fertilizers and control of
mineral deficiencies to improve agricultural productivity.
3) Knowledge on the role of plant hormones in plant growth and development is signifi-
cant to improve agriculture and horticulture.
4) Auxins at low concentration can form roots, so it is applied in agriculture and hor-
5) Gibberellins induce seed germination.
6) Cytokinins are used to enhance the shelf life period of leafy vegetables like spinach,
lettuce etc.
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7) Abscisic acid is used for delaying the sprouting of potato tubers under storage.
8) Ethylene accelerates the ripening of fruits like apple, banana, watermelons etc.
3. What are the different branches of Botany that deal with morphology of plants?
Give their salient features.
Ans. Morphology deals with the study and description of different organs of a plant. It is a
fundamental essential for classification of plants. It can be divided into two parts.
a) External Morphology : It is the study and description of external characters of plant
organs like root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit and seeds etc.
b) Internal Morphology : It is the study of internal structure of different plant organs. It
has two branches.
i) Histology: It is the study of different tissues present in the plant body.
ii) Anatomy : It deals with the study of gross internal details of plant organs like
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root, stem, leaf, flower etc.
Botany-I 9


1. What is the basis of classification of Algae?
Ans. Pigmentation
Type of stored food.
2. When and where does reduction division take place in the life cycle of a liver-
wort, a moss, a fern, a gymnosperm and an angiosperm?
Ans. In liver worts reduction division occurs in capsule of sporophyte.
In mosses Spore mother cells of sporophyte
In Ferns Spore mother cells of sporongia
Gymnosperms Micro sporongia and mega sporongia
Angiosperms Microspore mother cells of anther and megaspore mother cells of ovule
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3. Differentiate between syngamy and triple fusion.
Ans. Syngamy : One of the male gametes fuses with the egg cell to form a zygote. This is called
Triple fusion : The second male gamete fuses with the diploid secondary nucleus to pro-
duce the triploid Primary endosperm Nucleus (PEN) This is called Triple fusion.
4. Differentiate between Antheridium and Archegonium.
Ans. Antheridium : It is the male sex organ
It produces male gametes
Archegonium: It is the female sex organ
It produces a single egg
5. What are the two stages found in the gametophyte of mosses? Mention the
structure from which these two stages develop?
Ans. 1. Juvinile stage, Protonema It develops directly from the spore.
2. Adult stage, gametophore It develops from the protonema.
6. Name the stored food materials found in Pheophyceae and Rhodophyceae.
Ans. Pheophyceae  Laminarin / Mannitol.
Rhodophyceae  Floridian starch.
7. Name the Pigments Responsible for brown colour of phephyceae and Red colour
of Rhodophyceae.
Ans. Pheophyceae  fucoxanthin pigment.
Rhodophyceae  r-phycoerthrin pigment.
8. Name different methods of vegetative Reproduction in Bryophytes?
Ans. 1) fragmentation.
2) gemmae
3) budding in secondary protonema.
9. Name the Integumented Megasporangium found in Gymnosperms. How many
female gemetophytes are generally formed inside the megasporangium?
10 Basic Learning Material

Ans. Ovule
One female gametophyte
10. Name the Gymnosperms which contain Mycorrhiza and corolloid roots
Ans. Mycorrhiza - Pinus
Corolloid roots - Cycas
11. Mention the ploidy of any four of the following.
a) Protonemal cell of a moss b) Primary endosperm nucleus in a dicot
c) Leaf cell of a moss d) Prothallus of a fern
e) Gemma cell in Marchantia f) Meristem cell of monocot
g) Ovum of a liverwort and h) Zygote of a fern.
Ans. a) Haploid b) Triploid c) Haploid d) Haploid
e) Haploid f) Diploid g) Haploid h) Diploid
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12. Name the 4 classes of pteridophyta with one example each.

Ans. 1) Psilopsida Ex : Psilotum
2) Lycopsida Ex : Licopodium
3) Sphaenopsida Ex : Equisitum
4) Pteropsida Ex : Pteris
13. What are the first organisms to colonise rocks? Give the generic name of the
moss which provides Peat?
Ans. Mosses and Lichens
Species of Sphagnum.
14. Mention the fern characters found in cycas?
Ans. Circinate vernation of young leaves.
Presence of Ramenta.
Multiciliated male gametes
Presence of Archegonia.
15. Why are Bryophytes called the Amphibians of the plant Kingdom?
Ans. Bryophytes are called Amphibians of the plant kingdom because they live in moist soil and
are dependent on water for sexual reproduction.
16. Name an Algae which show
Ans. a) Haplo - diplonitc - Ex : Ectocarpus.
b) Diplontic types of life cycles. Ex : Fucus.
17. Give examples for unicellular, colonial and filamentous algae.
Ans. Unicellular algae - Chlomydomonas
Colonial algae - Volvox
Filamentous algae - Spirogyra.
Botany-I 11


1. Differentiate between red algae and brown algae.
Ans. Red algae Brown algae
1. Red algae belong to the class 1. Brown algae belong to the class
Rhodophyceae. phepophyceae.
2. The major plgments are chlorophyll 2. The major pigments are chlorophyll a,
a, d and r - phycoerythrin. c, and fucoxanthin.
3. Red colour is due to phycoerythrin. 3. Brown colour is due to fucoxanthin pigment.
4. Food materials are stored in the form 4. Food materials are stored in the form
of floridean starch. of laminarin and mannitol.
5. Cellwall is made up of cellulose, 5. Cell wall is made up of cellulose
pectin and polysulphate esters. and algin.
6. Asexual reproduction is by non motile 6. Asexual reproduction is by biflagellate
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spores. Eg: Gelidium, Gracillaria. zoospores. Ex : Laminaria, Sargassum.

2. Differentiate between liverworts and mosses.
Ans. Liverworts Mosses
1. They have a thallus like dorsiventrally 1. These are differentiated into root, stem
Flattened body. and leaf - like structures.
2. Sex organs are produced on 2. Sex organs are produced on leafy
the same ar on different thalli. gametophore.
3. Vegetative reproduction is by 3. Vegetative reproduction is by
fragmentation or by gemmae. fragmentation or by gemmae are by
budding in the secondary protonema.
4. The sporophyte is small or reduced. 4. The sporophyte is more elaborate.
5. Elaters in the capsule help in spore 5. Peristomial teeth help in spore dispersal.
6. Spores germinate to form free living 6. Spores germinate to from creeping,
gametophyte. Ex: Marchantia. green, branched protonema.Ex : Funaria.

3. What is ment by homosporous and heterosporous pteridophytes? Give two

Ans. Homosporous pteridophytes :
The plants which produce only one kind of spores are called homosporous pteridophytes.
Ex : Pteris, Licopodium.
12 Basic Learning Material

Heterosporous pteridophytes :
The plants which produce two kinds of spores, mircospores and megaspores are called
heterosporous pteridophytes. Ex : Selaginella, Salvinia.
4. What is heterospory? Briefly comment on its significance. Give two examples.
Ans. The plants which produce two kinds of spores, microspores and megaspores are called het-
Significance :
In heterosporous plants, microspores develop into male gametophytes and megaspores
develop into female gametophytes which leads to unisexuality.
The male gametophyte releases the male gametes and these reach the female gameto-
phyte to fuse with the egg.
The female gametophytes retain on the parent sporophyte for variable period.
The devolopment of zygotes into young embryos takes place within the female game-
tophytes. This event is a precursor to the seed habit.
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It is considered as an important step in evolution.
Ex. Selaginella and salvinia.
5. Write the Economic imporatance of Algae and Bryophytes.
Ans. Economic importance of Alagae :
At least a half of the total CO2 fixation on earth is carried out by Algae through
Algae increases the level of O2 in the environement.
Algae are primary producers for all aquatic animals.
Many species of porphyra, laminaria and sargassum are used as food.
Brown algae and Red algae produce large amounts of Hydrocolloids, which are used
commercially. Ex: algin and carrageen.
Red algae produce agar which is used to grow microbes and in perparations of Ice-
creams and Jellis.
Brown algae produce Iodine.
Chlorella and spirulina are used as food supplements by space traveller.
Economic Importance of Bryophytes :
Mosses provide food for herbaceous mammals, birds and other animals.
Sphagnum, a mass provides peat used as fuel.
Mosses used in the transportation of living material because of Its capacity to hold
water as packing material.
Mosses along with lichens are the first organisms to colonise rocks.
They induce the growth of plants on rocks.
Mosses form dense mats on the soil thus, they prevents soil erosion.
6. Give a brief account of prothallus.
Ans. In pteridophytes, the spores germinate to give rise thallus like gametophyte is called
Prothallus is small, multicellular free living, mostly, photosynthetic.
Botany-I 13

They require cool, damp, shady places to grow.

Because of this specific requirement and water for fertilization, the spread of living
pteridophytes is limited and restricted to narrow Geographical regions.
The gametophytes bear male and female sex organs called antheridia and archegonia.
The sex organs are multicellular, jacketed and sessile.
Prothallus is heart shapped.
Rhizoids arise from the lower surface of the prothallus. They absorb water and minerals
from the soil.

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7. Draw labelled diagrams of ?

(a) Female thallus and male thallus of a liverwort.
(b) Gametophyte and sporophyte of funaria
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Unit 2



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1. Differentiate between Recemose and cymose Inflorescences?
A. * In racemose type of infloresences, the main axis continues to grow and the flowers
are borne laterally in an acropetal order.
* In cymose type of inflorescences, the main axis terminates into a flower, hence it
shows limited growth. The flowers are born in a basipetal order.
2. What is morphology of cup like structure in cyathium ? In which family it is found?
A. * Involucre of bracts.
* Euphorbiaceae.
3. What type of infloresence is found in fig trees? Why does the insect Blastophaga
visits the inflorescence of fig tree?
A. * Hypanthodium
* Blastophaga lays its eggs in the gall flowers of fig tree
4. Differentiate actinomorphic from zygomorphic flower ?
A. * Actinomorphic flower: A flower that can be cut into two equal halves in any vertical
Ex: Datura.
* Zygomorphic flower: A flower that can be cut into two equal halves in only one
verticle plane. Ex:Pea.
5. How do the petals in pea plant are arranged ? What is such type of arrangement
called ?
A. * In pea and bean flowers, there are 5 petals, the largest (standard) overlaps the two
lateral petals (wings) which in turn overlap the two samllest Anterior petals (keel).
This type of aestivation is known - as “vexillary or papilionaceous”.
6. What is meant by epipetalous condition ? Give an example ?
A. * Stamens are attached to the petals. Ex:(Brinjal) Solanum.
Botany-I 15

7. Differentiate between Apocarpous and syncarpous ovary?

A. * Apocarpous - Gynaecium with seperate or free carpels. Ex:-Annona
* Syncarpous - Gynaecium with united or fused carpels.Ex:Datura.
8. Define placentation. What type of placentations is found in Dianthus ?
A. * The arrangement of ovules in the ovary in knows as placentation.
* Free central placentation is found in Dianthus .
1. Describe any two special types of inflorescences
A. Cyathium:
Ex: Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae).
* This special type of inflorescence cantains all the unisexual, achlamydeous bracteate flowers.
* All the bracts of the flowers forms a cup like structure.
* In side the cup, at the centre only one tricarpellary female flower is present.
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* no. of male flowers are preasent arround the female flower in scorpioid manner.
* Male flowers are represented by a single stamen.

Ex :Ficus (fig)
* Inflorescence axix is fleshy and cup shaped.
* Inner surface of cup contain no of unisexual flowers and gall flowers (Neutral flowers)
* male flowers are present at the top (nearer to opening of cup) ‘ female flowers at the
bottom and gall flowers between these two types of flowers.
2. Describe the arrangement of floral members in relation to their insertion on thalamus.
A. Hypogynous flowers:
* In this thalamus in flat or discoid on which gynoecium is present.
* Remaining all floral parts arise / present below the ovary.
* Position of ovary is superior.
Ex:Solanum, Brassica (Mustard) Hibiscus (China-rose)
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(a) Hypogynous (b) Perigynous (c) Epigynous

Perigynous flowers:
* In this thalamus is cup shaped . At the centre of cup gynoecium in present.
* The rim of thalamus contains the remaining floral parts.
* Position of ovary is half superior or half - interior.
Ex:Plum, peach, Rose etc..,
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Epigynous flowers:
* In this the margin of thalamus grows upward enclosing the ovary completely and getting
fused with it. While other parts of the flower arise above the ovary. The ovary is said to be
Ex: Guava , Cucumber and the ray florets of sunflower.
3. The flowers of many angiospermic plants which show sepals and petals, differ with
respect to the arrangment of sepals and petals in respective whorls Explain.
A. * The mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in floral bud is known as aestivation. The
main types of aestivation are valvate, twisted, imbricate and vexillary.
* Sepal or petals in a whorl just touch one another at the margin without overlapping.
Ex:- Calotropis.
* If one margin of the appendage overlaps that of the next one and so on .
Ex; China Rose, Lady’s finger, Cotton
* The margins of sepals or petals overlap one another but not in any particular direction.
Ex:-Cassia and Gulmohur.
Vexillary or Papilionaceous:
* In this five petals are presents. The largest petal (standard) ovrlaps the lateral petals (wings)
which in trun overlap the two smallest anteritor petals (keel)
Ex: Pea, Bean
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4. Describe any four types of placentations found in flowering plants.

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A. * The mode of arrangement of ovules in the ovary is called placentation.
* It is of different types.
i) Marginal placentation:
In this type, the ovules are arranged along the ventral sutures of a carpel.
Ex:- Pisum (pea)
ii) Parietal Placentation:
In this type, the ovules are arranged on the inner wall of the ovary or an peripheral part.
Ex:- Argemone, Brassica (Mustard)
iii) Axile Placentation:
At the centre of the ovary there occurs a placental axis on which ovules are arranged.
Central placental axis and ovary walls is connected with septa, hence ovary becames
bilocular to multilocular (depending on the no. of septa).
Ex: Hibiscus (China Rose), Citrus (lemon)
iv) Free - Central Placentation:
At the centre of ovary a single placental axis is present, on which ovules develop.
* Ovary wall and placental axis not connected b y septa.
* Hence ovary is always unilocular.
Ex:- Dianthus ; Primrose
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v) Basal Placentation:
Placental tissue develops at the base of the ovary, and a single ovule is attached to it .
Ex:- Sunflower, Marigold.
1. Explain different types of racemose inflorescence?
A. * The arrangement of flowers on the floral axis is termed as infloresence.
* In racemose type of inflorescence, the main axis continues to grow and the flowers are
born laterally in an acropetal succession on the main peduncle (called simple inflore
scence) or on it’s branches (called compound infloresence) which also arise in acropetal
* There are several sub-types in the racemose category.
1.Raceme 2.Corymb 3.Umbel
4.Spike 5.Spadix 6.Head inflore scence.
1. Raceme: The peduncle is simple, branched (or) umbranched, producing many pedicillate
Everything Channel
flowers in acropetal succession. Ex.Crotaloria, Mangifera.
2. Corymb: In corymb, all the flowers are brought to the same hight due to varied length of
the pedicels even through they are born at different nodes. Ex. Cassia, cauliflower.
3. Umbel: In onion and carrot, the
flowers appear to have arisen from
the same point of the pedumcle and
such inflorescence is called
umbeltype. It is covered by a whorl
of bracts called involucre.
4. Spike: Acropetal arrangement of
sessile flowers on the peduncle, is
called spike.
Ex:Achyranthus and grasses.
5. Spadix: Sessile unisexual and
neuter flowers arranged in actopetal
succession protected by modified
bract called “spathe” such
inflorescence is called “spadix”
Ex:Musa and colocasia
6. Head inflorescence: Penduncular
axis is condensed. Unisexual and
bisexual sesile flowers develop
centripetally on this condensed
peducnle. Such on arrangement of
flowers is called head in-
Ex: Tridax and sunflower.
Botany-I 19

Unit 3
FLOWERING PLANTS Everything Channel

1. Starting with the zygote, draw the diagrams of the different stages of embryo


a) Fertilised embry sac shwoign zygote and primary Endosperm Nucleus (PEN)
b) Stages in embryo development in a dicot
2. What are the possible types of pollinations in chasmogamous flowers? Give reasons
A. Chasmogamy: The pollination that occurs in opened flowers is called Chasmogamy. This
of two types. 1. Self pollimation 2. Cross pollimation.
1. Self Pollination or Autogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma of
same flower is called self pollination. If the anthers and stigma of chasmogamous
flower mature at the same time, self pollination occurs.
Cleistogamy is a type of pollination that occurs in closed flowers. Cleistogamous
20 Basic Learning Material

flowers never open. Anthers dehisce in the flower buds, pollen grains come in contact
with the stigma to effect self pollination. Thus only self pollination is possible in
cleistogamous flowers.
2. Cross pollination or Allogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma
of another flower is called cross pollination. It is of two types.
i. Geitonogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma of another
flower of the same plant is called geitonogamy. Genetically it is similar to
autogamy, since the pollen grain come from the same plant. Ex: Cocos.
ii. Xenogamy: Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma of another flower
of another plant is called xenogamy. This is the only type of pollination which
brings genetically different types o fpollen grains to the stigma. Ex: Borassus.
If the plants are continued to perform self pollination, it leads to inbreeding
Everything Channel
depression. So several plants developed contrivancies of cross pollination and
achieved genetic divergence.
3. With a neat, labelled diagram, describe the parts of a mature angiosperm embryo
sac, Mention the role of synergids.
A. The mature angiosperm embryosac is 7-celled and 8-nucle-
ated. It shows three parts.
1. Egg apparatus 2. Central cell 3. Antipodals.
1. Egg apparatus:
i) Three cells grouped together at the micropylar
end constitute the egg apparatus.
ii) They are two synergids and one egg cell.
iii) The synergids with special cellular thickenings
at the micropylar tip is called filiform
iv) The middle largest cell is called egg or oospore.
2. Central cell:
i) It is the largest cell of embryosac.
ii) It has two polar nuclei which fuse to form a single diploid secondary nucleus.
3. Antipodals:
i) Three cells present at the chalazal end of embryosac are called antipodals.
ii) These are smallest cells of embryosac.
iii) They desgenerate before or after fertilisation.
iv) They are considered as vegetative cells of embryosac.
Botany-I 21

Role of Synergids:
i) Synergids, nourish female gametophyte nutrients from surrounding nucellus.
ii) They help in the absorption of nutriends from the nucellus into the embryosac.
iii) They play an important role in guiding the pollen tube into Egg cell.
4. Draw the diagram of a microsporangium and label its well layers. Write briefly about
the wall layers.

Everything Channel

a) Thransverse section of another b) Enlarged view of Microsporangium

Wall layers of Microsporangium are of 4 types:
They are 1. Epidermis 2. Endothecium 3. Middle layers 4. Tapetum
1. Epidermis: The outer, thick, protective layer of microsporangium is called epidermis.
The cells presnt between the two pollen sacs are thin walled and this region is called
as stomium. This is useful for the dehiscence of pollen sacs.
2. Endothecium: It is below the epidermis and expands radially with fibrous thickenings.
At maturity, these cells lose water and contract. They help in the dehiscence of pollen
3. Middle layers: Below the endothecium, 1 to 5 layers of thin walled cells form the
middle layes. They help in the dehiscence of anther.
4. Tapetum: The inner most wall layer is the tapetum. It encircles the sporogenous
tissue. The cells in this layer are large, thin walled & multinucleate. It nourishes the
development of pollen grains.
5. Describe the process of Fertilization in angiosperms.
A. Fertilization in angiosperms:The fusion of male and female gemetes is called Fertilization.
The process of fertilization in angiosperms consists of five steps.
1. Entry of the pollen tube into ovule: The pollen tube enters they ovule by any one
of 3 ways.
a. Porogamy: Entry of the pollen tube through micropyle is Porogamy. Ex. Hibiscus
22 Basic Learning Material

b. Chalazogamy: Entry of the pollen tube

through Chalaza is Chalazogamy. Ex.
c. Mesogamy: Entry of the pollen tube through
integuments is Mesogamy Ex. Cucurbita.
2. Entry of pollen tube into embryo sac:During
the entry of the pollen tube into the embryo
sac, the filiform apparatus of synergids guide
the pollen tube.
3. Discharge of male gametes into Embryosac:
The pollen tube always enters the embryosac
at the micropylar end of embryosac. After entering one of the synergids, the pollentube
bursts and releases two male gametes into the cytoplasm of the synergids.
Everything Channel

4. Syngamy: One of the male gametes fuses with

the egg cell, resulting in the formation of diploid
zygote. This is called syngamy or true fertilisation.
5. Triple fusion and double fertilisation: The
second male gamete fuses with the diploid
secondary nucleus and results in the formation of
a triploid Primary Endosperm Nucleus (PEN).
This phenomenon is also known as double
fertilisation. As this process involves the fusion
of one nuclei of ‘haploid male gamete’ and two polar nuclei, this fusion is also
known as triple fusion.
6. Write a brief account on agents of pollination.
A. Pollination in plants occurs by two abiotic (wind and water) and one biotic (animals)
1. Wind pollination: The pollination by wind is called Anemophily. Wind polinated
flowers produce large amount of pollen, the pollengrains are light and non sticky.
The flowers possess well exposed stamens, so that the pollen is easily dispersed into
wind current. Large feathery stigmas are presnt to trap the pollen easily. Numerous
flowers are packed into an inflorescence.
The bunch of silky hairs of corn cob are nothing but the stigmas and styles which
hang in air to trap the pollengrains. Wind pollination is common in grasses.
2. Water pollination: Pollination by water is called Hydrophily. It is of two types.
a) Epihydrophily: Pollination at the surface level of water is called epihydrophily.
Botany-I 23

Ex: Vallisneria.
The female flowers reach the surface of water by its long stalk and the male flowers
are released on the surface of water.
They are carried by water current to reach the female flowers and the stigma to
perform pollination.
b) Hypohydrophily: Pollination below the surface level of water is called
hypohydrophily. Plants like zostera and their flowers remain submerged in water.
Pollen grains are long, ribbon like and are carried inside the water and reach the
stigma to achieve pollination.
3. Zoophily: Pollination by the agency of animals is called zoophily. These flower
may be with attractive colours, or they may produce nectar or fragrancy, pollengrains
and may be sticky.
Everything Channel
a. Pollination by insects is called entamophily.
b. Pollination by birds is called ornithophily.
c. Pollination by bats is called chiropteriphily.
d. Pollination by squirrels is called therophily.
e. Pollination by snakes is called ophiophily.
24 Basic Learning Material

Unit 4


1. What is ‘Omega Taxonomy’?
Everything Channel

A. * Ta xonomy based on information from other branches such as Embryology, Cytology,

Palynology, Phytochemistry etc., in addition to Morphological characters is called
“Omega Taxonomy”.
2. What is Natural system of plant classification? Name the scientists Who followed it?
A. * The system of classification in which plants are grouped on the basis of their Natural
relationships taking into consideration all possible morphological characters is known
as natural system of classification.
* Bentham and Hooker
3. Explain the scope and signaficance of “Numerical taxonomy”?
A. * Numerical taxonomy uses Mathematical methods to evoluate observable differences
and similarities between taxonomic groups.
* Numerical taxonomy which is now easily carried out using the computers is based on
all observable characterestics.
4. Write the floral formula of solanum plant ?

A. * Br, Ebrl, , , K(5), C(5), A(5), G(2)

5. Give the technical description Ovary of Solanum nigrum?
A. * The ovary is bicarpellary, syncarpous bilocular superior. Placenta swollen with many
ovules on axile placentation. Style terminal stigma capitate.
* Carpels are arranged obliquely at 450 .
6. Give the technical description of anthers of Allium cepa?
A. * Anthers are dithecous, basifixed, introrse and dehiscence is longitudinal.
1. Write a brief note on semi technical description of a typical flowering plant?
A. * Technical description of a typical flowering plant begings with its habitat,habit,
vegetative characters and floral characters followed by type of fruit.
Botany-I 25

After describing various parts of a plants, a floral diagram and a floral formula are presented.
The floral formula is represented by some symbols of floral parts.
The symbols of floral formula are as follows :
Br - Bracteate P - Perianth
Ebr - Ebracterate A - Androecium
Brl - Bracteolate G - Gynoecium
Ebrl - Ebracteolate () - Cohesion of floral parts in a whorl
CA - Epipetalous stamens
 - Actionomorphic G - Superior ovary
% - Zygomorphic
- Male flower G - Inferior ovary

- Female flower
Everything Channel
- Bisexual flower G - Half inferior ovary
K - Calyx
C - Corolla
* Floral formula indicates the number of free or united members of corresponding whorl as
subscript of the respective symbols. It also shows cohesion and adhesion.
* Floral diagram provides information about the no of parts of a flower, their arrangement
and the relation they have with one another.
* The mother axis represents the posterior side of the flower and is indicated as a dot or a
circle at the top of the floral diagram.
* Successive whorl represent calyx, corolla androecium and gynoecium.
* Calyx is the outermost whorl.
* Gynoecium at the centre and represented by TS. of ovary.
* The bract represents the anterior side of the flower and is indicated at the bottom of the
floral diagram.
2. Give an account of floral diagram.
A. * Floral diagram provides information about the no of parts of a
flower, their arrangement and the relation they have with one
* The mother axis represents the posterior side of the flower and is
indicated as a dot or a circle at the top of the floral diagram.
* Successive whorl represent calyx, corolla androecium and
* Calyx is the outermost whorl.
* Gynoecium at the centre and represented by T S. of ovary.
* The bract represents the anterior side of the flower and is indicated at the bottom of the
floral diagram.
26 Basic Learning Material

3. Describe the essential floral parts of plants belonging to Liliaceae?

A. *Androecuim and Gynoecium are the essential floral parts of a flower.
Stamens are six, arranged in two whorls of three each.
* They are free or epiphyllous.
* Anthers are dithecous, basifixed, introrse and dehiscence is longitudinal.
Ovary is tricarpellary, syncarpous superior, trilocular with numerous ovules on axile
* The style is terminal and stigna is trified and capitate.
4. Wrirte a brief account on the class of Dicotyledonae of Bentham and Hooker’s
A. * The class Dicotyledonae are characterised by tap root system ,reticulate venation,
Everything Channel
tetramerous or pentamerous flowers and two cotyledons in a seed.
* On the basis of the number of whorls in the Perianth and the condition of petals, the
dicotyledons are divided into three sub-classes namely Polypetalae, Gamopetalae and
* Polypetalae was divided into three series namely.
1.Thalamiflorae ( Containts 6 cohorts)
2. Disciflorae (Containts 4 cohorts)
3. Calyciflorae (Containts 5 cohorts)
* Gamopetalae was divided into three series viz.
1.Inferae (Containts 3 cohorts)
2.Heteromerae and (Containts 3 cohorts)
3.Bicarpellatae (Containts 4 cohorts)
* Monochlamydae was divided into eight series. (not divided into cohorts)
Cohorts are further divided into natural orders (now called as families).
Dicotyledonae contains totally 165 naturals orders / families (Acc. to B & H classification.)
5. Decribe the essential organs of solanaceae ?
A. Androecium:
*Stamens are 5, epipetalous, alternating with the petals.
*Anthers dithecous, basifixed, introrse.
It Consists of bicarpellary, syncarpous bilocular (rarely unilocular) superior ovary ,with
swollen axile placentation. Style terminal stigma capitate.
* Carpels of ovary are arranged obliquely at 450 .
Botany-I 27

Unit 5


Everything Channel
1. What is the significance of vacuole in a plant cell?
Ans.  In plant cell, vacuole plays an Important role in Osmoregulation.
 Vacuolar sap also contains pigments like Anthocyanin which produce colour to plant
parts like flower.
2. What does 's' refer in a 70 's' and 80's ribosome?
Ans.  'S' stands for the sendimentation co-efficient (expressed in svedberg unit).
 It is indirectly a measure of density and size.

3. Mention a single membrane bound organelle which is rich in hydrolytic enzymes?

Ans. Lysosomes
4. What are gas vacuoles? State thier functions?
Ans.  Gas vacuoles are inclusion bodies in cytoplasm.
 They store food meterials in prokaryotic cells.

 They help the bacteria to float on the surface of the water.

5. What is the function of polysome?

Ans.  During protein synthesis several ribosomes form into long chains called polysomes.
 They translate the mRNA into proteins.

6. What is the feature of a metacentric chromosome?

Ans. The metacentric chromosome has middle centromere forming two equal arms of the
28 Basic Learning Material

7. What is refered to as satellite chromosome?

Ans. A round terminal part of the chromosome present beyond the secondary constriction in
some chromosomes is called satellite chromsome.
8. What are Micro bodies? What do they contain?
Ans.  Peroxysome & Glyoxysome.
 Peroxysomes are involved in photorespiration and protect the cells from H2O2.
 Glyoxysomes contain the enzymes of glyoxylate cycle which convert lipids to carbo
9. What is middle lamella made of? What is it's functional significance?
Ans. Middle lamella is mainly composed of calcium pectate and holds the different neighbouring
cells together.
Everything Channel
10. What is Osmosis?
Ans. Movement of water from low concentrated place to high concentrated place through semi
permeable membrane is called osmosis.
11. Which part of the Bacterial cell is targeted in gram staining?
Ans. Chemical composition of cell envelope.
1. Describe the cell organell which contains chlorophyll pigments.
Ans. 1. The cellorganelle which contain chlorophyll pigment is called chloroplast. It is also
known as Kitchen House of the Cell
2. Majority of the chloroplasts of the green plants are found in the mesophyll cell of the
3. These are lens shaped, oval, spherical, discoid (or) ribben like organelle.
4. Each chloroplast is surrounded by an envelop which is made up of two unit membranes
that are separated by a "periplastidial place". The inner space of chloroplast is filled
with a colourless matrix called stroma
5. A number of organised flattened membraneous sac called the "thylakoids". These are
present in the stroma.
6. Stroma many thylokoids, enzymes involves
in the synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins,
70s ribosome, small ds-circular DNA
molecules etc., are present.
7. The membrane of the thylokoids enclose a
space called a lumen.
Botany-I 29

8. Photosynthetic pigments photosystem-I and Photosystem-II and electron transport

system are present in the thylokoids.
2. Describe the structure and function of power house of the cell.
A. 1. The power house of the cell nothing but Mitochondria.
2. Mitochondira are present only in Eukaryotic cells.

Everything Channel

3. Mitochondria are typical sausage - shaped or cylindrical cell organelle.

4. It is a double membrane bound structure with an outer membrane and the inner mem
brane dividing its lumen distictly into two compartments. The inner compartment is
called "Matrix".
5. The inner membrane forms a number of foldings called "Cristae".
6. The matrix containing single circular DNA, a few RNA, 70 S ribosomes and other
components required for synthesis of proteins.
7. The outer membrane forms the continuos limiting boundary of the organell.
8. The two membranes have their own specific enzymes associated with the mitochon
dria function.
Functions of Mitochondria:
i) Mitochondria are the sites of aerobic respiration and generate cellular energy into the
form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), hence they are called power house of the cell.
ii) Cristae are the sites of oxidative phosphorylation and electron transport matrix is the
site of krebs cycle.
3. Comment an the cartwheel structure of centriole.
A. 1. Centrosome is an organelle usually containing two cylindrical structure called
2. Both the centrioles in a centrosome lie perpendicular to each other in which each has
an organisation like the cartwhel.
3. Each centriole is made with nine evenly spaced peripheral fibrils of tubulin.
4. Each of the peripheral fibril is a triplet. The adjacent triplets are also linked.
30 Basic Learning Material

5. The central part of the centriole is proteinaceous and called "hub"

6. Centrioles form the basal body of cilia or flagella and spindle fibres that give rise to
spindle apparatus during cell division in animal cells.
4. Briefly describe the cell theory.
A. 1. Schleiden and Schwann together formulated the cell theory.
2. In 1838 Schleiden, a German Botanist examined a large number of plants and observed
that all plants are composed of different kinds of cells which forms the tissues of the
3. Schwan in 1839 a British Zoologist studied different types of animal cell and reported
that cells had a thin outer layer called "plasma membrane"
4. He also concluded that plant cell have a characteristic cell wall that differentiates from
animal cell.
5. Schleiden and schwann together formulated the cell theory. This theory however did
Everything Channel
not explain as to how new cells were formed.
6. In 1855 Rudolf Virchow first explained that cells divided and new cells are formed
from pre-exsting cells is called “Omnis Cellula - e cellula” on the basis of above points
both Schleidon and Schwann together formulated cell theory.
Cell theory states that
i) All living organisms are composed of cells and their products of cells.
ii) New cells arise from pre-existing cells.
5. Differentiated between Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) and Smooth
Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER).
A. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)
1. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum 1. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum is not
attached with ribosomes. associated with ribosomes.
2. These are mainly composed 2. These are mainly composed of tubules.
of cisternae.
3. Generally associated with 3. Generally associated with plasma
nuclear memberane. memberane.
4. Main function is protein synthesis. 4. Main function is lipid synthesis.
5. RER synthesis golgi bodies. 5. SER not involved in synthesis of
golgi bodies.
6. RER not concern with glycogen storage 6. SER concern with glycogen storage.

6. Give the biochemical composition of plasma membrane. How are lipid molecules?
arranged in the membrane.
A. Plasma Membrane: The living membrane surrounding the protoplasm is called plasma
Botany-I 31

Chemical structure of plasma membrane:

1. The cell membrane is composed of lipids that are arranged in a bilayers.
2. The lipid component of the membrane mainly consist of "phosphoglycerides".
3. Biochemical investigations clearly revealed that the cell membrane posses protein and
4. Protein can be classified in to integral or peripheral depending on their location and
easy of extractions.
5. Peripheral proteins lie an the surface of membrane while the integral proteins are partially
or totally buried in the membrane.
6. The lipids are arranged within the membrane with polar (hydrophilic) head towards
the outer side the non polar (hydrophobic) tails towards the inner part, which ensure
that the non polar saturated hydrocarbons is protected form the aquesous environment.
Everything Channel

7. Singer and Nicolson (1972) proposed fluid mosaic model for the structure of cell
8. According to this model, the quasi-fluid nature of lipid enables lateral movement of
protein within the overall bilayer, this ability to move with in the membrane is understood
as fluidity.
7. Describe the structure of nucleus.
A. • Nucleus was first described in 1831 by Robert Brown. Nucleus also known as "Brain“
or Heart dynamic centre of the cell.
• The eukaryotic nucleus can be divided into four major parts they are
1) Nuclear Membrane 2) Nucleoplasm
3) Chromatin material 4) Nucleolus
1. Nuclear Membrane:- Nuclear envelope is double membrane structure, which con
sists of two parallel membranes with a space between them called "Perinuclear space".
32 Basic Learning Material

The outer membrance usually remain continuous with endoplasmic reticulum and also
bears ribosomes on it. Minute pores found on the nuclear membrane are called "nuclear
pores". They provide the passage for the movement of RNA and protein molecules in
both directions between the nuclear and the cytoplasm.
2. Nucleoplasm:- Nucleus is filled with a fluid matrix called nucleoplasm. Nucleoplasm
contain chromatin materials and nucleolus. Nucleolus is not membrane bound and its
contents are continuous with the nucleoplasm.

Everything Channel

3. Chromatin Material:- The interphase nucleus has a loose and elaborate network of
nucleoprotein fibres called chromatin. Chromatin contain DNA histone and non-histones
4. Nucleolus:- One or more spherical structures present in the nucleoplasm are called
nucleoli. They are usefull to production of ribosomes.
8. Give brief account of the types of chromosomes based on the position of centromere?
A. • Based on the position of the centromere, the chromosomes are classified in to four
types namely
1) Metacentric 2) Sub metacentric 3) Acrocentric 4) Telocentric
1. Metacentric:-
i) The centromere is situated in middle position of the chromosome forming two equal
arms of the chromosome.
ii) These chromosome appear as "V" shape during anaphase.
2. Sub-metacentric:-
i) The centromere near located to one end of the chromosome.
ii) These chromosome appear as "L" shaped during anaphase it results unequal arms one
shorter arm and another longer arm.
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3. Acrocentric Chromosome:-
i) The centromere is situated close to the end forming are extremely short and one very
long arm in the chromosome.
9. What is Cytoskeleton? What functions is it involved in?
Ans. 1) An elaborate network of filamentous proteinaceous structures presnt in the cytoplasm
is collectively referred to as cytoskeleton.
2) Eukaryotic cells contain three major components of cytoskeleton-namely micro
filaments, intermediate filaments and microtubules.
3) The cytoskeleton in a cell is involved in many functions such as mechanical support,
maintenance of cell shape, cell motility, intracelluar transport, signalling across the
cell and karyokinesis (movement of chromosomes during cell division).
Everything Channel
10. What is endomembrane system? What cell organelles are not included in it?
A. Endomembrane System:- A group of membranous cell organelles with co-ordinated in
functions is termed as endomemebrane system.
 Endomembrane system includes endoplasmic reticulum, golgicomplex, lysosomes and
 Cell organelles like mitochondira, chloroplast and peroxisomes are not included in
endomembrane system because the function of mitochondria, chloroplast and peroxi
somes are not co-ordinated with endomembrane system.
11. Distinguish between active transport and passive transport.
A. Active Transport Passive Transport
1. Active transport is the movement 1. Passive transport is the movement of molecu
of molecule across the membrane les across the membrane without metabolic
with using metobolic energy is energy is called Passive Transport.
called Active Transport.
2. It is highly selective. 2. It is not selective in simple diffusion and
highly selective in faciliated diffusion.
3. It occurs against concentration 3. It occurs along the concentration gradient.
4. Transporter proteins are required. 4. Transporter proteins are not required in simple
5. Utilization of A.T.P. 5. A.T.P. does not utilized.
34 Basic Learning Material

12. What are nucleosomes? What are they made of?

A. Nucleosome:- When the chromosome viewed under electronic microscope, chromatin
appears as "beads on-string". These beads are known as nucleosomes.

Everything Channel

i) A typical nucleosome contains a core of histone octamer is wrapped by two turns of

double helix DNA with 200 bp.
ii) In the octamer, eight histone protein of four types they are H2A, H2B, H3 and H4.
iii) The DNA is continuous between two successive nucleosome is called “Linker DNA”
iv) The specific packing of DNA inside the nucleus is faciliated by the association between
negatively charged DNA and positively charged histones.
Note: According to scheme of valuation.. A.T. -2 Marks, P.T. -2 Marks.
13. Name two cell-organelles that are double membrane bound. State their functions
and draw labelled diagrames of both.
A. Mitochondria and Chloroplast are double membrane found cell organelles.
i) Mitochondria is a rod shaped cell
organelle or sausage shaped or
ii) It is a double membrane bound structure
with an outer membrane and the inner
membrane dividing its lumen distictly
into two components the inner
component is called matrix.
i) Mitochondria are the sites of Outer membrane Inner membrane Matrix Inter membrane
space Criste Structure of mitochondrian aerobic respiration and generate cellular energy
into the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), hence they are called power house of
the cell.
Botany-I 35

ii) Cristae are the sites of oxidative

phosphorylation and electron transport
matirx is the site of Krebs cycle.
Characters of Chloroplast:
i) Chloroplast is a lens shaped, oval,
spherical, discoid (or) ribben like
ii) Each chloroplast is surrounded by an
envelop which is made of two unit membranes that are separated by a "Periplastidia
place" the innerspace of chloroplast is filled with a colour less matrix called "stroma".
i) It help in "synthesis of food material" by process called photo synthesis.
Everything Channel
ii) It can convert light energy into chemical energy in grana because grana have photo
synthesis pigment.
14. What are the characteristics of a prokaryotic cell?
A. Characters of Prokaryotic Cell:
1. The prokaryotic cells are represented by bacteria blue-green algae, my coplasma.
2. All prokaryotes have a cell wall surrounding the cell membrane.
3. There is no well-defined nucleus.
4. Prokaryotes like some bacteria possess extra chromosomal DNA called "Plasmid".
5. Prokaryotes lack cell organelles except the presence of 70S types of ribosomes.
6. Prokaryotes have invigination in the cell membrane called "Mesosomes".
7. Prokaryotes cell envelop consists of Gycocalyx, Cell wall and Cell membrane.
8. Nucleous is absent.
9. Bacteria Cell able to move with flagella.
36 Basic Learning Material


1. Justify the statement. Mitochondria are power houses of the cell.
A. Mitochondria and Chloroplast are double membrane found cell organelles.
i) Mitochondria is a rod shaped cell
organelle or sausage shaped or
ii) It is a double membrane bound structure
with an outer membrane and the inner
membrane dividing its lumen distictly
into two components the inner
component is called matrix.
Everything Channel
i) Mitochondria are the sites of Outer membrane Inner membrane Matrix Inter membrane
space Criste Structure of mitochondrian aerobic respiration and generate cellular energy
into the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), hence they are called power house of
the cell.
ii) Cristae are the sites of oxidative phosphorylation and electron transport matirx is the
site of Krebs cycle.
Characters of Chloroplast:
i) Chloroplast is a lens shaped, oval, spherical, discoid (or) ribben like organell.
ii) Each chloroplast is surrounded by an envelop which is made of two unit membranes
that are separated by a "Periplastidia
place" the innerspace of chloroplast is
filled with a colour less matrix called
i) It help in "synthesis of food material"
by process called photo synthesis.
ii) It can convert light energy into chemical
energy in grana because grana have
photo synthesis pigment.
2. Write the functions of the following: (a) centromere (b) cell wall (c) SER (d) golgi
Ans. (a) Centromere
1. Spindle fibres get attached to the centromere at the time of cell division.
2. Position of the centromere on the chromosome which aquires V.L.J.I shapes.
(b) 1. Cell Wall protect the protoplast from damage and infection.
Botany-I 37

2. Cell wall gives definite shape and mechanical strength.

3. It also helps in cell to cell interaction and acts as barrier.
4. Support intracellular transport.
(c) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
1. The SER is the major sife for synthesis of lipid.
2. In animal cells lipid like steroidal hormones are synthesized.
(d) Golgi complex
1. It performs the function of packaging materials to be delivered either to intracellular
or secreted outside the cell.
2. A number of proteins synthesized by ribosomes on the E.R. of Golgi complex.
3. It is the important site for glyco proteins, glyco lipids.
4. In plants Golgi complex involved in the synthesis of cell wall materials and also
play a role in the formation of cell plate.
Everything Channel
(e) Centroile
1. The centrioles form the basal body of cilia or flagella, and spindle fibres, that give
rise to spindle apparatus during cell division in animal cells.
3. Are the different types of plastids interchangeable? If yes, give examples where they
are getting converted from one type to another.
Ans. Yes. Plastids are inter changeable in form Generally three types of plastids are present in
plant cells namely, leucoplasts (storage), chromoplasts (coloured, attraction) and chloroplasts
(synthesis of food) Chromoplasts are coloured plastids (orange yellow or red), occurs in
the cells of petals, fruits etc. They contain less chlorophylls and more carotenes (orange)
or (red) and xanthophylls (yellow). The red colour of tomato is due to the presence of
Iycopene in the chromoplasts. The chromoplasts of red algae contain phycocyanin and
phycoerythrin. The chromoplasts of Brown algae contain fucoxanthin.
Depending upon circumstances, one type of plastid may be converted into another type.
For Ex:
1) The leucoplasts in stem tubers of potato, on exposure to sunlight transofrm into
2) In capsicum, the cells of ovary consists of leucoplasts. When ovary changes into fruit,
leucoplasts are transformed into chloroplasts. When the fruit ripens chloroplasts are
changed into chromoplasts.
4. Describe the structure of the following with the help of labelled diagrams.
i) Nucleus ii) Centrosome.
Ans. i) It was first discovered by Robert Brown. Later the material of the nucleus stained by
the basic dyes was given the name chromatin by Flemming. The interphase nucleus as
highly extended and elaborate nucleoprotein fores called chromatin, nuclear matrix
and one or two nucleoli. Electron has revealed that the nucleus is covered by double
38 Basic Learning Material

layered nuclear envelope, with a space between called perinuclear space, forms a barrier
between materials present inside the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
 The outer nuclear envelope remains
continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum
and also bears ribosomes. At a number of
places, the nuclear envelope is interrupted by
nuclear pores, which allows the passage of
RNA and protein molecules in both directions
between the nucleus and cytoplasm. The
nucleoplasm contains nucleolus and
chromatin. The nucleoli and spherical structures, involved
in active ribosomal RNA synthesis. The chromatin, in
different stages of cell division, become chromosomes.
Everything Channel
They contain DNA and some basic proteins called histones
and also RNA. Nucleus plays an important role in
biogensis of ribosomes. It plays a significant role in
ii) Centrosome: Centrosome is an organelle usually
containing two cylindrical structures called centrioles.
They are surrounded by amorphous pericentriolar
materials. Both the centrioles in al centrosome lie
perpendicular to each other in which each has an
organisation like cartwheel. They are made up of nine evenly spaced peripheral fibrils
of tubulin. Each of the peripheral fibril is a triplet. The adjacent. triplets are also linked.
The central part of the centriol is also proteinaceous and called the 'hub', which is
connected with tubules of the peripheral triplets by radial spokes made of protein. The
centricles form the basal body of cilia and flagella and spindle fibres that give rise to
spindle apparatus during cell divirsion in animal cells.
5. What is a centromere? How does the position of centromere form the basis of
classification of chromosomes. Support your answer with a diagram showing the
position of centromere on different types of chromosomes.
Ans. Centromere is the region of chromosome that becomes attached to spindle fibres. Special
proteins surrounded the centromere. They form a disc shaped structures called kinetochores.
Each chromosome shows centromere at a specific position. Basing on the position of
centromere four types chromosomes are recognised. They are:
1) Metacentric: "If the centromere is situated at mid point of a choromosome". It is "V"
shaped and consists of two equal arms..
Botany-I 39

2) Sub-metacentric: "If the centromere is situated slightly away from mid point of a
chromosome. It is 'L' shaped. It consists of two unequal arms.
Everything Channel
3) Acrocentric: If the centromere is situated at the sub terminal position of a chromosome.
It is rod shaped or "J" shaped. It consists of very long arm and a very small arm.
4) Telocentric: "If the centromere is situated at the terminal position of a chromosome. It
is “I” shaped and has only one arm.
40 Basic Learning Material


1. Select an appropriate chemical bond among ester bond, Glycosidic bond, Pep tide
bond and hydrogen bor and aganist each of the following.
A. Polysaccharide - Glycosidic bond
Protein - Peptide bond
Fat - Easter bond
Water - Hydrogen bond
2. Give one example for each of Amino acids, Sugars, Nucleotides and fatty acids?
A. Amino acids - Glycine
Sugars - Glucose
Nucelotides - Adenylic acid
Everything Channel
Faty acids - Lecithin
3. Explain the zwitter Ionic form of an Amino acid.
+ |
A. HN  CH  COO  is a zwitter ionic form.
 That means this Amino Acids Contains both Acidic (carboxylic) and basic (Amine)
 It is a Molecule containing both a positive and Negative charge, it is a neutral.

5. What constituents of DNA (De oxyribo Nucleic Acid) are linked by Glycosidic bond?
A. This bond is formed between two carbon atom of two Adjacent monosaccharides.
Nitrogen base is linked to sugar group laterally by Glycosidic bond.
6. Starch, cellulose, Glycogen, Chitin are polysaccharides found among the following
choose the one appropriate and write aganist each.
A. a) Cotton fibre - Cellulose
b) Exoskeleton of cockroach - Chitin
c) Liver - Glycogen
d) Potato - Starch
7. What are primary and secondary metabolites? Give example.
A. Primary metabolites : Organic compounds such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids etc.
Present in cells of living organisms and name specific function in the cells.
Secondary metabolites: Alkolides, flavonoids, Rubbers, Antibiotics etc., that do not have
Identifiable, functions in the host organism.
Botany-I 41


1. Write a brief account on polysaccharides.
A. Polysaccharides:- The polysaccharides are acid insoluble carbohydrate macromolecules.
1) Polysaccharides are composed of long chain of sugars.
2) Polysacharides are threads containing different monosacharides as building blocks. Eg:-
Cotton thread
3) Different polysaccharieds are made up of different building blocks for example
i) Cellulose  Glucose monomers
ii) Insulin  Fructose monomers
iii) Glycogen  Glucose monomers
4) Various types of polysaccharides are present in organisms for examples.
i) Glycogen  Animals
Everything Channel

ii) Chitin  Exoskeleton of arthropods and cell wall of fungi

iii) N-acetyl glucosamine  Bacterial cell wall
5) Polysaccharide molecules serves as energy reservoirs.
Eg:- Cellulosic cell wall's and external protection like in fungi, plant, exoskeleton of
2. Schematically represented primary, Secondary and Tertiary structure of a hypotheti
cal polymer using protein as example.
A. Biological macromolecules like proteins undergoes into a folding process through which
their biologically active form is produced it is a sequential folding result to form.
1) Primary 2) Secondary
3) Tertiary and 4) Qunternary Structure
42 Basic Learning Material

1. Primary Structure:- It is found in the form of linear sequence of amino acids. First
amino acid is called N-terminal amino acid and last amino acid is called C-terminal
amino acid.
2. Secondary Structure:- Polypeptide chain undergoes folding which is stabilized by
hydrogen bonding. Right handed helices are observed.
3. Tertiary Structure:- Long protein chain is folding upon itself like a hollow wollen
ball. Gives a three dimentional view of protein. Eg:-Myosin.
3. Nucleic Acid exhibits secondary strucutre, Justify with example.
A. 1) Yes, nucleic acid exhibits a wide variety of secondary structure
Everything Channel

2) For example the secondary structure of DNA is the famous model proposed by Watson
and Crick.
3) According to this model DNA exists and double helix.
4) The two polynucleotide strands are antiparallel the backbone is formed by the sugar-
phos phate sugar chain.
5) Nitrogen base are projected - perpendicular to the back bone facing inside.
6) Adenine (A) combine with Thymine (T) by two hydrogen bonds.
7) Guanine (G) combine with cytosine (C) by three hydrogen bonds.
8) One full turn of the helical strand would involve ten base pair. The length of one coil is
34 A° and the distance between base pair is 3.4Aº this type of DNA is called “B-DNA”.
Botany-I 43


1. What are secondary metabolites? Enlist them indicating their usefulness to man.
Ans. Metabolic products that do not have identifiable functions in the host organism are called
secondary metabolites, Secondary metabolites ae alkaloides, flavonoides, rubber, essential
oils, antibiotics, coloured pigments, scents, gums, spices etc., Many of these secondary
metabolites are useful to man.
1) Pigments Eg : Carotenoids, Anthocyanins etc.
2) Alkaloids Eg : Morphine, Codeine etc.
3) Terpenoids Eg : Monoterpenes, Diterpenes etc.
4) Essential oils Eg : Lemon grass oil etc.
5) Toxins Eg : Abrin, Ricin
Everything Channel
6) Drugs Eg : Vinblastin, Curcumin etc.
7) Polymeric substances Eg : Rubber, gums, cellulose etc.
2. Nucleic acids exhibit secondary structure. Describe through Watson & Crick Model.
Ans. 1. Nucleic acid exhibits a wide variety of secondary structures.
2. For example, one of the secondary structures exhibited by DNA is a famous Watson
- Crick Model.
3. According to this model, DNA exists as a double helix. The two strands of
polynucleotides are anti parallel i.e., run in the opposite direction.
4. The backbone is formed by the sugar - phosphate sugar chain.
5. The nitrogen bases are projected more or less perpendicular to the back bone but face
inside. Adenine (A) and Guanine (G) of one strand pairs with Thymine (T) and Cytosine
(C) respectigely, on the other stand. Each step is represented by a pair.
6. Coiling occurs at an angle of 3600. At each step turn is 360. One full turn of the helical
strand involves 10 base pairs.
7. The length of each turn is 34Å.
8. The distance between two steps is 3.4Å.
9. This form of DNA with above features is called B-DNA.
44 Basic Learning Material

Minor groove

Major groove
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Watson and Crick’s double helix model of DNA

P = Phosphate, S = Sugar, A = Adenine,
T = Thymine, G = Guanine, C = Cytosine

3. What is the difference between a nucleotide and nucleoside ? Give two examples of
each with their structure.
A. Nucleotide Nucleoside
1. Nucleotide is made up of nitrogen 1. Nucleotide is made up of nitrogen
base, sugar and phosphoric acid. base, and sugar.
2. Nucleotide of RNA is called 2. Nucleoside with ribose sugar is called
ribonucleotide and nucleotide of riboside of ribo-nucleoside.
DNA is called dexyribo nucleotide. Nucleoside with deoxyribose sugar is
called deoxyribonucleoside.
3. Example: Adenylic acid, guanylic acid, 3. Example: Adenosine, guanosine,
cytidyolic acid, thymidylic acid, uridylic cytidine, thymidine and uridine
acid, AMP
Botany-I 45

HO-P-OCH2 Adenine HOCH2 Adenine

Adenylic acid Adenosine

HO-P-OCH2 Uracil HOCH2 Uracil

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Uridylic acid Uridine

Phosphate + Sugar + Nitrogen base Sugar + Nitrogen base
(Nucleoside) (Nucleoside)
46 Basic Learning Material


1. Between a prokaryote and a Eukaryote which cell has a shorter cell division time?
A. Prokaryotic cell.
2. Among prokaryotes and eukaryotes, which one has a shorter duration of cell. cycle?
A. Prokaryotic cell.
3. Which of the phases of cell cycle is of longest duration?
A. Interphase.
4. Which tissue of Animals and Plants exhibits meiosis?
A. Reproductive cells.
5. Given that the average duplication time of Ecoli is 20 minuts. How much time will
two Ecoli cells take to become 32 cells?
A. 80 Minutes.
Everything Channel

6. Which part of the Human body should one use to demonstrate stages in mitosis?
A. blood cells or bone marrow.
7. What attributes does a chromatid require to be classified as a chromosome?
A. Two chromatids attached to the centromere.
8. Which of the four chromatids of a bivalent at prophase - I of meiosis can in volve in
cross over?
A. Non-sister chromatids.
9. If a tissue has at a given time 1024 cells, how many cycles of mitosis had the original
parental single cell undergone?
A. 10 cycles of mitosis.
10. An anther has 1200 pollengrains how many pollen mother cells must have bee there
to produce them.
A. 300 pollen mother cells.
11. At what stage of cell cycle does DNA synthesis occurs?
A. S or Synthetic phase.
12. It is said that one cycle of cell division in Human cells take 24 hours? Which phase of
the cycle, do you think occupies the Maximum part of cell cycle?
A. Inter phase.
13. It is observed that heart cells do not exhibit cell division. Such cells do not divide
further and exit...phase to enter an Inactive stage called....of cell cycle fill in the blanks.
A. 1. G1
2. Go (quiscent stage)
14. Name the stage of meiosis in which Actual Reduction in chromosome number occurs.
A. Anaphase-1.
Botany-I 47

15. Mitochondria and plastids have, thier own DNA what is thier fate during nuclear
division like mitosis?
A. At the time of cytoplasmic division organells like mitochrondria and plastids get distrib
uted between two daughter cells.
1. Explain prophase I of meiosis.
A. Meiosis is longer and consists of five sub phase they are namely
1) Leptotene, 2) Zygotene, 3) Pachytene, 4) Diplotene and 5) Diakinesis

Everything Channel

1. Leptotene:- The nucleus increases in size by

absorbing water from the cytoplasm. The
chromo somes are long, slender and show
beads like structures called chromomeres.
2. Zygotene:-Chromosomes (The homologous)
start pairing together by a process called syn-
apsis and result in the formation of "Synap-
tonemal Com plex". This complexed chromo-
somes are called biva lent or tetrad of chro-
3. Pachytene:- In this stage bivalent chromo-
some appear clearly as tetroids. Pachytene is
characte rised by the appearance of recombi-
nation nodules which are the sites where
crossing over occur between non sister chro-
matids of homologous chromosome. Here the
exchange of genetic material between two ho-
mologous chromosome will take place by the
involvement of recombinase enzyme. Cross-
ing leads to recombination of genetic mate-
rial an the two chromosomes and it is com-
pleted by the end of pachytene. Finally chro-
mosome will leaved: from the links.
48 Basic Learning Material

4. Diplotene:- The dissolution of the synaptone mal complex begins and the homologous
chromo somes of the bivalents separate from each other and except at the sites of
crossing over. These X Shaped structures are called "Chiasmata".
5. Diakinesis:- This is marked by terminalisation of chiasmata chromosomes get fully
condensed and the meiotic spindle is assembled to prepare the homologous chromo-
somes for separation by the end of diakinesis the nucleous disappears.
2. Mention the key features of meiosis.
A. 1. Mention involves two sequential cycles of nuclear and cell division called meiosis-I
and meiosis-II but only a single of DNA replication.
2. Meiosis-II is initiated after the parental chromosome have replicated to produce iden-
tical sister chromotids at the S phape.
3. Meiosis involves pairing of homologous chromosomes and recombination between
Everything Channel

4. Four haploid cells are formed at the end of meiosis-II

Meiotic even cab be grouped under the following
Meiosis-I Meiosis - II
Prophase - I Prophase-II
Metaphase -I Metaphase - II
Anaphase - I Anaphase - II
Telophase - I Telophase - II
3. Which division is necessary to maintain constant chromosome number in all body
cells of multicellular organism and Why?
A. • Mitosis division is necessary to maintain constant chromosome number in all body
cells of multicellular organisms.
1. The type of division in somatic cells is mitotic only and in multicellular organisms life
cycle start with a single cell called zygote. The zygote is diploid cell and shows differ-
ent levels of organism and finally develop into organism. All these cells have same
number of chromosome.
2. Mitosis result in the production of diploid daughter cells with identical material to that
of the parental cell. So, the growth of multicellular organism due to mitosis.
3. Cell growth result in distributing the ratio between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. It
there fore becomes essential for the cell to divide to restore the nucleo cytoplasmic
4. Mitotic divisions in the meristamatic tissues, the apical and the lateral meristems result
in a continuous growth of plant through out their life.
Botany-I 49

4. Through redundantly described as a resting phase, interphase does not really involv
rest. Comment.
A. Interphase:-During interphase, the cell is growing and preparing for mitosis by accumalati
nutrients and replicating DNA. Inter phase is longest phase in cell cycle. Through this
phase is some time called resting stage, but it is infact the most active phase of the cell
The inter phase divided into three phases they are
1) G1 phase (Gap 1) 2) S phase (Synthesis) 3) G, phase (Gap 2)
1. G1 phase:- G1, stage separates end of mitosis and the start of synthesis phase. During
G phases the cell is metabolically active and continuously grows but does not replicate
its DNA.
2. S phase:- Synthesis phase mark the period during which DNA synthesis or replication
tak place. During this time the amount of DNA per cell double. If the intial amount of
Everything Channel
DNA is denot as 2c, then it is increase to 4c. However there is no increase in the
chromosome number.

3. G2 phase:- During the G2 phase proteins are synthesised in preparation for mitosis
while cell growth continues. “Hence inter phase is not a resting phase”.
Note: According to scheme of valuation.. G1 - 1 M, S-1 M, G2-1 M, Diagram - 1 M
1. Discuss on the statement-Telophass is reverse of prophase.
A. * The changes occurring in telophase are almost reverse to
those which take place in prophase.
* The daughter chromosomes reach opposite poles.
* These daughter chromosomes lengthen and their
visibility decreases due to decondensation of chromatin.
* The kinetochore fibres disapperar.
* The nuclear membrane reappears.
* Nucleolus, golgi complex and ER reform. Telophase
* Thus at the end of elophase, two independent daughter nuclei are organised in the
same mother cell.
50 Basic Learning Material

2. What are the various stages of meiotic prophase I ? Enumerate the chromosomes
events during each disease.
A. Meiosis is longer and consists of five sub phase they are namely
1) Leptotene, 2) Zygotene, 3) Pachytene, 4) Diplotene and 5) Diakinesis

1. Leptotene:- The nucleus increases in size by absorbing water from the cytoplasm. The
chromo somes are long, slender and show beads like structures called chromomeres.
2. Zygotene:-Chromosomes (The homologous) start pairing together by a process called
Everything Channel
synapsis and result in the formation of "Synaptonemal Com plex". This complexed
chromosomes are called biva lent or tetrad of chromatids.
3. Pachytene:- In this stage bivalent chromosome appear clearly as tetroids. Pachytene
is characte rised by the appearance of recombination nodules which are the sites where
crossing over occur between non sister chromatids of homologous chromosome. Here
the exchange of genetic material between two
homologous chromosome will take place by
the involvement of recombinase enzyme.
Crossing leads to recombination of genetic
material an the two chromosomes and it is
completed by the end of pachytene. Finally
chromosome will leaved: from the links.
4. Diplotene:- The dissolution of the synaptone
mal complex begins and the homologous
chromo somes of the bivalents separate from
each other and except at the sites of crossing
over. These X Shaped structures are called
5. Diakinesis:- This is marked by terminali-
sation of chiasmata chromosomes get fully
condensed and the meiotic spindle is
assembled to prepare the homologous
chromosomes for separation by the end of
diakinesis the nucleous disappears.
Botany-I 51

2. Differentiate between the events of mitosis and meiosis.

Ans Mitosis Meiosis
1. It occurs in both haploid and 1. It occurs only in diploid organisms.
diploid organisms.
2. It occurs in somatic cells. 2. It occurs in the reproductive cells.
3. Nucleus divides once. 3. Nucleus divides twice.
4. Daughter cells are identical. 4. Daughter cells are not identical
5. Two daughter cells are formed. 5. Four daughter cells are formed.
6. Prophase is simple. 6. Prophase is complicated and shows five
7. Pairing of chromosomes does 7. Homologous chromosomes pair to
not occur. form bivalents.
8. Both chaismata and crossing 8. Crossing over occurs between non-sister
Everything Channel
over are absent. chromatids and chiasmata are formed
9. Centromeres undergo division in 9. Centromeres do not divide in anaphase-I
anaphase. but divide in anaphase-II.
10. Daughter chromosomes move to the 10. Bivalents are separated. They move t op
opposite poles. posite ples.
11. The chromosome number of 11. The chromosome number of daughter
daughter nuclei is unchanged. nuclei is reduced to half.
12. Duration of time is less. 12. Duration of time is more.

4. Write brief note on the following:

a) Synaptonemal complex
b) Metaphase plate
A. a) Synaptonemal complex: During the Leptotene of prophase I, chromosome start
pairing together and this process of association is called synapsis.
1) Such paired chromosomes are called homologous chromosome.
2) Electron micrographs of this stage indicate that chromosome synapsis is
accompanied by the foramtion of complex structure called synoptonemalcomplex.
3) The complex formed by a pair of homologous synapsed homologous chromosomes
is called a bivalent or a tetrad of chromatids.
b) Metaphase plate: In Metaphase two important changes take place.
1) Formation of bipolar spindle fibres and attach the same to the kinetochores of
2) All the chromosomes lie at the equator.
52 Basic Learning Material

3) The plane of alignment of the chromosomes at metaphase is referred to as the

metaphase plate or equatorial plate.
5. Write briefly the significance of mitosis and meiosis in multicellular organism.
A. Significance of mitosis:
1) Growth in organism is caused by mitosis and it restores the surface or volume ratio of
the cell.
2) The daughter cells formed by motosis are identical with the mother cell. Hence it is
important in conserving the genetic integrity of the organism.
3) In unicellular organisms, mitosis helps in reproduction.
4) Mitosis helps in wound healing and regeneration of lost plant parts.
5) Mitosis helps for grafting in vegetative reproduction.
6) It maintains a constant number of chromosomes in all the cells of the body.
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Significance of meiosis:
1) It helps in the maintenance of a constant chromosome number from one generation to
the next.
2) Due to crossing over, genetic recombinations are caused which help in genetic variation
and origin of new species and leads to evolution.
Botany-I 53

Unit 6


Everything Channel
1) Draw illustrations to bring out the anatomical differences between a) Monocot root
and Dicot root b) Monocot stem and dicot stem
a. Monocot Root Dicot Root
1. Pericycle produces only lateral roots 1. Pericycle produces lateral roots &
Vascular cambium develop during
secondary growth
2. Vascular bundles are more than six 2. Vascular bundles range from two to four.
3. Pith is large and well developed 3. Pith is small or inconcspicuous
4. Secondary growth is absent 4. Secondary growth is present
5. Cortex is big 5. Cortex is relatively smaller
6. Medulla is very big 6. Medulla is very small or absent

Monocot Root Dicot Root

54 Basic Learning Material

b. Differences between Monocot stem and Dicot stem

Monocot Stem Dicot Stem
1. Trichomes are absent 1. Trichomes are present
2. Cortex is highly reduced 2. Cortex is well developed
3. Hypodermis is sclerenchymatous 3. Hypodermis is collenchymatous
4. Endodermis is absent 4. Endodermis is present as starch sheath
5. Pericycle is absent 5. Pericycle is present
6. Vascular bundles are numerous 6. Vascular bundles are few in number
7. Vascular bundles are oval shaped 7. Vascular bundles are wedge shaped
8. Vascular bundle is enclosed by fibrous 8. Vascular bundle is not enclosed by
sheath (fibro-vascular bundle) fibrous sheath
9. Vascular bundles are closed type 9. Vascular bundles are open type
10. Xylem vessels are more in number 10. Xylem vessels are more in number
Everything Channel
11. Protoxylem lacunae are present 11. Protoxylem lacunae are absent
12. Medulla and medullary rays are 12. Medulla and medullary rays are present
13. Vessels are in “Y” shape 13. Vessel are in serial order
14. Phloem parenchyma is absent 14. Phloem parenchyma is present
Botany-I 55

2) Describe the T.S Of a Dicot Stem

A. T.S of Dicot Stem shows three main parts. They are 1. Epidermis II. Cortex III. Stele
I. Epidermis:
1. Epidermis is the outermost layer.
2. It is made up of single layered parenchymatous cells
3. Stomata and cuticle are present
4. Trichomes are present and they prevent the entry of pathogenic micro organisms
5. Stomata helps for gaseous exchange
6. Epidermis protects innermost tissues.
II. Cortex: The part between epidermis and stele
is called cortex. It has three subzones i)
Hypodermis ii) General Cortex iii)
Everything Channel
i) Hypodermis:
1. Hypodermis is present below the
2. It is madeup of collenchyma and gives
mechanical strength.
3. Hypodermis helps in photosynthesis.
ii) General Cortex:
1. It is found beneath the hypodermis and is
made up of 5 to 10 rows of thin walled
2. Shape of cortex cell is oval or spherical
3. They are arranged loosely without any intercellular spaces
4. General cortex helps in storage.
iii) Endodermis:
1. Inner most layer of cortex is called Endodermis
2. The cells are barrel shaped; compactly arranged without
any intercellular spaces.
3. The radial walls show lens shaped thickenings called
casparian bands
4. Endodermal cells contain starch grain. Hence, it is also known as starch sheath.
III Stele: Stele is the central conducting cylinder.
It occupies major part of of the stem and is well developed.
It is composed of i) Pericycle ii) Vascular bundles iii) Medulla iv) Medullary Rays
i) Pericycle: It is the region between the endodermis and vasculary bundles.
56 Basic Learning Material

ii) Vascular bundles:

- Some 15 to 20 Vascular bundles are arranged like a ring, called “Eustele”.
- Each Vascular bundle is wedge shaped, conjoint, collateral, open.
- The vascular bundles are concerned with the conduction of water, salts and food
- Xylem is Endarch. In between the phloem and xylem, fasicular cambium is
iii) Medulla:
- Medulla is the large central part of steel and is madeup of parenchyma
- It helps in storage.
iv) Medullary rays:
- The cells of medulla extend to the periphery in between vascular bundles
- The medullary rays help in lateral conduction.
Everything Channel
3) Describe the T.S of Monocot stem.
A. T.S of Monocot stem shows Four main parts. They are
1. Epidermis II. Hypodermis III. Ground tissue IV. Vascular bundles
I. Epidermis:
1. Epidermis is the outermost layer.
2. It is madeup of single layered parenchymatous cells
3. Stomata and cuticle are present.
4. Trichomes are absent
5. Stomata helps for gaseous exchange
6. Epidermis protects inner most tissues.
II. Hypodermis:
1. Hypodermis is present below the epidermis
2. It is made-up if sclerenchyma and gives mechanical strength.
III. Ground Tissue:
1. Except vascular bundles, remaining portion is called groud tissue.
2. It is made-up of parenchyma
3. It participates in synthesis of food materials and storage
4. Vascular bundles are scattered in the ground tissues.
5. In monocot stems, endodermis is absent.
IV Vascular bundles:
- Many vascular bundles are scattered in the ground tissue.
- Vascular bundles are surrounded by bundle sheath
- Cambium is absent
- Bundles are conjoint, Collatreal, closed.
Botany-I 57

Everything Channel

4) Describe the internal structure of a Dicot Root.

A. T.S of Dicot Root shows three main parts. They are 1. Epidermis II. Cortex. III. Stele
I. Epidermis:
1. Epidermis is the outermost layer.
2. It is madeup of single layered parenchymatous cells.
3. Cuticle and stomate are absent.
4. Unicellular Root hairs are seen and they help in absorption of water.
5. Epidermis is useful in the protection of
inner tissue.
II. Cortex:
- The region between epidermis and stele
is called Cortex
- In roots cortex is bigger than stele
i) Exodermis:
- It is 2 to 3 layered thick suberised cells.
- When epidermis is removed, exodermis
acts as the protective layer.
- It prevents the exit of water from cortex
ii) General Cortex:
- It is present under the exodermis
- It is made up of parenchyma cells
- It helps in lateral conduction of water
iii) Endodermis:
- It is the inner most layer of the cortex.
58 Basic Learning Material

- Here, cells are tightly arranged

- Radial walls show casparian thickenings
III) Stele:
- Stele is the central portion of a root
- It has i) Pericycle ii) Vascular bundles iii) Medulla
i) Pericycle:
- Pericycle is with single layer of cells surrounding the stele
- Lateral roots originate from pericycle cells
ii) Vascular bundles:
- Vascular bundles contain xyem and phloem on seperate radii
- Usually 4 xylem bundles alternate with 4 phloem bundles. This condition is called
- Number of bundles vary from one to four.
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- Xylem is exarch. Xylem transports water. Phloem transports food materials.
iii) Medulla (or) Pith:
- Medulla is small (or) absent.
- Whenever medulla is preent, it will be made up of parenchyma. It helps in the
storage of food and water.
5) Describe the internal structure of a Monocot Root
A. T.S of Monocot Root shows three main parts. They are 1. Epidermis II Cortex III. Stele
I Epidermis:
1. Epidermis is the outermost layer.
2. It is madeup of single layered
parenchymatous cells
3. Cuticle and stomata are absent
4. Unicellular Root hairs are seen and
they help in absorption of water
5. Epidermis is useful in the protection
of inner tissue.
II Cortex:
- Cortex is present between epidermis
and endodermis
- It is made-up of parenchymatous
- Intercellular spaces are present.
- It is the inner most layer of the
Botany-I 59

- Here, Cells are tightly arranged.

- Radial walls show casparian
III Stele:
1. Stele is the central portion of root.
2. It has i) Pericycle ii) Vascular bundles iii) Medulla
i) Pericycle:
- It is a thin layer of cells found beneath the endodermis, surrounding the stele.
- It is madeup of parenchyma
- Lateral Roots are developed from pericycle
ii) Vascular bundles:
- Vascular bundles contain xylem and phloem on seperate radii.
- Number of bundles vary from 6 to 8
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- Xylem is exarch. Xylem transports water. Phloem transports food
iii) Medulla (or) Pith:
- Medulla is well developed and is madeup of parenchyma
- It helps in storage.
60 Basic Learning Material

Unit 7


1. Name the type of land plants that can tolerate the salinties of the sea ?
A. *Halophytes
2. Define heliophytes and sciophytes. Name a plant from your locality that is either
heliophyte or sciophyte?
A. *Plants which grow in direct sunlight are called ‘heliophytes”
Ex:-Tridax,grass plants, sun flower.
*Plants which grow in shady places are called “Sciophytes”.
Ex:-Ferns, Mosses.
3. Define population and community ?
A. Population: A group of similar Individuals belonging to the same species found in an area.
Community : A community is an assemblages of all the populations belonging to different
species found in an area.
4. Define communites ? Who classified plant communities into hydrophytes, mesophytes
and xerophytes?
A. *A community is an assemblages of all the populatiion belonging to different species found
in an area.
*Eugen warming.
5. Hydrophytes show reduced xylem. Why?
A. “Hydrophytes show reduced xylem’. because they can obsorb the water “ from the body
surface also”.
Botany-I 61


1. What are Hydrophytes ? Briefly discuss the different kinds of Hydrophytes with
A. *Plants that grow in water or in wet places are Hydrophytes . These are further sub-divided
into five categories, according to their mode of living in water.
*Free floating hydrophytes: These have no contact with soil and thus float freely on water
Ex:-Pistia, Eichornia, Lemna, Salvinia
*Rooted hydrophytes with floating leaves : Roots of these are fixed to substratum but
their long petiolated leaves keep them floating on water surface.
Ex:-Nymphaea, Victoria regia.
*Sabmerged suspended hydrophytes: These are not rooted in the mud. But they are
completely sumberged and suspended in water.
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Ex:-Hydrilla, Utricularia.
*Submerged rooted Hydrophytes: These are rooted at the bottom of the pond and remain
completely submerged in the water.
*.Amphibious plants: These live partly in water and partly in air.
Ex:-Typha, Sagittaria, Limnophila.
2. Enumarate the morphological adaptations of hydrophytes?
A. Roots:
*Roots may be absent or poorly developed.
*Roots, if present are generally fibrous and unbranched or poorly branched.
*Root caps are usually absent. In some amphibious plants root caps are developed.
*In some plants, root caps are replaced by root packets. Ex:-Pistia.
*Stem is long, slender flexible.
*Leaves are thin, either long and ribbon shaped and linear or finely dissected.
*Floating leaves are large and float with their upper surfaces coated witgh wax.
3. List out the anatomial adaptations of hydrophytes?
A. *Cuticle is totally absent in the submeaged parts of the plants. It may be present in the form
of very fine film on the surface of parts exposed to atmosphere.
*Stomata are totally absent in submerged hydrophytes.
*In plants with floating leaves the leaves are epistomatous (Stomata on upper surface)
*The epidermis is composed of thin walled cells and gases exchange takes place directly
through the thin cell walls by diffiusion.
*All hydrophytes contain aerenchyma that helps in gaseous exchange and buoyancy.
*Mechanical tissues and xylem are poorly developed.
62 Basic Learning Material

4. Write a brief account on classification of xerophytes?

A. *Plants growing in water deficient or physiologically dry habitats are called xerophytes.
* Xerophytes classified into the following three categeries.
1.Ephemerals 2.Succulents 3.Non succulents.
1. Ephemerals: These are annuals, mostly found in dry zones and complete their life cycle
within a very short period Ex:-Tribulus.
2. Succulents : This absorb large quqantities of water during rainy season and store it in
different plant parts usually in the form of mucilage. As a result plant parts become fleshy
and succulent-Stored water is used during dry periods.
Ex: Succulent Roots -Asparagus
Succulent Stem-Opuntia
Succulent leaves-Aloe
3. Non succulents: These are perennial plants, can with stand prolonged period of drought.
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5. Enumerate the morphological adaptatiions of xerophytes?
A. Roots:
Roots are long with extensive branching, spread over wide areas.
Roots hairs root caps are very well developed.
Stems are stunted, woody hard and covered with thick bark.
Leaves are much reduced, small, scale like and sometime modified into spines to reduce the
rate of transpiration.
6. Give in detail the anatomical adaptations of xerophytes?
A. *Epidermis is covered with thick cuticle to reduce the rate of transpiration.
*Epidermal cells may have silica crystals.
*Epidermis may be multilayered . Ex:-Nerium
*Stomata are generally present on lower epidermis, sunken stomata present in some plants.
Ex: Nerium
*Mechanical tissues are well developed.
*Vascular tissues are well developed.

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