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Class # Exploring the Guitar and Basics of Music Composition


Description We explore the Guitar and learn a song. We then explore basic
components of music (melody, harmony, bass, chords and rhythm) and
use them to create a remix of the Happy Birthday song!

Class Summary Activity Name Mandatory/Optional Time (in


Introduction and rapport building Mandatory 5 mins

Teacher performance Mandatory 10 mins

Your First Guitar Song Mandatory 15 mins

Happy Birthday Remix Mandatory 15 mins

Wrap-up and pitch Mandatory 15 mins

In-Class Notes for song and backing track for advanced beginners
Resources Applet for Movie activity

Hygiene ● Have a clean and clear background

● Always keep your camera on
● Sufficient Lighting on your face (light should be facing your
face and not your back)
● Instrument should be visible to student
● Keep your phone on silent (Refer How To Ace Trial Class
Section for more details)

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Step #1 Introduction and Rapport Building Time Duration (in mins)

(Get the student to open up and make them 5 mins

Hello, my name is <Teacher Name> and I am going to help you learn Music! I promise this
will be a fun class and you will discover how amazing it is to learn Music just like I did.

May I know your name?

<Wait for student response>

That’s a nice name! Have you learnt any Music before?

<Wait for student response>
<If the student has learnt Music ask them to play something on their instrument and
appreciate enthusiastically>

I’m curious to know why you want to learn Music or what got you interested in learning
<Wait for student response and understand student motivations>

That’s really nice. Let me tell you what kind of Music I like and after that I would love to
hear from you too.
<Teacher shares the kind of Music or songs they like to listen to - favourite band, songs,
interesting memories of performances, first song they learnt.

So that’s about me. What kind of Music do YOU like to listen to?
<Wait for student response>
<Tell the student that they could learn their favourite song or movie theme through the
<If the teacher knows any of the student’s favourite songs then they play them>

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Step #2 Teacher Performance Time Duration (in mins)
(Teacher performs for the student to help 5 mins
them relax and to show them your skill)

I’ve got a little surprise performance for you. Why don’t you sit back and enjoy and I’ll
play some Music for you. After that you can tell me what you liked the most, OK?
<Perform 2 to 3 songs and for each song give a brief introduction about the song>

Did you like that?

<Wait for student response>

Thank you. So which song did you like and what did you like about it?
<Wait for student response and appreciate their response enthusiastically>

It’s amazing isn’t it? You need sugar to taste something sweet or a flower to smell
something nice but with Music you can feel so many different emotions just by listening!

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Step #3 Your First Guitar Song Time Duration (in mins)
(Start from a simple ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ song 15 mins
and then play at an advanced level)

Great, can I see your Guitar?

Enter this section only if student does not have an instrument

No problem, you will not need a Guitar today. I would like to share with you all the
interesting things that you will learn as a part of this course.

Can I do some magic and get you a Guitar right now?

<Wait for student response>

Alright, I’m going to send you a link through chat. I’d like you to open that and tell me
what you see, OK?
<Share this link:>

So what are you seeing on your screen is just part of the Guitar called the ‘Fretboard’
<This is what the student sees on their screen. Ask student to share the screen

Show the similar part on your guitar so that the student recognizes it>

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<Engage in free play exploration of the virtual guitar to give the student a feel of the
actual instrument. Some suggestions to make this fun for the student:
● Play opening line of Hot Cross Buns on 1st string (EDC EDC EEEE DDDD EDC)
● Play a detective theme from the first fret on 1st string (F-F#-G-F#-F)
● Click ‘Play’ on top of the guitar to strum all six strings
● Click ‘Sounds’ on top of the guitar and try different guitars

Did you enjoy that? Now imagine how much more fun it will be to play an actual Guitar!
<Proceed to the Happy Birthday Remix activity>

Enter this section only if student has an instrument that can be used

How long have you been learning the instrument? Can you please play something for
<Listen to response from the student and observe them as they play the Guitar and
decide as follows:
1. Absolute Beginner
a. They’ve not learnt before
b. Unable to play anything meaningful
2. Intermediate Beginner
a. Show basic coordination between both hands and in rhythm
3. Advanced Beginner
a. Able to use two fingers to fret notes
b. Good sense of rhythm

Alright! <Student’s name>

Do you know what tablatures are?
<Share Slide and go to Slide 1 and show them the Guitar Song - Activity 1>

These are called Tablatures or tabs, and are used to read and play the notes on the

I’m gonna quickly explain how you are supposed to read the notes and play them on your
Guitar so listen carefully.

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Right now all the notes given here are on your 1st string i.e. the thinnest string.

The numbers given indicate which number of fret you are supposed to place your finger
on. For eg :- If the number shows 1, you need to place your finger number one <Show
Index Finger> on the first fret and press the string against the fret and strike the string
with the plectrum/finger simultaneously.

Like this, watch and listen very carefully.

<Teacher to demonstrate Fretting action and picking/plucking action>

If it shows 2, then move that finger to fret number two and play the note.
<Teacher to demonstrate the moving of the hand and fretting action, highlighting how
the thumb behind the neck and index finger over the string create a strong pressing
action >

If the number shows “0” that means you need to play that particular string open like this.
<Teacher to demonstrate>
Follow the same process for whatever number is shown.

Now I want you to try and play exactly how I did

Are you ready <Student name>?
<Student Responds>

Excellent! Please begin

<Student Plays>

<Teacher to observe and assess the student on the student’s Coordination and Clarity of

Teacher can ask the student to repeat the activity if they find that the student could do
better in terms of Coordination and Clarity>

When asking the student to repeat the activity remember to make them focus on -
Playing slow and steady, focus on the fretting action>

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<Encourage and help the student play this song. Proceed to Happy Birthday Remix
activity if only 35 minutes or less are remaining>

Stop here for Absolute Beginner

That was great progress! Now let’s learn the rest of this song as well. Then you can play
it from start to finish all by yourself.

<Go to Slide 2 and show them the Guitar Song - Activity 2 while screen sharing>

<Encourage and help the student play this song. Proceed to Happy Birthday Remix
activity if only 35 minutes or less are remaining>

Stop here for Intermediate Beginner

Superb! I have a surprise for you! I want you to experience what it feels like playing with
a band so I created a track for this song which has other instruments including drums so
that you can be the lead guitarist!

Let me start the track. We can listen to it once and then you can play once you feel you
are ready.

<Play the track and let the student understand the tempo>

<Encourage the student to play in rhythm to the song.

End activity when 35 minutes are remaining

That was simply superb! Now I guess you have an idea what it might feel like to play
with a band :)

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Step #4 Happy Birthday Remix Time Duration: 20 mins
(Students perform a remix of the Happy
Birthday song on MusiQuest)

When we learn music we learn how to express our emotions through different songs.
Just like a pizza which has many ingredients and depending on what you choose to add
you get a different kind of pizza!

Similarly, there are many ingredients which we use in music and today I will introduce the
two most important ingredients!

Understanding Melody
The first ingredient is called Melody. This is the tune that you hum when you are singing
a song. This tune sets the mood for the song and can make it happy or sad. Do you want
to see?
<Play C-major i.e. C-E-G once and then C-minor ie. C-Eb-G and ask the student what
difference did they feel?>

Can you hum a happy and sad sounding melody for me?
<Encourage student to respond and make up a melody>


Understanding Rhythm
The second ingredient is called rhythm. Rhythm is a repeating pattern and depending on
how fast the pattern is it also gives the Music a sense of speed. For example, when a train
is pulling off the station you hear a slow choo-choo-choo but when it is speeding you
hear the same choo-choo-choo faster.

So for a train, the rhythm is choo-choo-choo!

Can you tell me the rhythm for a marching band?

<Wait for response and congratulate for correct answer or guide them towards it>

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Even a simple rhythm with a drum or a pen or a spoon can be Music without any melody.
Just the way you might make a pizza with just cheese! Listen to this!
<Orally or with a nearby object perform a simple percussion like a drum beat>

Do you also want to try it? Go ahead, it’s a lot of fun!

<Encourage the child to perform and ask them to change tempo to further explain the
difference between fast and slow rhythm>

To help you understand Melody and Rhythm better we are going to do another fun
activity. This time we will create a remix of the famous Happy Birthday song and you can
choose which type of version you want!

Please click on the Happy Birthday MusiQuest activity link that you can see on your
screen on the right hand side.
In case the activity does not launch share activity link via chat to student:

<The student will see the screen below. The student can click on the arrows at the
bottom of the screen to navigate and check all the Happy Birthday options>

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So here are your options, which one do you think you will like the most?
1. Hip Hop
2. Tropical - as if you are celebrating your birthday on a beach
3. Techno - this has a groovy and dance like mood
4. Rock!

<Students interested in Guitar will like the ‘Rock’ version so guide them to explore that
as the preferred option.

Start the Happy Birthday quest based on the student’s choice and start guiding the
student to explore different musical instruments and have fun with the groove!>

<Melody Section

The Melody comes first and the student can click on the dotted box suggestions and hear
it along the way. Let the student get an intuitive sense of the way notes go high and low
as per the melody.

Once all the dotted boxes are clicked they can hit the play button and hear the melody
and if required also change the instrument by clicking on the Melody icon on the right
side. If satisfied, ask student to click on the blue arrow to go to the Rhythm section.

Remember: The next arrow will appear only after all dotted boxes have been clicked.

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Rhythm Section

In this section the student adds drums to the music.

Tip: Let the music keep playing as the student adds drums. The drums section is more
complex so some kids may not enjoy it without the background music.

Once completed, encourage them to try other drum kits.

If satisfied, ask the student to click on the blue arrow to complete the song.

Wow! That’s a really nice version of Happy Birthday! Can you click on the blue arrow and
we can save it.

I loved how you stayed focused throughout the activity. So here you go!
<You can give the student a hat for ‘Concentration’ as a reward for their focus!>

Remember: The next arrow will appear only after all dotted boxes have been clicked.

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On clicking the blue arrow the student sees a pop-up that looks like this.

Remember: The student should click on ‘Save Song’ otherwise it will not be saved.

Tip: If there are more than 25 mins left in the trial class then you can also try to Harmony
/ Chords / Bass to the composition.

You were really fast, shall we add some bass to this music to make it even more fun?

Great, let me show you how to do that.

After clicking on ‘Save Song’ click on ‘Exit’ and you will see a screen that looks like this:

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Guide the student to click on the Red Arrow on the top left side.

This will take you to the main account page which looks like this:

Next, the student should click on the ‘My Library’ icon at the bottom of the screen which
will take you to the library that has the song created by the student.

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Ask the student to click on the song created by them and it will take you back to the song
and all other options will be available to add Harmony / Bass / Chords.

Explore further and when it is time for wrap up ask the student to click on the ‘Home’
icon on the top right to save the song.

That’s amazing! You can now send it as a musical greeting card to your friends!

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Step #5 Wrap up and pitch (mandatory) Time duration: 15 mins
(Convince the parent about the course and
encourage them to enroll the student)

I had a lot of fun today! Did you enjoy the class too?
<Wait for student response and reaction>

Let us quickly summarize what we learnt in the class today:

● Basics of Guitar - Note locations of the C,D,E,F,G,A,B notes, picking and fretting
● Melody - The most important ingredient of Music and this is what you sing
● Rhythm - The repeating pattern that you hear in music

Remember to share your Happy Birthday song with your friends! I think it sounds great
and they will love it.

Now I would like to have a word with your parents. Would you mind calling your mother
or father?

Teachers can use the script below for their pitch depending on the time available.

Suggested Elevator Pitch (If you have less than 5 mins with the parent)
<Student Name> was wonderful in the class today. I really enjoyed the class too! Let me
tell you about the course in brief.

Perform for Music has a very modern, performance and creativity based curriculum.

Students learn music through songs they choose, there are around 15 to 20 live
performance opportunities for them in which they perform before a global audience and
they learn up to 35 songs.

There are around 25 different music related games that students can access after the
class which improve their rhythm skills, listening skills and note knowledge.

The program also has many global opportunities for children like publishing their music
on Spotify, iTunes, and 150 other global music streaming platforms and participating in
global events like Note Ninja, Groove Master etc.

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Talented children get to spend 4 weeks at a top global music institute and it is fully
funded by the company.

I would love to teach <Student Name> before my slots fill up. The Academic Counsellor
will call you after the class to share more details about the course and how to enroll.

Thank you and have a good day!

Suggested Detailed Pitch (If you have more than 5 mins with the parent)

<Open the wrap up pitch by clicking on the ‘Slides’ option on the panel>

Hello Sir / Madam, hope you are doing well. I had a blast with <Student name> today.

May I know why you are considering a Music course for <Student name>?
<Wait for response>

That’s very interesting. Let me also share something really interesting we found about
the impact of Music on early childhood.

Slide 1
You can see that it has a clear impact on the character traits of children including grit,
motivation and creative pursuits. I especially like the point about Grit because in Music
children rarely get anything correct the first time but they have to stay at it and finally
they learn and then really enjoy the feeling of having learnt something new.

Even in academics, there is research that suggests that children who undergo intensive
music instrument learning are on an average 1 year ahead of their peers.

Slide 2
I’m sure you recognized the picture. This is Einstein. Whenever you think about him you
probably imagine him in a lab doing some experiment.

But did you know that he was actually a very good violin player? In fact, he lovingly
called his violin ‘Lina’! Einstein started learning the violin when he was six years old.

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He did not make all his amazing discoveries because he learnt violin but his son
mentioned clearly in a memoir that Einstein played the violin as a way to help him
whenever he felt that he was stuck or in a bad situation.

In fact, Einstein used to arrange for recitals at his home where he would invite well
known musicians to come and play.

We believe this is a great example of how Music can be a companion for life and become
a source of passion and inspiration which is always there with the student.

Slide 3
As a summary, here are a few things that students do as a part of the course.

There are regular recital events in which the students get to perform before other
students and their families and it is a global audience. This really boosts the confidence
of students as they are performing live.

The course also stands out because it encourages students to compose and improve
starting right from the first class. In fact, even today in the trial class, we created a fun
remix of the Happy Birthday song,
<If the student is nearby you can ask them to play the Happy Birthday Remix or replay
the movie from the movie activity>

We encourage children to choose songs that they like and then teach them the technical
skills through those songs. The curriculum team does a lot of research for choosing the
list of songs so that they help in building skills and are also loved by students.

Lastly, the main purpose of the course is to make instrument learning really enjoyable.
There are over 25 different games that students have access to which build their listening
skills, rhythm skills and ability to read music.

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Slide 4
The company has a global reach and is present in many countries so the course has been
designed for a global audience. It has many exciting projects and contests that are not in
any other music course, for example:
● After 48 classes students compose the background score for an audiobook and
publish it on Audible (part of Amazon)
● After 144 classes they compose their own single and publish it on Spotify, iTunes
and over 150 global music streaming platforms
● There are also global contests like Note Ninja, Groove Master etc where students
win exciting rewards
● Lastly, there is a special program for talented students in which they go to the
campus of a top global institute for a 4-week course and this is fully paid by the

Slide 5
This is the course structure. There are 3 levels in the course.

Discovery Level has 4 classes. We created this to build an interest for music learning
among students. As part of this level we use an award winning audio workstation called
MusiQuest. They learn fundamentals of music like melody, rhythm, harmony etc and
create a lullaby, a rock song, an ice cream commercial and a classical song too. They also
explore different instruments which helps them figure out what they would like to learn.

If the student is sure about the instrument they would like to learn then you can start
directly with the Novice Level.

Novice Level has 48 classes and here we build a strong foundation in the instrument and
also music theory. They also compose simple music and are able to express themselves
fairly well through Music.

Mastery Level has 144 classes and as the name suggests here the students develop
advanced skills, compose well structured music and become very adept at delivering live
performances. After this level students are usually well prepared to play in their school
or college bands.

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I have more details about the curriculum for <Piano / Guitar> and will be happy to walk
you through it if you are curious to know more.

<Wait for response and if the parent is curious share more details about the curriculum
which are in the later slides>

Thank you again for your time. I hope you got all the details you needed to consider
enrolling <student name>. I strongly recommend that you start as soon as you can.
Childhood is the best time to learn music and it is also when they benefit the most from

I eagerly look forward to starting the classes with <student name>.

Good bye!
<Mark class as completed>

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In-Class Activities
(Teacher Led)

Wrap-Up PPT


In-Class Activities
(Student Led)

Your First Guitar Song - PPT

Activity 1 d/1t-SsWPwxKJt6414cerlb

Your First Guitar Song - PPT

Activity 2 d/1t-SsWPwxKJt6414cerlb

Your First Guitar Song - MP4 (Video)

Activity 3 d/1FLzEgbiBVUJtKiYh2ZTm

Happy Birthday Remix MusiQuest URL


Post-Class Activities

Post-Class Quiz Not Applicable Not Applicable

Post-Class Project (If Any) Not Applicable Not Applicable

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Post-Class Song Practice (If Not Applicable Not Applicable


(Class Summary)

Concepts Covered Today Not Applicable

New Project Unlocked Not Applicable

New Challenge Unlocked Not Applicable

What’s Next? Not Applicable

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© 2021 - WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited.
Note: This document is the original copyright of WhiteHat Education Technology Private Limited.
Please don't share, download or copy this file without permission.

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