Iwrbs Q1 Week3
Iwrbs Q1 Week3
Iwrbs Q1 Week3
B. Performance Standards The learner gathers print or web-based articles, photos, editorial, etc. showing the positive or negative effects of religion.
3.1. Identify the positive and negative effects of religions - HUMSS_WRB12-I/IIIc-3.1
3.2. Provide evidence that religion brought about an event in history - HUMSS_WRB12-I/IIIc-3.2
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives 3.3. Justify that religion can have positive or negative effects on society HUMSS_WRB12-I/IIIc-3.3
3.4. Gather print or web-based articles, photos, editorials, etc. showing the positive or negative effects of religion HUMSS_WRB12-I/IIIc-3.4
3. Presenting examples/instances of Present to the class examples of religious Provide students with examples of Show images and videos related to
the new lesson practices and their impact on society and positive and negative effects of religion, the positive effects of religion, such
culture. Use these examples to illustrate
how religion can influence the way
people behave, interact, and organize
such as:
themselves. Some examples may include: as religious charities and
Positive: inspiring acts of kindness,
organizations helping people in
promoting peace and love, fostering
The impact of religion on gender need.
a sense of community and belonging.
roles and family structures Show images and videos related to
Negative: promoting hatred and
The influence of religious practices the negative effects of religion, such
intolerance, inciting violence and
on art, music, and literature as religious conflicts, persecution,
terrorism, perpetuating social
The role of religion in shaping and terrorism.
inequality and discrimination.
politics and governance
The impact of religion on the
environment and ecology
Engage students in a class discussion on
the different ways that religion can
influence culture and society. Encourage
them to share their perspectives and
examples from their own experiences.
Some guiding questions could be: Facilitate a discussion about the positive
and negative effects of religion. Ask Define the terms "positive effects"
How does religion shape the values students to share their own examples and and "negative effects" of religion.
4. Discussing new concepts and
and beliefs of a community? experiences. Use a graphic organizer or Encourage students to brainstorm
practicing new skills #1
What role does religion play in Venn diagram to help students compare and discuss examples of positive and
shaping societal norms and and contrast the positive and negative negative effects of religion.
practices? effects of religion.
How does religion influence the way
people interact and organize
What impact does religion have on
the environment and ecology?
Divide students into groups and
Divide the class into small groups and
Introduce the concept of religious assign them to find print or web-
assign each group to research and present
tolerance and respect. Discuss the based articles, photos, editorials,
on one specific example of religion's
importance of respecting the beliefs of etc., showing the positive or negative
5. Discussing new concepts and influence on culture and society. These
others, even if they differ from our own. effects of religion.
practicing new skills #2 could be the same examples given in the
Share examples of how intolerance and Each group will present their
presentation or any other examples they
discrimination can have negative effects findings to the class, and the class
find interesting. Allow them time to
on individuals and society. will have a discussion about the
prepare and practice their presentations.
presented effects.
6. Developing Mastery Have each group present their findings to Provide an interactive activity where Instruct students to create a poster or
the class. After each presentation, lead a students will be able to demonstrate their infographic that summarizes the
class discussion on the specific example understanding of the effects of religion. positive and negative effects of
presented, focusing on the following Have them work in pairs or small groups religion they have learned in class.
questions: to research a particular religion and They can use the examples they
present the positive and negative effects found in the previous activity or add
What was the impact of religion on
the culture or society in this
How did religion shape the practices
or values of the people in this it has had on society. They can present new ones.
example? their findings through a poster, video, or Encourage them to be creative and
What are the implications of this oral presentation. use visuals to enhance their message.
example for understanding the
relationship between religion,
culture, and society?
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other