MCDM RPG Patreon Packet 1 Creatures No Formatting
MCDM RPG Patreon Packet 1 Creatures No Formatting
MCDM RPG Patreon Packet 1 Creatures No Formatting
Characteristics Score
Characteristics Score
Might 3
Might 1
Agility 1
Agility 1
Endurance 2
Endurance 1
Reason 0
Reason 0
Intuition 0
Intuition 0
Presence 0
Presence 0
Shield? Shield! The legionary has Weapon immunity 3 if an
adjacent ally also has this trait. Testudo: At the start of a combat encounter, the tiro picks a
creature to be their commander. That commander gains Weapon
BASIC ATTACKS immunity 1 for each tiro who is adjacent to the commander and
isn’t dazed or prone, to a maximum of immunity 4.
Gladius Stab
Keywords: Atack, Weapon Time: Ac�on BASIC ATTACKS
Distance: Melee 1 Target: 1 creature or object
Pugio Puncture
Damage: 2d6 + 4
Keywords: Atack, Group, Weapon Time: Ac�on
Effect: The target is taunted by the kobold un�l the end of the
Distance: 5 Target: 1 creature or object
target’s next turn.
Damage: 1d4
Shield Bash
Type: Atack, Weapon Time: Ac�on
Distance: Melee 1 Target: 1 creature or object
Damage: 2d6 + 4
Effect (TN 10 MGT Resists): The target is knocked prone.
You Come Here!
Keywords: — Time: Triggered ac�on
Trigger: An enemy within 3 squares moves or starts their turn
adjacent to an ally of the legionary.
Effect: The legionary pulls the enemy up to 3 squares.
Then We Light the Net On Fire!
Keywords: — Time: Maneuver
Distance: Melee Target: 1 creature restrained
by the venator’s Spiked Net
Effect: The creature takes ongoing 5 fire damage for as long as they
remain restrained.
Characteristics Score
Intuition 1
Presence 1
The essence can use each of these abilities once per encounter, but
Skills (+1 Boon to Tests): Acrobatics, Notice can use only one villain ability per round.
Force Move Defense: Whenever the essence is force moved by an Inhale
enemy, the distance they are moved is reduced by 2. Keywords: Atack, Magic Time: Ac�on
Full-Speed Grappler: The essence can move at full speed while Distance: 5 cube within 1 square Target: Each enemy
grappling other creatures. Damage: 2d6 + 5
Solo Turns: The essence takes two turns each round. They can use Effect (TN 11 MGT Resists): If the target is size 1, the essence draws
two actions on each of their turns and can take each turn after an the target into their body and the target is physically grappled by
enemy turn they choose. While dazed, the essence can take one the essence. While inside the essence, a target takes 2d8 sonic
action and one maneuver per turn. damage at the start of each of their turns, and they suffer 1 bane
Vortex Aura: The area within 5 squares of the essence is difficult on atacks. A creature inside the essence can’t be affected by any
terrain for their enemies. effect that originates outside it, but they can target the essence
with atacks and abili�es. If this grapple ends, the creature exits the
BASIC ATTACKS essence and appears in an unoccupied adjacent space of their
choice. The essence can grapple up to eight creatures this way.
Lightning Lasso
Keywords: Atack, Magic, Weapon Time: Ac�on
Healing Thunder
Distance: 10 Target: 1 creature or object Keywords: Atack, Magic Time: Ac�on
Atack: 2d6 + 5 lightning
Distance: 2 burst, self Target: Each enemy, plus each
Effect (TN 11 MGT Resists): The essence pulls the target up to 5 creature within the essence
squares. If the target takes damage from being pulled into an object Damage: 2d6 + 5 sonic
or a fall, they take an addi�onal 5 sonic damage.
Effect: The essence regains 10 Health for each target damaged.
Wind Talons
Keywords: Atack, Magic, Weapon Time: Ac�on Lightning Squall
Distance: Melee 1 Target: 1 creature or object Keywords: Atack, Magic Time: Ac�on
Atack: 2d6 + 5 Distance: 3 burst, self Target: Each enemy, plus each
creature within the essence
Effect (TN 11 MGT Resists): The essence tosses the target up to 5
squares. Damage: 2d6 + 2d8 + 5 lightning
Slowing Storm (2/encounter)
Keywords: Magic Time: Ac�on
Distance: 3 burst Target: Each creature
Atack: 2d6 + 5
Effect (TN 11 END Resists): The target is slowed (resistance ends).
Might 0
Agility 0
Endurance 0
Reason 2
Intuition 0
Presence 0
Skills (+1 Boon to Tests): Knowledge (history), Knowledge (magic),
Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (psionics)
Not in the Face
Keywords: Atack, Weapon Time: Ac�on
Distance: Melee 1 Target: 1 creature or object
Damage: 1d4