Schedule of Interchange and Scheme Fee Costs

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Schedule of Interchange

and Scheme Fee Costs

v2 | Effective from (and including) October 2023

Below, in accordance with European Union Interchange Fee

Regulation rules, you’ll find a detailed overview of the underlying
costs (interchange and scheme fees) for Visa and Mastercard

This tells you how much transactions cost us in a variety of

different scenarios. These are only part of our working costs, but
they’re an important part of what we roll together to produce
your personalised, simplified rates.

See the bottom of the document for a glossary of terms.

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

Page 1 of 19
Personal Debit
(UK and Europe) Part 1/2

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Visa Debit and Prepaid UK Domestic Consumer Debit Chip and Pin 0.20% 0.0424%

Visa Debit and Prepaid UK Domestic Consumer Debit 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 0.20% 0.0474%

Visa Debit and Prepaid UK Domestic Consumer Debit Mail order / Telephone Order 0.20% 0.0474%

Visa Debit and Prepaid Intra-EEA Consumer Debit Chip and Pin 0.20% 0.1681%

Visa Debit and Prepaid Intra-EEA Consumer Debit 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 1.15% 0.3231%

Visa Debit and Prepaid Intra-EEA Consumer Debit Mail order / Telephone Order 1.15% 0.3231%

Visa Debit and Prepaid Intra-Non-EEA Consumer Debit Chip and Pin 0.20% 0.0681%

Visa Debit and Prepaid Intra-Non-EEA Consumer Debit 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 1.15% 0.0731%

Visa Debit and Prepaid Intra-Non-EEA Consumer Debit Mail order / Telephone Order 1.15% 0.0731%

Mastercard Debit and Prepaid UK Domestic Consumer Debit Chip and Pin 0.20% 0.0463%

Mastercard Debit and Prepaid UK Domestic Consumer Debit 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 0.20% 0.1481%

Mastercard Debit and Prepaid UK Domestic Consumer Debit Mail order / Telephone Order 0.20% 0.1034%

Mastercard Debit and Prepaid Intra-EEA Consumer Debit Chip and Pin 0.20% 0.0913%

Mastercard Debit and Prepaid Intra-EEA Consumer Debit 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 1.15% 0.1481%

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

Page 2 of 19
Personal Debit
(UK and Europe) Part 2/2

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Mastercard Debit and Prepaid Intra-EEA Consumer Debit Mail order / Telephone Order 1.15% 0.1034%

Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Debit and Prepaid Consumer -

Mastercard Debit and Prepaid 0.20% 0.0913%
Chip and Pin

Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Debit and Prepaid Consumer -

Mastercard Debit and Prepaid 1.15% 0.1481%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Debit and Prepaid Consumer -

Mastercard Debit and Prepaid 1.15% 0.1481%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - fully authenticated

Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Debit and Prepaid Consumer -

Mastercard Debit and Prepaid 1.15% 0.1034%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Debit and Prepaid Consumer -

Mastercard Debit and Prepaid 0.20% 0.7854%
Chip and Pin

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Debit and Prepaid Consumer -

Mastercard Debit and Prepaid 1.15% 0.9122%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Debit and Prepaid Consumer -

Mastercard Debit and Prepaid 1.15% 0.9122%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - fully authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Debit and Prepaid Consumer -

Mastercard Debit and Prepaid 1.15% 0.8925%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Mastercard Prepaid Mastercard Intra-European Prepaid Platinum - Chip and Pin 0.20% 0.7854%

Mastercard Intra-European Prepaid Platinum - 3D Secure Electronic

Mastercard Prepaid 1.15% 0.9122%
Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Prepaid Platinum - 3D Secure Electronic

Mastercard Prepaid 1.15% 0.9122%
Commerce - fully authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Prepaid Platinum - Mail order / Telephone

Mastercard Prepaid 1.15% 0.8925%

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

Page 3 of 19
Personal Credit
(UK and Europe) Part 1/4

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Visa Credit UK Domestic Chip and Pin 0.30% 0.0385%

Visa Credit UK Domestic Mail order or Telephone Order 0.30% 0.0435%

Visa Credit UK Domestic 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 0.30% 0.0435%

Visa Credit Intra-EEA Chip and Pin 0.30% 0.1495%

Visa Credit Intra-EEA Mail order or Telephone Order 1.50% 0.3045%

Visa Credit Intra-EEA 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 1.50% 0.3045%

Visa Credit Intra-Non-EEA Consumer Debit Chip and Pin 0.30% 0.0495%

Visa Credit Intra-Non-EEA Consumer Debit 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 1.50% 0.0545%

Visa Credit Intra-Non-EEA Consumer Debit Mail order / Telephone Order 1.50% 0.0545%

Mastercard Credit UK Domestic Consumer Credit Chip and Pin 0.30% 0.0398%

Mastercard Credit UK Domestic Consumer Credit 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 0.30% 0.0977%

Mastercard Credit UK Domestic Consumer Credit Mail order / Telephone Order 0.30% 0.0928%

Mastercard Credit Intra-EEA Consumer Credit - Chip and Pin 0.30% 0.0848%

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

Page 4 of 19
Personal Credit
(UK and Europe) Part 2/4

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Mastercard Credit Intra-EEA Consumer Credit 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 1.50% 0.0977%

Mastercard Credit Intra-EEA Consumer Credit Mail order / Telephone Order 1.50% 0.0928%

Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Credit - Standard Card -

Mastercard Credit 0.30% 0.0848%
Chip and Pin

Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Credit - Standard Card - 3D

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.0977%
Secure Electronic Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Credit - Standard Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.0977%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - fully authenticated

Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Credit - Standard Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.0928%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Mastercard Credit Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Credit - World Card - Chip and Pin 0.30% 0.0848%

Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Credit - World Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.0977%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Credit - World Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.0977%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - fully authenticated

Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Credit - World Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.0928%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Credit - World Elite Card -

Mastercard Credit 0.30% 0.0848%
Chip and Pin

Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Credit - World Elite Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.0977%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Credit - World Elite Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.0977%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - fully authenticated

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

Page 5 of 19
Personal Credit
(UK and Europe) Part 3/4

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Mastercard Intra-Western Consumer Credit - World Elite Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.0928%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - Standard Card -

Mastercard Credit 0.30% 0.6137%
Chip and Pin

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - Standard Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - Standard Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - fully authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - Standard Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.7167%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Mastercard Credit Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - Gold Card - Chip and Pin 0.30% 0.6137%

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - Gold Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - Gold Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - fully authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - Gold Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.7167%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - Platinum Card -

Mastercard Credit 0.30% 0.6137%
Chip and Pin

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - Platinum Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - Platinum Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - fully authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - Platinum Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.7167%
Mail order / Telephone Order

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

Page 6 of 19
Personal Credit
(UK and Europe) Part 4/4

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Mastercard Credit Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - World Card - Chip and Pin 0.30% 0.6137%

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - World Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - World Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - fully authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - World Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.7167%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - World Elite Card -

Mastercard Credit 0.30% 0.6137%
Chip and Pin

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - World Elite Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - World Elite Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - fully authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Consumer Credit - World Elite Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.7167%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Mastercard Credit Mastercard UK Domestic Consumer Credit Instalment Program 0.30% 0.0977%

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

Page 7 of 19
Business Debit
(UK and Europe) Part 1/2

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Visa Commercial Visa UK Domestic Business Debit - Contactless 0.50% 0.0229%

Visa Commercial Visa UK Domestic Business Debit - Chip and Pin 0.75% 0.0229%

Visa Commercial Visa UK Domestic Business Debit - 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 1.15% 0.0279%

Visa Commercial Visa UK Domestic Business Debit - Mail order/Telephone Order 1.15% 0.0279%

Visa Commercial Visa Intra-EEA Business Debit - Chip and Pin 1.60% 0.1280%

Visa Intra-EEA Business Debit - Non extended access countries, excl.

Visa Commercial 1.60% 0.2830%
Turkey and Israel - 3D Secure /Telephone Order

Visa Commercial Visa Intra-EEA Business Debit - Mail order/ Telephone Order 1.60% 0.2830%

Visa Commercial Visa Intra-Non-EEA Business Debit - Chip and Pin 1.60% 0.0280%

Visa Intra-Non-EEA Business Debit - Non extended access countries,

Visa Commercial 1.60% 0.0330%
excl. Turkey and Israel - 3D Secure /Telephone Order

Visa Commercial Visa Intra-Non-EEA Business Debit - Mail order/ Telephone Order 1.60% 0.0330%

Mastercard Commercial Mastercard UK Domestic Business Debit - Chip and Pin 0.70% 0.0372%

Mastercard UK Domestic Business Debit - 3D Secure Electronic

Mastercard Commercial 1.10% 0.0775%

Mastercard Commercial Mastercard UK Domestic Business Debit - Mail order / Telephone Order 1.10% 0.0886%

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

Page 8 of 19
Business Debit
(UK and Europe) Part 2/2

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Mastercard Commercial Mastercard Intra-EEA Business Debit - Chip and Pin 1.25% 0.0822%

Mastercard Commercial Mastercard Intra-EEA Business Debit - 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 1.65% 0.0775%

Mastercard Commercial Mastercard Intra-EEA Business Debit - Mail order / Telephone Order 1.65% 0.0886%

Mastercard Commercial Mastercard Intra-Western Business Debit - Chip and Pin 1.25% 0.0822%

Mastercard Intra-Western Business Debit - 3D Secure Electronic

Mastercard Commercial 1.50% 0.0775%

Mastercard Commercial Mastercard Intra-Western Business Debit - Mail order / Telephone Order 1.65% 0.0886%

Mastercard Commercial Mastercard Intra-European Business Debit - Chip and Pin 1.70% 0.5450%

Mastercard Intra-European Business Debit - 3D Secure Electronic

Mastercard Commercial 1.95% 0.6104%

Mastercard Commercial Mastercard Intra-European Business Debit - Mail order / Telephone Order 2.10% 0.6464%

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

Page 9 of 19
Corporate & International
Part 1/8

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Visa Debit and Prepaid Visa Inter-regional Consumer Classic - Chip and Pin 0.20% 0.7886%

Visa Debit and Prepaid Visa Inter-regional Consumer Classic - 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 1.15% 1.3436%

Visa Debit and Prepaid Visa Inter-regional Consumer Classic - Mail order / Telephone Order 1.15% 1.3436%

Visa Debit and Prepaid Visa Inter-regional Consumer Premium Card- Chip and Pin 0.20% 0.7886%

Visa Inter-regional Consumer Premium Card- 3D Secure Electronic

Visa Debit and Prepaid 1.15% 1.3436%

Visa Inter-regional Consumer Premium Card- Mail order/ Telephone

Visa Debit and Prepaid 1.15% 1.3436%

Visa Debit and Prepaid Visa Inter-regional Consumer Super Premium Card - Chip and Pin 0.20% 0.7886%

Visa Inter-regional Consumer Super Premium Card - 3D Secure

Visa Debit and Prepaid 1.15% 1.3436%
Electronic Commerce

Visa Inter-regional Consumer Super Premium Card - Mail order/

Visa Debit and Prepaid 1.15% 1.3436%
Telephone Order

Visa Credit Visa Inter-regional Consumer Classic Chip and Pin 0.30% 0.6154%

Visa Credit Visa Inter-regional Consumer Classic 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 1.50% 1.1704%

Visa Credit Visa Inter-regional Consumer Classic Mail order / Telephone Order 1.50% 1.1704%

Visa Credit Visa Inter-regional Consumer Premium Card - Chip and Pin 0.30% 0.6154%

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

Page 10 of 19
Corporate & International
Part 2/8

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Visa Inter-regional Consumer Premium Card - 3D Secure Electronic

Visa Credit 1.50% 1.1704%

Visa Inter-regional Consumer Premium Card - Mail order/ Telephone

Visa Credit 1.50% 1.1704%

Visa Credit Visa Inter-regional Consumer Super Premium Card - Chip and Pin 0.30% 0.6154%

Visa Inter-regional Consumer Super Premium Card - 3D Secure

Visa Credit 1.50% 1.1704%
Electronic Commerce

Visa Inter-regional Consumer Super Premium Card - Mail order/

Visa Credit 1.50% 1.1704%
Telephone Order

Visa Commercial Visa UK Domestic Business Credit - Chip and Pin 1.40% 0.0340%

Visa Commercial Visa UK Domestic Business Credit- 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 1.40% 0.0390%

Visa Commercial Visa UK Domestic Business Credit- Mail order/Telephone Order 1.40% 0.0390%

Visa Commercial Visa UK Domestic Corporate and Purchasing - Chip and Pin 1.70% 0.0338%

Visa UK Domestic Corporate and Purchasing - 3D Secure Electronic

Visa Commercial 1.70% 0.0388%

Visa UK Domestic Corporate and Purchasing - Mail order/ Telephone

Visa Commercial 1.70% 0.0388%

Visa Commercial Visa Intra-EEA Business Credit - Chip and Pin 1.60% 0.1403%

Visa Commercial Visa Intra-EEA Business Credit - 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 1.60% 0.2953%

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

Page 11 of 19
Corporate & International
Part 3/8

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Visa Commercial Visa Intra-EEA Business Credit - Mail order / Telephone Order 1.60% 0.2953%

Visa Commercial Visa Intra-EEA Corporate and Purchasing - Chip and Pin 1.80% 0.1398%

Visa Intra-EEA Corporate and Purchasing - 3D Secure Electronic

Visa Commercial 1.80% 0.2948%

Visa Commercial Visa Intra-EEA Corporate and Purchasing - Mail order / Telephone Order 1.80% 0.2948%

Visa Commercial Visa Inter-regional Commerical Credit Card - Chip and Pin 2.00% 0.5537%

Visa Inter-regional Commerical Credit Card - 3D Secure Electronic

Visa Commercial 2.00% 1.1087%

Visa Inter-regional Commerical Credit Card - Mail Order / Telephone

Visa Commercial 2.00% 1.1087%

Visa Commercial Visa Inter-regional Commerical Debit Card - Chip and Pin 2.00% 0.5537%

Visa Inter-regional Commerical Debit Card - 3D Secure Electronic

Visa Commercial 2.00% 1.1087%

Visa Inter-regional Commerical Debit Card - Mail Order / Telephone

Visa Commercial 2.00% 1.1087%

Visa Commercial Visa Intra-Non-EEA Business Credit - Chip and Pin 1.60% 0.1403%

Visa Commercial Visa Intra-Non-EEA Business Credit - 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 1.60% 0.2953%

Visa Commercial Visa Intra-Non-EEA Business Credit - Mail order / Telephone Order 1.60% 0.2953%

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

Page 12 of 19
Corporate & International
Part 4/8

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Visa Commercial Visa Intra-Non-EEA Corporate and Purchasing - Chip and Pin 1.80% 0.1398%

Visa Intra-Non-EEA Corporate and Purchasing - 3D Secure Electronic

Visa Commercial 1.80% 0.2948%

Visa Intra-Non-EEA Corporate and Purchasing - Mail order / Telephone

Visa Commercial 1.80% 0.2948%

Mastercard Credit Mastercard Inter-regional Consumer Classic - Chip and Pin 0.30% 0.6137%

Mastercard Inter-regional Consumer Classic - 3D Secure Electronic

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Inter-regional Consumer Classic - 3D Secure Electronic

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
Commerce - fully authenticated

Mastercard Inter-regional Consumer Classic - Mail order / Telephone

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.7167%

Mastercard Credit Mastercard Inter-regional Consumer Premium Card - Chip and Pin 0.30% 0.6137%

Mastercard Inter-regional Consumer Premium Card - 3D Secure

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
Electronic Commerce- partially authenticated

Mastercard Inter-regional Consumer Premium Card - 3D Secure

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
Electronic Commerce- fully authenticated

Mastercard Inter-regional Consumer Premium Card - Mail order/

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.7167%
Telephone Order

Mastercard Credit Mastercard Inter-regional Consumer Super Premium Card - Chip and Pin 0.30% 0.6137%

Mastercard Inter-regional Consumer Super Premium Card - 3D Secure

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
Electronic Commerce- partially authenticated

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

Page 13 of 19
Corporate & International
Part 5/8

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Mastercard Inter-regional Consumer Super Premium Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.6966%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce- fully authenticated

Mastercard Inter-regional Consumer Super Premium Card -

Mastercard Credit 1.50% 0.7167%
Mail order/ Telephone Order

Mastercard UK Domestic Corporate / Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 1.50% 0.0376%
Chip and Pin

Mastercard UK Domestic Corporate/ Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 1.90% 0.0807%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce

Mastercard UK Domestic Corporate/ Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 1.90% 0.0893%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Mastercard UK Domestic Business Credit/ Prepaid Commercial Card -

Mastercard Commercial 1.30% 0.0377%
Chip and Pin

Mastercard UK Domestic Business Credit / Prepaid Commercial Card -

Mastercard Commercial 1.70% 0.0816%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce

Mastercard UK Domestic Business Credit / Prepaid Commercial Card -

Mastercard Commercial 1.70% 0.0895%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Mastercard Intra-EEA Business Credit / Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 1.25% 0.0827%
Chip and Pin

Mastercard Intra-EEA Business Credit / Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 1.65% 0.0816%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce

Mastercard Intra-EEA Business Credit / Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 1.65% 0.0895%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Mastercard Commercial Mastercard Intra-EEA Corporate - Chip and Pin 1.50% 0.0826%

Mastercard Commercial Mastercard Intra-EEA Corporate - 3D Secure Electronic Commerce 1.90% 0.0893%

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

Page 14 of 19
Corporate & International
Part 6/8

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Mastercard Commercial Mastercard Intra-EEA Corporate - Mail order / Telephone Order 1.90% 0.0807%

Mastercard Intra-Western Business / Prepaid Commercial Card -

Mastercard Commercial 1.25% 0.0822%
Chip and Pin

Mastercard Intra-Western Business / Prepaid Commercial Card -

Mastercard Commercial 1.35% 0.0775%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Intra-Western Business / Prepaid Commercial Card -

Mastercard Commercial 1.50% 0.0775%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - fully authenticated

Mastercard Intra-Western Business / Prepaid Commercial Card -

Mastercard Commercial 1.65% 0.0886%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Mastercard Intra-European Business / Prepaid Commercial Card -

Mastercard Commercial 1.70% 0.5450%
Chip and Pin

Mastercard Intra-European Business / Prepaid Commercial Card -

Mastercard Commercial 1.80% 0.6104%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Business / Prepaid Commercial Card -

Mastercard Commercial 1.95% 0.6104%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - fully authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Business / Prepaid Commercial Card -

Mastercard Commercial 2.10% 0.6464%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Mastercard Intra-Western Corporate / Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 1.50% 0.0826%
Chip and Pin

Mastercard Intra-Western Corporate / Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 1.60% 0.0807%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Intra-Western Corporate / Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 1.75% 0.0807%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - fully authenticated

Mastercard Intra-Western Corporate / Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 1.90% 0.0893%
Mail order / Telephone Order

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

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Corporate & International
Part 7/8

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Mastercard Intra-European Corporate / Purchasing / Fleetcard Card -

Mastercard Commercial 1.75% 0.5559%
Chip and Pin

Mastercard Intra-European Corporate / Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 1.85% 0.6240%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - partially authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Corporate / Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 2.00% 0.6240%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - fully authenticated

Mastercard Intra-European Corporate / Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 2.25% 0.6576%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Mastercard Inter-regional Corporate / Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 2.00% 0.5559%
Chip and Pin

Mastercard Inter-regional Corporate / Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 2.00% 0.6240%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - partially

Mastercard Inter-regional Corporate / Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 2.00% 0.6240%
3D Secure Electronic Commerce - fully partially

Mastercard Inter-regional Corporate / Purchasing / Fleetcard -

Mastercard Commercial 2.00% 0.6576%
Mail order / Telephone Order

Diners Debit and Prepaid Diners UK Domestic 0.20% 0.1200%

Diners Debit and Prepaid Diners Intra EEA 0.20% 0.1200%

Diners Debit and Prepaid Diners International - Card Present 0.20% 0.4500%

Diners Debit and Prepaid Diners International - Card Not Present 1.15% 0.4500%

Diners Credit Diners UK Domestic 0.30% 0.1200%

Diners Credit Diners Intra EEA 0.30% 0.1200%

Diners Credit Diners International - Card Present 0.30% 0.4500%

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

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Corporate & International
Part 8/8

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Diners Credit Diners International - Card Not Present 1.50% 0.4500%

Diners Commercial Diners UK Domestic - Card Not Present 1.75% 0.1200%

Diners Commercial Diners Intra EEA - Card Not Present 1.75% 0.1200%

Diners Commercial Diners International - Card Not Present 1.75% 0.4500%

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

Page 17 of 19
Visa and Mastercard Virtual B2B cards
(where applicable*)

Interchange Average
Brand Card Category Transaction Scenario
Rate Scheme Fees

Visa Commercial Visa UK Domestic Virtual B2B Card 2.00% 0.6263%

Visa Commercial Visa Intra-EEA Virtual B2B Card 2.00% 0.6263%

Visa Commercial Visa Inter-regional Virtual B2B Card 2.00% 0.6263%

Mastercard Commercial Mastercard Virtual B2B Card 2.00% 0.6263%

*Applicable only for the following merchant categories: Lodging (Hotels, Motels, Resorts),Recreation Services,Health and Beauty Spas, Tourist Attractions and Exhibits, Bus Lines
National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

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Glossary of terms

UK Domestic:

Applies to transactions where the card issuing country and the merchant
country are both the UK.


For Visa, this applies to transactions where the merchant country is in the
EEA (European Economic Area), and the card issuing country is in the
respective schemes Europe Region. For Mastercard, this applies to
transactions where the card issuing country and the merchant country are
not the same but are both in the EEA (European Economic Area). For Diners
Club International, this applies to transactions where Acquirer is located in an
EEA country, the Merchant is located in the Originating Country, and the
Issuer is located in a different EEA country.

Intra-Western (Mastercard):

Applies to transactions where the card issuing country and the merchant
country are not the same, both not within the EEA, but both within
Mastercard’s ‘Western’ sub-region.


Applies to transactions where the merchant country and card issuing country
are in different regions (as defined by the respective card schemes, i.e Visa,
Mastercard and Diners club international).


Multiple scheme fees can be allocated to a single transaction, with a mixture

of a per-item and % fee structure. The Scheme Fee figures shown are based
on average figures we see from analysing our portfolio. They are displayed
assuming an ATV of £35.

National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered in England and Wales No. 929027. Registered Office: 250 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4AA. National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. National Westminster Bank Plc is entered on the
Financial Services Register and its Register number is 121878. The Financial Services Register can be accessed at Its registered VAT number is GB
243852752. ‘Tyl by NatWest’ is a trading name of National Westminster Bank plc.

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