Depuccio 2020
Depuccio 2020
Depuccio 2020
Background: Urinary catheter nurse-driven protocols (UCNDPs) for removal of indwelling urinary catheters (IUCs)
can potentially prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs). However, they are used inconsistently. The
objective of this study was to examine the barriers to and facilitators of implementation of UCNDPs in acute care hospitals.
Methods: Between September 2017 and January 2019, researchers interviewed 449 frontline staff (nurses, physicians),
managers, and executives from 17 US hospitals to better understand their experiences implementing, using, and overseeing
use of UCNDPs. Our semistructured interview guide included questions about management practices and policies regarding
enactment of a UCNDP.
Results: Although the features of UCNDPs differed across hospitals, the analysis revealed that hospitals experienced com-
mon issues related to implementing and consistently using UCNDPs as a result of three major barriers: (1) nurse deference
to physicians, (2) physician push-back, and (3) miscommunication about IUC removal. Interviewees also described several
important facilitators to help overcome these barriers: (1) training care team members to use the UCNDP, (2) discussing
IUC necessity and UCNDP use during rounds, (3) reminding care team members to follow UCNDPs, and (4) developing
buy-in for UCNDP use across the hospital.
Conclusion: Although UCNDPs are fundamental in efforts to reduce and prevent CAUTIs, hospitals can proactively
support their implementation and use by developing the skills that care team members need to enact UCNDPs when patients
meet the clinical indications for removal, and increasing awareness about the value and importance of such protocols for
reducing CAUTIs and improving patient safety.
Table 2. Numbers and Percentages of Interviewees Participating in Study, by Site and by Role
Site Number Executives Managers∗ Infection Preventionists Frontline Staff Site Total (%)
1 3 21 10 12 46 (10.2)
2 1 4 2 9 16 (3.6)
3 3 6 11 10 30 (6.7)
4 2 4 4 5 15 (3.3)
5 1 10 7 11 29 (6.5)
6 4 10 1 11 26 (5.8)
7 1 12 2 26 41 (9.1)
8 2 8 5 11 26 (5.8)
9 7 4 6 10 27 (6.0)
10 2 3 4 11 20 (4.5)
11 1 5 4 9 19 (4.2)
12 2 11 8 11 32 (7.1)
13 3 7 9 11 30 (6.7)
14 3 4 5 7 19 (4.2)
15 7 5 5 10 27 (6.0)
16 1 5 4 6 16 (3.6)
17 3 12 9 6 30 (6.7)
Role Total (%) 46 (10.2) 131 (29.2) 96 (21.4) 176 (39.2) 449 (100)
∗ Includes nurse educators and specialists.
out this secondary coding process, our research team met patient met the criteria for removal, and some nurses ap-
regularly to discuss emergent themes and to develop con- preciated having the ability to take action and remove a
sensus on the final interpretation of the results. patient’s IUC without a physician order. In contrast, in
hospitals that relied on physician orders to enact the UC-
NDP, nurses noted the need to clarify with the patient’s
RESULTS physician if the IUC should remain in place or be removed.
We found variation in the features of UCNDPs used by
study hospitals, as well as commonality in both barriers to Barriers to Implementing UCNDPs
and facilitators of UCNDP implementation and use. We identified three barriers to UCNDP implementation
and use in acute care hospitals: (1) nurse deference to physi-
Variation in the Features of UCNDPs cians, (2) physician push-back, and (3) miscommunication
Descriptions of UCNDP features and characteristics var- about IUC removal. Next, we describe these barriers in
ied across hospitals—in particular, there was variation in greater detail, including verbatim quotations that support
how interviewees described the indications and procedures our characterization of these barriers.
used by nurses to enact UCNDPs. Some UCNDPs spec-
ified how long an IUC could stay in place (for example, Nurse Deference to Physicians. Although most hos-
24–48 hours) before a nurse could remove it, provided no pitals had adopted UCNDPs by the time of the study, sev-
clinical indications remained at that time. Furthermore, eral interviewees suggested that some nurses were not im-
physicians could write an order at the time of IUC inser- plementing or consistently using UCNDPs. In these cases,
tion that could prevent the use of the UCNDP; in those nurses reported asking physicians if they wanted the IUC
cases, the nurses would need to confer with the physi- removed, even when the nurses had per-policy authority
cians to remove the IUC. In other hospitals, however, UC- to remove the IUC without an order. One interviewee re-
NDPs were more physician-driven, requiring a physician flected, “I have to be honest I still think a lot of our nurses—
to write an order at the time of catheter insertion for the we still check with our provider. . . . I do think they need
UCNDP to be used before a nurse could actually remove a little encouragement sometimes. I don’t think we are per-
a patient’s IUC. Regardless of the type of UCNDP, physi- fect yet. I don’t know if we are going to get perfect. . . . Even
cians had the authority to write “non-removal” orders if though I know technically we can still do [the UCNDP]”
they decided an IUC needed to stay in place longer (for (assistant nurse manager). We found that, depending on the
example, to measure and monitor a patient’s urine output), hospital, nurses would wait for a physician to tell them to
and this would prevent the removal of the catheter by the remove an IUC or check with physicians to see what they
nurse. wanted done, rather than use the UCNDP. As an intervie-
Interviewees commonly commented that UCNDPs gave wee explained, “I don’t think [the UCNDP] is utilized that
nurses more autonomy and independence to decide if a much, honestly. I think more or less, most of us wait for
694 Matthew J. DePuccio, PhD, MS, et al. Nurse-Driven Protocol Implementation
the doctor. If I think it should come out, I will at least ask fied barriers to UCNDP implementation presented above.
them” (nurse). Next, we describe these facilitators in greater detail, and we
present Table 3 as a list of strategies that, based on our find-
Physician Push-Back. Another barrier we characterized
ings, could facilitate UCNDP implementation and use.
was physician resistance to use of the UCNDP. For instance,
interviewees described physicians pushing back and want- Training Care Team Members to Use the UCNDP.
ing to keep IUCs in place despite patients meeting clini- Training was reported as an important facilitator of UC-
cal indications for removal: “Are there still physicians who NDP implementation because it gave care team members
might push back and only want that Foley removed if they an opportunity to learn about the clinical indications for
say so? Yes, I imagine that still exists to some extent. I think IUC removal. Training reinforced the use of the UCNDP
that was harder than it could’ve been or maybe should’ve and taught care team members, particularly nurses, what to
been, but I think that still exists to some extent” (director be aware of when enacting the protocol. From nurse orien-
of quality and safety). When physicians pushed back, this tations to the informational resources provided at the unit
affected UCNDP use because other nurses reported feeling level, interviewees described how training and education es-
less empowered to enact the protocol on their own. For ex- tablished expectations for nurses to take responsibility for
ample, as one nurse manager explained, “. . . most nurses do carrying out the UCNDP at the hospital and why UC-
not feel comfortable just pulling a Foley. They really want to NDPs were important for preventing CAUTIs. Training
get the provider’s permission, despite us having that [UC- was seen as a way to educate frontline staff about what clin-
NDP]. That is a big weakness, and a lot of providers have ical indications they needed to look out for in order to use
push-back. They want to keep the Foley, or maybe they are the UCNDP appropriately and minimize the risk of leav-
a covering provider and they are not really quite sure why it ing an IUC in for too long or having to reinsert it at a later
is in, and ‘Don’t you touch it,’ and ‘Let me figure this out,’ time. These trainings were also fundamental to encourage
and that sort of thing” (nurse manager). nurses to actively identify patients who no longer required
an IUC. Several interviewees similarly described how UC-
Miscommunication About IUC Removal. Intervie-
NDPs were emphasized in trainings offered to frontline
wees also indicated that there were times when care team
staff (for example, unit-specific training programs), mak-
members did not communicate clearly about when to re-
ing it clear that enacting this UCNDP was a priority across
move IUCs in the context of using the UCNDP. For ex-
hospital units. For example, one interviewee described that
ample, in situations in which a physician order to keep an
having ongoing education involving unit-based nurse ed-
IUC in place was set to expire, nurses were not always con-
ucators and frontline staff enabled a “peer-to-peer kind of
fident they could use the UCNDP. As one nurse reflected,
knowledge transfer” (unit nurse manager) that made nurses
“. . . sometimes the order falls off, and no one addresses
more comfortable using a new UCNDP.
it. So, an improvement could be an easier sign of saying,
‘This order is going to fall off. Make sure you address it Discussing IUC Necessity and UCNDP Use Dur-
and get a new order,’ or you are actually going to take it ing Rounds. Rounding was another common facilitator
out” (nurse). Furthermore, when communication among of UCNDP implementation because it made nurses more
care team members about the UCNDP was unclear, it led aware about using UCNDPs and their management of the
to future hesitation on the part of nurses to enact the pro- patients who had an IUC in place. Discussions about the
tocol. For example, as one nurse explained, “[Our assistant necessity of these catheters during rounds also reportedly
manager] had a patient that she had used her [UCNDP] on helped nurses become more comfortable with using the
and removed [the catheter], and the team was upset about UCNDP and thus made it less likely an IUC would be used
it. They said it should have been in, but she had the order inappropriately. As one interviewee reflected, “We do un-
for the [UCNDP], so I think a little bit of miscommunica- derstand the protocol, and we do talk to [care team mem-
tion there. But, yeah, I think after that too I was definitely bers] about things like, we want to know when we’re out
hesitant. If I think it should come out I will at least ask [the rounding on Foleys, ‘Is this needed? Are we talking about
team]” (nurse). taking this Foley out, or do you know about bladder scan?
Are you going to bladder scan after you pull it?’ We talk
Facilitators of UCNDP Implementation to them about those kinds of things. So most of the time I
Our analysis also revealed several facilitators that con- feel really confident about where they are with—and most
tributed to the successful implementation and use of UC- of the time when there is a Foley in place” (quality nurse
NDPs, including (1) training care team members to use the specialist). We found that all types of rounds (for exam-
UCNDP, (2) discussing IUC necessity and UCNDP use ple, nurse rounds, interprofessional rounds) seemed to play
during rounds, (3) reminding care team members to fol- a role in facilitating UCNDP use. For instance, nursing
low UCNDPs, and (4) developing buy-in for UCNDP use rounds allowed opportunities to review the placement of
across the hospital. Interviewees often described these fa- patients’ IUCs and describe challenges related to enact-
cilitators in the context of overcoming some of the identi- ing the UCNDP in the psychologically safe environment
Volume 46, No. 12, December 2020 695
of other nurses. Interprofessional rounds allowed real-time know, it’s day two, this catheter needs to come out” (nurse).
discussion and decision making on the UCNDP and op- In some hospitals, these alerts would happen throughout
portunity to remove IUCs when this was clinically indi- the day or at multiple times during a nurse’s shift to make
cated. Physician rounds could also address patients’ needs sure the nurse was keeping track of the patients’ clinical
for IUCs, particularly when there was a process in place that indications for removal. Having these notifications built
prompts physicians to explicitly consider the opportunity into the EMR was viewed as a helpful reminder for nurses
for catheter removal during those rounds (for example, a to follow the UCNDP.
checklist on patients’ doors prompting physicians to think
through the criteria for removal during their rounds). Developing Buy-in for UCNDP Use Across the
Hospital. Interviewees also discussed the importance of
Reminding Care Team Members to Follow UC- having mechanisms in place to develop buy-in from dif-
NDPs. As the goal for a UCNDP is to empower nurses to ferent departments and levels of management to use UC-
remove IUCs when it is appropriate to do so, having pro- NDPs. Shared governance meetings were one way clini-
cesses or systems in place to make sure frontline staff follow cians and managers could share ideas to promote the use of
UCNDPs was noted as an important facilitator of UCNDP UCNDPs and encourage nurses to use them consistently.
implementation. In one hospital, managers shared messages For instance, one hospital introduced the idea of a “float
from clinical practice councils with nurses during daily hud- pass”—that is, if a nurse used the UCNDP, he or she was
dles reminding them to use UCNDPs. In other hospitals, eligible to not have to work on another unit to cover staffing
unit managers also maintained a daily list of patients who needs (nurse manager). Interviewees described that getting
had IUCs, which served as a reminder to nurses to use the the UCNDP endorsed across the hospital necessitated col-
UCNDP or to check in with certain patients to see if they laborative discussions between clinicians and hospital lead-
met the criteria for enacting the UCNDP. ership responsible for developing and implementing qual-
Some hospitals developed and incorporated electronic ity and patient safety policies. In these cases, collaboratives
medical record (EMR) alerts so that nurses and other care and working groups spanning clinical and administrative
team members would know when it was time for a nurse to domains helped to systematize infection prevention poli-
use the UCNDP to take out a patient’s IUC. As one inter- cies including UCNDPs because stakeholders participating
viewee explained, “Even the [UCNDP], that’s all built into in those meetings were able to develop agreement about the
our EMR and then into our order so that they know, you appropriateness of the policy and its use across the hospital.
696 Matthew J. DePuccio, PhD, MS, et al. Nurse-Driven Protocol Implementation
DISCUSSION cause they can encourage care team members to assess the
Although CAUTIs remain a prominent patient safety con- continued need for IUCs and to adhere to specific evidence-
cern, UCNDPs offer hospitals an effective strategy to based practices or programs.32 , 33 Hospital units may find
mitigate their risk when successfully implemented.20 Our it useful to involve nurses in developing reminder systems,
study suggests that hospitals have opportunities to make such as daily reports or checklists, to ensure that the data
changes to accommodate UCNDP implementation and are timely and reflect the current state of IUC use in their
promote its use. In studying how health care providers, areas.
managers, and executives described their experiences with Our research also sheds light on the need for a more
UCNDPs in the context of CAUTI prevention, we found nurse-focused approach to UCNDP implementation. For
that some hospitals were having difficulty overcoming example, nurses may have different knowledge about the
physician push-back and nurse reluctance to enact existing importance of timely IUC removal, variable skill levels that
UCNDPs. We also identified facilitators that contributed to affect their ability to enact the UCNDP, or differing lev-
the successful implementation of UCNDPs in these hospi- els of comfort in asserting to the physician their recom-
tal settings; specifically, training, rounding, reminding, and mendation to remove the IUC34 , 35 (for example, when
developing buy-in for existing UCNDPs. These facilitators a patient meets clinical criteria for removal, but the pa-
share similarities with components of other successful UC- tient or physician wants the IUC to stay in place). With-
NDP programs11 , 15 , 31 shown to lower rates of IUC use and out addressing these nurse-level concerns, it is possible that
reduce infections. For example, the implementation of daily UCNDP implementation will remain incomplete. There-
CAUTI rounds to evaluate patients’ continued need for an fore, effective UCNDP implementation will likely involve
IUC was an important aspect of a multimodal CAUTI pre- prompted, daily assessments of indication-based need and
vention bundle that helped reduce both catheter use and include nurse authority to remove an IUC without contact-
CAUTI rates in a surgical trauma ICU.31 ing the physician; in this context, nurses will be supported
The facilitators we characterized in this study describe by broad education, physician counseling, and leadership
different ways hospitals can encourage nurses to use UC- endorsement of UCNDP enactment. Nurse training and
NDPs and ultimately prevent patient harm and are consis- developing buy-in for UCNDP enactment can also poten-
tent with previous research that has identified factors im- tially empower nurses to routinely use UCNDPs and, ulti-
portant in supporting UCNDP implementation and use.26 mately, support CAUTI prevention. Finally, by emphasiz-
For instance, one study noted that obtaining consensus ing alternatives such as noninvasive collection systems, de-
from physicians about the criteria for removing IUCs and ploying supplies for safe patient handling, and mobilizing
engaging nurse leaders in the decision-making process can additional staff,27 , 36 hospitals may further reduce nurses’
facilitate the implementation of UCNDPs.16 Other quality reluctance to remove IUCs and thus increase the likelihood
improvement initiatives have also identified the importance of UCNDP implementation success.
of aligning resources and leadership support to ensure that
UCNDPs are implemented as designed.14
Our findings suggest that the implementation of UC- Our study has several limitations. First, although the pur-
NDPs requires both hospital leaders and physicians to em- pose of our research was to examine factors promoting and
power nurses to enact the UCNDP. When a physician limiting UCNDP implementation and use, we did not ex-
pushes back and orders an IUC to be reinserted, nurses plicitly measure implementation effectiveness or success.
may feel less confident about enacting a UCNDP, making Future research may help improve our understanding of
it more important to have processes in place for the physi- which factors are associated with implementation effective-
cian and nurse to discuss the rationale behind reinsertion ness. Second, we were not able to differentiate physician
(for example, interprofessional rounds). We also found that participants based on their specialty (for example, urol-
miscommunication about IUC removal could potentially ogy vs. cardiology), and we recognize that this distinction
make nurses more reluctant to enact the UCNDP because may influence support of UCNDPs. It will be important
it may not be clear to them when removal is appropriate for for future research to identify whether differences in physi-
certain patients. Our findings about notifying and remind- cians’ opinions or preferences about using UCNDPs can
ing nurses about patients who have IUCs through the use of help explain variations in UCNDP implementation and
patient lists or EMR alerts are important in the context of CAUTI prevention. Third, as the interviews we analyzed
UCNDP implementation. Ensuring an up-to-date record for this study were conducted as part of a broader research
of which patients have IUCs and which patients meet the project that examined management practices supporting
criteria for removal can ensure that all care team members HAI prevention, there may be additional barriers to and fa-
can hold each other accountable for catheter removal con- cilitators of UCNDP implementation that would be men-
sistent with the UCNDP. In addition, as noted in prior tioned in a study explicitly focused on this topic. Fourth,
studies, ongoing verbal or written reminders can serve as we acknowledge that hospitals may have been at different
cues for care team members to change their behavior, be- stages with respect to their implementation of a UCNDP
Volume 46, No. 12, December 2020 697
(for example, early vs. late stages of implementation). Fur- SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
ther study, guided by an implementation science frame- Supplementary material associated with this article can be
work, for instance, is necessary to understand whether the found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.jcjq.2020.08.
implementation time frame might influence UCNDP use 015.
and whether barriers and facilitators might differ based on
this time frame. Finally, our purposive approach to site re-
cruitment resulted in about half of the hospitals we ap- REFERENCES
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