Mbed BK Ed2 CH 15
Mbed BK Ed2 CH 15
Mbed BK Ed2 CH 15
If you use or reference these slides or the associated textbook, please cite the original authors’ work as follows:
Toulson, R. & Wilmshurst, T. (2016). Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design - Applying the ARM mbed
(2nd edition), Newnes, Oxford, ISBN: 978-0-08-100880-5.
Power Supply and the LPC1768
This figure shows the internal
power distribution of the LPC1768.
Locate these:
• two regular power supply
inputs, labelled VDD(3V3) and
• VBAT, which can be connected to
an external battery to sustain
only the Real Time Clock and
backup registers;
• Supplies to ADC and DAC, VDDA
and VSSA ;
• A voltage reference for ADC
Power Supply and the LPC1768
The supply voltage requirements of the LPC1768 are shown. All are
centred around 3.3 V, with VBAT having the lowest permissible value at
2.1 V. All can go up to 3.6 V, except for the ADC positive reference
voltage, which must not exceed the ADC supply voltage.
oscillator "signal"
oscillator "signal"
optional power-
limiting resistor
The LPC1768
clock circuit
Adjusting the Clock Configuration Register
The CPU Clock Divider block, seen in the previous Figure, is controlled by the
Clock Configuration register CCLKCFG, seen below.
The frequency of pllclk is divided by the number held in the lower 7 bits of
this register, plus one; this produces cclk.
// function prototypes
void delay(void);
int main() {
CCLKCFG=0x00000005; // divider divides by this number plus 1
while(1) {
myled = 1;
myled = 0; This Program Example
delay(); approximately replicates the
} original “blinky” program,
} using its own delay( )
void delay(void){ //delay function.
function. It starts by resetting
int j; //loop variable j
for (j=0;j<5000000;j++) { the value of CCLKCFG, so
j++; the program then runs with a
j--; //waste time changed clock frequency.
Adjusting the Phase Locked Loop
The phase locked loop is a circuit which can multiply frequencies.
The main PLL of the LPC1768, PLL0, is actually made up of a divider followed
by the PLL. Hence it can divide frequencies as well as multiply them.
Different combinations of multiply and divide give a huge range of possible
output frequencies, which can be extremely useful in some situations.
A PLL needs to “lock” to an incoming frequency. However, it only locks if
conditions are right, and it may take finite time to do this. These conditions
include the requirement that the input to PLL0 must be in the range 32 kHz to
50 MHz. It’s interesting to see therefore that the PLL can be used to multiply up
the RTC frequency if required.
Full use of the PLL0 sub-system is complex, and requires a very careful
reading of relevant sections of the LPC1768 user manual.
Adjusting the Phase Locked Loop
The PLL is controlled by four registers, outlined in the Table. The PLL is enabled and
connected through PLL0CON, with multiply and divide values set through PLL0CFG.
The Feed Register is a safety feature which blocks accidental changes to PLL0CON and
PLL0CFG. A valid “feed sequence” is required before any update can be configured.
Once implemented, changes can be tested in PLL0STAT. This further carries the important
PLOCK0 bit, which tests whether successful lock has been achieved.
Name Description Access Address
PLL0CON Control Register. Holding register for updating PLL0 control bits. Values Read/Write 0x400F C080
written to this register do not take effect until a valid PLL0 feed sequence has
taken place. There are only 2 useful bits: bit 0 to enable; PLL0, bit 1 to
connect. Connection must only take place after the PLL is enabled,
configured, and locked.
PLL0CFG Configuration Register. Holding register for updating PLL0 configuration Read/Write 0x400F C084
values. Bits 14:0 hold the value for the frequency multiplication, less one; Bits
23:16 hold the value for the pre-divider, less one. Values written to this
register do not take effect until a valid PLL0 feed sequence has taken place.
PLL0STAT Status Register. Read-back register for PLL0 control and configuration Read Only 0x400F C088
information. If PLL0CON or PLL0CFG have been written to, but a PLL0 feed
sequence has not yet occurred, they will not reflect the current PLL0 state.
Reading this register provides the actual values controlling PLL0, as well as
the PLL0 status. Bits 14:0 and bits 23:16 reflect the same multiply and divide
bits as in PLL0CFG. Bits 24 and 25 reflect the two useful bits of PLL0CON.
When either is zero, PLL0 is bypassed. When both are 1, PLL0 is selected.
Bit 26, PLOCK0, gives the lock status of the PLL.
PLL0FEED Feed Register. Correct use of this register enables loading of the PLL0 control Write Only 0x400F C08C
and configuration information from the PLL0CON and PLL0CFG registers into
the shadow registers that actually affect PLL0 operation. The required feed
sequence is 0xAA followed by 0x55.
PLL0 Control Registers
Adjusting the Phase Locked Loop
This program illustrates PLL0 control. The main( ) function immediately disconnects
and turns off the PLL, “feeding” the PLL control as required. The mbed then runs
with the PLL disabled and bypassed.
/*Program Example 15.2 Switches off PLL0, with blinky action
#include "mbed.h"
DigitalOut myled(LED1);
#define CCLKCFG (*(volatile unsigned char *)(0x400FC104))
#define PLL0CON (*(volatile unsigned char *)(0x400FC080))
#define PLL0FEED (*(volatile unsigned char *)(0x400FC08C))
#define PLL0STAT (*(volatile unsigned int *)(0x400FC088))
// function prototypes
void delay(void);
int main() {
// Disconnect PLL0
PLL0CON &= ~(1<<1); // Clears bit 1 of PLL0CON, the Connect bit
PLL0FEED = 0xAA; // Feed the PLL. Enables action of above line
PLL0FEED = 0x55; //
// Wait for PLL0 to disconnect. Wait for bit 25 to become 0.
while ((PLL0STAT & (1<<25)) != 0x00);//Bit 25 shows connection status
// Turn off PLL0; on completion, PLL0 is bypassed.
//continued over…
Adjusting the Phase Locked Loop
1. Name two advantages and two disadvantages of R-C and quartz oscillators.
2. Following reset, the LPC1768 always starts running from the internal R-C
oscillator. Why is this?
3. In a certain application, the main oscillator in an LPC1768 application is
running at 18.000 MHz, the PLL multiplies by 8, and the lower 7 bits of
register CCLKCFG are set to 5. What is the frequency of cclk?
At certain times, any microcontroller needs to start its program from the
beginning. At this moment it also needs to put all of its control registers into a
known state, so that peripherals are safe and initially disabled. This “ready-
to-start” condition is called reset.
The CPU starts running its program when it leaves the reset condition.
In an advanced processor like the LPC1768, the user code is preceded by
some “boot code”, hard-wired into the processor, which undertakes
preliminary configuration.
Apart from power-up, there are other times when reset is needed, including
the possibility that the user may want to force a reset if a system locks or
Power-on Reset
The moment that power is applied is a critical one for any embedded system.
Both the power supply and the clock oscillator take finite time to stabilise,
and in a complex system power to different parts of the circuit may stabilise
at different times.
Watchdog timer
A common failure mode of any computer-based system is for the computer to
lock up. For most embedded systems this is unacceptable.
An uncompromising solution is the Watchdog Timer (WDT), which resets the
processor if the WDT is ever allowed to overflow. The WDT runs continuously,
counting towards its overflow value.
The programmer must ensure that this overflow doesn’t happen. This is done by
including periodic WDT resets throughout the program.
If the program crashes, then the WDT overflows, the controller resets, and the
program starts from its very beginning.
A WDT overflow causes a reset very similar to the power-on reset described
Other Sources of Reset
Brownout detect
An awkward failure condition for an embedded system is when the power dips,
and then returns to normal. This is called a brownout, and is illustrated below. A
brownout won’t be detected as a full loss of power, and may not be noticed at
all. However that momentary loss of full power could cause partial system
Like many microcontrollers, the LPC1768 has a brownout detect capability,
which must be enabled by the user. It is not normally enabled in the mbed.
Detection of brownout, when enabled, causes a reset very similar to the power-
on reset described above.
Voltage “brownouts”
How Power is Consumed in a Digital Circuit
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) digital technology is the
basis for the mobile phone, laptop, and any other portable electronic device. To
understand how to minimise the power consumption these devices, it is useful
to have some understanding as to how CMOS consumes power.
(a) Idealised circuit (b) actual circuit, input going low (c) actual circuit, input going high
4. A certain logic circuit is powered from 3.0 V. It has a quiescent current of 120
nA, and an “equivalent capacitance” in the circuit of 56 pF. Applying Equation
15.1, what is its current consumption when the clock frequency is 1 kHz,
1 MHz, and when it is not clocked at all?
5. An mbed is found to draw 140 mA, when powered from 4 AAA cells in series,
each of capacity 1175 mAh. Approximately how long will the cells last if they
run continuously?
8. Power consumption to a digital circuit is being carefully monitored. It is found
that connecting a long cable to a digital interface marginally increases the
power consumption, even though nothing is connected at the far end of the
cable. Why is this?
Exploring mbed Power Consumption
The mbed was not designed for low power, yet it provides a good opportunity to
study power supply in an embedded system, and to explore ways of reducing
that power. It’s interesting to set up a simple current measurement circuit as
shown, and monitor current in the different examples and exercises.
(Fig. 3.13)
LPC1768 Current Consumption
The current consumption characteristics of the LPC1768 are shown, along with the
LPC1769, which can run at a slightly higher clock frequency. The Table also refers to Sleep
and Power-down modes that we shall meet soon.
Table entries reinforce the message that clock frequency dominates current consumption.
The mbed runs with a
clock frequency of 96
MHz, with PLL
enabled. Hence we
estimate that the
LPC1768 on the mbed
takes a supply current
just under 42 mA, say
40 mA. But the values
shown are with all
peripherals disabled,
so in practice the
consumption will be
#include "mbed.h"
//import next from mbed site
#include "PowerControl/EthernetPowerControl.h"
DigitalOut myled1(LED1);
DigitalOut myled4(LED4);
#define PCONP (*(volatile unsigned long *)(0x400FC0C4))
Ticker blinker;
void blink() {
//continued over…
Switching Unwanted (mbed) Things Off
int main() {
PHY_PowerDown(); //**comment this in and out
blinker.attach(&blink, 0.0625);
while (1) {
Reducing mbed Power Consumption: Manipulating the clock
We saw earlier that the LPC1768 has extensive capabilities to vary the clock
frequency, e.g. through the CCLKCFG and PLL0CFG registers already shown.
This means we can trade off speed of execution with power consumption. A
program with significant computational demands will need to run fast, and will
consume more power; one with low computational demands can run slowly, and
consume less power.
It is attractive to imagine that clock speeds can be reduced at will to reduce
current consumption. While this is true in principal, take care! Many of the
peripherals depend on that clock frequency as well, along with their mbed API
libraries, for example for the setting of a serial port bit rate.
LPC1768 Low Power Modes
Aside from varying clock frequency, there are other, even more effective
techniques. These involve either switching off the clock altogether at times when
nothing needs doing, or switching it off to certain parts of a microcontroller.
The LPC1768 uses the modes summarised below, with power consumptions
given in the earlier Table.
Sleep mode: The clock to the core, including the CPU, is stopped, so program execution stops.
Peripherals can continue to function. Exit from this mode can be achieved by an enabled
Interrupt, or a Reset.
Deep Sleep mode: Here the main oscillator and PLL0 are powered down, and the output of the
internal R-C oscillator disabled, so no internal clocks are available. The internal R-C oscillator
can continue running, and can run the WDT, which can cause a wakeup. The 32 kHz RTC
continues, and can generate an interrupt. Wake-up is by Reset, by the RTC, or by any other
interrupt which can function without a clock.
Power Down mode: This is similar to Deep Sleep, but the internal R-C oscillator and flash
memory are turned off. Wake-up time is thus a little longer.
Deep Power Down mode: In this mode all power is switched off, except to the RTC. Wake-up is
only through external Reset, or from the RTC.
Questions from the Quiz
7. Propose situations where each of the LPC1768 low power modes (Sleep,
Deep Sleep and so on) can be used effectively.
10. A designer wishes to estimate power consumption characteristics of a new
product based on the LPC1769, and applies the current consumption data of
Table 15.5 (see earlier slide). A 3.3 V battery is available, with capacity 1200
mAh. She anticipates a behaviour whereby the processor will need to wake
once per minute to perform a task, made up of two parts. In the first part, the
processor must run with a clock speed of 120 MHz, PLL enabled for 200 ms. It
then runs at 12 MHz, PLL disabled, for 400 ms. For the rest of the time it is in
power-down mode. For the purposes of this question, the current taken by the
rest of the circuit can be assumed to be negligible.
a. Estimate the average current drawn from the battery.
b. Estimate the battery life.
the EFM32 Zero Gecko
Starter Kit
There are a number of versions of
the ARM Cortex core, the
LPC1768 mbed uses the M3.
The simplest are the M0 or M0+
cores. These are specifically
designed for small scale, low
power and low cost applications.
The EFM Zero Gecko Starter Kit is The EFM32 Zero Gecko Starter Kit
a development board based
around the Silicon Labs Zero
Gecko microcontroller.
It forms a useful example of a truly
low-power mbed-enabled design.
It is based on an M0+ core, and is
designed for extreme low power.
Of great interest to us, it has an
on-board Energy Profiler, which
can measure current consumption
from 0.1 uA to 50 mA.
• The LPC1768 has clearly defined power supply demands, in terms of supply voltages
and currents, with the potential for power-conscious applications.
• The mbed designers have satisfied these power supply requirements, but without the
intention of minimising power consumption.
• A range of clock sources are available to the LPC1768 and other microcontrollers;
they can be applied in different ways and for different purposes, and their frequency
multiplied or divided.
• The mbed power consumption can be improved, by switching off unnecessary circuit
elements, adjusting clock frequency, and applying the special low power modes, e.g.
Sleep and Deep Sleep. Even with this optimisation, current consumption remains too
high for effective battery-powered applications.
• For competitive low power design, circuits must be designed specifically and
rigorously for that purpose. The EFM32 Zero Gecko is one example where this has
been achieved, to good effect.