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)Bevsed keTuRN - JF an assesse csoues cny ormisng

The Assessee may hic the revted Reto befre erd of the
CBSeSSment yeat.
- befere Competn o
Sqoler assessinen+
-lohich eor is teno

.A RR Can
.No enmsion Reinek to ileaRR.

- f an assesse tedls to ile Ike ebi

the ice irntt ollcoed he Con le: belated Retom.
Rine l i n t - eore ertioF cssSonnt
bebrehe Completon af AssesSment
shlch ever Is Casier.
.Fan asesele a belated Retm he cwabe eabeto Pay
ee cndVenal rest
Beaed Ren Conbe Retseds

Net Alhg oh loss Rettn may Cause nprisnment ton

Kosponae to deBoct tax hom Such nome

Ct Speahelste) and Day Only vnet amauath The Tax So calctel
s Caled ths which Shall be deposled aith the goerinent s tesery.
USUIs 80c ’ LI, PPr, RPE Ma Lit 15000

Lmit loeere501.

Beb 6o-MlOco cnly

aSTThe gods and Sene TAx Sa tox on goods
ard rvkes' Sold doinestalky or Consuptforn, The tox ts ncluded
Gae ad ashed to the goenmant by tte Seller. The Gs
Axed taved as a Sagle ate crossahatorn
Stogle ate
As a: alue -added TAx
There ane h Comnent of GST 2CGST, SGSTslGSond UGSf.
wthin aGtateex totra Stste tmsethon > (bs12si cal be

Sale , troskergBaters.eKchongt Licensey-Ren0, lese nade

agred to belade turaonsideaition: by a Peorson the
Couse oxtrheonce ofibSines,

3) Congoste Supely - t
t meanS a Sepoly made by a tasabk Persn
Datallybundled and

nen$tuo or more ndttdul Seppy goads ond
Combnaton therecd., nate m Conjncn cth ench othor
a fuxcble Person bor a Stngle Grice cohere Sich Suppy daesnt
Constute Composte Susely

angle tax cn the Suçely of goods andl

Senes,. tgbot fom temenuacter to the Cersumer
woles nta State Sgoy CCoS RSS)nkr Ste (lbs)
6) Rate Chane Mahntsn Dmens the iabi to Py tax
S on the reigent oFSly of gody and Servies hsead f be
Sqler h GaS
Gross5 Lakhsa
Peecedtng yeon. chd tot
1) Valbaton Jts the process o Jeletinsng the corth
ot on asset cox Comporng. Valcuten iBforprbt eosatt pa
Pas pecte buyers setth an dea cEbow nuch hey Shaulol
Pay o an aget x lomPang and orprospectvo ellevs)heu
much tha Shoud Sel bor

gplier ned, to pay taxs Rr invotce and ReipientCorn

the Pant otnecuben the.Ibabily. to Cn GzST antses

Pace oF Supply t may lacude the Salas Yajskerad ecakn

the placa ohee Gnlsau yeceued.

benptel Susey a8 notd ys by enhl

Shld be Suspher cF Serns.3 Inter State Sy N agg

Noterggel Sugpy thrah Clechonte Comette cpeabi
A Gso a Payer. [CTor a Don-sesdert taye Payerl NATP

Beoe Comple ion of Ay
RotedRee 39`).
Detee RevgN [2A(9)
Retun not led
2Sooo0 G11 Rebn os tobe tled. Lbeli 6oyal
by InComa au
qen a bm.o a laminated Cord to a Persn
daparent. For thee Rrse of Sdet Reken oF the atese.
HPerson Can only bae one AN.
PAN S elloted on Appbcaton
faikye to appky PAN or qt PAN has Penahy o

. 2 trnsaclon cuhere quohng of PAN Compulory

)Sale om Rochese ota or Veb)cle or vehicle othev than
eug oheded Vehcles.
CY Debal Cad.

C SelF Assessnent means to

mearg te asesStheioome oie.
deade the mome cmd tax Latstty onihe bess ofyehn e.
l AssSSmont mea) assesSmegt the csseSSee hioneih
Sumog Assessonet- As the rst Stye oF tax GSSesSe
Ceriew oa Soniny enl be Condced no detled
Stiny wl be here o Chece axthmet cal ers n Yeh
Serutny Assessment - At thrs Stege detel Sauny
of.theTetn oEhone wll be Caonted at ?s to Conm h
Cenecnes and gBnuingness ct Vantov& Clatons, deeons ,ete)

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