© Brendan Harvey
March 2018
This thesis provides an in-depth examination of utilizing acoustic sensing to form the basis of a non-cooperative
collision avoidance system for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Technical challenges associated with the
development of such a system in the areas of acoustics, kinematics, statistics, and digital signal processing are
clearly identified, along with the requirements of such a system to be commercially viable. Theoretical
developments in the areas of adaptive filtering, signal enhancement, signal detection, and source localization
are proposed to overcome current limitations of the technology and ultimately establish a practical and viable
sensing system. Each of the proposed methods were also evaluated using both computer generated and
experimental data.
A number of techniques to adaptively filter harmonic narrowband noise without using any reference signal or
producing any phase distortions are proposed. These included: 1) A distortionless FIR notch filtering method
via the use of a second-order IIR notch filter prototype, 2) A distortionless notch filtering method via the use of
FIR Comb filters, and 3) Multichannel adaptive filtering methods for systems containing multiple harmonic
noise sources.
Several signal processing techniques to enhance the detection of continuous harmonic narrowband signals are
proposed. These methods included: 1) A generalized spectral transform to exploit the periodic peak nature of
harmonic signals in the frequency domain, 2) A series of processors which exploit the phase acceleration
properties of continuous periodic signals, and 3) Modifications to the generalized coherence function for
multichannel systems to include phase acceleration information. In addition to the proposed signal enhancement
processors, Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) detection relationships for unknown signals residing in noise
with fixed bandwidth regions and unknown properties are also provided. These include: 1) The establishment
of distribution-free CFAR relationships for non-independent testing scenarios, 2) Development of a
distribution-free CFAR detector through frequency tracking of consecutive windowed spectra, 3) Development
of a Robust Binary Integration scheme to better facilitate the detection of non-stationary signals, and 4) A
CFAR-Enhanced Spectral Whitening technique to facilitate the accurate use of distribution-free CFAR
detectors with non-identically distributed noise. An examination of the statistical and kinematic requirements
to establish a reliable UAV collision avoidance system is also provided. This include a brief analysis to
determine minimum required detection probability rates, and the development of an analytical model to
approximate minimum required detection distances.
A beamforming method is proposed to enhance the localization accuracy of harmonic continuous source signals
via the Steered Response Power (SRP) method. In addition, algorithms are developed to reduce computational
loads associated with the SRP localization technique. These include a Crisscross Regional Contraction method,
and an adaptive approach which utilizes the steepest ascent gradient search. In addition, it was also shown that
by performing signal detection prior to beamforming, greatly reduced computational loads and increased
localization accuracy can be obtained.
Finally, a number of experiments were conducted to establish the overall viability of an acoustic-based collision
avoidance system and verify the performance of the proposed signal processing techniques. These included: 1)
The detection of a continuous ground-based stationary source from a moving fixed-wing UAV, 2) The detection
and localization of a moving unmanned aircraft from a moving fixed-wing UAV, and 3) The detection and
localization of a moving manned aircraft via a moving multi-rotor UAV. Based on the results obtained, it was
found that both manned and unmanned aircraft were detected and localized with sufficient range and accuracy
to avoid a collision. Thus, it was finally concluded that acoustic sensing does in fact appear to be a viable
technology to establish a non-cooperative collision avoidance system for UAVs.
I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Siu O’Young for his guidance, support,
and providing me with the opportunity to pursue this research endeavour; without him none of this would have
been possible.
To my supervisory committee: Dr. Michael Hinchey and Dr. Reza Shahidi, I thank you for taking the time to
review this admittedly long thesis and provide me with the necessary insight and guidance to achieve this
academic goal.
To my fellow Ph.D. research students of the RAVEN project: Jordan Peckham, Kevin Murrant, Yake Li, and
Iryna Borshchova, and the RAVEN staff: Scott Fang, Dilhan Balage, Stephen Crewe and Noel Purcell, I am
thankful for all the support you have provided and facilitating the conducting of various field experiments.
I would also like to thank all my family and friends for their love, support, and encouragement throughout these
past few years; it has been a very long and hard road but as my mother always used to say, “if the goal isn’t
hard to achieve then its probably not worth your time to attain it”.
Finally, I would like to thank my father Larry Harvey for instilling me with the value and importance of
knowledge and education at very young age; if were not for you I would have never been able to attain this
level of academic achievement.
v - Distortionless IIR Filtering ............................................................................................................................3-58 - Distortionless FIR Filtering ...........................................................................................................................3-59
3.2.3 - IIR Notch Filtering ..................................................................................................................................... 3-63
3.3 - Adaptive Multichannel IIR Notch Filter ................................................................................................... 3-65
3.3.1 - Single Input / Multiple Output.................................................................................................................... 3-65
3.3.2 - Multiple Input / Single Output.................................................................................................................... 3-66
3.3.3 - Multiple Input / Multiple Output ................................................................................................................ 3-67
3.4 - Adaptive FIR Notch Filter ......................................................................................................................... 3-69
3.4.1 - General Description .................................................................................................................................... 3-70
3.4.2 - Standard Form ............................................................................................................................................ 3-71
3.4.3 - Distortionless Form .................................................................................................................................... 3-73
3.4.4 - Multichannel Filtering ................................................................................................................................ 3-74
3.4.5 - Performance Considerations ....................................................................................................................... 3-75
3.5 - Adaptive FIR Comb Filter ......................................................................................................................... 3-78
3.5.1 - General Description .................................................................................................................................... 3-78
3.5.2 - Distortionless Form .................................................................................................................................... 3-79
3.5.3 - Adaptive Implementation ........................................................................................................................... 3-80
3.5.4 - Multichannel Filtering ................................................................................................................................ 3-82
3.5.5 - Performance Considerations ....................................................................................................................... 3-83
3.6 - Simulated Studies ...................................................................................................................................... 3-84
3.6.1 - Simulation Description ............................................................................................................................... 3-84
3.6.2 - Simulated Fixed-Wing Results ................................................................................................................... 3-87
3.6.3 - Simulated Multirotor Results...................................................................................................................... 3-90
3.7 - Experimental Studies ................................................................................................................................. 3-92
3.7.1 - Fixed-wing Experiments............................................................................................................................. 3-92
3.7.2 - Multirotor Experiments .............................................................................................................................. 3-94
3.7.3 - Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................ 3-97
vi - Threshold Detection ....................................................................................................................................4-119 - CFAR Detection ..........................................................................................................................................4-122 - Binary Integration .......................................................................................................................................4-126
4.3.2 - Detection Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 4-127 - Statistical Considerations ............................................................................................................................4-127 - Kinematic Considerations ...........................................................................................................................4-128
4.3.3 - Modified Order-Statistic Forms................................................................................................................ 4-132
4.3.4 - Harmonically Transformed Spectra .......................................................................................................... 4-132
4.3.5 - Multiple Cell Testing ................................................................................................................................ 4-135 - Unconstrained Independent Events .............................................................................................................4-135 - Constrained Non-Independent Events .........................................................................................................4-138
4.3.6 - Spectral Whitening ................................................................................................................................... 4-143 - Introduction .................................................................................................................................................4-144 - Standard Whitening Methods ......................................................................................................................4-144 - CFAR Enhanced Whitening ........................................................................................................................4-145
4.4 - Simulation Studies ................................................................................................................................... 4-149
4.4.1 - Signal Enhancement Processors ............................................................................................................... 4-149 - Signal Description .......................................................................................................................................4-150 - Harmonic Spectral Transforms....................................................................................................................4-152 - Phase Acceleration Processors ....................................................................................................................4-154 - Modified Coherence Processors ..................................................................................................................4-155 - Results Summary ........................................................................................................................................4-157
4.4.2 - Signal Detection ....................................................................................................................................... 4-157 - CFAR Detector Analysis .............................................................................................................................4-158 - Spectral Whitening & Binary Integration ....................................................................................................4-160
6.1.3 - Acoustic Sources ...................................................................................................................................... 6-188
6.1.4 - Extrapolated Detection Distances ............................................................................................................. 6-189
6.2 - Signal Processing .................................................................................................................................... 6-190
6.3 - TS#1: Fixed-wing Air-to-Ground............................................................................................................ 6-191
6.3.1 - Purpose & Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 6-191
6.3.2 - Results & Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 6-192 - Signal Processing ........................................................................................................................................6-192 - Source Detection .........................................................................................................................................6-194
6.3.3 - Conclusions .............................................................................................................................................. 6-196
6.4 - TS#2: Fixed-wing Air-to-Air .................................................................................................................. 6-196
6.4.1 - Purpose & Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 6-196
6.4.2 - Results & Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 6-197 - Signal Processing ........................................................................................................................................6-197 - Source Detection .........................................................................................................................................6-200 - Target Localization .....................................................................................................................................6-203
6.4.3 - Conclusions .............................................................................................................................................. 6-205
6.5 - TS#3: Multirotor Air-to-Air .................................................................................................................... 6-206
6.5.1 - Purpose & Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 6-206
6.5.2 - Results & Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 6-207 - Signal Processing ........................................................................................................................................6-207 - Source Detection .........................................................................................................................................6-209 - Target Localization .....................................................................................................................................6-212
6.5.3 - Conclusions .............................................................................................................................................. 6-216
Table 1-1: Research overview and list of contributions. ................................................................................................ 1-20
Table 2-1: Effect of FFT scaling on signal amplitude and variance. .............................................................................. 2-48
Table 3-7: IIR filter parameters for multirotor experiment. ............................................................................................ 3-95
Table 3-8: IIR Filter results for multirotor experiment. .................................................................................................. 3-95
Table 4-4: Minimum required detection distances for various aircraft. ........................................................................ 4-132
Table 4-5: Maximum number of fractional peaks present for HSTs of length 2𝑓0 ....................................................... 4-134
Table 4-9: Detection results from Self-Circular Convolution Enhancement. ............................................................... 4-154
Table 4-10: Detection results for phase acceleration processors. ................................................................................. 4-155
Table 4-11: Detection results for coherence processors for a range of processing windows and channels. ................. 4-156
Table 4-14: SNR value required to achieve a 99.5% detection rate. ............................................................................ 4-159
Table 5-1: Half Power Beam Width (3 dB) in degrees for various sensor spacing values (in meters). ........................ 5-179
Table 5-2: Directivity Gain (𝐷𝐺 ) in dB for various sensor spacing values. .................................................................. 5-179
Table 6-4: Detection aircraft specifications. ................................................................................................................. 6-188
Table 6-8: TS#1 - Signal preprocessing and filter parameters. ..................................................................................... 6-192
Table 6-12: TS#2 - Signal preprocessing and filter parameters. ................................................................................... 6-199
Table 6-16: TS#2 - Extrapolated detection distances for Cessna 185........................................................................... 6-202
Table 6-20: TS#3 - Signal preprocessing and filter parameters. ................................................................................... 6-208
Table 6-25: TS#3 - Enhancement processor detection results (Hamming window). .................................................... 6-212
Figure 1-1: Depiction of the kinematic and acoustic properties of a mid-air encounter. ................................................ 1-18
Figure 2-2: Absorption coefficient as a function of frequency and humidity at 20 °C [65]. .......................................... 2-33
Figure 2-5: Depiction of basic fixed-wing aircraft noise sources. .................................................................................. 2-37
Figure 2-6: Power spectra of various aircraft during fly-by. .......................................................................................... 2-38
Figure 2-12: Illustration of standard SNR and effective SNR values. ............................................................................ 2-53
Figure 3-1: Block diagram of standard adaptive filtering model. ................................................................................... 3-55
Figure 3-6: Single Input / Single Output filter system. ................................................................................................... 3-64
Figure 3-7: Single Input / Multiple Output filter system. ............................................................................................... 3-65
Figure 3-8: Multiple Input / Single Output filter system. ............................................................................................... 3-67
Figure 3-9: Multiple Input / Multiple Output filter system. ............................................................................................ 3-67
Figure 3-10: A) Adaptive two-stage FIR notch filter. B) Adaptive two-stage harmonic FIR notch filter. ..................... 3-74
Figure 3-11: Magnitude and phase response of IIR and FIR notch filters. ..................................................................... 3-76
Figure 3-12: Magnitude response of FIR notch filters for varying filter length. ............................................................ 3-77
Figure 3-13: Magnitude response of FIR notch filters for varying pole radius. ............................................................. 3-77
Figure 3-14: Left) Effect of applying window function to FIR impulse response. Right) Error between IIR and FIR
frequency response. ........................................................................................................................................................ 3-77
Figure 3-15: N-delay FIR Comb filter structure with shifting gain G. ........................................................................... 3-79
Figure 3-16: Left) Magnitude response for N = 10, where H and H o are the standard and zero-phase filters with unity
gain (G=1); H' and H o' are the 0 dB shifted versions of these filters. Right) Phase and Magnitude response for a
standard, π-phase transformed, and zero-phase transformed FIR Comb filter. .............................................................. 3-80
Figure 3-17: Notch location error due to rounding. ........................................................................................................ 3-81
Figure 3-19: Frequency capture region as a function of the number of harmonic signal components (NH) present. .... 3-84
Figure 3-20: Source/sensor configuration for SIMO fixed-wing simulation. ................................................................. 3-86
Figure 3-22: Source/sensor configuration for MIMO multirotor simulation. ................................................................. 3-86
Figure 3-24: Source fundamental frequency track for multirotor simulation. ................................................................ 3-87
Figure 3-26: IIR notch filter results for fixed-wing simulation. ..................................................................................... 3-89
Figure 3-27: FIR notch filter results for fixed-wing simulation. .................................................................................... 3-90
Figure 3-28: Comb filter results for fixed-wing simulation. ........................................................................................... 3-90
Figure 3-29: IIR notch filter results for multirotor simulation. ....................................................................................... 3-91
Figure 3-30: FIR notch filter results for multirotor simulation. ...................................................................................... 3-91
Figure 3-31: Frequency tracking results for multirotor simulation. ................................................................................ 3-92
Figure 3-32: Spectrogram and fundamental frequency track plots for fixed-wing noisy signal. .................................... 3-93
Figure 3-33: Spectrograms of filtered signals for fixed-wing experiment. ..................................................................... 3-94
Figure 3-34: Filter frequency track plots for fixed-wing experiment. ............................................................................ 3-94
Figure 3-35: IIR notch filter results for multirotor experiment (k=1). ............................................................................ 3-95
Figure 3-36: IIR notch filter results for multirotor experiment (k=2). ............................................................................ 3-95
Figure 3-37: IIR notch filter results for multirotor experiment (k=3). ............................................................................ 3-96
Figure 3-38: IIR frequency track for multirotor data. ..................................................................................................... 3-96
Figure 3-39: Left) Standard parallel configuration. Right) Alternate parallel configuration. ......................................... 3-97
Figure 4-1: Magnitude spectrum and HST of magnitude spectrum. ............................................................................. 4-109
Figure 4-2: Comparison of the standard and adjusted AVC processors. ...................................................................... 4-114
Figure 4-5: Kinematic illustration of two aircraft on a collision course. ...................................................................... 4-130
Figure 4-7: Plots of standard and harmonically transformed magnitude spectra. ......................................................... 4-134
Figure 4-9: Depiction of constrained and unconstrained detection location deviation. ................................................ 4-137
Figure 4-10: Constrained noise sets from: A) Testing at edge of spectrum, B) Using full spectrum as noise estimate. .... 4-
Figure 4-11: Plots illustrating spectral whitening ......................................................................................................... 4-147
Figure 4-13: Spectrogram of whitened signal using standard and CFAR enhanced methods. ..................................... 4-148
Figure 4-14: Comparison of standard and enhanced whitening methods. .................................................................... 4-148
Figure 4-15: ROC curves for basic harmonic transforms. ............................................................................................ 4-153
Figure 4-16: ROC plots for PAPs with six processing channels. ................................................................................. 4-155
Figure 4-17: ROC plots for standard and modified coherence processors. .................................................................. 4-157
Figure 4-19: Spectrograms of standard and CFAR whitened signals. .......................................................................... 4-162
Figure 4-20: Power spectra of standard and whitened signals. ..................................................................................... 4-163
Figure 4-21: Detection plots for CDF-CFAR binary integration tests. ......................................................................... 4-163
Figure 4-22: Detection plots for CDF-CFAR robust binary integration tests. .............................................................. 4-163
Figure 5-1: a) A microphone array with plane wave incident from the focus direction. b) A typical array directional
response plot with a main lobe in the focus direction and lower side lobes in other directions [248]. ......................... 5-166
Figure 5-4: Power spectrum and SRP output for -15 dB signal, where P1 and P2 indicate the isolated and broadband SRP
response cases respectively........................................................................................................................................... 5-173
Figure 5-5: Power spectrum and SRP output for 0 dB signal, where P1 and P2 indicate the isolated and broadband SRP
response cases respectively........................................................................................................................................... 5-173
Figure 5-7: Illustration of crisscross regional convergence for 100 Hz signal acquired by Kraken array arriving with
azimuth and elevation angles of 45 and 36 degrees respectively.................................................................................. 5-175
Figure 5-8: Directivity response of a 0.1 m spaced ULA acquiring a 100 Hz signal with 𝑅 harmonic components.... 5-179
Figure 5-9: Directivity response of a 0.2 m spaced ULA acquiring a 100 Hz signal with 𝑅 harmonic components.... 5-180
Figure 6-1: DPA 4053 with and without nose cone and RØDE M5 microphone pair.................................................. 6-182
Figure 6-2: Polar response for DPA 4053 (left) RØDE M5 (right). ............................................................................. 6-183
Figure 6-3: Zoom H4 (left) and H6 (right) recoding units ............................................................................................ 6-184
Figure 6-5: Delta Wing X-8 aircraft with four DPA 4053 microphones. ..................................................................... 6-185
Figure 6-6: Delta X-8 array geometry and directional response. .................................................................................. 6-185
Figure 6-7: Delta X-8 array response for a 100 Hz signal with 𝑹 harmonic components. ........................................... 6-186
Figure 6-8: Kraken Octocopter equipped with six RØDE M5 microphones and H6 recoding unit. ............................ 6-187
Figure 6-10: Kraken azimuth and elevation array response. ........................................................................................ 6-187
Figure 6-11: Acoustic source targets utilized for experimental studies. ....................................................................... 6-189
Figure 6-12: Comparison of recorded digital signal power and acoustic sound pressure levels (SPL) ........................ 6-190
Figure 6-13: Sample spectra illustrating detection signal power range. ....................................................................... 6-190
Figure 6-16: TS#1 - Spectrograms for unfiltered and filtered signal segment containing 200 Hz source. ................... 6-193
Figure 6-18: TS#1 - Spectrograms of whitened and unwhitened average power signal segments for 200 Hz source. 6-195
Figure 6-19: TS#1 - Average power spectra illustrating signal detection for whitened and unwhitened signals. ........ 6-195
Figure 6-20: TS#1 - Spectrogram-like plots of detection locations for whitened and unwhitened signals. ................. 6-196
Figure 6-21: TS#2 - Depiction of aircraft flight paths utilized for the experiment. ...................................................... 6-197
Figure 6-22: TS#2 - Google Earth image of GPS tracks. ............................................................................................. 6-197
Figure 6-23: TS#2 - Plots of approximate source frequency, phase acceleration, relative velocity, and relative acceleration.
...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6-198
Figure 6-24: TS#2 - Spectrograms for unfiltered and filtered signal segment.............................................................. 6-199
Figure 6-25: TS#2 - Sample spectrograms for the average power and harmonic sum (R=6) processors. .................... 6-200
Figure 6-26: TS#2 - Sample spectra plots at a point of detection. ................................................................................ 6-200
Figure 6-27: TS#2 - Histogram plot of detection counts with respect to separation distance....................................... 6-201
Figure 6-28: TS#2 - Relationship between detected signal SNR and source range. ..................................................... 6-202
Figure 6-29: TS#2 - Depiction of spatial ambiguity for a two-element array............................................................... 6-204
Figure 6-30: TS#2 - Directivity response for the two-element array. ........................................................................... 6-205
Figure 6-32: TS#2 - Spectrograms for unfiltered and filtered signal segment.............................................................. 6-208
Figure 6-33: TS#3 - Separation distance at detection points for best and worst performing processors. ..................... 6-210
Figure 6-34: TS3# - Histogram plots of detection counts with respect to separation distance. .................................... 6-212
Figure 6-35: TS#2 - Azimuth directivity response for a six-element array. ................................................................. 6-214
Figure 6-36: TS#2 - Elevation directivity response for a six-element array. ................................................................ 6-214
Figure 6-37: TS#3 - Sample segment illustrating localization accuracy of detection points. ....................................... 6-215
A-AVC Adjusted Acceleration Vector MLE Maximum Likelihood Estimates
A-SAC Adjusted System Acceleration MMSE Minimum Mean Square Error
AVC Acceleration Vector Coherence MSC Magnitude Squared Coherence
BI Binary Integration MSE Mean Squared Error
CA-CFAR Cell Average CFAR MSNR Maximum Signal-to-Noise Ratio
CDF Cumulative Distribution Function MVDR Minimum Variance Distortionless Response
CDF-CFAR Constrained Distribution Free CFAR NP Neyman-Pearson
CFAR Constant False Alarm Rate OS-CFAR Order Statistic DFAR
CHST Complex Harmonic Spectral PAC Phase-Aligned Coherent Processor
CPA Closest Point of Approach PAP Phase Acceleration Processor
CPLE Coherent Phase Line Enhancer PAV Phase-Aligned Vector Processor
DF-CFAR Distribution-Free CFAR PDF Probability Density Function
DFT Discrete Fourier Transform PSD Power Spectral Density
DOA Direction of Arrival PVC Phase Vector Coherence
FBP Fluctuation Based Processing RBI Robust Binary Integration
FD Frequency Domain RMS Root Mean Square
FFT Fast Fourier Transform ROC Receiver Operating Characteristic
FIR Finite Impulse Response SAC System Acceleration Coherence
FT Fourier Transform SAA Sense-and-Avoid
GASC Generalized Acceleration Squared SC Single Cell
GCC Generalized Cross-Correlation SCDF- Selective-cell Constrained Distribution Free
GHST Generalized Harmonic Spectral SIMO Single Input / Multiple Output
GLRT Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
GMSC Generalized Magnitude Squared SPL Sound Pressure Level
HPBW Half Power Beam Width SRP Steered Response Power
HPS Harmonic Product Spectrum ST Single Trial
HSB Harmonic Spectral Beamformer TDOA Time Difference of Arrival
HST Harmonic Spectral Transform TPT Total Processing Time
IDFT Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
IFT Inverse Fourier Transform ULA Uniform Linear Array
IIR Infinite Impulse Response UMPT Uniformly Most Powerful Test
IRT Impulse Response Truncation
MAP Maximum a Posteriori
MCP Modified Coherence Processor
MFD Mean Frequency Deviation
MHST Multichannel Harmonic Spectrum
MIMO Multiple Input / Multiple Output
ML Maximum Likelihood
Chapter 3
𝜃 Normalized frequency 𝐺 Shifting gain
𝑁 Number of filter coefficients 𝑓𝑜 Fundamental frequency
𝑓𝑠 Sampling frequency 𝑀 Number of harmonics
𝜔 Angular frequency 𝑆 Number of sources
𝐾 Number of signals 𝜇 Adaptive step size
𝑟 IIR notch radius 𝛽 LMS Gradient
𝐵𝑊 Notch bandwidth 𝜎 Variance
Chapter 4
𝑅 Number of signal harmonics 𝜙 Phase acceleration
𝑊 Number of FFT windows 𝛽 Modulo 2𝜋 scaling factor
𝑆 Number of signals Ψ Modulo 2𝜋 exponential factor
̅𝑎[ ]
̅ <𝑎,𝑏,𝑐>
Η [] GHST ⃗Φ
⃗⃗ (𝑓) AVC
Γ(𝑓) MSC ⃗⃗⃗ Ψ (𝑓)
𝐻𝑜 Null Hypothesis 𝐻1 Alternative Hypothesis
𝑃𝑓𝑎 False alarm probability 𝑃𝐹𝐴 Cumulative false alarm probability
𝑃𝑑 Detection probability 𝑃𝐷 Cumulative detection probability
𝑃𝐹𝐴 Single cell false alarm 𝑃𝐹𝐴 Single trial false alarm
𝑃𝐹𝐴 Binary integration false alarm 𝑃𝐹𝐴 Robust binary integration false alarm
𝜂 CFAR threshold α CFAR scaling factor
αca CA-CFAR scaling factor αos OS-CFAR scaling factor
𝑘 Order statistic 𝑘̅ Reversed order statistic
𝑋𝑐 Test cell value 𝑋𝑘 Order statistic cell value
𝑁⃗ CFAR noise sample set 𝑁 Number of CFAR noise samples
𝐵 CFAR test sample set 𝐵 Number of CFAR test samples
𝐺 CFAR guard cell set 𝐺 Number of CFAR guard cells
𝑇 Number of trials 𝐷 Number of detections
𝐼 Number of interfering targets 𝐹 Number of fractional harmonic peaks
𝐺𝐹 Fractional peak guard cells 𝑀 Number of tracked maxima
Δ RBI cell deviation 𝑅 Number of signal harmonics
𝜉 Recursive mean forgetting factor 𝛿 Spectral whitening flooring factor
𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑠 Frequency spectra resolution 𝑓𝑜 Source fundamental frequency
Chapter 5
𝑆 Number of signals 𝑅 Number of Harmonics
𝑘̂ Steering vector 𝜏 Time delay
𝜗 Azimuth 𝜑 Elevation
𝑓𝑠 Sampling frequency 𝐽 Cost function
𝜇 Adaptive step size 𝜀 Error function
j - a [ ] CHST 𝑑 Array element spacing
-1- Introduction
1.1 - Problem Statement & Motivation
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are a rapidly advancing technology with many applications in the private,
commercial, and government sectors. Currently, no safeguards exist to facilitate the safe operation of these
devices in populated uncontrolled airspace without posing potential hazards to other manned or unmanned
aircraft. Thus, the successful integration of these devices within the constructs of a commonly shared aviation
system will ultimately require a level of safety equivalent to that of manned aircraft [1]. Conventional anti-
collision systems require the successful communication between neighboring aircraft (cooperative system) with
the pilot acting as the last line of defense in the event of a system failure. However, current regulations only
require passenger aircraft greater than 5,700 kg to be equipped with such avoidance systems [2]. Since
autonomous UAVs do not meet these requirements and do not have the benefit of an onboard pilot, non-
cooperative systems must be established to facilitate the detection and subsequent avoidance of other
approaching aircraft.
A number of technologies are currently being investigated to develop a UAV based Sense-and-Avoid (SAA)
system. The most popular include electro-optic, infra-red, and radar. However, each of these technologies
currently has major drawbacks which has limited successful development thus far [3]. For example, electro-
optic and infra-red both suffer from a narrow field-of-view and their performance is greatly reduced in situations
where fog or cloud cover may be present. This can be a serious problem since most mid-air collisions do not
occur head-on but rather from behind, the side, above, or below; often in unfavourable weather conditions [4].
Radar does not suffer from the drawbacks of optical methods. However, in order to achieve the required
detection distances, a great deal of power is required making the device and supporting equipment too large and
heavy for most UAVs.
It is believed that acoustic sensing can facilitate a non-cooperative SAA system without being subject to the
drawbacks associated with current conventional technologies. In theory acoustic sensing is capable of omni-
directional detection and localization in all weather conditions. It is also a passive technology, with low power,
size, and weight requirements. Thus, the overall objective of this research project is to establish the viability of
utilizing this technology to form the basis of a UAV aircraft anti-collision system. In order to achieve this goal,
two major criteria must be met: 1) The intruding aircraft must be detected at a distance adequate to facilitate an
avoidance maneuver, and 2) The sensing aircraft must be able to establish a basic spatial position (azimuth &
elevation) and trajectory of the intruder once detection has been achieved. The remainder of this dissertation
will therefore examine the kinematic, acoustic, and signal processing requirements to establish such a system,
which will also be verified through physical experimentation.
Consider the general case pertaining to a potential mid-air collision between two aircraft as depicted below in
Figure 1-1. The system consists of an intruding aircraft which emits some unknown acoustic signal, and a
detecting aircraft fitted with a microphone array. Both aircraft are assumed to be in continuous motion with
constant headings and velocities, and are separated by distances large enough such that incident waves arriving
at the sensors may be treated as planar with linear fronts. Translating coordinate frames are fixed to both aircraft
and give locations with respect to the GPS coordinate system. Each translating frame also contains a rotated
coordinate reference which provides kinematic information relative to the respective aircraft orientation (yaw,
pitch, roll). Typically, only information projected along a direct line-of-sight vector connecting the two aircraft
is of concern since this component ultimately governs characteristics of the received source signal. Relative
separation distances will largely dictate source attenuation levels, with atmospheric effects also providing some
typically unknown contribution. Relative motion between the aircraft will produce variations in the observed
source frequency due to Doppler effects as will be later described. Self-noise generated by the sensing aircraft
will effectively corrupt acquired signals and thus influence the ability to perform detection and localization
operations. The ultimate goal of the system is to utilize the known kinematic information of the sensing aircraft
in conjunction with measured data such as acquired signal amplitude, spatial phase characteristics, and
perceived source frequency, to determine information about the unknown acoustic source such as location and
velocity. With respect to the above considerations, the overall system may therefore be described in terms of
its acoustic properties, kinematic relationships, and signal acquisition/processing requirements. Each of these
areas is further discussed below to provide the reader with the basic background knowledge required to
effectively interpret the methods and solutions proposed throughout the remainder of this dissertation.
Figure 1-1: Depiction of the kinematic and acoustic properties of a mid-air encounter.
Much like other potential SAA technologies, acoustic sensing does have its drawbacks and associated
challenges. Perhaps the greatest problem is the inherent self-noise generated by the sensing system as a whole.
Strongly correlated narrowband and randomly distributed broadband components often produce very low
signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). This greatly limits the ability to achieve adequate detection distances and perform
more advanced operations such as spatial localization. Moreover, self-generated noise signals tend to be highly
non-stationary, greatly increasing the difficultly in removing them. Thus, utilizing UAVs as an acoustic sensing
platform is generally considered a very difficult task. The main reasons why this is the case can be summarized
as follows:
1) The acquired signal power of the self-generated noise components is much larger than that of the source
to be detected. Thus, unfiltered signals will have very large negative SNR values making the problem of
unknown source detection extremely difficult.
2) The sensing system has a very dynamic in nature since engine RPM and airspeeds often vary considerably
over time. These changes produce highly non-stationary self-noise components which must be removed
via some active filtering approach. However, the properties of the system prevent the establishment of a
noise-only reference sensor to facilitate standard active filtering methods.
3) All signal processing operations performed must be done so without producing any phase distortions
between acquired signals since this information is required for source localization operations.
4) The acoustic source signal to be detected will often have similar component frequencies and will also be
non-stationary if engine speeds vary. If source component frequencies equal that of the self-generated
noise, they will not be detectable.
5) Relative velocities between the detecting and intruding aircraft will effectively cause frequency shifts
producing a perceived non-stationary signal regardless of the true level of stationarity at the emitting
6) Atmospheric conditions such as humidity, wind, and temperature differentials cause unpredictable
acoustic attenuation and directivity properties which will ultimately affect detection distances to some
Despite these technical challenges, it will be shown that a combination of physical noise reduction steps in
conjunction with advanced digital signal processing techniques can be implemented to achieve appreciable
detection and localization capabilities. Each of the identified technical challenges and proposed solutions will
be further discussed in future sections.
The presented research consists of theoretical developments in the area of digital signal processing which are
evaluated using simulated data and verified through physical experimentation. Developments are made to
address the issues outlined in the previous section and maximize the performance of the proposed technology
for the specific application at hand. Table 1-1 displayed below provides an overview of the theoretical
contributions made in the areas of filtering, enhancement, detection, and localization.
The remainder of this dissertation is organized as follows: Chapter 2 provides the necessary background
information required to gain an understanding of the demands, technical challenges, and analytical techniques
required to effectively develop and test an acoustic-based collision avoidance system. In addition, a review of
the current literature in the area of non-cooperative collision avoidance technologies is also provided. Chapter
3 presents several techniques to adaptively filter harmonic narrowband signals without the use of any reference
signal and without producing any phase distortions. The proposed methods are evaluated and validated using
simulated and experimental data. Chapter 4 provides developments made in the areas of signal enhancement
and source detection. The chapter is partitioned into two main sections: The first presents several spectral
enhancement processors which utilize phase acceleration and coherence while exploiting the properties of
harmonic signals to increase source detectability. The second provides an analysis and development of CFAR
detection schemes for unknown signals in noise of unknown properties. Simulation studies are also provided to
evaluate the proposed enhancement processors and detection schemes. Chapter 5 provides a discussion of
common source localization methods and outlines the approach best suited for the application at hand.
Computationally-efficient 3D localization methods are proposed along with a frequency domain beamforming
method, which exploits properties of harmonic signals to enhance localization capabilities. Chapter 6 provides
details of the experimental studies conducted to evaluate the overall suitability of acoustic sensing to form the
basis of a non-cooperative UAV collision avoidance system. Results are also provided to validate the proposed
signal processing developments presented throughout the dissertation. Finally, Chapter 7 provides the overall
conclusions based on the experiments conducted and provides recommendations regarding future work in this
The term Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (commonly termed drones), simply refers to any aircraft which may be
piloted remotely or fly autonomously and does not carry any human operator onboard. They range from simple
electric powered hand operated short-range systems, to turbofan powered long endurance high altitude systems
that require a traditional airstrip for operation. In addition, UAVs may consist of both fixed-wing and rotary-
wing design configurations.
Contrary to popular belief, UAVs are not a new technology with historical accounts of operational systems
dating back to the early 1900’s. First developments in the field date back to WWI when the U.S. developed a
pilot-less aircraft known as the “Kettering Bug”, which essentially acted as a timed flying bomb that would
release its wings and fall to earth after some pre-programmed period of time. During the 1930’s, the British
developed and produced more than 400 unmanned vehicles for target practice purposes. These vehicles where
known as “Queen Bees” and would later coin the popular UAV term “drone”. However, it wasn’t until the
1990’s that UAVs became familiar to the general public as they gained acceptance as a useful military tool. The
conflicts in the first Iraqi war and later in the Balkans ushered in a new era for UAVs giving them mass media
exposure; this exposure further increased during the most recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq [1].
Today, UAVs have reached unprecedented levels of growth as interest continues to expand worldwide. Recent
advances in computer technology, software development, lightweight material manufacturing, advanced data
links, and sensing technologies are strengthening capabilities and further fueling demand through increased
application potential. Many countries across the globe are now developing UAVs for military, civil, and
commercial uses with hundreds of diverse models now having been produced. Civil government function will
probably compose the majority of future UAV usage. These applications would address many of the functions
currently provided by manned aircraft but offer greater endurance and lower operating costs. Typical
applications may include: emergency response, law enforcement surveillance, search and rescue, forest fire
monitoring, illegal hunting, communications relay, flood mapping, high altitude imaging, nuclear, biological,
chemical (NBC) sensing/tracking, traffic monitoring, humanitarian aid, land use mapping, chemical/petroleum
spill monitoring, border patrol, monitoring of sensitive sites, drug trafficking surveillance and prevention,
domestic traffic surveillance, and coastal port security. The commercial industry will also see an increased
number of potential applications for UAVs once better regulatory infrastructure and more affordable systems
are established. Potential commercial uses for both large and small UAVs may include: crop monitoring, utility
inspection, news and media support, aerial advertising, urban cargo delivery, surveying and mapping,
commercial imaging, and business security to name a few [5].
UAVs can generally be categorized as being either fixed-wing or rotary-wing (multi-rotor), with conventional
or pusher style propulsion system configurations. Figure 2-1 provides a depiction of each aircraft type including
a typical array configuration. Pictures of the actual aircraft used for experimental studies are later presented in
Chapter 6. Studies were conducted using both forms of aircraft since each type provides different associated
benefits and technical challenges.
Fixed-wing UAVs generally contain a single propeller-based propulsion system which may be located at either
the front (conventional) or rear (pusher) of the aircraft. A continuous forward motion is required to achieve
flight which in turn produces the need for some form of airstrip to facilitate landing and take-off operations.
Since these aircraft are typically much larger than the multi-rotor type, the establishment of acoustic arrays are
generally much less constrained in terms of possible geometric configurations; a property which ultimately
governs array performance for a given signal frequency and fixed sensor quantity. In addition, larger spatial
availability permits the placement of microphones further from the propulsion system which is the major
contributing noise source. In such respects, the pusher configuration would thus generally be preferred over the
conventional style. Although fixed-wing aircraft allows greater variability in array configuration, the continuous
forward motion required to maintain flight also generates high velocity airflow past the microphone sensors.
This in turn may generate considerable amounts of noise in the acquired acoustic signals.
In contrast, multi-rotor UAVs contain multiple vertically oriented and equally opposed lifting fans to remain
airborne. They have the benefit of not requiring any directional velocity to achieve flight and do not require an
airstrip to facilitate takeoff and landing operations. Moreover, they may traverse and/or rotate in essentially any
desired direction creating a much higher degree of maneuverability. It is because of these reasons that multi-
rotor UAVs are becoming much more popular and widely utilized than the fixed-wing variety. As with fixed-
wing aircraft, multi-rotors may be configured in the conventional lifting or alternative pusher style
configurations. Since these aircraft do not require continuous motion to produce flight and velocities present
during typical operations are relatively low, flow-generated noise is typically of much less concern. However,
size constraints and the presence of multiple lifting fans mean microphones will inherently be located relatively
close to multiple high-level noise sources which may also be operating at different frequencies. As with fixed-
wing aircraft, multirotors consisting of the pusher configuration will generally be preferred since there is greater
freedom in microphone placement, and sensors can be located further away from the high-speed downward
airflow generated by the lifting propellers.
Cooperative SAA technologies are those that require the successful transmission of positional information
between aircraft and/or ground-based air traffic control systems to avoid midair collisions. The most popular
cooperative detection systems include the Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) and Automatic
Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) systems. TCAS is the primary collision avoidance system
currently utilized by industry and has been progressively implemented since the mid 1950s [6]. It actively
interrogates open airspace for the presence of other aircraft on a 1030 MHz channel via a transponder. The
presence of another aircraft within the transmission range will trigger a response from the TCAS system of the
aircraft subject to the interrogation. The pilot will then be notified of the aircraft’s presence via a 1090 MHz
radio frequency. However, aircraft that are not equipped with a TCAS transponder will not recognize another
aircraft in its vicinity regardless of whether or not that particular aircraft has TCAS; both aircraft will be
effectively blind to one another.
ADS-B is a relatively new technology that allows both pilots and ground stations to detect other equipped
aircraft in the surrounding airspace with much more precision than has previously been possible with older
systems such as TCAS. Making use of GPS, it determines the aircraft position along with other information
such as altitude, speed, heading, flight number, etc. This information is digitized and broadcast several times a
second via a discrete frequency data link through a universal access transceiver which allows communication
between aircraft within a 240 km radius [7]. Using this information, the pilot is then able to easily make
decisions on how best to avoid an approaching aircraft well in advance of it ever becoming a threat. As with
TCAS, an aircraft that is not equipped with a traditional ASD-B device will not recognize another aircraft in its
vicinity regardless of whether or not that particular aircraft is ASD-B equipped. However, new system
developments which involve augmentation of the communication signal with random biphase modulation
allows operation in a manner similar to that of a radar, and may be capable of detecting non-cooperative targets
As previously mentioned in Chapter 1, UAVs do not meet the regulatory requirements to carry cooperative
collision avoidance systems and do not have the benefit of an onboard pilot to act as the last line of defence.
These aircraft must therefore utilize some form of non-cooperative system to facilitate the detection and
subsequent avoidance of other approaching aircraft. In contrast to cooperative systems, non-cooperative
avoidance does not require communication between approaching aircraft. Each aircraft would instead utilize
some form of independent sensor system to detect airborne threats and perform an avoidance maneuver if
required. Sensor systems currently being investigated for this purpose include electro-optical (EO), infrared
(IR), radar, laser, sonar, and acoustic; each of which are discussed in further detail below. - Electro-Optical
In the context of collision avoidance systems, EO sensing refers to the use of Charged Coupled Device (CCD)
or Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) cameras to detect and localize nearby aircraft. These
devices operate by converting light intensity or a change in light intensity into an electronic signal. Although
very similar to a passive IR sensor, they cannot detect target intensity (energy emitted) [8]. Various studies have
been conducted using a number of sensing methods to evaluate the technology’s potential for collision
avoidance purposes. The underlying principle is to use multiple cameras placed at different locations to create
multiple view angles which may effectively determine target vectors through image/pixel differentiation [9].
The most common processing techniques include stereo vision and optical flow methods [10-14]. Stereo based
systems are relatively simplistic and computationally efficient. However, the effective detection range is
ultimately governed by image resolution and camera spacing which is very limited onboard most all UAVs.
Optical flow methods often provide increased detection distances compared to the stereo based approach, but
the technique requires target motion across the reference image frame. Thus, a stationary target or aircraft on a
head-on collision course would not be detected since it would not appear to be moving [15]. Other technical
challenges inherent with all EO methods include high computational requirements for real-time operation, and
the need to estimate and compensate for any motion of the sensing aircraft in order to achieve accurate results
[8, 9, 16-19].
In addition to technical challenges, there are a number of severe drawbacks inherent with EO-based sensing
which greatly limits its potential use. The main being the requirement of good atmospheric visibility during
operation. This effectively prevents usage during nighttime or reduced light conditions and limits capabilities
when fog or cloud cover is present. EO systems also suffer from a relatively narrow field of view with spherical
detection coverage being almost impossible to achieve. Thus, the exclusive use of this technology would not
constitute an effective anti-collision system.
2-26 - Infrared
IR imaging is a passive sensing technology that makes use of thermographic cameras. Often called IR cameras,
these detect radiation in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum which has a wavelength of
anywhere between 0.78–12 µm. IR imaging is generally separated into four categories based on the detected
wavelength. Near IR (NIR) detects wavelengths between 0.78–1 µm, Short Wave IR (SWIR) between 1–3 µm,
Mid-Wave IR (MWIR) between 3–7 µm, and Long Wave IR (LWIR) between 7–12 µm. Near IR (NIR) is a
red wavelength that is just beyond human eye sensitivity. NIR and SWIR behave similarly to visible
wavelengths and can be treated the same as CCD technology. MWIR and LWIR detect primarily the thermal
emission spectra of an object rather than the reflected emission, and can be used in either day or night conditions
IR images of detected radiation are called thermographs and closely resemble that taken by a standard optical
camera. Since infrared radiation is emitted and reflected by all objects above absolute zero according to
the black-body radiation law, thermography makes it possible to see ones environment with or
without visible illumination. The amount of radiation emitted by an object increases with temperature;
therefore, thermography allows one to see variations in the temperature of a body. When viewed through a
thermal imaging camera, warm objects such as the engine of a UAV stand out well against cooler backgrounds
such as the sky. Thus, IR cameras are most effective during night time operation which is in contrast to that of
EO sensing. Depending on the type of IR camera used (SWIR for example), radiation reflected from the UAV
fuselage and wings may also be measured to further increase detectability. Currently, little research has been
conducted on the use of IR technologies for SAA operations with the exception of one study which utilizes a
hybrid EO and IR system [20].
As with EO sensing, IR technologies also suffer from similar drawbacks limiting potential usage. IR cameras
have a narrow field of view, are susceptible to visibility conditions such as fog or cloud cover and require high
computing capabilities to enable real-time operation. In addition, most commercially available systems offer
poor resolution, low frame rate, and a narrow detectable wave band. Cameras best suited for SAA operations
are controlled by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) because of their potential use in military
applications. Thus, the ability to acquire such devices for research, development, and commercial distribution
is greatly hindered. - Radar
Radar is an active detection system that uses radio waves to determine the range, altitude, and/or velocity of
objects. It works on the principle of transmitting electromagnetic waves that reflect off essentially any object
in the transmission path. The reflected waves are collected via a dish or antenna and processed to construct a
picture-like representation of the signal-impeding object. Radar technologies such as Continuous-Wave and
Pulse Doppler Radar are currently used extensively in target detection and collision avoidance for ground and
sea-based applications.
Unlike EO and IR technologies, radar is not significantly affected by lighting or atmospheric conditions.
However, the device requires a great deal of power to achieve reasonable detection distances, and large antennas
are required for beam localization; both of which essentially exclude their use on-board most all UAVs.
Amphitech has developed a compact radar-based collision avoidance system with a detection range up to 5
nautical miles [21]. However, the device weighs approximately 55 lbs which excludes it from most all non-
military UAVs. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) offers a potential solution to this problem by using the sensing
aircraft’s motion to create a synthetic aperture or window through which electromagnetic waves may be sent
and collected. The result is a drastically reduced antenna size and the ability to achieve higher resolutions
compared to standard radar forms. Thus, SAR systems may be fitted to small UAVs for sensing purposes such
as target detection and low altitude elevation tracking [22]. Research in other SAR applications such as 3D
imaging and motion detection is currently being conducted and may eventually allow SAR to be used as a SAA
technology [23]. - Laser
Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (LASER) sensing is an active technology that is
receiving a great deal of attention. The recent decision by the Danish Air Force to equip its Elicottero Helicopter
Industries-01 search-and-rescue helicopters with the SELEX Communications Laser Obstacle Avoidance and
Monitoring (LOAM®) system has pushed laser technology to the forefront of SAA solutions [24]. It was also
announced that Lockheed-Martin will be working in collaboration with SELEX on a new SAA system for
civilian and military applications, including the U.S. Army’s Black Hawk Utility Helicopter-60 (UH-60) [23].
Laser systems such as LOAM scan the immediate airspace at regular intervals while processing the data through
echo-analysis software. Obstacles in the flight path of the aircraft will be detected if illuminated by the laser
source [24]. Promising research has been conducted using high-resolution laser scanners on larger UAVs in
cluttered environments [25, 26]. However, these aircraft weighed more than 75 kg and had to use most of their
payload capability to lift the laser scanner. Systems have been miniaturized for use on small UAVs by
sacrificing both resolution and sensing directions. Compact and lightweight laser scanners that measure target
distances via a 2D plane have been successfully utilized by small UAVs for indoor operations [27, 28].
However, the range of these scanners is less than 30 m which would not be sufficient for aircraft anti-collision
purposes. - Sonar
Sonar is typically an active sensing technology that works on similar principals as Radar, with the major
difference being that Sonar utilizes acoustic waves rather than electromagnetic waves. The use of sonar
technology is generally ill-suited for UAV SAA purposes due to inherent range limitations and environmental
susceptibility when being used in air [16, 29]. Also, detection times would not be adequate in most cases if
aircraft are traveling near sonic levels. Although generally deemed inappropriate for aircraft anti-collision
applications, sonar has been successfully utilized as a high-accuracy near-range UAV altimeter for the purpose
of autonomous landing operations [30]. - Acoustic
Acoustic sensing is a passive technology that involves the detection of acoustic wave energy produced by some
oscillating body. The most common form involves using sensors known as microphones which detect pressure
fluctuations produced during wave transmission. Acoustic sensing has many potential benefits over more
traditional non-cooperative technologies such as EO, IR, and Radar. Since sensors are typically omni-
directional, complete spherical sensing coverage can be achieved. This is a very important feature as the bulk
of midair collision takes place either from behind, the side, above, or below; locations which would typically
fall outside the field of view for most other sensing technologies [4]. Sensing systems are typically very small
and lightweight since they consist of only a few microphones and a data recording/processing unit. Data
acquisition and processing requirements are also much less than that of EO or IR due to decreased sensor data
rates. By simultaneously using a number of spatially separated microphones in an array configuration, the
detection, localization, and tracking of an acoustic source such as an aircraft can be achieved [31-36]. In some
instances, analyzing the Doppler-induced frequency shift of the source signal over a period of time may also
allow one to determine the velocity and heading of the sound source [36-40]. Recently, alternative sensing
technologies have been developed that measure particle velocities in the transmission medium instead of
pressure fluctuations [41]. These are known as Acoustic Vector Sensors (AVS) and have also been successively
employed to detect and localize aircraft [42-44]. Although shown to be effective, these sensors are very
expensive, fragile, and not well suited for high airflow applications.
The general use of acoustic sensing to detect, localize, and track moving targets has been well studied and
documented in the literature [31-36]. However, there have been very few accounts of using this technology for
UAV SAA purposes. There have been no reports of air-to-air detection and localization of another aircraft from
either a fixed-wing or rotary-wing UAV. There have also been no previous accounts of air-to-ground detection
of continuous acoustic sources from fixed-wing UAVs, air-to-ground detection of impulse-based sources from
rotary-wing UAVs, or air-to-ground tracking from a moving rotary-wing UAV. Work in this area has either
involved the detection of airborne UAVs from stationary platforms such as ground-based microphone arrays or
tethered aerial balloons [4, 38, 45-48], simulating a UAV based detection system [4, 49-51], detecting ground-
based impulse sources from fixed-wing UAVs, [52, 53], and localizing continuous ground-based sources from
stationary low-altitude rotary-wing UAVs [54, 55].
Ferguson [52] utilized a small UAV (Aerosonde) fitted with two microphones to detect and localize acoustic
impulses from a propane cannon located on the ground. Detection distances of up to 300 m were said to have
been achieved with a localization bearing angle error of 3 degrees; although evidence for these claims was not
clearly presented. Robertson [53] also conducted experiments where a ground-based propane cannon was
detected and localized from a small UAV fitted with four microphones. Detection distances of up to 180 m
were said to be achieved with an average localization error of 8 degrees. However, evidence for these claims
was again not clearly presented. Ohata used a multirotor fitted with a large number of MEMS microphones to
detect and localize an acoustic source located on the ground while hovering at altitudes less than 5 m [54, 55].
Although high localization accuracy was achieved, detection distances were far too low to constitute any form
of practical anti-collision system. Finally, Harvey showed that a ground-based loudspeaker emitting a 119 dBC
audio recording of a small gasoline powdered UAV should be detectable at distances up to 1 km by a fixed-
wing UAV fitted with four microphones (original work pertaining to this thesis) [56].
Scientific Applications and Research Associates Inc. (SARA) has developed a compact acoustic sensor system
for use on small UAVs known as the Passive Acoustic Non-Cooperative Collision Alert System (PANCAS)
[57]. This system provides a means of detecting aircraft on a collision course by observing and tracking the
sound of their engines, propellers, and/or rotors. The PANCAS sensor array consists of four microphones
mounted in a configuration that allows the bearing and elevation of an acoustic source to be localized. The
acoustic probes employ proprietary windscreen and mounting technology to reduce the effects of wind noise
and platform vibration. The complete system weighs only 250g and consumes about 7 watts of 6-volt DC power
due to its custom dedicated signal processing board and specially designed probes. It has been integrated on a
number of small gasoline powered UAVs and supposedly obtained detection ranges of up to 2 km [58].
However, there are currently no accounts published in the scientific literature regarding this technology to
support this particular claim. One publication did however briefly indicate that the system was capable of
detecting a shockwave emitted from a ground based propane cannon from a distance of approximately 180 m
via a fixed-wing UAV [53].
Although acoustic sensing is a relatively new idea in the context of collision avoidance technologies, it is
evident that results obtained from studies conducted thus far appear promising. However, significant further
work is required to fully evaluate capabilities for various scenarios and system configurations. Work presented
in this dissertation will attempt to fill this void by providing a complete overview of the technology and its
expected performance characteristics through a combination of theoretical considerations and experimental
Acoustic energy or “sound” is defined as a combination of pressure, particle velocity, and particle displacement
oscillations in an elastic medium such as air or water. It is typically produced through an oscillating body, or
the production of unsteady fluid flow in the medium. The local medium in which the sound waves propagate
through is known as the sound field. Sound fields can generally be classified as being either near field, far field,
free field, and reverberant field. The near field is the region close to a source where the sound pressure and
acoustic particle velocity are not in phase. This region is limited to a distance from the source equal to about
one wavelength or three times the largest dimension of the sound source (whichever is the larger) [59]. The far
field is divided into the free field and reverberant field. In the free field the sound behaves as if in open air
without reflecting surfaces to interfere with its propagation. The reverberant field is defined as a region which
experiences at least one reflection from a boundary surface. In this region, reflected sound waves interfere with
one another in both destructive and constructive ways (depending on their phase). For the detection scenario
pertaining to this thesis, it is assumed that the acoustic source is located in the far free field such that wave
fronts arriving at the observer may be approximated as planar, while multipath effects occurring from surface
reflections may typically be ignored.
Acoustic fields are often described by Sound Pressure Level (SPL), Sound Power Level (PWL), and Sound
Intensity Level (SIL). Of these, SPL is the most commonly used quantity. It is given by the ratio of Root Mean
Square (RMS) wave pressure to some reference value given in decibels:
p2 prms
SPL 10log10 rms 20log10 (2.1)
where 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑓 = 20 μPa is the standard reference pressure which represents the lowest level detectable by the
human ear. The decibel conversion is used since the human ear does not perceive sound level changes in a linear
manner but rather in a more logarithmic one. For spherical waves, pressure is inversely proportional to
propagation distance from the source [59]. Thus, two arbitrary points in the radial direction can be related via
the SPL according to:
SPL2 SPL1 20log10 2 (2.2)
where 𝑆𝑃𝐿1 and 𝑆𝑃𝐿2 are the sound pressure levels at some reference distances 𝑟1 and 𝑟2 away from the source.
From the above equation it can be shown that in the free field, sound pressure level decreases by 6 dB for each
doubling of the distance away from the source.
If the source is directional, an additional term can be used to account for the uneven distribution of the sound
level as a function of direction. The Directivity Index (DI) is defined the difference between the actual sound
pressure, and the sound pressure from a omni-directional point source with the same total acoustic power [60].
It is thus given by:
DI 10log10 mes (2.3)
For an omni-directional source radiating into free 3D space DI = 0 dB. If the source is placed on a perfectly
reflecting surface, hemispherical radiation will occur effectively doubling the field energy density giving DI =
3 dB.
Sound propagates in the form of longitudinal compression waves which may be described using the generalized
wave equation:
1 2 p(r , t )
2 p(r , t ) 0 (2.4)
c2 t 2
where 𝑐 is the speed of sound in the medium, and 𝑝(𝑟, 𝑡) is a function representing the acoustic pressure at
some point in time 𝑡 and space 𝑟 where 𝑟 = [𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧]𝑇 . Using a separation of variables approach, the solution
for a plane wave is given by [61]:
p (r , t ) Ae j (t k r) (2.5)
where 𝐴 is the wave amplitude, 𝜔 = 2𝜋𝑓 is the frequency in radians per second, and 𝐤 is the wavenumber
vector which indicates the speed and direction of wave propagation:
k [sin cos ,sin sin ,cos ] (2.6)
where 𝜆 = 𝑐/𝑓 is the wavelength, 𝜗 and 𝜑 are the 3D azimuth and elevation angles respectively, and 𝑓 is the
frequency in Hz.
For the case of a point source emitting in 3D space, acoustic waves may be described via the spherical wave
equation according to:
2 (r p) 1 2 (r p)
2 0 (2.7)
r 2 c t 2
which has a solution of the form:
A j (t kr)
p(r , t ) e (2.8)
4 r
where 𝑟 = |𝑟| and 𝑘 = |𝐤|. From the above result it is evident that wave pressure is now a function of distance
away from the emitting source. Although sound waves are typically spherical in nature, they can be
approximated as plane waves for large distances away from the source. This approximation is often used to
simplify mathematical analysis for operations such as acoustic beamforming.
For an ideal fixed-point source, the resulting acoustic field may be described by the inhomogeneous wave
1 2 p( r , t )
2 p( r , t ) q(r , t ) (2.9)
c2 t 2
where 𝑞(𝑟, 𝑡) is the source function. Through application of Greens theorem, it can be shown that the solution
to the above form is given by [62]:
q (t r rs / c)
p(r , t ) (2.10)
4 r rs
Now consider the case for a moving monopole source. The sound emitted by the source at some time 𝜏 will
arrive at the observer at some later time given by:
t tp (2.11)
where 𝑡𝑝 is the propagation delay time. The delay time will be a function of the distance between the source
and observer at the time of emission:
r rs ( )
tp (2.12)
Substitution of (2.11) and (2.12) into (2.9) and applying Green’s theorem again leads to the following solution
q( i )
p(r , t ) (2.13)
i 4 r rs ( i ) 1 M so ( i ) / c
where 𝑀𝑠𝑜 is the component of the source velocity (in Mach) along the direct transmission path from the source
to the observer:
1 r rs ( i )
M so ( i ) vs (2.14)
c r rs ( i )
From the above analysis, one very important feature should be noted with regards to the localization of a moving
acoustic source. Since a time delay exists between the transmission and receipt of acoustic information, the
position of the source with respect to the observer at some time 𝑡, will actually be that at some point 𝜏 back in
time. That is, the current position estimate will be delayed by 𝑡𝑝 seconds.
For the case of a moving source and moving observer, the propagation delay will become:
ro (t ) rs ( )
tp (2.15)
while 𝑀𝑠𝑜 is now obtained via the relative velocity between the source and observer along the direct
transmission path:
1 rs ( i ) ro (t ) o
M so ( i ) vs (2.16)
c rs ( i ) ro (t )
where 𝑣𝑠𝑜 is the velocity of the source relative to the observer and 𝜏𝑖 is obtained via the roots of:
ro (t ) rs ( i )
t i (2.17)
It should be noted that the above solutions are only valid for the case of a source and/or observer moving with
a constant velocity.
In most instances sound propagation rarely adheres to perfect free-field conditions as various environmental
factors are often at play. For the case of atmospheric transmission, sound propagation may be affected by wind,
temperature gradients, density variations, humidity, and the presence of any absorbing or reflecting surfaces
[63]. We may define a complete atmospheric attenuation factor by summing the effects of each individual factor
as follows:
where 𝐴𝑎𝑏𝑠 , 𝐴𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑑 , 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝 , and 𝐴𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓 are the attenuation levels due to atmospheric absorption, wind effects,
temperature effects, and surface interaction effects.
Atmospheric absorption is caused by viscous frictional losses and relaxational effects associated with wave
induced particle motion. Empirical models have been developed to predict attenuation levels based on source
frequency and thermodynamic properties of the medium [64]. For a given propagation distance 𝑟, the total
attenuation caused by atmospheric absorption is given by:
Aabs r (2.19)
where 𝛼 is the absorption coefficient with units of dB/100 m obtained via empirical equations or data plots such
as that displayed below in Figure 2-2. Equation (2.2) displayed above for sound propagation can now be written
in the following form to account for atmospheric losses and source directionality:
SPL2 SPL1 20log10 2 Aabs DI (2.20)
The presence of reflecting bodies or surfaces may attenuate or amplify the acoustic energy through a
combination of surface/body absorption and reflection/multipath effects. Consider a source and separated
receiver both located at some distance above a perfectly reflecting surface as depicted in Figure 2-3. Sound will
arrive at the receiver via the direct path, and some reflected path with angle of incidence given by 𝜙. Sound
arriving at the receiver will constructively or destructively interfere according to the phase of each path signal.
Ultimately this will be dictated by wave frequency and path length differences. The sound pressure at the
receiver due to the direct path 𝑝𝑑 and reflected path 𝑝𝑟 wave interaction is given by the following equation [60]:
ptot pd2 pr2 2 pd pr cos[ ] (2.21)
where Δ𝜑 is the phase difference between the two waves at the receiver. For the case of a non-ideal reflecting
surface such as the earth, the reflected wave will be further attenuated through surface absorption effects.
Empirical equations have been developed to predict attenuation levels based on surface, wave, and geometric
properties [65].
In the context of acoustic sensing, properties of multipath reflection may be exploited to determine information
about the source location [66, 67]. With respect to the receiver, sound will appear to be arriving from both the
true source location and the ground incidence location. If beamforming techniques can be applied to determine
the elevation angles to these points relative to the receiver, the source altitude and direct path distance can be
determined. Consider the geometric depiction of the propagation scenario displayed in Figure 2-3, where 𝜙 is
the angle of incidence and 𝜃 is the angular source location with respect to horizontal plane. It is assumed that
𝜙 and 𝜃 are obtained via some localization operation while ℎ𝑟 is also known. The direct path length 𝐿𝐷 can be
obtained via the law of sines according to:
sin( 2 )
LD Lr2 (2.22)
sin( )
where 𝐿𝑟2 is given by:
Lr 2 (2.23)
sin( )
The altitude of the source can then be found according to:
hs hr LD sin( ) (2.24)
Wind and temperature gradients may also affect sound transmission to a significant extent, typically through
the production of refraction like effects. Over open ground, substantial velocity gradients may exist due to
friction between the moving air and ground. In the absence of turbulence, boundary layer effects typically cause
air speeds to vary logarithmically up to a height of approximately 100 meters [65]. As a consequence of this,
sound traveling against the wind direction will be refracted or bent upwards, while sound moving away will be
bent downwards. This effect is depicted below in Figure 2-4. Similar to wind, temperature will also have a
refractive effect on sound propagation. In the presence of a temperature gradient (typically in the vertical
direction), sound waves are refracted to direction of lower sound velocity (lower temperature region).
Determining attenuation levels due to refraction effects is extremely difficult and often impossible for many
weather conditions [69]. Methods such as ray tracing may be utilized to form approximations, but accurate
results require knowledge of the medium thermodynamic properties as a function of altitude. Thus, no attempts
will be made to incorporate these effects into any aspects of the proposed acoustic detection system presented
in this thesis.
The acoustic Doppler effect is the apparent change in observed frequency of an acoustic source due to a relative
motion between the source and observer. For advancing bodies (decreasing distances), perceived frequencies
increase, while retreating bodies (increasing distances) produce a decreased frequency perception. The general
equation relating the observed Doppler shifted frequency 𝑓𝑜 and the true source frequency 𝑓𝑠 is given by the
following [70]:
(1 rˆso vo c)
fo f s (2.25)
(1 rˆso vs c)
where 𝑐 is the speed of sound in air, 𝑣𝑜 is the velocity of the observer, 𝑣𝑠 is the velocity of the source and 𝑟̂𝑠𝑜 is
the unit vector in the direction of the source with respect to the observer. If velocities are much less than the
speed of sound, the above form can be approximated as [71]:
where 𝑣𝑠𝑜 is the velocity of the source relative to the observer. If velocities are greater than or equal to the speed
of sound, the above Doppler model is no longer valid, since the emitted wavelength will approach zero giving
rise to a shockwave. However, very few aircraft operate at these velocities and thus the issue is of little concern
here. For the case of a medium with uniform flow velocity 𝑣𝑚 , the observed frequency is given by [70]:
(1 rˆso [vo vm ] c)
f0 f s (2.27)
(1 rˆso [vs vm ] c)
Since both aircraft are in constant motion, some degree of doppler shifting will exist at almost all times. From
the above equation however, it is evident that the observed frequency will equal that of the emitted signal when
the relative velocity is zero. At this point, the distance between the source and observer will be at its minimum
and is termed the Closest Point of Approach (CPA). It has been found that the Doppler effect may be exploited
to predict kinematic source parameters such as velocity, heading, and altitude for an aircraft flying past a
ground-based array [36-40]. Using the CPA as a boundary condition, a closed form solution to the system
kinematic equations can be achieved. Parameter values may then be estimated through data fitting of observed
frequency values via methods such the least squares approach. Unfortunately however, these methods can only
be implemented in a post processing form since the full data record of the observed flight is required.
Acoustic generated noise is the greatest limiting factor in achieving detection distances required to establish a
viable SAA system. Due to the physical nature of the system, large amounts of self-noise is generated by the
sensing aircraft. This in turn is captured by the sensing system effectively corrupting acquired acoustic signals.
The aircraft propulsion system constitutes the major noise component with unsteady airflow past the sensing
elements and airframe contributing to a lesser extent. Figure 2-5 provides a depiction of these noise sources for
a fixed-wing pusher style aircraft fitted with four microphone sensors. However, depending on the aircraft
configuration (fixed-wing or rotary-wing), these components may vary largely in terms of their properties and
contribution levels. Details regarding the exact mechanisms by which acoustic energy is produced along with
its specific properties is complex and constitutes its own field of study. Thus, topics in this area will only be
discussed to a degree which maintains a practical significance to work presented in this thesis.
During flight operations, large pressure fluctuations and unsteady fluid flows are created by the propeller
motion. Although most of the turbulent airflow is swept downstream, pressure waves radiate outwards in all
directions and would be sensed by any microphone located in the vicinity. Propeller noise can generally be
decomposed into rotational and vortex-based components [72]. Vortex based noise is broadband in nature and
is produced by the unsteady fluid interaction with the propeller blade surfaces and trailing edges. This noise is
directional along the propeller axis and typically contributes to a much lesser extent [73]. The rotational noise
component consists of discrete harmonic frequencies which are a function of the blade rotation rate. It is
primarily produced through the pressure distributions required to generate lift, periodic air volume
displacement, and a combination of impulse based effects known as blade slap [72]. The fundamental
component provides the largest power contribution with successive harmonic frequencies decreasing almost
linearly with increasing order. The fundamental frequency value is determined by the product of the propeller
rotation rate and number of blades present.
For most fixed-wing aircraft, the above description provides an accurate account of noise generation
mechanisms. For the case of rotary-wing aircraft however, multiple rotational sources are present operating at
different frequencies thus giving rise to a more complex acoustic signature. For the minimum configuration
(helicopter), two propeller-based sources are present which operate at different frequencies. Most helicopters
have a main rotor frequency between 5 and 10 Hz, and a tail rotor frequency between 15 and 50 Hz with
anywhere from 2 to 4 blades present on each rotor [74]. This contrasts with most fixed-wing aircraft which
typically operate in the 50 to 100 Hz range. Figure 2-6 provides the power spectra generated from experimental
data for a fixed-wing Cessna 185 airplane, Bell 206 helicopter, and a Sikorsky S-92 helicopter during a fly-by.
From the plots it is evident that strong narrowband components are present combined with a frequency
dependent broadband component. It is also apparent that the number of harmonic components is much greater
for the two helicopter spectra and extend to a much lower frequency as expected. In addition, most all the
narrowband components are attenuated to the broadband noise floor at frequencies above 1000 Hz for all of the
aircraft. It will later be shown in Chapter 4 that the presence of theses harmonic components may be exploited
to enhance aircraft detection capabilities.
For the case of UAVs, more advanced rotary-wing aircraft are often used which employ multiple equal lifting
propellers without the use of any stabilizing rotor. Typically referred to as multi-rotor aircraft, these devices
usually contain anywhere from 4 to 8 separate lifting fans with two propeller blades on each rotor. Figure 2-7
provides the power spectra of self-generated noise obtained from experimental acoustic data for three UAVs.
The aircraft consisted of a fixed-wing pusher (Delta X-8), fixed-wing conventional (Giant Big Stik), and an
eight engine multi-rotor (Kraken). Further details regarding these aircraft is later provided in Chapter 6. From
the plots it is evident that all aircraft exhibit strong narrowband components with a frequency dependent
broadband component as expected. However, the conventional style and multi-rotor aircraft both exhibit
stronger broadband components than the fixed-wing pusher configuration. This is expected since the sensing
microphones were located further from the propeller axis for this particular aircraft.
In addition to propeller generated noise, vibrations produced by the aircraft engine may also produce
narrowband noise components. Similar to the propeller-based effects, these components also occur at discrete
harmonic frequencies with the fundamental frequency being equal to the engine rotational rate. However, unlike
propeller generated noise, vibrational effects can be effectively mitigated through incorporating vibration
dampening materials in the sensor mounting system. Such a system is later described in the experimental details
section (Chapter 6).
Components of the aircraft structure may also contribute to acoustic noise levels through the creation of
unsteady flow phenomena such as vortex shedding and wake formation [73]. These effects are typically
generated along surface edges such as wing tips, or by non-aerodynamic components such as the landing gear.
Structural based noise is typically broadband in nature and extremely hard to predict since it is completely
dependent on the aircraft structural configuration and component geometry.
Another obvious and often significant noise source is that generated by the microphone sensors. Placing
microphones on a fixed-wing aircraft would typically mean they are operating in a high velocity fluid-flow
field. The inherent shape of a microphone (cylindrical with a flat membrane top) creates unsteady flow
conditions across the sensing diaphragm effectively generating pressure fluctuations, which in turn produces
noise on the recorded sensor signal(s). Depending on the physical characteristics of the microphone (dimensions
and shape) and the fluid flow velocities involved, the noise generated may be quite severe. It will later be shown
that utilizing specialized microphones fitted with noise cones to promote the production of laminar fluid flow
across the sensing diaphragm can reduce this noise considerably. For the case of multi-rotor aircraft, flow
generated noise is often of less concern since transit velocities are typically much lower. Because the aircraft is
not constrained to any particular motion direction (with respect to its orientation), the laminar flow style
microphones used for fixed-wing aircraft would provide little benefit. However, since fluid velocities are
relatively low, noise levels can be reduced considerably by the use of standard foam windscreen covers.
As previously demonstrated, the acoustic field at the observing aircraft will be a function of the relative distance
and velocity along the direct transmission path (line of sight) between the two aircraft. Thus, we wish to obtain
a kinematic model which describes the relative motion based on these parameters. Consider the vector
representation for the potential collision system as depicted in Figure 2-8. The position of each aircraft is given
in a universal Cartesian coordinate frame such as the GPS system. Translated coordinate systems are attached
to the source and observing aircraft indicated by 𝐒 and 𝐎 respectively. The speed and heading for the two
aircraft are defined in these frames via the spherical coordinate values (speed, azimuth, elevation) 𝑣𝑠 , 𝜃𝑠 , 𝜙𝑠 and
𝑣𝑜 , 𝜃𝑜 , 𝜙𝑜 respectively. In addition, a rotated coordinate system is attached to the observing aircraft given by 𝐀
which defines its orientation via the roll, pitch, yaw angles 𝜒, 𝜓, 𝛾. The angular position of the source aircraft
is given in this reference frame by the azimuth and elevation angles 𝜗, 𝜑. Note that for fixed-wing aircraft, the
direction of motion is dictated by the aircraft orientation. That is, the aircraft always moves in the direction it
is pointed such that 𝜃 = 𝛾 and 𝜙 = 𝜓. However, for multirotor aircraft this is not the case. Its motion is
completely independent of yaw and only partially dependent on the roll and pitch angles. Motion in the vertical
direction is completely independent of orientation while motion in the horizontal plane is dependent on pitch
and roll angles. The coordinate systems for the aircraft orientation frame and spherical heading values are
defined in Figure 2-9. Note that the defined orientation angle system is different from the traditional convention.
This was done to maintain uniformity between the standard universal, array directivity, and aircraft heading
From the kinematic vector representation given above, it is evident that the relative distance and velocity along
the direction transmission path are given by:
rso rs ro (2.30)
d o
vso rs (2.31)
The unit displacement or direction vector 𝑟̂𝑠𝑜 may be approximated via the angular position 𝜗, 𝜑 as obtained
through beamforming methods. Conversion of theses angles from the sensing aircraft orientation frame to the
universal coordinate system may be achieved according to:
cos cos cos sin cos sin sin sin sin cos cos sin
o 'R cos sin cos cos sin sin sin cos sin cos sin sin (2.33)
sin cos sin cos cos
For the case of constant velocities, the position vector for each aircraft will be given by:
rs rs ,0 vs t (2.36)
ro ro ,0 vo t (2.37)
where 𝑟𝑠,0 and 𝑟𝑜,0 are the initial positions at the first point of detection. The source and observer velocity
vectors are defined by the speed and heading values according to:
vo vo M o ,o (2.38)
vs vs M s ,s (2.39)
where M , is the heading vector for the respective aircraft given by:
Rearranging and combining equations (2.41), (2.35), and (2.29) finally gives:
1 o
rs rso,0 rˆso rso rˆso rso,0 rˆso,0 rˆso
o' oo' R M , M , rrel M 0 ,0 rrel ,0
For the case of non-constant aircraft velocities, the above equation does not hold. Instead the position vectors
will be given by:
rs rs ,0 vs d (2.43)
ro ro,0 vo d (2.44)
d d o d o o
vrel rrel rs rs rˆs
dt dt dt
t t
vs d vo d oo' R M ,
dt 0 0
Acoustic signals are acquired via multiple microphones located at various positions on the sensing aircraft to
facilitate array processing operations. Each sensor contains a pre-amplification circuit and is supplied with a
polarization voltage to enable operation. Analog signals are passed through an Analog-to-Digital Converter
(ADC) operating at some fixed sampling rate before finally entering the digital processing unit as depicted
below in Figure 2-10.
Once signals have been digitally acquired, various processing steps are then implemented to enable source
detection and spatial localization. The required processing steps may be sectioned into three main stages with
each stage containing multiple sub operations as depicted in Figure 2-11. The major processing operations
consist of: 1) Conditioning & Filtering, 2) Enhancement & Detection, and 3) Localization & Tracking. Each of
these areas is the subject of its own chapter and is thus discussed later in much greater technical detail. The
description given below simply provides a brief overview of the general signal processing operations required
to establish an acoustic based collision avoidance system.
The first processing stage conditions signals such that the performance of detection and localization algorithms
are maximized. It consists of two main components: 1) Preprocessing and 2) Narrowband Self-Noise Removal.
Preprocessing consists of basic operations to remove any signal components outside the bandwidth of interest,
down-sample signals if possible to minimize computational requirements, and adjust gain values to maintain
uniformity across signals. Filtering operations are performed on the conditioned signals to remove harmonic
narrowband noise generated by the aircraft propulsion system. Since engine speeds often vary considerably
during flight operations, adaptive filtering techniques must be employed. All processing operations performed
in this stage are completed in the time domain.
Upon conditioning and removing all major noise components, signals are then subject to enhancement
processors to further discriminate between random noise and potential source components. Since no information
regarding the source properties (frequency, phase, amplitude, etc.) are known, signals must first be transformed
to the frequency domain to optimize detectability. By exploiting the harmonic narrowband structure associated
with aircraft acoustic emissions, operations may be performed to enhance the presence of potential narrowband
components relative to the surrounding broadband noise. Threshold based detection algorithms are then
implemented to verify the presence of any source signals with some predetermined probability. To maintain a
constant false alarm rate, essentially all detection schemes require independent and identically distributed (IID)
noise across the bandwidth of interest. Thus, spectral whitening techniques must be implemented prior to any
detection operations to ensure probability requirements are accurately satisfied.
If a target signal is detected, array processing techniques may then be employed to determine the angular
location of the source relative to the detecting aircraft orientation. Using this information, the detecting aircraft
can then change course accordingly to avoid a collision. Although a successful avoidance maneuver can be
performed using only angular positions, the resulting flight path will be unnecessarily long and thus require
larger minimum detection distances. In order to determine the optimal course change for a given kinematic
configuration, information regarding the target trajectory must also be known. This may be achieved by
inputting the observed source frequency, amplitude, and spatial location values into a model which incorporates
the kinematic, acoustic, and signal properties of the collision system as previously described. Details regarding
the optimal path change for a given target trajectory is outside the scope of this thesis.
The following section provides a brief description of various fundamental signal processing concepts and
operations utilized throughout the remainder of this thesis.
Signals may be broadly classified as being either deterministic or random. Deterministic signals are fixed and
can be completely described by analytical expressions. All past, present, and future values of these signals can
be determined or predicted with certainty. For example, a signal containing only pure sinusoidal wave(s) would
be deterministic since it can be described entirely through some combination of sinusoidal functions. Random
or stochastic signals however cannot be characterized by a simple well-defined mathematical function, and their
future values cannot be predicted with absolute certainty. For these signals we must utilize probabilistic
techniques to describe their behavior. Most real-world signals are random in nature.
Random signals may be further classified as being either stationary or non-stationary. A stationary random
process is one whose ensemble statistics do not depend on time; its probability distribution is the same at all
times. In contrast, a non-stationary system is one whose characterizing statistics such as mean, variance, etc.
changes over time. An ergodic process is one in which the time average and ensemble statistics are equal. Often,
stationary processes are ergodic in nature.
Random stationary signals are often classified in terms of their expected value, variance, standard deviation,
and Probability Density Function (PDF). The PDF of a stationary process is generally defined as:
dF x
fX x (2.46)
where 𝐹(𝑥) is the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of a process involving some random variable 𝑋.
The probability that the random variable 𝑋 will have a value between 𝑎 and 𝑏 is represented as 𝑃[𝑎 ≤ 𝑋 ≤ 𝑏]
and is given by:
P[a X b] F (b) F (a) f X ( x) dx (2.47)
For any continuous single-valued function 𝑔(𝑥) with corresponding PDF 𝑓𝑋 (𝑥), the expected value of 𝑔(𝑥) is
defined by:
E[ g ( x)] g ( x) f X ( x) dx (2.48)
Commonly used statistical measures such as the mean, variance, standard deviation, etc. are defined by taking
various moments of the expected value according to:
k E[ x k ] x
f X ( x) dx (2.49)
1 E[ x1 ] x
f X ( x) dx (2.50)
The mean square value 𝜓 2 which is analgous to signal power is given by the second moment:
2 E[ x 2 ] 2 x
f X ( x) dx (2.51)
where the positive square root of 𝜓 2 is known as the Root Mean Square (RMS) value 𝜓.
The variance of a process 𝜎 2 is defined as the second moment taken about the mean according to:
2 E[( x )2 ] 2 (x )
f X ( x) dx (2.52)
where the positive square root of the variance is termed the standard deviation 𝜎. It can be shown that the above
quantities also satisfy the following condition [75]:
2 2 2 (2.53)
For stationary (ergodic) discrete time signals, the above statistical quantities can be obtained according to:
1 N
x lim
[ x(n)] (2.54)
n 0
1 N
x2 lim
[ x(n)]2 (2.55)
n 0
1 N
x2 lim
[ x(n) x ]2 (2.56)
n 0
In reality, only a finite number of samples are available to determine the above statistical quantities. If the
sample space is small (typically < 100 samples) values obtained are often said to be biased with respect to the
true population statistics. That is, the presence of an outlier for example, would highly influence the calculated
parameter from the true value for the population. For the case of variance, applying Bessel’s Correction leads
to more accurate result [76]:
1 N
x2 [ x(n) x ]2 for N 100
N 1 n 0
Often the PDF of a random process cannot be directly measured or obtained. For these cases, the process is
assumed to have a PDF that can be approximated by a known standard distribution. Such common distributions
include the Uniform, Gaussian, and Exponential to name a few. The Uniform distribution is the most simplistic
distribution form encountered. It simply states that a random variable 𝑋 has an equal probability of representing
values in the interval ( a , b ) . It is thus given by:
f X ( x) for a x b (2.58)
Often the Uniform distribution is used to represent the phase of a deterministic periodic signal such as a sine
wave. For such cases, the PDF may be written as:
f ( ) for 0 2 (2.59)
A Gaussian random variable is defined as one having the following probability density function (PDF):
x 2
f X ( x) e 2 2 (2.60)
2 2
Many random physical phenomena tend to produce density functions characteristic of the Gaussian PDF. Thus,
this PDF is typically used to model random signal noise for a wide range of applications.
The most commonly found deterministic data are periodic in nature and can be decomposed into a collection
of harmonically related sine waves. Consider a single sine wave with random amplitude 𝑋 and uniformly
distributed phase the given by:
f X ( x) for x X (2.62)
2 2 x 2
which has zero mean and variance of 2 x2 / 2 .
z (t ) r (t ) e j (t ) x(t ) jy (t ) (2.63)
where 𝑟(𝑡) is the magnitude or envelope and 𝜃(𝑡) is the phase. If 𝑋 and 𝑌 are statistically independent
Gaussian random variables with equal variance and zero mean, the PDF of the signal magnitude defined by
𝑍 = √𝑋 2 + 𝑌 2 produces the Rayleigh distribution [77]:
ze 2 2
fZ ( z) (2.64)
Since the Fourier transform operation does not modify the random variable distribution type, the above PDF is
representative of the magnitude spectra for a real time valued Gaussian noise signal [78]. To obtain an
expression for the power spectra PDF of Gaussian noise, we simply take the square of a Rayleigh distributed
random variable according to 𝑌 = 𝑋 2 . This produces the Exponential distribution given by [79] :
f X ( x ) e x (2.65)
where the scale parameter 𝜆 is given by 𝜆 = 1⁄2𝜎 2 producing the following form:
e 2 2
f X ( x) (2.66)
2 2
The Exponential distribution can also be completely described using the more generalized Gamma distribution
which is given by:
x 1e x /
f X ( x) (2.67)
( )
where 𝛼 and 𝛽 are scale parameters, and Γ( ) is the Gamma function. Using 𝛼 = 1 and 𝛽 = 1/𝜆 gives the from
previously given by equation (2.65). Note that the sum of 𝑁 Exponential distributions can also be described by
the Gamma distribution using 𝛼 = 𝑁 and 𝛽 = 1⁄𝑁𝜆. Expressing this distribution with respect to the original
time domain Gaussian parameters gives:
2 N
e x 1 N
2 2 2
f X ( x) (2.68)
( N ) N
Consider the case of a complex signal containing a sine wave of amplitude 𝐴 in Gaussian noise. It can be shown
that the resulting distribution for the signal magnitude is given by the Rice distribution [78]:
x 2 A2
x Ax
f X ( x) e 2 2 I0 2 (2.69)
where 𝐼0 is the modified Bessel function of the 0th order. The above PDF is representative of the Fourier
transform magnitude spectra for a real-valued sinusoidal signal in Gaussian noise [78]. Taking the square of a
Rician random variable produces an expression for the PDF associated with the Fourier transform power spectra
which can be modeled by the Nakagami distribution [80]:
x A2
f X ( x) e 2 2 I0 A x (2.70)
2 2
Often, one may require the PDF resulting from some mathematical operation regarding one or more independent
random variables. For two independent random variables 𝑋 and 𝑌, the resulting distribution of the sum
according to 𝑍 = 𝑋 + 𝑌 is given by the following convolution integral:
f Z ( z) fY ( z x) f X ( x)dx fY ( y ) f X ( z y )dy (2.71)
Similarly, the PDF for the difference between two random variables 𝑍 = 𝑋 − 𝑌 is:
fZ ( z) fY ( z x) f X ( x)dx fY ( y ) f X ( z y )dy (2.72)
The PDF for the product of two independent random variables 𝑋 and 𝑌 according to 𝑍 = 𝑋 ⋅ 𝑌 is given by:
1 1
fZ ( z) fY ( z / x ) f X ( x )
dx f X ( z / y ) fY ( y )
dy (2.73)
The division of two independent random variables 𝑋 and 𝑌 according to 𝑍 = 𝑋/𝑌 is given by:
fZ ( z) y f X ( y z) fY ( y)dy (2.74)
The conversation of a stationary random signal to the frequency domain may be achieved via the Discrete
Fourier Transform (DFT) [76]:
L 1 j 2 mn
X ( m) x ( n)e L (2.75)
n 0
where {𝑚 = 0,1,2, … , 𝐿 − 1} is the DFT output bin and 𝐿 is the input signal length. Alternately, transformation
from the frequency domain to the time domain can be achieved via the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform
(IDFT) according to:
L 1 j 2 mn
x ( n ) X ( m) e L (2.76)
m 0
Often scaling factors are used to maintain amplitude or variance uniformity when transforming to and from the
frequency domain. Table 2-1 displayed below provides common scaling factors and their effect on signal
magnitude and variance for real-valued time domain signals.
In addition to scaling, the DFT operation may incorporate some form of windowing function to minimize
spectral leakage caused by the abrupt termination of values at the signal endpoints. Thus, the general form for
the scaled and windowed DFT is given by:
L 1 j 2 mn
X (m) SF w(n) x (n)e L (2.77)
n 0
where 𝑆𝐹 is the scale factor and 𝑤 is the window function. Common window functions include the Hann,
Hamming, Blackman-Harris, and Kaiser windows to name a few [76]. Typically, the Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT) is utilized for frequency transformations rather than the DFT since it greatly reduces computational load
by eliminating redundancies found in the DFT calculation process. It can be shown that a reduction of
approximately 𝐿/2 ⋅ log 2 (𝐿) can be achieved [76]. Often it is more intuitive to the express the DFT or FFT
output in terms of frequency values rather than bin number. This may be accomplished via the following
f (2.78)
where 𝑓𝑠 is the digital sampling frequency, and the resolution or spacing between each frequency bin is given
by 𝑓𝑠 /𝐿. Thus, the DFT output given above may be rewritten as:
j 2 f n
L 1
X ( f ) x ( n )e fs
n 0
From this point forth, signals in the frequency domain will be expressed in terms of their frequency bin value
rather than discrete bin number.
The output of the FFT is a complex signal which is often written in the following form to facilitate algebraic
X ( f ) X ( f ) e j ( f ) (2.80)
where 𝜃(𝑓) represents the signal phase as a function of frequency. The magnitude and phase are thus given by
the following:
X img ( f )
( f ) Arg[ X ( f )] tan 1 (2.82)
X rel ( f )
The scaled one-sided power distribution also known as the Power Spectral Density (PSD) can be approximated
by the following equation which is commonly referred to as the Periodogram [75]:
2 2
S xx ( f ) X( f ) (2.83)
One issue encountered with performing FFT operations on finite random signals is increased noise variance in
the final spectral estimation. Typically, a longer signal segment is desired when computing the FFT since it will
maximize component detection through a combination of side lobe reduction and increased bin resolution.
However, in doing so the variance of random noise component(s) will also increase [78]. To reduce these levels,
multiple spectra may be averaged together in either a coherent or incoherent manner. This forms the basis of
the well-known Welch and Bartlett Periodograms which were developed specifically to address the problem of
Fourier-induced variance [81].
The cross-correlation is a temporal processing procedure that can be utilized to determine the similarity between
signals for the purpose of extracting features, recognizing patterns, localizing sound sources, and minimizing
signal noise [82-89]. It is a measure of the similarity between signals as a function of the time lag between them.
For two discrete signals 𝑥(𝑛) and 𝑦(𝑛) it is defined as:
1 L 1
Rxy ( ) E[ x(n) y(n )] x ( n) y ( n )
L n 0
where 𝜏 is the time lag index, and 𝐿 is the signal segment length. The above operation may also be performed
on a single signal to establish the autocorrelation which is given by:
1 L 1
Rxx ( ) x ( n) x ( n )
L n 0
In the context of acoustics, the cross-correlation may be utilized to obtain time difference of arrival (TDOA)
between two or more sensing elements subject to either a continuous or impulsive acoustic source. The
autocorrelation may be used for finding repeating patterns within a signal, such as the presence and frequency
of a periodic component obscured by noise.
In addition to the definition presented above, the cross-correlation function can also be approximated by taking
the IDFT of the two-sided cross power spectrum:
L 1 j 2 f
Rxy ( ) S xy ( f ) e fs
f 0
S xy ( f ) S x ( f ) S *y ( f ) (2.87)
where 𝑆𝑥 and 𝑆𝑦 are the two-sided complex frequency spectra and * denotes complex conjugation. The cross-
power spectrum is a complex valued function where the magnitude and argument provides the power shared by
and phase difference between the two signals as a function of frequency.
The filtering of digital signals is perhaps the most basic yet most important operation commonly performed. It
is typically implemented in the time domain in order to remove undesired components of some specified
frequency value. Digital filters may be generally classified according to their impulse response function (FIR
or IIR) and their implementation form (fixed or adaptive). Finite Impulse Response Filters (FIR) filters
constitute the most basic filtering operation. They are given by the convolution of some finite coefficient vector
with the time domain signal of concern:
N 1
y ( n) h ( k ) x ( n k ) (2.88)
k 0
where ℎ(𝑘) is the impulse response (also known as the coefficient vector) and 𝑁 is the vector size or number
of filter taps. FIR filters are inherently stable and often provide a linear phase response. The frequency response
is defined by:
H ( ) h (k ) e jk (2.89)
H ( z) h (k ) z k (2.90)
The Z-transform converts a discrete-time signal, which is a sequence of real or complex numbers, into a
complex frequency domain representation. It can be considered as a discrete-time equivalent of the Laplace
transform, and provides a means of examining properties of systems such as stability and convergence which
may otherwise be impossible using standard time or frequency domain methods. This aspect will be illustrated
in Section 3.4 where an FIR filter is constructed from a IIR prototype using Z-transforms.
Given the frequency response 𝐻(𝜔), the filter impulse response may also be determined via the inverse Fourier
transform according to:
H () e
j k
h( k ) d (2.91)
The second class of filters are referred to as Infinite Impulse Response Filters (IIR). Unlike the FIR form, these
filters are recursive in nature. As a result, they often produce a non-linear phase response and may become
unstable depending on the choice of coefficient values. The IIR filter may be implemented according to the
following convolution operation:
Na 1 Nb 1
y n a (k ) x n k b(i) y n i (2.92)
k 0 i 1
where 𝑎 and 𝑏 is the feedforward and feedback filter coefficients respectively, with 𝑁𝑎 and 𝑁𝑏 giving the length
of each coefficient vector. The transfer function and frequency response are given by the following equations
Na 1
a(k ) z k
k 0
H ( z) Nb 1
1 b(i) z i
i 1
Na 1
a(k ) e jk
H ( ) k 0
Nb 1
1 b(i) e ji
i 1
The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is perhaps the most commonly used parameter to quantify random and
deterministic signals. It is defined as the ratio of the noise-free signal power to the total noise power, and is
typically expressed in decibels (dB) according to:
SNR 10log10 2 (2.96)
2 n
where 𝐴 is the amplitude of the sinusoidal function. For a signal composed of multiple sinusoids or harmonic
components, the SNR is given by:
R Ar2
SNR 10log10
r 1 2
where 𝐴𝑟 is the amplitude of the 𝑟 𝑡ℎ harmonic component. For discrete time signals having unknown signal
and noise distribution properties, the SNR may be calculated directly from the sampled data according to:
N 2
[ xs (n)]
SNR 10log10 nN0 (2.98)
[ xn (n)]
n 0
In addition to the time domain realization, we may also calculate SNR values in the frequency domain according
f s /2 2
Xs( f )
SNR 10log10 f /2
f 0
Xn( f )
f 0
where 𝑓𝑠 is the sampling frequency. In many instances, statistical information regarding the noise and/or signal
is unknown and the two components cannot be separated into two separate data streams. In such cases, the SNR
of the mixed signal is calculated by approximating the contributions of each component to the total signal
power. This is most easily accomplished by simply summing across specified bandwidth regions of the signal
power spectrum:
Xs( f )
SNR 10 log10
f Sˆ
Xn( f )
f Nˆ
where the signal and noise containing bandwidth regions are specified by the discrete index sets Ŝ and N̂
respectively. For narrowband signals we may simply take the spectral peak value (and a small number of
surrounding points to account for spectral leakage) and compare it to the remainder of the spectrum. Here,
spectral leakage refers to the “smearing” of signal energy across frequency multiple bins. It occurs when the
true frequency of the detected signal does not coincide with the center of one the discrete FFT bins. In many
instances however, we may obtain a more practical or meaningful value by only considering noise in a localized
region surrounding the signal peak. In doing so, any spurious noise peaks in the region which highly influence
signal detectability will largely dictate the minimum noise level. Below Figure 2-11 illustrates the SNR and
Effective SNR for a narrowband signal in broadband noise with spurious noise peaks. As will later be shown
in Chapter 4, the Effective SNR typically provides a more meaningful measure when performing signal
detection operations since it provides the dynamic range for which a signal may be detected.
3.1 - Introduction
As previously discussed, the major noise component present in the acquired acoustic signals is the harmonic
narrowband noise generated from the aircraft propulsion system. Often during flight operations, engine speeds
may vary significantly with time while the aircraft preforms maneuvers as required to meet mission objectives.
This results in highly non-stationary noise components which must therefore be removed via some adaptive
filtering method. However, a number of problems are encountered when attempting to use standard adaptive
methods for this particular application.
The first problem arises from the requirement of a noise only reference signal to ensure the filter converges to
an optimal or near optimal configuration [94]. For the application at hand, this is impossible using a
microphone-based reference since any microphone placed on the aircraft will also be exposed to the acoustic
source to be detected. An alternative approach would be to use a non-acoustic sensor such as a tachometer to
obtain the noise approximation via frequency tracking of the aircraft motor. However, the use of such devices
often requires more advanced onboard data acquisition systems and supporting hardware since these sensors
will have different electrical requirements than the corresponding microphones. In addition, the acquired
tachometer signal will most often need some degree of conditioning and preprocessing before it can be utilized
directly with the acoustic signals. Thus, for instances in which size, weight, and power consumption of the
sensing system is very limited this approach may not be a viable option.
The second issue arises from the unconstrained manner in which conventional adaptive filters operate, often
producing non-linear phase distortions. Since the acquired signals will ultimately be utilized in some combined
form for detection and/or localization purposes, it is imperative that phase distortions are not produced in the
spatial or temporal domain. Phase information in the spatial domain is utilized for source localization operations
by examining the phase shift present across an array of sensors. In theory, phase variations in the temporal
domain will not affect most localization operations provided the variations are produced equally across all
signals in time. In some instances, array processing methods can be utilized to from an adaptive linear spatial
filter to remove narrowband noise [95]. However, these methods cannot effectively be utilized for the particular
application at hand since the noise source is essentially located within the array spatial domain.
Temporal phase variations are often a concern when performing signal detection operations. Many signal
enhancement methods such as the phase acceleration and coherence-based processors to be later discussed rely
on a constant phase progression of source components to discriminate unwanted noise components. Thus, in
order to maximize detection and localization capabilities, all filtering should be performed without producing
any phase distortions either in the temporal or spatial domain. The processes of filtering without producing any
phase distortions, either linear or non-linear, will be referred to as zero-phase filtering from this point forth.
Adaptive filtering is an effective method to actively remove unwanted noise from non-stationary signals and
was largely pioneered by Widrow in the mid 1970’s [94]. Adaptive filters are used when the signal of concern
is non-stationary and/or prior information regarding the unwanted noise component(s) is unknown. The
principle behind the approach is to continuously adjust filter coefficients according to some cost function which
establishes how well the undesired component is being removed. A very common method, known as the Least
Mean Squares (LMS) approach utilizes the gradient of the instantaneous squared error between the filtered
signal and a reference signal to modify filter coefficients. In addition to the LMS method, many other adaptive
algorithms have been developed and presented in the literature such as the Normalized LMS, Sign LMS,
Normalized Sign LMS, Leaky LMS, Recursive LMS and filtered-x LMS [81, 96-98]. Figure 3-1 displayed
below provides a block diagram of the adaptive filtering process.
For a causal FIR filter, the filtered output is given by the convolution of the input signal and the filter weights:
N 1
y n ak n x n k w T X(n ) (3.1)
k 0
( n) d ( n) y ( n) (3.2)
For the LMS algorithm, the filter coefficients are updated according to:
w n 1 w n J n (3.3)
where 𝜇 is the step size and 𝐽 is the cost function which is given by the mean square error. Typically, this is
approximated by the instantaneous error squared:
J n 2 n X n (3.5)
w n 1 w n 2 n X n (3.6)
In many instances, a reference approximation of the clean signal cannot be obtained but an approximation of
the undesired noise component is available. For this case, the filter input is now the noise approximation and
the reference becomes the noise-corrupted signal. The error signal will then converge to the clean desired signal
rather than zero.
Similar to the FIR filter, recursive filters may be implemented via an adaptive filtering approach. The general
form for a recursive IIR filter is given by the following:
N 1 M 1
y n a j n x n j bk n y n k (3.7)
j 0 k 1
which may also be represented in vector form via the following equations:
y (n) aT x n b T y n 1 w Tu n (3.8)
w n 1 w n 2 n (3.9)
and the gradient can be obtained via the following:
y(n) y(n) y(n) y(n) y(n) y(n) y(n)
, ,..., , , ,...,
w(n) 0a ( n ) a1 ( n ) a N 1 ( n ) b1 ( n ) b2 ( n) b M 1 ( n) (3.10)
0 (n),1 (n),..., N 1 (n), 1 (n), 2 (n),..., M 1 (n)
N 1
y ( n)
j ( n) x ( n j ) ak n j n j (3.11)
a j ( n) k 1
M 1
y (n)
j ( n) y (n k ) bk n j (n k ) (3.12)
bk (n) k 1
It is obvious from the above equations that adaptive implementation of the general IIR filter form is much more
complex than that of FIR filters. It will be later shown however, that for instances in which no reference signal
is utilized the cost function and subsequent gradient becomes greatly simplified.
There are two basic approaches that may be utilized to construct a referenceless adaptive filter for periodic
noise removal. The first and perhaps most popular involves constructing a reference signal that is correlated to
the undesired noise component (or alternately desired signal component), and then apply standard adaptive
filtering methods. Adaptive Line Enhancement (ALE) is an example of such an approach. The basic concept
behind ALE is to use a delayed version of the noisy signal to serve as the reference input. By doing so, random
broadband noise components will decorrelate, while the correlation between periodic components will remain.
FIR based ALE methods have been successfully utilized for many applications and are capable of maintaining
linear-phase characteristics [99]. However, the technique performs poorly when both the desired and undesired
components are of a narrowband periodic form [100]. In addition, no constraints are present to ensure a zero-
phase or even linear-phase response. Methods have been proposed to deal with this scenario by actively notch
filtering any periodic components prior to ALE [101-104]. However, these methods attempt to directly measure
the instantaneous frequency of noise components using either a zero-crossing average or the method proposed
in [105]; both of which tend to perform poorly for non-stationary signals with harmonic components. Other
methods of tracking periodic components exist such as the Hilbert transform, Polynomial Phase Modeling, and
Adaptive Phase Locked Loops. However, these methods are only effective for single component signals or
determining the instantaneous frequency of modulated signals [106-110].
The second approach involves using a filter that has a highly constrained response and may be defined by a
single parameter variable such as that found with IIR notch and FIR Comb filters. Consider some arbitrary
notch filter whose notch location is defined by the normalized frequency value 𝜃. For adaptive implementation,
coefficient values are updated such that the mean square of the output error is minimized. However, since no
reference signal is being utilized the filtered output will now serve as the error signal 𝜀 2 (𝑛) = 𝑦 2 (𝑛). Thus, the
filtering objective now becomes minimization of the filtered signal power which will be achieved when all
narrowband noise components are removed. Application of the LMS algorithm previously given by equation
(3.3) now produces the following form:
( n 1) ( n) 2 y ( n) ( n) (3.13)
where 𝜇 is the step size and 𝛽(𝑛) is the gradient function which can be determined directly from the filter
output equation according to:
( n) (3.14)
This technique has been employed with great success using second order IIR notch filters [90-93]. It will later
be shown that this approach may also be utilized to construct referenceless adaptive Comb and FIR notch filters.
A depiction of this basic filtering setup is displayed below in Figure 3-2.
Zero-phase filtering is not a new area of study with accounts of distortionless recursive filtering dating back to
the early 1970’s [111-116]. The field has generally been focused around the use of IIR filters since they often
achieve a more desirable magnitude response with much less computation but will inherently produce a non-
linear phase response. Traditionally, distortionless IIR filtering has been reserved for offline processing
applications since the phase correction processes requires a time reversal of the input sequence [111]. However,
more recent methods have been proposed to facilitate real-time implementation by various overlapped [113,
117, 118] and non-overlapped block-based processing methods [112, 116]. The general approach for two-pass
IIR filtering is displayed below in Figure 3-3.
Consider the case where some spectral component of 𝑥(𝑛) has an arbitrary initial phase response given by
𝛼(𝜔) in degrees or radians. If the IIR filter has a phase response given by 𝛽(𝜔), then the phase of the filtered
signal at stage A will now be given by 𝛼(𝜔) + 𝛽(𝜔). The first time reversal step will now conjugate this phase
response and introduce some constant phase shift 𝜃 such that the final signal phase is now −𝛼(𝜔) − 𝛽(𝜔) +
𝜃. Applying the IIR filter again will once more apply a phase shift of 𝛽(𝜔) giving the following phase at point
C: −𝛼(𝜔) − 𝛽(𝜔) + 𝜃 + 𝛽(𝜔) = −𝛼(𝜔) + 𝜃. Application of one final time reversal will again conjugate the
signal phase apply another constant phase shift of 𝜃 giving: (−𝛼(𝜔) + 𝜃) → −(−𝛼(𝜔) + 𝜃) + 𝜃 = 𝛼(𝜔),
which is the initial phase response of the input signal prior to any filtering. For the case of adaptive IIR filtering,
the time-reversed signal is simply filtered again using the time-reversed sequence of filter weights established
in the forward direction (initial stage) filter.
Due to the inherent nature of recursive filtering, there will be transient effects at the beginning and end of the
filtered signal segment(s). To avoid these effects, filtered segments are typically truncated at each end before
reconstructing the final signal. As depicted below in Figure 3-4, the discrete time signal is initially broken into
overlapping blocks of length 𝐿𝑖 . Upon filtering in the forward and reverse directions, each block is then
truncated to a final length of 𝐿𝑓 effectively removing any transient effects. Typically, the truncation length will
be at least 4 to 5 times the filter order [76]. It should also be noted that since the filtering operation is being
performed twice, the magnitude response will become squared meaning a doubling (in dB) of passband ripple
and stopband attenuation values.
Compared to IIR filters, zero-phase FIR filtering has received much less attention in the scientific community.
Most relevant work has involved the development of adaptive linear-phase FIR filters, since these forms are
adequate for most applications [119-126]. A linear phase response will be achieved when the filter impulse
response satisfies either the symmetric or anti-symmetric requirements given by:
hsym n h N 1 n (3.15)
hasym n h N 1 n (3.16)
where 𝑁 is the number of filter coefficients. FIR filters that meet the above specifications can also be modified
to achieve a zero-phase response by converting the filter to a non-causal form. The general procedure for doing
so is to simply take the filter output with respect to the center tap position. Consider for example a causal FIR
filter, which has the following arbitrary frequency response:
N 1
H e j bk e jk (3.17)
k 0
For a symmetric filter with an odd number of coefficients, we may shift the filtering process about a zero-point
time reference and perform the filtering as follows:
N 1 /2
H e
bk N 1 /2 e jk (3.18)
k N 1 /2
This produces a non-causal form that is symmetric about 𝑘 = 0. Evaluating the above summation produces the
following frequency response, which has only real components:
N 1 /2
H e b
0 2 bk cos(k ) (3.19)
k 1
Although the filter is considered to have zero-phase, in actual fact its phase response 𝜙𝐻 (𝜔) switches between
0 and 𝜋 according to:
0 , Re H e j
H 0
H , Re H e j
Thus, symmetric FIR filters do not exhibit a true zero-phase response but rather a π-phase response. Because
of this, they are sometimes termed π-phase filters instead [127]. For odd impulse response functions
where ℎ(𝑛) = −ℎ(−𝑛), the phase switches between values of ± 𝜋/2 rather than 0 and π.
Typically, fixed FIR filters are designed such that they adhere to the linear phase symmetry requirements
previously given. However, unstrained adaptive implementation of such filters will most often result in a non-
linear form since coefficient values are established without regard to symmetry (or anti-symmetry). The general
solution to this problem is to place constraints on the operation such that symmetry is instead maintained. This
general procedure has been successfully used to produce linear-phase adaptive filters using a variety of
implementation algorithms [119-126]. For this scenario, the general filtering process is given by:
2 N 2
y n b N k 1 x n k B T X (n) (3.21)
k 0
X( n) x n x n 1 x n 2 N 2
If an odd number of coefficients are used, the filter can be time-shifted to a non-causal form producing a π-
phase filter as previously described. Implementation of the time-shifted form would thus be given by:
N 1 N 1
y n b0 x n bk x n k bk x n k B T X (n) (3.22)
k 1 k 1
X(n ) x n N 1 ... x n x n N 1
Similar to the IIR case, non-linear FIR filters may also produce phase distortionless outputs via two-stage
filtering operations. Since non-causal FIR filters are inherently stable however (unlike IIR filters), the operation
can be performed without time reversal or using block-based techniques. A linear phase output can be obtained
by simply cascading the filter with its reflected self. By doing so, any phase distortions produced by the initial
filter are linearized by the second stage. This process is depicted below by Figure 3-5.
The filtered output at the first and second stages will be given by the following equations respectively:
N 1
y (n) bk x(n k ) (3.23)
k 0
N 1
z (n) bk y (n k ) (3.24)
k 0
where 𝑏𝑘 = [𝑏0 𝑏1 … 𝑏𝑁−1 ] is the initial filter coefficients and 𝑏̅𝑘 = [𝑏𝑁−1 … 𝑏1 𝑏0 ] are the reflected
coefficients. The two filter stages may also be combined to give the following overall expression:
N 1 N 1
z (n) bk bk x(n k )
k 0 k 0
N 1 N 1
bn k 1 bk x(n k )
k 0 k 0
To achieve a zero-phase rather than linear-phase response we may simply convolve the initial causal filter with
a reflected anti-causal twin to obtain a complete non-causal form. By doing so, any phase distortions that would
be produced at the causal stage are cancelled by the second anti-causal portion. Consider the general frequency
response function for the causal and anti-causal forms respectively:
N 1
b e
H c e j k
k 0
N 1
b e
H a e j k
k 0
where 𝑏 is the filter coefficient vector. We may construct a new non-causal zero-phase filter by simply taking
the product of the two forms:
N 1 N 1
H 0 e j bk e jk bk e jk
k 0 k 0
H e
Hc e j *
H e
It is apparent that the frequency response given above contains only real values and is always greater than zero.
Thus, the phase response will always maintain a value of zero over all frequencies producing a true zero-phase
response. This is in contrast to the center tapped symmetric case previously given by equation (3.19) which
may attain negative values producing a π-phase response.
To implement the filter, we simply convolve the initial coefficient vector with a flipped version of itself and
apply the standard non-causal center tap approach previously described:
N 1 N 1
y n bk x n k bk x n k
k 0 k 0
N 1
N 1
bi bk x n k i
i 0 k 0
Making use of symmetry, we may write the filtering operation in the following reduced computational form:
N 1 N 1
N i 1
y n x n bk 2 x n i x n i bk bk i (3.30)
k 0 i 1 k 0
Alternately, we may express the filter in terms of a single coefficient vector. Since convolving a vector with a
flipped version of itself is equivalent to performing an autocorrelation, the combined coefficient vector is given
N k 1
ak bnbn k (3.31)
n 0
where 𝑏𝑘 = [𝑏0 𝑏1 … 𝑏𝑁−1 ] are the causal filter coefficients and 𝑘 = 1,2, … ,2𝑁 − 1. The filter can be thus
implemented according to:
N 1 N 1
y n a0 x n ak x n k ak x n k
k 1 k 1 (3.32)
AT X(n)
A aN 1 n a0 n a N 1 n
X(n) x n N 1 x n x n N 1
By realizing that A will always be symmetric and contain an odd number of values, we may further reduce the
number of computations required by only performing half of the convolutions such that 𝑘 = 1,2, … , 𝑁 − 1. The
filtering operation can then be placed in the following reduced form:
A a1 n a2 n aN 1 n
Xc (n) x n 1 x n 2 x n N 1
Xa (n) x n 1 x n 2 x n N 1
ao n 1 ao n 2 n x n (3.34)
It should be noted that the convolved zero-phase filtering method can be implemented in a causal form if
desired. Doing so will simply produce a linear-phase response rather than a zero-phase response.
The IIR notch filter is perhaps the most effective and efficient means of removing narrowband signal
components. Compared to FIR filters, IIR filters are capable of achieving much tighter stopband regions while
also reducing passband ripple and coefficient quantities [97]. The use of such filters has been previously studied
by Tan for various applications such as filtering and tracking of harmonic signals with very good results [90-
93]. Consider a second order IIR notch filter, which has the following transfer function:
Y z 1 2cos[ ] z 1 z 2
H z (3.36)
X z 1 2 r cos z 1 r 2 z 2
where 𝜃 is the normalized notch location parameter given in radians/sample, and 𝑟 is the pole radius which
governs the notch bandwidth. Zeros are located on the z-plane unit circle giving the notch infinite depth. In
order to ensure the stability of the filter, the pole radius is constrained such that 𝑟 < 1. The 3dB notch bandwidth
may be approximated according to [128]:
BW (1 r ) (3.37)
where 𝑓𝑠 is the signal sampling rate and 0.9 < 𝑟 < 1. The direct realization form is thus given by:
(n) 2sin[ (n)]x(n 1) 2r sin[ (n)] y(n 1) 2r cos[ (n)] (n 1) r 2 (n 2) (3.39)
If the noise is harmonic in nature, additional notches can be produced by simply cascading the filter with
frequency-shifted versions of itself according to [93]:
H ( z ) H1 ( z ) H 2 ( z )...H M ( z ) H m ( z ) (3.40)
m 1
where 𝑚 is the harmonic number, 𝐻𝑚 (𝑧) denotes the 𝑚𝑡ℎ second-order IIR sub-filter whose transfer function
is defined as:
1 2cos[ m ] z 1 z 2
H ( z) (3.41)
m 1 1 2 r cos m z
r 2 z 2
Rather than expand out the above form and transform to the time domain to obtain a direct algebraic expression,
we may instead implement in an iterative manner. This provides the benefit of maintaining one constant
algebraic expression regardless of the number of stages included. The filter output at the 𝑚𝑡ℎ harmonic is thus
given by the following iterative form:
ym (n) ym1 (n) 2cos m (n) ym1 (n 1) ym1 (n 2) 2r cos m (n) ym (n 1) r 2 ym (n 2) (3.42)
where 𝑦0 (𝑛) = 𝑥(𝑛) is the initial input to the first IIR sub-filter. The gradient function can again be determined
directly from the filter output equation in a recursive form according to:
ym (n)
m ( n)
m1 (n) 2cos m (n) m1 (n 1) 2m sin m (n) ym1 (n 1)... (3.43)
m1 (n 2) 2r cos m (n) m (n 1) r m (n 2) 2mr sin m (n) ym (n 1)
y0 x
where 0 0
To increase stability and convergence performance, the current notch location can be updated based on a moving
average of the past 𝑁 samples according to:
1 N
n 1 n i
N i 1
where the initial starting values for 𝜃 may be obtained by simply performing an autocorrelation on the input
signal and finding the frequency corresponding to maximum peak value.
It should be noted that as the pole radius 𝑟 and/or number of harmonic components 𝑀 increases, the transient
effects associated with the filter also increase. If a considerable number of harmonics are included with radius
values approaching one, roundoff errors produced during implementation may cause the filter to become
marginally unstable. Stability prediction from these values however is a complex operation and is outside the
scope of this thesis. Further information regarding performance of the filter can be found in [90-93].
The previous section introduced the second order IIR notch filter and how it may be implemented in a
referenceless adaptive form for systems consisting of a single signal and noise source. It will now be shown
that the concepts developed by Tan [90-93] can be extended to facilitate the filtering of multiple parallel signals
subject to multiple harmonic noise sources.
Consider the case of a single engine fixed-wing aircraft equipped with an array consisting of 𝐾 microphones.
Such a scenario constitutes a Single Input / Multiple Output (SIMO) system as depicted in Figure 3-7. Using
the indexed iterative form previously presented by equation (3.42), the filtered output of the 𝑚𝑡ℎ harmonic for
the 𝑘𝑡ℎ sensor signal will be given by the following equation:
Since all signals are exposed to the same noise source, only one signal is required to obtain the noise frequency
parameters. Typically, the sensor closest to the source would be chosen since the noise source power will be
greatest and thus facilitating better tracking. For the closest microphone defined by the position 𝑘 = 𝑐, the
filtered output, gradient, and LMS notch update will now be given by the following equations respectively:
ym,k (n) ym 1,k (n) 2cos m c (n) ym 1,k (n 1) ym 1,k (n 2)...
2r cos m c (n) ym,k (n 1) r 2 ym,k (n 2)
m (n) m1 (n) 2cos mc (n) m1 (n 1) 2m sin mc (n) ym1,k c (n 1) m1 (n 2)
... 2r cos mc (n) m (n 1) r 2 m (n 2) 2mr sin m c (n) y m,k c (n 1)
Figure 3-7 displayed below depicts the filtering scenario for the case of an 𝐾 element microphone array with
the second sensor acting as the closest reference (c=2).
Filtering in the proposed manner offers decreased computational loads since only one adaptive operation is
being performed instead of 𝐾 operations which would normally be required. In addition, since all signals are
processed in exactly the same manner, no phase distortions in the spatial domain (between signals) will be
present. As previously discussed, this is essential to facilitate later operations such as beamforming.
Now consider the case where a single sensor is subject to multiple harmonic sources as depicted below in Figure
3-8. Such as scenario constitutes a Multiple Input / Single Output (MISO) system. If 𝑆 noise sources are present
each having 𝑀 harmonic components, all noise components may be removed by cascading 𝑆 harmonic notch
H ( z ) H1,1 ( z ) H1,2 ( z ) H 2,1 ( z ) H 2,2 ( z )...H M , S ( z ) H m, s ( z ) (3.50)
s 1 m 1
1 2cos[m s ]z 1 z 2
H ( z ) 2 2
m 1 1 2 r cos m s z r z
s 1
The filtered output at the 𝑚𝑡ℎ harmonic for the 𝑠 𝑡ℎ source will be:
and the final harmonic output (𝑚 = 𝑀) of the current stage will become the initial input of the following stage
according to 𝑦0,𝑠+1 (𝑛) = 𝑦𝑀,𝑠 (𝑛) for {𝑠 = 1,2, . . , 𝑆} and {𝑚 = 1,2, … 𝑀}. The gradient for 𝑚𝑡ℎ harmonic and
𝑠 𝑡ℎ source stage is now given by:
ym (n)
m , s ( n)
s (n)
m1, s (n) 2cos m s (n) m1, s (n 1) 2m sin m s (n) ym 1, s (n 1)... (3.53)
m1, s (n 2) 2r cos m s (n) m,s (n 1) r 2 m,s (n 2) 2mr sin m s (n) ym,s (n 1)
Note that 𝑦1,0 (𝑛) = 𝑥(𝑛) is the initial input to the first IIR sub-filter as depicted in Figure 3-8. Notch placement
locations are tracked at the output of each source stage according to:
where 𝜇𝑠 is the LMS step size for the specified source filter.
Finally, consider the case where multiple sensors are all exposed to multiple harmonic narrowband noise
sources. Such a scenario constitutes a Multiple Input / Multiple Output (MIMO) system and describes the case
of using a multirotor or multi-engine fixed-wing aircraft. For multirotor aircraft, engines often run at differing
frequencies as required to maneuver and maintain stability. Each noise source will therefore require a separate
adaptive filter and each signal will require all filters in order to remove all noise components. Referring to the
multirotor setup utilized for experiments presented in this thesis as displayed by Figure 6-8, it is apparent that
each microphone will have its own primary noise source (engine that is closest). Thus, it is reasonable to assume
that the most accurate frequency approximation for the source under consideration should be achieved by using
the microphone closest to it. This scenario is depicted below in Figure 3-9 for the case of 𝑆 sources (and
corresponding stages) with 𝑀 harmonic components recorded by 𝐾 sensors where 𝑚 = 1,2, … , 𝑀, 𝑘 =
1,2, … , 𝐾, and 𝑠 = 1,2, … 𝑆.
The transfer function for the 𝑘𝑡ℎ signal will thus be given by:
1 2cos[m s ] z 1 z 2
H k ( z ) 2 2
m 1 1 2 r cos m s z r z
s 1
The filtered output for the 𝑚𝑡ℎ harmonic of the 𝑘𝑡ℎ signal at the 𝑠 𝑡ℎ source stage will be:
Since each sensor will track the source nearest to it, only notch locations and corresponding gradients given by
the sub-filter 𝑘 = 𝑠 requires evaluation. We may facilitate a more general case by defining a source/signal
designation vector 𝑐[𝑘] which identifies what source will attain the highest SNR value for each signal. For the
case of the Kraken multirotor used for the presented experiments (described in Chapter 6), we would expect
that each microphone will record the propeller located directly below it to a higher degree. Thus, with reference
to Figure 6-9, the designation vector will be given by:
As previously discussed in Section 2.3, the noise generated by an aircraft propeller may be modeled by a rotating
dipole source with a fundamental frequency given by the product of the rotation rate and number of blades.
However, in some circumstances physical features of the system may essentially cause the source to act as a
dipole with an unequal power distribution. An example of such a case would be if a propeller blade becomes
deformed, chipped, modified, etc. such that its aerodynamic properties no longer equal that of the opposing
blade. For such instances, sub-harmonic and fractional harmonic components may appear. The sub-harmonic
frequency will be given by the propeller rotation rate while the fractional harmonic frequency will be given by
some multiple of this value. To facilitate the removal of such components, we may thus define a harmonic
number vector Η[ ] which is indexed according to the harmonic number 𝑚 where:
Thus, the final filtering form for the most generalized case of 𝐾 sensors exposed to 𝑆 sources with indexed
locations and harmonic numbers defined by c[ k ] and [ m] respectively is given by the following equations:
ym,k , s (n) ym 1,k , s (n) 2cos [m] s (n) ym 1,k , s (n 1) ym 1,k , s (n 2)...
2r cos [m] s (n) ym,k , s (n 1) r 2 ym,k , s ( n 2)
where the LMS update equation is given by (3.60) and 𝑦𝑀,𝑘,𝑆 is the final filtered output for the 𝑘𝑡ℎ sensor
channel. Initial starting values for 𝜃𝑠 may be obtained by performing an autocorrelation on the input signals and
finding the frequencies corresponding to maximum peak values.
Note that the filtering methods described for the above scenarios require all harmonics of each source
component to be removed before proceeding on to the next source stage. Since the output power of the noisy
signal serves as the adaptive control, failure to remove all noise elements originating from all noise sources will
result in a steady-state error, which in turn will reduce the ability to achieve convergence in the notch placement
location. Hence, all noise sources are simultaneously filtered by interconnecting the adaptive filters between
parallel signals. To achieve a zero-phase response, the above form can be implemented in a block based manner
with time reversal such as that described in [117] and previously depicted by Figure 3-3. The performance of
this filtering method will be later evaluated using simulated and experimental data.
A method is now presented to construct an FIR notch filter using a second order IIR notch filter prototype. It
will be shown that the initial non-linear phase response of the filter may be corrected using the zero-phase
transforms previously presented. In addition, the filter may also be implemented in a referenceless adaptive
form to remove harmonic narrowband noise components. Unlike other similar methods presented in the
literature, Fourier approximations to the ideal impulse response can be avoided through the use of the inverse
z-transform. The resulting form is therefore much simpler than that currently reported.
Although FIR filters typically offer decreased performance compared to IIR filters in most all areas, they are
often preferred for many practical applications due to an inherent stability and the phase response
characteristics. There are essentially three well-known methods to design linear phase FIR filters: Frequency
Sampling, Windowed, and Optimal designs. Frequency sampling is not typically used for notch filter designs
since the desired frequency response changes drastically across the notch point leading to large interpolation
errors. The Window design method offers a solution to this problem through direct evaluation of the prototype
impulse response rather than sampling at discrete frequency points. However, in many instances an analytical
solution for the required coefficients cannot be achieved since no direct Inverse Fourier Transform (IFT) exists.
For cases in which a closed-form analytical solution is obtainable, the impulse response function may simply
be truncated at some discrete value to obtain the FIR coefficients. This general procedure is known as the
Impulse Response Truncation (IRT) method. Optimal designs such as the Parks-McClellan method typically
offers better performance since the algorithm seeks to minimize pass and stop band errors through Chebyshev
approximations. However, the design algorithm involves a numerical iteration procedure which cannot be fully
expressed in analytical or adaptive form. A review of the above methods in the context of FIR notch filter design
can be found in [129, 130].
Consider the generic problem of designing an FIR filter based on some desired frequency response criteria
𝐻𝑑 (𝜔) known as the design prototype. For the ideal case, the desired impulse response can be obtained by
taking the IFT of the prototype frequency response:
H d () e
h( ) d (3.65)
The resulting vector will be of infinite length and symmetrical about 0 . To obtain the corresponding FIR
coefficients we may simply truncate the impulse response at some desired length. However, doing so will
produce ripples in the magnitude response from the well-known Gibb’s effect. The common solution to this
problem, known as the Window design method, acts to reduce this effect by incorporating the use of window
functions. For such cases, the actual filter impulse is now given by:
In many situations, a closed-form analytical solution cannot be achieved for the IFT. For such cases, coefficient
values may be obtained via a numerical approximation of the ideal frequency response according to:
N /2
h( )
H d (m) e j 2 m / N (3.67)
m ( N /2) 1
where 𝐻𝑑 (𝑚) now consists of discrete points taken from the design prototype response.
If a large number of frequency points are chosen, the above expression may approximate the true desired
impulse response to a high degree. However, the approach requires resampling and calculation of the IFT each
time the desired frequency response is modified. For adaptive filtering in which the response will vary to some
degree for essentially every time step, this would result in very large computational loads.
Another approach much less utilized involves direct evaluation of the filter transfer function rather than
frequency response to obtain the direct implementation form. A number of methods have been presented to
construct FIR notch filters using this method [130-133]. The general procedure for each involves using a second
order IIR notch filter as the design prototype for which the transfer function is approximated through a power
series expansion of the separated pole-zero components. Truncation of the series in the z-domain leads to
algebraic expressions to calculate FIR coefficient values. However, the computation requires an iterative
approach involving multiple equations, which is somewhat cumbersome and difficult to implement in digital
form. Thus, it will now be shown however that a simplistic closed-form analytical solution to the problem may
be achieved through the use of z-transform integrals rather than algebraic manipulations.
Consider the frequency response function for a second order IIR notch filter given by:
1 2cos[ ]e j e 2 j
H d (3.68)
1 2 r cos e j r 2 e 2 j
where 𝜃 is the notch location in radians, and 𝑟 defines the notch bandwidth where 0 < 𝑟 < 1. Using the standard
Window design method, the ideal impulse response is thus given by:
1 1 2cos[ ]e j e2 j
1 2 r cos e j r 2 e2 j e d
h( ) (3.69)
As in most instances, no closed form analytical solution can be achieved for the above integral. Now consider
the z-domain transfer function for the desired response:
1 2cos[ ] z 1 z 2
Hd z (3.70)
1 2 r cos z 1 r 2 z 2
Similar to the IFT approach the impulse response may also be obtained through the inverse z-transform
according to:
1 1 1 2cos[ ]z 1 z 2
H d ( z ) z dz 2 j 1 2 r cos z 1 r 2 z 2
h( ) z 1dz (3.71)
2 j
Evaluating the above integral with the aid of the Mathematica software suite and performing extensive algebraic
manipulation gives the following piecewise coefficient equation:
1 0
h( )
r 1 r 2 csc sin 1 r sin 1
Since the above expression is the exact solution for the IIR impulse response, the resulting FIR filter will equal
the IIR form as 𝜈 → ∞. In reality however, only a finite number of coefficients values can be used to produce
an approximation to the desired response. Thus, for a coefficient vector of length 𝑁 the filtered output will be
given by:
N 1 1 0
y ( n) x( n )
0 r 1 r
csc sin 1 r sin 1 1
Adaptive implementation of the filter may be achieved via the LMS algorithm in a similar manner to that of the
IIR form. The adaptive notch position will be given by equation (3.13) while the gradient function can be
obtained through differentiation of the filter output equation 𝑦(𝑛) with respect to the notch location 𝜃:
0 0
N 1
(n) r 1 r 2 1 r cos (n)(1 ) 1 cos (n)(1 ) csc (n)... x(n ) (3.74)
r 1 r 2 cot (n) csc (n) r sin (n)(1 ) sin (n)(1 ) 1
If the noise is harmonic in nature, additional notches can be produced by simply cascading the filter with
frequency shifted versions of itself. As with the IIR filter, this may be accomplished using an iterative approach.
The coefficient vector for the 𝑚𝑡ℎ harmonic is thus given by:
1 0
hm ( )
r 1 r csc m (n) sin m (n) 1 r sin m (n) 1
while the filter output at the 𝑚𝑡ℎ harmonic stage is given by:
N 1
ym (n) hm ( ) ym1 (n ) (3.76)
where 𝑦0 (𝑛) = 𝑥(𝑛) is the initial input to the first sub-filter. Taking the derivative of the above equation gives
the gradient function at each stage:
ym (n) N 1 N 1
m ( n) A m ym1 (n ) Bm m1 (n ) (3.77)
(n) 0 0
0 0
A m r 1 r 2 1 mr cos m (n)(1 ) 1 m cos m (n)(1 ) csc m (n)... (3.78)
m r 1 r 2 cot m (n) csc m (n) r sin m (n)(1 ) sin m ( n)(1 ) 1
1 0
r 1csc m (n) r 2 sin m (n) 1 r sin m (n) 1 1
y0 x
where 0 0 . The updated notch location is then given by equation (3.44) previously presented.
Since the constructed filter will approximate the IIR prototype in both magnitude and phase, distortionless
implementation methods are required to achieve a linear or zero-phase response. This may be accomplished via
the direct convolution or the two-stage methods previously presented. Since the impulse response given by
equation (3.72) is an exact solution as 𝜈 → ∞, the ideal response for the convolved zero-phase form is given
hzp ( ) h( )h( )d (3.80)
However, a closed form expression for the above integral cannot be obtained since ℎ( ) is a piecewise function
that is discretely defined up to 𝜈 = 1 and continuously defined thereafter. Using a numerical approach instead
we obtain:
N 1
hzp ( ) h( m) h ( m ) (3.81)
m 0
Xc (n) x n 1 x n 2 x n N 1
Xa (n) x n 1 x n 2 x n N 1
Unfortunately, the filter cannot be implemented in a referenceless adaptive form since an analytical expression
for the zero-phase output with respect to 𝜃 is required to calculate the LMS gradient function. We may however
use the causal two-stage approach previously presented. Application of the method yields the following final
output form:
N 1 N 1
z (n) h ( N 1)h ( ) x(n ) (3.83)
0 0
where the coefficient vector ℎ( ) is defined by equation (3.72). To simplify the gradient function required for
LMS implementation, the non-linear output at the first filter stage may be utilized instead of differentiating
̅ indicates the reflected coefficient filter.
equation (3.83) above. This is illustrated in Figure 3-10 where 𝐻
Adaptive implementation may then be achieved via the use of equations (3.13), (3.73), and (3.74), with the final
linear-phase output given by:
N 1
z (n) h ( N 1) y (n) (3.84)
For the case of harmonic noise requiring multiple notches, adaptive implementation may be achieved via
equations (3.44), (3.75), (3.76), and (3.77), with the final linear-phase output given by:
N 1
zm (n) hm ( N 1) zm1 (n ) (3.85)
Figure 3-10: A) Adaptive two-stage FIR notch filter. B) Adaptive two-stage harmonic FIR notch filter.
Using the procedure presented in the previous section for multichannel IIR notch filtering we may also establish
a similar form for the multichannel FIR case. For the case pertaining to fixed-wing aircraft, we are presented
with a SIMO system with one harmonic source and 𝐾 sensor signals as previously described and depicted by
Figure 3-7. Again, since all signals are exposed to the same noise source, only one signal is required to track
the fundamental noise frequency which is defined by the position 𝑘 = 𝑐. Thus, the coefficient equation, filtered
output, gradient, and LMS update for the 𝑚𝑡ℎ harmonic of the 𝑘𝑡ℎ signal can be expressed by the following
equations respectively:
1 0
hm ( )
r 1 r csc m (n) sin m (n) 1 r sin m (n) 1
N 1
ym,k (n) hm ( ) ym1,k (n ) (3.87)
ym,k c (n) N 1 N 1
m ( n) A m ym1,k c (n ) Bm m1 (n ) (3.88)
(n) 0 0
0 0
A m r 1 r 2 1 mr cos m (n)(1 ) 1 m cos m (n)(1 ) csc m (n)... (3.89)
m r 1 r 2 cot m (n) csc m (n) r sin m (n)(1 ) sin m (n)(1 ) 1
1 0
r 1csc m (n) r 2
sin m (n) 1 r sin m (n) 1 1
where 𝑚 = 1,2, … , 𝑀, 𝑘 = 1,2, … , 𝐾, and the LMS update equation is given by (3.49). The final linear-phase
output will then be given by:
N 1
zm,k (n) hm ( N 1) zm1,k (n ) (3.91)
For the case pertaining to multirotor aircraft, we are presented with a MIMO system as previously described
and depicted by Figure 3-9. As before, we may simply extend the concepts presented for IIR filters to obtain an
expression for the FIR case. Thus, for the most generalized case consisting of 𝐾 sensors exposed to 𝑆 sources
with indexed locations and harmonic numbers defined by c[ k ] and [ m] respectively, the coefficient equation,
filtered output, and gradient function will be given by the following equations:
1 0
hm, s ( )
r 1 r csc [m]s (n) sin [m]s (n) 1 r sin [ m]s (n) 1
N 1
ym,k , s (n) hm, s ( ) ym 1,k ,s (n ) (3.93)
N 1 N 1
m,s (n) Am,s ym1,c[ k ],s (n ) Bm, s m1, s (n ) (3.94)
0 0
0 0
A m, s r 1 r 2 1 [m]r cos [m] s (n)(1 ) 1 [ m]cos [m] s (n)(1 ) csc [ m] s(n)...
[m] r 1 r 2 cot [m]s (n) csc [ m]s (n) r sin [ m] s (n)(1 ) sin [ m] s (n)(1 ) 1
1 0
B m, s (3.96)
r 1csc [m]s (n) r 2 sin [m] s (n) 1 r sin [m] s (n) 1
where c[ k ] and H [m] were previously defined by equations (3.58) and (3.62), and the LMS update equation
by (3.60). The final linear-phase output will then be given by:
N 1
zm,k , s (n) hm, s ( N 1) zm1,k ,s (n ) (3.97)
where 𝑧𝑚−1,𝑘,𝑠 = 𝑦𝑀,𝑘,𝑠 and 𝑧𝑀,𝑘,𝑆 is the final filtered output for the 𝑘𝑡ℎ sensor channel.
Figures 3-11 through 3-13 displayed below provides plots comparing the IIR notch filter response to that of the
nonlinear and linear-phase FIR approximations. In addition, the effect of varying the pole radius, filter length,
and use of window functions is also illustrated. From the plots, it is evident that the truncated FIR filter provides
a very good response approximation to the IIR filter, with no visual difference between the two. It is also
apparent that the linearized FIR filter does in fact produce a linear-phase response. However, as predicted by
equation (3.28), it is produced at the expense of squaring the magnitude response of the original non-linear
form; a property that generates both favourable and unfavourable features. Undesired aspects involve increased
notch bandwidth and passband ripple, while positive features involve increased notch depth. For the non-linear
FIR form, bandwidth values will be given by equation (3.37) since the filter will directly approximate the IIR
response. For the linear-phase form, notch bandwidth values may be approximated according to:
3 fs
BW (1 r ) (3.98)
which is valid for 0.9 < 𝑟 < 1.0. The above expression was obtained following the general procedure presented
[128] which was also utilized to produce the form previously given by equation (3.37).
It is also evident from the plots presented in Figures 3-12 and 3-13 that decreasing the filter length and/or
increasing the notch pole radius both result in decreased approximation accuracy. The general effect will be an
increase in passband ripple and a decrease in notch depth. Typically for FIR designs, window functions are
applied to the impulse response to decrease passband ripples. For this particular instance however, doing so
results in greatly decreased response characteristics since the notch becomes very shallow and wide. This effect
can be observed in Figure 3-14 when using the Hann window.
To establish a quantitative performance comparison between the IIR and FIR forms, we may define a response
approximation error according to the expression given below:
( ) H d ( ) H ( ) d
Using this definition, a plot was generated using a range of values for the filter length and pole radius, which is
displayed in Figure 3-14. From the plot, it is again evident that decreasing the filter length and/or increasing the
notch pole radius results in decreased approximation accuracy.
Figure 3-11: Magnitude and phase response of IIR and FIR notch filters.
Figure 3-12: Magnitude response of FIR notch filters for varying filter length.
Figure 3-13: Magnitude response of FIR notch filters for varying pole radius.
Figure 3-14: Left) Effect of applying window function to FIR impulse response. Right) Error between IIR and FIR frequency
It should be noted that although the filter is fully capable of facilitating MIMO systems such as that pertaining
to multirotor aircraft, in some instances it might not be practical due to computational requirements. In general,
the multi-stage iterative method previously presented may be replaced by a single stage filter, which is the result
of convolving all stages together. Thus, the length of the final equivalent (linearized) filter required for a signal
containing 𝑆 noise sources each with 𝑀 harmonic components is given by:
N 2 SMN 1 (3.100)
where 𝑁 is the fundamental filter length used at each stage. From the above expression, it is apparent that
increasing the number of harmonics and noise sources produces an exponential increase in the final equivalent
filter length. Consider for example the multirotor aircraft utilized for experiments presented in this thesis, which
consists of 𝐾 = 6 signals exposed to 𝑆 = 8 sources. Typically, each aircraft engine operates at approximately
125 Hz. For a 1 kHz frequency band of interest, a total of 𝑀 = 8 harmonics would therefore require removal.
̅ = 8 ∙ 1600 + 1 = 12,801 coefficients which is
This would be equivalent to a single stage filter with 𝑁
extremely large. In addition, each of the 𝐾 = 6 signals would require parallel processing using this filter. Thus,
even when considering the processing power of modern day computers, it is highly unlikely that such a filter
could be practically implemented in real-time on a dedicated system small enough to be located on-board most
UAVs. However, for fixed-wing operations in which only one source is present, real-time implementation may
easily be achieved.
A method is now presented to construct and implement an FIR Comb filter in a referenceless adaptive form. In
addition, it will be shown that the filter may also be modified to operate in a phase distortionless form using the
convolved zero-phase transform previously presented.
Consider a standard N-delay Comb filter with shifting gain 𝐺 as displayed in Figure 3-15, where the transfer
function, magnitude response, and direct implementation form are given by the following equations
H z G 1 zN (3.101)
H G 1 e j G 1 cos() j sin() (3.102)
y n G x n x n N (3.103)
where 𝑁 is the number of delay elements required to remove a narrowband signal of fundamental frequency 𝑓𝑜
according to:
N (3.104)
Figure 3-15: N-delay FIR Comb filter structure with shifting gain G.
The magnitude response for the filter may be obtained by taking the norm (magnitude) of the above frequency
response equation:
2 Nf
H f G 2 2cos (3.105)
where the angular frequency 𝜔 in radians has been replaced by the more applicable form 𝑓 given in Hertz.
The filter provides the benefit of being very simplistic and requires little computational load since it consists of
only two multiplications and one addition. It will also produce a linear phase response since it satisfies the FIR
anti-symmetric impulse response condition previously discussed. In addition, no cascaded sub-filters are
required to remove harmonic-based noise since the filter will have periodic notches spanning the entire signal
bandwidth located at multiples of fs / N Hz. This feature can be observed from the magnitude response plot
displayed in Figure 3-16.
Unlike typical FIR filters which establish stop band regions through modifying the values of a constant length
coefficient vector, the Comb filter is unique in that coefficient values remain constant while the vector length
changes according to the desired stopband location. Thus, adaptive implementation will effectively produce a
non-linear phase response since the linear-phase slope defined by the current delay number 𝑁 will continuously
vary with time. However, we may solve this problem by simply modifying the filter using the convolved zero-
phase modification technique previously presented. Application of the transform gives the following equations
for the transfer function, frequency response, magnitude response, and direct implementation form respectively:
Ho z G2 1 zN 1 zN
G2 2 z z
H o G 2 2 e j e j (3.107)
2G 2 cos 1
2 Nf
H o f 2G 2 1 cos (3.108)
where the total filter length is now 2𝑁 + 1 since two filters of length 𝑁 + 1 are essentially convolved. Thus,
the number of delay elements required to remove a signal of fundamental frequency 𝑓𝑜 will now be given by:
2 fs
N (3.110)
It is apparent from the frequency response given above that only real components are present, and values are
always positive. Thus, the filter will always maintain a true zero-phase response as per the condition given by
equation (3.20). This is in contrast to the standard form previously given by equation (3.102) which always has
a real component less than zero except at the notch locations. Therefore, even though this filter is symmetric
shifting it to a non-causal form would actually produce a π-phase filter where values alternate between ± π/2 at
each notch location. Note that for a shifting gain value of 𝐺 = 1 the standard and zero-phase filters attain a
maximum magnitude of 6 and 12 dB respectively, effectively boosting any signals residing between the filter
nulls. This gain can be further increased or removed by simply adjusting the gain factor. For instance, shifting
the maximum magnitude down by -6 dB to 0 dB would require G 106/20 0.5012 . Figure 3-16 displayed
below provides magnitude and phase response plots for the standard, zero-phase and π-phase filters.
Figure 3-16: Left) Magnitude response for N = 10, where H and H o are the standard and zero-phase filters with unity gain
(G=1); H' and H o' are the 0 dB shifted versions of these filters. Right) Phase and Magnitude response for a standard, π-
phase transformed, and zero-phase transformed FIR Comb filter.
Referenceless adaptive implementation of the Comb filter may be achieved using the approach previously
described in Section via the LMS update equation given by (3.13). Note that the delay number 𝑁 may
be expressed in terms of the normalized frequency 𝜃 according to:
N (3.111)
To obtain the gradient function (n) we must first express the direct output form in terms of 𝜃.
Substitution of (3.111) into (3.109) and expressing in terms of the discrete time index 𝑛 gives:
2 2
y n G 2 2x n x n xn (3.112)
( n ) ( n)
Differentiating the above equation with respect to the normalized notch location gives:
2G 2 2 2
n x n x n (3.113)
( n) 2 ( n) ( n)
Since no analytical expression for the signal 𝑥 exists, we must approximate the derivative 𝑥′( ) via numerical
methods. This may be accomplished by taking the backwards finite difference, which produces the following
2G 2 2 2 2 2
n x n x n 1 x n xn 1 (3.114)
( n) 2 (n) (n 1) (n) (n 1)
Thus adaptive implementation may now be achieved via the use of equations (3.13), (3.112), and (3.113). It
should be noted that since 𝑁 is a positive integer, implementation via standard methods would produce notch
location errors due to rounding. This offset is also directly compounded for each harmonic component and
increases as the signal sampling rate decreases. Figure 3-17 displayed below depicts the notch placement error
for a harmonic signal with a fundamental frequency of 150 Hz. It is clear from the plot that low sampling rates
produce substantial errors that is compounded for each harmonic component.
For situations in which higher sampling rates cannot be achieved to meet specified notch position error criteria,
interpolation may be used to obtain fractional delay values. For the simplest case which utilizes linear
interpolation, a fractional delay of 𝑥(𝑛 ± 𝜃) can be obtained for non-integer values of 𝜃 according to:
x n x n x n x n
where and indicates the floor and ceiling functions respectively.
For the case pertaining to fixed-wing aircraft in which 𝐾 sensor signals are exposed to one harmonic source
(𝑆 = 1), only one signal is required to track the fundamental noise frequency as previously discussed. Thus,
defining the sensor closest to the noise source by 𝑘 = 𝑐, the SIMO filtering case can be described according to
the following equations:
2 2
yk n G 2 2 xk n xk n xk n (3.116)
( n) ( n)
2G 2 2 2 2 2
n xk c n xk c n 1 xk c n xk c n 1 (3.117)
( n) 2 ( n) (n 1) (n) (n 1)
where the LMS update equation is again given by (3.13).
For the MIMO case pertaining to multirotor aircraft in which 𝐾 sensor signals are exposed to 𝑆 sources, the
filter may not be as appropriate. Similar to the FIR case previously discussed, multiple Comb filters may be
placed in cascade form to remove multiple narrowband sources. However, since the filter requires strict non-
causal operation to maintain a distortionless phase response for changing delay values, it cannot be implemented
in an iterative form such as that used for the IIR and FIR notch filters. All stages must instead be convolved to
obtain a final output expression. Although this may be achieved quite easily due to the simplicity of the
governing filter equations, large data buffer requirements associated with the final output form may produce
unacceptably large processing lags.
In order to process the filter in real-time, the signal is passed through a storage buffer of size 2𝑁 + 1 such that
the center of buffer serves as the zero-time reference point, with signal values being chosen in the forward and
reverse directions at a distance of 𝑁 samples. The real-time operation of the filter would then be subject to a
minimum processing delay or latency of 𝑁/𝑓𝑠 seconds as required to introduce the anti-causal portion of the
filter. Since the adaptive process requires changing the number of delay elements to track frequency
components, the buffer must be chosen big enough such that it will be capable of handling the largest expected
delay value. For example, consider the case of a signal subject to two narrowband noise sources. The transfer
function for the zero-phase cascaded filter output will be given by:
H o ( z ) G 2 2 z N1 z N1 G 2 2 z N 2 z N 2
G4 4 2z N1
2 z N1 z N1 N 2 z N1 N 2 2 z N 2 2 z N 2 z N1 N 2 z N1 N 2
where N1 and N 2 are the number of delay elements required to track the first and second source respectively.
From the above equation, it is evident that the data buffer must now be of size 2( N1 N2 ) 1 . In order to enable
the anti-casual processing, a delay of ( N1 N2 ) / f s must therefore be present. This effect is compounded for
each additional cascaded form such that the total delay required for 𝐾 number of sources will be given by:
Thus, for scenarios in which a large number of sources are present such that found with the Kraken multirotor
described in this thesis (8 sources), adaptive Comb filtering is not considered appropriate when considering
detection distance requirements (discussed in the next chapter). However, for the case pertaining to fixed-wing
aircraft which involve only one noise source, the filter performs reasonably well as will later be shown.
Although the Comb filter is very simplistic and requires few computations, it does have a number of drawbacks
related to notch bandwidth, notch location accuracy, and implementation latency as previously discussed.
Perhaps the greatest of these is the notch bandwidth, which cannot be varied for a given notch frequency
location. Analysis of the magnitude response previously given leads to the following -3 dB bandwidth
approximation for the standard and zero-phase filters respectively:
fo 0.251
BW cos1 1 2 (3.120)
fo 0.354
BWo cos1 1 2 (3.121)
From the above equations, it is clear that the bandwidth for each filter is directly proportional the fundamental
frequency and completely independent of the sampling frequency. Thus, larger notch bandwidths will be
obtained for higher fundamental frequency signals, which will ultimately deteriorate filtering performance. If
frequency values are large enough, this aspect may actually render the filter unusable since large portions of
the passband will become greatly attenuated. Figure 3-18 displayed below provides a comparison of the notch
bandwidth for various fundamental frequencies. From the plot, it is evident that the filter is indeed ill suited for
high frequency applications.
In addition to the operating latency previously discussed, another possible issue that may occur when using the
filter in an adaptive form is the false convergence to a local minima rather than the global minimum. Figure
3-19 shows the Mean Squared Error (MSE) as a function of frequency and number of harmonics present in a
sinusoidal signal with a fundamental frequency of 150 Hz. It is evident that as the number of harmonics
increases, the number of local minima also increases, and the width of the frequency capture region decreases.
This is because the Comb filter contains equally spaced notches that span the entire signal (up to the Nyquist
frequency). A misplacement of the fundamental frequency notch may still produce a local minimum if one of
the subsequent notches is located at an harmonic frequency. For example, a ten-harmonic signal (NH=10) with
a fundamental frequency of 150 Hz has a local minimum at 133.3 Hz since the 9th Comb notch will be located
at 1200 Hz, which also corresponds to the 8th signal harmonic. Thus, for signals containing large numbers of
harmonics, it is essential that an accurate frequency starting point be chosen for the adaptive process. This may
be done through performing an autocorrelation or analyzing an initial signal segment in the frequency domain
as previously discussed.
Figure 3-18: Notch bandwidth as a function of fundamental Figure 3-19: Frequency capture region as a function of the
frequency. number of harmonic signal components (NH) present.
To illustrate the performance of the presented methods, the filters are first implemented under ideal conditions
using computer-generated signals. Two scenarios are investigated as it pertains to the fixed-wing and multi-
rotor operations. A description of the simulation setup along with the results obtained for each filtering method
is provided below.
To simulate the propeller generated noise produced by each aircraft, multiple non-stationary sinusoidal
functions were combined with random Gaussian noise and attenuated according to a predefined source/sensor
configuration geometry. The signal produced by the 𝑠 𝑡ℎ source is defined as:
ss (n) Am cos m s (n) (3.122)
m 1
for {𝑠 = 1,2, … , 𝑆} where 𝐴𝑚 is the amplitude of the 𝑚𝑡ℎ harmonic component given by:
Am (3.123)
with 𝐴𝑜 = 1, and s (n) is the phase function given by the cumulative sum of all past frequency values according
2 n
s (n)
Fs (i) s (n 1) fs
Fs (n) (3.124)
i 0
where 𝑓𝑠 is the sampling rate, and 𝐹𝑠 is the frequency of the 𝑠 𝑡ℎ source signal. The above amplitude attenuation
function was utilized since it provides a good approximation to the harmonic attenuation properties of fixed-
wing propeller driven aircraft [72].
To produce non-stationary signals, a modulating function was used to vary the frequency of each source with
time. Thus, the time variant fundamental frequency is given by:
where 𝐵𝑠 is the modulation amplitude, 𝐹𝑚,𝑠 is the modulation frequency, and 𝐹𝑜,𝑠 is the base or center
fundamental frequency for each source signal. Finally, the source signal acquired by the 𝑘𝑡ℎ sensor is given by:
xk (n) k , s ss (n) wk (n) (3.126)
s 1
for {𝑘 = 1,2, … , 𝐾} where 𝑤( ) is the random Gaussian noise component, and 𝛼𝑘,𝑠 is an attenuation factor to
account for source/sensor spacing effects. Using the distance/SPL law for acoustic transmission previously
given by equation (2.2) (converted to magnitude form), the amplitude attenuation factor for transmission
between the 𝑠 𝑡ℎ source and 𝑘𝑡ℎ sensor is given by:
k ,s (3.127)
rs rk
Filter performance is evaluated with regard to frequency tracking accuracy and the output MSE. It should be
noted however, that since the error function is defined as the filtered output, MSE values for filters having
different notch bandwidths cannot be directly compared. That is, a filter having a larger notch bandwidth will
always attenuate more of the total signal bandwidth and thus produce lower MSE values. The frequency tracking
performance of each filter is evaluated in terms of the Mean Frequency Deviation (MFD) which is defined as:
1 L ˆ
MFD Fs (n) Fs (n)
L n 1
where Fˆs is the fundamental frequency track for the filter of concern.
To simulate the SIMO system associated with a fixed-wing configuration, a total of two sensor signals (𝐾 = 2)
were constructed from a single source component (𝑆 = 1). The sensors were located at equal distances from
the source such as that 𝛼1,1 = 𝛼2,1 depicted below in Figure 3-20. The source consisted of an 𝐹0,1 = 150 Hz
signal with 𝑀 = 6 harmonic components, modulated using amplitude and frequency values 𝐵1 = 5 and
𝐹𝑚,1 = 0.2 Hz respectively. The signals were constructed using a sampling rate of 𝑓𝑠 = 4 kHz and combined
with Gaussian noise of unity variance (𝜎 = 1) for a total duration of 10 seconds. Note that modulation values
were chosen only to produce a smoothly transitioning nonstationary signal and do not reflect true modulation
values associated with an aircraft engine. Figure 3-21 displayed below provides a spectrogram of the generated
signal and a plot of the time variant fundamental frequency.
To simulate the MIMO system associated with the multi-rotor configuration, a total of three sensor signals (𝐾 =
3) was constructed from three generating source components (𝑆 = 3). Each sensor was equally spaced from its
closest respective source as depicted below in Figure 3-22 such that 𝛼1,1 = 𝛼2,2 = 𝛼3,3 . Each signal consisted
of 𝑀 = 6 harmonic components with fundamental frequencies of 𝐹0,1 = 150 , 𝐹0,2 = 151 Hz and 𝐹0,3 = 152
Hz embedded in Gaussian noise of unity variance (𝜎 = 1). All signals were constructed using a sampling rate
of 𝑓𝑠 = 4 kHz for a total duration of 10 seconds and modulated using amplitude and frequency values of 𝐵1 =
2 , 𝐵2 = 4 , 𝐵3 = 5 and 𝐹𝑚,𝑠 = 0.2 Hz respectively. Figure 3-23 provides a spectrogram of the generated
signals for each sensor, while Figure 3-24 provides a plot of the time variant fundamental frequency.
Since the filtered output for the two sensor channels are nearly identical, the results for only one channel are
provided. The filtering methods evaluated include the IIR notch, FIR notch, and Comb filters. Zero-phase
implementation of the IIR filter was achieved via the forward and reverse filter method previously described in
Section 3.2.2, while the FIR and Comb filter were implemented in their presented linear and zero-phase forms
Table 3-1 provides the parameter values used for each filter type, while Figure 3-25 provides the magnitude
response for each filter using these values. From the plot, it is evident that the IIR filter offers the most desirable
response since it has a very narrow notch bandwidth and essentially no passband ripple. As expected, the FIR
conversion of this filter provides a reasonable approximation, although ripples in the passband are present due
to the Gibb’s phenomena. This may be decreased by applying a windowing function such as the Hann or
Hamming to the filter impulse response (coefficients). However, this will also result in decreased notch depth
and increased notch width as previously discussed. The Comb filter provides the least desirable response since
it has a relatively wide notch bandwidth and produces a non-linear passband gain.
The results obtained via each filtering method are displayed below in Table 3-2, while Figures 3-26 through 3-
28 provide spectrograms and frequency tracking plots. From the results displayed, it is evident that each filter
was successful in tracking and removing the non-stationary harmonic narrowband components. The IIR notch
filter attained the highest performance with MFD values very close to zero and MSE values approximating the
pure Gaussian noise power (𝜎 = 1). This was closely followed by the FIR notch filter, which produced very
similar results in terms of MSE values. MFD values were significantly higher, although a visual examination
of the filtered spectrogram indicates all noise components were still adequately removed.
From examination of the FIR frequency tracking plot displayed in Figure 3-27, it is apparent that a lag exists
between the actual and tracked noise frequency. This effect is caused by the cascaded iterative form in which
the filter is implemented, since a change at the initial stage must propagate through all stages before it becomes
realized at the final output. This propagation delay is essentially equal to the group delay that would be present
if all nonlinear stages were combined into one complete filter. Since the group delay is equal to half the number
of coefficients for a linear-phase filter, the adaptation delay may be approximated by:
tapt (3.129)
2 fs
For the current case in which 𝑀 = 6, 𝑁 = 150, and 𝑓𝑠 = 4000 Hz, a delay value of approximately 𝑡𝑎𝑝𝑡 = 0.11
seconds is present. It should be noted that the above form is only an approximation to the true delay since the
tracking filters are not linear and therefore do not produce a constant group delay. Since the actual delay value
will be a function of frequency which also influences the LMS update algorithm, accurately determining these
values and their effect on tracking performance would be very complex and is outside the scope of this thesis.
In addition to the adaptation delay, there is also a general implementation delay which is inherent in all FIR
filters. This can be observed by the whitespace at the beginning of the spectrogram displayed in Figure 3-27. It
is given by the group delay that would be present if all filter stages (initial and linear-phase correction) for all
sources were combined:
t grp (3.130)
For the current scenario, a delay value of 𝑡𝑔𝑟𝑝 = 0.22 s is therefore present. It should be noted that the group
delay of the filter does not affect its operation in any way. It is not a processing lag between the incoming real-
time signal and filtered output, but rather a transient response only present at the beginning of the filtered output.
The Comb filter performed the worst of the three filters, which is apparent from examination of the spectrogram
displayed in Figure 3-28. This was expected since the magnitude response offered the least desirable features.
Frequency tracking accuracy was also much less with an average deviation of 0.83 Hz. However, this was also
expected since the LMS gradient function required for tracking was simply approximated via a backwards finite
difference approach. The filter did effectively remove all harmonic components, which is evident from the
spectrograms displayed below, although a relatively large area surrounding the noise locations was also
removed. This is generally undesirable since any target signal located relatively close to one of these
components would be greatly attenuated.
The following section provides the results obtained from utilizing the IIR and FIR notch filters on signals
constructed to simulate that obtained from a multirotor aircraft. The Comb filter was not evaluated for this case
since its relatively poor frequency response in combination with required processing delays (as previously
discussed) would render it impractical for experiments presented in this thesis. The FIR notch filter is also
impractical for this application as previously discussed, due to the computational requirements associated with
removing a high number of source signals with harmonic components. However, the filter is still evaluated to
demonstrate that it is capable and practical for systems with similar dynamics but with fewer noise components.
Table 3-3 displayed below provides the filter parameter values used at each source removal stage. The results
obtained are displayed in Table 3-4, while Figures 3-29 through 3-31 provide spectrograms and frequency
tracking plots. Based on the results obtained, it is evident that both filters are effective in removing all harmonic
components for each of the simulated signals. As before, the IIR filter attained the highest performance with
MFD values very close to zero. The FIR form produced MFD values approximately double this, which is
apparent from examination of the frequency tracking plots presented in Figure 3-31. However, a comparison of
the spectrograms obtained from each method produces little to no discernible difference. Higher tracking errors
were obtained for the second and third source stages for both filters. This was expected since these stages had
a larger degree of non-stationarity.
From the FIR frequency tracking plot, it is again evident that an adaptation lag exists between the actual and
tracked noise frequency. This value is equal to that present for the fixed-wing simulation since the number of
harmonics and filter length did not change. It is apparent from the spectrograms displayed below in Figure 3-30
however that the general processing delay has greatly increased. This increase is due to the presence of multiple
noise sources which effectively increases the overall (combined stage) filter length. For the current case in
which 𝑀 = 6, 𝑁 = 150, 𝑆 = 3, and 𝑓𝑠 = 4000 Hz, a delay value of 𝑡𝑔𝑟𝑝 = 0.68 seconds is present.
Table 3-3: Filter parameters for multirotor simulation. Table 3-4: Filter results for multirotor simulation.
𝑟 = 0.99 r = 0.98 𝑆=1 𝑆=2 𝑆=3 𝑆=1 𝑆=2 𝑆=3
𝜇1 = 1 × 10−4 N = 150 MSE 1.71 1.72 1.71 1.85 1.95 1.96
𝜇2 = 2 × 10−4 𝜇1 = 8 × 10−8 MFD 0.09 .017 0.21 0.32 0.45 0.36
𝜇3 = 3 × 10−4 𝜇2 = 8 × 10−8
- 𝜇3 = 16 × 10−8
The performance of the presented filters is now evaluated using data obtained from experimental studies
involving both fixed-wing and multirotor aircraft.
To validate the performance of the presented filters for an SIMO system, the methods were applied to data
obtained from acoustic detection experiments conducted using a fixed-wing UAV. The recorded data was
obtained from a fly-by of a Delta X-8 UAV at approximately 100 m above a ground-based loudspeaker emitting
a 500 Hz tone. Data pertaining to this experiment is presented in further detail in Chapter 6 (TS#1). Acoustic
signals were originally sampled at a rate of 48 kHz but were decimated to 4 kHz prior to filtering to reduce
computational requirements. Figure 3-32 provides a spectrogram plot for a 30 s segment of the unfiltered noise
corrupted signal. A plot of the fundamental frequency track for the engine noise is also displayed to aid in
analyzing filter performance. The track was obtained by performing autocorrelations on consecutive 0.2 s signal
segments. Thus, frequency values displayed by the plot are only an approximation as the true values at any
given time are actually unknown.
Since the filtered outputs for the recorded signals are essentially identical, the results for only one of the four
recorded channels is presented. The filtering methods evaluated include the IIR notch, FIR notch, and Comb
filters. Zero-phase implementation of the IIR filter was achieved via the forward and reverse filter method
previously described in Section 3.2.2, while the FIR and Comb filter were implemented in their presented linear
and zero-phase forms respectively. The various parameters used for each filter are given in Table 3-5, while the
MSE and MFD values obtained are displayed in Table 3-6. Figure 3-33 provides spectrogram plots for each of
the filter output signals, while Figure 3-34 provides the corresponding frequency tracks.
From the results displayed, it is evident that each filter was successful in tracking and removing the non-
stationary harmonic narrowband components. From a visual inspection of the spectrogram plots, it is apparent
that the IIR notch filter again offered the best performance, closely followed by the approximated FIR form.
The increased performance attained by the IIR filter can be explained by the fact that a larger pole radius was
utilized which effectively produced a narrower notch bandwidth. Although the same value could have been
utilized for the FIR form, doing so would require an increase in the filter length and thus reduce its
implementation viability from a computational standpoint. The Comb filter again performed the worst of the
three filters, which is apparent from examination of the filtered signal spectrograms. Notch values were very
wide compared to that of the IIR and FIR filters, while some harmonic components were barely attenuated to
average floor levels.
It should be noted that the MSE and MFD values obtained cannot be directly utilized to assess and compare the
performance of each filter, since the actual values for the ideal noise-free signal are unknown. This is evident
when comparing the results obtained via the IIR and Comb filters for example. From the spectrogram plots, it
is clear the IIR filter preforms better, however the values given in Table 3-6 suggest that the Comb filter is
superior. The lower MSE value can be attributed to the fact that the Comb filter has notches spanning the whole
signal bandwidth while the IIR filter only removed the first 7 harmonics as required for further processing
operations (detection, localization, etc.). Differences in MFD values can also be attributed to the fact that the
actual fundamental frequency values are unknown and only approximated through performing autocorrelations
as previously mentioned.
Table 3-5: Filter parameters for fixed-wing experiment. Table 3-6: Filter results for fixed-wing experiment.
𝑟 = 0.99 𝑟 = 0.98 G 0.708 MSE 0.43 0.59 0.21
𝜇 = 1.8 × 10 −4
𝑁 = 150 5 MFD 0.51 0.67 0.31
- 𝜇 = 1.2 × 10−7 -
𝑀=7 𝑀=7 -
Figure 3-32: Spectrogram and fundamental frequency track plots for fixed-wing noisy signal.
To validate the performance of the presented filters for a MIMO system, the methods were applied to data
obtained from an acoustic experiment conducted using a multirotor UAV. The data was recorded during a flyby
of the Kraken multirotor (described in Chapter 6) past a ground-based loudspeaker emitting an 83 Hz base tone
with 6 harmonic components. Acoustic signals were originally sampled at a rate of 96 kHz but were decimated
to 4 kHz prior to filtering to reduce computational requirements. Since the FIR and Comb filters were not
considered appropriate due to computational requirements and processing delays as previously discussed, only
the IIR notch filter is evaluated.
Table 3-7 provides the filter parameters used, while Table 3-8 provides the MSE and MDF results. Spectrogram
plots for the noisy and filtered signals are displayed in Figures 3-35 to 3-37 for three of the six recorded
channels, while Figure 3-38 displays frequency tracking plots. From the spectrograms, it is evident that the
noise components are similar in frequency and highly non-stationary. In addition, the presence of sub and partial
harmonics are clearly visible for the first and second channels. This is believed to be caused by a nonuniformity
in the propeller located directly below the first microphone which was the result of minor surface damages
incurred during a previous flight. It was unknown at the time of the experiments that the propeller would
produce the observed acoustic effect since the damages were repaired and appeared negligible during visual
inspection. Thus, the inclusion of the ability to remove such sub and partial harmonic components as previously
presented in Section 3.3.3 was vital to effectively filter the noise corrupted signal. From a visual inspection of
the presented spectrograms, it can be concluded that the multichannel IIR notch filter was effective at removing
all nonstationary noise components without attenuating the target source signal to any apparent degree.
Table 3-7: IIR filter parameters for multirotor Table 3-8: IIR Filter results for multirotor experiment.
experiment. 𝑺=𝟏 𝑺=𝟐 𝑺=𝟑 𝑺=𝟒 𝑺=𝟓 𝑺=𝟔
𝑟 = 0.99 𝜇3 = 6 × 10−4 MSE 1.18 1.19 1.19 1.17 1.20 1.18
𝑀 = 10 𝜇4 = 8 × 10−4 MFD 0.16 0.24 0.21 0.19 0.22 0.18
𝜇1 = 2 × 10−4 𝜇5 = 10 × 10−4
𝜇2 = 4 × 10−4 𝜇6 = 12 × 10−4
Figure 3-35: IIR notch filter results for multirotor experiment (k=1).
Figure 3-36: IIR notch filter results for multirotor experiment (k=2).
Figure 3-37: IIR notch filter results for multirotor experiment (k=3).
It is apparent from the values displayed in the above filter parameters table that increasing LMS step sizes is
required for each successive filtering stage. This is due to the fact that each of the propellers operate at similar
frequencies and often coexist at the same value. For such instances, removal of a source component at the
primary stage and associated signal (ex: 𝑠 = 1, 𝑘 = 1) may also remove parts of the subsequent source to be
removed at the next stage by its primary signal (ex: 𝑠 = 2, 𝑘 = 2). Thus, for each subsequent stage there is less
noise to be removed which requires a larger step size for adequate tracking. To minimize this effect, the notch
bandwidth should be kept as small as possible. However, this effect can be completely avoided if
required/desired by modifying the parallel filter configuration. Figure 3-39 displayed below provides a
depiction of the configuration used to obtain the above results, and an alternate form which is unaffected by the
conflicting location effects previously described. For such a configuration, the primary source of concern is
removed from its maximally acquired signal prior to removing any other components. However, the main
drawback with this approach is that there is no guarantee that all source components will be removed. For
example, if source 𝑠1 has greater power than 𝑠2 in both of the acquired signals, both notch filters will track this
source and leave the other untouched. The method was evaluated using the above experimental data and
generally found to perform less well especially during aircraft maneuvering operations where acoustic source
levels are not of equal value.
Figure 3-39: Left) Standard parallel configuration. Right) Alternate parallel configuration.
3.7.3 - Conclusions
Based on the results obtained from simulated and experimental data, it can be concluded that all of the proposed
filtering methods provide an effective means to remove non-stationary harmonic noise without the use of any
reference signal and without producing any phase distortions. The IIR notch filter offered the best performance
in all filtering scenarios examined, with frequency tracking capabilities exceeding that of the proposed FIR
notch and Comb filters. Modifications made to the filter to facilitate multichannel systems with partial harmonic
components proved to be essential in order to effectively filter signals obtained via multirotor experiments.
The proposed FIR notch also provided similar results to that obtained via the IIR form, proving the filter is an
effective alternative for situations in which a linear-phase inherently stable filter is required. It was shown that
the filter may also be effectively used for multichannel systems, although computational requirements may limit
the viability for applications in which a large number of noise sources are present.
The Comb filter generally performed the least well of the proposed methods. However, the filter was still
effective in removing noise components for all scenarios examined. As with the FIR form, filtering large
numbers of source components may not be viable for some applications due to the processing delays required
to generate a distortionless output. However, the method does provide the advantage of requiring very few
computational resources compared to the other proposed forms. Thus, for applications which demand low
computational loads, a zero-phase output, and inherently stable operation, this filter may offer the best solution.
Equation Chapter (Next) Section 1
4.1 - Introduction
The problem of detecting narrowband sinusoidal signals in noisy data is a very prominent one occurring in
many fields such as sonar, radar, acoustics, and communications. In the context of developing an acoustic-based
collision-avoidance system, the subject of signal detection can be partitioned into two main areas: The first is
the development of signal processing techniques (processors) to condition signals for enhanced component
detection. For example, a basic processor may consist of averaging multiple signal spectra in an attempt to
increase SNR values through constructively combining coherent periodic components while destructively
combining incoherent random noise. The second area corresponds to the specific detection statistic or algorithm
used (detectors) to determine the presence of a target signal (or lack thereof). For example, it may be decided
that a signal is present if a spectral peak value is simply greater than some threshold value.
In many instances, information regarding the target signal and/or noise is known in advance to aid in the
detection problem. Such information may involve the expected frequency, phase, or amplitude of the target
signal, and/or the underlying statistical distribution of the corrupting noise. For such cases, parametric
hypothesis testing may employed to determine the test statistic and detection probability for a given system
setup. However, in some situations variations in target properties and environmental conditions do not permit
the use of prior assumptions. In such instances, parametric methods cannot be reliably employed and thus
alternative non-parametric techniques must be used instead. Such methods are often termed distribution-free
since they may be used without any prior knowledge of the underlying noise statistics.
Consider again the signal detection scenario pertaining to this thesis. We wish to determine the presence of
some narrowband periodic component of unknown frequency, amplitude, and phase, within a signal containing
random noise of unknown properties that may change from one instant to the next depending on environmental
and operational conditions. For such scenarios, detection operations must typically be performed in the
frequency domain in order to achieve some constant pre-determined false alarm rate. This constraint however
will not reduce the ability to detect the unknown target signal, since frequency domain methods generally offer
better performance than the time domain alternatives. This is in part due to the fact that the Fourier based
approach is considered an optimal receiver for narrowband signal detection [134]. Although signal parameters
typically used to aid in detection are unknown, information pertaining to the physical acoustic source
characteristics may be exploited to enhance detection capabilities. Such information would include: 1) the
source signal is narrowband and periodic, 2) it typically contains a harmonic structure, and 3) it is emitted
continuously with time producing a consistent phase progression. Using this information, processing algorithms
may then be used to help dissociate between deterministic signals and random noise components. This will
ultimately provide an additional level of detection sensitivity since traditional frequency domain methods rely
solely on magnitude-based comparisons.
The following section presents a number signal enhancement processors which may be utilized to increase the
detection of harmonic narrowband signals. Three general classes of processors are presented. These include: 1)
Harmonic Spectral Transforms (HSTs), 2) Phase Acceleration Processors (PAPs), and 3) Modified Coherence
Processors (MCPs). The performance of the processors is also evaluated in Section 4.4 using computer
generated data, and the results are compared to those found in the literature using other similar techniques.
The presence of harmonic components is an inherent property of many acoustic signals such as those generated
by voiced speech, musical instruments, and aircraft propulsion systems [72, 135-137]. It arises from the
presence of a physical boundary which establishes the condition for standing wave generation [138]. The
process of examining harmonic signals to determine the fundamental frequency is known as pitch detection. It
has been studied extensively, with the majority of developments produced in the context of voiced speech
detection and classification. Pitch detection differs from the general detection of harmonic signals in that the
former assumes the presence of the harmonic signal to an appreciable degree and attempts to estimate its
component structure; while the latter simply attempts to determine the presence of such a signal without much
regard to the accuracy of its structure. Thus, the performance of pitch detection algorithms is often evaluated
using metrics such as the Gross Pitch Error (GPE) and Fine Pitch Error (FPE) rather than detection probability
[139]. Although the problem of pitch detection is not directly relevant to the scope of this thesis, algorithm
developments in this area may prove beneficial in the context of signal detection. That is, processing conducted
to enhance pitch detection accuracy may also prove beneficial when applied for the purpose of signal detection.
Thus, the concept will be further explored through investigation of potentially relevant pitch detection
Pitch detection methods can generally be classified as being either parametric or non-parametric. Parametric
algorithms define a stochastic model for the noisy signal then employ Maximum Likelihood (ML) or Maximum
a Posteriori (MAP) techniques to estimate the model parameters [140]. Non-parametric algorithms avoid using
explicit signal models and identify the pitch of a signal either from its harmonic structure in the frequency
domain, or its periodicity in the time domain. The major benefit of utilizing a non-parametric approach is that
no priori information or assumptions regarding the signal and/or noise is required; a property that typically
degrades the performance of parametric models if deviations between these assumptions and actual signal
conditions occur [139, 141-144]. Thus, methods proposed in this thesis will focus solely on non-parametric
Pitch detection can be performed in either the time or frequency domain. Some popular time domain methods
reported in the literature include: the modified autocorrelation method using clipping (AUTOC) [145],
simplified inverse filtering technique (SIFT) [146], data reduction method (DARD) [147], parallel processing
method (PPROC) [148], PRAAT [149], and the average magnitude difference function (AMDF) [150]. Popular
frequency domain methods include: the harmonic product spectrum (HPS) [151], frequency histogram [151],
harmogram [152, 153], cepstrum (CEP) [154, 155], PEFAC [141], subharmonic to harmonic ratio algorithm
(SHRP) [156], BaNa [139], and various combinations of these above forms [157-160].
In general, frequency domain (FD) methods tend to perform better than the time domain (TD) alternatives.
Since harmonic signals are expressed as a series of narrow equispaced peaks in the Fourier domain, the ability
to manipulate and recognize patterns is greatly increased. In addition, FD methods are much less susceptible to
unpredictable phase effects which in contrast will often cause the failure of many TD algorithms [144]. For
example, both amplitude and power spectra do not utilize or contain phase information. Thus, algorithms such
as the HPS, CEP, BaNa, and PRAAT, which use these spectral forms as part of their underlying foundation
eliminate any of these phase-related problems [161]. In some circumstances however, this may also be
considered a negative aspect since phase information may be used to assist in pitch detection operations. The
phase fluctuation based processors developed by Wagstaff for example, utilize phase information contained in
complex signal spectra to discriminate between random noise and periodic components [162-167]. Coherence
based approaches also rely on the magnitude and phase similarity between signals to detect the presence of
correlated components [168-172].
Although FD algorithms generally offer increased detection capabilities, they are not without their drawbacks.
For example, the frequency histogram presented by Schroeder [151] has been found to be highly susceptible to
octave errors [173], while the Cepstrum technique has been found to perform poorly under low SNR conditions
[139]. Although very popular and well performing, the HPS method has been found to fail if any harmonic
components are missing from the acquired signal [174]. This is a legitimate concern if notch filtering is used to
remove narrowband self-noise components which may coexist with source harmonics. However, the non-
parametric iPEEH method has been proposed as a potential solution to this problem. By preforming a self-
circular convolution on the FFT spectrum, the iPEEH method acts to enhance a degraded harmonic structure
by “filling in” any missing components [175]. The approach has been found to increase the performance of the
HPS, PEFAC, SHRP, and BaNa algorithms when applied to speech and music signals with poor harmonic
structure [175].
The Harmonic Product Spectrum (HPS) was first developed by Schroeder as a means of pitch detection by
exploiting the equispaced peak pattern found in the magnitude spectra of harmonic signals. It is found by taking
the product of harmonically spaced components and is given by the following expression [151]:
HPS ( f ) X ( f r ) (4.1)
r 1
where 𝑋(𝑓) is the magnitude spectrum of a discrete time signal obtained via the FFT and 𝑅 is the number of
harmonics being considered. The fundamental pitch frequency 𝑓𝑜 is then indicated by the location of the
maximum spectral value:
Typically, the HPS is calculated across a band of interest where the fundamental frequency is believed to reside.
The maximum possible range is given by [0 , 𝑓𝑠 /2𝑅], where 𝑓𝑠 is the sampling frequency. Similar to the HPS
proposed by Schroeder, Hinch proposed a harmonic based Periodogram which he termed the Harmogram [152].
It is found by summing equispaced components of the power spectrum across a frequency band of interest
according to:
HAR( f ) X ( f r )
r 1
As previously stated, the HPS given by equation (4.1) has been found to perform poorly if harmonic components
are missing or severely degraded [174]. The iPEEH method proposed by Wu offers a solution to this problem
by enhancing the harmonic structure prior to processing through performing a self-circular convolution on the
signal spectra [175]. The circular convolution for two discrete time sequences is given by [176]:
where 𝐹{ } and 𝐹 −1 { } indicates the forward and inverse FFT respectively. For the case of self-circular
convolution involving frequency spectra we have:
Y X X F 1 F X F X F 1 F X 2 (4.5)
where 𝑋 represents the complex frequency spectra of the discrete time signal 𝑥. Since the values of 𝑋 are
complex numbers, the resulting signal will not attain true maximum values if subsequent harmonics are out of
phase with one another. Thus, as shown by Wu, better performance can be obtained by using the magnitude
spectra instead:
Y X X F 1 F X
The iPEEH enhancement procedure is performed as follows: First the signal is converted to the frequency
domain using the FFT. The resulting spectrum is then circular convolved with itself to form the enhanced
harmonic structure model. Prior to taking the IFFT of the self-convolution process, the signal baseband
amplitude is removed by high pass filtering. This is accomplished by the setting the low frequency (ex: < 10Hz)
bins of the 𝐹 {|𝑋|} result to zero. The final step is to superimpose the self-convolved signal with the original by
adding the two. In order to maintain appropriate scaling, both signals are normalized before the operation.
Mathematically, this process may be represented according to the following:
Z X Y (4.7)
where ‖ ‖ indicates normalization (‖𝑥‖ ≡ 𝑥/max[𝑥]). Since the two forms are added, any harmonic
components missing in the signal will be approximated using the convolution output. The downside to this
approach is that noise contained in the convolution output will also be added to the original signal(s).
Fluctuation Based Processing (FBP) is a signal processing technique that has currently received relatively little
attention in the scientific community. In brief, the principle involves utilizing fluctuations in signal amplitude
and/or phase to discriminate between periodic signals and random noise. The underlying concept is that random
noise will produce large fluctuations between successive frequency domain realizations (windows), while
continuous periodic signals will remain relatively stationary. Thus, processors may be developed to discriminate
between the two by forming some basis of quantifying the relative degree of fluctuation present.
FBP has been primarily developed for underwater acoustic applications since associated signals are typically
subject to fluctuations produced by a range of environmental factors [167]. However, many of the principles
developed for this purpose may also be applied to aerial acoustics, since there are many similarities between
the two. For aerial acoustics, signal fluctuations may occur for a number of reasons including:
• Temperature, density, and flow variations along the sound propagation path
• Turbulent flow fields
• Changing source-receiver range separation
• Interference from multipath arrivals
term phase acceleration refers to the phase deviation of signal components from expected values (based on the
component frequency) across some time interval.
Consider a single component acoustic wave which may be described by the following equation:
A(t ) p (t )e j (4.8)
where 𝑝(𝑡) is the sound pressure amplitude, and 𝜃 is the phase function which is given by:
2 ft x 0 (4.9)
where 𝜅 is the wave number given by 𝜅 = 2𝜋/𝜆, 𝜆 is the wavelength, 𝑥 is the distance between the source and
receiver which may also be a function of time, 𝜃0 is the initial phase of the signal at time 𝑡 = 0, and 𝜒 is the
phase shift caused by overlapping consecutive FFTs. For FFT windows of constant length and overlap spacing,
the phase shift between adjacent windows will also be constant and is given by 𝜒 = 2𝜋𝑓𝑤𝑡𝑤 . Here 𝑤 is the
current FFT window number with respect to the beginning of the signal, and 𝑡𝑤 is the time spacing between
adjacent windows. For stationary systems of constant frequency, the phase 𝜃 will be a linear function with
respect to time. Thus, to obtain maximum temporal coherence for a given signal, phase differences between
adjacent times can simply be removed by linear phase shifting. However, applications such as the acoustic
detection of aircraft do not satisfy these conditions. Relative motion between the sensing and intruding aircraft,
multipath reflection and interference, and variations in the transmission medium would all lead to random
fluctuations perceived phase values.
The proposed solution to address this problem is known as phase fluctuation or phase acceleration processing.
Consider a series of phase measurements taken from a single frequency bin at equal time intervals. If no external
phase influences are present, the angular rotation rate for the signal will remain constant with time:
constant (4.10)
where 𝜔 is the angular velocity. For the discrete time case, the above form can be approximated as:
w w1
w w w1 (4.11)
w (w 1)
where 𝑤 is the discrete FFT time index number which corresponds to 𝑤 𝑡ℎ windowed segment. If the signal and
its phase components remain stationary, then 𝜔𝑤 = 𝜔𝑤−1 . In terms of the phase angle this is given by:
Notice that the above definition is actually the phase acceleration with respect to the discrete time index. Hence,
the interchangeable use of the words phase fluctuation and phase acceleration.
The area of FBP has been largely pioneered by Wagstaff with numerous amplitude and phase-based processors
having been presented [162-167, 177, 178]. Common amplitude-based processors include the Wagstaff
Integration Silencing Processor (WISPR), Advanced WISPR Summation (AWSUM𝑘 ) filters, and the WISPR
II processor [167, 177, 178]. The WISPR and AWSUM𝑘 filters are a class of processors which can be expressed
via the following generalized functional form:
1/ k
1 W
M k M k (a) aw (4.15)
W w 1
where 𝑎 is the data stream sequence:
Using equation (4.15) with various integer values of 𝑘, a number of common statistical mean quantities can be
defined which are displayed below in Table 4-1.
If the sequence 𝑎 represents the power value for a given FFT frequency bin across 𝑤 consecutive windows, the
AWSUM𝑘 class of filters may be thus defined as [167, 178]:
1/ k
1 W
AWSUM k M k X w k (4.17)
W w 1
where 𝑋𝑤 is the power spectra of the 𝑤 𝑡ℎ time domain windowed segment, and 𝑊 is the total number of
segments. Using the above definition, the WISPR processor is given by [177, 178]:
1 W
WISPR = AWSUM1 M 1 X w1 (4.18)
W w1
which is also the harmonic mean of consecutive power values.
Gains on the order of 10 dB have been achieved using the WISPR processor compared to the average incoherent
power [177]. Wagstaff showed that the processor performs somewhat independently of the FFT resolution but
is highly dependent on the number of averaged windows and overlap percentage. Higher order AWSUM
processors were shown to give much larger SNR gains than the WISPR processor, but at the expense of longer
required record lengths. The AWSUM4 processor for example was found to achieve SNR enhancements in
excess of 20 dB [167]. However, in order to achieve such gains an upwards of 700 windowed FFT segments
were required using a 50% overlap, and 1000 with a 99% overlap. The WISPR processor also required a
upwards of 50 segments with a 75% overlap to achieve gains on the order of 10 dB. In general, higher order
AWSUM filters were found to produce larger SNR gains but required substantially higher record lengths to do
so; lower order forms tend to perform better for short record lengths [167].
In addition to amplitude-based methods, a number of phase-based processors have also been proposed by
Wagstaff [162-164, 166, 179]. Although originally developed for underwater acoustics, these processors have
been successfully utilized for numerous relevant applications such as acoustic detection from an aerial balloon,
and aircraft detection from ground-based arrays [163, 165]. Some common phase-based processors include: the
phase-aligned vector average processor (PAV) [163], the scalar phase-aligned temporally coherent average
processor (PAC) [163], and the AWSUM Environmentally Sensitive Phase processor (AWSUM ESP) [164].
Although found to give good results, the AWSUM ESP processor utilizes three empirical terms which are
application specific and greatly affect overall performance. In addition, no details are given in how to choose
appropriate values based on expected signal conditions [164]. Wagstaff states that the PAV and PAC processors
can theoretically achieve enhancement gains on the order of 10𝐺 ∙ log[𝑊] and 15𝐺 ∙ log[𝑊] respectively;
compared to the average incoherent power which would produce gains on the order of 5𝐺 ∙ log[𝑊 ], were 𝑊 is
the total number of windowed FFT segments and 𝐺 is a scaling constant dependent on experimental conditions
(typically 𝐺 < 1) [163].
The PAV and PAC processors are given by the following equations respectively:
2 2
1 W
1 W
PAV ( X , ) X w ( f ) cos w ( f ) X w ( f ) sin w ( f ) (4.19)
W w1 W w1
1 W
PAC ( X , ) X w ( f ) cos w ( f ) (4.20)
W w 1
In general, the fluctuation-based processing concept has been found to be very successful in producing
significant SNR gains. However, current methods require a relatively stationary signal throughout the total time
record which is often of considerable length. For applications such as those pertaining to this thesis where
system kinematics produce dynamic signals, such processing methods may not be appropriate. However, it will
be shown that concepts developed in this area may be utilized to construct phase acceleration-based processors
which rely on the presence of multiple signals rather than multiple time realizations.
Coherence-based processing is essentially a means of analyzing signals based on their phase and amplitude
similarity. The standard definition for the complex coherence of a signal pair is given by [75]:
S xy f
(f ) (4.21)
S xx f S yy f
where S xy , S xx , and S yy are the cross and auto spectral densities for the Fourier transformed signals given by:
S xy f X ( f )Y * ( f ) (4.22)
S xx f X ( f ) X * ( f ) (4.23)
S yy f Y ( f )Y * ( f ) (4.24)
where * indicates complex conjugation. Typically, the magnitude squared coherence (MSC) is utilized instead
of the complex definition since it provides a real value ranging from 0 to 1 to indicate the degree of coherence
S xy f
f f
S xx f S yy f
The MSC is essentially a frequency dependent correlation coefficient which establishes the degree of linearity
between two similar signals or the input/output of a system. For signals in which magnitude and phase
differences remain constant with time, values of Γ ≈ 1 will be obtained indicating a highly linear relationship.
However, the presence of random noise will produce magnitude and phase fluctuations with time giving values
of Γ < 1. If there is no linear relationship between the two signals, a value of Γ ≈ 0 will be obtained.
From the above definition we can see that for one observation, the MSC will always maintain Γ = 1 across all
frequencies. Thus, in order to obtain an accurate estimate, we must average a number of segments of the cross
and auto spectral densities. This approach is often referred as the Welch method of coherence and is given by
S xy f , w S xy f , w
(f ) w1
1 1
S xx f , w W S yy f , w S xx f , w S yy f , w
w1 w1 w1 w1
W 2
S xy f , w
f W
w 1
S xx f , w S yy f , w
w 1 w 1
where 𝑤 is the segment number and 𝑊 is the total number of segments averaged.
The use of coherence as a signal processing tool has been widely reported in the literature, with many
applications in areas of filtering [182-185], signal detection [168-172], and spatial localization [186-191].
However, the standard definition as presented above is currently limited to the case of two signal systems. For
situations in which more than two signals are available, the standard definition does not facilitate a measure of
the overall system coherence. For such cases, coherent combination pairs have been traditionally used to
achieve processing gains [189]; although such an approach is not optimal in any sense. Other coherence based
methods such as the Coherent Phase Line Enhancer (CPLE) developed by Jong is fully capable of
simultaneously utilizing multiple channels [192-194]. However, as the author points out, this technique requires
stationary signals across relatively large time segments. Some instances of non-stationary signals may be
analyzed provided information regarding frequency and phase changes are known. Such information can then
be used to actively modify sampling rates to effectively produce stationary signals. This general procedure is
known as Order Tracking Analysis (OTA) and is typically applied to rotating machinery for the purpose of fault
investigation in low SNR environments [195, 196]. The obvious downside to this approach is that even if the
required information can be obtained, actively modifying sampling rates to examine one signal component will
produce distortions in all other signal components unless they share the same dynamic features.
Recently, developments have been made to the address the multi-channel limitations of the standard coherence
form. The Generalized Magnitude Squared Coherence (GMSC) proposed by Ramirez provides a means to
establish an overall coherence value for a system of similar signals [197, 198]. In brief, the GMSC is given by
the maximum eigenvalues of the complex coherence matrix.
Defining 𝛾𝑖,𝑗 (𝑓) as the complex coherence spectrum between the 𝑖 𝑡ℎ and 𝑗𝑡ℎ signals, the complex coherence
matrix is thus given by:
where {𝑖, 𝑗 = 1,2, … , 𝑆} , 𝛾𝑖,𝑗 (𝑓) = 1 for 𝑖 = 𝑗 , and 𝑆 is the total number of signals. The GMSC is then given
by the following:
max C f 1
( f ) (4.29)
S 1
where 𝜆𝑚𝑎𝑥 represents the maximum Eigenvalue of 𝐂𝛾 at each frequency. As with the MSC, the GMSC is also
bounded between 0 and 1. A value of Γ̃ = 1 is obtained if all signals are perfectly correlated, and Γ̃ = 0 if no
signals are correlated. For the case of two signals (𝑆 = 2), it can be shown that the above definition reduces to
the standard MSC form.
Several signal enhancement processors are now presented to aid in the detection of harmonic narrowband
signals such as those produced by propeller driven aircraft. Extensions to previous developments made by
Wagstaff [163-167, 177-179], Ramirez [197, 198], Schroeder [151] and Hinch [152], are proposed to exploit
the presence of multiple channels containing harmonic narrowband components with continuous phase
functions. Using the proposed methods, it will be shown that increased signal detectability can be greatly
achieved over that obtained via standard incoherent averaging methods and other relevant forms such as the
PAV and PAC processors developed by Wagstaff [163]. Due to the large number of processors presented in
this section, a list is provided below to give a summary of the various forms and proposed contributions.
The following section presents a simplistic but effective means to enhance signal detectability in the frequency
domain by exploiting the spectral peak periodicity associated with harmonic signals. Termed Harmonic Spectral
Transforms (HSTs), the method is a generalization of the Harmonic Product Spectrum and Harmogram
concepts developed by Hinch and Schroeder to include the processing of multi-channel systems with multiple
Consider some general harmonic signal transformed to the frequency domain via the FFT. As previously
discussed, the frequency spectra of such a signal will exhibit peaks located periodically across the relevant
bandwidth, such as that displayed below in Figure 4-1. Similar to the methods proposed by Hinch and
Schroeder, we may exploit this pattern to enhance the fundamental frequency component for operations such
as pitch detection and tracking. Referring back to equations (4.1) and (4.3), it is apparent that both the HPS and
Harmogram are defined by taking either the sum or product of 𝑅 harmonically spaced components across the
relevant frequency spectrum (magnitude for the HPS and power for the Harmogram). In a similar manner, we
may also define a more generalized spectral transform using the statistical means previously presented in Table
4-1. Given some arbitrary frequency spectra 𝑋(𝑓), the Harmonic Spectral Transform (HST) is defined as:
1/ a
1 R a
a [ X ( f )] X ( f r ) (4.30)
R r 1
where 𝑎 is an integer value which specifies the particular mean form as indicated below in Table 4-2. For pitch
and/or signal detection, the HST would typically be applied across some frequency band of interest where the
fundamental component is believed to reside. The maximum possible range is given by [0 , 𝑓𝑠 /2𝑅], where 𝑓𝑠 is
the sampling frequency. The fundamental frequency 𝑓𝑜 is then indicated by the location of the maximum
spectral value according to:
It is evident that the geometric mean is essentially equivalent to the HPS while the standard mean is equivalent
to the Harmogram. Although the Harmogram was defined through the use of power spectra given by |𝑋(𝑓)|2 ,
it will later be shown that signal detectability is not affected by the choice of spectral units (magnitude or
power). Figure 4-1 displayed below provides plots for the magnitude spectrum and standard mean HST for a
harmonic signal. From this point forward, the magnitude spectrum will be considered the default unless
indicated otherwise since this form will have a much lower dynamic range when performing signal processing
If multiple channels are available for processing, the compounding operation may also be applied across
channels to achieve further enhancement. For a system consisting of 𝑆 signals, the Multichannel Harmonic
Spectral Transform (MHST) is therefore defined according to:
where 𝑋𝑠 (𝑓) is the frequency spectrum for the 𝑠 𝑡ℎ signal. Expanding out the above form gives:
1/ b
a 1/ a
1 S 1 R
a ,b [ X s ( f )] X s ( f r ) (4.33)
s 1 r 1
It is evident from the above equation that a large number of processing combinations are possible. If each of
the mean specification variables (𝑎, 𝑏) are independent of one another and consist of integer values ranging
between -1 and 2, a total of process 16 combinations is possible. If multiple time realizations are available,
further enhancement may be achieved by applying the operation across all channels and realizations. Thus, for
a system consisting of 𝑆 signals with 𝑊 windowed time realizations, the Generalized Harmonic Spectral
Transform (GHST) may be defined as:
c 1/ c
b 1/ b
S a 1/ a
1 W
1 1 R
a ,b,c [ X s , w ( f )]
W S R X s,w ( f r )
w1 s 1
r 1
To obtain a more informative symbolic expression, the GHST defined above may be expressed using the
following notational form instead, which now indicates the total number of harmonics 𝑅, signals 𝑆, and
windowed segments 𝑊 used:
It is apparent from the above equations that the proposed transforms closely resemble that of the AWSUM𝑘
processors proposed by Wagstaff [167, 178]. However, the transforms are in fact different since they are defined
primarily for operations involving harmonic signals in which the peak periodicity of spectra is exploited. In
contrast, the AWSUM𝑘 processors do not exploit this spectral feature and are instead used primarily for single
channel systems with large numbers of time realizations.
It should also be noted that the above transforms are not limited to standard spectra such as those obtained via
the FFT operation. It can be applied to any frequency-based spectrum which exhibits peak periodicity across
the bandwidth of interest. It will later be shown for example that the approach may be applied to coherence
spectra and those obtained from phase acceleration processors to enhance signal detection capabilities.
The following section presents a number of processors which exploit the phase acceleration properties of
periodic signals to enhance detectability. Modifications to the PAV and PAC processors proposed by Wagstaff
are first presented which utilize the presence of multiple processing channels and exploit the spectral properties
of harmonic signals. The concept of phase vector coherence for multichannel systems is then defined and used
to establish a series of phase acceleration-based processors. A modulo 2𝜋 phase modification is also proposed
to increase detection performance by eliminating phase wrapping issues associated with current processing
techniques. Finally, the HSTs previously presented are applied to achieve further enhancement through
exploiting the peak periodicity of the processed acceleration spectra.
Consider some general harmonic signal transformed to the frequency domain via the FFT, producing a complex
valued spectrum represented by 𝑋(𝑓) which contains both magnitude and phase information. In some instances,
it may be desired to express 𝑋(𝑓) in terms of phase acceleration rather than actual phase values. This may be
accomplished according to:
X ( f ) X ( f ) e j ( f ) (4.37)
where 𝜙 is the phase acceleration as previously defined by equation (4.14). Using the above form, coherent
operations may now be performed on multiple signals (or segments) without fear of destructively combing out-
of-phase components since phase acceleration is a measure of progression rather than instantaneous values.
That is, two signals which are completely out of phase will still constructively combine provided their phase
progression with time are approximately equal for a given frequency. In this sense, phase acceleration
operations are a form of phase coherence since the definition of coherence is a measure of similarity between
signals with time (amplitude and phase). This concept was utilized by Wagstaff for the development of the PAV
and PAC processors previously given by equations (4.19) and (4.20) respectively. For a single realization, the
magnitude squared value of 𝑋𝜙 (𝑓) is equivalent to the PAV processor, while the real part squared is equivalent
to the PAC processor. For multiple realizations, 𝑋𝜙 (𝑓) is simply coherently summed across all windowed
Although the PAV and PAC processors are defined for the case of one signal with multiple realizations, the
processors can also be applied to multichannel systems for a single realization. This may be achieved by simply
summing across signals rather than windowed segments. Thus, for 𝑆 signals the PAV and PAC processors will
now be given by:
2 2
1 S 1 S
PAV ( X , ) X s ( f ) cos s ( f ) X s ( f ) sin s ( f ) (4.38)
S s 1 S s 1
1 S
PAC ( X , ) X s ( f ) cos s ( f ) (4.39)
S s 1
Since the processors utilize both amplitude and phase, a phase-only form may also be established to enable the
use of a dual detection scheme. This would involve processing and evaluating amplitude and phase information
separately to effectively produce two independent data streams. Removing the amplitude component and
summing across signals gives the following phase-only forms:
2 2
1 S 1 S
PAV ( ) cos s ( f ) sin s ( f ) (4.40)
S s 1 S s 1
1 S
PAC ( ) cos s ( f ) (4.41)
S s 1
For the case of harmonic signals, processed spectra will also exhibit peaks at each harmonic frequency. Thus,
the HST previously presented may be employed to further increase signal detectability according to the
1/ a
1 R a
a PAV ( X , ) PAV X ( f r ), ( f r ) (4.42)
R r 1
1/ a
1 R a
a PAV ( ) PAV ( f r ) (4.43)
R r 1
1/ a
1 R a
a PAC ( X , ) PAC X ( f r ), ( f r ) (4.44)
R r 1
1/ a
1 R a
a PAC ( ) PAC ( f r ) (4.45)
R r 1
One of the downsides to the PAV and PAC processors is that both the amplitude and phase are used in a joint
coherent form. Thus, two signals (or segments) which are completely incoherent and therefore reflective of
random noise, may still combine to produce values greater than zero depending on their amplitudes. This would
be undesirable since it ultimately reduces the level of discrimination between random noise and periodic
components as defined through the use of phase acceleration. Thus, the concept of the Phase Vector Coherence
(PVC) is first presented as a means of comparing signals based solely on phase information. The PVC is a
measure of the phase similarity between a group of signals as a function of frequency. It is defined by taking
the mean square of the vector sum of phase angles for a group of signals according to the following:
S 2
f S 1
e j s ( f )
s 1
where 𝑆 is the total number of signals and 𝜃𝑠 (𝑓) is the phase of the 𝑠 𝑡ℎ signal. Expanding out the above form
f S 2 S 2Cos n 1 f s f
n2 s n
It is evident from the above equation that the PVC provides a coherence measure by examining the phase
difference between all possible signal combination pairs and assigns a value between 0 and 1. A value of one
is achieved if all signal components are exactly in phase, and a value of zero is achieved if all components are
exactly 2𝜋/𝑆 out of phase.
Although possible, the PVC is not well suited for filtering and detection applications since it relies on the actual
phase values at a given point in time rather than the progressive similarity in phase content with respect to time.
To solve this problem, phase acceleration may be used instead. Substituting the phase acceleration 𝜙 in place
of the phase value in equation (4.46) now defines the Acceleration Vector Coherence (AVC):
S 2
f S 1 e js f (4.48)
s 1
Similar to the PVC, the AVC also provides an overall measure of the similarity in phase acceleration for a
system as a function of frequency. For random noise components we would expect random phase acceleration
values across signals, which would tend to produce AVC values close to zero. In contrast, for periodic signal
components we would expect phase acceleration values of approximately zero, which will tend to produce AVC
values of approximately one.
One issue regarding Wagstaff’s PAC and PAV processors is the false detection of noise components caused by
the modulo 2𝜋 nature of the Sin and Cos functions. Consider again the discrete time index definition of phase
acceleration given by equation (4.14). If only white Gaussian noise is present, each phase angle will have a
uniform probability distribution ranging from −𝜋 and +𝜋, while the phase acceleration will thus range between
−4𝜋 and +4𝜋. For coherent signals, phase acceleration values are expected to obtain values close to zero. Thus,
values greater than ±𝜋 should obviously be considered purely noise. However, according to the definitions for
the PAC, PAV, and AVC processors, acceleration values that are multiples of 2𝜋 will also attain equally high
coherence values and thus indicate the false presence of a periodic signal.
To remedy this problem, a modulo 2𝜋 phase modification is proposed to attenuate processor outputs for
acceleration values greater than ±𝜋. Consider again the AVC processor previously given by equation (4.48).
Since the output is bounded between 0 and 1, we may utilize a product and power scaling factor of the form
𝑎𝑋 𝑏 without loss of functionality in the region of 𝑋 ≈ 1. Thus, the Adjusted Acceleration Vector Coherence
(A-AVC) processor is defined by the following:
( f )
f f (4.49)
where 𝛽 is the product scaling factor which may vary between 0 and 1, and Ψ is the exponential adjustment
factor given by:
1 S
( f ) s ( f )
S s 1
In order to illustrate the effect of utilizing the proposed adjustment factors, the simple case of two signals is
briefly analyzed. Using 𝑆 = 2, the AVC, adjustment factor Ψ, and A-AVC now become:
f 1 f f
2 2 2 2
f 2 1
e j i ( f )
cos 2
s 1
1 2
( f ) s ( f ) ( f )
2 s 1
cos f
f f
Figure 4-2 displayed below provides a plot of the standard and adjusted AVC processor for various values of
𝛽. From the plot, it is evident that the standard AVC form produces coherence values of 1 at multiples of ±2𝜋.
For the modified form however, false coherence levels decrease exponentially with decreasing values of 𝛽
while still maintaining unity for acceleration values around zero. Thus, the approach should be effective in
reducing the likelihood of false detection while still maintaining the ability to correctly detect the presence of a
continuous periodic signal. This will be later confirmed through the use of numerical simulation studies.
Another approach that may used to determine the overall phase acceleration coherence of a system is through
the use of an eigenvalue decomposition. A similar approach was previously presented in Section to
extend the standard definition of coherence to multi-channel systems. By applying the AVC to all signal
combination pairs, we may construct a phase acceleration coherence matrix according to:
i, j f i,S f
C f (4.54)
S , j f S , S f
f j f
i , j f cos i (4.55)
and {𝑖, 𝑗 = 1,2, … , 𝑆}.
The overall acceleration coherence is now given by the maximum eigenvalue 𝜆 of 𝐂Φ which can be obtained
by solving the following equation at each frequency bin:
C I 0 (4.56)
where 𝐈 is the 𝑆 × 𝑆 identity matrix and | | indicates the matrix determinant. Thus, the System Phase
Acceleration Coherence (SAC) is defined by:
S 1
max C f 1 (4.57)
By realizing that i , j 1 when i j , max C f will attain a value of S if i , j 1 i j (perfect
correlation), and max C f 1 if i, j 0 i j (no correlation). Thus, the final value of will be
bounded between 0 and 1. It should be noted that for the case of two signals (𝑆 = 2), the above definition
reduces to the standard AVC form.
As with the AVC processor, we may also apply an adjustment factor to the SAC processor to remedy phase
wrapping issues. For this case the adjustment factor is defined by:
i , j f i f j f (4.58)
and the adjusted-phase coherence matrix will be given by:
i , j f i , Si , S f
i, j
C f
S , j S ,S
S , j f S , S f
i f j f
i , j f j f
2 2
i , j f i , j f
cos i f
Thus, the modulo 2𝜋 phase Adjusted System Acceleration Coherence (A-SAC) is given by:
S 1
max C f 1 (4.61)
Again, will attain a value of 1 if all signals are perfectly coherent and 0 if completely incoherent.
It should be noted that unlike the AVC and SAC processors, the PAV and PAC processors are not bounded
between 0 and 1. Therefore, the phase adjustment factors cannot be utilized without the possibility of decreasing
performance since processor values larger than one having a phase acceleration approximating zero will be
reduced to a value of approximately one. In addition, for larger acceleration values typical of noise, the
occurrence of a processor value greater than one will actually become further amplified rather than attenuated.
Ultimately, this will increase the likelihood of false signal detection.
The following section presents a coherence-based processor which may be used to enhance detection of periodic
signals. The Generalized Magnitude Squared Coherence (GMSC) concept proposed by Ramirez [197] is used
in conjunction with aspects of phase acceleration processing to produce an enhanced coherence form.
Consider the GMSC previously defined by equation (4.29). Since the coherence function is defined as a measure
of similarity between signals as they progress in time, substituting phase values for phase acceleration will have
little to no effect. However, because the GMSC is bounded between 0 and 1, an exponential phase acceleration
factor may be utilized to achieve further enhancement. Such an approach was previously demonstrated with the
AVC and SAC processors. If the coherence estimate is made from 𝑊 overlapping windows, the exponential
factor for the 𝑖 𝑡ℎ and 𝑗𝑡ℎ signal pair is defined as:
1 W i , w f j , w f
i, j f
Thus, the Generalized Acceleration Squared Coherence (GASC) is defined according to:
( f ) max C f 1 (4.63)
S 1
i , j f i , Si , S f
i, j
C f (4.64)
S , j
S , j f S , SS , S f
i , j f
Si , j f , w
i, j f
Si,i f , w S j , j f , w
w1 w1
where 𝑖, 𝑗 ∈ {1,2, … , 𝑆} and i , ji , j f 1 for 𝑖 = 𝑗.
By utilizing phase acceleration in addition to the magnitude and actual phase values, one would expect better
discrimination between random noise and periodic components. Consider for example a periodic signal which
attains a low GMSC value due to fluctuations in amplitude and/or signal phase. If the signal is indeed periodic,
phase acceleration and consequently acceleration adjustment values (Ψ) should also give low values
(approaching zero). Thus, the GASC will attain a higher coherence value (approaching unity) since the initial
GMSC value is raised to a power approaching zero. Alternately, consider the case where a small number of
windowed segments are used producing a poor approximation and giving falsely high GMSC values for noise
components. If the components are in fact random noise, we would also expect high values for the adjustment
factor Ψ. Thus, values for the GASC noise should now be less than the GMSC since the component is raised to
a higher power. It will be later shown that the GASC provides enhanced detection capabilities compared to the
GMSC through utilizing phase acceleration.
As previously discussed, the HST is a generalized approached which may be applied to essentially any
frequency spectrum that exhibits peak periodicity. Such is the case for the phase acceleration and coherence
processors previously presented. Thus, HST forms for the AVC, A-AVC, A-SAC, SAC, and GASC processors
are given by the following equations respectively:
1/ a
1 R a
1/ a
1 R S
j s f r
a [ f ] ( f r ) S e 1
R r 1 R r 1 s 1
1/ a
1/ a R 2 a ( f r )
1 R ( f r ) a 1 S
j s f r
a [ f ] f r S e
R r 1 R r 1
s 1
1 S
( f r ) s ( f r )
S s 1
1/ a
1 R a
1/ a
1 R 1 a
a [ f ] ( f r )
max C f r 1 (4.69)
R r 1 R r 1 S 1
1/ a
1 R a
1/ a
1 R 1 a
a [ f ] ( f r )
R r 1
R r 1 S 1
max C f r 1
i , j f r i f r j f r (4.71)
1/ a
1 R a
1/ a
1 R 1 a
a [ f ] ( f r )
R r 1
R r 1 S 1
max C f r 1
1 1
i, j f r
2 i,w f r j ,w f r (4.73)
If multiple time realizations are available, the HST may also be applied to the phase acceleration processors
according to the GHST form previously given by equation (4.35). Note that because the functions already make
̅ <𝑎,1,𝑐>
use of multiple signals, the GHST form will be given by Η [ ].
Since the proposed PAPs (standard and adjusted forms) only contain phase information, further enhancement
may be possible by including magnitude information as well. This can be achieved through combining the HST
magnitude and phase acceleration processors according to the following:
[ X , ] a [ X ( f )] a [( f )] a [ X ( f ) ( f )] (4.74)
Although this procedure effectively produces a processor which includes magnitude and phase information such
as that of the PAV and PAC processors proposed by Wagstaff, the output form is considerably different since
the two components are processed independently of each other. It will later be shown that a higher signal
detectability can in fact be achieved by combining the two forms incoherently.
The following section provides a discussion on the detection of signals with unknown frequency, amplitude,
and phase, in noise of unknown statistical properties. The basic concepts of threshold detection are first
presented in addition to limitations for many real-world applications. A description of the Constant False Alarm
Rate (CFAR) detection methodology is then provided along with a distribution-free technique which may be
applied to systems in which noise properties are either unknown or changing with time. An analysis of the
approach for the case of non-independent tests where noise approximations are constrained by bandwidth
limitations is also conducted. Finally, extensions to the proposed distribution-free technique is provided to
minimize computational requirements while maintaining false alarm rates and detection sensitivity. The
performance of the techniques is also evaluated in Section 4.4 using computer generated signals.
Consider again the signal detection scenario pertaining to the application at hand. We wish to determine the
presence of a periodic signal of unknown frequency, amplitude, and phase, within random noise of unknown
properties that may change over time due to environmental and operational factors. At this point we assume
that all narrowband self-noise has been removed leaving only random broadband components, and the signal(s)
have also been transformed to the frequency domain via the FFT operation. Our task now becomes to examine
the information contained in each frequency bin of the signal spectra and determine whether or not it belongs
to noise or some unknown acoustic source. To facilitate this decision, we must devise some logical method or
algorithm to determine which case is more likely based on the information at hand. In a statistical sense, this
concept is known as hypothesis testing. The null hypothesis 𝐻0 states that only noise is present, while the
alternative 𝐻1 states that some combination of signal and noise is present.
In order to evaluate the performance of our chosen detection algorithm, we must analyze the probability of
correctly or incorrectly choosing each hypothesis. There are generally three probability areas we are concerned
with: the probability of detection 𝑃𝑑 , missed detection 𝑃𝑚 , and false alarm 𝑃𝑓𝑎 . The basis of each are
summarized in Table 4-3 below where 𝐷1 and 𝐷0 indicates whether the detection decision constraint has been
satisfied (or not) respectively.
Depending on the particular application, we may place more emphasis on designing a detector that favours
minimization of one error over another. For example, a detector for a missile defence system would seek to
have an extremely low false alarm rate since falsely responding in retaliation to a perceived threat may have
great consequences. For the present case of a collision avoidance system however, the consequences of not
detecting another aircraft on a potential collision course would be much greater than falsely detecting one and
initiating an avoidance maneuver. Unfortunately, 𝑃𝑓𝑎 and 𝑃𝑑 have a positively correlated relationship for a
given detection system; meaning one cannot be increased without consequently increasing the other. This
relationship is known as the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) and it is often used to analyse and
compare the performance of detection systems. The choice of acceptable values for the 𝑃𝑓𝑎 and 𝑃𝑑 with respect
to the presented detection problem will be discussed in detail in later sections.
Like the pitch detection problem previously discussed, signal detection may be performed in either the time or
frequency domain. However, for situations in which information regarding the source signal to be detected is
limited, frequency domain methods generally offer superior performance [134]. Perhaps the most common and
basic form of frequency domain detection is a threshold based approach, which has been widely reported in the
literature using various hypothesis testing methods [134, 168, 199-209]. Here, the detection decision 𝐷1 is based
on whether the magnitude or power value for a given frequency bin is greater than some predetermined
threshold level. Test criterion have been established to optimize the threshold value based on the signal statistics
for the null and alternative cases. The most popular of these include the Bayesian approach and the Neyman-
Person (NP) criterion. The Bayesian approach seeks to minimize the total error while assigning costs to each
possible event. However, it relies on priori probabilities regarding each hypothesis under investigation, which
is usually not available for many real-world systems. Often situations may arise in which multiple signal
parameters associated with an hypothesis such as amplitude and phase are unknown. Such cases constitute a
composite hypothesis testing problem, which is typical for applications such as sonar and radar, where the
signal and noise parameters may vary based on target type and environmental factors. For these scenarios, the
NP criterion is typically employed instead. The optimal test is then performed by constructing the likelihood
ratio and subjecting the result to a threshold established by the maximum acceptable false alarm probability.
For the case of non-composite (simple) hypothesis tests it is given by the following:
p1 x; H1
( x) (4.75)
p0 x; H 0
where 𝑝0 (𝑥; 𝐻0 ) and 𝑝1 (𝑥; 𝐻1 ) are the PDFs under the null (𝐻0 ) and alternative (𝐻1 ) hypotheses respectively,
and 𝜂 is the threshold value. For the case of composite hypotheses, the likelihood ratio becomes:
( x)
p1 x; H1 p1 x 1 ; H1 p(1 )d1
p0 x; H 0 p0 x 0 ; H 0 p(0 )d 0
where 𝜉0 and 𝜉1 are unknown vector quantities. If the above test maximizes the probability of detection for all
alternatives, then it is considered a Uniformly Most Powerful Test (UMPT). However, to implement such a test,
the statistic and its distribution under the null hypothesis must not depend on any unknown parameters [204].
Thus, for the detection problem pertaining to this thesis in which a signal of unknown amplitude, phase, and
frequency must be detected in noise of unknown power or variance, a UMPT does not exist. For this case, the
unknown quantities must be approximated by their Maximum Likelihood Estimates (MLE). The resulting
likelihood ratio test is now given by:
p1 x;ˆ1 , H1
( x) (4.77)
p0 x;ˆ , H 0 0
where 𝜉̂𝑖 is the MLE of 𝜉𝑖 (the value that maximizes 𝑝1 (𝑥; 𝜉1 , 𝐻1 )). The above form is known as the Generalized
Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT). For a threshold detector, the probability of detection and false alarm is thus
given by:
Pd p1 x; ˆ1 , H1 dx (4.78)
Pfa p0 x; ˆ0 , H 0 dx (4.79)
Consider the case of a single sine wave in Gaussian noise that has been transformed to the frequency domain
and scaled by 1/𝐿, where 𝐿 is the FFT length. The PDFs of the magnitude spectra for the noise only 𝑓𝑋0 and
signal plus noise 𝑓𝑋1 cases are given by the Rayleigh and Rice distributions respectively [206]:
Lx 2
f X 0 ( x)
e 2 (4.80)
x 2 A2
Lx xAL
f X1 ( x ) e 2 2 I0 2 (4.81)
where 𝐴 is the time domain signal amplitude. The probability of false alarm is now given by:
Lx 2 L 2
Pfa e 2 2 dx e 2 2 (4.82)
2 2 Log[ Pfa ]
The probability of detection is thus given by:
x2 A2
Ly xAL
Pd e 2 2 I 0 2 dx Q 1, A L , 2 Log Pfa (4.84)
where 𝑄 is Marcum’s Q-Function, and 𝐼0 is the modified Bessel function of the first kind. A depiction of
threshold-based detection is displayed in Figure 4-3.
One of the issues with the threshold approach presented above is that results are based on theoretical
probabilities and are typically limited to white Gaussian noise with known variance (power). For real-world
applications however, the noise is often colored, its power is unknown, and its level may change with time. For
such cases, using the above theoretical approach with fixed thresholding does not provide good results. A
solution to this problem is to use an adaptive approach in which the threshold value is obtained directly from
the signal spectra under examination. This method is known as Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) detection
and has been reported extensively in the literature [199, 202, 210-233]. Utilization of the CFAR approach in
the frequency domain is very efficient because the ML estimates for the unknown signal parameters may be
obtained directly from the FFT spectrum. It should be noted that no information about the target is used in
deciding the threshold which means this detector will not have the same detection performance for different
target distributions.
To determine whether a signal is present in a given frequency bin, the test cell is isolated, and the noise power
is estimated from neighboring bins. Typically, bins immediately next to the test cell are not utilized to prevent
spectral leaking from influencing the noise estimate; they are known as guard cells. The detection threshold for
a CFAR detector is given by [79]:
N (4.85)
where P𝑁 is the noise power estimate, 𝛼 is a scaling factor also called the threshold factor, and 𝜂 is the threshold
value. The detection decision now becomes:
Choose 1 , if X c
Choose 0 , if X c
where 𝑋𝑐 indicates the spectral value of the cell under test.
A variety of CFAR detectors have been proposed, each with a slightly different approach to approximating the
unknown parameters for the GLRT. Some common forms include the Cell Averaging CFAR (CA-CFAR) [214],
Greatest of Cell Average (GOCA-CFAR) [213], Smallest of Cell Average (SOCA-CFAR) [213], Ordered
Statistic (OS-CFAR) [215], Censored Mean Level (CML-CFAR) [217], and the Trimmed Mean (TM-CFAR)
[212]. Each or these detectors operate using the same principles, with differences only existing in the method
in which the reference noise level is determined.
The CA-CFAR is perhaps the most commonly utilized form due to its simplicity and the fact that it is considered
an optimum detector for cases of homogeneous background noise with many reference samples [233, 234]. For
this case, the noise estimate 𝑃𝑁 is obtained from averaging the reference cells according to:
1 N
N k 1
⃗ , and 𝑘
where 𝑁 is the total number of frequency bins used for the noise estimate as defined by the set vector 𝑁
⃗⃗ |, where | | represents the cardinality (set length) rather than
represents the bin number. Note that 𝑁 = |𝑁
⃗ . For the case of Gaussian noise that has been transformed to
Euclidean norm (vector magnitude) of the set 𝑁
the frequency domain via the FFT, the PDF for the noise power can be modeled by the exponential distribution
as previously given by equation (2.66). Utilizing (2.66) in conjunction with the sum of random variables
transform given by (2.71) and the false alarm threshold defined by (4.79), the following relationship can be
obtained [79]:
where 𝛼𝑐𝑎 is the scaling factor used to calculate the threshold value according to equation (4.85). Figure 4-4
displayed below provides a pictorial illustration of the CA-CFAR detection scheme.
Although the CA-CFAR detector is shown to be optimal for the case of homogeneous background noise, it
performs very poorly if the assumption of identical statistics of the reference cells is not valid [212]. For the
case of acoustic detection, this may occur if multiple sources are present with closely spaced fundamental
frequencies (target masking), edge clutter or spikes are produced from doppler shifted reflections, there is an
outlier due to some impulsive interference or malfunctioning system component, or the noise simply has a non-
even (colored) power distribution.
A commonly employed alternative to the CA-CFAR detector is Order Statistic or Rank Based CFAR (OS-
CFAR). Proposed primarily for combating signal masking degradations [79], the OS-CFAR detector offers
increased performance over the CA-CFAR for cases of high edge clutter and multiple target environments
[213]. Unlike the CA-CFAR, the OS-CFAR does not utilize the noise sample average but rank orders the set
⃗ in ascending order. The 𝑘𝑡ℎ element of the ordered list is termed the 𝑘𝑡ℎ order statistic. The
defined by 𝑁
detection threshold is now given by:
os X k (4.89)
where 𝑋𝑘 is the 𝑘𝑡ℎ order statistic and 𝛼𝑜𝑠 is the scaling factor. For the case of exponentially distributed noise,
the average probability of false alarm is now given by [79]:
N ! os N k 1
Pfa (4.90)
( N k )! os N 1
where Γ( ) represents the Gamma function, 𝑁 is the total number of noise estimate points, and 𝑘 is the statistic
number. For integer arguments the above from reduces to:
N os N k !
Pfa (4.91)
N k ! os N !
Nathanson showed that 𝑘 = 0.75𝑁 provides the best detector performance for most conditions [235].
Unfortunately, the above equation cannot be rearranged for the scaling factor 𝛼𝑜𝑠 and thus numerical
approximations must be utilized instead to solve for the desired 𝑃𝑓𝑎 . For the case of homogeneous noise without
edge clutter or interfering targets, the OS-CFAR suffers from detection losses of about 0.3 to 0.5 dB since the
threshold value will inherently be larger than that of the CA-CFAR detector [236]. However, for non-
homogeneous noise, the OS-CFAR detector will generally perform much better. For the case of multiple
interfering targets, the OS-CFAR is almost completely insensitive to masking provided the number of cells
contaminated by interfering targets does not exceed 𝑁 − 𝑘 [79]. Thus, for 𝐼 number of interfering targets, the
minimum order statistic will be given by:
kmin N I (4.92)
As previously discussed, the CFAR approach is an effective means of signal detection when little information
in known regarding the contaminating noise. However, essentially all of the proposed techniques rely on the
assumption that the noise component(s) follow some known probability distribution. In many instances,
changing environmental factors modify noise conditions such that the initially assumed distribution is no longer
valid, and the current distribution may not be obtainable. For such cases, standard CFAR methods are no longer
capable of maintaining a constant false alarm rate and will often degrade performance to an unacceptable level
[79, 212]. Moreover, even if the noise distribution is fully known, simple signal enhancement procedures
applied prior to detection may modify these distributions to forms which cannot be established without resorting
to numerical techniques. Consider for example the CA-CFAR detector previously presented, whose scaling
factor was given by equation (4.88). This form is often referred to as a square-law detector since the noise
component is squared to obtain the power spectra prior to applying the threshold analysis. For the case of a
linear law (magnitude spectra) detector, the noise will exhibit a Rayleigh distribution as previously given by
equation (4.80). For this case however, there is no closed-form mathematical expression for 𝛼 as a function of
𝑃𝑓𝑎 [218]. Indeed, this is the situation for many types of noise distributions and one of the downfalls of using a
parametric or semi-parametric approach [79]. Even for the case of power spectra with exponentially distributed
noise, closed-form solutions typically cannot be achieved once enhancement processors such as those presented
in the previous section are employed. For these scenarios, only numerical techniques or distribution-free
detection methods can effectively be used.
Distribution-free detectors refers to a general class of detection algorithms that do not require prior knowledge
or assumptions regarding the signal or noise statistics. This implies that the performance of these detectors is
independent of the underlying distributions for type I and type II errors. They are designed to extract information
present in observations to account for the gap of missing priori knowledge of the distribution for the null
hypothesis. Although distribution-free methods provide obvious benefits over standard detection methods, work
in this area has been relatively limited. Recently, Sarma and Tufts developed a DF-CFAR detector based on
rank order statistics [237]. In short, the method is essentially that of the OS-CFAR but without the use of a
scaling factor. The false alarm probability for this detector is given by the following:
N 1 k
Pfa (4.93)
N 1
where 𝑁 is the total number of noise estimate points, and 𝑘 is the statistic number. From the above equation it
is evident that the minimum 𝑃𝑓𝑎 will be achieved when 𝑘 = 𝑁. For this case, the detector simply converges to
a maximum value comparator, where the cell under test must be greater than all other cells across some
bandwidth of interest. For a desired false alarm probability 𝑃̂𝑓𝑎 , the required order statistic is thus given by:
where indicates rounding up to the nearest whole number. The detection decision is now made according
Choose 1 , if X c X k
Choose 0 , if X c X k
where 𝑋𝑐 indicates the spectral value of test cell, and 𝑘 is typically chosen to satisfy 𝑁/2 < 𝑘 < 𝑁. One of the
obvious downsides to this detector is that false alarm probabilities depend on the noise reference sample size,
which may prevent the use of this approach in some systems. However, for applications which can facilitate the
use of this detector, the performance is generally very good with detection losses on the order of 0.4 dB
compared to an optimal detector in an homogeneous environment [237]. In addition, the 𝑃𝑓𝑎 can be further
reduced if desired through Binary Integration as will be discussed.
To improve the overall reliability of detection, it may be required that a target be detected 𝐷 times out of 𝑇
trials before it is finally accepted as being valid. This process is called Binary Integration and it may be utilized
to effectively increase the probability of detection 𝑃𝑑 while simultaneously reducing the probability of false
alarm 𝑃𝑓𝑎 [79]. If we assume 𝑃𝑑 remains constant for each of the 𝑇 threshold tests, then the probability of not
detecting the target (probability of a miss 𝑃𝑚 ) on one trial is 1 − 𝑃𝑑 . If there are 𝑇 independent trials, the
probability of missing the target on all 𝑇 trials is (1 − 𝑃𝑑 )𝑇 . Thus, the probability of detecting the target on at
least one of the 𝑇 trials, denoted as the cumulative probability of detection 𝑃𝐷 is:
PD 1 1 Pd
where 𝑃𝑑 is the detection probability for a single trial. Similarly, the cumulative probability of false alarm 𝑃𝐹𝐴
also follows this relationship:
PFA 1 1 Pfa
For the case of 𝐷 detections out of 𝑇 trials, the cumulative probability of detection or false alarm is given by
the following [79]:
1 p
T r r
p T!
r D T r !r !
where 𝑝 is the probability of detection 𝑃𝑑 or false alarm 𝑃𝑓𝑎 for a single independent test. Consider for example
an application in which we require 𝑃𝐷 ≥ 0.99 and 𝑃𝐹𝐴 ≤ 1 × 10−4 . However, our detector will only achieve
𝑃𝑑 = 0.96 and 𝑃𝑓𝑎 = 0.01 for a single test. If time constraints can facilitate multiple tests before making a
decision, we may satisfy our detection requirements by requiring 𝐷 detections out of 𝑇 trials. For example,
using three detections out of four tests (𝐷 = 3, 𝑇 = 4) now gives 𝑃𝐷 = 0.991 and 𝑃𝐹𝐴 = 4 × 10−6 .
In order to develop an effective collision avoidance system, metrics must first be obtained regarding the
statistical and kinematic properties associated with mid-air encounters. Thus, the following section provides an
overview of aircraft close encounter statistics in order to determine appropriate detection and false alarm
requirements. In addition, kinematic properties, which are also required to determine minimum detection
distances required to facilitate an avoidance maneuver, are also analyzed.
Compared to manned aircraft operations, UAVs are considered to constitute a much higher risk for a mid-air
collision. This is due to a number of factors:
1) They do not have a pilot with visual capabilities to act as a last line of defence.
2) They are not equipped with any form of communication equipment to broadcast location information
to other neighbouring aircraft or air traffic control.
3) Their small size would prevent the pilot of a manned aircraft from obtaining visual sight at distances
adequate to make an avoidance maneuver.
Due to UAVs being a relatively new technology in the field of aviation, little prior analysis has been conducted
to determine the detection requirements of a collision avoidance system. Furthermore, relatively little statistics
exist regarding current midair collision risks in Canadian airspace for either manned or unmanned aircraft to
aid in the establishment of these requirements. Recently, Stevenson provided an analysis of current operational
risks and mitigation strategies for UAVs operating in Canadian airspace [238]. He proposed that the probability
of a mid-air collision between a manned aircraft and UAV can be approximated by:
Rearranging the above equation, we obtain the following expression for the detection requirements for a non-
cooperative UAV collision avoidance system:
PUAV (4.99)
where 𝑃𝑐 probability for a collision between two manned aircraft.
If we assume the worst-case scenario in which the pilot will not see the UAV, and no safeguards are in place to
provide notification of shared airspace, we obtain 𝑃𝑆 = 1 and 𝑃𝑀𝐴𝑁 = 0. Thus, the above equation reduces to:
PUAV (4.100)
In order to maintain an effective system, detection probabilities should be high enough to achieve a collision
risk equivalent to that for manned aircraft. Currently, the generally accepted risk probability for a collision
between two manned aircraft is 𝑃𝐶 = 1 × 10−7 , while the maximum expected probability that a mid-air
encounter could occur given current air traffic levels is 𝑃𝐸 = 2.36 × 10−5 [238]. Utilizing these values in
conjunction with equation (4.100), we obtain a detection requirement of 𝑃𝑈𝐴𝑉 = 0.995. Thus, in order to
develop a successful UAV based SAA system which maintains current aviation safety standards, the system
must be capable of correctly detecting the presence of another aircraft on a potential collision course 99.5% of
the time. Although this probability is certainly achievable, it must also be realizable within the constraints of
acceptable false alarm levels since the two are positively correlated.
Unlike detection probabilities, no clear requirement exists for acceptable false alarm rates. This is because
requirements are generally subjective and depend on factors such as:
1) The outcome once a false detection and subsequent avoidance maneuver is performed (can the mission
continue, does operator require absolute verification of incident, etc.).
2) Expected mission duration.
3) Rate at which detection decisions are made in conjunction with expected flight duration.
For sake of simplicity, we will ignore the first factor and instead assume that the operator simply specifies the
average operational time between false alarms. Thus, with respect to the above design requirements, we obtain
the following expression for the desired system false alarm rate:
PFAreq (4.101)
t fa
where 𝑡𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑛 is the scan time required before a detection decision is made, and 𝑡𝑓𝑎 is the amount of time desired
between false alarms. For example, consider the hypothetical case of a UAV performing some surveying
operation. A typical mission lasts approximately 30 minutes and the detection system completes a threat
analysis each second during flight operations. If it is acceptable that on average one false alarm will occur every
two missions, the required false alarm rate will be: 𝑃𝐹𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑞 = = 2.8 × 10−4 . Thus, parameters of the
detector such as noise sample size 𝑁 and order statistic number 𝑘 should be chosen based on this value.
In order to construct a viable acoustic-based SAA system, detection distances must be large enough to facilitate
an avoidance maneuver. Currently no official requirements exist but it is generally accepted that 500 ft (152.4
m) is the absolute minimum that should be maintained between two aircraft at all times [2]. Direct analysis of
the governing kinematic equations for two aircraft on a potential collision course leads to a series of equations
which cannot be solved directly using analytical methods. Geyer produced a solution for the direct head-on case
by approximating the avoidance maneuver via a Taylor series expansion producing the following equation [2]:
do 5.6 vrel (4.102)
where 𝑑𝑜 is the minimum distance to initiate the avoidance maneuver to avoid a collision, 𝑣𝑟𝑒𝑙 is the relative
approaching speed of the two aircraft, and 𝜙 is the bank (roll) angle initiated by the sensing aircraft upon
detection. However, the approximation model is not appropriate for the small distances and velocities associated
with UAV operations. For example, consider two aircraft with a closing velocity of 𝑣𝑟𝑒𝑙 = 50 knots, where a
bank angle of 𝜙 = 𝜋/4 rads is initiated by the sensing aircraft. Equation (4.102) gives a minimum detection
distance of 127.6 m, which is less than the minimum accepted threshold of 152.4 m. Since the model proposed
by Geyer is not appropriate for work pertaining to this thesis, a simplistic analytical two-dimensional model is
presented that is more appropriate for UAV operations.
If we assume the detecting aircraft is small and travels at a relatively low speed (such as that with most UAVs),
we may construct an accurate and analytically solvable model which accounts for scenarios not applicable by
Geyer’s model. Consider the case for a detecting and intruding aircraft both having constant speeds and
headings of |𝑣𝛼 | , 𝛼 and |𝑣𝛽 |, 𝛽 respectively. Given the initial angular position 𝛾 of the intruding aircraft with
respect to the detecting aircraft, we wish to find the minimum distance |𝑑𝑜 | which can facilitate an avoidance
maneuver such that the separation range never falls below the collision boundary radius 𝑟𝑏 . We assume that
once the intruding aircraft is discovered, the detecting aircraft immediately initiates an instantaneous bank (roll)
angle 𝜙, and holds that angle until it reaches a new heading that is perpendicular to and away from the intruding
aircraft flight path. Figure 4-5 displayed below provides a visual depiction of the system kinematic
configuration. For sake of simplicity, the system is only defined in terms of two dimensions. Although the
actual system is three dimensional, the 2-D model can provide a good approximation if the 3-D speed and
heading values are projected on a 2-D plane connecting the two aircraft. In this regard, the 2-D model will
produce a more conservative estimate, since one spatial degree of freedom is removed which may be used to
perform the avoidance maneuver.
For the collision avoidance maneuver, there are three possible paths which can be taken by the detecting aircraft:
1) Head perpendicularly away from the intruder path by making the minimum bearing change.
2) Head perpendicularly away from the intruder path by making the maximum bearing change.
3) Adjust course to perpendicularly cross the intruder path.
Each of the cases are depicted below in Figure 4-6. The choice between Cases 1 and 2 may seem trivial at first
but depending on the aircraft headings, choosing the minimum bearing change may steer the detecting aircraft
towards the intruder rather than away. When considering the actual kinematic and geometric configuration
however, this may still be the best course of action. The choice of which avoidance course to take for any given
scenario requires a more complex analysis that is outside the scope of this thesis. To simplify the analysis, we
thus assume the aircraft adheres to avoidance Case 1.
As previously stated, upon detection, the sensing aircraft initiates an instantaneous bank angle 𝜙 which produces
a turning radius 𝑅𝑎 (assuming constant altitude) given by:
Ra (4.103)
tan( ) g
Once the heading change is made, the sensing aircraft must then travel an additional distance |𝑑𝑚 | to avoid a
The following relationships can be obtained via geometry as illustrated in Figure 4-5.
where 𝑟̂⊥ is the direction perpendicular to 𝑟̂𝛽 that minimizes 𝜃 as given by the following expression:
The total time required to execute the heading change and travel the remaining distance |𝑑𝑚 | to reach a final
perpendicular distance 𝑟𝑏 away from the intruder path is given by:
R d m
tavoid (4.110)
During this time, the intruder will advance a distance |𝑟𝛽 | given by:
r v tavoid (4.111)
Combining equations (4.104), (4.106), (4.108), (4.110) to (4.112), and solving for |𝑑𝑜 |gives the following final
v rb Ra r cos / 2 r v rˆ rˆ sin / 2
v dˆ rˆ v rˆ rˆ csc sin
For the case of a head on collision course, the above equation reduces to:
rb v
v 2 v v 2 cot (4.114)
v 2g
Utilizing equation (4.113) in conjunction with typical cruising speeds for various aircraft, a list of approximate
detection distances required for various heading scenarios has been constructed and is displayed below in Table
4-4. For each of the cases, it is assumed that the initial angular position between the two aircraft is zero (𝛾 = 0),
the avoiding aircraft initiates an instantaneous bank angle of 𝜙 = 𝜋/4 while travelling at 30 knots, and the
collision boundary distance is 𝑟𝑏 = 152.4 m.
The OS-CFAR and DF-CFAR detectors previously presented both use order statistics to dictate false alarm
⃗ when
rates. The order statistic 𝑘 was defined as the 𝑘𝑡ℎ largest element contained in the noise sample set 𝑁
sorted in ascending order. Although generally accepted, this approach is found to be less intuitive and less
convenient for the DF-CFAR detector. This is because any modifications to 𝑁 requires the value of 𝑘 to
inherently change in order to maintain uniformity when calculating the false alarm rate using equation (4.93).
⃗ such that 𝑘 does
A more convenient form is to define the order statistic in terms of the descending values of 𝑁
not require recalculation if 𝑁 changes. To avoid confusion, the reversed order statistic will be indicated by 𝑘̅ .
That is, the 𝑘̅ 𝑡ℎ element is the 𝑘̅ 𝑡ℎ largest value of 𝑁
⃗ giving 𝑘̅ = 𝑁 − 𝑘 + 1. Thus, the false alarm rate for a
single cell test using the DF-CFAR detector may be rewritten as:
Pfa (4.115)
N 1
which is obviously a more simplistic expression than that previously given. From the above equation, it is now
evident that the minimum 𝑃𝑓𝑎 will be achieved when 𝑘̅ = 1 (max peak detector). For the case of 𝐼 interfering
If 𝐺 number of guard cells are placed about the test cell with 𝐼 interfering targets present, the false alarm rate
will now be given by the following:
k I
Pfa (4.116)
N G 1
4.3.4 - Harmonically Transformed Spectra
The DF-CFAR was previously presented as a method to detect unknown signals in noise of unknown statistical
properties. Unlike other CFAR detectors such as the CA-CFAR and OS-CFAR, the DF-CFAR does not require
noise to exhibit an exponential distribution in order to predetermine the parameters required to achieved some
desired false alarm rate; the detector only requires noise components to exhibit equivalent distributions. Such a
property offers a very significant advantage since the use of any signal enhancement processors will effectively
transform the underlying statistical distribution. However, the performance of the detector is not completely
impervious to the application of signal enhancement processors. For such instances, modifications to the
original developed form may be required to maximize operational performance. Such a case would include the
use of the Harmonic Spectral Transforms (HSTs) previously presented. In brief, HSTs convert the spectra of
harmonic signals such that the resultant form becomes a function of fundamental frequency. However, the
transform process also generates signal components which are fractional values of the fundamental peak at
various locations along the spectrum where previously only noise would have resided. Failure to exclude these
⃗ used to determine the test statistic will thus reduce detection performance
values from the noise sample vector 𝑁
to some degree, and/or produce inaccurate false alarm rates.
̅ 1 ) for a
Figure 4-7 displayed below provides spectral plots of the FFT magnitude and standard mean HST (Η
signal containing 4 harmonic components. From the plots, it is evident that the HST spectrum achieves a
maximum at the fundamental frequency, since all harmonic components are directly combined. It also contains
smaller peaks located at frequencies which are fractions of one or more of the harmonic components. The
location of all peaks (fractional and fundamental) will be contained in the set generated by:
f a ,b (4.117)
where 𝑎, 𝑏 ∈ {1,2, … , 𝑅}, 𝑓0 is the fundamental frequency value, and 𝑅 is the total number of harmonics. The
number of fractional peaks will be given by the number of unique values (excluding the fundamental) contained
in the set defined by 𝑓𝑎,𝑏 up to the maximum value of 2𝑓0 . It should be noted that the above expression provides
the maximum possible number of fractional peaks that can be present. However, this is not necessarily the
number that will effectively be present since peak values are influenced by spectral resolution and signal
frequency values relative to this resolution. For instance, a spectrum of a 100 Hz 4 harmonic signal with a 1
Hz/bin resolution will not contain a distinct and significant fractional peak value at the 100/3 Hz position as
depicted below in Figure 4-7. Table 4-5 provides the number of fractional peaks for a given number of signal
Table 4-5: Maximum number of fractional peaks present for HSTs of length 𝟐𝒇𝟎 .
Harmonics (𝑹) Fractional Peaks (𝑭)
2 2
3 5
4 8
5 14
6 17
7 26
8 32
Since the DF-CFAR requires all noise components to exhibit equivalent distribution types in order to maintain
a constant false alarm rate, fractional peak components must be excluded from the noise estimate. One may be
tempted to treat the fractional components as simply target interference, in which case the false alarm rate would
be given by equation (4.116). However, doing so would produce unnecessarily high false alarm rates. Because
peak locations may be calculated for a given test cell, they may instead be omitted from the noise estimate
altogether. If 𝐹 number of fractional peaks are omitted, the false alarm rate will now be given by:
k I
Pfa (4.118)
N F G 1
If desired, guard cells may also be placed around the fractional peak locations to minimize the effects of spectral
leakage. If a total of 𝐺𝐹 guard cells are used for each fractional peak, then the false alarm probability will now
be given by:
k I
Pfa (4.119)
N F (GF 1) G 1
If the noise estimate is taken symmetrically about the fundamental component frequency 𝑓0 and spans a total
⃗ , where 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑠 is the frequency resolution of the
bandwidth of 2𝑓0 , then 2𝑓𝑜 /𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑠 samples will be contained in 𝑁
HST spectrum. Thus, the above form may be rewritten as follows:
k I
Pfa (4.120)
2 f 0 / f res F (GF 1) G 1
4.3.5 - Multiple Cell Testing
The following section presents a number of signal detection schemes which may be employed to reduce false
alarm rates and/or increase detection probabilities. Two main scenarios are examined: 1) unconstrained
independent cell testing, and 2) constrained non-independent cell testing. For each case, the issue of increased
false alarm rates from testing multiple frequency locations is addressed, along with a number of methods which
may be used to alleviate the problem. These include location dependent binary integration, and a more robust
frequency tracking approach. The validity of all presented test schemes was confirmed through Monte Carlo
simulations using trial numbers on the order of 1 × 107 runs.
The false alarm probabilities previously presented for the CA-CFAR, OS-CFAR, and DF-CFAR detectors are
only relevant for the case of one test location per trial. This is valid if the target signal frequency is known in
advance; for which case we need only test the relevant frequency bin. However, if the target frequency is
unknown then all possible (or expected) frequency bins must be evaluated. Such a test scheme is said to be
unconstrained if the noise estimate can be taken freely about each test cell, and independent if the false alarm
rate for any given cell is not affected by the result of any other. This scenario is depicted below in Figure 4-8
⃗ and consists of 𝐵 test cells, while the noise band for the 𝑏 𝑡ℎ test cell is
where the test band is defined by 𝐵
⃗ 𝑏 and consists of 𝑁𝐵 reference cells. Since 𝑁
defined by 𝑁 ⃗ 𝑏 contains the 𝑏 𝑡ℎ test cell given by 𝑋𝑏 , the total
⃗ 𝐵 | − 1, where | | represents the cardinality
number of noise samples for a given test statistic will be 𝑁𝑏 = |𝑁
⃗ 𝑏.
(set size) rather than Euclidean norm (vector magnitude) of the set 𝑁
If test 𝐵 cells are evaluated and the tests are independent, the cumulative probability of at least one false alarm
occurring will be given by:
where 𝑃𝑓𝑎 is the false alarm rate for a single cell which may be established using the CA-CFAR, OS-CFAR, or
DF-CFAR detectors previously described.
If multiple realizations (windowed FFT spectra) are used to establish the test statistic, Binary Integration may
be applied across windows for each tested cell to reduce false alarm rates. If 𝑇 trials are performed for each
cell, the total probability that at least one of the 𝐵 cells will achieve a false detection on all 𝑇 trials will be given
If 𝐷 detections are required out of 𝑇 trials before accepting any hypothesis, the total false alarm rate will be:
T r B
T 1 P Pfa r T !
PFA 1 1 P 1 1
B fa
r D
T r !r !
Although effective in decreasing false alarm rates, one of the downsides to the above Binary Integration
approach is the requirement of a stationary signal across all trials. However, many real-world signals do not
adhere to these conditions, since factors such as Doppler shifting and spectral leakage may easily cause peak
locations to deviate or fluctuate over time. To facilitate this deviation, a Robust Binary Integration method is
proposed which can reduce false alarm rates through effectively tracking signal locations while also enabling
frequency shifting.
Consider the case where a frequency band consisting of 𝐵 test cells is evaluated across 𝑇 trials. The probability
of a false alarm for any given cell across all trials is given by:
If the location of subsequent detections are allowed to deviate by Δ cells in either direction with respect to the
initial detection location, the cumulative false alarm probability for a single cell across 𝑇 trials will be given by
the following expression:
2 1 T 1
Pfa Pfa 1 1 Pfa
Thus, the total probability that at least one false alarm will occur from testing all 𝐵 test cells adhering to the
above condition can be approximated as follows:
2 1 T 1
1 1 Pfa 1 1 Pfa
PFA 1 1 Pfa (4.126)
To obtain an exact expression, deviation constraints for cells near the test band edge must also be considered.
Since cells outside the test band are not evaluated, deviation positions are constrained such that they remain
inside the band as depicted below in Figure 4-9.
With respect to the above figure, it is evident that the probability of false alarm for unconstrained center points
is given by:
2 1 T 1
Pc Pfa 1 1 Pfa
while the probability of false alarm for the 𝑛𝑡ℎ cell from the test band edge will be
n T 1
Pn Pfa 1 1 Pfa
where 𝑛 ∈ {1,2, … Δ}. The probability that there will be at least one false detection at the 𝐵 − 2Δ center cells
will be:
2 1 T 1
Pc 1 1 Pc
B 2
1 1 Pfa 1 1 Pfa
while the probability that there will be at least one false detection for the 𝑛𝑡ℎ edge cell(s) will be:
n T 1
Pn 1 1 Pn 1 1 1 Pfa 1 1 Pfa
n 1 n 1
Thus, the total probability that there will be at least one detection at either the 2Δ edge cells or 𝐵 − 2Δ center
cells will be given by:
Assuming each of the events are independent, the above form can be expressed using DeMorgan’s laws
according to:
where indicates the set complement. Thus, the final probability that there will be at least one false detection
in 𝐵 test cells across 𝑇 trials within the deviation bounds defined by Δ is given by:
where 𝑃̅𝑐 and 𝑃̅𝑛 are given by equations (4.129) and (4.130) respectively.
One of the properties associated with the DF-CFAR detector that has not been addressed in the literature is the
effect of non-independent tests on total false alarm rates when performing multiple cell testing. It was previously
shown that the total probability for a given trial consisting of 𝐵 test cells can be obtained via equation (4.121)
for the case of independent events. In reality however, multiple cell testing using CFAR detectors rarely
constitute true independent events. This is simply because testing adjacent cells requires previous and future
test cells be included in the current noise estimate. For instances in which 𝑁 ≫ 𝐵, this effect can often be
neglected, and the independence assumption provides an accurate approximation. However, if 𝑁 and 𝐵 are
comparable in size this effect cannot be ignored.
Consider for example Figure 4-8 previously displayed, which depicts an unconstrained multiple cell testing
scenario. It is assumed that each of the test cells in 𝐵 are adjacent and evaluated in order (𝑋1 → 𝑋𝐵 ), and the
DF-CFAR order statistic is 𝑘̅ = 1 (max peak detector). Since the noise estimate is taken about the current cell,
⃗ is a subset of 𝑁
all past and upcoming test cells will also be included in this estimate provided 𝐵 ⃗ (𝐵
⃗ ⊂𝑁
⃗ ). If a
detection is obtained at the 𝑛𝑡ℎ cell where 𝑛 ∈ {1,2, … 𝐵}, then the probability that there will be a detection at
the next cell (𝑛 + 1) will be zero, since the current cell has already been found to be greater than all noise
samples which includes all other test cells. Thus, it is evident that the outcome of each test is no longer
independent of one another. An obvious solution to this problem is to simply exclude all test cells from the
noise estimate. However, for instances in which source frequencies are unknown, this may result in excluding
substantial portions of the signal bandwidth from the noise estimate; and since false alarm rates for the DF-
CFAR detector are based on the number of noise samples used, this would greatly reduce the overall detector
With respect to the example outlined above, it is evident that the expressions previously developed to establish
cumulative false alarm probabilities are no longer valid since tests are no longer independent. The following
section thus provides an analysis for the constrained non-independent case using the DF-CFAR detection
model. This model will be referred to as the Constrained Distribution Free CFAR (CDF-CFAR) detector from
this point onward.
Figure 4-10: Constrained noise sets from: A) Testing at edge of spectrum, B) Using full spectrum as noise estimate.
The probability of at least one false detection for the 𝐵 tests will be given by:
B B 1 B B 2 B 1 B
Pr E Pr Ei Pr Ei E j Pr Ei E j Ek ..... (4.135)
i 1 i
i 1 i 1 j i 1 i 1 j i 1 k j 1
where the union of events can be obtained using the conditional probability formula:
Pr Ei Pr E1 Pr E2 E1 Pr E3 E1 E2 ...Pr EB Ei
B B 1
i 1 i 1
For the DF-CFAR detector, the probability for the first detection will be:
Pr E1 (4.138)
N 1
while the probability of a detection in the second cell given one occurred in the first will be:
k 1 k 1
Pr E2 E1 (4.139)
N 1 1 N
If one continues the approach for Pr E3 E2 , Pr E4 E3 and so on, the following general expression will be
k n 1
Pr EB En (4.140)
N n2
It can be shown that the following relationship exists between the inclusion / exclusion functional form and the
Binomial distribution:
B ( m 1) B m B B 1 B B 2 B 1 B B 3 B 2 B 1 B
a 4 .... (4.141)
2 3
1 a a a a
m 1 n1 i 1
m i 1 j i 1 i 1 j i 1 k j 1 i 1 j i 1k j 1z k 1
Substitution of equations (4.137), (4.138), and (4.140) into (4.135), noting the above relationship, and
performing algebraic manipulation finally gives the following expression for the total probability of at least one
false detection:
B ( m 1) B m k n 1
PFA 1 (4.142)
m 1 m n1 N n 2
From the above equation, it is apparent that 𝑃𝐹𝐴 → 1 as 𝐵 → 𝑁. Evidently, the above equation may also be
expressed in terms of the ordinary Hypergeometric function, which is defined according to [239] :
(a) n (b) n z n
2 F1 ( a; b; c; z ) (4.143)
n 0 (c ) n n !
where the false alarm rate will now be given by:
As with the unconstrained independent case, false alarm rates may be further decreased by applying Binary
Integration across multiple trials. If 𝐷 detections out of 𝑇 trials are required for each test cell, the total
probability of at least one false detection from evaluating 𝐵 cells will be thus given by the following:
( m 1) B m
T 1 P T r P r T !
n n
m 1
n 1 r D T r ! r !
k n 1
Pn (4.146)
N n2
For the case of 𝐷 = 𝑇, the above form reduces to:
B ( m 1) B B
PFA 1 Pn
m 1 m n1
If deviation constraints at test band edges are ignored, application of the Robust Binary Integration approach
presented in the previous section will produce the following approximation:
B ( m 1) B B 2 1 T 1
Pn 1 1 Pn
m 1 n 1
For the general case which may include 𝐺 guard cells, 𝐼 interfering targets, and the use of harmonically
transformed spectra with 𝐹 fractional peaks and 𝐺𝐹 fractional guard cells, the base probability form will now
be given by the following:
k n I 1
Pn (4.149)
N n F (GF 1) G 2
⃗ are evaluated.
One of the downsides to the CDF-CFAR detector is the requirement that all cells contained in 𝐵
This may produce unacceptably high computational loads if test bands are large and low operational latency is
⃗ may be evaluated instead. The obvious
required. To alleviate this issue, only the 𝑀 largest cells contained in 𝐵
downside with this approach is the reduction in detection sensitivity for decreasing values of 𝑀. It can be shown
however, that this property is only of concern if 𝑀 < 𝑘̅. This result may be concluded through a simple logical
analysis of the two detection schemes (full range and 𝑀 maxima).
Recall again that the variable 𝑘̅ is defined as the reversed order statistic (largest to smallest) of the noise
estimate. That is, the 𝑘̅𝑡ℎ element is the 𝑘̅𝑡ℎ largest value in 𝑁
⃗ . To produce a detection, the test cell value 𝑋𝑏
As previously indicated by equation (4.142), the DF-CFAR detector will fail (𝑃𝐹𝐴 = 1) for constrained noise
⃗ =𝑁
sets if 𝐵 ⃗ . Binary Integration may be applied to alleviate the problem and produce some level of signal/noise
discrimination. However, this approach will produce unnecessarily high computational loads since all cells in
⃗ are evaluated, which will inevitably produce 𝑘̅ false detections for each trial. Thus, a more optimal approach
would be to simply track the frequency locations of the 𝑘̅ largest cells instead. Consider a detector which only
selects the maximum peak for 𝑇 consecutive trials and applies Binary Integration to this single location. Given
the current location of the peak cell, the probability that the maximum will again occur at the same location for
the next trial is simply 1/𝐵. If 𝑇 consecutive trials are made, the probability that the maxima will occur at the
same location for all trials is simply:
T 1
PFA (4.150)
where 𝑇 ≥ 2.
In order to better facilitate non-stationary signals, Robust Binary Integration may again be applied. If the peak
location is allowed to deviate by △ cells to either side of the initial test cell, the probability that the maxima
will be within the range defined by △ for two consecutive trials is given by:
1 i B 2 2 1
i 1 B B B B
B 2 B 1
where △= 0 indicates no deviation, △= 1 indicates the location can vary by one bin to either side of the test
cell giving a total range of 2 △ +1 = 3, and so on. The first term in the above equation (summation) accounts
for detection points at the edge of the test band where deviations become constrained, since points outside of 𝐵
will not be detected. The second term accounts for test cells which are located sufficiently far from the band
⃗ . These two scenarios are
edge such than that the full deviation △ can occur without moving outside of 𝐵
depicted in Figure 4-9 previously displayed.
If 𝑇 consecutive trials are made, the probability that all subsequent maxima are within the range specified by
△ with respect to the first maxima will be:
T 1
B 2 B 1
PFA (4.152)
In order to increase detection sensitivity, multiple maxima may be tracked instead of the single largest test cell.
If the 𝑀 largest cells are tracked, the probability of at least one false alarm across two consecutive trials will
M M 1 M M 2 M 1 M
Pr E Pr Ei
i 1 i
Pr Ei E j Pr Ei E j Ek ..... (4.154)
i 1 i 1 j i 1 i 1 j i 1 k j 1
where the union of events can be obtained using the conditional probability formula previously given by
equation (4.136). This may be extended to 𝑀 number of events using the product rule:
Pr Ei Pr E1 Pr E2 E1 Pr E3 E1 E2 ...Pr EM Ei
M M 1
i 1 i 1
The probability for the first detection event will be given by:
Pr E1 (4.156)
while the probability of the second event given the first has occurred will be:
M 1
Pr E2 E1 (4.157)
B 1
If one continues the approach for Pr E3 E2 , Pr E4 E3 and so on, the following general expression can be
M n 1
Pr EB En (4.158)
B n 1
Substitution of (4.155), (4.156), and (4.158) into (4.154), noting the general relationship previously given by
(4.141), and performing algebraic manipulation finally gives the following expression:
M ( m 1) M m
M n 1
PFA 1 (4.159)
m 1 m n1 B n 1
If a detection is required on all 𝑇 trials where 𝑇 ≥ 2, the false alarm rate will now be given by:
M ( m 1) M m
M n 1
(T 1)
PFA 1 (4.160)
m 1
m n1 B n 1
If deviation constraints at test band edges are ignored, Robust Binary Integration may be applied to produce the
following approximation:
M ( m 1) M m 2 1 M n 1
(T 1)
m 1 m n 1 B n 1
4.3.6 - Spectral Whitening
The following section addresses the issue of performing CFAR detection on signals with colored noise. More
specifically, the problem of effectively utilizing the DF-CFAR with non-identically distributed noise samples
is discussed. With respect to the outlined considerations, a CFAR-Enhanced Spectral Whitening method is
proposed to maintain detector functionality without inhibiting detection sensitivity. The performance of the
approach will also be demonstrated using simulated and experimental data.
4-144 - Introduction
Often for many real-world applications, signal noise does not follow a Gaussian distribution but rather exhibits
some colored form that is a function of frequency. For example, the transmission of acoustic energy in a
viscoelastic medium such as air results in amplitude attenuation that is proportional to the square of the
component frequency as described by Stokes’ Law [240]. The resulting effect is a coloring of the acoustic
energy across the frequency band which includes both noise and signal components. Frequency dependent
attenuation or coloring of acoustic spectra is typical of sensing performed in atmospheric conditions. In addition
to coloring due to atmospheric propagation, colored broadband noise is also produced through the generation
of vortices by the aircraft body and propeller as previously discussed in Section 2.3.4. An example of this can
be observed by the UAV self-noise spectra displayed in Figure 2-7.
The presence of spectral coloring may greatly influence the ability to perform operations such as source
detection and localization. For example, DF-CFAR methods require noise samples be Independent and
Identically Distributed (IID) to maintain and predict constant false alarm rates. Other operations such as
beamforming rely on the functional relationship between array steering direction and output power to
approximate source locations. Thus, the attenuation of higher frequency components will reduce localization
sensitivity for harmonic signals. It is therefore desired to whiten signal spectra before any enhancement,
detection, or localization operations are performed to maximize the effectiveness of each process. If each
frequency bin of the noise estimate has the same underlying distribution type, coloring effects may be attributed
to variations in scale parameters such as mean and variance. If processing techniques can be employed to
normalize these parameter values, noise samples will produce equivalent distributions and thus constitute IID
The two most common forms of spectral whitening are inverse filtering and frequency-band gain control. The
frequency-band method is a time domain approach where multiple band-pass filters are applied in parallel to
section the signal into various frequency bands. Each of the filtered sections are then equalized using an active
scaling approach such as Automatic Gain Control (AGC) or Linear Predictive Coding (LPC). The benefit of
this method is a continuously whitened output that does not require any block-based processing such as that
inherent with FFT operations. The major downside is potential phase distortions since these scaling processes
are typically non-linear [76].
In contrast, inverse filtering is typically performed in the frequency domain and does not produce phase
distortions. It involves dividing the spectrum of concern by the mean of its noise approximation according to
the following [241]:
X(f )
Y( f )
X(f ) C
where |𝑋̃(𝑓)| is the approximated or smoothed magnitude spectrum of 𝑋(𝑓), 𝛾 is a scaling or degree-of-
flattening factor, and 𝐶 is a constant to prevent division by zero. If desired, we may exclude the division constant
by simply performing the operation in the log-decibel domain instead:
Y( f ) X ( f ) X ( f ) (4.163)
To reconstruct the complex signal, the whitened spectrum is simply multiplied by the original phase response:
Y ( f ) Y ( f ) e j ( f ) (4.164)
To obtain the noise approximation |𝑋̃(𝑓)|, multiple spectra are typically taken consecutively in time and
averaged together. If the signal is continuously windowed and frequency transformed, a moving average
function may be applied to obtain an accurate approximation. Common averaging methods include the
cumulative mean, the recursive exponential mean, and the windowed mean as given by the following equations
X ( f , w) X ( f , w) ( w 1) X ( f , w) (4.165)
X ( f , w) X ( f , w) (1 ) X ( f , w) (4.166)
X ( f , w)
X ( f , w k) (4.167)
k 1
where 𝑤 is the current windowed segment number, 𝜉 is the recursive forgetting factor (0 < 𝜉 < 1), and 𝑊 is
the total number of windows used for the mean estimate.
Although simplistic and often effective, the major drawback with the above approach is the potential attenuation
of desired signal components from a contaminated noise estimate. If target signal components are present in
past windowed spectra which constitute the current noise estimate, the normalization process will act to remove
them from the current whitened spectra. The obvious solution to this problem is to simply remove these
components from the spectra before taking a mean estimate. However, in many instances the desired signal
component(s) and location(s) are not known to facilitate removal. For such cases, the above methods are clearly
not optimal in any sense.
A proposed solution to the problem of attenuating target signal components by inclusion into the mean noise
estimate is to simply remove all peak components which may constitute a potential target signal. This can be
achieved through the use of a CFAR detector such as those previously presented. Using the detector, potential
signals can be identified and effectively removed from the noise estimate by flooring them to some scaled value
of the CFAR detection threshold. To ensure all potential components are successfully located, a very high false
alarm probability is used to maximize sensitivity. By using a value much higher than that of the final target
detection stage (performed after whitening), the inability to detect a source component and subsequent inclusion
into the mean noise estimate will not affect the final detection performance. It is proposed that the OS-CFAR
detector be utilized since this form offers computational simplicity and superior performance in multi-target
environments. However, any of the other previously presented CFAR detectors may also be used.
For the OS-CFAR detector, the following binary testing function may be constructed:
1 , if X ( f , w) ( f , w)
( f , w) (4.168)
0 , if X ( f , w) ( f , w)
where 𝜂(𝑓, 𝑤) is the threshold factor given by:
( f , w) os X k ( f , w) (4.169)
where 𝛼𝑜𝑠 is the order statistic scaling factor, and |𝑋𝑘 (𝑓, 𝑤)| is the 𝑘𝑡ℎ largest spectral component contained
in the noise sample bandwidth of size 𝑁 taken about the test cell |𝑋(𝑓, 𝑤)|.
Prior to calculating the mean approximation, potential signal components are effectively removed by flooring
their value to some scaled fraction of the detection threshold used. This can be expressed by the following
where 𝛿 is the flooring scale factor. The mean approximation is then found by substituting the above value into
equations (4.165) to (4.167). Finally, the spectrally whitened form can then be obtained via equations (4.162)
or (4.163) with 𝛾 = 0.
To confirm the validity of the proposed whitening approach, the method is applied to experimental data taken
from study TS#1 described in Chapter 6. Using a single channel recording, probability distributions were
calculated from consecutive FFT spectra for the unwhitened and whitened signals and compared to that of ideal
Gaussian noise. Since the purpose is to evaluate the broadband spectral noise distribution, narrowband self-
noise components generated by the aircraft propulsion system were first removed via adaptive IIR notch
filtering. In addition, sections of the recorded signal containing target source components were also removed
leaving only broadband flight-noise for the entire data set. To calculate the probability distributions, the FFT
was applied to the 1150 s duration flight recording using 0.5 s rectangular windows with a 50% overlap
producing 4599 windowed points for each frequency bin. Using these observations, the PDFs for each spectral
form (whitened, unwhitened, etc.) were then calculated as a function of frequency. Figure 4-11 displayed below
provides the results obtained using the magnitude spectra for the original, whitened, and Gaussian noise signals.
From the plots, it is evident that broadband noise in the original notch filtered signal are not IID since density
values vary largely as a function of frequency. In contrast, the whitened signal PDF is nearly identical to the
ideal response obtained from white Gaussian noise which follows a Rayleigh distribution. Thus, we may
conclude that the broadband noise components were effectively whitened to form a group of IID spectral
components as desired.
The performance of the proposed CFAR enhanced whitening approach is now illustrated using data from the
same experiment as before, but with a continuous target source signal present. Figure 4-12 displayed below
provides a spectrogram of the pre-whitened signal with a 500 Hz source component clearly visible, while Figure
4-13 displays spectrograms for the standard inverse and CFAR enhanced whitened signals respectively. The
noise approximation was calculated using the recursive mean as previously given by Equation (4.166) with 𝜉 =
0.5, and using a flooring scale value of 𝛿 = 1. From observation of the three plots, it is evident that both methods
whiten broadband noise components since power levels remain relatively constant across the frequency band.
However, the standard approach also greatly attenuates the source signal to near noise-floor levels. It is evident
that the proposed CFAR method does not attenuate the source component, but actually increases the SNR
slightly while still maintaining an overall whitened response. This effect can be better visualized by Figure
4-14, which depicts the whitening process for a single windowed segment taken at 8.4 minutes into the flight.
From these results, it can be concluded that the proposed method is an effective means of whitening colored
spectra without attenuating target signal components. Quantification of the effectiveness will be established in
the upcoming Simulated Studies section and later verified in Chapter 6.
Figure 4-13: Spectrogram of whitened signal using standard and CFAR enhanced methods.
The following section provides a performance analysis of the proposed signal enhancement processors and
CFAR detection schemes using computer generated signals. The purpose of the studies is to validate and
identify the top-performing methods under controlled conditions, which are also reflective of those found with
real-world data. An analysis of the enhancement processors is first provided, followed by an evaluation of the
CFAR detection schemes, spectral whitening, and binary integration methods. Relevant results are also
compared to those found in the literature using similar processing techniques (where applicable).
In order to effectively compare the performance of the various enhancement processors, a numerical simulation
was performed using the DF-CFAR method previously described. To simplify the analysis, it is assumed that
the signal fundamental frequency is known, meaning only one test bin is required to establish the test statistic.
In addition, Binary Integration is not utilized since it would only increase the performance of each processor
proportionally and provide no additional insight into which approach is best suited for the application at hand.
The false alarm probability was chosen somewhat arbitrarily since again the purpose of the analysis is to
compare the relative performance of the processors rather than the absolute signal detectability. Table 4-6
displayed below provides a summary of the various processor forms evaluated throughout the study.
The performance of each processor is quantified in terms of the Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC), and
minimum SNR value required to achieve a detection probability of 99.5% (minimum required value as
identified in Section Lower SNR values indicate a higher detectability and thus overall better
performance. The average increase in SNR values produced through application of the respective processor was
not evaluated, since such values give little indication of signal detectability from a statistical sense. Such an
approach will essentially give an average or expected value for the signal and noise component amplitudes
without any measure of variance which largely influences detection statistics. In addition, these values are often
misleading when calculated from the processor-enhanced spectra since true SNR values may only be obtained
using magnitude or power values.
The test signal consisted of a 𝑓0 = 100 Hz sine wave with 𝑅 = 6 harmonics embedded in Gaussian noise of
unity variance (𝜎 = 1). The signal was constructed using a sampling rate of 𝑓𝑠 = 3000 Hz and transformed to
the frequency domain by applying the FFT on consecutive 1 s signal segments with a 0.75 s overlap. A 3000-
point FFT was utilized to giving a spectral resolution of 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑠 = 1 Hz/bin. Two guard cells (𝐺 = 2) and seventeen
fractional peaks (𝐹 = 17) were utilized to minimize effects of fractional peak values and spectral leakage. To
determine the ROC and relevant detection statistics, a total of 10,000 trials were conducted for each of the SNR
test points used.
A range of signals (𝑠 = 1,2,4,6) were used to determine the general effect of increasing the number of channels
available for processing. The signal model for the 𝑠 𝑡ℎ channel is given by:
xs (t ) Am cos 2 f 0 tm m s ws (t ) (4.171)
m 1
where 𝐴𝑚 is the amplitude of the 𝑚𝑡ℎ harmonic component, 𝑓0 is the fundamental frequency component, 𝜙𝑚
is the initial phase of the 𝑚𝑡ℎ harmonic, 𝜃𝑠 is the phase shift applied to the 𝑠 𝑡ℎ channel, and 𝑤𝑠 (𝑡) is additive
white Gaussian noise. Initial phase values for harmonic components where chosen randomly. Signals received
by each channel were also shifted out of phase such that the coherent addition of the signals would result in a
value of zero (if no noise were present). Thus, for 𝑆 number of channels being utilized simultaneously the phase
shift applied to each signal is given by:
s ( s 1) (4.172)
for 𝑠 ∈ {1,2, … , 𝑆}. Amplitude values for subsequent harmonics were specified according to the following
Am (4.173)
where 𝐴0 is the amplitude value for the fundamental harmonic component, and 1/√𝑚 is the harmonic
attenuation factor. The above attenuation factor was chosen since this form was also utilized by Hinch when he
first proposed the Harmogram [152, 153], and it also provides a good approximation to the harmonic attenuation
properties of propeller driven aircraft [72]. The fundamental amplitude is calculated from the desired SNR of
the constructed signal(s) which is given by:
M Am2 1 M A 2
SNR 10log10 2 10log10 m
y2 0
1 2 10 log10 2 m 1 m (4.174)
n n2
where 𝜎𝑛2 is noise component variance. Rearranging for 𝐴0 gives the fundamental amplitude required to achieve
some desired SNR value:
A0 n 2 10 10 (4.175)
m 1 m
Table 4-7 provides a summary of the signal and detector parameters used. Note that the false alarm rate was
determined via equation (4.120) since the DF-CFAR detector was applied to harmonically transformed spectra.
The following section compares the performance of the Harmonic Product Spectrum (HPS), Harmogram
(HAR), and various Harmonic Spectral Transforms (HST). Detection values are established for a range of
available signals and compared to that of the standard incoherent mean as defined below by equation (4.176).
The Circular Convolution Enhancement (CCE) method is also analyzed to determine if the approach will in
fact increase detectability for missing harmonic components. It should be noted that the mean form evaluated
is uniform across all compounding directions for the HST operation. For example, if the standard mean was
̅ 1 [ ], the standard form would also be used across
utilized across the frequency spectrum as indicated by Η
̅ 1,1 [ ] which indicates this operation, is simply replaced by Η
channels if 𝑆 > 1. Thus, the MHST notation Η ̅1[ ]
1 S
X( f ) Xs( f )
S s 1
Table 4-8 provides the SNR values required to achieve a detection probability of 𝑃𝐷 = 0.995 for a range of
processing channels, while Figure 4-15 provides an ROC plot for the case of one processing channel (𝑆 = 1).
From the results displayed, it is evident that all harmonic transforms reduce the minimum required SNR
considerably over that of the standard incoherent mean. In general, increasing the number of processing
channels also increased detectability. Results obtained via the Harmogram were equal to that of the Standard
̅ 1 ) and RMS (Η
Mean (Η ̅ 2 ) forms, which also achieved the top overall performance. In addition, the HPS was
̅ 0 ) processor. These results suggest that the specific spectral form
found to equal that of the Geometric Mean (Η
̅ −1 ) processor achieved the
(magnitude or power) does not affect signal detectability. The Harmonic Mean (Η
lowest detectability out of the HST forms. However, results were still higher than that of the incoherent mean
(1.3 dB increase on average).
As previously discussed, one of the downsides to product-based processors (HPS and Geometric Mean) is that
degraded harmonic component(s) will greatly reduce detection performance. If a source harmonic has the same
frequency as one of the narrowband self-noise components, notch filtering will completely remove this signal
component. In this case the processor will fail since multiplication by zero (or a very small number) will occur
during the harmonic compounding operation. Thus, it is desired to analyse the effect of utilizing the CCE
method proposed by Wu [175] to enhance signal detectability for such cases.
Signals were generated according to the specifications previously outlined, but with the 4th harmonic component
attenuated by 80 dB. Table 4-9 provides the results obtained with the 4th harmonic removed and with no
̅ 0 ) processor does in fact fail for
harmonics removed. From the results, it is evident that the Geometric Mean (Η
the case of missing components as expected. Application of the CCE method did alleviate this problem and
ultimately produced results comparable to that if no harmonics were missing. However, for the Standard Mean
̅ 1 ) processor, results were not so favourable. Application of the CCE method actually decreased performance
for both cases. For the missing component case, the CCE method increased required SNR values by 3.6 dB on
average, while a 4.7 dB increase was required if no components were removed. A similar result was also
obtained for the Geometric Mean when no harmonics were missing; SNR values increased by 4.3 dB on
average. Thus, it is evident that the CCE method does prevent the failure of product-based processors. However,
detection performance is decreased if no harmonics are missing. For the case of summation-based processors,
the CCE method actually lowers detectability regardless if any components are missing or not. It should be
mentioned however, that these results do not necessarily conflict with those reported by Wu, since his evaluation
of the technique was in terms of pitch tracking not signal detectability.
Based on the results obtained from each of the scenarios investigated, it is apparent that utilizing harmonic
transforms generally increases the detectability of harmonic signals. Overall, the Standard Mean processor
offered the best performance as it achieved the highest detectability for all cases. In addition, the performance
of the processor was not largely affected by missing harmonic components unlike that of the Geometric Mean
form. The CCE method was found to salvage the operational performance of the Geometric Mean processor
for missing harmonic components. However, performance was generally found to degrade for all processors if
no components were actually missing. Thus, the method will be excluded from any further processing or
analysis pertaining to this thesis.
The performance of the presented PAPs is now analyzed using the simulation data previously outlined. These
⃗⃗⃗ Ψ ), SAC (Φλ ), and A-SAC (Φ𝜆Ψ ) processors. A beta value of 𝛽 = 0.9 was
⃗⃗⃗ ), A-AVC (Φ
include the AVC (Φ
used for each of the adjusted processor forms. The original and modified PAV and PAC processors are also
evaluated to form a comparative basis. Results of the phase-only forms are first presented, followed by the
̅ 1 [ ] transform is
amplitude and phase combined forms. Since the detection signal is harmonic in nature, the Η
also applied to each processor to achieve maximum detection capability.
Table 4-10 provides the SNR values required to achieve a detection probability of 𝑃𝐷 = 0.995 for a range of
processing channels, while Figure 4-15 provides ROC plots for the case of six processing channels (𝑆 = 6).
Results obtained for the AVC processor are identical to that of the phase-only PAV processor and approximately
equal to that of the SAC. The phase-only PAC was found to produce slightly better results than either of these
three. The phase adjusted AVC and SAC forms attained the highest performance values with significant
increases over the standard unadjusted forms. On average the adjusted forms reduced required SNR values by
3.4 and 3.8 dB for the AVC and SAC processors respectively. Overall, the adjusted SAC offered the best
detection performance.
From the results obtained for the combined amplitude and phase processors, it is evident that including
amplitude information significantly improved detection capabilities. From a comparison of the standard and
harmonically transformed PAV and PAC processors, it is also apparent that using the HST in conjunction with
these processors significantly increased detectability. The PAV and PAC processors offered better performance
over the standard AVC and SAC, but were less capable compared to the phase adjusted forms. Differences
between the standard AVC and SAC were also found to increase compared to the phase-only forms, which were
approximately equal. Application of the modulo 2π adjustment factor significantly increased detection
performance, however the relative increase was less than that of the phase-only forms. On average the adjusted
forms reduced required SNR values by 1.3 dB for both the AVC and SAC processors. The adjusted SAC
processor again offered the best detection performance.
Figure 4-16: ROC plots for PAPs with six processing channels.
The performance of the presented coherence processors is now analyzed using the simulation data previously
outlined. These include the GMSC (Γ̃), the proposed GASC (Γ̃ Ψ ), and the standard mean HST (Η
̅ 1 [ ]) taken of
these forms. Table 4-11 provides the detection SNR values for a range of processing channels and windows,
while Figure 4-17 provides ROC plots for two of the evaluated scenarios. Coherence values were calculated
using windows of 1 s duration with a 75% overlap. The total processing time (TPT) required using these
specifications is indicated by the TPT values displayed in the table below.
From the results obtained, it is evident that the proposed GASC provides a significant performance increase
over the GMSC developed by Wu. In addition, application of the HST also increased detection capabilities for
both processors as expected. Differences in detection values for the GMSC and GASC are also indicated in the
table below. For the standard processor form (not harmonically transformed), it is evident that a greater
performance increase is achieved by the GASC for fewer processing channels. However, the harmonically
transformed processors exhibit the opposite effect and shows a greater performance with increasing channel
numbers. It is also apparent that increasing the number of processing windows also has a much larger effect
when fewer channels are used for all processor forms.
One of the major downsides typical of using coherence based processors is the number of windowed segments
usually required to achieve reasonable signal/noise discrimination. An upwards of 8 windowed segments are
often required to achieve appreciable values, which is obviously problematic for non-stationary signals [75].
Indeed, this is evident by the values obtained for the GMSC. However, utilization of the phase acceleration
does appear to greatly reduce this requirement. For example, required SNR values were reduced by
approximately 7 dB for the case of two signals and three processing windows (𝑆 = 2, 𝑊 = 3). Thus, it may be
concluded that the application of phase acceleration should be included if utilizing coherence based processors
for signal detection purposes.
Table 4-11: Detection results for coherence processors for a range of processing windows and channels.
-10.5 -18.4 -20.2 -13.1 -19.3 -21.1 -15.0 -20.7 -22.7 -16.4 -22.0 -23.6
-17.4 -21.5 -24.1 -18.7 -22.8 -24.9 -20.4 -23.8 -25.9 -21.0 -24.7 -26.5
-6.9 -3.2 -3.8 -5.6 -3.5 -3.8 -5.5 -3.1 -3.2 -4.6 -2.7 -2.9
1 [ ] -20.8 -23.7 -25.1 -21.5 -24.6 -26.0 -22.5 -25.5 -27.0 -23.1 -26.4 -27.6
1 [ ] -23.9 -27.5 -29.4 -24.6 -28.1 -30.3 -25.6 -29.3 -31.2 -26.3 -30.2 -31.8
1 [ ] 1 [ ] -3.1 -3.7 -4.3 -3.0 -3.5 -4.3 -3.1 -3.8 -4.2 -3.2 -3.8 -4.2
Figure 4-17: ROC plots for standard and modified coherence processors.
The following provides a brief summary of the significant findings obtained from the enhancement processor
• Application of HST increased detection performance for all processors evaluated, with the Standard
̅ 1 ) offering the best overall performance.
Mean form (Η
• The CCE does prevent the failure of product-based processors if harmonic components are missing.
However, detection performance is actually decreased if no harmonics are missing. For the case of
summation-based processors, the CCE method lowers detectability regardless if any components are
missing or not.
• The modulo-2π phase adjustment factor provides a significant increase in detection performance for
the AVC and SAC processors, with the harmonically transformed A-SAC providing the best
performance out of all the PAPs evaluated.
• The combined HST and PAP processors were found to produce significantly better results than either
of the forms applied independently. In addition, results were also found to surpass those generated by
Wagstaff’s PAC and PAV processors.
• The proposed GASC provided a significant performance increase over the GMSC processor for all
scenarios evaluated. Results obtained for this processor were found to be significantly higher than all
others evaluated including the HST and PAPs.
The performance of the proposed CFAR detectors for constrained non-independent tests are now demonstrated
using computer-generated signals. The CDF-CFAR, SCDF-CFAR, and FT-CFAR detectors are first analysed
by establishing ROC plots for the case of a stationary signal in white Gaussian noise. The SCDF-CFAR detector
is then applied to a non-stationary signal in colored noise to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
CFAR-Enhanced Spectral Whitening method. In addition, the ability of the Robust Binary Integration approach
to increase detection rates for non-stationary signals is also demonstrated.
The test signal consisted of a single-component 𝑓0 = 250 Hz sine wave embedded in Gaussian noise of unity
variance (𝜎 = 1). It was constructed using a sampling rate of 𝑓𝑠 = 1000 Hz and transformed to the frequency
domain by applying the FFT on consecutive 1 s signal segments with no overlap. A 1000-point FFT was utilized
giving a spectral resolution of 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑠 = 1 Hz/bin. The constructed time domain signal is given by:
where 𝐴 is the signal amplitude, 𝑓0 is the fundamental frequency component, and 𝑤(𝑡) is additive white
Gaussian noise. To determine the ROC and relevant detection statistics, a total of 10,000 trials were conducted
for each of the SNR test points used. Each of the detectors were compared by determining the SNR value
required to achieve a minimum detection probability of 𝑃𝐷 = 0.995 for the specified 𝑃𝐹𝐴 . The SNR value for
a given amplitude can be obtained according to:
2 A2
SNR 10log10 x2 10log10 2 (4.178)
n 2 n
Table 4-12 displayed below provides a summary of the signal parameters used for the simulation, while
Table 4-13 provides the configuration parameters used for each detector. To verify the equivalency of the CDF-
CFAR and SCDF-CFAR detectors, the number of maxima tracked (𝑀) was determined based on the 𝑀 ≥ 𝑘̅
condition as previously discussed. Parameters values for the FT-CFAR were chosen such that false alarm rates
were approximately equal to that of the other two detectors in order to establish a common comparative basis.
The ROC curves for each of the detectors are displayed below in Figure 4-18, while Table 4-14 provides the
SNR values required to achieve 99.5% detection rate. The ROC curve for the Robust Binary Integration (RBI)
scheme was not included since it is identical to that of the BI method for stationary signals. From the plots and
values displayed, it is apparent that the CDF-CFAR and SCDF-CFAR produce equivalent results as expected.
The FT-CFAR performed slightly less favourable with an average decrease in detectability of 0.25 dB.
In terms of detection schemes, the Single Trial (ST) test statistic produced the highest detectability results. This
was expected since a positive correlation always exists between detectability and false alarm rate. The high
false alarm rates produced were due to the constrained nature of the test, and relative size difference between
𝑁 and 𝐵. However, the use of Binary Integration (BI) was shown to drastically reduce these values while having
a relatively small effect on signal detectability.
Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the SCDF-CFAR offered the best overall performance.
It performed equally well to the CDF-CFAR detector but only required evaluation of 5 test cells for each trial
instead of the total 101; this greatly reduced computational requirements. The FT-CFAR offers a slightly more
simplistic setup, since it has only one sample set, uses no order statistics, and requires less maxima tracking
points. However, this increase in simplicity and reduction in computational loads is produced at the cost of
detection sensitivity. In regard to detection schemes, it is evident that the RBI is less desirable for stationary
signals since false alarm rates are inherently increased with no effect on signal detectability. However, it will
be shown in the next section that the RBI method is superior in detecting and tracking non-stationary signals.
To illustrate the performance increase of the proposed CFAR enhanced spectral whitening technique and Robust
Binary Integration, a non-stationary sinusoidal signal embedded in colored noise was utilized. The test signal
consisted of a single-component quadratic chirp with a frequency value ranging from 100 to 400 Hz. The signal
frequency at any given time can be obtained via the following equations:
f (t ) f 0 (t ) t 2 (4.179)
( f1 f 0 ) / t12 (4.180)
where 𝑓0 = 100 Hz, 𝑓1 = 400 Hz, and 𝑡1 = 60 s (total simulation duration). The signal phase can then be
obtained according to:
2 t
(t )
fs 0 f ( )d (4.181)
Using the instantaneous phase, the signal was then constructed according to the following:
where 𝑝(𝑡) is pink colored noise which has a power distribution proportional to the inverse spectral frequency
value (𝑃(𝑓) ∝ 1/𝑓). Pink noise was utilized since it is a reasonable approximation of that found when
conducting acoustic sensing in atmospheric conditions (attenuation with increasing frequency). The signal was
transformed via the FFT operation and whitened using the parameter values displayed below in Table 4-15.
Each FFT data block was then evaluated using the SCDF-CFAR detector configured according to the values
given in Table 4-16.
Figure 4-19 provides spectrogram plots of the unwhitened and CFAR-Enhanced spectrally whitened signals,
while Figure 4-21 and Figure 4-22 provides spectrogram-like plots of the detection points for each testing
scheme. Table 4-17 displayed below provides the results obtained from the simulation. The methods were
evaluated in terms of total signal detectability, which is defined as the number of successful detections relative
to the total number of possible detections (FFT data blocks).
From the detection plots and values displayed, it is apparent that the proposed spectral whitening method
provides a significant increase in signal detectability with an average increase of 29%. The decreased
performance for the unwhitened signal is caused by the increased power levels associated with lower frequency
values. This effectively produces noise estimates that are not reflective of that found near the signal locations
(unnecessarily high). This low frequency amplification is clearly visible in the power spectrum plot displayed
in Figure 4-20. This trend was also visible in the experimental data spectrum previously displayed by Figure
From the results obtained, it is evident that the RBI testing scheme provides a significant increase over the
standard BI approach for both signals. An average increase in signal detectability of 20% was obtained, but at
a cost of increasing the false alarm rate by a full order of magnitude. From a visual inspection of the detection
plots, it is apparent that both methods perform similarly well in the low frequency region (100-150 Hz) where
values are relatively stationary. However, for higher value regions it is evident that the RBI method attains a
significantly larger number of detections. This may be further increased allowing greater location deviations
(Δ) between consecutive trials, provided false alarm rates are still satisfied.
Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the proposed spectral whitening method is very effective
at increasing signal detectability for cases which involve colored noise. The RBI detection scheme was also
found to increase detectability for signals producing a high degree of non-stationarity. However, this capability
is attained at the expense of increased false alarm rates. Thus, depending on the degree of frequency variation,
the standard BI approach may offer the better overall option.
Figure 4-22: Detection plots for CDF-CFAR robust binary integration tests.
5.1 - Introduction
Beamforming is a processing technique in which an array of sensors are used together to enhance the directional
reception for a signal of interest. The array effectively acts as a spatial filter in that desired signals arriving from
some location can be enhanced, while simultaneously attenuating undesired signals arriving from some other.
The underlying concept behind beamforming is to utilize signal phase characteristics to constructively combine
desired components while attenuating undesired components. The topic of beamforming has been extensively
reported in the literature with many applications in the areas of acoustics, radar, sonar, imaging, and
communications to name a few [242-244]. The subject area is extremely vast with many algorithms having
been developed since the concept was first widely introduced during the early 1960s [245, 246]. Thus, only
concepts and algorithms directly relevant to the application at hand will be addressed.
Consider now the localization scenario pertaining to this thesis; we wish to determine the angular position of
some target source relative to the detecting aircraft. It is expected that received signals will be harmonic and
continuous in time. Due to the time sensitive nature of the operation, algorithms must be capable of operating
in real-time with low latency. Due to physical limitations associated with placing an array on an aircraft, it is
also very unlikely that a uniform microphone spacing can be achieved; such is the case for experiments
presented in this thesis. In addition, vibrations and unsteady airflow during flight operations will inherently
produce motions to some degree in the array elements effectively producing positional errors. This is coupled
with the fact that practical limitations during construction and installation of the array will also produce some
degree of positional error with respect to the original intended design. Taking the above features into
consideration, it is apparent that a robust beamforming method is required to ensure maximum operational
performance for these adverse conditions. Since target detection is performed in the frequency domain, it is also
desirable that localization operations be performed in this domain also. Although beamforming in the frequency
domain is less common, increased computational efficiency can be achieved since target source frequencies
will already have been identified in the previous detection stage.
Similar to standard digital filtering, beamforming may be performed in the time or frequency domain, can be
fixed or adaptive, and may be applied to narrowband or broadband signals. Narrowband beamformers focus on
a narrow frequency band of interest and only filter signals across sensors in the spatial dimension. A weighting
vector is applied across signals to facilitate steering of the array and promote side-lobe reduction in the
directivity response. For time domain beamformers, the weighing vector typically consists of real valued
numbers in combination with time delay elements, while frequency domain beamformers simply use complex
numbered values [243]. For narrowband beamformers to remain maximally effective, the signal of interest
should remain correlated between the closest and furthest elements of the array. That is, the time delay between
the closest and furthest element should be less than the period for the signal of interest. For situations in which
the above conditions are not met, the signal is instead considered broadband. For such cases, the array directivity
response will vary greatly across the bandwidth for a given set of complex weights. In order to alleviate this
issue and maintain a constant response, broadband beamformers apply filtering in both the time and spatial
domains. Because of the variation in directivity response with respect to frequency, broadband beamformers
are inherently more complex and are thus more difficult to deign with respect to physical array configurations.
The most simplistic and commonly employed beamformer is the Delay-and-Sum form depicted in Figure 5-1.
Here we consider a linear array consisting of 𝑆 sensors/microphones with locations given by 𝑟𝑠 where 𝑠 ∈
{1,2, … , 𝑆}. The principle behind the approach is to simply apply an appropriate time delay such that signals
become aligned to produce a coherent amplified output when summed together. This can be expressed as:
y (kˆ, t ) ws x t s (kˆ) (5.1)
s 1
where 𝑤𝑠 are weighting values applied to each channel to modify directional output characteristics. A number
of methods exist to determine the optimum weighting values for a given system. Common methods include the
Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR), Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE), Maximum
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (MSNR), and Minimum Power Distortionless Response (MPDR) beamformers to name
a few [242]. In most real-world situations however, the performance advantage produced by optimal forms such
as those previously listed are greatly lessened due to incomplete knowledge of the signal and noise spectral
content [247].
The time delays 𝜏𝑠 are characterised by the steering direction which is given by the unit vector 𝑘̂ . The maximum
output will be achieved when 𝑘̂ aligns with the incoming wave propagation direction. For a given steering
direction, the required time delay for the 𝑠 𝑡ℎ microphone will be thus given by:
kˆ rs
s (5.2)
where 𝑐 is the speed of sound in air. For 3-dimensional space characterized by the azimuth and elevation angles
𝜗 and 𝜑 respectively as previously depicted in Figure 1-1, the steering and position vectors will be given by the
cos cos
kˆ sin cos (5.3)
rs [ xs , ys , zs ]T (5.4)
where the spherical coordinate system was previously defined in Figure 2-9.
Figure 5-1: a) A microphone array with plane wave incident from the focus direction. b) A typical array directional response
plot with a main lobe in the focus direction and lower side lobes in other directions [248].
Alternately, the Delay-and-Sum beamformer may also be expressed in the frequency domain instead. Applying
the Fourier transform and realizing that a delay in the time domain equates to phase shift in the frequency
domain yields the following:
Y (kˆ, f ) Ws ( f ) X s ( f ) e j 2 f s ( k )
s 1
Note that the above form is often referred to as the Filter-and-Sum (FAS) beamformer [249]. To avoid spatial
aliasing in the array directivity response, the minimum sensor spacing must be less than half the incident wave
length [249]:
d (5.6)
where 𝜆min is the wavelength for the signal of interest. Spatial aliasing reduces the ability to localize a desired
source through the presence of grating or side lobes and should thus be avoided whenever possible.
In order to compare various beamforming algorithms and determine overall performance, a number of measures
are often used. Evaluation of the array output for all possible steering directions is referred to as the array
response plot or beam pattern as depicted in Figure 5-1. It is given by the magnitude squared of the array output
and is typically expressed in decibel units:
B(kˆ, f ) Y (kˆ, f ) (5.7)
The directivity gain is a measure of the maximum power output in a given steered direction compared to the
average noise power in all other directions. Thus, the array gain in the direction specified by 𝑘̂𝑜 is given by the
following equation for the case of isotropic sound in the free field [242]:
B(kˆo , f )
D(kˆo , f ) 2
4 B(kˆ, f )sin d d
0 0
The ability of an array to localize a source with a high degree of resolution is dependent upon the beam pattern.
More specifically it is dependent on the mean lobe beam width which is defined as the angular distance between
the two-half power (3 dB) points on the main lobe. This is also known as the Half Power Beam Width (HPBW).
Figure 5-2 displayed below illustrates the HPBW and approximate directivity gain for a 1-D linear array.
Beamformers generally have two main applications: 1) enhancing signals arriving from some location of
interest, and 2) finding the spatial location for signals of interest. The process of spatially localizing signals is
known as Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation. There have been an abundance of DOA algorithms presented
in the literature [245, 246, 250, 251]. However, most can be classified into the following three categories: 1)
Subspace or Beam-space, 2) Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA), and 3) Steered Response Power (SRP). Each
of these methods have inherent advantages and disadvantages, which ultimately dictate appropriate applications
areas as will now be discussed.
Subspace algorithms have arrived more recently in the field of beamforming, with algorithms generally offering
superior localization accuracy over more conventional methods. In general, the technique uses an approach
whereby the signal and noise are separated into separate component subspaces using an eigenvalue
decomposition of a covariance or correlation matrix. The MUSIC, Root-MUSIC, and ESPRIT are commonly
reported examples of this algorithm type [251]. Although these methods have been successfully employed for
a variety of array processing applications, they all possess certain restrictions that prevent their practical use for
the application at hand. Some of these include: the requirement of a uniformly spaced array, high computational
loads which often prevent real-time operation, and a high sensitivity to array positioning errors [245, 250, 252].
Physical limitations associated with aircraft geometry often prevent the installation of a uniformly spaced array;
such is the case for experimental aircraft presented in this thesis. In addition, vibrations and unsteady airflow
during flight operations will inherently produce some degree of sensor motion generating positional errors. This
is coupled with the fact that practical limitations during construction and installation of the array will also
produce some degree of positional error with respect to the original intended design. Although some degree of
positional error can be removed via calibration procedures, those occurring during flight operations cannot be
mitigated through signal processing means. Thus, with respect to the application at hand, it is apparent that such
methods are not robust enough for such physically demanding operational requirements.
Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) is perhaps the most commonly employed DOA method. This is largely
due to its simplicity and low computational requirements which allows real-time implementation on most all
digital systems [245, 247, 253-255]. Compared to other methods such the Subspace and Steered Response
Power, TDOA methods offer a significant computational advantage [247, 254]. In general, the localization
procedure involves the generation of hyperbolic curves which are then intersected in some optimal sense to
achieve the location estimate [247]. Typically, a method such as the Least Squares approach is employed to
obtain the optimal fit statistic [256]. The approach is generally a two-stage procedure whereby time delay
estimates between sensor pairs are first calculated, followed by an approximation of the angular source location.
Time delay estimates are typically obtained via the Generalized Cross-Correlation (GCC) function developed
Knapp and Carter [257]:
L 1 j 2 f
R12 ( ) ( f ) X12 ( f ) e fs
f 0
where 𝜏 is the time lag index, 𝐿 is the segment length, Υ is the general weighting function, 𝑓𝑠 is the sampling
frequency, and 𝑋12 is the cross-power spectrum. A number of weighting functions have been presented in the
literature for the purpose of enhancing TDOA estimates for various localization scenarios. The most popular of
these is the PHAT processor [258]:
PHAT ( f ) (5.10)
X1 ( f ) X 2*( f )
where * indicates complex conjugation. It is evident from the above equation that the PHAT weighting function
is essentially a whitening filter which removes all magnitude information leaving only the phase content to
determine TDOA values.
Determination of the time delay value is then given by the maximum peak of the correlation function:
while angular source locations can be obtained through application the Least Squares error criterion according
to the following [254]:
J ( , ) ˆi ( , )
i 1
where 𝑃 is the number of sensor pairs, and 𝜏 is the true or expected phase delay as previously given by equation
(5.2). The angular location estimate is finally obtained from the values which minimize the cost function:
Although TDOA methods have lower computational requirements, they often suffer from poor resolution and
deteriorate extensively in the presence of multiple sources, reverberation, and low SNR environments [254].
This is essentially due to the presence of local maxima in the cross-correlation function which may obscure the
true TDOA peak and subsequently produce incorrect delay estimates. The amplitudes of these erroneous
maxima depend on a number of factors such as ambient noise levels and reverberation conditions. For the
application at hand, this is very problematic since the SNR values of initially detected signals will be very low
and multipath conditions may be present if operating at low altitudes. Thus, TDOA methods may not offer
acceptable performance for the localization scenario pertaining to this thesis.
The Steered Response Power (SRP) is another commonly employed localization approach. It is robust,
simplistic in nature, and generally performs considerably better than TDOA methods in adverse environments
[259]. In brief, the method forms a directional “beam” which is scanned over a region of interest while
calculating the power output at each location. The source location is chosen based on the direction which
maximizes this output power. For the case of the Filter-and-Sum beamformer, the SRP will be given by:
fb fb S
Ws ( f ) X s ( f ) e j 2 f s (k )
SRP Y (kˆ, f ) Y (kˆ, f ) (5.14)
f fa f f a s 1
where 𝑆 is the total number of acquired microphone signals, and [𝑓𝑎 , 𝑓𝑏 ] defines the discrete frequency range
of interest.
The angular location estimate can then be obtained by finding the direction which maximizes the output power:
ˆ,ˆ arg max SRP Y ( kˆ, f ) (5.15)
Similar to the TODA method previously presented, elements of the GCC function can be included to increase
performance in adverse environments. The most popular form utilizes the PHAT weighting function to whiten
spectra by removing magnitude information from the SRP output [260]. Often termed the SRP-PHAT, this form
has been reported extensively in the literature due to its increased performance over standard SRP methods in
reverberant environments [261-264]. It is given by the sum of all steered microphone correlation pairs according
PHAT ( f ) X s ( f ) X n*( f ) e j 2 f
Y (kˆ, f ) sn ( k ) (5.16)
n 1 s n 1
where 𝜏𝑠𝑛 = 𝜏𝑠 − 𝜏𝑛 . It should be noted however that the SRP-PHAT is only advantageous for broadband
signals and/or highly reverberant conditions. For single component narrowband signals, performance tends to
degrade since the maximum value attainable by the coherently aligned signal will be no greater than that
possible by the random noise components.
The major benefit to the SRP method is simplicity, robustness, and the ability to utilize an unconstrained array
geometry [254]. The major downside is increased computational loads since direct closed-form solutions cannot
be achieved to estimate localization values. Instead, grid-search methods are employed to scan a region of
interest. If the source location is completely unknown, this may result in unacceptably large computational
loads. For example, if scanning the full spherical region surrounding an aircraft with a 1-degree resolution, a
total of 360 × 180 = 64,800 evaluation points are required.
A number of algorithms have been proposed to reduce computational loads and facilitate real-time operations.
These can be broadly categorized into three main areas: 1) Regional reduction through TDOA-based candidate
location mapping [265-269], 2) Regional contraction using coarse-to-fine grid searching [261, 270-272],
volumetric evaluation [262, 273], or stochastic methods [263, 264], and 3) Iterative-based search techniques
[274, 275]. TDOA-based methods utilize time delays to determine a region consisting of potential candidate
locations. Standard search methods are then applied to the reduced region to accurately determine source
locations. Although shown to be effective, the downside to this approach is the possibility of poor initial region
specifications due to inaccurate TDOA estimates. Regional contraction methods essentially perform multiple
regional searches using successively smaller grid sizes until the desired accuracy is achieved. This method is
simplistic in nature and a localization convergence can always be guaranteed. However, because the SRP space
will generally be composed of many local maxima, there is a direct trade-off between accuracy, computational
load, and convergence accuracy. Iterative-based techniques utilize methods such as the Steepest Decent and
Newton-Raphson to obtain localization values. These methods offer the greatest computational savings but
generally suffer from the possibility of false convergence from the presence of local maxima. This is
increasingly problematic for low SNR conditions since the objective function will not have a strong global
peak. For such situations, iterative methods may produce inaccurate results which are extremely sensitive to the
initial search locations [254]. Thus, with respect to the above considerations, it appears that the SRP method
using a regional contraction approach may be best suited for the application at hand. It will later be shown that
such methods can easily be employed using minimal computational requirements for instances in which
potential source frequencies are known.
At this point one may question why use the SRP approach over phase-based methods if the signal frequency is
already known. The simple answer to this question is increased accuracy since the SRP method uses both
amplitude and phase information to determine the source location. In addition, it is more robust to aspects such
as spectral leakage since multiple frequency bins may be efficiently utilized for the operation instead of just
one. For example, if one were to account for potential leakage using phase-based methods, a phase correlation
matrix (between microphone signal pairs) must be established for each frequency bin and solved using a method
such as the least squares approach. The result obtained for each frequency must then be averaged together,
typically using some form of weighting function. This operation is clearly more complex than simply extending
the summation domain for the SRP as indicated above in equation (5.14)
The following section presents a number of source localization methods for use with the SRP beamformer.
Using the concept of regional reduction through coarse-to-fine grid searching, a crisscross search method is
proposed which offers reduced computational loads compared to standard techniques such as that presented in
[261]. In addition, a two-dimensional gradient ascent method is proposed which is also capable of achieving
increased performance compared to standard grid searching methods.
As previously discussed, one of the issues associated with regional reduction and iterative-based methods is the
false convergence due to the presence of local maxima and a weak global peak. To combat this issue, initial
grid spacing is often chosen conservatively which consequently results in unnecessary computation. At this
point, it should be emphasised that all reported methods inherently assume source frequencies are unknown.
For such instances, the SRP must be calculated across a frequency band of interest or in some cases the entire
signal bandwidth [0, 𝑓𝑠 /2]. For narrowband signals, this will inherently reduce the effectiveness of the approach
since the addition of random noise components will reduce the dynamic range of the SRP output. Such methods
will also produce high computational requirements since the steered response requires calculation for every
FFT bin in the frequency band; hence the reason why SRP methods are often considered computationally
expensive. For the application at hand however, this is not the case since all possible source frequencies would
have been identified in the previous CFAR detection stage. By exploiting this information, a much higher degree
of sensitivity can be achieved in addition to great computational savings.
For a detected source signal of frequency 𝑓𝑜 , the SRP output will now be given by:
SRP Y (kˆ, f ) Y (kˆ, f ) (5.17)
f fo
which requires 𝑓𝑏 − 𝑓𝑎 − 1 less evaluation points, where [𝑓𝑎 , 𝑓𝑏 ] defines the frequency band of interest. To
establish a more robust form, the region closely surrounding 𝑓𝑜 may also be evaluated to account for spectral
leakage. Thus, if 𝐺 guard cells taken equally about the detected frequency are also included, the SRP will now
be given by:
fo G /2
SRP Y (kˆ, f ) Y (kˆ, f ) (5.18)
f fo G /2
By excluding essentially all noise components contained in the frequency band of interest, the sensitivity of the
method will inherently increase, which is especially true for low SNR signals. This is demonstrated in Figure
5-4 and 5-5 which display plots of the SRP as a function of frequency for two SNR scenarios (-15 and 0 dB).
The signal consists of a 𝑓𝑜 = 500 Hz sinusoid embedded in Gaussian noise sampled at a rate of 𝑓𝑠 = 2000 Hz
and transformed using a 2000-point FFT. It arrives with 45-degree angle of incidence and is acquired by a
uniform linear array consisting of 4 sensors spaced 0.25 m apart. Note that -15 dB is the typical lower limit for
reliable CFAR detection using the average coherent power scheme as was demonstrated in the previous chapter.
The isolated component SRP (𝑃1 ) was calculated using G= 5 Hz, while the standard broadband output (𝑃2 ) was
calculated for the full spectral range [0, 𝑓𝑠 /2]. From the plots, it is evident that a significant increase in
localization sensitivity is obtained for low SNR values. It is apparent that using an adaptive search approach
would not fare well for the broadband case with low SNR values, since the presence of multiple peaks with
approximately equal value will greatly increase the probably of false convergence. For the isolated component
case however, localization peaks are significant and should lend well to regional reduction and/or iterative
search techniques.
Figure 5-4: Power spectrum and SRP output for -15 dB signal, where P1 and P2 indicate the isolated and broadband SRP
response cases respectively.
Figure 5-5: Power spectrum and SRP output for 0 dB signal, where P1 and P2 indicate the isolated and broadband SRP
response cases respectively.
With respect to the above considerations, a regional reduction method is now proposed which utilizes a
crisscross search method rather than a uniformly spaced square grid approach. The proposed algorithm is
performed as follows: A very coarse uniform 2-dimensional grid is first applied to determine the general
maxima region in terms of azimuth and elevation. While holding the elevation angle constant at the median
point for the range of interest, SRP values are calculated for the desired range of azimuth values. The azimuth
value producing the largest SRP output is then chosen and held constant while SRP values are then calculated
for the desired range of elevation angles. The grid region is then chosen about this point, contracted, and the
process is repeated. This is depicted below in Figure 5-5 where ⨀ indicates the first regional max value (holding
𝜑 constant), and × indicates the final regional max. It is evident that the approach offers great computational
savings since only one row and one column for each grid set is evaluated rather than all points. For example, if
performing a three-level coarse-to-fine regional contraction using a 5 × 5 grid, a total of 5 × 5 × 3 = 75 points
would require evaluation. However, if using the criss-cross approach only 5 × 5 + 2 × 5 + 2 × 5 = 45 points
would be required which is a significant reduction.
It is acknowledged that the method may not be suitable for all SRP array configurations, but nevertheless it
performs well for the application at hand. Consider the 2-dimensional 6-element array utilized by the Kraken
multirotor as displayed by Figure 6-9. The array acquires a 100 Hz sinusoidal signal of -10 SNR dB from an
azimuth and elevation of 45 and 36 degrees respectively. The SRP is given for the full detectable range which
is a hemisphere in this case since cardioid directional response microphones were used. It is apparent from the
plot that the SRP is highly sensitive to azimuth changes and less sensitive to elevation changes. Thus, if one
were to randomly choose an elevation angle, a good approximation of the true azimuth angle can be achieved
by scanning it across the region of interest. In fact, it is evident from the plot that a good approximation may be
obtained for all elevation angles less than approximately 75 degrees. Thus, it is very unlikely that the proposed
crisscross method would fail to converge at the true global maxima.
Figure 5-7: Illustration of crisscross regional convergence for 100 Hz signal acquired by Kraken array arriving with azimuth
and elevation angles of 45 and 36 degrees respectively.
Direction of arrival estimation for SRP beamformers using iterative techniques are seldom used and rarely
reported in the literature. Wax [275] first proposed the idea of using iterative techniques such as the Steepest
Descent or Newton-Raphson method, however he did not provide any analysis or example of using such
approach. Marti et al [274] used an iterative based approach in conjunction with a correlation search method to
adaptively determine DOA values. Although successful, the method does not fall in the realm of typical iterative
procedures such as those proposed by Wax and often found in adaptive filtering applications. Here, an adaptive
approach is proposed which utilizes the steepest ascent gradient method in conjunction with the direct SRP
output to approximate DOA values. Since potential source frequencies are known in advance, noise components
may be omitted from the SRP output which greatly reduces the presence of local maxima and likelihood of
false convergence as previously discussed. The 1-D case is first proposed since this type of array was utilized
for experiments conducted using fixed-wing aircraft. The 2-D case is then presented which can be applied to
any array configuration.
Consider again the general problem of DOA estimation for the SRP Beamformer: We wish to find the angle 𝜗
that maximizes the array output for the signal component of interest. Application of the gradient ascent method
J (n ) Y (n , f )
f fo
where 𝑓𝑜 is the fundamental frequency of the desired signal component as identified during the CFAR detection
stage. The gradient of the profit function with respect to the optimization parameter may be approximated by
the backwards finite difference:
J [n ] J [n1 ]
J [n] J [n ] (5.21)
n n1 sgn[n n1 ]
where 𝜍 is a small constant to avoid division by zero, and sgn[ ] indicates the sign of the contained expression.
We may also define an error function to serve as a convergence standard for the adaptive operation:
n n 1 (5.22)
For each signal segment, we simply perform the adaptive iteration until the error value reaches some pre-
specified threshold value. Thus, the algorithm is implemented as follows:
1) Use a standard coarse grid search to find the general global maxima region.
2) Calculate initial gradient value using the identified maximum and its closest neighbour.
3) Perform the iteration procedure using equations (5.19), (5.20), and (5.21) until the angular position
error reaches the minimum desired accuracy as given by (5.22)
For the 2-dimensional case, the objective becomes determining the azimuth 𝜗 and elevation 𝜑 angles which
maximize the SRP profit function 𝐽 which is now given by:
This may be achieved by applying the gradient ascent approach to each angular direction using an iterative
crisscross approach similar to that described in the Regional Contraction section. For this case, the gradient
ascent equation is now given by the following:
Adaptive implementation may be achieved by applying the method to each angular direction separately. For
the azimuth direction this may be achieved by the following equations respectively:
J [n, m] J [n 1, m]
J [n] (5.25)
n n1 sgn[n n1 ]
n1 n J [n] (5.26)
Y (n 1 ,m , f )
J [n 1, m] (5.27)
f fo
n 1 n (5.28)
J [n, m] J [n, m 1]
J [m] (5.29)
m m1 sgn[m m1 ]
m 1 m J [m] (5.30)
Y (n ,m1 , f )
J [n, m 1] (5.31)
f fo
m1 m (5.32)
Finally, the cost function is updated for the next iteration using the latest azimuth and elevation angles
(𝜗𝑛+1 , 𝜑𝑚+1 ):
Y (n1 ,m1 , f )
J [n 1, m 1] (5.33)
f fo
As with the 1-dimensional case, iterations are performed until both 𝜀𝜗 and 𝜀𝜑 reach some pre-specified value.
A beamforming method which exploits the properties of harmonic signals to spatially localize acoustic sources
is now proposed. Termed the Harmonic Spectral Beamformer, the method combines the Complex Harmonic
Spectral Transform with the standard Filter-and-Sum beamformer to construct a processor which produces a
high degree of directional sensitivity.
Harmonic signals such as those generated by propeller-driven aircraft can be considered broadband with a
narrowband decomposition structure [243]. Typically, in order to retain an optimal response for each harmonic
component, the signal is decomposed into multiple segments which are then subject to their own beamforming
algorithm [243]. Although effective, this method requires a much higher computational load since a number of
independent algorithms are effectively required instead of just one. A potential solution to this problem is to
simply transform the signal such that the harmonics are now represented by a single fundamental component.
This procedure was previously described by the HSTs presented in the last chapter. However, the proposed
form as given by equation (4.30) does not contain phase information which is required to facilitate beamforming
operations. Thus, the phase preserving Complex Harmonic Spectral Transform (CHST) is first defined
according to the following equation:
j ( f r)
1/ a
1 R a
j - a [ X ( f )] X ( f r ) e r 1 (5.34)
R r 1
where the 𝑗 in the variable definition j - a [] indicates the complex spectral transform, and the phase function
𝜃 is given by :
( f r ) arg[ X ( f r )] (5.35)
Note that the phase transform operation is performed independently of the spectral peak operation. This is to
avoid any possible reduction in the transformed spectral peaks, which will occur if harmonic components are
out of phase with one another. In addition, the phase forms are summed using the scalar rather than vectoral
method, to prevent cancelation of between different harmonics. It should be noted at this point that it is assumed
that the harmonic signals of concern are generated acoustically by a physical means such as that found with
voiced speech, musical instruments, and aircraft propulsion systems [72, 135-137]. For such cases, the harmonic
nature of the signal arises from the presence of a physical boundary which establishes the condition for standing
wave generation and thus initial phase alignment between components [138].
By combining the CHST (5.34) and Filter-and-Sum (FAS) (5.5) equations, we may thus define a new Harmonic
Spectral Beamformer (HSB) according to the following:
j s f r 2 f s ( kˆ ) r
HSB(kˆ, f ) 1 R
1/ a
s 1 s
( f ) X ( f r ) e r 1 r 1
R r 1
where the final SRP output can be obtained by applying equation (5.18) to the above form:
fo G /2 S
j s f r 2 f r ( kˆ )
SRP HSB(k , f )
ˆ 1 R
1/ a
r 1 r 1 (5.37)
W ( f ) X ( f r ) e
f fo G /2 s 1 s
R r 1
The rationale behind summing phase angles across harmonic components is to ultimately provide an increased
array response sensitivity. This is essentially achieved because a sight change in steering direction will now
produce a much larger change in the phase function, compared to that found in the standard FAS Beamformer
given by equation (5.5). This property is facilitated by the physical nature of the acoustic system whereby the
initial phase of each harmonic component is equal at the point of generation. Although the phase values for
each harmonic may be different at any given point thereafter, summation will still be maximized when the array
is steered in the direction of wave propagation. To avoid spatial aliasing, the element spacing must now adhere
to the following condition:
o c
d R
2 r 2 f o r
r 1 r 1
where 𝜆𝑜 and 𝑓𝑜 is the fundamental wavelength and frequency respectively. The above relationship can arrived
by considering the standard condition for spatial aliasing as given by equation (5.6), and the logical operation
of summing each harmonic phase in a scalar manner. Since the phase of each harmonic component is combined
across time, and frequency is defined as the rate of change in phase with time; the effective frequency of the
harmonically transformed wave is given by the sum of each harmonic frequency. For example, if a 100 Hz and
200 Hz signal were combined by the scalar sum of their phase functions, the resulting wave would have an
effective frequency of 300 Hz.
Figure 5-8 and 5-9 provides normalized directional response plots obtained via the standard FAS and HSB
beamformers for a four-element Uniform Linear Array (ULA). Response values are provided over a range of
spacing values and signal harmonics for a 100 Hz sinusoidal signal. The Half Power Beam Width (HPBW) and
directional gain (𝐷𝐺 ) values are also provided in Table 5-1 and Table 5-2. The SRP using the FAS was
calculated across the entire harmonic bandwidth [𝑓𝑜 , 𝑅𝑓𝑜 ] to include all signal components, while the SRP for
the HSB was only evaluated at the fundamental frequency. From a comparison of the results displayed, it is
evident that the HSB offers greater directionality and better overall performance compared to the standard FAS
method. HPBW values for the HSB were considerably less for all harmonics and spacing combinations, while
directivity gains were also considerably greater. It is also evident that the effect of spatial aliasing is greatly
amplified for the HSB as predicted by equation (5.38) given above. Based on these results, one can conclude
that proposed beamformer would be most effective for applications in which low frequency signals are
prominent and/or array spacing is limited. The performance of the method will be demonstrated using
experimental data in the next chapter.
Table 5-1: Half Power Beam Width (3 dB) in degrees for various sensor spacing values (in meters).
Standard SRP HSB SRP
𝑅 𝑑 = 0.1 𝑑 = 0.2 𝑑 = 0.3 𝑑 = 0.4 𝑑 = 0.5 𝑑 = 0.1 𝑑 = 0.2 𝑑 = 0.3 𝑑 = 0.4 𝑑 = 0.5
1 N/A N/A N/A 154 102 N/A N/A N/A 154 102
2 N/A N/A 122 82 62 N/A 80 51 38 30
3 N/A 160 82 58 36 82 38 25 19 15
4 N/A 104 62 46 26 46 21 15 11 5
Table 5-2: Directivity Gain (𝑫𝑮 ) in dB for various sensor spacing values.
Standard SRP HSB SRP
𝑅 𝑑 = 0.1 𝑑 = 0.2 𝑑 = 0.3 𝑑 = 0.4 𝑑 = 0.5 𝑑 = 0.1 𝑑 = 0.2 𝑑 = 0.3 𝑑 = 0.4 𝑑 = 0.5
1 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6
2 1.1 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.3 1.2 2.0 3.3 4.2 5.0
3 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.3 2.8 2.0 4.2 6.3 7.2 5.6
4 1.2 1.6 2.1 2.7 3.2 3.7 6.6 5.6 2.8 4.7
Figure 5-8: Directivity response of a 0.1 m spaced ULA acquiring a 100 Hz signal with 𝑹 harmonic components.
Figure 5-9: Directivity response of a 0.2 m spaced ULA acquiring a 100 Hz signal with 𝑹 harmonic components.
Equation Chapter (Next) Section 1
Tests were conducted using both fixed-wing and multirotor aircraft using stationary ground-based and moving
airborne sources. Table 6-1 displayed below provides a brief overview of the conducted experiments which are
labeled according to the test set number (TS#). The basic parameters and purpose of each experiment is also
given along with the various signal processing methods demonstrated.
6.1 - Equipment
Two different types of capacitance microphone were used for the conducted experiments. These consisted of
DPA 4053 omni-directional and RØDE M5 cardioid response microphones as displayed below in Figure 6-1.
The DPA microphones were fitted with metallic laminar-flow noise cones designed to reduce self-generated
noise associated with high airflow applications. These sensors were thus used for all experiments involving
fixed-wing UAVs since high flow rates are inherently present. Ideally these microphones would have a
directional rather than omni-directional response since this property would greatly reduce the acquired level of
propeller generated self-noise. Unfortunately however, there are no high-flow directional response microphones
available on the market. The RØDE M5 microphones do produce a directional response but do not offer any
flow generated noise protection other than a standard foam windscreen which performs very poorly in high
flow environments. Since multirotor aircraft generally operate at relatively low speeds and generate higher
noise levels (from the presence of multiple lifting fans), the RØDE microphones were found to be better suited
for this system. Table 6-2 displayed below provides the specifications for each microphone, while Figure 6-2
provides polar response plots. One may question why MEMS microphones are not utilized instead since they
are extremely small and light weight. The simple reasoning is that these microphones have a much lower
dynamic range (≈ 70 dB) and sensitivity (≈ 5 mV/Pa) and perform very poorly in low frequency regions; areas
which often constitute the fundamental frequency of an aircraft [276].
Figure 6-1: DPA 4053 with and without nose cone and RØDE M5 microphone pair
Figure 6-2: Polar response for DPA 4053 (left) RØDE M5 (right).
The recording of acoustic data was achieved using the Zoom H4 and Zoom H6 handheld recording units as
displayed below in Figure 6-3. Each recording device is capable of simultaneously recording 4 and 6 channels
respectively and can operate via batteries or DC power line. The H4 records at 48 kHz with a 16-bit resolution
(approximately 98 dB dynamic range), while the H6 can operate at 96 kHz with a 24-bit resolution
(approximately 146 dB dynamic range). The recorded data is stored in the form of .WAV files and may be
processed offline after completion of the respective experiment.
Flight data such as speed, GPS position, altitude, and orientation were recorded using the ArduPilot 2.5 open
source autopilot system. The system can control and/or logging data for both fixed-wing and multirotor aircraft
with various propulsion configurations. Data may be recorded and stored onboard, and also transmitted in real-
time to a ground control station via a 2.4 GHz wireless telemetry link, with rates typically on the order of 57000
bps. Figure 6-4 displayed below provides a picture of the device while Table 6-3 lists the approximate sensor
error values.
A total of two different aircraft configurations were used for the experiments. These consisted of a fixed-wing
pusher style (Delta Wing X-8) and a pusher-configured multirotor (Kraken). The Delta Wing X-8 is a hobby-
grade aircraft powered by a single brushless DC motor. Four DPA 4053 omni-directional microphones were
fitted to the aircraft via carbon fiber booms extending from the noise as depicted below in Figure 6-5. The
microphones were secured using custom vibration isolation mounts constructed from Sorbothane material.
Since the array is distributed in one dimension (linear form), it is only capable of localizing targets in one
angular direction (azimuth). Figure 6-6 displays the geometry and directional response of the array for a range
of signal frequencies. It is apparent from the plot that the array offers poor directional performance for the
frequency range of concern. This was unfortunately due to geometric and structural limitations of the aircraft
which prevented the establishment of a larger microphone spacing. However, this problem can be alleviated for
harmonic signals through use of the Harmonic Spectral Beamformer (HSB) previously presented in Chapter 5.
Figure 6-7 provides response plots of equal scale for the standard and HSB Steered Response Power (SRP) for
a 100 Hz signal with varying harmonics. It is apparent that the HSB form produces a much more desirable
directivity response which has a positive correlation to the number of signal harmonics. The use of the method
to increase localization accuracy will be demonstrated in the upcoming experimental results section.
Figure 6-5: Delta Wing X-8 aircraft with four DPA 4053 microphones.
Figure 6-7: Delta X-8 array response for a 100 Hz signal with 𝑹 harmonic components.
The Kraken multirotor is a commercial grade UAV consisting of eight brushless DC motors. The aircraft was
originally designed for a conventional lifting-style configuration but was converted to a pusher-style by
inverting the motors and reversing their rotation directions. By moving the propellers to the underside of the
aircraft, essentially all of the topside area becomes free to mount any required sensors and instrumentation. Six
RØDE M5 microphones were fitted to the aircraft via carbon fiber booms extending vertically from engine
support frame(s) as depicted in Figure 6-8. Commercially available vibration isolation mounts were utilized to
secure the microphones to the booms. Unlike the fixed-wing UAV, vibration induced lateral motion was found
to be significant with this aircraft. This was caused by a combination of increased overall vibration levels due
to the presence of multiple lifting fans, and the microphone placement location which allows flexural and
torsional displacement with respect to the base mounting frame. To reduce these effects, each sensor was
connected to its adjacent neighbours and base frame via a tensioned cable. It should be noted that target
localization error with respect to sensor positional error is directly dependent on the received source signal
wavelength. Lower wavelength signals require larger spacing values to obtain higher array directivity gains and
are thus less susceptible to minor sensor displacement errors. More information on this topic may be found in
Since the array is distributed in two dimensions (planar form), it is capable of localizing targets in both the
azimuth and elevation angle directions. Figure 6-9 provides the array geometry, while Figure 6-10 provides
response plots for the azimuth and elevation directions. From the elevation response plot, it is evident that the
array does not provide any significant detection capability for targets located below the aircraft. This is expected
since the microphones have a cardioid directional response and are orientated in the vertical direction.
The aircraft was controlled via a DJI NAZA-M under assisted manual operation, while data was logged via an
ArduPilot 2.5 system. Because the aircraft has eight radial lifting arms and only six microphones were used,
counterweights were added to the two remaining rotor arms to maintain flight stability. Table 6-4 displayed
provides a summary of the properties and sensor configuration for each of the aircraft used.
Figure 6-8: Kraken Octocopter equipped with six RØDE M5 microphones and H6 recoding unit.
Experiments were conducted using a number of ground-based and airborne acoustic sources. The ground-based
source consisted of a 500-watt Yorkville NX 550 loudspeaker, which was configured to emit a variety of
continuous sinusoidal signals. Airborne sources included a gasoline powered Giant Big Stik UAV and a manned
Cessna 185 airplane. Tables 6-5 and 6-6 displayed below provide the acoustic source properties and target
aircraft specifications respectively, while Figure 6-11 provide images for each of the sources.
Due to physical and regulatory constraints, acoustic detection experiments involving fixed-wing aircraft could
not be physically conducted to determine the maximum detection range achievable. Instead, using simple signal
analysis in conjunction with acoustic propagation laws, values for the maximum detection distance that could
have been achieved for each experiment were approximated.
Determining the maximum extrapolated detection distance is a straightforward process that only requires
knowledge of the closest point of approach (CPA) of the aircraft to the sound source. That is, the true SPL of
the sound source is not required to determine the maximum distance at which the source should be detected. It
only requires the change in power (dB) for the signal component of interest be directly proportional to the
reduction in source SPL with respect to distance. Experiments were conducted where the previously described
recoding setup was exposed to various acoustic sound pressure levels. The recorded signals were then
transformed to the frequency domain and the power calculated in decibel units. A plot of the digital signal
power with respect to the physical acoustic pressure level does in fact display a linear relationship as shown
below in Figure 6-12.
The maximum expected detection distance may therefore be calculated through application of the acoustic
power attenuation law previously presented by equation (2.2):
where 𝑑𝑚𝑎𝑥 is the maximum expected detection distance in meters, 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑓 is the distance between the aircraft
and acoustic source at the CPA, 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑓 is the power of the dominant source frequency component at the CPA
given in dB, 𝑃𝑚𝑖𝑛 is the detection threshold for the frequency band of interest (the point at which the signal
component of interest is no longer distinguishable from the surrounding noise), and 𝐴𝑎𝑏𝑠 is the atmospheric
absorption factor previously given by equation (2.19). Figure 6-13 displayed below illustrates the concept. The
model is of course a very simplified approximation in that losses due to environmental factors such and wind
and temperature gradients are not taken into account. Nevertheless, it still provides a useful measure since it
gives the maximum upper limit under ideal transmission conditions.
Figure 6-12: Comparison of recorded digital signal power Figure 6-13: Sample spectra illustrating detection signal
and acoustic sound pressure levels (SPL) power range.
Figure 6-14 displayed below provides a flow diagram for overall signal processing methods used. Data for all
presented experiments were processed using this general approach. Recorded signals were first decimated to
reduce data processing requirements since sampling rates were on the order of 48 to 96 kHz, but only frequency
information to up approximately 1000 Hz was found to be useful. The sample-reduced signals were then notch
filtered to remove narrowband self-noise components using the relevant IIR notch filter type (SIMO, MIMO,
etc.) as previously described in Section 3.3. The IIR filter form was used instead of the FIR or Comb filters
since this method was found to perform best as previously discussed in Section 3.7. The filtered signals were
then windowed, frequency transformed using the FFT, and spectrally whitened via the CFAR method proposed
in Section 4.3.5. As previously discussed, this procedure was performed to transform the broadband noise
components to an equivalent distribution type to facilitate use of the DF-CFAR detector. Prior to performing
the detection, signals were first enhanced using the various processors described in Section 4.2.2. Finally, if a
target source signal was found to be present, beamforming methods were then applied to the whitened signals
to estimate the angular source location. Details regarding the exact parameters used at each processing stage
are provided in the relevant test procedure sections provided below.
The first experiment was a preliminary study to establish the basic viability of acoustic sensing. The overall
goal was to determine whether a continuous pure-tone acoustic source could be detected at a relatively close
proximity. The results obtained from this experiment were previously published in the Journal of Unmanned
Vehicle Systems [56]. Thus, details regarding the experiment and results obtained will be only briefly discussed
for the purpose of illustrating the proposed CFAR-Enhanced Spectral Whitening and SCDF-CFAR detector
presented in Sections 4.3.4 and 4.3.5.
The tests involved flying the Delta X-8 UAV at various altitudes above a ground-based loudspeaker emitting
various narrowband sinusoidal signals. For two of the test sets, an audio recording of a gasoline powered Giant
Big Stik (GBS) UAV and a multi-frequency pure tone combination were used. Figure 6-15 provides a depiction
of the experimental setup, while Table 6-7 provides the various parameters such as source frequency and passing
altitudes used for the experiment. The closest point of approach (CPA) is the altitude when the aircraft is directly
overhead the loudspeaker.
As previously mentioned, the results of this experimental study were formerly published in a peer reviewed
journal. However, neither spectral whitening nor CFAR detection were utilized for the processing of acquired
acoustic signals. Instead, evaluation points were chosen manually based on a visual inspection of the signal
spectrograms. Such a spectrogram is displayed in Figure 6-16 which illustrates the effectiveness of the IIR
notch filtering process for a segment containing the 200 Hz source signal. Thus, results obtained via the use of
these methods will now be discussed.
Tables 6-8 to 6-10 provides the notch filter, FFT, spectral whitening, and SCDF-CFAR parameters used. As
previously discussed in Section 4.3.5, the proposed whitening procedure can be effectively employed without
reducing the probability of detection by using a threshold value which produces a much higher false alarm rate
than that used in the final detection stage. Here, thresholding values are chosen using the values displayed below
such that a false alarm rate of 𝑃𝐹𝐴 = 0.1 is achieved. This is considerably higher than that offered by the SCDF-
CFAR detector as indicated in the table below by 𝑃𝑆𝐶
𝐹𝐴 . Note that SC indicates testing a Single Cell, while ST
Unfortunately, one of the recorded signals was corrupted due to a loose microphone diaphragm rendering it
useless. This is evident from the spectrogram displayed in Figure 6-17 since the 200 Hz source is no longer
visible. Thus, signal processing was conducted using only three of the four recorded signals.
Figure 6-16: TS#1 - Spectrograms for unfiltered and filtered signal segment containing 200 Hz source.
Table 6-11 provides the detection results for the 200 and 500 Hz source signals with a passing altitude of 150
m. For each source frequency, results are provided for the both the whitened and unwhitened signals. From a
comparison of the results obtained, it is apparent that the whitened signals produce significantly better results
compared to the standard unwhitened forms; SNR values and detection rates were generally much higher. In
addition to SNR values and overall detection rates, initial detection times were also found to be less for the
whitened signals. This parameter is very important since it dictates whether the detecting aircraft will have
enough time to perform an avoidance maneuver. It should be noted that the SNR values quoted are not
calculated in the manner typical of most signal processing applications as previously given by equation (2.100)
Instead, the “Effective SNR” was used which closely resembles the Spurious Free Dynamic Range as previously
discussed in Section 2.6.4. This method provides a more meaningful measure since it compares the peak signal
value to the point at which the signal can no longer be detected (noise floor or detection threshold), and will
also be used when calculating detection results for all further experimental studies. It is depicted in the sample
spectra displayed in Figure 6-19.
As previously discussed in Section 4.3.5, the decreased SNR values present for the unwhitened signals is due
to an increased detection threshold caused by the non-flat power distribution of broad band noise components.
This trend is clearly visible in the spectrogram and power spectrum plots displayed by Figures 6-18 and 6-19
respectively. Higher SNR values could be achieved by simply excluding lower frequency values from the
threshold calculation. However, doing so would greatly increase false alarm rates since the number of noise
samples 𝑁 would also decrease proportionately. In general, increasing values of 𝑁 and decreasing values of 𝐵
will produce lower false alarm rates.
For each signal type, detection rates were calculated for the Single Trial (ST), Binary Integration (BI), and
Robust Binary Integration (RBI). Figure 6-20 provides spectrogram-like plots of the detection locations
obtained for the whitened and unwhitened signals. It evident that the ST detection scheme attains the highest
rate for both signal types. However as previously indicated in Table 6-10, false alarm rates are much too high
to facilitate a practical operating system. Application of the BI scheme was found to reduce this value
substantially while causing minimal effect on signal detectability. However, when comparing the results for the
200 and 500 Hz source signals, it is evident that this decrease does become significant as the received source
signal becomes more non-stationary. This non-stationarity is essentially caused by Doppler effects associated
with relative motion between the source and observer, and is indicated by the detected frequency range given
in the results table. For such cases, the proposed RBI scheme offers significantly increased detection rates (14-
20%). However, application of the approach will also inherently increase false alarm rates to some degree.
Finally, it should be mentioned that a single harmonic component was present at the 400 Hz frequency location
as indicated by the provided sample spectra. Although the emitted source signal contained only a pure 200 Hz
tone, the harmonic component was generated by the presence of a reflecting boundary (ground) located directly
behind the speaker. From a visual inspection of the power spectra plots, it is evident that this component will
be detected in the whitened signals but not in the unwhitened forms.
Figure 6-18: TS#1 - Spectrograms of whitened and unwhitened average power signal segments for 200 Hz source.
Figure 6-19: TS#1 - Average power spectra illustrating signal detection for whitened and unwhitened signals.
Figure 6-20: TS#1 - Spectrogram-like plots of detection locations for whitened and unwhitened signals.
6.3.3 - Conclusions
Based on the results obtained from the analysis provided, it is evident that the proposed CFAR-Enhanced
Spectral Whitening method is effective at increasing the overall performance of the SCDF-CFAR detector.
Results obtained for the whitened signals were significantly better in all areas evaluated. Thus, the proposed
method will be employed for all further processing of experimental data using the parameter values previously
listed. In addition, it was also found that the Robust Binary Integration scheme offered superior detection
performance for increasingly non-stationary signals. However, the increased detectability also comes at the
expense of increased false alarm rates. It is therefore concluded that the scheme should be employed for all non-
stationary signals provided false alarm requirements are still met.
The second experiment was conducted to determine whether acoustic sensing could be used to detect and
localize another moving aircraft with sufficient distance to perform an avoidance maneuver. In terms of signal
processing, use of the proposed Harmonic Spectral Transforms to enhance signal detection and the Harmonic
Spectral Beamformer to enhance localization will both be demonstrated.
The experiment involved flying two aircraft (sensing and intruding) in circuit formation with opposing flight
paths to facilitate close mid-air encounters. The aircraft were assigned different altitudes and circuit radii to
avoid any actual mid-air collisions from taking place. The intruder was assigned an altitude of 150 m with a
circuit radius of approximately 500 m, while the detecting aircraft was given an altitude and circuit radius of
100 m and 200 m respectively. The sensing aircraft consisted of the Delta X-8 fitted with 4 DPA microphones,
while the intruding aircraft consisted of the gasoline powered Giant Big Stik. Both aircraft were fitted with
ArduPilot 2.5 systems for flight control and data logging. Figures 6-21 and 6-22 provide a depiction of the
experimental setup and a Google Earth image of the aircraft GPS tracks respectively. The total duration of the
experiment was 830 s and consisted of 25 close encounters.
The experiment was originally conducted using a total of four microphones. However, a malfunctioning
external power supply corrupted two of the channels with excess noise rendering them useless. Thus, data
processing was performed using only two of the recorded signals. Since both aircraft were in relatively close
proximity throughout the experiment, observed source frequencies were highly non-stationary. This coupled
with the fact that only two channels were available for processing, excluded the effective use of the phase-based
signal enhancement processors previously presented in Section 4.2.2. The high degree of non-stationarity can
be observed from Figure 6-23 which provides plots of the approximate observed Doppler frequency,
corresponding phase acceleration, relative velocity, and relative acceleration. The relative velocity and
acceleration were calculated directly from the GPS positional data for the two aircraft. The observed Doppler
shifted frequency was approximated using equation (2.25) in conjunction with the GPS positional data, while
assuming a fundamental source frequency of 135 Hz. This value was determined from a visual inspection of
the recorded signal frequency spectra. The value is only an approximation since in reality the source aircraft
did not maintain a constant engine speed throughout the experiment, and its actual engine speed is unknown.
From the plots, it is evident that the use of phase acceleration or coherence-based enhancement processors
which require a relatively stationary signal for an upwards of 4 to 6 windowed segments would not perform
well. As will later be shown in upcoming experiments, those processors are best suited for long-range detection
applications where the observed source frequency would change slowly over time. Instead, the signals are
enhanced using the HSTs previously presented. The effectiveness of the technique is verified by comparing the
results to that obtained via the standard incoherent mean as previously defined by equation (4.176).
Figure 6-23: TS#2 - Plots of approximate source frequency, phase acceleration, relative velocity, and relative acceleration.
Tables 6-12 to 6-14 provide the notch filter, FFT, spectral whitening, and SCDF-CFAR parameters used. Figure
6-24 provides sample spectrogram plots, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the adaptive IIR notch filtering
approach. As with the former experiment, signal detection was performed using the SCDF-CFAR detector since
this method offers a decreased computational load as previously discussed. Two sets of detection parameters
are provided in the table since two enhancement processors were used, which evidently have different spectral
properties with regards to possible detector configurations. These include the incoherent mean (average power
𝑋̅) and standard mean HST Η
̅ 1 [𝑋]. A total of six (𝑅 = 6) harmonics were used for the HST which consisted of
̅ 1 ), since this transform was previously found to provide the best signal detection
the summation form (Η
capabilities (see Section 4.4.1). Because the recorded signals were decimated to a final sampling rate of 4800
Hz and a total of 6 harmonics were used for the HST, the maximum noise sample band only ranged from 0 to
400 Hz for this processor. In contrast, the incoherent mean was free to utilize noise samples across the entire
signal bandwidth (0 to 2400 Hz). Noise sample sizes were chosen however, such that each processor produced
an equivalent false alarm rate as indicated in the table. In addition to the noise sample size, frequency test bands
were also different for the two processed signal forms. The HST test band contained only the expected range
of the fundamental source frequency (100 to 200 Hz). However, a visual analysis of the recorded signal spectra
for the incoherent mean revealed that the second harmonic component was of much greater amplitude and thus
better suited for detection. This effectively doubled the expected source frequency range (200 to 400 Hz).
Presented false alarm probabilities were calculated using the base functional form previously given by equation
(4.149) since harmonically transformed signals were used. This form was also used for the incoherent mean to
maintain consistency, and because the fractional peak properties of the detection method would automatically
exclude surrounding harmonic components from being included in the noise sample estimate. Figure 6-25
provides sample spectrogram plots of the average power and harmonically transformed signals. It is evident
from the HST plot that a large number of fractional peaks are in fact present. In theory, a total of 17 fractional
peaks may be present as previously indicated by Table 4-5. In addition, it is clearly evident that the second
harmonic component has the highest peak prominence for the incoherent mean form. This is also visible from
the sample detection spectra displayed below in Figure 6-26.
Figure 6-24: TS#2 - Spectrograms for unfiltered and filtered signal segment.
Figure 6-25: TS#2 - Sample spectrograms for the average power and harmonic sum (R=6) processors.
Table 6-15 provides the detection results for each enhancement processor and detection scheme. From a
comparison of the results obtained, it is evident that the harmonically transformed signals produce the highest
detectability for all three schemes. As with the previous experiment, false alarm rates are too high for the single
trial scheme to be of any practical use. Binary Integration was found to greatly reduce this value to an acceptable
level, but at the expense of signal detectability. Since source signals were highly non-stationary as previously
discussed, application of the Robust Binary Integration provided some alleviation to this issue. This is also
evident in a more visual form via the histogram plots displayed below in Figure 6-27. From the plots, it is visible
that the RBI scheme provides a significant detectability increase in the 200 to 350 m range. This result is
significant since this region dictates the lower limit at which another UAV can be detected with adequate
distance to perform an avoidance maneuver as previously indicated by Table 4-4. Based on the results obtained
and the requirements displayed bin the table, it is evident that the Giant Big Stik UAV was detected in time to
avoid a collision.
Figure 6-27: TS#2 - Histogram plot of detection counts with respect to separation distance.
Using the basic attenuation laws for acoustic propagation, a crude approximation may also be obtained for the
maximum detection distances achievable for a manned aircraft such as the Cessna 185 previously described.
Rewriting equation (6.1) in terms of the effective SNR as previously depicted in Figure 2-12 and ignoring the
atmospheric attenuation factor gives:
d max d ref 10 20
Since it was previously determined that a change in acoustic SPL (dB) is directly proportional to a change in
signal power (dB), the above equation can be used to compare theoretical detection distances by simply
replacing the change in SNR by the difference in SPL level for the two acoustic sources.
Table 6-16 provides the maximum expected detection results for a Cessna 185 aircraft. ∆ SPL values were
calculated by comparing the SPL level of the Giant Big Stik UAV used for the experiment to that of the other
aircraft in accordance with Table 6-5. Since the atmospheric attenuation factor was omitted, conservative
estimates using 50% of the calculated values are also provided. Note that using the attenuation factor would
require an iterative calculation approach since the value is a function of separation distance. In addition, because
values are typically on the order of 0.1 dB/100 m, using the 50% approximation will still provide a very
conservative estimate. Based on the extrapolated detection distances obtained in combination with the minimum
required as previously given by Table 4-4, it appears that the Cessna 185 should also have been detected with
sufficient range to avoid a collision; such results also agree with that previously presented in [56]. It should be
noted however, that the presented values assume ideal propagation conditions which ignore effects such as
wind, temperature gradients, etc., where such effects may further reduce actual detection distances. The
modeling of such phenomena is complex as previously discussed in Section 2.3.2 and is outside the scope of
this thesis.
Figure 6-28 displayed below provides a plot of the SNR (standard form) with respect to distance for each
detection point. Since it was previously found that 𝑆𝑁𝑅 ∝ 𝑆𝑃𝐿, the observed values may be modelled using the
attenuation model according to:
where 𝐴 represents the linear SPL/SNR proportionality or scaling constant, and 𝐵 represents the atmospheric
absorption coefficient such that 𝐴𝑎𝑏𝑠 = 𝐵𝑥. From the plot, it is evident that the observed SNR values do behave
as expected, thus verifying the above extrapolation approach.
Figure 6-28: TS#2 - Relationship between detected signal SNR and source range.
Table 6-18 displayed below provides the localization results obtained for the standard Steered Response Power
(SRP), and the SRP of the proposed Harmonic Spectral Beamformer (HSB-SRP) as previously given by
equations (5.14) and (5.37) respectively. These results consist of the mean and standard deviation of the angular
position error at each detection point. Error values were calculated by comparing the beamforming results to
aircraft heading data provided via the two autopilot systems. For each localization method, the SRP is calculated
using both the entire noise sample band and that pertaining only to the detected frequency bin (including guard
cells). Azimuth values were then determined via the regional contraction method previously proposed in Section
5.3. At total of six harmonics (𝐻 = 6) were to enhance localization sensitivity. Table 6-17 provides the
parameters values used for the regional contraction search. A total of five contractions/reductions were utilized
following the initial spatial scan. For subsequent detections, the location from the previous evaluation point
(window) is utilized as the contraction starting point instead of re-scanning the entire domain space (360°)
again. From the values displayed, it is evident that the method is much more efficient than that of the single
stage approach since only 35 evaluation points are required to achieve a resolution of 0.5°. In contrast, a single
stage approach would require 360/0.5 = 720 points to achieve the same resolution.
Since the array effectively consisted of only two microphones (two channels were corrupted), localization of
the intruding aircraft was only possible in two dimensions (azimuth). In addition, because the two microphones
are also omni-directional, the array cannot discriminate between the forward or equivalent rear positions as
depicted below in Figure 6-29. Such a setup is not truly practical for an aircraft collision avoidance system.
Localization results are therefore examined simply to demonstrate the use of the Harmonic Spectral
From the localization results displayed, it is evident that the proposed HSB provides increased localization
accuracy compared to the standard SRP. This was expected since the method offers a much greater directional
performance. This can be observed by the directivity response plots displayed in Figure 6-30 for the two-
element array. It is also evident that evaluating only the detected frequency and surrounding guard cells (𝑓𝑜 ±10
Hz) provides a slightly increased localization accuracy. Although the increase is only small, the result is
significant since it indicates that the full frequency band of interest does not need to be evaluated, but only the
region around the detected signal frequency instead. Such an approach offers great computational savings which
is important since the SRP method is inherently computationally expensive compared to other techniques as
previously discussed in Section 5.2.2.
Overall localization results do not appear particularly accurate, especially for the standard SRP case.
Unfortunately, little data is available in the literature to form a direct comparison involving acoustic detection
via UAVs. Of the relevant studies previously discussed in Section, none clearly present localization
results with numerical azimuth and/or elevation error values. Ferguson [52] utilized a small UAV (Aerosonde)
fitted with two microphones to detect and localize acoustic impulses from a propane cannon located on the
ground. Detection distances of up to 300 m were said to be achieved with a localization bearing angle error of
only 3°; although evidence for these claims was not clearly presented. Robertson [53] also conducted
experiments where a ground-based propane cannon was detected and localized from a small UAV fitted with
four microphones. Detection distances of up to 180 m were said to be achieved with an average localization
bearing angle error of 8°. Again however, proof of these claims was not clearly demonstrated. Ohata [54]
specified a minimum accuracy of 10° for the deemed-successful localization of a ground-based speaker from a
low-altitude quadcopter. However, the aircraft was fitted with 16 MEMS microphones and utilized the more
complex MUSIC algorithm. In addition, SNR values were relatively high (> 0 dB). Reported values obtained
from general experimental data using SRP methods are typically less than 5° [268-270]. However, localization
accuracy is highly dependent on SNR values which are also much lower than that often reported in the literature.
In addition, most experimental instances use much larger arrays with sizes typically on the order of 5 to 10
elements. It should also be noted that the flight data obtained from each aircraft has a heading and positional
error of approximately 5° and 3 m respectively. For the HSB case, these values are significant since the heading
error alone represents almost 50% of the total perceived localization error (source angular position is calculated
relative to the detecting aircraft orientation). Thus, when considering these facts, it appears the results obtained
are relatively good for the scenario at hand; at least for the HSB case. One would expect that an avoidance
maneuver can be reliably performed under these circumstances by simply changing course such that the target
source is now located at ± 90° (head perpendicularly away from target flightpath). However, determination of
the minimum allowable localization error for a given kinematic setup is complex and thus outside the scope of
this thesis.
6.4.3 - Conclusions
Based on the detection results obtained, it can be concluded that the Giant Big Stik UAV was detected with
sufficient distance to perform an avoidance maneuver. Extrapolated detection distances also suggest that the
system should also have been able to detect a Cessna 185 aircraft with sufficient distance to avoid a collision
(> 550 m). The proposed Harmonic Spectral Transform was found to produce significantly increased signal
detectability and overall range compared to the standard incoherent mean. Use of the proposed Robust Binary
Integration scheme also offered superior detection performance since the acquired signals were highly non-
stationary. Results obtained from the localization analysis indicate the proposed Harmonic Spectral
Beamformer offers superior performance to that of the standard Steered Response Power. A higher positional
accuracy was achieved with less variation, and ultimately required less computational load.
The third test was conducted to determine whether acoustic sensing could be utilized with a multirotor UAV to
localize another moving aircraft with sufficient distance to perform an avoidance maneuver. In terms of signal
processing, use of the Harmonic Spectral Transforms (HSTs), Phase Acceleration Processors (PAPs), Modified
Coherence Processors (MCPs), and combined versions of these processors to enhance signal detection will be
evaluated. In addition, use of the Harmonic Spectral Beamformer to localize aircraft in 3D space will also be
The experiment involved flying a Cessna 185 aircraft (intruder) in circuit formation around the Kraken UAV
at various distances, speeds, headings, and altitudes. Figure 6-31 provides the flight path for the intruding
aircraft along with the general location of the detecting UAV. The total duration of the experiment was 834 s
which consisted of 12 close encounters of various headings and distances.
Due to safety concerns over any actual collision taking place, the detecting UAV remained at a relatively low
altitude (≈ 100 m) with little range movement (≈ 50 m with respect to takeoff position). In addition, the aircraft
was flown under manual operation to reduce the possibility of a fly-away caused by a malfunctioning autopilot
system. Both the UAV operator and aircraft pilot were also in constant communication throughout the test via
an air-band radio system. As with previous experiments, flight data was logged using the ArduPilot 2.5 system.
Tables 6-20 to 6-22 provides the notch filter, FFT, spectral whitening, and SCDF-CFAR parameters used.
Figure 6-24 provides sample spectrogram plots, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the adaptive MIMO
IIR notch filter approach proposed in Section 3.3.3. A total of six harmonics (𝑅 = 6) and six signals (𝑆 = 6)
were used for the HST, which again consisted of the standard mean form. To verify the results previously
obtained for the enhancement processors via simulation studies, the proposed methods are applied here again
using experimental data.
In addition to the proposed processors, the incoherent mean, Wagstaff’s PAC [163], and the Generalized
Magnitude Squared Coherence (GMSC) developed by Ramirez [197] are also applied to form a comparative
basis. Table 6-23 provides a list of the enhancement processors used. For each of the processors, the HST was
also applied since the source signal was known to be harmonic in nature. Note that the Generalized HST
̅ <𝑎,𝑏,𝑐> ̅ [ ]) for sake of simplicity and neatness.
operation (Η [ ]) is simply represented by (Η
As with previous experiments, signal detection was performed using the SCDF-CFAR detector. Since the
recorded signals were decimated to a final sampling rate of 6000 Hz and a total of 6 harmonics were used for
the HST, the maximum noise sample band ranged from 0 to 500 Hz. Each of the processor forms also utilized
the same sample noise bandwidth. Presented false alarm probabilities were again calculated using the base
functional form given by equation (4.149), since all signals were harmonically transformed.
Figure 6-32: TS#2 - Spectrograms for unfiltered and filtered signal segment.
Table 6-24 provides the results for each enhancement processor and detection scheme utilized. The results are
provided in terms of the number of detections with a range sufficient to avoid a head-on collision, the maximum
and mean detection distance, and the minimum SNR obtained from all detections. Note that the approximate
minimum required range for a Cessna 185 was previously listed in Table 4-4. The enhancement processors are
sorted from largest to smallest relative to the detection range count to aid in identifying the top performing
method. Distance and SNR values are only provided for the Binary Integration case since the results were nearly
identical to that of the Robust Binary Integration scheme. The adjusted AVC and SAC processors were both
used with a scaling value of 𝛽 = 0.9, while the coherence processors were applied using four windowed
segments. To form a better comparative basis between the phase acceleration and coherence based processors,
results are also provided for the non-coherence forms using a total of 𝑊 = 4 windowed segments. Referring
̅ <𝑎,𝑏,𝑐>
back the Generalized HST functional form given by equation (4.35), this would be represented as Η []=
̅ <1,1,1>
Η [ ].
Based on the results displayed, it is evident that all of the processors achieve detection distances greater than
the minimum required, which was approximately 550 m. Maximum distances ranged from 1381 to 1463 m,
which is in agreement with the extrapolated value of 1451 m established in the previous experimental study
(Table 6-16). Figure 6-33 provides plots of the separation distance at the various detection points for the best
and worst enhancement processors. It is evident from the plots, that the combined FFT Mag. & A-SAC
processor facilitated detection with sufficient range for each approaching run, thus maintaining the 99.5%
detection requirement outlined in Section In addition, the aircraft was also detected at the peak range
locations for each of these runs. However, it is apparent that values close to the maxima when advancing or
retreating are often not detected. This can be explained by the fact that the majority of the sound propagation
from a propeller-driven aircraft is directed radially with respect to the propeller shaft axis [73]. Thus, when the
aircraft is advancing or retreating, the immediate sound propagation is perpendicular to the direction of flight
and location of the sensing aircraft (for the head-on case). At the maximum range points, the aircraft performs
a bank maneuver to reverse heading for the next approach. At this point, the sound propagation direction and
sensing aircraft location are now parallel, effectively increasing transmission efficiency and thus facilitating
better detection. In contrast to the proposed processor, the incoherent mean only obtained sufficient detection
range for 4 of the 12 encounters. This illustrates the necessity of the proposed enhancement processors to
establish an effective collision avoidance system.
Figure 6-33: TS#3 - Separation distance at detection points for best and worst performing processors.
Table 6-24: TS#3 - Enhancement processor detection results.
Detections Max Mean Min Detections Max Mean Min
𝑾=𝟏 > 550m Range Range SNR 𝑾=𝟒 > 550m Range Range SNR
̅ [Γ̃ Ψ ]
Η 457 467 1426 623 -31.4 ̅ [𝑋 ⋅ ΦλΨ ]
Η 694 709 1462 639 -32.3
̅ [𝑋 ⋅
Η ΦλΨ ] 426 488 1463 647 -30.3 ̅ [𝑋 ⋅ Φ
Η ⃗⃗⃗ ] 658 687 1463 634 -30.3
̅ [𝑋 ⋅ Φ
Η ⃗⃗⃗ ] 422 481 1463 657 -30.3 ̅ [𝑋 ⋅ Φλ ]
Η 631 658 1461 642 -31.9
̅ [𝑋 ⋅ Φλ ]
Η 416 487 1462 653 -30.3 ̅ [𝑃𝐴𝐶]
Η 604 620 1460 641 -31.2
̅ [Γ̃]
Η 401 416 1396 616 -27.0 ̅ [𝑋]
Η 592 620 1461 645 -29.5
̅ [𝑋]
Η 400 468 1463 661 -28.3 ̅ [ΦλΨ ]
Η 572 582 1461 663 -28.0
̅ [𝑋 ⋅ ⃗Φ
Η ⃗⃗ Ψ ] 391 429 1460 647 -30.0 ̅ [𝑋 ⋅ ⃗Φ
Η ⃗⃗ Ψ ] 556 575 1455 645 -31.4
̅ [𝑃𝐴𝐶]
Η 361 424 1447 652 -30.3 ̅ [Φ
Η ⃗⃗⃗ ] 491 503 1462 657 -26.6
̅ [Φ
Η ⃗⃗⃗ Ψ ] 248 267 1377 649 -27.2 ̅ [Φλ ]
Η 488 502 1461 637 -26.4
̅ [Φ
Η ⃗⃗⃗ ] 239 275 1377 646 -26.4 ̅ [Γ̃ Ψ ]
Η 457 467 1426 623 -31.4
̅ [Φλ ]
Η 233 267 1377 637 -26.4 ̅ [Φ
Η ⃗⃗⃗ Ψ ] 417 429 1377 650 -31.2
̅ [ΦλΨ ]
Η 203 223 1377 610 -26.4 ̅ [Γ̃]
Η 401 416 1396 616 -27.0
𝑋̅ 180 205 1381 624 -17.6 𝑋̅ 180 205 1463 624 -17.6
It is also evident from the results displayed that the proposed GASC obtained the highest number of detections
and lowest detectable SNR. This was closely followed by the combined FFT Mag. & A-SAC, and the combined
FFT Mag. & AVC processors. This result was expected since these processors also attained the highest detection
performance in the simulation study previously presented in Section 4.4.2. In comparison to the GMSC
developed by Ramirez, the proposed phase acceleration form (GASC) produced significantly better results with
a detection increase of 14%, and a 4.4 dB decrease in detectable SNR. The proposed phase acceleration
processors (PAPs) performed relatively poorly when utilized independently. However, the combined versions
of these processors produced significantly better results than either of the PAPs or HST alone.
For the case of using four processing windows (𝑊 = 4), it is apparent that a significant increase in detectability
is achieved for all the non-coherence-based processors. The combined HST-PAP processors now attained the
highest performance values, with a significant increase over the previously top performing processor (GASC).
A detection increase of 63%, and a 2.0 dB decrease in detectable SNR was achieved for the combined FFT
Mag. & A-SAC processor. Based on these results, it appears that the coherence processors do not perform as
well, if an equivalent number of processing windows had been used for the HST instead.
For both window cases, it is evident that the Robust Binary Integration scheme produced increased source
detectability as expected. However, relative detection increases were not as significant as that obtained for
previous experiments. This can be attributed to the fact that observed source frequencies were much more
stationary with respect to time, since the total duration to perform a fly-by was significantly longer. Figure 6-34
provides detection histograms for the GASC and combined FFT Mag. & A-SAC processors. From the plots, it
is evident that the RBI scheme provides increased detectability at lower separation distances, where increased
variation in source signal frequencies are observed.
It should be noted that the performance of the processors is highly dependent on the evaluation parameters used.
Such parameters would include: FFT length, window overlap, window type, number of processing windows,
phase adjustment scale, and number of signals. Varying these values will produce different results which may
indicate an alternate top performing processor. For example, Table 6-25 provides the results obtained for the
top six processors when using a Hamming FFT window instead of the rectangular form previously used. From
a comparison of the two data sets, it is evident that applying the window function greatly reduces the
detectability performance of the processors. The relative performance between the various forms is also
modified, which is evident by the fact that the GMSC now produces the third largest number of detections. In
addition, the minimum detectable SNR for this processor is also decreased by 3.6 dB, while the GASC is
actually increased by 3.7 dB. Modifying other parameters such as FFT length would also have a significant
effect on relative and overall performance levels. However, optimization of these values for each processor type
is outside the scope of this thesis. Here a basic demonstration regarding the effectiveness of the proposed
methods in simply provided using values typical for the application area.
Figure 6-34: TS3# - Histogram plots of detection counts with respect to separation distance.
Table 6-27 provides the localization results obtained for the standard SRP and proposed HSB SRP beamformer.
These results consist of the mean and standard deviation of the angular position error at each detection point.
Error values were calculated by comparing the beamforming results to aircraft heading data provided via the
two ArduPilot systems. For each localization method the SRP is calculated using both the entire noise sample
band and that pertaining only to the detected frequency bin (including guard cells). Azimuth and elevation
values were then determined via the regional contraction method previously proposed in Section 5.3. Table
6-26 provides the parameter values used for the regional contraction search. A total of four elevation and five
azimuth contractions were utilized following the initial spatial scan. For subsequent detections, the previous
evaluation point (window) was used as the contraction starting point instead re-scanning the entire domain
space (360×90°) again. From the values displayed, it is evident that the method is much more efficient than that
of the single stage approach since a total of 35 + 19 = 54 evaluation points are required to achieve a resolution
of 0.5° in either dimension. In contrast, a single stage approach would require 360×90/0.5 = 64,000 points to
achieve the same resolution.
From the localization results displayed below, it is again evident that the proposed HSB provides a significantly
increased accuracy compared to the standard SRP approach. This was expected since the proposed method
offers a much more localized directional response, which can be observed from the plots displayed in Figures
6-36 and 6-37. An 85 Hz signal was utilized since this is a typical fundamental frequency value for the Cessna
185 aircraft. It should also be noted that the elevation response plots are not symmetrical since the microphones
have a cardioid directional response and the array is not symmetrical about the elevation axis of rotation.
The narrowband evaluation method (𝑓𝑜 ±5 Hz) produced a slightly increased azimuth and slightly decreased
elevation accuracy for the HSB SRP method. In general, azimuth accuracy values were much greater than that
obtained in the elevation direction for all methods. However, accuracy in this direction is generally much less
important since avoidance maneuvers are mainly governed by heading modifications in the horizontal plane.
This decrease in accuracy was also expected since the array offers a much better directional response in the
azimuth direction. Overall, error values were considerably less than that obtained from the previous experiment,
which was also expected since a larger number of array elements were used. When considering the fact that the
mean angular heading error for the flight data recorder was approximately 5 °, the azimuth values obtained for
the HSB SRP can be considered quite accurate. That is, the error values obtained can almost entirely be
attributed to the recorded heading/positional error associated with the device. Figure 6-37 displays plots of the
recorded and predicted azimuth and elevation angles at each detection point. From the plots, it is evident that
azimuth values do in fact agree with the measured/recorded values very well. Elevation angles also agree fairly
well for higher valued positions. However, values in the area of ≤ 15° do not correlate as well. This can be
explained by the fact that the array has a lower directivity gain for smaller elevation angles, which evidently
occurs at larger separation distances producing lower SNR values.
In addition to the error associated with the flight data recorder(s), there is also the inherent problem associated
with acoustic propagation delays. That is, the observed position of the aircraft as determined from the arriving
sound wave will actually be the position when the information was originally produced. Thus, beamforming
methods effectively determine where the aircraft was not where the aircraft currently is. In general, this effect
will be larger and of greater concern for increasing relative angular velocities with respect to the direct line of
sight. Depending on the relative heading between the two aircraft, this effect may be insignificant however. For
example, the angular position error for a head-on collision will be largely unaffected by wave transit effects,
since the relative angular velocity will be approximately zero. Methods have been developed to deal with this
issue using both time-domain [39, 279] and frequency domain techniques [280, 281]. However, these either
require knowledge of the source fundamental frequency and/or high SNR values such that changes in frequency
and amplitude caused by relative motion effects can be accurately observed. In addition, all the methods assume
a stationary observer and moving source. There are no models published in the literature to address the scenario
of a moving source and moving observer to the author’s knowledge. It should be noted however, that accurate
target localization for any given instant is not completely vital provided subsequent measurements are precise
and exhibit low random error. For example, if the target aircraft maintains a constant speed and heading, delayed
localization values can still be utilized to determine an accurate trajectory approximation through methods such
as that presented in [39].
Figure 6-37: TS#3 - Sample segment illustrating localization accuracy of detection points.
6.5.3 - Conclusions
Based on the detection results obtained, it can be concluded that the Cessna 185 manned aircraft was detected
and localized with sufficient range to perform an avoidance maneuver. The proposed spectral enhancement
processors provided a significant increase in signal detectability and range compared to more standard methods,
such as the incoherent mean and generalized coherence. However, it was also shown that the use of such
methods is highly influenced by the various analysis parameters used. The Robust Binary Integration scheme
was found to increase signal detectability but was only significant for short separation distances where observed
signal frequencies become increasingly non-stationary. Finally, localization results suggest the proposed
Harmonic Spectral Beamformer offers superior performance to that of the standard Steered Response Power; a
higher positional accuracy was achieved with less variation and ultimately required less computational load.
One would expect that an avoidance maneuver can be reliably performed based on the accuracy obtained.
However, more work in this area is required to determined minimum allowable error values for unmanned
system operations.
Based on the experimental work presented in this thesis, it appears that acoustic sensing may in fact be a viable
technology to establish a non-cooperative collision avoidance system for UAVs. Results obtained from
experiments conducted verify that both manned and unmanned aircraft can be detected and localized with
sufficient range, accuracy, and reliability to perform an avoidance maneuver. It was also shown however, that
such results were only made possible using the digital signal processing developments proposed throughout this
thesis. These developments are now summarized in the following section with respect to the chapter in which
they were presented.
The following provides a brief summary of the results obtained and theoretical contributions made in the areas
of adaptive notch filtering, signal enhancement, source detection, and source localization.
A number of techniques to adaptively filter harmonic narrowband noise without using any reference signal or
producing any phase distortions was proposed. These included:
1) A distortionless zero-phase FIR notch filtering method via the use of a second-order IIR notch filter
2) A distortionless zero-phase notch filtering method via the use of FIR Comb filters.
3) Multichannel IIR notch filtering methods for SIMO and MIMO systems.
In addition, developments made to facilitate SIMO and MIMO systems were also applied to the proposed FIR
Notch and FIR Comb filters. The performance of the methods was confirmed using both computer generated
and experimental data.
Based on the results obtained from simulated and experimental data, it was concluded that all the proposed
filtering methods provided an effective means to remove non-stationary harmonic noise without the use of any
reference signal and without producing any phase distortions. The IIR notch filter offered the best performance
in all filtering scenarios examined, with frequency tracking capabilities exceeding that of the proposed FIR
notch and Comb filters. Modifications made to the filter to facilitate multichannel systems with partial harmonic
components proved to be essential in order to effectively filter signals obtained via multirotor experiments. The
proposed FIR notch filter also provided similar results to that obtained via the IIR form, proving that the method
is an effective alternative for situations in which a linear-phase inherently stable filter is required. It was shown
that the filter may also be effectively used for multichannel systems, although computational requirements may
limit the viability for applications in which many noise sources are present. The Comb filter performed the
worst out of the proposed methods. However, the filter was still effective in removing noise components for all
scenarios examined. As with the FIR form, filtering large numbers of source components may not be practical
for some applications due to the processing delays needed to generate a distortionless output. However, the
method does give the advantage of requiring very few computational resources compared to the other proposed
forms. Thus, for applications which demand low computational loads, a zero-phase output, and inherently stable
operation, this filter may offer the best solution.
A number of signal processing techniques were proposed to enhance the detection of continuous harmonic
narrowband signals. These methods include:
1) A generalized spectral transform to exploit the periodic peak nature of harmonic signals in the
frequency domain (Harmonic Spectral Transforms - HSTs).
2) A series of processors which exploit the phase acceleration properties of continuous periodic signals
(Phase Acceleration Processors - PAPs).
3) Modifications to the generalized coherence function for multichannel systems to include phase
acceleration information (Modified Coherence Processors - MCPs).
Based on the results obtained from simulated and experimental data, the following conclusions were made
regarding the proposed signal enhancement processors:
• Application of HST increased detection performance for all processors evaluated, with the Standard
̅ 1 ) offering the best overall performance.
Mean form (Η
• The CCE method does prevent the failure of product-based processors if harmonic components are
missing. However, the detection performance is decreased if no harmonics are missing. For the case of
summation-based processors, the CCE method lowers detectability regardless if any components are
missing or not.
• The Modulo-2π phase adjustment factor provides a significant increase in detection performance for
the AVC and SAC processors, with the harmonically transformed A-SAC providing the best
performance out of all the PAPs evaluated.
• The combined HST and PAP forms were found to produce significantly better results than either of the
forms applied independently. In addition, results were also found to surpass those generated by
Wagstaff’s PAC and PAV processors.
• The proposed GASC provided a significant performance increase over the GMSC processor for all
scenarios evaluated. Results obtained for this processor were also found to be significantly higher than
all other processors evaluated including the HST and PAPs.
• Use of the proposed processors produced detection distances adequate to perform an avoidance
maneuver for both manned and unmanned aircraft. However, adequate detection distances were not
achievable using standard methods such as the incoherent mean.
In addition to the proposed signal enhancement processors, CFAR detection relationships for unknown signals
residing in noise with fixed bandwidth regions and unknown properties were also provided. These included:
Each of the signal enhancement and detection methods was also validated using computer generated and
experimental data. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the SCDF-CFAR offered the best overall
performance. It performed equally well to the CDF-CFAR detector but required significantly less test cells,
which greatly reduced computational requirements. The FT-CFAR detector offered a slightly more simplistic
setup since it has only one sample set, uses no order statistics, and requires less maxima tracking points.
However, the increase in simplicity and reduction in computational loads is produced at the cost of detection
sensitivity. In regard to detection schemes, it was found that the RBI method proved superior in detecting and
tracking non-stationary signals. However, it was also found to be less favourable compared to the standard BI
method for stationary signals since false alarm rates were increased with no effect on signal detectability.
Finally, an examination of the statistical and kinematic requirements to establish a reliable UAV collision
avoidance system was provided. This included a brief analysis to determine minimum required detection rates,
and the development of an analytical model to approximate minimum required detection distances.
A beamforming method was proposed (Harmonic Spectral Beamformer) to enhance the localization accuracy
of harmonic continuous source signals via the Steered Response Power (SRP) method. In addition, algorithms
were developed to reduce computational loads associated with the SRP localization technique. These included
a Crisscross Regional Contraction method, and an adaptive approach with uses the steepest ascent gradient
Based on the localization results obtained from experimental data, it was concluded that the proposed Harmonic
Spectral Beamformer (HSB-SRP) provided significantly increased localization accuracy compared to the
standard SRP form. In addition, it was also shown that by performing signal detection prior to beamforming
operations, reduced computational loads and increased localization accuracy can be obtained.
Although the primary purpose of the proposed research endeavor was achieved, a number of critical areas still
require more work to achieve full validation in terms of commercial/industrial viability. These areas include:
As previously noted throughout this thesis, data analysis was performed offline using the MATLAB software
suite. However, a successful collision avoidance system must be capable of operating in real-time with an
extremely low latency. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) such as the Nvidia CUDA architecture may be
utilized to achieve such operational characteristics. GPUs generally offer superior computing performance over
traditional CPUs for DSP applications, since many of the required operations can be performed in parallel.
Indeed, such systems have been shown to offer real-time operation for many audio processing applications
[282, 283].
Another area not currently addressed is the classification of target aircraft once detection is achieved. For
example, it was previously illustrated in Figure 2-7 how the spectral signature for fixed-wing and multi-rotor
UAVs differ vastly. Indeed, a similar situation is present for the case of fixed-wing and rotary-wing manned
aircraft as illustrated in Figure 2-6 . Using this knowledge, one may be able to determine which type of aircraft
is present in the local vicinity. Work has been conducted in this area for low flying aircraft using ground-based
arrays [34, 284]. However, these methods attempt to classify the aircraft through direct feature extraction and
pattern matching of the recorded aircraft spectra. More robust methods which utilize the power of artificial
neural networks may offer much greater flexibility and accuracy in this domain [285]. In this regard,
developments made throughout this thesis may form a solid foundation for counter UAV operations. That is,
the detection, localization, and classification of UAVs operating near undesired areas such as airports, which
create a very high safety risk. Since UAVs are often very small and fly at relatively low altitudes, standard
airport detection systems such as radar are not capable of efficiently or effectively offering detection and/or
classification in this regard. In theory, a network of microphones could be located around the boundary of such
a space to detect the presence of an intruding UAV. The microphones may act together essentially forming a
giant array with real-time operation being facilitated by GPU processing techniques as previously discussed.
Such a system would be extremely useful since it can operate in all weather conditions and would be very low
cost compared to other technologies such as distributed optical or micro-radar systems.
In closing, it does appear that acoustic sensing may constitute some basis to establish a non-cooperative
collision avoidance system for UAVs. Detection distances were found to be adequate to perform an avoidance
maneuver for all experiments presented. However, the obvious limitation to the technology involves the sound
level of the intruding aircraft. All aircraft evaluated utilized some form of internal combustion engine which is
inherently loud according to human hearing standards. Although this is the case for essentially all manned
aircraft, most UAVs operate using electric power instead, and are thus much quieter. For such scenarios,
acoustic sensing may not produce such favorable results. It is believed that ultimately, a robust and reliable
collision avoidance system will not only depend on once sensing technology; but rather multiple technologies
such as those previously outlined in Section 2.2.2 acting together in tandem.
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