Sop Folder Pan Brake Electromagnetic

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DO NOT use this machine unless a teacher has instructed you in its safe
use and operation and has given permission

Safety glasses must be worn at all times Rings and jewellery must not be
in work areas. worn.

Appropriate footwear with Close fitting, protective clothing or

substantial uppers must be worn. a workshop apron is encouraged.

Note: students and staff with pacemakers

should NOT use this equipment.


1. Guards or safety devices must never be removed or adjusted, except by an authorized person
for maintenance purposes.
2. Working parts (i.e. hinges) should be lubricated and working surfaces kept free of rust.
3. Ensure no slip/trip hazards are present in workspaces and walkways.
4. Be aware of other personnel in the immediate vicinity and ensure the area is clear before
using equipment – students or staff with pacemakers should not use this item and remain
approximately two meters away.
5. Familiarise yourself with all machine operations and controls – refer to ‘user manual’.
6. Faulty equipment must not be used. Immediately report suspect machinery.


1. Never use this machine for bending metal that is beyond the machine’s capacity with respect
to thickness, shape, or type. Refer to the manufacturer ‘user manual’.
2. Never attempt to bend rod, wire, strap, or spring steel sheets in this machine.
3. Adjust for thickness of work piece – rotate adjusters either end of clamp bar.
4. Insert work piece and align bending edge of clamp bar & bending-beam with the bend line.
5. Press and hold the ‘START’ button (this applies pre-clamping pressure to the work piece).
6. Using other hand lift handle (this applies full clamping) and continue bend to required angle.
7. Keep clear of moving handles and bending-beam.
8. Slotted or short clamp bars should be used for bending box shapes – refer to ‘user manual’.

1. Ensure machine is turned off after use.
2. Return all accessories to storage racks and leave the work area in a safe, clean and tidy state.

 Sharp edges  Impact from handles or bending-beam  Squash/crush and pinch points
 Electrical and electromagnetic energy – cardiac pacemakers should not use this equipment

Date of last review ______________ Signature ______________________

Reviewed June 2018 V3 Department of Education

Uncontrolled when printed. Organisational Safety and Wellbeing

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