Automatic Cleaning System For Solar Panel
Automatic Cleaning System For Solar Panel
Automatic Cleaning System For Solar Panel
org © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 7 July 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
Abstract:Renewableenergy resources supply almost 40% of the total world energy demand. It includes biomass,hydropower,
geothermal, solar, wind & tidal energy. These works concentrate on solar energy which is abundantly available in direct as well as
indirect form. In indirect form solar energy can be converted into electricity using photovoltaic cells. The idea is unique in that
with the solar tracker, the system also includes an automated solar panel cleaning.This opens up the new field to build an
automatic solar tracker which comes with the automatic panel cleaning.The project uses a dummy solar panel which is coupled to
a DC stepper motor for tracking the sun rays such that maximum sunlight is incident on the solar panel at any given time of the
day. The tracking movement of the solar panel is achieved by teaming a DC stepper motor with the solar panel such that the face
of the panel is always perpendicular to the sun, so as to generate maximum energy.This is attained by utilizing a programmed
8051 microcontroller/arduino to furnish stepped pulses in specific timeintervals for the DC stepper motor to rotate the solar panel
appropriate with geographical terrain.
The cleaning mechanism can be achieved by a DC servo motor which is coupled to the solar panel with brushes.The DC servo
motor is also connected to the microcontroller/arduino which is programmed to send signals for cleaning mechanism to operate
after LDR sensor sends signal for regular cleaning.This work presents a novel method of finding a more economical and efficient
system that not onlyensures maximum amount of sunlight but also helps in the maintenanceof solar panel
Keywords: Arduino UNO, Solar panel, Stepper motor, Servo motor, Sensors.
One of the most promising renewable energy sources characterized by a huge potential of conversion into electrical power is the
solar energy. The conversion of solar radiation into electrical energy by Photo-Voltaic (PV) effect is a very promising technology,
being clean, silent and reliable, with very small maintenance costs and small ecological impact. The interest in the Photo Voltaic
conversion systems is visibly reflected by the exponential increase of sales in this market segment with a strong growth projection
for the next decades. According to recent market research reports carried out by European Photovoltaic Industry Association
The continuous evolution of the technology determined a sustained increase of the conversion efficiency of PV panels, but
nonetheless the most part of the commercial panels have efficiencies no more than 40%. A constant research preoccupation of the
technical community involved in the solar energy harnessing technology refers to various solutions to increase the PV panel's
conversion efficiency. Among PV efficiency improving solutions we can mention: solar tracking, optimization of solar cells
geometry, enhancement of light trapping capability, use of new materials, etc. The output power produced by the PV panels
depends strongly on the incident light radiation.
A Solar Tracker is a device onto which solar panels are fitted which tracks the motion of the sun across the sky ensuring that the
maximum amount of sunlight strikes the panels throughout the day. The Solar Tracker will attempt to navigate to the best angle of
exposures of light from the sun. This report aims to let the reader understand the project work which I have done. A brief
IJCRT2207124 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) a957 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 7 July 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
introduction to Solar Panel and Solar Tracker is explained in the Literature Research section. Basically the Solar Tracker is
divided into two main categories, hardware and software. It is further subdivided into six main functionalities: Method of Tracker
Mount, Drives, Sensors, RTC, Motors, and Power Supply of the Solar Tracker is also explained and explored. The reader would
then be brief with some analysis and perceptions of the information.
The PV Automatic Cleansing powers performances are affected. by the particles weights of the dusts and weather situation
hence, we can performed that in deserts regions, the electrical powers losses can tends to 40 % if different losses are noted likes
Aging effects Seasons temperature variation Heats result of solar radiation dirt & soiling effects. In usual ways, cleaning.&
cooling. represents obvious ways to improve the system performances. Showing one side dusty and cleaned panel in fig.1.5
Accumulation of dirt or particles like dust, water, sand and moss on the surface of solar photovoltaic panel obstruct or distract
light energy from reaching the solar cells. This is a major problem since the light obstruction materials pose as external
resistances that reduce solar photovoltaic performance. The present work was performed to analyze the effects of accumulation
of such dirt or particle son the output performances of solar panel. Experiments using different obstruction materials were
conducted under controlled conditions using spotlights to simulate source of solar radiation. It was found that the external
resistance could reduce the photovoltaic performance by up to 85%.
The energy lost annually from soiling amounts to as much as 17% in parts of the United States to as high as 50% in the Middle
East.Rain and wind can be enough to scour some dust from PV panels, said Lin Simpson, who served with Muller as the co-
principal investigator at NREL for a $6 million Department of Energy-funded research effort into soiling However, because PV
panels cool down at night and attract morning dew, the dust can go through a process called cementation. And the cause of dust
accumulation as shown in below diagram.
The objective of this project is to observe light energy from the sun with the help of Solar panel and Arduino board i.e., The Solar
energy can observe completed in overall day time. The Solar panel will rotated with respect to Sun light by the help of sensors.
And automatics Panel cleansing system.
The main objective of this project is
• To reduce the growing costs of electricity and environmental impact of fossil fuels.
• To increase the efficiency of the solar panel by using tracking system.
• To improvise the absorption of light energy for better performance of solar panels by cleansing them automatically.
Fig.5:Block Diagram
A single axis tracking of the solar PV module is implemented along with the automated cleaning mechanism. For tracking the
sun, the module is made to rotate 360 ° angle in a day, i.e. one rotation in 24 hours. The module starts its rotation from vertical
position at the time of sunrise facing towards east (perpendicular to ground) This tracking mechanism is based on the angle of
rotation of earth around its own axis. The time for rotation of earth around its own axis is 24 hours which is equal to the tracking
time of this system. This system is always in synchronization with the rotation of earth without any extra component because,
sunrise and goes on and on as earth rotates on its own axis. That is the reason this tracking system does not require any sensor or
extra component for synchronization like any other tracking system which usually comprised of.
The system focuses on the controller design where the system is able to track the maximum intensity of Sunlight. When the
intensity of Sunlight is decreasing, this system automatically changes its direction to get maximum intensity of Sunlight. LDR
light detector acts as a sensor is used to trace the coordinate of the Sunlight by detecting brightness level of Sunlight. While to
rotate the appropriate position of the panel, a DC motor is used. he system is controlled by a micro-controller as a main processor.
Cleaning mechanism
The automated cleaning mechanism is implemented using brush, rod & sliding wheels as shown in the below figure. The brush is
fitted in the rod. The rod is fitted with the wheels at both the ends, which are fitted in the channel in which they rotate. When
panel comes in a vertical position at 6 am and 6 pm the brush fitted on the rod rotates on the panel from upwards direction due to
gravity and cleans the panel two times in a day. In this way the cleaning mechanism works
The proposed Sun tracking and self-cleaning of solar PV modules are a complete product and can be implemented with any
existing solar PV system.
Maximum utilization of solar energy.
Whereas the reserves of oil of the world are estimated to be depleted in future, solar energy will last forever.
It is pollution free.
Solar cells are free of any noise. On the other hand, various machines used for pumping oil or for power generation are
Initial investment is high
Solar panels can be costly to install resulting in a time lag of many years for savings on energy bills to match initial
Solar cars
Street lights