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Binyam Zelalem

ID: 076/15

Submitted to: - Mekonnen Mengistea

June 2023 G.C

Project analysis and appraisal

Name (s) & ID No. Biniyam Zelalem Sec. 1

Author (s) of the Article Asbjorn Rolstadas, Per Morten Schiefloe, Iris Tommelein, Gienn Ballard
Year of Article August , 2014
Article Title Understanding Project success through analysis of project management
approach in business
Journal Title International Journal of Managing Projects In Business
Volume, No., page No. Vol 7 Iss 4 pp 638-660
Summary: The paper was all about showing project success is dependent on the project
Summarize the article in management approach selected, relative to the challenges posed by the project
your own words and and to develop analytical model for analyzing the performance of the project
sentences (describe the organization. The researcher used interviews and model development as
central issues addressed approach and the findings relatively defined the approach in project
by the author). management. The model of the research also focused on five different
organizational aspect.
Key Concepts: The main concept support the authors argument is that there are different
Definition of key factors affecting the successfulness of a particular project, thus to determine
concepts that support the which factors are more efficient and critical they used pentagonal model
author’s arguments. mixing with the 3 different successful projects or cases and find out that
project management approach is key with the five model aspects those are
structure, technologies, culture, social relations and networks, and interaction.
Research Gap: The research gap that led this paper to be conducted was most factors on
What specific research project success to be found by different authors were generic and looked
gap was identified? obvious to the project managers, however the authors believed in order to
understand reasons that pave the way to success of project it is mandatory to
includes project management approach. So the authors asked a question that
which approach is better to leading project success.

Objective/Purpose: The main objective of the paper was to demonstrate that project success
correlate to the project management approach selected.
What was the main
objective of the article?
Methodology: The researcher used different approach to investigate the problem of that was
How did the author go raised in the paper. Those approaches were literature review, model
about investigating the development, multiple interviews and case studies. The research used
issue? What theoretical literature review on success factors and project management schools of
model was used? Is the thought. The case studies take by the researcher was selection case study in
methodology rigorous? two different projects. And the researcher took two well executed project that
Overall evaluation of the are oil and gas sector and construction industry. In addition to those cased the
methods and techniques: authors took one other case with land-based construction to confirm the result
of the construction industry. Thus the methodology was rigorous and
strategical approach, helped the researcher to support his conclusion with
evidence. Also the different approach has aid the authors to have all rounded
Key Findings: The results outline two distinct project management methodologies: The
What were the main formal aspects of the project organization, such as controlling paperwork and
findings? processes, are the emphasis of the prescriptive approach. The process of
Is the main findings creating and refining a project organization, project culture, and team
based on the thematic commitment are the main points of the adaptive method. Through analyses of
area? three separate case projects, the two strategies have been discovered. The
Do you think the performance of the project organization has been evaluated using an analytical
objectives are achieved; model known as the Pentagon model, which has also been used to describe the
hypothesis are tested and project management methodology. The five organizational factors that the
research questions are model focuses on are structure, technologies, culture, social relations and
answered? networks, and interaction.
Recommendations: The authors suggested that the distinction between a prescriptive approach and
What key adaptive approach is a major point for the success of project. They did not
interventions/programs provided which approach is best however the decision to have which is best as
were recommended by approach is the factors for success. And they recommended a model for
the author? studying factors affecting the performance of the organizations. Also
What areas were recommended which aspects must be focused on when designing a project of
recommended for future an organization. And lastly the model they suggested can be used as a tool to
research transfer an experience from one project to another. For future study the authors
requested for further study to identify which approach is appropriate and fit to
which project.
Critique: The new idea brought by the authors are
What new ideas or
1. The way project management team defines its approach to the given
information were
project the better the outcome of the project
communicated in the
2. structure, technologies, culture, social relations and networks, and
interaction: those five aspects must be given priorities in the
How adequate is the
pentagonal model
evidence/result in
The evidence and model approach to respond the research questions were
support of the central
adequate enough. The cases study those were taken to support their argument
argument of the
were best. The used APA reference styling that is consistent throughout the
What is the
methods/style of
referencing? Is it
Thank you

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