Global Well-Posedness, Scattering and Blow-Up For The Energy-Critical, Focusing, Non-Linear Schrödinger Equation in The Radial Case
Global Well-Posedness, Scattering and Blow-Up For The Energy-Critical, Focusing, Non-Linear Schrödinger Equation in The Radial Case
Global Well-Posedness, Scattering and Blow-Up For The Energy-Critical, Focusing, Non-Linear Schrödinger Equation in The Radial Case
1. Introduction
Here the − sign corresponds to the defocusing problem, while the + sign
corresponds to the focusing problem. The theory of the Cauchy problem
(CP) for this equation was developed in [8] (Cazenave and Weissler). They
show that if u 0 Ḣ 1 ≤ δ, δ small, there exists a unique solution u ∈
C(R; Ḣ 1 (R N )) with the norm u 2(N+2) < ∞ (i.e. the solution scatters in
L x,tN−2
Ḣ (R )). See Sect. 2 of this paper for a review of these results.
1 N
The first author was supported in part by NSF, and the second one in part by CNRS.
Part of this research was carried out during visits of the second author to the University of
646 C.E. Kenig, F. Merle
In the focusing case, these results do not hold. In fact, the classical virial
identity (see for example Glassey in [12] and Sect. 5)
d2 2N
|u 0 (x, t)| 2
dx = 8 |u(t)|2
− |u(t)| N−2
dt 2
shows that if E(u 0 ) = 12 |u 0 |2 − N−2 2N
|u 0 | N−2 < 0 and |x|u 0 ∈ L 2 (R N ),
the solution must break down in finite time. Moreover,
W(x) = W(x, t) = N−2
|x|2 2
1+ N(N−2)
Acknowledgement. We would like to thank the referees for their suggestions and their
careful reading of the manuscript.
i.e., the Ḣ 1 critical, focusing, Cauchy problem for NLS. We need two
preliminary results.
Lemma 2.1 (Strichartz estimate [7, 14]). We say that a pair of exponents
(q, r) is admissible if q2 + Nr = N2 and 2 ≤ q, r ≤ ∞. Then, if 2 ≤ r ≤ N−2
e g(−, τ) dτ
+ e i(t−τ)∆
g(−, τ) dτ ≤ C g L q L r
−∞ q
L t L rx 0 q
L t L rx
t x
e it∆
g(−, τ) dτ ≤ C g L q L r .
−∞ L 2x
t x
4 6−N
so |x f(u(x)) − x f(v(x))| ≤ C|u| N−2 |u − v| + C|v|{|u| N−2 +
|v| N−2 }|u − v|.
Remark 2.4. In the estimate ii) in Lemma 2.1, one can actually show: ([14])
e i(t−τ)∆
g(−, τ) dτ ≤ C g L m L n ,
t x
−∞ q
L t L rx
where (q, r), (m, n) are any pair of admissible indices as in i) of Lemma 2.1.
Let us define S(I ), W(I ) norm for an interval I by
vS(I ) = v 2(N+2) 2(N+2) and vW(I ) = v 2(N+2) 2N(N+2) .
N−2 N−2 N−2 N 2 +4
Using Lemma 2.2 for the second term in Φu 0 , and the argument above
together with our assumption on u 0 for the first term, we obtain:
Φu (v) 4
≤ δ + Ca N−2 b.
0 S(I )
Now choose b = 2AC, and a so that Ca N−2 ≤ 1/2. Then Φu 0 (v)W(I )
≤ b. Next, if δ = a/2, and Ca( N−2 −1) b ≤ 1/2 (possible if N < 6) we obtain
) v − v W(I ) . For
The first term is bounded as before by CvS(I
the second and third terms we use Hölder’s inequality to bound them by
6−N 6−N
Cv − v S(I ) v W(I ) vS(I
N−2 N−2
) + v S(I ) so that
Φu (v) − Φu (v ) ≤ Ca N−2 v − v W(I )
0 0 W(I )
+ Ca N−2 bv − v S(I ) .
Lemma 2.2 gives
Φu (v) − Φu (v ) ≤ C Φu (v) − Φu (v )
0 0 S(I ) 0 0 W(I )
and thus we establish the contraction property (N < 6). We then find
u ∈ Ba,b solving Φu 0 (u) = u. To show that u ∈ C(I t ; Ḣ
), note that
i(t−t )∆
e u 0 ∈ C(I ; Ḣ ) with norm bounded by A. For the term 0 e
it∆ 1
f(u) dt ,
we use iii) in Lemma 2.1, with (q , r ) = (2, 2N/N + 2). The proof of
Theorem 2.5 is easily concluded from this. (The last continuity statement is
an easy consequence of the fixed point argument, see also Remark 2.17.)
Remark 2.6. Using Remark 2.4, it is easy to see that u ∈ L I L rx for any
admissible index pair (q, r).
Remark 2.7. There exists δ such that if u0 Ḣ 1 ≤
δ, the conclusion
of Theo-
rem 2.5 applies to any interval I . In fact, eit∆ u 0 S(I ) ≤ C eit∆ u 0 W(I ) ≤
Cδ, by virtue of Lemma 2.1 i) and the claim follows.
650 C.E. Kenig, F. Merle
u (1) (t0 ) = u (2) (t0 ), then u (1) ≡ u (2) on I × R N . This is because we can
partition I into a finite collection of subintervals I j , so that, with A =
supt∈I maxi=1,2 u (i) (t) Ḣ 1 , the S(I j ) norm of u (i) and the W(I j ) norm of
u (i) are less than a, b, where a, b are obtained in the proof of Theorem 2.5.
If j0 is then such that t0 ∈ I j0 , the uniqueness of the fixed point in the
proof of Theorem 2.5, combined with Remark 2.8 gives an interval I t0
so that u (1) (t) = u (2) (t), t ∈ I . A continuation argument now easily gives
u (1) ≡ u (2) , t ∈ I . This allows us to define a maximal interval I(u 0 ) =
(t0 − T− (u 0 ), t0 + T+ (u 0 )), with T± (u 0 ) > 0, where the solution is defined.
If T1 < t0 + T+ (u 0 ), T2 > t0 − T− (u 0 ), T2 < t0 < T1 , then u solves
(CP) in [T2 , T1 ] × R N , so that u ∈ C([T2 , T1 ]; Ḣ 1 (R N )), u ∈ W([T2 , T1 ])
and u ∈ S([T2, T1 ]).
Lemma 2.11 (Standard finite blow-up criterion, see [7]). If T+ (u 0 ) < ∞,
uS([t0,t0 +T+ (u 0 )]) = +∞.
A corresponding result holds for T− (u 0 ).
Sketch of proof. Assume T+ (u 0 ) < +∞ and that uS([t0 ,t0 +T+ (u 0 )])
< +∞. Let M = uS([t0,t0 +T+ (u 0 )]) and, for to be chosen, find N = N()
intervals I j , Nj=1 I j = [t0 , t0 + T+ (u 0 )], such that uS(I j ) ≤ . Our first
step is to show that u L ∞ ([t0 ,t0 +T+ (u 0 )]; Ḣ 1 ) + uW([t0 ,t0 +T+ (u 0 )]) < ∞. We
write the integral equation on each interval I j , to deduce (using the proof
of Theorem 2.5 and iii) in Lemma 2.1) that
sup u(t) Ḣ 1 + uW(I j ) ≤ Cu(t j ) Ḣ 1 + C u S(I
· uW(I j ) ,
t∈I j
Energy-critical focusing NLS 651
Definition 2.12. Let v0 ∈ Ḣ 1 , v(t) = eit∆ v0 and let {tn } be a sequence, with
limn→∞ tn = t ∈ [−∞, +∞]. We say that u(x, t) is a non-linear profile
associated with (v0 , {tn }) if there exists an interval I , with t ∈ I (if t = ±∞,
I = [a, +∞) or (−∞, a]) such that u is a solution of (CP) in I and
lim u(−, tn ) − v(−, tn ) Ḣ 1 = 0.
This easily shows that u (1) ≡ u (2) on (tn0 , +∞) and hence on I , as claimed.
The case t = −∞ is similar. Because of this remark, we can always define
a maximal interval I of existence for the non-linear profile associated to
(v0 , {tn }). If t ∈ (−∞, +∞), I = (a, b), I I , then supt∈I u(t) Ḣ 1 <
∞, uS(I ) < ∞, uW(I ) < ∞, but if either a or b are finite uS(I ) =
+∞. If t = ±∞, say t = +∞, I = (a, +∞), I = (α, +∞), α > a, similar
statements can be made. If a > −∞, we can also say uS(I ) = +∞.
652 C.E. Kenig, F. Merle
as in the proof of Theorem 2.5, and the claim follows if Cη N−2 < 1/2. Next,
we write u = u + w and notice that
i∂t w + ∆w + [ f(
u + w) − f(
u )] = e.
Let I j = [a j , a j+1 ], so that, in order to solve for w we need to solve, in I j ,
the integral equation
i(t−a j )∆
w(t) = e w(a j ) + ei(t−t )∆ [ f( u )] dt
u + w) − f(
+ ei(t−t )∆ e dt .
(3.7) E(u) ≥ 0.
C2 2∗
Proof. Consider the function f 1 (y) = 12 y − 2N∗ y 2 , and let y = u2L 2 .
Because of (3.2), f 1 (y) ≤ E(u) ≤ (1 − δ0 )E(W ) = (1 − δ0 ) N1 C1N . Note that
∗ N
C2 2∗
f 1 (0) = 0, f 1 (y) = 12 − 2N y 2 −1 , so that f 1 (y) = 0 if and only if y = yC ,
where yC = C1N = |W|2 . Note also that f 1 (yC ) = NC1 N = E(W ). But
then, since 0 < y < yC and f 1 (y) ≤ (1 − δ0 ) f 1 (yC ) and f 1 is nonnegative
and strictly increasing between 0 and yC , f 1 (yC ) = 0, we have 0 < f 1 (y)
and y ≤ (1 − δ) |W|2 . Thus (3.5) and (3.7) hold. To show (3.6), con-
∗ N
sider the function g1 (y) = y − C 2N y N−2 . Because of (3.2) we have that
Energy-critical focusing NLS 655
∗ ∗ 2∗ /2
|u|2 −|u|2 ≥ |u|2 −C 2N |u|2 = g1 (y). Note that g1 (y) = 0
if and only if y = 0 or y = yC and that g1 (0) = 1, g1 (yC ) = − N−2
. We
then have, for 0 < y < yC , g1 (y) ≥ C min{y, (yC − y)}, and so, since
0 ≤ y < (1 − δ)yC by (3.5), (3.6) follows. Note that δ δ0 2 .
Note that the relevance of (3.6) comes from the virial identity (see
Corollary 3.8. Assume that u ∈ Ḣ 1 and that |u|2 < |W|2 . Then
E(u) ≥ 0.
(3.11) |u(t)|2 − |u(t)|2 ≥ δ |u(t)|2
(3.12) E(u(t)) ≥ 0.
Corollary 3.13.
as in Theorem 3.9. Then for all t ∈ I we have
Let u, u 0 be
E(u(t)) |u(t)|2 |u 0 |2 , with comparability constants which
depend only on δ0 .
Proof. E(u(t)) ≤ |u(t)|2 , but by (3.11) we have
1 1 1 2∗
E(u(t)) ≥ − |u(t)| + ∗
|u(t)| − |u(t)|
2 2∗ 2
≥ Cδ |u(t)|2 ,
identity ([12]) shows that, if |x|u 0 ∈ L 2 (R N ) then dtd 2 |x|2 |u 0 (x, t)|2 dx =
∗ −16δ
8{ |u(t)|2 −|u(t)|2 } ≤ (N−2)C N . This shows that I must be finite, i.e., the
maximal interval of existence is finite. This argument is the critical analoge
of the H 1 subcritical result in [3].
Note that in the case where u 0 ∈ Ḣ 1 and u 0 ∈ L 2 (R N ), the same result
holds. Indeed, one can use a local version of the virial identity (See Sect. 5
for such a version) and the extra conservation
law of the L 2 norm in time
2 −8δ
to control correction terms to obtain dtd 2 φ(|x|)|u 0 (x, t)|2 dx ≤ (N−2)C N,
where φ is a regular and compactetly supported function (See for example
Ogawa and Tsutsumi [22]).
section we will assume that E C < E(W ). We now prove that there exits
a critical element u 0,C at the critical level of energy E C so that (SC)(u 0,C )
does not hold and from the minimality, this element has a compactness
property up to the symetries of this equation. This is in fact a general
principle which follows from the concentration compactness ideas. More
Proposition 4.1. There exists u 0,C in Ḣ 1 , with
E(u 0,C ) = E C < E(W ), |u 0,C | < |W|2
such that, if u C is the solution of (CP) with data u 0,C , and maximal interval
of existence I , 0 ∈ I̊ , then u C S(I ) = +∞.
Proposition 4.2. Assume u C is as in Proposition 4.1 and that (say)
u C S(I+ ) = +∞, where I+ = (0, +∞) ∩ I . Then there exists x(t) ∈ R N
and λ(t) ∈ R+ , for t ∈ I+ , such that
1 x − x(t)
K = v(x, t) : v(x, t) = u C , t
λ(t)(N−2)/2 λ(t)
has the property that K is compact in Ḣ 1 . A corresponding conclusion is
reached if u C S(I− ) = +∞, where I− = (−∞, 0) ∩ I .
The main tools that we will need in order to prove Propositions 4.1 and
4.2 are the following lemmas.
Lemma 4.3 (Concentration compactness). Let {v0,n } ∈ Ḣ 1 , |v0,n |2
≤ A. Assume that eit∆ v0,n L 2(N+2)/N−2 ≥ δ > 0, where δ = δ(N ) is as in
Theorem 2.5. Then there exists a sequence {V0, j }∞ 1
j=1 in Ḣ , a subsequence of
{v0,n } (which we still call {v0,n }) and a triple (λ j,n ; x j,n ; t j,n ) ∈ R+ ×R N ×R,
λ j,n λ j ,n |t j,n − t j ,n | |x j,n − x j ,n |
+ + + →∞
λ j ,n λ j,n λ2j,n λ j,n
If V jl (x, t) = eit∆ V0, j , then, given 0 > 0, there exists J = J(0 ) and
1 x − x −t
(4.5) {wn }∞
j,n j,n
n=1 ∈ Ḣ , so that v0,n = , 2 + wn
(N−2)/2 j
j=1 j,n
λ j,n λ j,n
with eit∆ wn S((−∞,+∞)) ≤ 0 , for n large
658 C.E. Kenig, F. Merle
(4.6) |v0,n | =
|V0, j | +
|wn |2 + o(1) as n → ∞
(4.7) E(v0,n ) = E V jl − t j,n /λ2j,n + E(wn ) + o(1) as n → ∞.
Remark 4.8. Lemma 4.3 is due to Keraani [15]. It is based on the “refined
Sobolev inequality” (N = 3)
where Ḃ2,∞ is the standard Besov space [4, 11]. (4.4) is a consequence
of the proof of Corollary 1.9 in [15], (here, we use the hypothesis
eit∆ v0,n L 2(N+2)/N−2 ≥ δ > 0) while (4.7) follows from the orthogonal-
ity of (λ j,n ; x j,n ; t j,n ) as in the proof of (4.6). The rest of the lemma is
contained in the proof of Theorem 1.6 in [15]. See also [2, 10, 16, 21].
Lemma 4.9. Let {z 0,n } ∈ Ḣ 1 , with |z 0,n |2 < |W|2 and E(z 0,n ) → E C
and with eit∆ z 0,n S((−∞,+∞)) ≥ δ, with δ as in Theorem 2.5. Let {V0, j } be
as in Lemma 4.3. Assume that one of the two hypothesis
(4.10) lim E V1l − t1,n /λ21,n < EC
δ so that |u n (t)|2 ≤ (1 − δ) |W|2 for all t ∈ In , all n. Apply now
Lemma 4.3 for 0 > 0 and Lemma 4.9. We then have, for J = J(0 ), that
1 x − x j,n −t j,n
(4.12) u 0,n = Vl
(N−2)/2 j
, 2 + wn ,
j=1 λ j,n
λ j,n λ j,n
(4.13) |u 0,n | =
|V0, j | +2
|wn |2 + o(1),
−t j,n
(4.14) E(u 0,n ) = E V jl + E(wn ) + o(1).
Note that because of (4.13) we have, for all n large, that |wn |2 ≤
(1−δ/2) |W|2 and |V0, j |2 ≤ (1−δ/2) |W|2 . From Corollary 3.8
it now follows that E(V jl (−t j,n /λ2jn )) ≥ 0 and E(wn ) ≥ 0. From this
and (4.14) it follows that E(V1l (−t1,n /λ21,n )) ≤ E(u 0,n ) + o(1) and hence
limn→∞ E(V1l (−t1,n /λ21,n )) ≤ E C . If the left-hand side is strictly less than
E C , Lemma 4.9 gives us a contradiction with the choice of u 0,n , for n large
(after passing to a subsequence). Hence, the left-hand side must equal E C .
Let then U1 be the non-linear profile associated to (V1l , {sn }), with
sn = −t1,n /λ21,n (after passing to a subsequence). We first note that we must
have J = 1. This is because (4.14) and E(u 0,n ) → E C , E(V1l (−sn )) → E C
now imply that E(wn ) → 0 and E(V jl (−t j,n /λ2j,n )) → 0, j = 2, ..., J.
Using (3.6) and the argument in the proof of Corollary 3.13, we have
|V jl (−t j,n /λ2j,n )|2 + |wn |2 → 0. We then have, since
j=2 l
|V j (−t j,n /λ2j,n )|2 = |V0, j |2 that V0, j = 0, j = 2, . . . , J and
|wn |2 → 0. Hence (4.12) becomes u 0,n = (N−2)/2 1
V1l λ1,n1,n , sn + wn .
Let v0,n = λ1,n u 0,n (λ1,n (x +x1,n )) and note that scaling gives us that v0,n
verifies the same hypothesis as u 0,n . Moreover, wn = λ1,n wn (λ1,n (x +
x1,n )) still verifies | wn | → 0. Thus
v0,n = V1 (sn ) +
wn , |wn |2 → 0.
1 (sn )|2
< |W|2 for n large and hence by (3.10)
|U1 (s)| < |W| . If U1 S(I1 ) < +∞, Lemma 2.11 gives us that
2 2
U1 S(I1 ) = +∞
Our next step is to show that sn = λ21,n
must be bounded. To see this note
−(N−2)/2 x − x1,n t − t1,n
eit∆ u(tn ) = λ1,n V1l , + eit∆ wn .
λ1,n (λ1,n )2
Assume that t1,n /λ21,n ≤ −C0 , C0 a large positive constant. Then, since
eit∆ wn S((−∞,+∞)) < δ/2 for n large, and
−(N−2)/2 l x − x1,n t − t1,n
λ V1 , ≤ V1l (y, s)S((C0,+∞)) ≤ δ/2,
1,n λ1,n (λ1,n )2
If, on the other hand, λ21,n
≥ C0 , for a large positive constant C0 , n large,
we have
−(N−2)/2 l x − x1,n t − t1,n
λ V1 , ≤ V1l (y, s) S((−∞,−C0))
1,n λ (λ )2
1,n 1,n S((−∞,0))
≤ δ/2,
for C0 large. Hence, eit∆ u(tn )S((−∞,0)) ≤ δ, for n large and hence, Theo-
rem 2.5 now gives uS((−∞,tn )) ≤ 2δ, which, since tn → T+ (u 0 ) gives us
a contradiction. Thus |t1,n /λ21,n | ≤ C0 and after passing to a subsequence,
|wn | → 0. Moreover, if
(N−2)/2 (N−2)/2
v0,n = λ1,n z 0,n (λ1,n (x + x1,n )),
wn = λ1,n wn (λ1,n (x + x1,n )),
sn = − 2 ,
662 C.E. Kenig, F. Merle
we have | wn |2 → 0 and v0,n = V1l (sn ) +
wn , while eit∆ v0,n S((−∞,+∞))
≥ δ, |v0,n | < |W| , E(v0,n ) → E C . Note now that |V
2 2 1l (sn ) −
U1 (sn )|2 = o(1) by definition of non-linear profile. We then have
v0,n = U1 (sn ) + wn ,
wn → 0.
and since E C < E(W ), for n large we have 2E(z 0,n ) ≤ (1− δ0 )E(W ),
by Lemma
3.4, |z 0,n |2
≤ (1 − δ) |W| and hence |V 0, j |2
(1 − δ) |W|2 . Similarly, |wn |2 ≤ (1 − δ) |W|2 . By Corollory 3.8,
we have E(V jl (−t j,n /λ2j,n )) ≥ 0, E(wn ) ≥ 0. Also, from (4.4) and the
proof of Corollary 3.13, we have, for n large, that E(V1l (−t1,n /λ21,n )) ≥
C |V0,1 |2 ≥ cα0 = α0 > 0, so that, from (4.7) we obtain, for n large
E(z 0,n ) ≥ α0 + E V jl − t j,n /λ2j,n + o(1),
definition of E C our claim follows. Note that the argument in the proof of
Theorem 2.14 also gives that U j W((−∞,+∞)) < +∞.
Our final claim is that there exists j0 so that, for j ≥ j0 we have
U j S((−∞,+∞)) ≤ C |V0, j |2
Energy-critical focusing NLS 663
In fact, from (4.6), for fixed J we see that (choosing n large) Jj=1 |V0, j |2
≤ |z 0,n |2 +o(1) ≤ 2 |W|2 . Thus, for j ≥ j0 , we have |V0, j |2 ≤ δ,
where δ is so small that e V0, j S((−∞,+∞)) ≤ δ, with δ as in Theorem 2.5.
From Remark 2.13 it then follows that U j S((−∞,+∞)) ≤ 2δ, and using
the integral equation in Remark 2.13, that U j (0) Ḣ 1 ≤ CV0, j Ḣ 1 and
U j W((−∞,+∞)) ≤ CV0, j Ḣ 1 , which gives (4.17).
For 0 > 0, to be chosen, define now
J(0 )
1 x − x j,n t − t j,n
(4.18) Hn,0 = (N−2)/2
Uj , 2 .
j=1 λ j,n λ j,n λ j,n
We then have:
J(0 )
x − x j,n t − t j,n
≤ (N−2)/2
U j ,
j=1 λ j,n λ j,n λ2j,n
1 x − x j,n t − t j,n
+ C J(0) (N−2)/2 j
U , 2
λ j,n λ j,n λ j,n
j = j
x − x j ,n t − t j ,n
U j , 2 = I + II.
λ j ,n λ j ,n λ j ,n
J(0 )
2(N+2)/(N−2) 2(N+2)/(N−2)
U j S((−∞,+∞)) + U j
j=1 j= j0
j0 J(0 )
U j S((−∞,+∞)) + C |V0, j |2
≤ C0 /2
j=1 j= j0
because of (4.6).
664 C.E. Kenig, F. Merle
J(0 )
4 1 x − x j,n t − t j,n
We then have
This follows from the orthogonality of (λ j,n ; x j,n ; t j,n ), the fact that
U j S((−∞,+∞)) < ∞, U j W((−∞,+∞)) < ∞, and arguments of Ker-
aani [15] (see in particular (2.95), (2.96)).
We now will apply Theorem 2.14. Let u = Hn,0 , e = Rn,0 , where 0
0) 1 l x−x j,n −t j,n
is still to be determined. Recall that z 0,n = J(
j=1 (N−2)/2 V j λ j,n
, λ2
λ j,n j,n
Remark 4.23. Assume that {z 0,n } in Lemma 4.3 are all radial. Then V0, j , wn
can be chosen to be radial and we can choose x j,n ≡ 0. This follows directly
from Keraani’s proof [15]. If we then define (SC) and E C by restricting only
to radial functions, we obtain a u C as in Proposition 4.1 which is radial, and
we can establish Proposition 4.2 with x(t) ≡ 0.
Energy-critical focusing NLS 665
5. Rigidity theorem
1 x
K = v(x, t) = u ,t : t ∈ [0, T+ (u 0 ))
λ(t)(N−2)/2 λ(t)
We start out with a special case of the strengthened form of Theorem 5.1,
Proposition 5.3. Assume that u, v, λ(t), x(t) are as in Remark 5.2, that
|x(t)| ≤ C0 and that λ(t) ≥ A0 > 0. Then the conclusion of Theo-
rem 5.1 holds. Moreover, if T+ (u 0 ) < +∞, the hypothesis |x(t)| ≤ C0
is not needed.
|u(t)| − |u(t)| ≥ δ |u(t)|2
C1,δ0 |u 0 | ≤ E(u 0 ) ≤ C2 |u 0 |2
E(u(t)) = E(u 0 )
C1,δ0 |u 0 |2 ≤ |u(t)|2 ≤ C2 |u 0 |2 .
|v(t)| ≤ C22
v(t)2L 2∗ ≤ C3 |W|2 .
vi) For each > 0, there exists R(0 ) > 0, such that, for 0 ≤ t < T+ (u 0 ),
we have
∗ |v|2
|v|2 + |v|2 + ≤ 0 .
|x|≥R(0 ) |x|2
Proof. i) follows from Theorem 3.9 and Corollary 3.13. ii) follows from
i) by Sobolev embedding, while iii) follows from i) by Hardy’s inequality.
iv) follows (using Sobolev embedding and the Hardy inequality) from the
compactness of K.
The next lemma is a localized virial identity, in the spirit of Merle [17],
Lemma 3.6.
Energy-critical focusing NLS 667
We then have:
(5.8) |yR | ≤ CN |W|2 .
668 C.E. Kenig, F. Merle
Case 2: T+ (u 0 ) = +∞.
In this case we assume, in addition, that |x(t)| ≤ C0 . We first note that
(5.10) For each > 0, there exists R() > 0 such that,
for all t ∈ [0, ∞), we have:
∗ |u|2
|u|2 + |u|2 + 2 ≤ .
|x|>R() |x|
and the statement for this term now follows from Lemma 5.5 iv). The other
terms are handled similarly.
(5.11) There exists R0 > 0 such that, for all t ∈ [0, +∞), we have
8 |u| − 8
|u| ≥ Cδ0 |u 0 |2 .
|x|≤R0 |x|≤R0
In fact,
(3.11) combined with Lemma 5.5 i) yields 8 |u|
− 8 |u|2 ≥
δ0 |u 0 |2 . Now combine this with (5.10), with = 0 |u 0 |2 to obtain
To prove Case 2, we choose ϕ ∈ C0∞ (R N ), radial,
with ϕ(x) = |x|2 for
|x| ≤ 1, ϕ(x) ≡ 0 for |x| ≥ 2. Define z R (t) = |u(x, t)|2 R2 ϕ Rx dx. We
then have:
for t > 0, |z R (t)| ≤ C N,δ0 |u 0 |2 R2
for R large enough, t > 0, z R ≥ C N,δ0 |u 0 |2 .
consider solutions of (CP), wn (x, τ), w0 (x, τ) with data wn (−, 0), w0 (−, 0)
at τ = 0, defined in maximal intervals τ ∈ (−T− (wn ), 0], τ ∈ (−T− (w0 ), 0]
Since wn → w0 in Ḣ 1 , lim n→∞ T− (wn ) ≥ T− (w0 ) and
λ(tn + τ/λ(tn )2 ) 1
(5.13) λn (τ) = ≥
λ(tn ) 2
(because of the fact λ(tn ) ≤ 2in f t∈[0,tn ] λ(t).) One can assume after passing
to a subsequence that λn (tn + τ/λ(tn )2 ) → λ0 (τ) with 12 ≤
λ0 (τ) ≤ +∞
and v(x, tn + τ/λ(tn ) ) → v0 (x, τ) in Ḣ , as n → ∞. Remark that
2 1
λ0 (τ) <
+∞. If not, we will have (N−2)/2 1
w0 x , τ → v0 (x, τ) which implies
λn (τ) λn (τ)
w0 (x, τ) = 0 which contradicts E(w0 ) = E(u 0 ) > 0. Thus λ0 (τ) < +∞
and v0 (x, τ) = (N−2)/21
w0 x , τ where v0 (τ) ∈ K . We thus obtain
λ0 (τ) λ0 (τ)
a contradiction from Proposition 5.3. Note that the same proof applies in
the nonradial situation with the extra parameter x(tn ).
Corollary 5.14. Assume that E(u 0 ) < E(W ), |u 0 |2 < |W|2 and u 0
is radial. Then the solution u of the Cauchy problem (CP) with data u 0 at
t = 0 has time interval of existence I = (−∞, +∞), uS((−∞,+∞)) < +∞
and there exists u 0,+ , u 0,− in Ḣ 1 such that
lim u(t) − eit∆ u 0,+ Ḣ 1 = 0, lim u(t) − eit∆ u 0,− Ḣ 1 = 0.
t→+∞ t→−∞
uS((−∞,+∞)) ≤ M(δ0 ).
Proof. From the integral equation in Theorem 2.5, it is clear that u(t) is
radial for each t ∈ I . Using Remark (4.23) and Theorem 5.1 we obtain (SC)
or I = (−∞, +∞), uS((−∞,+∞)) < +∞. Now Remark 2.15 finishes the
proof of the first statement.
672 C.E. Kenig, F. Merle
E(u 0 ) ≤ (1 − δ0 )E(W )
and that energy conservation, the assumption that E(u 0 ) ≥ E(W ) yields
inft∈(−T− (u 0 ),T+ (u 0 )) |u(t)|2 ≥ C.
From the Remark 2.7, ifδo is close to |W|2 , our conclusion holds.
0 ≤2δc < |W| , so that if for t ∈ (−T− (u 0 ), T+ (u 0 )),
We can then find
|u(t)| ≤ |W| − δ0 , δ0 > δc , our desired conclusion holds and δc is
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