Unit 3 Wellbore Stability

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Wellbore Stability

S Swarna Raju, DGM(P)-ONGC
 In Situ Conditions
 In Situ Earth Stress
 Effective Stress
 Rock strength
 Near Wellbore Stress-State
 Mechanical Stability
 Chemical stability
 Planning a stable wellbore
 Warning signs and corrective actions
Wellbore stability is the prevention of brittle
failure or plastic deformation of the rock
surrounding the wellbore due to
mechanical stress or chemical imbalance.

Excessive rock stress during drilling can

collapse the hole resulting in stuck pipe.
Cavings from failing formation makes hole
cleaning more difficult and increases mud
and cementing costs.

Estimated cost to the drilling industry for

hole stability problems range
from 600 million to 1 billion dollar annually.
Understanding the conditions that cause stability
provides for ;
• More effective planning.
• Earlier and easier detection of warning signs.
• Contingency plans to avoid the progression of
the problem.
Before The Wellbore
In Situ Conditions :
1. Porosity is the void space within the rock.
2. Permeability is the ability of a rock to flow fluids; measured in units of darcies.

Typical permeability changes relative to depth for shale and sandstone. Shales
may have high porosity, but have very little permeability.
3. Formation pore pressure is the pressure of the naturally occurring fluid(s)
in the pores of the rock.

• Normal Formation pressure

• Abnormal Formation pressure
• Subnormal Formation pressure
In Situ Earth Stress :
The naturally occurring stress in place is called the in-situ stress.

• Overburden Stress (Sv)

• Horizontal stress
• Minimum (Sh)
• Maximum (SH)
Effective Stress
Effective Overburden Stress (σv)
The overburden stress that effectively stresses the rock matrix.
Effective Overburden Stress = Total Overburden Stress - Pore Pressure
σ v = Sv - p

Effective Horizontal Stress (σh , σH )

σh =σH =k x σv , k is lithology factor
Rock Strength:
Core samples (removed from conditions) are usually tested in compression
with specialized laboratory equipment
Rocks subjected to compressive (+) or tensile (-) stress can go through three
stages of strain deformation.
Shear Strength and Shear Failure
Under compression rocks actually fail in - it is easier to slide rock grains
past each other than to crush them.
Equal stresses promote stability and unequal stresses promote shear stress
and possible shear failure.
The shear stress that fails the rock must overcome the cohesive strength So (bonding
together of the grains), and the frictional resistance between the grains (µσ).
The frictional resistance between the grains is the product of the coefficient of friction
(µ) and the effective compressive stress (σ).

Shear Stress = Cohesive Strength + Frictional Resistance

τ = So + µσ

This Equation is know as " Shear Strength Line"

µ (coefficient of friction) =tan φ
Φ=Angle of internal friction
σ (mean effective stress) = (σh + σH + σv)/ 3)
The cohesive strength (So ) and the angle of internal friction (φ) are obtained from
conducting compression tests on core samples (or estimated from logs) from the
Tensile Failure
Tensile Failure results from stresses that tend to pull the rock apart (tensile
stress). Rocks exhibit very low tensile strength.
After The Wellbore
Near Wellbore Stress-State
Radial stress acting along
the radius of the wellbore;
hoop stress acting around
the circumference of the
wellbore (tangential);
axial stress acting parallel
to the well path. These
stresses are designated by
(σr, σ , σz)
Mechanical Stability
Mechanical Stability is the Management of these stresses (σr, σ , σz) in an effort to
prevent shear or tensile rock failure.
Controllable Parameters
• Mud Filter Cake
• Well Path - Inclination and Azimuth
• Drilling/Tripping Practices
Uncontrollable parameters
• Unfavorable Conditions
• Adverse Formations
• Constrained Wellbore Trajectory
Mechanical stability of the well is also impacted by drilling fluid/formation
interaction(chemical instability).
Time is also an important consideration. The longer the formation is exposed to the
drilling mud, the more near-wellbore pore pressure increases.
Effect of Mud Weight:
Mud Filter Cake and Permeable Formations:

An ideal filter cake isolates the wellbore fluids from the pore fluids next to the
wellbore. This is important for hole stability and helps prevent differential sticking
as well.
If there is no filter cake, the pore pressure near the wellbore increases to the
hydrostatic pressure; the effective radial stress is zero.
Hole Inclination and Direction

The inclination and direction of the wellbore greatly impacts the stability of
the well.
Unequal distribution of hoop and axial stress around the circumference of the
well tends to make the wellbore less stable.

Drilling a horizontal well causes

the hoop and axial stress distribution
around the wellbore to change.

The radial stress remains fixed

but the increasing hoop stress
increases the stress-state.
Impact of Mechanical Stability on the Wellbore

Mechanical stability problems directly account for many unscheduled rig events
and also effect overall drilling efficiency by altering the shape of the hole being

Resulting Operational Problems Include:

• Stuck pipe, casing, logging tools, etc.
• Ineffective hole cleaning.
• Ledges and breakouts.
• High torque and severe slip-stick.
• Drill string failures.
Chemical Stability:

Chemical Stability is the control of the drilling fluid/rock interaction; usually

most problematic when drilling shales.
As shale is drilled, a sequence of events take place that can lead to the
stressing, weakening, and eventual failure of the shale.
• Advection
• Capillary Effects
• Osmosis
• Pressure Diffusion
• Swelling /Hydration
Providing A Stable Wellbore
1. Potential Stability Indicators
If the answer to any of the questions below is "yes", preventive measures should be
• Indications of tectonic activity in the area?
• Sudden pressure transition zones expected?
• Adverse formations expected (reactive shale, unconsolidated or fractured formations,
abnormal or subnormally pressured zones, plastic formations?
• Is wellbore inclination greater than 30 ?
2. Identify Stress Regime
• Normal Fault
• Reverse Fault
• Strike-slip Fault
3. Determine Magnitude of In Situ Condition
• Overburden (Sv) – (Obtained from density logs of offset wells.)
• Formation Pore Pressure (p) – (Estimated by seismic and logs.)
• Minimum Horizontal Stress (Sh)– (Determined by LOT and/or logs.)
4. Use Core Tests or Logs to Determine Formation Rock Strength

Rock strength is estimated through correlations with sonic density logs since slow sonic velocity and
high porosity generally relate to lower rock strength.
5. Research Offset Wells for Indications of Stability Problems
Offset well data is invaluable information for identification of stability problems in the field.
• Identify hole sections with stability symptoms.
• List the conditions that caused the stability problem.
• Identify similar problems in offset wells occurring at the same vertical depth.
• Look for similarity in the conditions that caused the problem.
• List the drilling parameters effecting the problem (i.e., mud type and weight, hole angle, adverse
formations, unusual drilling practices).
6. Avoiding Stability Problems

• Select an inhibitive mud for reactive formations.

• Maintain mud weight/ECD in stability window.
• Use down hole ECD monitoring tools in critical wells.
• Optimize well trajectory based on drilling days vs. stability.
• Plan for effective hole cleaning and stuck pipe prevention. Follow
defensive drilling practices.
• Control ROP(rate of penetration), surge pressures. Train drilling team
Warning Signs and Corrective Action

Mechanical instability is related to incorrect mud weight /ECD and/or well

trajectory. Too low mud weight can cause hole cavings or collapse resulting in
stuck pipe. Too high mud weight /ECD can cause excessive fluid losses to the
formation or total loss of returns.

• Large size and volume of cavings over shakers.

• Stuck pipe by hole pack-off /bridging.
• Restricted circulation /increases in pump pressure.
• Loss of circulation.
Preventive /Corrective Measures (mechanical stability)

• Increase the mud weight (if possible). The mud weight values should be
determined using a stability analysis model and past experience if
drilling in a known field.
• If drilling fractured formations, it is not recommended to increase MW.
Increase the low end rheology (< 3 RPM Fann reading).
• Improve hole cleaning measures.
• Circulate on each connection. Use back reaming and wiper trips only if
hole conditions dictate.
• Minimize surge/swab pressures.
• Monitor torque/drag and the size and amount of cuttings on shakers.
Thank you…

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