Mediterranean Fascism 1919-1945 (PDFDrive)
Mediterranean Fascism 1919-1945 (PDFDrive)
Mediterranean Fascism 1919-1945 (PDFDrive)
A volume
Mediterranean Fascism
Edited by
Published by
Associated companies inN ew York Toronto
Dublin Melbourne Johannesburg and Madras
SBN 333 03437 6
Introduction Xl
Fascism m Italy
AT THE end of the Great War Italy's liberal political system was sickly;
as a matter of fact, it had never been robust. After all, the country had
been unified for only half a century, and the newly established state
had been confronted by gargantuan problems-parliamentary inex-
perience, intense regional jealousies, hostility from the papacy, wide-
spread illiteracy (especially in the south), economic underdevelop-
ment, a high birth rate, and a tightly stratified social structure. Until
1912 the right to vote was restricted to a small proportion of the
population; thereafter a democratic franchise was put into effect for all
male literates over the age of twenty-one and for illiterates over the
age of thirty if they had seen military service. In the years just before
the war Catholics began to participate at last in national politics, now
that the Church was worried by the growth of Marxism.
By the turn of the century an industrial revolution had begun to
take place, particularly in the triangle bounded by Turin, Milan, and
Genoa. This led to the emergence of two Italian societies living side by
side in a state of uneasy tension. In the northern cities an industrialized
form of capitalism was becoming superimposed on a commercial and
agrarian society, while in the more feudalistic south the latter kind of
society continued to predominate. Concomitantly, anarcho-syndicalist
and socialist currents grew in strength, while landless peasants and
urban masses seethed with discontent and erupted in violence from
time to time.
After the death of Cavour in 1861 Italy's liberal politicians were
mostly third-rate, with the exception of Giovanni Giolitti, who domi-
nated the decade before World War I and instituted some significant
reforms, though remaining cynical about electoral procedures. King
Victor Emmanuel III, on the throne since the assassination of his father
in 1900, was indecisive, uncommunicative, and physically unimpressive.
In retrospect it is easy to see that liberal Italy sealed its fate when it
permitted itself to be dragged into the war in 1915 by a willful
minority that included the King and some of his ministers, the super-
heated patriot-poet Gabriele D' Annunzio, and the renegade socialist
Benito Mussolini. If Italy had stayed neutral, it is conceivable that in
In mid-April, 1919, the Fascists engaged in their first clash with Social-
ists, sacking the Milan offices of their newspaper, Avanti! By June 6
the Fascists decided the time had come to publish their own program
in Popolo d'Italia. The new statement was generally in line with the
March 2 3 announcement, though it now omitted all mention of the
League of Nations or of cosmopolitanism. It was also more outspoken
about the need for a National Constituent Assembly and national
councils of experts in labor, industry, transportation, and other fields.
Nowhere was there comment about the problem of education. Al-
though still quite radical (perhaps more so than Mussolini himself
would have liked), the June 6 program showed a tendency to shift to
the right. The 17 -point version printed below is the slightly revised
This is the national program of a movement that is soundly
Revolution, because it is antidogmatic and antidemagogic;
strongly innovating because it ignores a priori objections.
We regard the success of the revolutionary war as standing
above everything and everybody.
The other problems-bureaucracy, administration, judiciary,
school system, colonies, etc.-we shall consider after we have
created a new ruling class.
Consequently, WE INSIST UPON:
Milan on May 24-25, 1920, Mussolini and Cesare Rossi emerged as the
leaders. Mussolini's inaugural speech, expressed in generic and flexible
terms, urged the Fascists to avoid becoming too conservative and
detached from the workers. For reasons of expediency he swallowed
his earlier republicanism, asserting that this problem must not be
viewed dogmatically; and in a brief interview he also backtracked on
the subject of the papacy. Such watering-down of antimonarchism and
anticlericalism proved too much for Marinetti, Captain V ecchi, and
several of the Futurists, who quickly pulled out of the Fascist move-
ment. Rossi also assumed a flexible stance that in effect pushed
Fascism further to the right. The congress approved his call for revi-
sion of the platform in anticipation of local elections, but postponed
discussion of the agricultural problem. The new program softened
some of the earlier planks. For example, talk of proportional repre-
sentation was dropped (the government of F. S. Nitti had already
granted it); nor was there any longer a demand to eliminate the Senate
and convene a National Constituent Assembly. Instead of calling for
confiscation of 85 per cent of war profits, the new program recom-
mended sequestration only of profits that were "left unproductive." It
also virtually repudiated the General Confederation of Labor, calling
instead for support of "those minority groups of the proletariat who
can harmonize defense of class with the national interest" -the first
clear step along the path that would lead to creation of strictly Fascist
labor unions.
With the hope of mobilizing all our national energies to win the
peace, the Fasci di Combattimento express their disgust for those
men and agencies of the political bourgeoisie who have shown that
they are incapable of handling domestic and foreign problems, that
they are hostile to every profound renovation and to every spon-
taneous recognition of popular rights, and that they are inclined to
make only those concessions that are dictated by calculations of
parliamentary advantage.
In tackling the agrarian problem, let us say first of all that in view
of the political nature and brevity of this present report, we cannot
and shall not make a theoretical, detailed exposition of our views.
. . . In any case, conditions in Italy vary greatly from region to
region. . . . We shall discuss the question in its broad political
aspects in order to chart our course of action during 1921. . . .
1. Land for him who works it can be a superficial, demagogic,
and harmful formula if promises are made to apply it with the
accompaniment of beating drums. In reality, the question is com-
plex, and the application of this principle requires very careful
preparation. Let us begin with the latifondo. It is impossible today
to divide up the latifondo, because we cannot divide up malaria or
divide up a desert that is characterized by lack of roads, drinking
water, irrigation ditches, farm equipment, livestock, capital, and
houses. . . . A few socialists . . . are in favor of the latifondo!
But we are against it, resolutely against it, for an infinite number of
reasons, and chiefly because we must provide greater opportunities
to a steadily increasing population.
But we declare that before land division takes place [the state]
must provide roads, drinking water, irrigation systems, public
safety, housing, and capital for the development of agriculture.
. . . Moreover, we must have a well-organized and well-
developed mutual credit system, with both small agencies and large
banks. Increased productivity, of which there has been too much
talk, will take place only after this transformation of the system of
agriculturalloans . . . .
The proper utilization of lands in the latifondi must be a slow,
gradual, and expensive process. If it were done tumultuously, it
would be disastrous. . . .
ize not only the farmers but also itself in every region. Obstacles
have arisen not only because of the cultural and political back-
wardness of the masses but also because of technological back-
wardness in Italy. . . .
As for rural co-operation in the south, everything has yet to be
done .. ..
But anyone who has a creative mind will set out with greater
determination to overcome these difficulties. . . . We oppose the
breakup and scattering of estates. There should be over-all quotas
for co-operatives and families, but not for individuals; otherwise a
new problem will arise for veterans who have large families.
In Italy it is important to build homesteads, because our people
do not have a historical background of individualism such as the
Anglo-Saxons; instead, they have the tradition of the clan. It is
impossible, therefore, to force a family to live in an isolated home.
The only solution is that of colonies. The Germans migrated to
South America and colonized it by means of organized platoons,
with an expert in charge and a Protestant pastor as well. Without
trying to copy the Germans, we have our own Roman tradition.
Cains Gracchus sent 6,000 proletarian soldiers into Africa to build
the colony of Giunonia, according to the historian Mommsen. We
must translate (unfortunately from German!) specialized studies
regarding the Roman colonies.
We must also decentralize the Opera and expropriate the estates
of public agencies. . . .
6. Against socialism and communism. The first characteristic
that we must give to our agrarian program is that of implacable
hostility to social-communist propaganda. Socialism and commu-
nism applied to the agricultural problem would end up in nationali-
zation of the lands-that is, in the collectivist transformation of all
Italy into a single administrative latifondo. There is no question but
that the social-communist party members have a vested interest in
nationalization, because they would not do the work and they
would furnish the cadres for the bureaucracy, making of them-
selves a parasitic caste of exploiters. But the notion that we must
create an enormous, incompetent, parasitical bureaucracy to ad-
minister Italian agriculture is terrifying. The disasters resulting
from state administration of the railroads and the postal system
should be sufficient warning! . . .
We must explain that the Soviet commissars in Russia have
carried out pitiless raids in the countryside, and have shot the
The National Fascist Party will take steps to bring about the
following things:
I. The true responsibility of either individuals or corporations
will be clearly publicized in cases of violations of labor agreements
that have been freely negotiated.
2. Officials in public administration will bear civil responsibility
for any acts of negligence on their part that cause injury to others.
3. Publicity will be given to incomes that are subject to taxation
as well as to the appraised value of inherited property, so that a
control will exist over the financial obligations of all citizens to the
4. State intervention, which may be absolutely necessary to
protect certain branches of agriculture and manufacturing from
excessively dangerous foreign competition, will be of such a nature
as to stimulate the productive forces of the country rather than to
ensure parasitical exploitation of the national economy by pluto-
cratic groups.
One month later the Fascists held a huge party congress in the San
Carlo opera house in Naples. Mussolini and others advocated a "march
on Rome" to intimidate Facta's weak government and open the way
for Mussolini to become premier. Thereafter Mussolini hurried back to
his Milan newspaper office (where he would also be close to Switzer-
land in case things went wrong), leaving four quadrumvirs (ltalo
Balbo, General Emilio DeBono, Count Cesare Maria De V ecchi, and
Michele Bianchi, the young PNF secretary) to organize the "march."
Following are excerpts from Mussolini's speech at the San Carlo opera
house on October 24, 1922.
Prelude to the
March on Rome: Mussolini's Speech
(San Carlo Opera House, Naples, October 24, 1922)
Fascists! Citizens! ... We have come to Naples from every part
of Italy in order to carry out a rite of fraternalism and love. . . .
All of Italy is looking at our convention because-let me say it
without that false modesty which is sometimes the umbrella of
imbeciles-there does not exist in postwar Europe or the world a
souRcE: From Il Popolo d'ltalia (Milan), Vol. IX, No. 255 (Oct.
25, 1922); reprinted in Opera Omnia di Benito Mussolini, ed. by
Edoardo and Duilio Susmel (Florence: La Fenice, 1956), Vol.
XVIII, pp. 453-459 passim. My translation.
phenomenon that is more interesting, more original, more powerful
than Italian Fascism. . . .
Because of the extraordinarily grave situation confronting us, I
think it is desirable to spell out with maximum precision the terms
of the problem. . . . In short, we are at the point when either the
arrow shoots forth from the bow or the tightly drawn bowstring
breaks! [Applause.] You will recall that in the Chamber of Dep-
uties . . . I propounded a question which concerns Italy as well as
Fascism: legality or illegality? Victory by means of Parliament, or
through insurrection? Through what paths will Fascism become
the State? For we mean to become the State! ... To the ques-
tion, "Fascists, what do you want?" we have already replied very
simply: We want the dissolution of the Chamber, electoral reform,
elections in the very near future. We have asked that the State
abandon its grotesque attitude of neutrality toward the national
and antinational forces within it. We have asked for drastic finan-
cial measures, the postponement of the evacuation of Dalmatia, five
portfolios, and also the Commissariat of Aviation. We have asked
specifically for the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, War, Navy,
Labor, and Public Works. I am sure that none of you will think
these demands excessive; and I may add that by the terms of this
"!egalitarian" solution, I was to have no personal share in the gov-
ernment. And the reasons are quite clear if you but consider that
to keep Fascism in my grip I must have great freedom of movement
in journalism and in discussions.
What was the reply? Nothing! Worse still, they answered in a
ridiculous way. . . . They made a quick calculation of our forces
and talked of ministries without portfolio . . . and of assistant
ministries-all of which is contemptible. We Fascists have no
intention of getting into the government through the back door, of
selling our wonderful birthright for a miserable mess of ministerial
pottage! [Vigorous, prolonged applause.] For we take what can be
termed a historical view of the problem, in contrast to what can be
called a purely political and parliamentary one. . . .
Gentlemen, this problem . . . has to be faced as a problem of
force. Every time in history that strong clashes of interests and
ideas occur, it is force that ultimately decides the matter. That is
why we have gathered and powerfully equipped and resolutely
disciplined our legions-so that if a clash must decide the matter on
the level of force, victory will be ours. . . .
The rulers in Rome are trying to create misunderstandings . . .
souRcE: Royal Decree No. 31, January 14, 1923, in the Gazzetta
Ufficiale del Regno, No. 16 (Jan. 20, 1923). My translation.
Art. 7: In case of partial or full mobilization of either the Army
or the Navy, the Fascist Militia is to be absorbed by the Army and
Navy, and in accordance with the obligations and military grades
of its various members.
Art. 8: Expenses for establishment and operation of the Militia
for National Security are to be charged to the budget of the
Ministry of Interior.
Art. 9: All parties whatsoever shall be forbidden to have forma-
tions of a military character after the present decree goes into
effect. Violators will be subject to punishment by law.
Art. 10: The present decree will be presented to Parliament for
enactment into law and will go into force on February 1, 192 3.
Decree on Powers
of the Head of the Government
(December 24, 1925)
Art. I: The executive power is exercised by His Majesty the King
through his Government. The Government consists of the Prime
Minister Secretary of State and the Ministers Secretaries of State.
The Prime Minister is the Head of the Government.
Art. II: The Head of the Government, who is Prime Minister and
Secretary of State, is appointed and dismissed by the King, and is
responsible to the King for the general policy of the Government.
The decree appointing the Head of the Government Prime
Minister is countersigned by himself, and that of his dismissal by
his successor.
The Ministers Secretaries of State are appointed and dismissed
by the King upon proposal of the Head of the Government Prime
Minister. They are responsible to the King and to the Head of the
Government for all the acts and measures enforced by their Min-
The Undersecretaries of State are appointed and dismissed by
the King upon the proposal of the Head of the Government in
agreement with the Minister concerned.
Art. Ill: The Head of the Government Prime Minister directs
and co-ordinates the work of the Ministers, decides whatever differ-
ences may arise among them, calls meetings of the Council of
Ministers, and presides over them.
Art. IV: The number, constitution, and responsibilities of the
Ministers are established by royal decree, upon proposal of the
Head of the Government.
The Head of the Government may be entrusted by royal decree
with the direction of one or more Ministries. In such cases, the
Head of the Government by his own decree may delegate to
The Acerbo electoral law of 1923 was replaced by a very different law
on May 17, 1928, excerpts from which are printed below. The new
measure provided for only a single list, for which candidates were to
be nominated by the labor syndicates and other organizations. These
entities were to put forward 800 names-twice as many as the number
to be elected. From these the Fascist Grand Council would choose 400
and present this slate to the electorate for their approval en bloc. With
the advent of this law Italy formally moved away not only from the
parliamentary but from the constitutional system itself. Rubber-stamp
plebiscites superseded the liberal system of choosing between candi-
dates. Not even universal manhood suffrage was retained: to qualify to
vote in the plebiscites one had to present evidence of having paid dues
to a Fascist syndicate, a fact which automatically disqualified about
three million men.
The first elections under this new system were not held until March
24, 1929, one month after the announcement of the Lateran Pacts.
They produced 8,519,559 yes and 137,761 no votes. In Milan, however,
the negative response amounted to 6 per cent of the total, whereas the
national average was less than 2 per cent.
Although the elitist principle was followed ostensibly by the PNF (as
was the case with the Communist party in Russia, whose example it
copied), this was not always scrupulously observed. Until 1932 there
were never more than one million party members (about 2.5 per cent
of the population); beginning in 1932-33 Mussolini packed the party
with a considerably larger number in order to bring about its "iden-
tification" with the nation. Civil servants and educators were coerced
into it, while thousands of others joined for reasons of job security or
avoidance of physical harm. Some cynics declared the initials really
meant Per Necessita Familiari (For Family Necessity). After the early
years of exaltation, "dry rot" and sycophancy set in by the late 1930's.
In June, 1943, membership in the PNF was 4,770,770-of whom
1,600,140 were in the armed forces.
The PNF statute that went into effect on November 12, 1932, is
printed below. It superseded that of December 20, 1929. Minor revi-
sions were made in later years.
Political Secretariat;
Administrative Secretariat;
Association of the Families of Fascist Fallen;
Fascist University Groups;
Fasci Giovanili di Combattinzento;
Women's Fasci;
Fascist Associations (Schools, Public Employees, State Rail-
ways, Posts and Telegraphs, Employees of the State Industrial
organizations) ;
National Olympic Committee;
Art. 14-The Fascist Levy takes place on April 21st, Labor Day.
The Fascist Levy consists in the promotion of Balilla to the ranks
of the Avanguardisti, and of Avanguardisti to the ranks of the
Young Fascists, as well as of the latter to the National Fascist Party
and the Fascist Militia.
The arrangements for the Levy are agreed upon by the Secre-
tary of the National Fascist Party, the Under-Secretary of State
for the Education and Physical training of the young, the President
of the National Balilla Organization, and the Chief of Staff of the
Fascist Militia.
The Young Fascists who enter the National Fascist Party take
the oath before the Political Secretary of the Fascio di Combatti-
mento in the following form:
"In the name of God and of Italy I swear to carry out without
discussion the orders of the Duce and to serve the Cause of the
Fascist Revolution with all my might and if necessary with my
After the fusion of the Fascist and Nationalist parties in 1923, members
of the latter contingent made a vigorous effort to give a more con-
servative, "statist" tone to the ideology of Fascism. The most note-
worthy early such effort was the so-called Manifesto of the Fascist
Intellectuals, proclaimed on April 21, 1925, by Giovanni Gentile, a
distinguished nco-Hegelian philosopher who had served until 1924 as
Mussolini's first Minister of Education. His very rhetorical declaration
was signed by numerous figures of the cultural world, including Luigi
Pirandello and the poet Giuseppe Ungaretti.
Gentile's manifesto was too much for Benedetto Croce, a Liberal
Senator from Naples, to stomach. This eminent philosopher of history
(and former friend of Gentile's) penned a scathing Countermanifesto
on May 1, 192 5. Years later he recalled with satisfaction that almost
everyone remembered his reply long after they had forgotten the
contents of Gentile's declaration. Signed by dozens of Italy's leading
anti-Fascist intellectuals (e.g., Luigi Einaudi, Guido DeRuggiero, Luigi
Salvatorelli, and Guglielmo Ferrero), it was published in the national
press with the help of Amendola, leader of the Aventine. Croce ridi-
culed the "new religion" of Fascism as "an incoherent and bizarre
mishmash of appeals to both authority and demagogism, of professed
respect for the laws combined with violation of the laws, of reverence
for both ultramodern theories and moldy old notions, of fondness for
both absolutistic postures and Bolshevik tendencies, of unbelief alter-
nating with flirtations with the Catholic Church, of a loathing for real
culture mixed with a sterile reaching after culture that has no founda-
tion, of mystical mawkishness on the one hand and cynicism on the
other." 6
Though intensely irritated, Mussolini never dared to arrest the
renowned scholar, partly out of fear of foreign criticism; indeed, he
sought to make the rest of the world think that the dictatorship could
not be very brutal when a man like Croce was free to publish. The
latter's review, La Critica, which dealt with philosophy, history, and
literature, did manage to continue expressing publicly the editor's
judgments, the outward cultural format serving to mask the frequently
political substance. Thus if Croce jibed against the regimentation of
culture by Russian Communists or Nazi Brownshirts, his Italian
readers could discern that he also meant the pompous Blackshirt lictors
at home. It has been reported that whenever Croce left Naples to visit
other cities, his disciples welcomed him as the early Christians did St.
Paul. He became the major and virtually the only voice of freedom
and anti-Fascism within Italy during the next two decades.
Gentile was not the only intellectual to try to expound the philos-
ophy of Fascism in 1925. Alfredo Rocco, a Nationalist party juris-
prudent who espoused the organic state and became Mussolini's
influential Minister of Justice, set down on paper the theory of a su-
preme, totalitarian state directed by the intuitive genius of an all-power-
ful Duce. Finally it was Mussolini's turn himself. After he had been in
power a decade the editors of the new Enciclopedia ltaliana asked for
an authoritative article on Fascism. They invited Gentile to prepare it,
but when PNF leaders heard of this they were incensed, for it was
known that he had expressed hostility to Mussolini's Lateran Pacts
with the Church. They insisted that the Duce himself write the article.
Mussolini thereupon spent some three days reworking it, and the
second portion was entirely his own. It is in this section that the
"working ideology" of Fascism is stated most fully.
in the heart of the man of action and of the thinker, of the artist
and of the man of science: soul of the soul.
Fascism, in short, is not only a law-giver and a founder of insti-
tutions, but an educator and a promoter of spiritual life. It aims at
refashioning not only the forms of life but their content-man, his
character, and his faith. To achieve this purpose it enforces disci-
pline and uses authority, entering into the soul and ruling with
undisputed sway. Therefore it has chosen as its emblem the
Lictor's rods, the symbol of unity, strength, and justice.
Two years later (October 2, 1925) came the Vidoni Palace Pact. In
negotiating labor contracts henceforth, Gino Olivetti's Confindustria
agreed to deal only with the Fascist labor syndicates (Confederation of
Fascist Corporations) that were headed by Rossoni. The rival Socialist
and Catholic labor unions would be outlawed. The Fascist regime
would choose the officials of the Fascist labor syndicates rather than
permit the workers to do so, whereas the Confindustria would con-
tinue to be self-managed in large measure. In this way Mussolini in-
gratiated himself with the big industrialists who thus far had not
always been as pro-Fascist as the great landowners.
tions. These associations must work side by side with the Dopola-
voro1 institution and other educational institutions.
By the early 1930's corporativism was the one political topic that could
be discussed with some measure of freedom in Italy by university
groups and young people. Many such youths who resented the idea of
Mussolini's personal dictatorship felt that the evolution of the corpora-
tive system might lead to relaxation of the totalitarian regime. Some of
the "left-wing" corporativists even insisted on the need for proclaim-
ing a "war on capitalism." In the midst of such discussion, the
embryonic corporative system underwent further change by the Law
of February 5, 1934, which set up 22 corporations (or cycles of
economic activity-e.g., wines and textiles). Mussolini explained their
aim as twofold: "At home, to establish an organization which will
gradually and inflexibly reduce the distance between the greatest and
the least or nonexistent possibilities in life. This is what I call a higher
'social justice.' ... In relation to the outer world, the object of the
corporation is to increase constantly the global power of the nation to
further the ends of its expansion in the world." 2 In the estimation of
Marxist critics, Mussolini's corporative state was simply a smoke screen
for his aggressive foreign policy.
Law on Formation
and Functions of the Corporations
(February 5,1934)
Art. ]-Corporations, as provided for in Article VI of the Labor
Charter, in the Law of April 3, 1926, No. 563, and in the Royal
Decree of July 1, 1926, No. 1130, are instituted by decree of the
Head of the Government, upon proposal of the Minister for
Corporations and after consulting the Central Corporative Com-
Art. 2-Corporations are presided over by a Minister or by an
Undersecretary of State, or by the secretary of the Fascist party,
to be appointed by decree of the Head of the Government, who is
the president of the National Council of Corporations.
Art. 3-The decree instituting a corporation determines the
number of members to be included in the board, and how many of
DuRING THE first couple of years of Fascist rule, while Alberto De'
Stefani was Minister of Finance, the government generally pursued a
laissez-faire type of policy, returning the national life insurance pro-
gram and the telephone system to private hands and giving tax advan-
tages to bondholders and industrialists. In the spring of 192 5 this began
to change as the government embarked on an increasingly interven-
tionist kind of social and economic program. Count Giuseppe Volpi
took over the finance ministry, while Alfredo Rocco became a key
adviser to Mussolini in social and economic matters. Soon the Rocco
Labor Law and the Labor Charter (printed in Chapter 3) gave tangible
evidence of the new philosophy.
Some of the initial social legislation was conceived as a sop to the
workers who had lost their right to strike. This would appear to be the
case with one of the earliest programs, the much publicized National
Institution for Leisure Time (Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro ), which
was designed to provide workers with opportunities for playing bil-
liards, engaging in sports, going on cheap excursions, and other activ-
ities. Hitler's Germany was to introduce a similar program, Strength
through Joy (Kraft durch Freude). By 1940 membership in the Italian
Dopolavoro reached 4,612,294. The decree establishing this organiza-
tion on May 1, 1925, follows.
1: 1934
1. Know that the Fascist and in particular the soldier, must not
believe in perpetual peace.
2. Days of imprisonment are always deserved.
3. The nation serves even as a sentinel over a can of petrol.
4. A companion must be a brother, first because he lives with
you, and secondly because he thinks like you.
5. The rifle and cartridge belt, and the rest, are confided to you
not to rust in leisure, but to be preserved in war.
6. Do not ever say "The Government will pay . . . " because it
is you who pay; and the Government is that which you willed to
have and for which you put on a uniform.
7. Discipline is the soul of armies; without it there are no
soldiers, only confusion and defeat.
8. Mussolini is always right.
9. For a volunteer there are no extenuating circumstances when
he is disobedient.
10. One thing must be dear to you above all: the life of the
II: 1938
1. Remember that those who fell for the revolution and for the
empire march at the head of your columns.
2. Your comrade is your brother. He lives with you, thinks with
you, and is at your side in the battle.
3. Service to Italy can be rendered at all times, in all places, and
by every means. It can be paid with toil and also with blood.
4. The enemy of Fascism is your enemy. Give him no quarter.
5. Discipline is the sunshine of armies. It prepares and illuminates
the victory.
6. He who advances to the attack with decision has victory
already in his grasp.
7. Conscious and complete obedience is the virtue of the
8. There do not exist things important and things unimportant.
There is only duty.
9. The Fascist revolution has depended in the past and still
depends on the bayonets of its Legionaries.
10. Mussolini is always right.
Mussolini's first Minister of National Education from 1922 to t924 was
Giovanni Gentile, the neo-Hegelian philosopher who was to compose
in 1925 the Manifesto of the Fascist Intellectuals referred to in Chapter
2. Mussolini was rather indifferent to Gentile's educational reforms of
1923 which gave universities somewhat more autonomy, allowed con-
siderable freedom to private schools, and stressed the infusion of
philosophy into almost every facet of the curriculum (and in history
in particular).
In the latter part of the 1920's various Fascist institutes were
founded-e.g., the National Fascist Institute of Culture in Rome, with
Gentile as its president; the Fascist University of Bologna; the Fascist-
oriented Faculty of Political Science at Peru~ia; a new Fascist Italian
Academy (1927), supposed to rival the Academie Fran~_;aise and to co-
ordinate all work in the arts and sciences. Its sixty "immortals" were
chosen by Mussolini and decked out with fine ostrich feathers.
Gioacchino Volpe, the leading Fascist historian of the Risorgimento
era, was secretary. Among the other notables were D'Annunzio and
Guglielmo Marconi.
Elementary education expanded during the Fascist era (but it would
have done so anyway). Illiteracy fi~ures continued to decline (but at a
slower rate). Efforts to "fascistictze" the Italian educational system
persisted and met with some success at the elementary and intermedi-
ate school levels, though more in the category of athletic and extracur-
ricular activities than in substantive courses, except for the peculiarly
vulnerable disciplines of history, economics, and political science.
Some of the Fascist innovations had merit so long as they were not
carried to excess-for example, increased attention to physical educa-
tion. Despite occasional pressure against law faculties and professors in
the fields of history and the social sciences, academic freedom gen-
erally survived pretty well in the universities. But in August, 1931, the
dictatorship interfered drastically with academic freedom when it
required every university professor to subscribe to the following oath.
L-In the moral, political, and economic unity of the Italian nation
which is realized integrally in the Fascist State, the schools-which
souRcE: Approved by the Fascist Grand Council, February 15,
1939. Printed in Ministero dell'Educazione Nazionale, Dalla
Riforma Gentile alta Carta della Scuola (Rome, 1941). My
provide the essential foundation for the solidarity among all the
social forces from the family to the corporations and the Party-
shape the human and political conscience of the new generations.
By means of study conceived as forming a mature mind, the
Fascist schools bring into reality the principle of popular culture
that finds inspiration in the eternal values of the Italian race and its
civilization. And, through work, this principle is engrafted in the
actual crafts, arts, professions, sciences, and military life.
H.-Under the Fascist order, the periods for scholastic and
political education coincide. The schools, GIL, and GUF together
form a single instrument of Fascist education. The duty to attend
them constitutes the scholastic service, to which all citizens are
bound from early age to that of twenty-one years. This service
consists in attending the schools and GIL from the fourth to the
fourteenth year; it continues in the GIL until the twenty-first year
for those who no longer go to school. University students must
belong to the GUF. A personal record book, similar to the
worker's employment booklet, will attest to the fulfillment of
scholastic service; and both will be taken into account in the
evaluation of the individuals in offices and other type of work.
IlL-Studies will be arranged in accordance with the actual
physical and intellectual abilities of young people; these studies will
aim at their moral and cultural training, and at their political and
military preparation, in harmony with the goals of the GIL. The
only criterion for admitting young people to studies and allowing
them to go on in the schools is that given by individual talents and
capabilities. The state colleges will guarantee that capable but poor
people shall be able to continue their studies.
IV.-Physical education, which is provided in the schools by the
GIL, will encourage and favor the gradual growth and physical
strengthening of the young people, as well as their psychical
progress. The technique of such training shall aim at harmonious
development, efficiency, high moral standards, self-assurance, and a
strong sense of discipline and duty.
In the university system the GUF shall supervise the athletic and
military training of the young people.
V.-Work-which is protected by the State in all its forms,
whether intellectual, manual, or technical, as a social duty-con-
tributes, together with studies and physical training, toward shap-
ing character and intelligence.
Manual work shall have its place in the programs of all the
ONE oF the epochal events of the Fascist regime, and certainly its most
enduring legacy, was the signing of the Lateran Pacts with the Holy
See in 1929. These agreements were received enthusiastically by a large
segment of the population who were relieved that after half a century
of acrimony between Church and State, peace had at last been
achieved, thanks to the Vatican's recognition of the unified Italian
Kingdom. As has already been mentioned, Mussolini began to back-
track from his youthful anticlericalism even before the March on
Rome, and his first speech as Prime Minister ended with an invocation
for divine assistance. The Church, far more alarmed by political
extremism on the left than on the right, made friendly overtures
toward Mussolini's regime in 1923 by disavowing the anti-Fascist
stance of Luigi Sturzo, secretary of the Catholic Popular party. Resign-
ing his post, Sturzo went into exile, and the party rapidly disintegrated.
His friend and associate, Alcide De Gasperi, was to be arrested by the
Fascists and spend several months in jail in I927 before papal interces-
sion gained his release. He worked inconspicuously in the Vatican
library for the next sixteen years.
Meanwhile Mussolini pushed ahead with plans to win over the
Vatican. By agreeing to restore the crucifix to schools and courtrooms
and to schedule Masses for public functions (to say nothing of his
campaign against the Masonic Lodge), the Duce paved the way for the
appointment in February, I925, of a committee of laymen to review
legislation affecting ecclesiastical affairs. Working quietly, this group
presented a report at year's end. At the same time secret negotiations
got under way outside Parliament to solve the "Roman Question."
Despite occasional tension-such as the dispute between the Balilla
youth organization and the 100,000 Catholic Boy Scouts (Esploratori
Cattolici), which was resolved by virtually disbanding the latter in
I928-these negotiations went ahead fairly smoothly under the super-
vision of Cardinal Secretary of State Gasparri, Marchese Eugenio
Pacelli, and Pius XI himself. Some of the final sessions took place at
night in Mussolini's residence. At last the momentous agreements,
which included a political treaty settling the Roman Question, a reli-
gious concordat, and a financial convention, were signed on February
II, I929, by Cardinal Gasparri and Mussolini in the Lateran Palace.
Seminarists intoning the "Te Deum" competed with Militiamen on the
square in front who shrieked the Fascist cry "Eia, alala!" Important
provisions of the political treaty and the concordat are printed below.
Despite some resistance within the Fascist Grand Council from Giu-
seppe Bottai, a decree-law for the "Defense of the Italian Race" was
announced on November 17, 1938.
souRcE: Il Popolo d'ltalia (Milan), No. 261 (Sept. 19, 1938). My
Art. 18-For a period of three months from the time the present
decree goes into effect, the Minister of Interior is empowered, after
consulting the appropriate administration, to exempt in special
cases from the prohibition set forth in Art. 3 those employees who
intend to contract marriage with a foreigner of the Aryan race.
Art.19-With respect to the application of Art. 9, whoever finds
himself in the conditions set forth under Art. 8 must report this to
the office of the civil state of the commune of residence within 90
days from the date the present decree goes into effect.
Whoever fails to fulfill such obligation within the prescribed
time, or furnishes inexact or incomplete data, will be punished by
imprisonment up to one month and a fine of up to 3,000 lire.
Art. 20-Employees of the agencies mentioned in Art. 13 who
are members of the Jewish race shall be discharged from service
within a space of three months from the date the present decree
goes into effect.
Art. 21-Regular employees of the State who are discharged from
service in accordance with Art. 20 are permitted to claim the re-
tirement benefits due them. . . .
Art. 22-Insofar as they are applicable, the provisions referred to
in Art. 21 are extended to the incorporated entities mentioned in
Art. 13, letters (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), and (h) . . . .
Art. 23-No matter how they were made, all concessions of
Italian citizenship to foreign Jews after January 1, 1919, are re-
voked in every way.
Art. 24-Foreign Jews and those to whom Art. 23 applies who
began their sojourn in the Kingdom, Libya, or the Aegean posses-
sions after January 1, 1919, must leave the territory .. by
March 12, 1939-XVII . . . .
Art. 25-The provisions in Art. 24 shall not apply to Jews of
foreign nationality who, prior to October 1, 1938-XVI:
(a) were over sixty-five years of age;
(b) contracted marriage with persons of Italian citizen-
ship . . . .
Art. 26-The questions relative to the application of the present
decree will be resolved in individual cases by the Minister of
Interior after consulting those Ministers who may also be affected
and receiving the prior opinion of a committee appointed by
him. . . .
Art. 27-Nothing new is introduced with regard to public wor-
ship and activities by Jewish communities according to existing
laws, except for modifications that may become necessary in order
to coordinate these laws with the provisions of the present decree.
Art. 28-Any disposition that is contrary to . . . the present
decree is hereby abrogated.
Art. 29-The Government of the King is authorized to issue the
necessary provisions for the execution of the present decree. . . .
1943, however, the plight of the Jews became desperate. Some 9,000
lost their lives from then until the liberation in 1945.
We know from the diary of Mussolini's son-in-law and Foreign
Minister, Count Ciano, that because of the renewed tension with the
Vatican, Fascist circles were worried about a speech Pius XI planned
to deliver on February 11, 1939. Unhappily, the pontiff died the day
before. The Duce tried in vain to obtam a copy of the undelivered
speech. Twenty years went by before it was made public. Actually
there was nothing explosive in it, but it openly deplored the persecu-
tion of the Church in Germany and contained some barbed references
to Mussolini's regime. The speech advised Italian bishops to "note well
not to forget that very often there are observers or informers (you can
call them spies and you will be telling the truth) who, because of their
own zeal, or for a task entrusted to them, listen to you in order to
denounce you although, of course, they have not understood the
slightest thing you have said, and if need be, will have understood the
opposite. " 5
On March 2, 1939, Cardinal Pacelli was elected Pope, as Pius XII. Of
aristocratic birth and manner, the new pontiff was a Roman of the
Romans, far more suave and cautious than either his predecessor or his
still more forthright successor, John XXIII. He made it clear that he
intended to follow a more conciliatory policy toward Germany and
Italy than had Pius XI. He forestalled a new clash with Mussolini in the
spring of 1939 by bringing the terms of the Catholic Action compro-
mise to their logical conclusion-abolishing the last vestiges of curial
supervision and substituting a three-man commission composed of
members of the diocesan hierarchy.
During and after the Second World War Pius XII took pride in
being called the "Pope of Peace." Unquestionably he tried to prevent
war in 1939, and failing that, to keep Italy neutral. But to do this he
was prepared to renew the appeasement policies that had characterized
diplomacy in the pre-Munich era. More recently Pius XII has come to
be criticized as the "Pope of Silence" as regards the apportionment of
responsibility for the war. For many years he had displayed consider-
able sympathy for the Italian variety of fascism-in contrast to his
unbending hostility to the Communist dictatorship in Russsia and his
irritation with Hitler's rule in Germany. But in the course of the
conflict, and especially after the turn of the military tide against the
Axis, Pius XII became visibly disenchanted with Mussolini's regime.
For several months before the coup d'etat of July 25, 1943, the Vatican
sought to build up the "dyarchy" by showing good will to the House
of Savoy. In the new era that was emerging, Mussolini's type of regime
no longer served the needs of the Church. The Vatican's twenty-year
flirtation with Fascism would be relegated to the archives of papal
history; for the foreseeable future Christian Democracy would serve as
the Church's political arm in Italy.
5. See Charles F. Delzell, "Pius XII, Italy, and the Outbreak of War,"
Journal of Contemporary History, II, 4 (1967), 137-161.
6. The Day of the Lion
"BETTER To live for one day as a lion than a thousand years as a lamb!"
the Duce cried out to his Blackshirts in September, 19 35. By that year
aggressive militarism and an activist foreign policy had become the
most obvious features of Fascism.
Mussolini had come to power with an ultranationalist program that
called for an end to the allegedly shabby treatment that Italy had
suffered at the peace table. Yet in the 1920's, with the notable excep-
tion of his high-handed bombardment of the Greek island of Corfu m
1923, Mussolini's foreign policy was relatively moderate. Old-line
professional diplomats ran the Foreign Office for the first three years,
though Mussolini held the ministerial portfolio personally from 1922
until September, 1929. In 1924 he reached an accommodation of sorts
with Yugoslavia over Fiume. That same year Italy was among the first
countries to establish "correct" diplomatic relations with the Soviet
Union, despite the Duce's undisguised intentions to SUJ.>press the Italian
Communist party. With France there was always considerable jealousy
over naval strength and resentment of France's security arrangements
with the Little Entente countries of east-central Europe and with
Poland. Moreover, Mussolini was greatly annoyed by France's friendly
reception of Italian anti-Fascist refug-ees, who made Paris their princi-
pal center. 1 In 1925 he joined Britam as a guarantor of the Locarno
agreements, which stabilized the western frontier of Germany.
Whereas Mussolini manifested a somewhat ambivalent attitude toward
Weimar Germany, he became openly sympathetic in the late 1920's to
the "revisionist" aims of the other defeated countries, Hungary, Bul-
garia, and Austria. In the case of the latter state Mussolini subsidized
the Heimwehr (Home Defense Units), which under Prince Ernst von
Starhemberg became increasingly fascist in ideology.
A new phase of Italian foreign policy began in 1930. Although
relinquishing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from September, 1929,
until July, 1932, to Dino Grandi, Mussolini did not intend to give up
control over policy. In a speech in Rome in 1930 on the anniversary of
the Fascist advent to power, he declared that the struggle had moved
beyond the confines of Italy to the world arena. He called for re-
armament ("So long as guns exist they will be more beautiful than
pretty ... words"), for revision of treaties, and "peaceful" expan-
sion toward the Danubian basin.
Soon he was talking explicitly about "Fascism for export." Within
another decade "all Europe will be Fascist." In 1932 the Duce told a
crowd in Milan, "The twentieth century will be the century of
Fascism"; for a third time in history Italy will direct human civiliza-
tion. Henceforth the Fascists provided secret subsidies to numerous
fascistic movements abroad. Feeling that Grandi was too docile to co-
ordinate this kind of policy, Mussolini took back for himself the
Foreign Ministry in July, 1932, and gave Grandi an ambassadorial
assignment in London. Mussolini remained Foreign Minister until 19 36,
when he handed it over to his ambitious son-in-law, Count Galeazzo
Ciano. Meanwhile he took command of the Ministry of War in July,
1933, and in November added the portfolios of Navy and Air. Thus he
personally controlled all the service ministries.
Hitler came to power in Germany at the end of January, 1933.
Though there had been some ideological links, the two dictators had
not yet met personally. Italy was still joined to Britain and France in
the Locarno pacts; moreover, she still favored keeping Austria out of
Germany's control. In the spring of 1933 Mussolini proposed a Four-
Power Pact with Britain, France, and Germany, his idea being that
they could co-operate as a consortium in deciding Europe's political
problems. But France was not happy with the idea, and the agreement
was never ratified. Its only significance was that it showed the Duce's
desire to have Italy play a big role.
On March 18, 1934, Mussolini delivered an important speech in
Rome wherein he openly proclaimed Fascism to be a "universal
phenomenon" and then went on to discuss Italy's relations with her
The Stresa Front collapsed within a few months, partly because the
Anglo-German naval agreement of June, 1935, was negotiated behind
the backs of France and Italy, and partly because Britain insisted on a
policy of economic sanctions by the League of Nations to punish Italy
for invading Ethiopia. Italy's consequent isolation in the war against
Ethiopia was to be of major importance in inducing Mussolini to seek
the friendship of Hitler's Germany by sacrificing Austria to the
Fuhrer. Henceforth the Duce showed almost total lack of restraint in
matters of foreign policy.
A clash at the oasis of Wal Wal near the border of Italian Somaliland
in September, 1934, signaled the start of the Ethiopian crisis, though
Mussolini had decided early in 193 3 that he would soon undertake a
war of conquest. His primary motive was the naked desire for im-
perialist expansion in the only place that was still available. He sought
to justify his war with arguments that the African territory would
provide Italy with important raw materials and markets, an outlet for
her burgeoning population, and enable her to spread the blessings of
Roman civilization and religion; moreover, it would be justified re-
venge for the defeat Italy had suffered at Adowa in 1896.
In January, 1935, Mussolini was, in effect, given a green light by
France's Foreign Minister Pierre Laval, who was anxious to retain
Italian friendship in the face of the growing German danger. As a
gesture of good will Laval turned over some surplus Sahara wasteland
to be added to the sands of Italian Libya. Britain's Conservative gov-
ernment under Stanley Baldwin preferred to straddle the problem. On
the one hand, he wished to uphold the Covenant of the League of
Nations and preserve the independence of Ethiopia; on the other, he
wished to appease Mussolini. Matters were brought to a head on
October 2, 1935, when the Duce stepped out on the balcony of Rome's
Palazzo Venezia to proclaim all-out war against Ethiopia.
000 Italians are marching in unison with this army, because there is
an attempt to commit against them the blackest of all injustices, to
rob them of a place in the sun.
When in 1915 Italy united its lot with those of the Allies, how
many shouts of admiration and how many promises! But after the
common victory, to which Italy had brought the supreme contri-
bution of 670,000 dead, 400,000 disabled, and 1,000,000 wounded,
when it came to sitting around the table of the stingy peace, to us
were left only the crumbs from the sumptuous colonial booty of
others. For thirteen years we have been patient while a ring was
being tightened ever more rigidly about us to suffocate our over-
flowing vitality. With Ethiopia we have been patient for forty
years. Now, that's enough!
At the League of Nations, instead of recognizing the just rights
of Italy, they talk of sanctions. Now, until there is proof to the
contrary, I refuse to believe that the true and generous people of
France can associate themselves with sanctions against Italy. The
6,000 dead of Bligny, who perished in a heroic attack which drew
admiration even from the enemy, would turn in their graves. Until
there is proof to the contrary, I refuse to believe that the true
people of Great Britain want to spill blood and push Europe on the
road to catastrophe in order to defend an African country univer-
sally stamped as a barbarous country and unworthy of taking its
place with civilized peoples.
To sanctions of an economic character we shall reply with our
discipline, with our sobriety, and with our spirit of sacrifice. To
sanctions of a military character we shall reply with orders of a
military character. To acts of war we shall reply with acts of
Let nobody delude himself that he can deflect us without first
having to defeat us. A people which is proud of its name and its
future cannot adopt a different attitude. But let it be said once
again in the most categorical manner, as a sacred pledge which I
take at this moment before all the Italians who are listening to me,
that we shall do everything possible to avoid a colonial conflict
assuming the character and bearing of a European conflict. This
may be the wish of those who see in a new war revenge for fallen
temples, but it cannot be our wish.
Never more than in this historic epoch has the Italian people
revealed the force of its spirit and the power of its character. And
it is against this people to which humanity owes the greatest of its
conquests, it is against this people of heroes, poets, artists, navi-
gators, and administrators that they dare to speak of sanctions.
Proletarian and Fascist Italy, Italy of Vittorio Veneto and of the
Revolution! To your feet! Let the cry of your decision fill the
heavens and be a comfort to the soldiers who are about to fight in
Africa, and let it be a spur to our friends, and a warning to our
enemies in all parts of the world-a cry of justice and a cry of
After much agonizing debate and under the prodding of Britain's chief
spokesman at Geneva, Anthony Eden, the Assembly of the League of
Nations voted to condemn Italy as the aggressor (only Austria,
Hungary, and Albania supported Italy). But afraid of taking all-out
measures against Mussolini lest such action lead to World War II, the
Baldwin government proposed only partial and mild economic mea-
sures under Article 16 of the Covenant, as the following resolution
made clear. Neither petroleum, steel billets, nor pig iron was included
in the list of items prohibited to Italy.
The Governments of the Members of the League of Nations
will forthwith take all measures necessary to render impossible the
following operations:
I. All loans to or for the Italian Government and all subscrip-
tions to loans issued in Italy or elsewhere by or for the Italian
2. All banking or other credits to or for the Italian Govern-
ment ... ;
3. All loans to or for any public authority, person, or corpora-
tion in Italian territory . . . ;
4. All banking or other credits to or for any public authority,
person or corporation in Italian territory . . . ;
5. All issues of shares or other capital flotations for any public
authority, person, or corporation in Italian territory . . . ;
6. The Governments will take all measures necessary to render
impossible the transactions mentioned in paragraphs 1-5 whether
effected directly or through intermediaries of whatsoever national-
ity. . . .
(c) PROPOSAL m, adopted by the Co-ordination Committee, Oc-
tober 19, 1935.
and Italy that had dated from the Risorgimento. On November 16,
1935, the eve of the application of the sanctions policy, the Fascist
Grand Council adopted the following resolution.
pure, a victory such as the legionaries who have fallen and those
who survive dreamed of and willed. Italy has her empire at last-a
Fascist empire because it bears the indestructible symbols of the
will and of the power of the Roman lictors, because this is the goal
that for fourteen years spurred on the exuberant and disciplined
energies of the young and dashing generations of Italy. An empire
of peace, because Italy desires peace, for herself and for all men,
and she decides upon war only when it is forced upon her by
imperious, irrepressible necessities of life. An empire of civilization
and of humanity for all the peoples of Ethiopia. That is in the
tradition of Rome, which, after victory, associated the different
peoples with her own destiny.
Here is the law, 0 Italians, which closes one period of our
history and opens up another like a vast pass that looks out on all
the possibilities of the future:
( 1) The territories and the peoples that belonged to the Empire
of Ethiopia are placed under the full and complete sovereignty of
the Kingdom of Italy.
(2) The title of Emperor of Ethiopia has been assumed for
himself and his successors by the King of Italy.
Officers, noncommissioned officers, soldiers of all the armed
forces of the State in Africa and in Italy, Blackshirts, Italian men
and women!
The Italian people has created the empire with its blood. It will
fertilize it with its labor and will defend it with its arms against
anybody whomsoever. In this supreme certainty, legionaries, raise
up on high your insignia, your weapons, and your hearts, to salute
after fifteen centuries the reappearance of the empire upon the
fateful hills of Rome.
Will you be worthy of it? [The crowd erupts in shouts of
This answering cry is as a sacred oath that binds you before God
and before men for life and for death. Blackshirts, legionaries, the
salute to the King!
In September, 1937, Mussolini crossed the Alps for his first trip to the
German capital and his second personal visit with Chancellor Hitler
(whom he had first met in Venice in June, 19 34). The state visit was a
triumphal progress from Munich to Berlin and was climaxed on the
Maifeld, where Hitler assembled an enormous crowd of 800,000.
Wearing his own newly designed uniform, the Duce addressed the vast
assembly in German, but a sudden torrential rainstorm reduced the
carefully prepared text almost to a sodden rag as he tried to read it
faster and faster, to the great confusion of the crowd. Even so, Musso-
lini, if not the Germans, came away from the meeting in a state of
exaltation and henceforth was under the spell of the Fuhrer.
Less than two months later, in the protocol printed below, Fascist Italy
acceded to the Anti-Comintern Pact signed by Germany and Japan the
year before. This was a clear indication of their antipathy for Soviet
of the Fascist era, i.e., November 6 of the 12th year of the Showa
newborn child fled by donkey over the mountains into Greece. The
war soon ended in Italian victory but destroyed what was left of the
confidence Italy had earlier tried to inspire among the Balkan countries.
In May, 1939, Hitler's Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop
came to Milan to tighten the Axis into a full-fledged alliance. An
American newspaperman reported that Ribbentrop did not get a
friendly reception from the Milanese, a story that greatly incensed
Mussolini. By telephone he instructed Ciano to counteract this impres-
sion by concluding as quickly as possible a formal military alliance.
The youthful and none too clever Foreign Minister was caught unpre-
pared; he did not have a detailed draft treaty available. But Ribbentrop
did; it was the German text that was adopted with minor amendments.
By the terms of this "Pact of Steel" between "two regimes," Italy
found herself pledged to support Germany even in a war of aggression.
before the expiry of this period, they will reach agreement on the
extension of the validity of the Pact.
In witness whereon the Plenipotentiaries have signed this Pact
and affixed thereto their seals.
Done in duplicate in the German and the Italian languages, both
texts being equally authoritative.
Berlin, May 22, 1939, in the XVIIth year of the Fascist era.
The Italians had gained the erroneous impression that Hitler would not
take action for at least another three years. Mussolini also thought of
the pact chiefly as a way of increasing Italy's bargaining power with
the first phase of the conflict, especially if-as you say, and as is
right-you will not be taking the initiative on the Western Front,
thereby bringing upon Italy the mass of Franco-British troops and
exhausting the limited Italian resources, might have serious reper-
cussions on the development of the war for you as well.
All that can be done from the psychological point of view to
underline Italian-German solidarity will be intensified by press,
radio, cinema and thorough propaganda.
I am prepared to send you the greatest possible number of
workers for your industries and agriculture compatible with my
present and prospective mobilization measures.
It is my desire to keep in closest contact with you, Fuehrer, in
order to co-ordinate the action of our two countries and make it
conform-in every field-to the requirements which will result
from the course of events.
Mussolini was allowed to stay on the sidelines for a few months, and he
announced Italy's status as that of "nonbelligerency" rather than pure
Despite the fact that he himself had been personally in charge of the
service ministries since 1933, Mussolini led his country into the war
quite unprepared. The Italian Army could not get across the French
frontier until June 21, a day before the armistice terms were signed by
Germany. Mussolini, who had hoped to obtain Nice, Savoy, Corsica,
Djibouti, and perhaps even Tunisia, was treated contemptuously by
the Germans and permitted (in the Franco-Italian armistice of June
24) to acquire only the border town of Mentone and the Red Sea port
of Djibouti.
After more or less giving up the idea of invading England, Hitler
instructed his Foreign Minister to sign a Three-Power Pact with Italy
and Japan on September 27, 1940. It called for a "New Order" in both
Europe and Greater East Asia. Article 3 bound them to assist one
another in case any of them were "attacked by a power at present not
involved in the European War or in the Sino-Japanese Conflict."
Clearly the United States was such a power. Soviet Russia was specifi-
cally excluded by Article 5, though the Kremlin may well have had
some doubts as to the candor of that promise.
signature and shall remain in force for ten years from the date of its
coming into force.
At proper time before the expiration of the said term the High
Contracting Parties shall, at the request of any one of them, enter
into negotiations for its renewal.
In faith whereof, the Undersigned, duly authorized by their
respective Governments, have signed this Pact and have affixed
hereto their Seals.
Done in triplicate at Berlin, the 27th day of September 1940-in
the XVIIIth year of the Fascist Era-, corresponding to the 27th
day of the 9th month of the 15th year of Showa.
The war in Greece went badly for the Italians, who were halted
within three weeks and pushed back into Albania. In November
Mussolini sought to make General Badoglio his scapegoat and relieved
him of command. (Badoglio was to get his revenge on July 25, 1943.)
By December Mussolini was in the embarrassing situation of having to
beg Hitler for assistance. The Germans, however, were unable to send
11. On May 6, 1941, Anthony Eden, the British Foreign Secretary, said to
the House of Commons: "... In the early morning, at 3:00 o'clock, the
Italian Minister called on General Metaxas and presented him with an
ultimatum, which, he said, would come into force at 6:00. The ultimatum
contained this clause:-that Italy demanded certain bases in Greece. General
Metaxas said, 'What bases?' The Italian Minister said that he did not know.
Those were the cynical conditions in which the first attack on Greece was
made, before even the ultimatum expired, and those were the conditions in
which our guarantee first came into effect." (Parliamentary Debates, House
of Commons, 5th series, Vol. 371, col. 733.)
troops to the Balkans until the spring of 1941. The necessity of clean-
ing up that peninsula before invading Russia caused Hitler to lose five
precious weeks-enough to prevent him from capturing Moscow in
the first year of the war and, in effect, making his eventual defeat
almost inevitable.
Italy's armed forces performed poorly almost everywhere. On No-
vember 11, 1940, British sea and air power in the Mediterranean
knocked out three Italian capital ships at their Taranto base at the cost
of only two British planes and one pilot killed. Not content with that,
other British naval units struck the Italian fleet off Cape Matapan on
March 28-29, 1941, sinking three cruisers and two destroyers, and a
few weeks later another squadron bombarded Genoa in daylight. By
that spring the British had driven the Italians completely out of East
Africa and reinstated Emperor Haile Selassie on his throne.
In June 1941 Mussolini joined Hitler in the invasion of Stalin's
Russia. "We cannot count less than Slovakia. . . . The destiny of
Italy is intimately bound up with that of Germany," he told the Italian
commander. 12 And followmg the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in
December, both Axis powers declared war on the United States-once
again without opposition from the King and with no consultation of
the Grand Council.
By 1942 the situation was much worse. Hitler dispatched General
Erwin Rommel to fill the breach in Libya. His forces advanced that
summer from Tobruk into Egypt, and Mussolini crossed the Mediter-
ranean in anticipation of a victory parade in Cairo. But El Alamein was
as far as the Axis forces could get. The Duce had to sneak back to
Rome. In October the British launched an attack from El Alamein that
carried them triumphantly all the way to Tunisia, while the next
month Anglo-American troops landed in Morocco and Algeria. At the
same time the Red Army bitterly counterattacked at Stalingrad. Thus
the turning point of the war had been reached. Physically ill, the Duce
was rapidly losing prestige and power at home. All of his enemies
began to come out of hiding. In vain he tried to persuade Hitler to
make peace with Russia and concentrate his efforts against the "Anglo-
Saxons." Ciano dreamed of organizing an ltalo-Balkan peace bloc
against Germany. Never was there any co-ordinated military planning
between the two Axis powers-in contrast to the efficiency of the
Anglo-American Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The Grand Council adjourned about 2:30 A.M., Sunday, July 25. At
noon Mussolini requested to be received in special audience by the
King at 5 P.M. He arrived at the monarch's residence bearing docu-
ments designed to prove that the Council's vote was merely advisory.
Caught unawares and bemused by the action of the Grand Council, the
Fascist Militia (MVSN) made no effort to resist the action of the King
and Badoglio.
The conspirators had the dual intention of removing Mussolini from
power and breaking away from Germany, but events quickly revealed
they had no rational plan for co-ordinating the two problems. They
had achieved the first without making coherent preparations for the
latter. Instead of clear-eyed, stouthearted statesmen, Italy found herself
I sj Badoglio
Head of the Italian Government
Rome was finally freed on June 4. The next day the King announced
the transfer of power to his son, Prince Humbert, as Lieutenant
General of the Realm. Premier Badoglio .was also compelled to step
down in the face of opposition from parties in the Committee of
National Liberation. He was succeeded by. lvanoe Bonomi, the elderly
chairman of the Rome committee. Bonomi retained the premiership
until the Germans were evicted from northern Italy in May, 1945.
After the liberation of Rome the process of purging the country of
the remnants of Fascism accelerated markedly. Count Carlo Sforza, a
distinguished diplomat of the pre-Fascist era and one of the most
prestigious of the returning exiles, drafted the following purge law.
Proclaimed on July 27, 1944, it provided the basis for epurazione.
Art. 4: The crimes that are covered in the preceding article shall
be judged, in accordance with their respective jurisdiction, by the
Courts of Assize, the Tribunals, and the praetors.
The Courts of Assize shall consist of two magistrates, as pre-
scribed by the Unified Text of legislative regulations defining the
structure of the Courts of Assize, and by five peoples' judges to be
chosen by lot from apposite lists of citizens of irreproachable moral
and political conduct.
Art. 5: Whoever in the period since September 8, 1943, has
committed or shall commit any criminal act of disloyalty toward
the State and its military defense, or by any form whatsoever of
intelligence, correspondence, or collaboration with the German
invader lends the enemy comfort or assistance, shall be punished in
accordance with the regulations of the Millitary Penal Code for
time of war.
The penalties prescribed for military personnel shall also apply
to nonmilitary personnel.
Military personnel shall be tried by military tribunals; nonmili-
tary personnel by civilian courts.
Art. 6: No one who is guilty of the crimes set forth in the
present decree and who has gone unpunished because of the con-
tinuing existence of the Fascist regime may invoke in his own
behalf the statute of limitations.
In the same manner, amnesties and indulgences that may have
been granted after October 28, 1922, shall not apply to crimes set
forth in the present decree, and if they have already been so
applied, the relevant declaratory documents are hereby rescinded.
The High Commissioner is hereby empowered to propose the
revocation of sovereign acts of clemency that may have been
granted hitherto.
Sentences pronounced for such crimes may be declared to be
juridically nonexistent if such decisions were influenced by a state
of moral coercion created by Fascism. Pronouncement in this
regard shall be entrusted to a section of the Supreme Court of
Cassation, as designated by the Minister Keeper of the Seals.
The dispositions of the present article shall not apply to those
crimes that are punishable by imprisonment for less than a maxi-
mum period of three years.
Art. 7: For crimes envisaged under the present title, the penalty
of imprisonment may be reduced by up to one-fourth, while the
death penalty and life imprisonment penalty may be replaced by
imprisonment for a period of not less than five years under the
following circumstances:
(a) If the guilty party assumed a hostile position with respect
to Fascism prior to the outbreak of the present war;
(b) If he has participated actively in the struggle against the
If the broad, extenuating circumstances envisaged by the Penal
Code of 1889 should be found to exist, the penalties of death and
life imprisonment may be replaced by a period of imprisonment for
thirty years, and the other penalties may be reduced by one-sixth.
The guilty party may be declared exempt from punishment if he
has particularly distinguished himself with acts of valor during the
struggle against the Germans.
Art. 8: Whoever, for Fascist motives or in order to take advan-
tage of the political situation created by Fascism, has committed
acts of particular gravity which though perhaps falling short of
criminal acts are nevertheless contrary to the norms of rectitude
and political probity, shall be subject to temporary exclusion from
public office and even to deprivation of his political rights for a
period not to exceed ten years.
The provisions envisaged by the present article shall be applied
by Provincial Committees presided over by a magistrate and com-
posed of two other members chosen by lot from the peoples'
judges referred to in Article 4.
As regards members of the Legislative Assemblies or of agencies
or institutes that by their votes or actions contributed to the
maintenance of the Fascist regime and to making possible the war,
their dismissal from their posts shall be decided by the High Court
referred to in Article 2; and this shall be without prejudice to the
sanctions set forth in the present decree insofar as these are ap-
Art. 9: Without prejudice to penal action, the property of those
citizens who have betrayed the fatherland by spontaneously and
actively placing themselves at the service of the German invaders
shall be confiscated to the advantage of the State.
In the case of penal action, confiscation shall be prounounced by
whatever judiciary authority hands down the sentence. In other
cases, it shall be pronounced by the competent tribunal for the
territory, upon request of the High Commissioner.
ment which planned and carried out the demolition of Fascism, the
very Fascism that twenty years ago had saved it. . . .
In view of all these facts, it is not the regime that betrayed the
monarchy, but rather the monarchy that betrayed the regime. . . .
When a monarchy fails in its duties, it loses all reasons for further
existence. As for our traditions, they are far more republican than
they are monarchist. The unity and independence of Italy were
desired more by the republican current and its purest and greatest
apostle, Giuseppe Mazzini, than they were by the monarchists. The
State that we wish to erect will be national and social in the highest
sense of the word-that is to say, it will be Fascist by going back to
While waiting for the movement to develop until it becomes
irresistible, our postulates shall be the following:
Soon Mussolini and other top Fascists were sent back to northern Italy
to organize an "Italian Social Republic." Its capital was to be situated
at the resort town of Salo on the shore of Lake Garda, close to the
German communications line over the Brenner, so that Mussolini and
his entourage could be kept under close surveillance by SS General
Karl Wolff and Ambassador Rudolf Rahn. Knowing that he had lost
the support of most of the upper and middle classes, Mussolini desper-
ately sought to ingratiate himself with the northern working groups.
To this end, he refurbished some of the slogans he had expressed in his
socialistic youth; he also did his best to blame the corruption of the
regime's final years on profiteering "plutocrats" and minions of the
The signal was given to fanatic Militiamen to organize a brand-new
Partito Fascista Repubblicano (PFR); Alessandro Pavolini became its
secretary. This new Republican Fascist party held its first (and only)
congress in Verona in mid-November, 1943. There Mussolini un-
wrapped a demagogic, eighteen-point manifesto that sought to under-
cut Communist appeal to the working masses and at the same time not
alienate completely whatever support he could still elicit from the
propertied and lower-middle-class groups who in the past had loomed
so large in the political sociology of Fascism. In some respects the
Verona manifesto harked back to Mussolini's pre-World War I Marx-
ian views and to the 1919 republican edition of "Fascism of the first
9. The Basis of the Social Republic and its primary object shall
be manual, technical, and intellectual labor in all of its mani-
10. Private property, which is the fruit of labor and of indi-
vidual savings and the integration of the human personality, shall
be guaranteed by the State.
11. In the national economy the State's sphere of action shall
embrace everything that because of its dimensions or functions lies
outside the private sector and falls within the collective interest.
it was the ex-King who ordered the surrender, and Badoglio who
carried it out. But in order to get to September 8, there first had to
be a July 25-viz., the coup d'etat and the change of regime.
The justification for the surrender-viz., the impossibility of
continuing the war-was denied forty days later, on October 13,
when war was declared against Germany. That declaration was no
mere symbolic act. From that time on there has been collaboration
between Badoglio's Italy and the Allies, carried on behind the lines
by labor units; while the fleet, which had been built in its entirety
by Fascism, passed completely into the hands of the enemy and
immediately began to operate with the enemy fleets. Thus, it was
not peace, but rather continuation of the war by means of so-called
co-belligerency. It was not peace, but rather the transformation of
the entire territory of the nation into one immense battlefield-and
that is to say, one immense field of ruins. It was not peace, but
rather the now predicted participation of Italian ships and troops in
the war against Japan.
From all of this it is clear that those who have suffered the
consequences of the betrayal are, first of all, the Italian people. It
can be declared that the Italian people did not commit treason
toward the German ally. Except for a few sporadic instances,
Army units melted away without offering any resistance to orders
coming from the German commands to disarm. Many Army units
that were located away from the fatherland, and many Air Corps
units, rallied at once to the side of the German forces-and this
was true of tens of thousands of men. All the formations of the
Militia, except for one battalion in Corsica, went over-every last
man of them-to the side of the Germans. . . .
. . . While a portion of the Italian people accepted the sur-
render as a result of either irresponsibility or exhaustion, another
portion lined up at once alongside Germany. It is time to tell our
Italian, German, and Japanese comrades that the contribution made
by Republican Italy to the common cause since September, 1943-
and despite the temporary reduction in size of the Republic's
territory-has been far greater than is commonly believed.
For obvious reasons, I cannot go into detailed statistics of the
total contribution made by Italy in both the economic and the
military sectors. Our collaboration with the Reich in soldiers and
workers is represented by this figure: 786,000 men on September
30 [ 1944]. This fact is incontrovertible, since it comes from
German sources. One should add to this the formerly interned
military personnel-that is to say, several hundred thousand men
involved in Germany's productive process-and other tens of
thousands of Italians who already were in the Reich, where they
had gone in recent years as free laborers in the factories and fields.
In the face of this evidence, Italians who live in the territory of the
Social Republic have the right, once and for all, to raise their heads
and demand that their effort be fairly judged in a comradely
manner by all members of the Tripanite Pact. . . .
On September 15 [ I 94 3], the National Fascist Party became the
Fascist Republican Pany. At that time there was no dearth of sick
and opportunistic elements-perhaps they were in a state of mental
confusion-who wondered if it would not have been wiser to
eliminate the word "Fascism," and to place the accent exclusively
on the word "Republic." I rejected then, just as I would reject
today, that useless and cowardly suggestion.
It would have been both cowardliness and an error to lower our
banner which had been consecrated by so much blood, and to
allow those ideas that are serving today as the password in the
intercontinental struggle to circulate almost as though they were
contraband. By treating this as a matter of expediency, we would
have suffered the consequences and been discredited in the eyes of
the enemy and especially in our own midst.
Thus by continuing to call ourselves Fascists, as we shall always
do, and by dedicating ourselves to the cause of Fascism as we have
done since 1919 until the present, we have given, in the wake of
recent events, a new thrust to action in both the political and the
social fields. Actually, more than a new thrust; one might better
say, a return to original positions. It is a matter of historical record
that prior to 192 2 Fascism had republican tendencies, and the
reasons why the insurrection of 1922 spared the Monarchy have
been explained.
From the social standpoint, the program of Republican Fas-
cism is but the logical continuation of the program of 1919-of
the achievements of the splendid years that took place between the
announcement of the Labor Chaner and the conquest of the
empire. Nature does not operate by leaps; and economics even
less so.
It was necessary first to build a foundation of syndical legislation
and corporative bodies before we could take the subsequent step
toward socialization. Even at the first meeting of the Council of
Ministers on September 27, 1943, I declared that "the Republic
would have been faster in other times. But the seed has been sown.
Whatever happens, this seed is bound to germinate. It is the
inauguration of that which eight years ago, here in Milan before
500,000 cheering people, I prophesied would be the "century of
labor," in which the laborer would emerge from the economic and
moral status of a wage earner to assume the role of a producer who
is personally involved in the development of the nation's economy
and prosperity.
Fascist socialization is the logical and rational solution that, on
the one hand, avoids the bureaucratization of the economy through
State totalitarianism and, on the other, overcomes the individualism
of the liberal economic system which, though it proved to be a
useful instrument for progress in the early phase of the capitalistic
form of economics, is today no longer suitable in the face of new
demands of a "social" character in the various national commu-
Through socialization, the best elements drawn from the ranks
of the workers will be able to demonstrate their talents. I am deter-
mined to continue in this direction.
I have already entrusted two sectors to the various categories of
laborers-viz., local administration and food distribution. These
sectors, which are very important and especially so under present
circumstances, are already completely in the hands of the workers.
Now they must show, and I hope that they will show, their
specific preparation and their civic-mindedness.
As you see, something has been accomplished during these
twelve months, in the midst of incredible and growing difficulties
brought about by objective circumstances of the war and blind
opposition from those elements who have sold out to the foe. . . .
In very recent days the situation has improved. The fence-
straddlers, those who were waiting on the side lines for the Anglo-
Americans to come, are in decline. What has happened in Bonomi's
Italy has brought them disillusionment. Everything that the Anglo-
Americans promised them has turned out to be a miserable propa-
gandistic trick. I think I am right when I declare that the people of
the Po Valley not only do not want the arrival of the Anglo-
Saxons; they scorn them. And they do not want to have anything
to do with a government which-even though it has T ogliatti as a
vice-premier-would bring back to the north the reactionary,
plutocratic, and dynastic forces-these latter already openly enjoy-
ing the protection of England. . . .
We intend to defend the Po Valley tooth and nail. [Shouts of
forces. But it was too late to make the Italian people forget the
terroristic aspects of the police state that had been operating alongside
the Germans. The insurrection and liberation occurred before the
"face lifting" could be finished.
On April 5 the Allies kicked off their final offensive. By April 14/15
they had blasted their way into the flatland sector between Imola and
Bologna. On the twelfth the supreme organ of the Resistance, the
Committee of National Liberation for Upper Italy (CLNAI), de-
nounced as war criminals all members of the Fascist directorate and
next day laid down guidelines for handling Nazi-Fascist r.risoners.
Mussolini left Salo for Milan on the evening of Apnl 18 and set up
headquarters in the prefectural palace. He did not yet know that SS
General Karl Wolff was trying to negotiate an armistice with Allied
representatives in Switzerland. In Milan many schemes raced through
his mind. One was an abortive effort to turn over political power to
the Socialist and Action parties in an effort to split the Committee of
National Liberation and save his own skin. The left-wing parties
immediately turned him down. Then, through an emissary, he sought
to win a guarantee from Resistance leaders that would allow him and
his henchmen, and their families, to retreat from Milan into the
northern V altellina. The response to this was curt: if the Duce wished
to surrender unconditionally, he must come to the CLNAI in the sole
place that it considered to be neutral, the palace of the archbishop in
Milan's Piazza Fontana. Only in that way might he gain assurance of a
regular trial.
The insurrection in Milan, the nerve center of the Armed Resis-
tance, took place between April 24 and 26. On the twenty-fifth the
CLNAI agreed upon various decrees, one of which established special
popular courts of assize, tribunals of war, and commissions of justice.
By implication it ordered Mussolini's execution, for Article 5 stated:
Those who organized Fascist squads that carried out deeds of violence
and those who led the "insurrection" of October 28, 1922, were to be
punished according to the Penal Code of 1889. Anyone guilty of
crimes against the state since September 8, 1943, would be punished in
accordance with the military laws of war in effect as of that time. The
accused might defend himself if he could prove that he had prevented
Fascism m Spain
IT WAs not until the early 1930's that authentically fascist movements
appeared on the scene in Spain, a country that was beginning to move
awkwardly from a feudalistic agrarian economy into the first stages of
a semi-industrialized society. The emergence of various extremist
movements of the radical right was brought about by the cumulative
impact of several developments during the preceding decade. These
included the Moroccan rebellion of the early 1920's and the resultant
military dictatorship in Spain; the pervasive economic depression that
began in 1929; the political ferment that overthrew King Alfonso XIII
in April, 1931, and inaugurated the anticlerical Second Republic; and
the growing schism within the Spanish revolutionary syndicalist move-
ment. The latter current had attracted considerable support in Cata-
lonia and other parts of Spain during the previous generation; and just
as had already been the case in Italy, its left wing was now moving
increasingly in the direction of Marxian communism, while its right
wing was assuming a nationalistic and fascist-like posture.
A clear example of this effort to persuade anarcho-syndicalists to
adopt a program of "national syndicalism" was to be seen in March,
193 1. At that time Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, a young Castilian postal
clerk and ex-student of the University of Madrid who had recently
spent some time in Germany, where he was impressed by Hitler's
National Socialist party (and even went so far as to affect Hitler's hair
style), founded a short-lived, anti-Marxist weekly paper entitled La
Conquista del Estado (The Conquest of the State). He called for the
creation of "military-type teams without hypocrisy before the rifle's
barrel." 1 Then, three months later, in Valladolid, a twenty-five-year-
old man of rural background (and a paid organizer of the sugar-beet
growers there), Onesimo Redondo Ortega, founded a somewhat simi-
lar group with a weekly newspaper, Libertad. Strongly clerical and
anti-Semitic, Redondo also found much to admire in Hitler's youth
movement, which he had observed at first hand at the University of
That is why socialism was born, and its birth was justified. We
are not going to balk at any truth: the workmen were bound to
defend themselves against that system, which gave them merely
promises of rights, and took no pains to provide them with a fair
living wage. Yet socialism, which was a legitimate reaction against
that liberal enslavement, went astray in three ways: first, it ac-
cepted the materialist interpretation of life; secondly, it adopted an
attitude of revenge; and thirdly, it proclaimed the dogma of the
class war.
Socialism-above all the socialism constructed in the passionless
frigidity of the study by the socialist apostles in whom the poor
working men believed, and who have been shown up for what
they really were by Alfonso Garda Valdecasas, 2-socialism, thus
understood, sees nothing in history but the play of economic
forces; everything spiritual is suppressed, religion is the opium of
the people, patriotism is a myth for the exploitation of the under-
dog. Socialism says all this. Nothing exists but production and
economic organization. Workmen, therefore, must wring their
souls well out, lest the least drop of spirituality should remain
within them.
Socialism does not aspire to reestablish a social justice that has
broken down through the faulty working of the liberal State;
rather, it aims at reprisal. The further the injustice of the liberal
system has gone in one direction, the further socialism seeks to
carry its own injustice in the other.
Finally, socialism proclaims the monstrous dogma of class war-
fare. It proclaims the dogma that warfare between the classes is
indispensable and occurs naturally in life, because there can never
be any appeasing agent. Thus socialism, which started out as a just
critique of economic liberalism, has brought us by a different route
to the same pass as economic liberalism: disunity, hatred, separa-
tion, forgetfulness of every bond of brotherhood and solidarity
between men.
Accordingly, when we, the men of our generation, look around
us, we find a world in moral ruin, a world rent asunder by every
kind of differences; and as regards what touches us most closely,
we find a Spain in moral ruin, a Spain rent by every kind of hatred
and conflict. We have had to shed tears in the depth of our hearts
when we have travelled through the villages of this wonderful
country of Spain, those villages where you can still find people,
beneath the humblest exterior, possessing a rustic gentility which
never makes an extravagant gesture or uses a superfluous word;
people who live in an outwardly dry way, on an apparently arid
soil but one that astounds us by the fruitfulness that bursts forth
triumphant in corn and vine. When we have been through those
lands and seen those people, and known what sufferings they
endure at the hands of petty local overlords, and how they are
forgotten by every party group, divided, poisoned by underhand
propaganda, we could not but apply to all those folk the words
that the folk itself sang of the Cid, to see him roaming through the
land of Castile in his banishment from Burgos:
"Ah God, what a good vassal, had he but a good lord!"
That is what we ourselves have found in this movement which
starts today: the legitimate lord of Spain, but one like Saint Fran cis
Borgia, a lord whom death cannot take from us. And for that, it
must be a lord who is not at the same time a slave to an interest of
group or class.
The movement of today-which is a movement and not a party,
indeed you could almost call it an anti-party,-let all know from
the outset that it is neither of the Right nor of the Left. For at
bottom, Right means the aim of maintaining an economic organiza-
tion even if it is unjust; and at bottom, Left means the desire to
overthrow an economic organization, even if many good things
should go by the board at the same time. Afterwards, these ideas
are both decked out with a number of spiritual considerations. I
declare to all who listen to us in good faith: all those spiritual
considerations can find their place in our movement, but our
movement will on no account bind its destiny to the group or class
interest that lurks beneath the superficial distinction of Right and
The Patria is a complete unity, wherein all individuals and all
classes are integrated; the Patria cannot be in the hands of the
strongest class or the best-organized party. The Patria is a tran-
scendent synthesis, an individual synthesis, with ends of its own to
achieve; and what we seek is that this movement of today, and the
State which it brings forth, shall be the efficient, authoritarian
instrument which serves that unchallengeable, permanent, irrevo-
cable unity which is called the Patria.
won unknown continents from the ocean and from barbarism. She
won them in order to incorporate their inhabitants into a world
enterprise of salvation. Accordingly, any reconstruction of Spain
must be in a Catholic sense.
This does not mean that persecutions against non-Catholics are
to arise again. The times of religious persecution are past. Neither
does it mean that the State is going to take direct charge of func-
tions which belong to the Church; nor that it will admit interfer-
ences or machinations of the Church which might harm the dignity
of the State or the national integrity. It means that the new State
will be informed by the Catholic religious spirit traditional in
Spain, and will concord with the Church the considerations and
protection which are her due.
The above is what the Spanish Falange wants. To obtain that, it
proclaims a crusade to all Spaniards who desire the resurgence of a
Spain that is great, free, just and genuine. Those who come to this
crusade will have to prepare their minds for service and for sacri-
fice. They must regard life as a militia: discipline and danger,
abnegation and renouncement of all vanity, envy, sloth and evil-
speaking; and at the same time they will serve that spirit in a cheer-
ful and sportsmanlike manner.
Violence can be lawful when used for an ideal that justifies it.
Reason, justice and the Patria will be defended by force when they
are attacked by force-or by guile. But the Falange will never use
force as an instrument of oppression.
For example, it is a lie to announce to the workmen that a Fascist
tyranny is approaching. All that the Falange signifies is union,
eager fraternal cooperation, love.
The Spanish Falange, fired by a love, secure in a faith, will
succeed in winning Spain for Spain, in the manner of a militia.
There has come to the attention of the Jefe N acional the existence
of numerous machinations in favor of more or less confused sub-
versive movements in various provinces of Spain.
The majority of the leaders of our organization, as was to be
expected, have kept headquarters informed of whatever projects
they have undertaken, and have restricted themselves in the field of
political action to carrying out instructions of their superior com-
mands. However, some of them, carried away by an excess of zeal
or by dangerous ingenuousness, have hastened to outline plans for
local action and to compromise the participation of our comrades
in certain political enterprises.
In most cases such action by comrades in the provinces has come
about because they felt that the military status of those inviting
them to conspire made them trustworthy. This makes it necessary
to explain matters a bit more clearly.
The respect and esteem of the Falange for the Army has been
proclaimed so often there is no need to reiterate it here. Ever since
the announcement of the 27 Points we have said that it is our
aspiration that a military conception of life, in the style of the
Army, should infuse all Spanish existence. Moreover, on recent and
memorable occasions, the Army has seen its dangers shared by our
However, admiration and profound respect for the Army as an
essential organ of the fatherland does not mean that we must
conform to every single idea, word, or project that any soldier or
group of soldiers may profess, prefer, or cherish. Especially in the
field of politics, the Falange-which detests flattery because it
considers it the ultimate scorn for the one being flattered-regards
itself as being no less qualified than the average soldier. The politi-
cal training of soldiers is apt to be full of the noblest sort of
What Jose Antonio feared was precisely what happened within a few
months after General Francisco Franco and the Army gained the
upper hand. In the meantime, Jose Antonio was convicted by a
"people's court" and shot on November 20, 1936. Now that he was
safely out of the way, he could be made the official martyr and patron
saint of the emerging Franco dictatorship-a system which in all likeli-
hood Jose Antonio would have opposed had he remained alive. After
the Civil War the body of Jose Antonio was reinterred with ceremony
in front of the high altar of Philip II's Escorial; and more recently it
has been transferred to the "Valley of the Fallen" shrine in the
Guadarrama mountains northwest of Madrid. Thus the cult of the
"martyr" of the Spanish "Crusade" was given a new lease on life. On
innumerable church walls in Spain are to be seen the commemorative
words "Jose Antonio Presente."
9. The Civil War and Franco's Triumph
THE CiviL War that broke out in the middle of July, 1936, was to drag
on for almost three years, costing the lives of hundreds of thousands
and producing all sorts of international repercussions. A day after the
uprising of Army units in Spanish Morocco on July 17, one of the
principal Army conspirators, General Francisco Franco, was flown in
from the Canary Islands. His first decision was to take steps to obtain
aerial transport planes from Italy and Germany so that he could move
his 32,000 men across the Straits of Gibraltar. From northern Spain
General Emilio Mola sent out similar pleas. Hitler's decision to aid the
rebels was forthcoming on July 26; Mussolini's the next day. It was
this decisive intervention by Germany and Italy that prevented the
Republican government from quickly putting down the rebellion.
Before the end of July German and Italian planes were facilitating the
airlift to the mainland, and within six weeks all of southwestern Spain
was taken. By September Franco's units were within 40 miles of
But the capital remained under the control of the Republican
(Loyalist) government, which hastily organized defenses with the help
of workers' committees and militias. At first, not a single Communist
was in the Loyalist government; liberal Republicans dominated it. But
after September, 1936, when the left-wing Socialist, Francisco Largo
Caballero, became premier, effective power tended to shift to his
faction and to the Communists. "International brigades," made up of a
broad spectrum of foreign anti-Fascist volunteers (including a good
many Italians) but largely co-ordinated by the Comintern, soon ap-
peared on Spanish battlefields. The Russians sent in numerous political
advisers as well as some material and technical aid. By the spring of
1937 Communist forces also gained the upper hand in Barcelona over
the autonomous Catalan republican government, hitherto controlled
by the anarcho-syndicalists. The latter hated the Communists as bit-
terly as they did Franco's Insurgents, the Roman Catholic Church, and
the capitalists.
Franco's Insurgents received even greater support from abroad than
did the Republicans. For both Mussolini and Hitler (who had forged
their Axis in October, 1936) there were obvious advantages to be
gained by supporting Franco, as the following political analysis by the
German ambassador in Rome made clear in the middle of December.
zu Pol. I 1648g Rs.
and the Spanish peoples and will be an important factor for the
maintenance of European peace, which is close to both their hearts,
are agreed in their desire to lay down even now the guiding
principles for their future relations, and for this purpose have come
to an understanding on the following points:
1. Both Governments will constantly consult with one another
on the measures necessary to defend their countries against the
threatening dangers of Communism.
2. Both Governments will constantly maintain contact with one
another in order to inform each other concerning questions of
international policy which affect their joint interests.
3. Neither of the two Governments will participate in treaties or
other agreements with third powers which are aimed either di-
rectly or indirectly against the other country.
4. In case one of the two countries should be attacked by a third
power, the Government of the other country will avoid every-
thing that might serve to the advantage of the attacker or the
disadvantage of the attacked.
5. Both Governments are agreed in their desire to intensify the
economic relations between their countries as much as possible. In
this manner they reaffirm their purpose that the two countries shall
henceforth cooperate with and supplement one another in eco-
nomic matters in every way.
6. Both Governments will treat this protocol, which becomes
effective at once, as secret until further notice. At the proper time,
they will regulate their political, economic, and cultural relations in
detail by special agreements in accordance with the principles laid
down above.
Done in duplicate in the German and Spanish languages.
For the German Government:
For the Spanish Nationalist Government:
Second, our heart and our will demand a resolute spirit among the
fighting men at the front and the youth of Spain.
We do not want an old and corrupt Spain. We want a State in
which the pure tradition and substance of our ideal Spanish past is
manifested in new, vigorous, and heroic forms which the youth of
today and tomorrow will bring to our people in this new imperial
And now let me address myself to those nations which because
of shortsightedness and materialism sell out their press to the gold
of the Reds and listen to the criminal propaganda broadcast by the
Reds, traffic in the products of theft, and shake hands with robbers
and assassins. Let me tell them that the greatest enemy of their
empires, the greatest danger for their countries, no longer consists
of those neighbors who once fought nobly against their frontiers,
or those who are now reappearing in international life with un-
equaled power and demanding a place in the exploitation of the
world. Now there is a greater danger that has come into existence
-and this is destructive Bolshevism, Russian Communism, a revo-
lution on the march-an enemy that, wherever it becomes en-
trenched, is hard to overthrow. It brings empires to disintegration,
destroys civilizations, and creates those great human tragedies
which, like the one in Spain, the world looks upon with indiffer-
ence and shows no desire to understand.
Red propaganda invokes democracy, liberty of the people, and
human fraternity, and charges Nationalist Spain with being an
enemy of these principles. Against this purely verbal and formal
democracy of the liberal State that everywhere is falling apart;
against this liberal State with its fictions of parties, electoral laws,
and balloting, its excess of formulas and conventions which, by
confusing means with ends, overlook the true democratic sub-
stance; against these shams, we who have abandoned such doc-
trinaire concerns now propose instead an effective democracy that
brings to the people what truly interests them-viz., a feeling that
they are being governed by integral justice, not only as regards law
and order but in social and economic matters; a sense of moral
freedom in the service of a patriotic creed and an eternal ideal; and
economic freedom, without which political freedom is just a
Liberalism's exploitation of Spaniards will now be replaced by a
rational participation by everyone in the activities of the State, to
be achieved through family, municipal, and functional groupings
of a syndical sort.
We shall create justice and public order, without which human
dignity is impossible. We shall form powerful armed forces on sea,
land, and in the air that will conform to the heroic virtues that so
often have been demonstrated by Spaniards. And we shall revive
the classical university, which by continuing its glorious tradition
and spirit, its doctrine and morals, will again provide light and
guidance to the Spanish peoples.
This is the profile of the New State; this is what we made known
to you in October of last year, and which we are going to bring
about with firm step and no vacillation. This is what is common to
the majority of Spaniards who are not poisoned by materialism or
by Marxism. This is what figures in the creed of the Falange Es-
panola. This is what surrounds the spirit of our traditionalists. This
is the common element of those people who, after burying a falla-
cious liberalism, have oriented their politics along the road of
authoritarianism, increased patriotism, and social justice. This is
what our Spanish history contains, a history that is so rich in
effective freedoms set forth in its popular charters, statutory laws,
and corporations.
This is what is treasured in the Catholic doctrine that is pro-
fessed by the entire nation. . . .
Spaniards everywhere, lift up your hearts! Up with Spain!!!
Long live Spain! !!
The next evening Franco and his henchmen inflicted the coup de
grace. A decree drawn up by Serrano Sufier proclaimed the unification
of Falangists and Requetes as the official party of the Spanish "New
State." The party label henceforth was Falange Espanola Tradiciona-
lista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista, more conve-
niently abbreviated to FET y de las JONS. Point 27 of the earlier
program which had forbidden any such fusion was quietly dropped at
this juncture.
This truth, which the good sense of the Spanish people has
perceived so clearly, is incompatible with the strife of parties and
political organizations. . . .
Now that the war has reached an advanced stage and the hour of
victory nears, it is urgent to undertake the great task of peace and
to crystallize in the New State the thought and· style of our
National Revolution. . . .
The unification which I am demanding in the name of Spain and
in the sacred name of those who have sacrificed their lives for
it-both heroes and martyrs-and to whom we shall always look
with fidelity, does not mean a conglomeration of forces or a mere
governmental concentration, or a temporary union. . . . We must
avoid the creation of an artificial party, but rather bring together
all our recruits in such a way as to integrate and synthesize them
into a single national political entity that will link State and Society
and guarantee the political continuity and loyalty of the people to
the State. . . .
In Spain, as in other countries where there are totalitarian
regimes, traditional forces are now beginning to integrate them-
selves with new forces. The Falange Espanola has attracted masses
of young people by its program, its new-style propaganda, and has
provided a new political and heroic framework for the present and
a promise of Spanish fulfillment in the future. The Requetes, in
addition to possessing martial qualities, have served through the
centuries as the sacred repository of the Spanish tradition and of
Catholic spirituality, which have been the principal formative
elements in our nationality-and whose eternal principles of moral-
ity and justice shall continue to inspire us.
Because of all the foregoing,
I order that
Art. 1: The Falange Espanola and the Requetes, together with
all their existing services and units, shall be integrated, under my
leadership, into a single political entity of national character which
henceforth shall be named the Falange Espanola T radicionalista y
The principal mission of this organization (which shall stand
Art. 18: The Caudillo shall designate a Jefatura for each province,
to be headed by only one militant.
These Jefes, who possess full authority and responsibility, shall
have the responsibility of transmitting to the local Falanges in their
provinces the decisions of the National Jefe of the Movement, and
of seeing that these are fully carried out, and of inspecting the
services of their geographical zone. . . .
Art. 22: The National Jefatura of the Movement will create those
services which it considers to be appropriate for the division of
labor and the co-ordination of the energies of the FET y de las
JONS in the work of national resurgence.
Art. 27: Both in war and in peace the Militias represent the ardent
spirit of the FET y de las JONS and its manly determination to
serve the fatherland as a vigilant guardian of its principles against
all domestic enemies. Not just a part of the Movement, it is the
Movement itself and is involved in heroic military action in its
Art. 28: The Supreme Command of the Militias is held by the
Caudillo, who may delegate his prerogatives to a Jefe who shall
have direct responsibility.
The hierarchic structure of the Militias shall be set forth in a
special Regulation.
Art. 29: The FET y de las JONS will create and maintain appro-
priate syndical organizations for regulating labor, production, and
distribution. In each instance, the leaders of these organizations will
come from the ranks of the Movement, and they will be co-ordi-
nated and instructed by its Jefaturas in order to guarantee that the
syndical organization conforms to the national interest and is
infused with the ideals of the State.
Art. 30: The National Delegation of Syndicates will be en-
trusted to only one militant, and its internal organization shall be of
vertical and hierarchical structure in the manner of a just, disci-
plined, and creative Army.
Arts. 34 and 35 ..a The Council shall consist of: (1) The national
]efe, who is President thereof; (2) the Secretary General; (3) the
Ministers; ( 4) the President of the Cortes; ( 5) the Vice-Secretary
General; ( 6) the Vice-Secretaries of the Movement; ( 7) the Jefe
in immediate command of the Militias; ( 8) the militants of the
Movement who have occupied the positions of President and Vice-
President of the Political Junta, Secretary General, and Vice-
Secretary General of the FET y de las JONS; (9) the President of
the Institute of Political Studies; (10) the National Delegates of
the FET y de las JONS; (II) the provincial Jefes of the Move-
Art. 43: The Caudillo shall freely appoint the General Secretary
whose duties and powers are to:
1. Transmit all orders of the national ]efe and Political Junta to
any of the organs of the Movement.
2. Inspect and direct, upon orders of the national/efe, the work
of the Provincial Jefaturas and Services.
3. Maintain discipline and propose to the Supreme Commander
those measures which he regards as appropriate for the activity of
the Movement but which do not transcend the competence of
either the National Council or the Political Junta.
4. Maintain documentary order and consistency in the work of
the FET y de las JONS.
5. Act as secretary at meetings of the National Council and the
Political Junta, and carry out its decisions.
6. Participate as a Minister in the tasks of Government. . . .
Art. 47: The national Jefe of the FET y de las JONS, who is
Supreme Caudillo of the Movement, personifies all the values and
all the honors thereof. As Author of the Historic Era wherein
Spain is gaining the possibility of achieving its destiny and thereby
the deepest aspirations of the Movement, the Jefe assumes in
plenary fashion the most absolute authority.
The Jefe answers before God and before History.
Art. 48: It is the Caudillo's right to designate his successor, who
shall receive from him the same honors and obligations. The
manner of succession, foreseen in the present Statutes, shall be
regulated in its details by the National Council.
real power in their own hands. When the Generalissimo formed his
first regular cabinet on January 30, 1938, he designated Serrano
(scornfully called the cufiadisimo, or "most high brother-in-law" by
his rivals) to be both Minister of Interior and ] efe N acional for Press
and Propaganda in the party. All the other ministerial posts were as-
signed to non-Falangists.
Meanwhile, the urgency of social and economic reforms in the New
State was apparent. The German and Italian representatives in Sala-
manca had long pleaded with Franco to give attention to such matters.
The Italian Fascists were especially anxious that he draw up a Charter
of Labor along the lines Mussolini had followed in Italy in 1927. Before
this document was completed, however, Franco's government an-
nounced the formation in January, 1938, of a Ministry of Syndical
Organization, consisting of five national services: Syndicates; Jurisdic-
tion and Housing of Labor; Social Security; Emigration; and Statistics.
Provision was made for a Central Syndical Council of Co-ordination to
superintend the work of national syndicalist centers in each province.
Within a few months Labor Magistrates were also instituted to adjudi-
cate disputes. Needless to say, appointments to all levels of this
bureaucratic mechanism were tightly controlled from above. Further-
more, two important sectors-banking and agricultural production-
were left outside the purview of the syndical structure. The former
could look to the Ministry of Economics for protection, the latter to
the Ministry of Agriculture. National syndicalism was never integrated
with the legislative branch of government in Spain to the extent that it
was in Italy, where Mussolini in 1939 finally converted the lower house
of parliament into the Chamber of Fasces and of Corporations.
After lengthy consideration of three drafts, a Spanish Labor Charter
was announced at last on March 9, 1938. Left-wing Falangists were not
entirely pleased with the final version, which reflected a strongly
paternalistic and regulatory attitude toward labor. The syndical struc-
ture that went into effect did not represent the workers but controlled
them in the interests of the state and employers. This system con-
trasted markedly with the original Falangist theory which had looked
upon the syndicates as dynamic revolutionary organisms to promote
national economic reformation.
Reviving the Catholic tradition of social justice and the lofty sense
of humanity that inspired the laws of the Empire, The State-
The State will look after the toilers of the sea with the utmost
solicitude, giving them proper institutions to prevent depreciation
of their wares and helping them to acquire the necessary equip-
ment for carrying on their profession.
Firstly. Savings will give the worker the certitude of being pro-
tected when in misfortune.
Secondly. There will be an increase in the social insurances
against old age, disablement, maternity, work accidents, profes-
sional sicknesses, consumption and unemployment, the ultimate aim
being the establishment of total insurance. A primary aim will be to
devise means for providing a sufficient pension for superannuated
The State will issue the opportune measures to be taken for pro-
tecting national labor in our territory; and through Labor Treaties,
with other Powers, it will see to the protection of the professional
position of Spanish workers residing abroad.
A few months later the regime issued another decree designed to close
what few loopholes remained. It prevented the formation of any as-
sociation that fell outside certain tightly supervised categories.
General Mufioz Grandes did not last long as Secretary General of the
FET. His retirement was announced on March 15, 1940. No immediate
successor was designated by Franco, who really had little need to name
one, for Serrano Sufier continued to be the dominant figure in the
party. The Caudillo's brother-in-law added the post of Minister of
Foreign Affairs to his already impressive list of responsibilities on
October 16, 1940. This appointment enabled him to assist Franco in the
delicate and difficult talks with Hitler a few weeks after Germany's
stunning defeat of France.
The relationship between Nationalist Spain and Nazi Germany had
been ostensibly cordial since the outbreak of the Civil War, but Hitler
was less than happy with the way Franco seized control of the Falange,
and he was even less pleased when Franco failed to pledge public
support to Germany during the Munich crisis. By April, 1939, however,
Spain had made amends to the extent to adhering to the Italo-German
Anti-Comintern Pact. Moreover, at German insistence, a five-year
Treaty of Friendship was signed at Burgos on March 31, 1939, by
Ambassador Eberhard von Stohrer and the then Spanish foreign min-
ister, General Gomez Jordana. By this pact the two countries promised
to maintain constant touch with each other and also with Fascist Italy
in order to exchange information regarding questions of international
policy affecting their common interests. In case one of the two
signatories became involved in warlike complications with a third
party, the other promised to avoid any political, military, or economic
action that might be disadvantageous to its partner.
The High Contracting Parties will constantly maintain contact
with each other in order to inform each other concerning questions
of international policy affecting their common interests.
Should their common interests be jeopardized by international
events of any kind, they will enter into consultation without delay
regarding the measures to be taken to safeguard these interests.
The High Contracting Parties are aware of the dangers facing their
countries through the aspirations of the Communist International
and will consult constantly as to measures that seem appropriate
for combating them.
In the event that the security or other vital interests of one of the
High Contracting Parties should be externally threatened, the
other High Contracting Party will grant the threatened party its
diplomatic support in order to contribute to the best of its ability
toward eliminating this threat.
Neither of the High Contracting Parties will enter into treaties or
other agreements of any kind with third powers which are aimed
directly or indirectly against the other High Contracting Party.
The High Contracting Parties agree to inform each other regard-
In case one of the High Contracting Parties should become in-
volved in warlike complications with a third power, the other High
Contracting Party will avoid anything in the political, military, and
economic fields that might be disadvantageous to its treaty partner
or of advantage to its opponent.
The High Contracting Parties will in special agreements arrange
for measures which are calculated to promote the fostering of
comradely relations and the exchange of practical military experi-
ence between their armed forces.
The High Contracting Parties are agreed in their desire to intensify
economic relations between their countries as much as possible and
affirm their intention of having Germany and Spain supplement
each other and cooperate in economic matters in every way.
The implementation of these principles shall be reserved for
special agreements.
citadel of Gibraltar, the loss of which had been stirring Spanish resent-
ment for more than two centuries. Falangist talk of imperialist expan-
sion greatly intensified as the possibility of Spain's moving in on the
overseas possessions of France in northwest Africa seemed suddenly
within reach. Serrano Suiier, who for more than a year had been the
chief architect of a policy of collaboration with the Axis, was elevated
to the post of Foreign Minister in October, 1940. Not only did he
sympathize ideologically with the Axis powers, he felt that it was
imperative for Spain to negotiate the best possible deal with Hitler in
order to safeguard her own future. But Franco was not willing to go as
far as Hitler wanted him to go in assisting Germany in the struggle
against Britain. Concerned always with Spain's self-interest and pain-
fully aware of his country's economic weakness, Franco held Hitler at
bay throughout a day of hard bargaining at Hendaye on October 23.
While agreeing in principle to support the German effort against Eng-
land, Franco made this hinge upon massive shipments of foodstuffs and
weapons from the Reich, as well as upon German agreement to
Spanish annexation of French Morocco and much of Algeria. Franco's
demands so infuriated Hitler that he later growled to his aides that he
would rather have all his teeth pulled than go throus-h such haggling
again. In the end, the Fuhrer made a vague promise to ship Spain
whatever was necessary. A secret protocol was signed by the respec-
tive foreign ministers providing for Spanish participation in the war,
but implementation was left dependent on working out numerous
details. Italy became a signatory to the pact too.
A few days after his talks with the Spanish officials at Hendaye and
with the Vichy leaders, Marshal Petain and Pierre Laval, at Montoire,
Hitler traveled to Florence on October 28. There he reported to
Mussolini on the nature of these conversations and discussed with the
Duce the new problem of Greece-for on that very day Italy, some-
than the Axis Powers in keeping it secret. They also knew that
upon its becoming known that they had joined the Axis, Churchill
would not hesitate to attempt the seizure of the Spanish islands and
bases in the Atlantic.
To a question from the Duce as to the exact time of the inter-
vention of the Spaniards in the military operations, the Fuehrer
replied that Franco had been very vague here and had stated only
that he would intervene when the military preparations were
The Fuehrer then spoke again of Gibraltar and stated that,
according to studies by German experts, the operation, if well
prepared and executed with lightning speed, could go off well with
very few troops and certain prospects of success. According to the
Spaniards, they had already put the Canary Islands in a condition
of defense. They could, moreover, be supported by heavy bat-
teries, by dive bombers, long-range guns, and special troops.
To a question from the Duce as to whether it would not be well
if the English found out that they could no longer put hope in
Spain, the Fuehrer replied that, in his opinion, the announcement
of Spain's joining the Axis must be postponed until it was abso-
lutely certain that the English could not land in Spain and on the
islands. The Duce mentioned in this connection that it would
perhaps also be advantageous to the internal situation in Spain if
the firm alignment with the Axis Powers could be announced. The
Fuehrer then proposed that the three Foreign Ministers make all
the preparations with Spain that were necessary for her entry into
the war, as well as settle all other details still pending, and that a
meeting then take place in Florence between the Fuehrer, the
Duce, and Fran co, at which the participation of Spain in the
Tripartite Pact and the German-Italian Alliance could be an-
nounced with full publicity. . . .
Salazar's Portugal
PoRTUGAL wAS the first state in the Iberian peninsula to come under a
semifascistic regime. Unlike Mussolini's Italy, however, the dictator-
ship did not come about through the triumph of a pre-existent fascist
party. In the case of Portugal both the fascistic party and the Party-
State came into being after the advent of the dictatorship. Although
the Portuguese Party-State expressed respect and admiration for Mus-
solini's Italian dictatorship, it found most of its inspiration in the type
of integral nationalism espoused by Charles Maurras's Action Fran<;:aise
and in the clerico-corporativist philosophy set forth in the papal
encyclicals of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Portuguese
authoritarian system was to serve as a model for at least some aspects of
Franco's regime in Spain, Petain's Vichy France, and Getulio Vargas's
dictatorship in Brazil.
Despite the diminutive size of the homeland, Portugal has managed
(albeit with increasing difficulty since the outbreak of colonial wars in
1961) to hang on to the fourth largest empire in the world. Prior to
World War II industrialization was slight, and the nation's 7,700,000
people made their living chiefly by fishing and producing wine, cork,
and olive oil. Illiteracy, which in the years of World War I character-
ized 65 per cent of the population, did not decline significantly until
after the second world conflict; it is now less than 25 per cent. For
centuries Portugal has benefited from commercial and security links
with Britain.
In 1910 a revolution in Lisbon overthrew the liberal monarchy of
the House of Coburg-Braganza and established an anticlerical republic
which promptly separated Church and State along the lines followed in
France five years earlier. Between 1910 and 1927 there were a score of
attempts at revolution and some forty-three cabinets. Controversy
over Portugal's decision to enter the war in 1916 on the side of the
Entente added to the chronic political instability. In the peace settle-
ment Portugal was given a scrap of German East Africa to add to
Mozambique. But this did not prevent the republic from falling into
disrepute as economic troubles mounted.
On May 28, 1926, the existing government was overthrown by an
The State. The State has the right to foster, harmonize and
control all national activities, without destroying them, and its
duty is to educate the youth in the love of their country, in disci-
pline and those vigorous exercises which will prepare and incline it
for a fruitful activity and for all that may be required of it by the
honor and interests of the Nation. . . .
Power of the State. No one in Portugal would maintain the
omnipotence of the State with regard to the mass of mankind,
which is merely the raw material of great political achievements.
No one here would think of regarding the State as the source of
morality and justice without submitting its rules and decisions to
the decrees of a higher justice. No one here would dare to proclaim
might as the source of all right, without regard for individual
conscience and the legitimate liberties of the citizen and the pur-
pose inherent in the very existence of a man. . . .
State and Government. There can be no strong State without a
strong Government.
The Sovereignty of the Nation. To take power out of the hands
of party cliques; to place above all individual interests the interests
of all, the interests of the nation; to keep the State from the
clutches of audacious minorities but to maintain it in permanent
touch with the needs and aspirations of the nation; to organize the
... Political Economy. We wish to advance towards a new
political economy, working in harmony with human nature, under
the authority of a strong State which will protect the higher
interests of the Nation, its wealth and its labor, both from capitalist
excesses and from destructive Bolshevism.
The State and Economy. One cannot hope to constitute a strong
and well-balanced State without coordinating and developing the
national economy, which today more than ever must form part of
political organization. This is perhaps the greatest practical consti-
tutional change that must be effected in all civilized nations. . . .
The State and Wealth. The State must not be the owner of the
wealth of the nation nor allow itself to be corrupted by it. That it
may be the supreme arbiter of all the interests of the nation it is
imperative that it should not be a slave to any of them. . . .
Class Strife. We do not accept the strife of the productive classes
as a historical fact nor as the principle underlying economic and
social organization. The ultimate interests, both of individuals and
groups, tend towards identity of national interests. But the immedi-
ate interests of workmen and employers, and sometimes of the
workmen among themselves, often clash in actual life; all the more
reason not to allow the discord to grow, all the more reason to
reconcile opposing interests, to the advantage of both parties and
with a view to normalize the economic life of the nation.
Communism. Communism is the synthesis of all the traditional
revolts of matter against spirit, of barbarism against civilization. It
is the "great heresy" of our age. . . .
Corporativism. Through corporative organization the economic
life of the nation is an element of political organization. . . .
Syndicates. The professional syndicate is, through the homoge-
neity of interests within its sphere of production, the best basis for
the organization of labor and the support, the fulcrum of the
institutions which seek to raise and educate it and to protect it
against injustice and adversity.
There can be no syndicate where there exists no corporative
spirit, the consciousness of the value of labor in conjunction with
production, an understanding of the necessity of cooperating with
all the other factors with a view to the advancement of the econ-
omy of the nation. Where these qualities do not exist but only the
spirit of class strife, there can be no true syndicate but only a
revolutionary association using its strength in the service of dis-
Art. 12. The State shall ensure the constitution and protection
of the family as the source of preservation and development of the
race, as the first basis of education, discipline and social harmony,
and as the foundation of all political and administrative order
through family grouping and representation in parish and on town
councils. . . .
Art. 24. Civil servants are for the service of the community and
not for that of any party or association of private interests; it is
their duty to respect the authority of the State and cause others to
doso . . . .
Art. 26. Planned interruption of public services or of those of
interest to the community shall involve the dismissal of the
offenders, without prejudice to any other liability at law...
Art. 42. Education and instruction are obligatory and are the
concern of the family and of public or private institutions in co-
operation with the same.
Art. 43. The State shall officially maintain primary, secondary
middle and high schools, ,and institutions for advanced education.
Paragraph 1. Elementary primary instruction is obligatory and
may be given at home, or in private or state schools.
Paragraph 2. The arts and sciences shall be encouraged and their
development, teaching and dissemination favored, provided that
respect is maintained for the Constitution, the authorities and the
co-ordinating functions of the State.
Paragraph 3. The instruction provided by the State, in addition
to aiming at physical fitness and the improvement of intellectual
faculties, has as its object the formation of character and of profes-
sional ability as well as the development of all moral and civic
qualities, the former according to the traditional principles of the
country and to Christian doctrine and morality.
Paragraph 4. No permission shall be required for the teaching of
religion in private schools. . . .
3. Salazar died on July 27, 1970, without ever knowing that he had been
replaced as Premier.-Ed.
Select Bibliography
APARICIO, juAN (ed.). Antologfa: La conquista del estado. Barcelona:
Ediciones F. E., 1939.
ARRARAs, joAQUIN ( ed.). Historia de la Cruzada espanola. 8 vols. Madrid,
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Academic freedom, 147 Bianchi, Michele, 6, 7, 40, 44
Accademia dei Lincei, 148 Bill of Rights, 256
Acciaierie Lombarde, socialization of, Birth control, 255
251 Birth rate, Mussolini on, 134
Acerbo, Giacomo, 56 Bissolati, Leonida, 4
Acerbo electoral law (1923), 69 Blanqui, Louis Auguste, 23
Action Fran~aise, xiv, 331, 332 Blackshirts. See Squadristi
Africa, Italy's attitude toward, 189 Blue Shirt Militia (Spain), 279, 287. See
Agrarian issues, 18-21, 24, 136-137, 276 also Falange Espanola
Agrarian reform, 137 Bolshevism, 8, 96, 105, 205, 292
Albania, 138 Bonomi, lvanoe, 4, 26, 37, 221, 230, 234
Amendola, Giovanni, 56, 61, 90 Borgese, Giuseppe A., 148
Alfa Romeo, socialization of, 251 Bottai, Giuseppe, 148, 177, 221
Alfonso XIII, King of Spain, 257, 258 Bourbon dynasty, 258
Allied Military Government, 254 monarchy (Spain), overthrow of, xiv
Allies, 225, 327 Boy Scouts. See Catholic Boy Scouts
Anglo-German naval agreement (1935), Brazil, 331
192 Britain, 195-197, 207, 220, 228-229, 326,
Anti-Comintern Pact, 205-207 347,349
Anti-Semitism, 173-184. See also Jews Bulgaria, 48, 185
Aosta, Duke of, 44
Arbeitsdienst (Nazi labor-service pro- Caballero, Francisco Largo, 283
gram), 148 Caetano, Marcello, 350
Arditi, 7 Calendar, revolutionary fascist, 148
Arendt, Hannah, xviii Capitalism, 275
Armed Resistance. See Resistance forces Capo del Governo. See Head of the
Armistice, between Italy and Allies, Government
224-227 Cardinal's Mistress, The (Mussolini), 3
Army (Italian), xii, 42. See also Militia; Carlos Hugo de Bourbon Parma, 330
Italian military forces Carmona, Antonio 6scar de Fragoso,
Army (Spanish), uprising of, 283 332
Arrese, Jose Luis de, 327, 328 Casti Connubi (Pius XI), 134
Arriba! (Madrid), 279 Catholic Action (Spain), 328. See also
Artajo, Alberto Martin, 328 Azione Cattolica Italiana
Asia, 189 Catholic Boy Scouts, 156
Atatiirk, Mustafa Kemal, xvi Catholic Church, xii, 27
Attlee, Clement, 329 and Fascist state, 156-173
Austria, 48, 185, 187, 190 Jonsistas' view of, 258
Avanguardisti, 138, 139-142 and marriage, 163
Avanti!, 4, 6, 11 participation in Italian politics, 1
Aviation industry, 137 Portuguese Constitution on, 342-343
Aventinian secession, 56, 60, 61 and religious education, 163-164, 347
Axis, Rome-Berlin, 173 in Spain, 312
Azione Cattolica ltaliana, 164, 166, 234 Catholicism, 24, 25, 49, 105, 270-271
Catholic Popular Party, 2, 37, 55, 156
Badoglio, Pietro, 199, 221, 223, 224, 225, Caudillo. See Franco, Francisco
229, 230 Cavour, Camillo Benso di, 1
Balbo, Italo, 25, 26, 27, 37, 40 CEDA (Spanish Confederation of Au-
Baldwin, Stanley, 193, 199 tonomous Rightist Groups), 258
Balearic Islands, 201 Central Bureau of Statistics, 123
Balilla Youth Organization, 138, 139- Central Committee of Corporations, 128
143, 156 Chamber of Deputies, 52, 128-129, 165
Balkans, 208, 220 Chamber of Fasces and of Corporations,
Barres, Maurice, xiv 128, 129-132
Bergson, Henri, 23 Chamberlain, Neville, 207