CYP Safeguarding & Risk pt1 BB With Notes and Audio EW20
CYP Safeguarding & Risk pt1 BB With Notes and Audio EW20
CYP Safeguarding & Risk pt1 BB With Notes and Audio EW20
The ability to identify and assess potential risk, and how to act if a young
person is at risk
Care of yourselves
Content alert; we will be covering a topic which can be difficult for many,
discussions around abuse, self harm and suicidal ideation in young
people can be very emotive
Fabricated/Induced Illness
Who is at Risk?
Victims of abuse can be male or female and cover a wide age range
Young people with disabilities are at greatest risk of abuse, risk factors
include greater communication barriers, misunderstanding signs of
abuse, lack of education on staying safe, increased isolation and
dependency, inadequate support (
Young People who identify as LGBTQI may also be at greater risk of some
forms of abuse
Domestic Violence as a Risk Factor
• Significant overlap between domestic violence and child abuse (45-70%)
• Enquiries into child deaths show violence towards women may coincide with
greatest risk of children suffering significant harm or death
• Raised incidences of child sexual abuse in households where the woman is
subject to violence
• Coping with abuse may adversely affect a woman’s ability to meet her child’s
emotional needs putting children at risk of neglect
• Additional risks arise from addiction issues, chaotic lifestyles, homelessness and
mental health issues
What is Physical abuse?
FGM: since 2015 “regulated professionals in health and social care and
teachers in England and Wales have a duty to report ‘known’ cases of FGM
in under 18s which they identify in the course of their professional work to
the police.”
It may include not giving the child opportunities to express their views, deliberately
silencing them or ‘making fun’ of what they say or how they communicate.
Every area has information and guidance available via the Local
Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) eg see Devon
What is Sexual abuse?
Sexual abuse may involve: forcing or enticing a child or young person to take
part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence,
whether or not the child is aware.
Grounding exercise
In your small groups discuss your favourite way to look after yourself
Counselling MindEd (free online training material) (;
Jenkins P (2018) Safeguarding Young people and Vulnerable Young Adults.
Local Safeguarding Children Boards example from Devon
NHS guide to Fabricated/Induced Illness
Understanding and Responding to Children & Young People at Risk of Self Harm and
Suicide. Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust
Disability as risk factor of abuse
Robson, M.,and Pattison, S,. (2018) The Handbook of Counselling Children and Young
People 2nd edn. Sage
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