Aramco Question and Answer

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1. For how long a certificate is issued to issuer and receiver ?

a) 2 month
b) 2 ½ years
c) 3 years
d) 2 years
2. Who will sing certificates of issuer and receiver ?
a) Manager of construction
b) Head of T&D
c) Their division head
d) Shift supervisor
3. Who must sing the work permit to close it ?
a) Competent person
b) (both) issuer and receiver
c) Gas tester, issuer and receiver
d) Designated representative
4. Way must work permit be closed ?
Way work permit is closed ?
What is the reason to close work permit ?
a) To communicate the status of work
b) To allow the permit to be extended
c) To allow gas test to be taken
d) To stop work
5. For how long issuer need/have to keep original work permit on file ?
a) Up to end of work
b) 30 days
c) 3 months
d) 3 years
6. Who should keep the work permit ?
Who shall keep work permit on job site ?
a) The fire watch
b) The receiver
c) The issuer
d) The stand by man
7. Where must the receiver keep work permit after it is issued ?
a) With senior crew member
b) Within the 75 mts of the w.p
c) In the control room
d) Display at the job site or in his possession

pg. 1

8. When can a receiver leave the job site ,

Can receiver leaving job site ?
a) No he cannot leave job site
b) When gas test reading is 0.0%
c) When the issuer has given the permission
Yes when the issuer give permission
d) When all hot work stopped
9. To whom the receiver can delegate/hand over the permit when leaving the job site ?
a) Certified issuer
b) Supervisor of foreman
c) Senior craftsman
d) Certified receiver
10. A restricted area require ?
a) The receiver respond to emergency
b) The work permit is issued /used
Work permit (system)
c) The certificate are issued
d) Fire watch to be permit
11. What do you call on area where work permit are required ?
a) A restricted area
b) A sensitive area
c) A controlled
d) A dangerous area
12. Restricted area includes ?
Restricted area include which location ?
a) Pump stations, sewer plant and well
Pump stations, pump station and gas wells
b) Fenced area, wells and community buildings
c) Wells, loading piers and welding shops
d) Wells, office building and welding shops
13. Which of the following is not a restricted area ?
a) Loading pier
b) Dump site
c) Gasoline station
d) Tank form
14. Who decides whether or area should be restricted or not
If it has not been decided that on area is restricted, who will make final decision ?
a) Loss prevention
b) Issuer
c) The department manager
d) As mentioned in GI.2.100

pg. 2

15. Who can decided that work is low risk and work permit is not required ?
a) Receiver
b) The issuer
c) Shift supervisor
d) Proponent management
16. Why do we use the work permit system ?
a) To renew certificate
b) To log accident
c) To prevent accident
d) To monitor contractor work hair
17. Work permit must be issued for ? work permit is issued for ?
a) General work or general location
b) Specific location general work
c) Specific work on/at specific location
d) Specific work on general location
18. What is the purpose of the work permit system?
a) To authorize all work activities during a T&I on a farm
b) To authorize specific construction of maintenance work
c) To document when receiver start work for time keeping
d) To ensure that hot work is not done in restricted area
19. What type of work does the work permit system authorize ?
a) Specific construction, maintenance or repair work
b) All work conducted for Saudi Aramco
c) All work done by maintenance or construction
d) Non hazardous work where safety is important
20. We use work permit in hazardous area to.
a) Check expired certificates
b) Be sure that precautions are taken
c) Identify alternate services
d) Use a designated representative

21. We use work permit in hazardous area to identify

a) The designated representative
b) Alternate receivers
c) Expired permit
d) Hazardous and precaution
22. What are two important reason for using work permit ?
a) To communicate & control work
b) To track control and manage emergency
c) To communicate to stop work
d) To track construction work have

pg. 3

23. A work permit lists ?

a) Max. safety precaution
b) Government safety precaution
c) Min. safety precaution
d) OSHA safety precaution

24. Is a low risk activity, which don’t require work permit mean free hand to work crew ?
What is other consideration/requirement for on activity, which don’t require work permit ?
a) Yes they are free to how they perform a job
b) Require to follow SA safety requirements and personnel control in work area
c) Yes but issuer must be on site
d) None of mentioned
25. A work permit issuer is responsible for___________________
a) The receivers certificate
b) Nothing once he issues a permit
c) Extending certificate
d) Equipment and or a work area
26. Who should point out all hazards and write on the work permit ?
a) The issuer
b) The fire watch
c) The stand by man
d) The receiver
27. An issuer have which responsibility ?
a) Define safety precaution and stay there
b) Issuer and receive work permit
c) Supervise the crew and sing the work permit
d) Define safety precaution and sing work permit
28. Is it IMP, that the issuer tell the receiver about safety hazards he may find at job site ?
Way is it IMP for issuer to tell receiver about expected hazards of work area ?
a) The receiver does not read the work permit
b) The receiver must respond to emergency
c) The receiver may not have worked in the area before
29. What must issuer do before issuing the work permit ?
a) Close the work permit and check the receiver certificate
b) Check the receiver certificate and get countersign
c) Provide first aide and assign a fire watch
d) Renew certificate and get countersign
30. A receiver is_____? Who is work permit receiver ?
a) Designated representative
b) Senior craftsman manager
c) Certified craftsman
d) A person nominated by his supervisor

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31. Who should ask for work permit before they start work ?
Who should ask for work permit, when a crew/group want/going to start job?
a) Stand by man
b) The receiver
c) The fire watch man
d) Group supervisor
32. What should be the first thing to do when receiver need work permit ?
a) Present his certificate to issuer and request for required permit
b) Get tools ready
c) Shutoff the circuit breaker
d) Do the isolation of equipment
33. What two thing receiver must do before receiving a work permit ?
a) Take gas test and scout air pack
b) Extend the work permit gas test
c) Read the permit and agree to all condition
d) Train the fire watch and renew the permit
34. Can a receiver refuse to sign a work permit ?
a) Yes, if there is no issuer
b) No, he cannot
c) Yes, when he is not agree with condition and a think safety precaution are not sufficient
d) He must sign, when he disagree with safety measure taken
35. The receiver main responsibilities include __________?
a) Being the designated representative
b) Comply with safety precaution agree upon the issuer
c) Filling the and sign for the issuer
d) Responding to operations emergency
36. What responsibility issuer and receiver shore when signing a work permit ?
a) Responding to emergency events
b) Naming the designated representative
c) Monitoring the work area
d) Safety of the work site/area, monitoring safety condition at the site
37. Who is responsible for the safety of the work area ?
a) The issuer
b) The receiver
c) Both issuer and receiver
d) Both fire watch and stand by man
38. Why designated representative is some time used ?
a) The issuer may be busy need help
b) The receiver did not come to work
c) The gas test found high level reading
d) Too many safety problem were found

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39. What is the responsibility of designated representative ?

a) Accept the receiver responsibility
b) Sign the work permit
c) Inspected the work site (JSI)
d) Authorize receiver responsibility
40. What type of work does the work permit system authorize ?
a) All work construction for S.A
b) All work done by maintenance or contractor
c) Specific construction, maintenance repair work
d) Non-hazardous work where safety is important
41. Which section of work permit farm, receiver can fill ?
a) Sec-2 hazard identification and control
b) Hazard analysis check list
c) Sec-1 woke description
d) Cannot fill any section
42. What is discussed during JSI ?
a) GI2.100 requirement
b) Scope of work and equipment to be used
c) Check the fire watch’s certificate
d) Designated representative qualification
43. Who goes on JSI ?
a) The issuer/designated representative and receiver
b) The issuer and designated representative
c) The issuer and the area foreman
d) The issuer and gas tester
44. What is the purpose of JSI ?
a) To meet the with the worker and observe there activity
b) To discuss the scope of work and identify hazard of risks
c) To see work plan and it’s implementation
d) To check the availability of equipment and manpower
45. Why do the receiver go on the JSI with issuer ?
a) To take gas test
b) To start the work
c) To discuss hazard and risk
d) To check the fire watch’s certificate
46. When would issuer make sure that, the equipment has been prepared for maintenance work ?
a) During the JSI
b) When the permit is closed
c) After issuing permit
d) After getting countersign

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47. Which section of new work permit farm is considered as cornerstone of new work permit
system ?
a) JSI
b) Hazard analysis check list
c) Risk assessment
d) JSA
48. Who must sign a work permit to renew/extend ?
a) The new area foreman and receiver
b) Superintendent countersign required
c) The new issuer and receiver
d) Designated representative and receiver
49. Work permit can be issued for up to ?
a) Two operational shift
b) Two receiver’s shift
c) 24 consecutive hours
d) One operational shift
50. Work permit can be issued for ?
a) 12 hours
b) 24 hours
c) 8 hours
d) All of above
51. Normally the period covered by work permit shall not be exceeding, how many consecutive
hours ?
With extension/renewal, the max time covered by a permit shall not exceed ?
Including issuing time, permit can be renewed for more then__________?
Max time covered by a renewed permit shall not exceed
a) 16 hours
b) 24 hours
c) 8 hours
d) 30 hours
52. For how long on issuer can issue a permit ?
a) For one week only
b) For 10 hours
c) For as long as he will stay on duty, but not more then 24 hours
d) Only for 8 hours
53. A work permit can be approved/issued for_______?
a) 8 hours
b) 30 hours
c) 12 hours
d) 30 days

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54. When applying for extended work permit, which one is applicable period ?
Extend work permit is issued for_________?
a) 16 hours
b) 8 hours
c) More then 2 operational shifts but not more than 30 days
d) All of above
55. An extended work permit is issued for______?
Max time covered by extended work permit ?
a) Not more then 30 days
30 days
b) Not more than one operational shift
c) Not more then 16 hours
d) 10 days
56. Work permit issued up to 30 days if ?
a) Only the cold work will be done
b) The work site is for away
c) It’s highly unlikely that condition will change
d) The receiver cannot close the permit
57. Who must sign the work permit issued for up to 30 days ?
a) Receiver and designated representative
b) The designated representative
c) Operation foreman, issuer and receiver
d) Operation and maintenance division head
Division head of issuer and receiver
58. What you will do if work need more time to finish and permit is about to expire ?
a) Work can continue until the job is complete
b) Extend the permit or issue a new one
Renew the permit
c) Keep working but tell the issuer
d) Stop work and come back next day
59. Who is responsible for safety at the work, after permit has been renewed/extended ?
a) The issuer and the receiver who sign the renewal/extension
b) The old issuer because he did the JSI
c) The original issuer and receiver
d) No one after has been extended
60. When a permit is renewed, what should be done if it contain countersign of other organization
department ?
a) Notify all countersigning organization about permit renewal
b) Inform shift supervisor
c) No need to inform or taken countersign again
d) Take countersign again with renewal

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61. If the work permit is not issued during on emergency, what must be done to do the work ?
a) Superintendent must approve
b) Wear SCBA and perform ware
c) All safety precaution must be taken
d) Perform JSI
62. Why is the check list section important to issuer and receiver ?
a) It make sure that important steps have been taken
b) It control the receivers break time
c) It defines the duration and scope of work
d) It tell them all the precaution to take
63. “Use of fire blanket” cus “hand dig only are the example of what_________?
a) Basic safety
b) Working criteria
c) Additional precaution
d) Not safety precaution
64. The information entered in exact work location is IMP coz, it describes that___________?
a) What are the equipment can be used
b) Up to which time receiver can work
c) How many worker can be on site
d) Where the receiver can work
65. What must on issuer and receiver with along with there signs in the work permit farm ?
a) Time date and certificate no
b) Gas test badge no and certificate no
c) Organization code badge no and certificate no
d) Name badge no organization no
66. What must issuer write on the work permit ?
a) Name organization code and badge no
b) Name badge no and certificate no and expiry date
c) Badge no and certificate expiry Date
d) Gas test result name and badge no

67.what info gas tester needs/have to write on work permit?

a) Time and date and certificate no

b) Organization code, badge no and gas test result
c) Gas test result badge no and sign
d) Gas test, badge no names and certificate no

68.a work permit must be written in ?

a) Arabic
b) Ink pen
c) Arabic and led pencil
d) English

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69.the issued must stop the work if..

a) When the issuer go to his office

b) The issuer left the job site
c) The job site was found to be unsafe
d) The issuer lost his scope of permit

70.what must the issuer do, after/when he stops work?

a) Write the reason on the permit

b) Get a countersign
c) Close, then extend the permit
d) Give his copy to the receiver

71.the receiver must stop work if ……

a) He cannot find the issuer

b) The work site becomes unsafe
c) The designated representative must leave
d) The issuer leave the job site

72.what must the receiver do if stops the work ?

a) Tell the designated rep

b) Tell the senior craftsman
c) Tell his immediate supervisor
d) Tell/ inform the issuer

73.what would be a good example, when a receiver must stop work ?

a) Material has not yet arrived

b) He hear any emergency alarm
c) He cannot wait for countersign
d) The backhoe run out of fuel

74.when work site become unsafe and receiver does not stop work ?

a) Countersignature becomes void

b) His certificate expires
c) Accident can occur
a fire, injury or accident
d) The work permit expires

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75.when must be work permit close ?

a) When the work is finished and or work crew leaves

b) After gas test taken
c) Before another permit is issued
d) When the issuer leaves job site

76.what is the diff between hot and cold permit?

a) Cold used ignition source

b) Both use an ignition source
c) Hot, use/involve ignition source
d) Neither use an ignition source

77.cold work includes …

a) Sand removal and scaffold erection

b) Scaffold erection and using backhoe
c) Abrasive blasting and painting
d) Brush painting and abrasive blasting equipment opening line break ( release) permit is required when ?

a) Operator purge an equipment

b) Pipe fitter open on line or install blind
c) Operator release hydrogen
d) Craftsman build scaffold

79.covering sewers is required by which work permit?

a) Confined space entry

b) Hot
d) Cold

80.what should be kept in concentration before working on EOLB?

a) Safety harness, belt, safety glass

b) Sewer, man way and air mover
c) Ignition source, gloves and safety glass
d) Wind direction, draining and ignition source

pg. 11

81.what should be checked, before allowing entry into confined space?

a) Gas test, fire watch and barricade

b) Lighting, standby man and air mover
c) Ignition source, gloves and safety glass
d) Wind direction, draining and ignition source

82.if there is one welding machine and is used by a welding and an electric group, how many work
permits are required?

a) One
b) Three
c) Two work permit
d) If issuer is agreed one permit

83.when going to man hole to do welding job, what kind of permit is required?

a) Hot and cold

b) Hot and confined
c) Cold and confined
d) Confined

84.when working for will head tie in job using crane and hand tools, what kind of permits are required?

a) Hot and cold

b) Hot, cold and EOLB
c) Hot and confined

85.with manual back filling, a crew need, engine operated compactor, to do there job 5ft deep trench
what kind of permit is required?

a) Cold and confined

b) Hot, cold, and confined
c) Hot and cold
d) Confined

86.for electric operated x-ray equipment, what type of permit is required?

a) Cold
b) Hot
c) No permit is required
d) Confined

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87.what type of work permit is required for sealed source radiography?

a) No permit is req
c) Hot
d) Cold

88.The use of air compressor in an operating area requires which work permit?

b) Cold
c) Confined
d) Hot

89.why a pipe fitter cannot work on the same piece of equipment using a welders work permit?

a) JSI is not required for pipe fitters job

b) Each type of work includes different hazards
c) Gas test are not required for pipe fitter work
d) Welder are usually contractors

90.can work in two different locations be covered under one work permit?

a) Yes
b) Only if agreed by issuer
c) Only with superintendent approval
d) no

91. If mechanical and electrical groups are working on the same piece of equipment in restricted area…

a) They will use only one work permit

b) Each group must have its/their separate work permit
c) When the maintenance person agree to work without permit
d) When the foreman and superintendent agree on one work permit

92.What type of permit is required to take vehicle on construction equipment inside an restricted area ?

a) Confined space entry permit

b) Vehicle entry permit
c) Cold work
d) Hot work

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93.what type of work permit is required to clean a tank from inside, perform inside inspection or work
inside sewers?

a) Cold work
b) Hot/cold and confined
c) Hot/cold permit

94.what type of work permit is required when working in close proximity to a live electrical line?

a) Cold work permit

b) Hot work permit
c) Hot/cold and confined space entry permit

95.abrasive blasting ( sand blasting) required what type of work permit in a restricted area ?

a) Cold work permit

b) Hot work permit
c) Hot/cold and confined

96.which duty/type of scaffold is required for abrasive blasting job ?

a) Light duty
b) Very light duty
c) Any duty scaffold
d) Medium duty scaffold

97.what the issuer will check before, issuing permit for crane lifting?

a) Physical condition of lifting gears

b) Cranes checklist
c) Certificate of operator and rigger
d) All of above

98.above/more than which depth of an excavation/trench, Confined space entry permit is required?

a) 4m
b) 4ft (1.2m)
c) 2.2m
d) 1.2ft

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99.what is required distance for a scaffold base, from edge of an excavation?

a) Height of scaffold x depth of excavation

b) 1.5 x depth of excavation
c) 2.6m
d) 1m what distance, heavy equipment shall not operate from edge of excavation?

a) 1.5 x depth of excavation

b) 2m (6.5ft)
c) 1.8m (6ft)
d) 3m (10ft)

101.what is the minimum distance from any pipeline, cable or other obstruction, where mechanical
excavation cannot be performed ?

a) 1m(3ft)
b) 2m(6ft)
c) 1.8m(6ft)
d) 3m(10ft)

102.within how much distance to a hydrocarbon line, work permit is required?

a) 23ft
b) 75ft (23m)
c) Inside fence area only
d) 100ft

103.within how many feet of a power line, work permit is required?

a) 100ft
b) 200ft
c) 50ft (15m)
d) 150ft

104.what is max. distance, required to be maintained from energized overhead power line, when
voltage is unknown?

a) 25ft
b) 15ft
c) Between goal posts
d) 3ft

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105.when welder have tp vent a nitrogen purged pipe to perform welding, from which point it shoulc be

a) Far away downwind

b) From the point where he have to weld
c) Upwind vent point
d) From any vent point

106.does every work permit require sign. That gas test is conducted?

a) No
b) Yes, all type of work permit require gas test
c) Only confined
d) Only in the area where hydrocarbon is present

107.what is checked in a gas test?

a) Oxygen level
b) Flammable gas, inert gas, and heavy gas
c) Oxygen, flammable, and toxic gases ( o2,H2s,CO,LEL)
d) Oxy-acetylene, water vapours

108.what is oxygen deficiency ?

a) Lower then 20% , ( A lower than normal amount of oxygen )

b) Oxygen that is not pure
c) Too much oxygen
d) High than normal amount of hydrogen sulphide which level of oxygen, breathing apparatus is required?

a) At 25%
b) Less than 10%
c) Less than 20%
d) Greater than 15%

110.what should be done if o2 level is less than 20%?

a) Breathing apparatus must be used

b) Work can be continued without use of breathing apparatus
c) Division head must sign the permit
d) Breathing apparatus must be used and division head must sign the permit

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111. on what level of oxygen (o2) no work is allowed?

a) 16.5%
b) Any reading above 23.5%
c) 22.5%
d) None of these work is not allowed if the gases and vapours are measured at what reading of LEL?

a) 10%
b) 0.05%
c) Below 0.5%
d) Above 0.0%

113.what is the acceptance level of LEL to allow hot work?

a) 10%
b) 0.0%
c) Below 0.5%
d) Above 0.0%

114.on which reading of LEL, Entry is not permitted in confined?

a) 10% LEL (0.1 LEL ) and above

b) 0.5 LEL
c) 0.05 LEL
d) 50%LEL

115.on which level of LEL, Breathing apparatus is required to use?

a) 0.5% and above

b) 0.05 LEL (5%) and above
c) At 0.0 LEL
d) 10%

116.which one is applicable for H2s Readings?

a) 10ppm or above breathing apparatus must be used

b) Above 100ppm no work or confined space entry allowed
c) 10ppm to 100ppm division head must sign the permit
d) All of above

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117.on which concentration/level of H2s breathing apparatus is required?

a) 5ppm
b) 10ppm and above
c) 1ppm
d) Above 50ppm

118.confined space entry is not allowed if

a) CO is 1000ppm
b) H2s is above 100ppm
c) LEL 10%
d) All of above

119.breathing apparatus is required/to be used/mandatory when gas test result is/shows….

a) CO is 500ppm
b) LEL 8%
c) O2 18.5%
d) All of above

120.when receiver smells a gas, what should he do ?

a) Inform safety dept.

b) Stop work and inform issuer to conduct gas test
c) Report to the loss prevention
d) Continue work and conduct gas test by himself

121.when a fire watch is required?

a) When a gas test area over % LEL

b) For high risk Job
c) For any hot work
d) Whenever a fire could occur ( whenever a ignition source is used)

122.what would the issuer requires when welding in service hydrocarbon equipment?

a) Fire dept.
b) Fire watch
c) Fire blanket
d) Standby man

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123.what must the fire watch be?

a) An issuer
b) Certified
c) Trained
d) A receiver

124.what training should a fire watch have?

a) Operate fire equipment

b) Be a receiver
c) Take gas test
d) Operate process equipment

125.for welding activity portable fire extinguisher shall be available within.

a) 23m(75ft)
b) Not required for welding job
c) 3m(10ft)
d) 7.5m(25ft)

126.during welding operation, where will your fire extinguisher be located?

a) Within welder
b) On welding machine
c) Upwind position
d) Downwind position

127.the person required on job sites due to his skill is called ..

a) Competent person
b) Standby man
c) Designated representative
d) Certified

128.what is one hazard, with doing hot work?

a) Vapour pressure
b) Ignition source
c) Ignition point
d) Flash point

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129.which work permit requires sewers ( and or drains) to cover up to 75ft ?

a) Hot work permit

b) Cold work permit
c) No work permit have such requirement
d) Confined space entry permit

130.why it is necessary to know the direction of wind?

a) To prevent garbage and dirt to enter at work area

b) To ensure that wind ( containing flammable vapour or gas ) will not blow into ignition source
c) To prevent sand from entering into open valve
d) None of above

131.before starting work equipment, it must be make sure that equipment is…..

a) Isolated repaired and certified

b) Electrified isolated and shutdown
c) De -energezied with entering into open value
d) None of above

132.which non – flammable material is commonly used to purge process equipment?

a) Nitrate
b) Nitrogen
c) Nitrate oxide
d) Nitrite

133.two common methods of cleaning process equipment area …..

a) Streaming and gas testing

b) Treating and clarifying
c) Water wash and streaming ( by water and co streaming)
d) Purging and gas testing

134.we isolate equipment to make sure it cannot be

a) Startup leak or cause electric shock

b) Slip trip or fall
c) Shutdown by accident
d) Taken to shop for repair

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135.what are the methods of isolation?

a) Install tag and purge

b) Remove piping and install blind
c) Shutdown and clean
d) Install lockout and take gas test

136. removing fuse from electric circuit or disconnecting electrical wiring is an example of ….

a) Locking
b) Cleaning electrical equipment
c) Purging
d) Islolation ( isolating electrical equipment

137.installing lock and tags on electrical breaker prevents accidental …

a) Blind installation
b) Start up of equipment
c) Purging equipment
d) Nitrogen release

138.why do we install tag with lock?

a) To record a gas test

b) To list safety precautions
c) To explain why the lock installed
d) To recover purging cycle

139.who from the work crew will install lock? Who install receivers locks?

a) One member from each work crew

b) The foreman and the receiver
c) Every member of the crew
d) The issuer and the gas tester

140.the issuer must try to start up equipment at the field switch after it has been isolated and before
work starts to make sure.

a) Is has been purged and cleaned

b) It cannot accidental start
c) There is no gas in the area
d) The receivers tag is installed

pg. 21

141.what happens to the operations lock and tag, installed on equipment, when operators changes

a) The lock must be changed

b) The tag must be changed
c) The lock and tag must be changed
d) The key are usually transferred to new shift

142.why must equipment be de-energized and de-pressurized before work is started?

a) Electricity can be wasted

b) The tag must be changed
c) The lock and tag must be changed
d) The key are usually transferred to new shift

143.who should be the first organization to install lock and tag ?

b) Maintenance
c) Operations
d) Power distribution

144.what must operation persons do before removing their locks and tags?

a) Make sure the equipment can be safely started

b) Take gas test and restart equipment
c) Clean and purge the breaker
d) Make sure the equipment is gas free

145.when the operation person isolates the unit and install padlock?

a) Do the job quickly

b) Get tools and start work
c) Receiver will install lock
d) They can start the job with instructions of foreman

146.for isolation lock, how many keys for one lock?

a) One only
b) 3 for each lock
c) As many crew members
d) One for issuer and one for receiver

pg. 22
ARAMCO QUESTION AND ANSWER 12/14/2018 many padlocks are required, when 4 different contractors are working on single/one

a) 4
b) 5
c) Only one
d) 6

148.if only issuer and receiver ( one group ) is involved in an activity, which needs isolation of an
equipment, how many locks are required?

a) No lock is required
b) 3
c) 1
d) 2 a confined space entry, what Is the most important thing to do?

a) Get a hot permit

b) Insure the space is isolated
c) Non- sparking tools will be used
d) Gas release can be made safely

150.when the operation person installs the padlocks to the switchgear, what should he do?

a) Work safely
b) Ensure that the unit is isolated
c) Check the switch gear to make sure that correct unit is isolated
d) None of above

151.who can remove lock, once installed?

a) Anyone who want to start the equipment

b) Foreman of the working crew
c) No one can remove it once it is locked
d) The one who installed lock/lock owner ( mentioned on tag as lock owner ) there any condition when a lock can be forcefully removed?

a) It cannot be removed forcefully

b) When the person who install lock, his supervisor or superintendent cannot be contacted
c) When work permit is finished
d) When any one need to start or energize the equipment

pg. 23

153.who can remove a lock forecefully?

a) No one can remove lock once it is installed

b) Supervisor or working crew
c) Operations shift superintendent or foreman
d) Person who install lock can remove it only

154.who should be check/conformed before removing a lock forcefully?

a) Personnel and facilities are safe from injury or damage

b) Work permit id expired
c) Locks can be removed without any check or precautions
d) All workers are in rest shelter

155.the safety of work site is a sole responsibility of an issuer?

a) True
b) False

156.the receiver can leave the job site anytime as long as he gets the permission from his supervisor?

a) True
b) False

157.any worker can be assigned as standby man ?

a) True
b) False

158.whats must be checked during the JSI? Select items that apply,

a) Safety devices
b) Attendance report
c) Gas test
d) Equipment condition

159.what are the basic precautions of cold work? Select items that apply .

a) Special work procedure

b) Standby man
c) Ppe
d) Barricade and warning sign
e) Gas test
f) Fire watch

pg. 24

160.what should be checked, before allowing entry in to confined space?

a) Gas test, fire watch and barricade

b) Lighting, standby man and air mover ( ventilation )
c) Fire watch standby man and gas test
d) Air mover, respirator and countersign

161.whaty type of work does the work permit system authorize?

a) All work constructed for Saudi aramco

b) Specific construction, maintenance or repair work
c) All work done by maintenance or contractors
d) Non hazardous work where safety is important

162.what are the 3 major requirements needed before a hot work activity can start?

a) Water, fire extinguisher and work permit

b) Fire blanket, water and fire watch
c) Fire watch, fire extinguisher and work permit
d) Fire watch, fire extinguisher and fire blanket

163.what type of fire extinguisher is used to extinguish class-c ( electrical fire )?

a) Dry chemical powder

b) Water
c) CO2 ( carbondioxide)
d) Foam

164.flammable liquids, oil, greases, gases are example of

a) Class A fire
b) Class B fire
c) Class C fire
d) Class D fire

165.can water be used to extinguish class-c fire?

a) Yes
b) No

166.what type of fire extinguisher is used for class-A fires ( like, wood and paper etc)…

a) Dry chemical powder

b) CO2(carbondioxide)
c) Water
d) Foam

pg. 25
ARAMCO QUESTION AND ANSWER 12/14/2018 is made up of four basic components including fuel, heat of an ignition source, __________ and
a chain reaction …

a) Combustion
b) Wind
c) Oxygen
d) Carbon monoxide

168.fall protection rule for construction, workers must be protected from fall when they are on walking/
working surface that are ______________ or more above a lower level..

a) 4ft
b) 6ft
c) 10ft
d) 24ft

169.the best type of fire extinguisher to use on combustible metals is a class..

a) Class A
b) Class B
c) Class C
d) Class B

170.eye injuries can result from

a) Poor ventilation
b) Removing machine guards
c) Wearing eye protection
d) Both 1 and 2 permit can be issued upto 30 days is

a) Is highly unlikely that conditions will change

b) Only cold work will be done
c) The work site is far away
d) The receiver cannot close the work permit

172.who must sign an issuer certificate?

a) The issuer foreman

b) The designated representative
c) His superintendent
d) The issuer

pg. 26

173.if it has not been decided if an area is restricted who makes the final decision?

a) Loss prevention
b) The area superintendent
c) The department manager
d) Refer #G.I.2.100

174.when can an issuer decide a work permit is not needed in restricted area

a) Next! They are always required work permit in restricted area

b) When he decides the work is low risk
c) When the work is cold work
d) When a JSI is not needed

175.what can the designated representative do ?

a) Sign the work permit

b) Accept the receiver responsibilities
c) Authorize the receivers responsibilities
d) Inspect the work site

176.what two things must the issuer do before issuing the work permit?

a) Check the receiver certificate and get countersignature

b) Provide first aid and assign a fire watch
c) Renew certificate and get countersignature
d) Close the work permit and check the receiver certificate

177.what is discussed during the joint site inspection?

a) Scope of work and equipment to be used

b) G.I.2.709 requirement
c) Check the fire watch certificate
d) Designated representatives qualification

178.what must the fire watch be ?

a) An issuer
b) Certified
c) Trained .pment given to him
d) A receiver

pg. 27

179.a fire watch has to know how to ?

a) Take a gas test

b) Be a receiver
c) Operate process equipment
d) Operate fire equipment given to him is isolated to make sure it cannot be ?

a) Started up leak or cause electric shock

b) Slip trip or fall
c) Shutdown by accident
d) Take to shop for repair

181.choose two methods of isolating equipment?

a) Install tags and purge

b) Shutdown and clean
c) Remove piping install blinds

182.what is one hazard with doing hot work?

a) Vapor pressure
b) Flash point
c) Ignition source
d) Cold work

183.the use of air compressor in an operating area requires which work permit?

a) Release
b) Hot
c) Confined
d) Cold work

184.choose 3 things you should check before issuing a release permit ..

a) Safety harness, belt and safety glass

b) Sewers, man way and air mover
c) Wind direction, drainage and ignition source
d) Ignition source, gloves and safety shoes.

pg. 28

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