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: Stepss : : 1) Heat oven 350 : : 2aix butter and sugar mix : y : 5)dry ingredients : : 4)scoop onto parchment : : paper : ‘ SJbake 10-22 min : ‘@iet them stand andcool : : For Judges Use Only : + 2 Please rate this cookie based on: * 1 Taste ____/s maximum score : : * presentation ___J 5 maximum score : : = Creativity _____/ 5 maximum score : : Total Score:___/15 : = | Notes: :Red Velvet Cookies {1 in the flour, cocoa, sat, baking sods, and baking powder into 2 bow! ‘then whisk together and net aide, Using a stand or hand mixer, beat butter and sugar in a bow! unt * esexmy, about 2 minutes. Beatin opg and vanila until combined. © dd cofoe andr food coloring until evenly combined. (donot ovarbat Fold in 1 cup chopped chocolate, Refrigerate dough for 30 minutes. *7Senop dough ung 1 tablespoon soon: get rat batween your hands to make smooth balls, Place dough halls on 8 parchmantsined ‘= Hlmmed baking sheet, spacing about 2 inches apart ake at 380° uni edges are fem, 1010 12 minute, 5 aust coolon pn 0 mints ante cookes to are nh ent 5 oot comply 40,Using a stand or hand mixer, beat cream cheese and powdered sugar rth, Best inh chan ran dso Spread sou ablepoon ng nbn sno hat of ® cokes. Tp wih resing cookies, Dts down + taeronae wit choco nal an 304ncond ita until smooth (about 3 times). -2 cups all-purpose flour (240g) 1-1/4 cup cocoa powder (25g) -1/4 teaspoon kosher salt a sy eepoon hot brewed coffee Please rate this cookie based on: ~1 tablespoon liquid red food Taste /5maximum score = coloring {15aL) : ~5/4 cup chopped semisweet Presentation /smaximum score chocolate chips (150g) : : eo nner cream cheese softened, * - Creativity /5 maximum score -1 cup powdered sugar sifted, (100g) . “2 tablespoon milk or heavy : cream (50mL) {BGO pgrrvitchencom/red-vever-cookies! Total Score: 15 . Notes: .Big Blue Monster Stuffed Cookies P1K3 Yield: 16-18 | Ingredients- e 1cup salted butter 1 cup light brown sugar % cup granulated sugar 2 eggs/ 2 egg yolks 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 3-4 drops of blue food coloring 1% cups all-purpose flour 4% cups cake flour 2 teaspoons cornstarch 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder % teaspoon salt 2 cups milk chocolate chips 8-9 oreos ahoy cookies ——/s maximum score ——/s maximum score _——_/5 maximum score is Steps: preheat oven to 400 degrees F for at least 15-20 minutes. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. In a large bowl of a stand mixer, beat the butter, brown sugar, and granulated sugar on medium-low speed until they start to come together, then increase the speed to medium-high for 4 minutes, stopping and scraping the bowl once partway through. It should be light and creamy. Add the eggs, egg yolks, vanilla, and food coloring (affiliate link). Beat again just until combined. Add the all-purpose flour, cake flour, cornstarch, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Pulse the mixer until the cookie dough starts to come together. Add the chocolate chips and mix just until the chips are evenly dispersed throughout the cookie dough. Divide the dough into 8-9 large, rough mounds. If you have a kitchen scale, each ball should weight approximately 6 ounces. Use your hands to slightly flatten each ball of dough, then place a Chips Ahoy cookie and Oreo cookie ‘in the middle and wrap the dough around it to cover the cookies so they are sealed inside. Space the cookies far enough apart on the baking sheet that they have some room to spread a bit. Top each cookie with a few pieces of broken Oreo and Chips Ahoy cookies for decoration. Bake for 12-14 minutes until Lightly browned on the outside but still doughy and slightly underbaked in the centers. Let cool on the baking sheet for at least 15 minutes before removing or serving. The cookies will continue to set up and cook a bit from the residual heat during this time. ria Linch: / hus ach con/bg lu moncter-stuted-cokie/woen-recoecontines-29132 |5 Steps: Strawberry-Pretzel : 1: Heat the oven to 300’F. : Ice Cream Bars PIK4 * Pan-spray a health -sheet pan and : + an 8x8 -inch square baking dish. ! 2: Pretzel Crust: Blitz the pretzels : ‘in a blender until they are a fine Insert picture here « powder. In a large bowl, combine 2 - . tablespoons of the pretzel powder, : ‘the flour, sugar, brown sugar, i : baking powder, baking soda, and « Salt. Add the oil and use your ‘hands ora : + Spatula to mix everything until you: » have clump crummbs. Spread the : crumbs out Yield: 18 : 25g mint pretzels % cup : {Evenly on the half-sheet pan. : + + 3:Bake at 300’F util the pretzel + 50g flour % cup ‘ lcrumbs are ever-so-slightly dried + 22g light brown sugar 1 ‘eT + lout and caramelized 15 to 20 » minutes. Let the pretzel crumbs : : cool completely. * Ig baking soda % tsp : 14. Ina microwave safe bowl, melt : the white chocolate chips In the i : microwave in 30 second spurts, + 208 grapesced oll 27 : [stirring after each, until smooth . * 85g white chocolate chips 2/1 : toss in the remaining 2 tablespoons - . : pretzel powder and the cooled : pretzel crumbs and stir to coat in * the white chocolate . . 14g baking powder % tsp : * 0.5 kosher salt % tsp 2 Pl his cookie based on: Doo : : Please rate this cookie based on . - 5. Transfer the pretzel crust mixture - } Taste /smaximum score | ‘to the greased baking dish. Using : . . : : your palm and fingertips, firmly and : : Presentation © ____/5maximumscore * | evelyn press it in, fully covering the - > Greativity Jsmaximumscore +: dish bottom: Steps: . ! Pour the sprinkles in a : + shallow bowl and sot aside. - . : To the bottom side of ur : ! cookies add a big scoop of : ur ice cream of choice n - Close the top with the : * second cookie. If the ice - cream is to soft and oozes : out, scrape the sides. Wrap | : the ice cream cookie : : sandwiches in plastic wrap | ‘and freeze again for a few ‘ hours to allow the ice ¢ Chocolate chip cookies 24, | : 5 1 ‘ioe yl cup : : the sprinkles and enjoy! rainbow jiamies,leanof | | whipped cream, * 1 Please rate this cookie based on: Lt Df taste ___/s maximum score : * presentation ——/S5 maximum score : «creativity Is maximum score: ‘Total Score:___/15 | Notes:Graham Cracker Cookies with Frosting & Blueber: * Ingredients * Graham cracker cookies . . Cream cheese frosting % cup Butter softened, salted or unsalted cup granulated sugar ‘4 cup brown sugar Tegg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 &¥cup AP flour 1 cup graham crackers finely crushed, about 7 sheets % teaspoon salt % teaspoon baking soda % teaspoon baking powder ¥s cup graham crackers finely crushed, about 2 sheets 4.oz cream cheese softened ‘4 tablespoon butter softened, salted or unsalted 1 cup powdered sunar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract sug 1, Preheat the oven to 350F then line a baking sheet with parchement paper and set it aside. Cream the butter, granulated sugar, and brown sugar until combined. Add in the egg and the vanilla and % cup Butter)4 cup granulated sugar% cup brown a1 e9g.1 teaspoon vanilla extract ‘Add in the flour, graham cracker crumbs, salt, baking ‘soda, and baking powder and mix ust until the flour mixture disappears 18 %scup AP flour cup graham crackers, % teaspoon salt% teaspoon baking soda,% teaspoon baking powder Using a large (% cup) cookie scooper, scoop out 8 equally sized cookie dough balls, roll them between the palm of your hands then roll ther in the ¥ cup of the crushed graham crackers. Ysccup graham crackers lace the cookie dough on the prepared baking sheet, gently flatten to about %th inch in thickness and bake inthe preheated oven for 9 minutes. Let the cookies coo! down on the baking sheet for 10 minutes then transfer to a cooling rack. ‘Cream cheese frosting ‘@. Ina stand mixer whip the softened cream ‘cheese and butter together until smooth. b. dozcream cheese, tablespoon butter &. Addin the powdered sugar and the vanilla ‘and mix on high speed again until light and ‘uty. This should take 2:3 minutes. 4.1 cup powdered sugar.1 teaspoon vanilla extract e.Filla piping bag witha large round tip with the cream cheese frosting and frost each ‘cookie. Top the cookies with a drizzle of raspberry jam and enjoy Pe ee For Judges Use Only Please rate this cookie based on: ——/5 maximum score _—__/5 maximum score / 5 maximum score‘1, Preheat the oven to - 350 * 2y Mix the flower, ‘ bakesode, Salt ,oreos, ‘chips. 13) Mix the butter, brown - ‘sugar, mix in tell fluffy. - :4, then addegg, vanilla - : to the bowl. - 5, Add them in the same - bowl. ‘6, Bake for 10-12 min 27, Let it cool for 15 min. + 421 Purpose flour 2 ¥ cup Baking soda 1 tsp Salt 1tsp * Butter 1 cup = 2 stick - Brown sugar 1 cup ‘ Granulated sugar & cup - Bgg 2 egg mediun * Vanilla extract 1 tsp ‘oreo Yo cup crumbs, 5 cookies + | Please rate this cookie based on: * Semi Sweet chocolate chip 1/2 cups 2 {taste /smaximum score * /smaximum score * —_—_/Smaximum score ~| Stepss « 1, Preheat the oven to 350 F then line an 8x8 inch baking pan Oreo Brownies . with parchment paper and set aside. P3K1 Yield 16: + 2. Ina microwave-safe bowl melt the butter, oil, and both {| sugars, together in 30-second intervals mixing in between every + time, Once fully melted microwave for another ! minute and + stir vigorously to allow the sugar to mett fully. * 3. 2/3.cup butter, 1 /4 cup vegetable oil,1 cup granulated sugar, 1 1/3 cup brown sugar = 4, Whisk in the eggs one at a time then add in the vanilla. You ‘= want the batter to pull from the bowl a little bit. 152 egg,1 teaspoon vanilla extract : 6.Add in the flour, cocoa powder, and salt and fold just until * combined, * 7. Y teaspoon salt,%4 cup all purpose flour,% cup cocoa powder 1 8. Pour half of the batter into the parchment paper-lined baking + pan and spread evenly. e %cup butter : {| 9.Place the Oreos in the center of the batter (see photo) then top + with the rest of the brownie batter and spread to cover. 1 10.Top with the 5 crushed Oreos and bake in the preheated { oven for 30 minutes. * 11.Allow the brownies to cool down fully on a wire rack before + slicing into them for the perfect square crinkle top slice every time. e ‘cup vegetable oil x e cup granulated sugar x e@ ‘cup brown sugar x e cup cocoa powder x e 2eggcold%x % teaspoon salt x : : : : + Please rate this cookie based on: . e ‘cup all purpose flour x | . : . « Taste i . e 15 Oreos Extra 5 for . . {5 maximum score : topping : : Presentation /5 maximum score * : * Creativity /5maximum score + +S total Score:__/1s : + | Notes: : Criginal Link: https:/ Cee ree eter ete ee eeeS’MORES PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES P3K2 ‘Yield: 18 3 tablespoon butter 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1/4 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup peanut butter egg 1 tablespoon room temperature water 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 5/8 cup flour 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup mini marshmallows 3/8 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips First, start by preheating the oven to 350 F, then line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Ina stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar, and : both peanut butters. Continue mixing : Until it turns light and fluffy. ‘Add in the eggs, vanilla, and the room ‘temp water and continue mixing until everything Is welt incorporated. ‘Slowly add in the flour, baking soda, cream of tartar, and salt and continue mixing on low speed, scraping the sides as you go. Fold in the chocolate oe chips and the mini marshmallows. 5. Using a medium ice cream scoop, ‘scoop round balls onto the cookie sheet and bake for 8-9 minutes. Remove the tray from the oven and let the cookies cool for 10 minutes and then transfer to a wire rack. ee ee e For Judges Use Only Please rate this cookie based on: ——/s maximum score ——/5 maximum score / 5 maximum score ‘Original Link: https://ifestyleofof*trecipe-ink1. Start by preheatingtheoven to 350 F then inea baking| aheetwith parchmentpaper then set aside. Creamihe butter, brown sugar andgranulatecbugar together untiloreamy. ‘Mix inthe egg, andoanillaextract untitcombined,then addin the flour, bakingsoda, cocoa powder, andsalt ‘andméx justuntilcombined.fidd inthe % cup of chocolatechipandgentiyfold. Scoop out 8 equaltysized cookie dough balls,place themrion a bakingsheetandtop eachcookie with more chocolatechips.and gentlyftattento about I inchin thickness, %. Bakethe cooklestn the preheatedoven for 10 minutes then et cool on the bakingsheetfor another 10 minutes then tranaferte a cootingrack.P3K4 Frosted Sugar Cookie ts Cookie recipe © ‘ecup butter Salted or unsalted, ‘softened © ‘cup granulated sugar © 2 tablespoon brown sugar © 1 large egg white © 1 teaspoon vanilla © 18% cup+ 1 tablespoon all purpose flour © % teaspoon baking soda ‘© teaspoon baking powder © % teaspoon salt Frosting recipe Ye cup butter softened © 1 cup powdered sugar ‘1 tablespoon cream © 1 teaspoon vanilla extract * pink gel food coloring ‘© Valentine's Day sprinkles = Btepss Cookie recipe = 1. Start by preheating the oven to 350F, then * line a large baking sheet with parchment paper + and set aside. ‘1 2.1m a stand mixer cream the butter, granul + sugar and brown sugar together using a paddle + attachment until light in color and fluffy. Add in the ‘+ egg white and the vanilla and mix again for 30 * seconds or until fully incorporated. % cup butter,% * cup granulated sugar,2 tablespoon brown sugat,t * large egg white,1 teaspoon vanilla 1 3.Add in the flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt «= and mix just until the flour disappears. Using a small ++ cookie scooper, scoop out equally sized cookie dough «= balls into the baking sheet. 1 &14 cup +1 tablespoon all purpose flour, teaspoon baking soda, teaspoon baking powder, teaspoon salt 4. Bake the cookies for 8 minutes, pull them out and let them rest on the cookie sheet for 5-10 minutes then transfer to a cooling rack. Enjoy immediately or store in an airtight container. Frosting recipe: 1. Cream the butter in a bow! until light and fluffy. % cup butter 2. Add in the powdered sugar, vanilla extract, and cream and whip again until fluffy. Add in pink food coloring and whip again. 1 cup powdered sugar,1 tablespoon cream,1 teaspoon * vanilla extract,pink gel food coloring 3. Frost each cooled down cookle then top with sprinkles and enjoy! Valentine's Day sprinkles For Judges Use Only Please rate this cookie based on: Taste ——/5 maximum score Presentation _—__/5 maximum score Creativity _—___/5 maximum score Total Score:__/ 15 Notes:Valentine’s Day Oreo & TL Addin the dry ingredients over the wet M&M Cookies P3K5 . ingredient mixture, starting with the flour, com starch, baking soda, and salt. a - - a _— Stir just until combined. 2. + 1&¥cup flour,1 tablespoon cornstarch,% teaspoon baking soda, ‘teaspoon salt 3. Fold in the M&M's using a large cookie scooper (% cup: 4 tbsp), scoop our the cookie dough to and Oreo pieces then create 10 equal cookies. 4, cup Velentine’s day m&ir's,7 Oreo cookies 5, Place them on the prepared beking sheet and bake for 13 minutes, Dont Ingredients ‘worry if they look underdone or gooey in the middle. That's what we want, they will continue to bake even after you pull them out of the oven to cool. Use a © ‘acup butter Slightly softened larger cookie cutter to swish the cookies e cup brown sugar around as soon as they come out to. e ‘cup granulated sugar make them perfectly round. egg 6 Cool on the cookie sheet for § minutes . then tran - © 2tsp vanilla extract peheyainbaben lion © 1&%cup flour For Judges Use Only © 1 tablespoon cornstarch Please rate this cookie a © %tsp baking soda © Yatsp salt Taste __/s maximum score e cup Valentine's day m&m's Presentation /5 maximum score 7 Oreo cookies roughly ch d, 8 Tere arly Chopped, Creativity s maximum score regular stuffed (NOT DOUBLE STUFFED Total Score:___/15 Notes: (Original Links_rips://ifestyleatatoosie com/volentines-day-ores-mms-conkitalCookie Monster Cookies P3K6 = © ‘cup butter softened . * © th cup packed brown sugar (105 : : grams) * Te teeup granulated sugar (100 grams) ° > © 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 7 + © 2eggs «© th teaspoon Royal Blue gel food . : coloring . 1 © 2-% cups bread flour or all-purpose + : flour (280 grams) . > © 1-% teaspoons baking pow der . * © 1 teaspoon baking soda . +e 1 teaspoon salt . * th sup dark chocolate chips . . Topplng : + © ‘th eup crushed cookles . » « Candy eyeballs . Combine the butter, brown sugar, * granulated sugar, and vanilla extract in a large mixing * bowl. Beat on medium speed for about 6 to 8 minutes * until soft and fiufly. Stop the motor and scrape down the 0m half way through the mixing time. Add the eggs one * at at time, mixing well between additions. Mixin the blue food coloring. Stop the mixer. Place a metal siter over tho bow! and sift the flour baking powder, baking soda, nd salt over the batter (alternatively, you can whisk t! dry ingredients together in a separate bow/ then stirit into the batter). Mix on low speed until well incorporated. tir n the crushed cookies and the white and milk chocolate chips. Use a large cookie scoop (2 tablespoons) to scoop 12 balls of dough. Press the balls down and place a square of milk chocolate or @ whole cookie in the center of the dough, (You can make smaller cookies by using 1 tablespoon scoops and stuffing therm with miniature cookies. We made both sizes in the Video). Scoop more cookie dough and place on top. Press the dough down and pinch the edges so the cookie or chocolate stuffing is completely covered. Press some additional crushed cookies and chocolate chips on top then add a couple of candy eyes to the top. Place the dough balls in the refrigerator and let them chill for at least 3 hours. Preheat the oven to 350°F and line a couple of baking sheets with parchment paper. Arrange he stuffed cookies on the baking sheet, spacing them 2 inches apart. When the oven is finished preheating, bake the cookies one tray at a time:10 to 12 minutes for the ‘smaller cookies or 20 to 22 minutes for the larger cookies. Let the cookies coo! on the baking sheet for 10 * minutes before transferring them to a cooling rack. Peewee eee eee : For Judges Use Only Please rate this cookie based on: Taste / 5 maximum score Presentation /5 maximum score Creativity ___] 5 maximum score Original Link: : + 2 cups of all-purpose flour » Llarge * 2 cup of cocoa powder "1h ‘ep baking soda > ‘b cup no salt butter »1eup sugar * Leup milk * 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 For vanilla filling: i = 1 cup no salt butter : » 2 cups powdered sugar * 2 cups marshmallow flush * 2 tsp vanilla extract : ‘ marshmallow flush, and 2 + | Please rate this cookie based on: : First add twocupsofall - » purpose flour andllarge - | egg into a bowl you will : ‘also need 1/2 cup ofcocoa - - powder, 1 + tsp baking soda, | ‘#4 cup of no salt butter, 1 . + cup of sugar, 1 cup of milk, : : and 1 tsp of vanilla extract : iand start mixingitintoa - - bowl till its a dough i i texture. For the vanilla: : filling you will need lcup . - no salt butter, 2 cups I | powdered sugar, 2cupsof, - tsp vanilla extract and mix * : " that into a bowl t411 its a : cream paste. Then put the : cookies in the oven at 550f - : :for 15-15 minutes and For Judges Use Only {Taste ___/Smaximum score | ‘ presentation _/ maximum score * * Creativity ___/s maximum score * ‘Total Score:__/15 | Notes: Original Link: ht¥ps/ Cookie Monster |+ Sf6P8..,:cs:0derees Pepto bing shots! * by lining with parchment paper. Set aside. . * 2.Add butter and sugars to bow of a stand mixer and mix = ‘on medium low until combined. Increase speed to ‘medium and cream together for 2 minutes. Add vanilla and egg and mix until combined. Add gel food coloring Until dough turns an electric bright blue. It wil soften in color when the dry ingredients are added so it's important thatthe color at this stage is super blue, 3.Mix flour, baking soda, and salt in @ small bowl. Then ‘add to the blue dough and mix just until combined. Add in chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, chopped Chips ‘Ahoy cookies, and 4 oreos, chopped into pieces. Mix to combine. Yield:12 cookies = 4.0n one baking sheet, scoop 5 separate heaping tablespoons of dough and place 3-4 inches apart from ‘each other on the baking sheet. Place 1 whole oreo onto * the dough and press down to flatten out. Top each : Ingredients *= % cups unsalted butter (softended) * 4 cups light brown sugar ‘cookie with another tablespoon of dough and seal in the oreo. Repeat with the second baking sheet. : % cup granulated white sugar ‘= * 5.Chill cookies in the freezer for 20 minutes. Bake chilled « [large egg. 11 cookies for 15 minutes or until the tops of the cookies * » 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract ‘+ © just begin to crack. Remove from oven and cool for 10. + # teaspoon blue gel food coloring — * * minutes before serving : * 2cups+2 tablespoons all purpose == | = 2 tablespoons white chocolate chips : - For Judges Use Only : « 2 tablespoons semi sweet chocolate se . . . * chips + 2 Please rate this cookie based on: 114 oreo cookies lt : : # cup chopped nini chips ahoy » , Taste /smaximum score 7 : 2 1 Presentation _/smaximum score * i 1 * Creativity ___/s maximum score . ‘Total Score:___/15 : : Notes: : https:/ ; + SYED hye han sno pnde odettpet na Cinnamon roll fruit a) Mamboeaace Moto Dol etn tanh bar fet wpe srancuntunetatact suman conan coe re srtvatuancvigiertionsontnea tou mann oes areata sctatenstteterswtow onsen yn asreeet apostate wenger nd on wi seme umpecoroh te sennncntosnsn bsheaniPnueiainianianiel see nr vescsnre boon nlenhgeon ere nat tet re eelcsoes mater crapeattartay alee given end ratonen entae miccscenh wnt sensu Sie cneerecpennneaiein as 5 enna tne cpentense tease be Ceeverates ch etre tex isonetinoe ramet wocanteuseacapnatnatcoswtenew? TuaN) uns ocscccsnneonte elope cay cookies p7k2 * Ingredients : board or plate and cover loosely with plastic wrap. + ime = "6. Preheat oven to 350°F (177°) Line lage baking sheet with , : parchment paper a sileone baking mat. . . Remove dough logs from the refrigerator. Cut into 1/2 inch slices, Place » © 11/8 cups (2819) all-purpose flour (spooned & leveled), = tices onto buidng sheets about 2 ches apart + "usm needesteroing ndworcuface + 1% Seer 1011 minds ii Soma onthe ees, mow fo : © 1/4 teaspoon baking powder : ee ine noun a —a . © UB teaspoon ‘salt : ‘Make the icing: Whisk ail of the icing ingredients together, Orizzie over . 9/8 cup (12 Tbsp; 170g) unsalted butter, . cookies. : ‘softened to room temperature: J Fro. Add strawberries (cut in hal) to the cookies. i © 3/8 cup (150g) granulated sugar oe . © 1/2large egg (substiute) atroomtempeatue « PRR See eee een ween : © T teaspoons pure vanilla extract a For Judges Use Only . : © 18strawberries tt 7 . + « Please rate this cookie based on: . . Tei a . i : 5 = | Taste /5maximum score | : © V2cup (1209) confectioners’ sugar it . | : : © 11/2 Teblepoons (ami) ik + [Presentation = _/5 maximum score . © 1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract oe _ . . : 1° Creativity /5 maximum score * . Filling + « Total Score: 115 . . » | Notes: ® {a 1 Tablespoons (286) butter, melted and slightly cooled * . 16 ecup 609) granulated suger ot : +e 1/2 Tablespoon ground cinnamon me = (Origina! Link: https.//sallvsbakingaddiction com/cinnamon-rallcoakies/! Steps: +L. Preheat oven to 550 degrees‘ Double Chocolate 1 occomecae i i + parchaent paper. : Chip Cookies P7K3 ! 2. First, melt your butter in - Yield: 12-18 cookies +a medium sized mixing bowl. | MAXIMUM 6 guests. 15. Once the butter is melted, + add in the cocoa powder and { vanilla extract and stir _ + until it’s combined. ‘ [ 4. Combine the butter : |: mixture with the brown sugar | jin the bowl of your stand mixer and mix at mediua speed until light and fluffy. About 2 minutes. 15. Next, add in the room + temperature eggs while ! mixing on low, lettingeach - : mix in before adding the : next. ‘ 6. Mix again on medium speed ' for 1-2 minutes until light ‘and airy. : 7. Scrape the bowl. . - 8. While mixing onlow,add < | flour, salt. Baking soda, and - é > For Judges Use Only : : Please rate this cookie based on: 2 2 Taste ——_/5 maximum score e 7 Presentation _—___/5 maximum score ¢ + Creativity _____/s maximum score z { minutes or until they’re not : shiny and edges aren't set. } Total Score:__/15S’more Cookies P7K4 prrrereeesssses sees Yield: About 12 - 18 * ema stand mixer cream butter, cookies : sugar, and brown sugar. Add in . vanilla and eggs. © Ina medium bowl, mix baking soda and salt, then add into mixture. by hand just till combined «Add in hershey’s, and marshmallow « Add the flour and chocolate chips : e Place cookie dough mixture on top * of a graham cracker ° + Proceed to put the cookie ball and * graham eracker ontoa baking = sheet . © Latlek of butter (softened) 4 Place m oven to bake for # -10 minutes at 350 degrees * © ‘2 cup brown sugar ¢ '%& cup white sugar «After taking out, let the eookles sit « out for 5 - 10 minutes : 1s tea : Move eeeeeeee ee! © % tsp vanilla extract . see For Judges Use Onl © ‘2 tsp baking soda * Please rate this cookie based on: © th tsp salt tt + Taste ——_/smaximum score | © 1% cups of flour Gluten - free) : : Presentation ___/ 5s maximum score : © % cup chocolate chips : * creativity ___/smaximum score = © Gluten - free graham crackers <1.) score: —_ 15 i e Marshmallows / Marshmallow - : Notes: : creme Original Link: Homemade Family espe.Yield: ingredients % cup unsalted butter % granulated sugar % cup light brown sugar + ¥ cup honey + & tsp vanilla extract 12 SMALL eggs » 1 cup all-purpose flour ‘1 tsp cornstarch : & tsp baking soda + Ye tsp salt c | RortudgestseOnly } Please rate this cookie based on: : Taste ——/5 maximum score : Presentation ____/5 maximum score : Creativity ___/s maximum score } Total Score:__/15 3 Notes: ’ Steps: Honey Cookie P7K5 paveeerereees Ina large bowl, combine butter, sugars, honey, and vanilta extract and use an electric mixer to beat until creamy and well-combined. 1 cup (226 g) unsalted butter,1 cup (200 9) granulated sugar,% cup (50 g) light brown sugar,% cup honey,1 teaspoon vanilla extract ‘Add egg and stir well. 1 large egg ina separate bowl, whisk together flour, cornstarch, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. 3 cups (375 g) all-purpose flour,2 teaspoons cornstarch,1 teaspoon baking powder,¥ teaspoon baking soda,% teaspoon table salt With mixer on low speed, gradually add the flour mixture to butter/honey mixture. Stir until completely combined and all of the flour mixture has been absorbed (scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl to ensure all ingredients are well-combined). Cover dough with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes and up to 5 days. Once dough has nearly finished chilling, preheat your oven to 375F (190C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper (alternatively you can bake cookies directly on an ungreased cookie sheet). Remove cookie dough from the refrigerator and scoop by 1% Tablespoon-sized scoops. Roll into a smooth ball between your palms and then roll through coarse granulated sugar. ¥% cup (100 g) coarse granulated sugar Place cookies at least 2” apart on prepared baking sheet and transfer to 375F (190C} oven. Bake for 10-11 minutes or until edges of cookies are beginning to turn a light golden brown. Allow cookies to cool for at least 5-10 minutes on baking sheet before removing to a cooling rack to cool completely. Original Link: httns://suparspunrun.comVhaney-coolses/#recipeStewart, and Brittany Caballero Yield: 22 cookies P7K6 1/2 cup unsalted butter , softened 3/4 cups sugar 1 large egg , room temperature 1/3 cup sour cream 41 teaspoon pure vanilla extract, 1.3/4 cups all purpose flour , measured correctly using spoon and level method 1.1/2 tablespoons cornstarch 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 tsp cream of tartar 1/8 teaspoon salt Frosting: 1/2 cup unsalted butter , softened 2/3 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 2.5 cups powdered sugar , plus more as needed to reach desired consistency pinch salt 2-3 tablespoons heavy cream , plus more ‘as needed to reach desired consistency food coloring to color frosting , optional candy sprinkles to decorate , optional 2 EOD Encore note tet bere ee ee =a a Ve 2. TEENIE ew stesso La es IIA. Li ke nen Sananneaail daar en ewan ate eee
inthe sugar and place 2-inches - : apart on a cookie sheet. : 5. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until = golden brown. Remove cookie sheet from the oven and : immediately press 1 chocolate candy into the center of each cookie. 6. Transfer the cookies to a cooling rack and let cool for at least 30 minutes or until chocolate - igset? " "7 weet 6 tablespoons granulated sugar divided 4 tablespoons brown sugar 4 tablespoons creamy peanut butter er For Judges Use Only 4 tablespoons salted butter softened Please rate this cookie based on: Oo 2 large egg yolk Taste | 5 maximum score oO * Presentation / 5 maximum score 12 tablespoons all purpose flour o % teaspoon baking soda + Greativity ——/5 maximum score a * ) Total Score:__/15 % teaspoon baking powder fotes: o 2 12 Hershey's Kisses gleceee igin) Link:
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