Modified Stillinger-Weber Interatomic Potentials

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Modified Stillinger-Weber Interatomic Potentials

Molecular dynamics simulation of vapor deposition of elemental and compound materials

X. W. Zhou
1. 2. X. W. Zhou and H. N. G. Wadley, Computational Materials Science, in press, 2007. X. W. Zhou and H. N. G. Wadley, Computational Materials Science, in press, 2007.

1. Understanding better the Stillinger-Weber potentials.

- why we decide to use it? - where it may not be accurate? 2. Extending the Stillinger-Weber potentials.
- dc, sc, bcc, and fcc elements.

- B1, B2, and B3 binary compounds.

3. Simulating growth and oxidation of materials using molecular dynamics methods. - case studies: Si, Po, Fe, Ni, Mg, and MgO.

Cohesive Energy




Energy (eV/atom)













c fc














D. A. Murdick, X. W. Zhou, and H. N. G. Wadley, Phys. Rev. B, 72, 205340(2005).



Published Growth Simulation Using SW Potential

Growth of ZnSe on As-terminated (001) GaAs surface. from Ref. [1].

1. 2. 3. 4.

G. H. Grein, J. P. Faurie, V. Bousquet, E. Tournie, R. Benedek, and T. de la Rubia, J. Cryst. Growth, 178, 258(1997). G. H. Gilmer, and C. Roland, Appl. Phys. Lett., 65, 824(1994). B. Strickland, and C. Roland, Phys. Rev. B, 51, 5061(1995). H. W. Lu, and J. Y. Feng, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., 8, 621(2000).

Published Growth Simulation Using TF Potential

Growth of InAs on (110) GaAs surface. from Ref. [1].
All the potentials listed on this slide do not correctly predict the crystalline growth. The Tersoff Si potential, Ref. [2], for instance, predicts the crystalline growth only at temperature above 2200 K.
1. 2. 3. 4. M. Nakamura, H. Fujioka, K. Ono, M. Takeuchi, T. Mitsui, and M. Oshima, J. Cryst. Growth, 209, 232(2000). J. Tersoff, Phys. Rev. B, 39, 5566(1989). for Si. P. A. Ashu, J. H. Jefferson, A. G. Cullis, W. E. Hagston, and C. R. Whitehouse, J. Cryst. Growth, 150, 176(1995). for GaAs. R. Smith, Nucl. Instru. Meth. B, 67, 335(1992). for GaAs.

i N 1 1 u (r ) g (cos ) u (r ) Ec = (rij ) + 2 N k ik jik ij 2 N i =1 j = i1 i =1 j = i1 = i1 k j
Stillinger-Weber potential:
N iN N iN

Tersoff potential:

1 E= 2N

1 VR (rij ) + 2 N i =1 j =i1
N iN

i =1 j = i1



V A (rij )

A exp (r ) = A S exp r r rr r c c

1 g (cos ) = cos + 3

u (r ) = C exp r r c

Keys: Fit f for the equilibrium structure, adjust u to ensure phase transferability

Crystal Analysis

Angular Function

g i (cos ) = g o ,n + n (cos cos n ) ,


xmin,n cos xmax,n ,

n = 1,2,L

Model Predictions of Properties

Examples: cohesive energy, lattice constant, bulk modulus, and other elastic constants for four elements
Element Data type Cohesive energy, Ec (eV/atom) Lattice constant, a () Elastic constants (eV/3) B C11 C12 C44


-4.670 -4.670 -1.463 -1.463 -4.320 -4.320 -4.450 -4.450


5.431 5.431 3.280 3.280 2.866 2.866 3.520 3.520

0.612 0.612 0.352 0.352 2.108 1.054 2.820 1.128

1.006 1.036 1.056 0.706 2.809 1.413 4.487 1.541

0.415 0.400 0.000 0.175 1.757 0.875 1.987 0.922

0.678 0.498 0.266 0.266 1.757 0.725 2.225 0.779

Si Po Fe Ni

Target Predicted Target Predicted Target Predicted Target

(r ) = A S exp r r A exp r r r c c

Problems of Exactly Fitting the Bulk Modulus

Example: fcc Ni

energy HeVatomL
-0.2 0 hydrostatic
A exp (r ) = A S exp rr r r r c c

-1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 -4.5

0.2 strain


Smooth function requires S<<A

Comparison SW and Morse Pair Potentials

SW: Morse:

A exp (r ) = A S exp rr r c r rc

(r ) = De exp[ 2(r re )] 2 De exp[ (r re )]

1.5 1
SW function



0 -0.5 -1
Morse function

-1.5 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 r

Si data from: X. W. Zhou and H. N. G. Wadley, Computational Materials Science, in press, 2006.


3.5 3.75

Simulation of Growth: Elemental Systems

Adatoms are randomly injected to the surface at a temperature of 650 K.

Simulation of MgO Growth

Identical fluxes of Mg and O vapor atoms are randomly injected to the MgO surface at a temperature of 650 K.

Simulation of Growth: Compound Systems

An (111) Mg surface is exposed to oxygen environment at a temperature of 800 K.

1. Stillinger-Weber potentials only target the equilibrium crystal structure. The energy and crystal geometry of other phases cannot be precisely predicted. As a result, they should not be used in the potential parameterization. 2. Extremely easy to parameterize for the equilibrium crystal phase to have the lowest cohesive energy. 3. The current pair function forms have nice cutoff, but are not physical and cannot well predict bulk moduli for non- diamond cubic or zinc-blende crystals. This can be easily improved. 4. Successfully used to simulate the growth and oxidation of variety materials: Si, Po, Fe, Ni and MgO.

5. Stillinger-Weber potentials do not capture energies of molecular gases and therefore cannot reveal the effects of flux ratio of these gases during surface growth. 6. Virtual cutoff distance can be reduced to accelerate simulations without affecting the results.

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