Alpha Tau Newsletter Spring 2024 Vol 7 Issue 4

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Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

“The Alpha Tau Talk”

“Moving Forward with Vitality, Relevance and Sustainability”
2024-2026 Missouri State Theme Volume 7 Issue 4 Spring 2024 p. 1 –International–State
Myrna Walker—Newsletter Editor Alpha Tau Facebook: Alpha Tau MO of DKG
mailto: MO State Facebook: DKG Missouri

Next Meeting Information

Jessie’s Journey Our next Alpha Tau meeting will be Saturday,
April 13, 2024
What is self-care, and can educators actually achieve Place: TBA (We like surprises!!)
this?! “Self-Care” is all the rage right now in the social Time: 9:30 a.m.
media world. You can’t hardly turn on Tic-Tok, Pinterest, Cost: TBA
Facebook, or even go shopping without someone voicing Program: Presentation by Cay Sergent and
(and often loudly) how we should be (and ESPECIALLY Jana
educators) practicing self-care for our well-being. Siefkas, both Past State Presidents
I don’t know about you, but these words almost make *Also, Project Honor—bring a guest at
me cringe, because we all know how educators have the your expense!
tendency to care for everyone around them, except Be sure to let President Jesse Gray know by
themselves!! While I do feel that this “self-care” phrase Sunday, April 7th, that you are coming to this
has been capitalized on by the beauty industry to sell meeting. Email Jessie at
product (I mean, I do love a good bubble bath), I have
done a lot of thinking and reflecting on what self-care Dear Sisters,
actually means for me, and here are some things I have Please go look at the Our Members section of
come up with that I think might help you, too! our website and write
1. Self-care means something different for everyone!! what needs to be updated about your
Just like we all have our own personalities, our self-care information! There is a way to do that on the
routine will look differently too! It is easy to get bogged Home page of the website! Thank you!!
down by social media on what self-care should look like, The Alpha Tau Talk Editor
but your self-care may include reading each night and
professional massages, while others’ self-care may be a 30 “Education is for improving the lives of
min. break ALONE to grab a coffee and sit in silence to others and for leaving your community
blast Taylor Swift at full volume. (This one may have come and world better than you found it.”
straight from my routine.) Whatever makes you less
stressed, and feeling at peace, add THAT to your routine!
Marian Wright
2. Your health directly impacts your “self-care.” Let me Edelman
begin by saying I am the world's worst at nutrition for IN THIS ISSUE
myself, especially during my busy day. A start at meal President’s Message-------------------------------- p. 1
prepping/ planning can go a long way in ensuring you are Next Meeting Information ------------------------ p. 1
eating nutritious meals that fuel your body and make you Previous Meeting Minutes ---- ------------------- p. 2
feel great! There are so many apps and sites that can help Alpha Tau’s Officers--------------------------------- p. 2
you get started. Alpha Tau’s New Officers --------------------------p. 2
3. Make your list and get started now! Getting a routine Dates to Remember ---------------------------------p. 2
set in place can be tricky. Begin by making a list of all the “SEE” Suggestions -----------------------------------p. 2
things you love and enjoy, and that you feel bring value to Legal Brief -------------------------------------------- p. 3
your life! Look at those things and decide what are some Upcoming Conferences -----------------------------p. 4
things you can make a frequent routine to help your body What’s News in MO Education--------------------p. 4
and mind be the best they can be! Sister Fun News--------------------------------------p. 5
Want to learn more or get more ideas on how you can Sister Chat---------------------------------------------p. 5
create a self-care routine that works for you? Visit Alpha Tau Field Trip------------------------------- p. 6 Sister Professional News--------------------------- p. 6
routine/ (See p. 3) How to Work Smarter ----------------------------- p. 6
Delta Kappa Ganma Society International
The Alpha Tau Talk
Spring 2024 p. 2

Alpha Tau Officers for 2022-2024 If You Missed the February Meeting . . .
President—Jessica Gray
First Vice-President—Jessica Sergent President Karen Gorden called the February
Second Vice-President—Kay Otterness meeting of the Alpha Tau Chapter of Delta Kappa
Secretary—Debra Agee Gamma to order on February 10, 2024 at the home of
Treasurer—Cay Sergent Karen Gorden on Meadow Lane in Bolivar. Members
Parliamentarian—Rhonda Voris Agee enjoyed a delicious brunch prepared by Karen.
Immediate Past President—Karen Gorden Magda Neill led the Singing Grace. Karen welcomed
14 members and 3 guests and the guests were
introduced as Morgan Hardin (3rd grade teacher at
Alpha Tau Officers for 2024-2026 Halfway School), Julie Bryant (SBU), and Tamara Samek
President—Debra Agee (SBU).
Vice-President—Rhonda Agee Minutes of the November 4, 2023 meeting were
Secretary—Robin Vaughn presented by Debra Agee, Secretary. Laurie Whitlock
Treasurer—Cay Sergent moved to accept the minutes as read. Motion was
Parliamentarian—TBA seconded and passed.
Immediate Past President—Jesse Gray Treasurers Report was presented by Cay Sergent,
Treasurer. She reminded the members that the available
DATES TO REMEMBER funds were combined with the classroom grant so we
All DKG meetings start at 9:30 a.m. needed to subtract $1000 from available funds for the
March 1—Key Woman Educator Award Due actual amount. Magda Neill moved to approve. Motion
March 8—International Women’s Day was seconded and passed.
*Apr. 13, 2024 DKG Mtg. Location TBD Cay Sergent reminded the group that the Southwest
*New Officers installed for 2024-2026 Area Conference is April 19 and 20 in Springfield. Friday
*Grants-in-Aid awarded the 19th will consist of training for Presidents and
*Project Honor –(Bring a guest) Treasurers but Saturday would be for everyone.
*Cay Sergent and Jana Siefkas Presenting Christa Rowland reported that she only received
one scholarship/grant application from Kassidy Owens
who is pursuing a masters in K12 Administration.
(Kassidy is the granddaughter of Karen Gorden and
We Remember:
daughter of Christa Rowland). After discussion, Karla
10% of what we read
Spear moved to award Kassidy with a $300 Grants-in-
20% of what we hear
Aid. Motion was seconded and passed.
30% of what we see
Karen Gorden presented a slate of officers for the
50% of what we see AND hear
next biennium. They are: President-Debra Agee, Vice
70% of what we discuss with others
President-Rhonda Agee, and Secretary-Robin Vaughn.
80% of what we experience personally
Rita Legan moved to accept this slate of officers. Motion
95% of what we teach others
was seconded and approved. Karen reminded us that
So, who remembers the most when you
Treasurer and Parliamentarian are appointed positions.
teach? Kids need to be active to learn.
Magda Neill reported she has been working with the
First Lady’s Executive Assistant to find a time for Alpha
If you want to get into Missouri State’s website,
Tau to tour the Governor’s Mansion. They are having a
(, you must use hard time finding a date but will get back to those who
your membership number as your username and signed the list when/if a date is set. (If you were not
use DKG2014society as the password for the first there and are interested, contact Magda.)
time. After that you can personalize it. If you do The April meeting will be April 13 with the location to
not know your membership number, contact Cay be determined. Cay Sergent and Jana Siefkas will be
Sergent. There are many helpful resources on the presenting.
website! (cont. on p. 3)
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
The Alpha Tau Talk
Spring 2024 p. 3

LEGAL BRIEF Sister Fun News

MO House Bill Would Allow Students to (cont. from p. 4)
Enroll in Districts Outside their *Shaundra Ingram shares happily that they welcomed
their first grandbaby, Ty Ingram, on February 16th! Isn’t he
Residence just the cutest thing!! This summer Shaundra and husband
Republicans are sponsoring legislation that oeto take an anniversary trip to the Smoky Mountains--
would allow Missouri students to transfer to a
different district that is different from the one they
live in. However, school districts could decide
whether they want to accept nonresident students.
Rep. Brad Pollitt from Sedalia says open
enrollment is a step in the right direction because
your address should not be the main determination
on the public school your child attends. The focus
should be educational opportunities and the family.
School districts could choose to participate in
this program and only schools that are participating
would be the schools for open enrollment. They
would also set the number of students they are
willing to receive. School districts would also be
able to restrict the number of outgoing students to
3% of the previous school year’s number. one of her favorite places to hike and enjoy the beautiful
Pollitt said that in his plan districts could stop views!!
accepting new students, but they could not send *Debbie Agee and husband David will celebrate their
accepted students back. Rep. Ed Lewis of Moberly 50 wedding anniversary in August!!! They are making
agrees with the plan and says that if we don’t plans to celebrate with friends and family, and THEN
institute such a plan, within 2 years, there will be visit/cruise the islands of Hawaii! That is the way to
fewer public school students enrolled. celebrate!! Congratulations go out to the Agees!
MSTA is against this legislation because its
teachers are concerned about the prospects of Jessie’s Journey
consolidation, increasing student mobility, and the (cont. from pg. 1)
detrimental effects of such. I want to end this segment with the most sincere
Legislation establishing open enrollment has thanks to Alpha Tau for supporting me over my
been brought forth for several years. Last session it presidency! You all came with open arms to my ideas and
passed the House 85-69, and all but one of the ice breaks and I appreciate this experience more than you
positive votes were from Republicans. However, it know. I know our next slate of officers will keep taking us
only made it through a Senate committee., and then farther and I am looking forward to seeing all that they
it was stopped. accomplish!
Sarah Kellogg, in writing this article, says that Sounding off for the last time (but definitely not the
Republican leaders hope to pass something this end of my journey),
session regarding school choice, and that could Jessie Gray
include open enrollment. That would please the
Republicans, and evidently, not make the If You Missed the February Meeting . . .
Democrats happy. It seems to be a partisan split (cont. from p. 2)
issue. The February meeting was adjourned by Karen to prepare for the program “Work Smarter, Not Harder by
house-open-enrollment-public-school-students- Thinking Outside the Box” presented by Myrna Walker.
2024 Respectfully submitted,
Debra Agee, Secretary
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
The Alpha Tau Talk
Spring 2024 p. 4

What’s News in MO Education?

Upcoming Conferences:
Does the 4-Day Week Hurt Students
**Southwest Area Conference
Academically? 2024--April 19-20, Springfield and TBA
Claudette Riley of the Springfield News- Leader 19th for Presidents and VPs, 20th for all members
reports that the 4-day school day is not really new. **Future International Conventions
It had climbed steadily for 10 years and then spiked 2024—July 9-13, National Harbor, MD
during the pandemic until nearly 170 districts 2026—June 30-July 4--Aurora, Colorado (Gaylord
(more than 30% of Missouri) now choose that Rockies)
Now a report has been made public on
February 6 showing that this mode in MO is neither 4-Day Week in Schools
helpful nor harmful academically. The report was (cont. from first column)
produced by the SAS Institute and they noted these Turner questioned why it had taken so long for
findings were generally consistent with years of DESE to study this issue. He noted that questions such
research in 16 other states which found 50% no as how this drives teacher retention and other issues in
effect/50% very small negative effects. education can be found in the data that DESE now has,
The research did not dig deep enough to see if and they should investigate it further to find those
certain groups performed better or worse in this answers.
mode. However, an important point was that the The following schools in Missouri have moved to a
model does not move us forward academically; it four-day week:
just keeps us at the same level, and the goal should *Greene—Fair Grove, Walnut Grove
be to move forward. *Christian—Chadwick, Billings, Clever, Spokane
Another point was that schools that use this *Taney—Bradleyville, Taneyville, Forsyth, Kirbyville
model tend to be more likely rural, white, and *Dade—Everton, Greenville
eligible for free/reduced meals (a national measure *Lawrence—Aurora, Miller, Pierce City, Verona
of poverty), have less gifted education programs or *Polk—Fair Play, Halfway, Marion C. Early, Pleasant
English language learners, and have lower Hope
achievement and growth scores prior to adopting
the 4-day week. So, these schools are not (
representative of all Missouri schools. 4-day-school-weeks-hurt-missouri-students-
However, schools that switched after the academically-heres-what-report-found/ar-BB1i6EDL)
pandemic were more likely to be in towns rather
than rural areas, include Hispanic, multiracial, or We Extend Our Sympathy
foster students, and have students eligible for Sp. We extend our sympathy to the family of Janet Locke,
Ed. Education and English Language Learner a former long-time member of Alpha Tau, who passed
programs. away on January 18, 2024. Janet died of either tripping in
The 4 day week has been implemented in MO in her garage and hitting her head, or having a massive
differing ways; lengthening the school day or stroke or heart attack. She was 74. She will be dearly
lengthening the school year. Also. the 5th day, when missed by friends and family, and those include her
class is not in session, is treated in a variety of friends of Alpha Tau.
ways: closed but offer child care, offering tutoring
or extra instruction for students that are behind, or
even to help students get ahead academically. Something you need to know?
But Joe Turner (associate prof. at MSU) says that Look it up at
numerous studies in other states show that The password for our yearbook under
districts that ”‘protect instructional time” had no Resources is dkgalphatau
significant impact on academical performance.
(cont. in next column)
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Alpha Tau Chapter
Spring 2024, p. 5
Sister Chat
We always highlight a member of Alpha Tau in each
SISTER FUN NEWS newsletter, and this issue that member is Laurie
*Rita Legan and Karen Gorden and their Whitlock! She is a young 77, (who knew?), and lives in
husbands are going on a Panama Canal cruise in the Pleasant Hope where she taught the majority, if not all,
spring! Karen says she is excited because this is of her career.
their first cruise since Covid! These couples love to She received a BS, an MS, (plus 27 hrs.), and taught
cruise! The Gordens are going on a cruise called 29 years—7-12 science, including chemistry, biology 1
“Ancient Antiquities” that goes from Athens to Rome and II, anatomy and physiology, environmental science,
in the winter, and the Legans are going on a physical science, 7th, 8th, and 9th grade general science,
Caribbean Cruise in the winter as well! The Legans 7th grade life science, health, and general math. (Wow!)
always drive to Key West in June; it is a tradition, She was also a member and held different offices in CTA
and what a wonderful one!!! and MSTA, and was on the local Career Ladder Commit-
*Evonne Miner is planning on taking a little tee AND was different class sponsors, as well as being
spring break trip to Mexico. Why? She says, “The NHS sponsor and Science Club Sponsor. (Makes me
beach is calling.” 😊 tired.)
*Rhonda Agee tells us the exciting news that her She has been in DKG 37 years and served as
son is getting married and adds, “I am so excited to President, 1st VP twice, 2nd VP, Recording Secretary, and
be gaining a daughter (in law) in October!” Also, Chairperson of various committees. (Laurie does not
Rhonda and her husband Dale will celebrate 30 believe in saying no, as DKG urges.)
years of marriage in May! She adds, “We are not Laurie was married to Donald Whitlock for 30 years
very good at making travel plans (i.e. planning/ until he passed away. That union gave her Justin (wife
budgeting/ saving/etc., lol), and so it will probably D’Nette) and Jim (wife Christy). They gave her Austin
be a low-key celebration at home. “ She says they (25), Coltin (23), Briason (20), and Trason (18). That
have no real summer vacation plans, but they could has led Laurie to traveling and vising family and
potentially have a trip to Orlando, FL, depending on friends, which are two of her special interests, because
results from her professional news (see p. 6). one of her sons lives in New Mexico..
*Laurie Whitlock says that she has great plans Two more of her special interests are reading and
for spring travels: the 3rd week of March, she will be learning. Once a teacher, always a teacher! Laurie says
in Texas visiting her sisters and cousins and one thing that is different about DKG than when she
attending her 60th high school reunion. THEN in joined is that we are more informal in our meetings
April and May, 3 friends and Laurie plan to do a now. What is different in education than when she
month long Route 66 road trip from Springfield, MO started is all the technology! Would she choose teaching
to Santa Monica, CA, and then spend a couple weeks again? She says, “Yes, I truly loved teaching,” but she
exploring California. THEN in late May and early says she would change the bureaucratic and political
June, she will visit her son and his family in Red stuff! I think we all agree!
River, New Mexico. She adds, “I don’t plan to plant a
garden this year - ha.” That’s the way to be retired!!!
*Myrna Walker and sister hope to take a Rt. 66 LAURIE
road trip as well this spring, but not as far as
California! Their goal is the Wigwam Hotel in WHITLOCK
Holbrook, NM, where they always wanted to spend MOTHER
the night as kids, traveling twice a year on Rt. 66 GRANDMOTHER
with their parents. More travels will happen in Sept. RETIRED TEACHER
and Oct., but she will tell you about those later!
*Karla Spear’s grandson turns one on February
25 . She says he is such a sweet-natured, happy and
content little guy! They are considering a European NEVER SAYS NO
cruise. Maybe Hawaii? So many places, so little time! AWESOME SMILE
And money, she adds! (cont. on p. 3)
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Alpha Tau Chapter
Spring 2024 p. 6
“THE PEOPLE’S HOUSE” *Vanessa Maze says she is enjoying getting more
As an update to our plans to take a field trip to the involved in porcelain painting! She is the state
Governor’s Mansion, Magda Neill is still trying to president of the World Organization of China Painters
make connections with Jill, First Lady Teresa Parson’s (Wow!), and she says she is excited about the upcoming
Executive Assistant. The First Lady has been state convention in Kansas City! Congrats, Vanessa!
extremely busy due to the death of her mother and *Evonne Miner is retired but is teaching for a school
meetings. Therefore, the tour may be as late as this in West Virginia online until June! We need more info,
summer. Evonne!
Magda is planning for the tour to take place on a *Robin Vaughn is the Parent Advisor/Educator with
weekday, depending on the First Lady’s availability, the Missouri School for the Deaf Families First
and probably in the afternoon after a stop for brunch– Program! How exciting!!!
possibly at Lake of the Ozarks. *Rhonda Agee tells us the exciting news that three of
If you have not told Magda you are interested in her high school FBLA students qualified for state
going on this field trip, please text her at 417-399- competition! That means that she will be taking 19
9254 asap. middle school students to their FBLA competition in
March! Wowza!
How to Work Smarter, Not Harder *Karen Gorden says she will be finishing up 40
Myrna Walker gave a little presentation at our years of being in the classroom at the end of this school
last meeting about how we might become more year! AND she is still sane. (Editor added that part.)
efficient in our daily lives and work. Here are some Karen’s plan at this moment is to continue for another
“timely” tips that might help: year doing what she loves. (Editor adds that Karen has
1. Make learning portable. a problem retiring. She has tried to several times and
2. Use small blocks of time usually wasted. You failed! Ha!) Karen also loves learning new things, and
will usually not get a huge block of time with she is currently trying to gain knowledge about
nothing to do. dyslexia and reading instruction, in general. (Editor
3. Make lists and prioritize. This is a huge one! heard her say the other day that she tries to learn a new
4. Watch the 4 robbers of time: laziness, thing every day. Editor is in awe of Karen!)
procrastination, sidetracks, daydreaming *Karla Spear says that it is hard to believe we are
5. Trade time, don’t steal it. Make a time fast approaching the 4th quarter! In addition to her role
schedule, if you are really busy, but then be of elementary principal at Climax Springs, she is ALSO
flexible enough to do what really matters. serving as intern supervisor for a school-counselor-in-
But trade things around, don’t just omit training for a nearby district. Karla says she has done
them. this for others in the past, but this one is special
6. Control interruptions. If people drop in and because she is a former student from her first teaching
you are on a tight schedule, ask them to help position. Karla says, ”To have former students as
you with your chores! colleagues is pretty awesome!”
7. Develop routines. This is another huge time- *Shaundra Ingram says she is honored to continue
saver! serving as the Pleasant Hope School’s Superintendent.
8. Start! One of the hardest, and most important This is her 3rd year as Superintendent, 7th year at
things to do!!! Pleasant Hope, and 20th year in education, starting at
This is maybe one of the most important quotes the ripe old age of 19 in 2003. Shaundra says,
you will ever hear: “Education has continued to change, but I enjoy each
“One of the most important results of all education new challenge!”
is the ability to do the thing you have to do when it
ought to be done, whether you like it or not. It is the “In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will
first lesson that ought to be learned and, however learn.”
early a person’s training begins, it is probably the Phil Collins
last lesson a person learns thoroughly.” This is one of the Editor’s favorite quotes. What is your
Thomas Huxley favorite quote?

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