Lucas Bols Annual Report 22-23 - Interactive

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2 0 2 2 — 2 0 2 3
The company* Management Board Report*

3 Our mission 58 Composition of the Management Board

4 Our heritage 60 Report of the Management Board

7 Highlights 72 ESG

12 Interview with the Management Board 80 Risk management and control

19 Key figures 96 Management Board Statement

20 Shareholder information

22 Global presence
97 Corporate governance*

Strategy and value creation* 104 Composition of the Supervisory Board

24 Global Cocktails Brands 106 Report of the Supervisory Board

34 Regional Liqueurs & Spirits 110 Remuneration report

46 Mission & strategy

50 Creating value Financial Statements

56 Stakeholder matrix 118 Consolidated Financial Statements 22/23

167 Company Financial Statements 22/23

172 Other information

177 Auditor’s report

Statement – This copy of the annual report of Lucas Bols N.V. for the year ended 31 March 2023 is not presented in
the ESEF-format as specified in the Regulatory Technical Standards on ESEF (Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/815).
The ESEF single reporting package is available at:

II The paragraphs marked with a * are part of the report of the Management Board as defined in Title 9, Dutch Civil Code 2.
The Lucas Bols Company is
a leading global cocktail and
spirits player with a strong
position in the worldwide
cocktail market. Our mission
is to create great cocktail
experiences around the globe.
At the Lucas Bols Company it is all about creating great
cocktail experiences around the globe. As Masters of
Taste we combine over four centuries of craftsmanship
and heritage with our creative spirit of Amsterdam
to discover new flavours and cocktails. This allows us
to build leading cocktail and spirits brands. Our key
assets are our three premium Global Cocktail Brands
(Bols, the World's First Cocktail Brand, Passoã
and Galliano) and our portfolio of Regional Liqueurs
& Spirits brands.

The Lucas Bols Company is active in over 110 countries

worldwide. The Bols brand includes the number one
liqueur range globally (not including the US). We are
also the world’s largest player in the genever segment,
and our portfolio of brands includes the number-one
passion fruit liqueur Passoã and the ultra-premium
Tequila Partida brand.

Our flexible and asset-light business model enables

us to focus fully on innovation and strategic marketing
to build the Lucas Bols brands. At the Lucas Bols
distillery we create new flavours and adapt old recipes
in line with today's cocktail trends. We enthusiastically
operate the Lucas Bols experiences such as the House
of Bols, the Bols Cocktail Academy, the Bols Around
the World competition and the Wynand Fockink tasting
tavern, which play a leading role in developing the
cocktail market.

Lucas Bols. Masters of Taste

2 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 3
Our heritage and craftsmanship dates back
almost four-and-a-half centuries, to 1575
in Amsterdam. Since then, we have been
mastering the art of mixing and blending,
creating beautiful flavours for our genevers
and liqueurs. We invite you to open your
senses and experience the past, present
and future of the Lucas Bols Company.

1575 1700 20th 2006 2008 2016 2020 2022

The Bols family
establishes distillery
Grandson Lucas Bols
turns the distillery into an
century Return of the Lucas Bols
head office to Amsterdam
International relaunch
of Bols Genever, based
The Lucas Bols Company
adds Passoã, the world's
Launch of non-alcoholic
Damrak Virgin 0.0. and
Acquisition of
ultra-premium Tequila
‘t Lootsje in Amsterdam international company and Acquisition of regional and addition of on the original recipe number 1 passion fruit global relaunch of Bols Partida brand, world’s
and starts distilling creates over 300 liqueur brands, such as Dutch new bartender brands from 1820. liqueur to its Global Liqueurs, crafted with highest rated tequila
liqueurs. and genever recipes. genevers, Pisang Ambon such as Galliano. Cocktail Brands portfolio. natural botanicals. brand portfolio.
and Coebergh.

The Bols family start
The widow of the last
2004 2007 2015
Launch of the iconic Opening of the House of Celebration of 440 years
Addition of Nuvo, the
Launch of innovative Bols
The Lucas Bols Company
producing genever which male Bols heir sells the Bols Liqueurs bottle, made Bols Cocktail & Genever of Lucas Bols history and sparkling liqueur, to the Ready-to-Enjoy Cocktail strengthens its no- and
plays an important role Company, on condition by & for bartenders to Experience and the Bols listing on the Euronext Regional Liqueurs & Tubes and multi-serve lower-alcohol cocktails
in the emergence of the that the Lucas Bols name improve efficiency and Cocktail Academy Amsterdam stock Spirits portfolio. bottles in 5 cocktail positioning by acquiring
cocktail culture in the US forever be used on all its ease of use and in Amsterdam. exchange. flavours. Fluère, a leading
in the 19th century. products. its distinctiveness. non-alcoholic spirits

4 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 5
>€ 100
mln Revenue Gross margin
(in € mln) (in % of revenue)

100.6 2021/22: 92.0

51.7 2021/22: 55.9

Normalised operating profit* Free operating cash flow*

(in € mln) (in € mln)

15.1 2021/22: 20.6

6.8 2021/22: 15.6

Normalised net profit* Dividend per share

(in € mln) (in €)

10.1 2021/22: 14.7

0.34 2021/22: –

* These items are non-GAAP measures, normalised numbers are excluding one-off items. For further information
about these measures, and the reasons why we believe they are important for an understanding of the
performance of our company, please refer to our commentary on non-GAAP measures as of page 173.

6 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 7

Masters 448 years of

of Taste crafts­man­ship
since 1575

More than Sold in over

25 brands 110 countries

8 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 9

World’s No.1 World’s No.1

liqueurs range genever
Not including the US

World’s highest rated World’s No.1

tequila brand portfolio passion fruit liqueur

10 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 11
Interview with the
Management Board

What are your main reflections on the past financial revenue grew by 20% thanks to our strong cocktail
year? proposition, successful premiumisation strategy and
“I think it is fair to say that in the past few years we have valuable additions to our platform, such as the ultra-
operated in the most difficult and challenging context premium brand Tequila Partida,” Huub van Doorne added.
our industry has experienced for quite some time,”
CEO Huub van Doorne commenced. “I am grateful “Our Fit for Growth strategy, which we implemented
to the entire Lucas Bols team for their collective two years ago, clearly paid off: the average case rate
drive to weather these storms.” increased by 27% in three years with gross profit
per case going up by 16% in that period. I believe we
“Zooming in on the first half of the past financial year, can truly say that our fundamentals are now stronger
the business showed a solid performance, benefiting than before,” he concluded.
from the recovery in Japan and travel-related markets
as restrictive measures and other effects of COVID-19 What did you find to be the most challenging?
faded out in these markets too,” CFO Frank Cocx said. “Just when the on-trade and travel were really getting
“Strategic marketing and premiumisation initiatives back on track, supply problems arose due to global
enabled us to capitalise on this strong momentum.” shortages of raw materials,” Frank Cocx said. “This posed
serious challenges for our ability to deliver products
“Although global supply chain to certain markets. A very
disruptions had already clear example was the
started during the pandemic, industry-wide shortage of

“Revenue grew by
issues got worse when the glass. By taking decisive
war broke out in Ukraine,” he action, including a temporary
continued.“ The pricing and move of production to the
availability of raw materials
heavily impacted this year’s
20% compared to Netherlands, we managed
to maximise the availability
performance, most notably
in the US where industry-
the pre-pandemic of our products. This could
not prevent sales of the Bols
wide glass shortages meant
that our brands were out-
period.” Liqueurs range in the US
from being affected as well
of-stock in some outlets as incurring incremental
and we incurred additional logistics costs and working
costs. In the second half of capital.”
the financial year the situation intensified even further,
mainly as a result of input cost inflation due to the “At the same time input costs increased even further
energy crisis. This put additional pressure on our cost from the already high levels we saw during the
base, resulting in a decline in our profit margins.” pandemic,” Huub van Doorne continued. “This put
considerable pressure on our profit margins. To mitigate
“In this very challenging environment we continued to part of the impact we took actions including expanding
leverage our brand equity, as is reflected in the 9% our contingency options, investing in planning
increase in revenue for the full year. We were able to capabilities, forward-buying and building safety
successfully increase prices across our key brands stock levels.”
and markets. Compared with the pre-pandemic period,

12 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 13
“The strong and flexible supply chain partnerships “Bols Cocktails showed a good recovery, mainly in Japan
proved yet again to be very important in these and South-East Asia,” Huub van Doorne elaborated.
circumstances, as was the resilience and problem- “The recovery was also supported by new retail listings
solving attitude of the Lucas Bols teams worldwide,” in the US, the Netherlands and Belgium for the Bols
Frank Cocx stressed. “I am proud of the fact that we Ready-to-Enjoy Cocktail Tubes and multi-serve bottles.
were able to continue to deliver to all our markets This year the Tubes will also be available at several
worldwide, with the exception of the US.” outdoor festivals and the Ready-to-Enjoy Espresso
Martini is available on KLM flights where we also have
How was this reflected in the markets worldwide? a new cocktail listed in business class.”
“There are big differences in how our markets
performed in the past financial year,” Huub van Doorne “Another highlight I would like to mention,” Frank Cocx
noted. “On the one hand we saw a strong recovery in added, “is the record number of visitors we welcomed
Japan and in the South-East Asian markets, particularly at the House of Bols Cocktail & Genever Experience.
in Vietnam and Thailand. A large number of European It is great to see that after two years of COVID-19
markets – including Italy and Spain – also did very well, measures so many people found their way back to our
as did the Eastern European markets excluding Russia unique experience to enjoy a vibrant and innovative
where we ceased all business following the start of outing. Not only a great testament to the strength of
the war. On the other hand, as discussed above, our our brands but it creates many brand ambassadors
US sales suffered from industry-wide glass shortages. around the world. Our authentic Wynand Fockink
Meanwhile, weakening consumer purchasing power tasting tavern also reported record-high numbers
started to impact the US and other markets including in the past financial year.”
France and the UK in the second half of the financial
year. By now, most of the accounts temporarily lost “Furthermore we organised a brand summit in October
in the US as a consequence of the glass shortages are 2022,” Frank Cocx continued. “We welcomed many of our
re-gained, with the remaining parts expected to be re- distributors to exchange ideas and share thoughts and
gained in the near future.” insights on the Lucas Bols brands and brand strategies.”

What were the brand highlights this past Can you elaborate on innovation and new introductions?
financial year? “Innovation and creating new experiences is at the
“We have signature cocktails in place for all our Global heart of our DNA,” Huub van Doorne firmly said. “This
Cocktail Brands and some of our Regional Liqueurs & past year we introduced limited-edition packaging for
Spirits,” Frank Cocx explained. “They promote brand Passoã, which boosted the brand’s visibility in retail
equity and drive the number of menu listings in the and may potentially benefit travel retail at a later stage.
on-trade. A great example is the Espresso Martini, This year we introduced a new signature cocktail for
a signature cocktail for our Galliano Espresso. Galliano: Galliano Vanilla Mule, a refreshing, lower-
The Espresso Martini is a very popular and growing alcohol cocktail served in a large spritzer glass. Another
cocktail that was one of the key drivers behind great signature cocktail that we started to introduce
Galliano's outstanding performance. The Pornstar directly after the acquisition of the Fluère brand in
Martini remains a key growth driver for the Passoã December 2022 is a no-alcohol cocktail crafted with
brand. The roll-out to Italy, Spain and Eastern Europe Fluère Smoked Agave and Fluère Bitter, inspired by the
translated into high growth numbers in these markets. Paper Plane cocktail.”
Our new ultra-premium brand Tequila Partida also
performed well, with a substantial number of additional
points of distribution.”

14 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 15
“And of course we are constantly expanding existing what we do best: building brands. As we have a What is your take on the future and more specifically
brands to new markets,” Frank Cocx added, “such as co-manufacturing agreement in place, blending and the 23/24 financial year?
the Passoã brand that we launched in China and South- bottling is fully secured and we expect to leverage “The past couple of years our people have spent a lot
Korea in March 2023. Another important launch I would Refresco’s strong global position when it comes to of time braving the pandemic and tackling supply chain
like to mention is Bols Vodka in the US. This will boost sourcing, production and innovation. The transition challenges whilst completing many substantial projects
our position in vodka-based cocktails, one of the largest to new ownership went very smoothly, with few to to strengthen our operations and grow our global
segments of the cocktail market.” no hiccups in production. This is a great achievement cocktail presence,” Frank Cocx commenced. “With
from the teams on both sides. We are confident the pandemic behind us and supply chains steadily
How are the new additions to the Lucas Bols family that Refresco offers the best environment for Avandis recovering it is now time to reap the full benefits
of brands doing? to thrive and we very much look forward to continuing of these projects. The focus in 23/24 will therefore
“We see exciting developments with Tequila Partida, our long-lasting relationship with Avandis.” be on the organic development of our business and
which gives us access to the fastest growing spirits on embedding the benefits of projects undertaken
category in the US,” Frank Cocx said. “22/23 was the How did the Lucas Bols Company shape its ESG over the last three years. Of course we will continue
first full year Tequila Partida was part of our portfolio (Environmental, Social, Governance) strategy? our efforts to mitigate the effects of ongoing inflation
and it reported a solid performance. It is now fully “Sustainability is vital to the resilience and growth by managing input costs and implementing additional
integrated into the Lucas Bols platform and we of our business and critical for attracting the very sales price increases.”
managed to significantly grow the number of points best people,” Frank Cocx firmly stated. “Responsible
of distribution. This, together with the potential for consumption has always been an essential element
further premiumisation, brings many opportunities for in our strategy to create long-term value – it is our
Tequila Partida to flourish. In the next financial year we ‘license to operate’. In 22/23 we spent significant time
will start to explore bringing
the brand to other markets.”
designing a more explicit,
measurable and profound
“The Fluère
“Fluère became part of the
“Sustainability is
ESG strategy. Although the
strategy will and should acquisition is
portfolio only recently, in
January this year,” Huub
vital to the resilience
evolve over time we have
started embedding it in the important given
the trend on no-
van Doorne continued. “This day-to-day operations of
acquisition is strategically
very important given the and growth of our the Lucas Bols Company. We
look forward to also working
strong trend and focus
on no- and lower-alcohol business.”
together on this with our
business partners too as
and lower-alcohol
cocktails. Fluère is highly-
regarded both by bartenders
their cooperation is really
needed in achieving the
and consumers and it gives ambitions we have set.”
us the opportunity to play
a leading role in this rapidly growing segment of the “Amongst other things we have defined three clear “We believe that the further growth and premiumisation
cocktails market. As such, I strongly believe Fluère strategic ESG pillars,” Huub van Doorne elaborated. of Tequila Partida, the launch of Fluère, the introduction
will help us in our mission to create great cocktail “Our first pillar addresses ’people’ and commits to of Bols Vodka and the expansion of retail listings
experiences around the globe. Such experiences should empowering the Lucas Bols community by further for Bols Ready-to-Enjoy Cocktails will allow our US
be for everyone and on every occasion,” he stressed, improving diversity, inclusivity, well-being, development business to get back to its growth trajectory and
passionately. “We will focus on getting the bartender and the role we take in the communities we operate consequently also drive overall growth for the Lucas
community acquainted with Fluère and ensuring in. The second pillar is all about ‘planet’: themes Bols Company. We also expect the ongoing growth in
they fall in love with the numerous beautiful no- and such as packaging, CO2 reduction and sustainably- Asian markets to fuel growth in the Emerging Cocktail
lower-alcohol cocktail creations using the five Fluère sourced ingredients are at the core of our ambitions Markets,” Huub van Doorne added.
products, also in great combinations with our liqueurs in this regard and are key to safeguarding sustainable
range. I really look forward to unlocking the brand’s full craftsmanship. Our last pillar is called ‘pleasure’ “At the Lucas Bols Company, we cherish our great
potential and exploring synergies between Fluère and and deals with how we inspire responsible cocktail heritage and our long history of craftsmanship. In
our other cocktail brands.” consumption.” June 2025 we will reach our 450th anniversary. We look
forward to celebrating this special moment with all who
Can you elaborate on the sale of Avandis? “I am proud of the steps we have taken to further shape have contributed to achieving this milestone. Exciting
“In December we completed the sale of Avandis, our our ESG strategy and we are committed to progressing details of the celebrations will be announced in the
production joint venture in Zoetermeer, to Refresco,” our sustainability agenda more in the years to come,” next twelve months as part of our 450th anniversary
Frank Cocx said. “This allows us to fully focus on Frank Cocx concluded. countdown,” he enthusiastically concluded.

16 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 17


Revenue 100.6 92.0
Gross profit 52.0 51.4
Gross margin 51,7% 55.9%
Normalised operating profit 15.1 20.6
Normalised operating profit margin 15.0% 22.4%
Normalised EBIT 16.3 22.8
Normalised net profit / (loss) 10.1 14.7
Net profit / (loss) (16.2) 11.8

Cash flow
Free operating cash flow 6.8 15.6
Cash conversion ratio 40.9% 70.1%

Balance sheet
Working capital 27.3 20.4
Total equity 206.6 225.5
Net debt 59.6 60.7

# of shares issued at 31 March 14.972,756 14,972,756
Weighted average # of shares 14,972,756 13,328,276
Normalised earnings per share 0.68 1.11
Net earnings per share (1.08) 0.89
Total dividend per share 0.34 –

Number of FTEs 70 66

Excluding one-offs. For further information about the one-offs, please refer to our commentary on non-GAAP measures as ofpage 173.
These items are non-GAAP measures. For further information about these measures, and the reasons why we believe they are important for an
understanding of the performance of our company, please refer to our commentary on non-GAAP measures as of page 173.

18 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 19
Shareholder Dividend policy Investor relations
information Lucas Bols’ dividend policy and practices take account
of both the interests of the shareholders and the
The Lucas Bols Company feels it is of great importance
to maintain an active dialogue with its shareholders
expected further development of the Company. and other stakeholders. The aim is to give existing and
potential shareholders, analysts and the financial press
The dividend pay out ratio will depend on the Company’s a broader insight into the Company and the sector we
recent financial performance and financial position, operate in. We do this by providing relevant financial
Share listing organic and acquisitive growth opportunities and macro- and other information in a timely manner and to the
circumstances. Under the policy, the intention is to pay best of our ability. To this end, the Lucas Bols Company
The shares of Lucas Bols N.V. have been listed on the a ratio of 40% to 50% of full-year net profit and to pay ensures that relevant information is provided equally
Euronext Amsterdam stock exchange since 4 February any such dividend in two semi-annual instalments. and simultaneously to all interested parties.
2015. Lucas Bols shares are traded under the symbol
BOLS, ISIN code NL0010998878. The Lucas Bols Company intends to distribute an Analyst presentations regarding the half-year and full-
interim dividend in the third quarter of each financial year results publications can be followed by webcast to
year equal to 40% of net profit over the first half year provide broad and easy access. From time to time the
of that respective financial year and to declare a final Lucas Bols Company engages in bilateral contacts with
The Lucas Bols share dividend in the second quarter of the following financial existing and potential shareholders and analysts. These
year after adoption of the annual accounts by the contacts can have the form of investor conferences,

22/23 21/22 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. company visits and one-on-ones. The purpose of these
contacts is to explain the strategy and performance of
Number of outstanding ordinary shares at 31 March 14,972,756 14,972,756 There can be no assurances that a dividend will be Lucas Bols and thus ensure that correct and adequate
Share price low € 9.52 € 9.00 proposed or declared in any given year. information is disseminated about the Company.
Share price high € 11.50 € 12.26
Closing share price on 31 March € 11.30 € 10.74
Proposed total dividend per share € 0.34 – Financial calendar
Market capitalisation at 31 March € 169,192,143 € 160,807,399
7 July 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
16 November 2023 Publication half-year results 23/24

Share capital Major shareholders

Prevention of
All of the issued shares of the Lucas Bols Company are
ordinary shares with a nominal value of € 0.10 each. At
Pursuant to the Dutch Financial markets Supervision
Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht) shareholders are
insider trading
31 March 2023 the share capital consisted of 14,972,756 obliged to give notice of interests exceeding or falling
ordinary shares which have been fully paid-up. below certain thresholds, starting with 3%, to the Dutch In consequence of its listing on Euronext Amsterdam
Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële the Lucas Bols Company is obliged to have regulation
Markten (AFM)). AFM was notified of the following in place to prevent the use of insider knowledge by its
statements of interests of 3% and over in the Lucas managers, employees or other ‘insiders’.
Bols Company up to 31 March 2023:
The compliance officer sees to it that the legislation
relating to insider knowledge is adhered to and
SHAREHOLDER SHAREHOLDING other compliance risks are observed. The Lucas Bols
Company has an Employee Share Participation Plan
Dreamspirit B.V. (controlled by (see page 127). Frank Cocx (CFO) is the Company’s
Mr. H.L.M.P. van Doorne) 5.22% compliance officer.
Edelweiss Holdings plc 3.17%
Enix NV 15.01%
John and Marine van Vlissingen
Foundation 5.01%
Lazard Frères Gestion SAS 5.01%
Nolet Holding B.V. 25.00%

20 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 21
Global presence
The world is our stage

Cocktail Markets
27.4% Sophisticated
57.0% Developed
15.6% Emerging

22 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 23
Our Global Cocktail Brands
portfolio consists of three
premium brands, each holding
a leading position in the spirits
industry: Bols Cocktails,
Passoã and Galliano.

24 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 25
Bols. The world’s first cocktail brand.
Based in Amsterdam since 1575, Bols’ high-quality
products blend over four centuries of craftsmanship
and experience. Bols has been part of the global
cocktail culture since the first wave in 1862 and still
actively engages with the international bartender
community to create new drinks and experiences
for their customers. Bols also inspires consumers
to make and drink cocktails at home with its wide
variety of products, flavours and innovative cocktail

Bols Bols Bols

Liqueurs Genever Vodka
Bols Liqueurs comprises more than The Bols family first produced Tapping into our Lucas Bols
forty unique premium liqueurs, genever in 1664. Genever played craftsmanship and distillation
widely used by bartenders to an important part in the rise expertise, Bols Vodka was
create cocktails. Bols Liqueurs are of the cocktail in 19th-century developed to create the best
also consumed in mixed drinks and America. It is the rich content of mixable vodka. Its natural wheat
cocktails at home and are crafted our unique Bols malt spirit that distillate base and charcoal filters
with natural botanicals such as makes it perfect for mixing and result in an extraordinary high
herbs, spices and fruits. The key making cocktails. Nowadays Bols level of purity, making Bols Vodka
markets for the Bols Liqueurs Genever is back in cocktail bars perfect for mixing and preparing
range include the US, Japan, China, in over thirty countries around cocktails. The key markets for Bols
Germany, the Netherlands, the UK the world with the US, the UK and Vodka are Scandinavia, the US,
and Scandinavia. the Netherlands being the most Canada and the Netherlands.
important markets.

26 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 27
Bols Ready-to-Enjoy Cocktails. Magically simple.
The launch of the revolutionary Bols Ready-to-Enjoy
Cocktails in 21/22 marked a new journey: Bols as a
consumer brand. With an industry that is shifting
towards quality in-home entertainment, Bols brings
home the magic of cocktails with these Ready-to-
Enjoy Cocktails in three steps: Chill, Pour & Garnish.
Each of the five Bols Ready-to-Enjoy Cocktails
feature an expertly-crafted blend of premium Bols
spirits and liqueurs, with 100% natural flavours and
no preservatives. Bols Ready-to-Enjoy Cocktails are
available in truly innovative 200ml Tubes and 375ml
and 700ml bottles.

Bols Bols
Cocktails Cocktails
Tubes Multi-serve bottle
The Tubes serve one to two The Bols Cocktails multi-serve
cocktails, are sustainable and bottles allow for five to seven
(700ml) and three to five cocktails
designed to preserve exceptional
(375ml) respectively, and can be
taste and quality and boast
poured directly out of the chilled
a premium black design. They
bottle. As restaurants and bars
create a new, premium segment are struggling to recruit, retain
within the fast-growing category and properly train bar staff and
of ready-to-serve cocktails. mixologists the Bols Cocktails multi-
The Bols Cocktails Tubes are serve bottles help such restaurants
available in retail stores, online and bars to continue their high-
and a few airlines and provide quality cocktail service without
a great solution for gifting, compromising guest experience.
festivals, (boutique) hotels
and certain on-trade premises.

28 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 29
Passoã. The Passion Drink.
Created in 1985 and now the world’s number one
passion fruit liqueur, Passoã is perfect for making
easy mixes and more sophisticated cocktails such
as the original Pornstar Martini. The natural and
refreshing flavours of Passoã’s unique Brazilian
passion fruits shine through in any mix and cocktail
and are right on-trend. Passoã is known for its
attractive red colour and iconic black bottle with
a recognisable sunset logo and fresh passion fruit
visuals. The key markets for Passoã are the UK,
France, the Netherlands, the US, Puerto Rico and
Belux, and new markets are entered every year.

Passoã Passoã
Pornstar Martini & Tonic
Originally created with Passoã, Passoã & Tonic is a refreshing
the Pornstar Martini is the number lower-alcohol cocktail with great
one cocktail in the UK, the fastest colour that is easy to make
growing cocktail in many cocktail anytime, anywhere: a fresh fruity
markets around the world and light alternative to Gin & Tonic.
one of the most searched cocktails For a low-sugar alternative, tonic
online. Often the best-selling can be replaced with soda water.
cocktail at the bar, this fancy Passoã & Tonic is also available in
flavourful new classic is a shaken a can for on-the-go consumption.
cocktail traditionally served with Another easy and fresh example is
a shot of champagne. Passoã has the Passoã Rosé Sangria, a modern
become a premium brand for both exotic spin on the most sharable
the professional bartender and cocktail.
consumers with this unique,
signature cocktail.

30 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 31
Galliano. Spirito Italiano.
Galliano traces its roots back to 1896 Tuscany, Italy.
It is the true Italian spirit with the iconic shaped
bottle, inspired by the columns of the ancient
temples of Rome. Galliano offers the finest Italian
flavours and lifestyle, to be celebrated with friends
and family. The range consists of Galliano L’Autentico,
Vanilla, Espresso, L'Aperitivo, Amaretto and Sambuca
(white & black), all of which have received the
highest quality rating in the Difford's Guide. Galliano
is mostly consumed in refreshing apéritifs and after-
dinner cocktails. Its key markets are the US, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand, Scandinavia and Germany.

Galliano Galliano Galliano

Espresso Hot Shot Vanilla Mule
A well-known classic cocktail, Another way to turn your dinner ‘Aperitivo hour’ is there to enjoy
growing rapidly in popularity. It into a party is to serve the rich refreshing cocktails with friends.
is currently the no. 4 in Difford's and incredibly tasty signature Galliano let you enjoy this Italian
Guide's "the world’s top 100 Galliano Hot Shot. This surprisingly tradition of pre-dinner drinks with
cocktails". If you are looking for the delicious and great-looking after- its new signature serve: the Galliano
most extravagant Espresso Martini, dinner treat will surely impress Vanilla Mule. A refreshing summer
use Galliano Espresso. It is the only your guests. It is a simple drink drink, tapping into the trend of
espresso liqueur in the market, with to make, consisting of Galliano light and refreshing cocktails. By
a full-flavoured palate similar to a Vanilla, hot coffee and cream. replacing vodka with Galliano Vanilla
real espresso. Galliano Espresso Started in Scandinavia, but now it provides a lower-alcohol twist to
is a perfect blend of dark-roasted gaining traction around the world. the original Moscow Mule recipe.
Arabica and Robusta beans to give The Galliano Vanilla Mule is served
this cocktail the length and intensity in a big ‘spritzer’ glass to showcase
it deserves. For those who love the beautiful golden color of the
coffee. drink.

32 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 33
Our Regional Liqueurs &
Spirits portfolio consists
of more than 20 brands,
including Pisang Ambon,
Tequila Partida, Nuvo, Henkes,
Fluère, Bols Dutch Genevers,
Bokma, Coebergh
and Hartevelt.
These brands are important
cash generators, and some have
the potential to develop to a
new Global Cocktail Brand.
The brands are categorised
into International
Liqueurs & Spirits and
Domestic Liqueurs & Spirits.

34 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 35
International Liqueurs & Spirits brands.
The international portfolio includes well-known brands
such as Pisang Ambon, Tequila Partida, Nuvo, Henkes,
Vaccari, Damrak and the non-alcoholic spirits brand
Fluère. Most brands are “local heroes” and have a strong
position in specific markets. Investments are made to
drive regional brand development, with the objective
for certain brands to become a Global Cocktail Brand.

Pisang Ambon Nuvo

Banana Liqueur Sparkling Liqueur
Founded in 1948 based on an Nuvo Sparkling Liqueur defines
original Indonesian recipe, Pisang luxury and is the ultimate accessory
Ambon is thé banana liqueur. It has when celebrating life. It is crafted
an emerald-green colour and with ultra-premium French vodka,
comes in a legendary square a touch of sparkling wine and
bottle. The brand is a tribute to its infused with a proprietary blend of
Indonesian roots (Ambon island fruit nectars. Nuvo’s ultra-premium
near Bali) and ‘pisang’ (Indonesian bottle stands out on any table, is the
for banana). In 2021 Pisang Ambon perfect gift and can be enjoyed over
was re-vamped with a 100% ice or in a mix with tequila, vodka or
natural and even smoother banana champagne. In 2022 the Nuvo Rose
flavour and a new eye-catching, Vodka Spritzer was launched. This
premium packaging. Pisang premium canned cocktail extends
Ambon’s key markets are the the brand's presence in the growing
Benelux, France and Scandinavia, ready-to-drink category. The brand
where the brand’s 75th birthday is currently sold in the US and
will be celebrated this year. selected markets in Latin America.
Pisang Ambon. Break free from Nuvo. L’esprit de Paris
the ordinary!

36 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 37
38 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023
Henkes is a brand with a
fascinating and proud history
dating back to 1824. The brand
was first exported as early as in
the mid-19th century and gained
global recognition and notable
awards since.
Henkes Gin is a juniper-berry gin
with sweet and citrus notes and is
best served with tonic. Henkes has
been successfully positioned as
a value-for-money brand: high-
quality spirits at an affordable
price. This makes the brand very
accessible in its current markets
(mainly Africa and the Netherlands)
with several opportunities to grow
the brand in new markets.
When it’s time for tradition,
it’s time for Henkes
Made in our distillery near Damrak
square (in the heart of Amsterdam),
Damrak Gin combines seventeen
botanicals (including juniper berry,
Valencia orange peel and coriander)
and is distilled five times to provide
an exquisite smooth taste. In 2020,
Damrak was the world’s first gin
brand to launch a 0.0 gin as a
non-alcohol alternative: Damrak
Virgin 0.0. Although at 0% alcohol,
the spirit contains 100% of the
recognisable Damrak Gin botanicals
flavour and is used in a wide variety
of cocktails. Exceptionally smooth
with a twist of orange, Damrak Gin
and Virgin 0.0 are widely
appreciated and easily mixed to
create a sophisticated drink –
with or without alcohol. The US,
the Netherlands and BeLux are
currently the most important
Damrak. The Best DAM Gin

The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 39
Tequila Partida.
Tequila Partida (founded in 2005) is inspired by its
namesake, Enrique Partida, a third-generation agave
farmer and considered a master in his community.
The liquid is made from only blue agave grown in
the Tequila Valley (near a dormant volcano) applying
unique harvesting, cooking and distillation techniques.
Tequila Partida is world’s highest rated tequila brand
portfolio, and tequila remains the ultimate ingredient
to the US no. 1 cocktail the Margarita. In addition
the brand is right-on-trend when it comes to ultra-
premium tequilas being enjoyed neat more often.

Tequila Partida Tequila Partida

La Familia Roble Fino
Considered by experts as simply The Roble Fino product range
‘the best line of tequilas money is considered ‘the single malt of
can buy’ it is widely used to create tequila’. These unique tequilas are
great tasting cocktails such first aged in ex-bourbon casks and
as the Margarita. Part of the they additionally spend time in
La Familia product range is aged the finest ex-single malt, sherry-
in ex-bourbon, American white oak seasoned casks. This releases
casks to enhance the fresh natural unique flavours which is why Roble
agave flavour and colour. Fino is best savoured neat in
a tequila sipping glass.

40 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 41
New! Fluère.
Fluère, a leading non-alcoholic spirits brand created
in 2018, lives its brand values: mindful, cosmopolitan,
intriguing and adventurous. Its premium products are
highly regarded and consequently the brand takes
pride in the first-rate reviews and many medals and
awards won. Fluère is made with the same complex
distilling techniques used for spirits and high-end
perfume houses, applying superior distillation methods
and using best-in-class ingredients, including the finest
botanicals. Fluère is available in over 20 countries, New
including Europe and the US. Fluère’s range comprises
five products in a stunning bottle design: Original,
Spiced Cane, Raspberry, Smoked Agave and the
new Bitter apéritif. The no- and lower-alcohol market
is a rapidly growing category: health consciousness
and mindful drinking continue to be on the rise and
social occasions become increasingly diverse.

No-alcohol cocktails Lower-alcohol cocktails

Fluère is the perfect answer to no-alcohol cocktail Fluère also addresses the increasing demand for
demand because of its mature taste and unique ‘after lower-alcohol variants of well-known cocktails such
bite’. The Fluère range enables the crafting of exciting as the Margarita, Dry Martini, Old Fashioned, Espresso
no-alcohol alternatives to well-known cocktails such Martini and Negroni. By using the Fluère range these
as the Paper Plane, Gin & Tonic, Espresso Martini and cocktails can be crafted with equal alcoholic units as
many more. Fluère’s signature no-alcohol cocktail is beer without compromising the flavour and experience.
the Paper Train crafted with both Fluère Smoked Agave Specifically interesting to try is Fluère’s variant of the
and Fluère Bitter. The original Paper Plane is rapidly Margarita. By replacing the base spirit tequila with
growing in popularity and entering the top 20 of the Fluère Agave, this all-time favourite can now
Difford’s Guide ‘the world’s top 100 cocktails’. be prepared at only 6.1% ABV strength, resulting in
a smoother variant with subtle smokiness.

42 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 43
Domestic Liqueurs & Spirits.
Our domestic brands have a strong sense of heritage
and are important cash generators. They include
premium Dutch Genever brands and the exclusive
Bols KLM Delft Blue miniature houses. Other
Domestic brands such as Coebergh, Zwarte Kip
Advocaat and Wynand Fockink (with its range of
artisanal genevers and liqueurs) demonstrate our
entrepreneurial spirit and leading market position.

Bols & Bokma Coebergh

Dutch Genever Wild Berries
& Vieux
Genever is the centuries-old local Founded in 1877, Coebergh is a
Dutch spirit, and one of the largest traditional flavoured jenever brand
spirit categories in the Netherlands. with black berries. The Coebergh
The Lucas Bols Company is the portfolio consists of Coebergh
market leader in genever by Classic (a fruity liqueur with red
operating a range of iconic brands fruits and black berries as a base),
such as Bols, Bokma, Hartevelt, a Coebergh Red Fruit liqueur
Hoppe, Floryn and Legner. The (which has additional cranberries
premium Bols and Bokma genevers and is lower in ABV) and the soft
have distinctive packaging and and fresh taste Coebergh 0.0
a rich heritage, each with a wide (launched in 2021, containing no-
range of products varying from alcohol). Coebergh is traditionally
the traditional unaged young and enjoyed with orange juice, but also
old genevers to specialty and aged tastes great on the rocks, with
genevers such as Corenwyn oak sparkling wine and/or soda water.
cask blends, Bourbon cask blends De traditionele wilde bessenlikeur
and Rye genever.
Vierkant achter Bokma

44 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 45
Mission & strategy
Our Mission at the Lucas
Bols Company is to create
great cocktail experiences
around the globe. We combine
almost four-and-a-half
centuries of craftsmanship
with the creative spirit
Lead the development
of the cocktail market
Worldwide growth of
our cocktail brand
of Amsterdam to discover
new flavours and cocktails.
Every day. Allowing us to
build leading cocktail and
spirits brands for today’s
Develop our regional
liqueurs & spirits
bartenders and consumers.
This is how we create
long-term value at the
Lucas Bols Company.
Lucas Bols. Masters of Taste.

46 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 47
Our four
strategic pillars
Our strategic objective as Masters of Taste, is to grow and
develop the cocktail markets and our cocktail brands.
To accomplish this we focus on the following strategic
pillars, which are anchored in our overarching view on
ESG responsibilities as addressed on pages 72-79:

Lead the Worldwide Develop our Leverage

development growth of Regional operational
of the cocktail our cocktail Liqueurs & excellence
market brands Spirits
As market leader it is important for the Lucas To grow the equity of our Global Cocktail Within our portfolio of Regional Liqueurs & Our asset-light business model with a mix
Bols Company to drive cocktail innovation Brands (Bols Cocktails, Passoã and Galliano) Spirits brands we drive regional brand growth of in-house and outsourced activities provides
and trends in order to grow the cocktail we focus on growing the global and local for our local heroes. We develop clear roles optimal flexibility and creates a strong,
market around the globe. We have an active cocktail markets. We aim to increase our and strategies for the various brands, also scalable platform for brand development. We
innovation programme, continuously updating market share in current cocktail markets by within our domestic genever & vieux portfolio. successfully further leverage this platform by
and launching new flavours and packaging increasing distribution penetration, investing This helps to increase competitiveness and adding selected brands through distribution
as well as introducing new-to-market in brand awareness and opening up (digital) protect the contribution of these brands. We agreements (e.g. regarding our distribution
concepts, which allow for great new cocktail direct-to-consumer sales. Besides building also optimise profitability and cash generation platform in the US), through strategic
experiences. We closely engage with the global our existing cocktail markets we enter into throughout the chain by constantly challenging partnerships with brand owners and by
bartending community, creating new trends (and expand in) Emerging Cocktail Markets pricing and costs. The ultimate objective for acquiring new brands such as Tequila Partida
in the cocktail market together. We work with with our brands. this portfolio is to develop certain existing and Fluère. At the foundation of our asset-light
retailers and engage directly with influencers brands into new Global Cocktail Brands by business model are the long-term partnerships
and consumers to support and inspire investing in brand-strategy development and with distributors, production and supply chain
cocktail consumption at home. Initiatives – awareness. partners.
increasingly online – such as the Bols Cocktail
Academy and the Bols Around the World
global competition capture the interest of the
bartending community and consumers alike –
we take pride in training new Masters of Taste!

48 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 49
Value creation model
Creating great cocktail
experiences around the globe

Lead the development Worldwide growth

of the cocktail market of our cocktail brands




u il d i

Brand value

e rs

Brand / Intellectual capital Brand awareness /

Brand identity / heritage / Develop our regional Leverage relevance / loyalty / innovation

hi p

recipes and craftsmanship / R&D liqueurs & spirits operational


Employee engagement

Human capital Employee motivation /

Employees / skills / entrepreneurship satisfaction / brand ambassadors

Relationship capital The #1 cocktail brand

Partnerships in production, logistics Preferred, best distributed, cocktail
and local marketing & distribution / brand / optimal route to market /
bartender community brand ambassador network

Natural capital Superior quality products

Best raw materials Great drinks and cocktails

Financial capital Financial performance

Equity / debt Profitable growth / dividend

50 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 51
Creating value
Value Creation at the
Lucas Bols Company is
attained through three
unique and strong assets:
craftsmanship, brand building
and long-term partnerships.

52 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 53
We build value through our brands using our rich Brand building Another exciting highlight is the re-launch of our global In the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg the
heritage and strong brand identity. We use our extensive cocktail competition. We challenge bartenders from distribution of our brands is handled by our 50-50
experience of extracting and devising flavours to create Our strong and well-known Global Cocktail Brands are all over the world to create the new Bols Cocktails joint venture with Edrington (Maxxium), while the
great recipes. In our distillery (and in close cooperation number one brands for bartenders and consumers icon cocktail. This culminates in a three-day cocktail Lucas Bols brands in the key US market are distributed
with our blending and bottling partners) we use the finest alike. Our unique brand marketing is key to achieving celebration in Amsterdam with the Bols Cocktail through our wholly-owned subsidiary Lucas Bols USA,
raw materials to make the high-quality products for this, through a mix of inspiration, education and Academy at the heart of it. We inspire bartenders with Inc. In other markets we have strong, longstanding
which the Lucas Bols Company is renowned. Our global experiences and new consumer campaigns. cocktail seminars by world cocktail authorities and relationships with distribution partners to ensure the
distribution partnerships are essential in making sure bartender lifestyle seminars by experts in their trade. route-to-market for our products, including local sales
our drinks are available around the world. Together with Experiences & Consumer campaigns and marketing. Such distributors are carefully selected
our employees and brand ambassadors we work hard The House of Bols in Amsterdam plays a key role in and evaluated on a market-by-market and brand-by-
every day to fulfil our mission – to create great cocktail marketing the Bols Cocktails brand and helps create Long-term partnerships brand basis.
experiences around the globe. Bols Cocktails fans and brand ambassadors all over
the world. The House of Bols provides a journey into The Lucas Bols Company operates an asset-light
the history of the Lucas Bols Company and its brands business model. Under this operating model, the Stakeholder dialogue
Craftsmanship and initiates visitors into the world of cocktails and only activities performed in-house are those which
the Dutch spirit of genever. This year we welcomed are unique to Lucas Bols or those which must be The Lucas Bols Company has a global reach, which
At the Lucas Bols Company we are Masters of Taste. 60.000 cocktail enthusiasts at the House of Bols – undertaken in-house. As such, a crucial role is means that we impact people around the world. As
Extracting and creating flavours and spirits is what our a record number in line with the growth experienced assigned to long-term partnerships. Distillation, part of our asset-light business model we also have
company is all about. Building on our heritage dating at Wynand Fockink. innovation and product development, strategic numerous strategic partnerships in various areas,
back to 1575, the Lucas Bols Company has mastered the marketing, brand development and distribution in and we consider these to be important stakeholders.
art of distilling, mixing and blending natural ingredients Following global trends and other indicators that social the US are considered core in-house activities. There Engaging with our stakeholders is therefore essential
into a wide range of exciting flavours and cocktails. media usage among the target group of our Global are three areas where partnerships are particularly to build and maintain trust, develop an understanding
Cocktail Brands continues to increase we have greatly essential to achieve our business objectives: the of our business challenges, establish goal alignment
Best in class quality intensified our social media efforts. Key objectives blending and bottling of our products, logistics and and develop solutions jointly. An open and constructive
Our motto, semper idem (always the same high were to increase our social presence, enrich our digital the in-market distribution and marketing of our brands dialogue with these stakeholders is crucial to optimising
quality), is upheld by the Lucas Bols Master Distiller assets to connect deeper with our followers, to adopt globally. our ability to create value. Such dialogue helps us
and her team. The team combines the art of selecting a test-and-learn approach to continually improve our recognise important trends and developments in
the right ingredients with their expertise and curiosity global investments and to synchronise global and local Blending and bottling partners society and our markets at an early stage, in order for
to create hundreds of recipes suited to modern-day digital efforts to reach our target group at multiple The creation of new products and recipes as well as us to take this information into account when making
consumers and bartenders. The art of mixing and touch points. By doing so, combined with much more the selection and extraction of ingredients are the decisions. Embracing open dialogue makes it possible to
blending has been passed down through generations responsive and humanised community management, responsibility of the Lucas Bols distillery under the identify opportunities and risks early on and it ensures
of master distillers and continues to be an internally we have reached more people than ever before in our leadership of our Master Distiller. The final blending that the Lucas Bols Company remains responsive to the
trained craft. At our Lucas Bols distillery in the key markets, improved brand awareness and increased and bottling of our products is outsourced to strategic wants and needs of its various stakeholders.
center of Amsterdam, our team of distillers produces the followers base for all our Global Cocktail Brands. partners in various countries around the globe,
the essential flavour distillates for the various Bols including the US, Argentina, South Africa, Canada, and The stakeholder matrix on the following page lists our
Genevers, Bols Liqueurs, Damrak Gin and other brands. Education & inspiration France. The vast majority of our products will (also most important stakeholders and why they are relevant
Bartenders globally are trained at our Bols Cocktail after the sale of Avandis to Refresco) be blended and to us. It also describes what their expectations are, the
Innovation Academy in Amsterdam and by our Bols Global bottled at Avandis in the Netherlands. The blending intended outcome of dialogue and how we engage with
Innovation has been key to the success of the Brand Ambassadors on tour around the world to and bottling process takes place under the auspices them.
Lucas Bols Company over the past four centuries. make the best cocktails and create the best cocktail of, and is subject to, quality control by the Lucas Bols
This is a continuous process, meaning that the experiences. These programmes reinforce Bols Master Distiller and the product development and The Company frequently interacts with all key
Company’s pipeline is always filled with new flavours, Cocktails as the world's first cocktail brand. quality teams. stakeholders, both periodically and ad hoc. The
spirits, cocktails and products to be launched at Management Board is often involved in these
the appropriate time and in relevant markets. This Through the Bols Cocktail Academy we continued Logistics interactions. The relevance and type of dialogue differs
creative spirit is embodied throughout the Lucas Bols to stay in constant touch with the bartending scene The Lucas Bols Company works with long-term per stakeholder. Sometimes direct one-on-one contact
Company and is guided by our experienced Research and bartenders globally. We educated, engaged and partnerships to ensure efficient and reliable logistical is most appropriate (for example with employees and
& Development team. The agile team acts quickly committed this important group by sharing information services globally. Most notably the Company has an business partners), while indirect communications
with relevant innovations, tapping into the needs of on new products and innovative drink recipes, amongst active relationship with our key logistics provider in might be more effective where other stakeholders are
bartenders and consumers. Our latest innovations which via live and online seminars. The Bols Cocktail the Netherlands for warehousing and transportation. involved (for example consumers). On other occasions
include Bols Ready-to-Enjoy Cocktails (premium Academy in Amsterdam operates 12 cocktail stations a combination is preferred: we interact with many
cocktails in multi-serve bottles as well as innovative, and we can host up to 36 students accordingly to Distribution partners bartenders and bar owners around the world both
recycled PET Tubes) and the launch of a Passoã physically teach them how to make the perfect serve, The Lucas Bols Company has a distribution model through our distribution partners and our own Bols
limited edition. maintaining our position as leading cocktail brand. tailored to the specific needs of its brands in each Cocktail Academy.
market where the Company is present.

54 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 55
Relevance to the Relevance to stakeholders / Intended outcome Means of communication

Lucas Bols Company Important expectations of dialogue

Employees Bring the Lucas Bols brands to life, Inspiring, inclusive and safe Motivated and dedicated One-on-ones, team sessions,
really make the difference and add working environment, where people that are true Management Drives, ways of
to the Company’s value creation sufficient attention is paid to ambassadors for our brands working cycle, Code of Conduct

Consumers Buy and enjoy our products

employee well-being
High-quality products and
and the Company
Loyal consumers who are Campaigns and brand
responsibly. Define and accelerate cocktail inspiration to enjoy part of our community, both activation programmes online
trends that are relevant to us at special moments through on-trade and in- and offline, messaging on the
home cocktail consumption package

Bartenders and Work with our products to create High-quality products Loyal customers and brand Social media, marketing tools ENJOY THE TRUE ITALIAN ESPRESSO MARTINI
bar owners and serve drinks and cocktails.
Promote our products. Co-creation
That deliver bartender and
customer satisfaction and
ambassadors and sources of
inspiration to develop new
and the Bols Cocktail
Academy (physically and
of new products and initiation and are a source of education drinks and products virtually). Through Bols Around
detection of trends and inspiration the World and our distributors

Retailers and Promote our products and make Provide their customers Product positioning in line Marketing, business contacts
wholesalers them available to consumers and with unique and high-quality with brand strategies, a clear mainly through distributors,
outlets products at a fair price commercial strategy online (including social media)

Blending and Blend and bottle our products Loyal partners that operate Value-based, long-term Monthly and/or quarterly
bottling partners/ according to Lucas Bols recipe to in a long-term setting based reliable and transparent reviews, periodic reporting and
suppliers make them available throughout on fair business principles. partnerships contributing information supply, business
the world. Reliable and consistent Products and services to delivering high-quality contracts, quality standards,
quality. Timely delivery of finished that their employees and products on time projects, Code of Conduct
products stakeholders are proud to
work with
Partners in Ship and deliver our products Loyal partners that operate Value-based, long-term Monthly and/or quarterly
logistics according to Lucas Bols demand in a long-term setting based reliable and transparent reviews, periodic reporting and
& supply planning, i.e. the correct on fair business principles. partnerships contributing information supply, business
volumes in the right state of Products and services to delivering high-quality contracts, quality standards,
quality, at the right time and at the that help the partners in products on time and at projects, Code of Conduct
right place logistics grow their business the right place
Distribution Make our brands available and Loyal partners that operate Value-based, long-term Monthly and/or quarterly
partners promote them according to Lucas in a long-term setting, reliable and transparent reviews, periodic reporting and
Bols centrally-defined strategies. providing customers with partnership contributing information supply, business
Tailor-made local in-market sales unique and high-quality to the development of our contracts, quality standards,
and marketing approach products that complement brands in global markets projects, brand, sales and
their portfolio at a fair price marketing plans, Code of

Shareholders Provide the trust and capital we Receive a long-term Maintain confidence and Corporate website, press
need to maximise returns and to return on investment, long-term commitment releases, financial reporting,
develop our Company and brands in a transparent setting investor presentations and
in the long term gatherings, AGMs, roadshows,
cocktail markets days

Banks Provide the trust and funding we Creditworthy company with Long-term relationship and Corporate website, periodic
need to develop our Company and a balanced and consistent fair terms, consistent with meetings and reporting, press
brands in the long term risk/reward profile our risk profile releases, financial reporting

Government Responsible for setting the laws Trade and income from Fair and balanced laws Contact is primarily driven by
bodies and regulations relating to excise excise duties; partner in and regulations, effective our local distributors
duties, responsible consumption programmes regarding programmes regarding
of alcohol (including drinking age responsible consumption responsible consumption
regulation), import restrictions, etc. of alcohol of alcohol

NGOs Responsible for giving input into Partner in programmes Fair and balanced laws Overall contact is coordinated
laws and regulations relating to regarding responsible and regulations, effective centrally with most of detailed
responsible consumption of alcohol consumption of alcohol and programmes regarding contact driven by our local
(including drinking age regulation, other sustainability topics responsible consumption distributors
alcohol tax/excise) and other of alcohol and other
sustainability topics, etc. sustainability topics

56 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 57
Composition of the
Management Board
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Mr. H.L.M.P. (Huub) van Doorne Mr. F.J. (Frank) Cocx

(current term expires in 2026) (current term expires in 2024)

Huub van Doorne (1958) initiated a buy-out Frank Cocx (1981) joined the Lucas Bols Company
of Lucas Bols in 2005, as a result of which on 1 April 2020 and teamed up with Huub to
the Lucas Bols Company became independent navigate the Lucas Bols Company through the
and returned to Amsterdam in April 2006. COVID-19 pandemic and supply challenges whilst
implementing the Fit for Growth operating model
Huub is vice-chairman of Spirits NL, the Dutch and undertaking strategic acquisitions. He is
spirits industry organisation. Huub also holds also actively involved in the development and
Board positions within the Lucas Bols joint implementation of the Company’s ESG strategy.
ventures: he is chairman of the Supervisory
Board of Maxxium Nederland, chairman of the Frank is member of the Supervisory Board of
Supervisory Board of Maxxium BeLux and member Maxxium Nederland, member of the Supervisory
of the Board of BolsKyndal. Until the completion of Board of Maxxium BeLux and member of the
the sale of Avandis to Refresco (December 2022) Board of BolsKyndal. Until the completion of
he was member of the Supervisory Board the sale of Avandis to Refresco (December 2022)
of Avandis. Furthermore, Huub is member of he was member of the Supervisory Board of
the Supervisory Board of Het Aambeeld N.V. Avandis. In addition, Frank is member of
the Supervisory Board of Stichting Kinderfeest.

58 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 59
Report of the
Management Board

22/23 was a milestone year for the Lucas Bols Company further growth in the US in 23/24 and beyond. The
with revenue breaking through the € 100 million glass shortage in the US also resulted in € 1.4 million
barrier. Robust recovery in Japan and South-East of one-time logistics costs and a very high stock build
Asia as well as a strong performance in Southern and at year end, putting additional pressure on 22/23 cash
Eastern Europe boosted sales. Revenue also benefited generation.
from the acquisition of Tequila Partida, our effective
premiumisation strategy, sales price increases and These challenges and overall macro-economic and
exchange rate fluctuations. The € 100.6 million of geopolitical turbulence did not keep us from stepping
revenue achieved in 22/23 means we have grown up our brand investments, aimed at both the immediate
revenue 20% compared to the pre-pandemic 19/20 year, and medium term. These investments combined with
notably driven by sales growth on our Lucas Bols USA lower gross margins and increased logistics costs
distribution platform and a renewed focus on the Global (partly non-recurring) have temporarily softened our
Cocktail Brands under the operating profit. Supported
Fit for Growth strategy. by further revenue growth,
expected gross margin
The year under review was, improvements (mainly in
however, also marked by the second half of the year)
substantial adverse impacts
of global supply disruptions.
“Revenue broke and container rates that are
coming down we aim for
Unprecedented input cost
inflation phased in over the through the 23/24 operating profit to
approach 21/22 levels.
year significantly reduced
gross margins despite € 100 million Although cash generation

our ability to successfully was not as high as in
effectuate sales price previous years we were able
increases. Even though the to further reduce net debt.
gross margin came in 420bps The even healthier balance
lower than the year before sheet resulting from this
we were able to realise a 4% and the comfort brought
increase in gross profit per by successfully extending
case sold thanks to our strong brand positioning and our financing arrangements to November 2025 allow
premiumisation strategy. us to propose a full-year dividend pay-out of 50%
of normalised net profit, i.e. at the upper end of our
Global supply disruptions also interrupted the dividend policy.
accelerated US growth trajectory. Sales in the US were
held back materially by industry-wide glass shortages, In addition to the implementation of Fit for Growth
particularly in the first half of the financial year. The and the acquisition of Tequila Partida (funded by a
majority of accounts lost at the time has since been successful equity raise in December 2021) last year,
restored, with Tequila Partida also paving the path for the 22/23 financial year of the Lucas Bols Company was

60 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 61
also marked by important strategic milestones. Firstly, production and shipping), built safety stock levels In certain markets we have tailored our brand so the gradual lifting of COVID-19 measures (mainly the
to fully focus on our core activity of creating great if and when deemed necessary and agreed price and product portfolio. Examples are the launch re-opening of the on-trade) positively impacted 22/23
cocktail experiences around the globe we sold our 50% increases with our customers. Prices for key raw of Passoã in China and the introduction of Bols Vodka performance, mainly in in Europe, Japan and other Asia
share in Avandis to Refresco. The associated long-term materials were increasingly hedged or locked in in the US, to complement our cocktail offering and markets expect for China.
manufacturing contract entered into ensures we will otherwise – in certain instances also a requirement more effectively market our overall Bols Cocktails
reap the benefits of Refresco’s size, scale and expertise. to ensure availability. proposition. This will further build Bols Cocktails’ The Bols Liqueurs range performed above expectations
Secondly, we formalised the sustainability objectives brand position as the world’s first cocktail brand. (excluding the US), partly on the back of the re-opening
that have always been part of our DNA into an ESG Thanks to these measures and our strong and flexible We continued to develop our wide product range of the on-trade. More particularly, high double-digit
strategy with KPIs and targets. Embedding this strategy supply chain partnerships we were able to minimise whilst tailoring our portfolio to each individual market. growth was achieved in Japan and across Scandinavia.
and the required governance is an important topic for raw material shortages, production disruptions Bols Vodka also showed double-digit growth, driven by
the 23/24 financial year. Lastly, effective 1 January or logistical issues. As a result we were generally This year was also marked by the introduction of a its launch in the US and a promising recovery in the
2023 we acquired Fluère, a leading non-alcoholic spirits able to deliver our products to markets around the limited edition packaging for Passoã in six markets, Netherlands.
brand: right at the heart of our third strategic ESG pillar world, even under these challenging circumstances. which created great visibility and excitement about
(‘Inspire responsible cocktail enjoyment’). The exceptions to that are the notable out-of-stock the brand in retail. For the occasion, targeted PR In North America, the Bols Cocktails brand was heavily
situation in the US (August to October 2022) and and influencer launch events took place in US, the impacted by glass shortages on the Bols Liqueurs
Passoã in a number of European markets (June to Netherlands and Belgium, generating great coverage. for the US market. However, in the past year we
Business review August 2022), both instances leading to missed sales. successfully gained listings in both the on-trade and
Supply chain Our 22/23 costs also suffered from the global supply Our brands were also starring at a number of relevant off-trade across key markets with key cocktail liqueur
After the war in Ukraine broke out the global disruptions disruption: significantly-increased input costs put trade events such as large on-trade fairs. Consumers flavours. We also launched Bols Vodka in the second
in the supply chain that started during the COVID-19 pressure on our profit margins whilst the logistics were made aware of our brands at festivals and quarter perfectly integrating it into our signature
pandemic intensified, adversely impacting performance headwinds substantially increased our logistical costs, dedicated parties and celebrations. To improve direct- cocktail strategy with vodka-based cocktails still
in the 22/23 financial year. Shortages of raw materials further reducing operating and net profit. to-consumer communication we hired a dedicated growing in popularity.
(for example glass) imposed serious challenges in terms social media manager. Digital marketing plans are now
of material requirements and production planning as Route to market continuously optimised, with a strong focus on growing The Developed Cocktail Markets reported double-
well as product availability. In the US, the industry- After creating Maxxium BeLux and entering into an the follower base on social media platforms and digit growth in depletions on the Bols Cocktails
wide glass shortage also resulted in out-of-stocks in exclusive distribution agreement with Maverick Drinks driving consumers to stores. brand. Growth versus last year was primarily driven
the August to October 2022 period. To minimise that (distribution of the Bols and Galliano brands in the UK by Japan where on-trade has fully opened up after
impact substantial volumes of Bols Liqueurs for the market) last year we appointed a new distributor in In October 2023 we organized a brand summit a long period of strong COVID-19 restrictions. Also
US market were produced in the Netherlands, leading to Portugal, Turkey and Indonesia. for most of our distribution partners. We took this Scandinavia shows a good performance, mainly driven
€ 1.4 million of incremental logistic costs and significant opportunity to align with our global community to by the Nordic free zone, that is in full recovery of
additional working capital investments. Commercial initiatives ensure excellent execution of our brand the strategies the COVID-19 restrictions, next to that the Swedish
All our Global Cocktail Brands operate with a clear in the various market places. We spent significant on-trade is growing due to a focused drink strategy
At the same time input costs increased dramatically focus on one or more signature cocktails to grow the time engaging with bartenders around the world, both with digital support. Switzerland has seen higher
– adding to the already high cost levels experienced number of menu listings in the on-trade accounts and virtually and physically. The Bols Cocktail Academy brand investments in the on-trade with dedicated
during COVID-19. Cost increases were mainly noted strengthen rotation. For Passoã this signature-cocktail is supported by an e-learning platform and we have partnerships, resulting into increased sales and
for alcohol, glass, aluminium, sugar and paper, further focus means we put the Pornstar Martini at the heart started Bols Around The World competitions in listings. In Italy the growth is mainly due to the
increasing pressure on our margins and profit. In of what we do, whilst the Galliano Hot Shot and the multiple markets locally. expansion of our flavour portfolio within existing
addition, headwinds on logistics costs intensified Galliano Espresso Martini play a crucial role in growing customer base.
during the first three quarters of the year, only to the Galliano brand. For Bols Cocktails, signature drinks
come down on certain shipping lines in the last build around the ever-popular Margarita cocktail, for Brands The Emerging Cocktail Markets showed mid single-
quarter. Combined with a more expensive shipments
mix (mainly driven by the US, Japan and Australia) and
example. For all signature cocktails we have prepared
and actively communicated toolkits to our on-trade
Global Cocktail Brands digit growth in overall depletions, but high single-digit
growth if China (which was hampered by COVID-19
the incidental logistic costs for US Bols Liqueurs this partners, and are simultaneously accelerating in-home issues during 22/23 still) is excluded. Growth mainly
resulted in much higher overall logistics costs levels consumption. In that regard consumer communication Bols Cocktails took place in South Korea and through the recovery of
compared to previous years. is increasingly important: this is our way to explain Bols Cocktails – the world’s first cocktail brand – is South-East Asia. With China opening up slowly-but-
– with a little help from our bartender community – truly about cocktails and is positioned accordingly surely we expect to leverage the strong positioning of
We continued our decisive actions to mitigate the how to make these cocktails. We also reach our across our markets. The cocktail range includes Bols our Bols Cocktails brand in 23/24.
impact. We expanded our contingency options (in consumers directly by expanding our in-home Liqueurs, Bols Vodka, Bols Genever and our latest
relation to sourcing, production and logistics), invested portfolio with the Bols Ready-to-Enjoy Cocktails: a innovation: Bols Ready-to-Enjoy Cocktails. With last year’s introduction of the Bols Ready-to-
in planning capabilities (both at the Lucas Bols true premium innovation in the growing ready-to-drink Enjoy Cocktails range in the US and the Netherlands
Company and our sourcing and production partner category. The Bols Ready-to-Enjoy Tubes and multi- Excluding the US, the Bols Cocktails portfolio showed we continue to increase focus on the consumer and
Avandis (now called Refresco), planned and allowed serve bottles are currently listed at retailers in the US, solid growth across its key markets. The brand is sales to the off-trade – fully in line with our long-term
for extended lead times (raw material purchasing, the Netherlands and Belgium, amongst others. predominantly positioned in the on-trade channel, cocktail strategy. Our first consumer communication

62 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 63
campaign was well received and particularly followers base. Brand-building investments were also one of the most popular cocktails at the moment. This in the US market from 1 April 2022 onwards. During the
appreciated by our trade partners for our geo-targeted focused towards presence at summer events and bars was backed by social media campaigns to support first months of the year under review we focused on
approach in both markets. as well as a strong festive-season presence in retail the Galliano Espresso rebranding (formerly known as distributor transition matters and supply issues as well
(e.g. folders, store displays). Galiano Ristretto). Furthermore, increasing awareness as repositioning the brand’s pricing to ultra-premium
We are still experiencing the strong effect of the was achieved through an impactful cocktail competition levels. After these challenges were addressed and the
new packaging design for Bols Liqueurs with natural Galliano surrounding coffee cocktails in cooperation with integration was successfully completed we grew the
botanicals. We will continue to focus on a clear Galliano broke through the 100,000 standard cases StarChefs, an essential resource within the restaurant number of distribution points and rotation. With an
signature drinks strategy for each market, selecting depletions barrier, clearly outperforming performance and bar industry. ongoing focus on product and brand quality Tequila
which cocktails are most likely to appeal to local in earlier years and showing continuing strong growth Partida was able to further expand its outstanding
consumers and focusing our communication primarily across the brand’s key markets. Galliano’s solid From a global perspective the use of social media is position, as evidenced for example by the many awards
on these drinks. performance in Australia and New Zealand was driven embedded in the key countries to further increase and medals won during the year. Distribution in Mexico
by retail sales as consumers kept socialising at home awareness and consideration for the brand and is was reactivated at top retailers and on-trade accounts.
Passoã with Galliano Sambuca. Recently Galliano launched centered around the three leading cocktails: the
Passoã consolidated the strong gains achieved last a refreshing summer drink called the Galliano Vanilla Galliano Vanilla Mule, the Galliano Espresso Martini Although the transition and global supply issues have
year, with single-digit growth in both volume and Mule, an easy mix of Galliano Vanilla topped with and the Galliano Hot Shot. delayed reaping the benefits of the acquisition, the
revenue. Strong performance in several key markets ginger beer (or ginger ale) and fresh lime juice. This Company’s positive medium and longer-term outlook
were partially offset by a slow-down in growth in the
UK. The brand had a difficult year in the UK with a
taps into the trend of light and refreshing drinks and
further strengthens the vanilla flavour along with Regional Liqueurs & for the brand’s performance remains unchanged.

challenging economic and competitive environment, Sambuca in the Pacific region. Spirits brands Pisang Ambon
mainly in retail and e-commerce. The Netherlands, Historically, Pisang Ambon has a strong retail
Italy, Spain and Scandinavia were the main growth The Galliano brand achieved outstanding results in presence in markets such as France, the Netherlands
engines in 22/23. Scandinavia in the past years, leveraging the original The Regional Liqueurs & Spirits portfolio combines and Belgium. The retail channel witnessed a spike in
Galliano Hot Shot signature serving ritual. Before the International Liqueurs & Spirits and the Domestic sales during the pandemic, which partially reversed
The continuation of the growth trajectory in the the pandemic the Galliano Hot Shot was mainly Liqueurs & Spirits (including our traditional Dutch in 22/23 resulting in a small decline of the brand’s
Netherlands, historically a more mature market, is a focused on the on-trade, but the retail share in total Genever & Vieux brands) sub-portfolios. It also overall performance. The post-pandemic retail decline
testament to the success of the volumes has now doubled comprises the business- was almost fully offset by
strategic shift towards a more and this momentum to-business concentrate the impact of increased
premium, cocktail-oriented continued when lockdown offering, our Experiences promotional activities as
brand. It also underlines the measures were lifted. (e.g. the House of Bols and well as the communication
brand’s perfect fit with current
consumer trends: the popularity
“Our Global We successfully drove
in-home consumption
Wynand Fockink) and the
exclusive Bols KLM Delft Blue “Tequila Partida’s plan regarding the relaunch
in 2021, positioning the
of passion fruit, lower-alcohol
cocktails (e.g. easy-mixes with
Cocktail Brands via newly-created
online videos aimed to
miniature houses.
pricing is brand as the world’s
leading banana liqueur and
Passoã & premium tonic). It
is exciting to see the growing operate with a clear increase awareness and
consideration among
Overall the Regional Liqueurs
& Spirits portfolio performed re-positioned to leveraging an improved
liquid and upgraded
appeal of the Pornstar Martini
cocktail outside the UK. In Italy focus on signature consumers (at-home,
after-dinner) and boost
well: growth was achieved
even adjusted for the ultra-premium
packaging design. By
communicating a stronger
and Spain Passoã benefited
from the return to full on-trade
capacity and a great tourist
cocktails.” sell-out, particularly in
Sweden. The on-trade
channel is also getting
addition of Tequila Partida.
The strong organic increase
in International Liqueurs
link to cocktails (including
easy-mix recipes) the brand
now also has a growing base
season. back on track with strong & Spirits sales was driven in the on-trade channel
initiatives. An appealing by Vaccari, Pallini, Nuvo and in-home cocktail
Consistent investments were example of that is the and Damrak Gin, amongst consumption.
made to increase brand awareness and consideration National Galliano Hot Shot Day, with over 89 bars in other brands. The Domestic
and attracting new consumers. This included the launch Scandinavia taking part and a total of more than two Liqueurs & Spirits showed a more or less stable Nuvo
of the Passoã Sunset limited edition in six markets, million consumers reached via an online campaign performance, with the impact of the ongoing decline in Nuvo’s performance in 22/23 exceeded that of the
creating great visibility in retail. For that occasion and influencer events. the Genever & Vieux segment being offset by Henkes year prior. In the US, where the brand is retail-oriented,
PR- and influencer-launch events took place in the US, sales in Africa, strong growth of the Bols KLM Delft Blue growth was achieved on the back of both the original
the Netherlands and Belgium, which generated great In the US the Galliano brand saw double-digit year-on- miniature houses, and other factors. sparkling liqueur and the introduction of the Rosé
coverage. By an increasing number and more effective year growth supported by an increase in the number Vodka Spritzer RTD. This growth was supported
social media campaigns in the UK, France, Belgium, of distribution points for Galliano L’Autentico. We also Tequila Partida by e-commerce and direct-to-consumer activation
the Netherlands and Australia we strongly grew our realised a significant step-up in distribution and rotation The Company acquired the Tequila Partida brand programmes across various key US states. Despite
presence on social media, including our Instagram for Galliano Espresso, activating the Espresso Martini, effective 1 January 2022 and took over the distribution difficult macro-economic and political circumstances

64 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 65
in key markets the brand was also able to increase differentiate the various sub-categories (young, old, revenue growth in North America over last year. Other
revenue in Latin America. aged/specialties and vieux) and our brands in those Notwithstanding the temporary impact of the glass
sub-categories we were able to minimise the volume shortage, the US market continues to be Lucas Bols’ Sale of Avandis to Refresco
Vaccari decline in our brands and remain the market leader key growth driver, as is also evidenced by the 64% In December 2022 the sale of Avandis (previously a
Before the pandemic Vaccari was primarily an on- in this category. Hoppe Vieux also kept its leading revenue growth compared to pre-pandemic 19/20. 50/50 joint venture of Lucas Bols and De Kuyper) to
trade brand. With a change in focus, building on the position in the vieux category. Excluding Tequila Partida and Pallini, revenue has Refresco was completed, allowing the Company to
brand’s solid brand awareness, significant off-trade increased by 20% over this period. fully focus on its core activity: creating great cocktail
business was gained during the pandemic. With the While the Dutch National Prevention Agreement experiences around the globe. At the same time the
on-trade reopening in 22/23 Vaccari’s performance reduced the price competitiveness of our brands in Developed Cocktail Markets (Western Europe, transaction provides Avandis the best environment to
benefited from strong results in both channels, the short term, there could be opportunities for Japan and Australia/New Zealand) thrive – under the wings of Refresco, a leading global
continuing the growth trajectory started in 21/22. higher-equity brands such as ours in the medium Almost all key markets of the Developed Cocktail independent beverage solutions provider.
New social media campaigns and a strong on-trade term. Our brands could for example act as category Markets cluster showed strong performance. Japan
plan in Mexico further strengthened the brand and its captains, strengthening our position in a very reported strong growth on the back of the recovery In addition, Lucas Bols entered into a long-term
trade performance in that market. Dedicated on-trade competitive landscape. Such opportunities are from the pandemic. In addition, many Western contract manufacturing agreement with Refresco.
efforts also paid off in Ireland and the Netherlands. supported by extensive consumer research and could European markets, including but not limited to Spain,
lead to us gaining market share in the medium term Germany and Italy, reported significant growth Acquisition of the non-alcoholic spirits brand Fluère
Henkes whilst exploring opportunities for future growth. leveraging the strong position of the Bols Cocktails Effective 1 January 2023, Fluère, a leading non-
The strength of Henkes’ brand equity continued and Passoã brands. Scandinavia also continued to alcoholic spirits brand, is part of the Lucas Bols
into 22/23. Overall revenue increased year-on-year Other deliver an excellent performance across all Global portfolio of brands. The acquisition is strategically
and mainly West Africa performed very well with The Bols KLM Delft Blue miniature houses grew to Cocktail Brands. The UK market saw sales of Passoã important: it offers a unique opportunity to broaden
double-digit growth. In South Africa we changed our beyond pre-pandemic levels as (business) travel soften in a more challenging and competitive post- the portfolio to leverage changing consumer trends.
distribution partner. This resulted in a temporary picked up. When international restrictions on travel pandemic retail market. Overall the Netherlands Health consciousness and mindful drinking continuing
slow-down of sales. In 23/24 we invest in the brand, and tourism were eased or cancelled and on-trade posted stable performance: the impact of the ongoing to be on the rise and social occasions become
amongst others through a new communication measures in the Netherlands were lifted we intensified Dutch Genever & Vieux category decline was offset increasingly diverse, further driving consumer demand
campaign, the launch of a recycled carton gift pack our campaigns to attract visitors to our House of by growth in other brands and a record year for our in the rapidly-growing market for no- and lower-
and new consumer propositions. Bols Cocktail & Genever Experience and to Wynand Experiences. The House of Bols Cocktail & Genever alcohol drinks and cocktails. Focus will be on raising
Fockink. This resulted in record revenue and visitors, Experience hit a record 60,000 visitors whilst the Fluère’s profile among the bartender community
Damrak ahead of pre-pandemic levels. Wynand Fockink Tasting Tavern reported its highest and increasing the brand’s on-trade presence whilst
Damrak Gin is a predominantly on-trade-driven brand. ever revenue. Australia/New Zealand, mainly driven strengthening its position in retail.
With bars and restaurants fully re-opened in 22/23 by Galliano Sambuca and the Galliano Vanilla Mule,
after the lockdown measures were lifted the brand was
able to show growth compared to 21/22. Damrak Virgin
Market clusters continued its solid performance, also benefitting from
travel retail in the region recovering post-pandemic.
Fluère’s high-quality products are sold in over
20 countries, including many European markets and a
0.0 saw positive momentum following intensified limited number of US states. The premium products
communications and activations surrounding Sober Sophisticated Cocktail Markets (US, Canada and Emerging Cocktail Markets (Eastern Europe, Asia are highly regarded by both industry and consumers,
October and Dry January but also faced a rapid Puerto Rico) (excl. Japan), Latin America and Africa/Middle East) as evidenced by top-notch reviews and the many
increase in competition in the growing non-alcoholic Bols Liqueurs sales in the US were seriously impacted The Emerging Cocktail Markets segment posted medals and awards won.
spirits category. We continue to increase overall by the industry-wide glass shortage, particularly in excellent performance in almost all key markets
Damrak brand awareness, for example by claiming the first half of the financial year. The supply issues despite having ceased all business with Russia as
the unique ‘power of two’ combination: Damrak Gin that followed were mitigated to quite an extent by soon as the war in Ukraine started (1-2% impact on
& Damrak Virgin 0.0. a temporary shift in production to the Netherlands total revenue). Revenue growth was driven by rapid
but nevertheless resulted in the loss of a number of recovery in South-East Asia, excellent growth in
Genever & Vieux brands accounts. Thanks to the strong position of our Bols South Korea and a strong business in Eastern Europe.
In the year under review we noted an acceleration of Liqueurs in the on-trade, however, we were able to take China faced a turbulent year as COVID-19 adversely
the ongoing decline of the Genever & Vieux category back important accounts in H2 and are confident that impacted sales and operations, with business slowly
in the Netherlands. In addition, 22/23 was adversely most accounts will be re-gained. Revenue in Puerto rebounding towards the end of the fiscal year. Africa/
impacted by the full-year effect of the Dutch National Rico (Passoã only) decreased due to high comps and Middle East saw revenue decrease due to a tough
Prevention Agreement (implemented in July 2021, the devastating hurricane Fiona that hit the country comparable base and a planned distributor change in
limiting promotional discounts to 25%, amongst other in September 2022. The addition of Tequila Partida, South Africa. Although Latin America continues to face
consequences) whilst increased price competitiveness the expansion of Bols Ready-to-Enjoy Cocktails, the uncertainties and challenges this region did well.
– mainly from private labels – and the effect of severe introduction of Bols Vodka together with the continued
input cost inflation impacted business profitability in strong momentum of Galliano more than off-set
this category. By continuing our strategy to effectively the decline in Bols Liqueurs, resulting in modest

66 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 67
IN € MILLION UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED % CHANGE % CHANGE In addition, the acquisition of Tequila Partida led to an Income tax expenses
increase of seven employees (all based in Mexico) and Income tax expenses amounted to € 3.5 million
KEY FIGURES EXCLUDING ONE-OFF ITEMS* REPORTED more business travel expenses were incurred after versus € 4.8 million a year earlier (normalised), mainly
travel restrictions were lifted. Structural reductions in as a result of lower profit before tax. The effective tax
Revenue 100.6 92.0 7% 100.6 92.0 9% overhead costs realised during the pandemic remain in rate (normalised) was approximately 26.0%, compared
Gross margin 51.7% 55.9% (430) bps 51.7% 55.9% (420) bps place: overhead costs (excluding government grants) as to 24.6% a year earlier. The effective tax rate is slightly
Operating profit/(loss) 15.1 20.6 (26)% (9.1) 20.4 (145)% a percentage of revenue remained more or less stable above the Dutch nominal tax rate due to temporary
Operating profit/(loss) margin 15.0% 22.4% (690) bps (9.1)% 22.2% (3130) bps compared to last year. tax differences and an adjustment for prior years.
EBIT1 16.3 22.8 (28)% (11.8) 22.6 (152)%
Net profit/(loss) 10.1 14.7 (30)% (16.2) 11.8 (238)% Share of profit of joint ventures Net profit
Earnings per share (in €) 0.68 1.11 n/a (1.08) 0.89 (221)% Our normalised share of profit of joint ventures came in Normalised net profit came in at € 10.1 million for the
Free operating cash flow2 6.8 15.6 n/a 6.8 15.6 (57)% at € 1.2 million versus € 2.2 million last year. Last year’s 22/23 financial year (21/22: € 14.7 million). Normalised
Net debt 59.6 60.7 n/a 59.6 60.7 (2)% joint-venture results were boosted by Avandis’ net profit earnings per share amounted to € 0.68 (21/22: € 1.11).
EBIT is net profit before net finance costs and income tax expense. Thus, EBIT is defined as operating profit plus share of profit of joint ventures. and by Maxxium benefiting from the favourable impact
Free operating cash flow is net cash from operating activities minus cash used for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment and intangible of the pandemic on retail sales in the Netherlands. One-off items
assets. In 22/23 the following four one-off items were
Sale of Avandis to Refresco recognised with a net negative impact on profit before
In October 2022 Lucas Bols and De Kuyper signed tax of € 25.7 million (i.e. an expense):
Financial review input costs were partially offset by global sales price an agreement with Refresco for the sale of their • € 0.1 million in costs relating to projects such as
increases, the successful premiumisation strategy and 50/50 joint venture Avandis. In addition, Lucas Bols the sale of Avandis and the acquisition of Fluère
Revenue beneficial foreign exchange developments. Although entered into a long-term manufacturing agreement (included in distribution and administrative expenses).
For the 22/23 financial year, Lucas Bols’ revenue gross margin came down, gross profit per case with Refresco. The gross purchase price for 100% of • A non-cash book loss of € 3.9 million following the
came in at € 100.6 million, up 9% compared to last increased by 4%. the shares amounted to € 25.0 million. Adjusted for sale of Lucas Bols’ 50% stake in Avandis (included
year. This growth was driven by the addition of Tequila Avandis’ net debt position and working capital, this in share of profit of joint ventures).
Partida, increased sales prices, premiumisation, a more Gross margin for the Global Cocktail Brands was down resulted in a net purchase price of € 10 million (of • A non-cash impairment charge of € 24.1 million on
favourable mix and positive foreign exchange rate 420bps, mainly reflecting increased cost of goods and which approx. € 5 million was paid to Lucas Bols). the Dutch brands accounted for in the second half
developments (€ 1.8 million). a negative mix. For the Regional Liqueurs & Spirits The carrying value of Lucas Bols’ 50% share in Avandis of the financial year (included in distribution and
there was a decrease of 300bps, mainly driven by amounted to € 8.8 million, and consequently a non- administrative expenses). This impairment mainly
Revenue of the Global Cocktail Brands was up 6%, increased input costs. cash, one-off book loss of € 3.9 million was required reflects a substantial increase in the applicable
to € 69.9 million. Despite the impact of the US glass to be accounted for. Part of this book loss (€ 1.7 million) discount rates as a consequence of rising global
shortage on Bols Liqueurs, sales growth was achieved Operating profit relates to the non-cash, one-off ‘badwill’ that had interest rates. Moreover, the Dutch brands primarily
on all three Global Cocktail Brands. The Regional Normalised operating profit came in at € 15.1 million, to be recognised when Lucas Bols acquired half of consist of genever & vieux brands: a price competitive
Liqueurs & Spirits reported € 30.7 million in revenue: down € 5.5 million compared to last year Herman Jansen’s share in Avandis in 20/21. category that has been in decline for years and has
an improvement of 19% year-on-year. The growth of (€ 20.6 million). The € 0.6 million better gross profit faced above-average increases in input costs.
this portfolio is largely driven by the addition of Tequila was more than offset by intensified brand investments EBIT • A non-cash gain of € 2.4 million included in net
Partida and the strong performance of Vaccari, Pallini (up € 1.6 million, or 20%, also aimed at the mid term), Normalised EBIT for the 22/23 financial year was finance costs pertaining to a reduction in expected
and Nuvo. € 2.7 million higher logistics costs and an increase of € 16.3 million (21/22: € 22.8 million). earn-out payments on the Tequila Partida acquisition.
€ 2.1 million in overhead costs. Although our mid-term plans for the brand are
All three market clusters reported revenue growth, with Net finance costs unchanged the distributor transition and supply
the Developed and Emerging Cocktail Markets showing € 1.4 million of the rise in logistics costs relates to the Normalised net finance costs came in at € 2.7 million issues in the US are expected to result in a delay
the strongest growth (10% and 11%, respectively). one-time production of Bols Liqueurs for the US market in 22/23. This is well below last year’s net finance costs in the realisation of those plans.
Markets that improved notably include Japan, at Avandis rather than at our production partner in (€ 3.3 million), reflecting the improved net debt position
Australia/New Zealand, Western Europe, South-East the US which was necessary to partially mitigate the which more than offsets the significant increase in Including these one-off items the reported 22/23
Asia and South Korea. Although performance in the impact of the US glass shortages. The overall increase EURIBOR during the year. net result came in at a loss of € 16.2 million.
Sophisticated Cocktail Markets cluster was held back also relates to higher shipping rates, which started to
by the US glass shortage at Bols Liqueurs and lower stabilise and even come down towards the end of the
shipments to Puerto Rico a growth of 7% could be year under review.
achieved still. (IN € MILLION UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, 2023 2022 2023 2022
Overhead costs (excluding commissions and
Gross profit depreciation & amortisation) rose in line with Revenue 69.9 66.2 30.7 25.8
Gross profit for the full year 22/23 increased to management’s expectations. To facilitate and Gross profit 39.2 39.9 12.8 11.6
€ 52.0 million, from € 51.4 million a year earlier. Gross plan for further growth we (prudently) expanded our Gross margin 56.0% 60.2% 41.7% 44.7%
profit as a percentage of revenue came down 420bps team in the US and we indexed salaries globally. EBIT 20.7 27.7 8.0 9.3
versus the same period last year to 51.7%. Increased EBIT margin 29.7% 41.8% 26.0% 35.8%

68 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 69
Cash flow Outlook
The free operating cash flow decreased from
€ 15.6 million last year to € 6.8 million this year. In recent years, despite the pandemic and global supply
Our cash generation was adversely impacted by chain issues, we have implemented many considerable
reduced operating profits, higher income tax paid projects to strengthen our operations and enhance our
(mainly payments relating to Passoã’s high profits last global cocktail proposition. Now that the pandemic is
year) and significant investments in inventory to counter behind us and global supply chains are recovering, it is
global supply disruptions and to support the integration time to reap the full benefits of these projects. As the
of Tequila Partida and new product introductions. global political and economic climate remains volatile
Although certain investments will sustain we expect and costs are expected to remain inflated, we will
to bring down inventory levels in 23/24. continue our mitigating efforts to control input costs
and implement additional sales price increases.
Equity decreased by € 18.9 million to € 206.6 million at In a still challenging environment we aim for a revenue
the end of the 22/23, mainly as a result of the recorded growth of our Global Cocktail Brands ahead of our
net loss of € 16.2 million and the € 3.1 million interim medium-term target of 4-5%, amongst others driven by
dividend distribution. the return to growth of Bols Cocktails in the US and the
growth potential of our cocktail brands in the Developed
Net debt and Emerging Cocktail Markets. Furthermore, our
During the 22/23 financial year our net debt reduced Regional Liqueurs & Spirits are expected to grow based
to € 59.6 million (31 March 2022: € 60.7 million). Even on the expansion of Tequila Partida and the addition of
with a lower EBITDA this resulted in a solid leverage Fluère, amongst others. We believe in the fundamental
ratio of 3.36x. Lucas Bols fully complied with the bank strength of our portfolio of brands, the worldwide
covenants in place. growth of cocktails and further premiumisation
supported by continued investments in marketing and
Extension of the financing arrangements brand building.
The Company’s financing arrangements returned
to their original conditions after the temporary We expect gross margin to improve (mainly in the
COVID-19 amendments expired on 31 March 2023. second half of the year) based on further price
The original financing arrangements were in place increases and continue to grow the gross profit
until November 2023. During the second half of the per case as a result of premiumisation. We aim for
year, management agreed a two-year extension of operating profit to return closely to the 21/22 level
the financing arrangements with the banks under whilst brand investments remain elevated and logistics
comparable conditions. This reflects the banks’ ongoing costs are expected to moderate now that container
support, commitment and confidence to Lucas Bols in rates are coming down and manufacturing of Bols
challenging macro-economic and banking times. Liqueurs in the US has been restored. As a result of
lower working capital investments and a reduction in
Dividend inventory levels we expect free operating cashflow to
Lucas Bols will propose to the Annual General Meeting improve, allowing a further reduction in net debt.
of Shareholders on 7 July 2023 that a final dividend of
€ 0.13 per share in cash be distributed for the 22/23 If the current put or call option in place is executed in
financial year. Following the distribution of an interim June 2023, we would acquire full ownership and control
dividend of € 0.21 in November 2022, the total dividend of the Nuvo brand by 1 July 2023.
for the financial year would then amount to € 0.34 per
share. This represents a dividend pay-out ratio of 50% In line with our policy, we have hedged more than
of the normalised net profit and is at the upper end 60% of our expected 23/24 net cashflows in foreign
of our dividend policy (a pay-out of 40 to 50% of net currencies to minimise the impact of foreign currency
profit) and is underpinned by a healthy balance sheet, development.
the cash generated from the sale of Avandis and the
ongoing strong cash generating capabilities.

70 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 71
ESG. For almost four and a

half centuries the Lucas Bols
Company has been developing
its craft of extracting flavour
from natural ingredients to
Crafting create high-quality drinks –

Cocktail from its humble beginnings in
History 1575 in the little distillery called
‘t Lootsje to its leading position
People Pleasure
in the world of cocktails today.
The craft and management
& employee ­
& mindful
lifestyle have been handed down
through generations of family
members and employees for
the purpose of continuing the
& sourcing legacy of the Company and
the brand.

72 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 73
Today our purpose must reach further than our own formal targets we set on relevant KPIs ahead of the Within these three strategic ESG pillars we have One of the challenges in making progress towards
company, customers and employees: we need to applicable compliance and reporting requirements formulated a set of 13 KPIs and corresponding targets achieving, measuring and reporting on the ESG targets
contribute to society and the planet we inhabit. In the which are expected to become effective for the Lucas that we aim to achieve in the coming years. They feed is our dependency on third-party partners. In certain
past year we therefore further developed, specified Bols Company as of the 25/26 financial year. Inherently into our Company strategy and will weave through all areas – for example with regard to the objectives we
and documented the ESG strategy that shapes our this means our KPIs and strategic programmes are still relevant aspects of our business and activities. Projects have set on our environmental footprint, CO2 emissions
Company’s purpose and contribution to the world being fine-tuned, both to ascertain compliance and are set up and initiated to make our strategy come to and sustainable sourcing – this dependency is very
around us. This was done bottom-up – with a diverse to include new insights as they are presented going life and embed the ESG KPIs and targets into our high. This presents a significant risk that we aim
internal team – and through extensive external forward. day-to-day business practices. to address by intensifying our relationship with key
stakeholder engagement. All in all we believe that partners and aligning objectives, amongst others.
the Lucas Bols Company has the responsibility and The Lucas Bols ESG strategy: crafting sustainable
capability to continue to craft sustainable cocktail cocktail history
history: today, tomorrow and for the next four and Our mission at the Lucas Bols Company is to
a half centuries to come. create great cocktail experiences around the globe.
We combine almost four and a half centuries of
The Management Board promotes a culture in which craftsmanship with the creative spirit of Amsterdam
the Company’s ESG efforts are not primarily driven by to discover new flavours and cocktails. This enables us
compliance and reporting requirements. Instead, ESG to build leading cocktail and spirits brands for today’s
must be part of our day-to-day work, motivation and bartenders and consumers. Heading towards the
inspiration. Although this has always been embedded in Company’s 450th anniversary we want to continue
our ways of working, it has now been formalised. This to craft sustainable cocktail history by:
is also why we decided to present our ESG strategy • empowering the Lucas Bols Community;
in the 22/23 Annual Report and started pursuing the • respecting our planet and craftsmanship; and
• inspiring responsible cocktail enjoyment.

Empower Respect Inspire

the Lucas Bols Community the planet & craftsmanship responsible cocktail enjoyment
We provide an inclusive & We limit the impact of our We promote responsible
diverse working environment craft on the environment and hosting and a mindful lifestyle
to our people and stimulate on the people involved
personal development

© Marielle van Opbergen

Material themes: diversity, inclusivity Material themes: emissions, Material theme: responsible
& employee well-being packaging, sourcing consumption

Stimulate well being & development Reduce our footprint & emissions Support a mindful lifestyle
• Continue personalized training,
development and well being
• 20% CO2 reduction by 2035, net
zero by 2050
• A no- or lower-alcohol cocktail
alternative in 25 core markets Our commitments The Lucas Bols Company also focuses on the local
programs for all Lucas Bols • Maximum recyclable glass bottles by 2025 communities in which we operate – not least Amsterdam,
Company staff at 1% of total and maximum usage of recycled • 25% no- or lower-cocktail recipes
overhead expenses packaging materials by 2030* on all our cocktail brand websites
1. Empower the Lucas Bols Community the place where our story began. We take pride in being
• Contribute up to 16 hours of by 2025 We provide an inclusive and diverse working environment a part of the Amsterdam community. Accordingly, we
volunteer work during working days • 100% label transparency on all to our people and stimulate personal development. support an expanding portfolio of local initiatives that
in 2025 per Lucas Bols Company products by 2030 (main ingredients,
employee (on average) ABV%, alcohol per standard serve) address specific issues within the community, such as
loneliness among the elderly. Our staff can volunteer
Promote diversity & inclusiveness: Use of sustainable key ingredients Educate responsible hosting
• 40-60% gender balance by 2025 • Ensure that 100% of our key • All participants to the Bols Cocktail to lend a hand with local initiatives like these (and are
• Inclusivity training program in sourcing partners respect our Academy are trained on responsible We believe that our teams and people are the core assets incentivised to do so) for up to 16 hours a year during
practice by 2025 principles: product quality hosting from 2024 onwards
• 5% of our annual bartending standards, Code of Conduct, fair • Educate 50,000 consumers of the Company and that it is our responsibility to provide working hours.
courses are awarded through working principles and good land annually on responsible hosting them with the means to develop and grow. We encourage
a scholarship to less advantaged stewardship by 2035 in the House of Bols Experience
& minority students by 2025 per 2025 our people to create personalised training programmes The individuality of every person in the Lucas Bols
* This is under validation to be realistically that satisfy their individual needs and goals. We make an Community is embraced, valued and nurtured. Although
annual budget of 1% of total overhead expenses available we target to maintain a 40-60% gender balance, being
to facilitate such training, development and well-being a diverse company goes much further than achieving
programmes. this gender balance. It also concerns working with an

74 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 75
international and culturally diverse staff. This view We believe we can also limit our impact by increasing the manner of promoting no- and lower-alcohol cocktails bartenders to prepare their bar offering and hosting
enhances our recruitment strategy and intensifies our amount of recycled material we use in our packaging. We both to bartenders and consumers. Last, we set up a strategy, urge them to always include no- and lower-
commitment to creating an even more inclusive culture. will develop rigorous eco-design guidelines to achieve programme to achieve 100% label transparency on our alcohol alternatives and insist they help guests make
this step-up in recyclability and to guide the design (and products by 2030. This transparency pertains at the very responsible choices to ensure the most enjoyable
To ensure that all employees can function in a safe, open re-design) of our packaging. This applies to primary least to key ingredients, ABV% and alcohol per standard experience. Our diverse and growing portfolio of no- and
and respectful environment we will provide inclusivity packaging, outer-case packaging, gift packs and point- serve. lower-alcohol products and transparent labelling, the
training sessions to all staff members no later than of-sale materials. Overall it is the Lucas Bols Company’s House of Bols Experience and the Bols Cocktail Academy
2025. Leveraging external expertise on the matter, this ambition to contribute to the circular economy and design Responsible hosting is a skill that we teach bartenders enable us to reach, inspire and help our communities
training will be created based on insights into how our for a sustainable world. and consumers at the Bols Cocktail Academy and host responsibly to ensure the most enjoyable cocktail
staff experience the inclusive culture at the Lucas Bols through the House of Bols Experience. We help experience.
Company today. The training sessions will address Extracting flavour from natural ingredients has been at
behavioural aspects, language/tone-of-voice and facilities the core of who we are and what we do since 1575. It is
for current and future employees. They will also focus on therefore crucial for us to ensure that all key ingredient

Contribution of the Lucas Bols Company

how we can be better aware of our own biases. sourcing partners respect our principles on product
quality as well as those on good land stewardship to

to the UN Social Development Goals (SDGs)

Another means of empowering the Lucas Bols safeguard the ecological future of the earth’s soil. We
Community is aimed at bartenders, an important group also demand that our key sourcing partners provide fair
of stakeholders with whom we interact around the globe working conditions and respect our Code of Conduct to
directly and/or through our distribution partners. We help ensure that all people and communities involved
will set up an international scholarship programme to in our craft are treated fairly and equally. We will Educate on responsible hosting through targeted programmes in our Bols Cocktail Academy and
award bartending training to disadvantaged and minority incorporate our principles in contracts with key sourcing House of Bols Experience for our Lucas Bols Company employees, distributors, the bartending
students across our markets in order to improve equal partners, monitor local practices during our visits and community and consumers.
opportunities in all walks of life by 2025. conversations and work together with these partners Support a mindful lifestyle by providing no- and lower-alcohol cocktail alternatives and
to make progress in those areas that may not be fully transparent labelling.
2. R
 espect the planet and craftsmanship aligned with these principles yet. Stimulate well-being & development within the Lucas Bols Community with training,
We limit the impact of our craft on the environment development and well-being programmes for employees and volunteering in local communities.
and on the people involved. We recognise that we are strongly dependent on our key
supply chain and sourcing partners to deliver on all of
these goals. Nevertheless we believe that our objectives Remain a gender-balanced company with a 40-60% male/female gender balance and continue
are aligned and that we should and can work together to offer equal opportunities to people regardless of gender profile – an important aspect in our
The fundamentals of our craftsmanship have not changed to have a broad, meaningful impact. Our key supply Code of Conduct.
in the past four and a half centuries. Our distilling, and sourcing partners and key ingredients have been
macerating and percolation techniques have only been specifically identified and pertain to those sourcing
adjusted to modern technology. By further optimising partners and ingredients that contribute the most to Work with sustainable sourcing partners: key sourcing partners are required to respect our
our processes, production and logistics footprint while our value chain. principles with regard to product quality standards, our Code of Conduct, fair working conditions
working together closely with our key supply chain and good land stewardship, and work with us to improve in areas that may not be fully up to our
partners we aim to reduce our CO2 emissions by 20% 3. Inspire responsible cocktail enjoyment standards yet.
by 2035 as we head towards a net zero footprint for all We promote responsible hosting and a mindful lifestyle.
scopes combined by 2050.
Promote diversity and inclusion through equal opportunity policies, communication and
Working with recyclable packaging has always been evaluation of our staff values, pursuit of gender balance objectives and inclusivity training,
an important focus area for us. We have intensified Cocktail enjoyment is at the core of our mission to create as well as focusing on bias awareness.
the dialogue with our key glass suppliers to reach the great cocktail experiences around the globe. This means
maximum recyclability for our glass bottles by 2030. mindful and responsible consumption, accommodated by
Glass is a very durable packaging material because it is responsible hosts. Reduction of footprint and emissions by maximising the use of recyclable glass bottles and
100% recyclable and inert, and does not contain or emit using recycled materials as much as possible, for example by following eco-design guidelines
any microplastics and minimises waste as the quality of A mindful lifestyle is crucial to enjoying life. We have for our packaging. Working together with our suppliers of glass and other packaging materials
the product is guaranteed for many years. However, glass set three specific targets to further support a mindful will be crucial to ensure we achieve future targets.
is energy-intensive to produce and the recycling process lifestyle. First, it is our ambition to offer a no- or lower-
can also be energy-intensive. Where possible we will cocktail alternative in 25 core markets by 2025. In
therefore reduce the glass weight per bottle, thus further addition, at least 25% of the cocktail recipes on our brand Reduction of CO2 through rigorous production, logistics and packaging optimisation
contributing to the reduction of our CO2 emissions. websites will be for no- or lower-alcohol cocktails by programmes. To reach this goal we are to a large extent dependent on the efforts of our
that same year. These two objectives are an inspirational key partners and we will therefore continue to invest in our partnerships.

76 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 77
The Company gained an understanding of the
Materiality and stakeholder impact on society and the financial impact through

perspectives an extensive evaluation process. The severity (i.e.

the scale, scope and irremediable character) and
the likelihood of negative and positive impacts were
To gain insights into the key ESG themes for the Lucas Internal stakeholder engagement (i.e. employee considered when gauging the impact on society.
Bols Company we have actively engaged with our engagement) was achieved following a bottom-up External perspectives (e.g. benchmark analyses,
employees, strategic partners and a diverse group of strategy-setting approach. Interactive workshops were international policy and regulatory developments on
other external stakeholders and will continue to do so. hosted with staff across the departments and from ESG and media controversies) were considered and
Stakeholder and partner engagement is essential to various geographical locations and levels of seniority. an internal evaluation of risks and opportunities was
crafting a sustainable cocktail history as our impact is undertaken to gauge the financial impact. Both the
only maximised by working together. By carefully bringing together the insights obtained we impact on society and financial impact were evaluated
identified the relevant ESG themes and plotted them in using the principles as included in the draft European
During an interactive and iterative process we a materiality matrix (see the diagram below). This matrix Sustainability Reporting Standard 2 (ESRS 2) that was
gathered insights from the stakeholders mentioned applies the double-materiality concept as it considers recently published by the European Financial Reporting
on page 56. Most interviews were held in a one-on- the potential impact on society (‘outward’) and the Advisory Group (EFRAG).
one setting, although we also engaged in live-panel potential financial impact (‘inward’) whilst assessing
discussions to obtain relevant insights from bartenders, the stakeholder relevance dimension. The double- The material themes that were carefully selected for the
consumers and others. Input was obtained from materiality concept is still relatively new. Consequently Lucas Bols Company are:
suppliers and logistics partners through interviews and this model continues to be refined as more market
questionnaires. practice and further guidance become available. 1. Business ethics;
2. Inclusion & Employee well-being;
3. Emissions;
4. Packaging;
5. Sourcing; and
6. Responsible consumption.

Responsible These themes were then translated into the three pillars
consumption of our ESG strategy:
• Empower the Lucas Bols Community;
• Respect the planet and craftsmanship; and
• Inspire responsible cocktail enjoyment.
Waste Potentially emerging themes will be closely monitored
Human rights Sourcing over time. Against this background the Management
Board considers ‘water’, for example, to be an emerging
Water Business ethics theme that will be closely monitored if or when it
becomes material to the Lucas Bols Company.
Biodiversity Inclusivity and
Product safety employee well-being We recognise that obtaining stakeholder perspectives
and validating material themes is a constant process
as stakeholder views evolve over time and themes
can become more pressing due to internal or external
Community Occupational
developments. ESG is therefore deeply embedded in
health and safety
Impact on society

our stakeholder analysis and is validated as part of our

annual strategic cycle and at other moments.

● Social ● Environmental ● Governance

Financial impact

The size of the bubble reflects stakeholder relevance: the larger the bubble, the greater the relevance.
Material themes are denoted by a white circle.

78 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 79
Risk management
Risk management approach and appetite
needs to make informed and timely decisions. While
the framework is designed to manage risks it cannot

and control
prevent human error, fraud or infringements of laws
and regulations with absolute certainty. Lucas Bols’
Our risk management framework is designed to identify risk management practices are not static: the way we

There are inherent risks and analyse the risks the Lucas Bols Company faces,
including fraud risks, to set appropriate risk limits
and controls, and to monitor any developments in the
manage risks is constantly monitored and adapted to
reflect changes in internal and external circumstances

related to Lucas Bols’

if and when necessary.
Company’s risk environment.
Risk supervision

business activities and In general the Lucas Bols Company has a low risk
appetite, particularly with regard to operational,
financial and compliance risks. We carefully and
Supervising risks and monitoring the risk management
function is the responsibility of the Supervisory Board
and the Management Board. Risk management is a

organisation. Because continuously assess the areas in which we allow for

some risk. This is limited to a number of strategic areas,
topic that is frequently discussed in Supervisory Board

sound risk management is and only where there is an appropriate balance between
risk and reward. Risk management
The Lucas Bols Company enforces minimum control

an integral element of good The implemented risk management framework is the

foundation for identifying and mitigating corporate
standards and has three lines of defence in place
to manage risks. The Company’s people (mainly

business practice and effective business risks and has been developed to provide
reasonable assurance that the risks we face are
properly evaluated and addressed. It assures that
management who are frequently briefed on their
risk-related roles and responsibilities) play a crucial
role in the first line of defence comprising day-to-day

operations, the Management management is provided with the information it risk management and the operating effectiveness of

Board promotes a transparent,

company-wide approach to Risk Management Framework
risk management and internal

Risk oversight
controls. This approach
Supervisory Board

Management Board

focuses on finding the right

balance between maximising
Risk management
3RD LINE OF DEFENCE Risk Management Committee
control 2ND LINE OF DEFENCE Central monitoring (Finance, Brand and Commercial Directors, Supply & IT Director, HR)

business opportunities and

1ST LINE OF DEFENCE Effective operation of controls/day-to-day risk management

managing the risks involved.

Risk ownership

Incident Strategy

The Management Board reporting Product Distribution Order Purchase Hire to

development to cash to pay retire
Policies and
Processes and associated controls

considers this to be one of

information Corporate culture (incl. Code Of Conduct)
reports Delegated

its most important tasks.

IT environment (incl. Segregation Of Duties)

80 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 81
controls. Central monitoring by key people in Our forecasting cycles – mid-term plans, annual Brand protection, product development and successfully implemented into day-to-day activities.
the organisation is the second line of defence. budgeting and intermediate, continuous forecasting quality control The IT governance framework ensures that risks
All critical business processes are covered, including (latest estimates and the monthly opportunities The single most important asset we have is our portfolio are continuously evaluated and requires a detailed
but not limited to finance (including tax, treasury & risk assessment) – also start at BMU level. The of brands. To protect the value of the brand portfolio evaluation of IT governance at least once a year. This
and legal), brands, commerce, supply chain, IT, HR annual budget is the result of a diligent process. Our the Lucas Bols Company registers its brands and provides further comfort that any mitigating measures
and, increasingly, ESG-related matters. The Risk distributors provide forecasts based on their views trademarks across the globe. Potential infringements taken are sufficient and appropriate. The successful
Management Committee forms the third line of on their respective market and brands. These are are constantly monitored and appropriate action (legal implementation of the revised IT governance framework
defence. The committee is headed by the CFO who is then critically reviewed and challenged by Lucas Bols’ or otherwise) is taken if and when necessary. The has resulted in a further decline in the overall risk level.
complemented by the Director of Accounting, Reporting management and eventually agreed upon, including central marketing communication plans regarding our
& Control and the Corporate Legal Counsel. The the amount and nature of marketing and promotional brands are carefully prepared and reviewed to protect In addition to designing and implementing a revised
independent external auditor gains an understanding expenditure required to achieve the forecasts. brand value and the Company’s strong reputation, IT governance framework the Company continued the
of internal controls relevant to the audit but does and distribution partners are educated and required to intensified cybersecurity programmes it launched in
not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Corporate culture and Code of Conduct operate within the guidelines of these plans. 21/22. For example, various training and awareness
Company’s internal control environment. The Lucas Bols Company has a culture of sessions on cybersecurity threats and prevention
clearly defined responsibilities, open and honest The value of our portfolio of brands is also protected measures were organised for our teams and at certain
Risk ownership communication and limited hierarchy, which supports and grown through product development and quality key business partners. Their respective roles in the
Our strong belief that risk ownership is part of everyday the effectiveness of the group’s risk management. control. Bringing excellent and innovative products to prevention of cyber-attacks is now also embedded
operations – across all departments and processes – is Both our own communication and business practices market at a consistent, high level of quality is at the in the annual training cycle. Moreover, the Company
embedded in the risk management framework. Key in and those of our partners across the globe are core of what we do. Our innovation, R&D and quality continued with the implementation of mitigating
identifying, monitoring and addressing risks are the characterised by integrity and a focus on advocating teams (with an important role for the Master Distiller) measures (for example regarding access controls) and
management information reports the Management responsible consumption. We keep track of all develop and innovate our products, create our recipes ongoing evaluation practices.
Board receives on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly marketing and promotional activities of our brands, and carefully decide what ingredients and suppliers to
and ad hoc basis. These reports are compiled by including those of our distribution and other partners. use. Recipes and production methods are only handed Human capital
the respective directors and managers and provide This includes social media activities undertaken by over to our bottling partners once they have been Human capital was identified as a focus area for 22/23
an in-depth analysis of the performance of brands, the Company. finalised and thoroughly tested. The bottling partners due to unprecedented global employee turnover rates
markets and critical business processes as well as the then blend and bottle our products as stipulated. during and after the pandemic. People appeared to feel
relevant risks and opportunities. In addition, deep dives To promote and maintain these high standards the We place high standards on the quality-assurance less motivated and connected as they worked from
are performed to address specific topics. Controls Management Board designed and implemented a Code procedures of our partners and ensure these are home more often, and demand for certain skills and
are widely embedded in the Company’s information of Conduct which is updated on a regular basis. This subject to constant screening. Product samples from expertise has grown rapidly in many areas of the job
systems. code describes how all Lucas Bols employees should bottling locations around the world are routinely tested market. In light of this and particularly in the context
behave and do business in various circumstances for compliance with our recipes and quality standards. of the Company’s asset-light business model, human
We promote certain ways of working to ensure that and situations, and how inappropriate behaviour can This process includes numerous quality checks to capital was identified as a 22/23 focus area despite the
management information is relevant, accurate and be reported (including to the Company's external ensure all products meet the highest standards every fact that the impact of these factors on the Lucas Bols
complete. To do so, the input for reports is drawn confidential counsellor) and/or addressed otherwise. single time. Company has been limited thus far.
from various sources (including our distributors, The code is published on the corporate website and
actual shipment information and publicly available is updated and communicated to all employees on a 22/23 focus areas and other developments in risk Management started with a thorough evaluation of the
market performance data) and is complemented by regular basis. One incident related to transgressive management and control systems Fit for Growth model that was implemented effective
macro-economic data and information on relevant behaviour was reported in the year under review and In the year under review we improved our IT 1 April 2021. The model was assessed to be a strong
developments. The periodic evaluation of distributor acted upon immediately. No other breaches of the Code governance framework, further increased our focus on improvement at all levels of the organisation, with
performance is also considered a key source of input. of Conduct were reported in the 22/23 financial year. cybersecurity and placed additional emphasis on risks only a limited number of further improvement areas
and controls relating to human capital. identified.
Lucas Bols’ Brand Market Unit (BMU) set-up is essential Furthermore, the Lucas Bols Company has a speak up
to management reporting. Actual performance is policy in place to ensure that any violation of existing IT governance framework & Cybersecurity To continue building employee motivation, commitment
reported on separately for each brand in each market policies and procedures can be reported freely and To keep up with the ever-increasing pace and impact and retention, management deployed various soft tools
(most often a specific country), resulting in a matrix without adverse consequences for the person making of external cyber threats the Company revised its IT including but not limited to sports activities, summer
of BMUs. Monthly monitoring is performed diligently the allegation. The speak up policy can also be found on governance framework substantially during 22/23, and Christmas functions, brand events and team
and in a detailed manner, with brand and commercial the corporate website. No incidents were reported also further leveraging the Oracle ERP system that gatherings focused on the individual, teamwork and
management, finance and the Management Board in 22/23. was implemented in 20/21. To support the process of social aspects. The company also introduced a long-
involved. The reporting cycle includes responding to revising the IT governance framework management term incentive plan for senior management aimed at
foreign currency effects arising from our worldwide engaged external specialists, after which the design of aligning and incentivising long-term stakeholder value
business activities. the framework was delivered. The policies, processes creation whilst enhancing competitive remuneration
and key controls resulting from the design were to help attract and retain talent.

82 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 83
Compliance Strategic

Individual and team-wide assessments were undertaken will assess the various aspects of being asset-light
to draw up a more detailed plan for talent identification, (capital expenditure and working capital employed,
development and retention. Such assessments were route-to-market, supply chain, number of people
often followed up by one-on-one conversations to employed).
better understand the respective individual’s state of Taxes Dependency on key products,
markets and channels
mind, drive, ambition, motivation and energy drains. In addition to these two focus areas the Company
Remuneration packages were also evaluated for key will spend additional time on its sourcing, blending Changes in consumer preferences

personnel, whilst knowledge sharing and being part and bottling activities in 23/24. By selling Avandis to Non-compliance
of multi-disciplinary (project) teams was encouraged. Refresco the Lucas Bols Company has outsourced most Economic Regulatory changes
and political related to alcohol
Management also increased the training, development of these activities to parties in which it has no equity
Likelihood conditions Likelihood
and well-being budget, challenging managers to spark interest. Consequently it has to rely even more on Quality
Financing risk
talent in their teams and incentivise individuals to contracts, service-level agreements, controls, reviews
develop. and strict ways of working, amongst other things. Reliance on distribution contracts
Foreign exchange fluctuations Acquisitions & Investments

Focus for 23/24 ESG

Management has identified two focus areas for the Key risk factors Credit risk
IT Joint ventures
23/24 financial year: ESG-related risk analysis & risks
and the asset-light business & operating model. Risks and uncertainties in 22/23 Human capital
A bottom-up and top-down approach is integrated in
ESG-related risk analysis & risks the Company's overall management reporting, allowing

In the year under review the Lucas Bols Company business and other risks as well as mitigating actions
invested significantly in designing and embedding to be reported on formally on both an ad-hoc and Financial Operational
a more explicit and integrated medium and long-term quarterly basis. That reporting is then consolidated into
ESG strategy. Further details on ESG can be found the Quarterly Risk Report which serves as a basis for
in the chapter on ESG (pages 72-79). As part of this the quarterly Risk Management Committee meeting.
process management started undertaking ESG-related
risk analyses. In 23/24 we will continue and intensify The 22/23 financial year was severely impacted by the
this effort to better understand the impact of ESG- war in Ukraine that broke out just before the start of our This diagram illustrates the principal risks grouped by category – the closer to the nucleus the higher the likelihood and the impact.
related risks and the mitigating actions and controls financial year, adversely affecting macroeconomic and
required to address these. We will focus on two ‘levels’ geopolitical circumstances. Although the global scale
of ESG-related risks. On the one hand an evaluation of the pandemic declined further, it still had a material
will be performed on a strategic level, which should impact on our operations and performance in the year amongst other ingredients, drove our total costs of Thirdly, container and other shipping rates increased
lead to more detailed risk guidance and enhanced under review. goods up by a double-digit percentage. Because some further in the first half of the year and did not come
transparency and value in reporting. Risk analyses will raw materials were hedged for certain periods and we down until the end of 22/23, leading to a further
also be undertaken on a tactical level to set up and The war in Ukraine started the year with inventory at a relatively low cost increase in the Company’s logistics costs.
implement a governance framework. This should enable When the war in Ukraine broke out our first priority was of goods, global input cost inflation impacted the
the Lucas Bols Company to measure and report reliably the people affected, including our local partners. We second half of the year much more than the first. Lastly, macroeconomic and geopolitical circumstances
on (non-financial) components of our ESG strategy. immediately ceased all business with Russia, ensured (most notably energy prices and the high levels of
To demonstrate ongoing progress a preliminary, we complied with all sanctions, and closely monitored Secondly, global and industry-wide shortages (mainly overall inflation) started to adversely impact consumer
high-level view on ESG-related risks is already demand in the bordering regions. The combined glass) resulted in temporary out-of-stock situations behaviour. Purchasing power and consumer confidence
documented on page 86. contribution of Russia and Ukraine to total revenue was (predominantly in the US and with regard to the 1.0 litre dropped, inevitably also leading to lower demand for
growing but still limited to around 1%. Therefore, the Passoã bottle for Europe) and consequently caused some of our brands. Management continuously ran
The asset-light business & operating model direct impact of the war in Ukraine has been relatively missed sales and – in some instances – a loss of various 'downside' scenarios to model and anticipate
The Company’s asset-light business & operating model limited. The indirect impact on the Lucas Bols Company listings. To minimise the duration and impact of the US any such potential effects and identified mitigating
is unique and at the core of the corporate strategy. operations and performance has been substantial, out-of-stock situation we produced a large batch of Bols actions that could be undertaken to minimise the
The Management Board recognises, however, that however. Liqueurs for the US market at Avandis (the Netherlands) impact on the Company’s performance and financial
both external factors (including macroeconomic rather than in the US, triggering material additional position. Management is of the view that the Company's
and geopolitical circumstances, technology, societal Firstly, prices of raw materials that had already logistics costs and working capital investments. More performance, positioning, financial health and suite of
factors, stakeholders) and internal factors (including increased to high levels during the pandemic continued generally the combination of input cost inflation and identified mitigating actions are sufficient to navigate
the Company’s operating model and operations) have to grow exponentially in 22/23, often driven by scarcity. longer, more uncertain production and logistic lead these downside scenarios.
changed significantly in recent years. To assess the The combined impact of price increases on alcohol times required the Company to gear up working capital
ongoing fit of the current model and identify focus and (which is made from grain), glass (heavily dependent on investments.
improvement areas if and where needed, management the volatile energy prices), sugar, aluminium and paper,

84 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 85
COVID-19 Compliance & Reporting risks ESG ambition. This will also impact our sourcing, In the US, industry-wide glass shortages also resulted
The 20/21 and 21/22 financial years were heavily The Management Board recognises the need to logistics, business travel and packaging operations in in temporary out-of-stock situations at the end of the
impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic, mainly address CSRD requirements in a timely manner the years ahead. summer of 2022. We took decisive action to mitigate the
due to (on-trade) lockdown measures and severe and therefore started a company-wide project to impact to the maximum extent possible by temporarily
limitations affecting travel and tourism. The impact develop a more integrated and comprehensive ESG The impact of ESG-related matters on business moving the blending and bottling of Bols Liqueurs for
of the pandemic on the year under review decreased strategy whilst addressing CSRD reporting and continuity and performance: responsible consumption the US market from the US to the Netherlands. As a
significantly but has not disappeared altogether. It other requirements. In the first phase of the project The Management Board recognises that due to the result we were able to limit the duration of the out-of-
still affected our business and performance in certain the ESG strategy was developed, documented and nature of the business and the industry, the Company stock situations, albeit at significant additional logistics
key markets, most notably China. China faced strict validated with a wide group of internal and external comes across regulatory developments and debates costs and working capital investments. Throughout the
local lockdowns, leading to stop-and-go deliveries stakeholders. This strategy is reported on in the regarding responsible consumption, the adverse effect remainder of 22/23 the Company was able to secure
and reduced consumer demand, particularly in the chapter on ESG (pages 72-79). Management also of alcohol on health, required label transparency and sufficient levels of glass and production capacity in
on-trade. Where possible, management continued closely monitors relevant developments such as regulatory restrictions on the sale and marketing of the US.
mitigating actions and leveraged experiences gained the European Sustainability Reporting Standards alcoholic products. We firmly believe in (and contribute
during earlier stages of the pandemic. (ESRS) that were recently published by the European towards) responsible consumption and our ESG The contingency sourcing and production plans
Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG). These strategy actively addresses these risks accordingly. invested in in 21/22 and expanded in 22/23 proved very
In the year under review the Management Board standards outline amongst others the expected For example, we invest in growing our no- and lower- beneficial for Passoã, where increased demand would
invested to promote the return of a physical presence requirements with regard to CSRD governance and alcohol footprint, improve label transparency and work have resulted in material out-of-stock situations had
at our offices in the Netherlands, the US, France and disclosures. In 22/23 significant steps were taken with various partners (including bartenders) to promote we not been able to secure sourcing and production
Mexico. Meaningful on-site events and gatherings were in terms of understanding what these requirements responsible consumption. at multiple partners in Europe. More specifically, dual
held, office lunches were provided and team-building mean for the Lucas Bols Company and what sourcing of Passoã bottles was implemented in 2022
activities were encouraged, while keeping a constant measures are to be put into place to make sure Data availability and two production sites can now blend and bottle the
eye on health and safety. Externally the Company the Company is ready in time. As part of these To report on progress towards the realisation of growing brand. On top of this, in-house research started
focused on re-establishing relationships with strategic measures we have temporarily hired an ESG Manager our ESG targets and CSRD-compliant reporting to research the use of other materials to cope in the
partners such as distributors. This resulted in responsible for the implementation of the ESG on material themes in the future it is crucial that event of any future glass shortages.
increased travel movements, which are expected to Governance framework. relevant data is collected in a timely and reliable
return to pre-pandemic levels in 23/24. A hybrid manner. The Lucas Bols Company recognises that its Our long-time production and warehousing partner in
approach, combining connecting virtually and The impact of ESG-related matters on business high dependency on third parties for the collection the US has terminated all third-party co-manufacturing
physically, will be used going forward. This approach continuity and performance: people of data on certain ESG topics (e.g. emissions) is a agreements to secure production capacity for their
also matches the Company’s ESG ambition to reduce Employees are one of the core assets of the Lucas Bols significant risk. The Company is aware that third own brands. Following a thorough tender process in
CO2 emissions. Company and we believe that a diverse and inclusive parties may be hesitant to share information or be 22/23 the Company signed a co-manufacturing and
workplace can foster further growth. This topic has willing to share information but be unable to do so warehousing agreement with a new partner effective
ESG come under increased scrutiny within society and timely and/or ascertain reliability of that information. 1 June 2023. Given the size and importance of the US
The Lucas Bols Company’s focus on ESG is becoming employees also stress its importance. The Management To address this risk the Company is in the process market, and hence the scale of production, preparations
more apparent every day. In the year under review Board is committed to promoting a diverse workforce, of identifying who its key partners are in this respect for the transition commenced directly after signing
the Company developed a more integrated and for example by maintaining and improving the level of (e.g. key suppliers, key distributors) and has also the contract. During the year under review important
comprehensive ESG strategy and prepared an action diversity and enhancing company-wide awareness of started to pursue an alignment of objectives and steps were taken to ensure an effective handover of
plan to expand the risk management and governance the importance of inclusiveness to the overall success set preliminary expectations with these partners production, including the validation of recipes, setting
framework. A detailed review of the associated risks of the Company. by leveraging the existing relationship. These are up bottling lines and appropriate IT structures, and the
will take place in 23/24 but management has already important first steps in working towards reliable data temporary build-up of contingency inventory at the old
acknowledged the expected impact of ESG-related The impact of ESG-related matters on business collection processes which will result in reliable, and new site.
risks on other risks within the current risk diagram and continuity and performance: planet auditable and meaningful reporting.
reporting. The Management Board anticipates that the adverse Most global supply chain challenges are expected to
impact of global warming on the raw materials Supply chain and raw materials persist in the short term and to a certain extent also
A distinction is made between risks associated with needed for alcohol and sugar, amongst other things, The global supply chain disruptions started in 20/21 in the medium term. Input costs for key raw materials
compliance & reporting (for example the Corporate could increase further due to natural disasters such following the COVID-19 outbreak and intensified when remain inflated and although container rates have
Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) expected to as drought, flooding and forest fires. Although no the war in Ukraine broke out. recently started to come down, overland shipping rates
become effective as of 2024 with mandatory reporting significant impact has been observed to date, in are still very high. The Lucas Bols Company is exposed
by the Lucas Bols Company from 25/26 financial 21/22 the Management Board started to invest in In Western Europe the impact of the war in Ukraine to this and continues to monitor developments closely.
year onwards) and risks associated with the impact robust contingency sourcing plans to address any raw was predominantly marked by dramatic price input The measures taken will remain in place, as will the
of ESG-related matters on business continuity and material and production capacity shortages. These cost inflation, mainly in regard to alcohol, glass, sugar, intensified day-to-day flexible working relationship
performance. developments also reiterate the need to lower aluminium and paper. This put further pressure on our with our partners. New additional measures will be
CO2 emissions – inevitably an essential part of our margins, profit and cash generation. implemented if and when applicable.

86 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 87
Dependency on key products, markets and channels Management is confident that it can leverage the Lucas
During the pandemic the Company implemented Bols Company’s existing business model, operations
strategic initiatives to reduce our reliance on and and route-to-market to grow the brand both in existing
exposure to key products, markets and channels, and new markets.
including an active shift towards direct consumer
engagement and sales leveraging the growing trend Thorough due diligence was performed as part of the
towards in-home cocktail consumption. acquisition process, whilst the integration and transition
were successfully completed in the fourth quarter of
Management further reduced our exposure to and 22/23.
dependency on key products, markets and channels
in 22/23, for example by increasing the Company’s Human capital
footprint in the no- and lower-alcohol segment. Human capital is of great importance to the Lucas
Demand for no- and lower-alcohol and low-calorie Bols Company. In keeping with our asset-light business
drinks continues to grow – a development at the core model only a relatively small number of people are
of our newly-developed ESG strategy. The Lucas Bols employed, which is why each of them plays a key role in
Company responded actively by expanding its brand making the operating model work effectively.
portfolio with Fluère, the non-alcoholic spirits brand
acquired in December 2022. Fluère offers a range of By undertaking the initiatives described above at
premium no- and lower-alcohol alternatives to existing 22/23 focus areas and other developments in risk
drinks and cocktails. The Company also increased management and control systems’ the Company has
investments in Damrak Virgin (a no-alcohol gin), leading effectively worked on further reducing the impact
to expansion to the Belgian market, amongst other and likelihood of this risk. Maintaining the Company’s
things. strong track record in attracting, recruiting, motivating
and retaining knowledgeable, experienced and driven
To further grow and diversify the Company had already employees and investing in post-pandemic social
added Pallini Limoncello (distribution partnership in the cohesiveness remain key focus areas.
US) and Tequila Partida (acquisition) to its portfolio, both
of which were successfully launched and are growing. Financing & Interest rate risk
The Company’s financing and interest rate risks
Reliance on distribution contracts were previously reported separately. Given the
Our reliance on distribution contracts was reduced interconnectedness, likelihood and impact of these risks
in 21/22 by setting up Maxxium BeLux, a 50/50 they are now presented together.
joint venture between the Lucas Bols Company and
Edrington, responsible for distributing both partners’ In recent years the Company prioritised strengthening
brand portfolios in Belgium and Luxembourg. Through its financial position, even during the pandemic and
Maxxium the Netherlands, Maxxium BeLux and our in times of unprecedented macroeconomic and
wholly owned distribution platform in the US (Lucas geopolitical circumstances. Cost, cash and working
Bols USA, Inc.) the Company controls the distribution capital measures and processes were intensified
of almost 40% of its global sales. heavily, no dividends were paid during the pandemic
We appointed new distributors in Portugal, Turkey and and part of the equity raised in December 2021 was
Indonesia. used to deleverage further. As a consequence both
business and other cash generation was maximised,
Acquisitions & Investments resulting in very healthy net debt and leverage metrics
Building on our strong record of successfully integrating with significant undrawn committed bank facilities still
brands into the Company and growing them, the Lucas being available. Required working capital investments,
Bols Company acquired Fluère effective 1 January 2023. settling the Company’s part of the BolsKyndal financing,
Fluère is an important player in the fast-growing no- resuming dividend payments in November 2022 and the
and lower-alcohol drinks segment, tying directly into the acquisition of Fluère in the year under review did not
Company’s ESG ambition to promote responsible and impact the overall strength of the Company’s financial
inclusive cocktail enjoyment. The brand is currently sold position on 31 March 2023.
in more than 20 markets, including the US.

88 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 89
The Company’s much healthier balance sheet combined Impact and likelihood of risks in 22/23 Strategic
with its strong and constructive relationship with
financial institutions also enabled management to
The likelihood and impact of the various risks, adjusted
based on insights and developments in 22/23, are
Risk appetite – moderate
successfully extend the senior facility agreement in illustrated in the diagram on page 85. For the sensitivity
challenging times and at competitive conditions and analysis of certain risks we refer to note 27 to the Strategic risks for the Lucas Bols Company are primarily related to the risk that investments in markets
unchanged covenants. The senior facility agreement consolidated financial statements. (mainly through advertising & promotion and working capital) will ultimately not result in adequate returns.
now expires in November 2025. The Lucas Bols Company has a moderate appetite for strategic risk: we allow some risk in this area, but there
Key risk overview must be an appropriate balance between anticipated risk and reward.
The reduced levels of debt, improved leverage ratio and The key risks as perceived by the Management Board
extension of the senior facility agreement also reduce are outlined below, along with an overview of how these Risk Mitigation
our exposure to interest rate risks. That being said, risks are mitigated. The order in which the risks are
general interest rates such as EURIBOR have increased presented is in no way a reflection of their importance, Regulatory changes related to alcohol
significantly in the past months, partially affecting the likelihood or materiality. The actual occurrence of any of Alcohol is under increased scrutiny in a number of The Lucas Bols Company supports a responsible
overall interest rate applicable under the senior facility the following risks could have a material adverse effect markets around the world with some countries having approach to alcohol and considers this a core element
agreement. on the Company’s business, prospects, financial state a more negative regulatory approach towards it. The of its strategy to grow a sustainable, long-term
or results of operations. The overview also lists the risk Company is subject to extensive regulations regarding business. We advocate responsible consumption,
Joint ventures appetite of the Lucas Bols Company for each of the advertising, promotions and access to its products. encourage socially responsible hosting as part of our
To further reduce our reliance on joint ventures and main risk categories. sustainability strategy and have introduced various
volatile joint venture results, a focus in 22/23 was on These regulations or any changes therein could limit no- or lower-alcohol products. Moreover, by acquiring
the sale of the Company’s 50% share in Avandis to Although the Management Board deems these risks to our business activities, increase costs and decrease Fluère we added premium no- and lower-alcohol
Refresco. Moreover, the Company’s exposure to the be the most material, they cannot be considered the demand for our products. alternatives to our portfolio.
BolsKyndal (India) joint venture was de-risked in recent only potential risks facing the Lucas Bols Company.
years, for example by settling the Company’s part of All risks are contingencies which may or may not occur In our home country of the Netherlands the Lucas
BolsKyndal’s high-interest financing, scaling down its and impact the Lucas Bols Company. Additional risks Bols Company is actively involved in various relevant
business activities and writing off the carrying value of and uncertainties which are not presently known to industry bodies including STIVA, the foundation that
the joint venture on the Company’s balance sheet. management or which are currently deemed immaterial actively promotes and controls responsible marketing
may also have a material adverse impact on the Lucas and consumption of alcoholic products.
In December 2022 Avandis was sold to Refresco, Bols Company.
allowing the Company to fully focus on its core business Economic and political conditions
of creating great cocktail experiences around the globe. Lucas Bols’ global business is inherently subject to The Lucas Bols Company aims to diversify its activities
Blending and bottling is secured through a competitive commercial, political and financial risks. The Company in terms of product categories and geographies. The
long-term co-manufacturing agreement with Refresco. also operates in emerging markets, where such risks Lucas Bols Company sells over twenty-five brands
The sale lowers the associated joint-venture risks. (including economic and regulatory risks) are even in more than 110 countries. In addition, Lucas Bols’
more present. Geopolitical issues and trade and import financial performance is sound with strong operating
BolsKyndal’s performance and position had been restrictions may also have negative consequences margins and cash generation and a health balance
deteriorating for years and became increasingly for our business. Lucas Bols’ results are dependent sheet, each of which can act as a cushion in the event
unpredictable and non-transparent. In addition, economic on general economic conditions and are therefore of economic downturn.
and market circumstances gave rise to even more exposed to the risk of economic decline, both globally
challenges in response to which management decided and in the markets in which we operate.
to unwind the joint venture by demerging it. Progress
was made by settling Lucas Bols’ share in BolsKyndal’s Dependency on key products, markets and channels
financing (the expense was accounted for in 21/22 whilst A few key products and markets provide a significant The Lucas Bols Company diversifies its business
the related cash-out took place in 22/23) and initiating a portion of the Company’s revenue and net across product offerings, markets and channels. We
detailed legal demerger plan. This again reduced the joint contribution. Lucas Bols’ performance is highly reliant are specifically increasing our presence in the off-
venture’s risk, both financially and legally. on the on-trade channel. Specific and/or local factors trade channel, for example by focusing more on retail
and developments can directly affect the performance and direct-to-consumer channels such as online sales,
of these key products, markets and channels, and and in the no- and lower-alcohol segment.
potentially have a material adverse impact on the
Company’s business, results of operations, financial
state and prospects.

90 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 91
Risk Mitigation Risk Mitigation

Changes in consumer preferences Environmental, Social, Governance

Demand for the Company’s spirits products can be Lucas Bols’ close ties both with its distributors and The Lucas Bols Company is highly dependent on The Company has revisited and documented its
significantly adversely impacted by changes in the bartending community means that the Company third parties for the timely collection of reliable data detailed understanding of the value chain and
customer and consumer preferences. is proactively alerted to changes in consumer relating to certain ESG matters. Such data is required identified key partners (e.g. key suppliers, key
preferences at an early stage. The innovative nature of to report on progress towards the realisation of distributors). Management has involved these partners
the Company enables it to respond swiftly to any such targets for the KPIs relating to our ESG strategy as in the design of the Lucas Bols Company ESG strategy
changes with new flavours and product offerings. well as future CSRD-compliant reporting on material and will continue to do so as the strategy evolves.
themes. The risks associated with a high dependency Preliminary expectations have also been discussed
on third parties for the availability of relevant data is with key partners, for example by aligning goals and

Operational that the Company cannot measure and report on ESG

performance a timely and reliable manner. This could
actively addressing expected data requirements and
incorporating these in contracts and other agreements
Risk appetite – low lead to non-compliance, the inability to meet rapidly if and when possible. With the ESG strategy now
increasing stakeholder expectations or the inability to being embedded in day-to-day business practice the
Our appetite for operational risks is low: we allow little to no risk as the continuity and quality of our successfully execute the ESG strategy, amongst other Company closely monitors progress on data collection
operations and products is paramount and cannot be jeopardised in any way. repercussions. at key partners in order to address potential risks if
and when they arise.
Risk Mitigation
The Lucas Bols Company continues to closely monitor
Quality regulatory and societal developments. Regulatory
Inconsistent quality or contamination of the The recipes in which the ingredients and procedures frameworks are reviewed and discussed to identify
Company’s products or similar products in the same are defined are fully controlled and protected by the and respond to emerging regulations. Moreover,
categories as Lucas Bols’ products can harm the Lucas Bols Company. The Company only partners most material themes are incorporated in the
integrity of, or customer support for, the Lucas Bols with certified bottlers and suppliers, and the same Company’s ESG strategy and (emerging) regulations
brands and adversely affect the sales of those brands. generally applies to our joint-venture partners. are embedded in the internal governance framework.
Furthermore, stakeholder interviews and benchmark
The Company samples and tests all its products analyses are performed constantly to effectively
thoroughly, and sound quality control policies, capture views within society in a timely manner.
procedures and processes (both preventative and
detective) are in place and subject to constant Acquisitions & Investments
monitoring. This includes audits at co-packers. Acquisitions or investments in joint ventures and Potential acquisitions and investments are aligned with
associates that the Company engages in might not our strategy. Decisions to acquire or invest are based
Joint ventures deliver the expected returns. on thorough processes, and expert external support is
The financial performance of joint ventures (over The Company is used to managing and monitoring obtained where necessary. The brands that we invest
which the Lucas Bols Company does not have full joint ventures and other partnerships. These in are integrated in our management information
control) can affect the financial performance of the collaborations are closely monitored and governed, for and reporting systems. Lucas Bols’ management
Lucas Bols Company, either directly or indirectly. example through direct board involvement (focusing and employees are also involved in acquisitions and
on achieving long-term objectives) and involvement in investments, for example by virtue of Board positions
day-to-day operations if needed. or monthly business review meetings.

Reliance on distribution agreements Human capital

The Lucas Bols Company is reliant on the performance The Company applies very strict criteria for selecting The Lucas Bols Company operates an asset-light The Lucas Bols Company has a strong track record
of its distribution partners. Lucas Bols’ operations can distribution partners. Each distributor and agreement business model and consequently employs a relatively in attracting, recruiting, motivating and retaining
be adversely affected by the poor performance of is subject to frequent evaluation (at least annually) by small number of people. The Company’s success knowledgeable, experienced and driven employees.
its distributors or by its own inability to enter into or the commercial and financial teams. If improvement depends on attracting and recruiting highly skilled The Company’s reputation and market position,
maintain distribution agreements on favourable terms areas are identified action will be taken within the individuals and retaining key personnel. strategic partnerships and thriving entrepreneurial and
or at all. contractual terms agreed. international corporate culture are key success factors
in this regard.

92 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 93
Risk Mitigation Compliance
IT Risk appetite – low
IT security threats, the level of sophistication in We invest in hardware, software and people to
digital crime and other cybersecurity risks continue mitigate the risk of cyberattacks. This enables us The Lucas Bols Company operates in a market that is strongly regulated worldwide. Compliance with laws
to increase globally, posing a risk to the protection, to continuously update our defence mechanisms and regulations is a fundamental condition for the production, distribution and marketing of our high-quality
confidentiality, availability and integrity of data and to be effective in a rapidly changing environment. products. Accordingly, we allow only minimal risk in this area.
information. Such risks can affect any Company Furthermore, the internal controls we operate are
process, including the order-to-cash cycle. focused on IT and data, including general IT controls Risk Mitigation
and IT application controls (for example regarding
outgoing payments). Non-compliance
Lucas Bols’ production and distribution as well as Lucas Bols closely monitors legal developments in
its business and the industry in general are subject every market in which it is active. Legal compliance

Financial to significant government regulations. Moreover, as

a publicly listed company the Lucas Bols Company
is embedded in its risk and control systems. The
Company also makes use of external legal counsel.
Risk appetite – low is subject to additional laws and regulations. Failure Furthermore, the Lucas Bols Company is an agile
to comply with relevant regulations (or any changes organisation that can easily adapt products, packaging,
We take a prudent stance on financial risk, hedging part of our exposure in order to reduce and limit our risk. therein) can result in business disruptions, for example etc. to remain compliant with all regulations.
on the supply side, increased costs and potentially
Risk Mitigation legal action. Management monitors legal compliance at head
office-level and requires all employees to contribute
Foreign exchange rate fluctuations by adhering to the Code of Conduct, which includes
Foreign exchange rate fluctuations can have a material Each year the Company seeks to mitigate the short- prevention of fraudulent transactions, reporting and
impact on the Company’s business, its financial term impact of fluctuations in foreign exchange rates corruption.
position and the results of operations. on its cash flow and earnings by entering into hedging
agreements. It is our practice to enter into hedging Taxes
agreements for approximately 60% to 80% of our Increases in taxes, particularly excise tax rates, can Significant excise tax increases in a market tend to
total foreign exchange rate exposure at the start of have an adverse effect on demand for – and the have a negative impact for a period of 12 months, after
each financial year. Foreign exchange rate risks are financial contribution of – the Company’s products. which the business often stabilises and recovers. The
generally hedged through the application of standard consequences of tax changes and resulting changes
forward contracts. in buying behaviour are constantly monitored in
close cooperation with our distributors. Our market
Financing & Interest rate risk positioning is adjusted if and when necessary.
There is a risk that the Company will encounter The Company’s approach to managing liquidity
difficulties meeting the commitments associated through its treasury process is aimed at ensuring,
with its financing facilities. This can result in liquidity to the maximum extent possible, that it will meet
risks and/or not being able to settle financial liabilities its financing facility obligations and have sufficient
by paying in cash or by settling by means of other liquidity to settle its financial liabilities when they
financial assets. Moreover, changes in interest rates are due, without incurring unacceptable losses or
affect the Company’s results and cash flow. damaging the Company’s reputation. Management
invests a great deal of its time managing relationships
with banks and other capital market parties and

Credit risk
Credit risk pertains to liquid assets, derivative The Company operates a credit policy and monitors
instruments and bank balances. The Lucas Bols its exposure to credit risk on an ongoing basis.
Company works with distributors globally, negotiating Furthermore, the Lucas Bols Company has a treasury
payment terms as part of the overall agreement. policy in place and only engages with banks with
This exposes the Company to customer credit risks, high-credit ratings. Credit checks are performed when
including those relating to outstanding receivables and negotiations with distributors take place.
agreed transactions.

94 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 95
In control statement
Management Board Corporate governance
The Lucas Bols Company
The Management Board is responsible for the design
and operation of the internal risk management and Statement
control systems. Management has assessed whether
the risk management and control systems provide
reasonable assurance that the financial reporting
does not contain any material misstatements. In
The Management Board of Lucas Bols N.V.
declares that, to the best of its knowledge, the
financial statements give a true and fair view of
acknowledges the importance of
accordance with best practice 1.4.3 of the Dutch
corporate governance code and with reference to the
the assets, liabilities, financial position and result
of the Lucas Bols Company and its subsidiaries,
good governance and its vital role in
risk management and control chapter and the financial
review on pages 68-70, the Management Board is of the
opinion that, to the best of its knowledge:
and that the report of the Management Board
provides a true and fair view of the situation as at
31 March 2023 and of the state of affairs for the
ensuring integrity and maintaining
• the report provides sufficient insights into any
deficiencies in the effectiveness of the internal
22/23 financial year of the Lucas Bols Company
and its subsidiaries, as well as a description of
open and transparent communications
risk and control systems; no deficiencies in the
effectiveness of the internal risk and control systems
have been identified, as reported on pages 80-96;
the principal risks and uncertainties the Lucas
Bols Company faces. with stakeholders and other parties
• the internal risk management and control systems of
the Company, as reported on pages 80-96, provide
Amsterdam, 24 May 2023
interested in the Lucas Bols
reasonable assurance that the financial reporting
does not contain any material inaccuracies;
• there is a reasonable expectation that the Lucas
Management Board
Huub van Doorne and Frank Cocx Company. Our corporate governance
Bols Company will be able to continue its operations
and meet its liabilities for at least twelve months; is based on principles of integrity,
therefore, it is appropriate to adopt the going-
concern basis in preparing the financial reporting,
as reported on page 70 under net debt and liquidity
transparency and clear and timely
and as referred to in notes 22 and 23 of the financial
statements; and communication. The Management
• there are no material risks or uncertainties that could
reasonably be expected to have a material adverse
effect on the continuity of Lucas Bols’ operations
Board and the Supervisory Board are
in the coming twelve months, as reported on pages
84-96. jointly responsible for the corporate
governance structure at the Lucas Bols
Company, thereby adhering to the
Dutch Corporate Governance Code
(hereinafter ‘the Code’) as available on
the website of the Dutch Monitoring
Commission (

96 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 96 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 97
Corporate governance declaration in responsible consumption of the Lucas Bols Company • appointment, suspension or dismissal of members of Management board
The Lucas Bols Company fully endorses the core products. The overall strategy reflects the Company’s the Management Board and Supervisory Board; Responsibilities
principles of the Code and is committed to following values and ambition to contribute to sustainable long- • remuneration of the Supervisory Board; The Management Board is collectively responsible for
the best practices of the Code to the furthest extent term value creation. In developing a more specific • any Management Board resolution regarding a the management of the Lucas Bols Company. This
possible. However, considering our interests and the and detailed ESG vision the Company engaged with significant change in the identity or nature of the includes the day-to-day management and general
interests of our stakeholders, we deviate from a limited a diverse set of internal and external stakeholders. Lucas Bols Company or its enterprise; affairs of the Company as well as formulating the
number of best practice provisions, which will be The perspectives gained contributed significantly • issuance of shares, whereby the Management long-term value creation strategy, execution and
specified and explained later in this chapter under the to determining the actual or potential impact of the Board is authorised, subject to prior approval by policies, as well as setting and achieving the corporate
paragraph ‘Appointment and dismissal Management Company on the environment and society, taking into the Supervisory Board, to issue shares up to a objectives. The Management Board is also responsible
Board and Supervisory Board’ (best practice provision account the double materiality concept. maximum of 10% of the issued share capital as at for identifying and managing the risks associated with
4.3.3) and the 'Diversity' paragraph (best practice the date of issue and an additional 10% as at that Lucas Bols’ activities, and for the financial performance
provisions 2.1.5 and 2.1.6). A further elaboration on creating long-term value can date in connection with or on occasion of mergers, and corporate social responsibility issues relevant to
be found in the value creation model included in the acquisitions and strategic alliances and to restrict the business. The Management Board consists of two
General Strategy chapter, the interview with the Management or exclude the pre-emptive rights in relation to any members, each having duties related to their specific
The Lucas Bols Company is a public limited company Board, the relevant chapter on ESG and the reports of issuance referred to above. This authorisation is responsibilities and area of expertise. The members of
(NV) incorporated and based in the Netherlands and the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. granted until 7 January 2024; the Management Board are individually authorised to
is therefore subject to Dutch legislation as well as • acquisition and redemption of shares, whereby the represent the Lucas Bols Company.
its own Articles of Association, internal policies and Risk management and control framework Management Board is authorised, subject to the
procedures. The Lucas Bols Company is not subject to The Lucas Bols Company promotes a transparent, approval by the Supervisory Board, to acquire up Appointment and dismissal
the Dutch large company regime. Reference is made to company-wide approach to risk management and to a maximum of 10% of the shares in the capital of The General Meeting appoints the members of the
note 28 of the consolidated financial statements for an control, enabling it to operate effectively. This the Company at a price not higher than 10% above Management Board, with the Supervisory Board
overview of the Company’s subsidiaries. Responsibility approach is aimed at finding the right balance between the average closing price of the shares on Euronext permitted to make non-binding nominations for such
for the management of the Lucas Bols Company lies maximising business opportunities and managing the Amsterdam over the five days preceding the date appointments. In the event the Supervisory Board
with the Management Board, under supervision of the risks involved. on which the purchase is made. This authorisation is makes a nomination, the resolution of the General
Supervisory Board. granted until 7 January 2024; and Meeting to appoint the nominee must be adopted by
The Management Board adopts a bottom-up approach • adoption of amendments to the Articles of Association. an absolute majority of the votes cast. In the event the
Long-term value creation, culture and sustainability which involves risk ownership further down the nomination was not made by the Supervisory Board,
Lucas Bols’ strategy and culture are aimed at long- organisation. The risk management and control Further details can be found in the Articles of the resolution of the General Meeting to appoint a
term value creation. To the Lucas Bols Company, framework is outlined in more detail in the 'Risk Association, which are published on the corporate member of the Management Board must be passed by
long-term value creation is all about building brands management and control' paragraph starting on website a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, representing
and leveraging our strategic platform in a sustainable page 80 of this Annual Report. over 50% of the issued share capital. This is stricter
manner. To create value, Lucas Bols constantly and This year the Annual General Meeting is scheduled to than prescribed in best practice provision 4.3.3 of the
consciously invests in its brands, through investments Shares – voting rights take place on 7 July 2023. Each shareholder may attend Code. The Lucas Bols Company believes it is important
in A&P, product development, quality and long-term The authorised share capital of the Lucas Bols the General Meeting, address the General Meeting and that a diligent process be safeguarded, which is why we
partnerships. Company comprises a single class of registered shares. exercise voting rights pro rata to their shareholding, deviate from the Code in this respect.
All issued shares are fully paid up and each share either in person or by proxy. Shareholders may exercise
Strategic endeavours are undertaken bearing in mind confers the right to cast a single vote at the General these rights provided they are holders of shares on The Supervisory Board may suspend a member of the
of the rapidly changing environment the Company Meeting. At the end of the 22/23 financial year, the the record date, which is twenty-eight days before the Management Board at any time. The General Meeting
operates in. This environment is impacted by Lucas Bols Company held no shares in its own capital. date of the General Meeting, and they or their proxy may suspend or dismiss a member of the Management
macroeconomic and societal developments, including have notified the Lucas Bols Company of their intention Board at any time. The General Meeting may only adopt
new technologies and changing business models. To General meeting to attend the General Meeting. Draft minutes of the a resolution to dismiss a member of the Management
ensure the creation of sustainable long-term, value in Important matters that require the approval of the meeting will be released within three months of the Board by an absolute majority of the votes cast and
accordance with our value creation model outlined on General Meeting include: meeting and will be available for comments for three at the proposal of the Supervisory Board. If no such
pages 50-51 input is actively gathered from interactions • adoption of the annual accounts; months thereafter. The final version of the minutes will proposal is made, the resolution to suspend or dismiss
with stakeholders and a continuous evaluation of risks, • declaration of dividends; be published on the corporate website. a member of the Management Board must be passed
amongst other sources. • remuneration policy; by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, representing
• discharge from liability of the members of the In accordance with provision 4.2.3 of the Code, the over 50% of the issued share capital. This is stricter
In the year under review the Company developed a Management Board in respect of their management Lucas Bols Company announces analyst meetings, than prescribed in best practice provision 4.3.3 of the
more specific and detailed vision on how value creation activities for the Lucas Bols Company; presentations to (institutional) investors and press Code. The Lucas Bols Company believes it is important
can be maximised by explicitly incorporating ESG • discharge from liability of the members of the conferences in advance on the corporate website. The that a diligent process be safeguarded, which is why we
elements into its overall corporate strategy. These Supervisory Board in respect of their supervision of presentations are made available on the corporate deviate from the Code in this respect.
elements focus on empowering employees, limiting the the management of the Lucas Bols Company; website after the meetings. The analyst presentations
Company’s impact on the planet and further investing • appointment of the external auditor; are webcast.

98 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 99
Remuneration plan. The non-financial target for the 22/23 LTIP of the Supervisory Board as a whole. The Supervisory The Supervisory Board has adopted its own regulations
The remuneration policy is aimed at attracting, relates to the determination, documentation and Board has adopted a profile for its size and composition, with regard to objectives, composition, duties,
motivating and retaining highly qualified executives ­and implementation of an integrated ESG strategy for the taking into account the nature of the Lucas Bols responsibilities and working methods, as well as a
rewarding members of the Management Board with a Lucas Bols Company. business and activities and defining the desired profile and a retirement and resignation schedule. The
balanced and competitive remuneration package that background and expertise of members. regulations and other documents are available on the
is focused on sustainable results and is consistent The remuneration report can be found starting on page corporate website.
with the long-term value creation strategy of the Lucas 110 of this Annual Report and on the corporate website. Members of the Supervisory Board are appointed for a
Bols Company. The performance criteria on which term of four years and may be reappointed for another Diversity
the variable remuneration is based are aligned with In compliance with the Code, the management four-year period and subsequently for a maximum of In order to achieve a desired balance, the Supervisory
the Company’s objectives to create long-term value. agreements of the Management Board members two terms of two years. Board aims for a diverse composition of both the
Pursuant to the remuneration policy, the remuneration contain a provision relating to severance arrangements Management Board and the Supervisory Board, for
package of the Management Board members consists to compensate for the loss of income resulting from a Appointment and dismissal example in terms of gender and age, but does not
of fixed and variable components. non-voluntary termination of the service agreement, The members of the Supervisory Board are appointed yet follow best practice provision 2.1.5 of the Code to
up to a maximum of the fixed base remuneration of by the General Meeting. The Supervisory Board is formulate an explicit policy on diversity and inclusion,
The remuneration policy of the Company, previously the respective Management Board member. In line permitted to make a non-binding nomination for the neither was a specific target set in these areas. The
adopted by the General Meeting in 2019, has been with applicable legislation and good governance, the appointment of a member of the Supervisory Board. Supervisory Board’s overriding principle is for both
replaced by a new remuneration policy for the financial management agreements of the members of the The resolution of the General Meeting to appoint boards to be composed of members who can make
years 22/23-25/26. The new policy continues existing Management Board include a clawback clause which the nominee upon a nomination by the Supervisory a valuable contribution in terms of experience and
policy principles, the new policy is updated where allows for a test of reasonableness. Board must be adopted by an absolute majority of the knowledge of the industry the Lucas Bols Company
necessary and introduces a new policy element. This votes cast. If the Supervisory Board has not made a operates in. In determining profiles for new members
new element concerns a long-term incentive plan (LTIP) Supervisory board nomination, a resolution of the General Meeting for of the boards, the Company will pay close attention
for the members of the Management Board (and is also Responsibilities the appointment of a member of the Supervisory to the aforementioned best practice provision.
available to a select group of other senior management The Supervisory Board supervises the Management Board must be passed by a two-thirds majority of the
members), the objective of which is to drive and reward Board and the general course of business of the Lucas votes cast, representing over 50% of the issued share The Lucas Bols Company complies with Dutch
sound business decisions for the long-term health of Bols Company. capital. This is stricter than prescribed in best practice legislation on diversity which requires companies to
the Company, to stimulate retention and to improve provision 4.3.3 of the Code. The Lucas Bols Company have at least one third of the seats on the Supervisory
market competitiveness. The LTIP is performance and The Supervisory Board also provides advice to the believes it is important that a diligent process can be Board held by women or men.
time-based with annual rolling grants, a three-year Management Board. In performing their duties, the safeguarded, that is why we deviate from the Code in
performance period with cliff vesting and the use of members of the Supervisory Board must be guided by this respect. Overall we believe as well in a diverse workforce.
phantom shares to create a direct link to the share the interests of the Lucas Bols Company and take into We constantly seek to create a positive corporate
price of the Lucas Bols Company. The at-target pay-out account the relevant interests of all of the Company’s The General Meeting may suspend or dismiss a culture, in which all employees have equal rights
is 25% of the fixed base remuneration contingent on stakeholders (including its shareholders) as well as the member of the Supervisory Board at any time. In the and opportunities, regardless of their gender, age,
full achievement of the objectives with a cap of 50% corporate social responsibility issues that are relevant event the Supervisory Board proposes the dismissal sexual orientation or background. We continue to be
of the fixed base remuneration in the event of above- to the business of the Lucas Bols Company. of one of its members, the resolution of the General fairly balanced from a gender perspective – 43 of
target performance. If the performance achieved is Meeting to dismiss such a member must be adopted our employees are male and 35 are female (in 21/22:
below a certain threshold level, no LTIP amount will be The Supervisory Board is responsible for the quality of by an absolute majority of votes cast. In the absence 43 male and 28 female). Furthermore, Lucas Bols
paid out. At the beginning of each performance period its own performance. The Supervisory Board consists of a proposal from the Supervisory Board to dismiss employees represent a great number of nationalities
the Supervisory Board establishes the performance of four members, Mr. René Hooft Graafland (chair), one of its members the General Meeting resolution and the age composition within the organisation is quite
measures, the weighting and the corresponding targets. Mr. Ralph Wisbrun (vice-chair), Mrs. Alex Oldroyd and to make such a dismissal must be passed by a two- balanced.
In addition to the performance conditions, vesting is Mrs. Marie-Pauline Lauret. thirds majority of the votes cast, representing over
subject to continued employment with the Company. 50% of the issued share capital. This is again stricter As part of the Company’s ESG strategy KPIs will be set
The performance measures consist of three financial All members of the Supervisory Board are independent than prescribed in best practice provision 4.3.3 of the on diversity and inclusion, underpinned by a feasible
targets compromising 75% of the LTIP award whilst 25% as defined in best practice provisions 2.1.7 to 2.1.9 of Code. The Lucas Bols Company believes it is important plan to achieve specific goals as further outlined in the
of the award is based on non-financial targets. the Code. In view of its size, the Supervisory Board has that a diligent process be safeguarded, which is why chapter on ESG (pages 72-79).
decided not to appoint any committees in the interest we deviate from the Code in this respect. The Lucas
The three financial targets for the LTIP granted at the of efficiency. However, audit-related discussions are Bols Company ensures structured reporting lines to Conflict of interest
start of the 22/23 financial year relate to Global Cocktail chaired by Mrs. Marie-Pauline Lauret and discussions its Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board meets Any potential or actual conflict of interest between the
Brands revenue (three-year average growth rate in %), on remuneration are chaired by Mr. Ralph Wisbrun. regularly throughout the year, with a minimum of Lucas Bols Company and a member of the Management
earnings per share (three-year average growth rate in Specific duties that are part of the audit committee’s four meetings a year taking place. The chair of the Board or Supervisory Board should be reported to the
%) and free operating cash flows (three-year cumulative legal responsibility such as the monitoring of the Supervisory Board ensures the proper functioning of chair of the Supervisory Board and the other respective
in EUR), each of which is to be assessed organically. financial reporting process and the effectiveness the Supervisory Board and acts as the main contact for board members.
The targets are based on a three-year medium-term of the internal control systems are the responsibility the Management Board.

100 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 101
Any board member holding shares in the Lucas Bols Statement in light of article 10 of the EU Takeover
Company must do so for the purpose of a long-term Directive
investment. Board members must at all times comply In accordance with Article 10 of the EU Takeover
with the provisions set out in the insider trading Directive, companies with securities that trading on
rules of the Lucas Bols Company. Both Management a regulated market are obliged to disclose certain
Board members hold shares in the Company. None information in their Annual Report. Accordingly,
of the Supervisory Board members holds shares in the Lucas Bols Company is required to disclose
the Company, except for Mr. René Hooft Graafland, the following information and make the following
who holds 8,500 shares in the Company (0.06% of all statements:
shares outstanding). There were no conflicts of interest
between the Lucas Bols Company and any board a. An overview of Lucas Bols’ capital structure is
member during the financial year. included on page 98 of this Annual Report. Shares
in the capital of the Lucas Bols Company are freely
Auditor transferable, there are no special control or voting
At the Annual General Meeting held on 7 July 2022 rights attached to its shares, nor are voting rights
PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants N.V. (PwC) was limited in any manner. The Lucas Bols Company is
appointed as the Company's external auditor for a not aware of any agreements that might result in a
period of four years, starting with the audit of the 22/23 limitation of the transferability of the voting rights
financial year (i.e. the period ending 31 March 2023) and on shares in its capital. Substantial shareholdings of
ending with the audit of the financial statements for the shares in the capital of Lucas Bols are included on
period ending 31 March 2026. page 20 of this Annual Report.
b) The Lucas Bols Company has an Employee Share
The Management Board ensures that the external Participation Plan in place, which is described on
auditor can properly perform its audit task. The page 127 of this Annual Report.
Management Board reports to the Supervisory Board c) The credit facility of the Lucas Bols Company
on PwC’s functioning as external auditor and its fee. incorporates what is known as a change of control
The Supervisory Board evaluates PwC’s functioning provision. If a party acquires more than 50% of
taking into consideration the input of the Management Lucas Bols' issued share capital or voting rights,
Board. For the year under review PwC confirmed the Lucas Bols Company is subject to a repayment
its independence from the Lucas Bols Company in commitment.
accordance with the professional standards applicable d) The provisions regarding the appointment and
to PwC. The external auditor meets with Mrs. Marie- dismissal of Management Board and Supervisory
Pauline Lauret (who chairs meetings on audit-related Board members are set out on pages 99-101 of this
matters) at least once a year without the Management Annual Report.
Board being present.
Closing statement
Amendment of the Articles of Association The information required to be included in the
The General Meeting may resolve to amend the Articles Management Board report pursuant to article 2a of
of Association at the proposal of the Management the Decree for the contents of board reports (Besluit
Board and subject to the prior approval of the inhoud bestuursverslag) is included in this Corporate
Supervisory Board. If a proposal to amend the Articles governance chapter as well as in the Risk Management
of Association is to be made at a General Meeting, and Control chapter of this Annual Report.
the notice of such meeting must state the proposal, a
copy of which shall be deposited and kept available at
the Company’s office for inspection by, and must be
made available free of charge to, the shareholders until
the conclusion of the meeting. An amendment of the
Articles of Association shall be laid down in a notarial

102 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 103
Chair Member
Mr. D.R. (René) Hooft Graafland Mrs. A.L. (Alexandra) Oldroyd
1955, Dutch nationality 1967, British nationality

Current (first) term commenced Current (second) term commenced

on 10 July 2019 and expires in 2023. on 9 July 2020 and expires in 2024.
First term commenced on 1 September 2016.
Other positions:
Supervisory Board member of Royal Ahold Delhaize N.V. Other positions:
Chairman of Stichting African Parks Foundation Managing Director of Fluxion Advisors
Chairman of Royal Theater Carré Fund Non-Executive Director of Brockmans Gin

Composition of the
Supervisory Board

Member Vice-Chair
Mrs. M.P. (Marie-Pauline) Lauret Mr. R. (Ralph) Wisbrun
1979, Dutch nationality 1957, Dutch nationality

Current (first) term commenced Current (second) term commenced

on 7 July 2022 and expires in 2026. on 8 July 2021 and expires in 2025.
First term commenced on 7 September 2017.
Other positions:
Vice President Risk & Assurance of Philip Morris Other positions:
International Founder of Wisbrun Eastwood
Member of the Strategic Board of ACE

104 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 105
Report of the Composition of the Supervisory Board
On 31 March 2023 the Supervisory Board of the Lucas
profile (including its competence and expertise), the
effectiveness of the Supervisory Board meetings,

Supervisory Board
Bols Company consisted of four members: Mr. René the lessons learned from this year’s experiences, the
Hooft Graafland (chair), Mr. Ralph Wisbrun (vice- chair), adequacy of the information supplied to the Supervisory
Mrs. Alex Oldroyd and Mrs. Marie-Pauline Lauret. Board and the training of the Supervisory Board. This
assessment was conducted through questionnaires
The appointment of Mrs. Marie-Pauline Lauret was completed by the individual Supervisory Board and
approved by the shareholders at the Annual General Management Board members and a subsequent
Meeting of 7 July 2022. Mrs. Marina Wyatt stepped evaluation and discussion.
down at that Annual General Meeting after having
served as a member of the Supervisory Board for During the previous evaluation the Supervisory
eight years. Board expressed a desire to spend more time on
the Company’s ESG strategy and reporting. This
The re-election of Mr. René Hooft Graafland will be was adequately addressed in the year under review.
proposed to shareholders at the Annual General A dedicated Lucas Bols team assisted by external
Meeting scheduled to take place on 7 July 2023. experts carried out an extensive ESG project, defining
the Lucas Bols Company’s ESG strategy and identifying
The composition of the Supervisory Board is in line relevant KPIs, as further described on pages 72-79
with the Supervisory Board profile as drawn up by the of this Annual Report. The team benefited from
Supervisory Board and published on the Lucas Bols Mrs. Marie-Pauline Lauret’s thorough experience
corporate website. Currently the gender ratio of the on the matter. Furthermore, the Supervisory Board
Supervisory Board is balanced at 50-50. All members expressed the desire to develop a better view on talent
of the Supervisory Board will continue to be selected and management development. These topics were
based not solely on their expertise and independence, extensively discussed during one of the meetings
but also on their background and the diversity aspects of the Supervisory Board in the year under review.
outlined in the Supervisory Board profile. For more The outcome of this year’s evaluation was positive
information on diversity at the Lucas Bols Company with perceived strong board dynamics, an excellent
please refer to the Corporate Governance chapter in relationship between the Supervisory Board and the
this Annual Report. Management Board and sufficient and high-quality
information sharing. Areas for improvement identified
The Supervisory Board confirms that all members are during this year’s assessment relate to increasing the
Whilst the Company benefitted from strong business integration of Tequila Partida and launched various independent as defined in best practice provisions 2.1.7 Supervisory Board’s exposure to key management
recovery following the pandemic, accelerated cocktail innovations in key markets. Working capital to 2.1.9 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. No personnel and key stakeholders and the Company’s
growth in the US and the completion of key strategic investments were required to support the ongoing member of the Supervisory Board holds more than five organisational operating model in relation to its
initiatives, the 22/23 financial year was heavily business and did not stop a further strengthening of the directorships at Dutch large companies, in accordance strategic ambitions.
impacted by macroeconomic and geopolitical factors Company’s balance sheet. In addition, a major strategic with section 2:142a of the Dutch Civil Code.
that intensified when the war in Ukraine broke out. step was realised this year with the sale of Avandis. In addition the composition, functioning and
Limited availability of key raw materials (mainly glass) Knowing that an attractive long-term co-manufacturing As the Supervisory Board consists of only four succession planning of the Management Board and
and longer production and logistic lead times resulted agreement is in place, this will enable management to members, it has decided not to appoint separate the performance of its individual members were
in a disrupted supply chain and required higher further increase it focus on the cocktail-driven mission, committees among its members. The Supervisory assessed using input from each individual Supervisory
working capital investments, whilst the inflationary brand development and the Company’s route-to- Board as a whole carries out the duties of an audit Board member. This input was discussed in a meeting
environment put pressure on profit margins. Sales in market. Another milestone was the acquisition of the committee as well as other committees. Matters of the Supervisory Board without the Management
the US specifically suffered from industry-wide glass Fluère brand, adding a leading and high-quality non- regarding remuneration are chaired by Mr. Ralph Board present, and subsequently discussed with both
shortages, and early signs of deteriorating consumer alcoholic spirits brand to the portfolio. This positions Wisbrun and matters related to financial reporting and Management Board members individually.
purchasing power started to materialise there and in the Lucas Bols Company very well to leverage the the external audit are chaired by Mrs. Marie-Pauline
other markets in the second half of the financial year. rapidly growing no- and lower-alcohol category. Lauret, who has extensive financial and accounting Meetings and attendance in 22/23
Moreover, the Company ceased all business with Russia Important progress was also made on designing and experience. The Supervisory Board held five ordinary meetings
while local COVID-19 circumstances in China prevented implementing the Lucas Bols Company ESG strategy. during the year under review. All members were present
further recovery and growth in that important growth Evaluation at every meeting. The Management Board attended
market. The Supervisory Board enjoyed supervising and The Supervisory Board reviewed and discussed its every meeting with the exception of part of the one
advising the Management Board in managing current own functioning during the 22/23 financial year. meeting in which the Supervisory Board discussed
Despite these challenges the Lucas Bols team realised challenges and driving strategic progress to focus on The assessment included reviews of the composition the performance and remuneration of the individual
revenue growth of 9%, successfully completed the the sustainable long-term future of the Company. of the Supervisory Board, the Supervisory Board’s Management Board members.

106 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 107
All meetings were held in person. In between the the project of reviewing the feasibility of a long-term The meeting approved the amendment to the 22/23 financial statements and dividend
meetings Mr. René Hooft Graafland, as chair of the incentive plan (LTIP). After the new remuneration policy remuneration policy of the Company adopted by the The Supervisory Board has reviewed and discussed the
Supervisory Board, maintained contact with both was approved by the Annual General Meeting, the LTIP General Meeting in 2019. The amended policy shall be 22/23 Annual Report. The 22/23 financial statements as
Management Board members on a regular basis, while for senior management (including the Management applicable to the financial years 22/23-25/26. prepared by the Management Board have been audited
Mrs. Marina Wyatt (before stepping down as member of Board) was implemented effective 1 April 2022. by PricewaterhouseCoopers, whose auditor’s report is
the Supervisory Board) and Mrs. Marie-Pauline Lauret A continuation of existing policy principles, this new included in this Annual Report, and were extensively
(after her appointment at the Annual General Meeting) In the 22/23 financial year the external auditor policy was updated where necessary and introduced discussed by the Supervisory Board and the external
were in regular contact with the CFO to discuss topics (Ernst & Young Accountants LLP, followed by an LTIP for the members of the Management Board auditor in the presence of the Management Board in
including financial reporting, ESG and audit-related PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants N.V. as of the aimed at driving and rewarding sound business May 2023. The Supervisory Board believes the 22/23
matters. Annual General Meeting) attended two Supervisory decisions for long-term value creation for the Lucas financial statements of the Lucas Bols Company meet
Board meetings. At the May 2022 Supervisory Board Bols Company, stimulating retention and improving all requirements for correctness and transparency.
Major topics discussed at the meetings included the meeting, EY presented the independent auditor’s report market competitiveness. All members of the Supervisory Board and the
ongoing impact of macroeconomic and geopolitical and long-form auditor’s report along with the findings Management Board have signed the 22/23 financial
circumstances (mainly with regard to the impact of of the audit of the 21/22 financial statements. The key The meeting approved the amendment to the statements pursuant to the statutory obligations under
the war in Ukraine), global supply chain disruptions, matters pertaining to the 22/23 financial statements as remuneration policy of the Company adopted by article 2:101 (2) of the Dutch Civil Code.
the inflationary environment and the pandemic on well as the procedures and findings with regard to the the General Meeting in 2019. The amended policy
the Company’s performance, financial position and 22/23 interim financial information were subsequently shall be applicable to the financial years 22/23-25/26. The Management Board will present the financial
strategy. Ongoing discussions were also held on the presented by the newly appointed external auditor, A continuation of existing policy principles, this new statements for 22/23 and its report at the Annual
capital structure and the operating model. Furthermore, PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants N.V., at the policy was updated where necessary and introduced an General Meeting of shareholders on 7 July 2023.
the development of the Lucas Bols ESG strategy was November 2022 Supervisory Board meeting. LTIP for the members of the Management Board aimed The Supervisory Board recommends that the Annual
on the agenda of various Supervisory Board meetings. at driving and rewarding sound business decisions General Meeting adopt the 22/23 financial statements
The Supervisory Board provided management with Report of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for long-term value creation for the Lucas Bols and discharge the Management Board and the
their views on the envisaged strategy, KPIs and related In view of the pandemic the 2022 Annual General Company, stimulating retention and improving market Supervisory Board from liability for their management
targets as well as on the implementation of and Meeting of Shareholders was held virtually. In order to competitiveness. and supervision, respectively, in the year under review.
reporting on the strategy. The roll-out of Bols Ready- keep shareholders, employees and other stakeholders Dividend distribution was resumed in the financial year
to-Enjoy Cocktails and the integration and performance safe, the Company decided in accordance with the PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants N.V. was with an interim cash dividend paid out in November
of Tequila Partida were also amongst the key topics temporary Dutch COVID-19 Act that the Annual General appointed by the General Meeting as the Company's 2022 of € 0.21 per share and proposed final dividend
discussed at the meetings during the year. In the first Meeting would only be accessible to shareholders via a external auditor for a period of four years, starting of € 0.13 per share which would put the total full-year
half of the year significant attention was paid to the live webcast. Shareholders were given the opportunity with the audit of the 22/23 financial year (i.e. the year dividend at € 0.34.
sale of the Company’s share in Avandis to Refresco, to submit questions prior to the meeting, and those ending 31 March 2023) and ending with the audit of the
including the new co-manufacturing agreement that who did were also permitted to ask follow-up questions financial statements for the financial year ending The members of the Supervisory Board would like to
is now in place for the production of a vast majority during the meeting itself. The answers to pre-submitted 31 March 2026. thank both the Lucas Bols shareholders and business
of Lucas Bols’ products. In the second half of the year questions were published on the Company’s website partners for their ongoing commitment to our Company.
the new bank facilities (extending the finance facilities prior to the meeting and addressed during the meeting. Internal audit function In particular, we wish to thank all Lucas Bols employees
for a period of two years at competitive conditions) Based on the Management Board's evaluation of Lucas and the Management Board for their unwavering
were also discussed with the Supervisory Board. At the Annual General Meeting the Management Board Bols’ internal control system and the discussions of commitment and hard work. In these volatile and
Recurring topics of discussion included the financial gave an account of the general state of affairs at the the Supervisory Board with the Management Board, uncertain times they have proven to be flexible, willing
performance and brand, market and distribution Lucas Bols Company and of the Company’s financial it is the opinion of the Supervisory Board that internal to adjust and focused on the long-term strategy.
developments in the various areas where the Lucas Bols performance in the 21/22 financial year. The meeting control elements are effectively integrated into the Financially the Company is currently in a better position
Company operates, compliance, investor relations and adopted the 21/22 financial statements. The members Company’s operations, also taking into account the size than before the pandemic and the strategic initiatives
risk management (including actions taken to mitigate of the Management Board were discharged from of the Company and its relatively simple and centralised undertaken provide strong business fundamentals for
risks and further strengthen the Company’s internal liability for their management and the members of the structure. Furthermore, the Lucas Bols Company the years ahead.
control framework). Supervisory Board were similarly discharged for their performs periodical audits at its distributors, focusing
supervision thereof. mainly on A&P spend and how this is accounted for. Amsterdam, 24 May 2023
In general, the Supervisory Board focused on the
strategy and long-term value creation with the The meeting appointed Mrs. Marie-Pauline Lauret as In accordance with best practice provision 1.3.6 of the On behalf of the Supervisory Board
Management Board, with discussions including the a Supervisory Board member for a term of four years Dutch Corporate Governance Code and based on these
objectives, execution and progress achieved. During and the meeting reappointed Mr. Huub van Doorne as a observations it is the opinion of the Supervisory Board
these discussions the Supervisory Board challenged member of the Management Board for a four-year term, that there is currently no reason to recommend the
the Management Board on its strategic agenda both from the date of their appointment. installation of a dedicated internal audit function. René Hooft Graafland
and milestone planning. In order to better align the The Supervisory Board reviews this decision annually. Chair
Company's senior management incentives with long-
term value creation, the Supervisory Board finalised

108 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 109
Remuneration policy
The remuneration report stems from the Positioning within the Company
In setting the remuneration levels for the Management

remuneration policy of the Lucas Bols

The remuneration policy is aimed at attracting, Board, the Supervisory Board considers factors
motivating and retaining highly qualified executives and including the level of remuneration within the Company
rewarding members of the Management Board with a for positions below the Management Board. The

Company which is drawn up in accordance balanced and competitive remuneration package. This
package focuses on sustainable results and is aligned
with the Company’s long-term strategy. The qualitative
Supervisory Board also takes the pay ratio into account,
which provides a reflection of the total average

with the Dutch Corporate Governance

compensation of all employees of the Company globally
KPIs for variable remuneration are linked to the long- relative to the total average remuneration package of
term strategy aimed at leading the development of the Management Board members. The internal pay

Code and the revised Shareholder Rights the cocktail market, worldwide growth of our cocktail
brands, developing our Regional Liqueurs & Spirits
and leveraging the Company’s operational excellence
ratio is a factor in the determination of changes in the
remuneration level of the Management Board, whereby
any such changes should be in line with the average

Directive of the European Parliament, the with a sustainable approach. Within the scope of the
remuneration policy as adopted by the General Meeting
salary adjustment throughout the Company.

European Council (2017/828/EU) and of the Lucas Bols Company, the remuneration and other
terms of employment of the Management Board are
determined by the Supervisory Board.
Fixed base remuneration
The members of the Management Board receive an
annual fixed base remuneration. Any adjustment is

article 2:135a and 2:135b of the Dutch Civil The annual remuneration of the members of the
subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board and
should be in line with the principles of the remuneration

Code. The current remuneration policy was Management Board consists of the following
• fixed base remuneration;

Pension and other benefits

adopted at the Annual General Meeting of • allowance for pension and other benefits;
• short-term variable remuneration (paid in cash); and
The members of the Management Board are entitled
to an allowance in the form of a gross amount or

Shareholders of 7 July 2022. Pursuant to • long-term variable remuneration (paid in cash).

The remuneration policy does not provide for incentives

a percentage of their base salary for the purpose
of contributing to a Company pension scheme or
arranging their pension in any other way. The members

the requirements in the Dutch Civil Code, by way of remuneration that is awarded in shares of the
capital of the Lucas Bols Company. Awards under the
of the Management Board are furthermore entitled
to customary other benefits, such as a fixed expense

the changes to and implementation of the long-term incentive plan are made in phantom shares.
Furthermore the members of the Management Board
are allowed to participate in the Company’s Employee
allowance (including for the use of a private car) and the
reimbursement of costs.

remuneration policy in the 21/22 financial Share Participation Plan, the specifics of which are
described on page 127 of the Annual Report.
Short-term variable remuneration
The members of the Management Board are entitled

year were discussed and put to an advisory

to a short-term variable remuneration (which is paid
Scenario analyses are considered in setting the in cash). The maximum short-term annual variable
remuneration policy. remuneration amounts to 50% of the fixed base

vote at the Annual General Meeting of Benchmark group

remuneration and is paid out if predefined criteria are
realised (the threshold performance level).

Shareholders on 7 July 2022. Changes in

The remuneration of the Management Board members
is set around the median of remuneration levels paid The quantitative and qualitative KPI’s are set by the
within relevant markets and a peer group of comparable Supervisory Board annually at the start of the relevant

the remuneration policy were supported by companies. The total reference group consists of
16 companies. The group consists of Dutch listed
financial year in accordance with the remuneration policy.

97.12% of the votes cast by the shareholders

companies similar to the Company in size (market cap, Long-term variable remuneration
FTE, revenue) but does not include companies in the Management Board members are eligible for awards
financial, real estate and pharmaceutical industries. under the long-term variable remuneration plan

and the implementation of the remuneration Furthermore, Dutch companies operating in the
branded consumer goods sector or retail industry that
fall outside the scope guideline were added to the
(LTIP). The objective of the LTIP is to drive and reward
sound business decisions for the long-term health
of the Lucas Bols Company, stimulate retention and

policy was supported by 97.13% of the votes. reference group. Several direct competitors from within
the industry were also added.
improve market competitiveness. The LTIP supports
the effective execution of the Company’s strategy and

110 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 111
aligns the interests of Management Board members In the financial year ending 31 March 2023 Remuneration of the Management Board in 22/23
with those of the Lucas Bols Company stakeholders. Mr. Van Doorne served the Lucas Bols Company
Awards under the LTIP are made in phantom shares. via a management agreement with a management The remuneration costs for the Management Board members in 22/23 were as follows:
The LTIP amount is paid out in cash if predefined company controlled by Mr. Van Doorne. Mr. Cocx served
targets above a certain threshold level are realised, the Company via a management agreement with him REMUNERATION OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD IN 2022/23

while the maximum amount may be paid out only in as a natural person.
the event of outperformance. Target pay-out amounts FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH)

to 25% of the annual base salary, with a cap of 50% Deviation from remuneration policy 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022

of the annual base salary in the event of above target At the discretion of the Supervisory Board the various Salary 492 482 313 290 805 772
performance. components of the remuneration policy may be deviated Variable remuneration – short-term 77 224 69 138 146 362
from in the event of extraordinary circumstances, in Variable remuneration – long-term1 29 – 19 – 48 –
Reasonableness test and clawback clause which case any such deviation is deemed necessary to Pension – – 31 29 31 29
For any variable remuneration component awarded serve the Company’s long-term interests, sustainability Other2 109 95 28 20 137 115
to a member of the Management Board in a previous or vitality. The Supervisory Board will inform the General Total 707 801 460 477 1,167 1,278
financial year which would, in the opinion of the Meeting of Shareholders of any decision to deviate Proportion of variable remuneration 15.0% 28.0% 19.1% 28.9%
Supervisory Board, produce an unfair result due to from the remuneration policy by substantiating the
extraordinary circumstances during the period in which extraordinary circumstances that have led to any such 1 The variable remuneration long-term has not been paid out as the phantom shares have not yet vested. Final pay-out is dependent on performance
the predetermined performance criteria were or should decision. on predefined targets. This means the total remuneration awarded or due to Mr. van Doorne and Mr. Cocx in 22/23 amounts to € 678 thousand and
have been met, the Supervisory Board has the power to € 441 thousand, respectively.
adjust the value downwards or upwards (reasonableness 2 Other benefits for both Mr. Van Doorne and Mr. Cocx include a 2% one-off payment of their 21/22 fixed based remuneration. Additionally other
test). In addition, under Dutch law the Supervisory benefits for Mr. Cocx include insurances and the use of a car. For Mr. Van Doorne the other benefits include an expense allowance to cover all costs
Board has the authority to recover from a member incurred by the management BV (including the costs of insurance, tax, car, pension scheme contributions).
of the Management Board any variable remuneration
awarded on the basis of incorrect financial or other data
(clawback clause).
Fixed base remuneration These performance targets and objectives constitute
Severance pay To compensate for inflation the fixed base remuneration a balanced mix of financial, qualitative and personal
In line with the Dutch Civil Code the management of Mr. Van Doorne and Mr. Cocx for the 22/23 financial performance criteria. During the 22/23 financial
agreements between the Lucas Bols Company and year was increased to € 491,750 and € 312,500, year the financial targets were aimed at revenue
members of the Management Board contain severance respectively. The members of the Management Board and operating profit (both of which have an equal
provisions. The maximum amount of any compensation and all other employees also received a one-off weighting). The financial targets made up 50% of the
is equal to the fixed base remuneration of the payment of 2% of their 21/22 fixed base remuneration, total performance criteria. Achieving these targets
Management Board member, provided the cause for which is included in Other. contributes to the Lucas Bols strategy of building
termination is not deemed to be an urgent reason within brand equity and accelerating the growth of the
the meaning of article 7:787 of the Dutch Civil Code. Short-term variable remuneration Global Cocktail Brands whilst leveraging operational
The performance targets and objectives for the short- excellence.
Management agreements and appointment term term variable remuneration were set by the Supervisory
Members of the Management Board are appointed Board for each member of the Management Board at The table below provides an overview of the threshold,
for a period of four years and may be reappointed for the start of the 22/23 financial year. on target and maximum pay-out for these financial
four-year terms. Both members of the Management performance targets, the weighting and the actual
Board have a management agreement with the performance rating, which is the same for both
Company. The management agreements are entered members of the Management Board.
into for an indefinite period of time, with a notice period
of three months for Mr. Cocx and six months for
Mr. Van Doorne and the Company. The agreements REMUNERATION OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD IN 2022/23

with the Management Board do not contain a change MAXIMUM

grant any personal loans or advances to, or guarantees
on behalf of, the members of the Management Board. Net revenue FY22/23 25% Below
€ 100.6 Threshold
Operating profit (normalised) FY22/23 25% Below
€ 15.1 Threshold

112 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 113
The qualitative and personal performance measures Pay ratio REMUNERATION IN LAST FIVE FINANCIAL YEARS
accounted for 50% of the total criteria for each of The Corporate Governance Code requires the Lucas
COMPENSATION (IN € ‘000) % % % % %
the members of the Management Board. For the CEO Bols Company to report on the pay ratio within the 2019 CHANGE 2020 CHANGE 2021 CHANGE 2022 CHANGE 2023 CHANGE
these included growth of the Global Cocktail Brands Company. The pay ratio used by the Lucas Bols
(including achieving certain revenue targets regarding Company reflects the average total compensation of all Total remuneration CEO 659,000 (7)% 574,000 (13)% 577,000 1% 801,000 39% 713,000 (11)%
the Bols Ready-to-Enjoy Cocktails), further expansion of Lucas Bols employees globally, excluding the CEO and Total remuneration CFO 439,000 (6)% 380,000 (13)% 339,000 (11)% 477,000 41% 451,000 (5)%
the US market (including Tequila Partida) and specific CFO (€ 127,162 in 22/23) (€ 125,325 in 21/22) relative
targets in relation to the Lucas Bols Company strategy to the total average remuneration package (fixed and
as a whole, such as the sale of Avandis and ESG-related variable) of both the CEO and CFO (as included in this
topics. The achievements assessed by the Supervisory report). This resulted in a pay ratio for the CEO of 5.6 LUCAS BOLS PERFORMANCE (ALL IN € MILLION)1 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Board varied from 'achieved' to 'maximum performance (6.4 for 21/22) and for the CFO of 3.5 (3.8 for 21/22). EBIT 19.6 17.7 0.2 22.6 (11.8)
level', resulting in a pay-out of 61.8% of the maximum Normalised net profit 12.8 11.3 3.3 14.7 10.1
possible for this part of the variable remuneration. Shareholding Free operating cash flow 11.8 15.8 11.4 15.6 6.8
Both members of the Management Board hold shares in
For the CFO the qualitative and personal performance the capital of the Company directly or indirectly, which PAY RATIO 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
measures included the performance and successful provides for further alignment of the Management
integration of Tequila Partida, the realisation of Board’s interests with the long-term strategy of the Pay ratio CEO 5.3 4.3 4.5 6.4 5.6
Regional Liqueurs & Spirits performance targets and Company. Pay ratio CFO 3.5 2.8 2.6 3.8 3.5
the achievement of specific milestones on strategic Average total remuneration of Lucas Bols employees2 123,940 134,134 129,351 125,325 127,162
topics and projects such as ESG, the sale of Avandis,
transitioning to a new blending & bottling facility in 1
These items are non-GAAP measures; normalised figures are excluding one-off items. For further information about these measures, and the
the US and the design and implementation of an IT reasons why we believe they are important for understanding the performance of our company, please refer to our commentary on non-GAAP
governance framework. The achievements assessed measures as of page 173.
by the Supervisory Board varied from 'achieved' to 2
The average total remuneration of employees is based on the IFRS personnel costs as included in the annual accounts to allow for external
'maximum performance level', resulting in a pay-out comparison. Historical numbers and pay ratios have therefore been adjusted slightly.
of 86.7% of the maximum possible for this part of the
variable remuneration.

As a result, total variable remuneration over 22/23

amounted to 30.9% of the maximum achievable bonus Remuneration of the
for Mr. Van Doorne, and 43.3% for Mr. Cocx.
Supervisory Board
Long-term variable remuneration The Annual General Meeting determines the The annual fee for the Supervisory Board members is
Since the approval of the new remuneration policy remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board. set as follows:
by the Annual General Meeting on 7 July 2022, the On 7 September 2017 the General Meeting approved a
members of the Management Board are eligible to proposal by the Supervisory Board to apply annual fixed REMUNERATION OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD MEMBERS
participate in the first LTIP that runs from 1 April 2022 fee levels for the individual Supervisory Board members
to 31 March 2025. The Management Board members in line with the Supervisory Board remuneration levels Chair of the Supervisory Board 45,000
will be awarded a certain amount of phantom shares payable at comparable companies. The remuneration of Vice-chair of the Supervisory Board 40,000
subject to the achievement of certain performance the Supervisory Board is not dependent on Lucas Bols’ Other members of the Supervisory Board 35,000
targets and their continued employment over this results.
three-year period. The performance criteria for the
current LTIP relate to (i) three-year average Global
Cocktail Brands revenue growth, (ii) three year average REMUNERATION SUPERVISORY BOARD IN LAST FIVE FINANCIAL YEARS

EPS growth, (iii) three-year cumulative free operating

(IN €) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
cash flow, all to be assessed organically, and (iv)
certain quantitative strategic objectives relating to the Mrs. M.M. Wyatt 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 8,750
development, implementation and reporting on the ESG Mrs. A.L. Oldroyd 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000
strategy of the Lucas Bols Company. The performance Mr. R. Wisbrun 38,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000
criteria are equally weighed. Mr. D.R. Hooft Graafland 26,250 42,500 45,000 45,000
Mrs. M.P. Lauret 26,250

114 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 115

Index Financial Statements

118 Consolidated Financial Statements 2022/23

167 Company Financial Statements 2022/23

172 Other information

177 Auditor’s report

116 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 117
Consolidated Consolidated statement of other comprehensive income
2023 2022
financial statements

Net profit/(loss) (16,238) 11,771

2022/23 Other comprehensive income – Items that will never be reclassified

to profit or loss
Remeasurement of net defined benefit liability/(asset) 12 – 10
Related tax 13 – (3)
Equity accounted investees – share of other comprehensive income 19 – (46)
Consolidated statement of profit or loss – (39)

2023 2022
FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH NOTE Items that are or may be reclassified to profit or loss
Foreign operations – foreign currency translation differences* (197) (52)
Revenue 6 100,614 92,030 Equity accounted investees – share of other comprehensive income 19 – –
Cost of sales 6 (48,613) (40,606) Net change in hedging reserve 27 856 937
Gross profit 52,001 51,424 Related tax 13 (221) (234)
Distribution and administrative expenses 7 (61,149) (30,990) 438 651
Operating profit/(loss) (9,148) 20,434
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax 438 612
Share of result of joint ventures 19 (2,665) 2,175 Total comprehensive income for the year, net of tax (15,800) 12,383
Total comprehensive income attributable to the owners of the Company (15,800) 12,383
Finance income 56 29 * Refer to note 3 of the company financial statements.
Finance costs (361) (5,185)
Net finance costs 10 (305) (5,156)
Profit/(loss) before tax (12,118) 17,453
Income tax expense 13 (4,120) (5,682)
Net profit/(loss) (16,238) 11,771
Result attributable to the owners of the Company (16,238) 11,771

Weighted average number of shares 11 14,972,756 13,238,276

Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share (EUR) 11 (1.08) 0.89
Diluted earnings per share (EUR) 11 (1.08) 0.89

118 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 119
Consolidated statement of changes in equity Consolidated statement of financial position

2023 2022
Property, plant and equipment 17 8,018 8,975
Intangible assets 18 284,569 306,864
Balance as at 1 April 2022 1,497 157,787 – (289) (287) 7,630 47,417 11,771 225,526 Investments in equity-accounted investees 19 1,652 10,373
Transfer result prior period – – – – – – 11,771 (11,771) – Other investments 20 408 232
Non-current assets 294,647 326,444
Total comprehensive income
Profit (loss) for the year – – – – – – – (16,238) (16,238) Inventories 14 24,910 17,624
Other comprehensive Trade and other receivables 15 16,092 19,323
income – – – (197) 635 – – – 438 Other investments including derivatives 26 517 162
Total comprehensive income – – – (197) 635 – – (16,238) (15,800) Cash and cash equivalents 16 17,569 25,588
Current assets 59,088 62,697
Issue of share capital 21 – – – – – – – – – Total assets 353,735 389,141
Transaction costs, net of tax 21 – – – – – – – – –
Dividend paid – – – – – – (3,144) – (3,144) Equity
Purchase own shares (ESPP) – – (4) – – – – – (4) Share capital 1,497 1,497
Own shares delivered (ESPP) – – 4 – – – – – 4 Share premium 157,787 157,787
Transfer from legal reserves – – – – – 0 (0) – – Treasury shares – –
Balance as at 31 March 2023 1,497 157,787 – (486) 348 7,630 56,044 (16,238) 206,582 Currency translation reserve (486) (289)
Hedging reserve 348 (287)
Other legal reserves 7,630 7,630
TRANS- OTHER RESULT Retained earnings 56,044 47,417
Total equity 21 206,582 225,526
Balance as at 1 April 2021 1,248 129,695 – (237) (990) 7,630 56,014 (8,558) 184,802
Transfer result prior period – – – – – – (8,558) 8,558 – Liabilities
Loans and borrowings 23 67,028 80,370
Total comprehensive income Other non-current financial liabilities 24 4,762 7,847
Profit (loss) for the year – – – – – – – 11,771 11,771 Employee benefits 12 129 –
Other comprehensive Deferred tax liabilities 13 50,337 48,659
income – – – (52) 703 – (39) – 612 Total non-current liabilities 122,256 136,876
Total comprehensive income – – – (52) 703 – (39) 11,771 12,383
Loans and borrowings 23 10,044 5,750
Issue of share capital 21 249 28,648 – – – – – – 28,897 Trade and other payables* 25 13,707 16,552
Transaction costs, net of tax 21 – (556) – – – – – – (556) Corporate income tax payable* 194 1,308
Dividend paid – – – – – – – – – Other current financial liabilities including derivatives* 26 952 3,129
Purchase own shares (ESPP) – – (54) – – – – – (54) Total current liabilities 24,897 26,739
Own shares delivered (ESPP) – – 54 – – – – – 54 Total liabilities 147,153 163,615
Transfer to legal reserves – – – – – 0 (0) – – Total equity and liabilities 353,735 389,141
Balance as at 31 March 2022 1,497 157,787 – (289) (287) 7,630 47,417 11,771 225,526 * The Company restated the comparative numbers of ‘Trade and other payables’ and ‘Other current financial liabilities including derivatives’ to better
reflect the Company’s working capital position. ‘Corporate income tax payable’ is reclassed from ‘Trade and other payables’ to a separate financial
statement caption. ‘Accrued interest payable’ is reclassed from ‘Trade and other payables’ to ‘Other current financial liabilities including derivatives’.

The right-of-use assets are included in Property, plant and equipment and the related lease liability is included in
Other (non-)current financial liabilities.

120 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 121
Notes to the consolidated
Consolidated statement of cash flows

2023 2022

financial statements

Cash flows from operating activities

Net profit/(loss) (16,238) 11,771
Adjustments for:
• Depreciation, amortisation and impairment 7 25,733 1,871
• Net finance costs 10 305 5,156 1. Reporting entity 2. Basis of preparation
• Share of result of joint ventures 19 2,665 (2,175)
• Income tax expense 13 4,120 5,682 Lucas Bols N.V. (the ’Company’) is a limited company (a) Statement of compliance
• Stock elimination 106 – (Naamloze Vennootschap (N.V.)) domiciled in The consolidated financial statements have been
• Provision for share-based payments 12 129 – the Netherlands. The address of the Company’s prepared in accordance with International Financial
• Provision for employee benefits 12 – (505) registered office is Paulus Potterstraat 14, 1071 CZ in Reporting Standards (IFRS), as adopted by the
16,820 21,800 Amsterdam. The consolidated financial statements of European Union (EU) and comply with the financial
the Company comprise the Company, its subsidiaries reporting requirements included in Part 9 of Book 2
Change in: (together referred to as ‘the Group’) and the Group’s of the Netherlands Civil Code.
• Inventories (7,197) (2,802) interest in jointly-controlled entities. A list of
• Trade and other receivables 3,380 (2,352) subsidiaries is included in note 28. Consequently, the consolidated financial statements
• Trade and other payables (3,380) (522) Lucas Bols N.V. is primarily involved in managing the have been prepared on the going concern assumption.
Net changes in working capital (7,197) (5,676) product development, bottling, distribution, sales and
Dividends from joint ventures 19 1,150 1,100 marketing of the brands Bols, Passoã, Galliano, Vaccari, The consolidated financial statements were authorised
Interest received 123 151 Damrak, Pisang Ambon, Tequila Partida, Henkes, Nuvo, for issue by all members of the Management Board and
Income tax paid (3,815) (1,591) Bokma, Hartevelt, Coebergh, Fluère and a large the Supervisory Board on 24 May 2023 and will be
Net cash from operating activities 7,081 15,784 portfolio of Dutch jenever, vieux and liqueur brands. submitted for adoption to the Annual General Meeting
of Shareholders on 7 July 2023.
Cash flows from investing activities Lucas Bols N.V. was incorporated on 27 February 2006
Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired 5 (852) (8,514) in the Netherlands. (b) Basis of measurement
Acquisition of/additions to associates and joint ventures 19 – (250) The consolidated financial statements have been
Proceeds from sale of joint ventures 19 5,101 – On 11 April 2006 the Company acquired, through its prepared on each reporting date on a historical cost
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 17 (300) (109) subsidiary Lucas Bols Amsterdam B.V., 100%of the basis, except for the following material items in
Acquisition of intangible assets 18 – (38) global Bols brand as well as the shares of Galliano B.V., the consolidated statement of financial position:
Loans issued and other investments (176) – Pisang Ambon B.V., and Bokma Distillateurs B.V. • Derivative financial instruments are measured
Net cash from (used in) investing activities 3,773 (8,911) Through its subsidiary Lucas Bols Amsterdam B.V., the at fair value;
Company acquired 100% of the shares of Lucas Bols • Interests in joint ventures are accounted for using
Cash flows from financing activities USA Inc. on 21 May 2008 and 100% of the shares of the equity method; and
Proceeds from issue of share capital, net of related cost – 28,341 Pijlsteeg B.V. on 3 September 2013, respectively. On 2 • The defined benefit obligation is recognised at the
Proceeds from loans and borrowings 23 – – December 2020 Lucas Bols Amsterdam B.V. acquired present value of the defined benefit obligation less
Repayment of loans and borrowings 23 (9,000) (12,500) 100% of the shares of Passoã SAS from Rémy the fair value of the plan assets and is as explained
Settlement of other financial liabilities 26 (1,637) – Cointreau Group. On 31 December 2021 the Company in note 3(d).
Cash dividend paid to shareholders 21 (3,144) – acquired 100% of the membership interests of Tequila
Payments made in lease contracts 24 (969) (870) Partida LLC. 100% of the shares of Fluère Drinks B.V. (c) Functional and presentation currency
Interest paid (2,917) (3,356) was acquired on 29 December 2022. These consolidated financial statements are presented
Net cash from (used in) financing activities (17,667) 11,615 in euro, which is the Company’s functional currency.
As from 4 February 2015 the shares of the Company All financial information presented in euros has been
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (6,813) 18,488 have been listed on Euronext Amsterdam. rounded to the nearest thousand (€ 000) unless stated
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 April 24,838 5,624 otherwise.
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations (500) 726
Net cash and cash equivalents as at 31 March 16 17,525 24,838

Cash and cash equivalents (asset) 17,569 25,588

Less: bank overdrafts included in current loans and borrowings (44) (750)
Net cash and cash equivalents as at 31 March 17,525 24,838

122 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 123
(d) Impact of global geopolitical and Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on • Level 3: inputs for the asset or liability that are not Any contingent consideration payable is measured
macroeconomic developments an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates based on observable market data (unobservable at fair value at the acquisition date. If the contingent
The 2022/23 financial year started just after the war in are recognised prospectively. inputs). consideration is classified as equity it is not
Ukraine broke out and was consequently impacted by re-measured and settlement is accounted for within
intensified adverse global geo-political and macro- (I) Estimates and judgements If the inputs used to measure the fair value of an asset equity. Otherwise, subsequent changes in the fair value
economical circumstances, some already initiated The below matters contain the most significant or a liability are categorised into different levels of of the contingent consideration are recognised in profit
when COVID-19 struck. In some markets, especially estimates and judgments. the fair value hierarchy, the fair value measurement or loss.
China where stringent restrictions were still in place in is categorised in its entirety in the same level of the
the 2022/23 financial year, the impact of the pandemic Information about judgements made in applying fair value hierarchy as the lowest level input that is The Group measures goodwill at the acquisition date
on public life and the global industry continued to accounting policies that have the most significant significant to the entire measurement. The Group as:
affect the demand for Lucas Bols’ products. In those effect on the amounts recognised in the consolidated recognises transfers between levels of the fair value • the fair value of the consideration transferred; plus
markets still affected by COVID-19 during the 2022/23 financial statements are included in the following note: hierarchy at the end of the reporting period during • the recognised amount of any non-controlling
financial year mitigating actions such as reductions in • Note 19 – classification of joint arrangements. which the change has occurred. Further information interest in the acquiree; plus
Advertising & Promotional expenses continued to be in about the assumptions made in measuring fair value • if the business combination is achieved in stages,
place. (II) Assumptions and estimation uncertainty is included note 26 – financial instruments. the fair value of the pre-existing equity interest in
Information about assumptions and estimation the acquiree;
In addition, global supply disruptions intensified, uncertainty that have a significant risk of resulting (f) Changes in accounting policies • less the net recognised amount of the identifiable
substantially impacting pricing and availability of raw in a material adjustment are included in the following The Group has not early adopted any standard, assets acquired and liabilities assumed.
materials and logistics and hence our profit margins notes: interpretation or amendment that has been issued but
and working capital levels. • Note 5: key assumptions underlying the recognition is not yet effective. (ll) Subsidiaries
of a brand name and assumed contingent Subsidiaries are entities controlled by the Group.
To offset parts of the adverse global supply disruption consideration in a business combination; No new standards and amendments to existing The Group controls an entity when it has power over
effects various measures were taken to maximise • Note 11: measurement of defined benefit standards, effective in 2022/2023, had a significant the investee, is exposed or has the rights to variable
product availability (including contingency plans, obligations: key actuarial assumptions; impact on the Group’s consolidated financial returns from its involvement with that entity and has
anticipation of longer lead times and safety stock • Note 12: recognition of deferred tax assets: statements. the ability to affect those returns through its power
building) and limit the impact on profit margins (for availability of future taxable profit against which over the entity.
example through agreeing price increases with tax losses carried forward can be used; and
customers). Moreover, to minimise the impact of the • Note 17: impairment test: key assumptions 3. General accounting policies Control is generally obtained by ownership of more
industry-wide glass shortages in the US, a substantial underlying recoverable amounts of intangible than 50% of the voting rights.
single production run of Bols Liqueurs of the US market assets. The Group has consistently applied the following
was undertaken in the Netherlands rather than at our accounting policies to all periods presented in these To validate this presumption, and in case the Group
production partner in the US. (III) Measurement of fair value consolidated financial statements, except if mentioned has less than 50% of the voting or similar rights of
A number of the Group’s accounting policies and otherwise (see also note 2(f)). an entity, the Group considers all relevant facts and
The Company assessed the impact of COVID-19 and disclosures require the measurement of fair value for circumstances in assessing whether it has power over
the war in Ukraine on its financial estimates and both financial and non-financial assets and liabilities. (a) Basis of consolidation an investee, including but not limited to:
judgements during its financial reporting process as (l) Business combinations • The contractual arrangement(s) with the other
well on its liquidity position. The impact on financial The Group uses valuation techniques that are The Group accounts for business combinations using holders of voting rights of that entity;
estimates and judgements is mainly reflected in appropriate in the circumstances and for which the acquisition method when control is transferred • Any rights arising from other contractual
assumptions applied to impairment testing of sufficient data are available to measure fair value, to the Group. The consideration transferred in arrangements; and
intangible assets. Notes containing the most significant maximising the use of relevant observable inputs and the acquisition is measured at fair value, as are • The Group’s potential voting rights.
estimates and judgements are referred to in note 2(e). minimising the use of unobservable inputs. the identifiable net assets acquired. Any goodwill
that arises is tested annually for impairment or when The financial statements of subsidiaries are included
(e) Use of estimates and judgements When measuring the fair value of an asset or a liability, a trigger is identified. Any gain on a bargain purchase in the consolidated financial statements from the date
In preparing these consolidated financial statements, the Group uses observable market data as far as is recognised immediately in profit or loss. Transaction that control commences until the date that control
management is required to make estimates and possible. Fair value is categorised into different levels costs are recognised in profit or loss when incurred, ceases. If the Group loses control over a subsidiary it
judgments that affect the application of accounting in a fair value hierarchy based on the inputs used in except if related to the issue of debt or equity derecognises the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary,
policies and the reported amounts of assets and the valuation techniques as follows: securities. and any non-controlling interests and other
liabilities, income and expenses. The application of • Level 1: quoted prices (unadjusted) in active components of equity. Any resulting gain or loss is
accounting policies required judgements that impact markets for identical assets or liabilities; The consideration transferred does not include recognised in profit or loss. Any interest retained in
the amounts recognised. Additionally, amounts • Level 2: inputs other than quoted prices included amounts related to the settlement of pre-existing the former subsidiary is measured at fair value if
recognised are based on factors that are by default in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or relationships. Such amounts are generally recognised control is lost.
associated with uncertainty. Therefore actual results liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly in profit or loss.
may differ from estimates. (i.e. derived from prices); and

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(lll) Interests in equity-accounted investees Revenue from sale of goods is recognised at the point (ll) Foreign operations Remeasurements of the net defined benefit liability,
The Group’s interests in equity-accounted investees in time when control of the asset is transferred to The assets and liabilities of foreign operations, which comprises actuarial gains and losses, the return
comprise interests in joint ventures, amongst others. the customer, generally on delivery of the goods. including goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on on plan assets (excluding interest) and the effect of
acquisition, are translated to euro at exchange rates at the asset ceiling, are recognised immediately in OCI.
A joint venture is an arrangement under which the The Group considers whether there are other promises the reporting date. The income and expenses of foreign
Group has joint control, whereby the Group has rights in the contract that are separate performance operations are translated to euro at the exchange rates The Group determines the net interest expense
to the net assets of the arrangement rather than rights obligations to which a portion of the transaction price on the transaction date. (income) on the net defined benefit liability (asset) for
to its assets and obligations for its liabilities. needs to be allocated (e.g., warranties). In determining the period by applying the discount rate used to
the transaction price for the sale of goods, the Group Foreign currency differences are recognised in OCI and measure the defined benefit obligation at the beginning
Interests in joint ventures are accounted for using the considers the effects of variable consideration, accumulated in the translation reserve. of the annual period to the net defined benefit liability
equity method. Such interests are initially recognised the existence of significant financing components, (asset), taking into account any changes in the net
at cost (including transaction costs). Subsequent to non-cash consideration, and consideration payable to If the settlement of a monetary item receivable from defined benefit liability (asset) during the period as
initial recognition the consolidated financial statements the customer (if any). or payable to a foreign operation is neither planned a result of contributions and benefit payments.
include the Group’s share of the profit or loss and other norlikely to occur in the foreseeable future, foreign Net interest expense and other expenses related to
comprehensive income (OCI) of equity-accounted If the consideration in a contract includes a variable currency differences arising from such item form part defined benefit plans are recognised in profit or loss.
investees. amount, the Group estimates the amount of of the net investment in the foreign operation.
consideration to which it will be entitled in exchange Accordingly, such differences are recognised in OCI If the benefits of a plan are changed or when a plan
After application of the equity method, the Group for transferring the goods to the customer. and accumulated in the translation reserve. is curtailed, the resulting change in benefit that relates
determines whether it is necessary to recognise an The variable consideration is estimated at contract to past service or the gain or loss on curtailment is
impairment loss on its investments in equity- inception and constrained until it is highly probable If a foreign operation is disposed of in its entirety or recognised immediately in profit or loss. The Group
accounted investees. At each reporting date, the Group that a significant revenue reversal in the amount of in part such that control, significant influence or joint recognises gains and losses on the settlement of
determines whether there is objective evidence that cumulative revenue recognised will not occur when the control is lost, the cumulative amount in the translation a defined benefit plan when the settlement occurs.
the investment in the equity-accounted investee is associated uncertainty with the variable consideration reserve related to that foreign operation is reclassified
impaired. If there is such evidence, the Group is subsequently resolved. to profit or loss as part of the gain or loss on disposal. (lV) Other long-term employee benefits
calculates the amount of impairment as the difference If the Group disposes of part of its interest in The Group’s net obligation in respect of long-term
between the recoverable amount of the equity- (c) Foreign currency a subsidiary but retains control, the relevant proportion employee benefits is the amount of future benefit that
accounted investee and its carrying value, and then (l) Foreign currency transactions of the cumulative amount is reattributed to non- employees have earned in return for their service in
recognises the loss as ‘Share of result of joint ventures’ Transactions in foreign currencies are translated to the controlling interest. If the Group disposes of only part the current and prior periods. That benefit is discounted
in the consolidated statement of profit or loss. respective functional currencies of Group entities at of a joint venture while retaining significant influence to determine its present value. Re-measurements are
the exchange rate on the transaction date. or joint control, the relevant proportion of the recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they
(lV) Transactions eliminated on consolidation cumulative amount is reclassified to profit or loss. arise.
On consolidation, intra-group balances and transactions, Receivables, payables and other monetary assets and
and any unrealised gains and losses or income and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the (d) Employee benefits (e) Share-based arrangements
expenses arising from intra-group transactions, are reporting date are retranslated to the functional (l) Short-term employee benefits (I) Employee Share Purchase Plan
eliminated. Unrealised gains arising from transactions currency at the exchange rates on balance sheet date. Short-term employee benefit obligations are expensed In 2015 the Group set up an Employee Share Purchase
with equity-accounted investees are eliminated against Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in as the related service is provided. A liability is recognised Plan (ESPP). Under the ESPP, employees are entitled to
the investment to the extent of the Group’s interest in foreign currencies that are measured at fair value are for the amount expected to be paid under any short- buy shares of the Company with their own funds twice
the investee. Unrealised losses are eliminated in the retranslated to the functional currency at the exchange term cash bonus or profit-sharing plans if the Group has a year (i.e. following publication of the half-year and
same way as unrealised gains, but only to the extent rate at the date that the fair value was determined. a present legal or constructive obligation to pay this full-year results) for a yearly maximum of 33.33% of
that there is no evidence of impairment. Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in a amount as a result of past service provided by the their gross base salary. Eligible employees are entitled
foreign currency that are measured at cost are employee, and the obligation can be estimated reliably. to buy at a discount of 13.5% of the share price at that
(b) Revenue translated into the functional currency at the exchange time. A three-year lock-up period is applicable, during
Revenue predominantly comprises the sale of goods. rate at transaction date. Foreign currency differences (ll) Defined contribution plans which the employees cannot sell the shares bought
In addition, a non-significant amount of revenue relates are generally recognised in profit or loss. Obligations for contributions to defined contribution under the ESPP. No other vesting or performance
to royalty income and services rendered. plans are expensed as the related service is provided. conditions are applicable.
However, foreign currency differences arising from the Prepaid contributions are recognised as an asset to
Revenue from contracts with customers is recognised translation of the following items are recognised in OCI: the extent that a cash refund or a reduction in future The ESPP qualifies as share-based arrangement
when control of the goods and services is transferred • a financial liability designated as a hedge of the payments is available. (equity settled) under IFRS 2. No share-based payment
to the customer at an amount that reflects the net investment in a foreign operation to the extent costs are recognised in profit and loss as the fair value
consideration to which the Group expects to be entitled that the hedge is effective; or (lll) Defined benefit plans of the share-based payment is zero.
in exchange for those goods or services. • qualifying cash-flow hedges to the extent the The calculation of defined benefit obligations is
hedge is effective. performed annually by a qualified actuary using
the projected unit credit method.

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(II) Long-term incentive plan • temporary differences on the initial recognition of (h) Inventories that the brands contribute to net cash inflows is
Effective 1 April 2022, the Group established a share- assets or liabilities in a transaction that is not a Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net indefinite. These brands are not amortised but tested
based payment plan. This long-term incentive plan business combination and that affects neither realisable value. The cost of inventories is based on for impairment annually and whenever there is an
(‘LTIP’) grants key management and senior employees accounting nor taxable profit or loss. In accordance the first-in first-out principle and includes expenditure indication that the brand may be impaired. The brand
phantom shares which entitle them to a cash payment with the Initial Recognition Exemption (IRE) of incurred in acquiring the inventories and bringing them and brand portfolio with an indefinite life are measured
after three years of service. Whether there is any cash IAS12 a part of the deferred tax asset is not to their existing location and condition. at cost less accumulated impairment losses when
payment, and if so, the amount of such cash payment, recognised. For subsequent transactions where applicable. The brands and brand portfolios with
depends on the extent to which three-year the Initial Recognition Exemption has been applied, Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in a finite life are measured at cost and amortised on
performance targets are met and the development of deferred taxes will be recognised when temporary the ordinary course of business, less the estimated a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives
the Group’s share price between grant date and the differences arise; costs of completion and selling expenses. from the date they are available for use.
vesting date. • temporary differences related to investments in
subsidiaries, associates and joint arrangements (i) Property, plant and equipment (ll) Goodwill
The fair value of the phantom shares at grant date to the extent that the Group can control the timing (l) Recognition and measurement Goodwill arising on the acquisition of subsidiaries
is based on the Group’s share price per that date. of the reversal of the temporary differences and it Items of property, plant and equipment are measured represents the difference between the fair value of the
The fair value of the liability is remeasured at each is probable that they will not reverse in the at cost less accumulated depreciation and net assets acquired and the transaction price of the
reporting date and at settlement date based on the foreseeable future; and accumulated impairment losses. acquisition and is measured at cost less accumulated
Group’s share price per that date and the likelihood of • taxable temporary differences arising on the initial impairment losses. Goodwill is allocated to an individual
achieving various performance targets and recognised recognition of goodwill. (ll) Subsequent costs cash-generating unit (CGU) for the purpose of
as an expense over the three-year vesting period and The cost of replacing part of an item of property, plant impairment testing and is tested annually for
accounted for in accordance with IFRS 2. Deferred tax assets are recognised for unused tax losses, and equipment is recognised in the carrying amount of impairment. Negative goodwill is recognised directly in
unused tax credits and deductible temporary differences the item if it is probable that the future economic profit or loss. An impairment loss in respect of goodwill
(f) Government grants to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits benefits embodied within the part will flow to the cannot be reversed.
Government grants are recognised when there is will be available against which they can be used. Group and its cost can be measured reliably. The costs
reasonable assurance that the grant will be received Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting date of the day-to-day servicing of property, plant and (llI) Other intangible assets
and all relevant conditions will be complied with. and are reduced to the extent that it is no longer equipment are recognised in the profit or loss as Other intangible assets with a finite life are measured
When the grant relates to an expense item, it is probable that the related tax benefit will be realised. incurred. at cost and amortised on a straight-line basis over
recognised as income on a systematic basis over the their estimated useful lives from the date they are
periods that the related costs, for which it is intended Deferred tax is measured at the tax rates that are Any gain or loss on disposal of an item of property, available for use.
to compensate, are expensed. Pending a final decision expected to be applied to temporary differences when plant and equipment is recognised in profit or loss.
from the government an uncertainty exists and actual they reverse, using tax rates enacted, or substantively (k) Financial instruments
grants may differ from amounts recognised. enacted, at the reporting date. (lll) Depreciation Financial instruments
Depreciation is recognised in profit or loss on a Financial assets
(g) Income tax The measurement of deferred tax reflects the tax straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of Initial recognition and measurement
The income tax expense comprises current and consequences that would follow from the way in which each part of an item of property, plant and equipment. Financial assets are classified, at initial recognition,
deferred tax. It is recognised in profit or loss, except the Group expects, at the reporting date, to recover or as subsequently measured at amortised cost, fair value
to the extent that it relates to a business combination settle the carrying amount of its assets and liabilities. The estimated useful life is as follows: through other comprehensive income (OCI), and fair
or items recognised directly in equity or in OCI. • Fixtures and leasehold improvements 10 years value through profit or loss.
Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities can only • Furniture 10 years
(I) Current tax be offset in the statement of financial position if the • Equipment 5 years The classification of financial assets at initial
Current tax comprises the expected tax payable or entity has the legal right to settle current tax amounts on • Computers 3 years recognition depends on the financial asset’s
receivable on the taxable income or loss for the year a net basis and the deferred tax amounts are levied by contractual cash flow characteristics and the Group’s
and any adjustment to tax payable or receivable in the same taxing authority on the same entity or different The depreciation methods, residual value and useful life business model for managing them. With the exception
respect of previous years. It is measured using tax entities that intend to realise the asset and settle the are reviewed annually and adjusted if appropriate. of trade receivables that do not contain a significant
rates enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting liability at the same time. financing component or for which the Group has
date. Current tax also includes any tax arising from (j) Intangible assets applied the practical expedient, the Group initially
dividends. Current tax assets and liabilities are only Management periodically evaluates positions taken in (l) Brands measures a financial asset at its fair value plus, in
offset if certain criteria are met. the tax returns with respect to situations in which Brands acquired are capitalised either individually or as the case of a financial asset not at fair value through
applicable tax regulations are subject to interpretation part of a brand portfolio if the brand or the brand profit or loss, transaction costs. Trade receivables that
(ll) Deferred tax and establishes provisions where appropriate. These portfolio meets the definition of an intangible asset and do not contain a significant financing component or for
Deferred tax is recognised in respect of temporary uncertain tax provisions are presented either as current the recognition criteria are satisfied. Brands and brand which the Group has applied the practical expedient
differences between the carrying amounts of assets tax receivable/payable or as part of deferred tax in portfolios can have either an indefinite life or a finite are measured at the transaction price determined
and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the the balance sheet as appropriate. life. The brands and brand portfolios have an indefinite under IFRS 15. Refer to the accounting policies in
amounts used for taxation purposes. Deferred tax is useful life when the period during which it is expected section (b) Revenue from contracts with customers.
not recognised for:

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For a financial asset to be classified and measured at The Group’s financial assets at amortised cost includes substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, nor Financial liabilities
amortised cost or fair value through OCI, it needs to trade receivables and a loan to a joint venture included transferred control of the asset, the Group continues Initial recognition and measurement
give rise to cash flows that are ‘solely payments of under other investments (non-current assets). to recognise the transferred asset to the extent of its Financial liabilities are classified, at initial recognition,
principal and interest (SPPI)’ on the principal amount continuing involvement. In that case, the Group also as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss,
outstanding. This assessment is referred to as the SPPI Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss recognises an associated liability. The transferred asset loans and borrowings, payables, or as derivatives
test and is performed at an instrument level. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and the associated liability are measured on a basis designated as hedging instruments in an effective
include financial assets held for trading, financial that reflects the rights and obligations that the Group hedge, as appropriate.
The Group’s business model for managing financial assets designated upon initial recognition at fair value has retained.
assets refers to how it manages its financial assets through profit or loss, or financial assets mandatorily All financial liabilities are recognised initially at fair
in order to generate cash flows. The business model required to be measured at fair value. Financial assets Continuing involvement that takes the form of a value and, in the case of loans and borrowings and
determines whether cash flows will result from are classified as held for trading if they are acquired for guarantee over the transferred asset is measured at payables, net of directly attributable transaction costs.
collecting contractual cash flows, selling the financial the purpose of selling or repurchasing in the near term. the lower of the original carrying amount of the asset
assets, or both. Derivatives, including separated embedded derivatives, and the maximum amount of consideration that The Group’s financial liabilities include trade and other
are also classified as held for trading unless they are the Group could be required to repay. payables, loans and borrowings including bank
Purchases or sales of financial assets that require designated as effective hedging instruments. Financial overdrafts, and derivative financial instruments.
delivery of assets within a time frame established by assets with cash flows that are not solely payments Impairment of financial assets
regulation or convention in the marketplace (regular of principal and interest are classified and measured at The Group recognises an allowance for expected credit Subsequent measurement
way trades) are recognised on the trade date, i.e., fair value through profit or loss, irrespective of the losses (ECLs) for all debt instruments not held at fair For purposes of subsequent measurement, financial
the date that the Group commits to purchase or sell business model. Notwithstanding the criteria for debt value through profit or loss. ECLs are based on the liabilities are classified in two categories:
the asset. instruments to be classified at amortised cost difference between the contractual cash flows due in • Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or
or at fair value through OCI, as described above, debt accordance with the contract and all the cash flows loss;
Subsequent measurement instruments may be designated at fair value through that the Group expects to receive, discounted at an • Financial liabilities at amortised cost (loans and
For purposes of subsequent measurement, financial profit or loss at initial recognition if doing so eliminates, approximation of the original effective interest rate. borrowings).
assets are classified in four categories: or significantly reduces, an accounting mismatch. The expected cash flows will include cash flows from
• Financial assets at amortised cost (debt Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are the sale of collateral held or other credit enhancements Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
instruments); carried in the statement of financial position at fair that are integral to the contractual terms. A financial liability is classified as at fair value through
• Financial assets at fair value through OCI with value with net changes in fair value recognised in profit or loss if it is classified as held-for-trading,
recycling of cumulative gains and losses (debt the statement of profit or loss. ECLs are recognised in two stages. For credit it is a derivative or it is designated as such on initial
instruments); This category includes derivative instruments. exposures in regard to which there has not been recognition. Financial liabilities at fair value through
• Financial assets designated at fair value through a significant increase in credit risk since initial profit or loss are measured at fair value and net gains
OCI with no recycling of cumulative gains and Derecognition recognition, ECLs are provided for credit losses that and losses, including any interest expense, are
losses upon derecognition (equity instruments); A financial asset (or, where applicable, a part of result from default events that are possible within recognised in profit or loss. Interest expense and
and a financial asset or part of a group of similar financial the next 12-months (a 12-month ECL). For those credit foreign exchange gains and losses are recognised in
• Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. assets) is primarily derecognised (i.e., removed from exposures for which there has been a significant profit or loss. Any gain or loss on derecognition is also
the Group’s consolidated statement of financial increase in credit risk since initial recognition, a loss recognised in profit or loss.
Financial assets at amortised cost (debt instruments) position) when: allowance is required for credit losses expected over
The Group measures financial assets at amortised cost • The rights to receive cash flows from the asset the remaining life of the exposure, irrespective of the Financial liabilities at amortised cost (loans and
if both of the following conditions are met: have expired; or timing of the default (a lifetime ECL). borrowings)
• The financial asset is held within a business model • The Group has transferred its rights to receive This is the category most relevant to the Group.
with the objective to hold financial assets in order cash flows from the asset or has assumed an For trade receivables and contract assets, the Group After initial recognition, interest-bearing loans and
to collect contractual cash flows; and obligation to pay the received cash flows in full applies a simplified approach in calculating ECLs. borrowings are subsequently measured at amortised
• The contractual terms of the financial asset give without material delay to a third party under Therefore, the Group does not track changes in credit cost using the EIR method. Gains and losses are
rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely a ‘pass-through’ arrangement; and either (a) risk, but instead recognises a loss allowance based on recognised in profit or loss when the liabilities are
payments of principal and interest on the principal the Group has transferred substantially all the lifetime ECLs at each reporting date. The Group has derecognised as well as through the EIR amortisation
amount outstanding. risks and rewards of the asset, or (b) the Group established a provision matrix that is based on its process. Amortised cost is calculated by taking into
has neither transferred nor retained substantially historical credit loss experience, adjusted for forward- account any discount or premium on acquisition and
Financial assets at amortised cost are subsequently all the risks and rewards of the asset, but has looking factors specific to the debtors and the fees or costs that are an integral part of the EIR.
measured using the effective interest (EIR) method and transferred control of the asset. economic environment. The EIR amortisation is included as finance costs in
are subject to impairment. Gains and losses are A financial asset is written off when there is no the statement of profit or loss. This category generally
recognised in profit or loss when the asset is When the Group has transferred its rights to receive reasonable expectation of recovering the contractual applies to interest-bearing loans and borrowings.
derecognised, modified or impaired. cash flows from an asset or has entered into a pass- cash flows. For more information, refer to note 22.
through arrangement, it evaluates if, and to what
extent, it has retained the risks and rewards of
ownership. When it has neither transferred nor retained

130 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 131
Derecognition (l) Impairment (ll) Non-derivative financial assets payments also include the exercise price of a purchase
A financial liability is derecognised when the obligation (l) Non-financial assets Non-derivative financial instruments comprise trade option reasonably certain to be exercised by the Group
under the liability is discharged or cancelled or expires. At each reporting date, the Group reviews the carrying and other receivables and cash and cash equivalents. and payments of penalties for terminating a lease,
When an existing financial liability is replaced by amounts of its non-financial assets (other than The Group has no significant concentrations of credit if the lease term reflects the Group exercising the
another from the same lender on substantially different inventories and deferred tax assets) to determine risk. The concentration of credit risk with respect to option to terminate. The variable lease payments that
terms, or the terms of an existing liability are whether there is any indication of impairment. If any receivables is limited, as the Group’s customer base do not depend on an index or a rate are recognised as
substantially modified, such an exchange or such indication exists, then the asset’s recoverable and vendor base are large and unrelated. The Group expense in the period on which the event or condition
modification is treated as the derecognition of the amount is estimated. Goodwill and other non-financial applies the IFRS 9 simplified approach to measuring that triggers the payment occurs.
original liability and the recognition of a new liability. assets with an indefinite life are tested annually for expected credit losses, which uses a lifetime expected
The difference in the respective carrying amounts is impairment or when a triggering event is identified. loss allowance for all trade receivables. To measure In calculating the present value of lease payments,
recognised in the statement of profit or loss. the expected credit losses, trade receivables have been the Group uses the incremental borrowing rate at the
For impairment testing, assets are grouped together grouped based on shared credit risk characteristics lease commencement date if the interest rate implicit
Offsetting of financial instruments into the smallest group of assets that generate cash and the days past due. The expected loss rate is in the lease is not readily determinable. After the
Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and inflows from continuing use that are largely calculated based on delinquency status and actual commencement date, the amount of lease liabilities
the net amount is reported in the consolidated independent of the cash inflows of other assets or historical credit loss experience adjusted for forward- is increased to reflect the accretion of interest and
statement of financial position if there is a currently CGUs. Goodwill arising from a business combination is looking factors specific to the debtors and the reduced for the lease payments made. In addition,
enforceable legal right to offset the recognised allocated to CGUs or groups of CGUs that are expected economic environment. As a result, management the carrying amount of lease liabilities is remeasured
amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net to benefit from the synergies of the combination. believes there is no further credit risk provision if there is a modification, a change in the lease term,
basis, to realise the assets and settle the liabilities The recoverable amount of an asset or CGU is the required in excess of the normal individual and a change in the in-substance fixed lease payments or
simultaneously. greater of its value in use and its fair value less costs collective impairment, based on amongst others an a change in the assessment to purchase the underlying
of disposal. Value in use is based on the estimated aging analysis performed as of 31 March 2022. asset.
Derivative financial instruments and hedge future cash flows, discounted to their present value
accounting using a discount rate that reflects current market (m) Leases (III) Short-term leases and leases of low-value assets
The Group continues to apply the existing hedge assessments of the time value of money and the risks (l) Right-of-use assets The Group has elected not to recognise right-of-use
accounting requirements under IAS 39. specific to the asset or CGU. The Group recognises right-of-use assets at the assets and lease liabilities for leases of low-value
commencement date of the lease (i.e., the date the assets and short-term leases (i.e. those leases that
Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value; An impairment loss is recognised if the carrying underlying asset is available for use). Right-of-use have a lease term of 12 months or less from the
attributable transaction costs are recognised in profit amount of an asset or CGU exceeds its recoverable assets are measured at cost, less any accumulated commencement date and do not contain a purchase
or loss as incurred. amount. depreciation and impairment losses, and adjusted for option). The Group recognises the lease payments
any remeasurement of lease liabilities. The cost of associated with these leases as an expense on
Cash flow hedges Impairment losses are recognised in profit or loss. right-of-use assets includes the amount of lease a straight-line basis over the lease term.
When a derivative is designated as the hedging They are allocated first to reduce the carrying amount liabilities recognised, initial direct costs incurred, and
instrument in a hedge, the effective portion of changes of any goodwill allocated to the CGU, and then to lease payments made at or before the commencement
in the fair value of the derivative is recognised in other reduce the carrying amounts of the other assets in the date less any lease incentives received. Unless the 4. New standards and
comprehensive income and presented in the hedging CGU on a pro rata basis. An impairment loss in respect Group is reasonably certain to obtain ownership of interpretations not yet adopted
reserve in equity. Any ineffective portion of changes in of goodwill is not reversed. For other assets an the leased asset at the end of the lease term, the
the fair value of the derivative is recognised impairment loss is reversed only to the extent that recognised right-of-use assets are depreciated on Several new standards, amendments to standards and
immediately in profit or loss. the carrying amount of the asset does not exceed a straight-line basis over the shorter of its estimated interpretations are effective for annual periods
the carrying amount that would have been determined, useful life and the lease term, as follows: beginning after 1 January 2023 and have not been
The amount accumulated in equity is retained in OCI net of depreciation or amortisation, if no impairment • Buildings 2 to 20 years applied in preparing these consolidated financial
and reclassified to profit or loss in the same period loss had been recognised. • Motor vehicles and other equipment 3 to 5 years statements. These new standards, amendments and
or periods during which the hedged item affects profit interpretations are not expected to have a material
or loss. Equity-accounted investees Right-of-use assets are subject to impairment. impact on our consolidated financial statements.
At each reporting date, the Group determines whether
If the hedging instrument no longer meets the criteria there is objective evidence that the investment in (II) Lease liabilities
for hedge accounting, or if it expires or is sold, the equity-accounted investee is impaired. If there is At the commencement date of the lease, the Group
terminated or exercised, or the designation is revoked, such evidence, the Group calculates the amount of recognises lease liabilities measured at the present
then hedge accounting is discontinued prospectively. impairment as the difference between the recoverable value of lease payments to be made over the lease
If the forecast transaction is no longer expected to amount of the equity-accounted investee and its term. The lease payments include fixed payments
occur, then the balance in equity is reclassified to profit carrying value. An impairment loss is recognised in (including in-substance fixed payments) less any lease
or loss. profit or loss and is reversed if there has been a incentives receivable, variable lease payments that
favourable change in the estimates used to determine depend on an index or a rate, and amounts expected
the recoverable amount. to be paid under residual value guarantees. The lease

132 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 133
5. Business combinations FAIR VALUE
Acquisitions in 2022/23
Acquisition of Fluère Drinks B.V. Liabilities
On 29 December 2022 the Group acquired 100% of the shares in Fluère Drinks B.V., a non-listed company Loans and borrowings 23 580
based in the Netherlands, effective 1 January 2023. The purchase price consists of a fixed cash consideration Other non-current financial liabilities 24 –
of EUR 1,107 thousand and a contingent consideration, currently estimated to be nil. Employee benefits 12 –
Fluère is a leading non-alcoholic spirits brand. The brand’s high-quality products are sold in over 20 markets, Deferred tax liabilities 13 71
including many European countries and a limited number of US states. The acquisition of Fluère broadens the Trade and other payables 25 535
Company’s brand portfolio and enables leveraging the increasing consumer demand for no- & lower-alcohol Other current financial liabilities including derivatives 26 –
drinks and cocktails. Total liabilities assumed 1,186

For the three months period ended 31 March 2023, Fluère contributed EUR 76 thousand to revenue and had a Total identifiable net assets at fair value 707
negative impact on net result of EUR 12 thousand. In addition, the associated one-off transaction costs amount to Goodwill arising on acquisition 400
EUR 20 thousand. Had the transaction occurred on 1 April 2022 and Fluère would have been consolidated for the Total purchase consideration 1,107
full year ended 31 March 2023, the estimated contribution to revenue would have been EUR 381 thousand and the
net result a loss of EUR 82 thousand. For the temporary difference between the tax base of the brand and it’s carrying amount, a deferred tax liability
of EUR 400 thousand was recognised at reporting date. In addition goodwill, related to the deferred tax liability,
Fixed cash consideration was recognised for the amount of EUR 400 thousand as well.
On 2 February 2023, the Group paid the first instalment of the fixed cash consideration of EUR 857 thousand with
the second and final instalment (EUR 250 thousand) due in January 2024. Acquisition-related costs
The Group incurred acquisition-related costs of EUR 20 thousand on legal fees and due-diligence costs. These
The following table summarises the acquisition date fair value of each major class of the total consideration. costs have been included in ‘Other administrative expenses’ and are considered one-off expenses.

AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 NOTE 2023 Cash flows on acquisition

Analysis of cash flows on acquisition
First instalment 16 857
Second and final instalment 250 AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 2023
Total fixed cash consideration 1,107
Cash consideration paid (included in cash flows from investing activities) (857)
Contingent cash consideration Transaction costs of the acquisiton (included in cash flows from operating activities) (20)
In addition to the fixed cash consideration a contingent cash consideration (‘earn-out’) was agreed. This contingent Net cash acquired with the subsidiary (included in cash flows from investing activities) 5
consideration depends on Fluère’s performance over the calendar years 2023, 2024 and 2025 and is capped at Total cash flows on acquisition (872)
EUR 2,700 thousand over the three years together. Performance with respect to the contingent consideration is
determined by the net revenue and EBITDA. The contingent consideration is currently estimated to be nil.
6. Operating segments
Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed
The fair value of the net identifiable assets and liabilities of Fluère Drinks B.V as at the date of acquisition were:
The Group develops, produces, sells and markets products which can be divided in two reportable segments:
FAIR VALUE Global Cocktail Brands and Regional Liqueurs & Spirits.
This segmentation is also the structure in which the brands are managed within the Group, as they require
Assets different marketing and sales strategies, amongst others. Separate financial information is available internally
Property, plant and equipment 17 30 within the Group and used by the main operational decision-makers for matters such as resource allocation.
Intangible assets 18 1,620
Investments in equity-accounted investees 19 – Brand information
Other investments 20 – The Group identifies the reportable segments Global Cocktail Brands and Regional Liqueurs & Spirits.
Inventories 14 89
Trade and other receivables 15 149 (I) Global Cocktail Brands
Other investments including derivatives 27 – The Global Cocktail Brands reportable segment generally comprises of the brands that (i) have a strong link to
Cash and cash equivalents 16 5 cocktails and/or the cocktail culture, (ii) are sold on more than one continent and (iii) generate a relatively high
Total assets acquired 1,893 gross margin. The Global Cocktail Brands reportable segment consists of Bols Cocktails (i.e. the Bols Liqueurs
range, Bols Genever, Bols Vodka and Bols Cocktails Ready-to-Enjoy Cocktails), Passoã and Galliano.

134 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 135
(II) Regional Liqueurs & Spirits Market cluster information (Regions)
The Regional Liqueurs & Spirits reportable segment generally comprises of the brands that (i) (currently) have Markets are grouped into market clusters mainly based on the relative maturity of the cocktail culture in that
a less obvious link to cocktails and/or the cocktail culture and/or (ii) are (predominantly) sold on one continent. specific market (rather than on geographical location). Three market clusters are now identified:
The Regional Liqueurs & Spirits reportable segment consists of all brands other than those allocated to the Global • Sophisticated Cocktail Markets (North America);
Cocktail Brands reportable segment, mainly Vaccari, Tequila Partida, Damrak, Pisang Ambon, Henkes, Nuvo, • Developed Cocktail Markets (Western Europe, Japan and Australia/New Zealand); and
Bokma, Hartevelt, Coebergh, Fluère and a large portfolio of Dutch jenever, vieux and liqueur brands. • Emerging Cocktail Markets (Eastern Europe, Asia (excluding Japan), Africa, Middle East and Latin America).

Management reviews, analyses and discusses internal reports of each reportable segment. Key information AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 REVENUE
regarding each reportable segment is set out in the table below. FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH BY MARKET CLUSTER

2023 2022
Allocation to the reportable segments takes place on specific brand contribution level. Items managed on a Group
basis (e.g. overheads, finance and tax items) are not allocated to the individual reportable segments. Only those assets Sophisticated Cocktail Markets* 27,540 25,716
and liabilities that are directly linked to a brand are allocated to the reportable segments accordingly. All other assets Developed Cocktail Markets** 57,424 52,258
and liabilities are managed on a Group basis and therefore not allocated to the individual reportable segments. Emerging Cocktail Markets 15,650 14,056
Consolidated totals 100,614 92,030
AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 GLOBAL REGIONAL * of which revenue attributed to the USA: EUR 24,779 thousand (2021/22: EUR 21,839 thousand).
** of which revenue attributed to the Netherlands EUR 13,021 thousand (2021/22: EUR 15,520).

2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022

Revenue 69,907 66,186 30,707 25,844 – – 100,614 92,030 AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 GROSS MARGIN
Cost of sales (30,726) (26,317) (17,887) (14,289) – – (48,613) (40,606)
Gross profit 39,181 39,869 12,820 11,555 – – 52,001 51,424 2023 2022

A&P and distribution expenses (15,953) (12,793) (4,663) (3,587) – – (20,616) (16,380) Sophisticated Cocktail Markets 14,040 13,749
Personnel and other expenses – – (24,081) – (16,452) (14,610) (40,533) (14,610) Developed Cocktail Markets 29,672 29,910
Total result from operating Emerging Cocktail Markets 8,289 7,765
activities 23,228 27,076 (15,924) 7,968 (16,452) (14,610) (9,148) 20,434 Consolidated totals 52,001 51,424

Share of profits of joint ventures (2,484) 665 (182) 1,510 – – (2,665) 2,175
EBIT 20,744 27,741 (16,106) 9,478 (16,452) (14,610) (11,813) 22,609 7. Distribution and administrative expenses

2023 2022


AS AT 31 MARCH COCKTAIL BRANDS LIQUEURS & SPIRITS UNALLOCATED TOTAL Advertising and promotional expenses (9,605) (8,020)
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 Distribution expenses (11,011) (8,360)
Personnel expenses 8 (11,158) (9,512)
Intangible assets 213,013 213,013 71,556 93,851 – – 284,569 306,864 Other administrative expenses (3,641) (3,227)
Inventories 17,044 13,484 7,866 4,140 – – 24,910 17,624 Amortisation 17 (234) (263)
Other assets – – – – 44,256 64,653 44,256 64,653 Impairment 17 (24,081) –
Total segment assets 230,057 226,497 79,422 97,991 44,256 64,653 353,735 389,141 Depreciation 16 (1,419) (1,608)
Total segment liabilities – – – – (147,152) (163,615) (147,152) (163,615) (61,149) (30,990)

136 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 137
8. Personnel expenses The total share-based payment expense that is recognised during the year ended 31 March 2023 amounts
to EUR 129 thousand (2021/22: nil). Also refer to note 8. The total carrying amount at the end of the period
2023 2022
FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH amounts to EUR 129 thousand (2021/22: nil). Also refer to note 12.

Wages and salaries (8,395) (7,817)

2023 2022
Fringe benefits (including social premiums) (1,502) (1,266)
Expenses related to share-based payment plan (129) – Share rights granted in 2022/23 129 –
Contributions to defined contribution plans (362) 119 129 –
Expenses related to post-employment defined benefit plans – (12)
Temporary staff (770) (536)
(11,158) (9,512) 10. Net finance costs

2023 2022
At 31 March 2023 the Group had 37.3 FTEs in the Netherlands (31 March 2022: 34.5 FTEs) and 32.9 FTEs abroad FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH
(31 March 2022: 31.9 FTE).
Total interest income arising from financial assets measured at amortised cost 56 29
No government grants were applied and received for the year ended 31 March 2023 (31 March 2022: Finance income 56 29
EUR 314 thousand in the USA and the Netherlands).
Included in ‘contributions to defined contribution plans’ comparative amounts is a one-off gain of Interest expenses on loans and borrowings (2,083) (2,780)
EUR 461 thousand on the curtailment of the defined benefit plan in the year ended 31 March 2022 following Interest expense on lease liablities (127) (151)
the Company entering into a new pension arrangement. Reference is made to note 12. Other finance gains/(losses) 1,849 (1.904)
Finance costs (361) (5,185)
For the disclosure on key management personnel remuneration reference is made to note 30. Net finance costs recognised in profit or loss (305) (5,156)

9. Share-based payments 11. Earnings per share

The Company has a performance-based long-term incentive plan (‘LTIP’). This LTIP grants key management and Total weighted average number of shares has changed compared to the number in the consolidated financial
senior employees phantom shares which entitle them to a cash payment after three years of service. Whether statements as at and for the year ended 31 March 2022. Per 31 March 2023 the total weighted average number
there is any cash payment, and if so, the amount of such cash payment, depends on the extent to which three- of shares amounts to 14,972,756, which is equal to the total number of shares issued as at that date. In December
year performance targets are met and the development of the Group’s share price between grant date and the 2021 the Company issued 2,495,458 new shares, which resulted in a weighted average number of shares per
vesting date. 31 March 2022 of 13,238,276.

The performance conditions for LTIP are average revenue growth, earnings per share growth, free operating cash Basic and diluted earnings per share for the year ended 31 March 2023 amount to EUR 1.08 negative
flow and strategic objectives. The performance conditions are equally weighted. (2021/22: EUR 0.89 positive).

At target performance, 100% of the awarded phantom shares vest. At threshold performance, between 60% and
75% of the awarded phantom shares vest and at maximum performance, between 150% and 200% of the awarded 12. Employee benefits
phantom shares vest.

2023 2022
The number of outstanding phantom shares and the movement over the year is as follows:
Net defined benefit liability – –
Cash-settled share-based payment liability 9 129 –
2023 2022
129 –
Opening balance – –
Granted during the year 49,087 –
Forfeited during the year – – Until 31 May 2021 the Group had two pension schemes in place for its qualifying members of staff in
Cancelled during the year – – the Netherlands. One of them qualified as defined benefit plan with an average pay pension scheme.
Vested previous year – – The other qualified as a defined contribution plan, which is applicable for any remuneration exceeding the
Performance adjustment – – threshold of the defined benefit plan up until a maximum as per applicable laws and regulations. Because both
49,087 – these pension schemes had a termination date of 31 May 2023 and in anticipation of the new pension law
(the ‘Nieuwe Pensioenwet’) that is expected to become effective 1 July 2023, the Company entered into a new
The LTIP 2022-2025 with grant date 1 April 2022 has an award share price of EUR 11.14. The share price as per pension arrangement for its Dutch employees. Under that new arrangement the Company changed its pension
31 March 2023 was EUR 11.30. scheme from a partly defined benefit, partly defined contribution pension scheme into one overall defined

138 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 139
contribution pension scheme. The provision for employee benefits was curtailed during the year ended Defined benefit obligation
31 March 2022, positively impacting the statement of profit or loss in that year with EUR 461 thousand and OCI Actuarial assumptions
with EUR 10 thousand. At the reporting date (except for the future salary growth, which is the curtailment date) the principal actuarial
assumptions (expressed as weighted averages) were as follows:
Movement in net defined benefit (asset) liability
AS AT 31 MARCH 2023 2022
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 Future salary growth 2.30% 2.10%
Future pension growth 0.00% 0.00%
Balance at 1 April 4,176 5,524 (4,176) (5,019) – 505 Price inflation 2.30% 2.10%
Included in profit or loss
Current service cost – 57 – – – 57 Assumptions regarding future mortality are based on published statistics and mortality tables. For financial year
Curtailment – (461) – – – (464) 2022/23 table Prognosetafel AG 2020 is used (2021/22: Prognosetafel AG 2020).
Past service cost and (gain) – (45) – – – (42)
Interest cost/(income) 69 51 (69) (56) – (5) The duration of the defined benefit obligation is 24.4 years (2021/22: 28.2 years).
69 (398) (69) (56) – (454)
The Group expects no contributions to be paid to its defined benefit plan in the 2023/24 financial year
Included in OCI (31 March 2022: nil). The defined benefit obligation does remain subject to indexation.
Effect of changes in economic
assumptions (1,575) (860) – – (1,575) (860) Sensitivity analysis
Effect of changes in demographic Reasonably possible changes to one of the relevant actuarial assumptions at the reporting date, while holding
assumptions 42 – – – 42 – other assumptions constant, would have affected the defined benefit obligation by the amounts shown below.
Effect of experience adjustments 30 (66) – – 30 (66)
Costs of asset management – – – 25 – 25 Defined benefit obligation as at 31 March 2023
Premium correction – – – (47) – (47)
Return on plan assets (excluding interest) – – 1,503 938 1,503 938 AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 INCREASE DECREASE
(1,503) (926) 1,503 916 – (10)
Discount rate (+/- 1%) (636) 688
Other Future salary growth (+/- 1%) – –
Contributions paid by employee – 8 – (8) – (39) Future price inflation (+/- 1%) – –
Contributions paid by the employer – – – (47) – (8) Future pension growth (+ 1%) 112 –
Benefits paid (33) (32) 33 32 – –
Administration costs – – – 6 – 6
(33) (24) 33 (17) – (41) 13. Income taxes
Balance at 31 March 2,709 4,176 (2,709) (4,176) – – Income tax recognised in profit or loss

2023 2022
Plan assets comprise qualifying insurance policies.
Current tax expense (2,734) (2,992)

Deferred tax expense

Tax loss and tax credit carry forward/(reduction of) (586) (1,465)
Origination and reversal of temporary differences (318) (330)
Adjustment for prior years (incl. tax credits carry forward) (482) (35)
Remeasurement DTA and DTL due to rate changes – (860)
(1,386) (2,690)
Income tax expense (4,120) (5,682)

Income tax expense excludes the Group’s share of tax expense of the Group’s equity-accounted investees of
EUR 436 thousand (2021/22: EUR 394 thousand), which has been included in ’share of result of joint ventures’.

140 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 141
No one-off tax results were included in the 2022/23 tax expenses. The 2021/22 income tax expense included a RELATED TO NET ADDITION RECOGNISED NET DEFERRED
one-off loss of EUR 860 thousand, due to the negative impact resulting from the increase of the Dutch corporate AMOUNTS IN EUR `000 1 APRIL 2021 ACQUISITION OR LOSS IN OCI/EQUITY CATION/OTHER 31 MARCH 2022 TAX ASSETS LIABILITIES
income tax rate, which changed from 25.0% to 25.8%, on the Company’s deferred tax liabilities.
Intangible assets (31,121) – (1,218) – – (32,339) – (32,339)
The Group believes that its accruals for tax liabilities are adequate for all open tax years based on its assessment Acquisition
of many factors, including interpretations of tax laws and prior experience. related deferred
taxes (18,155) – – – – (18,155) – (18,155)
Reconciliation of effective tax rate Derivative
financial liability (8) – – (33) – (41) – (41)
FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2023 2022 Derivative
financial asset 342 – 4 (206) – 140 140 –
% EUR 1,000 % EUR 1,000 Employee
benefits 118 – (115) (3) – – – –
Profit/(loss) before tax (12,118) 17,453 Tax loss carry
forward 2,351 – (1,359) – – 992 992 –
Tax at the Company’s domestic tax rate 25.8 3,126 25.8 (4,503) Tax credits carry
Effect of tax rates in foreign jurisdictions 2.0 241 1.4 (236) forward 565 – (2) 181 – 744 744 –
Non-deductible expenses (53.3) (6,460) 4.3 (754) Tax assets
Effect of share of profits of equity-accounted investees (5.0) (610) (3.2) 560 (liabilities) (45,908) – (2,690) (61) – (48,659) 1,876 (50,535)
Changes in estimates related to prior years (5.4) (654) (0.6) 111
R&D tax incentive – – – – On 31 March 2023 the total tax-loss carry-forward amount of EUR 1.7 million has been capitalised as deferred tax
Other (incl. tax credits carry forward) 2.0 237 – – asset (31 March 2022: EUR 3.8 million). The tax-credits carry-forward of EUR 2.6 million has been recognised and
Remeasurement DTA and DTL due to rate changes – – 4.9 (860) will not expire (31 March 2022: 2.9 million). The deferred tax asset for capitalised tax losses solely relates to Fluère
(33.9) (4,120) 32.6 (5,682) and is expected to be gradually realised in the coming years.

Included in the 2022/23 non-deductible expenses is the impairment of EUR 24,081 thousand, amongst others Uncertain tax positions
(2021/22: nil). The remeasurement of the DTA and DTL in 2021/22 is related to the rate change of Dutch income Because the Company operates in a number of countries, its income is subject to taxation in different
taxes from 25% to 25.8% and is therefore nihil for 2022/23. jurisdictions and at different tax rates. The authorities in the Dutch tax jurisdiction have reviewed the Company’s
tax returns from 2016/17 through 2018/19 and have taken the view that the interest expense related to the Passoã
Tax call/put option is not deductible.
Movement in deferred tax balances
The Company’s legal counsel advised that it is not probable, but only possible, that the Dutch tax authorities’
RELATED TO NET ADDITION RECOGNISED NET DEFERRED question will result in an amended tax payment. Accordingly, no provision (or any other form of liability) is

Intangible assets (32,339) (400) (318) – – (33,057) – (33,057)

Acquisition 14. Inventories
related deferred
2023 2022
taxes (18,155) – – – – (18,155) – (18,155) AS AT 31 MARCH
financial liability (41) – – (93) – (134) – (134) Finished goods 21,868 15,373
Derivative Raw materials 3,042 2,251
financial asset 140 – – (128) – 12 12 – 24,910 17,624
benefits – – – – – – – – During 2022/23 inventories of EUR 666 thousand were written down to net realisable value (2021/22:
Tax loss carry EUR 381 thousand). The write-down is included in ‘Cost of sales’.
forward 992 329 (992) – – 329 329 –
Tax credits carry
forward 744 – (76) – – 668 668 –
Tax assets
(liabilities) (48,659) (71) (1,386) (221) – (50,337) 1,009 (51,346)

142 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 143
15. Trade and other receivables 17. Property, plant and equipment

2023 2022

Trade receivables 14,491 16,943

Prepaid expenses and accrued income 790 1,955 Cost
Other receivables 811 425 Balance at 1 April 2022 8,799 3,008 3,956 189 15,952
16,092 19,323 Additions – 191 98 11 300
Additions through acquisitions – – 65 – 65
The entire balance of trade and other receivables is classified as current. The allowance for doubtful trade Lease modifications and remeasurements 84 – – – 84
receivables per 31 March 2023 did not change significantly compared to 31 March 2022. Disposals – – – – –
Reclassification – – – – –
Trade and other receivables denominated in currencies other than the functional currency amounted to Effect of movement in exchange rates 12 (56) 1 – (43)
EUR 10,763 thousand at 31 March 2023 (31 March 2022: EUR 11,245 thousand). Balance at 31 March 2023 8,895 3,143 4,120 200 16,358

Information about the Group’s exposure to credit and currency risks as well as impairment losses, if any, for trade Accumulated depreciation
and other receivables is included in note 27. Balance at 1 April 2022 (2,857) (1,762) (2,231) (127) (6,977)
Depreciation for the year (786) (223) (404) (6) (1,419)
Additions through acquisitions – – (35) – (35)
16. Cash and cash equivalents Disposals – – – – –
Reclassification – – – – –
2023 2022
AS AT 31 MARCH Effect of movement in exchange rates 4 57 48 (18) 91
Balance at 31 March 2023 (3,639) (1,928) (2,622) (151) (8,340)
Bank balances 17,553 25,572
Cash balances 16 16 Carrying amounts
Cash and cash equivalents in the statement of financial position 17,569 25,588 At 1 April 2022 5,942 1,246 1,725 62 8,975
Bank overdrafts (44) (750) At 31 March 2023 5,256 1,215 1,498 49 8,018
Cash and cash equivalents in the statement of cash flows 17,525 24,838

All cash and cash equivalents are available on demand.

144 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 145
18. Intangible assets


Balance at 1 April 2021 8,139 2,843 3,921 183 15,086 Cost
Additions – 77 26 6 109 Balance at 1 April 2022 295,195 20,643 593 316,431
Additions through acquisitions 5 86 8 – 99 Additions
Lease modifications and remeasurements 615 – – – 615 Additions through acquisitions 1,620 400 – 2,020
Disposals – – – – – Balance at 31 March 2023 296,815 21,043 593 318,451
Reclassification – – – – –
Effect of movement in exchange rates 40 2 1 – 43 Accumulated amortisation
Balance at 31 March 2022 8,799 3,008 3,956 189 15,952 Balance at 1 April 2022 (338) – (318) (656)
Reclassification 62 – (62) –
Accumulated depreciation Amortisation (36) – (198) (234)
Balance at 1 April 2021 (2,038) (1,294) (1,852) (116) (5,300) Balance at 31 March 2023 (312) – (578) (890)
Depreciation for the year (787) (413) (403) (5) (1,608)
Additions through acquisitions (4) (54) (2) – (60) Accumulated impairment
Disposals – – – – – Balance at 1 April 2022 (8,911) – – (8,911)
Reclassification – – – – – Impairment (23,881) (200) – (24,081)
Effect of movement in exchange rates (28) (1) 26 (6) (9) Balance at 31 March 2023 (32,792) (200) – (32,992)
Balance at 31 March 2022 (2,857) (1,762) (2,231) (127) (6,977)
Carrying amounts
Carrying amounts At 1 April 2022 285,946 20,643 275 306,864
At 1 April 2021 6,101 1,549 2,069 67 9,786 At 31 March 2023 263,711 20,843 15 284,569
At 31 March 2022 5,942 1,246 1,725 62 8,975

The carrying value of right-of-use assets mainly consists of buildings and includes an amount of EUR 17 thousand AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 BRANDS GOODWILL OTHER TOTAL
relating to office equipment (31 March 2022: EUR 37 thousand) and EUR 34 thousand relating to lease cars
(31 March 2022: EUR 46 thousand). Short-term lease expenses and low-value lease expenses of EUR 104 thousand Cost
(31 March 2022: EUR 54 thousand) are included in ‘Other administrative expenses’. Refer to note 24 and note 27 for Balance at 1 April 2021 286,760 20,202 555 307,517
further details on the lease liability. Additions – – 38 38
Additions through acquisitions 8,435 441 – 8,876
Security Balance at 31 March 2022 295,195 20,643 593 316,431
At 31 March 2023 properties with a carrying amount of EUR 2,762 thousand (31 March 2022: EUR 3,033 thousand)
were subject to a registered debenture that serves as security for bank loans (see note 23). Accumulated amortisation
Balance at 1 April 2021 (209) – (184) (393)
Amortisation (129) – (134) (263)
Balance at 31 March 2022 (338) – (318) (656)

Accumulated impairment
Balance at 1 April 2021 (8,911) – – (8,911)
Impairment – – – –
Balance at 31 March 2022 (8,911) – – (8,911)

Carrying amounts
At 1 April 2021 277,640 20,202 371 298,213
At 31 March 2022 285,946 20,643 275 306,864

Goodwill was recognised as a result of the acquisition of Pijlsteeg B.V. in September 2013, Passoã in
December 2016 and Tequila Partida in December 2021. The difference between the purchase price and
the fair value was recognised as goodwill, which is subject to an annual impairment test.

146 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 147
AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 2023 2022 During the year an impairment loss of EUR 24,081 thousand was recorded in relation to the CGU Dutch brands,
included in the Regional Liqueurs & Spirits operating segment. No impairment loss was recorded in 2021/22.
Balance at 1 April 20,643 20,202 The driver of the impairment is mainly a substantial increase in the applicable discount rates as a consequence
Additions through acquisition 400 441 of rising global interest rates. Moreover, the Dutch brands mainly consist of genever & vieux brands: a price
Impairment (200) – competitive category that has been in decline for years and has faced above-average increases in input costs.
Balance at 31 March 20,843 20,643
Given the Dutch Brands CGU was impaired during the year under review, an adverse change in one or more
Impairment testing for cash-generating units (CGUs) containing brand value and goodwill assumptions applied in calculating the recoverable amount would directly cause the (impaired) carrying amount
The total brand value per the Group’s CGUs is as follows: to exceed the recoverable amount. The key assumptions used for the impairment test of this CGU are a terminal
growth rate of -1%, a discount rate of 8.6% and a flat net contribution margin.
2023 2022
In addition, management performed a sensitivity analysis on (i) a revenue decrease of 5%, (ii) a discount rate
Bols 102,138 102,138 increase of 100bps, or (iii) a decrease of terminal growth rate by 2% for each CGU. The recoverable amounts of
Passoã 70,300 70,300 the CGUs would still be in excess of the carrying amounts with sufficient and reasonable headroom, except for
Galliano 39,076 39,076 the Dutch Brands CGU because it is already subject to an impairment in the year under review.
Dutch brands 17,041 40,922
Other brands 35,156 33,510
263,711 285,946 19. Equity-accounted investees
All capitalised brands with an indefinite useful economic life are not amortised. Such brands are protected by AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 2023 2022
trademarks, which are renewable indefinitely in all the major markets in which they are sold. The Company is not
aware of any legal, regulatory or contractual provisions that limit the useful life of these brands. The nature of the Opening balance 10,373 9,024
premium drinks industry is that obsolescence is not a common issue, with indefinite brand lives being commonplace. Share in profit (2,665) 2,175
Dividend received (1,150) (1,100)
The recoverable amount of the CGUs was determined based on a value in use analysis and estimated using Additions to joint ventures – –
discounted cash flows as per the end of the financial year. When estimating the recoverable amount based on Investments/(divestments) in joint ventures (4,800) 250
the value in use, the forecasted cash flows reflect management’s best estimate of the economic conditions that Actuarial result through OCI – (46)
will exist over the indefinite useful life of the asset. Adjustments from currency translation through OCI – –
Other adjustments (106) 70
Key assumptions applied to the impairment test are as follows: Balance as at 31 March 1,652 10,373
• Cash-flow projections for the first four years are based on the net contribution margin as per next financial
year’s budget and the mid-term business plan for the three years thereafter, both recently endorsed by the
Management Board and Supervisory Board. These projections are evaluated in the light of historical AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 2023 2022
performance, amongst others, and take into account expected revenue growth based on actual experience,
an analysis of volume growth and expected market-share developments as well as expected pricing and Avandis (CV & BV) (50.0%) – 8,750
margin developments. The revenue and volume growth rates and margins used to estimate future Maxxium Nederland BV (50.0%) 1,006 1,027
performance are mainly based on past performance, our experience of growth rates and margins achievable Maxxium BeLux NV (50.0%) 346 296
in the Company’s main markets and the expected brand value-enhancing propositions in the markets. BolsKyndal India Pvt Ltd (50.0%) – –
• Using a similar approach, the projections are extended to years five through eight. This extension is applied Other 300 300
to all CGUs except for the Dutch Brands CGU. Balance as at 31 March 1,652 10,373
• Cash flows after the eight-year period (Dutch Brands CGU: four-year period) are extrapolated using an
average terminal value growth rate of 2.4 percent (Dutch Brands CGU: 1.0 percent negative). The growth rates Avandis
are in line with long-term expected growth rates in the markets in which the Group operates, also considering Effective 1 January 2023 the Company sold its 50 percent share in the net assets of Avandis to Refresco Group B.V.
demographic developments and expected inflation rates. As at 31 December 2022 the Company’s 50 percent share in Avandis had a carrying value of EUR 8.8 million.
• The discount rate was determined based on external sources: This included the non-cash, one-off gain of EUR 1.7 million that was capitalised when the Company purchased
an additional 16.67 percent share in Avandis from Herman Jansen. The net adjusted purchase price attributable
PERCENTAGE AS AT 31 MARCH 2023 2022 to the Company amounted to approximately EUR 5 million, resulting in a book loss for the Company of
EUR 3.9 million, which is recognised in ‘share of result of joint ventures’.
Discount rate 8.6 6.8
Pre-tax WACC 10.32-13.14 8.46–9.44
Terminal value growth rate -1.00-2.40 0.00–2.00

148 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 149
2023 2022
The following is a summary of the financial information of Avandis (CV & BV combined), based on its financial AS AT 31 MARCH
statements adjusted for fair value adjustments on acquisition and differences in the Group’s accounting policies.
Group interest in net assets of investee at beginning of year 1,027 586
2023 2022
Share of total comprehensive income 1,235 1,467
Dividends received during the year (1,150) (1,100)
Revenue 45,933 53,735 Group’s interest in net assets of investee at year-end 1,112 953
Profit from continuing operations 34 819 Elimination of unrealised profit on intercompany sales (106) 74
Other comprehensive income – – Carrying amount of interest in investee at year-end 1,006 1,027
Total comprehensive income 34 819
Maxxium BeLux N.V.
In 2021/22 the Group together with Edrington incorporated Maxxium BeLux N.V., which became operational
2023 2022
on 1 October 2021. Maxxium BeLux N.V. is structured as a separate entity and the Group has a 50 percent interest
in the net assets of Maxxium BeLux N.V. The Group has classified its interest in Maxxium BeLux N.V.
Current assets – 16,296 as a joint venture. The principal activity of Maxxium BeLux N.V. is the distribution of distilled products in Belgium
Non-current assets – 26,504 and Luxembourg.
Current liabilities – (14,682)
Non-current liabilities – (10,618) BolsKyndal India Pvt Ltd
Net assets (100%) – 17,500 BolsKyndal India Pvt. Ltd. is structured as a separate entity and the Group has a 50 percent interest in the net
assets of BolsKyndal India Pvt. Ltd. The Group has classified its interest in BolsKyndal India Pvt. Ltd. as a joint
venture. The principal activity of BolsKyndal India Pvt. Ltd. is the blending, bottling and distribution of distilled
2023 2022

Group interest in net assets of investee at beginning of year 8,750 8,138

Share of total comprehensive income 8 612 20. Other investments
Changes during the year (including gain from bargain purchase price) (8,758) –
2023 2022
Group interest in net assets of investee at year-end – 8,750 AS AT 31 MARCH
Elimination of unrealised profit on intercompany sales – –
Carrying amount of interest in investee at year-end – 8,750 Loans issued 176 –
Other related party loans 232 232
Maxxium Nederland B.V. 408 232
Maxxium Nederland B.V. is structured as a separate entity and the Group has a 50 percent interest in the net
assets of Maxxium Nederland B.V. The Group has classified its interest in Maxxium Nederland B.V. as a joint Information about the Group’s exposure to credit and market risks and fair value measurement is included in note 27.
venture. The principal activity of Maxxium Nederland B.V. is the distribution of distilled products.

The following is a summary of the financial information for Maxxium Nederland B.V., based on its financial 21. Capital and reserves
statements adjusted for fair value adjustments on acquisition and differences in the Group’s accounting policies.
At 31 March 2023 the authorised share capital comprised 21.0 million ordinary shares of EUR 0.10 each.
2023 2022 A total of 14.97 million of these shares was issued and fully paid at the balance sheet date.

Revenue 72,302 71,503 AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 2023 2022

Profit from continuing operations 2,470 2,385
Other comprehensive income – 549 In issue at 1 April 1,497 1,248
Total comprehensive income 2,470 2,934 Issue of share capital – 249
In issue at 31 March – fully paid 1,497 1,497
Authorised – par value in EUR 0.10 0.10
2023 2022

Current assets 24,933 20,754

Non-current assets 2,807 3,301
Current liabilities (23,458) (19,623)
Non-current liabilities (1,585) (1,911)
Net assets (100%) 2,697 2,521

150 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 151
Ordinary shares
Holders of ordinary shares are entitled to dividends as declared from time to time and are entitled to one vote per 22. Capital management
share in the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company. All rights attached to the Company’s shares held
by the Group are suspended until those shares are reissued. The Board’s policy is to maintain a strong capital base to maintain investor, creditor and market confidence and
to sustain future development of the business. Management monitors the return on capital as well as the level
NUMBER OF SHARES IN THOUSANDS 2023 2022 of dividends to ordinary shareholders, also taking into account economic conditions and the requirements of
the financial covenants. The Group monitors capital using net debt, amongst others.
Balance at 1 April 14,973 12,477 • Net debt is the net of (i) the sum of bank loans drawn (at face value) and (ii) cash and cash equivalents.
Issue of share capital – 2,495
Balance at 31 March 14,973 14,973 The Group's net debt at 31 March was as follows:

2023 2022
Treasury shares AS AT 31 MARCH NOTE
In 2022/23 and 2021/22 the Group purchased own shares under the Employee Share Purchase Plan (see note 3(e)).
All purchased own shares have been delivered to employees. Bank loans drawn (at face value) 76,500 85,500
Loans from third parties (at face value) 580 –
Share premium Interest-bearing debt 77,080 85,500
Less: cash and cash equivalents 15 (17,569) (25,588)
AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 2023 2022 Plus: bank overdrafts 15 44 750
Net debt 59,555 60,662
Balance at 1 April 157,787 129,695
Issue of share capital – 28,648
Transaction costs, net of tax – (556) 23. Loans and borrowings
Balance at 31 March 157,787 157,787
Non-current liabilities
In 2021/22 the Group issued new shares in order to finance the acquisition of Tequila Partida LLC and to
2023 2022
strengthen its balance sheet. No new shares were issued in 2022/23. AS AT 31 MARCH

Nature and purpose of legal reserves Secured bank loans 66,448 80,370
Currency translation reserve Loans from third parties 580 –
The currency translation reserve comprises all foreign currency differences arising from the translation of the Cumulative preference shares – –
financial statements of foreign operations, as well as the effective portion of any foreign currency differences 67,028 80,370
arising from hedges of a net investment in a foreign operation (see note 3(c)).
At 31 March 2023 the facility arrangement in place consists of EUR 30 million term loan facilities (31 March 2022:
Hedging reserve EUR 30 million), EUR 30 million revolving credit facilities (31 March 2022: EUR 40 million) and EUR 42.5 million
The hedging reserve comprises the effective portion of the cumulative net change in the fair value, net of tax, acquisition facility (31 March 2022: EUR 47.5 million) which was used for the funding of Passoã transaction.
of hedging instruments used in cash flow hedges pending subsequent recognition in profit or loss as the hedged These committed facilities were extended effective 31 March 2023, now maturing November 2025 instead of
cash flows affect profit or loss (see note 3(c)). November 2023. There is no FX impact on the loans. The Group is obliged to meet the covenants required by
the senior credit facilities.
Other legal reserve
French legislation requires the Company to form a legal reserve, amounting to 10% of the Company’s investment Under the facility agreement, the Group is required to comply with an interest cover ratio covenant and a leverage
in Passoã SAS, for an amount of EUR 7.6 million (31 March 2022: EUR 7.6 million). ratio covenant, calculated as per the definitions included in that agreement. Per each of the half-year testing
periods, the interest cover ratio shall be or shall exceed 3.00, whilst the leverage ratio shall not exceed 4.00.
Dividends on common shares In case of an acquisition, the maximum leverage ratio permitted is increased to 4.50 for two consecutive testing
The Management Board, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, has resumed the payment of dividend periods after that acquisition (the ‘acquisition spike’).
to the Company’s shareholders in 2022/23. In December 2022 the Company paid an interim dividend of
EUR 3,144 thousand (or EUR 0.21 per share) to its shareholders. This amount equals 40% of the net profit for COVID-19 impacted both the Group’s profitability (e.g. EBITDA) and the magnitude by which the Group can reduce
the six-month period ended 30 September 2022. net debt. Consequently, the Group agreed temporary amendments to the facility agreement with the lender group
The net loss shall be allocated to retained earnings, subject to the approval of Supervisory Board and to facilitate further execution of the growth strategy whilst complying with covenants (also throughout the
the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. COVID-19 crisis).
• In April 2021, when the impact (magnitude and duration) of the initially unanticipated additional COVID-19
waves became clearer, the Group agreed amendments with the lender group.
• In regard to the testing periods ended 30 September 2021, 31 March 2022 and 30 September 2022,
it was agreed that the interest cover ratio covenant and the leverage ratio covenant would not be tested.
Instead, a minimum liquidity level covenant (set at EUR 12.5 million on the last day of each month for

152 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 153
the periods ending 30 September 2021 and 31 March 2022, and at EUR 15.0 million on the last day of Terms and repayment schedule
each month for the testing period ended 30 September 2022, respectively) and an EBITDA ‘floor’ The terms and conditions of outstanding loans are as follows:
covenant (set at EUR 4.5 million, EUR 8.0 million and EUR 11.0 million for the testing periods ended
30 September 2021, 31 March 2022 and 30 September 2022, respectively) were agreed. AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 NOMINAL YEAR OF UNUSED FACE CARRYING FACE CARRYING
• In regard to the testing period ended 31 March 2023, it was agreed that the interest cover ratio shall AS AT 31 MARCH CURRENCY INTEREST RATE MATURITY FACILITY* VALUE AMOUNT VALUE AMOUNT

be or shall exceed 2.76, whilst the leverage ratio shall not exceed 4.50. % P.A. 2023 2023 2023 2022 2022
• From 1 April 2023 onwards the temporary COVID-19 amendments are no longer applicable: the covenants
under the facility agreement described above apply from that date onwards. Secured bank loan – Euribor +
Term loan EUR 2.20 % 2025 – 30,000 29,980 30,000 29,954
Based on the definitions in the facility agreement and the (extended) amendments thereto, the interest cover per Secured bank loan – Euribor +
31 March 2023 was 6.85x (31 March 2022: 6.44x), whilst the leverage ratio for the year ended on that date was Revolving Credit Facility EUR 2.20 % 2025 26,000 4,000 3,997 8,000 7,988
3.36x (31 March 2022: 2.74x). Secured bank loan – Euribor +
Acquisition Facility EUR 2.20 % 2025 – 42,500 42,471 47,500 47,428
Information about the Group’s exposure to interest rate and liquidity risks is included in note 28. Loans from third parties EUR 5% 2025 – 580 551 – –
Total interest-bearing
Current liabilities liabilities 26,000 77,080 76,999 85,500 85,370
* In addition, the Group had a revolving credit facility of EUR 10.0 million in place, which is mainly used for guarantees. As at 31 March 2023 a total
2023 2022
AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 of EUR 0.1 million (31 March 2022: EUR 1.7 million) was used for guarantees, leaving an extra amount of EUR 9.9 million of the facility unused
at 31 March 2023 (31 March 2022: EUR 8.3 million).

Current portion of secured bank loans 10,000 5,000 The repayment schedule of current outstanding loans is as follows:
Bank overdrafts 44 750
10,044 5,750 FACE VALUE
Movement schedule
Secured bank loan – Term loan EUR 2025 30,000 – – (30,000) –
Secured bank loan – Revolving
Secured bank loan – Acquisition
As at 1 April 2022 30,000 8,000 47,500 – 85,500 (130) 85,370 – Facility EUR 2025 42,500 (10,000) (5,000) (27,500) –
Amortisation – – – – – 78 78 – Loans from third parties EUR 2025 580 – (580) – –
Additions through Total interest-bearing liabilities 77,080 (10,000) (5,580) (61,500) –
acquisition – – – 580 580 – 580 –
Proceeds – – – – – – – – Floating rates were hedged for a substantial part by means of interest-rate swap agreements. The bank loans are
Repayments – (4,000) (5,000) – (9,000) – (9,000) (9,000) secured for approximately EUR 100 million (31 March 2022: EUR 117.5 million) by a pledge on most non-current
As at 31 March assets and material intellectual property of the Group, as well as trade receivables and stock.
2023 30,000 4,000 42,500 580 77,080 (52) 77,028 (9,000)

Movement schedule 24. Other non-current financial liabilities

2023 2022
Lease liabilities 4,762 5,408
As at 1 April 2021 30,000 18,000 50,000 – 98,000 (208) 97,792 – Contingent consideration – 2,360
Amortisation – – – – – 78 78 – Other financial liabilities – –
Proceeds – – – – – – – – Fair value of derivatives – 79
Repayments – (10,000) (2,500) – (12,500) – (12,500) (12,500) 4,762 7,847
As at 31 March
2022 30,000 8,000 47,500 – 85,500 (130) 85,370 (12,500) As part of the total consideration for the acquisition of Tequila Partida LLC the Group recognised a contingent
consideration of EUR 2,360 thousand in 2021/22 relating to targets set for the 2022/23 and 2023/24 financial
years. This contingent consideration is de-recognised in the year under review as the targets for 2022/23 were
not met and are not expected to be met for 2023/24. The gain is included in finance costs.

154 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 155
Derivative financial instruments are used to hedge exposure to fluctuations in foreign exchange rates and interest In September 2022 the Group made a payment to the local bank in India of EUR 1,637 thousand to settle the
rates. The model used under hedge accounting is the cash-flow hedge model. Also refer to note 27. outstanding loan with BolsKyndal. Only an insignificant amount of expenses was recognised in 2022/23 as the
Group already recognised a EUR 1,570 thousand liability under ‘Other financial liabilities’ per 31 March 2022.
The movement in the lease liability is as follows: See note 27 for disclosure on financial instruments. Information about the Group’s exposure to currency and
liquidity risks is also included in note 27.
2023 2022

Opening balance 6,186 6,330 27. Financial instruments

Additions – –
Lease modification 84 615 Accounting classifications and fair values
Accretion of interest 127 151 The following table shows the carrying amounts and fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities,
Payments (969) (870) including their levels in the fair value hierarchy. It does not include fair value information for financial assets and
Exchange rate results 6 (40) financial liabilities not measured at fair value if the carrying amount is a reasonable approximation of fair value.
5,434 6,186
Current portion of lease liabilities (note 24) 672 778 AS AT 31 MARCH 2023 NOTE INSTRUMENTS RECEIVABLES LIABILITIES TOTAL LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3
Non-current portion of lease liabilities 4,762 5,408
Financial assets measured
Included in ‘Finance costs’ is an amount of EUR 127 thousand (2021/22: EUR 151 thousand) related to interest at fair value
expenses on lease liabilities; refer to note 10. A maturity analysis of lease liabilities is included in note 28. Interest rate swaps used for
The assets related to leases are included in note 17. hedging 6 – – 6 – 6 –
Forward exchange contracts used
for hedging 511 – – 511 – 511 –
25. Trade and other payables 517 – – 517 – 517 –

2023 2022
AS AT 31 MARCH Financial assets not measured
at fair value
Trade payables 7,966 8,993 Loan issued – 176 – 176 – 176 –
Accrued expenses 5,614 7,462 Other related party loans 20 – 232 – 232 – 232 –
Wage tax payable 127 97 Trade and other receivables 14 – 16,092 – 16,092 – 16,092 –
13,707 16,552 Cash and cash equivalents 15 – 17,569 – 17,569 – 17,569 –
– 34,069 – 34,069 – 34,069 –
At 31 March 2023 trade payables denominated in currencies other than the functional currency amounted
to EUR 3,294 thousand (31 March 2022: EUR 4,437 thousand). Financial liabilities measured
at fair value
Fixed cash consideration – – (250) (250) – – (250)
26. Other current financial liabilities, including derivatives Employee benefits – – (129) (129) (129) – –
Interest rate swaps used for
2023 2022
AS AT 31 MARCH hedging – – – – – – –
Forward exchange contracts used
Lease liabilities 672 778 for hedging (48) – – (48) – (48) –
Fixed cash consideration 250 – (48) – (379) (427) (129) (48) (250)
Fair value of derivatives 48 467
Accrued interest payable (18) 314 Financial liabilities not measured
Other financial liabilities – 1,570 at fair value
952 3,129 Loans and borrowings 23 – – (76,999) (76,999) – (76,999) –
Lease liabilities (non-current) 24 – – (4,762) (4,762) – (4,762) –
An amount of EUR 250 thousand relating to the fixed cash consideration for the acquisition of Fluère Drinks B.V. is Lease liabilities (current) 26 – – (672) (672) – (672) –
deferred and payable in January 2024. Other financial liabilities (current) 26 – – – – – – –
Trade and other payables 25 – – (13,707) (13,707) – (13,707) –
Derivative financial instruments of in total EUR 48 thousand (31 March 2022: EUR 467 thousand) consist of Accrued interest payable 26 – – 18 18 – 18 –
hedged foreign exchange contracts and interest rate swaps, both valued at 31 March 2023. The duration of these Corporate income tax payable – – (193) (193) – (193) –
foreign exchange contracts and interest contracts is less than one year. Bank overdrafts 16 – – (44) (44) – (44) –
– – (96,359) (96,359) – (96,359) –

156 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 157
FAIR VALUE OTHER Financial instruments measured at fair value:

at fair value
Interest rate swaps used for Forward exchange Market comparison technique: n/a n/a
hedging – – – – – – – contracts and interest the fair values are based on broker
Forward exchange contracts used rate swaps quotes. Similar contracts are traded
for hedging 162 – – 162 – 162 – in an active market and the quotes
162 – – 162 – 162 – reflect the actual transactions in
similar instruments.
Financial assets not measured
at fair value Financial instruments not measured at fair value:
Loan issued – – – – – – –
Other related party loans 20 – 232 – 232 – 232 – SIGNIFICANT
Trade and other receivables 14 – 19,323 – 19,323 – 19,323 – TYPE VALUATION TECHNIQUE UNOBSERVABLE INPUTS

Cash and cash equivalents 15 – 25,588 – 25,588 – 25,588 –

– 45,143 – 45,143 – 45,143 – Financial assets Discounted cash flows n/a
Financial liabilities Discounted cash flows n/a
Financial liabilities measured
at fair value Financial assets include trade and other receivables, loans provided and cash and cash equivalents. Financial
Contingent consideration – – (2,360) (2,360) – – (2,360) liabilities include bank loans, lease liabilities, short-term financial liabilities and trade and other payables.
Interest rate swaps used for The book values of the secured bank loans are the best approximation of their fair value. For all other financial
hedging (233) – – (233) – (233) – instruments the fair value is consistent with the book value.
Forward exchange contracts used
for hedging (312) – – (312) – (312) – Financial risk management
(545) – (2,360) (2,905) – (545) (2,360) The Group has exposure to the following risks arising from financial instruments:
• Credit risk;
Financial liabilities not measured • Liquidity risk; and
at fair value • Market risk.
Loans and borrowings 23 – – (85,370) (85,370) – (85,370) –
Lease liabilities (non-current) 24 – – (5,408) (5,408) – (5,408) – Risk management framework
Lease liabilities (current) 26 – – (778) (778) – (778) – There are inherent risks related to Lucas Bols’ business activities and organisation. Sound risk management
Other financial liabilities (current) 26 – – (1,570) (1,570) – (1,570) – is an integral element of good business practice and effective operations, so the Management Board promotes
Trade and other payables 25 – – (16,552) (16,552) – (16,552) – a transparent, company-wide approach to risk management and internal controls. This approach focuses
Accrued interest payable 26 – – (314) (314) – (314) – on finding the right balance between maximising business opportunities and managing risks involved.
Corporatie income tax payable – – (1,308) (1,308) – (1,308) – The Management Board considers this to be one of its most important tasks.
Bank overdrafts 16 – – (750) (750) – (750) –
– – (112,050) (112,050) – (112,050) – The risk management framework is the foundation for the identification and mitigation of corporate business risks
and has been developed to provide reasonable assurance that the risks we face are properly evaluated and
Measurement of fair values mitigated. It assures that management is provided with the information it needs to make informed and timely
Valuation techniques and significant unobservable inputs decisions. While the framework is designed to manage risks it cannot prevent human error, fraud or infringements
The following tables show the valuation techniques used in measuring Level 2 and Level 3 fair values, as well as of laws and regulations with absolute certainty. Lucas Bols’ risk management is not static: the way we manage
the significant unobservable inputs used. risks is constantly monitored and adapted to reflect changes in internal and external circumstances if and when

Credit risk
Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Group if a customer or counterparty to a financial instrument fails
to meet its contractual obligations and arises principally from the Group’s receivables from customers and
investments in debt securities.

158 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 159
Trade receivables Derivatives
The Group’s exposure to credit risk is influenced mainly by the individual characteristics of each customer. Derivatives are entered into with bank and financial institution counterparties which are rated AA- to AA+ based
However, management also considers the factors that may influence the credit risk of its customer base, on ratings assigned by rating agencies. The carrying amount of financial assets of EUR 516 thousand represents
including the default risk of the industry and country in which customers operate. the maximum credit risk exposure (2021/22: EUR 162 thousand).

The concentration of credit risk with respect to receivables is limited, as the Group’s customer base and vendor Liquidity risk
base are large and unrelated. The Group applies the IFRS 9 simplified approach to measuring expected credit Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will encounter difficulty in meeting the obligations associated with its
losses, which uses a lifetime expected loss allowance for all trade receivables. To measure the expected credit financial liabilities that are settled by delivering cash or another financial asset. The Group’s approach to
losses, trade receivables have been grouped based on shared credit risk characteristics and the days past due. managing liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will have sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when
they are due, under both normal and stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage
The Group has established a credit policy under which each new customer is analysed individually for to the Group’s reputation.
creditworthiness before the Group’s standard payment and delivery terms and conditions are offered.
Typically, the Group ensures that it generally has sufficient cash on demand to meet the expected operational
Almost all the customers have been doing business transactions with the Group for several years, and no expenses for the next few months, including the servicing of financial obligations.
significant impairment loss has been recognised against these customers. This excludes the potential impact of extreme circumstances that cannot be reasonably predicted, such as natural
The Group closely monitors the economic environment and is taking actions to limit its exposure to customers in
countries experiencing specific economic volatility. The Group maintains an additional line of credit in the form of a EUR 10 million revolving credit facility. This facility
is mainly used for guarantees. One guarantee has been issued:
At year-end, the maximum exposure to credit risk for trade receivables by geographic region was as follows: • A guarantee for one of our lessors (EUR 0.1 million).

In 2021/22 the Group recognised a financial liability in relation to the financing of the BolsKyndal joint venture in
AS AT 31 MARCH AMOUNT 2023 AMOUNT 2022 regard to which a guarantee was issued under ‘Other current financial liabilities, including derivatives’. Upon
settlement of this financial liability in September 2022 the guarantee was cancelled. Refer to note 26.
Sophisticated Cocktail Markets 5,356 4,821
Developed Cocktail Markets 6,109 7,786 Exposure to liquidity risk
Emerging Cocktail Markets 3,026 4,336 The following are the remaining contractual maturities of financial liabilities at the reporting date. The amounts
14,491 16,943 are gross and undiscounted, and include estimated interest payments:


At year-end, the aging of trade receivables is as follows: 31 MARCH 2023 CONTRACTUAL CASH FLOWS


2023 2022

Not past due 13,114 15,325 Derivative financial liabilities

1 – 30 days past due 977 1,016 Interest rate swap contracts – – – – – –
31 – 90 days past due 229 318 Forward exchange contracts (48) (48) (48) – – –
90 days and more past due 171 284
14,491 16,943 Non-derivative financial liabilities
Secured bank loans (76,999) (77,080) (10,000) (5,580) (61,500) –
Management believes that the unimpaired amounts that are more than 30 days past due are still collectible in full Interest related to secured bank loans – (11,000) (4,176) (4,165) (2,659) –
based on historic payment behaviour and extensive analysis of customer credit risk, including the underlying Lease liabilities (5,434) (5,646) (687) (516) (1,048) (3,395)
customers’ credit ratings, if available. Bank overdrafts (44) (44) (44) – – –
Trade payables (13,707) (13,707) (13,707) – – –
An insignificant impairment loss on trade receivables was recognised in 2022/23 and 2021/22. Accrued interest payable 18 18 18 – – –
Corporate income tax payable (193) (193) (193) – – –
Cash and cash equivalents (96,407) (107,701) (28,838) (10,261) (65,207) (3,395)
The Group held cash and cash equivalents of EUR 17,525 thousand as at 31 March 2023 (31 March 2022:
EUR 24,838 thousand). The cash and cash equivalents are held with bank and financial institution counterparties
which are at least A-rated based on ratings assigned by rating agencies.

160 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 161
31 MARCH 2022 CONTRACTUAL CASH FLOWS Exposure to currency risk
The summary of quantitative data about the Group’s exposure to currency risk as reported to management
AMOUNT TOTAL 1 YEAR 1-2 YEARS 2-4 YEARS 4 YEARS is as follows:

Derivative financial liabilities Trade and other receivables

Interest rate swap contracts (233) (233) (232) (1) – –
2023 2022
Forward exchange contracts (312) (312) (312) – – –
EUR 5,329 8,078
Non-derivative financial liabilities USD 6,862 5,732
Secured bank loans (85,370) (85,500) (5,000) (80,500) – – JPY 635 556
Interest related to secured bank loans – (2,784) (1,699) (1,085) – – AUD 962 1,607
Contingent consideration (2,360) (2,360) – (1,231) (1,129) – GBP 55 55
Lease liabilities (6,186) (6,359) (778) (621) (1,039) (3,920) Other currencies 2,249 3,295
Bank overdrafts (750) (750) (750) – – – 16,092 19,323
Trade payables (16,552) (16,552) (16,552) – – –
Accrued interest payable (314) (314) (314) – – – Trade and other payables
Corporate income tax payable (1,308) (1,308) (1,308) – – –
2023 2022
(113,385) (116,472) (29,945) (83,438) (2,168) (3,920)
EUR 10,414 12,137
The Group has a secured bank loan that contains a loan covenant. A breach of this covenant may require the USD 3,329 3,545
Group to repay the loan earlier than indicated in the above table. It is not expected that the cash flows included in JPY (10) 98
the maturity analysis could occur significantly earlier or be significantly different amounts. See note 23 for AUD 107 131
disclosure on covenants. GBP 119 540
Other currencies (252) 123
Market risk 13,707 16,552
Market risk is the risk that changes in market prices – such as foreign exchange rates and interest rates – will
affect the Group’s income or the value of its holdings of financial instruments. In accordance with external market sources, not taking into account the hedge rates, the following significant
exchange rates were applied during the year:
The objective of market risk management is to manage and control market risk exposures within acceptable
parameters while optimising the return. The Group uses derivatives to manage market risks. All such transactions YEAR END SPOT
are carried out within the guidelines set by management. Generally, the Group seeks to apply hedge accounting FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH AVERAGE RATE AGAINST EURO RATE AGAINST EURO

to manage volatility in profit or loss. 2023 2022 2023 2022

Currency risk USD 1.0413 1.1623 1.0875 1.1101

The Group is exposed to currency risk, mainly on sales that are denominated in a currency other than the euro. JPY 140.90 130.53 144.83 135.17
The currencies in which these transactions are primarily denominated are JPY, USD, AUD and GBP. AUD 1.5221 1.5723 1.6268 1.4829
GBP 0.8644 0.8504 0.8792 0.8460
At the start of the financial year the Group hedges 60 to 80% of its estimated foreign currency exposure in
respect of forecast sales for that year. The Group uses forward exchange contracts to hedge its currency risk, Sensitivity analysis
most with a maturity of less than one year from the reporting date. Such contracts are generally designated A strengthening of the JPY, USD, AUD and GBP against the euro at 31 March 2023 would have affected the
as cash flow hedges. measurement of financial instruments denominated in a foreign currency and affected equity and profit or loss by
the amounts shown below. A weakening would have the same, but opposite effect. The analysis assumes that all
The Group’s investment in its US subsidiary and its joint venture in India are not hedged. other variables, in particular interest rates, remain constant and ignores any impact of forecast sales and
purchases. Currencies other than JPY, USD, AUD and GBP are considered not material.

162 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 163
29. Commitments and contingencies
31 March 2023 In December 2017, Lucas Bols and London Group entered into strategic partnership regarding liqueur brand Nuvo.
JPY (1% movement) 18 Under that partnership Lucas Bols obtained the global distribution rights for Nuvo and works with London Group to
USD (1% movement) 113 further build and distribute the brand. Lucas Bols is responsible for buying, sourcing and commercial activities, as well
AUD (1% movement) 35 as defining the appropriate distribution channels for the brand. London Group, controlled by spirit entrepreneur
GBP (1% movement) 42 Mr. Raphael Yakoby, is responsible for strategic marketing, including social media and product development.

31 March 2022 Under the partnership, Lucas Bols made an upfront payment of USD 0.5 million and is required to pay London Group
JPY (1% movement) 11 yearly royalties. The upfront payment was capitalised in intangible assets and is amortised over 6.5 years.
USD (1% movement) 8 The partnership agreement also includes a put and call option structure that enables London Group to sell, and
AUD (1% movement) 39 Lucas Bols to acquire, the brand in June 2023. The put and call option has an exercise price based on the brand’s
GBP (1% movement) 29 financial performance of the Group’s financial year ending 31 March 2023.

Interest rate risk Contingencies

Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because The credit facility of Lucas Bols incorporates what is known as a ‘change of control’ provision. If a party acquires
of changes in market interest rates. The Group adopts a policy of ensuring that at least 80% of its interest rate more than 50% of the company’s issued share capital or voting rights, the company is subject to a repayment
risk exposure is at a fixed rate. To achieve this the Group enters into and designates interest rate swaps as hedges commitment.
of the variability in cash flows attributable to interest rate risk.
The Company forms part of a Dutch fiscal unit with its consolidated subsidiaries in respect of corporate income
Cash flow sensitivity analysis for variable rate instruments tax and value added tax. Consequently, the Company is jointly and severally liable for all debt arising from the
As a result of the Group’s hedging policy for changes in interest rates, the impact of a change of 100 basis points fiscal unit. The Company is fully liable for all obligations in relation to bank loans of its subsidiaries.
in interest rates would be limited. The Company has issued a guarantee as mentioned in Article 403, Part 9, Book 2 of the Netherlands Civil Code
for its subsidiary Lucas Bols Amsterdam B.V. and for the subsidiaries of Lucas Bols Amsterdam B.V., namely
Bokma Distillateurs B.V., Galliano B.V., Vaccari B.V., Pisang Ambon B.V., DELB B.V., Pijlsteeg B.V., Tequila Partida B.V.
28. List of subsidiaries and Fluère Drinks B.V. respectively.

A list of material subsidiaries of the Group is set out below.

30. Related parties
AS AT 31 MARCH INCORPORATION OWNERSHIP INTEREST Transactions with key management personnel
2023 2022 The members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board are considered key management personnel
as defined in IAS 24 ‘Related party disclosures’. For details on their remuneration, reference is made to
Lucas Bols Amsterdam B.V.* Amsterdam, The Netherlands 100% 100% the remuneration report in the annual report.
DELB B.V.* Amsterdam, The Netherlands 100% 100%
Galliano B.V.* Amsterdam, The Netherlands 100% 100% The Management Board and the Supervisory Board member’s compensation (including the pension obligations
Vaccari B.V.* Amsterdam, The Netherlands 100% 100% as referred to in Section 2:383(b) of the Netherlands Civil Code) that was charged to the Company and Group
Pisang Ambon B.V.* Amsterdam, The Netherlands 100% 100% companies in 2022/23 is as follows:
Bokma Distillateurs B.V.* Amsterdam, The Netherlands 100% 100%
Beleggingsmaatschappij Honthorst II B.V. Amsterdam, The Netherlands 100% 100%

Lucas Bols USA Inc. Wilmington, U.S.A. 100% 100% 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022
Passoã SAS Paris, France 100% 100%
Tequila Partida LLC Oakland, U.S.A. 100% 100% Compensation of the Management Board and
Fluère Drinks B.V. Kamperland, The Netherlands 100% 0% the Supervisory Board
* For these subsidiaries the Company has issued a guarantee as mentioned in Article 403, Part 9, Book 2 of the Netherlands Civil Code. Salary 805 772 155 155 960 927
Variable remuneration short-term 146 362 – – 146 362
Variable remuneration long-term 48 – – – 48 –
Pension 31 29 – – 31 29
Other 137 115 – – 136 115
Total 1,167 1,278 155 155 1,321 1,433

164 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 165
The variable remuneration long-term has not been paid out as the phantom shares have not yet vested. Final
pay-out is dependent on performance on predefined targets. This means the total remuneration awarded or due
to the Management Board in 2022/23 amounts to EUR 1,119 thousand respectively.

The Management Board of the Company controls 5.28% of the voting shares of the Company. financial statements
Other related party transactions

2023 2022 2023 2022

Company balance sheet of Lucas Bols N.V.
Sale of goods and services
Joint ventures 18,628 16,471 1,210 1,429 Before profit appropriation
Purchase of goods, services and brands
2023 2022
Joint ventures (27,059) (29,401) 89 (1,717) AS AT 31 MARCH NOTE
Joint ventures dividends received 1,150 1,100 – – Assets
Joint ventures loan and related interest 12 24 – – Investments in subsidiaries 3 152,733 171,677
Other related party loans – – 232 232 Deferred tax assets 4 2,670 2,670
Total non-current assets 155,403 174,347
Balances are expected to be settled in cash within two months after the end of the reporting period except for the
‘Other related party loans’. Receivables from group companies 5 51,179 51,179
Cash and cash equivalents – –
None of the balances is secured. An insignificant expense was recognised in the current year in respect of Total current assets 51,179 51,179
amounts owed by related parties. Refer to note 27. Total assets 206,582 225,526

31. Subsequent events Share capital 1,497 1,497
Share premium 157,787 157,787
There were no material events after 31 March 2023. Treasury shares – –
Currency translation reserve (486) (289)
Hedging reserve 348 (287)
Other legal reserves 7,630 7,630
Retained earnings 56,044 47,417
Result for the year (16,238) 11,771
Total equity 6 206,582 225,526

Other non-current liabilities – –
Total non-current liabilities – –

Trade and other payables – –

Total current liabilities – –
Total liabilities – –
Total equity and liabilities 206,582 225,526

166 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 167
Notes to the Company
Company profit and loss account of Lucas Bols N.V.

2023 2022

financial statements ended


Revenue* 1,321 1,433

31 March 2023 and 2022

Cost of sales – –
Gross profit 1,321 1,433
Distribution and administrative expenses* (1,321) (1,433)
Operating profit – –

Finance income – –
Finance costs – – 1. Basis of preparation
Net finance costs – –
Profit before tax – – The Company’s financial statements are prepared in accordance with the provisions of Part 9, Book 2,
Income tax expense – – of the Netherlands Civil Code. The Company uses the option of Article 362.8 of Part 9, Book 2, of the Netherlands
Other profit after income tax – – Civil Code to prepare the Company financial statements, using the same accounting policies as those used for
Share of result of participating interests, after income tax 3 (16,238) 11,771 the consolidated financial statements. Valuation is based on recognition and measurement requirements of IFRS
Net profit/(loss) (16,238) 11,771 as adopted by the EU, as explained further in the notes to the consolidated financial statements.
* The amounts represent the compensation of the Management Board and Supervisory Board members, recharged to Lucas Bols Amsterdam B.V.
For the principles of valuation of assets and liabilities and for the determination of the result, reference is made
to the notes to the consolidated financial statements.

2. Significant accounting policies

Financial fixed assets
Investments in subsidiaries are accounted for in the Company financial statements according to the equity
method. They are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying
amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the asset’s carrying
amount exceeds its recoverable amount.

Reference is made to the basis of consolidation accounting policy in the consolidated financial statements.

Profit of participating interests

The share in the result of participating interests consists of the share of the Company in the results of these
participating interests. In so far as gains or losses on transactions involving the transfer of assets and liabilities
between the Company and its participating interests or between participating interests themselves can be
considered unrealised, they have not been recognised.

Amounts due from group companies

Amounts due from group companies are stated initially at fair value and subsequently at amortised cost.
Amortised cost is determined using the effective interest rate. The company recognise a credit loss for financial
assets (such as a loan) based on an expected credit loss (ECL) which will occur in the coming twelve months or
– after a significant decrease in credit quality or when the simplified model can be used – based on the entire
remaining loan term. For intercompany receivables the ECL would be applicable as well, however this could cause
differences between equity in the consolidated and separate financial statements. For this reason, the company
elected to eliminate these differences through the respective receivable account in the separate financial

168 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 169
3. Investments in subsidiaries 8. Fees for audit and other services

AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 2023 2022 In accordance with article 382.a of Part 9, Book 2, of the Netherlands Civil Code, the total audit cost can be
specified as follows:
Balance at 1 April 171,677 130,953
Dividend paid to shareholders (3,144) 28,341 AMOUNTS IN EUR '000 PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS
Effective portion of changes in fair value of cash flow hedges, net of tax 635 703 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH ACCOUNTANTS N.V. OTHER PWC FIRMS TOTAL

Currency translation of foreign interests (197) (52) 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022
Actuarial gains/(losses) through equity – (39)
Profit/(loss) of subsidiaries (16,238) 11,771 Fees for audit of financial statements
Balance at 31 March 152,733 171,677 and other services
Audit of financial statements 290 – – – 290 –
The Company only holds a direct interest in Lucas Bols Amsterdam B.V. A list of other (indirect) participating Other assurance services 3 – – – 3 –
interests is disclosed in note 29 of the consolidated financial statements. Total 293 – – – 293 –

PricewaterhouseCoopers was appointed group auditor in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on
4. Deferred tax assets 7 July 2022 effective 1 April 2022.

Deferred tax assets in regard to carry-forward tax losses that have been recognised are expected to be utilised in In 2021/22 PricewaterhouseCoopers’ predecessor Ernst & Young Accountants LLP provided audit services for the
the coming years. amount of EUR 287 thousand. No other assurance services or non-audit services were rendered by Ernst & Young
Accountants LLP during 2021/22. Other Ernst & Young Accountants firms solely provided audit services for the
amount of EUR 27 thousand during 2021/22.
5. Receivables from Group companies
The balance is a receivable from a Group company. The receivable is classified as current if it is expected to be 9. Contingent liabilities
recovered within twelve months. The amount is not due yet, nor is there any impairment risk.
The Company forms part of a Dutch fiscal unit with its consolidated subsidiaries in respect of corporate income
tax and value added tax. Consequently, the Company is jointly and severally liable for all debt arising from the
6. Equity fiscal unit. The Company is fully liable for all obligations in relation to bank loans of its subsidiaries.
The Company has issued a guarantee as mentioned in Article 403, Part 9, Book 2 of the Netherlands Civil Code
For a specification of shareholders’ equity, see note 21 of the consolidated financial statements. The retained for its subsidiary Lucas Bols Amsterdam B.V. and for the subsidiaries of Lucas Bols Amsterdam B.V., namely
earnings at 31 March 2023 amount to EUR 56.0 million (31 March 2022: EUR 47.4 million). French legislation Bokma Distillateurs B.V., Galliano B.V., Vaccari B.V., Pisang Ambon B.V., DELB B.V., Pijlsteeg B.V., Tequila Partida B.V.
requires the Company to form a legal reserve, amounting to of 10% of the Company’s investment in Passoã SAS, and Fluère Drinks B.V. respectively.
for an amount of EUR 7.6 million (31 March 2022: EUR 7.6 million).

The Management Board, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, has resumed the payment of dividend 10. Subsequent events
to the Company’s shareholders in 2022/23. In December 2022 the Company paid an interim dividend of
EUR 3,144 thousand (or EUR 0.21 per share) to its shareholders. This amount equals 40% of the net profit There were no material events after 31 March 2023.
for the six-month period ended 30 September 2022.
The net loss shall be allocated to retained earnings, subject to the approval of Supervisory Board and the
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Amsterdam, 24 May 2023

Management Board: Supervisory Board:

7. Compensation of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board Huub L.M.P. van Doorne (CEO) D. René Hooft Graafland (Chairman)
Frank J. Cocx (CFO) Ralph Wisbrun
The members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board are considered key management personnel as Alexandra L. Oldroyd
defined in IAS 24 ‘Related party disclosures’. For details on their remuneration, reference is made to note 31 of the Marie-Pauline Lauret
consolidated financial statements. Address:
Lucas Bols N.V.
At 31 March 2023 Lucas Bols N.V. had zero persons employed (31 March 2022: zero). Paulus Potterstraat 14
1071 CZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Trade register Amsterdam: 34242707

170 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 171
Other information
Non-GAAP measures
Certain discussions and analyses set out in this Annual Report include measures which are not defined by
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) such as IFRS. We believe this information, along with
comparable GAAP measurements, is useful to investors and other stakeholders because it provides a basis for
measuring our operating performance, and our ability to reduce net debt and invest in new business
opportunities. Management also uses these measures, along with the most directly comparable GAAP financial
measures, in evaluating operating performance.

Statutory provision with respect to appropriation of result Non-GAAP financial measures should not be considered in isolation from, or as a substitute for, financial
information presented in compliance with GAAP. Wherever appropriate and practical, we provide reconciliations to
Appropriation of profits according to the provisions of the articles of association relevant GAAP measures.
Pursuant to article 31 of the Articles of Association, the Management Board may, subject to the prior approval of
the Supervisory Board, determine which part of the profits shall be reserved. The General Meeting may resolve to Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
distribute any part of the profits remaining after reservation in accordance with the above. If the General Meeting EBIT is net profit before net finance costs and the income tax expense. Thus, EBIT is defined as operating profit
does not resolve to distribute these profits in whole or in part, such profits (or any profits remaining after plus share of result of joint ventures. We believe this measure provides valuable additional information because it
distribution) shall also be reserved. includes our share in profit of joint ventures, and we are of the view that our joint ventures are an integral part of
Lucas Bols’ operations. In addition, EBIT is a key measure used internally.
The Management Board may, subject to the prior approval of the Supervisory Board, resolve to distribute interim
dividend on Shares. The reconciliation of EBIT to net profit is as follows:

2023 2022
Any distributions on Shares shall be made in such a way that on each Share an equal amount or value will be FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH
Net profit/(loss) (16,238) 11,771
Add back:
- Income tax expense 4,120 5,682
- Net finance costs 305 5,156
EBIT (11,813) 22,609

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA)

EBITDA is net profit before net finance costs, the income tax expense, depreciation and amortisation. Thus,
EBITDA is defined as EBIT (refer above) excluding depreciation and amortisation. We believe this measure
provides valuable additional information because it allows investors and other stakeholders to analyse the
profitability between companies and industries by eliminating the effects of non-operating decisions like interest
expenses, tax rates and non-cash items like depreciation and amortisation, hence facilitating focus on operating
performance. In addition, EBITDA is a key measure used internally.

The reconciliation of EBITDA to net profit is as follows:

2023 2022

Net profit/(loss) (16,238) 11,771

Add back:
- Income tax expense 4,120 5,682
- Net finance costs 305 5,156
- Depreciation 1,419 1,608
- Amortisation 234 263
- Impairment 24,081 –
EBITDA 13,921 24,480

172 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 173
Free operating cash flow (FOCF) Net changes in working capital in the consolidated statement of cash flows is the movement in working capital
FOCF is net cash from operating activities minus cash used for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment from the table aforementioned adjusted for trade and other payables and trade and other receivables that
and intangible assets. FOCF reflects and additional way of viewing our liquidity that we believe is useful to do not relate to operating activities. The adjustments for 2022/23 amount to EUR 297 thousand negative
investors and other stakeholders because it represents cash flows that could be used for distribution of dividends, (2021/22: EUR 1,540 thousand).
repayment of debt or to fund our strategic initiatives, including acquisitions, if any.
Measures at constant currency
The reconciliation of FOCF to net cash from operating activities is as follows: Certain measures, both GAAP and non-GAAP measures (including but not limited to revenue, gross profit and
EBIT), are also stated, compared and/or analysed at constant currency. This means that the impact of fluctuations
2023 2022
in foreign currency exchange rates is excluded. We calculate constant currency values by translating both
the current and the prior period local currency amounts using same exchange rate. Lucas Bols’ management
Net cash from operating activities 7,081 15,784 believes measures in constant currencies provide additional insights into the underlying operating performance
-/- Acquisition of property, plant and equipment (300) (109) of the Company. This approach is in common use elsewhere.
-/- Acquisition of intangible assets – (38)
Free operating cash flow 6,781 15,637 Refer to note 27 of the consolidated financial statement for further information on primary foreign currencies and
significant exchange rates applied during the year.
Cash conversion ratio
Cash conversion ratio is defined as (i) FOCF divided by (ii) operating profit excluding depreciation, amortisation One-off items/Normalisations
and impairment expenses. We believe this measure is an important financial health indicator, providing valuable Several non-GAAP measures are adjusted to exclude items defined as one-off due to their nature and/or
information on the actual liquidity of Lucas Bols, and more specifically on its ability to convert operating profits frequency of occurrence. Adjusting a measure for such one-off items results in a normalised measure. We believe
(excluding depreciation, amortisation and impairment expenses) into cash. It helps investors and other normalised measures provide valuable additional information on underlying performance, which allows investors
stakeholders to assess the quality of Lucas Bols’ earnings. and other stakeholders to better analyse performance between companies and industries by eliminating non-
• 2022/23: EUR 6,781 thousand / (-/- EUR 9,148 thousand + EUR 25,734 thousand) = 40.9%; and recurring effects (both gains and losses). Normalised measures are also used for internal decision making.
• 2021/22: EUR 15,637 thousand / (EUR 20,434 thousand + EUR 1,871 thousand) = 70.1%
2022/23 one-offs are:
Net debt • EUR 0.1 million in costs relating to projects such as the sale of Avandis and the acquisition of Fluère
Net debt is the net of (i) the sum of bank loans drawn (at face value) and bank overdrafts and (ii) cash and cash (included in distribution and administrative expenses);
equivalents. Net debt is a measure that provides valuable additional information on the Group’s net debt position • A non-cash book loss of EUR 3.9 million following the sale of Lucas Bols’ 50% stake in Avandis (included
and leverage, and is a measure in common use elsewhere. Moreover, it is a key measure to banks, investors and in share of result of joint ventures);
analysts, amongst others. • A non-cash impairment charge of EUR 24.1 million on the Dutch brands accounted for in the second half
of the financial year (included in distribution and administrative expenses). This impairment mainly reflects
Net debt is calculated as follows: a substantial increase in the applicable discount rates as a consequence of rising global interest rates.
Moreover, the Dutch brands mainly consist of genever & vieux brands: a price competitive category that has
FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2023 2022 been in decline for years and has faced above-average increases in input costs; and
• A non-cash gain of EUR 2.4 million included in net finance costs pertaining to a reduction in expected
Bank loans drawn (at face value) 77,080 85,500 earn-out payments on the Tequila Partida acquisition. Although our mid-term plans for the brand are
Bank overdrafts 44 750 unchanged the distributor transition and supply issues in the US are expected to result in a delay in the
Less: cash and cash equivalents (17,569) (25,588) realisation of those plans.
Net debt 59,555 60,662
2021/22 one-offs are:
Working capital • Setup costs of Maxxium BeLux N.V. of EUR 78 thousand (in distribution and administrative expenses, hence
In the consolidated statement of cash flows, reference is made to net changes in working capital. Working capital affecting operating profit, EBIT, net profit and (net) earnings per share). Refer to note 19;
is defined as inventories plus trade and other receivables minus trade and other payables. Compared to previous • Costs relating to the Fit-for-Growth operating model of EUR 248 thousand (in distribution and administrative
year trade and other payables excludes accrued interest payable and corporate income tax payable. The expenses, hence affecting operating profit, EBIT, net profit and (net) earnings per share). Refer to note 7;
comparative number has been restated to reflect this change. • Acquisition costs relating to the acquisition of Tequila Partida LLC of EUR 288 thousand (in distribution and
administrative expenses, hence affecting operating profit, EBIT, net profit and (net) earnings per share). Refer
2023 2022
to note 5;
• Gain relating to the curtailment of our defined benefit pension plan due to the change in pension scheme of
Inventories 24,910 17,624 EUR 461 thousand (in distribution and administrative expenses, hence affecting operating profit, EBIT, net
Trade and other receivables 16,092 19,323 profit and (net) earnings per share). Refer to note 12;
Trade and other payables (13,707) (16,552) • Expenses of EUR 1,904 thousand relating to the financing of the BolsKyndal joint venture in India (included in
Working capital 27,295 20,395 net finance costs, hence affecting net profit and (net) earnings per share). The local bank in India providing
part of BolsKyndal's financing will cease business. Consequently, and to prevent a significant interest cash
drain in case of re-financing, the joint-venture partners agreed to settle all outstanding loans pro rata and
account for a corresponding loan to the partners in BolsKyndal's local accounts. Because COVID-19

174 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 175
recovery is taking place too slowly whilst complexity, costs and unpredictability of doing business in India
have increased further, the loan (EUR 1,570 thousand) and interest pre-paid on behalf of BolsKyndal
(EUR 334 thousand) are not considered recoverable and hence expensed. Refer to note 27 and 28; and
Independent auditor’s report
• Income tax expense following the remeasurement of deferred tax liabilities as a consequence of a change in To: the general meeting and the supervisory board of Lucas Bols N.V.
the future Netherlands tax rate of EUR 860 thousand (in income tax expense, hence affecting net profit and
(net) earnings per share). Refer to note 13.
Report on the financial statements 2022/2023
All 2021/22 one-offs are non-cash items.
Our opinion
Organic change percentages for measures In our opinion:
For certain measures, both GAAP and non-GAAP measures (including but not limited to revenue, gross profit and • the consolidated financial statements of Lucas Bols N.V. together with its subsidiaries (‘the Group’) give
EBIT), an organic change percentage is provided and/or analyses. Organic change percentages compare measures a true and fair view of the financial position of the Group as at 31 March 2023 and of its result and cash
at constant currencies (refer above) and exclusive of one-off items (refer above). flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted
by the European Union (‘EU-IFRS’) and with Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code;
• the company financial statements of Lucas Bols N.V. (‘the Company’) give a true and fair view of the financial
Five-year overview position of the Company as at 31 March 2023 and of its result for the year then ended in accordance with
Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code.
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
What we have audited
Results We have audited the accompanying financial statements 2022/2023 of Lucas Bols N.V., Amsterdam. The financial
Revenue 100.6 92.0 57.3 84.0 87.0 statements comprise the consolidated financial statements of the Group and the company financial statements.
Gross profit 52.0 51.4 30.1 47.7 49.3
Gross margin 51.7% 55.9% 52.5% 56.7% 56.6% The consolidated financial statements comprise:
Normalised operating profit 15.1 20.6 8.6 17.6 19.9 • the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 March 2023;
Normalised operating profit margin 15.0% 22.4% 14.9% 20.9% 22.8% • the following statements for 2022/2023: the consolidated statement of profit or loss, the consolidated
Normalised EBIT 16.3 22.8 8.1 18.6 20.8 statements of other comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows; and
Normalised net profit/(loss) 10.1 14.7 3.3 11.3 12.8 • the notes, comprising a summary of the significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
Net profit/(loss) (16.2) 11.8 (8.6) 9.2 16.5
The company financial statements comprise:
Cash flow • the company balance sheet of Lucas Bols N.V. as at 31 March 2023;
Free operating cash flow 6.8 15.6 11.4 15.8 11.8 • the company profit and loss account of Lucas Bols N.V. for the year then ended; and
Cash conversion ratio 40.9% 70.1% 108.5% 82.2% 58.9% • the notes, comprising a summary of the accounting policies applied and other explanatory information.

Balance sheet The financial reporting framework applied in the preparation of the financial statements is EU-IFRS and
Working capital 27.3 20.4 13.8 18.3 18.8 the relevant provisions of Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code for the consolidated financial statements and
Total equity 206.6 225.5 184.8 193.7 192.2 Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code for the company financial statements.
Net debt 59.6 60.7 92.4 99.3 103.6
The basis for our opinion
Results We conducted our audit in accordance with Dutch law, including the Dutch Standards on Auditing. We have
# of shares issued at 31 March 14,972,756 14,972,756 12,477,298 12,477,298 12,477,298 further described our responsibilities under those standards in the section ‘Our responsibilities for the audit
Weighted average # of shares 14,972,756 13,238,276 12,477,298 12,477,298 12,477,298 of the financial statements’ of our report.
Normalised earnings per share 0.68 1.11 0.26 0.90 1.02
Net earnings per share (1.08) 0.89 (0.69) 0.74 1.32 We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our
Total dividend per share 0.34 – – 0.35 0.60 opinion.

Employees Independence
Number of FTEs 70 66 62 71 74 We are independent of Lucas Bols N.V. in accordance with the European Union Regulation on specific requirements
regarding statutory audit of public-interest entities, the ‘Wet toezicht accountantsorganisaties’ (Wta, Audit firms
supervision act), the ‘Verordening inzake de onafhankelijkheid van accountants bij assurance­opdrachten’
(ViO, Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, a regulation with respect to independence) and other relevant
independence regulations in the Netherlands. Furthermore, we have complied with the ‘Verordening gedrags-
en beroepsregels accountants’ (VGBA, Dutch Code of Ethics).

176 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 177
Our audit approach The outline of our audit approach was as follows:
We designed our audit procedures with respect to the key audit matters, fraud risks and going concern, and the
matters resulting from that, in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole and in forming our Materiality • Overall materiality: €1,000,000
opinion thereon. The information in support of our opinion, such as our findings and observations related to
Audit scope •W
 e conducted audit work at 3 significant components and two joint-ventures.
individual key audit matters, the audit approach fraud risks and the audit approach going concern was addressed
 e fulfilled our oversight obligations through frequent virtual meetings with our
in this context, and we do not provide a separate opinion or conclusion on these matters.
component auditors, as well as virtual meetings with group and local management.
 udit coverage: 97% of consolidated revenue, 99% of consolidated total assets
Overview and context
and 97% of consolidated profit before tax.
Lucas Bols N.V. is a Dutch public company, having its statutory seat in Amsterdam. The Company is focussed
on building leading cocktail and spirit brands and creating cocktail experiences around the globe. They sell Key audit matters • Valuation of Intangible Assets
a variety of cocktail brands such as Bols, Passoã and Galliano. The Group is comprised of several components • Sale of the joint venture Avandis
and therefore we considered our group audit scope and approach as set out in the section ‘The scope of our group
audit’. We paid specific attention to the areas of focus driven by the operations of the Group, as set out below. First-year audit consideration
After our appointment as the Group’s auditors, we developed and executed a comprehensive transition plan.
The impairment of the Dutch Brands and the sale of the Avandis joint venture characterised the financial year As part of this transition plan, we carried out a process of understanding the strategy of the Group, its business,
2022/2023 resulting in an impairment of EUR 24.1 million and a book loss of EUR 3.9 million, respectively. This its internal control environment and IT systems. We examined where and how this affected the Company’s and
affected the scope of our group audit and our audit procedures as described in the section ‘The scope of our the Group’s financial statements and internal control framework. Additionally, we read the prior year financial
audit’ and ‘Key audit matters’. statements and we reviewed the predecessor auditor’s files and discussed and evaluated the outcome of the audit
procedures included therein. We attended the closing meeting and the Supervisory Board meeting related to the
As part of designing our audit, we determined materiality and assessed the risks of material misstatement in the 2021/2022 audit. Based on these procedures, we obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidence regarding
financial statements. In particular, we considered where the management board made important judgements, for the opening balances. Furthermore, we prepared our risk assessment, our audit strategy and our audit plan,
example, in respect of significant accounting estimates that involved making assumptions and considering future which we discussed with the management board and the supervisory board.
events that are inherently uncertain. In these considerations, we paid attention to, amongst others, the
assumptions underlying the physical and transition risk related to climate change. In paragraph ‘Use of estimates Materiality
and judgements’ in note 2 of the financial statements, the Company describes the areas of judgement in applying The scope of our audit was influenced by the application of materiality, which is further explained in the section
accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty. Given the significant estimation uncertainty ‘Our responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements’.
and the related higher inherent risk of material misstatement in the valuation of intangible assets, we considered
this matter as a key audit matter as set out in the section ‘Key audit matters’ of this report. Furthermore, we Based on our professional judgement we determined certain quantitative thresholds for materiality, including the
identified the sale of the Avandis joint venture as a key audit matter because of the material significance of this overall materiality for the financial statements as a whole as set out in the table below. These, together with
matter on the statement of profit or loss. qualitative considerations, helped us to determine the nature, timing and extent of our audit procedures on the
individual financial statement line items and disclosures and to evaluate the effect of identified misstatements,
Another area of focus, that was not considered as a key audit matter, was the acquisition of Fluère. both individually and in aggregate, on the financial statements as a whole and on our opinion.

Lucas Bols N.V. assessed the possible effects of climate change on its financial position, refer to the Risk
Management and Control chapter in the annual report. We discussed Lucas Bols N.V.’s assessment and Overall group materiality €1,000,000.
governance thereof with the management board and evaluated the possible impact on the financial position
Basis for determining We used our professional judgement to determine overall materiality. As a basis for
including underlying assumptions and estimates e.g. underlying the valuation of the brands. The possible
materiality our judgement, we used 1.0% of total revenue.
effects of climate change are not considered a key audit matter.
Rationale for Considering the focus on revenue growth and the volatility of profit before tax,
We ensured that the audit teams at both group and component level included the appropriate skills and benchmark applied we used total revenue as the primary benchmark, a generally accepted auditing
competences which are needed for the audit of a group company operating in the consumer industry. We practice, based on our analysis of the common information needs of the users of
therefore included experts and specialists in the areas of amongst others IT audit, income tax, valuation and the financial statements. On this basis, we believe that revenue is the most relevant
share-based payments in our team. metric for the financial performance of the Group.
Component materiality Based on our judgement, we allocate materiality to each component in our audit
scope that is less than our overall group materiality. The range of materiality
allocated across components was between €650,000 and €900,000.

We also take misstatements and/or possible misstatements into account that, in our judgement, are material for
qualitative reasons.

We agreed with the supervisory board that we would report to them any misstatement identified during our audit
above €50,000 as well as misstatements below that amount that, in our view, warranted reporting for qualitative

178 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 179
The scope of our group audit Audit approach fraud risks
Lucas Bols N.V. is the parent company of a group of entities. The financial information of this group is included in We identified and assessed the risks of material misstatements of the financial statements due to fraud. During
the consolidated financial statements of Lucas Bols N.V. our audit we obtained an understanding of Lucas Bols N.V. and its environment and the components of the
internal control system. This included the management board’s risk assessment process, the management board’s
We tailored the scope of our audit to ensure that we, in aggregate, provide sufficient coverage of the financial process for responding to the risks of fraud and monitoring the internal control system and how the supervisory
statements for us to be able to give an opinion on the financial statements as a whole, taking into account the board exercised oversight, as well as the outcomes.
management structure of the Group, the nature of operations of its components, the accounting processes and
controls, and the markets in which the components of the Group operate. In establishing the overall group audit We evaluated the design and relevant aspects of the internal control system with respect to the risks of material
strategy and plan, we determined the type of work required to be performed at component level by the group misstatements due to fraud and in particular the fraud risk assessment, as well as amongst others the code of
engagement team and by each component auditor. conduct, speak-up procedures, incident registration and investigation protocols. We evaluated the design and the
implementation and, where considered appropriate, tested the operating effectiveness of internal controls
Our audit primarily focussed on the significant components of the Group: Lucas Bols Amsterdam B.V., designed to mitigate fraud risks.
Lucas Bols USA Inc. and Passoã SAS in France.
We asked members of the management board as well as legal affairs, and the supervisory board whether they are
We subjected these 3 components to audits of their complete financial information, as those components are aware of any actual or suspected fraud. This did not result in signals of actual or suspected fraud that may lead to
individually financially significant to the Group. Additionally, we selected two joint ventures for audit procedures a material misstatement.
to achieve appropriate coverage on financial line items in the consolidated financial statements and disclosure
requirements. The sale of Avandis during the year has been subject to audit procedures by the Group team, As part of our process of identifying fraud risks, we evaluated, in close co-operation with our forensic specialists,
whereas the Maxxium joint venture has been in scope for reporting by the component auditor. fraud risk factors with respect to financial reporting fraud, misappropriation of assets and bribery and corruption.
We evaluated whether these factors indicate that a risk of material misstatement due to fraud is present.
In total, in performing these procedures, we achieved the following coverage on the financial line items:
We identified the following fraud risks and performed the following specific procedures:
Revenue 97%
Total assets 99%

Profit before tax 97% Risk of fraud through management override We evaluated the design and implementation of the internal
of controls control system in the processes of generating and processing
None of the remaining components represented more than 3% of total group revenue or total group assets. Management is in a unique position to journal entries, making estimates, and monitoring projects. We
For those remaining components we performed, among other things, analytical procedures to corroborate our perpetrate fraud because of management’s also paid specific attention to the access safeguards in the IT
assessment that there were no significant risks of material misstatements within those components. ability to manipulate accounting records and system and the possibility that these lead to violations of the
prepare fraudulent financial statements by segregation of duties.
The group engagement team performed the audit work for group entities Lucas Bols Amsterdam and Lucas Bols overriding controls that otherwise appear to
USA. For component Passoã and the audit of the joint venture of Maxxium we used component auditors who are be operating effectively. That is why, in all We have performed our audit procedures primarily substantive
familiar with the local laws and regulations to perform the audit work. our audits, we pay attention to the risk of based.
management override of controls in:
Where component auditors performed the work, we determined the level of involvement we needed to have in •T  he appropriateness of journal entries and We selected journal entries based on risk criteria and conducted
their work to be able to conclude whether we had obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidence as a basis other adjustments made in the preparation specific audit procedures for these entries. These procedures
for our opinion on the consolidated financial statements as a whole. of the financial statements. include, amongst others, inspection of the entries to source
• Estimates information.
We issued instructions to the component audit teams in our audit scope. These instructions included amongst •S  ignificant transactions, if any, outside the
others our risk analysis, materiality and the scope of the work. We explained to the component audit teams normal course of business for the entity. We performed substantive audit procedures on significant
the structure of the Group, the main developments that were relevant for the component auditors, the risks transactions outside the normal course of business.
identified, the materiality levels to be applied and our global audit approach. We had individual calls with each
of the in-scope component audit teams both during the year and upon conclusion of their work. During these calls, We also performed specific audit procedures related to
we discussed the significant accounting and audit issues identified by the component auditors, their reports, the important estimates of management, including the valuation
findings of their procedures and other matters, that could be of relevance for the consolidated financial statements. of intangible assets. We refer to the key audit matter ‘valuation
of intangible fixed assets. We specifically paid attention to the
The group engagement team performed the audit work on the group consolidation, financial statements and inherent risk of bias of management in estimates.
a number of more complex items at the head office. These included the valuation of the intangible assets and
share-based payments. Our audit procedures did not lead to specific indications of fraud
or suspicions of fraud with respect to management override of
By performing the procedures outlined above at the components, combined with additional procedures exercised controls.
at group level, we have been able to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence on the Group’s financial
information, to provide a basis for our opinion on the financial statements

180 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 181
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in the audit of
Risk of fraud in revenue recognition Where relevant to our audit, we have evaluated the design of the financial statements. We have communicated the key audit matters to the supervisory board. The key audit
As part of our risk assessment and based on the internal control measures that are intended to mitigate the matters are not a comprehensive reflection of all matters identified by our audit and that we discussed. In this
a presumption that there are risks of fraud risk of fraud and error in revenue recognition and assessed the section, we described the key audit matters and included a summary of the audit procedures we performed on
in revenue recognition, we addressed the effectiveness of those measures. those matters.
risk of fraud in revenue recognition. This
relates to the presumed incentive that exists We performed our audit procedures primarily substantive based. KEY AUDIT MATTER OUR AUDIT WORK AND OBSERVATIONS
to overstate revenue. As the majority of the
company’s revenue is recorded at the time We performed data analyses to identify potential notable revenue Valuation of Intangible Assets We evaluated management’s process and design
of sale (with regular delivery terms and entries in the fiscal year and performed specific substantive audit Note 18 Intangible assets effectiveness of controls over the impairment
high volume of sales) there is limited risk of procedures on these entries. As at 31 March 2023 the Company’s brand names and assessment and the appropriateness of management’s
management manipulation. Rather, the risk goodwill are valued at €284.6 million. Management identification of the Company’s CGUs, indicators of
of fraud in revenue recognition relates to We tested, on a sample basis, the delivered performance and tests its CGUs containing goodwill and brand names for impairment, discount rates, terminal growth rates and
the occurrence of inappropriate non-routine transaction prices of the revenue transactions based on sales impairment annually and if there is a triggering event, forecasts.
transactions. agreements, delivery documents, sales invoices and cash at an earlier reporting date. This is done by comparing
receipts. the recoverable amounts of the individual CGUs, being We compared the current year actual results with the
the higher of the value in use or fair value less costs 2022/23 figures as included in the prior year forecast
We did not identify any specific indications of fraud or suspicion of disposal to the carrying amounts. and concluded that the forecasts included assumptions
of fraud in respect of revenue recognition. (as disclosed in note 18) that, with hindsight, were
As part of the annual goodwill and brand names realistic. With the support of our valuation expert,
impairment test, management concluded that an we benchmarked key assumptions in management’s
We incorporated an element of unpredictability in our audit. We reviewed lawyer’s letters and correspondence with impairment of €24.1 million should be recorded related valuation model used to determine recoverable
regulators. During the audit, we remained alert to indications of fraud. We also considered the outcome of our to ‘Dutch Brands’. For the other CGUs management amounts against external data, including assumptions
other audit procedures and evaluated whether any findings were indicative of fraud or non-compliance of laws concluded that there is sufficient headroom between of future prices, revenue growth rates and discount
and regulations. Whenever we identify any indications of fraud, we re-evaluate our fraud risk assessment and its the recoverable amount of the CGU’s and the carrying rates. Furthermore, we checked the mathematical
impact on our audit procedures. values. accuracy of management’s valuation model and agreed
relevant data to the latest plans and budgets.
Audit approach going concern We focused on this area, due to the size of the brands
The management board prepared the financial statements on the assumption that the entity is a going concern and and goodwill balances, the recognised impairment of We assessed the recognized impairment and assessed
that it will continue all its operations for at least 12 months from the date of preparation of the financial statements. Dutch Brands and because management’s’ assessment whether possible changes in the key assumptions
Our procedures to evaluate the management board’s going concern assessment included, amongst others: of the ‘value in use’ of the Group’s CGU’s included (as disclosed in note 18) could lead to an additional
• considering whether the management board identified events or conditions that may cast significant doubt a variety of internal and external factors, which impairment of the recognized intangible assets and
on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern (hereafter: going concern risks); represent significant estimates. Those estimates assessed the likelihood of such a change occurring
• considering whether the management board’s going concern assessment includes all relevant information of required the use of valuation models, input data and given past and forecasted performance.
which we are aware as a result of our audit by inquiring with the management board regarding the assumptions by management, particularly with respect
management board’s most important assumptions underlying its going concern assessment. Amongst others, to the (development of) future results of the business We assessed the adequacy of disclosures in note 18 of
we took into consideration the developments of the brands and market trends; and the discount rates applied to the forecasted cash the consolidated financial statements.
• evaluating the management board’s current budget including cash flows for at least 12 months from the date flows. Any change in these assumptions, based on
of preparation of the financial statements taken into account current developments in the industry such as their sensitivity could have a significant effect on We found the Company’s estimates and judgements
the supply chain constraints and recovery, cocktail market developments and all relevant information of which the financial statements. Given the complexity and used in the intangible assets impairment assessment
we are aware as a result of our audit; the inherent subjectivity particularly related to the to be supported by sufficient evidence
• analysing whether the current and the required financing has been secured to enable the continuation of the significant assumptions and the resulting significant
entirety of the entity’s operations, including compliance with relevant covenants; estimation uncertainty, there is an inherent risk of
• performing inquiries of the management board as to its knowledge of going concern risks beyond the period overstatement of brands and goodwill. Therefore, we
of the management board’s assessment. considered this area as a key audit matter for our audit.
We concluded that the management board’s use of the going concern basis of accounting is appropriate, and
based on the audit evidence obtained, that no material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may
cast significant doubt on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.

182 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 183
KEY AUDIT MATTER OUR AUDIT WORK AND OBSERVATIONS Report on other legal and regulatory requirements and ESEF
Sale of joint venture Avandis We obtained an understanding of the design and Our appointment
Note 19 Equity-accounted investees implementation of controls around non-recurring We were appointed as auditors of Lucas Bols N.V. on 7 July 2022 by the supervisory board. This followed the
As per 1 January 2023 Lucas Bols sold its 50 percent transactions and the accounting of the joint ventures. passing of a resolution by the shareholders at the annual general meeting held on 7 July 2022. Our audit of the
share in the net assets of Avandis to Refresco. The financial statements 2022/2023 is our first year as auditor of Lucas Bols N.V.
book value of the joint venture was €8.8 million per We obtained the sale agreement and assessed whether
31 December 2022, the net adjusted selling price the transaction was appropriately recognized. We European Single Electronic Format (ESEF)
amounted to €4.9 million, resulting in a book loss of assessed through comparison with other transactions, Lucas Bols N.V. has prepared the annual report in ESEF. The requirements for this are set out in the Delegated
€3.9 million. whether the newly entered contract with Refresco Regulation (EU) 2019/815 with regard to regulatory technical standards on the specification of a single electronic
meets the criteria of a combined contract. reporting format (hereinafter: the RTS on ESEF).
As part of the sale of Avandis, Lucas Bols entered into
a production agreement with Refresco to produce the We assessed the adequacy of disclosures in note 19 of In our opinion, the annual report prepared in XHTML format, including the (partially) marked-up consolidated
liquors. This new production agreement in combination the consolidated financial statements. financial statements, as included in the reporting package by Lucas Bols N.V., complies in all material respects
with the realised loss on the sale of the joint venture, with the RTS on ESEF.
triggers the question whether these two transactions Based on our procedures we did not identify material
should be considered as combined transactions. exceptions and we found management’s assumptions The management board is responsible for preparing the annual report, including the financial statements in
Management concluded that the production agreement and conclusions to be supported by available evidence. accordance with the RTS on ESEF, whereby the management board combines the various components into
with Refresco and the sale to Refresco do not qualify a single reporting package.
as combined transactions.
Our responsibility is to obtain reasonable assurance for our opinion whether the annual report in this reporting
We considered the sale of Avandis to be a key audit package complies with the RTS on ESEF.
matter, due to the magnitude of the joint venture
balances, the disclosure requirements and the We performed our examination in accordance with Dutch law, including Dutch Standard 3950N
associated book loss recorded as a result of the sale. ‘Assuranceopdrachten inzake het voldoen aan de criteria voor het opstellen van een digitaal verantwoordings­
document’ (assurance engagements relating to compliance with criteria for digital reporting).

Our examination included amongst others:

Report on the other information included in the annual report • Obtaining an understanding of the entity’s financial reporting process, including the preparation of the
reporting package.
• Identifying and assessing the risks that the annual report does not comply in all material respects with the
The annual report contains other information. This includes all information in the annual report in addition to the RTS on ESEF and designing and performing further assurance procedures responsive to those risks to provide
financial statements and our auditor’s report thereon. a basis for our opinion, including:
• obtaining the reporting package and performing validations to determine whether the reporting package
Based on the procedures performed as set out below, we conclude that the other information: containing the Inline XBRL instance document and the XBRL extension taxonomy files have been prepared in
• is consistent with the financial statements and does not contain material misstatements; and accordance with the technical specifications as included in the RTS on ESEF;
• contains all the information regarding the directors’ report and the other information that is required by Part 9 • examining the information related to the consolidated financial statements in the reporting package to
of Book 2 and regarding the remuneration report required by the sections 2:135b and 2:145 subsection 2 of the determine whether all required mark-ups have been applied and whether these are in accordance with the
Dutch Civil Code. RTS on ESEF.

We have read the other information. Based on our knowledge and the understanding obtained in our audit of the No prohibited non-audit services
financial statements or otherwise, we have considered whether the other information contains material To the best of our knowledge and belief, we have not provided prohibited non-audit services as referred to in
misstatements. article 5(1) of the European Regulation on specific requirements regarding statutory audit of public-interest
By performing our procedures, we comply with the requirements of Part 9 of Book 2 and section 2:135b
subsection 7 of the Dutch Civil Code and the Dutch Standard 720. The scope of such procedures was
substantially less than the scope of those procedures performed in our audit of the financial statements.

The management board is responsible for the preparation of the other information, including the directors’ report
and the other information in accordance with Part 9 of Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code. The management board
and the supervisory board are responsible for ensuring that the remuneration report is drawn up and published
in accordance with sections 2:135b and 2:145 subsection 2 of the Dutch Civil Code.

184 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 185
Responsibilities for the financial statements and the audit Appendix to our auditor’s report on the financial statements 2022/2023 of
Lucas Bols N.V.
Responsibilities of the management board and the supervisory board for the financial statements
The management board is responsible for: In addition to what is included in our auditor’s report, we have further set out in this appendix our responsibilities
• the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with EU-IFRS and Part 9 of for the audit of the financial statements and explained what an audit involves.
Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code; and for
• such internal control as the management board determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the The auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements
financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. We have exercised professional judgement and have maintained professional scepticism throughout the audit in
accordance with Dutch Standards on Auditing, ethical requirements and independence requirements. Our audit
As part of the preparation of the financial statements, the management board is responsible for assessing the consisted, among other things of the following:
Company’s ability to continue as a going-concern. Based on the financial reporting frameworks mentioned, the • Identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud
management board should prepare the financial statements using the going-concern basis of accounting unless or error, designing and performing audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtaining audit evidence
the management board either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations or has no realistic that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material
alternative but to do so. The management board should disclose in the financial statements any event and misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion,
circumstances that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the intentional override of internal control.
• Obtaining an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that
The supervisory board is responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process. are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of
the Company’s internal control.
Our responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements • Evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates
Our responsibility is to plan and perform an audit engagement in a manner that allows us to obtain sufficient and and related disclosures made by the management board.
appropriate audit evidence to provide a basis for our opinion. Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance • Concluding on the appropriateness of the management board’s use of the going-concern basis of accounting,
about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or and based on the audit evidence obtained, concluding whether a material uncertainty exists related to events
error and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high but not absolute and/or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If
level of assurance, which makes it possible that we may not detect all material misstatements. Misstatements we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the
may arise due to fraud or error. They are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion.
reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report and are made
statements. in the context of our opinion on the financial statements as a whole. However, future events or conditions may
cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.
Materiality affects the nature, timing and extent of our audit procedures and the evaluation of the effect of • Evaluating the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the
identified misstatements on our opinion. disclosures, and evaluating whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events
in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
A more detailed description of our responsibilities is set out in the appendix to our report.
Considering our ultimate responsibility for the opinion on the consolidated financial statements, we are
Amsterdam, 24 May 2023 responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. In this context, we have determined
the nature and extent of the audit procedures for components of the Group to ensure that we performed enough
PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants N.V. work to be able to give an opinion on the financial statements as a whole. Determining factors are the geographic
structure of the Group, the significance and/or risk profile of group entities or activities, the accounting processes
B.A.A. Verhoeven RA and controls, and the industry in which the Group operates. On this basis, we selected group entities for which an
audit or review of financial information or specific balances was considered necessary.

We communicate with the supervisory board regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of
the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify
during our audit. In this respect, we also issue an additional report to the audit committee in accordance with
article 11 of the EU Regulation on specific requirements regarding statutory audit of public-interest entities. The
information included in this additional report is consistent with our audit opinion in this auditor’s report.

We provide the supervisory board with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements
regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably
be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related actions taken to eliminate threats or
safeguards applied.

186 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 187
From the matters communicated with the supervisory board, we determine those matters that were of most
significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters.
We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the
matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, not communicating the matter is in the public interest.

188 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 The Company Strategy and value creation Management Board Report Governance Financial Statements 189
190 Lucas Bols Annual Report 2022 - 2023 191
Lucas Bols N.V. — Paulus Potterstraat 14 — 1071 CZ Amsterdam — The Netherlands — +31 (0)20 5708575 —

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