Depths of The Earth
Depths of The Earth
Depths of The Earth
MM1P78 PIERCER #APP: 18, AC: 3, HD: 4, ATTACKS: 4D6, TT: Nil, XP: 188 each
MM1P80 PURPLE WORM #APP: 2, AC: 6, HD: 15, ATTACKS: 2D12 or 2D4, TT: B, Q(x5), X, XP: 7300
MM1P83 ROPER #APP: 3, AC: 0, HD: 12, ATTACKS: 5D4, TT: 5D4 GEMS, XP: 4286 each
MM1P83 RUST MONSTER #APP: 8, AC: 2, HD: 5, ATTACKS: 2 (SPECIAL), TT: Q(x10) XP: 345 each
MM1P98 UMBER HULK #APP: 16, AC: 2, HD: 8+8, ATTACKS: 3D4 / 3D4 / 1D10, TT: G, XP: 2164 each
MM1P102 XORN #APP: 8, AC: -2, HD: 7+7, ATTACKS: 1D4 / 1D4 / 1D4 / 6D4, TT: O, P, Q(x5), XP: 1905
FFP32 OGREMOCH (Prince of Evil Earth Creatures) #APP: 1, AC: -7, HD: 24, HP: 110, ATTACKS: 5D10 /
5D10, TT: H, U, Z, XP: 39450
FF56 KHARGRA #APP: 12, AC: -3, HD: 6, ATTACKS: 3D6, TT: (Special), XP: 588 each
FF61 LAVA CHILDREN #APP: 18, AC: 4, HD: 4, 5, 6 (Spell Caster), ATTACKS: 1D6 / 1D6 / 2D6, TT: Q, XP:
278 / 405 / 520
FFP87 THOQQUA #APP: 4, AC: 2, HD: 3, ATTACKS: 4D8 or 2D6, TT: 1D6 (x10) GEMS, XP: 137
MM2P21 BOWLER #APP: 12, AC: 4, HD: (1D4+1 Hit Points), ATTACKS: 1D4+1, TT: Special, XP: 9
MM2P26 CRYSMAL #APP: 12, AC: -4, HD: 6+6, ATTACKS: 3D4, TT: Q(x8), XP: 1365
MM2P32 DAO, #APP: 3, AC: 3, HD: 8+3, ATTACKS: 3D6, TT: Nil, XP: 2404
MM2P68 GALEB DUHR #APP: 4, AC: -2, HD: 10, ATTACKS: 3D6 / 4D6, TT: Q(x3), X, XP: 2960
MM2P72 CHAGGRIN #APP: 5, AC: 4, HD: 5+5, ATTACKS: 1D4+2 / 1D4+2, TT: Nil, XP: 695
MM2P129 XAREN #APP: 8, AC: 1, HD: 5+5, ATTACKS: 1D4 / 1D4 / 4D4, TT: (Special), XP: 415
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In search of the iron ore, gold, and gems, the dwarf miners have dug too deep. Their mines going down
and down tell they breached the great, granite blocks of the earth elemental plane. Here on the fringes of the
earth elemental plane they found vast quantities of iron ore, gold, and gems. A vast treasure of gold veins
running through the rock walls, gems encrusted in the rock, and iron ore everywhere. What a find! Their hearts
filled with joy. Until they took too much. Some one noticed, and he wants it back.
A day passed, then a week, then a month, but still the queen has not been returned. Needing his army of
dwarves to keep the orcs and goblins at bay, the desperate and angered Snaggle Tooth the Beardless has sent out
word for adventures to go into the depths of the earth to slay Ogremoch and bring back his wife and daughters.
Some have answered, but none have returned. Peering into the sinkhole great tracks can be seen but no
signs of the vast treasure that Snaggle Tooth has dumped into the sinkhole.
Outside the great dwarven stronghold of Moonridge Pass the adventure begins. The party of player
characters should be 4 to 6 player characters, of various classes and races, at 7th to 9th level. It is suggested that
at least one of the player characters be a dwarf.
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The only safe, well, kind of safe
passage through the eastern mountains, is the
home of the Dwarves. Skilled metal smiths,
known for the best mettle work in all the
world. Their fortress is deep within the
mountains and is said to be impenetrable.
With 50-foot-high walls, lined with ballistae,
and catapults, the dwarves can repel any army.
Its great and grand halls lead deep within the
mountains, were the dwarves, mine and make
their home.
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* Great Battle Axe is a two-handed weapon with the same characteristics as a two-handed sword damage 1D10
for small and medium, 3D6 for large monsters.
Banded mail 200 GP Bronze Plate mail 400 GP
Chain mail 75 GP Padded armor 4 GP
Helmet (basinet) 8 GP Helmet (great helm) 30 GP
Leather armor 5 GP Studded Leather armor 20 GP
Scale mail 120 GP Ring mail 100 GP
Splint mail 80 GP Shield (body) 10 GP
Shield (medium) 7 GP Shield (buckler) 1 GP
Plate mail 600 GP Full plate 4000 GP
Field plate 2000 GP
There is only a 20% chance that 1D4 magic items will be available for sale in Moonridge Pass. Racial
preferences do play a part if the dwarves are willing to sell or at least at a 10 to 20% increase in price. Selling to
a dwarf player character, gnome or halfling is the set price while a human will pay 10% increase, and an elf will
pay 20% increase. No sale to a half-orc player character.
Answering the call to rescue his wife and daughters the party of player characters will be brought before
Snaggle Tooth the Beardless, King of Moonridge Pass. He will not pay the party upfront, and will offer the
hospitality and safety of his Kingdome to the adventures.
Snaggle Tooth the Beardless (King of Moonridge Pass)
HP: 72, AC: -8, Alignment: LG
STR: 17 (+1 to hit, +1 damage)
INT: 9
WIS: 10
DEX: 16 (+1 reaction, -2 defensive adjustment)
CON: 18 (+4 hit point adjustment)
CHR: 8
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+5 Plate, and +3 Shield
+3 Axe of Sharpness
Snaggle Tooth was slow to grow his beard and given the nick
name “Beardless” from his father. To prove himself he sought
out his fortune adventuring. He returned to Moonridge Pass as
a super hero, a credit to all dwarves.
He does not like the nickname his father gave him, and the
quickest way to get on his bad side is to use the nickname
“Beardless”. He has a gruff harden outlook on life, having to
fight his way through life. Suspicious of strangers, Snaggle
Tooth believes one must prove themselves. He does not want
to hear how great someone is, he wants to see it with his own
The dwarves of Moonridge Pass keep both wolves and brown bears as pets and they can be seen quite
often wondering the halls. Random encounters within Moonridge Pass should be rolled every turn. A 1 on a D6
indicates an encounter.
1 Two Dwarves guards (HD: 1, AC: 4) and three wolves (HD: 2+2, AC: 7)
2 Dwarf guard (HD: 1, AC: 4) leading Brown Bear (HD: 5+5, AC: 6)
3 Three Wolves (HD: 2+2, AC: 7)
4 Brown Bear (HD: 5+5, AC: 6)
5 Three Dwarf guards (HD: 1, AC: 4)
6 Dwarf merchant (HD: 1, AC: 4)
7 Two Dwarf merchant (HD: 1, AC: 4)
8 Three Dwarf merchant (HD: 1, AC: 4)
DESCRIPTION: After several days journey you have reached the great pass through the eastern mountains.
The road does switchbacks leading high up the mountain. You can see a caravan of five wagons pulled by oxen
coming down from the pass. Dwarves armed chain mail armor, shields, javelins and battle axes march on the
side of the wagons, providing safe passage to the merchant dwarf drivers. The wagons are filled with boxes,
creates and barrows.
DM: The caravan of wagons is caring goods to the human city of Tanner. Within the boxes, creates and barrows
are metal works, everything from grappling hooks, sawing needles, to nails. The lead wagon is in charge of the
merchants (HD: 1), he will gladly talk and tell the tail of how a faceless monster came from the earth and took
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the queen and her daughters down into the sinkhole outside of Moonridge Pass. The six dwarf guards are second
level fighters (HD: 2) and will protect the caravan from any thieving.
TREASURE: The caravan keeps its traveling expanses within a locked chest in the lead wagon. 41 CP, 22 SP.
DESCRIPTION: You are escorted by the dwarf guards through tunnels dug out of the mountain itself. The
passageway is 20 feet wide and 10 feet high, lined with burning oil lamps. Many other passageways lead off in
all directions. You are passed by dwarves, bears, wolves going about their daily lives. The dwarf guards being
you to a great iron door with inlaid gold and silver strips. As the dwarves push open the doors, you see the room
open up in size, 60 feet wide by 120 feet long. Massive chandlers of burring oil lamps hanging from the 50-
foot-high ceiling. The walls are marble lined with red drapes hanging down, rows of marble pillars support the
ceiling high above. The back wall has a large pedestal, with a marble throne. Seated on the throne is a powerful
looking dwarf in full plate armor, a shield hangs off his throne and a glowing battle axe is placed to one side of
the throne. Fifteen other dwarves, both male and female, in various dress are talking among themselves within
the throne room. The leader of your guard escort walks up to the throne, kneels and announces you.
DM: Sitting on his throne is Snaggle Tooth the Beardless (see NPC). He will greet the party of player characters
offer the reward for his queen and daughters safe return, and the head of Ogremoch. He will also direct the
dwarf guards to escort you around the dwarven city, so that you do not get lost, and see to your needs for the
night. Snaggle Tooth expects the party of player characters to begin the decent into the sinkhole in the morning
after a good night’s rest. The other dwarves within the throne room are all (HD: 1), seeking favors from the
TREASURE: Snaggle Tooth does not keep any of his treasure within the throne room.
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DESCRIPTION: The dwarven guards have escorted you through the various passageways around the city, to
the merchant quarter, pubs, and restaurants, allowing you to buy various items you may need in your quest.
Finally, they bring you to a hotel, and tell you they will come in the morning to escort you to the sinkhole.
DESCRIPTION: You are awakened to the knocking on your door. It is the dwarven guards. They say come the
sun is up, and the day has begun. You look around seeing the passageways and tunnels of the dwarven city,
“how can you tell? You ask. They laugh and say come it is time.
DESCRIPTION: You are led out of the dwarven city, through the entry hall, pass the great rot iron doors to the
main road of the pass. They dwarven guards lead you east down the narrow road. In the center of the road, you
see a massive sinkhole some 50 feet across. Built next to the sinkhole is a structure made of wood that stands 20
feet high, with a scaffolding reaching out over the sinkhole. A 10-foot wooden platform with rails hangs from
the scaffolding by chains. The dwarves have made some kind of device to lower you into the sinkhole. “When
you return, tug on the rope below and we will lower the platform to you bring you back out of the sinkhole.”
DM: Even though a lot of the monsters within this adventure have a neutral alignment they have been placed
there by Ogremoch (Prince of Evil Earth Creatures) and will have an evil tendency. As well as considering any
adventure is an invader into their home.
1 RUST MONSTER #APP: 8, AC: 2, HD: 5
2 XAREN #APP: 8, AC: 1, HD: 5+5
3 XORN #APP: 8, AC: -2, HD: 7+7
4 BOWLER #APP: 12, AC: 4
5 GALEB DUHR #APP: 4, AC: -2, HD: 10
6 UMBER HULK #APP: 16, AC: 2, HD: 8+8
7 PIERCER #APP: 18, AC: 3, HD: 4
8 THOQQUA #APP: 4, AC: 2, HD: 3
1. DESCRIPTION: You are lowered by the dwarven platform down 150 feet to the bottom of the
sinkhole. The only light you see is that emitting from the top of the hole. Three different tunnels of 10
foot wide by 10-foot-high lead off in different directions. The air is thick and stagnate, and you begin to
wonder if this is really a good idea.
DM: The room is as described.
2. DESCRIPTION: Making your way through the dark tunnels you see the tunnel begin to open up in to a
natural cavern. Stalactites hang from the ceiling, and stalagmites are all over the floor of the cavern.
Sounds echo off the back walls, and the air is thick like no wind has ever blown through here.
DM: (X) marks the location of four ROPER (HP: 84, 78, 71, 65) They are waiting for their next meal.
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TREASURE: Within the ropers can be found a total of 12 gems (VALUE: 8 x 100 GP, 2 x 500 GP, 2 x
1000 GP).
3. DESCRIPTION: Making your way through the dark tunnels you see the tunnel begin to open up in to a
natural cavern. Stalactites hang from the ceiling, and stalagmites are all over the floor of the cavern.
Sounds echo off the back walls, and the air is thick like no wind has ever blown through here.
DM: Scattered over the ceiling are eighteen PIERCER (HP: 32, 32, 31, 30, 30, 30, 28, 28, 28, 24, 24, 24,
22, 21, 21, 20, 20, 18).
6. DESCRIPTION: Making your way through the dark tunnels you see the tunnel begin to open up in to a
natural cavern. Stalactites hang from the ceiling, and stalagmites are all over the floor of the cavern.
Sounds echo off the back walls, and the air is thick like no wind has ever blown through here.
DM: Within the room are four UMBER HULK (HP: 70, 68, 64, 62) eating some unlucky dwarves.
7. DESCRIPTION: Making your way through the dark tunnels you see the tunnel begin to open up in to a
natural cavern. Stalactites hang from the ceiling, and stalagmites are all over the floor of the cavern.
Sounds echo off the back walls, and the air is thick like no wind has ever blown through here.
DM: In the room are four GALEB DUHR (HP: 75, 71, 65, 62), and twelve BOWLER (HP: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1).
TREASURE: Scattered throughout the chamber is seven gems (VALUE: 3 x 100 GP, 4 x 500 GP).
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8. DESCRIPTION: Making your way through the dark
tunnels you see the tunnel begin to open up in to a natural
cavern. Stalactites hang from the ceiling, and stalagmites are
all over the floor of the cavern. Sounds echo off the back
walls, and the air is thick like no wind has ever blown
through here.
DM: Within the room are two UMBER HULK (HP: 68, 58),
and two XORN (HP: 54, 48).
DM: Even though a lot of the monsters within this adventure have a neutral alignment they have been placed
there by Ogremoch (Prince of Evil Earth Creatures) and will have an evil tendency. As well as considering any
adventure is an invader into their home.
DM: All the walls, floor and ceiling of Level Two are of Iron Ore. Lava Children and other monsters may pass
through the walls as if they were not even there.
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1 RUST MONSTER #APP: 8, AC: 2, HD: 5
2 EARTH ELEMENTAL #APP: 15, AC: 2, HD: 8, 12, 16
3 KHARGRA #APP: 12, AC: -3, HD: 6
4 LAVA CHILDREN #APP: 18, AC: 4, HD: 4, 5, 6 (Spell Caster)
5 CRYSMAL #APP: 12, AC: -4, HD: 6+6
6 DAO, #APP: 3, AC: 3, HD: 8+3
7 CHAGGRIN #APP: 5, AC: 4, HD: 5+5
8 LAVA CHILDREN #APP: 18, AC: 4, HD: 4, 5, 6 (Spell Caster)
DESCRIPTION: Down you travel through the ten-foot-wide tunnel. The slope is steep, yet you are able to
keep your footing. You can see axe pick marks on the walls with indented holes left. As if something was dug
out of the walls. Only the light from your lanterns lights up the tunnel. You no longer see any stalactites or
stalagmites. The tunnel twist back and forth, but always going deeper down.
DM: If any of the player characters has a secondary skill of mining or are gnome or dwarf, then they will know
that this tunnel was mined and dug out. Clearly the dwarven miners were fallowing the veins of the earth
digging out some kind of ore.
DESCRIPTION: For days you have fallowed the tunnel leading down. All seems the same like the day before.
The only thing you know is that the tunnel keeps twisting and turning leading you further and further down. You
come to a great rot iron double door that covers the tunnel. There is no lock, just two iron rings to pull the door
open. On the other side of the door the rock wall appears to be different; not like rock that you know of but a
deep grey color. As you take a few more steps you see the tunnel begins to level out and open up into a great
DM: The door is a gate way to the Elemental Plane of Earth. Player characters with any mining skills will know
that the walls are iron ore.
2. DESCRIPTION: Carved out of the rock, this strange hexagon shaped room has a twenty-foot-high
ceiling and the walls, floor, and ceiling are a strange deep grey in color. Tool marks can be seen on the
walls, as if the room had been dug out of the deep grey ore. Standing in the middle of the room is a
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strange looking humanoid creature. It has pinkish white skin, and a childish face with a huge smile.
Looking at you smiling it waves.
DM: The creature is a LAVA CHILDREN (HP: 34, HD: 5, Spell Caster, Magic User). Any player
character with ability to cast fire ball will recognize the hand gestures to cast fire ball. Once the party of
player characters enter the room four more LAVA CHILDREN (HP: 30, 28, 25, 21) will enter the room
through the walls.
TREASURE: Three gems (VALUE: 50 GP, 100 GP, 1000 GP).
3. DESCRIPTION: Carved out of the rock, this strange hexagon shaped room has a twenty-foot-high
ceiling and the walls, floor, and ceiling are a strange deep grey in color. Tool marks can be seen on the
walls, as if the room had been dug out of the deep grey ore.
DM: Once the party of player characters enter the room seven LAVA CHILDREN (HP: 24, 22, 22, 19,
18, 18, 16) will enter the room through the walls.
TREASURE: Two gems (VALUE: 500 GP, each).
4. DESCRIPTION: Carved out of the rock, this strange hexagon shaped room has a twenty-foot-high
ceiling and the walls, floor, and ceiling are a strange deep grey in color. Tool marks can be seen on the
walls, as if the room had been dug out of the deep grey ore. You see standing in the middle of the room
are three pinkish skinned creatures with child faces and a large in on their faces. They are standing
around a big pile of crystals.
DM: Within the room are three LAVA CHILDREN (HP: 30, 26, 24), and two CRYSMAL (HP: 48, 36).
TREASURE: Four gems (VALUE: 10 GP, 50 GP, 500 GP, 1000 GP).
5. DESCRIPTION: Carved out of the rock, this strange hexagon shaped room has a twenty-foot-high
ceiling and the walls, floor, and ceiling are a strange deep grey in color. Tool marks can be seen on the
walls, as if the room had been dug out of the deep grey ore.
DM: Once the party of player characters enter the room five LAVA CHILDREN (HP: 27, 26, 26, 24, 22)
will drop down from the twenty-foot-high ceiling. With them is a LAVA CHILDREN (HP: 38, HD: 5,
6. DESCRIPTION: Unlike the other rooms of the tunnels and cavern you have been in this one appears to
be dug out in a square shape. The ceiling is only 8 feet high, and there are hooks in the walls for oil
lamps. Like a rest and storage room that the dwarves used in their mining. Bunk beds line the walls and
foot lockers are at the end of each bed. Stacks of pickaxes, shovels and other digging tools are stacked in
piles. A large low table, as if built for dwarves in mind is in the center of the room. On the table are
scrolls cases, ink and quills for writing, and parchment.
DM: Once the party of player characters enter the room a LAVA CHILDREN (HD: 7, HP: 51, Tripple
class fighter / magic user / cleric), will drop from the ceiling by one of the entry tunnels. In the common
tongue he will say “Come to save the dwarf queen? I think not!”. Five other LAVA CHILDREN (HP:
29, 28, 28, 25, 21) will drop down into the room, and four CRYSMAL (HP: 48, 47, 47, 46) will also
enter the room.
TREASURE: One of the scroll cases contains a map of Level One and Two.
7. DESCRIPTION: Carved out of the rock, this strange hexagon shaped room has a twenty-foot-high
ceiling and the walls, floor, and ceiling are a strange deep grey in color. Tool marks can be seen on the
walls, as if the room had been dug out of the deep grey ore. Within the room are six pinkish white
skinned monsters with childish faces and large grins.
DM: There are six LAVA CHILDREN (HP: 30, 29, 29, 25, 24, 22).
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8. DESCRIPTION: Carved out of the rock, this strange hexagon shaped room has a twenty-foot-high
ceiling and the walls, floor, and ceiling are a strange deep grey in color. Tool marks can be seen on the
walls, as if the room had been dug out of the deep grey ore. In the room you see eight of the pinkish
white skinned monsters and three piles of crystals.
DM: Within the room is a LAVA CHILDREN (HP: 40, HD: 5, Magi User) and seven LAVA
CHILDREN (HP: 29, 29, 24, 24, 21, 21, 18), and three CRYSMAL (HP: 51, 47, 46).
TREASURE: One gem (VALUE: 5000 GP).
11. DESCRIPTION: You have entered a great cavern, the walls are deep grey color, the ceiling is twenty
feet above. In the cavern you see four grey skinned eleven-foot-tall humanoid creatures looking at you.
DM: The creatures are four DAO (HP: 67, 61, 54, 52) they are the final guards of the realm of Ogemoch
(Prince of Evil Earth Creatures). They will attack right away, and fight to the death.
12. DESCRIPTION: Carved out of the rock, this strange hexagon shaped room has a twenty-foot-high
ceiling and the walls, floor, and ceiling are a strange deep grey in color. Tool marks can be seen on the
walls, as if the room had been dug out of the deep grey ore. In the room you can see five crystal things
moving around as if they are looking for something.
DM: Five CRYSMAL (HP: 54, 51, 46, 45, 44). Once the party of player characters enter the room four
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LAVA CHILDREN (HP: 32, 31, 30, 29), and LAVA CHILDREN (HP: 40, HD: 5 Fighter), and LAVAL
CHILDREN (HP: 45, HD: 6 double class Fighter / Magic User) will enter the room through the ceiling
and walls.
TREASURE: Four gems (VALUE: 500 GP each).
14. DESCRIPTION: Carved out of the rock, this strange hexagon shaped room has a twenty-foot-high
ceiling and the walls, floor, and ceiling are a strange deep grey in color. Tool marks can be seen on the
walls, as if the room had been dug out of the deep grey ore. In the room are four pinkish white skinned
humanoid monsters and a pile of crystals.
DM: In the room are four LAVA CHILDREN (HP: 29, 28, 27, 21), and one CRYSMAL (HP: 47).
TREASURE: Two gems (VALUE: 100 GP, 500 GP).
15. DESCRIPTION: You have entered a natural cavern with a thirty-foot-high ceiling. The walls are of that
strange grey in color metal.
DM: Once the party of player characters enter the room nine KHARGRA (HP: 44, 44. 41, 41, 41, 35,
35, 32, 31) will drop from the ceiling.
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16. DESCRIPTION: You have entered a vast cavern the
ceiling is over two hundred feet up, and in the middle of the
room is a natural iron ore pedestal, or masa of some kind, that
stands fifty feet high. On the masa you see a ten-foot-tall living
rock creature. Standing next to it are seven eight-foot-tall rock
monsters. They are all humanoid like, with arms and legs, but
you can not make out a head. They bang their first together and
you hear a deep voice cry out, “Kill them!”
DM: Within the room is OGREMOCH (Prince of Evil Earth
Creatures) (HP: 110) and his seven guards, EARTH
ELEMENTAL (HP: 98, 97, 94, 92, 89, 84, 82).
TREASURE: Laying under a flat stone on the masa is the Axe
of the Dwarvish Lords. It will cry out to any dwarven player
character. For non dwarven player characters they will see a
magical glow from under the flat stone.
AXE OF THE DWARVISH LORDS: The axe has an intelligent of 18, and an ego of 15. It can speak
dwarven and has a telepathic ability. Blade of the axe is equal to a +5 sword of sharpness, and it is
backed by a hammer head equal to a +3 hammer. The handle extends or contracts upon command to
equal a battle or hand axe for throwing, and the axe will return 30’ to its thrower. The possessor has
dwarven abilities of infravision, trap detection, etc, double abilities if a dwarf player character. The
possessor’s life span is 50% longer then normal, but he or she becomes more and more dwarf like with
time, until eventually they exactly resemble a dwarf. The axe has the following additional powers /
• Minor Benign Powers: Feather Fall (when grasped and ordered), Levitate (when held and ordered 3
times a day).
• Major Benign Powers: +2 to armor class of possessor or AC: 0, whichever is better.
• Minor Malevolent Effects: Possessor’s hair turns white.
• Major Malevolent Effects: Item has power to affect its possessor when a primary power is used.
• Prime Powers: Bones / exoskeleton / cartilage of opponent turn to jelly (1 time per day).
• Side Effects: Alignment of possessor permanently change to Lawful Good.
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EARTH ELEMENTAL 11 4770 52470
PIERCER 18 188 3384
PURPLE WORM 2 7300 14600
ROPER 4 4286 17144
RUST MONSTER 8 345 2760
UMBER HULK 8 2164 17312
XORN 2 1905 3810
OGREMOCH 1 39450 39450
KHARGRA 16 588 9408
LAVA CHILDREN HD: 4 50 278 13900
LAVA CHILDREN HD: 5 5 405 2025
LAVA CHILDREN HD: 6 1 520 520
LAVA CHILDREN HD: 7 1 1092 1092
THOQQUA 4 137 548
BOWLER 12 9 108
CRYSMAL 16 1365 21840
DAO 6 2404 14424
GALEB DUHR 4 2960 11840
CHAGGRIN 5 695 3475
XAREN 8 415 3320
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