1) This document is an examination result sheet for Gagan Kumar for the Bachelor of Science Part III examination held in 2023.
2) Gagan Kumar obtained marks in Physics (86), Chemistry (89), and Mathematics (89) in theory papers and marks in practical papers.
3) His total marks in Part III were 397 out of 600 and he passed with first division. His total marks across all three parts were 1243 out of 1800.
1) This document is an examination result sheet for Gagan Kumar for the Bachelor of Science Part III examination held in 2023.
2) Gagan Kumar obtained marks in Physics (86), Chemistry (89), and Mathematics (89) in theory papers and marks in practical papers.
3) His total marks in Part III were 397 out of 600 and he passed with first division. His total marks across all three parts were 1243 out of 1800.
1) This document is an examination result sheet for Gagan Kumar for the Bachelor of Science Part III examination held in 2023.
2) Gagan Kumar obtained marks in Physics (86), Chemistry (89), and Mathematics (89) in theory papers and marks in practical papers.
3) His total marks in Part III were 397 out of 600 and he passed with first division. His total marks across all three parts were 1243 out of 1800.
1) This document is an examination result sheet for Gagan Kumar for the Bachelor of Science Part III examination held in 2023.
2) Gagan Kumar obtained marks in Physics (86), Chemistry (89), and Mathematics (89) in theory papers and marks in practical papers.
3) His total marks in Part III were 397 out of 600 and he passed with first division. His total marks across all three parts were 1243 out of 1800.
Theory Paper Practical Paper Theory Name of Subject & Max Min I II III Total Max Min Obt. Practical PHYSICS 150 51 30 31 25 86 50 17 44 130 CHEMISTRY 150 51 31 29 29 89 50 17 45 134 MATHEMATICS 150 51 26 34 29 89 50 17 44 133 Total of Part - III (210/600) 397 Total of Part - II (210/600) 423 Result : PASS with I Div. Total of Part - I (210/600) 423 Grand-Total (630/1800) 1243
Qualifying Subject Marks Result
Date of Declaration of Result :
Note : University does not own for the errors or omissions, if any,in this statement.