SNAICC ECA Discussion Paper
SNAICC ECA Discussion Paper
SNAICC ECA Discussion Paper
Early Childhood Australia (ECA) is the peak early childhood advocacy
organisation in Australia, acting in the interests of young children, their
families and those in the early childhood education and care sector.
ECA champions the rights of young children to thrive and learn at home,
in the community, within early learning settings and through the early
years of school. Our work builds the capacity of our society and the early
childhood sector to realise the potential of every child during the critical
years from birth to the age of eight. ECA specifically acknowledges the
rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, and the past and
current injustices and realities for them around Australia.
SNAICC – National Voice for our Children is the national, non-
governmental peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
children. In existence since 1981, SNAICC works for the fulfilment of
the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in particular,
to ensure their safety, development and wellbeing. It achieves this
through research, policy development, advocacy, evidence-based
training, resources and events.
Emma Sydenham
Professor Margaret Sims
Helen Oakey, Manager of Policy and Advocacy, Early Childhood Australia
John Burton, Manager Social Policy and Research, SNAICC
SNAICC Policy and Research Sub-Committee
Helen Oakey, Manager of Policy and Advocacy, Early Childhood Australia
Mazart Design Studio
Early Childhood Australia
Early Childhood Australia (ECA) and SNAICC – National Voice for our Children (SNAICC)
are passionate about seeing all children, in particular Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
children, empowered so that they are able to determine their own future and realise
their potential.
Currently in Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait A strong foundation exists to overcome the
Islander children are more than twice as likely as intergenerational issues of disadvantage and
all other children to be developmentally vulnerable trauma that persist in limiting Aboriginal and
when they start school. Further, there has been Torres Strait Islander children’s potential to
no movement towards equality in developmental achieve equality in the early years and throughout
outcomes in recent years. Children who are their lives. ECA and SNAICC believe it is time
developmentally vulnerable on school entry are to deliver a holistic, intergovernmental strategy
less likely to do well at school, are more likely to focused on a nurturing care framework; access;
leave school early and have poorer life outcomes. quality; cultural responsiveness and data to
Reducing the rates of developmental vulnerability transcend these issues and support First Nations
will increase the number of children who make children to realise their potential.
a successful transition into school and go
on to experience positive educational and
lifelong outcomes.
Two strategies hold the greatest potential for
improving educational outcomes for Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander children. First, there
is compelling evidence showing that high-quality
early education can make a difference by amplifying
children’s development and enhancing their lifelong
social and emotional wellbeing. This is particularly
true for children who experience disadvantage early
in life.
Secondly, evidence also suggests that integrated,
family-focused support programs that impact
the home learning environment can improve
outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
children, particularly when implemented with a
focus on essential principles such as Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander community ownership
and leadership; embedding culture; sustainability;
and a holistic approach that is responsive to need.
Importantly, these principles also redress the
major barriers to early education and care access
and participation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander children.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities represent a unique population
group with immense richness, diversity and strengths in child rearing. However, they also
continue to face significant challenges in overcoming the impacts of colonisation, including
historic and ongoing discrimination and exclusion, systemic removal, intergenerational
trauma, dislocation from land and culture, and community disempowerment. In addition to
this, members of the Stolen Generations and their descendants—who comprise an estimated
33 per cent of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adult population—still experience
adverse outcomes across a broad range of health, socioeconomic and cultural indicators
(AIHW, 2018).
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the for the effectiveness of early childhood education
Child (UNCRC, 2012) also expressed deep concern than for almost any other social or educational
at the serious and widespread discrimination that intervention’ (Bartik, 2014, p. 19).
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
Importantly though, the broader conceptual
continue to face in terms of access to basic
framework for early childhood development—the
services and the inadequate consultation with, and
Nurturing Care framework (Black et al., 2017; Britto
participation of, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
et al., 2017; WHO et al., 2018)—recognises that a
peoples in policy formulation, decision making and
positive, engaging home learning environment is
the implementation of programmes affecting them.
also key to achieving good outcomes and mediating
These factors are reflected in the issues Aboriginal the impacts of colonisation, including poverty
and Torres Strait Islander children experience in the (Emerson, Fox & Smith, 2015). The nurturing care
early years. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander essential for children to reach their developmental
children consistently show poorer outcomes across potential is characterised by a home environment
all measured developmental areas, despite parents that is sensitive to children’s health and nutritional
rating a good education as their number-one needs, safe and secure, and provides opportunities
aspiration for their child (Skelton, Barnes, Kikkawa for learning, with interactions that are responsive,
& Walter, 2014). Recognising and redressing these emotionally supportive and developmentally
persistent factors is central to supporting improved stimulating (Black et al., 2017; Britto et al., 2017).
development and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal This home environment must be supported by a
and Torres Strait Islander children. broader enabling environment for the caregiver,
family and community, as well as enabling social,
The early years of a child’s life play a critical
economic, political, climactic and cultural contexts—
role in shaping long-term health, development,
these relate to issues such as maternal health,
employment and wellbeing outcomes (Black et
safe and adequate housing, an absence of stigma,
al., 2017; McCain, Mustard & Shankar, 2007).
financial wellbeing and a supportive policy and legal
Evidence demonstrates the importance of children’s
framework. This comprehensive understanding of
participation in quality early learning environments,
‘nurturing care’ is critical for progressing children’s
and its effectiveness in shaping these outcomes
developmental outcomes, particularly during the
and supporting children to realise their full potential
period of rapid brain development and formation of
(Britto et al., 2017; Moore, Arefadib, Deery &
attachment, i.e. within the first three years of life
West, 2017). Participation in quality early learning
(Black et al., 2017; Britto et al., 2017).
also represents a particularly powerful means of
transcending disadvantage (Black et al., 2017; Early The importance of each of the issues outlined above
Learning: Everyone Benefits, 2017). As an American in achieving equality for Aboriginal and Torres
researcher recently noted: ‘We have better evidence Strait Islander peoples is reflected in government
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in early education and care occurs in the
context of Federal Government policy and programs, as well as in state/territory government
policy and programs.
Mobile childcare
services (mid-
Crèches (1989) playgroups (mid-
Indigenous OSCH
Flexible/innovative and enrichment
services (1997) programs (mid-
Aboriginal Children's BBF Other services e.g.
toy libraries,
Services (MACS) nutritional programs
(1987) (mid-1970s)
Figure 1. Programs brought together under the Budget Based Funded (BBF) program
The evidence-based Nurturing Care framework of diverse early education and care programs,
provides a roadmap for action to improve early which have been introduced progressively since
childhood development. It focuses on the holistic the mid-1970s (DEEWR, 2013) (see Figure 1).
Table 1. Service types supported under the Budget Based Funded program
development of children from pregnancy to three It largely supported ad hoc historical programs
years of age, detailing the foundations, actions and rather than developing a vision of how to meet
Service type Description
government leadership required for all children community needs and deliver the best start for
to reach their potential (WHO et al., 2018). The the children in those communities.
Multifunctional Aboriginal Provide culturally centred, community-based services that provide long day
framework is premised on five key principles:
The BBF program provided direct operational
Children’s• Services andand
The child’s right to survive at thrive.
least one other form of child
funding care
to early or activity,
education such
and care as outside school
(MACS) • Leave no child behind—ensuring
hours care (OSHC),
priority for the playgroups,
in areas wherenutrition programs
the market and/or
would not parenting progra
most vulnerable children. allow services to operate, particularly in regional
• Family-centred care—recognising the family’s and remote communities, and where there were
primary role in providing nurturing care. additional needs for culturally appropriate services
Crèches • Whole-of-government Provide culturally appropriate
action—through (DEEWR, childcare programs80over
2013). Approximately flexible
per cent hours based
of BBF
which consistent policies across sectors and services focused on Aboriginal and Torres Strait
the needs of the Indigenous communities
Islander children, withwhere they operate.
16 256 Aboriginal Many crèche
and Torres
inter-sectoral government structures build
collaboration and improve formally
nurturing known as Strait
care. Jobs,Islander
Education and
children Training
using the BBF(JET),
program and
in were
2016 (Palmer, 2016). They were generally funded
• Whole-of-society approach—which to assist
civil eligible unemployed parents to undertake study, work
using a budget based funding model, premised on
society, academic institutions, the private sector,
families, and any othersjob-related training activities.
involved in providing
the number of places historically provided instead
of focusing on utilisation or demand. These often
care for young children.
Flexible/innovative Provide flexible care to families in communities
had no relationship where
to the services conventional
currently being forms o
provided or the number of places available. Funding
services child care are not suited totoMultifunctional
local circumstances. These services
Services inmay include
PROGRAMS AND FUNDING Aboriginal Children’s
long day care, OSHC, occasional care, ranged
2016, for example, mobilefrommulti-purpose
between $5000services,
and on-fa
Since 2003, at the federal level, Aboriginal and $18 000 per child (Palmer, 2016). These services
Torres Strait Islander earlycare, multi-sited
childhood programschild care and overnight care.
were not part of the user-pays Child Care Benefit
have been supported primarily through the BBF (CCB) model that applied to mainstream early
Outside school
The BBFcare
programPredominantly for primary
consolidated a series school-aged
education and carechildren, with Australia.
services across enrichment programs
(OSHC) and enrichment aimed at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. Programs operate fr
programs a community venue and provide activities such as sport, homework centres
nutritional services. | DISCUSSION PAPER | FEBRUARY 2019 | 8
Indigenous playgroups Provide children who are not yet attending formal schooling with a wide ran
TABLE 1 Service types supported under the Budget Based Funded program
The BBF program funded 330 services through However, federal funding for the ACFCs was
approximately $63 million per annum, until the discontinued in July 2014. The services had been
Jobs for Families Child Care Package (Child Care operating within the mainstream childcare funding
Package) passed into legislation in 2017. When the system, with $1 million top-up funding per year
Child Care Package commenced in July 2018, the under the NPAIECD. Since July 2014, the status of
BBF program closed. Services were either brought the ACFCs has been uncertain—both federal and
under the new mainstream system, based on the state governments put the onus on each other to
user-pays Child Care Subsidy, or were transferred maintain supports for their survival. While similar
to the Indigenous Advancement Strategy. in objective and purpose to the MACS, the ACFCs
were excluded from the BBF program given that
There is a Child Care Safety Net in the Child Care
he BBF program had been capped for some years
Subsidy scheme that offers a range of supports to
prior to its closure.
assist services and families. Although it recognises
historical problems with the BBF program and The Queensland and New South Wales Governments
acknowledges that funding arrangements did continued funding their ACFCs. South Australia, the
require improvement, there are also potential Northern Territory, the Australian Capital Territory
concerning impacts of the new Child Care Package. and Tasmania took on direct management of the
Evidence commissioned from Deloitte Access centres in their jurisdictions, and the Northern
Economics suggests that access to subsidised hours Territory has recently announced that it will
for many vulnerable families will be significantly establish a further 11 new Child and Family Centres
reduced, and funding received by services will to provide culturally secure support to children
be, on average, materially lower (Deloitte Access and families (Northern Territory Government,
Economics, 2016; SNAICC, 2016). Provisions in the 2018). The Victorian Government continued to see
Child Care Safety Net seek to redress some of these the ACFCs as a Commonwealth responsibility, and
issues, however, they are limited in scope and some Western Australia funded them as ‘Child and Parent
are only transitional. Centres’. The ongoing status of ACFCs as Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander-owned or -specific
As noted previously in this document, as part of the
services is also variable across jurisdictions.
NPAIECD, the Australian Government contributed
$292.62 million to establish 35 ACFCs.
Rate ratios comparing developmentally vulnerable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
and non-Indigenous children in their first year of full-time education
Rate ratio comparing developmentally vulnerable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
and non-Indigenous children on two or more domains in their first year of full-time education
health and developmental outcomes, relative to Developmental vulnerability varies significantly for
their peers living in urban areas. Driving factors Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children across
centre on social determinants of health and jurisdictions. In 2015, Aboriginal and Torres Strait
development, with these children disproportionately Islander children in the Northern Territory were
affected by poverty; parental unemployment; social around 4.5 times more likely to be developmentally
isolation; exposure to family violence and child vulnerable on two or more domains than non-
protection intervention; and lower engagement in Indigenous children, while Tasmania had the lowest
early education and care (Arefadib & Moore, 2017). level of disparity between Aboriginal and Torres
Children in rural and remote Australia are also Strait Islander, and all Australian children (see
‘significantly more likely to experience lack of access Figure 3).
to appropriate services known to mediate the impact
The extent to which the AEDC provides an accurate
of adversity in early childhood’ (Arefadib & Moore,
reflection of the developmental progress of
2017, p. 1).
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children,
While the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait free from bias or discrimination, has been
Islander children experiencing developmental broadly questioned (SNAICC, 2013). Caution is
vulnerability decreased from 47 per cent in 2009 to recommended in the interpretation of this data, due
42 per cent in 2015 on one or more domains (AEDC, to criticism that the AEDC does not take cultural
2015), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children factors into account, possesses an innate contextual
have remained consistently over 2.5 times more bias, relies on the child being proficient in standard
likely to be vulnerable on two or more domains Australian English and that it is a one-off measure
when compared with all Australian children (see drawn from primary school teachers’ reflections on
Figure 2). There has been a minor reduction only in children’s development (Taylor, 2011). All children
the gap (SCRGSP, 2016). start with different strengths and weaknesses.
Non-Indigenous reading
Non-Indigenous numeracy
Western measures may not adequately capture and numeracy in Years 3 and 7. Outcomes are also
the strengths that an Aboriginal or Torres Strait significantly worse for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander child brings to school. Nevertheless, the Islander children in remote areas, with a larger gap
AEDC does remain valuable as the only large-scale compared to non-Indigenous students (SCGRSC,
national measure to provide insight on children’s 2016; Australian Government, 2018).
development as they start school.
Nationally, the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres
Halving the gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Strait Islander 20–24-year-olds who have achieved
Islander students, and non-Indigenous students, Year 12 or equivalent increased from 47.4 per cent in
in reading, writing and numeracy achievements by 2006 to 65.3 per cent in 2016. This ‘closed the gap’ by
the end of 2018 was one of COAG’s seven original 12.6 per cent, as the proportion of non-Indigenous
Closing the Gap targets (COAG, 2012). While the gap Australians finishing Year 12 increased from 83.8
between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and per cent to 89.1 per cent (Australian Government,
non-Indigenous students has narrowed since 2008 2018). This means that the COAG target to halve the
across all areas, the Closing the Gap target is not yet gap in Year 12 attainment by 2020 may be achievable.
on track (Australian Government, 2018).
While Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Year 12
The gap in reading for Years 3 and 5, and numeracy or equivalent attainment rates have improved across
in Years 5 and 9 has reduced by 30–45 per cent, all states and territories over the past decade,
with the gap in Year 9 numeracy on track to halve there remain significant discrepancies across
by the end of 2018. However, there has been very jurisdictions. The greatest increases were recorded
little change in the gap in reading for Years 7 and 9, in South Australia (42.7 per cent in 2006 to 64.3 per
Rate ratios comparing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous children between
birth and five years attending Australian Government CCB approved child care services in 2017
Rate ratios comparing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous children aged 4 and 5 years
attending a preschool program in the year before schooling (2012–2017)
Note: In 2016, a new state-specific Year Before Full Time Schooling (YBFS) definition was used.
Source: Table 3A.31, 3A.36, Chapter 3 (SCRGSP, 2017)
Table 28 and Appendix 4 (Preschool Education Australia, 2016, 2017)
Rate ratios comparing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous children aged 4 and 5 years
attending a preschool program in the year before schooling in 2017
Note: In 2016, a new state-specific Year Before Full Time Schooling (YBFS) definition was used.
Source: Table 28 and Appendix 4 (Preschool Education Australia, 2017)
CHILDREN (%) (%)
In 2017, the overall school attendance rate for
New South Wales 51.5 57.1
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students,
Victoria 48.1 55.3 nationally, was 83.2 per cent, compared with
Queensland 48.1 54.0 93 per cent for non-Indigenous students (Australian
Western Australia 42.1 48.7 Government, 2018). This means that the five-year
COAG target to close the gap in school attendance
South Australia 63.5 53.6
by the end of 2018 is not on track. Attendance has
Tasmania 42.5 55.2 in fact slightly decreased over the past three years
Australian Capital 60.5 62.3 (83.5 per cent in 2014 compared with 83.2 per cent
Territory in 2017), with no meaningful improvement in any
Northern Territory 37.0 48.1 state or territory, and a notable drop in the Northern
Australia 46.3 54.8 Territory (70.2 per cent in 2014 to 66.2 per cent in
Source: SCRGSP, 2018, Tables 3A.3, 3A.13 and 3A.19 2017) (Australian Government, 2018). Attendance
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children is
The gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait highest in inner-regional areas at 86.8 per cent, and
Islander and non-Indigenous children has also lowest in very remote areas at 64.6 per cent. This is
decreased or also arguably been eliminated when in contrast to attendance rates for non-Indigenous
attendance is measured. The Family Matters Report students, where, based on remoteness, attendance
2018 identifies in fact that Aboriginal and Torres varies very little (SCRGSP, 2016).
Strait Islander attendance increased from a rate of
0.71 to 1.02 in the period 2012–2017, in comparison Attendance also drops off in secondary school for
with non-Indigenous child attendance (see Figure 6). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children—
Most jurisdictions demonstrate higher attendance cultural recognition, collaboration with the
rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in program design and decision making,
children; however, low attendance rates in the parental expectations, teacher quality, and bullying
Northern Territory, Tasmania and Queensland bring and teasing have all been shown to be important
down the overall rate. factors in school attendance (SCRGSP, 2016).
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in
However, the RoGS no longer reports attendance remote areas are also more impacted by speaking
due to a lack of confidence in the methodology to a language other than English; low teacher
collect the data—a one-week census each August expectations; higher risk of health issues; absence
that doesn’t necessarily reflect actual attendance for consecutive months of schooling; and multiple
across the year. The Family Matters Report 2018 changes of school (SCRGSP, 2016).
also points to some evidence which suggests that
‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
participate in preschool for fewer hours per week,
on average, than their non-Indigenous peers’ (Family
Matters Report 2018, p.28). Better data is required
to provide an accurate measure of attendance, and
this data should be viewed with caution.
We note that differing attendance data is reported
by RoGS (2017) and the National Partnership
Agreement on Universal Access to Early Childhood
Education. This paper utilises RoGS data for
consistency and increased specificity. RoGS data
excludes five-year-olds who were repeating the
Source: Baxter & Hand, 2013; Flaxman et al., 2009; SNAICC, 2010, 2012(a); Trudgett & Grace, 2011; Ware, 2012.
While there is much to be hopeful about, more action is required to progress equality in the
early years for our First Nations children. There have been some improvements in Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander early learning participation rates and educational outcomes over
the past decade. However, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are still starting
school with higher rates of vulnerability than non-Indigenous children. Outcomes for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are also lower throughout the school years.
The evidence tells us that both quality early care participation and improve outcomes is through
education and timely implementation of integrated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-
supports, which include families and enrich controlled service provision. Where this is not
the home learning environment, are important possible, genuine local participation and decision-
and necessary to reduce long-term educational making through culturally relevant and competent
disadvantage in Aboriginal and Torres Strait services is required.
Islander children. Evidence also suggests that the
In the absence of a cohesive policy framework, a
following essential principles can help guide policy-
concerted effort by all Australian governments is
makers and service providers about where and how
critical to deliver a cohesive national Aboriginal
programs are implemented to improve outcomes for
and Torres Strait Islander early childhood strategy
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait
• The incorporation of cultures and Aboriginal and Islander peoples.
Torres Strait Islander community ownership and
Key priorities of this strategy should include:
leadership across all aspects of program design,
delivery and governance is central, as is a • a nurturing care framework
strengths-based approach that builds on existing • ensuring service accessibility, with particular
family, community and cultural strengths and focus on areas with high Aboriginal and
expertise. Torres Strait Islander populations
• Programs must also be holistic, focusing on • providing quality services
the whole child and tackling the wider social • improving the cultural responsiveness of
determinants of health that contribute to services
disparities in early life outcomes. • supporting holistic early education and family-
• Finally, genuine and consistent improvement in focused programs that engage the family from
outcomes requires sustainability, adequate and pregnancy or soon after birth
secure funding, a qualified workforce, flexible • redressing data gaps.
operational structures and systems, control over
land, and a supportive policy context. Delivery mechanisms also need to be a central
consideration, with evidence suggesting the
These principles reinforce the importance of inclusion of integrated multi-sectoral intervention
maintaining a strong focus on children’s rights, packages anchored in nurturing care, applied
and particularly their right to develop to reach their at developmentally appropriate times, targeting
potential, to ensure early childhood development multiple risks, creating supportive policy
does not shift to a narrow perspective on education environments and building on existing delivery
(Sims & Brettig, 2018). platforms for feasibility of scale-up (Britto et al.,
Applying these principles also redresses the 2017; Richter et al., 2017).
major barriers to access and participation in early SNAICC and ECA are committed to working with all
education and care for Aboriginal and Torres Australian governments, and the early education
Strait Islander children. In particular, the most and care sector, to progress this strategy and see
effective means to increase early education and equality for First Nations children in the early years.
Aboriginal Child and Family Centre or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Child and Family Centre
AEDC Australian Early Childhood Development Census
BBF Budget Based Funding program
CCB Child Care Benefit
CCR Child Care Rebate
CCS Child Care Subsidy
COAG Council of Australian Governments
Refers to all education and care services provided to children in the early
childhood years from birth to eight
and care
ECA Early Childhood Australia
IPSUs Indigenous Professional Support Units
JET Jobs, Education and Training
LSIC Longitudinal Study on Indigenous Children
MACS Multifunctional Aboriginal Children’s Services
NPAIECD National Partnership Agreement on Indigenous Early Childhood Development
NQF National Quality Framework
OSHC Outside school hours care services
RoGS Report on Government Services
SNAICC SNAICC – National Voice for our Children
UN United Nations
UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
WHO World Health Organization
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