Areport 2

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Par © i | (G- The cooled Solusion vith digelves tablet was tansfenca to the Flask, (and also tne washings that Were Vinsed with Water are also -tansfened |_into the beaker. UZ. The fiter paper is folded eaeee int a fickel shape and +he suspension lWas fitered jnte 9 [o00cm? yolumenic flask. The conical flask ahd the | finer paper were ringed Carefully s° that jo syillape occurs. 2. The neck of the voumenic fiask was rinsed With 9 squeezy bettie of Water Ole By wa diluted yp 40 the mark and or the nal chops, a Paxteur pipette — wa wed, and then jt was mixed JO. “The Fla Was labeled 25, *Unkroun’! 1. Sik Smal) volumetric Fiaks and cuveHes were taken to He Shimadau— UV 1800 UV visible spectphotehietess, 2. Spectrum Mode was selected fiom the pe) bar. 3, Wavelenpth cf unoam Was Jer by clicking Gro 40 WL on the bottom Jet hap Side of the Software screen, Y. Some of the Ocmgolution was transfered into two oF the Cypenes Using 2 Fasteur pipeHeup to abour 0-Ser9 of the top of the cuvente no 5, Vine svootin Faces cf the covetes Were placed into the baci reference Pork and ne front Sampe port: 6. The Zar atiorbance feading was Jer by CHCKND +e Auto Ze button OM 4he bottom eft hand side of the screen.

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