Project Implementation Plan Econstruction

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EDC-3 Innovation | Implementation Plan


Efficiency through technology and collaboration

Implementation Plan
Every Day Counts 3 | Innovation Initiative

January 2015

EDC-3 e-Construction | Implementation Plan

Table of Contents
Section I: Overview and Innovation Description ....................................................... 3
A. Background ............................................................................................................... 3
B. Challenges ................................................................................................................. 4
C. Benefits ....................................................................................................................... 5
D. Partners ....................................................................................................................... 6
E. State of the Practice ................................................................................................. 7
F. Implementation Team and Key Stakeholders ..................................................... 11
Section II: Vision and Mission Statement .................................................................. 12
Section III: Goals ......................................................................................................... 13
e-Construction Goal ................................................................................................... 13
National Goal ............................................................................................................... 14
Team Goal .................................................................................................................... 14
Section IV: Target Audience ...................................................................................... 15
Section V: Marketing Research ................................................................................. 17
A. General Research Approach ............................................................................... 17
B. Obstacles, Opportunities, Strategies, and Tools ................................................. 18
Section VI: Work Plan ................................................................................................. 21

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Section I: Overview and Innovation Description

A. Background
A joint FHWA–AASHTO initiative is designed to assist States with implementing
a paperless construction administration and delivery process known as e-
Construction. e-Construction is a way to reduce the amount of hard copy
documentation needed for highway construction projects. The e-
Construction process promotes broad but controlled access to a central
document management system in which every data element is stored
exactly once via modern technologies, including mobile devices, by all key
stakeholders at both a project and program level. The e-Construction
process includes electronic submission of all construction documentation,
electronic document routing and approvals (e-signatures), and digital
management of all construction documentation in a secure environment.

Several State departments of transportation (DOT) and industry practitioners

are already using or exploring some aspects of e-Construction. Some are
even in the process of mainstreaming many of the aforementioned e-
Construction practices. The proposed e-Construction concept is supported
by many tools and practices that currently exist to improve communication
and make construction management practices more efficient. e-
Construction has the potential to increase the quality, efficiency,
environmental sustainability, and
productivity of the construction IMPLEMENTATION PLAN HIGHLIGHTS
industry at large while helping
agencies to save on printing costs, A focus on a variety of online and face-
time, postage, legal involvement, to-face informational exchanges tailored
to each target audience group
and document storage as well as to
introduce communication • An online “community of practice”
efficiencies. To date, e-Construction built from current lead State examples
has been proven to be valuable and • Cooperation between AASHTO and
FHWA on carrying out the plan
effective by several agencies.
• Predefined levels of evaluation for
Through enhanced awareness,
target audience implementation status
promotion of benefits, and examples
of its application, the highway
industry is ready to reap the benefits of program-level implementation.

EDC-3 Innovation | Implementation Plan

The objective of this e-Construction implementation plan is to outline

strategies that will market expanded deployment and expanded use of the
technology tools and practices available to improve construction project
management with the goal of widespread adoption across the industry.

B. Challenges
Developing and implementing an e-Construction plan comes with some
challenges. One of those challenges is budgetary restrictions. This challenge
applies to all engaged agencies, consultants, contractors, and materials
suppliers. All change initiatives require an initial startup capital cost, but the
return on investment for e-Construction exceeds the startup costs, as has
been proven by our lead State adopters.

• E-Construction solution compatibility—one solution doesn’t fit all. State

and local agencies vary tremendously with regard to the size of their
construction programs, sophistication of current technology, and
limited funding resources. For States with large construction programs,
the benefits of initial investment may be realized more quickly due to
application of the technology to a large volume of projects and to the
most complex projects. States with smaller programs may have the
same initial investment as States with larger programs but with fewer
opportunities to capitalize on their investment. However, as subject
matter experts (SME) have noted, States can benefit from e-
Construction regardless of the size of their construction programs.

This plan takes into consideration that certain approaches and

strategies will need to be tailored and scalable to the situation of the

• Narrow and focused target audience—this will require defining a target

audience that is in a position of influence with the agency and is
motivated and empowered to move forward with solution evaluation,
adoption, and deployment.

• Meaningful measures of progress and success—the success of the plan

will rely on the monitoring of meaningful measures of implementation
progress and the analysis of data collected during the two-year period
for implementation of this plan. It will be important to establish the

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measurements early and monitor them on a regular basis. Based on

the results, adjustments in the planned approach and strategies will be
required to assure effectiveness in maximizing the national deployment
of e-Construction with our limited resources.

• Dedicated and committed plan implementation participants—any

plan is only as good as the level of interest of those involved. The plan
identifies those who will be responsible for managing the plan and
those who will be required to develop and carry out the approaches
and strategies. This will require a commitment of time and resources to
accomplish the objectives of the plan within the 2-year deployment
period. For agencies to have time to deploy e-Construction, the
activities are front-loaded at the beginning of the 2-year timeframe.

• Shifting resources—new costs will be incurred while old costs are

reduced (i.e., physical real estate reduced as paper storage is no
longer needed, but data storage space increases). In addition,
people’s roles change (i.e., inspectors spending less time transmitting
documentation and more time on their primary function of inspecting
the quality of work).

C. Benefits
This initiative will modernize construction document management through
elimination of the cumbersome paper-based approach. In addition to saving
money by reducing paper use, printing, and document storage needs, this
initiative also saves time by decreasing communication delays and
transmittal time. The e-Construction process allows faster approvals,
increased accuracy, and enhanced document tracking, all while improving
transparency. The improvements to communication and the transparency of
the process has been shown to reduce questions, claims, and disputes as to
when or if a document was submitted. Additionally, all stakeholders can see
the name of the document approver along with the exact timing of each
step recorded. The process provides a better foundation to help improve
communications and partnering. The following is a summary of benefits the

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agencies should expect to experience upon successful deployment of e-

Construction solutions:

• Reduction or elimination of paper (sustainable solution)

• Operates in a secure environment
• Ease of document access or searchable text
• Real-time document access
• Controlled and improved document distribution and workflow
• Standardization of reports or forms
• Reduced storage and lost paperwork
• Enhanced disaster recovery
• Improved cash flow
• Reduction in claims
• Field staff on the job site for a higher percentage of time
• Easier access to manuals, plans, and project information
• Documents approved faster
• Ability to sign electronic documents remotely
• Faster, more accurate payments to contractors
• Transparency—documents available for viewing by all project partners
• Integrates with other core systems, such as accounting, asset
management systems, etc.

The direct benefits the agencies will experience and assets that will be
available as a result of deployment of this plan include:

• Access to a national online e-Construction “community of practice.”

Provides an information portal and central depository of e-
Construction information
• Access to SMEs for peer exchanges
• Access to written information, such as blogs, publications, lessons
learned, calendars of events, etc.
• Webinars
• Faster problem solving with interactive real-time access to statewide
experts and partners

D. Partners
We would like to acknowledge the input and participation from the following
Technical Working Group (TWG) members:

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Greta Smith Bryan Cawley Amy Tootle

AASHTO FHWA Headquarters Florida DOT
Rafiq Darji
Greg Mulder Jason Clark
Florida Division Office,
Iowa DOT Michigan DOT

Cliff Farr Stuart Laakso Mark VanPortFleet

Michigan DOT Michigan DOT Michigan DOT

Robert Fijol
Richard Beckes Roxana Garcia
Michigan Division
Minnesota DOT Texas DOT
Office, FHWA
Richard Duval
John Obr Rob Wight
Turner Fairbank Highway
Texas DOT Utah DOT
Research Center, FHWA

E. State of the Practice

Many State DOTs and industry practitioners are already using or testing some
aspects of e-Construction. Some are even in the process of mainstreaming
many of the aforementioned e-Construction concept practices. The
proposed e-Construction concept is supported by many tools and practices
that currently exist to improve communication and make construction
management practices more efficient. Examples include:

• Transfer of electronic plans supported under EDC-2, 3D engineered

models for construction, and electronic contract specifications and
special provisions
• Mobile devices, software, and applications for field inspection and
data collection
• Data hosting services, such as data clouds, share sites, virtual review
• Electronic review and approval processes (digital signatures and
• Communications tools (e-mail, text, social media, smart phones)
• Radio frequency identification tags for resource tracking
• Asset management, electronic as-built drawings, and quality
assurance records

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Michigan DOT has applied e-Construction to all projects, while the

Minnesota, Florida, Utah, Texas, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina DOTs have
applied this technology to design-build projects. Wisconsin and Iowa DOTs
have applied e-Construction to design-bid-build projects. The Michigan DOT,
a leader in e-Construction, estimates that its programmatic adoption will
result in approximately $12 million in added efficiencies and eliminate 7
million pieces of paper by using electronic document storage for its $1 billion
average construction program. In addition, average contract time for
complex contract modifications (change orders) is reduced from 30 days to
3 days.

In addition, the following States have implemented procedures that

complement their e-Construction applications:

• Design (ProjectWise and 3D modeling)
• Pre-letting (advertising, BPRS, pre-bid questions)
• Letting (CDA)
• Contract administration (FieldManager, SiteManager, P6, EPRS, iPads,
• Archiving (EDMS)
• Electronic data collection, materials, core custody
• Electronic document management system
• Construction administration software
• Electronic plans and proposals
• Electronic bidding
• Digitally encrypted electronic signatures
• Process workflow
• Mobile devices
• I-books and online manuals
• Fillable forms
• Letting, award, and approval
• Contract administration—central office
• Contract administration and inspection – Projects

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• As-let plans from contracts
• Electronic as-builts in the field
• New electronic shop drawing process (DocExpress)
• Straight-line diagraming for project plans
• 3D project plan vision
• GIS-based smart plans
• Project letting
• 3D design models
• Collaborative sharing site
• Mobile devices
• Digital signatures (encrypted)
• Form automation
• Electronic as-builts
• Electronic plan sets and documentation (field laptops or digital
• Budget tracking and projections
• Schedules and projections
• Electronic signatures
• Electronic payroll verification
• 3D design

Polling during regional summits engaged participants to define their levels of

utilization of e-Construction technology. Participants were provided the
following levels of utilization to self-define their rankings:

Adopted: has adopted and implemented e-Construction technology and

has constructed two or more projects using e-Construction technology.

Piloting: is investigating or piloting e-Construction technology.

Exploring: is not taking part in national EDC-3 technology initiative.

The following figures highlight the current state-of-the-practice for e-

Construction by State.

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F. Implementation Team and Key Stakeholders

Implementation Team

Implementation Plan Leader: owns the implementation plan and manages

the execution of strategies. FHWA staff.

Implementation Plan Support Staff: directly supports the implementation plan

leader. A combination of FHWA, AASHTO, DOT, and consultant personnel.

Advisory Team: reviews the approach and structure of the strategy and
measures progress. TWG personnel.

Tools and Tactical Team: executes the strategy and develops the tools.
Implementation plan leader and implementation plan support staff will
administer and identify tactical team members for individual tasks.

Key Stakeholders

Primary: FHWA, AASHTO, State DOTs (SMEs and States who have adopted e-
Construction), contractors, consultants, vendors, and trade associations

Secondary: State DOTs (discussing or exploring). Local agencies, consultants,


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Section II: Vision and Mission Statement

The project team has established the following vision and mission statement
for this project. They are based on the overall goal of accelerating the
implementation and adoption of e-Construction tools for construction in the
United States.


Mainstream the use of e-Construction technology so that agency employees can

deliver facilities with speed, efficiency, accuracy, safety, and lower cost using a
paperless system to facilitate communications and record keeping on highway
construction projects.


Promote knowledge transfer and facilitate implementation of e-Construction to

provide users with a secure, efficient, collaborative, paperless, and accessible tool
for electronic construction administration data management.

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Section III: Goals

The following goals have been established for deploying e-Construction

e-Construction Goal
E-Construction technology works toward the EDC-3 goals of shortening
project delivery, enhancing the environment, improving safety, and reducing
congestion. Deployment of e-Construction will increase efficiency of highway
construction projects and program administration, capitalize on available
technology, lead to cost savings, and improve quality and safety. The
ultimate goal of e-Construction technology can be summarized as the

• Move toward paperless system

• Reduce construction time and cost and increase efficiency

• Improve quality and safety

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National Goal
The goal is to have a certain percentage of the target audience develop an
e-Construction implementation plan, adopt a technology, and utilize the
system with the outcome being that these users experience the benefits of e-
Construction technology. Based on the EDC-3 regional summits and the
results of target audience polling, it would be reasonable to suggest that by
December 31, 2016:

- 20 States will have adopted e-Construction processes. The majority of

States will utilize e-Construction technology consistently for highway
construction projects.
- 33 States will have piloted implementation of e-Construction
technology. Most States will have transitioned from not utilizing the
technology into pilot programs for the technology or a primary phase
of utilization.
- 0 States will be exploring implementation of e-Construction
technology. All States will have plans to implement some form of e-
Construction technology.

Team Goal
Develop and execute an implementation plan that facilitates achieving 100
percent of the national goal. To validate this goal, it will be necessary to
document 100 percent of State and FHWA Federal lands practices in e-
Construction and maximize the success of the recommended activities in
meeting or exceeding the national goal. The approach and strategies
defined in this plan will engage the target audience and assist it in achieving
individual goals and, ultimately, the national goal.

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Section IV: Target Audience

Stakeholders who would benefit from using e-Construction technology
include system owners, users, and service providers. The target audience for
the e-Construction implementation plan is varied, and includes all levels of
transportation agency staff, consisting of federal, State, and local agencies,
as well as the academic, vendor, consultant, and contractor communities.

The following table provides a summary of the target audience segments

and associated characteristics of each group, along with challenges,
opportunities, and strategies or products tailored to each.

Table 1: Target Audience Descriptors

Characteristics, Challenges, Example Strategies, Messages

Target Audience
and Opportunities and Messengers


• Headquarters • Set strategic direction for • Implementation plan and

leadership implementation, fund strategic ideas
technical assistance
activities, facilitate

• Resource center and • Assist target audience with • Webinars; higher-level

division offices implementation awareness information

• Federal lands highway • Implement e-Construction • Peer exchanges, marketing

divisions tools—end users of e- materials, training, other
Construction tools specific hands-on

Management with DOTs

• Chief executive officers • Make funding decisions, set • High-level sales pitch and
and decision makers, strategic direction for marketing other concepts,
including legislators and implementation e.g., ROI, etc.
external commissions,

• Construction engineers, • Make tactical decisions on • Peer exchanges, webinars,

project design system utilization, convince benefit-cost information, all

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Characteristics, Challenges, Example Strategies, Messages

Target Audience
and Opportunities and Messengers

engineers, project decision-makers of benefits resource documentation


• On-site resident • Day-to-day • How-to guides, e-

engineers and project implementation, system Construction standards,
engineers, construction utilization, and continuous resource library, videos
managers, construction improvement—end users of
inspectors e-Construction tools

• Owner IT department • Allowing adequate access • How-to guides, methods of

security and systems to support all user interface achieving, listing of
administrators while maintaining records hardware and software
security and accountability solutions

Management with Other Agencies

• Chief executive officers • Make funding decisions, set • High-level sales pitch and
and decision makers strategic direction for marketing other concepts

• Construction engineers, • Make tactical decisions on • Peer exchanges, webinars,

project design system utilization, convince benefit-cost information, all
engineers, project decision makers of benefits resource documentation

Consultants, Contractors, Vendors, other Industry Personnel

• Construction engineers, • Users of system requiring • How-to guides, e-

project design special access or Construction standards,
engineers, project permission, as they are key resource library, videos
managers stakeholders but reside
• On-site residents and outside of the owner-
project engineers, agency
construction managers,
construction Inspectors

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Section V: Marketing Research

A. General Research Approach
Through the FHWA webinar and seven EDC-3 regional summits, the e-
Construction team engaged representatives at varying levels of expertise
within each of the target audiences and across multiple States. While we
have identified lead States with SMEs, the team recommends additional
market research to develop a comprehensive understanding of the target
audience’s level of utilization of e-Construction technology, especially for the
less experienced States. We recommend this market research to prioritize the
States that have the most interest in ultimately going paperless so that
activities can target those that will best help meet or exceed the goal of 20
States who have adopted e-Construction. To validate the polling performed
at the regional summits, we must determine the State of the target audience
through direct contact with each to obtain the following information:

- Confirm the target audience—specific personnel within the State

- Identify the outliers—States that may not be interested in deployment
- Confirm the process for how each State assesses its respective level of
- Identify existing technologies being used
- Refine implementation plan goals

In parallel with market research, the team recommends that FHWA develop
an e-Construction website to provide a forum for addressing many of the
tools or tactics identified below. This could be equivalent to a “community of
practice,” where practitioners go to find the available information on e-
Construction (presentations, sample requests for proposals, system
documentation, and anything shared by lead States).

• Communication Portal
- Website:
o Document and resource library
 Recordings of webinars
 Research documentation or publications
 Multimedia and videos
 How-to guide and roadmap

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 Benefit-cost study findings

 Self-assessment tools
o Coordination and training tools
 Webinar transcripts
 Peer exchange notes
 Interactive idea exchange or blog
o Calendar
o Implementation progress dashboard

To properly gauge the target audience members’ level of utilization, the

team recommends first developing a directory of contacts that can be used
to better understand the needs and challenges. This directory will be used to
maintain communication in ascertaining progress in meeting goals. In
addition, it will be necessary to perform a high-level cost-benefit assessment
that will be shared with the target audience to provide a level of confidence
that the e-Construction initiative is meaningful to them. The study currently
underway at the Turner Fairbank Highway Research Center may provide the
necessary benefit-cost information to fill this need.

B. Obstacles, Opportunities, Strategies, and Tools

To provide a clear pathway forward, the e-Construction team evaluated the
potential obstacles, along with opportunities, strategies, and tools, for
mitigating the barriers to deployment and implementation of the innovation,
many of which can be accomplished through the various links provided on
an e-Construction website. The following table provides a detailed summary
of the team’s evaluation.

Table 2: Opportunities, Obstacles, Strategies, Tools and Tactics

Opportunities / Obstacles Strategy Tools / Tactics

FHWA-sponsored e- Develop a website, blog, or e-Construction website,

Construction technology social media campaign that blog, social media, etc.
information assembled in will be a portal to e-
one place on the Internet Construction resources

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Opportunities / Obstacles Strategy Tools / Tactics

Additional centralized Create opportunities and Peer exchanges—

forums to share information provide intermediaries for exchanging information
and lessons learned among agencies to communicate
expert users and agencies and share ideas, successes,
with little or no experience and lessons learned

Continue FHWA’s Create free, accessible Webinars providing

commitment to providing learning experiences for information to
free educational interested parties, with participants
opportunities to the industry specific subject matter for
targeted audiences

IT communities and end Provide strategies to internal Develop and make

users within agencies can IT staff to promote available strategies
be obstacles to awareness of the benefits
implementation; they are and background to the
not well-versed in the systems, uses, and processes
systems or procedures

Agencies are overwhelmed Create a repository, library, Application and tool

by the amount of data and and learning center that can roadmap or how-to
information available to be used as a resource for guide and web-based
research their options agencies interested in resource library
implementing e-Construction

Upper-level management Develop a high-level High-level sales pitch

staff is not familiar with e- resource for promoters of e- examples
Construction or is reluctant Construction to use with their
to implement from a cost managers to get buy-in from
standpoint decision makers

Suspicion of security issues Educate decision-makers as Ideas or suggestions for

related to cloud-based or to the security and safety of security issues
electronic data the e-Construction concept

Agencies are looking for a Request AASHTO to develop AASHTO-sponsored or

standard, accepted, out-of- an enhanced, integrated proprietary solutions
the-box solution system and make it available
to the target audience or
target audience procurers
and utilize a proprietary
system available in the

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Opportunities / Obstacles Strategy Tools / Tactics

Agencies need to identify Develop advice or Share investment

funding for the transition suggestions for investment strategies; STIC
and implementation strategies Incentive Program

Agencies are overwhelmed Break down implementation Connect with peers

with the magnitude of the into smaller, achievable from agencies that are
task for full implementation elements implementing step-by-
step e-Construction

The following table outlines more specifically the anticipated level of effort
and resource requirements for implementation of the proposed tools.

Table 3: Marketing Tools and Tactics

Level of Effort and Resource Requirements
Tool or Tactic

e-Construction website, blog, Web hosting. Time and expertise for development,
social media campaign, etc. updating, and monitoring.

Time for coordination and introductions. Facility costs,

Peer exchanges
travel costs.

Web hosting, if required. Time for developing content,

delivering webinars, etc.

Develop and make available

Time for research and developing programs.
training programs

Application and tool

roadmap or how-to guide Time for research and developing tools.
and web-based resource

High-level sales pitch

Time for research and developing examples.

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Level of Effort and Resource Requirements
Tool or Tactic

Ideas or suggestions for

Time for research and development.
security issues

Share investment strategies;

provide access to the high-
Time for research and developing examples.
level benefits of

FHWA division and Federal Division offices: time and research to deploy pilot.
Federal lands: time and research to deploy pilot
lands office deployment

Section VI: Work Plan

The following diagram prioritizes activities and tools suggested for
implementation to meet the national goal. This grouping will allow FHWA to
define distinct projects to undertake in 2015.

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Market Research
Lead State Practice Examples List of Stakeholders in each State
(MI, FL, UT, NC, WV, MN, TX, IA) Identification of State Levels of Interest in Deployment
Enhancements to Work Plan
Maximizes Success in Meeting National Goal


Community of Practice Webinars

Interactive Website
Presentations on how to sell management
Library of Resources
Focus Areas: Document Management; Digital
How-To Guides, Benefit-Cost Information,
Signatures; Field Applications
e-Construction Standards
Used to provide information to a large group
Blog/Social Media Sites


Peer Exchanges
Two-way interaction
Lead States Host or Travel to Interested States
Specific, Targeted Technical Assistance
Allows Follow Up for Performance

Performance Measurement

The following table provides a detailed matrix of the identified activities, cost,
audience, and message essential to deploying e-Construction. Responsibility
is assigned for each activity and completion dates are identified.

Table 5: Work Plan

Activity Responsibility Due

Sharing lessons learned All December 2016

Peer exchanges (in-person and
virtual) with documentation for FHWA and all As soon as possible
Michigan DOT, Fall and winter, 2015
Technology webinar series
FHWA and all Fall and winter, 2016
How-to guide, with chapter related Florida DOT, Summer 2015

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Activity Responsibility Due

to IT security Michigan DOT, and

High-Level transportation industry
AASHTO and all Ongoing
Resource website (AASHTO users
AASHTO and FHWA Ongoing
blog site)
AASHTO-sponsored or proprietary
AASHTO Winter 2016
IT security awareness outreach AASHTO and all Spring 2016
States who have
e-Construction example
adopted e- Fall 2015
Application and tool roadmap FHWA and all Fall 2015
FHWA federal lands and division
FHWA Fall 2015
office piloting

The total cost for the above activities is to be determined based on final
scoping of activities by the responsible parties.

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For More Information Contact Bryan Cawley, FHWA,

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