Dipali Final
Dipali Final
Dipali Final
Yavatmal at ICICI Bank Yavatmal during 1 October 2021 to 30th November 2021.
Place: Pune
This is to certify that Mrs. Dipali Devidas Rathod was associated with ICICI Bank Limited in the
capacity of a trainee from October 1, 2021 to November 30, 2021 with our Finance and Sales Group,
Yavatmal. She has worked under the guidance of Mr. Rupesh Thapa, Manager of the Finance and
Sales Group, Yavatmal. During the Training and Internship program, she has successfully gone
Rupesh Thapa
Chief Manager
Communication Office: No. 356, Royal Solitaire, 2nd Floor, Postal Ground Road Yavatmal-445001
Registered Office: 1089 Appasaheb Marathe Marg Prabhadevi Mumbai: 400025. Maharashtra, India
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the Project Report titled “A Study on
Customer Satisfaction towards ICICI Bank Yavatmal written and submitted by
me to Sinhagad Pune University, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
award of Master of Business Administration is my original work and the
conclusions drawn therein are based on the material collected by myself.
Completing a task is never alone journey. It is often the result of valuable contribution
from a number of individuals in every possible way, which ultimately helps in
achieving the objectives.
My sincere gratitude to all Dhananjay Mandlik (Principal of CMCS) for their co-
operation. I also thank all the employees for their co-operation in successful
completion of my project.
I take pride in thanking my family and friends for their suggestions and constructive
criticisms, right from the inception of this project to its successful completion.
MBA- II Year
2 23
List of Tables
Agriculture has become a significant transformation within the banking industry in the past
few years. Bankers now see agribusiness as a big opportunity to be tapped and to be built
on. It is no longer been seen as merely a regulatory requirement.
Globalization and liberalization dominated the each and every sphere of life and
economy of India. Banking which is an essential part of human beings is seemed to
be raped with these reforms and a huge change is seen in Indian banking system.
Before these reforms, people were concise to deposit and withdrawal of money from
the bank and services standard was becoming pathetic. The revolution swapped the
age-age long problems of human being as well as the marketing approach of the bank
to revolve them to customer oriented. Many new foreign banks came into the market
and change the whole scenario of banking system through their modern and
technology-based services. As reason Indian banks were also bound to follow the
latest trend, innovative services and facilities in their working environment to get and
maintain their huge market. With the coming of private sector bank as technology-
savvy banks, provided a lot of facilities to customers by offering them new products,
new services, new market and efficient delivery channels for the banking industry
putting credit, debit, smart card into the hands of customer with the development of
Tele-banking and internet banking. With years, banks are adding administrations to
their clients. The Indian financial industry is going through a period of clients
showcase. The clients have progressively decision in picking their banks. A challenge
has been built up inside the banks working in India. The proficiency of a financial
part relies on how it can convey its administrations to target clients in most ideal
Page 11
manner. So as to make due in this aggressive condition and give persistent consumer
loyalty, the suppliers of banking administration are presently required to ceaselessly
improve the nature of administrations.
A loan is a type of debt like all other debt instrument; a loan entails the redistribution
of financial assets over time between the lender and the borrower.
In a loan the borrower initially receives or borrows amount of money, called the
principal from the lender, and is obligated to pay back or repay an equal amount of
money to the lender at a later time. Typically, money is paid back in regular
instalments or partial repayment in an annuity, each instalment is the same amount.
Page 12
Various Loans Offered by ICICI Bank
1. Gold Loan
2. Vehicle Loan
3. Mortgage Loan
4. Term Loan
5. Cash Credit
6. Agriculture Loan
Gold Loan
Vehicle Loan
Various Loans
offered by
Cash Credit
Term Loan
Chart No. 1
Page 13
Vehicle loan
A vehicle loan is basically a loan that you can take out in order to purchase a vehicle.
In a vehicle loan you are not paying on the depreciation of the vehicle like you do
with a lease. Vehicle loan is generally offered by ICICI bank at an interest rate of
14%. You are paying on the vehicle with purchase price plus interest.
You have the money to make a significant down payment (20% or more)
Mortgage loan: -
Page 14
Term loan:-
A term loan is a monetary loan that is repaid in regular payment over a set period of
time usually last between one and ten years but last as long as 3 years in some case.
A term loan usually involves floating interest rates that will add additional balance to
Term loan can be given on an individual basis but are often use for small business
loans. The ability to repay over a long period of time is attractive on new or
expanding enterprises as the assumption is that they will increase profit over time.
Cash Credit
A cash credit is a short term credit provided by a bank. A bank provides this type of
funding but only after the required security is given to secure the loan. Once a
security for repayment has been given the business that receives the loan can
continuously draw from the bank up to a certain specified amount.
Bank offers cash credit account to business to finance their working capital
requirement the cash credit account is similar to the current account. The cash credit
account is supposed to be overdrawn almost continuously. The extent of overdrawing
is limit to the cash credit limit that the bank sanctioned.
Page 15
Gold Loan
As the name suggest gold loan is given against gold. Many nationalized banks,
private bank and other financial companies offer this loan at attractive interest rates.
Many go for this loan for the short-term period to meet the requirement of their
children's education, marriage and other financial problems in the family.
Gold loan doesn't demand any certificate to show your salary, your income or no
credit card history is required. One of the main advantages of gold loan is the low
interest rates. Usually loan over gold is provided at the interest of 12- 16% pa and
this is quite low as compared to personal loan which is available at interest rate of 15-
26% pa.
A fixed deposit receipt issued by the same bank is the safest security for granting an
advance because the receipt represents the debt due from the banker himself. A
banker should grant an advance on a security of a fixed deposit receipt issued by the
other bank because the later possesses its paramount lien over the receipt. It may over
refuse to register the lien of the banker granting a loan against such receipt. The
banker should normally advance a loan to the same person or persons in whose name
the receipt is issued. In case it is issued in case of two or more persons, and loan is
sought by one of them, all the depositors must signed a letter of authority authorizing
the bank to sanction a loan to one of them on the basis of receipt.
Agricultural Loan
Page 16
What is agricultural Loan?
Agricultural loan are available for a multitude of farming purpose to buy input for the
cultivation of food grain crops as well as for the husbandry, floriculture and
sericulture business. These are also special loan to finance the purchase of
agricultural machinery such as tractors, harvesters and trucks. Construction of biogas
plant and irrigation system as well as the purchase of agricultural land may also be
finance through special type of agriculture finance.
Direct finance to individual farmers, for agriculture and allied activities (Dairy,
Fishery, Piggery, Poultry, Bee keeping, etc.
Indirect finance denotes finance provided by banks to farmers indirectly i.e. through
other agencies.
Page 17
Sources of agriculture finance
1 non-institutional sources
• Money lenders
• Traders
• Commission agents
• Traders
2 Institutional Source
Agricultural loan helps farmers to run their farm more efficiently. It can be difficult
to keep up with all of the cost associated with running a farm. So farmers need low
interest agriculture loans to helps them stay afloat.
Page 18
1.2 Company Profile
Location :-Yavatmal
Headquarter :-Yavatmal
Branches :-34
Employee : -40
Page 19
1.3 Statement of the Problem
Banking area in any country is the imperative for building up the business and
economy. Banks are the core of the business part of any economy and supply the
important cash blood to all business associations and at the same time bolster the
more vulnerable divisions or the associations of a country. Clients' fulfilment is the
basic factor that chooses the accomplishment of any bank. Presently a day, Private
Banks are extending their branches in urban just as in provincial territories to get an
ever-increasing number of clients. Brach size, administrations, framework, offices,
staff, working hours and so on is differing as indicated by an area the branch. This
examination covers the provincial financial client's mindfulness and use of the
innovation-based administrations gave by one bank and their fulfilment designs. The
investigation will be useful in expanding the mindfulness, usage and fulfilling the
clients and at last improve the bank's exhibition.
“An arrangement in which a lender gives money or property to the borrower and the
borrower agrees to return the property or to repay the money, usually along with
interest, at some future point (s) in time. Usually, there is a predetermined time for
repaying the loan, and generally the lender has to bear the risk that the borrower may
not repay a loan".
“A loan may be for a specific, one- time amount or can be available as open-ended
credit up to a specified celling amount".
Page 20
1.4 Hypothesis
Alternative hypothesis
1. Customers are aware about the agriculture loans provided by the bank.
2. Customers are satisfied with the agriculture loan available in ICICI Bank Yavatmal
Null Hypotheses
1. Customers are not aware about the agriculture loans provided by the bank.
2. Customers are not satisfied with the agriculture loan available in ICICI Bank
Yavatmal city
The research work is carried with the motive to achieve the following objectives:
For this purpose, researcher has used descriptive research design, under which
an earnest endeavour was made to obtain the relevant results regarding problems in
hand. Research design includes an outline of everything from defining the problem in
term of objections to final analysis of the data. The present study was conducted in
one private sector bank namely ICICI bank of district Yavatmal Maharashtra. A field
survey has been conducted to know the customers awareness and utilization of the
technology-based services of ICICI Bank in District Yavatmal Maharashtra. With the
Page 21
help of a questionnaire which consists of both open and closed end questions. The
total sample consists of 200 customers (75, each of savings and current account
customers and 25 each of senior citizens and NRI accounts). The responses received
from respondents are tabulated and responses are expressed in percentage along each
dimension of aspect.
Page 22
Agricultural Loan is the sources for farmers and peoples to get loan for their
development purpose. It is very important to get Agricultural Loan from the various
banks which offered them loan products. The data will be gathering through
interaction and discussion with the customers as well as manager of the Bank. This
study provides an inside in to the high level of customers and also attention towards
A study on agricultural loan helps to know the need of customer as well as their
utilization for the customer. While the studying the agricultural loan of the ICICI
Bank in Yavatmal. It is a great experience to know the banking so closely.
It is seen that the bank are focusing more and more over the providing agricultural
loan due to which bank getting business. By offering such of facility the bank are the
need of the consumer. A study of agricultural loan with reference to ICICI Bank in
Consumers all over the world have become more quality conscious; hence there has
been an increased customer demand for higher quality service. Service operations worldwide
are affected by this new wave of quality awareness and emphasis. Therefore service-based
companies like the banks are compelled to provide excellent services to their customers in
order to have sustainable competitive advantage, especially in the current trend. Customer
satisfaction and retention has become a matter of concern in the banking industry and service
quality has been identified empirically as the driver of them. But there are discrepancies
between what the banks think is quality service and what the customers expect from the
Page 23
Banking industry is highly service-oriented. The banking industry like many other
financial service industries facing a rapidly changing market, new technologies, economic
uncertainties, severe competition and more demanding customers. These rapid
transformations of services in the banking system have leads to the development of a highly
competitive and complex market. These developments are compelling the banks to refine
their service on a continuous basis in order to cope with the present conditions. This has led
the banks to improve the existing services and creation of new services. Widespread use of
technology enhanced the customer expectations, specifically on the aspects of speed and
quality of service delivery. So, the banks are looking for new ways not only to attract but also
to retain the customers and gain competitive advantage over their competitors. Thus, the
customers have become the focal point either to develop or maintain stability in the business.
Page 24
banking, life, non-life insurance, venture capital and asset management. The Bank has a
network of 3,850 branches and 12,091 ATMs in India, and has a presence in 19 countries as
of December, 2021. ICICI Bank is one of the Big Four banks of India, along with State Bank
of India, Punjab National Bank and Bank of Baroda.
Page 25
Details of each agricultural loam products are explained in the table format as under:
• Crop Loan
Loan Limit Min. amount Rs.10000 & max. Amount Rs.15 lakhs
Tenure Interest calculations Loan amount is decided
based on the cropping pattern, ancillary and
contingencies need of the farmers for the full year.
Tenure 12 months
Page 26
• Farm Equipment Loan
Feature Details
Page 27
• Purchase of Land For Agriculture Purpose
Feature Details
Eligibility Entities Small and the marginal farmers, Tenant farmers, share
Loan Amount It will depend on the area of the land to be purchased and
its valuation and development cost.
Security The land purchase out of the bank finance and mortgage
in favour of the bank will form the security.
Over Rs.50000-10-25%
Page 28
• Dairy Loans
Feature Details
Page 29
• Financing For Poultry Farming
Feature Details
Tenure 5 to 7 years
Page 30
• Kisan Credit Card Scheme
Feature Details
Page 31
3.1 Data Analysis
Assets Rup
201 Perce 201 Perc 2019 Perce 202 Perce 202 Per
7-18 ntage 8-19 ent -20 ntage 0-21 ntage 1-22 ce
ge age nta
Cash & 5.4 293 7.3 1753 4.6 275 7.6 209 5.1
Balance 77.5 6.33 14.2 07
s with 187 9
RBI 06.9
Balance 5.3 866 2.2 1243 3.3 113 3.1 131 3.2
with 3.6 0.23 59.4 83.1
Banks, 184
Money 14.5
at Call
Advanc 195 56.8 225 56.4 2183 57.6 181 49.9 216 53.
es 866 616 10.8 205. 366 3
5 6
Investm 912 26.5 111 27.9 1030 27.2 120 33.3 134 33.
ents 57.8 454 58.3 892. 686 2
1 8
Gross 629 1.8 703 1.8 7443. 2.0 711 2.0 910 2.2
Block 8.56 6 71 4.12 7.47
Accum 237 0.7 292 0.7 3642. 1.0 390 1.1 436 1.1
ulated 5.14 7.11 09 1.43 3.21
Net 392 1.1 410 1.0 3801. 1.0 321 0.9 474 1.2
Block 3.42 8.89 62 2.69 4.26
Other 164 4.8 205 5.1 2416 6.4 192 5.3 163 4.0
Assets 89 74.6 3.62 14.9 47.5
Total 344 100 399 100 3793 100 363 100 406 10
Assets 658 795 00.9 399. 234 0
6 7
Table 1 exemplify the assets of components of the ICICI bank for the last five years,
with regards to cash and balance with RBI 18706.9 crores which 5.4 percent of the
Page 32
total assets of 2017-18, which is increased to 20,907 crores with the slight decline in
the proportion of total assets with 5.1 percent of the total assets, whereas the overall
increase of the amount is 11.8 percent, Balance with banks, Money at call was
18,414.5 crores in 2006 with the percent of 5.3 percent of the total assets, it has
diminished to 13,183.1 crores in 2018-19 with the 28.4 percent of decrease over the
period of time, with regard to the advances of the bank in 2017-18 the amount was
1,95,866 crores which constitutes 56.8 percent of the total assets which has increased
to 2,16,366 crores which constitutes around 53.3 percent of the total assets for the
year 2010-11 with the increase of 10.5 percent of the increase over the years, with
respect to investments the amount was 91,257.8 crores constitutes 26.5 percent of the
total assets on 2017-18, which is 1,34,686 crores in 2018-19 which constitutes 33.2
percent of the overall assets of that respective year with the increase of 47.6 percent
over the years, The gross block for the year 2006-07 was 6298.56 crores which
constitutes around 1.8 percent of the total assets, which is 9,107 crores in 2018-19
which constitutes 2.2 percent of the overall assets of that respective year with the
increase of 44.6 percent over the years, The accumulated depreciation for the year
2017-18 was 2375.14 crores constitutes 0.7 percent of the total assets which is
4,363.21 crores in 2018-19 which constitutes 1.1percent of the overall assets of that
respective year with the increase of 83.7 percent over the years, other assets of the
year 2006-07 was 16,489 crores constitutes around 4.8 percent of the total assets
which is 16,347.5 crores in 2018-19 which constitutes 4 percent of the overall assets
of that respective year with the decrease of 0.89 percent over the years, Thus the
assets of the ICICI bank shows positive development over the period of time and
there has not been very negative fluctuations have taken place during the last five
years, it clearly indicates the financial stability of the bank.
Page 33
3.1.2 Liabilities of the ICICI bank from 2017-18 to 2021-22
200 Perce 2007 Perce 2008 Perce 200 Perce 201 Perce
6- ntage -08 ntage -09 ntage 9-10 ntage 0-11 ntage
Share 124 0.5 1462 0.8 1113 0.9 111 1.2 115 1.6
Capita 9.3 .68 .29 4.89 1.82
l 4
Reserv 2.3 4535 4.4 4841 4.8 505 5.1 539 4.8
es & 234 7.53 9.73 03.4 38.8
Surplu 13. 8 2
s 9
Share 2.8 4682 4.6 4953 4.9 516 5.2 550 4.9
holder 246 0.21 3.02 18.3 90.6
s’ 63. 7 4
Funds 3
Deposi 230 25.8 2444 23.2 2183 21.7 202 20.4 225 20.2
ts 510 31.0 47.8 016. 602.
5 2 6 1
Total 281 31.5 3100 30.3 2856 27.6 296 28.8 335 28.5
Debt 766 79.4 71.5 280. 156.
8 1 2 4
Borro 512 5.7 6564 6.5 9315 9.2 942 9.5 109 9.8
wings 56 8.43 5.45 63.5 554.
7 3
Loan 281 31.5 3100 30.3 3115 30.9 296 29.9 335 30.0
Funds 766 79.4 03.2 280. 156.
8 8 2 4
Total 894 100.0 1023 100.0 1007 100.0 992 100.0 111 100.0
Liabili 625 878. 744. 077. 565
ties 9 1 3 0
Table 2 exemplify the liability components of the ICICI bank for the last five years,
with regards to share capital 1249.3 crores which 5.5 percent of the total liability of
2017-18, which is increased to 1151.2 crores with the proportion of total liability
with 1.6 percent of the total liability ,whereas the overall decrease of the amount is
7.8 percent, Reserves and surplus was 23413.9crores in 2017 with the percent of 2.3
percent of the total assets, it has diminished to 53938.82crores in 2018-19 with the
proportion of 4.8 percent with respect to the liability of the respective year, with the
Page 34
increase of 130.4 percent over the period of time, with regards to the shareholders
fund of the bank in 2006-07 the amount was 24663.3crores which constitutes2.8
percent of the total liability which has increased to 55090.64 crores which
constitutes around 4.9 percent of the total liability for the year 2018-19 with the
increase of 123.4 percent of the increase over the years, with respect to the deposits
of the amount was 230510 crores constitutes 25.8 percent of the total liability on
2018-18, which is 225602.1 crores in 2018-19 which constitutes 20.2 percent of the
overall liability of that respective year with the decrease of 2.1 percent over the
years, The total debt for the year 2017-18 was 281766 crores which constitutes
around 31.5 percent of the total liability , which is 335156.4crores in 2018-19 which
constitutes 18.9 percent of the overall liability of that respective year with the
increase of 18.9 percent over the years, The borrowings for the year 2017-18 was
51256crores constitutes 5.7 percent of the total assets which is 109554.3crores in
2020-21 which constitutes 9.8 percent of the overall assets of that respective year
with the increase of 113.7 percent over the years, Loan funds of the year 2017-18
was 281766 crores constitutes around 31.5 percent of the total assets which is
335156.4 crores in 2020-21 which constitutes 30 percent of the overall liability of
that respective year with the increase of 18.9 percent over the years, Thus the
liability of the ICICI bank has shown positive development over the period of time
and there has been very unstainable reductions in total debt, and the loan funds
which implies that the financial performance is more positive in the same in the
increase in the shareholders fund is the positive sign even though it is increase
liability of the bank. negative fluctuations have not taken place during the last five
years, it clearly indicates the financial stability of the bank.
The parameters of service quality such as banking habits, speed and efficiency of
transactions, behavioural aspects of employees. customer amenities, credit related
services, technical aspects, service charges and pricing were considered as major
items of observation.
Page 35
3.1.3 Age-wise classification
Page 36
3.2 Interpretation
1. Are you aware of the different loan facilities provided by ICICI bank?
Particular Percentage
Yes 86%
No 14%
Table No. 7
Data Interpretation: -
• 86% of the respondent agreed that they are aware of the different loan
facilities provided by the bank.
• While only 14% are not aware of the loan schemes provided by the bank.
Page 37
2. Are you availing any kind of the facilities provided by the bank?
Table No. 8
71% No
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 71% of the total respondents were availing some loan facility from bank.
• 29% of the respondents were not availing any kind of loan facility from bank
Page 38
3. Which type of loan facility you have taken?
Table No. 9
Direct agriculture loan
55 Indirect agriculture loan
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 74% of the customers have taken loan for direct agriculture.
• 15% of the customers have taken loan for indirect agriculture.
• 11% of the customers have taken loan for allied activities.
Page 39
4. What is the amount of loan you have taken?
Table No. 10
45 50,000 to 1,00,000
5,00,000 or above
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 54% of the customers have taken loan below 50,000
• 23% of the customers have taken loan 50,000 to 1,00,000
• 16% of the customers have taken loan 1, 00,000 to 5, 00,000.
• 7% of the customers have taken loan 1, 00,000 to 5, 00,000.
Page 40
5. How long you have been banking with ICICI Bank?
Period Percentage
Less than 1 year 5%
1 to 5 year 30%
5 to 10 years 45%
Not at all 20%
Table No. 11
5% 30
1 to 5 year
5 to 10 years
Not at all
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 5% of the customers have been banking with urban bank for less than 1 year
• 30% of the customers have been banking with urban bank for 1 to 5 years.
• 45% of the customers have been banking with urban bank for 5 to 10 years
• 20% of the customers have been banking with urban bank not at all.
Page 41
6. Why did you choose ICICI Bank for taking Agriculture Loan?
Table No. 12
Proximity to farm
Good service
Interest rates
Any other reason
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 54% of the customers have chosen urban bank because of good service.
• 33% of the customers have chosen urban bank because of proximity to farm.
• 9% of the customers have chosen urban bank because Interest rates
• 4% of the customers have chosen urban bank because other reasons
Page 42
7. How do you rate the overall attitude of bank officials/staffs towards you while
making transaction?
Table No. 13
57% Poor
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 57% of the customers feel that attitude of bank officials was good.
• 22% of the customers feel that attitude of bank officials was excellent.
• 14% of the customers feel that attitude of bank officials was average.
• 7% of the customers feel that attitude of bank officials was poor.
Page 43
8. Are you satisfied with the rate of interest?
Table No. 14
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 53% of the customers are satisfied with the rate of interest.
• 47% of customers feel that interest rates are high.
Page 44
9. Period of receiving loan from the date of application?
Table No. 15
13% 19%
1-10 days
11-30 days
1 month-2 months
More than 2 months
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 47% of the customers received loan in the period of 11-30 days from the date
of the application.
• 21% of the customers received loan in the period of 1- 2 months.
• 19% of the customers received loan in the period of 1-10 days
• 21% of the customers received loan in the period of more than 2 months.
Page 45
10. How do you rate the repayment period provided by the bank?
Table No. 16
Highly satisfactory
55% Highly dissatisfactory
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 11% of the customers are not satisfied with the repayment period provided by
• 55% of the customers are satisfied with repayment period.
• 24% of the customers are highly satisfied.
• 10% of the customers are highly dissatisfied.
Page 46
11. How do you rate overall service quality of ICICI bank?
Table No. 17
Very good
43% Poor
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 43% of the customers fell the service quality was good.
• 25% of the customers fell the service quality was very good.
• 43% of the customers fell the service quality was average.
• 43% of the customers fell the service quality was poor.
Page 47
12. Do you find any bank in your area providing better services thatn ICICI bank?
Table No. 18
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 37% of the customers fell that ICICI Bank is less service provider bank.
• 63% of the customers fell that some other bank does not provides better
services than Yavatmal Urban bank.
Page 48
13. Would you like to switch over to any other bank?
Table No. 19
75% No
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 75% of the customers don’t want to switch to any other bank.
• While 25% of the customers would like to switch to other banks.
Page 49
14. Is there is any eligibility criteria for offering agricultural loan?
Table No. 20
62% No
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 62% of customers feel that there is a eligibility criteria.
• While 28% of the customers do not feel that there is any eligibility criteria.
Page 50
15. Is an agricultural loan to farmers is most sound financial option?
Table No. 21
Does not sound
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 90% of farmers believe that agricultural loan is most sound financial option.
• While 10% of farmers believe that agricultural loan is unsound financial
option to them.
Page 51
16. Whether landless farmers, tenants can avail agricultural credit?
Table No. 22
71% No
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 71% of the customers are avail of agriculture credit provided by bank.
• While 29% of customers are not availing of the agriculture credit provided by
Page 52
17. What type of agriculture loan provided by bank to farmers?
Table 23
Data Interpretation: -
Page 53
18. Is getting agriculture loan from the bank is a critical process
Table No. 23
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• 89% of customers feel that getting agriculture loan is not a critical process.
• But 11% of customers feel that it is a critical process.
Page 54
19. From the following which documents are essential for taking an agriculture loan?
1. Voter Id Card
2. Aadhar Card
3. Tax Receipt
4. Electricity Bill
Table No. 25
21% 1&2
57% 2&3
12% 1&4
All of the above
Data Interpretation: -
From the above chart we can say that
• The 10% respondents are says document 1 & 2 are essential.
• The 21% respondents are says document 2 & 3 are essential.
• The 10% respondents are says document 1 & 4 are essential.
• The 10% respondents are says all of the above.
Page 55
• 4% of the respondents are not aware of the different loan facilities provided
by the bank.
• 71% of the respondents are availing some loan facility from the bank.
• From the three main loan schemes provided by the bank, maximum customers
• More than half of the customers have availed loan because of good service
provided by bank.
• About two third of customers are satisfied with the attitude of bank
• About half of the customers are satisfied with the interest rates on loan.
• About one third of customers feel that overall service quality of Yavatmal
• More than half customer feels that other bank provides better service than
• 90% of farmers believe that agricultural loan is most sound financial option.
• 62% of customers feel that there are any eligible criteria for loan.
Page 56
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis No. 1: Customers are aware about the different loan facilities provided
by the ICICI Bank.
Not aware
Data Interpretation: - During the study it is found that 86% of the respondents are
aware about the different loan facilities provided by the ICICI Bank. Hence in this
case alternate hypothesis is providing.
Page 57
Hypothesis No. 2: Customers are satisfied with the procedure for agriculture loan
provided by ICICI Bank.
2. Are you satisfied with the interest rates?
75% No
Data Interpretation: - During study it is found that 75% of customers are satisfied
with procedure for agriculture loan provided by ICICI Bank. Hence in this case
alternate Hypothesis is prove.
Page 58
• 4% of the respondents are not aware of the different loan facilities provided
by the bank.
• 71% of the respondents are availing some loan facility from the bank.
• From the three main loan schemes provided by the bank, maximum customers
• More than half of the customers have availed loan because of good service
provided by bank.
• About two third of customers are satisfied with the attitude of bank
• About half of the customers are satisfied with the interest rates on loan.
• About one third of customers feel that overall service quality of Yavatmal
• More than half customer feels that other bank provides better service than
• 90% of farmers believe that agricultural loan is most sound financial option.
• 62% of customers feel that there are any eligible criteria for loan.
Page 59
4.2 Conclusion of the Findings
• The customers are aware of the process of the Agricultural loan and they are
taking it for their purpose.
• The Yavatmal urban cooperative bank has launched several good products
catering to rural and agri community for their customers.
• The bank is making agri sector very important than any other sector
• The bank made the lending procedure very simple for the customers.
• The bank has trained staffs which are making enough care of the customers
Problem regarding agricultural loan.
• The customers are satisfied with the policies and procedures of lending loan
with Yavatmal Urban Cooperative Bank.
Page 60
4.3 Suggestions and Recommendations
• Above one third of the customers have annual income ranging from50000 to
100000 in order to target some other group as well, bank should prescribe
reasonable interest rates so as to increase the sales and hence profit.
• 68% of the customers look more than a month to receive loan from the date of
application. In order to increase the satisfaction level of the customers, bank
should reduce this time period.
Page 61
Dear Sir/Madam,
• Name
• Address
• Phone Number
• Annual Income
• How much land do you hold
a) Yes
b) No
2. Are you availing any kind of loan facilities provided by the bank?
a) Yes
b) No
Page 62
4. What is the amount of loan you have taken?
a) Below 50000
b) 50000 to 100000
c) 100000 to 500000
d) 500000 to above
6. Why did you choose Yavatmal Urban Cooperative Bank for taking loan?
a) Proximity to farm
b) Good service
c) Interest rates
d) Any other reasons
7. How do you rate the Overall attitude of banks official towards you while making
a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Average
d) Poor
Page 63
8. Are you satisfied with the rate of interest?
a) Yes
b) No
c) 1-10 days
d) 11-30 days
e) 1month 2 month
f) More than 2 months
10. How do you rate the repayment period provided by the bank?
a) Highly satisfactory
b) Satisfactory
c) Dissatisfactory
d) Highly dissatisfactory
11. How do you rate overall service quality of Yavatmal Urban Co- operative Bank?
a) Very Good
b) Good
c) Average
d) Poor
12. Do you find any other bank in your area providing better services than
a) Yes
b) No
a) Yes
b) No
Page 64
14. Is there is any eligibility criteria for offering agriculture loan?
a) Yes
b) No
a) Sound
b) Unsound
a) Yes
b) No
a) Yes
b) No
19. From the following which documents are essential for taking an agriculture loan?
a) Voter ID
b) Ration card
c) Aadhar card
d) Land ownership proof receipt
Page 65
1. Financial Institution and Markets, L.M. Bhole, McGraw Hill, 4th edition.
3. Banking- Theory and Practice, Dr. P.K. Shrivastav, Himalaya, 8th edition
• www.yavatmalurbanbank.com
• www.urbanco-opbank.com
• www.google.com
• www.wikipedia.com
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