Hypnotherapy +aromatherapy + Laughter Therapy+ Immune

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Dr. Ola Ayesh

Dr. Rozan Sabobeh
• Hypnosis: A state of calm and relaxation that occurs in the human body by
repeating a specific word more than once, or showing an image repeatedly
to the patient. This is done with the help of the therapist so that the
hypnotized person becomes more responsive and obedient to suggestions
and inspirations.
• It is interesting that a person who doesn't want to sleep would typically
resist being put to sleep. Contrary to other people, some persons are easily
hypnotized. Those who are unaffected by hypnosis include:

people who have been sedated.

children who are younger than six.
those who receive prescriptions for sleep aids.
• The study of hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, stretches back to the time of
the ancient Egyptians, who had temples dedicated to sleep or what is
now known as therapeutic sleep.
Degree of wakefulness or sleep:
• We all go through periods of wakefulness and sleep, and during these
times, the brain emits electrical signals to gauge the level of wakefulness
or sleep that the body is experiencing. This helps to scientifically clarify
the situation. Three states are distinguished by the outcome:
1. Beta: It is a state of alertness, in which the brain sends a number of
waves amounting to about fourteen waves per second.
2. Alpha: It is the state of the body before sleep or its state before waking
up at the end of sleep or its state when daydreaming occurs, where the
person is completely conscious, but in a state of extreme relaxation,
and in this state the brain sends eight waves per second.
3. Theta and delta: which is the state of complete sleep.
• Note: Hypnosis focuses on reaching the alpha state, but at our own
will and at the time we desire. This is because the alpha state is
characterized by being the highest stage in which the subconscious
mind communicates with the consciousness.
How is hypnosis done?
• Hypnosis works by controlling the degree of consciousness, as it works
to temporarily sleep the conscious mind and alert the subconscious

• The subconscious makes up about 90%, so any disagreement between

the subconscious and the conscious is in favor of the subconscious.

• The subconscious mind represents a bank of information, memories,

desires and habits. But his problem lies in arranging things in any way or
without logic
• Hypnosis is usually used in the field of psychotherapy, because this state
of sleep allows people to explore all the thoughts, memories and feelings
hidden in the subconscious, so hypnosis can be divided into two types:

1) First: a change therapy in the sense that it is possible to direct a person

to give up a certain habit, such as smoking, or to reduce the feeling of
2) Second: Analysis means an attempt to search the depths of the soul to
reach a specific psychological cause that led to a disease, such as an old
incident stored in the subconscious.
Self-hypnosis (self-suggestion) steps:
• preparation
• Inducing inspiration
• Listen to suggestions
• Preparation: Lie down on a comfortable chair or bed and avoid everything
that might distract the mind.
• Inducing inspiration:
I. Staring with intense concentration is a method that aims to strain the eyes. It is
done by focusing on a specific thing without closing the eye (blinking). You look at
the thing without focusing on what it is. Focus on a specific spot but do not pay
attention to what is in it.
II. Mental stress, and this can be done by counting from one hundred to one; But by
subtracting three from each number, the count becomes 100, 97, 94... and so on.
III. Progressive physical relaxation: This is done by practicing relaxation gradually and
IV. Relax by visualization: Imagine that you are sitting in another place that you like.
V. Loss of balance: such as sitting in a wheelchair.
• The third stage: Listening to suggestions, which is positive suggestion,
whether those suggestions you recorded for yourself or the hypnotist
prepared for you.
Reasons for using hypnosis:
• Pathological fear “phobia”
• Insomnia, sleep disorders, depression, stress and anxiety
• Loss of loved ones or extreme grief over the death of a loved one
• Physical illnesses, such as alleviating the severity of pain resulting from many
diseases such as migraines, cancer, chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and back
• Liver diseases
• Immune diseases
• Neurological diseases and many others.
• Reducing symptoms caused by Crohn's syndrome or severe inflammatory bowel
disease, which causes severe symptoms and has no specific treatment, but
symptoms can be reduced with hypnosis.
• Some skin diseases.
Effects resulting from hypnosis :
• Hypnosis has effects on the person who is exposed to it. These effects
differ from one person to another. Some people feel that things are
proceeding naturally and according to their field of awareness and
awareness, while others feel a state of complete relaxation and calm
that isolates them from those around them. Others also feel a state of
complete awakening and complete awareness that makes them able
to carry on conversations with people turn them around.
• To determine the effectiveness of hypnosis in relieving pain, an
experiment was conducted on a volunteer. He was hypnotized and
then one of his hands was placed in ice water to monitor his reaction.
The result was that he did not remove his hand until several minutes
later, something that a non-hypnotized person cannot do. A person
who is not hypnotized cannot keep his hand in ice water for more
than several seconds.
Contraindications for the use of hypnosis:
• Treatment using hypnosis is not possible in several cases, including:
1. It cannot be used to treat people with obsessive-compulsive
2. It cannot be used to treat people with skeptical personalities; This is due
to their lack of trust in the people around them, including the person
treating them.

• Side effects of hypnosis, including:

1. Feeling upset or in a state of tension.
2. Feeling dizzy and sleepy.
3. Feeling pain in the head.
4. Fabricating unreal memories that have nothing to do with reality.
General information about hypnosis
• Some people believe that hypnosis is used to control patients, and
these are wrong beliefs that have nothing to do with the truth.
Hypnosis occurs with the patient's consent; No one can be subjected to
hypnosis without his consent to perform actions that are against his
natural state.

• A person undergoing hypnosis can perceive and hear everything that is

happening around him.

• Hypnosis can corrupt some previously stored memories, or create

some false memories.
• It is used as an alternative medicine to relieve the pain and symptoms
of some diseases.

• It is used to improve the performance of the human body, but it

cannot increase the strength of a person that he previously possessed,
or make him an athletic person.

• It improves human memory, but not significantly.

pubmed articles
• It’s thought that AROMATHERAPY began in Egypt,
where Egyptians had developed one of the first
distillation machines in order to extract the oils from
certain plants.
• Greeks also played a role in the history of
Aromatherapy. A Greek perfumer developed a
fragrance consist of myrrh. In addition, Hippocrates
had practiced aromatherapy for healing purposes and
he claimed that aromatic baths are the way to health .
What is Aromatherapy?
• A complementary medicine.
• Holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant
extracts. (essential oils)
• Holistic(Body, mind & spirit).
Sometimes it’s called essential oil therapy.
What is an essential oil?
• “a product obtained from vegetable raw material, by :
 Distillation ( with water or steam OR dry distillation)

 mechanical process (from the epicarp of citrus fruits)

Is there science behind
• Researches on the effectiveness of aromatherapy are
• Currently, there is no evidence-backed research
showing any illnesses that can be cured by using of
essential oils or the practice of aromatherapy.
• However, some studies have shown
that aromatherapy may have health benefits, this
include : Relief from anxiety and depression.
Does Aromatherapy Really Work?

• There is certain essential oils that have been found to

have :
 antimicrobial activity
 antiviral activity
 antifungal activity
 insecticidal activity
 antioxidant properties.

See the RCT

A Randomized Controlled Trial had been studied the
effect of aromatherapy oil inhalation on patients with
perennial allergic rhinitis showed that the inhalation
of blended oil from frankincense, and sandalwood
alleviated subjective symptoms, improved quality of
life, and improved sleep quality.

These findings indicate that aromatherapy oil

inhalation can be used as a safe and effective
complementary intervention to reduce PAR
symptoms and improve quality of life.
Principle of work
• Aromatherapy works on the body and mind with the use of
'Essential oils'.

Note : Essential oils are most effective when used in the

purest form .
Essential Olfactory Limbic
Vapor Nose
Oil Nerves System

Breathing Hormones HR BP Stress Emotions Memory

In this way, essential oils can have a holistic

effect on the body.
How does it work!
Aromatherapy works through the sense of smell
and skin absorption using products such as these:
• diffusers
• inhalers
• bathing salts
• body oils, creams, or lotions for massage or
topical application
• hot and cold compresses
• clay masks
Inhalation by:
 Diffusion
Add a sufficient drops of the essential oil to a
diffuser, oil burner or using candles.
 Direct inhalation
Essential oils can be breathed directly from the bottle
or by putting some drops on a handkerchief or by
adding a few drops to a bowl of hot water and breathing
in the vapors.
• Manage pain
• Improve sleep quality
• Reduce stress, agitation, and anxiety
• Soothe sore joints
• Treat headaches and migraines
• Alleviate side effects of chemotherapy
• Ease discomforts of labor
• Fight bacteria, virus, or fungus
• Improve digestion
• Improve hospice and palliative care
• Boost immunity
Conditions it may treat
• Acne
• Arthritis
• Bruises
• Stuffy nose
• Depression, anxiety, anger, insomnia
• Menstrual cramps
• Skin care and beauty ( Bath oil, body lotions,
exfoliation, shampoos and shower gels)
Medical studies:
1- the behavior :
Essential oils have been shown to have an effect on the mind and behavior and the
experiments conducted on excited lab rats Among the experiments conducted on
animals, lab rats became aroused as a result of consuming large doses of caffeine
Which calmed down when exposed to lavender oil and sandalwood oil on their
cages While they were very nervous when thyme oil was sprayed inside their
2-Sleep regularity:
In the British Medical Journal, elderly patients with sleep problems slept like
babies When spreading the scent of lavender in their rooms before bed, while
they used soothing pills to help them sleep before this treatment.

3-Anxiety treatment:
A study was conducted on 122 patients who were in the intensive care unit, who
felt better in their conditions when the scent of lavender oil was diffused in their
Compared to other oils, when they used it for massage, they did not experience a
change in blood pressure, breathing, or heart rate.
1. Eucalyptus essential oil:
2. Rosemary essential oil:

Can be used to calm a cough and

useful in URTI (relief some flu symptoms)

They contains eucalyptol (cineole).

A study published in the Alternative Medicine Review found that

eucalyptol (cineole) has an anti-microbial effect. In addition, it’s
also help to reduce inflammation, relieve pain.

And another published in the journal Cough found that cineole

may help to break up mucus.

Note: Many people are allergic to eucalyptus, so care should be

3. Peppermint essential oil:

It contains Menthol.

A study showed that peppermint oil helps in bronchial

muscles relaxation that helps to reduce the contractions
that cause coughing and ease breathing.
It’s also may be useful for relieving seasonal allergies.
4. Thyme essential oil:
5. Oregano essential oil:

They reduces nervousness and

stress. In addition, it’s help to relief
cold and flu symptoms (specially the
cough) and play an important role in
maintaining the health of the lungs
and respiratory system.

They contains a high level of a potent compound called

carvacrol which has a high antioxidant activity and may
be helpful in eliminating or protecting against viruses
and bacteria.
6. Tea tree essential oil:
It’s considered as disinfectant because it
inhibits the growth of bad bacteria that
cause sinus infections and respiratory
issues and may also help to ease the
effects of a cough.

A study had been done in 2013 found that tea tree oils
have antimicrobial properties that protect against the
pathogens that enter the body through the mouth.
7. Frankincense essential oil:
It has been used to treat
coughs, bronchitis and asthma
because it’s anti-inflammatory
effects, and also it may help the
symptoms of seasonal allergy.
8. Lemon essential oil:
It improves the mood and relieves
the symptoms of stress and
In addition, it can inhibit bacterial
9. Chamomile essential oil:
A review study reported that chamomile
essential oil is an effective anti-inflammatory
that can be used to treat mucous membranes
inflammation and symptoms of sinusitis.
10. Lavender essential oil:

It enhances relaxation and encourages

a deep sleep and it can relieve headache
and migraine symptoms.
Since essential oils are not regulated by FDA and
they are “natural” products ( chemicals ) , so they
should be used with caution.
1. Some beauty and household products contain products that may
appear to be essential oils, but they are really synthetic
2. Like medications, essential oils must be treated with respect. It
is important to seek professional advice and to follow
instructions carefully to avoid any undesirable adverse effects.
3. Concentrated products may be poisonous before dilution and
should be handled with care.
4. They may exacerbate health conditions in some individuals. So
people who are using medications of any type should first check
with a qualified pharmacist or doctor.

>> Hypertensive person  stimulants ( rosemary ).

‫‪ -‬اىشٌ٘ث األساسٍت اىعطزٌت ًٕ سٌ٘ث ٍزمشٓ ٌٗجب حخفٍفٖا قبو اسخخذاٍٖا بشنو ٍ٘ظعً خ٘فا ٍِ اُ‬
‫ححذد حٍٖج‬
‫‪-‬اىخزمٍش األعيى اىَسَ٘ح بٔ ٕ٘ ‪%5‬‬
‫‪ٌَْ-‬ع ٍْعا باحا بيع اىشٌ٘ث األساسٍت اىعطزٌت‬
‫‪-‬قبو اسخخذاً اىشٌ٘ث األساسٍت عيى اىجيذ ٍِ اىَفعو حجزبخٖا عيى ٍْطقت صغٍزٓ أٗال ىَعزفت ٗج٘د اٗ‬
‫عذً ٗج٘د حساسٍت‬
‫‪ْٕ-‬اك بعط اىشٌ٘ث األساسٍت اىخً ٌحذد بٍْٖا ٗبٍِ بعط االدٌٗت حفاعو ٌأثز عيى فعاىٍت ٕذٓ االدٌٗت‬
‫خص٘صا ٍزظى ظغػ اىذً ٗاىصزع اىذٌِ ٌَْع اسخخذاٌٍٖ ىشٌج اىزٗسٍٍزي ٗاالٌن٘ىٍبخ٘ص عيى‬
‫سبٍو اىَثاه‪.‬‬
‫‪-‬حجْب اسخخذاً اىشٌ٘ث األساسٍت خاله فخزة اىحَو ٗاىزظاعت‬
‫‪-‬االثار اىجاّبٍت اىََنْت ًٕ ‪ :‬حٍٖج اىبشزة‪/‬اىجيذ ‪ ،‬اىصذاع ٗاىغثٍاُ‪.‬‬
‫‪ْٕ-‬اك بعط اىشٌ٘ث اىخً ىذٌٖا خصائص ٕزٍٍّ٘ت ٍثو االسخزٗجٍِ ىذىل ٌجب حجْب ٕذٓ اىشٌ٘ث عْذ‬
‫ٍزظى سزغاُ اىثذي ٗغٍزٕا ٍِ االٍزاض اىخً ٌيعب االسخزٗجٍِ دٗرا بٖا‬
‫‪ٌ-‬جب حخشٌْٖا فً ٍناُ جاف ٗبارد بعٍذا عِ ٍخْاٗه ٌذ األغفاه‬
Pregnancy & nursing mothers
Generally, inhalation of essential oils in these cases is
considered safe.
Does Aromatherapy have side effects?

• Aromatherapy can have side effects, but these are

normally mild and do not last long.
They include:
 Nausea
 Headache
 some allergic reactions.
Possible side effects
• Rashes
• Asthma attacks
• Headaches
• Allergic reactions
• Skin irritation
• Nausea

Use with caution: Hay fever, asthma, Eczema &

Storing of essential oils
It is important to be aware that light, heat, and oxygen
can affect the integrity of the oil.
Home work:

Can we take volatile oils internally by mouth?

Dr. Ola Ayesh
Dr. Rozan Sabobeh
What is laughter?
• The origin of this word goes back to the Greek word gelos, geloto, which
means laughs, laughs, laughter.

• Laughter is a form of expression of joy or happiness, and its effects appear

externally on a person , it is considered part of human behavior regulated by
the brain.

• Laughter helps clarify an individual’s intentions and increase his social

interaction and sharing with others, it is an indication of a person’s
acceptance of positive interaction between himself and others.

• Laughter may sometimes be a contagious phenomenon, that is, if one

person laughs, this may stimulate the laughter of others around him.
• Many people suffer from psychological problems as a result of various
daily and life pressures at work, family, and others. These problems
cause various diseases such as heart disease, stress, and some
psychological illnesses for people, which require treatments to get rid
of them.

• There have been many methods used to treat these psychological

problems and recently people have resorted to a new and easy
method of treatment, which is therapy using laughter.
• Researchers have done a lot of research on the importance of laughter
and its practice in daily life in general and people with certain diseases
in particular.

• This research has led to the emergence of new and useful treatments
used by doctors, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals
using humor and laughter to help patients confront or cope with a
variety of psychological and physical issues.

• These different treatments are not specific to healthcare workers or

doctors, some of these therapies can be practiced either individually or
in groups to help treat a person.
What is laughter therapy?
• Laughter therapy also known as gelotherapy, is an innovative therapeutic
program commonly called laughter therapy or therapeutic laughter.

• It is a way to help people reconnect with nature, and legitimate genuine

laughter for every human being. Each of us is born with a nervous and
physical system to laugh, so we do it without knowing how.

• This program provides the opportunity to systematically learn about real

joyful laughter in a supportive environment, often through a series of
laughter exercises combined with a six-step program.
• Every person needs to always laugh in order to be able to look at
things in a better way and achieve physical, psychological and spiritual
health, just like exercise, which must be practiced regularly.

• Therefore, the person must give himself a session of laughter at least

once a week in order to maintain physical, mental and spiritual health
and psychological.
Types of laughter therapy
1) Humor therapy

• It is relying on humor to treat the self, using methods such as books,

entertainment programs, films, and novels that encourage the patient to

• This can be done individually or in the form of therapeutic groups, but the
latter doesn’t produce the desired results, especially if the doctor is the
one providing the treatment and not the patient himself.

• Because it is difficult for all patients participating in the joke circle to view
the materials presented to them as presenting a “joke” that helps them
raise their morale, some may not find the desired thing in it.
2) Clown therapy
• It takes place within the framework of hospitalization and specialized
treatment centers. There is a “clown” who is part of the treatment, by
passing through the rooms and presenting many tasks that help in the
treatment, especially for children, such as: magic, playing, music, fun, or
offering affection to the child.

• One of the advantages of this treatment is that it strengthens the spirit of

cooperation in children, reduces anxiety in the child who wants his
parents to be with him permanently and also reduces the need to use
tranquilizers for some, reduces the feeling of pain, and stimulates the
efficiency of the immune system’s functions.

• We find that this type of treatment is not limited to hospitals only, but
can be used in children's shelters, nurseries, places of war, and prisons.
3) Treatment with laughter stimulants
• Here, the doctor prepares a “laughter triggers file” for his patient, by
collecting information from the person who wants this type of
treatment about the things that motivate him to laugh since his
childhood, such as his favorite situations and jokes.

• Through this information, the doctor trains the individual on some

exercises to practice to motivate him to laugh, and also reminds him of
the importance of social relationships as part of treatment.

• The doctor has a great responsibility to differentiate between what the

patient interprets as a joke from his point of view, and what is not a
joke, and this is not an easy thing.
4) Laughter yoga therapy
• This yoga is similar to traditional yoga, and can be practiced in a group
or in a club.

• Yoga here is either for the purpose of complementary or preventive

treatment. It consists of exercises that last for (30-45) minutes, led by
a trained person, and include the following steps:
- breathing exercises
- yoga
- stretching with the practice of laughter.

• In this type, we don’t need to use or resort to funny materials.

5) Meditation therapy with laughter
• This type can be done by a person alone without resorting to medical advice or
specialized assistance.
• Laughter meditation is an exercise that lasts approximately 15 minutes, and is
most effective for people who find it difficult to laugh.

• The laughter exercise consists of three stages:

The stretching stage: where the person directs all his energies to lengthening
every muscle in his body without laughing.
The stage of laughter: where the person begins to laugh gradually with a smile
until he reaches deep stomach or sharp laughter.
Meditation stage: The person stops laughing, closes his eyes, and breathes
without sound with intense concentration.
• Heart protection
• It has been shown that laughter protects the heart indirectly, because
mental stress causes disruption to the lining that protects the blood
vessels, and once that lining is affected, it results in some reactions that
cause cholesterol to accumulate on the wall of the coronary arteries,
which ultimately leads to the occurrence of heart attacks.

• When a person laughs from his heart, the hormone cortisol (the
hormone that is secreted when a person is under the influence of stress)
is secreted in a small way. Therefore, when a person is under stress and
laughs, it reduces the body’s secretion rates of this hormone, and it also
strengthens the body through the secretion of antibodies that fight
infection, which prevent atherosclerosis, and thus the person suffers
from angina pectoris or heart attacks.
• Increase activity in the morning and
sleep in the evening
• Researchers have shown that laughing 100 times has an effect equivalent to
exercising on a bike for 15 minutes.
• Laughter helps in working the respiratory system, the diaphragm, the abdominal
area and the muscles of the face, legs, and back.
• It has been proven that those who suffer from spinal pain and cannot fall
asleep, if they laugh for ten minutes, can sleep for about two hours straight
without pain.
• The process of laughing requires the use of the respiratory system and the
breathing process, which increases the speed of blood flow throughout the
various parts of the body, this reflects positively on the general health of the
body and the health of the arteries and circulatory system as well.
• Increase the efficiency of the immune
• Stress reduces the efficiency of the immune system, and a sense of
humor increases the body's ability to fight infection by secreting
antibodies and also enhances the presence of immune cells.

• When we laugh, the natural cells that destroy tumors and viruses
increase and the body secretes more proteins that fight the enemy.
• Laughter releases endorphins
• The latest studies indicate that laughing with others releases
endorphins in the brain (a feel-good chemical) through opioid receptors
and the more opioid receptors a particular person has in the brain, the
stronger the effect Which indicates that laughter causes euphoria is no
different from a drug.

• Laughter increases the levels of happy hormones in the body, which in

turn helps improve mood.

• Endorphins bind to the same pain receptors in the brain, so this

reduces the pain you feel.
• Laughter indirectly forms social bonds
• as the effect of endorphins also explains why social laughter is so
contagious. The release of endorphins enhances a sense of
community and safety.

• Each brain in a social unit is a transmitter of those emotions. That's

why when someone starts laughing, others laugh even if they don't
know why and this is what happens in the popular laughter yoga
• Laughter has a similar effect to
• Laughter activates the release of serotonin, the same chemical in the
brain, which is affected by the most common types of

• It is not clear how long this effect lasts, but brain activity activates it
at least for short periods of time.
Intestinal Flora

Twenty-four healthy individuals and twenty-four patients with atopic

dermatitis (eczema) were asked to view 7 comedic films for one week
and then 7 non-humorous films during the following week.
Fecal samples were taken before each trial period and after, and tested
for bacterial metabolites (polyamines). The patients with eczema
demonstrated increased colonization with beneficial intestinal bacteria
(bifidobacterium and lactobacilli) and lower levels of pathogenic
bacteria (S. aureus and Enterobacteria) after the 7 day trial of comedic
therapy !!!
Blood Sugar in Diabetics
A group of researchers from the Foundation for Advancement of
International Science recently discovered that laughter yields numerous
health benefits for type 2 diabetics including:

a) A suppression of post-meal blood sugar levels

b) A decline in serum prorenin concentrations, “which is involved in the
onset of diabetic complications”
c) NK (natural killer) cell-mediated improvement in glucose tolerance at the
gene-expression level.
The impact of laughter
upon muscle tone

 Unlike the effects of some exercise, it was demonstrated that periods of

intense laughter lead to decreased skeletal muscle tone or relaxation of
muscle groups.

 During laughter, various muscle groups are activated for periods of

seconds at a time, while the period immediately after the laugh leads to
general muscle relaxation. This post-laughter relaxation can last up to
45min .
cancer cells?!!
 Mary Payne Bennett, director of the Western Kentucky University School
of Nursing, has evidence that it does, at least in the test tube.
 The business of natural killer, or NK cells to kill cancer cells. The strength
of this anti-cancer response can be assessed by placing NK cells in a
container with cancer cells and measuring cancer cell death after four hours
of laughing
Herbal Immune Boosters

Braah jamal jbareen | 12144483

Rawan Ahmad Jbareen | 12144607

Submitted to : Dr. Ola Ayesh

Borcelle Introduction
What Are Immune System Problems?
Our immune system should fight off disease and help our bodies heal.
But our immune system can be weak, underactive, overactive, or even attack our body by mistake.
Immune system problems can cause symptoms, allergic reactions, or persistent illnesses.

Symptoms of Immune System Problems.

1-Dry or gritty eyes
3- Skin rash
4- Stomach or bowel problems
5- Hair loss
6- Pain wounds slow to heal
7- Getting sick all the time
Herbs that boost immune system

Black seed Ginger Ginseng

English common names:
Nigella seeds
Black Cumin seeds

Arabic Common names:

‫بذور الحبة السوداء‬
‫بذور حبة البركة‬
‫بذور القزحة‬

Latin scientific name:

Nigella sativa

Family :

India and Europe

Used part:
Black seed oil \ seeds
The uses of black Cumin Oil:

1- treatment of Whopping cough


3- Expectorant

4- treatment of hemorrhoids Active ingredient

5- demulcent
The seeds uses:

1- Antispasmodic

2- Improve memory.

3- Diuretic

4- Lactogenic
Contra- indication
Side effect : Pregnancy and lactating because they have
uterine stimulant , allergies .

allergic skin rashes

stomach upset
Surgery – it uses at least 2 weeks before,
constipation Not recommended for children

Fresh Spices
Bleeding risks
Presentations are tools that
Increase risk
can beof seizures
used as lectures.

‫÷÷ىؤقثشسث قهسن خب سثه÷قثس‬


1- anti-diabetes drug ; black seed lowers sugar levels Diabetes medications are also used to lower blood sugar.
Taking black seed along with diabetes medications might cause your blood sugar to go too low. Monitor your
blood sugar closely.
2- drugs that decrease the immune system ; black seed might increase the immune system. By increasing the
immune system black seed might decrease the effectiveness of medications that decrease the immune
3- anti coagulant drugs; Black seed might slow blood clotting. Taking black seed along with medications that
also slow blood clotting might increase the chances of bruising and bleeding.
4- Sedative drugs (CNS depressants);Black seed might cause sleepiness and drowsiness. Medications that
cause sleepiness are called sedatives. Using black seed along with sedative medications might cause too much
How do we take it?

It can be used in various ways , and their use depends on the intended
purpose :

1- who seed we can consume the whole seed as they are however its
test bitter

2- black seed oil : it may be capsule or liquid form .

3- tea: we can add some flavorings such as honey to improve the taste

4- topical use : for the skin \ hair

English common names:
Ginger rhizomes
Jamaica ginger

Arabic Common name:

‫جذيرات الزنجبيل‬

Latin scientific name:

Zingiber officinale

Family :

tropical Africa , Pakistan and Inda

Used part:
The rhizome
The uses of ginger :
1- condiment

2- popular drink

3- carminative

4- flavouring agent

5- treat the voice loss

6- improve blood circulation

7- has mild anti-bacterial activity

Active ingredient
8- drug of choice for motion sickness Gingerol , shagaol .

9- aphrodisiac
Contra- indication
Side effect :
Bleeding disorders , Gallstones

mild heartburn
upset stomach Precautions
mouth irritation
In overdose: CNS depression and arrythmias Pregnant women , breastfeeding , surgery , people with
diabetes or heart diseases
Interactions :
1- Blood thinners: Ginger might amplify the possibility of bleeding.

2- Diabetes medications: Ginger can potentially lower blood sugar levels, which may
heighten the risk of hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar.

3- blood pressure drugs : Ginger could lower blood pressure, increasing the chances of
experiencing low blood pressure or an irregular heartbeat.

4- Gallstones : Ginger can stimulate the gallbladder.

How do we take it?

1- fresh ginger it’s commonly used in soups and


2- ginger tea by adding slices of ginger in hot water.

3- ginger as supplements it can be capsule from or

extract .

4- ginger syrup it’s usually used as sweetener in


5- it can be candies or chews , these are tasty way

English common names:
Ginseng roots
Panax roots
Man root

Arabic Common names:

‫جذور الجينسينغ‬

Latin scientific name:

Panax quinquefolius – American ginseng
Panax ginseng – Korean ginseng

Family :

Shang dan China

Used part:
Roots and rhizomes
The uses of ginseng root :
1-treatment of anemia

2- in treatment of diabetes

3- diuretic

4- regulate metabolism

5- stimulate and regulate CNS

6- stimulate and regulate endocrine secretions Active ingredient

7- adaptogenic agent Ginsenosides (panaxoside)

8- tonic for heart muscles (cardio tonic)

9-has anti-oxidant & anti-inflammatory properties

Contra indication
Side effect :
Pregnant women and
breastfeeding heart disorders

1- nervousness
2- insomnia
3- headaches
4- dizziness Precautions
5- stomach upset
6- allergic reactions People who takes drugs such as
7- high blood pressure diabetes or blood thinners , people with
autoimmune disease lupus or arthritis
Contains phytoestrogens so not to be taken is diseases
that estrogen increase such as breast cancer, firoids
1- caffeine : caffeine can speed up the nervous system and ginseng also speed up the
nervous system .

2- autoimmune disease : ginseng can activate the immune system.

3- bleeding disorder : due to it’s blood thinning effect.

4- anti-depressants : ginseng can affect antidepressants drug efficacy .

5- diabetes drugs : it may lower blood sugar levels.

How do we take it?

1- whole ginseng root

2- ginseng tea , so we can add slices of ginseng root in hoot water

3- capsule Or tablet

4- powder and we can add the powder to beverages \ smoothies


Herbs that boost immune system

Echinacea Garlic Golden seal

English common names:
Purple coneflower
Eastern purple

Arabic Common names:

‫عشبة القنفذية االرجوانية‬

Latin scientific name:

Echinacea purpurea

Family :

North America

Used part:
Whole plant , roots , flower and leaves
The uses of Echinacea

1- relieve pain

2- reduce inflammation

3- have anti-oxidant effects

Active ingredient
4- vaginal yeast ( candida ) infection Glycoproteins
Volatile oil
Side effect :
People with leukemia , AIDS ,

1- nausea

2- stomach pain
3- develop allergic symptoms
Purple coneflower can cause allergic reactions so
4- fever people who suffering from allergies \ asthma even
people with allergies to plant must be caution
5- diarrhea

1- Caffeine :Echinacea might decrease how quickly the body breaks down caffeine. Taking echinacea
along with caffeine might increase levels of caffeine and increase the risk of side effects from
caffeine, such as jitteriness, headache, and fast heartbeat

2- Drugs such as CYP3A4 : it can change how the liver can break down these drugs.

4- Warfarin- echinacea can breakdown the warfarin and this can increase the risk of having clots.
How do we take it ?
It is available in various form including:

1- capsule

2- supplement

3- Tea

4- Mouth washes

-take echinacea 3 times a day until you feel better, but not for more than
10 days. DO NOT take echinacea on an empty stomach. Instead, take it
with food or a large glass of water.
English common names:
Garlic bulbs
Garlic cloves

Arabic Common names:

‫سنون الثوم‬

Latin scientific name:

Allium sativum

Family :

middle Asia

Used part:
The uses of garlic
1-Regulates blood pressure and sugar

2-Strengthens immune system

3-Prevents heart disease


5-Prevents and treats cold Active ingredient

allicin , diallyl disulfide ,

6-Improves bone health S-allyl cysteine

7-Lowers cholesterol

Side effect
Contra – indication
Liver diseases
1-Bad for liver:
According to several studies, it is
found that garlic is loaded with a
compound called allicin, which can
cause liver toxicity if taken in large
quantities. Precautions
Pregnant women \ lactating mothers

3-Nausea, vomiting

4-Bad odor

1-medications for HIV\AIDS (protease inhibitors ) : garlic might decrease the amount of HIV\AIDS
medication the body can absorbed . This could decrease the effects of some medications used for
this disorders.

2-medications for diabetes : garlic might lower blood sugar levels , taking garlic with anti diabetes
drugs may lower blood sugar to drop low.

3-medication for high blood pressure : garlic may lower blood pressure so taking garlic along with
this medications might cause blood pressure to goo too low

4- medications that slow blood clotting : garlic may slow blood clotting so taking garlic along with
this medications may increase the risk of bruising and bleeding
How do we take it ?

1- it can be eaten as fresh raw garlic

2- powder

3- solid material or even liquid

English common names:
Hydrastis roots
Yellow roots
Water roots

Arabic Common names:

‫الجذور المائية‬

Latin scientific name:

Hydrastis canadensis

Family :

Canda & USA (Northen regions )

Used part:
Roots and leaves
The uses of goldenseal

1- in GIT disorder


3- anti-inflammatory (mucous membranes )

Active ingredient
Contra indication
Side effect :
Pregnancy and lactation women , allergies
1- hypotension

2- seizures Precautions

People with diabetes , liver issues

3- cardiac damage
4-nausea and votming
Interactions :

1-Digoxin: interacts with GOLDENSEALTaking goldenseal with digoxin might cause slight increases in digoxin
levels in the body

2-Medications for diabetes (Antidiabetes drugs) interacts with GOLDENSEAL: Goldenseal might lower blood
sugar levels. Taking goldeneal along with diabetes medications might cause blood sugar to drop too low.
Monitor your blood sugar closely

.3-Medications for high blood pressure (Antihypertensive drugs) interacts with GOLDENSEAL: Goldenseal might
lower blood pressure. Taking goldenseal along with medications that lower blood pressure might cause blood
pressure to go too low. Monitor your blood pressure closely
How do we take it ?
1- powder

2- tablet or capsule

3- tincture (with water)

4- goldenseal root can brew into a tea

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