Activity 34

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Activity 34: Resource- Reading Comprehension Transferable

skills checklist

Transferable skills checklist

Photo taken from Transferable Skills Checklist: Show knowing just what yours are can help
What You’ve Got. Posted on Sep 29, 2020
you take that next step.

We have developed this checklist to

help you identify your transferable skills
Employers see a lot of value in
and paint a clearer picture of all the
transferable skills. And the good news
abilities you can offer.
is, you’ve likely got quite a few of these
skills – so it’s worth making the most of
them when you apply for a role. So, 1.Organizational and execution
what are transferable skills, exactly? skills

Transferable skills are a core set of These are the skills that help you to
skills and abilities that go beyond a plan, prepare, and get things done in the
particular job or organization – you can workplace, so putting them to use in
use them in almost any role. Great your role is valuable to employers. Here
people skills, for example, will be are some examples of what these skills
valuable to your work whether you’re a involve:
customer service representative or a • Time management: managing
carpenter, a senior executive or an your own time to get the job done.
intern. This is especially useful in fast-
Transferable skills can help you stand paced work environments.
out to employers in your job search or • Research and analytics:
even make a career change – so researching and collecting data,
analyzing, reporting on your
findings and making negotiating, expressing ideas plus
recommendations. speaking in public or to groups.
• Administration and clerical: 3.People skills
efficiently handling tasks like
filing, paperwork and These are the skills that help you
communications including phone or interact and get along with others –
email, plus managing calendars and including co-workers, customers and
appointments. clients. People skills are really valuable
• Financial management: to organizations especially as they place
developing and managing budgets, growing importance on team culture and
keeping financial records, performance. Here are just a few
fundraising or project managing. examples.
• Sales and marketing: marketing
and selling a product or service, or • Co-operation: being able to
influencing behaviour. collaborate, work well with others
• Creative thinking: generating new and effectively contribute to projects
ideas and coming up with or tasks.
innovative solutions to problems. • Empathy: putting yourself in
• Planning: managing yourself, someone else’s shoes to try and
others and available resources with understand or relate to them.
a goal in mind, and creating plans • Patience: the ability to handle
for projects or events. trying situations, repeat processes
• Technology or digital literacy: when necessary, take time to make
being able to use and quickly adapt thoughtful decisions, accept delays
to new technology, programs or or persevere.
tools. • Flexibility: willingness to adapt to a
new situation or change approach
2.Communication skills when needed.

Workplaces rely on communication for 4.Leadership skills

things to run smoothly, so skills you
have here will be a benefit to them. Effective leaders can motivate their
These skills can be used when team and make decisions, which are
communicating within your team or things almost any successful business
company, as well as externally – for needs.
example, to customers.
• Prioritization and delegation:
• Listening: not only taking on being able to step back from the
what’s communicated to you but coalface and decide what needs to
also interpreting and understanding be done first, and determining which
it. jobs are necessary and who can best
• Writing: this isn’t necessarily handle them.
creative writing; it’s any kind of • Critical thinking and problem
interaction that involves the written solving: looking at problems,
word, such as reports, emails, analyzing them and coming up with
letters, sales materials and articles. solutions.
• Face-to-face: communicating in • Coaching, mentoring and
person, including facilitating feedback: supporting and
meetings, interviewing, persuading, encouraging people to achieve
goals, helping them work through
roadblocks, plus providing feedback resume and make mention of them in
and information on performance. your cover letter.

This isn’t a complete list of all the It’s also important to think of how you
transferable skills out there – you may can show examples of specific ways
be able to come up with more that apply you’ve used these transferable skills so
to you. you can talk about them to potential
employers – for example, in an
Identifying these skills and using them interview setting. Our Practice Interview
as selling points in your applications and Builder can help you prepare responses
online profiles will help you to stand to common interview questions and
out. List these transferable skills boost your confidence.
throughout your career history in your
Last seen 11/24/2020

English 103 – Third Academic Term, 2020

Foreign Languages Department – UNAH
Noemí Borjas Rodriguez

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