Belmont University Architecture Classes

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Course Descriptions and Syllabi

ARC 1015: Craft, Profession, Vocation

History and current conditions of the profession of architecture. Investigation options for career
goals within a study of vocational fulfillment in the Christian tradition of service. Students will
establish an e-portfolio, attend guest lectures and participate in field trips.

2022FALL-ARC1015-Lowing copy.pdf

ARC 1020: Fabrication and Sustainability (one credit course)

Materials, fabrication methods, assembly and finishing explored through safe use of hand and
power tools in a shop setting. Study of sustainability issues related to materials commonly used
to fabricate models and projects for art and design disciplines.


ARC 1001: Manual Drafting

The development of basic manual drafting skills in a studio setting, introducing the components
of plan, elevation, and section drawing and requiring the use of drafting tools and instruments.

ARC 1003: Foundations Studio

A fundamental approach to architectural and interior design through a sequenced investigation of
design elements and principles that develop skills which will inform the complete relationships
between geometries, composition, and systematic strategies. Analysis of case studies and use of
analytical diagramming to further inform design solutions presented with three-dimensional
modeling and drawing.

ARC 2021: Architecture Studio 1: Architectural Design Methods

Introduction to methods of architectural design communicated through orthographic drawings
and principles of composition based in traditional and modernist precedent studies. Emphasizes
problem-solving through an iterative process, including planning, properties of materials, and
basic structural assemblies as design elements.

ARC 2021-01 - Architecture Studio I - Syllabus - Fall 2023 (AUSTIN).pdf

Project 2 - The Gathering Space - An Amenity Building for a Community (1).pdf
Project 3 - The Market - The Assignment.pdf

ARC 2031: History of Architecture before 1400s

Architecture from Prehistory to ca. 1400, emphasizing Western and Christian culture with an
introduction to Asian, African, Pre-Columbian American, Islamic, Buddhist and Hindu
traditions. Underscoring the traditional values that shape the arts and architecture and
investigating connections between culture, ecology and buildings.

watson_arc 2031_syllabus_230815.pdf
watson_arc 2031_schedule_230815.pdf

Next Semester Courses

ARC 2022: Architecture Studio 2: Architectural Design Methods

Increasing facility with methods of architectural design communicated through orthographic,
axonometric, and perspective drawings and principles of composition based in traditional and
modernist precedent studies. Emphasizes problem-solving through an iterative process, including
planning, properties of materials, structural assemblies as design elements, and the importance of
physical context. Concludes with mid-semester e-portfolio review.

ARC 2032: History of Architecture after 1400s

The historical development of architecture after ca. 1400 in locations around the world, including
Europe, the Americas, Persian Gulf, and East Asia. Emphasizing aesthetic and architectural
theory, building technology, and values that shape architecture, investigating connections
between culture, ecology, and buildings, especially related to global building traditions
introduced in ARC 2031.

ARC 2051: Digital Representation 1

Two and three dimensional computer-aided drafting, utilizing architectural line weights and line
types to produce communicative documentation. Introduction to various presentation methods,
interface with printing ad page setup, and computer rendering principles.

ARC 1895: Folio Thinking (one credit course)

Through inquiry, reflection and integration, students will bring coherence to, synthesize, and
integrate learning experiences inside and outside of the classroom in the context of a liberal arts
university by producing an electronic portfolio for both academic and professional purposes.
This course will introduce students to the basis of documenting, curating, reflecting on, and
showcasing learned proficiencies as shown through such artifacts as visual and written work. The
course will emphasize both visual and written/reflective components of creating and critique.
Students will also be introduced to professional practices in preparation for an internship.

Unofficial Transcript Academic Transcipt (2022-2023).pdf

Digital Copy of Belmont’s Curriculum Architecture Program Curriculum Map.pdf

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