JP 49 5 1961
JP 49 5 1961
JP 49 5 1961
Sung Soo Jung,∗ Yong Tae Kim and Yong Bong Lee
Mechanical Metrology Group, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon 305-340
Ho Chul Kim
Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon 305-701
An acoustic velocity sensor, micro-flown, was used to monitor the vibration signal in measure-
ments of the resonance frequency, the loss factor, and the dynamic Young’s modulus of structural
steel and polycarbonate by using a resonance method. The results showed that the measured loss
factors of the structural steel and polycarbonate used in the present specimen were 0.0023 and
0.056, respectively, and the Young’s moduli were 198.4 GPa and 2.4 GPa. The values measured
with micro-flown agreed with those obtained with a conventional displacement sensor and with the
theoretically estimated and reference values. The agreements ensure the reliability of the use of a
micro-flown acoustic velocity sensor in measuring the resonance frequency, the loss factor, and the
dynamic Young’s modulus.
A one-dimensional simple harmonic system can be rep- where 4ω = |ω1 − ω2 |. If the damping is very small,
resented by a mass m and a spring constant k. For a η << 1, Eq. (5) can be approximated as
real system with hesteretic damping, the stiffness k is
replaced by the complex stiffness k ∗ (= k(1 + jη)), where 4f 4ω η η
= ' (1 + ) − (1 − ) = η. (6)
η is the loss factor. When a steady-state harmonic force fr ωr 2 2
F ejωt with angular frequency ω is applied to the hes- For a cantilever-beam type of specimen for which one
teretic damping ststem, Newton’s second law yields a end is clamped and the other end is free to vibrate, Hmax
differential equation for the displacement x [5]: between the applied force and the detected vibration sig-
d2 x nal of the specimen can be represented as in Fig. 1. Also,
m + k(1 + jη)x = F ejωt . (1) the loss factor is determined by using the resonance fre-
quency, and the frequency difference between the –3 dB
The particular solution of the Eq. (1) can be expressed reduction points, so-called, 3 dB method. [5]
as For a cantilever beam with a clamped-free boundary
x = A cos(ωt − ), (2) condition, the Young’s modulus (E) is related to the res-
onance frequencies (frn ) as [1]
√ F
where A = and is the phase difference
(k−mω 2 )2 +k2 η 2
12ρL4 frn2
between the force and the displacement and is given by E= 2 2
, (7)
= tan−1 [ (k−mω
k an t
2 ) ]. When ω is low, the response of the
mass is in phase with the excitation, ' 0, and Eq. (2) where L is the beam length, ρ is the mass density, an
is reduced to is the characteristic number of the nth mode, and t is
x 1 the beam’s thickness. The values of an depend on the
H= =p , (3) boundary conditions, and a1 = 0.5596, a2 = 3.5070, a3
F (k − mω 2 )2 + k 2 η 2
= 9.8194,· · ·, etc.
where H is the frequency response function and is called
the compliance (x/F ) or the impedance (v/F : v is the
velocity). H has a maximum
p value, Hmax , at the reso- III. MEASUREMENT OF THE RESONANCE
nance frequency (ωr = k/m). The frequencies at the FREQUENCY, THE LOSS FACTOR, AND
points ω1 and ω2 at which the H is reduced to 1/N times THE DYNAMIC YOUNG’S MODULUS
Hmax can be expressed as
k p The resonance frequency method was applied for mea-
ω1,2 = ( )[1 ± η N 2 − 1]. (4) suring the loss factor and the dynamic Young’s modulus
as a function of the frequency at room temperature. The
Consider the points A and B located at the
√ frequencies resonance measurements were made on the first three res-
where the amplitude of the response is 1/ 2 times that onances for the rectangular cross section of a cantilever-
of Hmax as shown in Fig. 1. Then, Eq. (4) can be type specimen by using the flexural vibration of the free
simplified to bottom end, while the top end was clamped, as in the
4ω p p arrangement in Fig. 2. The most significant frequency
= 1 + η − 1 − η, (5) ranges were less than 1000 Hz in the case of vibration
Measurement of the Resonance Frequency, the Loss Factor,· · · – Sung Soo Jung et al. -1963-
Fig. 2. Measurement system and block diagram. the vibration-induced displacement in the present work.
The sound velocities in the structural steel and the poly-
carbonate were determined as 5000 m/s and 1800 m/s,
damping, so the vibration signals used in the present respectively, by measuring the pulse delay time between
work were generated with frequencies up to 800 Hz by two accelerometers placed on the specimen.
using a frequency analyzer (B&K 3550) and were ampli-
fied with a power amplifier (B&K 2706). The dimensions
and the density of the structural steel and the polycar-
bonate specimens tested are listed in Table 1. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
For non-metallic polycarbonate (Sehwa Polytec Co.,
Ltd.), a circular metal disk (8.8-mm diameter, 0.4-mm 1. Theoretically Estimated and Experimentally
thickness, and 0.07-gram mass) was attached at the free Determined Resonance Frequency
end of the specimen to excite a vibration electromagnet-
ically and measure the capacitance change due to dis-
placement during flexural vibration, as shown in Fig. 3. The theoretical fundamental resonance frequency of
A capacitive displacement transducer (B&K MM0004) a bar-type specimen with clamped-free boundary condi-
was used to measure the vibration motion of the spec- tion is given as [6]
imen. Alternatively, as shown in Fig. 4, a non-contact √
micro-flown acoustic velocity sensor was used to monitor fr1 = 1.1942 πtc/(8 12L2 ), (8)
-1964- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 49, No. 5, November 2006
Fig. 5. Frequency response function of a structural steel Fig. 6. Frequency response function of polycarbonate for
specimen for a micro-flown and a capacitive transducer. a micro-flown and a capacitive transducer.
Fig. 8. Loss factor of structural steel vs frequency with a Fig. 10. Dynamic Young’s modulus of structural steel vs
micro-flown and a capacitive transducer. frequency with a micro-flown and a capacitive transducer.
Fig. 9. Loss factor of polycarbonate vs frequency with a Fig. 11. Dynamic Young’s modulus of polycarbonate vs
micro-flown and a capacitive transducer. frequency with a micro-flown and a capacitive transducer.
times to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. The magni- difference may arise from microstructure variation asso-
fied frequency response function curve around the second ciated with molecular weight and residual stress varying
resonance frequency region is shown in Fig. 7 as an ex- with the supply source. The present results assure that
ample, and the frequency resolution was 0.025 Hz. The a micro-flown, acoustic velocity sensor can be used as an
loss factors measured by using the micro-flown and the alternative vibration detection sensor instead of a con-
capacitive sensor agrees well, 0.023 up to 478 Hz for the ventional sensor, such as a capacitive transducer, in view
structural steel and 0.056 up to 668 Hz for the poly- of non-invasiveness.
carbonate, nearly independent of frequency, as shown in
Figs. 8 and 9, respectively.
The measured dynamic Young’s modulus for the struc-
tural steel by using the micro-flown and the capacitive V. CONCLUSION
sensor was 198.4 GPa up to 668 Hz in Fig. 10, agrees
with the reference value of 200 GPa [7] within a relative The resonance frequency, the loss factor, and the dy-
error of 1 %. The dynamic Young’s modulus for poly- namic Young’s modulus of structural steel and polycar-
carbonate determined by using the micro-flown and the bonate were measured by using a resonance method with
capacitive sensor was 4 GPa, however, there is a marked a micro-flown acoustic velocity sensor to detect the vibra-
deviation from the reference value of 2.4 GPa [8]. The tion signal. The values measured with the micro-flown
-1966- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 49, No. 5, November 2006
sensor agree well with those obtained with the conven- bration Damping Properties of Materials (1998).
tional capacitive sensor. The measured resonance fre- [2] S. H. Shin, Y. B. Lee, S. S. Jung and D. H. Lee, Key
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Lammerink and M. Elwenspoek, Sensors and Actuators:
The present work suggests that the loss factor and the
Physical 54, 552 (1996).
dynamic Young’s modulus are nearly frequency indepen- [5] A. D. Nashif, D. I. G. Jones and J. P. Henderson, Vibra-
dent in the frequency range up to 800 Hz at room tem- tion Damping (Wiley, New York, 1985), Chap. 4.
perature. The agreements ensure the reliability of using [6] L. E. Kinsler, A. R. Frey, A. B. Coppens and J. V.
the micro-flown sensor for vibration measurements. Sanders, Fundamentals of Acoustics, 4th ed. (Wiley, New
York, 2000), Chap. 3.
[7] D. Halliday, R. Resnik and J. Walker, Fundamental of
Physics, 6th ed. (Wiley, New York, 2000).
REFERENCES [8] F. Cardarelli, Material Handbook (Springer Verlag, Lon-
don, 2000), Chap. 10.
[1] ASTM E 756, Standard Test Method for Measuring Vi-