Asas Proporsionalitas Bing
Asas Proporsionalitas Bing
Asas Proporsionalitas Bing
1, Februari 2019 19
Pinjaman online merupakan bentuk dari alternatif pendanaan yang merupakan hasil dari inovasi
teknologi finansial. Hingga bulan Februari 2019 terdapat 99 perusahaan teknologi finansial pinjam-
meminjam yang telah beroperasi secara resmi, terdaftar dan diakui oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan.
Namun, inovasi berupa pinjaman online ini bukannya tanpa masalah. Masih banyak konsumen
dari pinjaman online baik yang belum beroperasi secara resmi atau bahkan telah beroperasi secara
resmi, terdaftar dan diakui oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan yang menjadi korban dari ketidakadilan
penyelenggara pinjaman online. Mulai dari tingginya bunga yang ditetapkan, hingga jumlah hutang
yang harus dibayarkan yang tidak sesuai dengan tagihan awal yang diberikan menjadi pokok
permasalah bagi para konsumen pinjaman online yang merasa dirugikan. Terlebih lagi, perjanjian
pinjaman online ini merupakan jenis perjanjian dengan klausula standard yang bentuknya telah
ditentukan sebelumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan urgensi dari penerapan asas
proporsionalitas dalam perjanjian pinjaman online. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian
hukum doktrinal, dengan pendekatan undang-undang dan konseptual. Penelitian ini diharapkan
menghasilkan suatu gagasan bahwa dalam perjanjian pinjaman online yang merupakan perjanjian
dengan klausula standar, diperlukan diterapkannya asas proportionalitas yang bertujuan untuk
membagi hak dan kewajiban para pihak secara proporsional. Hal ini bertujuan agar perjanjian
pinjaman online yang dimaksud ini dapat membawa keadilan dan proporsionalitas bagi para pihak.
Asas proporsionalitas ini selanjutnya diterapkan dalam beberapa klausa yang ada dalam perjanjian
pinjam meminjam online ini agar mencerminkan suatu perjanjian yang adil dan proporsional.
Kata Kunci: Perjanjian Pinjaman Online; Prinsip Proporsionalitas; Perjanjian Klausa Standar.
20 Chesa Ramadhan: Proportionality Principle Online
Online lending service provides convenience of obtaining fund for party in need
(further mentioned as borrower). In order to obtain fund from the lender, borrower
only required to fulfil fewer and easier requirements compared to obtaining loan
from Bank. This convenience meant higher risk for the lender; therefore, in order to
give assurance for lender, organizer of online lending established higher loan interest
compared to the loan interest offered by Bank.1 In 2019 Conventional bank offer loan
interest around 8-14% per annum,2 compared to that online lending platform offer
loan interest around 20% or more per annum.3 Although, Indonesian government
regulates online lending through OJK regulation of Number 77/POJK.01/Year 2016
(further mentioned as POJK 77/2016), but this regulation didn’t consist any article
that regulates loan interest. Moreover, online lending contract as the legal basis of
the online lending itself arranged only by organizer on behalf of lender without
any participation of borrower, commonly called as standard clause contract. These
conditions initiate problems for the legality of online lending contract itself as this
violate some requirements of legality of contract based on Article 1320 Burgerlijk
Wetboek (further mentioned as BW) and it will give more burden to one of the
involved parties’, which is borrower.
Based on those issues mentioned before, there are two legal issues that will be
discussed in this paper. First, importance usage of proportionality principle in online
lending contract; and second, the application of proportionality principle in online
lending contract. This research is legal research as it analyses existing legal issues
using legal research method. Research method used in this research is Doctrinal
Research as stated by Terry Hutchinson and cited by Peter Mahmud Marzuki, as
Miriam Segal, ‘Peer-to-Peer Lending: A Financing Alternative for Small Business’ (10
SBA Office of Advocacy Issue, 2015) <
10-P2P-Lending_0.pdf> accessed 1 January 2019.
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, ‘Suku Bunga Dasar Kredit (SBDK) Data Posisi Akhir Febru-
ari 2019’ (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, 2019) <
Bunga-Dasar.aspx> accessed 24 March 2019.
Investree, ‘Interest Rates and Fees’ (Investree, 2018) <
works/interest-rate-fee> accessed 24 March 2019.
Notaire: Vol. 2 No. 1, Februari 2019 21
type of research that give systematic explanation towards certain regulation that
regulate certain legal category, analyse relation between regulation, explain are that
hindered, and perhaps, predicts future development.4
Peter Mahmud Marzuki, Penelitian Hukum (Prenadamedia Group 2005).[32].
Patrick Schüffel, ‘Taming the Beast: A Scientific Definition of Fintech’ (2016) 4 Journal of
Innovation Management.
Lenny Sanicola, ‘What Is Fintech?’’ (Huffington Post, 2017) <https://www.huffingtonpost.
com/entry/what-is-Fintech_us_58a20d80e4b0cd37efcfebaa> accessed 28 August 2018.
8, ‘Guide Crowdfunding’ (Invest Northern Ireland, 2019) <https://> accessed 1 August 2018.
22 Chesa Ramadhan: Proportionality Principle Online
Angel Investment Network Indonesia (ANGIN), ‘Social Finance Landscape in Indone-
sia: A New Frontier for Development in Indonesia’ (Report for UNDP Indonesia, 2016) <https:// Report 2 ANGIN.pdf#-
search=ANGIN> accessed 28 October 2018.
cf Segal (n 2).
Investree, ‘Bagaimana Cara Kerja Peer-to-Peer Lending?’ (Investree) <https://www.inves-> accessed 10 November 2018.
Notaire: Vol. 2 No. 1, Februari 2019 23
borrower to repay the loan through credit rating, the higher credit rating given by
the organizer will resulted in lower amount of loan interest and vice versa; Third,
after this borrower will decide amount of the loan they needed and post it in the
website in order to be funded by the lender; Fourth, after loan proposal posted
in the website, lender will be able to decide which loan proposal they will fund
and decide the amount of fund loaned; Fifth, if the loan proposal fully funded,
organizer will finalized the loan proposal, and if it finalized lender will be asked to
sign power of attorney agreement with organizer. This agreement needed because
in online lending contract it is possible there are more than one lender involved in
the contract; thus, it is more convenience if organizer represent lender collectively;
Sixth, both parties will be asked to sign an online lending contract made by the
organizer as a form of agreement for the online funding process that has been agreed
before; Seventh, the funds that have been loan to the borrower will be transferred
to escrow account, and this account will be used in all transaction performed in this
contract, including receiving borrower’s repayment of loan with loan interest and
transferring the repayment with loan interest to the lenders.
The online lending contract is integral part of the online lending process;
therefore, the legal implication of this contract is important to be noticed, especially
for the borrower. In Indonesia many cases of online lending resulted from the
incapability of the borrower to repay the debt they had, which resulted in inhuman
collection of debt.13 If inspecting to the root of these problems, it actually came from
the methods of online lending contract arrangement that have been pre-arranged
only by organizer on behalf of the lender without involving borrower. This kind of
contract also can be called as standard form contract that defined by Black’s Law
Dictionary as “pre-printed contract containing set clauses, used repeatedly by a
business or within a particular industry with only slight of changes to meet specific
purposes ”.14
‘BBC, ‘Pinjaman Online Dan Penyebaran Data Nasabah: Aksi ’rentenir Digital’ (BBC,
2019) <> accessed 25 March 2019..
Bryan A. Garner, Black’s Law Dictionary (9th edn, West Publishing 2009). [325].
24 Chesa Ramadhan: Proportionality Principle Online
Ahmad Fikri Assegaf, Penjelasan Hukum Tentang Klausula Baku (Pusat Studi Hukum dan
Kebijakan Indonesia 2014).[30].
Agus Yudha Hernoko, Hukum Perjanjian: Asas Proporionalitas Dalam Kontrak Komer-
sial (Kencana 2010).[79].
Herlien Budiono, Ajaran Umum Hukum Perjanjian Dan Penerapannya Di Bidang Keno-
tariatan (Citra Aditya Bakti 2014).[32].
Notaire: Vol. 2 No. 1, Februari 2019 25
Equality principle still felt abstract to be applied in contract (in this case online
lending contract). This principle merely focused on the equal position of contracting
parties and expect the result for them will be fair and just. However, equality
principle should not only focus on giving equal position for both contracting parties,
because contracting process should be seen as a whole process. There are also other
phases, such as pre-contractual phase (preparation), contractual (arrangement and
finalization) and post-contractual (execution and consequences). Therefore, there
should be another principle to complement this imperfect principle.
Related to the imperfection of equality principle of contract, there is another
known principle named proportionality principle of contract. Agus Yudha Hernoko
stated that proportionality principle is more dominance on commercial contract and
this principle imply on the exchange of rights and obligation that fair and just.19 In
this principle, it must be recognized that there’ve been always inequality of position
between parties and it is unavoidable; thus, when this inequal parties involved in
contract, the inequality shouldn’t utilized by dominant parties to assert their will
and/or interests to the other parties.20
Based on those statements, the proportionality principle is embodiment
of contractual justice that corrected the freedom of contract principle that could
raised unjust situation for the parties in contract.21 It also emphasized that freedom
of contract is not the main principle on the contract arrangement, but it should
emphasize the contractual justice instead. Proportionality contract become the basis
exchange of parties’ rights and obligations corresponding to their proportion in
overall contractual relation process (pre-contractual, contractual, post-contractual)
to make sure conducive and fair correlation between parties. Based on this Agus
Yudha Hernoko further imply the criteria that should become guidance to discover
proportionality principle in contract:22
Agus Yudha Hernoko (n 17). Op.Cit. [84].
Agus Yudha Hernoko, ‘The Principle of Proportionality as The Basis Exchange Rights and
Obligations of The Parties In the Commercial Contract’ (2016) 5 Hukum dan Peradilan.[447] dan [459].
26 Chesa Ramadhan: Proportionality Principle Online
Notaire: Vol. 2 No. 1, Februari 2019 27
24, ‘Pinjaman Tanpa Jaminan: Syarat-Syarat Yang Mesti Diketahui’ (Cermati.
com, 2016) <
ti-diketahui> accessed 26 April 2019.
28 Chesa Ramadhan: Proportionality Principle Online
that required government interference, those are related to: amount of loan interest
on the online lending contract; and obligation for borrower to include recourse on
the online lending contract.
Based on the POJK 77/2016 on LPMUBTI, there aren’t any article that
regulates on the minimum or maximum amount cap of loan interest apply in the
online lending agreement. Lending in general allowed loan interest as stated by
Article 1765 BW. However, BW on Article 1339 also imply regarding the propriety,
customs, and law. In regard of the maximum or minimum cap of loan interest, POJK
77/2016 on LPMUBTI didn’t regulate any of those subjects. However, the amount
of loan interest could be determined based on the conventional bank interest rate,
for example: if conventional bank determined loan interest on 8-14%, organizer
should apply loan interest close to those amounts. In present, online lending loan
interest could reaching 40% if the borrower’s credit rating deemed risky by the
organizer. It is known that organizer in the end will bear the burden if the borrower
fails to repay the debt; however, based on the proportionality principle, there should
be fair distribution of burden among contracting parties.25
Higher loan interest in online lending also caused by the situation of no
recourse lending, which bear higher burden on the organizer and lender. This risk,
can be minimized by requiring the borrower to provide collateral to mitigate the
risk used to bear by the lender and organizer in the non-recourse online lending.
If this requirement argued by scholar for deviating the basic principle and purpose
of online lending to have loan without recourse. This argument can be answered
through Article 1820 BW on debt underwriting. Debt underwriting can become
alternative to the provider of collateral that commonly used in loan contract. There
are three types of subject in debt underwriting, those are: Individual, Corporation,
and Bank.26 Debt underwriting must be agreed by the subject of debt underwriting.
In practice, this agreement will be in form of debt underwriting agreement divided
Agus Yudha Hernoko (n 22).Loc.Cit.[459].
Irma Devita Purnamasari, Kiat-Kiat Cerdas, Mudah, Dan Bijak Memahami Masalah Hu-
kum Jaminan Perbankan (2014) <Mizan Media Utama>.[151].
Notaire: Vol. 2 No. 1, Februari 2019 29
Freedom of contract principle sometimes could generate lopsided contract that
will generate lopsided burden towards contracting parties, especially online lending
contract that commonly pre-arranged by one of the contracting parties without
involving the other parties. Therefore, there is urgency to apply the proportionality
principle in order to distribute contracting parties’ exchange of right and obligation
proportionally throughout overall process of contract (pre-contractual, contractual,
and post-contractual). Proportionality principle will generate just and proportional
contract; although there is inequal bargaining position of the contracting parties.
Application of the proportionality principle in online lending contract can be applied
related to the loan interest and recourse clause, because these two clauses is the core
problems of the online lending contract that generates lopsided burden towards one
of the parties. However, as this contract included as standard clause contract and
only arranged by one party and not involving others; therefore, this application
of proportionality principle could be conducted through government regulation in
form of POJK or OJK regulation that will covers more subject that used to be
unregulated, especially on loan interest cap and obligation to enclose recourse.
30 Chesa Ramadhan: Proportionality Principle Online
Agus Yudha Hernoko, Hukum Perjanjian: Asas Proporionalitas Dalam Kontrak
Komersial (Kencana 2010).
Ahmad Fikri Assegaf, Penjelasan Hukum Tentang Klausula Baku (Pusat Studi
Hukum dan Kebijakan Indonesia 2014).
Bryan A. Garner, Black’s Law Dictionary (9th edn, West Publishing 2009).
Irma Devita Purnamasari, Kiat-Kiat Cerdas, Mudah, Dan Bijak Memahami Masalah
Hukum Jaminan Perbankan (Mizan Media Utama 2014).
Agus Yudha Hernoko, ‘The Principle of Proportionality as The Basis Exchange
Rights and Obligations of The Parties In the Commercial Contract’ Hukum
dan Peradilan (2016).
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, ‘Suku Bunga Dasar Kredit (SBDK) Data Posisi Akhir
Februari 2019’ (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, 2019) <
kanal/perbankan/Pages/Suku-Bunga-Dasar.aspx> accessed 24 March 2019.
Angel Investment Network Indonesia (ANGIN), ‘Social Finance Landscape in
Indonesia: A New Frontier for Development in Indonesia’ (Report for UNDP
Indonesia, 2016) <
dan-statistik/Documents/SF Report 2 ANGIN.pdf#search=ANGIN> accessed
28 October 2018.
Notaire: Vol. 2 No. 1, Februari 2019 31
BBC, ‘Pinjaman Online Dan Penyebaran Data Nasabah: Aksi ’rentenir Digital’
(BBC, 2019) <>
accessed 25 March 2019.
HOW TO CITE: Chesa Ramadhan and Adimas R. Saksono, ‘Proportionality Principle on Online Lending Contract in Indonesia’ (2019)
Vol. 2 No. 1 Notaire.
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