Review Article: Effective Waste Water Treatment by The Application of Natural Coagulants

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Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Volume 2022, Article ID 3023200, 5 pages

Review Article
Effective Waste Water Treatment by the Application of
Natural Coagulants

Kartika Panwar ,1 Itika Dadhich,1 Mayank Dave,1 Yagya Sharma,1 and Nagaraju Shaik 2

Department of Structural Engineering, MBM University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
Department of Construction Technology and Management, College of Engineering and Technology, Wollega University,
Nekemte, Ethiopia

Correspondence should be addressed to Nagaraju Shaik;

Received 11 July 2022; Revised 13 August 2022; Accepted 18 August 2022; Published 20 September 2022

Academic Editor: Samson Jerold Samuel Chelladurai

Copyright © 2022 Kartika Panwar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
The natural water contamination because of the population growth, industrialization, urbanization, sewage from households,
industries, institutions, and hospitals, among other things, has increased. After using in various ways, this water turns into
wastewater, completing the hydrological cycle. Waterways that are contaminated pose numerous hazards to health and envi-
ronment. As a result, contaminants must be removed. Coagulation is an effective basic chemical treatment technique that could be
used to remediate such pollutants. The majority of people in rural areas are compelled to rely on easily accessible sources, which
are typically of low quality and expose them to waterborne diseases, due to the high expense of chemical coagulant-treated water.
Natural coagulant, a naturally occurring, plant-based coagulant, can then be used to reduce turbidity during the coagulation and
flocculation stage of wastewater treatment. Chemical coagulants may be substituted with natural coagulants. It reduces turbidity
while also being ecologically beneficial, serving a dual purpose. In order to solve turbidity concerns, substantial research is needed
to find and adopt new techniques for water purification that are less expensive, need less energy, use fewer chemicals, and have a
less negative impact on the environment. This study's objectives included evaluating the viability and efficacy of using natural
coagulants in place of commonly used synthetic coagulants such aluminum sulphate as well as optimizing the
coagulation procedure.

1. Introduction concern. So, before introducing any waste water (from

municipal, dairy, industrial, etc.) into the natural water
Water is a necessity and an essential component of all the resources, pretreatment of the water is particularly essential.
human and microbial activities. The hydrological cycle’s Numerous procedures and technologies are being created to
most crucial element is water, which is also one of the re- enhance water quality in order to fulfil the rising demand for
quirements for all forms of life on Earth. Due to different water [3]. These inventions may be divided into three cat-
environmental degradation activities, population expansion, egories of therapeutic methods: physical, chemical, and
climate change, rising standards of living, and urbanization biological. Adsorption [4], settling, medium, and membrane
[1], the world’s water resources are steadily depleting [2]. filtration, as well as UV treatments, are examples of physical
The impending water crisis is the result of rapid population approaches. Certain chemical processes which are used in
growth and haphazard waste disposal. Water scarcity has wastewater treatment include coagulation [5], disinfection
prompted more in-depth research into water and waste- [6], oxidation [7], ion exchange [8], and softening pro-
water. As the urban population grows daily and untreated cesses [9]. Biodegradation by microorganisms [10], cata-
water is poured directly into sources of clean water, con- lytic reduction [11], bioreactor processes [12], artificial
trolling and treating waste water has become a major wetlands [13], and phytoremediation [14] are a few
2 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

examples of biological techniques. Additionally, in order to

Plant based
increase efficiency, some processes are merged with an-
other [15].
The most popular method for removing dispersed Organism based
particle matter and colloids from wastewater in basic water
and wastewater treatment is coagulation [16]. Its main Animal based
objective is to clear water bodies of suspended colloidal
particles and reducing turbidity. In a chemical reactor, the Figure 1: Classification of natural coagulants.
process is typically carried out by introducing influent water
or wastewater into a basin and physically mixing coagulant
chemicals into it. Next, sedimentation to remove particles is In several practical situations, cationic polyelectrolytes
carried out using gravity settling. Coagulants come in a are the most promising flocculants for dissolving negatively
variety of forms. Alum and ferric salts are the most fre- charged contaminated particles. Strong adsorptions are
quently used chemical coagulants. However, there were a produced by an electrostatic interaction, which neutralizes
number of drawbacks to using these chemical coagulants, the particle surface and may result in charge reversal.
including the production of dangerously large amounts of Furthermore, flocculation may occur resulting from particle
sludge. Natural coagulants are another type of coagulant surface charge reduction and decreased their electrical re-
derived from plants. Natural coagulants are quite secure and pulsion [23]. Numerous investigations on polyelectrolytes
kind to the environment. Animals, plants, and microbes may with maximal charge densities have shown to be effective
all extract it. Some plants can conduct some of the coagu- simply because they have a good ability to transmit addi-
lation mechanisms, such as neutralizing the charge in col- tional charge to the particle shell at a given dosage. Addi-
loidal particles and carrying out polymer bridging, which tionally, the “electrostatic patch mechanism” is a possibility
allows them to operate as coagulants. that emerges when maximal charge density polyelectrolyte is
absorbed on negative (–ve) surfaces with a relatively lower
2. Coagulants in Wastewater Treatment density of potential sites [23]. Particle attraction and floc-
culation are caused by the alternating positive and negative
Without the addition of coagulant agents, it is nearly impos- charges in the adsorbed polyelectrolyte chains. In Moringa
sible to eliminate the specific pollutants in wastewater. Col- oleifera, coagulating agents are cationic proteins with mo-
loidal or suspended particles have negative loads because lecular masses of 12–14 kDa and isoelectric points (Pi) that
stability prevents them from settling to the bottom, hence are below 10–11. The researchers come to the further
instability is necessary for them to flocculate in the bunch. Tiny conclusion that adsorption and charge neutralization are the
floccules will form after coagulant annexation as a result of a primary mechanisms that control the coagulation activity.
reduction in the repellence between colloidal particles. The Many studies using coagulants such as Moringa oleifera,
floccules will expand and cluster together, settle at the bottom, sago starch, and cassia seed gum have identified the bridging
and become detached from the water suspension itself with the mechanism. Long chain polymers absorbed on particles can
prolonged calm stirring [17, 18]. Since the nineteenth century, have head and tails that enter the solution via various
coagulation has been a simple method for water purification techniques. A bridging mechanism needs a large area where
due to its comprehensible mechanics [19]; Jiang 2001). polymer chain divisions can be attached and wrapped
around other particles. Therefore, the significance of the
3. Types of Natural Coagulants most advantageous amount for the bridging mechanism is
appropriate [23]. According to an earlier research study, the
Broad classification of natural coagulants is given in coagulating activity of the Nirmali microbe extract is en-
Figure 1; hanced by the presence of lipids, alkaloids with –COOH and
Table 1 presents the types based on various categories. –OH groups, and carbohydrates. Galactomannan and gal-
actan, two polysaccharide particles extracted from Nirmali
4. Mechanism of Natural Coagulants in Waste seeds, are capable of removing up to 80% of the turbidity in
Water Treatment kaolin solution. The presence of numerous –OH adsorption
sites alongside the galactomannan and galactan chains found
The idea that the dissolved particles and the polymer in a in nirmali seed extracts results in an interparticle bridging
solution can interact was developed by the coagulation effect. Due to a higher rate of aggregation as a result of
process because natural polymers feature a lot of charged increased solids concentration, sweep flocculation provides
functional groups in their polysaccharide chain, such as significantly more particle elimination than particle desta-
–OH, –COOH, and –NH. The four steps in coagulant bilization, as in the charge neutralization mechanism. Sweep
processing include double layer compression, bridging flocculation is employed to remove suspended materials that
mechanisms, charge neutralization, and sweep-floc mech- are detrimental to the mesh composition. On the treatment
anism [21]. Typically, a mixture of macromolecules in- of turbid water with chitosan (Chitosan has many appealing
cluding protein, carbohydrates, and lipids makes up natural properties, including hydrophobicity, biocompatibility,
coagulants. Polymers of polysaccharides and amino acids are biodegradability, nontoxicity, and the presence of highly
frequently used as major building blocks [22]. reactive amino (-NH2) and hydroxyl (-OH) groups in its
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3

Table 1: Types based on various categories [20].

Plant-based Microorganism-based Animal-based
Moringa oleifera, nirmali seeds, tannin
Cactus, potato starch, tamarind seeds Xanthan gum Aspergillus sp., Enterobacter, streptomonas etc. Chitosan, alginate, chitin, etc.
Banana peel, common beans, etc.

backbone, making it an effective adsorbent material for the

removal of wastewater pollutants.), the same mechanism was (i) Cut, slice, chop & peel.
proposed. The study found that when the pH is at 8.5, the Raw material (ii) Drying either by manual or mechanical
sweeping mechanism dominates kaolinites removal [24]. pulverization.

5. Processing Steps of Natural Coagulants (i) Organic/alcoholic solvent used to remove the
Extraction active agent.
(ii) Extraction from water salt solutions is also
Processing steps for natural coagulants involve three phases used.
only. All of these phases are detailed using a flow chart. In
the first phase, natural coagulants are pulverized manually or Dialysis,
mechanically. Organic and alcoholic solvents were used in lyophilization, ion (i) Treating water as an effective way of
exchange, refinement.
the second phase to remove the active agent. To treat water precipitation
and wastewater, the final phase involves dialysis, lyophili-
zation, ion exchange, and precipitation. Figure 2. shows Figure 2: Processes’ phase of natural coagulants.
processes’ phase of natural coagulants [25].

(nephelometric turbidity units) to 11.1 NTU after

6. Comparison of Some Natural
dosing, filtration to 9.5 NTU, and total coliform re-
Coagulants’ Efficiency moval is 89 percent in synthetic water [27].
With brief descriptions of their ideal circumstances, ap- Cactus is another powerful natural coagulant. Various
plications, and efficiency, a list of some of the plant-based research studies show that cactus species are effective at
coagulants explored as natural coagulants is compiled; removing COD, turbidity, and colour. Cactus, for
example, removes turbidity by 90–92 percent, COD by
Roselle seeds (Hibiscus sabdariffa) are rich in proteins 90 percent, and colour by 99 percent in textile
(approx. 28%) and soluble in water. When in solution, wastewaters at a dosage of 40 mg/L and pH 7.25 [31].
they are uniformly positively charged. The negatively
charged particles in the fluid that cause turbidity bind Nirmali seeds are yet another essential natural coagulant
to these positively charged proteins. The study found used to eliminate turbidity and total suspended particles
that roselle seeds have the maximum turbidity removal (TSS). In laundry wastewater, it reduces turbidity and
performance for synthetic wastewater at pH 10 and 81 TSS by 96 and 76 percent, respectively [32].
percent to 93 percent at pH 4 [26]. Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is the recent approach
Moringa oleifera is one of the most effective plant for creating a powerful natural coagulant. Turbidity
extracts for water purification. Among other things, removal efficiency was 88% for tannery effluent and 98
this method can remove biological oxygen demand percent for synthetic wastewater. TSS, BOD, and COD,
(BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), turbidity, as well as other physicochemical parameters of tannery
total dissolved solids (TDS), total coliform removal, wastewater, were significantly reduced. The COD re-
algal removal, hardness, and total suspended solids moval efficiency was 50%, and the BOD content of the
(TSS). According to studies by the authors of [27], wastewater was reduced by 55%. When used as a co-
Moringa oleifera reduces total coliform by 96 percent in agulant, watermelon seeds comparatively reduced
synthetic raw water and reduces turbidity from 100 turbidity, BOD, COD and TSS in synthetic wastewater
NTU to 5.9 NTU, 5.9 NTU after dosing, and 5 NTU and tannery effluent [33].
after filtration. Additionally, wastewater turbidity was Therefore, it can be argued that natural coagulants have a
reduced by 84 percent and COD by 46 percent in wide range of applications, including disinfection in addi-
washing [28]. Turbidity, BOD, COD, hardness, TDS, tion to physical and biological water and wastewater
and TSS are reduced in municipal wastewater by 61 treatment.
percent, 65 percent, 55 percent, 25 percent, 69 percent,
and 68 percent, respectively [29].
7. Conclusion
Hyacinth bean (Dolichos lablab) peels are characterized
for use as a source of protein. Protein levels in hyacinth Artificial coagulants are frequently employed in the treat-
bean peels are moderate. With a dosage of 20 mg/L in ment of sewage, but when they are, they can have detri-
synthetic water, turbidity removal efficiency is 99 mental effects on human health, including memory loss,
percent [30]. Turbidity is reduced from 100 NTU constipation, and lack of energy, colic, convulsions, and
4 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

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