Review Article: Effective Waste Water Treatment by The Application of Natural Coagulants
Review Article: Effective Waste Water Treatment by The Application of Natural Coagulants
Review Article: Effective Waste Water Treatment by The Application of Natural Coagulants
Review Article
Effective Waste Water Treatment by the Application of
Natural Coagulants
Kartika Panwar ,1 Itika Dadhich,1 Mayank Dave,1 Yagya Sharma,1 and Nagaraju Shaik 2
Department of Structural Engineering, MBM University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
Department of Construction Technology and Management, College of Engineering and Technology, Wollega University,
Nekemte, Ethiopia
Received 11 July 2022; Revised 13 August 2022; Accepted 18 August 2022; Published 20 September 2022
Copyright © 2022 Kartika Panwar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
The natural water contamination because of the population growth, industrialization, urbanization, sewage from households,
industries, institutions, and hospitals, among other things, has increased. After using in various ways, this water turns into
wastewater, completing the hydrological cycle. Waterways that are contaminated pose numerous hazards to health and envi-
ronment. As a result, contaminants must be removed. Coagulation is an effective basic chemical treatment technique that could be
used to remediate such pollutants. The majority of people in rural areas are compelled to rely on easily accessible sources, which
are typically of low quality and expose them to waterborne diseases, due to the high expense of chemical coagulant-treated water.
Natural coagulant, a naturally occurring, plant-based coagulant, can then be used to reduce turbidity during the coagulation and
flocculation stage of wastewater treatment. Chemical coagulants may be substituted with natural coagulants. It reduces turbidity
while also being ecologically beneficial, serving a dual purpose. In order to solve turbidity concerns, substantial research is needed
to find and adopt new techniques for water purification that are less expensive, need less energy, use fewer chemicals, and have a
less negative impact on the environment. This study's objectives included evaluating the viability and efficacy of using natural
coagulants in place of commonly used synthetic coagulants such aluminum sulphate as well as optimizing the
coagulation procedure.
5. Processing Steps of Natural Coagulants (i) Organic/alcoholic solvent used to remove the
Extraction active agent.
(ii) Extraction from water salt solutions is also
Processing steps for natural coagulants involve three phases used.
only. All of these phases are detailed using a flow chart. In
the first phase, natural coagulants are pulverized manually or Dialysis,
mechanically. Organic and alcoholic solvents were used in lyophilization, ion (i) Treating water as an effective way of
exchange, refinement.
the second phase to remove the active agent. To treat water precipitation
and wastewater, the final phase involves dialysis, lyophili-
zation, ion exchange, and precipitation. Figure 2. shows Figure 2: Processes’ phase of natural coagulants.
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