Lesson4 Environmental Pollution and Control
Lesson4 Environmental Pollution and Control
Lesson4 Environmental Pollution and Control
Air pollution is the contamination of natural Thermal Pollution refers to the excessive
air with the mixture of different pollutants. temperature increase. This excess heat
Some of the most excessive sources of air creates undesirable effects over long periods
pollution include gases emitted by vehicles of time. Thermal pollution maybe caused by
or manufacture exhaust, forest fires, dry soil power plants, urban sprawl, air pollution
erosion, and even building constructions particulates that trap the earth,
and demolition. Some of the effects include deforestation and loss of temperature
higher rain acidity, increase in smog, crop moderating water supplies.
Industrial Pollution
Lesson 3 - Environmental Pollution and Waste Management
Lesson 3 - Environmental Pollution and Waste Management
Lesson 3 - Environmental Pollution and Waste Management
Most occupational hazards can be avoided diseases which affect more than 700 million
by adopting appropriate safety measures, people in a year, are the outcome of climate
some of which are as follows: and environment conditions.
Lesson 3 - Environmental Pollution and Waste Management
SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Every day, tons of solid waste are disposed
of at various landfill sites. This waste comes
Solid waste refers to the range of garbage from homes, offices, industries and various
materials—arising from animal and human other agricultural related activities. These
activities—that are discarded as unwanted landfill sites produce foul smell if waste is
and useless. Solid waste is generated from not stored and treated properly. It can
industrial, residential, and commercial pollute the surrounding air and can
activities in a given area, and may be seriously affect the health of humans,
handled in a variety of ways. As such, wildlife and our environment.
landfills are typically classified as sanitary,
municipal, construction and demolition, or Here some effects of Poor Solid Waste
industrial waste sites. We should ensure Management:
best environmental practices regardless of
the origin, hazard potential of theses solid Litter Surroundings. Though
waste. people clean their surroundings, we
cannot deny the fact that they litter
Waste can be categorized based on material, their surroundings due to improper
such as plastic, paper, glass, metal, and waste disposal system.
organic waste. Categorization may also be Impact on Human Health.
based on hazard potential, including Exposure to waste can cause several
radioactive, flammable, infectious, toxic, or illnesses or diseases which includes
non-toxic wastes. Categories may also respiratory problems, blood
pertain to the origin of the waste, whether infections, growth problems,
industrial, domestic, commercial, reproductive issues and even skin
institutional, or construction and irritations.
demolition. Impact on the environment.
Hazardous waste and chemical that
has been released to the
Organic waste: Kitchen waste, waste environment can cause biological
from food preparation, vegetables, and physicochemical impact to the
flowers, leaves, fruits, and market environment.
places. Disease-causing Pest. Due to
Combustibles: Paper, wood, dried improper waste disposal
leaves, packaging for relief items etc. decomposition of biodegradable
that are highly organic and having waste produces foul smell and
low moisture content. become a breeding ground for
disease-causing insects.
Non-combustibles: Metal, Tins,
Cans, bottles, stones, etc. Soil and groundwater
Pollution. The improper disposal of
Toxic waste: Old medicines, paints,
toxic materials and chemicals may
chemicals, bulbs, spray cans,
be the source of pollution of
fertilizer and pesticide containers,
batteries, shoe polish.
Emission of Toxic Gases.
Recyclables: Paper, glass, metals,
Improper disposal of hazardous
waste may cause the emission of
Ashes or Dust: Residue from fires
toxic gases which may cause various
that are used for cooking.
diseases including cancer.
Construction waste: Rubble, roofing,
Impact on Land and Aquatic
broken concrete etc.
Animals. Improper disposal of
Hazardous waste: Oil, battery acid,
garbage also affects land and aquatic
medical waste, industrial waste,
animals which would lead to
hospital waste.
Dead animals: Carcasses of dead
livestock or other animals. Solid Waste Management
Bulky waste: Tree branches, tires etc.
Soiled waste: Hospital waste such as Solid-waste management refers to the
cloth soiled with blood and other collecting, treating, and disposing of
body fluids. solid material that is discarded.
Improper disposal of municipal solid
waste can create unsanitary conditions,
Lesson 3 - Environmental Pollution and Waste Management
and these conditions in turn can lead to 5. A method where solid wastes are
pollution of the environment and to chemically decomposed by heat
outbreaks of vector-borne disease—that without the presence of oxygen.
is, diseases spread by rodents and