Thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis
Thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis
Thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis
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1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. B
1.1 Thoracic Wall 3
B. Radius B. sternum
C. Ulna C. scapula
A. humerus D. 4
B. carpals 18. Structure made of cartilage that forms the
C. tarsals lower portion of the sternum
D. none of these A. sternum
B. body
13. Breastbone; flat, elongated bone that pro-
tects the heart and lungs C. glenoid cavity
A. clavicle D. xiphoid process
9. C 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. B 15. A 15. C 16. B 17. D 18. D 19. B
1.1 Thoracic Wall 4
19. How many ribs are there? 25. How many pairs of false ribs are there?
A. 12 A. 5
B. 24 B. 3
C. 36 C. 2
D. 6 D. 7
20. The shoulder blade; connects the humerus 26. How many pair of ribs are found in the typ-
ical human?
with the clavicle.
A. scapulae A. 12
B. sternum B. 5
C. clavicle C. 10
D. ribs D. 8
20. A 21. A 22. D 23. C 24. C 25. A 26. A 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. C
1.1 Thoracic Wall 5
B. Vertebrosternal (”True”) ribs 38. Rib pairs 11 and 12, no anterior attach-
ment to the sternum.
C. Vertebrochondral (”False”) Ribs
A. Costal Cartilage
D. Vertebral (”Floating”) Ribs
B. Vertebrosternal (”True”) ribs
33. Muscle that contracts and relaxes to cause
C. Vertebrochondral (”False”) Ribs
D. Vertebral (”Floating”) Ribs
A. Lung
B. Diaphragm 39. Junction of manubrium and body of the
sternum, level with the second rib.
C. Trachea
A. Manubrium
D. Mesentery
B. Sternal Angle
34. Which best describes the location of the C. xiphoid process
D. Clavicular Notches
A. medial and inferior to the clavicle
40. Bone of the upper arm
B. superior and lateral to the clavicle
A. Clavicle
C. posterior and distal to the clavicle
B. Scapula
D. no answer is true
C. Acromion
35. Bones of the thoracic cavity that are at- D. Humerus
tached to vertebrae only (not attached to
sternum or another rib by costal cartilage); 41. How many different shapes of bones are
lowest two false ribs in your upper limbs?
A. floating ribs A. 1
B. false ribs B. 2
C. true ribs C. 3
D. loose ribs D. 4
31. D 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. A 36. D 37. D 38. D 39. B 40. D 41. B 42. B
1.1 Thoracic Wall 6
43. Which of the following is NOT a part of a B. skin
C. muscles
A. Vertebral body
D. feelings
B. Spinous process
C. Transverse process 49. Where on the vertebra does the rib at-
D. Inferior process
A. Spinous Process
44. This is the scientific word for “windpipe.”
B. Anterior Processes
A. lungs
C. Transverse Processes
B. esophagus
D. Pedicles
C. trachea
D. heart 50. The 14 bones of the fingers
B. body D. Radius
C. xiphoid 52. Weight-bearing region of the vertebrae
D. all are true that makes up bulk of the bone’s mass; an-
terior portion of vertebrae
47. The intercostal nerves are the anterior
primary rami ofthoracic one to thoracic A. body
eleven spinal nervesafter the dorsal pri- B. transverse process
mary ramus has been given off. Which
C. spinous process
of the following are typical intercostal
nerves? D. vertebral foramen
43. D 44. C 45. A 46. B 47. C 48. A 49. C 50. C 51. B 52. A 53. D
1.1 Thoracic Wall 7
B. short C. evolution
54. A 55. B 56. A 57. D 58. B 59. A 60. A 61. A 62. B 63. A 64. B
1.1 Thoracic Wall 8
64. A hole in bone is called a/an 69. How many pairs of false ribs are there?
False & floating ribs combine
A. magnum
A. 5
B. foramen
B. 3
C. fissure
C. 2
D. process
D. 7
65. Which of these structures allow for the
70. Which of the following is not included in
ribcage to expand when a big breath is
the thoracic cage?
taken in?
A. ribs
A. costal carilage
B. all vertebrae
B. true ribs
C. sternum
C. sternum
D. costal cartilage
D. intervertebral disks
E. all of these
66. Thin columns of bones that point out to the 71. The fused portion of the spine located in
left and right sides (lateral) of the body the pelvic region is called the
used for muscle attachment
A. lumbar
A. spinous process
B. sacral
B. intervertebral disc C. cervical
C. transverse process D. thoracic
D. vertebral foramen
72. Which is true about the true ribs?
67. How many pair of false ribs do you have? A. Each articulates with the thoracic ver-
tebrae and directly to sternum with their
A. 5
own costal cartilage
B. 10
B. Each articulates with the thoracic ver-
C. 24 tebrae and binds indirectly to sternum by
sharing costal cartilage
D. 12
C. Each articulates with the thoracic ver-
68. Thin regions of cartilage between verte- tebrae, but do not connect to the sternum
brae that provide cushioning; Outer por- D. They do not connect to the sternum or
tion made of fibrocartilage that binds ver- the vertebrae
tebrae together and allows flexibility for
movement; soft inner portion acts as shock 73. A surgeon while performing surgery on the
absorber diaphragm is tracing the opening of the in-
A. spinous process ferior vena cava. Which of the following
part of the diaphragm contain this open-
B. transverse process ing?
C. intervertebral disk A. Central tendon
D. vertebral foramen B. Right crus of the diaphragm
65. A 66. C 67. A 68. C 69. A 70. B 71. B 72. A 73. A 74. B
1.1 Thoracic Wall 9
B. coronoid fossa 83. The third curve of the spine that is com-
posed of 5 vertebrae in the lower back;
C. lesser tubercle
These are the largest of the vertebrae and
D. all of these bears the weight of the upper body; these
bones function in protection of the spinal
78. Which of the following is supported by the cord and in supporting the weight of the
pectoral girdle? body.
A. humerus A. lumbar vertabrae
B. Radius B. cervical vertabrae
C. lulna C. thoracic vertabrae
D. all of these D. sacrum
75. A 76. D 77. D 78. D 79. A 80. A 81. B 82. E 83. A 84. C 85. A
1.1 Thoracic Wall 10
84. How many fused vertebrae make up the 90. How many cervical vertebrae do we
sacrum? have?
A. 3 A. 12
B. 4 B. 5
C. 5 C. 7
D. 12 D. 17
85. Thick, upper portion of the sternum; artic-
91. This term is used to describe the chest of
ulates with clavicles
a mammal or another organism.
A. Manubrium
A. Abdomen (abdominal cavity)
B. Sternal Angle
B. Thorax (thoracic cavity)
C. xiphoid process
C. Ventral
D. Clavicular Notches
D. Anterior
86. Inferior portion of the sternum
A. Manubrium 92. This is the scientific word for “voice box.”
B. Sternal Angle A. larynx
C. xiphoid process B. trachea
D. Clavicular Notches C. eipglottis
87. The larger and longer bone of the forearm. D. hard pallet
the proximal end of this bone articulates
with the distal end of the humerus to form 93. Vertebrae increase in size from the re-
the elbow joint. gion to the region.
88. Extension of the scapula that forms the 94. How many cervical vertebrae are there?
high point of the shoulders
A. 5
A. Clavicle
B. 7
B. Scapula
C. 12
C. Acromion
D. none of above
D. Humerus
89. This causes you to sing !!!:) 95. Inferior to your wrist you have
86. C 87. C 88. C 89. C 90. C 91. B 92. A 93. B 94. B 95. A 96. D
1.1 Thoracic Wall 11
96. How many ribs are found in the typical hu- 102. What’s the muscle under the lungs that
man? causes hiccups?
100. Common passageway for air and food 106. How many floating ribs are there?
A. Soft Palate A. 2
B. Pharynx B. 3
C. Esophagus C. 7
D. Nasopharynx D. none of above
101. Tip of the shoulder; articulates with the 107. This organ takes in oxygen and puts out
clavicle carbon dioxide.
A. acromion process A. diaphragm
B. glenoid cavity B. blood
C. coracoid process C. catifram
D. xiphoid process D. lungs
97. D 98. C 99. C 100. B 101. A 102. B 103. D 104. B 105. B 106. A 107. D
108. A
1.1 Thoracic Wall 12
108. The funny bone, large projection on the 114. Shoulder Blade
upper end of ulna.
A. Clavicle
A. Olecranon process
B. Scapula
B. Carpals
C. Acromion
C. Metacarpals
D. Phalanges D. humerus
115. Which section of the spine contain the
lage to the 7th pair of ribs and share com- largest vertebrae?
mon attachment to the sternum.
A. Cervical
A. Costal Cartilage
B. Thoracic
B. Vertebrosternal (”True”) ribs
C. Vertebrochondral (”False”) Ribs C. Lumbar
D. Vertebral (”Floating”) Ribs D. Sacral
110. How many ribs do we have? 116. Which are the true ribs?
A. 24
A. Pairs #1 to #7
B. 12
B. Pairs #1 to #10
C. 26
C. Pairs #8 to #10
D. 15
D. Pairs #11 and #12
111. How many lumbar vertebrae do we
have? E. Pairs #13 and #14
A. 5
117. What brings oxygen from the nose to the
B. 4 lungs?
C. 12
A. diaphragm
D. 7
B. Trachea
112. What is the large, visible dip in between
the neck called? C. Tilapia
119. The pectoral girdle consist of how many 125. The deltoid tuberosity is found in the
types of bones? A. epiphysis
A. Carpals A. Ribs
B. Sternum
B. Metacarpals
C. muscles
C. Phalanges
D. heart and lungs
D. Ulna
127. Structure responsible for gas exchange
121. What divides the back side of the scapula
into unequal portions A. Liver
B. Lung
A. spine
C. Trachea
B. acromion
D. Kidney
C. Acoracoid
D. glenoid cavity 128. How many lumbar vertebrae are there?
A. 5
122. This is the passageway for tears:
B. 7
A. lacrimals
C. 12
B. vomer
D. none of above
C. palatines
129. The depression in the scapulae where the
D. inferior nasal conchae humerus articulates to form the shoulder
123. Pumps blood throughout the body joint.
A. sternum
A. Lungs
B. body
B. Liver
C. glenoid cavity
C. Heart
D. xiphoid process
D. Spleen
130. Collar Bone, slender bone that connects
124. Which of the following describes the clav- the manubrium of the sternum to the
icles scapula.
A. long bones A. clavicle
B. superior to the scapula B. scapula
C. holds shoulders in place C. acromion
D. all of these D. humerus
1.2 Breast
1. What should we do to reduce malnutrition 4. Which of the following statements are
among children under two years of age? true for weak and sick newborns?
A. a.. show the child to the doctor and get A. a. Home care of weak and sick babies
the medicine is possible
B. B.. feed potatoes to the child B. B. Weak baby needs special care at
C. S. Early initiation of breastfeeding and
adequate complementary feeding with ex- C. b & d
clusive breastfeeding up to 6 months D. The. sick child should be referred to
D. The. all of the above the hospital
C. Being overweight or obese can in- D. Movement of cancer cells through the
crease your risk for breast cancer. Your body inducing the production of more red
risk is increased if you have already gone blood cells.
through menopause. 6. What are the risk factors for breast can-
D. Frequent consumption of alcohol can cer?
increase your risk for breast cancer. The A. Late menarche
more alcohol you consume, the greater
B. Multiparity
the risk.
C. Short duration of oral contraceptives
E. Having radiation therapy to the chest
before the age of 30 can increase your risk
for breast cancer. D. Prolong breastfeeding over 2 years
3. What advice can you give to the family to 7. Another name for Hirschsprung Disease?
maintain cleanliness? A. Stenosis rectum
A. a. wash hands before touching baby B. Ganglionik ileum
B. B. Using a clean and sterile bottle for C. Megacolon
the baby D. Atresia Ani
C. S. keep the umbilical cord clean and
8. Which of the following foods can be given
to an infant in a household where non-
D. The. Point ‘A’ and ‘C’ vegetarian food is eaten?
19. Which is NOT an early sign of breast can- 24. Taking samples from the body for clues
cer? that might indicate certain diseases.
A. Lumps in the breast A. pathology
B. Change of shape or size of the breast B. oncoloy
C. Feelings of repeated nausea C. radiology
D. Skin changes on or around the breast D. genealogy
20. How can you get breast cancer? 25. Should the baby be fed from both breasts
at each feed?
A. Air droplets
A. a. yes because it helps in making more
B. Genetic
C. Saliva
B. B. No, because the baby will not be
D. none of above able to empty both breasts
21. What should females be looking for when C. S. feed from one breast until the
checking there breasts? breast is empty
29. Why is it important to feed a variety of 35. Definitive Therapy for Hirschsprung dis-
nutritious foods to young children? ease?
C. Surgery A. Acinus
D. none of above B. Lobules
40. What can we do to save the life of a weak C. Ductus Lactiferus
newborn? D. Cooper’s ligament
A. a. get extra breastfeeds
45. Gold standard for diagnosing Hirschsprung
B. B. provide kangaroo mother care disease?
C. S. Ensure extra breastfeeding, warmth A. photo poles abdomen
and hygiene
B. Cross table lateral supine
D. The. give life-saving antibiotics to the
C. Stool Analysis
D. Rectal biopsy
41. A diagnostic procedure that involves re-
moving a tissue sample from a patient. 46. What is the correct position for breastfeed-
ing a baby?
A. biopsy
A. a. Mother should only breastfeed
B. lipotripsy
while sitting
C. pathogenesis
B. B. mother should breastfeed lying
D. oncology down
42. What type of a person is most likely re- C. S. Mother can breastfeed in both sit-
lapse? ting and lying position
A. Underweight D. The. depends on baby’s comfort
B. Obese 47. Which food group is important for body-
C. Older In age building?
D. Younger A. a. Cereals and millets
43. Why is it important to observe breastfeed- B. B. pulses, legumes, nuts and non-
ing in newborns? vegetarian foods
1.3 Mediastinum
1. This bone marrow is taken from a close 7. The lymph node excision category codes
relative, so there is genetic similarity are based on what two things?
13. cutting into the mediastinum 15. is a malignant disease of the bone mar-
A. transplantation row in which excessive white blood cells
are produced.
B. mediastinotomy
A. leukopenia
C. lymphadenitis
B. anemia
D. imbrication
C. leukemia
14. What word describes a lymphadenectomy D. leukocytosis
in which only the lymph nodes are re-
moved? 16. The manufactures most blood cells.
A. radical A. liver
B. partial B. lymph nodes
C. segmental C. spleen
D. limited D. bone marrow
1.4 Lungs
1. I work with the intercostal muscles to al- A. The lungs
low ventilation to happen B. The brain
A. Ribs C. The ribs
B. Intercostal Muscles D. The heart
C. Diagraphm
5. Asthma is best defined by
D. none of above
A. constricting the airways in the lungs
2. is not good for your lungs. due to inflammation
A. Trachea D. Vertebrae
20. The process of movement of air into and 26. this is the internal organ used for breath-
out of the lungs is called ing
A. Circulation A. nose
B. Digestion B. lungs
C. Breathing C. diaphragm
D. Excretion D. mouth
27. How many lungs do we have
21. the air we breath contains 21 percent but
we only use percent A. 1
A. 5 B. 2
B. 8 C. 3
C. 3 D. 4
D. 6 28. What structure of the heart collects deoxy-
genated blood from the body?
22. Which part of the body is NOT used for the
human breathing system to work? A. left atrium
B. left ventricle
A. Mouth
C. right atrium
B. Nose
D. right ventricle
C. Small intestine
D. Diaphragm 29. Which gas we take out when we exhale?
A. Oxygen
23. Why are lungs specialised for breathing
B. Carbon dioxide
A. Large surface are
C. Nitrogen
B. Because it’s green
D. Hydrogen
C. Lots of Alveoli
30. are forests that are secured by the
D. Because there is two of them government and the in-charge of that for-
24. What is the meaning of Sundar in english? est is called
A. Reserved
A. Dirty
B. Deciduous
B. Beautiful
C. Forest protector
C. Dusty
D. Forest ranger
D. Ver bad
31. The ability to provide and sustain vigorous
25. Strong, gusty, hot and dry winds called total body activity aerobically is the defi-
as? nition of?
A. Summer A. Muscular endurance
B. Loo B. FitnessStength
C. Monsoon C. Power
D. none of above D. Cardio-respiratory endurance
32. The digestion of which food molecule by 38. Which of the following protects our organs
enzymes begins in the mouth? in our body?
43. this is where the cycle of breathing hap- 48. Your body couldn’t breathe without this
pens first system. Which one is it?
A. nose A. perspiration system
B. mouth B. respiratory system
C. lungs C. photosynthesis
D. urinary system
D. nose and/or mouth
49. As you breathe, this contracts and flattens
44. An officer incharge of protecting or manag- to give your lungs room to fill up with air:
ing a forest are known as
A. larynx
A. Manager
B. lung balloon
B. Field officer C. diaphragm
C. Forest Ranger D. bronchiole
D. Forest Friend
50. Air moves into the lungs due to
45. Which path describes the movement of A. decreased air pressure in lungs
oxygenated blood? B. pressure of diaphragm on lungs
A. Vena cava to right atrium to right ven- C. throat muscles contracting
D. active transport
B. Pulmonary vein to left atrium to left
ventricle 51. Which chemical test is used to detect the
presence of glucose in food?
C. Right ventricle to pulmonary artery to
A. Benedict’s test
B. Biurets test
D. none of above
C. Iodine test
46. How does your chest change during inhala- D. Ethanol test
52. A contraction of the diaphragm during in-
A. getting bigger halation causes it to flatten. What else
B. getting smaller does the contraction result in?
C. no change A. An increase in the volume of the tho-
racic cavity
D. none of above
B. Increase in alveolar pressure
47. The client repeat the phrase “ninety-nine” C. A decrease in lung volume
while you auscultate the chest wall. What
D. A decrease in the volume of the tho-
is the test for?
racic cavity
A. Egophony
53. Which of the following is NOT a feature of
B. Bronchophony alveoli
C. Whispered pectoriloquy A. Have a large surface area
D. none of above B. Have thin walls
C. Have extensive blood supply 59. Dates are rich in which mineral?
D. Have a muscular wall A. Vitamins
B. it helps the system to do its main func- 69. Body parts are called
tions A. pieces
C. it contracts and relaxes, changing the B. organs
pressure in the lungs so air will en- C. machines
D. none of above
D. It decreases the carbon dioxide in the
blood 70. What moves out of the blood into the alve-
oli during gas exchange?
65. When you inhale your lungs do what? A. Water
A. Turn purple B. Hydrogen
B. deflate C. Oxygen
C. inflate D. Energy
75. The RECEIVES blood returning from the 80. Which of the following happens during in-
lungs. spiration?
86. What is asthma? 92. the look like a wasp’s nest and is
A. disease that makes learning difficult where the exchange of oxygen and carbon
dioxide takes places.
B. disease that makes breathing difficult
A. alveoli
C. disease that makes walking difficult
D. disease that makes cooking difficult B. bronchial tubes
C. lung
87. Bengal tiger are found in
D. diaphragm
A. Evergreen forest
B. Thorn forest
93. What major artery takes oxygenated
C. Mangrove forest blood away from the heart?
D. Mountain forest A. pulomonary artery
88. Where does air first enter your body? B. aorta
A. ears C. pulmonary veins
B. eyes
D. vena cava
C. toes
D. nose or mouth 94. Which of the following are features of the
alveoli that adapt them to gas exchange?
89. To help gas exchange, the surface of the I. High surface areaII. Thin wallsIII. Close
lungs must NOT be to the skin
A. Wet A. I and II only
B. Thin
B. I only
C. Dry
C. II and III
D. Large
D. I, II and III
90. The respiratory system is made up of the
trachea, the lungs, and the 95. Which blood vessel brings deoxygenated
A. Liver blood to the lungs?
B. Diaphragm A. aorta
C. Esophagus B. vena cava
D. Pancreas
C. pulmonary artery
91. Why is the diaphragm important to the res- D. pulmonary vein
piratory system?
A. It contracts or expands air from the 96. What is the main organ in the respiratory
lungs. system?
B. It helps the system to digest. A. Kidney
C. It helps the system to do its main func- B. Heart
C. Lungs
D. It helps decrease the carbon dioxide in
the system. D. Diaphragm
97. Every human has lungs. 102. How many mm3 are in 7cm3?
A. one A. 7
99. When you EXHALE, air passes through the 104. The respiratory system is made up of the
respiratory parts in which of the following trachea, the lungs, and what else?
sequences? A. liver
A. Trachea, alveoli, bronchi, larynx, B. diaphragm
C. esophagus
B. Alveoli, bronchi, trachea, larynx,
D. pancreas
C. Alveoli, bronchi, larynx, trachea, 105. We receive oxygen and take out what
nose/mouth from our bodies?
D. Bronchi, alveoli, trachea, larynx, A. Our need to live
B. Carbon Dioxide
100. The are the most prominent mountain C. Molecules unneeded to the body.
ranges in India
D. Chemicals needed to the body .
A. Mount Everest
B. The Aravalli Range 106. The trachea leads to the
C. The Eastern Ghats. A. Bronchioles
D. The Himalaya Range B. Bronchi
C. Oesophagus
101. Which part of the Respiratory Sys-
tem collects air from the environment & D. Pulmonary artery
heats/moistens the air before entering
the body? 107. What do healthy lungs look like?
A. lungs A. spongy and black
B. nose B. hard and black
C. heart C. hard and pinkish gray
D. brain D. spongy and pinkish gray
108. Deciduous Forest is found in 113. During gas exchange what enters from
A. Madhya Pradesh, South Bihar, and alveoli to the capillaries?
west Odisha A. CO2
B. Kerala, South Maharashtra and Ut- B. CO
tarakhand C. O2
C. Karnataka and western Mysore D. nitrogen
D. None of the above
114. Monsoon season
109. Who is a forest ranger? A. June to September
A. The person who hunts animals. B. October to November
B. An officer in charge of protecting a for- C. March to May
est D. December to February
C. A tourist
115. During cellular respiration, what happens
D. none of above to the carbon dioxide?
110. Which of the following are features of A. Itleaves the alveoli and is exhaled from
the alveoli that adapt them to gas ex- the lungs
change? I. High surface areaII. Thin walls B. It leaves the bloodstream and enters
III. Dry surfaces the alveoli
A. I and II only C. It leaves the cells and enters the blood-
B. I only stream
C. II and III D. It leaves the alveoli and enters the
D. I, II, and III
116. The trachea is also called the:
111. What is tidal volume?
A. lung
A. The volume of air inspired and expired
during a normal breath at rest B. diaphragm
A. 1 A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 2 B. 2, 3, 1, 4
C. 3 C. 2, 1, 3, 4
D. 4
D. 4, 2, 3, 1
120. What is the purpose of the lungs?
125. The is a wall of muscle that divides
A. bring bad air in and good air out
the right and left halves of the heart.
B. bring hot air in and cold air out
A. Atrioventrucular Valve
C. bring good air in and bad air out
B. Semilunar Valve
D. bring cold air in and hot air out
C. Septum
121. The bone that protects the lungs is called
D. Diaphragm
A. cranium
126. Which of the following is not happening
B. rib cage during inhalation?
C. vertebrae
A. the diaphragm contracts
D. esophagus
B. the rib cage rises up
122. The alveoli are where
C. expands the volume of the chest cavity
A. the two characters in the movie live.
D. diaphragm is relaxing
B. oxygen gets absorbed into the body.
C. you breathe. 127. With circulation the heart provides your
D. none of above body with:
129. Why does the left lung have fewer lobes 135. Which of the following is TRUE about the
than the right lung? regulation of bronchiole radius in Bronchi-
A. The heart sits on the left side ole constriction?
B. The stomach sits on the left side A. parasympathetic via muscarinic recep-
C. False:they have the same number of
lobes B. sympathetic via activation of b2 (recep-
tors on smooth muscle)
D. False:the heart sits on the right side
C. relaxation
130. Where does the oxygen that we breathe D. epinephrine
get absorbed into the blood?
A. The Bronchi’s
136. Where does respiration occur?
B. The Trachea
A. Cells
C. The Nose
B. Lungs
D. The Alveoli
C. Skin
131. help us breathe. D. Brain
A. The heart
137. Gas exchange occurs in air sacs called
B. The brain
A. Bronchi
C. The lungs
B. Diaphragm
D. none of above C. Alveoli
132. What is the name of the waste gas we D. Larynx
release as we exhale?
138. how much of the world has weak lungs
A. Carbon Dioxide
A. 80
B. Oxygen
B. 30
C. Blood
C. 40
D. Carbon Monoxide
D. 10
133. Which type of blood cell does not have a 139. Which bones protect the lungs and are
nucleus? also needed for breathing to happen?
A. Phagocyte A. ribs
B. Lymphocyte B. radius and ulna
C. Red blood cell C. cranial bones
D. none of above D. jaw bones
134. What blood vessel carries deoxygenated 140. Arteries
blood from the heart to the lungs?
A. Always carry blood away from the
A. Vena cava heart
B. Pulmonary vein B. Always carry blood towards the heart
C. Pulmonary artery C. Always carry oxygenated blood
D. Aorta D. Always carry deoxygenated blood
141. During winter Delhi get and in Kerala 147. Which muscle is involved in breathing?
it receives A. diaphragm
C. left atrium 159. You can find me between each rib and I
D. left ventricle allow the ribcage to change size and vol-
154. Areas that fall on the leeward side of A. Ribs
mountains receive less rainfall and are
called B. Intercostal Muscles
C. Rain shadow areas 160. What are the main organs of gas ex-
D. None of above change in the respiratory system?
A. diapragm
155. I make up a movable cage to protect the
lungs B. lungs
A. Ribs C. trachea
C. both of these answers are correct. B. To trap microbes to reduce the chance
of infection
D. none of above
C. To help the air move in and out
157. Name the structure found at the back of D. none of above
the throat which is the common passage-
way for food, water and air. 163. Trees are closely packed together
A. The pharynx A. Deciduous forest
B. The larynx B. Evergreen forest
C. The alveoli C. Thorn and shrub forest
D. The nasal cavity D. Mangrove forest
169. The air sacs that are covered with capil- 175. What is the name of the gas that we need
laries where gas exchange takes place to breathe in?
A. bronchi A. Carbon Dioxide
B. lungs B. Oxygen
D. Tongue
C. right ventricle
D. right atrium 182. fan out like coral in this resin cast that
also shows pulmonary arteries and tra-
177. If someone has a pneumothorax, they chea
have A. bronchi
A. a lung infection B. alveoli
B. a very big rib cage C. inhalation
C. a collapsed lung D. exhalation
186. The heart is a strong 192. Which of the following is the largest mus-
A. muscle cle, which is also the most efficient and it
is located under the lungs and separates
C. Chest trachea, the lungs, and the:
D. Head A. liver
199. The beating sound your heart makes B. diaphragm
comes from what? C. esophagus
A. blood going in the wrong direction D. pancreas
B. valves closing 205. At the bottom of the rib cage there is a
C. the heart skipping beats sheet of muscle called
D. your ears playing tricks on you A. the diaphragm
B. tarexium
200. Trees gives us and
C. ventilation drum
A. Carbon Dioxide
D. none of above
B. Oxygen
206. Which of the following can reduce surface
C. Food
tension in smaller alveoli?
D. Plastic
A. elastic recoil
201. When you inhale, your lungs: B. surfactant
A. inflate C. alveolar epithelial cells
B. turn purple D. type 1 cells
C. deflate 207. Which of the following does NOT make
D. do a dance up part of the lungs?
A. Alveoli
202. How many ribs do you have?
B. Bronchioles
A. 156
C. Heart
B. 22
D. Bronchi
C. 17
208. The breathing rate is faster in children
D. 12
and women than in men.
203. Amy goes to the doctor because she is not A. False
feeling well. The doctor carefully looks for B. True
anything abnormal in Amy’s pharynx. The
doctor then listens through his stethoscope C. Only on Thursdays
for abnormal sounds in Amy’s bronchi and D. Donald Trump
209. What “pushes” the blood from the heart 214. What is the name of the muscles that
to the lungs? move your rib cage?
220. How big is an adult lung? C. The heart gets rid of the wastes in your
A. as big as a basketball body produced by homeostasis.
B. 17.5
A. carbon dioxide
C. 12.5
B. carbon monoxide
D. 37.5
C. oxygen
D. hydrogen 227. I ended the day with a glass of tomato
juice. I call it the RED SIP. The animal name
222. The PUMPS blood to the lungs. is
A. Right Atrium A. Reindeer
B. Right Ventricle
B. Spider
C. Left Atrium
C. snake
D. Left Ventricle
D. Deer
223. What are the most common animals that
help pollinate flowers? 228. How many lungs do you have?
A. Butterflies And Spiders A. 0
B. Horses And Bees B. 1
C. Fishes And Dogs
C. 2
D. Bees And Butterflies
D. 3
224. Protected forests where the cutting
down of trees and other hunting of animals 229. Inhale!!!My lungs
is prohibited are known as A. Got Smaller
A. Mountain forest
B. Got Bigger
B. Reserve Forest
C. Stayed the same
C. Thorn forest
D. Turned inside-out
D. Mangrove Forest
225. What is the main function of the heart? 230. Your lungs are sealed within air tight
bags lined with something called the
A. They provide the tissues of the HMS
(human movement system) with oxygen, A. ciliated epithelium
nutrients, protective agents, and a means B. pleural membrane
to remove waste products.
C. alveoli sacs
B. The heart is the control centers for all
body activities. D. intercostal muscle
231. What happens when we breath in? Se- B. bronchi → bronchiole → trachea →
lect all that apply nose
C. trachea→ bronchi → bronchiole→
D. we will live, but we will feel pain now D. The size of the thoracic cavity de-
and then creases
243. Trees have roots above the soil 247. In asthma which WBC (white blood cells)
A. Deciduous forest are responsible?
B. Evergreen forest A. leukocytes
C. Thorn and Shrub forest B. eosinophils
D. Mangrove forest C. monocytes
244. Which of the following is a tube-like D. lymphocytes
structure that allows the air you breathe
E. T cells and B cells
in through your mouth and nose to travel
to your lungs? 248. Which is NOT a function of the Respira-
A. Bronchus tory System?
B. Trachea A. it warms the air
C. Bronchioles B. it exchanges O2 and CO2
D. Diaphragm C. It pumps blood to the organs
245. The movement of a substance from a re- D. it creates sound through the larynx
gion of high concentration to a region of
low concentration (down the concentration 249. Forest with straight, tall, conical trees
gradient).What is this a definition of? with needle-shaped leaves. Identify the
A. Active transport
B. Diffusion A. Mountain Forest
1.5 Pleura
1. The tertiary bronchi supply the following 6. The left main bronchus is divided into how
lung structure: many lobar bronchi?
A. Lobulos A. Three
B. Lungs B. Four
C. Segments C. Of the
D. alveoli D. Cinco
2. The only lung structure that is not covered 7. Pulmonary emphysema is a pathology that
by pleura is: causes destruction of the alveoli and the
adjacent structure, forming abnormal air
A. lung hilum sacs in the lungs. Indicate which would be
B. fissures the most correct option if a complication
C. Segments
A. Pneumothorax
D. lobes
B. spontaneous pneumothorax
3. What layers of the pleura are attached to C. Bruno chest under tension
the thoracic wall?
D. hydroneumotorax
A. fluid
E. Idiopathic spontaneous pneumothorax
B. Plasma
C. Visceral 8. Which is NOT a face of the lung
A. diaphragmatic face
D. Parietal
B. costal face
E. Membrane
C. mediastinal face
4. Which is the largest pleural sinus?
D. bronchial face
A. costodiaphragmatic recess/ phrenico-
costal sinus 9. results of physical examination obtained in
patients with malignant pleural effusion
B. sinus costomediostinalis
A. fremitus normal, ipsilateral side lag-
C. phrenicomediastinal sinus ging
D. cupula pleurae B. normal noise, hypersonic
5. A 19-year-old female patient is injured af- C. hyperresonance, dim
ter participating in a fight. The costal por- D. dim, breath lost
tion of the parietal pleura has been injured.
What nerve carries pain from that area? 10. The function of the tracheal muscle is:
A. Vagus Nerves A. rise
B. phrenic nerves B. Lateralization
C. sympathetic chain C. descent
D. intercostal nerves D. Constriction
11. The basic structural unit of respiration is: 16. In what year was Marie Curie awarded
her Nobel Prize in Physics for her research
A. alveolar ducts
on radioactivity?
C. the part of the trachea adjacent to the 27. What is the most posterior structure on
esophagus is the paries membranaceus the pulmonary pedicle?
D. the ligament that attaches the trachea A. Pulmonary artery
to the larynx is called ligamentum thyro- B. superior pulmonary vein
C. inferior pulmonary vein
22. Mention at which vertebral level we find D. pulmonary bronchus
the lower edge of the lung
28. The alveolar ducts open into:
A. Mt A. alveoli
B. Q8 B. alveolar sacs
C. T10 C. respiratory bronchioles
D. T12 D. bronchi
23. one of the following sides of the lung is 29. The thyroid is previously related to the
related to the ribs trachea, its isthmus occupies the following
tracheal cartilages:
A. diaphragmatic face
A. 2-4
B. mediastinal facet
B. 2-1
C. costal face C. 3-5
D. none D. 3-6
24. pleural protein/serum protein ration >0.5 30. where is the pleural cavity located
is likely A. between the parietal pleura and the
A. exudate chest wall
B. transudate B. between the visceral and parietal
C. executive
C. between the visceral pleura and the
D. none of above lung parenchyma
25. The projection of the trachea encompasses: D. none
33. What covers the lungs above the apertura 38. The mediastinum with respect to the pul-
thoracis superior? monary cavities is:
35. What is the most common lung tumor in 40. Idiopathic spontaneous pneumothorax is
non-smokers? seen more in:
A. They are not prone to lung tumors A. Children
B. Adenocarcinoma B. Seniors
C. solitary fibrous tumor C. Young adults
D. Metastatic tumors from adjacent or- D. Post-operative patients
gans (Liver, Kidneys, Hematogenous)
41. The pleura that is related to the lungs is
36. What are the 4 main types of lung carcino- called:
mas? A. Parietal
A. Squamous cell, small cell, adenocarci- B. Pulmonary
noma, and large cell tumors
C. Saco pleural
B. Hepatocellular carcinoma, large cell
carcinomas, angiosarcomas, and cystade- D. Visceral
nomas 42. What type of tumor is the mTor gene asso-
C. Chondrosarcomas, small tract carcino- ciated with?
mas, Kaposi’s woodworm, metastatic tu- A. metastatic
B. non-small cell carcinoma
D. Small cell, large cell, squamous cell,
and adenocarcinoma tumors C. small cell carcinoma
D. Linfangioleimiomatosis
37. Before Robin was Batman’s apprentice, he
used to work in a 43. What was the patient’s name?
A. Circus doing acrobatics A. Sarah Valencia
B. an ice cream show B. Rosa Reyes Evening
C. worked in a pet store with birds C. Rosa Ruiz Valencia
D. police station D. NS, NR
44. What lung surface forms the base of the B. inferior to artery
C. posterior to artery
A. Costal
D. anterior to the artery
B. Mediastinica
C. diaphragmatic 50. What nerve is posterior to the pulmonary
D. sternal
A. Vague
45. superior vena cava obstruction usually
causes what type of pleural effusion B. Frenico
55. What type of tumor is more frequent in the D. Nephrotic syndrome, which generates
alteration of the RAS gene? decreased oncotic pressure
66. Which of the following formulas runs in B. ions or molecules that can release H+
the esophagotracheal sulcus? C. the concentration of hydrogen ions
A. no. recurrent laryngeal produced is equivalent
B. n. phrenicus D. An increase in the alkaline component
is a state of acidosis
C. a. common carotid
E. not one of the above
D. v. hemiazygos accessorius
72. Which formulas are imprinted on the left
67. The faces that are studied to the lung are,
A. arch of the aorta
A. Costal
B. oesophagus
B. diaphragmatic
C. costs first
C. Mediastinica
D. v. hemiazygos
D. sternal
73. The artery that gives the tracheal branches
68. Who is responsible for the nutritional irri- for the irrigation of the tracheal is:
gation of the lung?
A. subclavian
A. bronchial artery
B. upper thyroid
B. Pulmonary artery
C. Tronco tirocervical
C. bronchial vein D. lower thyroid
D. superior phrenic artery
74. The sternal line of reflection encompasses
E. Pulmonary vein the following costal cartilages:
69. assessing the prognosis of patients with A. 2-4
malignant pleural effusion using tools such B. 1-5
C. 1-5
A. karnofsky score
D. 1-6
B. LENT score
75. which medication is not associated with
C. ECOG score pleural effusions?
D. BIRADS score A. beta blockers
70. The left bronchus is with respect to the B. amiodarone
arch of the aorta. C. phenytoin
A. Superior D. lovastatin
B. Inferior
76. What bronchus enters the already
C. Lateral branched pedicle?
D. Medial A. Right Lobar Bronchus
71. In an acid-base balance system, what is a B. Left Lobar Bronchus
base? C. None
A. ions or molecules that can accept H+ D. Both
77. PE usually causes what type of pleural ef- B. bronchi lobares-bronchi segmentales-
fusion bronchi principales-bronchi terminales-
bronchioli-bronchioli terminales-
C. the upper phrenics C. the impressio cardiaca is located on
the right lung
D. the inferior phrenics
D. fissura horizontalis found only on the
88. The arteries in charge of nourishing the left lung
lungs are:
93. The weight of the right lung in the male is
A. bronchial arteries
A. 450 grams
B. Pulmonary arteries
B. 550 grams
C. segmental arteries
C. 700 grams
D. pulmonary veins
D. 600 grams
89. Which of the following blood vessels con-
tains oxygen-rich blood? 94. What is meant by transpulmonary pres-
A. v. bronchiales
A. Pressure which is lower in inspiration
B. the. pulmonary
B. The lower the expiratory pressure
C. a. bronchialis
C. The pressure that is higher on inspira-
D. v. pulmonalis
90. What procedure is most commonly used in D. Pressure that is higher on expiration
pleural effusions
E. The pressure is always the same dur-
A. paracentesis ing inspiration and expiration
B. thoracentesis
95. Where is the projection of the bifurcation
C. effusioncentesis tracheae?
D. none of above A. At the height of Th4
91. All are functions of the trachea EXCEPT: B. At the height of Th3
A. air conduction C. At the height of Th1
B. air heating D. At the height of Th5
1.6 Trachea
1. Name of respiratory system in insects is.. C. Circulatory system
A. Lung system D. Tracheal system
abdomen of insects called.. 8. What pathway does the oxygen flow from
A. lamellae the trachea to the alveolar ducts
7. adjustments to the control the amount 12. The trachea branches out to form finer
of resistance to airflow and distribution of tubes called..
air floe to the lungs
A. Nostril
A. diameter of the bronchioles
B. steak with mashed potatoes B. Tracheole
C. bronchi C. Lung
D. pulmonary embolism D. Lamellae
D. all of the above A. alveolar sacs, alveolar ducts
B. alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs
14. The cartilages of the secondary bronchi are
, but farther along the branches of the C. alveolar ducts, alveolar tubes
bronchial tree they become D. none of above
A. massive, smaller 20. What is the correct order once you get past
B. smaller, massive the smaller bronchioles?
C. longer, shorter A. aveioli ducts, aveoli, terminal bronchi-
D. shorter, longer oles, respiratory bronchioles
B. respiratory bronchioles, terminal bron-
15. diffusion occurs across to chioles, aveoli, aveoli ducts
A. respiratory membrane C. terminal bronchioles, respiratory bron-
B. chicken chioles, alveoli, alveoli ducts
C. chicken tenders D. terminal bronchioles, respiratory bron-
D. tracheal cartilage chioles, aveoli ducts, alveoli
16. How can you tell the difference between 21. Walls of the trachea are supported by
the lungs? A. cricoid cartilages
A. There is no difference, they are the B. tracheal cartilages
same C. thyroid cartilages
B. How many lobes they have D. none of above
C. Weight
22. What reduces friction between the lungs?
D. Diameter
A. Pleural Fluid
17. the respiratory exchange surfaces receive B. surfactant
blood from arteries from the
C. interstital fluid
A. pulmonary circut
D. blood
B. system circut
C. blood circut 23. Where does the trachea end?
24. Pneumothorax is to like hemothorax 28. List the layers from the lung outwards.
is to A. Visceral to Cavity to parietal
nostic exams?
Node to the AV node. It then must go
A. xray the ventricles through the fibrous skeleton.
B. creatinine What is the name of the only branch that
runs through the fibrous skeleton?
C. O2 sat
A. RIght Bundle Branch
D. angiogram, aortagram, EKG, cardiac
catheterization B. Purkinje Fibers
C. Bundle of His
5. which valve is located between the right
atrium and right ventricle D. Bachmann’s Bundle
14. Where is the tricuspid valve located? D. the ventricles contract simultaneously
A. Between the right atrium and right ven- in a wave that begins at the base and
spreads toward the apex
24. which pulse site is closest to the heart 30. This is the thickest layer of the heart
A. carotid A. Pericardium
B. apical B. Endocardium
C. radial C. Myocardium
D. brachial D. Epicardium
25. The horizontal line on the graph paper mea- 31. What is the funtion of the capillaries?
sures: A. Endures high blood pressure
A. respirations B. Get rid of waste
B. burn of the stylus C. Collect blood
C. voltage D. Transfer oxygen and nutrients
D. time
32. What can be used to treat heart failure?
26. Where is the heart located in the body? A. Cardiac Glycosides
A. slightly to the left of the chest B. Alpha-agonist
B. very center of the chest C. Beta-antagonist
C. slightly to the right of the chest D. none of above
D. none of above
33. The valve lies between the right
27. Which of the following are functions of the atrium and right ventricle.
heart? Select all that apply. A. bicuspid
A. Transport oxygen B. aortic semilunar
B. Retain wastes C. pulmonary
C. Pumps blood D. tricuspid
D. Aid in transportation of nutrients to
cells 34. What part of the hearts electrical conduc-
tion system is found in the ventricle mus-
28. What is the name of the protective sac cle walls and is what causes them to con-
around the heart? tract?
A. Epicardium A. SA Node
B. Pericardium B. AV Node
C. Vena Cava C. AV Bundle
D. Pulmonary Vein D. Purkinje Fibers
29. This separates the 2 upper chambers of the 35. Known as the heart’s pacemaker, it initi-
heart. ates the depolarization.
A. Interatrial septum A. Sinoatrial Node
B. Interventricular septum B. Atrioventricular Node
C. Atria C. AV bundle
D. Ventricles D. Purkinje fibers
39. What is another name for the Epicardium? 45. Blunt, rounded point; most inferior part of
A. Inner Surface the heart
54. Which major blood vessel delivers blood
C. Desmosomes from the body to the heart?
D. Gap junctions A. vena cava
E. Connexons B. aorta
49. Hypertension is C. pulmonary vein
A. high blood pressure D. mitral valve
B. low blood pressure 55. Which of the following is the correct defi-
C. fast heart rate nition of Bradycardia?
D. low heart rate A. lack of adequate blood supply to the
heart muscle
50. The blood flows throughout the systemic
B. a rapid uncoordinated quivering of the
and pulmonary systems of the body. The
blood flows from the lungs and enters the
Left Atrium via the C. rapid heart rate over 100 beats per
minute (bpm)
A. 2 pulmonary arteries
D. heart rate that is substantially slower
B. 2 pulmonary veins
than normal, less than 60 beats per
C. 4 pulmonary arteries minute (bpm)
D. 4 pulmonary veins
56. What part of the heart makes up the Left
51. Which chamber receives blood from the surface area?
coronary sinus? A. R. Atrium
A. R. Atrium B. R. Ventricle
B. L. Atrium C. L. Atrium
C. L. Ventricle D. L. Ventricle
D. R. Ventricle
57. Throughout the contractile fibers phases,
52. The name given to the study of the heart another action potential cannot occurs nor-
structure and function mally. This is called?
A. cardiology A. Dysrhythmia
B. epidemiology B. Muscle Tension
C. endocrinology C. Resting Membrane Potential
D. biology D. Absolute Refractory Period
58. Which of the following describes systemic 63. What are the four chambers of the heart
A. Left & Right Atrium, Left & Right Ven-
60. the role of the fluid in the pericardial cavity 65. What is the normal paper speed?
is to
A. 10
A. reduce friction between visceral and
B. 25
parietal membranes
C. 40
B. lessen the weight of the heart
D. 50
C. filter the blood
D. none of the above 66. What is the inner layer of the heart called
that forms the valve flaps and is continu-
61. After blood leaves the Right atrium it ous with blood vessels?
passes through the
A. epicardium
A. right ventricle
B. myocardium
B. aortic valve
C. endocardium
C. av valve
D. none of above
D. tricuspid valve
67. The heart receives blood from the body via
62. How many heart tissues are there? the:
A. 1 A. Aorta
B. 3 B. Superior and inferior vena cava
C. 4 C. Pulmonary vein
D. 2 D. Pulmonary artery
68. The cells that carry oxygen to body cells C. Oxygenated blood
are D. Deoxygenated blood
A. leukocytes
74. What is the function of the pulmonary
B. lymphocytes valve
C. erythrocytes A. opens to allow blood to pass from the
D. monocytes left atrium to the left ventricle
69. Which chamber do the superior and infe- B. opens to allow blood to be pumped
rior vena cavae and coronary sinus empty from the heart to the lungs (receiving oxy-
into? gen)
71. Abnormally fast heart rate; greater than 76. The outer layer of the heart that is basi-
100 bpm cally a fluid filled sac
A. Tachycardia A. Pericardium
B. Bradycardia B. Myocardium
C. Fibrillation C. Endocardium
D. Heart block D. none of above
72. What are the functions of the tricuspid and 77. Which coronary artery lies within the coro-
bicuspid valves? nary sulcus?
A. prevent blood from leaking back into A. LAD
he ventricles B. Marginal Branch
B. prevent blood from leaking back into C. Circumflex
the atria
D. Left Main Artery
C. allow blood to flow into the atria
D. allow blood to leave the ventricles 78. Which structure is responsible for carrying
conduction signals to papillary muscles of
73. The flow of blood between the heart and the heart and preventing over overdisten-
cells of body tion (stretching) of ventricles?
A. Systemic circulation A. Ligamentum arteriosum
B. Pulmonary circulation B. Moderator band
90. The fluid-filled sac that covers the heart A. somatic tremor
A. Pericardium B. wandering baseline
99. What is the endocardium? 105. Which valve shuts so that oxygenated
A. The outer surface of the heart blood doesn’t flow back into the left ven-
104. Which coronary vein drains directly into 109. This separates the Right and Left atria
the right atrium?
A. Interventricular Septum
A. Great Cardiac
B. Middle Cardiac B. Interatrial Septum
110. The transfer of oxygen, carbon dioxide, 115. The transportation of blood from the
waste, and water occurs at which of the right side of the heart to the lungs and
following blood vessels? back to the left side of the heart is known
as circulation.
A. arteries
A. systemic
B. arterioles
B. cardiac
C. capillaries
C. pulmonary
D. veins
D. coronary
111. Blood that leaves the heart and is head-
ing to the lungs is traveling through the 116. What separates the right and left cham-
bers of the heart?
A. bicuspid valve
A. pulmonary arteries
B. tricuspid valve
B. pulmonary veins
C. SA node
C. superior vena cava
D. septum
D. inferior vena cava
117. The function of chordae tendineae (heart
112. The two chambers of the heart with thin strings) is
walls that collect blood from the major
veins and empty it into the larger, more A. assist in ventricle contraction
muscular chambers. B. holding the atrioventricular valves in
place while the heart is pumping blood.
A. aorta
C. move blood to the lungs
B. atria
D. reoxygenate blood
C. ventricles
D. lungs 118. SA node is known by this name as it con-
trol the rate of the heartbeat
113. Which layer of the heart contains a lu- A. AV node
bricating fluid that reduces friction as the
heart beats? B. Purkinje fibers
C. SV node
A. Pericardium
D. pacemaker
B. Endocardium
C. Myocardium 119. What is the shape of the heart?
D. none of above A. Circular organ
B. Rectangular organ
114. Which Coronary Artery run inferior to the
right auricle before it branches. C. Triangular organ
D. none of the above
B. Marginal branch 120. What part of the hearts electrical conduc-
tion system is found in the hearts septum
C. Left Coronary Artery
and conveys impulses toward the ventri-
D. Right Coronary Artery cles?
121. Coronary arteries: 126. What are the two heart tissues called?
A. supply the heart muscle cells with a A. periwinkle & myocardial
supply of blood. B. peri the platypus and myocardium
B. supply the brain cells with a supply of C. pericardium and myocardium
D. pericardium and myocarditis
C. contain deoxygenated blood.
127. What is the order of blood vessels once
D. when clogged, cause a stroke.
blood leaves the heart?
122. A 74 yr old. male presents to ER with A. veins, venules, capillaries, arterioles,
heart rate of 180 bpm, what paper speed arteries
should be used?
B. veins, capillaries, arteries, arterioles,
A. 10 venules
B. 25 C. arteries, veins, capillaries
C. 40 D. arteries, arterioles, capillaries,
D. 50 venules, veins
123. Which part of the ECG corresponds to the 128. The narrowing of blood vessels is known
repolarization of the ventricle? as
A. vasodilation
A. P wave
B. diastole
B. QRS complex
C. vasoconstriction
C. T wave
D. systole
D. none of the above
129. Which valve shuts so that deoxygenated
124. The right coronary arteries branches into
blood doesn’t flow back into the right ven-
which 2 arteries?
A. LAD, Circumflex
A. aortic
B. Posterior Interventricular branch, B. bicuspid
Marginal branch
C. pulmonary
C. Marginal branch, Circumflex
D. tricuspid
D. LAD, Marginal branch
130. Which layer of the heart wall is composed
125. Third part of Cardiac Conduction Sys- cardiac muscle fibers which allow the heart
tem:This structures branches down from to contract?
septum and out towards each ventricle.
They *relay* the signal to the Purkinje A. Epicardium
fibers. B. Myocardium
B. Plateau cells 137. Which valve is part of the systemic blood
C. Conducting cells system?
tricle → lungs → left atrium → left ven- C. right ventricle
tricle → aorta D. pulmonary veins
C. Vena cava → left atrium → right
157. Which valve is also called the mitral
atrium → lungs → left ventricle → right
valve and prevents flow back into the left
ventricle → aorta
atrium from the left ventricle and is an AV
D. Vena cava → right atrium → left valve?
atrium → lungs → right ventricle → left
ventricle → aorta A. aortic
B. bicuspid
152. The space between the layers of the peri-
cardium that contains fluid to reduce fric- C. pulmonary
tion D. tricuspid
A. pericardial cavity
158. The muscular middle layer of the heart is
B. epicardium called the
C. endocardium A. epicardium
D. myocardium B. myocardium
153. About how large is the human heart? C. pericardium
A. the size of an onion D. endocardium
B. the size of a fist 159. The pulmonary semilunar valve prevents
C. 4.5 pounds a back-flow of blood into the
D. the size of a baseball A. pulmonary artery
161. Which of the following vessels originate 167. Which heart valve prevents regurgitation
at the base of the aorta at the aortic si- of blood into the left atrium?
D. closes off the left atrium from collec- 177. Capillary beds are drained by vessels
tinig oxygen rich blood coming in from the known as
lungs A. venules
172. Drain blood from cardiac muscle; empty B. venae cavae
into coronary sinus C. arterioles
A. left coronary artery D. arteries
B. right coronary arter
178. Wall of the heart:The outer layer, reduces
C. cardiac veins friction
D. none of above A. Pericardium
B. Epicardium
173. what structure transports deoxygenated
blood from heart to L lung C. Myocardium
183. In the walls of the heart, there are two B. atria; ventricles
thin layers around a thick layer of muscle C. arteries; veins
called the
194. The semilunar valves are only open dur- B. pulmonary vein
ing which phase C. pulmonary trunk and arteries
A. atrial contraction and ventricular fill- D. coronary sinus
B. isovolumetric contraction 200. The volume of blood pumped out of a ven-
tricle with each heartbeat is known as
C. ventricular ejection
A. heart rate (HR)
D. isovolumetric relaxation
B. stroke volume (SV)
195. of the heart has the thick muscular C. cardiac output (CO)
wall because it pumps the blood to the sys-
temic circuit D. blood pressure (BP)
205. Which chamber receives deoxygenated 210. During the Diastolic phase, the ventricles
blood The valves open and the valves
are closed.
C. atrioventricular (AV) bundle (bundle of B. the coronary sinus runs in the poste-
His) rior interventricular sulcus
216. The chordae tendineae prevent the pro-
lapse of: C. Right Ventricle
A. The aortic valve D. Left Ventricle
B. The pulmonary valve 222. What is the normal resting heart rate of
C. The atrioventricular valves children 9-10 years old?
D. The semi-lunar valves A. 40-50
B. 60-110
217. When we hit the threshold of the SA
Node Potential. Channels open to al- C. 120-190
low the fast influx of a molecule, causing D. none of the above
rapid depolarization. Which molecule does
223. The man with a typical coronary circula-
tion has been suffering from embolism of
A. Na the circumflex branch of the left coronary
B. Ca artery. this condition would result in is-
chemia of which areas of heart?
C. K
A. Anterior part of the left ventricle
D. Protein
B. Anterior interventricular region
218. What is the final destination of the elec- C. posterior interventricular region
trical impulse in the heart?
D. Posterior part of the left ventricle
A. Purkinje Fibers
E. Anterior part of the right ventricle
B. SA & AV Nodes
224. the movement of blood from the heart to
C. Bundle Branches
all parts and systems of the body
D. Superior Vena Cava
A. pulmonary circulation
219. Wall of the heart that lines all of the B. capillaries
heart chambers and covers valves C. systemic circulation
A. Pericardium D. aorta
B. Epicardium
225. Which vessels take blood from the lungs
C. Myocardium to the heart?
D. Endocardium A. pulmonary arteries
220. Wall of the heart made up mostly of car- B. pulmonary veins
diac muscle C. coronary arteries
A. Pericardium D. aorta
226. If blood is in the right ventricle, where 231. Blood vessels that carry blood away
would it pass through next? from the heart are called
227. Action Potentials: 232. Which heart sound is the closure offer the
A. Pacemaker Potential SL valves?
B. Threshold A. S1
C. Action Potential B. S2
D. Fast K+ Outflow C. S3
228. The pacemaker of the heart is also known A. A valve in the heart that guards the
as the opening between the left atrium and the
left ventricle; prevents the blood in the
A. AV node ventricle from returning to the atrium. Al-
B. SA node ternative name is bicuspid valve.
C. Purkinje fibres B. A vein that is the largest vein in the hu-
D. Bundle of His man body and returns blood to the right
atrium of the heart from bodily parts be-
229. Patient’s coronary angiograms reveal a low the diaphragm.
thrombosis in the circumflex branch of the C. The body structure that temporarily
left coronary artery. Which of the follow- closes a passage or orifice, or permits
ing conditions could result from blockage movement of fluid in only one direction.
of blood flow in the circumflex branch?
D. Any of the tubular, branching, muscu-
A. tricuspid valve insufficiency lar, and elastic-walled vessels that carry
B. mitral valve insufficiency blood from the heart through the body.
C. ischemia of AVN 234. The first heart sound, “lub, “ is caused
D. paralysis of pectinate muscle by the closure of the valves.
E. necrosis of moderator band (sep- A. semilunar
tomarginal trabecula) B. pulmonary
230. This chamber pushes the blood out of the C. atrioventricular (AV)
aorta to the body D. aortic
A. Right atrium
235. the structure that divides the heart into
B. Right ventricle left and right sections, creating a double
C. Left atrium pump
D. Left ventricle A. apex
B. atria B. AV node
C. septum C. Purkinje fibres
D. ventricles D. Bundle of His
236. What valve is part of the pulmonary 241. Standard leads are
blood system? A. Bipolar
A. Mitral Valve B. Unipolar
B. Bicuspid Valve C. tripolar
C. Tricuspid Valve D. none of above
D. Aortic Valve
242. Which vessel does the left ventricle
237. Concerning the heart empty into?
A. the right ventricle forms most of the in- A. pulmonary artery
ferior border of heart B. pulmonary vein
B. oblique sinus lies between the left C. aorta
atrium and the oesophagus D. coronary artery
C. all heart valves are retrosternal
243. Order the phases an action potential trav-
D. mitral valve is the best heard at the left els in the conduction system
sternal edge
A. SA node→ AV bundle branches→ AV
E. mitral valve is the outflow valve of the node→ Purkinje fibers
right ventricle
B. SA node→ AV node→ AV bundle
238. What type of tissue does the epicardium branches→ Purkinje fibers
consist of? C. Av bundle branches→ AV node→ SA
A. Loose Connective node→ Purkinje fibers
B. Dense Connective D. Purkinje fibers→ SA node→ AV
node→ AV bundle branches
C. Nervous
D. Simple Squamous 244. Oxygenated blood nourishing the my-
ocardium comes from vessels that branch
239. Arteries are normally depicted as red off the aorta called
while veins are colored blue. The excep-
A. pulmonary arteries
tions to this rule are the arteries and
veins. B. pulmonary veins
A. systemic C. coronary arteries
B. hepatic D. venae cavae
C. coronary 245. What is the pacemaker of the heart?
D. pulmonary A. AV node
240. The emptying of the atria is controlled by B. SA node
the: C. Bundle of His
A. SA node D. Bundle branches
251. Deoxygenated blood enters the heart B. Gio exercises every morning.
through the C. Leo eats heavy meals 6 times a day.
A. Superior and Inferior Vena Cava D. all of the above
257. What is the function of the bicuspid 262. What is the correct order for the Aortic
valve? Arch, starting with the artery closest to
A. closes off the left atrium collecting the Ascending Aorta.
the oxygen rich blood coming in from the A. Brachiocephalic, R. Carotid, L. Subcla-
lungs vian
B. opens to allow blood to pass from right B. Brachiocephalic, R. Subclavian, L.
atrium to right ventricle Carotid
C. stop backflow of air from coming in the C. R. Subclavian, R. Carotid, L. Subclavian
D. Brachiocephalic, L. Carotid, L. Subcla-
D. opens to allow blood to pass from left
atrium to left ventricle
258. Because the SA node initiates 1 cardiac 263. What area of the heart’s electrical con-
cycle, it fires at a rate of duction is known as the “pacemaker” of
the heart?
A. 40-60 bpm
A. Purknife fibers
B. 80-90 bpm
B. SA node
C. 60-80 bpm
D. 60-100 bpm C. Bundle of his
D. Interventricular Septum
259. Which heart chamber has the thickest
wall? 264. Which are functions of the skeleton?
A. R. Atrium A. Support
B. L. Atrium
B. Insulation
C. R. Ventricle
C. prevents valves from stretching
D. L. Ventricle
D. Makes the heart rigid.
260. What is a pulse?
265. Sustained elevated arterial blood pres-
A. The sound the heart makes
sure above 140/90 mm Hg is a condition
B. Alternating surges of pressure in an known as
artery that occur with each contraction
and relaxation A. hypertension (high blood pressure)
B. Repolarization B. V3
C. The plateau C. V6
D. Tetanus D. V4
267. h intercostal space on the right side of 272. which pulse site is located at the inner
sternum forearm
myocardium while the myocardium is con-
C. arteries
D. arterioles
284. Which chamber pumps out oxygenated
279. One complete heartbeat blood
D. Between the ventricles and the major 286. How many valves in the heart?
blood vessels leaving the heart A. 4
281. What is the muscular layer of the heart B. 3
called? C. 2
A. epicardium D. 1
B. myocardium 287. which pulse site is found posterior to the
C. endocardium bend of the knee
A. pedal
D. mesocardium
B. popliteal
282. Supplies blood to most of the wall of the C. femoral
right ventricle
D. radial
A. left coronary artery
288. What must happen so that the Coronary
B. right coronary arter Arteries can be able to supply the heart?
C. cardiac veins A. Ventricles must contract
D. none of above B. Ventricles must relax
C. Nothing, the coronary arteries are al- 294. Which of the following is not true of the
ways supplying the heart heart?
cle? thoracic cavity.
A. Myocardium C. It is enclosed within the peritoneal cav-
B. Epicardium ity.
C. Pericardium D. It is surrounded by the visceral peri-
D. Endocardium
301. The right atrium receives blood from the: 306. A hollow, muscular organ that pumps
blood throughout the body.
A. superior and inferior vena cavae
A. Skeleton
B. pulmonary veins, pulmonary arteries
B. Heart
C. superior and inferior venae cavae and
coronary sinus C. Vein
D. membranous septum, coronary sinus D. Artery
302. The chamber below the bicuspid (left AV 307. When the heart valves open and close the
valve) is the heart
A. right atrium A. becomes tired
B. left atrium B. relaxes & contracts
C. right ventricle C. beats rapidly
D. left ventricle D. all of the above
303. What is the function of the blood ves-
308. Normal resting heart rate is bpm
A. 95
A. pump blood throughout the body
B. provide a network of tubes through B. 110
which blood can travel C. 75
C. act as a vehicle to carry oxygen and nu- D. 60
D. none of these 309. What are some tissues of the heart?
A. Pericardium
304. When blood enters the right atrium,
where is it coming from? B. Epicardium
A. The body C. Endocardium
B. Left ventricle D. Expocardium
310. Which layer of the following serves the 315. The vena cavas take the blood to the
dual purpose of forming the inner layer of A. Right atrium
the pericardium and forming the outermost
C. visceral pericardium 316. Blood may exit the heart through either
or structures called the great ves-
D. myocardium
311. The mitral valve is also called the A. superior vena cava, inferior vena cava
B. pulmonary trunk, aorta
A. pulmonary semilunar C. right ventricle, left ventricle
B. tricuspid D. pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins
C. aortic semilunar
317. which vessel carries oxygenated blood
D. bicuspid away from the lungs?
312. Which is the correct order for blood A. pulmonary veins
flow? B. pulmonary trunk/arteries
A. Arteries, capillaries, venules, veins C. aorta
B. Arteries, Veins D. superior vena cava
C. Arteries, arterioles, capillaries, 318. mV is a measurement for membrane po-
venules, veins tential. What are we measuring when
D. Veins, venules, capillaries, arterioles, looking at potential energy generated?
arteries A. Current
313. What is the cardiac muscle of the my- B. Resistance
ocardium connected by? C. Influx
A. Muscle D. Voltage
B. Ligaments
319. Picture # 10
C. Tendons A. Superior Vena Cava
D. Intercalated discs B. Aorta
314. Kyla has been feeling extreme pain and C. Left Pulmonary Artery
tightness in her chest area. What ailment D. Left Pulmonary Veins
does she most probably have?
320. The blood that is pumped out of the left
A. angina
ventricle contains
B. hypertension
A. a full supply of oxygen
C. stroke
B. impurities that must be removed by the
D. heart failure liver
C. a high percentage of carbon dioxide 326. Which of the following structural fea-
tures is composed of connective tissue
D. all the wastes to be delivered to the or-
fibers connected to cone-shaped projec-
gans of excretion
tions on the inner surface of the ventricle?
321. Which of the following does not describe A. Trabeculae carneae
the location of the heart?
B. Chordae tendineae
A. pericardial cavity
C. Pulmonary cusps
B. mediastinum
D. Fossa ovalis
C. pleural cavity
E. Aortic sinuses
D. ventral cavity
327. Oxygenated blood is pushed into the
322. What chamber does blood first enter into aorta by
the heart?
A. right ventricle
A. Right Atrium
B. left ventricle
B. Left Atrium
C. right atrium
C. Right Ventricle
D. left atrium
D. Left Ventricle
328. The blood in a fetal heart flows from the
323. Which pulse site is found on the neck and R. Atrium to L. Atrium via
used during adult CPR
A. Pulmonary veins
A. carotid
B. Foramen ovals
B. apical
C. Ductus arteriosus
C. femoral
D. Pulmonary arteries
D. temporal
329. Which of the following has deoxygenated
324. During diastole, where is the blood pres- blood?
sure higher?
A. Pulmonary artery
A. atria
B. Pulmonary vein
B. ventricles
C. Thoracic Aorta
C. aorta
D. Abdominal Aorta
D. pulmonary arteries
330. Inferior cavity that receives oxygenated
325. Large blood vessels that carry blood blood from the left atrium via the mitral
away from the heart are called valve and pumps it through the aorta
A. arteries A. Right Atrium
B. capillaries B. Left Atrium
C. veins C. Right Ventricle
D. venae cavae D. Left Ventricle
331. Inferior cavity that is responsible for D. It is in the skull and frequently is in-
pumping oxygen-depleted blood to the fected.
C. prevent pathogens from entering the C. Cl
D. Proteins
D. separate the heart into two sides
343. Which layer of the heart is primarily 348. Which of the following is a difference
made of cardiac muscle tissue? between cardiac muscle and skeletal mus-
A. endocardium
B. myocardium A. unlike skeletal muscle cells, cardiac
muscle cells do not rely on an influx of cal-
C. epicardium cium ions for depolarization
D. all of the above B. unlike skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle
344. An inflammation due to excess fluid in the is not striated
Pericardial Space: C. unlike skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle
A. Pericarditis does not use a sliding filament mechanism
for contraction
B. Myocarditis
C. Epicarditis D. unlike skeletal muscle cells, cardiac
muscle cells can be autorhythmic
D. Endocarditis
345. Valves not closing properly, therefore 349. Which vessel does the right ventricle
blood leaking past (back to atria)-most empty into?
common in bicuspid/mitral valve due to in- A. pulmonary artery
creased pressure there
B. pulmonary vein
A. varicose vein
C. aorta
B. aneursysm
D. coronary artery
C. angioplasty
D. heart murmur 350. Which of the Is descriptive of the my-
346. Supplies blood to much of the anterior
wall of the heart and most of the left ven- A. composed of contractile proteins
tricle called actin And myosin
A. left coronary artery B. thicker in the ventricles than atria
B. right coronary arter C. Thicker in the left ventricle then the
C. cardiac veins right ventricle
D. none of above D. All of the above
356. The velocity of Action Potentials can B. Jades right ventricular hypertrophy if
change depending on where it is in the con- the valve is stenotic
duction system. Which part to the conduc- C. Allows blood to flow from the ventricle
tion system is at 1m/s? into the pulmonary trunk
A. Atria/ventricle contractile fibers D. Classified as AV node
362. Separates the left atrium from the left A. mitral valve
ventricle:permits blood to flow one way B. atria
only, from the left atrium into the left ven-
tricle C. septum
A. Tricuspid Valve D. valve
B. Mitral Valve 368. A person with a heart rate of 75 beats
C. Pulmonary Valve per minute and stroke volume of 60 mL
per beat has a cardiac output of
D. Aortic Valve
A. 4500 mL/min
363. Blood vessels that carry blood back to the B. 1.25 mL/min
C. 0.8 mL/min
A. Veins
D. 120 mL/min
B. Artery
C. Ventricle 369. What happens when a blood clot blocks
the blood flow to the brain?
D. Atrium
A. angina
364. Another name for the mitral valve B. stroke
A. Tricuspid C. hypertension
B. Pulmonary D. heart attack
C. Bicuspid
370. What is the period of heart chamber re-
D. Aortic laxation (bottom number in blood pressure
365. Cardiac fibers contain desmosomes and reading)?
gap junctions, which are part of the inter- A. systole
calated discs. What allows the entire my- B. diastole
ocardium to contract as a single unit?
C. resistance
A. Desomosomes
D. velocity
B. Gap Junctions
C. Intercalated Discs 371. It is the amount of blood pumped out by
the heart in one minute.
D. Sarcolemma
A. Cardiac output
366. What specific portion of the heart wall B. Heart rate
contains the cardiac muscle tissue?
C. Stroke volume
A. Endocardium
D. Afterload
B. Epicardium
C. Myocardium 372. The valves are made of structures called
D. Pericardium A. Cusps
B. Semilunars
367. what is the structure in veins which tem-
porarily close and open so blood flows in C. Bicuspids
one direction D. none of above
377. Which structure contains the low- 383. What is the aorta?
est amount of oxygen? A)pulmonary A. a muscular tube
veinB)aortaC)vena cavaD)left ventricle B. regulate blood flow
A. pulmonary vein C. a small vein
B. aorta D. the main artery of the body
C. vena cava
384. The name of the structure where the
D. left ventricle point of maximum impulse is located is
378. A recording of electrical changes that oc- A. Mediastinum
cur during the cardiac cycle B. base
A. blood pressure reading C. Apex
B. ECG D. none of above
385. Which factor for regulating the ventricles C. superior vena cava
pump at the same times is known as the D. coronary sinus
degree of stretch of the heart before con-
traction? 391. If a person has a EDV of 150mL and an
A. Contractility ESV of 100mL, with a heart rate of 60bpm,
what is their Cardiac Output?
B. Afterload
A. 3000mL/min
C. Preload
B. 2L/min
D. none of above
C. 3000mL/sec
386. This structure returns oxygenated blood
to the heart: D. 2mL/min
A. Pulmonary Vein 392. The heart has its own blood supply with
B. Pulmonary Artery coronary arteries and veins. The Anterior
Interventricular Branch lies in the interven-
C. Vena Cava
tricular sulcus and supplies a bulk of the
D. Aorta blood to the left verntricle. What coronary
vein drains this area?
387. The part between the bicuspid valve and
the Aortic semilunar valve A. Great Cardiac Vein
A. Right atrium B. Coronary Sinus
B. Left atrium C. Middle Cardiac Vein
C. Right ventricle D. Small Cardiac Vein
D. Left ventricle
393. Which one of the following represents
388. Atrioventricular valve between the left the correct path for the transmission of an
atrium and the left ventricle. impulse in the intrinsic conduction system
of the heart?
A. tricuspid valve
A. AV node, Bundle of His, SA node, Purk-
B. bicuspid valve
inje fibers, bundle branches
C. semilunar valves
B. SA node, AV node, Bundle of His, bun-
D. none of above dle branches, Purkinje fibers
389. Larger, flat portion of the heart opposite C. SA node, Bundle of His, AV node, Purk-
the point inje fibers, bundle branches
A. apex D. SA node, Bundle of His, bundle
B. base branches, Purkinje fibers, AV node
C. ventricle 394. What cardiac tissue layer lines the cham-
D. atrium bers of the heart?
A. Myocardium
390. Blood leaves the left ventricle through an
artery known as the B. Epicardium
A. pulmonary trunk C. Pericardium
B. aorta D. Endocardium
395. Which chamber pumps blood to the 401. Where does blood go after the right
lungs? atrium?
A. left atrium
396. A feature of the heart which includes 402. The anterior cardiac vein drains to
pectinate muscle and described as a pouch- where?
like structure is known as? A. R. Atrium
A. Atriums B. Great Cardiac Vein
B. Ventricles C. Corona Sinus
C. Aorta D. L. Atrium
D. Auricles 403. Diastole definition
397. The pulmonary veins take the blood to A. Sequence where the heart beats
the B. Phase in heartbeat where the muscle
A. Right atrium contracts
B. Left atrium C. Muscle relaxes in the heartbeat
C. Lungs D. A really fast heartbeat
D. Left ventricle 404. What is happening inside our hearts
whenever we hear the dub sound?
398. Carry blood from the lungs to the left
atrium. A. blood goes inside the heart
A. pulmonary vein B. blood goes out the rest of the body
B. aorta C. blood gets stuck
C. coronary sinus D. heart is resting
D. venae cavae 405. The partition where the bundle branches
are located is called the
399. What is the shape of a heart?
A. left atrioventricular groove
A. rectangular
B. interatrial septum
B. triangular
C. interventricular septum
C. oval
D. right atrioventricular groove
D. diamond
406. Fluid in the pericardial cavity that helps
400. The atrioventicular valve that sees un- reduce friction as the heart moves within
oxygenated blood the pericardial sac.
A. Pulmonic A. visceral pericardium
B. Bicuspid B. pericardial cavity
C. Aortic C. pericardial fluid
D. Tricuspid D. parietal pericardium
408. The heart layer that keeps blood from A. Bipolar
sticking to the inside of the heart made up B. Unipolar
of squamous epithelial cells
C. tripolar
A. endocardium
D. none of above
B. pericardium
414. Atrioventricular valve between the right
C. myocardium atrium and right ventricle
D. epicardium A. tricuspid valve
409. The semi-lunar valves include: B. bicuspid valve
C. The aortic valve and the bicuspid 415. Into which chamber of the heart do the
pulmonary veins deliver blood?
D. The aortic valve and the pulmonary
valve A. left ventricle
B. right atrium
410. What are the functions of the semilunar
valves? C. left atrium
418. Which of the following pacemaker cells 423. Name of the place where the heart is
of the heart normally determines heart placed.
B. left ventricle; left atrium A. 0.04 seconds
C. left atrium; left ventricle B. 0.04 mV
D. right atrium; right ventricle C. 0.1 mV
429. Which of the following aspects of contrac- D. 0.1 seconds
tion cannot occur in a normal cardiac mus- 435. Which fluid decreases friction during
cle cell? heart activity?
A. The plateau A. synovial fluid
B. Repolarization B. mucous
C. Tetanus C. serous fluid
D. Refractory period D. blood
430. When Ca2+ binds to troponin: 436. The distal end of the heart
A. Relaxation occurs A. pericardium
B. Contraction Occurs B. epicardium
C. ATP release occurs C. apex
D. none of above D. myocardium
431. The upper chambers of the heart are 437. The cardiac veins of the heart return ve-
called , while the lower chambers are nous blood to which of the following struc-
called tures?
A. aorta, bicuspid A. Inferior vena cava
B. valves, ventricles B. Left atrium
C. ventricles, atria C. Superior vena cava
D. atria, ventricles D. Coronary sinus
432. What lines the inside of the heart and pro- 438. Cardiac Cycle:
tects the valves and chambers? A. Left Ventricular Pressure
A. endocardium B. Left Atrial Pressure
B. pericardium C. Aortic Valve Closes
C. epicardium D. AV Valve Opens
D. none of above E. Aortic Valve Opens
449. The valve that closes the Aorta is the B. chordae tendineae
A. aortic semilunar valve C. papillary muscles
B. pulmonary semilunar valve D. cusps
C. right atrioventricular valve 455. Which chamber of the heart receives de-
D. left atrioventricular valve oxygenated blood from the body?
A. left atrium
450. The visceral layer of the serous peri-
B. left ventricle
cardium is actually the same layer as the
C. right atrium
A. epicardium D. right ventricle
B. myocardium 456. These blood vessels are the first branches
C. fibrous pericardium of the aorta and feed the heart with
freshly oxygenated blood:
D. endocardium
A. Pulmonary Arteries
451. Which of the following blood vessels re-
B. Plumonary Veins
turns deoxygenated blood to the right
atrium from the trunk, viscera, and lower C. Vena Cava
limbs? D. Coronary Arteries
A. Inferior vena cava 457. Mitral Valve
B. Superior vena cava A. The semilunar valve separating the
C. Left and right pulmonary veins aorta from the left ventricle that prevents
D. Left and right pulmonary arteries blood from flowing back into the left ven-
E. Aorta
B. A vein that is the largest vein in the hu-
452. This triggers contraction in the ventricle man body and returns blood to the right
atrium of the heart from bodily parts be-
A. SA node
low the diaphragm.
B. AV node
C. An anatomical cavity or passage espe-
C. QT node cially a chamber of the heart that receives
D. AV Bundles blood from the veins and forces it into a
ventricle or ventricles
453. What is the heart? D. A valve in the heart that guards the
A. meaty organ opening between the left atrium and the
left ventricle; prevents the blood in the
B. a small metal spike with a broadened
ventricle from returning to the atrium. Al-
flat head,
ternative name is bicuspid valve.
C. organ of soft nervous tissue
458. Which of the following describes cardiac
D. muscular organ
muscle tissue?
454. The fibrous chords that attach to the A. long, multinucleate, cylindrical
cusps of the valves B. branched cells with striations and in-
A. Purkinje fibers tercalated discs
C. linear cells with striations and bundled 464. The largest artery in the body is the
into fascicles A. brachiocephalic artery
463. What is the most muscular chamber of 469. another name for the visceral pericardium
the heart? is
A. left ventricle A. endocardium
B. left atrium B. myocardium
C. right atrium C. epicardium
D. right ventricle D. parietal pericardium
470. These veins take oxygenated blood from 476. An electrocardiogram measures what?
the lungs to the left atrium A. The amount of pressure exerted on
A. Superior Vena Cava blood vessels.
B. Inferior Vena Cava B. The electrical activity of the heart.
C. Pulmonary Veins C. How many times the heart contracts
D. Aort over time.
D. The body’s temperature caused by fric-
471. Which of the following coronary blood
tion of blood in vessel.
vessels drains directly into the right atrium
of the heart? 477. What divides the left side of the heart
A. Coronary sinus from the left side?
B. Middle cardiac vein A. Atrium
C. Coronary arteries B. Ventricles
D. Great cardiac vein C. Wall
474. The middle layer of the wall of the heart 480. Another name for the visceral layer of the
heart is
A. epicardium
A. Myocardium
B. myocardium
B. Endocardium
C. endocardium
C. Pericardium
D. septum
D. Epicardium
475. h intercostal space on the left side of ster-
num 481. Midway between V2 and V4 positions
A. V1 A. AvR
B. V2 B. AvL
C. V6 C. V5
D. AvR D. V3
493. The function of valves in the human circu- A. right atrium, pulmonary artery, pul-
latory system is to monary veins, bicuspid valve
A. stimulate the heart beat. B. atrial valve, right atrium, right ventri-
B. accelerate the flow of blood. cle, body
C. prevent the backward flow of blood. C. left ventricle, pulmonary artery, pul-
monary veins, tricuspid valve
D. serve as a cushion to prevent friction
D. right atrium, pulmonary veins, pul-
494. Which heart valve is between the right monary artery, bicuspid valve
atrium and right ventricle?
499. All four heart valves are briefly closed as
A. Tricuspid pressure begins to rise in the ventricles, a
B. Bicuspid phase known as
C. Mitral A. atrial systole
D. None of these B. isovolumetric contraction
495. Superior and inferior vena cavae and the C. ventricular systole
coronary sinus dump deoxygenated blood D. ventricular diastole
500. What does the right side of the right
A. right atrium heart do?
B. right ventricle A. The right side of the heart receives de-
C. left atrium oxygenated blood from the body through
the vena cava and pumps it into the right
D. left ventricle
ventricle which then sends it to the lungs
496. The lining of the chambers of the heart is to be oxygenated.
called the B. The right side of the heart is respon-
A. myocardium sible for words, logic, numbers, analysis,
lists, linearity and sequence
B. epicardium
C. The right side of the heart pumps blood
C. endocardium
through the lungs where it gets oxygen.
D. pericardium D. The right side of the heart is meaty or-
497. circulation takes blood from the heart gan that sits on the right side of the belly.
to the lungs and back. 501. How can you tell if you’re bleeding is ar-
A. Systemic terial or venous?
B. Pulmonary A. Venous is slow and arterial is fast
B. Venous is fast and arterial is slow 506. How many valves are there in the
C. You have to run a test
511. Where does the heart sit in the chest? 516. Which pericardial layer is the outer most
A. right
A. Pericardium sac
B. left
B. Parietal pericardial
C. middle
C. epicardium
D. not in the chest
D. Fibrous pericardium
512. All of the following is true of the right 517. What cardiovascular circuit transports
half of the heart EXCEPT blood from the right side of the heart to
A. Receives blood from body the lungs and then back to the left side of
the heart?
B. Sends blood to lungs
A. pulmonary
C. Contains deoxygenated blood
B. systemic
D. Contains oxygenated blood
C. coronary
513. The layer of the heart wall synonymous D. renal
with the visceral layer of the serous peri-
518. Which layer of the heart wall is also
cardium is
known as the visceral pericardium?
A. myocardium
A. Mesocardium
B. endocardium B. Intercardium
C. epicardium C. Epicardium
D. parietal layer of the serous peri- D. Myocardium
E. Endocardium
514. Which of the following shows the layers 519. The large veins that bring the blood back
of the heart starting with the innermost to the heart from the body is the?
A. Vena Cava
A. Myocardium, endocardium, peri- B. Aorta
C. Coronary artery
B. Myocardium, pericardium, endo-
D. Capillary
C. Endocardium, myocardium, peri- 520. The involuntary nervous system, also
cardium know as the autonomic nervous sys-
tem(ANS) is what allows your heart to
D. Endocardium, pericardium, my- beat without your input. It has 2 nervous
ocardium systems included in it. The nervous sys-
tem which controls your flight or fight re-
515. The natural pacemaker of the heart is the
sponse, is known as?
A. AV node (Atrioventricular node) A. Somatic Nervous System
B. SA node (Sinoatrial node) B. Autonomic Nervous System
C. Brainstem C. Parasympathetic Nervous System
D. Purkinje fibers D. Sympathetic Nervous System
525. The distal end of the heart, on the left 530. In the walls of the heart, there are two
side of the sternum, that comes to a point thin layers that form a sandwich around a
at the fifth intercostal space. thick layer of muscle called the
A. Atrium A. epithelial tissue.
B. Ventricle B. pericardium.
C. Apex C. connective tissue.
D. Interatrial septum D. myocardium.
531. Encloses the heart
526. Which layer of the heart is made of mus-
cle tissue and pumps blood through the A. myocardium
system? B. pericardium
A. pericardium C. endocardium
B. myocardium D. epicardium
533. A echocardiogram is a tool that is used
to: A. Myocardium, pericardium, endo-
A. Measure the electrical events in a cardium
heart beat B. Epicardium, Myocardium, Endo-
B. Measure the movement of blood cardium
through the heart using sound waves C. Myocardium, endocarditis, endo-
C. Measure the movement of blood cardium
through the heart using X-rays and spe-
D. Endocardium, Myocardium, Epi-
cific dyes
D. Measure the oxygenation of your blood
539. Which part of the conducting system is
534. What is a heart murmur?
located in the posterior wall of the right
A. A heart in perfect condition. atrium?
B. A defect in the heart. A. Purkinje fibers
C. The sound the heart makes.
B. Sinoatrial (SA) node
D. A heart attack.
C. Left and right bundle branches
535. The DUPP (second heart sound) is caused
D. AV bundle
A. Atria contracting E. Atrioventricular (AV) node
B. AV valves shutting 540. The outer layer in the wall of the heart
C. Ventricles contracting
A. epicardium
D. Semi lunar valves shutting
B. myocardium
536. What 3 electrical waves are present in an
C. endocardium
A. P wave, T wave, QRS complex D. septum
542. Which of the following define diastole 547. On which chamber of the heart does
and systole blood flows before going to the rest of the
D. diastole and systole are both relax- 548. What attaches the pulmonary trunk to
ation phases of the heart the aortic arch?
552. When both AV and SL valves are closed 557. A patient is implanted with an artificial
at the same time is known as cardiac pacemaker. Which of the following
A. Isovolumetric contraction conductive tissue had a defective function
that required the pacemaker?
B. End-diastolic volume
A. AV bundle
C. End-systolic volume
D. none of above
553. The second heart sound (the dup of the
D. Purkinje fibers
lub-dup) is caused by the
E. Moderator band
A. opening of the pulmonary and aortic
valves 558. Carry blood from the body to the right
B. closure of the tricuspid and bicuspid
valves A. venae cavae
C. closure of the pulmonary and aortic B. pulmonary vein
valves C. pulmonary trunk and arteries
D. opening of the tricuspid and bicuspid D. aorta
559. Concerning the blood supply of the heart
554. Large blood vessels that carry blood A. the coronary arteries are the first
away from the heart are called: branches of aorta
A. arteries B. the anterior cardiac vein drains into
B. capillaries the coronary sinus
C. veins C. the great cardiac vein runs in the inter-
ventricular sulcus with the anterior inter-
D. venae cavae
ventricular artery
555. Which heart surface faces to the poste- D. if the posterior interventricular artery
rior? arises from the circumflex artery, the
A. Apex heart is said to have right dominance
B. Base E. the cardiac veins drain into the right
atrium (excluding the venae cordis mini-
C. Right
D. Left
560. Which of the following describes pul-
556. The SA Node is known as the natural monary circulation?
pacemaker, but it can be altered depend- A. Deoxygenated blood is elivered to the
ing if you are at rest or in motion. If you lungs by the aorta.
are out running, the SA Node increases Ac-
tion Potentials by which nervous system B. Oxygenated blood is returned to the
sending hormones to the SA node? right atrium by the pulmonary vein.
A. Parasympathetic C. At the capillaries, the blood changes
from blue to red as it picks up oxygen.
B. Sympathetic
D. At the capillaries, the blood changes
C. Somatic from red to blue as it drops off oxygen in
D. none of above body tissues.
572. the heart is known as a double sided 578. The flow of blood between the heart and
A. myocardium the lungs
579. Which chamber(s) would have oxy-
A. The valves opening and closing
genated blood?
B. The atria contracting
A. right atrium + left ventricle
C. The ventricles contracting
B. left atrium + right ventricle
D. The arteries pulsating
C. right atrium + right ventricle
574. What chamber pumps blood to the D. left atrium + left ventricle
580. The right side of the heart is separated
A. Right atrium from the left side of the heart by the:
B. Right ventricle A. Chordae Tendinae
C. Left atrium B. Interventricular Septum
D. Left ventricle C. Papillary Muscles
575. A standard ECG/EKG consists of elec- D. Auricles
581. The inner layer in the wall of the heart
A. 4
A. endocardium
B. 8
B. myocardium
C. 12
C. epicardium
D. 10
D. septum
576. The sinoatrial node is located in the
582. This goes up and around the heart; deliv-
A. aorta ers blood to the body-the largest artery in
B. right atrium the body
C. left atrium A. Aorta
D. right ventricle B. Pulmonary
C. Atrium
577. When the ventricles contract, the bicus-
pid (mitral) valve prevents blood from D. Ventricle
flowing from the
583. What is the function of the aortic valve?
A. right ventricle to right atrium A. closes of right ventricle
B. left ventricle to left atrium B. opens to allow blood to leave the heart
C. left atrium to the right atrium (left ventricle to aorta to body)
D. right atrium to the left atrium C. closes of right atrium
D. closes off the left ventricle that holds 589. Systole definition
oxygen rich blood before it is pumped out A. Phase in the heartbeat where the mus-
the body
594. Chambers of the heart that have a very 599. Which of the following is the correct def-
thick myocardium as they push blood inition of Ischemia?
through arteries and to the lungs or the
A. lack of adequate blood supply to the
rest of the body
heart muscle
A. Atria
B. a rapid uncoordinated quivering of the
B. Ventricles ventricles
C. Fibrous pericardium C. rapid heart rate over 100 beats per
minute (bpm)
D. Epicardium
D. heart rate that is substantially slower
595. This structure receives deoxygenated than normal, less than 60 beats per
blood returning from the body: minute (bpm)
A. right atrium
600. The heart is made of which of the follow-
B. right ventricle ing types of muscles?
C. left atrium A. Cardiac muscle
D. left ventricle B. Striated muscle
596. The normal period in the heart cycle dur- C. Smooth muscle
ing which the muscle fibers lengthen, the D. None of the above
heart dilates, and the cavities fill with
blood, roughly the period of relaxation is 601. Where does the blood go after it goes
called: into the pulmonary arteries?
A. systole A. lungs
B. pulse pressure B. heart
C. diastose C. head
D. diastole D. hands
597. Chamber that receives unoxygenated 602. The major blood vessel that carries oxy-
blood from the vena cava genated blood out of the heart is the
A. Left atrium A. left atrium
B. Left ventricle B. right atrium
C. Right atrium C. aorta
D. Right ventricle D. vena cava
598. The bicuspid valve is also referred to as 603. Pectinate muscle is found in all the follow-
the valve. ing EXCEPT
A. mitral A. R. Atrium
B. pulmonary B. L. Atrium
C. semilunar C. R. Auricle
D. aortic D. L. Auricle
615. Which of the following increases heart 620. Abnormally slow heart rate; below 60
rate? bpm
A. cold A. Tachycardia
B. low levels of potassium B. Bradycardia
C. epinephrine and norepinephrine C. Fibrillation
D. none of above D. Heart block
616. Most heart muscle receives blood from 621. Superior cavity that receives deoxy-
more than one artery. This collateral cir- genated blood from the body
culation is known as
A. Right Atrium
A. Dipolar
B. Left Atrium
B. Disupply
C. Right Ventricle
C. Anastomoses
D. Left Ventricle
D. Pleomorphic
622. The conduction system uses an electri-
617. what are the two lower chambers called cal signal, the message, known as the Ac-
A. atrium tion Potential(AP) to eventually make the
heart contract. Where does the AP initiate
B. ventricles at?
C. septum A. AV Node
D. SA node B. Bundle of His
618. Tunica , the middle layer of a typical C. SA Node
blood vessel, contains smooth muscle and D. Bachmann Branch
elastic fibers.
A. intima 623. Which is the correct flow of blood?
B. externa A. R. atrium → R. Ventricle → pulmonary
C. media
B. R. atrium → L. atrium → aorta
D. adventitia
C. L. ventricle → pulmonary artery →
619. The mitral valve aorta
A. is the best heard at the left sternal D. L. ventricle → L. atrium → aorta
624. What part of the heart makes up the right
B. is know as the bicuspid valve
C. forms the outflow from the chamber
A. R. Atrium
that is closest to the oesophagus
B. L. Atrium
D. is the most superior cardiac valve
C. R. Ventricle
E. if incompetent, would allow the pas-
sage of blood during diastole D. L. Ventricle
625. Blood pressure is recorded as 630. This layer of the heart consists of thick
A. Hydrostatic /diastolic bundles of cardiac muscle and is the layer
that actually contracts.
636. The AV valve located between the left A. impulses from the vagus nerve
atrium and left ventricle B. impulses from the sympathetic nerves
A. Tricuspid
C. epinephrine
B. Bicuspid
D. adrenaline
C. Aortic
D. Pulmonic 639. Which of the following is the function of
a valve?
637. Carry blood from the right ventricle to
A. Regulates the direction of the flow of
the lungs.
blood through the heart
A. pulmonary trunk and arteries
B. Regulates the amount of oxygen bound
B. pulmonary vein to hemoglobin
C. coronary sinus
C. Regulates heart rate
D. venae cavae
D. Directs the progression of the cardiac
638. Which of the following will slow down impulse from the SA node throughout the
heart rate? His-Purkinjae system
1.8 Stomach
1. Which of the following cells of the stomach B. counteract, neutralize, alkaline food
secrete hydrochloric acid?
C. make it less likely for digestive en-
A. Chief zymes to properly function
B. Parietal D. provide the acidic environment that is
C. Enteroendocrine required for digestive enzymes to prop-
D. none of above erly function
2. Produce about of gastric juice a day 5. This poem can BEST be described as a
A. 1 L A. Limerick
B. 2 L B. Nonfiction
C. 3 L C. Humorous
D. 4 L
D. Free Verse
E. 5 L
6. In stomach, which of the following change
3. what do cows eat
will occur
A. grass
A. Proteins are converted into polypep-
B. corn tides
C. hay B. starch is converted into maltose
D. apples
C. fats are converted in fatty acids and
4. The main purpose of stomach acid is to glycerol
A. break down food in your stomach D. maltose is converted into glucose
7. The teeth and tongue of the oral cavity 12. This is a Good Quiz (Pick Two)
break foodstuff down physically. This is A. Yes
an example of
A. mechanical D. Mutton
18. Which of the following organs of the hu- 23. The name and formula of the acid found in
man body is an elastic, large, muscular, your stomach is
pear shaped bag with a multi chambered A. hydrobromic acid, HBr
organ located crosswise in the abdominal
B. hypochloric acid, HClO3
cavity beneath the diaphragm?
C. hypochlorous acid, HClO
A. Heart
D. hydrochloric acid, HCl
B. Kidney
24. What do cows eat?
C. Liver
A. Grass
D. Stomach
B. Apples
19. What is so special about the author play- C. Iron
ing the role of Hamlet? D. Snakes
A. Hamlet is usually played by a dog.
25. How many layers of smooth muscles does
B. Hamlet is a male character, usually the stomach have?
played by a man A. 1
C. Hamlet is her favorite Shakespearean B. 2
C. 3
D. none of above D. 4
20. What other reason makes “Stomach Ache 26. How many teeth does a cow have
Supreme” a poem? A. 32
A. It has a lines that rhyme B. 24
B. It is long. C. 52
C. It uses figurative language. D. 30
D. none of above 27. What happened on the night of the per-
formance? Choose three answers that are
21. What does mucus do? correct.
A. Digests food in the mouth A. She accidentally dropped the skull.
B. Digests food in the stomach B. She ran off stage crying.
C. Protects the stomach from dangerous C. She got over her fear and remembered
hydrochloric acid all her lines.
D. Absorbs nutrients from food so the D. She felt a jolt of excitement.
body has energy 28. The is where food is mixed with juices
and is squeezed and churned until it be-
22. meaning of respite
comes a thick liquid.
A. annoying A. esophagus
B. a short relief B. stomach
C. headache C. small intestine
D. none D. large intestine
29. The main function of this organ is the ab- 34. If your head hurts, you have a
sorption of nutrients
A. toothache
33. Gastrin is a hormone that stimulates diges- 38. Antacids include substances that contain
tive secretions when the bolus enters the , which act to counteract (neutralize)
stomach. It is secreted by excess acid in the stomach
A. G-cells A. weak acids
B. parietal cells B. water
C. chief cells C. bases
D. mucous cells D. sugar
39. Which of the following is not a common 44. Enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates
cause of heartburn? A. Amylase
A. eating too much food at one time B. Pepsin
B. eating very spicy foods C. Pepsinogen
C. eating very bland foods and drinking D. Hydrochloric acid
45. If your stomach hurts, you have a
D. eating foods with high fat content
A. toothache
40. Which of the following organs of the hu- B. stomach-ache
man body is the filtering machine of the
body that takes away toxins out of the C. headache
blood? D. none of above
A. Heart 46. The reader can tell that the speaker of the
B. Kidney story
C. Liver A. Dislikes making supper for the family
50. What do the bacteria do in the large intes- 56. Into what section of the stomach does food
tine? enter from the esophagus?
A. Phylorus
51. Gastric juice is highly acidic with a pH 57. What is the third stomach?
A. 1.5-3.5 A. Abomasum
B. 7 B. Rumen
C. Omasum
C. 8.5-9.5
D. Reticulim
D. 10
E. 13 58. When was Edgar Albert Guest Born and
when did he die?
52. Amylase converts A. Born 1881
A. Starch into maltose B. Born 1981
B. starch into glycogen C. Died 1959
C. starch into glucose D. Died 1654
D. none of them
59. What is the term given to a ball-like mix-
53. Chemical digestion of begins in mouth ture of food and saliva that forms in the
A. proteins
A. Peristalsis
B. fats
B. Mucus
C. carbohydrates
C. Epiglottis
D. all of them
D. Bolus
54. Which of the following is not a product
60. What is the innermost layer of the stom-
of the reaction between calcium carbonate
and hydrochloric acid?
A. Serosa
A. CaCl
B. Mucosa
B. H2O
C. Submucosa
C. CO2
D. Pylorus
D. CaCl2
61. What is gastric juice?
55. What are the smaller folds found on and
A. Secretions released by your stomach
around the villi?
B. Secretions released by your salivary
A. microcilia
B. macrovilli C. Secretions released by your small in-
C. intestinal glands testine
D. microvilli D. none of above
gesting (breaking down) the stomach it- C. alveoli
D. none of them
A. a thick layer of mucus protects the
stomach lining 69. Hydrochloric acid denatures proteins so
B. antacids found in the digestive en- that the pepsin enzyme can break them
zymes apart into
C. lipases and proteases A. amino acids
D. hydrochloric acid B. fatty acids
64. How much chicken pieces did Hement eat? C. nucleic acids
A. 9 large pieces D. simple sugars
B. 7 small pieces
70. When you are sick the doctor gives you
C. 8 large pieces
D. 8 small pieces A. doctor
D. The mouth 72. A fluid in the mouth that helps digest food.
67. Which human organ filters all the body’s A. saliva
blood, removes waste, and regulates body
fluids? B. blood
A. Kidneys C. acid
B. Brain D. chyme
73. What is the main message the speaker is 78. Secretes intrinsic factor which allows for
trying to tell? vitamin B absorption in the small intestine.
84. What separates the esophagus from the 90. Which of the following is not absorbed in
stomach? the stomach?
A. lower esophageal sphincter A. water
B. pyloric sphincter B. ions
C. fatty acids
C. rugae
D. amino acids
D. upper esophageal sphincter
91. abdominal pain
85. What makes food wet and soft?
A. shower
A. teeth B. spoon
B. tongue C. stomach
C. saliva D. stomach-ache
D. esophagus 92. What is the coefficient in front of water in
the balanced chemical equation for the neu-
86. What is the 4th stomach? tralization reaction for aluminum hydrox-
A. Abomasum ide and hydrochloric acid?
B. Rumen A. 1
B. 2
C. Reticulim
C. 3
D. Omasum
D. 4
87. Gastritis is 93. Which thing would cure his stomach ache
A. Inflammation in the Stomach A. green water
B. Ulcers In the Digestive Tract B. water
C. Lumps In the colon C. green coconut water
D. All of the above D. sugarcane juice
94. What do the incisors do?
88. What is undigested food called?
A. Bite and tear off food
A. Food
B. Grind food
B. Throw up
C. Grasp food
C. Cud D. none of above
D. Pieces
95. When you check to see if something or
89. In line 2, PROTEST means someone is hot or cold. You are checking
A. give a compliment
A. teeth
B. To disapprove or complain B. temperature
C. To run away C. food
D. To accept or approve D. none of above
96. Region where chyme enters the small in- 102. What helped the author decide to play
testine is known as the the role of Hamlet?
99. What stomach compartment is most like a 105. Which cell produces pepsinogen?
human stomach A. chief cells
A. RUMEN B. parietal cells
B. RETICULUM C. mucous cells
C. ABOMASUM D. enteroendocrine cells
D. OMASUM 106. The process of chewing one’s food is
100. This poem has a total of lines. called
A. deglutition
A. 26
B. digestion
B. 24
C. mastication
C. 25
D. absorption
D. 23
107. Which structure prevents swallowed
101. Another name for canine teeth is ? food from entering the trachea?
A. cuspids A. larynx
B. bicuspids B. uvula
C. molars C. pharynx
D. parotid D. epiglottis
108. The stomach stretches when food enters. C. after baking the dish in the oven
This stretching action causes cells of the D. After garnishing with spinach or broc-
stomach to release gastrin, which causes coli
other cells to release products used for di-
gestion. What is the name of the cells that 114. What normally causes the defecation re-
release gastrin? flex?
A. Chief A. excess bacteria
B. Parietal B. illness
C. Enteroendocrine C. presence of feces in the rectum
D. none of above D. hunger
109. Which cranial nerve innervates the stom- 115. Where is your stomach placed
A. Belly
A. glossopharyngeal
B. Spine
B. hypoglossal
C. Feet
C. trigeminal
D. Skull
D. vagus
116. Which is a function of the large intes-
110. Who is the boy talking to? tine?
A. None of them A. Produces digestive enzymes
B. All of them B. Holds a supply of bil
C. The boy is talking to his ears C. Absorbs water
D. The boy is talking to his stomach D. Digests food
111. Where does the stomach end? 117. Which of these lines from the poem
A. Pyloric Sphincter rhyme?
113. Put an entire tube of minty toothpase 119. The meaning of castor oil
A. Before adding cinnamon and hot sauce A. All of them
B. Before adding peanut butter B. None of them
C. Oil from the seeds of the castor bean, 125. What was the first promise he made to
used as medicine to treat stomach ail- the goddess after getting a stomach ache.
B. Villi A. pancreas
B. gallbladder
C. Tails
C. liver
D. Flagella
D. stomach
122. If your back hurts, you have a
128. When you are sick, you see or visit the
A. headache
B. toothache A. dentist
C. backache B. doctor
D. none of above C. medicine
D. none of above
123. What does abomasum resemble?
129. What did he ask his wife to give him to
A. Bird stomach
get relief?
B. Squid stomach
A. Coconut Water
C. Pig stomach B. Rasgullas
D. Human stomach C. Medicine
124. What does the author mean by “butter- D. Chicken
flies in my stomach? ” 130. What is the 2nd stomach?
A. She feels nervous. A. Rumen
B. She accidentally ate butterflies. B. Omasum
C. She is hungry. C. Abomasum
D. none of above D. Reticulim
131. In which part of the alimentary canal 137. What occurs mainly in the small intes-
does digestion of protein begin? tine?
A. Small intestine A. Gastrin is secreted
B. Buccal cavity B. Lysozyme is secreted
C. Stomach C. Acidic chyme is neutralised
D. Oesophagus D. none of above
132. What does a cow use to break down food 138. What is not present in the gastric juice?
when it first eats it?
A. pepsinogen
A. Teeth
B. water
B. Stomach
C. HCl
C. Head
D. antibodies
D. Saliva
139. What type of acid in the stomach?
133. What is an open sore in the skin or a mu-
cous membrane called? A. NaCl (Sodium Chloride)
A. Ulcer B. HCl (Hydrochloric Acid)
B. Scab C. NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide)
C. Distension D. none of above
D. Peristalsis 140. The bolus is formed in the
134. What is a synonym for HELPINGS in the A. liver
last stanza? B. mouth
A. To smile or grin C. stomach
B. Poison D. large intestine
C. Servings
141. Where does digestion begin?
D. To help someone with something
A. in the stomach
135. Where does the stomach empty into?
B. in the mouth
A. Small intestine
C. in the esophagus
B. Large intestine
D. in the small intestine
C. Pancreas
D. Liver 142. What organ of the alimentary canal is
located between the esophagus and the
136. How much can your stomach small intestine?
A. 2 Quarts A. stomach
B. 1 Quart B. large intestines
C. 3 Quarts C. pharynx
D. 1 Gallon D. salivary glands
143. This is a paste like substance after food 148. Why does the poet use the exclamation
has been broken down and released into points in the fifth stanza?
the duodenum.
activities Egestion and Absorption
A. Skin B. Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption, As-
similation and Egestion
B. Brain
C. Egestion, Absorption, Digestion, As-
C. Heart
similation and Ingestion
D. Lung
D. Ingestion, Absorption, Digestion, As-
E. Stomach similation and Egestion
156. What is the soft projection at the back of 161. The nutrients in digested food are ab-
your mouth? sorbed into the bloodstream in which of
A. Uvula the following organs?
B. Salivary gland A. Heart
C. Tongue B. Liver
D. Tonsils C. Intestines
157. In the small intestine, through what pro- D. Lungs
cess do carbs, proteins, and fats, once bro-
162. Wavelike motion that propels food for-
ken down, enter the blood stream?
A. Diffusion
A. Peristalsis
B. Active transport
B. Contraction
C. Facilitated diffusion
C. Mechanical digestion
D. They all enter the bloodstream differ-
ently D. Churning
158. What is the main component of saliva? 163. Which of the following are the one of the
things that taken out of the food?
A. water
A. Glucose
B. digestive enzymes
B. Glycogen
C. electrolytes
C. Bile
D. antibacterial compounds
D. Fats
159. What part of the digestive system me-
chanically and chemically breaks down 164. An inactive enzyme secreted by the chief
food? cells
A. mouth A. Pepsinogen
B. Pepsin B. Glycogen
C. Hydrochloric acid C. Bile
166. What is the meaning of suffice? 172. Which of the following is an enzyme in
A. Too much gastric juices that break down proteins?
B. Enough A. Pepsin
C. Relief B. Peristalsis
D. none of above C. Bile
176. what is the third stomach C. The longest portion of the large intes-
A. rumen
D. The last part of the small intestine
B. abomasum
C. omasum 180. what did hemant said to god mother
A. rumen give you a poha
A. Trypsin C. Sucrase
B. Peptidase D. Peptidase
15. Which organ pulls out the vitamins and 21. Bacteria found in the large intestine that
minerals from the food you’ve eaten? breaks down cellulose.
A. large intestines A. Intestinal flora
B. small intestines B. Peptidase
C. stomach C. Cellulase
D. pancreas D. Sucrase
16. The majority of the absorption of nutrients 22. Walls of the ileum are lined with that
into the bloodstream occurs in the secrete intestinal juice.
A. Stomach A. gastric glands
B. Small intestine B. salivary glands
C. Large intestine C. intestinal glands
D. Liver D. pancreatic glands
17. The small intestine’s main function is: 23. Located in the central and lower abdomi-
nal cavity between the stomach and large
A. Absorbing water and electrolytes. intestine, is the MAJOR organ of digestion
B. Absorption of nutrient by the inner A. Large intestine
walls of the small intestine into the blood-
stream. B. Stomach
C. Liver
C. Producing bile.
D. Small intestine
D. none of above
24. The combination of gastric juice plus di-
18. Circular folds that enhance absorption?
gested bolus forms a liquid mixture in the
A. Villi stomach called
B. Microvilli A. borborygmus
C. Plicae B. ascites
D. Lacteal C. rugae
19. Which of the following statement is NOT D. chyme
correct about the duodenum of the small 25. Which of the following enzyme is most ac-
intestine? tive at an acidic pH?
A. Receives chyme from the stomach A. Amylase
B. Neutralises acids in the chyme B. Chymotrypsin
C. Has prominent villi and circular folds C. Pepsin
D. Is the segment closest to the stomach D. Lipase
20. Middle portion of the small intestine. 26. Site of macronutrient absorption is
A. Duodenum A. Small intestine
B. Jejunum B. Large intestine
C. Ileum C. Pancreas
D. Cecum D. none of above
A. Appendix D. 2 feet
D. Haustra A. Liver
B. Pancreas
31. Which of the following correctly orders the
smallest structure of the small intestine to C. Gallbladder
the largest? D. Bile
A. Microvilli, villi, plicae circulares 37. What is NOT a function of the large intes-
B. Villi, microvilli, plicae circulares tine?
C. Plicae circulares, villi, microvilli A. Goblet cells produce mucus to act as a
D. Microvilli, plicae circulares, villi lubricant
B. Does not digest food
32. Produced by the liver, and stored in the
gallbladder, is yellow-brown or yellow- C. Eliminates indigestible food from body
green and contains acids, mucus fluids, and as feces
two pigments D. Filters waste
38. A small green organ located on the inferior 43. Where is waste stored before it is ready
surface of the liver that secretes bile. to leave the body?
A. Liver A. rectum
B. Pancreas B. large intestines
C. Gall bladder C. pancreas
39. Which of the following enzymes are pro- called the
duced by the small intestine? Select all
that apply. A. Ileum
D. Your brain is always telling your in- 53. Numerous fingerlike projections in the
testines to push food through folds of the wall of the ileum is classified
59. What is the saclike first part of the large 64. The beginning section of the small intestine
intestine called? that attaches to the stomach.
A. Haustra A. Ileum
B. Cecum B. Duodenum
C. Appendix C. Jejunum
D. Rectum D. Appendix
60. All the fluids of the small intestine are
in nature. A. liver
A. alkaline B. pancreas
the C. Small intestine
A. bile duct D. Large intestine
B. liver
87. These glands raise the ph of the chyme en-
C. pancreatic duct tering the small intestines
D. gastric glands A. Gastric glands
82. On average, how long does it take for ma- B. Intestinal glands
terials to pass from the duodenum to the C. Brunner’s glands
end of the ileum?
D. Acini glands
A. 4 hours
B. 4.5 hours 88. Which artery mainly supply small intes-
tine? (choose 2 answers)
C. 3 hours
A. Celiac artery
D. 5 hours
B. Superior mesenteric artery (SMA)
83. Saliva contains digestive enzymes to begin
C. Renal artery
A. carbohydrates D. Inferior mesenteric artery (IMA)
1.10 Colon
B. vitamin
from food into bloodstream, and it forms
C. water-soluble
and stores feces for elimination
A. small intestine D. fat-soluble
6. Process by which enzymes break down 11. A muscular opening at the end of the rec-
food into small molecules that the body can tum through which solid waste (feces) is
use eliminated from the body
A. mechanical digestion A. rectum
B. anus B. kidneys
C. esophagus C. gall bladder
12. The organ that stores bile. 18. Where is water absorbed into the blood-
A. gall bladder
A. Mouth
B. stomach
B. Stomach
C. liver
C. Small Intestine
D. appendix
D. Large Intestine
13. The acid in your stomach used for diges-
tion. 19. It is a small sac under the liver where bile
is stored.
A. sodium bicarbonate
A. liver
B. insulin
B. pancreas
C. hydrochloric
C. gallbladder
D. amylase
D. none of above
14. When you exhale, the diaphragm
20. What is the correct order in which food
A. moves upwards passes through the digestive system?
B. moves downwards A. mouth>stomach>large intes-
C. flattens tine>small intestine
D. none of the above B. esophagus>sm intestine>stomach>lg
15. makes saliva that begin the break C. stomach>sm intestine>esophagus>mouth
down the food.
A. Salivary Glands D. mouth>esophagus>stomach>sm in-
B. Teeth testine>lg intestine
C. Mouth 21. The tube after the small intestine where
D. Esophagus water is absorbed.
24. The muscular tube that moves food from C. small intestine
the mouth to the stomach? D. stomach
A. esophagus
30. Which of the following organ is responsi-
B. small intestine ble for removing waste from the blood?
C. stomach
A. kidneys
D. mouth
B. lungs
25. Salivary glands produce C. liver
A. pepsin D. skin
B. nuckeases
C. amylase 31. Name the disease caused by the hardening
of arteries.
D. llipase
A. arteriosclerosis
26. inflammation of the intestines
B. heart attack
A. heartburn
C. stroke
B. gastritis
D. arteries ulcer
C. enteritis
D. diarrhea 32. What begins the process of mechanical
27. Which organ system breaks down food
into smaller and simpler forms so nutrients A. the mouth
and water can be absorbed into the blood- B. the esophagus
C. the pancreas
A. Muscular
D. none of above
B. Skeletal
C. Digestive 33. Which of the following is considered “ba-
sic” on the pH scale?
D. Respiratory
A. 1
28. Substances in food that the body needs to
function properly are: B. 3
A. nutrition C. 7
B. macromolecules D. 12
34. What is the common passageway for solid function of the digestive does this state-
food, liquids, and air? ment describe?
C. lesser omentum
systems to make sure your body functions
properly. Which of the following pairings D. falciform ligament
is incorrect?
50. What is the organ where water is ab-
A. Digestive-Circulatory:Food nutrients sorbed from the digested food and re-
are digested and then moved into the turned to the bloodstream?
blood stream
A. mouth
B. Digestive-Muscular:Muscular contrac-
tions called peristalsis squeezes food B. small intestine
through the digestive tract C. esophagus
C. Digestive-Nervous-:The brain sends D. large intestine
messages instructing organs to release
digestive enzymes to break down food 51. What is the name of the molecule in saliva
D. Digestive-Skeletal:The ribcage pro- that chemically digests food?
tects the digestive organs A. bile
46. This substance begins chemical digestion in B. stomach acid
the mouth. C. enzymes
A. bile
D. chyme
B. insulin
52. Which organ produces insulin in addition to
C. water
digestive juices?
D. saliva
A. mouth
47. Which parts of the digestive system can be B. gallbladder
found in your mouth?
C. pancreas
A. acid
D. liver
B. tongue and stomach
C. saliva and acid 53. The two get rid of urea, excess water,
D. tongue & teeth and some other waste materials released
by the cells. These are eliminated as urine.
48. A physical process in which large pieces of
A. Bladder
food are torn and cut into smaller pieces
B. Urethra
A. chemical digestion C. Kidneys
B. water reduction D. Ureters
54. What happens when the food goes to the C. formation of bile
small intestine? D. formation of amylase
B. small intestines
66. Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down
C. gall bladder
A. protein
D. liver
B. lipids
72. Trypsin is made in the
C. starch
A. pancreas
D. starch and protein
B. stomach
67. Chemical digestive refers to C. large intestines
A. Enzymatic breakdown of food and D. liver
73. absorbs water from waste, good bacteria
B. Churning and physical breakdown of
live here and help maintain good health.
(dryer of digestive system).
C. When you use a blender to mix up with
A. liver
your food prior to ingestion
B. epiglottis
D. Ingestion of chemicals
C. large intestines
68. chemical and physical breakdown of food D. rectum
into forms the cells can use
A. digestion 74. the small intestine has how many section.
B. chemical A. 4
C. physical B. 3
C. 2
D. alimentary canal
D. 1
69. Many chemicals in cigarettes are con-
sidered carcinogenic because they cause 75. What is the function of the kidneys?
what? A. They filter waste like urea from your
A. Emphysema blood and produce urine
B. Cancer B. They remove carbon dioxide from the
C. Heart disease
C. They remove the remaining food that
D. Liver Failure you can’t digest from your digestive sys-
70. Series of involuntary contractions along tem
the walls of the digestive tract (esopha- D. They transport nutrients to the rest of
gus, stomach and intestines) the body
D. mouth B. esophagus
C. stomach
77. What is the slender, hollow appendage
that is dominated by lymphoid nodules D. small intestine
(a lymphoid organ) and is attached to ce-
cum? 83. Which structure is responsible for water
absorption and production of Vitamin K?
A. Bile
A. epiglottis
B. pancrease
B. Stomach
C. gall bladder
D. liver C. Large intestine
78. Where is the gastric juice released? 84. Saliva is mostly made up of
A. Stomach A. water
B. Small intestine B. carbon dioxide
C. Mouth C. sugar
D. Large intestine D. mucus
79. Where is bile made? E. enzymes
A. The small intestines 85. A long folded tube inside the body at-
B. The gallbladder tached to the stomach where nutrients in
C. The liver the food are absorbed.
87. The job of the heart is to 92. Short tube at the end of the large intestine
that stores solid waste before removal.
A. pump blood around the body.
A. Anus
B. send food to the small intestines.
B. Rectum
C. break down food.
C. Oesophagus
D. give energy to the body.
D. none of above
88. How many Calories is the Nutrition Fact
93. Involuntary waves of muscle contraction
label based on? that keep food moving along in one direc-
A. 500 Calories tion through the digestive system.
B. 1, 000 Calories A. villi
B. gastroesophageal reflux disease 103. are the second largest blood vessel.
C. gastroenteritis A. Arteries
C. small intestines and pancreas 114. The process of breaking down foods into
D. liver smaller parts is called
A. digestive
109. Jacob has pain and burning in the epigas-
tric region when laying flat in bed after B. indigestion
eating a meal. When the head of his bed C. digestion
is raised, his condition improves. His most
likely diagnosis is: D. digging
A. GERD (gastroesophageal reflux) 115. What is the correct order for how food
B. gastroenteritis travels through the Large Intestine?
C. cholelithiasis A. ascending colon, cecum, descending
D. hepatitis B colon, transverse colon
B. Cecum, descending colon, transverse
110. What increases the surface area of the
colon, ascending colon
small intestine?
A. duodenum C. Cecum, transverse colon, ascending
colon, descending colon
B. villi
D. Cecum, ascending colon, transverse
C. ileum
colon, descending colon
D. pancreas
116. What produces chemicals that break
111. What is the Nephron? down fats, starches and proteins?
A. Causes buildup in the stomach acid
A. Pulmonary artery
B. Regulates the concentration of water
B. Pancreas
and soluble substances by filtering the
blood C. Pituitary gland
C. Creates muscular contractions to D. none of above
move the food
117. Which of the following is NOT one of the
D. none of above
six main nutrients the body absorbs during
112. Which of the following is an example of digestion?
chemical digestion? A. Fats
A. teeth chewing
B. Water
B. stomach churning
C. Polyurethanes
C. saliva breaking down starches
D. Minerals
D. esophagus squeezing food down
118. Where does chemical and mechanical di-
113. a harmful substance formed when cells
gestion take place?
use protein for energy
A. urine A. liver and gall bladder
B. urea B. stomach and mouth
C. bile C. mouth and esophagus
D. pancreatic juice D. intestines and rectum
119. What is the small intestine responsible 124. is ingested with food or resides
for? in digestive tract and is attacked by
macrophages, and immune system cells.
120. What is the proper order of segments of 125. food substances that have undergone a
the intestines? process of digestion both mechanically and
A. Duodenum, Ileum, Jejunum chemically that can be absorbed by the
small intestine, among others, are
B. Jejunum, Ileum, Duodenum
A. monosaccharides and polysaccharides
C. Ileum, Duodenum, Jejunum
B. dipeptides and polypeptides
D. Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum
C. starch and sucrose
121. Sucrase works in the
D. fatty acids and amino acids
A. large intestine
E. peptone and proteose
B. small intestine
126. organic and can be broken down by heat,
C. stomach
air and acid
D. transverse colon
A. mineral
122. The correct pair between the digestive or- B. vitamin
gans and the processes that occur in them
is C. water-soluble
129. removes more water from the di- 134. What does the mouth do?
gested material and moves the undigested A. Break down the food to make it easier
material to be excreted. to swallow
A. Large Intestines B. Slows down jaws
B. Pancreas C. Nothing
C. Small Intestine D. Neither
D. Gallbladder 135. What type of energy allows us to gener-
ate heat?
130. What might happen if you had your pan- A. Mechanical
creas removed?
B. Thermal
A. Your intestines might have trouble
C. Chemical
breaking down food
D. none of above
B. Your stomach might have trouble pro-
ducing hydrochloric acid 136. the main function of this system is to re-
move wastes from the body
C. You would not be able to chew properly
A. digestive system
D. You would have trouble producing
saliva B. urinary system
C. circulatory system
131. Where does food pass through between D. skeletal system
the mouth and the stomach?
137. What section of the colon is after the
A. The oesophagus
transverse colon?
B. The rectum A. ascending
C. The small intestine B. descending
D. The large intestine C. sigmoid
D. rectum
132. The statement that is not an exact match
between an organ and its function is 138. a narrow tube covered with nutrient-
absorbing villi
A. the mouth digests starch
A. small intestine
B. stomach digests protein
B. ureter
C. the large intestine digests protein
C. urethra
D. the mouth digests carbohydrates D. gallbladder
E. small intestine digests fat
139. Breaks down food into smaller molecules.
133. The large intestine’s major role is to Absorbs these nutrients into the blood-
stream. Eliminates solid waste
A. absorb water from undigested food
A. Digestive System
B. exhale carbon dioxide B. Respiratory System
C. break down food C. Excretory System
D. none of above D. Nervous System
149. Which organ does a majority of chemical 154. What is the the digestive organ that
digestion as well as absorption? plays a key role in digestion and absorp-
A. Oral cavity tion of nutrients and is where 90% of nu-
trient absorption occurs?
B. Stomach
C. Small Intestine A. pharynx
tion facts label carbohydrates are written D. esophagus
as a type of
E. stomach
A. food additive
B. enzyme 155. Pepsin is made in the
C. sugar A. mouth
D. protein
B. stomach
151. The correct sequence for the layers within
C. large intestines
the wall of the alimentary canal from in-
side to outside is D. liver
A. Mucous membrane, muscular layer,
serous layers, submucosa 156. After dinner, you have a bad case of diar-
rhea. Which organ is most likely not func-
B. Mucous membrane, submucosa, mus- tioning properly?
cular layer, serous layer
C. Serous layer, muscular layer, mucous A. stomach
membrane, submucosa B. small intestine
D. Submucosa, mucous membrane, C. large intestine
serous layer, muscular layer
D. liver
152. Which of the following is not one of the
3 pairs of salivary glands? (pick two an- 157. Which of the following is considered a pri-
swers) mary organ of the digestive system?
A. Submandibular (Submaxillary)
A. pancreas
B. Parotid
B. liver
C. Sublingual
C. teeth
D. Carotid
E. masseter D. mouth
153. Blood containing the most CO2 is found 158. The part of the food that is not digested.
A. Bobo
A. Pulmonary vein
B. Ventricle B. Urethra
159. back of the mouth, looks like a finger, 165. What does the submucosa do for the ali-
keeps food out of nose mentary canal?
A. peristalsis
160. What is the process of wave-like muscle 166. Which organ helps to keep digested food
contractions that moves food through the until our body needs it?
digestive tract? A. Lungs
A. Pericardium B. Liver
B. Peristalsis C. Small intestine
C. Pepsin D. Large intestine
D. Pericoronitis 167. what do the salivary glands produce?
A. pepsin
161. What is the main function of the small in-
testine? B. amylase
A. to produce bile C. chyme
B. to mechanically break down food D. rugae
C. to absorb nutrients 168. The nervous system interacts with the
D. to absorb water system when it send a message to
the adrenal glands to release the hormone
162. the final portion of large intestine. “adrenaline” into our blood.
A. Esophagus A. endocrine
B. rectum B. skeletal
C. gallbladder C. muscular
D. none of above D. digestive
163. The gingiva covers 169. The process of breaking down food into
nutrient rich molecules.
A. the inner stomach
A. absorption
B. necks of the teeth
B. digestion
C. soft palate C. peristalsis
D. appendix D. villi
164. Which of the following hormones is in- 170. Before the kidney filter it out, where
volved in the regulation of digestion? does urea exist?
A. Gastrin A. In your intestines
B. Lipase B. In your liver
C. Oxytocin C. In your stomach
D. Calcitonin D. In your bloodstream
D. none of above
start to break it down?
A. Teeth 178. The digestive system of food is com-
posed of the alimentary canal and diges-
B. Tongue
tive glands. The organ that acts as the
C. Saliva alimentary canal as well as the digestive
D. Nose glands is the
A. esophagus and stomach
173. Which organ stores bile produced by the
liver? B. liver and pancreas
A. Liver C. stomach and small intestine
B. Stomach D. stomach and large intestine
C. Gallbladder E. pancreas and duodenum
D. Pancreas 179. In the large intestine
174. The mouth digests (breaks down) by A. waste products pass through until they
chewing. form solid faeces
A. physical B. water is added to soften the food
B. chemically C. digested food is absorbed into the
C. elimination
D. waste products leave the body
D. absorption
180. What does the pancreatic alpha amylase
175. Regarding pepsinogen secretion:
enzyme produced by the pancreas break
A. It is required for fat digestion down?
B. Secreted by the pyloric gland A. nucleic acids
C. Convert in its active form only in acid- B. carbohydrates (starches)
ity environment
C. lipids
D. Secreted by enterochromaffin-like
cells (ECL) D. large protein complexes
E. small peptides into amino acids
176. Which secondary organ produces insulin
and other digestive juices to further break 181. Which of the following is NOT a nutri-
down the food in the small intestines? ent?
A. liver A. Fat
B. gallbladder B. Protein
193. Which is not a function of the excretory 198. What happens to the material that is not
(urinary) system? absorbed by the small intestine?
A. Filter cellular wastes A. It is broken down into proteins in the
B. Filter toxins (poisonous chemicals)
B. It passes into the large intestine
C. Filter excess water
C. It is turned into sugar in the pancreas
D. Filter solid waste
D. It moves to the liver
194. Which of the followings are accessory or-
gans of digestive system? 199. Organ in the digestive system that has
many functions including producing bile,
A. pancreas breaking down toxins and wastes.
B. liver A. liver
C. gall bladder B. pancreas
D. esophagus C. small intestine
E. tongue D. gall bladder
195. If you wanted to find the glands that pro- 200. What chemically breaks down food into
duce salivary amylase, where would you smaller molecules?
look? A. teeth
A. In your mouth B. muscles of the stomach
B. In your throat C. enzymes
C. In your intestines D. peristalsis
D. In your stomach 201. Tissues join together to form:
196. The are double sheets of peritoneal A. cells
membrane that suspend portions of di- B. organs
gestive tract within peritoneal cavity by
sheets of serous membrane. C. organ systems
D. organisms
A. esophagus
B. liver 202. This organ absorbs nutrients with the
C. saliva
A. gallbladder
D. messenteries
B. stomach
197. This system is our body’s defense against C. small intestine
infections and diseases
D. large intestine
A. Immune
203. The correct word equation for aerobic res-
B. Respiratory
piration is
C. Integumentary
A. carbon dioxide + water (+ energy)
D. Reproduction → glucose + oxygen
216. Which of the following lists the 4 hor- digestive enzymes to break down food
mones involved in the digestive process? D. Digestive-Skeletal:The digestive sys-
A. GIP, CCK, Secretin, Pepsin tem is surrounded by the ribcage for pro-
B. GIP, CCK, Gastrin, Secretin
C. Gastrin, Secretin, Pepsin, GIP 221. Complete digestion of food occurs in:
D. GIP, CCK, Bile, Secretin A. Stomach
217. It takes nutrients from the food and ab- B. Small intestine
sorbs it into the bloodstream. What is it? C. Pancreas
A. small intestine D. Large intestine
B. large intestine
222. A patient needs to defecate, so you
C. mouth
A. take them to the bathroom
D. esophagus
B. brush their teeth
218. Which digestive disorder is caused by
caused poor sphincter function that causes C. give them a pan to throw up in
a backup of gastric juices into esophagus? D. call the dr immediately
A. Gastric Ulcer
223. What is the substance found in the stom-
B. GERD ach that allows for chemical digestion to
C. Hemorrhoids take place?
D. Crohn’s Disease A. Gastric Juices
D. They aide in the digestion process, but 240. stimulates parietal, chief, and ECL
are not part of the digestive tract cells.
241. use chemical and mechanical digestion to
D. peptidase break down food
E. lipase A. small intestine and large intestine
B. mouth and esophagus
237. What is the digestive system?
C. esophagus and stomach
A. The system by which ingested food
is acted upon by physical and chemi- D. stomach and mouth
cal means to provide the body with ab- 242. helps with healthy teeth
sorbable nutrients and to excrete waste
products A. Vitamin K
B. Food thingy B. Magnesium
C. Muscle movement that moves food to C. Folic acid
your stomach to your mouth through the D. fluoride
contraction and relaxation of the esopha-
gus muscles 243. What part of the tooth bears the force of
D. Proteins in the body that help break
up large food particles into molecules that A. Crown
the cells can use B. enamel
248. What are the main parts of the digestive A. Mechanical only
system B. Chemical only
A. stomach, small and large intestine C. Both mechanical and chemical
B. mouth, stomach, esophagus, large and D. none of above
small intestine, and rectum
254. Simple columnar cells are located in (se-
C. stomach, lungs, trachea, rectum lect all that apply)
D. large and small intestine, trachea, A. Esophagus
stomach, mouth
B. Stomach
249. Pepsin can be found in the C. Small intestine
A. mouth D. Large intestine
B. stomach
255. What property do capillaries have that al-
C. small intestine lows substances to pas through them eas-
D. large intestine ily?
A. thick walls
250. changes occur when teeth chew food
and changes when saliva breakdown B. stiff
food into to smaller ones. C. thin walls
A. Physical and Mechanical D. rigid
B. Physical and Chemical 256. What is the short tube where waste ma-
C. Chemical and Physical terial is compressed into a solid form?
D. Chemical and Translational A. anus
C. Feces C. removing waste from the body
D. Carbon Dioxide D. breathing
258. The muscular tube that connects the phar- 264. The circulatory system works with the
ynx and the stomach is the system to obtain energy from nutri-
A. rectum ents that we eat.
B. esophagus A. respiratory
C. pancreas B. digestive
D. liver C. skeletal
259. mixes and churns food while it is being D. nervous
broken down by acids and enzymes
265. The long tube between mouth and stom-
A. Small Intestine ach is called
B. Stomach A. trachea
C. Pancreas B. windpipe
D. Esophagus C. esophagus
260. First part of the small instestine D. bronchus
A. jejunum 266. What substance coats and protects the
B. duodenum entire digestive tract especially the stom-
C. cecum ach?
268. Humans are: 273. An organ of the digestive system that re-
moves nutrients and water from digested
A. Monogastric
food; the intestine is made up of two
C. duodenum, ileum, jejunem B. GERD
D. jejunem, ileum, duodenum C. Hemorrhoids
279. What is the the digestive organ that D. Crohn’s Disease
stores ingested food, mechanical break-
down ingested food, disrupts the chemi- 284. After the right ventricle, the blood goes
cal bonds in food with acids and enzymes, through the pulmonary artery to
and produces a glycoprotein required for A. lungs to exchange carbon dioxide with
absorption of vitamin B12 in small intes- oxygen
B. heart to exchange oxygen with carbon
A. pharynx dioxide
B. small intestines C. lungs to exchange oxygen with carbon
C. large intestines dioxide
D. esophagus D. heart to exchange carbon dioxide with
E. stomach
285. absorbed directly into blood stream as
280. What is the short tube that stores solid
food is broken down, urinating out extra
waste until it is eliminated from the body
through the anus? A. mineral
A. rectum B. vitamin
B. liver C. water-soluble
C. esophagus D. fat-soluble
D. stomach 286. Which of the following fatty, protective
tissue is most responsible for the “beer
281. What is oxygen needed for?
belly” appearance?
A. energy releasing chemical reactions
A. Duodenum
B. to make glucose
B. Lesser Omentum
C. to take in sunlight
C. Greater Omentum
D. none of the above
D. Mesentery
282. cancer of large intestines
287. The throat and common opening for res-
A. colon cancer piratory and digestive tracts is known as
B. diverticulitis the
C. diverticula A. larynx
C. enteritis
A. lipids
D. diarrhea
B. carbs
299. How do digested nutrients get to the C. proteins
body cells?
D. starches
A. Nutrients are absorbed through the
mouth directly into the body cells 304. are broken down by enzyme salivary
B. Nutrients are absorbed through the amylase (ptyalin or alpha-amylase) in the
villi in the small intestine into the blood mouth.
stream A. Proteins
C. Nutrients are absorbed by the large in- B. Complex carbohydrates
testine and changed into vitamins C. Simple carbohydrates
D. Nutrients are absorbed directly D. Lipids
through the stomach into the body cells
E. Vitamins
300. Another name for the digestive system is
the: 305. During an upper and lower GI a is
used, it is a thin, flexible tube with a light
A. nutrient absorption system and a camera.
B. alimentary canal A. endoscope
C. elimination canal B. exoscope
D. intestinal tract C. oroscope
301. The following are the functions of the D. rectoscope
liver related to the digestive function of
food is 306. Which of these is NOT a function of the
digestive system?
A. Neutralize poison
A. breaks down food
B. Destroys old erythrocytes
B. absorbs nutrients
C. store nutrients
C. eliminates waste
D. Produces bile
D. takes oxygen to body cells
E. Produces blood cells
307. What does the large intestine do?
302. Which enzyme below is involved in
the following chemical digestion process? A. digest the food from this process
STARCH→MALTOSE B. makes a pathway for the food
C. reabsorb a lot of the water from this 313. It is a condition wherein the stomach lin-
process ing is inflated.
312. Which of the following is a NOT a sali- 318. Saliva contains this enzyme to start the
vary gland? digestive process.
A. parotid A. spit
B. sublingual B. amylase
C. subpharyngeal C. hydrochloric acid
D. submandibular D. sodium bicarbonate
319. Inside the stomach is a thin layer of skin 324. Which organ absorbs water and is the
called the last stage of the digestive process?
A. stomach wall. A. Gall Bladder
B. stomach lining. B. Pancreas
C. intestinal lining. C. Large Intestine
D. esophagus. D. Small Intestine
320. organ that regulates water-soluble vita-
325. In order to lose weight quickly before a
mins surgery a patientgoes on the Atkins (no
A. kidney carbohydrate and high protein) diet. What
is beingdigested by the patient’s body dur-
B. liver ing the process of ketoacidosis?
C. large intestines
A. lipids
D. small intestines
B. carbohydrates
321. What is the the digestive organ that func- C. nucleic acids
tions in the reabsorption of water, com-
D. protien
paction of intestinal contents into feces,
absorption of important vitamins produced 326. Which of the following is the process or
by bacteria, and storage of fecal material removing undigested food from the body?
prior to defecation?
A. Excretion
A. pharynx
B. Egestion
B. small intestines
C. Absorption
C. large intestines
D. Assimilation
D. esophagus
327. small intestine
E. stomach
A. tubes that move blood throughout the
322. What might happen if your large intes- body
tine did not absorb water from chyme?
B. the short, wide tube that absorbs wa-
A. You couldn’t digest food. ter from food and leads from the small in-
B. You wouldn’t be able to go to the bath- testine to the anus
room. C. the long, winding tube that absorbs nu-
C. You would become dehydrated. trients from food and connects the stom-
ach to the large intestine
D. Solid waste would not be able to move
throughout the digestive system D. the bag made of muscle that holds and
breaks down food
323. What structures in the small intestines
makes absorption of nutrients possible? 328. Trypsin works in the
A. Duodenum A. large instestine
B. Colon B. stomach
C. Cilia C. small intestine
D. Villi D. liver
329. What is the order of the uri- C. Both chemical and mechanical
nary/excretory system?
D. none of above
C. A short tube that stores solid waste un- 338. The first part of the small intestines is
til it is eliminated from the body the:
D. Produces digestive juices A. The duodenum
333. Part of the digestive system where wa- B. The ileum
ter is absorbed from solid waste
C. The Jejunum
A. stomach
D. none of above
B. rectum
C. large intestine 339. Which of the following systems is NOT
considered part of the excretory system?
D. small intestine
A. Digestive
334. What type of digestion occurs in the small
intestine? B. Lymphatic
A. Chemical only C. Integumentary
B. Mechanical only D. Respiratory
statement best summarizes how bacteria
into a solid form before being eliminated
affect human health.
A. anus
A. Bacteria cause disease in humans.
B. rectum
B. Bacteria are beneficial to humans.
C. small intestine
D. esophagus C. Bacteria rarely affect human cells be-
cause they are so much smaller.
342. A break in the protective lining of the
D. Some bacteria are beneficial to hu-
mans and some are harmful.
A. ulcer
B. crohns 347. Urine flows out of the kidneys through
narrow tubes called
C. disruption
D. rip A. Gallbladder
B. Ureter
343. What does saliva do?
A. Chemically digests food in the mouth. C. Nephrons
B. Chemically digests food in the stomach D. Urethra
C. Protects the stomach from digesting
iteself 348. What does stomach acid do?
D. Absorbs nutrients from food so the A. Chemically digests food in the mouth.
body has energy. B. Chemically digests food in the stomach
344. Organ in the digestive system that com- C. Protects the stomach from digesting
pletes digestion and absorbs nutrients iteself
A. small intestine D. Absorbs nutrients from food so the
B. large intestine body has energy.
C. rectum
349. This is the muscular opening that releases
D. stomach solid waste.
345. This produces digestive juices that help to A. anus
further break down the food in the small
Intestine. It also produces insulin. B. rectum
A. Stomach C. liver
B. Liver D. pancreas
362. Anemia is a term for disease D. To make waste products
A. Lack of white blood cells
368. What is the name of the homeostatic im-
B. Lack of red blood cells balance caused by Helicobater pyloribac-
C. Excess red blood cells tor that destroys the mucosal lining of the
D. Excess white blood cells stomach?
A. Peptic ulcers
363. The distinctive odor of feces is due to
B. Hemorrhoids
A. bacteria
C. Diarrhea
B. parasites
D. cid Reflux
C. bilirubin
D. carbon dioxide 369. The small intestine is the longest of the
digestive organs. What benefit to body is
E. mold it that this organ is so long?
364. If the liver is not functioning properly, A. It allows the organ to secrete bile
what would most likely be the result? which in turn breaks down food
A. food would not be able to move into the B. It allows more time for the food to be
small intestsine in the organ which allows more absorp-
B. fats would not be digested tion to take place.
C. water would not be absored C. It provides more surface area for mu-
cus which helps digested food move more
D. it would not affect digestion smoothly.
365. What is the most superior organ in the D. none of above
lower GI tract?
370. These are fingerlike projections in
A. Large Intestine the small intestine that nutrients pass
B. Liver through.
C. Small Intestine A. villi
D. Stomach B. absorbers
383. What part of the blood is the liquid part
that carries nutrients? D. tissue
A. white blood cells
389. Which is the correct order of how food
B. red blood cells moves through the digestive tract?
C. platelets A. Mouth, pancreas, stomach, small in-
D. plasma testine, large intestine, rectum, anus
B. Mouth, liver, stomach, small intestine,
384. Foods that have been digested with the large intestine, rectum, anus
help of enzymes since they were in the
mouth are C. Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small in-
testine, large intestine, rectum, anus
A. Carbohydrate
D. Mouth, esophagus, small intestine,
B. Protein stomach, large intestine, rectum, anus
C. Lemak
390. Pick the accessory organs
D. Vitamin
A. Teeth
E. Mineral
B. Pancreas
385. It is the discomfort felt somewhere near C. Mouth
the stomach and a feeling of being bloated. D. Salivary Glands
A. constipation E. Stomach
B. dyspepsia
391. Which organ immediately follows the
C. ulcer large intestine?
D. none of above A. Anus
386. Rabbits are: B. Liver
A. Monogastric C. Rectum
B. Ruminant D. Small Intestine
C. Pseudo Ruminant 392. Which of the following is true regarding
D. Avian the pyloric sphincter:
A. it allows food to enter the stomach but
387. sac-like organ that breaks down food closes to prevent regurgitation into the
into liquid esophagus
A. stomach B. it allows small amounts of chyme into
B. gallbladder the duodenum
C. it extends to a cavity that acts as a 398. What is the name given to the hard struc-
holding chamber called the pyloric antrum ture formed INSIDE the arteries due to the
build-up of fat and cholesterol?
404. When a person breathes out, or exhales,
which of the following is release from the B. colon
body? C. large intestine
A. carbon dioxide and sweat D. small intestine
B. urea and bile
410. Lipase can be found in the
C. bile and water
A. small intestine
D. water and carbon dioxide
B. stomach
405. Which organ churns food and uses acid
C. liver
and enzymes to break down food?
D. large intestine
A. Esophagus
B. epiglottis 411. The process where small molecules pass
C. Stomach from the digestive system into the blood
is called
D. Mouth
A. digestion
406. What is the name of the process that B. ingestion
moves food from your esophagus to your
stomach? C. absorption
A. protoflex D. elimination
B. peristalsis 412. Which of the following is NOT part of the
C. paragliding digestive system?
D. pretestalis A. liver
407. This organ absorbs water back into the B. gall bladder
bloodstream. C. kidney
A. esophagus D. pancreas
B. mouth
413. Which is NOT a function of the Digestive
C. small intestine System?
D. large intestine A. To rid the body of solid waste
408. Digestion in animals begins in the B. Absorb nutrients for energy & growth
A. intestines C. Break down nutrients from food
B. mouth D. Pump blood around the body
414. To take in matter or energy 420. This organ absorbs the liquid from undi-
A. collection gested foods.
426. Where does digestion start? C. Biotin B7
A. stomach D. Vitamin D
B. mouth E. Vitamin K
C. esophagus 432. Why do we need food to break apart the
D. none of above food we eat?
A. So it can fit into our stomachs
427. Tiny hairs that move particles in the nose
B. So our bodies can use the nutrients
are called
from the food
A. mucus
C. So liquids can be separated from
B. vocal cords solids
C. cilia D. So that our bodies’ enzymes have
D. flagella something to do.
436. Where to the gall bladder and pancreas 441. Which of the following would be consid-
release their contents? ered an essential nutrient?
446. What does the phrase “primary organ” 452. Which is known as the voice box?
mean? A. pharynx
A. Don’t digest the food B. larynx
B. Have a direct role in digesting food and C. trachea
come in physical contact with the food
D. bronchi
C. An organ that secretes enzymes
D. An organ that excretes bile 453. This part stores bile produced by the
447. Lipase breaks down
A. Gall Bladder
A. carbohydrates
B. Pancreas
B. proteins
C. Stomach
C. fats
D. Rectum
D. nucleic acids
454. What disease is characterized by diar-
448. which of the following is not digestive or- rhea, constipation or an alternate between
gan the two?
A. mouth A. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
B. esophagus B. peptic ulcer
C. heart
C. hepatitis
D. stomach
D. asthma
449. Which organ is made of three layers of
455. muscle at the top of the stomach is not
muscles that continue mechanical diges-
closing, stomach acid goes into the esoph-
A. stomach
A. heartburn
B. liver
B. gastritis
C. anus
C. enteritis
D. esophagus
D. diarrhea
450. Which of the followings are found in
mouth and take place in digestion? 456. During an upper GI you usually lay on
A. salivary glands A. back
B. teeth B. left side
C. tongue C. right side
D. pancreas D. none of above
469. Carbohydrate and lipid digestion first oc- 474. Which one accurately describes the differ-
curs in the ence between breathing and cell respira-
A. stomach tion?
470. What starts the process of chemical
C. breathing occurs in cells while respira-
tion produces glucose
A. Saliva
D. breathing is a process in cells where
B. Oxygen energy is made, while respiration is a pro-
C. Hydrogen cess taking oxygen and expel carbon diox-
D. none of above
475. What is the definition for elimination?
471. The type of human circulatory system
that only reaches the lungs is called the A. Breaking down food into smaller nutri-
circulatory system ents
A. Breathing B. Getting rid of waste products
B. Small C. Getting food into our bodies
C. Closed D. Getting nutrients into our bloodstream,
D. Big so that our cells can use them
472. Which of the following is not an acces- 476. Some of the following types of food
sory structure of the digestive system? which are sources of carbohydrates are
A. salivary glands
A. Corn, rice, potatoes and eggs
B. liver
B. Wheat, rice, fruit, and corn
C. pancreas
C. potatoes, corn, eggs and rice
D. gall bladder
D. Rice, wheat, sago and corn
E. stomach
E. Fish, beef and tubers
473. Place the following events in sequence:A)
Urine passes through the uretersB) Urea 477. The main part of the digestive system
enters the kidneysC) Urine enters the ure- that makes it possible for the pseudo-
thra ruminants to digest roughage is the
A. B, A, C A. colon
B. C, B, A B. cecum
C. B, C, A C. stomach
D. A, C, B D. small intestines
A. circulatory D. Gallbladder
B. digestive 488. The movement of food nutrients from the
C. excretory small intestines into the blood.
D. skeletal A. ingestion
B. digestion
483. The mucosa layer of the alimentary canal
is lined with what type of tissue? C. absorption
A. Epithelium D. suction
489. Which take place in stomach? 495. What does bile do to fat?
A. chemical digestion A. emulsifies it into small droplets
B. mechanical digestion B. decreases the surface area by emulsi-
C. all of the above
C. Breaks it down to fatty acids
D. none of above
D. creates a more acidic pH
490. What is the definition for absorption?
496. The body system that breaks down food
A. Breaking down food into smaller nutri- into tiny pieces so that the body’s cells can
ents use it for energy.
B. Getting rid of waste products A. Digestive System
C. Getting food into our bodies B. Skeletal System
D. Getting nutrients into our bloodstream, C. Nervous System
so that our cells can use them D. Circulatory System
491. Where is the location of oxygen and car- 497. A small flap of tissue that covers the tra-
bon dioxide exchange? chea is called the
A. diapragm A. bronchi
B. alveoli B. larynx
C. trachea C. pharynx
D. bronchi D. epiglottis
492. WHAT IS AFTER THE SMALL INTESTINE? 498. Most chemical digestion takes place in
A. Large intestine
A. Stomach
B. nothing
B. Small intestine
C. liver
C. Large intestine
D. pancreas
D. Pancreas
493. enter
499. The esophagus is lined with a liquid called
A. straight
B. intestines A. spit.
C. hairy B. saliva.
D. to soak up C. acid.
501. What type of digestion occurs in the 506. The gastric cells
stomach? A. Produce protein-digesting enzymes
504. a tube that carries urine out of the body 510. Hydrochloric acid is made in the
A. bladder A. stomach
B. urethra B. small intestines and large intestines
C. ureter C. small intestines
D. anus D. liver
505. Which body system gets ride of solid 511. The muscle of the esophagus squeeze the
waste? food to the
A. Excretory (Urinary) A. Pharynx
B. Digestive B. Stomach
C. Circulatory C. Large intestine
D. Respiratory D. Small intestine
512. A balanced diet on your menu includes 517. What does bile break down?
protein a day.
A. Food
A. 2-6.5 oz
B. Sugar
B. 1-4.5 oz
C. Fat
C. 6-10 oz
D. Protein
D. 2 oz
518. The pharynx is divided into three por-
513. The release of water, acids, enzymes, tions, the nasopharynx, the oropharynx,
buffers, and salts by epithelium of diges- and the
tive tract. What function of the digestive
A. tracheopharynx
does this statement describe?
B. bronchopharynx
A. ingestion
C. laryngopharynx
B. secretion
C. digestion D. rhinopharynx
522. nutrients being changed into energy 528. What are the secondary organs of the di-
A. physical digestion gestive system?
525. Nucleases are made in the 531. How does chemical digestion occur in the
A. mouth and esophagus
A. Gastric juice
B. small intestines and large intestines
B. Churning
C. small intestines
C. Chewing
D. pancreas
D. none of above
526. Those are phases of gastric secretion EX- 532. Part of the digestive system that food is
CEPT: stored and partially digested before it en-
A. Intestinal phase ters the small intestine
B. Gastric phase A. stomach
C. Cephalic phase B. large intestine
D. Esophageal phase C. liver
D. rectum
527. helps prevent blindness
533. What is the aim of the digestion?
A. Vitamin D
A. Obtain matter and energy
B. Vitamin A
B. Obtain nutrients from food and break it
C. Vitamin C down into small molecules, which are then
D. Vitamin K absorbed
C. Break down food into inorganic nutri- 539. Small muscular pouch responsible for
ents storing bile
D. Obtain nutrients form food and trans- A. pancreas
port it to the cells B. mechanical
534. What is the main function of the digestive C. amylase
system? D. gallbladder
A. to filter blood 540. Sucrase breaks down
B. to break down and absorb nutrients A. sucrose
C. to transport oxygen B. lactose
D. to send chemical messages C. galactose
D. maltose
535. The water we drink is being absorbed in
the 541. Your small intestine completes the pro-
A. mouth cess of chemical break down with help
from these two organs:
B. stomach
A. Stomach & Liver
C. small intestine
B. Liver & Kidneys
D. large intestine C. Liver & Pancreas
536. Bile breaks down food chemically, peri- D. Liver & Large Intestine
stalsis moves the food along, and nutri-
542. The is a long tube that connects the
ents are removed from the food.Name the
mouth to the stomach.
organ at this stage of digestion!
A. Tongue
A. mouth
B. Rectum
B. esophagus
C. Esophagus
C. small intestine
D. Small Intestine
D. large intestine
543. digest food in the first part and then
537. Which class of food is digested in the absorbs nutrients in the second and third
mouth? part.
A. Carbohydrate A. large intestines
B. Protein B. small intestines
C. Lipid C. liver
D. appendix
D. Fiber
544. tiny fingerlike projections in the small in-
538. The cells produce hydrochloric acid. testine.
A. chief A. villi
B. parietal B. anus
C. gastric gland C. rectum
D. mucous neck D. none of above
545. the organ produces digestive juice that 550. Here are some disorders of the digestive
contains a wide array of enzymes to break system: (1) the large intestine absorbs
down, fat, carbohydrate, and protein in water excessively (2) the stool becomes
D. none of above
A. , (2), and (3)
546. The valve that prevents gastric juices B. , (3), and (4)
from flowing back into the esophagus is C. , (3), and (4)
D. , (3), and (5)
A. cecum
E. , (4), and (5)
B. uvula
551. How does the stomach protect itself from
C. cardiac sphincter
the hydrochloric acid that it secretes:
D. pyloric sphincter A. it has a thick layer of stratified squa-
mous cells that are rapidly produced to re-
547. What portion of the small intestine ab-
place the damaged cells that are exposed
sorbs fat soluble vitamins, fatty acids and
to the acid
B. it secretes a protective layer of mu-
A. Ileum cous that neutralizes the acid
B. Duodenum C. it has a specialized membrane of car-
C. jejunum tilaginous tissue that is immune to the se-
creted acid
D. Pylorus
D. none of the above
548. Which disorder is characterized by di-
lated veins in the rectum and anus which 552. The digestive system of food in humans,
is caused by blockage or pressure? its organs are divided into glands and di-
gestive tract. The following organs belong
A. Gastric Ulcer to the digestive tract which are also diges-
B. GERD tive glands:
B. carbohydrates (starches) 559. What is the name of the tube that carries
C. lipids food from your mouth to the stomach?
D. large protein complexes A. windpipe
E. small peptides into amino acids B. esophagus
554. Part of the digestive system that takes C. lungs
food into the body, the beginning of the
D. saliva
digestive system.
A. Stomach 560. What is the muscular tube that extends
B. Saliva from oral cavity to anus called? Choose all
that apply
C. Mouth
D. Anus A. GI tract
564. What happens to unused food materials 568. A balanced diet on your menu includes
in the digestive system? veggies a day.
573. Any substance that is acted upon by an 578. What is not a function of the digestive
enzyme is called a(n)? system?
A. Coenzyme A. Create new foods
B. Substrate B. Absorb water
C. Vitamin C. Process waste
D. Polypeptide D. none of above
574. Urine is stored in the bladder. What hap- 579. What is the 1st part of the small intes-
pens next? tine?
A. The kidneys produce urine which is A. ileum
made up of fluid and dissolved waste. B. jejunum
They also control the amounts of water C. duodenum
and salts in the body.
D. cecum
B. The kidneys send the urine to the blad-
E. rectum
der through tubes called ureters.
C. A signal from the nervous system lets 580. Which excretory organ eliminates wa-
a person know when the bladder is full. ter and some chemical wastes in perspira-
Urine passes out of the body through a tion?
tube called the urethra. A. lungs
D. none of above B. skin
575. Part of the small intestine which is found C. liver
just before it connects to the large intes- D. kidneys
581. What is the most inferior part of the di-
A. Jejunum gestive system?
B. Duodenum A. Anus
C. Appendix B. Esophagus
D. Ileum C. Mouth
576. The oesophagus connects the to the D. Rectum
582. helps prevent rickets
A. mouth, small intestine A. Vitamin D
B. teeth, mouth B. Vitamin A
C. mouth, stomach C. Vitamin C
D. stomach, liver D. Vitamin K
577. What is the outside layer of the digestive 583. Which of the following organs is NOT
tract used during digestion?
A. serosa A. liver
B. mucosa B. stomach
C. submucosa C. mouth
D. muscularis externa D. lungs
586. Makes bile, detoxified blood that carries 592. The following types of substances are ca-
nutrients from the small intestines. pable of producing energy in equivalent
units of weight:
A. liver
A. Vitamin
B. gall bladder
B. Lemak
C. pancreas
C. Coarse fiber
D. large intestines
D. Protein
587. What is a chemical produced by the liver
E. Carbohydrate
used by the body to break up fat?
A. Saliva 593. what breaks down food in stomach?
B. Bile A. acid
C. Stomach Acid B. salivary glands
D. Mucus C. movement
D. time
588. What is the main function of the urinary
system? 594. G cells produce what?
A. Keep your body hydrated A. Gastrin
B. Expelling water from your body B. Glucose
C. Removing poisons from your body C. Glucagon
D. Removing solid wastes from your body D. Pepsin
589. What makes the small intestine have 595. Where does most digestion and absorp-
such a large surface area? tion occur?
A. 21 feet long A. stomach
B. villi B. colon
C. microvilli C. small intestine
D. all answers contribute D. esophagus
596. Sugars and starches in food are 601. What are the 3 parts of the pharynx?
(choose 3 answers)
A. carbohydrates
A. Nasopharynx
B. lipids
B. Oropharynx
C. mucus
C. Laryngopharynx
D. proteins D. esophagus
597. What is the correct order of digestion? E. nasal cavity
A. Mouth-pharynx-stomach-esophagus- 602. Which of the following is NOT part of
L.I.-S.I.-anus-rectum the digestive tract? (Hint:Identify the sec-
ondary organ.)
B. Pharynx-mouth-esophagus-stomach-
gall bladder-S.I.-rectum-anus-L.I. A. Mouth
C. Mouth-pharynx-pancreas-stomach- B. Esophagus
rectum-gall bladder-S.I.-rectum-anus C. Small Intestine
D. Mouth-pharynx-esophagus-stomach- D. Liver
603. What organ makes bile?
598. Small flap that covers the trachea when A. Gallbladder
swallowing to prevent food from entering B. Liver
C. Pancreas
A. epiglottis D. Appendix
B. stomach
604. Which is NOT a secondary organ of diges-
C. esophagus tion?
D. salivary glands A. Pancreas
B. Esophagus
599. That’s a picture of Luga. . . . .
C. Gallbladder
A. part of the pancreas
D. Liver
B. secreted by the liver
605. What does the nuclease enzyme produced
C. folds in the stomach by the pancreas break down?
D. a section of intestines A. nucleic acids
B. carbohydrates (starches)
600. What is the middle part of the small in-
testine? C. lipids
B. to store food you’ve eaten 612. Which organ helps increase the surface
C. to pull vitamins and minerals area for better absorption of the nutri-
617. Which enzyme below is involved in D. Carbohydrates would not break down
the following chemical digestion process? and therefore would not be absorbed in
A. Lipase 622. The class of food that can only be di-
B. Trypsin gested in the stomach in the presence of
hydrochloric acid is
C. Amylase
A. carbohydrate
D. Pepsin
B. fiber
618. What is the structure that carries liquid C. vitamin
waste from the kidney to the bladder?
D. protein
A. nephron
623. Which organs are part of the upper diges-
B. artery
tive system?
C. ureter
A. Esophagus
D. urethra B. Liver
619. The major function of having enzymes in C. Mouth
our digestive system is D. Salivary Glands
A. to eliminate undigested food E. Stomach
B. to absorb water in the intestine
624. where digestion begins
C. to speed up chemical reactions during A. stomach
B. gallbladder
D. none of above
C. mouth
620. Where does most chemical digestion take D. small intestine
625. The first part of the digestive system,
A. stomach
where saliva helps break down food is
B. small intestine
A. mouth
C. mouth B. stomach
D. large intestine C. esophagus
621. Which of the following would occur if the D. intestines
stomach did not produce pepsin?
626. Removal of waste products from body
A. Proteins would not break down and fluids. What function of the digestive does
therefore would not be absorbed in the this statement describe?
A. ingestion
B. Lipids would not break down and there- B. excretion
fore would not be absorbed in the body
C. digestion
C. Nucleic acids would not break down
and therefore would not be absorbed in D. mechanical processing
the body E. absorption
638. Soup-like mixture found in the stomach 644. Which human body systems interact to
made up of food and digestive juices produce movement of the body?
A. chyme A. Nervous and endocrine
B. bolus B. Skeletal and muscular
C. feces C. Circulatory and digestive
D. bile D. Excretory and nervous
645. The place where waste is stored before
639. The cells produce protein-digesting
it leaves the body.
A. rectum
A. chief
B. anus
B. parietal
C. small intestine
C. gastric gland
D. large intestine
D. mucous neck
646. This organ does not actually touch the
640. are the smallest blood vessels. food but it secretes enzymes to help break
down foods.
A. Arteries
A. Liver
B. Veins
B. Pancreas
C. Capillaries
C. Stomach
D. none of above
D. Gallbladder
641. The small intestine is lined with 647. Which is NOT a way your excretory sys-
A. microvilli tem removes waste from the body?
B. ducts A. Sweating
C. gingiva B. Stomach acid
D. pylora C. Breathing
D. Urinating
642. Where does absorption primarily take
place? 648. The bacteria species E-coli is actually ben-
eficial to humans. It plays an important
A. Stomach
role in which body function?
B. Small intestine
A. digestion
C. Large intestine B. excretion
D. Gall bladder C. metabolism
643. The innermost layer of the alimentary D. reproduction
canal is 649. Nucleases breaks down
A. Submucosa A. carbohydrates
B. Mucosa B. proteins
C. Muscularis externa C. fats
D. none of above D. nucleic acids
650. What does the stomach do to your food? intestine (villi) caused by a severe gluten
A. Pulls the vitamins and minerals out. intolerance
651. The heart is about the size and shape of 656. The crushing and shearing that makes
your materials easier to propel along digestive
tract. What function of the digestive does
A. head
this statement describe?
B. fist
A. ingestion
C. hand
B. secretion
D. foot
C. digestion
652. Which nutrient helps build and repair mus- D. mechanical processing
cles, cells and tissues in the body?
E. absorption
A. Carbohydrates
657. Which are the tubes that carry urine from
B. Protein
the kidney to the bladder?
C. Fats
A. Adrenal tubes
D. Minerals
B. Kidneys
653. chronic inflammatory condition of the C. Ureters
liver, liver becomes damaged, hard and fi-
D. Urethras
A. colon cancer 658. Emesis is:
B. diverticulitis A. diarrhea
C. diverticula B. vomiting
D. cirrhosis C. chewing
E. gallstones D. swallowing
654. The actual digestion of proteins starts in 659. The component in the blood that is most
the: abundant is
A. mouth A. Platelets
B. stomach B. Leukocytes
C. duodenum C. Erythrocyte
655. Which disease is caused by immunologi- 660. The contractions that push food down
cal rxn to gluten which results in a mal- your oesophagus are known as?
absorption disease, and damage to small A. Chemical Digestion
C. diverticula 667. The large intestines absorb
D. cirrhosis
A. Nutrients
E. gallstones
B. Chemicals
662. What organ is responsible for the major- C. Water
ity of the absorption that occurs in the di-
gestive system? D. Food
A. large intestine 668. If someone gets injured, the blood that
B. small intestine comes out can eventually stop. This inci-
C. stomach dent involves protein
D. oral cavity A. Fibrinogen
671. Which organ produces digestive juices 676. Gastrin is responsible for digestion of
that help to further break down the food what macromolecule
in the small intestine? A. starches
682. What parts of the digestive system help 688. to break down food into pieces that your
with mechanical digestions? body can absorb
A. Esophagus and Small Intestine A. organ
B. Mouth and Stomach B. stomach
C. Liver and Gallbladder C. digest
D. Rectum and Anus D. esophagus
683. What are the ridges that are present in
689. The term used for swallowing is
an empty stomach?
A. Rugae A. mastication
B. Villi B. eructation
C. Plicae Circulare C. peristalsis
D. Microvilli D. deglutition
684. Which of the following systems is primar- 690. The main purpose of the large intestine.
ily involved with gas exchange?
A. absorb hormones
A. respiratory system
B. absorb protein
B. excretory system
C. absorb nutrients
C. digestive system
D. absorb water
D. skeletal system
685. What absorbs water and minerals and 691. Amylase breaks down
holds waste? A. carbohydrates
A. Large Intestine (Colon) B. proteins
B. Small Intestine C. fats
C. Gall Bladder D. nucleic acids
D. none of above
692. Mechanical digestion does NOT occur in
686. Food is moved through the esophagus by the
the process of
A. mouth
A. peristalsis
B. stomach
B. ingestion
C. small intestine
C. absorption
D. large intestine
D. wiggling
687. Chemical and mechanical digestion takes 693. Which of the following are secondary or-
place in and gans of the digestive system?
694. It refers to bowel movement that are ir- C. Goes out to the rectum
regular and painful. D. Barley any of these
B. It delivers urine from the bladder to 702. Saliva contains that helps with
the outside world A. teeth, mechanical digestion
C. It transfers urine from the kidneys to B. enzymes, mechanical digestion
the bladder
C. enzymes, chemical digestion
D. It prevents urine from leaking out of
D. teeth, chemical digestion
the bladder
703. food in the mouth mixed with saliva
697. helps prevent scurvy
A. chyme
A. Vitamin D
B. bolus
B. Vitamin A
C. microvilli
C. Vitamin C
D. uvula
D. Vitamin K
704. A physical process in which large pieces
698. The metabolic function of the pancreas is of food are torn and ground into smaller
to secrete hormones that regulate the con- pieces
centration of in the blood.
A. Chemical Digestion
A. vitamins
B. Mechanical Digestion
B. glucose
C. Digestive System
C. minerals
D. Esophagus
D. calcium
705. After absorbing nutrients in the small in-
699. What does the stomach do? testine, where do they go?
A. Nothing A. Large intestine
B. Adds digestive juices to the food B. Kidney
C. Oil glands Stomach, Large Intestine, Anus
A. Digestive E. appendix
C. gallbladder A. Duodenum
D. pancreas B. Jejunum
C. Ileum
710. Below are examples of digestive glands,
D. none of above
A. heart 715. Which of the following is NOT a function
of the digestive system?
B. Saliva
A. filtering and removing urea from the
C. Pancreas
D. Bile B. eliminating undigested wastes from
E. Heart the body
C. breaking down food into molecules 721. Which of the following statements is in-
that the body can use correct?
719. this is the job of the digestive system. 724. Which organ stores bile and delivers it to
the duodenum?
A. to give the body shape
A. ileum
B. to take in and break down food for use
by the body B. gall bladder
C. to make in oxygen and give off carbon C. pancreas
dioxide D. spleen
D. none of above
725. Upper GI is used to evaluate
720. Substances in the stomach that allows for
chemical digestion. A. nausea or vomiting
727. The final portion of the large intestine B. It pumps blood first to the rest of the
that stores waste until it is ready to be body, back to the lungs and then to the
removed from the body heart.
A. large intestine C. It pumps blood around the rest of the
B. small intestine body, back to the heart and then to the
C. rectum
D. none of above
D. stomach
728. Muscular tube that connects the mouth to 733. What are the four types of teeth?
the stomach (choose four answers)
A. Epiglottis A. incisors
B. Peristalsis B. cuspids (canines)
C. Stomach C. bicuspids (pre molars)
D. Esophagus D. molars
A. pancreas A. algae
B. gallbladder B. bacteria
C. villi C. fungi
738. Where are nutrients absorbed into the 743. The stomach wall is lined with a layer of
bloodstream? mucous. What does mucous do?
B. stomach D. liver
C. villi 753. Patients with serious intestinal disease
may have a portion of their small intes-
D. large intestine tine removed. Which issue may occur as
a result?
748. Where does the digestion of starch be-
gin? A. Less insulin will be produced.
A. esophagus B. There will be a shortage of bile
B. large intestine 755. What are the primary organs of the di-
gestive system?
C. stomach
A. Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, SI, LI,
D. none of above Rectum, Anus
750. Sac-like organ that stores bile B. Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, SI, LI,
A. gall bladder
C. Esophagus, Stomach, SI, LI, Rectum,
B. liver Anus
C. pancreas D. Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, SI, LI,
D. stomach Anus
757. In the stomach, food is crushed and mixed 763. Small intestines breakdown
with A. carbohydrates
770. Which of the following statements is not D. 3 meters
a characteristic of arteries?
776. Type of digestion in the stomach:
A. where blood leaves the heart
A. Mechanical
B. carry blood towards the heart
B. Chemical
C. located in the rather deep area of the
skin C. Both
771. in which part of our digestive system, 777. Organ of the digestive system that pro-
where WATER and FOOD PARTICLES are duces enzymes that helps break down car-
absorbed from food into bloodstream bohydrates and regulate blood sugar lev-
A. intestines
A. pancreas
B. oesophagus
B. liver
C. rectum
C. large intestine
D. stomach
D. gall bladder
772. chyme
A. tongue 778. A substance that an organism needs in or-
der to surive and grow is a
B. around
C. juice
D. to soak up
773. Food is broken down to supply energy for
your body in the
A. digestive system 779. An organ of the digestive system that
makes chemicals to help the body break
B. endocrine system
down fats and rid itself of harmful sub-
C. excretory system stances.
D. reproductive system A. esophagus
774. The large intestine measures about: B. mouth
A. 5 feet long C. liver
B. 10 feet long D. stomach
780. The prevent intestines from becoming 785. Which of the following will happen if the
entangled and provide an access route to gallbladder is blocked?
and from the digestive tract for passage of
784. Hemoglobin found in blood cells as shown 789. The discharge of feces through the rec-
in the picture below works to tum.
A. carry glucose throughout the body A. expulsion
B. carry oxygen throughout the body B. defecation
C. helps the blood clotting process C. relief
D. kill disease germs D. cecum release
A. alveoli
D. pancreas
B. esophagus
C. trachea 797. A large organ that lies below the di-
D. bronchi aphragm; it produces bile, and stores glu-
cose for immediate use by the body.
792. What is the function of the kidneys in the A. stomach
excretory/urinary system?
B. pancreas
A. store urine before it is eliminated from
the body. C. gallblader
B. break down food into smaller pieces D. liver
through chemical digestion
C. filter blood of cellular waste material 798. Food does not pass through which of the
as a result of cellular respiration following?
801. the body system that takes in food, 804. What is the function of the large intes-
breaks down the food so your body can tine?
use it, and gets rid of waste
B. proteins A. voluntary
C. fats B. involuntary
1.12 Liver
1. Numbers of lobes in Liver are C. ornithine → citrulline → arginine
A. 2 D. orntihine → arginine → citrulline
B. 3 4. How is ammonia detoxified by the liver?
C. 4 A. using ethanol dehydrogenase
D. 5 B. converted into hydrophobic sub-
2. Where is your liver located?
C. converted into hydrophilic substances
A. In your stomach
D. converted into urea
B. under your ribs on the right side
C. above your heart 5. Which of the following are true of Kupf-
fer cells? I. they are phagocytesII. they
D. on your left side
develop into red blood cellsIII. they are in
3. What is the correct order of substrates in the walls of sinusoids
the ornithine cycle? A. I and II only
A. citrulline → ornithine → arginine B. I and III only
B. arginine → citrulline → ornithine C. II and III only
D. Round ligament
12. Lactate (lactic acid) is broken down by the
7. Which of the following organs produces liver.What are possible products of break-
digestive juice that does not contain en- ing down lactate? I. glucoseII. pyruvateIII.
zymes? carbon dioxide and water
A. liver A. I and II only
B. mouth B. I and III only
C. stomach C. II and III only
D. pancreas D. I, II and III
8. What is the role of Golgi apparatus in hep- 13. Why is the hepatic portal vein so impor-
atocytes? tant?
B. produces plasma proteins to be ex- B. It supplies the liver with glucose for
ported out of the cell aerobic respiration
C. packages and modifies plasma pro- C. It allows the liver to control the levels
teins of nutrients before they are returned to
the blood
D. breaks down vesicles
D. It takes broken down toxins away from
9. Which of these is NOT stored by the liver? the liver
A. Vitamins 14. What is the main role of Kupffer cells in a
B. Bile sinusoid?
B. II only B. capillaries
C. III only C. hepatocytes
20. Within the liver, into what structure does B. I and III only
the hepatic portal vein subdivide? C. II and III only
A. sinusoids D. I, II and III
26. Hepatorenal recess or also known as Mori- 31. Bile is a digestive juice in our body. Which
son’s pouch is a space between the liver of the following statements about bile is
and correct?
A. duodenum A. It is produced by the gall bladder.
B. stomach B. It contains an enzyme that digests fat.
C. right kidney C. It helps break down fat into droplets.
D. left kidney D. It stimulates peristaltic movement of
the small intestine.
27. How are amino acids stored in hepato-
cytes? 32. Which blood vessel carries oxygenated
A. As transferrin blood to the liver?
B. As hemoglobin A. hepatic vein
C. As bile salts B. vena cava
D. They are not stored, but exreted as ni- C. hepatic artery
trogenous waste D. hepatic portal vein
28. Which is the better definition of excre-
33. In the liver, excess amino acids will be con-
verted into(1)urea (2) protein (3) carbohy-
A. Excretion is the removal of waste prod- drate
ucts from the body including carbon diox-
A. only
ide and urea.
B. only
B. Excretion is the removal of metabolic
waste from the body. C. and (3) only
C. Neither of the above. D. and (3) only
D. none of above 34. Which of the following is true of the hep-
29. bile salts help in digestion by the process atic portal vein? I. it carries deoxygenated
of bloodII. it helps maintain the osmotic po-
tential of bloodIII. it takes blood from the
A. absorption heart to the liver
B. excretion A. I and II only
C. emulsification B. I and III only
D. nutrition C. II and III only
30. During hemoglobin recycling in the Kupf- D. I, II and III
fer cells, what is the fate of the four
globin polypeptides that make a single 35. Which blood vessel does the hepatic artery
hemoglobin protein? branch off from?
A. Stored as ferritin A. pulmonary vein
B. Carried to bone marrow B. pulmonary artery
C. Hydrolyzed into amino acids C. vena cava
D. used to make bile D. aorta
36. The surface area on the liver that did not 41. Excretory product of fresh water fishes is
covered by peritoneum is called A. Urea
A. Calvin cycle C. aorta
B. Citrulline cycle D. pulmonary artery
20. Where does food go after it leaves the breakdown converting the starches to
small intestine? sugar.
A. Large intestine C. The teeth tear and grind the food into
small pieces.
B. Stomach
D. The epiglottis closes off the trachea to
C. Liver
keep food from entering it.
D. Rectum
26. What is the main function of the excretory
21. The organ that produces bile is the system?
A. gallbladder A. to collect and remove wastes from the
B. liver body
A. pale, straw (yellowish) color 36. The function of mechanical digestion is to:
B. Sterile A. Increase surface area of food
42. What do antibodies attach to on the 47. The main organs in the digestive system
pathogen? are
A. Anti inflammatory A. esophagus, stomach, small intestine
and large intestine
B. Antigens
B. ureter, urethra, kidneys and bladder
C. Antiseptic
C. lungs, alveoli, bronchi
D. Antibodies D. trachae, kidney, stomach and small in-
43. is a chemical that is made when your
body breaks down protein from meat, 48. Which is NOT a secondary organ in the di-
beans, nuts, and other foods and can be gestive system?
quite harmful to your body. A. liver
A. Carbon dioxide B. stomach
B. Platelets C. pancreas
C. Urea D. gallbladder
53. The main jobs of the small intestine are C. The epiglottis closes off the trachea to
A. physical & chemical digestion keep food from entering it.
64. The main job of the large intestine is 69. How are nephrons related to the function
of kidneys?
A. break down food
A. The function of kidneys is to release
B. absorb nutrients
urine and waste from the body.
C. absorb water B. The function of kidneys is to filter
D. filter blood blood. Nephrons are microscopic filters
inside the kidney that make this possible.
65. Saliva breaks down starch into sugars this
C. The function of kidneys are to balance
the water intake of the body with the out-
A. mechanical digestion put.
B. chemical digestion D. none of above
C. physical digestion 70. Starting from the glomerular capsule, the
D. gross correct order of the renal tubule regions is
D. mouth, esophagus, stomach, liver, 79. What 2 body systems work together to
pancreas, gallbladder, small intestine, break down, absorb, and remove food?
B. bacteria B. esophagus
C. proteins C. small intestine
D. urea D. gall bladder
84. Removing food wastes from the body is 90. The function of the excretory system is to
the main function of which body system?
A. Excretory System A. To remove cellular waste products
B. Digestive System from the body
D. To provide a barrier to air
85. What is a kidney stone made of?
91. Where is the urine stored after leaving
A. rock material the kidneys, but before leaving the body
B. excess waste/ vitamins, salts, calcium through urination?
C. bone A. ureter
D. none of above B. kidney
86. The organ that produces bile C. skin
A. stomach D. bladder
B. pancreas 92. How does the excretory system work
C. gall bladder with the digestive system to maintain
homeostasis? Pick the best answer
D. liver
A. The excretory system creates no
87. Tiny filtering structures in the kidneys waste and that helps the digestive system
where urine is produced are called
B. The food waste helps the excretory
A. ureters. system
B. alveoli. C. The cells from the digestive system
C. nephrons. create no waste
D. bronchi. D. The excretory system gets rid of the
cells’ waste from the digestive system
88. Long tubes that connect the kidneys to the
bladder. 93. Eating healthy means this
A. Urethra A. exercise
B. Bladder B. balanced diet
C. Ureters C. eat desserts
D. Small intestine D. none of above
89. The is a secondary organ that produces 94. What is the tube that carries the urine to
bile to break up fat. the outside of the body?
A. gall bladder A. Bladder
B. liver B. Nephron
C. pancreas C. Ureter
D. none of above D. Urethra
95. Which disease is caused by a bacteria? 101. is a digestive juice that starts break-
A. Malaria ing down some materials in the food in the
98. I am 99% water and 1% enzyme 104. muscular tube that serves as a pas-
sageway for food
A. saliva
A. gallbladder
B. enzymes
B. anus
C. juices
C. stomach
D. none of above D. esophagus
99. Which organ stores urine (pee)? 105. Muscle contractions that help to squeeze
A. bicep food through the esophagus are known as
B. bladder A. chemical digestion.
B. chyme.
C. kidney
C. microvilli.
D. stomach
D. peristalsis.
100. What C-shaped structure in the nephron
106. Which of the following is not an action of
surrounds the glomerulus?
mechanical digestion?
A. Bowman’s capsule A. Teeth grinding food
B. bladder B. Enzymes digesting nutrients
C. renal pelvis C. Stomach contracting
D. hilum D. none of above
107. On a standard traffic light, is the green D. to digest food properly and absorb nu-
on the top or bottom? trients
A. Top 113. What is another name for the throat?
B. Middle A. esophagus
C. Bottom B. larynx
D. none of above C. pharynx
108. What is the correct order of the steps of D. trachea
function within the nephron?
114. stores the solid waste
A. Secretion, Reabsorption, Filtration
A. rectum
B. Filtration, Secretion, Reabsorption
B. esopagus
C. Filtration, Reabsorption, Secretion
C. pancreas
D. Secretion, Filtration, Reabsorption
D. liver
109. Water and salt is mostly absorbed in the
115. The passage of food using smooth muscle
A. esophagus tissue through the esophagus is called
B. stomach A. egestion
C. small intestine B. emulsification
D. large intestine C. peristalsis
110. Liquid waste is stored in the and solid D. circulation
waste is stored in the
116. Stores bile produced by liver.
A. kidneys and liver
A. liver
B. colon and bladder
B. gallbladder
C. bladder and colon
C. pancreas
D. esophagus and intestines
D. none of above
111. All of the following are organs of ex-
cretion (excretory system) that maintain 117. Urine is % water.
homeostasis (balance) except A. 20%
A. small intestine B. 95%
B. lungs C. 80%
C. skin D. 5%
D. liver. 118. The is a tube five to six feet in length
112. What is the important function of the ex- that plays a part in both digestion and ex-
cretory system? cretion.
A. to pump blood throughout the body A. pancreas
B. to remove wastes inside our body B. liver
C. to distribute oxygen and carbon diox- C. colon
ide D. small intestine
119. What tube carries filtrate (urine) to the 124. The level of organization that makes up
bladder? tissues are
122. Structure in the dermis of the skin from D. Villi absorb water from the waste.
which a strand of hair grows.
127. The presence of what condition would in-
A. Follicle
dicate the urgent need for a kidney trans-
B. dermis plant?
C. vitamin D
A. kidney stones
D. melanin
B. kidney failure
123. What happens after the epiglottis closes
C. retention
off the trachea to keep food from entering
it? D. oliguria
A. The food is swallowed, and enters the
esophagus. 128. Which of the following would NOT be
considered an organ of the excretory sys-
B. The salivary glands produce saliva. En-
zymes in the saliva begin the chemical
breakdown converting the starches to A. liver
B. kidney
C. The teeth tear and grind the food into
small pieces. C. skin
D. none of above D. gall bladder
129. What organ/structure exchanges oxy- 134. What type of microbe is used in a vac-
gen and carbon dioxide in the lungs? cine?
A. bronchi A. it doesn’t really matter
B. alveoli B. a damaged one
C. diaphragm C. a weakened or inactivated one
D. trachea D. a normal one
130. What is the function of the bladder? 135. What function do the lungs perform in the
A. Push out excess waste excretory system?
B. Create and absorb excess waste to be A. Getting rid of solid waste
regulated B. Getting rid of liquid waste
C. Collect urine from the kidneys before C. Getting rid of carbon dioxide
disposal by urination
D. Filtering the blood
D. none of above
136. Which organ of the excretory system
131. What substances are not filtered from stores urine until the body is ready to elim-
the blood during filtration? inate it?
A. Blood Cells A. ureters
B. Plasma Proteins B. urethra
C. Glucose C. urinary bladder
D. Ions D. urea
132. I mean the same thing as large intestine
137. Which organ filters the blood to create
A. villi urine?
B. small intestine A. Kidney
C. colon B. Bladder
D. none of above C. Urethra
133. The food moves to the small intestine, D. Ureters
where most digestion takes place. What
138. The gall bladder is connected to the pan-
is the next step?
creas via:
A. The liver secretes a substance called
bile, which helps to digest fats. It breaks A. Bile duct
down harmful substances and stores vita- B. Gall bladder duct
mins. C. Pancreas vein
B. Acid enzymes in the stomach break D. Liver passage
down food until it looks like a thin soup,
a mixture called chyme. 139. The following disease can be caused by
C. Bile is sent back to the gallbladder, the inability of the pancreas to produce the
where it is stored until it is needed in the right amount of insulin.
small intestines. A. diabetes
D. none of above B. Parkinson’s disease
food and stores the waste.
B. The pancreas breaks down proteins,
A. blood carbohydrates, and fats.
B. air C. The walls of the small intestine are
C. sweat covered with villi, which absorb nutrients.
D. water
D. none of above
153. are the parts of food used by the
body to grow and survive. 158. The kidney’s function is to:
A. organ systems A. Remove excess water from food
B. nutrients. B. Filter out wastes and reabsorb nutri-
C. vessels ents and water
155. When you swallow, food, water, and 160. The is a sac-like muscular organ that
other liquids move into a hollow tube stores urine until it is ready to be released
called from the body
A. trachea. A. Stomach
B. esophagus. B. Bladder
C. pancreas. C. Urethra
D. liver. D. Gallbladder
156. Vaccines stimulate the body to produce 161. What organ acts as temporary storage of
A. autoimmune diseases A. urinary bladder
B. fever B. gallbladder
A. esophagus. C. excretory
B. mouth. D. circulatory
172. What are the parts of the urinary sys- 178. An is a blood vessel that carries blood
tem? (Choose 3 answers) away from the heart.
A. kidney A. artery
B. liver B. vein
C. gallbladder C. kidney
D. bladder D. none of above
E. urethra and ureter 179. What other systems does the excretory
173. The secondary organ that stores the bile system work best with?
produced by the liver is the A. Skeletal & Nervous
A. liver B. Muscular & Reproductive
B. gall bladder C. Circulatory & Endocrine & Nervous
C. pancreas D. Circulatory & Reproductive
D. none of above 180. secrete wastes including water, salts,
174. Urea is a chemical created when what is and small amounts of urea
broken down A. appendix
A. protein B. gall bladder
B. oxygen C. salivary glands
C. nutrients D. sweat glands
D. salt 181. Your liver is important to digestion be-
175. What organ stores feces? cause it produces:
A. kidney. A. Enzymes
B. pancreas. B. Bile
D. rectum. D. Vitamin D
176. I look like fingers 182. What is the definition for digestion?
194. During this type of digestion food is phys- 199. The kidneys filter urea from your
ically broken into smaller pieces. A. digestive enzymes
A. chemical digestion. B. bile
B. mechanical digestion. C. food
C. homeostasis. D. blood
D. muscular digestion. 200. what do the lungs do in the excretory sys-
195. What organ removes wastes from the
blood and is also part of the digestive sys- A. dispose of carbon dioxide through ex-
tem.? halation
A. esophagus. B. disposes of smog thru exhalation
D. Rectum D. stomach
D. Ureter A. gallbladder
B. stomach
208. Wastewater that is excreted by the kid-
neys is C. liver
A. Urine D. pancreas
B. Saltwater 214. is a series of involuntary muscular
C. Water contractions along the walls of the diges-
tive tract.
D. Chyme
A. respiration
209. The body system that helps you filter tox-
ins out of the blood is the B. exhalation
216. The main function of the urinary system 222. What is a group of organs that work to-
is to: gether?
A. Filter the urine A. Cell
B. Remove solid waste products B. Tissue
C. Filter the waste and extra fluid from C. Organ Group
the blood
D. Organ System
D. Absorb nutrients from food
217. Where is the location of kidney inside our 223. Which is NOT a major function of the ex-
body? cretory system?
A. lower part of the spinal column A. maintain salt levels
B. beside stomach and intestine B. clean the blood
C. at the back of heart and lungs C. regulate blood volume
D. upper part of the esophagus D. control bodily functions
218. Which part of the digestive system ab- 224. Ringworm is caused by which pathogen?
sorbs water back into the body and pre-
pares the food waste for elimination? A. Bacteria
A. Small Intestine B. Virus
B. Large Intestine C. Protist
C. Abdominal Muscles D. Fungi
D. Pancreas
225. I shift food in the mouth
219. I mix everything up with my acids
A. teetch
A. stomach
B. tongue
B. pancreas
C. saliva
C. large intestine
D. none of above D. none of above
220. Which excretory organ eliminates CO2 226. I am the largest organ inside the body
from the human body? A. stomach
A. lungs B. liver
B. skin
C. small intestine
C. liver
D. none of above
D. kidneys
227. Organ that creates insulin.
221. Bile is a chemical that helps break down
A. fats A. pancreas
B. proteins B. stomach
C. carbohydrates C. liver
D. glucose D. gall bladder
228. The organ where food doesn’t pass 233. Which one is correct about the Urinary
through but it does break down fats and System?
detoxify poisons?
B. The digestive system removes cellular D. The Urine passes from the spleen
waste from the body. through the ureter into the urinary blad-
C. The digestive system removes food der, where it is stored.
waste from the body.
234. Which excretory organ eliminates water
D. The digestive system absorbs nutrient
and some chemical wastes in sweat?
molecules into the bloodstream.
E. The digestive system filters waste A. lungs
made in the body from the blood. B. skin
230. Where are fluids going when they are go- C. liver
ing through the urethra?
D. kidneys
A. Into the kidneys
B. Into the Bladder
235. What term do scientists use to describe
C. Out of the body the chemical process in which oxygen and
D. Into the Ureter glucose react to release energy inside body
231. In which direction do substance move dur-
ing filtration? A. respiration
A. Blood to Filtrate B. exhaling
B. Filtrate to Blood C. breathing
C. Tubules to Capillaries
D. inhaling
D. Tubules to Arterioles
232. As the blood enters the glomerulus, the 236. Urine is removed from the urinary blad-
waste product that enter the glomerular der through a structure known as the
space is called:
A. urethra
A. Urine
B. ureter
B. Stool
C. Feces C. uterus
D. Filtrate D. kidney
237. What is the name of the muscular tube 243. I like to spin and churn in the stomach
that connects the stomach to the mouth? A. juices
A. Epiglottis B. water
B. Esophagus C. mucus
C. Stomach D. none of above
D. Mouth 244. are a group of organs that work to-
gether and perform a specific task.
238. Which excretory organ eliminates CO2?
A. lungs A. organ systems
B. nutrients.
B. skin
C. vessels
C. liver
D. capillaries
D. kidneys
245. An enzyme in saliva that breaks the
239. What organ connects the stomach to the chemical bonds in starch, releasing sugar,
mouth? is
A. esophagus. A. pepsin.
B. pancreas. B. amylase.
C. liver. C. bile.
D. trachea. D. chyme.
240. Bile aids in the digestion of 246. How many bladders does a human
A. proteins
A. 1
B. fats
B. 2
C. sugars
C. 3
D. starches
D. 4
241. long tube that absorbs nutrients into the
body using villi 247. A is a tiny blood vessel that connects
arteries and veins.
A. small intestine
A. vein
B. large intestine
B. capillary
C. trachea C. artery
D. alveoli D. none of above
242. A sign of glucose in urine may be an indi- 248. What would happen if your Excretory
cator for: System failed?
A. tuberculosis A. Your kidney would fail
B. diabetes B. You would explode
C. cystic fibrosis C. Your body would fail
D. excess coffee D. none of above
D. reabsorption A. glucose
B. protein
252. Your food gets tossed around here and
broken down with gastric juices. C. insulin
A. brain D. bile
260. When you breathe out, you expel 266. The part of the excretory system that
A. Carbon Dioxide. rids the body of salt and water is
B. Oxygen. A. lungs
C. Helium. B. kidneys
tary control over urination? 267. Which structure empties the bladder?
A. skeletal muscle A. Kidney
B. smooth muscle sphincters B. Bladder
C. cardiac muscle C. Urethra
D. ligaments D. Ureters
262. Physical process called peristalsis occurs 268. Where are the sweat glands located?
in A. dermis
A. trachae B. epidermis
B. intestines C. hypodermis
C. esophagus D. none of above
D. mouth only
269. The organ that makes insulin to break
263. Where can you find dead skin cells? down glucose is the
A. Your innermost layer of skin A. pancreas
B. Your outermost layer of skin B. liver
C. The border between the epidermis and C. gall bladder
the dermis D. salivary gland
D. The border between the dermis and
the hypodermis 270. When the inside of our bodies remain sta-
ble even if outside conditions change, this
264. How much urine does the average human is
make daily? A. homeostasis
A. 1 liter B. equilibrium
B. 10 liters C. oxidation
C. 2 liters D. homozygous
D. None
271. The process of removal of the body’s
265. turnds food into chyme wastes is called
A. mouth A. gas exchange.
B. stomach B. respiration.
C. large intestine C. excretion.
D. small intestine D. filtration.
282. Antibiotics work against most 288. After food is swallowed, it enters the
A. Bacteria esophagus. What is the next step?
B. Bacteria & Viruses A. The liver secretes a substance called
bile, which helps to digest fats. It breaks
C. Viruses
down harmful substances and stores vita-
D. Vaccines mins.
283. Physical change in digestion occurs in the B. Acid enzymes in the stomach break
down food until it looks like a thin soup,
A. stomach and intestines
a mixture called chyme.
B. intestines
C. The food moves to the small intestine,
C. mouth and esophagus
where most digestion takes place.
D. mouth only
D. Bile is sent back to the gallbladder,
284. Where does urine flow? where it is stored until it is needed in the
A. from the stomach to the liver small intestines.
B. from the kidney to the bladder 289. The excretory system works directly
C. from the bladder to the kidney with the system to allow blood to be
D. none of above filtered in the kidneys.
A. Muscular
285. Blood being pumped to the kidneys for fil-
tering is an example of which two systems B. Skeletal
working together? C. Circulatory
A. excretory and digestive
D. Respiratory
B. excretory and respiratory
C. excretory and circulatory 290. I keep the system healthy
D. excretory and skeletal A. exercise
292. (A) Egestion(B) Ingestion(C) Absorp- 297. Which of the following would NOT be re-
tion(D) DigestionWhich sequence correctly lated to respiratory problems?
describes how food passes through the di-
called a: B. distal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle,
proximal convoluted tubule, collecting
A. Bolus
B. Food
C. proximal convoluted tubule, loop of
C. Nutrients Henle, distal convoluted tubule, collecting
D. Colon duct
305. A person makes liters of urine a day. D. collecting duct, proximal convoluted
tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted
A. 3 liters tubule
B. 10 liters
310. This tube eliminates urine from the body
C. 2 liters to the outside.
D. 1.5 liters
A. urinary bladder
306. A diuretic is which of the following? B. urethra
A. a substance that causes water reten- C. ureters
D. kidney
B. a substance that causes increased
urine production 311. A short tube where urine is released from
C. a drug that may be administered in or- the body is the
der to prevent water excretion in the urine A. Ureter
D. a drug that may be administered in or- B. Kidney
der to reduce water loss through sweat-
C. Bladder
D. Urethra
307. Fluid normally found inside the Bowman’s
capsule is called? 312. Acid enzymes in the stomach break down
food until it looks like a thin soup, a mix-
A. blood
ture called chyme. What is the next step?
B. plasma
A. The liver secretes a substance called
C. urine bile, which helps to digest fats. It breaks
D. filtrate down harmful substances and stores vita-
308. The components of urine include:
B. Bile is sent back to the gallbladder,
A. carbon dioxide and glucose where it is stored until it is needed in the
B. glucose and water small intestines.
C. The food moves to the small intestine, 318. too much glucose in the blood is a sign of
where most digestion takes place.
324. Which excretory organ eliminates feces C. reabsorption, discretion, and secre-
from the human body? tion
A. lungs D. secretion, absorption, and dissemina-
B. large intestine tion
C. small intestine 330. Which organ produces a substance that
D. stomach moistens food and contains an enzyme
that begins to break down food?
325. produces digestive chemicals for the
A. Pancreas
small intestines
B. Liver
A. rectum
C. Salivary Glands
B. liver
D. Esophaus
C. esophagus
D. pancreas 331. Vitamin absorption occurs in the:
A. Stomach
326. Are chemicals that travel in the blood
and cause changes in different parts of the B. Small intestine
body C. Pancreas
A. Hormones D. Large intestine
B. Glands
332. The blood vessel carrying blood from the
C. Parathyroid aorta into the kidney is the
D. Adrenal Gland A. renal artery
327. The function of chemical digestion is to: B. hepatic artery
A. Breakdown nutrients to their compo- C. renal vein
nent parts D. glomerulus
B. Increase surface area of food
333. The system is a group of organs that
C. Decrease surface area of food work together to break down foods into
D. none of above substances that your cells can use.
334. The circulatory system carries & 340. Which organ(s) is/are in the excretory
to cells. system?
335. produces bile 341. Why are the lungs include in the excre-
A. liver tory system? I thought the lungs were
just part of the respiratory system.
B. mouth
A. The lungs are not included in the excre-
C. pancreas tory system. You must be crazy to think
D. large intestine otherwise.
B. The lungs adapt to different systems
336. Urea is best described as
C. The lungs only absorb oxygen from the
A. a tube you urinate out of
environment through their alveoli
B. waste from the breakdown of proteins
D. The lungs function in removing the
C. an organ harmful CO2 from the body
D. waste product of cellular respiration
342. Oxygen and carbon dioxide move in and
337. a saclike muscular organ which stores out of blood through the walls of the
urine until it is released from the body A. alveoli
A. urethra B. diaphragm
B. bladder C. small intestine
C. kidneys D. bronchi
D. ureters
343. The color of our skin is caused by a pig-
338. The function of the large intestine is to: ment called:
A. Absorb vitamins A. diabetes
B. Absorb water B. melanin
C. House important bacteria C. kidney
D. All of the above D. skin
339. Which activity normally occurs in the 344. Which is NOT part of the excretory sys-
esophagus of a human? tem?
A. absorption of nutrients A. liver
B. movement of food to the stomach B. kidney
C. secretion of enzymes C. skin
D. mechanical breakdown of food D. small intestine
D. Water, Mucus, Pepsin, Amylase C. Protease
D. Lipase
346. I look like a sleeping snake
352. What toxic substance is excreted in the
A. colon urine?
B. small intestine A. Glucose
C. esophagus B. Sodium ions
D. none of above C. Carbon dioxide
347. Most chemical breakdown occurs here D. Urea
and nutrients are taken out of the food and 353. I make 3 key digestive enzymes
sent to the body here.
A. liver
A. large intestine
B. gallbladder
B. liver
C. pancreas
C. small intestine
D. none of above
D. stomach
354. Chemical change in digestion occurs in the
348. We are powerful acids A. esophagus
A. enzymes B. mouth, stomach and intestines
B. villi C. teeth, kidney and ureter
C. taste buds D. none of above
D. none of above 355. Digested food is absorbed in the
349. What are the main organs of the excre- A. colon
tory system B. large intestine
A. Kidneys, Large intestines, Liver, Ure- C. small intestine
thra, Ureters D. stomach
B. Brain, Intestine, muscles
356. are clusters of tiny, thin walled sacs
C. Lungs, Brain, Mouth surrounded by capillaries
D. none of above A. alveoli
350. What is the first (top) layer of skin B. bronchi
called? C. doaphram
A. epidermis D. trachea
357. Which excretory organ eliminates fe- 363. In which organ or tissue does chemical di-
ces? gestion NOT occur?
A. Mouth
358. controls the release of solid waste 364. What begins the process of physical di-
A. mouth
A. esophagus
B. anus
B. mouth
C. large intestine
C. pancreas
D. stomach
D. small intestine
359. What is the excretory system?
365. What is the main purpose of the immune
A. a system that pumps blood system?
throughtout your body
A. support the body through bones and
B. the system that collects and eliminates muscles
wastes from the body; regulates the level
of fluid in the body B. get rid of waste from the body
C. move blood through the body
C. None of the above
D. protect the body from pathogens
D. none of above
366. Which is NOT a function of the skin?
360. It all begins here
A. Insulation
A. kidneys
B. Movement
B. mouth
C. Excretion
C. esophagus
D. Vitamin D Production
D. none of above
367. I cut, tear, and grind food
361. How many kidneys do you need to sur-
A. teeth
B. esophagus
A. 1
C. stomach
B. 2
D. none of above
C. 3
D. 4 368. The function of the digestive system is to
362. The body system you use for gas ex- A. To remove waste products from the
change is the body
A. respiratory system B. To digest, break down food and absorb
B. digestive system nutrients.
C. excretory system C. To filter blood and send to bladder
D. urinary system D. To
369. a tube through which urine passes be- 375. Your liver and kidneys are parts of your
fore its removed from the body
A. bladder A. digestive system
B. urethra B. excretory system
C. kidneys C. respiratory system
370. What does bile do in the digestive sys-
tem? A. soluble fibers.
381. Which stage of urine production involves 386. The two long tubes that connect the kid-
adding ammonia, uric acid, and other neys to the bladder are called
waste substances directly into the renal
A. chemical digestion body
B. mechanical digestion
398. Where is the excretory system located?
C. absorption
A. Near your esophagus
D. enzyme activity
B. In your stomach
393. The outer layer of the kidney C. Near the spine/The middle of the back
A. medulla D. All over your body
B. cortex 399. Which organ in the digestive tract ab-
C. glomerulus sorbs water?
1.14 Pancreas
1. Name the two hormones produced by the B. by a doctor
thyroid gland. C. a biopsy
A. Epinephrine and norepinephrine D. none of above
B. ADH and oxytocin
6. Peristalsis occurs in which of the following
C. Calcitonin and thyroxine locations
D. Growth hormone and cortisol A. mouth, stomach
2. The wave-like contractions that moves a B. large intestine, small intestine
bolus through the digestive tract is known C. esophagus, small intestine
D. rectum, liver
A. Chyme
7. These secrete saliva (watery secretion
B. appendix
that contains mucus (a protein lubricant)
C. bile and salivary amylase (starch-digesting en-
D. peristalsis zyme) into the oral cavity). They exist in
3. What is the name of the sphincter that A. Small Intestines
controls the release of bile and pancreatic
juices into the duodenum? B. Large Intestines
due toright-sided heart failure primarily A. Cilia
affects which of thefollowing regions of
B. Flagella
this patient’s liver?
C. Hemidesmosomes
A. Centrilobular hepatocytes
D. Microvilli
B. Periportal hepatocytes
E. Stereocilia
C. Intrahepatic bile ducts
D. Extrahepatic bile ducts 15. A diagnosis of type 1 diabetes means that
19. Exocrine cells of the pancreas produce 24. Two major causes of cirrhosis of the liver
A. digestive enzymes
20. Acinar cells empty into tubules that filter D. renal colic and cystitis.
into the which then brings the pancre-
25. Pancreatic lipase is known as
atic juice to the duodenum.
A. steapsin
A. stomach
B. amylopsin
B. sinusoids
C. chymotrypsin
C. canaliculi
D. trypisin
D. pancreatic duct
26. Where is the liver located in the human
21. Which of the following statements is true body?
about the human liver? A. Beside pancreas
A. Liver is triangular in shape B. Beside heart
B. Liver is the only visceral organ that can C. Beside kidney
D. Above the abdominal cavity
C. Liver is the largest and the internal or-
gan of the human body 27. All of the following is true of insulin, EX-
D. All of the above.
A. it is secreted by beta cells
22. Where is the head of the pancreas lo- B. it signals the liver to store glucose as
cated? glycogen
A. in the curve of the duodenum C. it is a hormone
B. above the stomach D. it is secreted by alpha cells
C. in front of the stomach 28. What do we call they yellow-green liquid
D. close to the urinary bladder found in our gallbladder?
A. Lipase
23. what would happen if you damage your
B. Protase
C. Bile
A. chronic pancreatitis
D. Insulin
B. loss of function
29. Which sentence better describe close-loop
C. digestion problems
system in artificial pancreas
D. scar tissue may occur
A. Require user acknowledgement prior
E. all of the above to insulin dosing
B. Does not require user acknowledge- 35. Secretion of pancreatic juice is stimulated
ment for insulin delivery by
C. Bolus calculation was done by user A. Gastrin
D. none of above B. Secretin
C. Enterokinase
30. Insulin and glucagon are produced by
D. Enterogastron
A. the liver
B. the pancreas 36. How long does the pancreas measure?
A. 8-12 inches
C. the kidneys
B. 7-8 inches
D. none of above
C. 6-10 inches
31. What stimulates the production of bicar- D. 5-9 inches
bonates in the pancreas?
A. CCK 37. Injury or inflammation affecting the canal
of Herring inthe liver lobule is associ-
B. Secretin ated with which of the followingpathologic
C. Gastrin changes?
D. Food A. Fat droplets within hepatocytes
B. Fibrosis of the common bile duct
32. where is the pancreas
C. Gallstones (cholelithiasis)
A. behind your knee
D. Hypertrophy of smooth muscle in the
B. behind your stomach ampulla ofVater
C. behind your liver E. Intrahepatic bile lakes
D. behind your intestines 38. Principal fat digesting enzyme is in pancre-
atic juice.
33. Amylopsin breaks
A. True
A. proteins into amino acids
B. False
B. nucleic acids into nucleotides
C. Maybe
C. starch and glycogen into disaccha-
rides D. none of above
D. lipids into glycerol and monoglyc- 39. causes the gallbladder to release bile
erides A. cholecystokinin
34. The thyroxine hormone regulates: B. insulin
A. The secretion of the adrenal cortex C. secretin
B. The use of sugar by the cells D. glucagon
40. Which of the following hormones is NOT
C. The level of calcium in the bloodstream secreted by the small intestine?
D. The reaction of the body to stress A. secretin
51. What are the disorders associated with 57. What stimulates the production of en-
the pancreas? zymes in the pancreas?
A. Pancreatic, Carboxypeptidase, and Li- A. CCK
pase B. Secretin
B. Scoliosis, Polysaccharide, and Trypsin C. Gastrin
C. Cystic fibrosis, Diabetes, and Pancre- D. Food
58. In a patient with acute pancreatitis collec-
D. none of above
tion of blood around umbilicus is known as
52. Which is NOT a clinical manifestation? A. Grey Turner sign
A. upper abdominal pain B. Cullens sign
B. gallstones C. Kehr’s sign
C. low blood pressure D. Murphy’s sign
D. headaches
59. The following structure should not be in-
53. Pancreatic amylase is also known as jured during splenectomy
A. steapsin A. Head of pancreas
B. amylopsin B. Neck of pancreas
C. chymotrypsin C. Body of pancreas
D. carboxypeptidase D. Tail of pancreas
54. Which one here reduces the amount of glu- 60. What is the abnormal diminished content
cose in the blood? of glucose in the blood called?
A. Glucagon A. Hyperglycemia
B. Insulin B. Hypothyroidism
C. Glycogen C. Hyposecretion
D. ADH D. Hypoglycemia
55. Which cell type makes up the majority of 61. This is located near the junction of the
the Islets of Langerhans? small and large intestines. It is very small
A. alpha and is a vestigial structure.
B. beta A. Cecum
C. delta B. Vermiform appendix
D. F cells C. Coelom
D. Colon
56. This moves bile from the common Hepatic
duct to the common bile duct. 62. the parts of the pancreas are
A. Common Hepatic Duct A. head and tail
B. Cystic Duct B. bottom, body, neck
C. Common Bile Duct C. head, neck, body, tail
D. Gall Bladder D. visceral face, diaphragmatic face
63. This releases bile (emulsifies/breaks 68. What is unique about the pancreas com-
down lipids into smaller droplets) into the pared to the other glands?
74. Who is affected by diabetes? 79. Enzymes and bile are carried by the pan-
A. Men and women creatic duct and bile duct into the
A. retroperitoneal creas rotates around to fuse with the
B. intraperitoneal pancreas
C. subperitoneal A. anterior, posterior
D. extraperitoneal B. ventral, dorsal
C. dorsal, ventral
76. The following statements are all true, ex-
cept D. tail, body
A. The liver is the largest, solid organ in 81. Produces mucus and enzymes that chemi-
the body cally break down food
B. Blood supply to the liver is only A. Esophagus
through the hepatic artery B. liver
C. Portal tracts in the liver are composed C. Pancreas
by a hepatic arteriole, a portal venule and D. salivary glands
a bile ductule
D. Blood leaves the liver through the hep- 82. What are the hormones associated with
atic vein the pancreas?
A. Insulin & Glucagon
77. Which of the following breaks down nu-
B. Islet cells
cleic acids into nucleotides?
C. Secretin
A. steapsin
D. none of above
B. trypsin
83. What is the name of the cells located in the
C. proteases
D. nucleases
A. hepatocytes
78. This is divided into lobes and is located on B. acinar cells
right side of body. It is divided into 4 lobes C. duct cells
in humans (right, left, caudate, quadrate)
and is divided into 6 lobes in cats (left me- D. osteoclasts
dial, left lateral, quadrate, right medial, 84. Which of the following is the function of
right lateral, caudate). the human liver?
A. Spleen A. Production of bile
B. Liver B. Metabolization of fats
C. Pancreas C. Metabolization of carbohydrates
D. Gall Bladder D. All of the above.
85. Closes when we swallow to prevent food 90. What do f cells make?
from entering into our lungs A. nothing. you made them up
B. teeth 102. This secretes digestive enzymes and
buffers which neutralize the stomach
C. tongue acids.
D. esophagus
A. Spleen
97. Choose all basic components for an artifi- B. Liver
cial pancreas
C. Pancreas
A. Glucose monitor, insulin reservoir, in-
sulin pump D. Gall Bladder
B. Glucose monitor, insulin pump, algo-
rithm for insulin delivery 103. What are the functions of Pancreas?
C. Insulin reservoir, insulin pump, algo- A. Helps in digestion and regulating blood
rithm for insulin delivery pressure
D. none of above B. Helps in digestion and regulating blood
98. Which one here is a hormone?
C. Helps in blood sugar regulation and
A. Glycogen
produces insulin
B. Glycerol
D. Helps in blood sugar regulation and
C. Glucagon produces glucagon
D. Glucose
104. Pancreatic juice contains all of the follow-
99. What is the functional unit of the liver ing EXCEPT
A. pepsin
A. Liver lobule
B. Acinus B. trypsin
C. Liver lobe C. chymotrypsin
D. Islet of Langerhans D. steapsin
100. What are the rows od liver cells within a 105. Which pancreatic cells secrete insulin?
liver lobule called?
A. alpha
A. hepatic cords
B. hepatic lines B. beta
C. liver lobes C. delta
D. liver rows D. f cells
109. Which cells produce insulin? 114. All of the following are pancreatic pro-
teases EXCEPT
A. Alpha cells
A. trypsin
B. Beta cells
B. chymotrypsin
C. Delta cells
D. Both a and b C. carboxypeptidase
D. steapsin
110. Name of the hormone that breaks down
glycogen into glucose. 115. Artificial Pancreas is a device used
A. Aldosterone A. to detect glucose level in blood
B. Insulin B. to deliver amount of insulin needed by
C. Glucagon the body
D. Cortisol C. to convert glucose to energy needed
by the body
111. During a clinical conference, you are
D. to convert stored glycogen to glucose
asked to discussiron storage disorders af-
fecting the liver. You explain thatiron 116. During ERCP procedure the tube to be in-
overload can occur due to increased break- serted the following distance from pylorus
down oferythrocytes (hemolysis) or in- to reach the Major pancreatic duct opens
creased intestinal absorp-tion. Name the
A. 6-8 mm
principal iron storage pigment found inhep-
atocytes. B. 6-8 cm
A. Bilirubin C. 8-10 cm
B. Cytochromes D. 8-10mm
117. You are asked to discuss the gross and A. it signals the liver to release glycogen
microscopic anat-omy of the liver during a as glucose
pathology conference. Classicliver lobules B. it signals the liver to store glucose as
are described as hexagonal prisms that glycogen
sur-round which of the following anatomic
structures? C. it is released when blood sugar levels
are low
A. Bile duct
D. it is secreted by alpha cells
B. Central vein
122. Most nutrients are absorbed here
C. Hepatic artery
A. liver
D. Portal triad
B. appendix
E. Portal vein
C. small intestine
118. This moves bile from the liver to the cys- D. large intestine
tic duct.
123. The pancreas delivers an alkaline pH fluid
A. Common Hepatic Duct
to the duode-num that helps to neutral-
B. Cystic Duct ize the acidity of gastric juice, protect the
C. Common Bile Duct small intestine, and provide an optimum
pHfor hydrolytic enzymes present in the
D. Gall Bladder lumen. What por-tion of the exocrine pan-
creas secretes most of this bicar-bonate-
119. What is the pancreas for?
and sodium-rich alkaline fluid?
A. It produces juices that help break
A. Intercalated ducts
down food and hormones that help control
blood sugar levels. B. Interlobular ducts
B. They move oxygen into the blood and C. Intralobular ducts
remove carbon dioxide in a process called D. Pancreatic duct of Santorini
gas exchange. E. Pancreatic duct of Wirsung
C. It receives indigestible substances
from the small intestine, absorbs water, 124. These are salivary glands located just me-
and leaves waste products called feces. dial to the mandible on each side of the
D. none of above
A. Parotid ducts
120. The name of the hormone that increases B. Parotid glands
the amount of sugar in the blood is called C. Submandibular glands
D. Sublingual glands
A. insulin
125. Trypsin, Chymotrypsin and Carboxypep-
B. glucagon
tidase split
C. glycogen
A. proteins into amino acids
B. nucleic acids into nucleotides
121. All of the following is true of glucagon, C. starch and glycogen into disaccha-
EXCEPT rides
D. lipids into glycerol and monoglyc- 130. Which of the following would be consid-
erides ered a main role of the digestive system?
128. What is an example of hyperfunction in 134. Choose suitable candidate for an artificial
the pancreas? pancreas?
A. Pheochromocytoma A. Type II Diabetes
levels of alkaline phosphatase are an indi- B. test the elevated levels of pancreatic
cator of injury to which of the following C. measuring fat to see how much nutri-
tissues/structures? ents you’re getting
A. Bile ducts D. observe the extent of inflammation
B. Centrilobular hepatocytes
140. Which hormone prevents the glucose lev-
C. Islets of Langerhans
els from dropping to a dangerous point by
D. Pancreatic exocrine acini stimulating the stored glycogen to glucose
E. Periportal hepatocytes in the liver?
A. Glucagon
136. A neonate born prematurely at 32-
weeks’ gestationdevelops yellow skin and B. Gastrin
sclera (physiological jaundice).Laboratory C. Insulin
studies show elevated serum levels of
D. Somatostatin
biliru-bin (breakdown product of heme).
Inadequate bilirubinclearance by the liver 141. What is the part of the pancreas that is
in this neonate was most likelycaused by close to the spleen called?
organ immaturity. What liver enzyme
conju-gates serum bilirubin, making it wa- A. Head
ter soluble, for excre-tion in the bile? B. Neck
A. Alanine aminotransferase C. Body
B. Aspartate transaminase D. Tail
C. Fatty acyltransferase
142. Hormone that maintains/reabsorbs the
D. Glucuronyltransferase water in the body.
E. Galactosyltransferase A. Norepinephrine
137. Arteria Pancreatica magna is a branch of B. Adrenaline
A. superior pancreatico duodenal artery C. Melatonin
B. Inferior Pancreatico duodenal artery D. ADH
C. Hepatic artery 143. The structure related posterior to the
D. Splenic artery head of Pancreas is
across the plasma membrane of epi-thelial 149. These are salivary glands located inferior
cells lining the gallbladder? to the tongue.
155. are the chief functional cells of the 159. Which component of the pancreas that
liver produces hormone to regulate blood sugar
A. Hepatocytes A. Acinar Cells
B. Nephrons B. Beta Cells
C. Neurons C. Delta Cells
D. All of the above D. Islet of Langerhans
156. What is the role of the pancreas? 160. The main pancreatic duct is from the
A. regulates the endocrine system A. ventral pancreas
B. breaking down food and consuming it B. dorsal pancreas
into energy for the body’s cell’s C. main pancreas
C. controls the rate which cells burn fuels D. posterior pancreas
from food to make energy
D. increases blood pressure and heart 161. Which pancreatic cells secrete somato-
rate under stress statin?
A. alpha
157. A 44-year-old woman comes to the
physician with a6-week history of B. beta
episodic hunger and fainting spells.She is C. delta
currently seeing a psychiatrist because she
D. f cells
is irri-table and quarreling with her family.
Laboratory studiesshow a serum glucose 162. What is the direction of the blood and bile
concentration of 35 mg/dL (nor-mal = 90 flow within a liver lobule?
mg/dL). A CT scan of the abdomen demon-
A. blood and bile flow towards the center
strates a 1.5-cm mass in the pancreas. An
of the lobule
EM study ofthe tumor reveals membrane-
bound, dense-core gran-ules. These secre- B. blood flows towards the center and
tory vesicles most likely contain whichof bile towards a triad of the lobule
the following pancreatic hormones? C. blood and bile flow towards the triad
A. Glucagon of the lobule
B. Insulin D. bile flows towards the center and
blood towards a triad of the lobule
C. Pancreatic polypeptide
D. Secretin 163. A 40-year-old woman presents with
an 8-month historyof generalized itching,
E. Somatostatin
weight loss, fatigue, and yellowsclerae.
158. What is the approximate weight of the Physical examination reveals mild jaun-
liver in a healthy adult? dice. Aliver biopsy discloses bile duct in-
jury and inflammation.Which of the follow-
A. 1.4kg ing cells forms the lining epitheliumof the
B. 2.3kg biliary tree?
C. 0.9kg A. Cholangiocytes
D. 1.8kg B. Endothelial cells
C. Hepatic stellate cells 168. This is a complex organ with many func-
tions. It processes digestive material from
D. Hepatocytes
the vessels returning blood from the in-
172. Duct cells of pancreas produce 177. what are the enzymes that are secreted
A. enzymes from the pancreas?
A. amylase, lipase, protease
B. hormones
B. amylase, carbohydrase, protease
C. α and β cells
C. protease, isomerase, carbohydrase
D. bicarbonate
D. none of above
173. This is an extension of the peritoneum
178. Trypsinogen is converted into its active
that forms a double fold of tissue between
form, trypsin, by
the stomach and liver.
A. cholecystokinin
A. Mesentary
B. secretin
B. Vermiform appendix
C. enterokinase
C. Greater Omentum
D. lipase
D. Lesser Omentum
179. These are salivary glands located just an-
174. Which of the following is not a hormone terior to the ears.
A. cholecystokinin A. Parotid ducts
B. secretin B. Parotid glands
C. glucagon C. Submandibular glands
D. enterokinase D. Sublingual glands
180. These are tubes that transverses the buc-
175. Pancreatic juice contains all of the follow-
cal (cheek) region and enters the oral cav-
ing except..
ity just posterior to the upper second mo-
A. sodium bicarbonate lar. They secretes saliva from the parotid
B. enzymes gland.
C. calcium carbonate A. Parotid ducts
1.15 Spleen
1. The colour of spleen is A. Large Intestine
A. Green B. Small Intestine
B. Yellow C. Stomach
C. Red D. Kidney
D. White E. Diaphragm
2. splenic artery is a branch of 4. The colic surface of the spleen touches the
A. coeliac trunk
B. superior mesenteric artery A. Large Intestine
C. Inferior mesenteric artery B. Small Intestine
D. none of above C. Stomach
5. The following ligament prevents the en- B. White pulp of the spleen is composed
largement of spleen towards left iliac of lymphoid aggregates.
fossa C. lymphoid nodules in the white pulp is
A. Gastrohepatic ligament composed mainly of B-lymphocytes
B. Lenorenal ligament D. periarteriolar lymphoid sheath is com-
C. Gastrosplenic ligament posed mainly of B-lymphocytes
cause of splenomegaly in chronic myeloid
6. Splenectomy results in the following leukaemia.
changes in the full blood count EXCEPT
A. production of antibody
A. further reduction in the Hb level
B. control of red cell integrity
B. neutrophilic leucocytosis
C. extramedullary haematopoiesis
C. lymphocytosis
D. sequestration of formed elements
D. thrombocytosis
12. Which of the following is the MOST feared
7. The superior border of the Spleen up complication post splenectomy?
A. Up A. anaemia
B. Down B. lymphocytosis
C. Right side C. thrombosis
D. Left Side D. sepsis
E. Back 13. What is the taste of spleen?
8. The posterior border of the Spleen points A. Bitter
B. Pungent
A. Up C. Sweet
B. Down D. Salty
C. Right side
14. What is the point used for treating pen-
D. Front siveness?
E. Back A. BL 20
9. Long axis of spleen corresponds to B. ST 36
A. 9th rib C. REN 12
B. 10th rib D. BL 49
C. 11th rib 15. splenic notches are commonly seen in
D. 12th rib border of spleen
A. superior
10. The following statements are TRUE regard-
ing spleen, EXCEPT B. anterior
16. visceral surface of spleen is related to the 22. Splenectomy results in the following
following organs EXCEPT changes in the peripheral blood film EX-
20. The spleen is located in the 26. What is the treatment used in REN 12
for reducing heat? What is the treatment
A. right iliac fossa..
used in REN 12 to reduce heat?
B. right lower quadrant.
A. Moxibustion
C. left coastal margin. B. Needling
D. left lower quadrant C. Acupressure
21. The inferior border of the Spleen points D. Feather touch
A. Up 27. Tail of pancreas lies in
B. Down A. Gastrosplenic ligament
C. Right side B. lienorenal ligament
D. Left Side C. Phrenicocolic ligament
E. Back D. none of above
28. White pulp contains mostly 34. What is the manifestation of lips of a per-
A. Basophils son with healthy spleen blood?
B. Lymphocytes A. Rosy Dry
C. Macrophages B. Rosy Moist
D. Red blood cells C. Red Dry
29. How large is the spleen? D. Red Moist
A. 12 in long and 7 in wide.
35. Which of the following BEST explains the
B. 12 cm long and 7 cm wide.
splenomegaly seen in hereditary spherocy-
C. 7 in long and 12 in wide. tosis
D. 7 cm long and 12 cm wide. A. phagocytosis of red blood cells by the
30. What is the smell of spleen? What does splenic macrophages
the spleen smell like? B. pooling of red blood cells in
A. Rotten C. extramedullary haematopoiesis
B. Fragrant
D. none of above
C. Scorched
D. Putrid 36. The renal surface of the spleen touches the
1.16 Kidney
1. How many medals did she take home after C. nephrons.
competing with a kidney stone?
D. bronchi.
A. 6
B. 5 5. Which of the following is the correct defi-
nition of stimulus?
C. 2
D. 4 A. The ability of an organism to respond
B. the extent of changes in the surround-
2. A layer of perirenal fat also known as the
adipose capsule
A. Renal capsule C. a change in the environment
B. Capsule wall D. changes in pH
C. Renal cortex
6. What act as a filter in the nephron?
D. none of above
A. Loop of henle
3. what is an effector?
B. Bowman’s Capsule
A. also known as nerve impulse
C. Glomerulus
B. part of body that carry out response ex-
ample muscle and gland D. Collecting Tubule
C. organ or cell that respond to stimuli ex-
ample eyes and skin 7. Two organs that brings oxygen to the
blood & removes carbon dioxide & other
D. the signal that travel along the nerve waste gases from the blood.
A. lungs
4. The structure where urine is produced in
the kidneys are called B. kidneys
A. ureters. C. muscles
B. alveoli. D. skeleton
8. What is added to allow arterial blood en- 13. Why is the recipient’s immune system less
ter a vein to then be withdrawn for dialy- likely to attack if the organ/s donated be-
sis? long/s to a relative?
A. a shunt A. Because they have similar immune sys-
B. a stunt tems.
C. Because the cell membranes are simi-
9. Which blood vessel carries blood to the kid- lar to each other.
neys? D. Because they are related by blood.
A. Renal artery
14. Considering water and ions, what is the
B. Renal vein descending loop of Henle permeable to?
C. Renal cortex A. Permeable to water, Impermeable to
D. Renal medulla ions
B. Permeable to ions, Impermeable to
10. Which word means pertaining to the kid-
C. Permeable to both ions and water
A. Renal
D. Impermeable to both ions and water
B. Cardio
C. Gastrointestinal 15. The majority of glomeruli are located in the
of the kidney.
D. Respiratory
A. vasa recta
11. Does paro like Sydney
B. medulla
A. Yes
C. cortex
B. Yes
D. pelvis
C. Yes
16. Organ that produces bile to digest fatty
D. Yes
12. What does the pump do (in a dialysis A. liver
B. lung
A. It keeps the dialysis fluid moving
C. organ
through the dialyser.
D. esophagus
B. It keeps the blood flowing through the
dialyser. 17. What organ removes liquid waste from
C. It keeps the dialysis fluid moving blood?
through the dialyser and at a higher pres- A. Heart
sure than the blood.
B. Brain
D. It keeps the blood moving through the
dialyser and at a higher pressure than the C. Kidneys
dialysis fluid. D. Stomach
29. A pair of organs that regulate blood and 34. The outer region of the kidney, containing
excrete liquid waste. the capsule region of the nephron is called
A. kidneys the
B. muscles A. Bladder
C. skull B. Pelvis
D. lungs C. Cortex
D. Medulla
30. are single-celled thin (smallest) blood
vessels that allow materials to move into
and out of blood. 35. Which of the following best describes
what happens in the glomerulus?
A. Renal vein
B. Renal artery A. Regulation of salt balance leading to
the production of urine
C. Vessels
B. Ultrafiltration introduces water and
D. Capillaries
other molecules into the capillaries
31. Into which part of the nephron does the C. High blood pressure forces water and
glomerular filtrate pass initially? other molecules into the nephron
A. collecting duct D. Selective reabsorption of water and
B. loop of Henle molecules by active transport
C. Bowman’s capsule
36. Most common histologic type of RCC
D. proximal convoluted tubule
A. Papillary
32. This carries urine from the kidneys to the
urinary bladder. B. Clear cell
A. Ureter C. Chromophobe
B. Urethra D. Sarcomatoid
C. Renal vein
37. What name did she not want to be called?
D. Renal Artery
A. Dwane Johnson
33. Glucose is reabsorbed into the capillar-
B. Elvis Costello
ies surrounding the first convulated tubule.
The cells lining the inside of the tubule at C. Doha Pearl
this point have:
D. Ronald Reagan
A. protein pumps and many mitochondria
for active transport 38. One difference between renal artery blood
B. extra thick cell membranes to prevent and renal vein blood
damage from urea A. More oxygen in renal artery
C. microvilli to increase the surface B. More urea in renal vein
area:volume ration
C. More blood cells in renal artery
D. have sieve plates to help filter out un-
wanted materials D. Higher pressure in renal vein
A. Ureter A. Urethra
B. Kidneys
B. Urethra
C. Ureters
C. Tubule
D. Bladder
D. Pelvis
49. What is the function of kidneys?
43. An organ that works like a mixer, using
muscles to crush food into smaller pieces, A. Regulate volume, composition, and pH
which are then broken down further by of the body fluids.
acid. B. Supply oxygen for the whole body.
A. stomach C. Digest food.
B. liver D. Release hormone.
C. bladder
50. The renal artery carries oxygen blood
D. muscle
A. rich
44. Ways of taking care of the kidneys B. powerful
A. drink plenty of water C. poor
B. eat plenty of chips everyday D. like
51. Why did Simone Biles have to have the 57. What was the physical activity that Si-
stones surgically removed? mone Biles succeeded in?
A. too big A. gymnastics
B. too small B. basketball
C. pain C. skying
D. poisonous D. hockey
52. Which structure is a cavity in the kidney 58. High pressure in Bowman’s capsule is
that channels urine to the ureter? caused by a afferent arteriole and a
efferent arteriole
A. Renal pelvis
A. large, small
B. Renal cortex
B. small, large
C. Renal medulla
C. nutrient rich, nutrient poor
D. Renal oblongata
D. nutrient poor, nutrient rich
53. In which of the following parts of the kid-
ney, no nephrons are found. Which part of 59. What is the main functional unit of a kid-
the kidney does not contain nephrons? ney where filtration occurs?
A. Cortex A. Nephron
63. What does the small intestine mainly ab- 69. complicated
sorb? A. easy
75. Urine is carried from the kidneys to the 80. We have no.of kidney(s)
bladder by two thin tubes called A. 2
A. Ureter B. 1
B. Tubulars C. 3
C. Capillaries D. 4
D. Urinary track
81. Homeostasis in the human body is often
76. Your kidneys are positioned-where? maintained by a:
A. In your middle thorax A. neutral feedback loop
B. In the front of your lower abdomen B. solar feedback loop
C. In the back of your thorax C. positive feedback loop
D. In the back of your middle abdomen D. negative feedback loop
77. After the process of filtration, the filtrate 82. Papillary variant of renal cell carcinoma is
enters into the proximal convoluted tubule associated with
where most of the water, amino acids, and A. VHL gene mutation
glucose are
B. Monosomy 1
A. stored in the bladder
C. Trisomy 7 & 17
B. excreted through the ureters
D. Hypodiploidy
C. reabsorbed
D. concentrated in the urine 83. Where is ADH secreted from
A. Anterior pituitary
78. Which vessel carries blood out of the
glomerulus? B. Posterior pituitary
C. Adrenal cortex
A. Renal Artery
D. Vesa recta
B. Renal Vein
C. Afferent Arteriole 84. Does Sydney like paro
D. Efferent Arteriole A. Yes
B. Yes
79. What can be changed in the kidney over
a period of time in order to carry out the C. Yes
process of osmoregulation? D. Yes
A. The amount of water reabsorbed in the
collecting ducts 85. What type of drug will a patient need to
take for the rest of their lives after receiv-
B. The amount of fluid filtered from the ing a transplant?
blood in the glomeruli
A. Immunosuppressant
C. The amount of solutes selectively reab-
sorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule B. Anti-depressant
86. When is World Kidney Day? the blood. Diabetes, high blood pressure,
A. March 15 heart disease, and family history are all
risk factors for developing chronic kidney
93. In kidney dialysis, which of the follow- 98. Which is the correct list of the contents of
ing are usually at a higher concentration normal urine? (order is irrelevant)
in dialysis fluid than in a patient’s blood? A. Water, glucose, salts, urea
I. hydrogen carbonate ions (HCO3-)II. cal-
cium ions (Ca2+)III. potassium ions (K+) B. Urea, water, salts
C. Proteins, water, salts, urea
A. I and II only
D. Amino acids, salts, water, urine
B. I and III only
99. Kidney failure can be treated by (select
C. II and III only
Two correct answers) .
D. I, II and III
A. Dialysis
94. Filtration of blood in the kidney happens in B. Removing all kidneys
the C. Kidney transplant
A. medulla D. Radiotherapy
B. cortex
100. what is the functional units of kidney
C. renal artery
A. infections
D. renal pelvis B. convoluted tubule
95. Reabsorption of ALL glucose takes place C. ureter
from the D. Nephron
A. proximal convoluted tubule
101. The medical terminology that refers to
B. loop of Henle kidney function is
C. distal convoluted tubule A. Hepatic
D. collecting duct B. Dialysis
C. Renal
96. Kidney failure can be treated by
D. Cardiology
A. Dialysis
102. What did she plan to do after her kidney
B. Removing all kidneys
stone removal?
C. Kidney transplant A. go on vacation
D. Radiotherapy B. go home
97. During a kidney transplant the old kidneys C. compete
are not removed, but what 3 things does D. nothing
the new kidney need to be connected to,
so that it can function? 103. If red blood cells are found in urine, this
indicates a problem with
A. Vein
A. The basement membrane in the
B. Capillary glomerulus
C. Artery B. The proximal convoluted tubule
D. Ureter C. The loop of Henle
E. Lacteal D. The collecting duct
to neurones
D. facilitates the transmission of nerve B. Kidney stones
impulses in one direction C. A & B
116. This organ is responsible for “cleaning D. none of above
the blood”
121. This disorder is as a result of their inflam-
A. small intestines mation of the glomeruli commonly arising
B. kidney out of medication
C. stomach A. Kidney failure
D. bladder B. Pyelonephritis
C. Glomerulonephritis
117. Which blood vessels surround the PCT
and DCT and the loop of henle? D. none of the above
A. Peritubular Capillaries 122. Homeostasis refers to
B. Glomerulus A. the maintenance of a constant heart
C. Renal Artery beat.
D. Afferent Arterioles B. the dynamic processes occurring in
the kidney.
118. Haemodialysis/Peritoneal dialysis is
C. the static unchanging environment fac-
A. Removal of fluids by convection tors.
B. The removal of solutes by diffusion D. the constancy of the internal environ-
down a concentration gradient between ment of an organism.
blood and dialysate
123. Which one of the following is totally re-
C. Refers to the combination of both
hemodialysis and hemofiltration
A. Water.
D. Combination of hemodialysis, hemofil-
tration, and hemodiafiltration being ap- B. Urea.
plied continuously for days to weeks in pa- C. Glucose.
tients with AKI
D. Sodium.
119. Organs that digests starches and pro-
teins. Controls the amount of sugar in 124. Fissure lies in the concave side of kidney
the blood & releases chemicals that break is known as
down food. A. Pelvis Droni
A. pancreas B. Calyces Calyces
136. Which portion of the nephron active 141. The kidney’s job is to
pumps out Na+, with Cl-passively follow- A. make bile.
ing, to create a salty medulla?
B. store urine.
A. Proximal convoluted tubule
C. filter waste from blood.
B. Ascending loop of Henle
D. release urine outside of the body.
C. Distal convoluted tubule
142. The outer layer of the kidney is called
D. Both proximal convoluted tubule and
ascending loop of Henle
A. The pelvis
137. What is function of cerebrum? B. The medulla
A. memory center C. The cortex
B. controls hearth rate D. The ureter
C. controls balance
143. What event was her best performance
D. coordination on?
147. Identify the main component of human 152. Calyces open into Calyces open into
kidney that is replicated in artificial kidney
158. Approximately how much water is selec- 164. Which of the following is NOT a type of
tively reabsorbed in the proximal convo- renal replacement therapy
luted tubule? A. Hemodialysis
A. 50% B. Peritoneal dialysis
B. 70% C. Osmotic Diuretics
C. 80% D. Kidney Transplant
D. 90%
165. Sydney and paro linkin
159. Where Kidneys are present in our body? A. Yes
A. At back, just above the waist. B. Mahaz
B. At back, behind lungs C. Lutchhhhh
C. Near belly button D. Saifu
D. Behind pancreas gland 166. What is produced when your body re-
160. What did Simone Biles tweet to her wor- pairs worn out tissues in fighting dis-
ried fans? ease?
170. Reabsorption of water and glucose and B. It regulates minerals in the body and
ions happens in produce hormones.
181. Why should the organs for transplants be 186. RCC with excellent prognosis
removed quickly and kept cold? A. Clear cell type
A. Because, otherwise, they would start B. Chromophobe type
to smell.
C. Papillary type
B. Because, otherwise, they would be un-
D. Sarcomatoid
C. Because, otherwise, they would dete- 187. is a procedure that filters out wastes
riorate. from the patient’s blood.
C. urolithiasis D. Pelvises
D. All of the above
198. This takes “clean” blood from the kid-
193. Each kidney contains how many neys to the heart.
A. Renal Vein
A. 1 million
B. Capillaries
B. 10 million
C. 1 billion C. Aorta
D. 10 billion D. Renal Artery
194. Which of the following statements is 199. The largest region of human brain
A. The dscending limb is impermeable to A. Medulla oblongata
water B. Cerebellum
B. The ascending limb is permeable to C. Cerebrum
C. The ascending limb is impermeable to D. Thalamus
200. In the collecting duct, what is reabsorbed
D. none of above in the presence of ADH?
195. Who was Simone Biles? A. Ions like Na+ and Cl-
A. Olympic Gymnast
B. Nutrients like glucose and amino acids
B. Basketball player
C. Substances like drug metabolites and
C. Football player
D. Engineer
D. Water
196. What two things need to be dissolved in
the dialysis fluid to prevent this diffusing 201. Urinary tract infection develops at the;
out of the blood during dialysis?
A. Kidneys
A. urea
B. Urethra
B. glucose
C. ADH C. Urinary bladder
D. ions D. Fallopian tube
202. To remain healthy, a person must be able 207. In the collecting duct, what is reab-
to excrete a number of waste products pro- sorbed?
duced as a result of metabolism.A list of
A. Ions like Na+ and Cl-
excretory products is given below.Which
of the following would be lost from both B. Nutrients like glucose and amino acids
the kidneys and the lungs? C. Substances like drug metabolites and
A. Water waste
B. carbon dioxide D. Water
C. glucose
208. The hormone ADH usually acts on the
D. urea
A. Glomerulus
203. All the collecting tubules of nephrons to-
B. Proximal convoluted tubule
gether form
C. Loop of Henle
A. Pelvis Droni
B. Calyces Calyces D. Distal convoluted tubule and collecting
C. Medulla comb
D. Ureter is the urethra 209. is a procedure in which an artificial kidney
machine that filters out waste and toxins
204. If you are over-hydrated (high water po-
tential in the blood), the body must ex- A. kidneys
crete excess water. To do so, the brain B. dialysis
triggers the pituitary gland to
C. nephritis
A. release MORE ADH, making the collect-
ing duct MORE permeable D. urea
B. release LESS ADH, making the collect- 210. The concentration of urea is higher in
ing duct LESS permeable urine than in the Bowman’s capsule?
C. release MORE ADH, making the collect- What is the reason for this?
ing duct LESS permeable A. Urea is added to the filtrate in the col-
D. release LESS ADH, making the collect- lecting duct
ing duct MORE permeable B. Urea is added to the filtrate in the loop
205. The actual filter in the nephron is of Henle
A. the capillary wall C. Urea is added to the filtrate in the prox-
imal coiled tubule
B. the basement membrane
C. the podocytes D. Water is reabsorbed along the
D. the Bowman’s capsule
211. Where does your heart get oxygen?
206. What waste is eliminated by your lung?
A. Oxygen A. Lungs
B. Carbon Dioxide B. Mouth
C. Nitrogen C. Toes
D. Potassium D. Fingernails
212. It is a disease in which clusters of cysts 218. Where were the World Championships
develop and grow primarily within your held when she was battling a painful kid-
kidneys. ney stone?
224. Why would a person require haemodialy- 230. What is the main function of the kidney?
A. extract waste from blood, balance
A. Their blood contains too many toxins body fluid & form urine
B. Their kidneys are not functioning well B. break down and digest food in order
enough to maintain health to extract necessary nutrients from what
C. Their liver is producing too much urea you have eaten
D. Their kidneys have been damaged C. stores urine, allowing urination to be
infrequent and voluntary
225. Urine is eliminated through the
D. plays an essential role in converting
A. ureter. the food we eat into fuel for the body’s
B. urethra. cells
C. kidney. 231. On average, how many times a week do
D. urinary bladder. people need HD?
226. Inner layer (triangle looking areas) A. Every day
A. Renal hilum B. 3 times per week
B. Renal cortex C. 2 times per week
C. Renal medulla D. 1 time per week
D. Renal pelvis
232. What do you call the bundle f tiny blood
227. What is the functioning unit of the kid- vessels at the tip of each nephron?
neys? A. liver
A. Bowman’s capsule B. kidney
B. glomerulus C. glomerulus
C. nephrons
D. none of above
D. renal tubules
233. How many parts does the renal tubule
228. For how long can a person remain depen- have?
dent on dialysis?
A. 1
A. Up to a year
B. 2
B. Life
C. 3
C. Up to 3 years
D. 4
D. Up to 10 years
229. Identify non communicable diseases that 234. Which is the best synonym for the word
would lead to renal failure filter?
A. Diabetes A. clean
B. Heart Failure B. create
C. High blood pressure C. blood
D. High cholesterol D. fill
prevent rejection does not use insulin properly and be-
C. Lower-risk procedure comesinsulin resistant
D. Reduced dependency on machines C. Achronic disease, where kidneys grad-
ually lose function. Kidneys are respon-
247. Which of the following is a correct exam- sible for filtering waste and excess flu-
ple of excretion in mammals? ids from the blood, which are excreted
A. The production of carbon dioxide from through urine
aerobic respiration D. Typeof fat found in found in animal
B. The removal of excess salts from the products like meat, eggs, butter, cheese,
blood andmilk. The body needs some choles-
terol for organ growth and function, but
C. The removal of undigested food from
toomuch can build up and clog arteries
the anus
that carry blood around the body. This
D. The release of hormones from glands cancause a heart attack or stroke
248. What year was this theme “Kidneys for 252. Dialysis tubing is meaning some sub-
Life-Stop Kidney Attack stances can pass through while other sub-
A. 2018 stances cannot.
B. 2005 A. permeable
C. 2013 B. holey
D. 2009 C. semi-permeable
D. flexible
249. How can urine be used to diagnose dia-
betes? 253. baby kidneys
A. There would be blood in the urine A. Yes
B. There would be glucose in the urine B. Yes
C. There would be proteins in the urine C. Yeshhhh
D. There would be salt in the urine D. Yeshhhh
250. diseases of the kidney 254. When did World Kidney Start?
A. meningitis A. 2002
B. nephritis B. 2006
C. kidney cancer C. 2004
D. brain tumor D. 1999
255. What is the mechanism used in hemodial- B. To carry impulse away from the cell
ysis? bodyUntuk membawa impuls dari badan
266. On average, how many times a week do
people need dialysis? C. Bladder
A. Every day D. Pituitary gland
B. 3 times per week
272. Which of these is responsible for estab-
C. 2 times per week lishing the concentration gradient needed
D. 1 time per week for the selective reabsorption of glucose
and amino acids?
267. Osmoregulation is the homeostatic mech-
A. co transporter protein
anism of controlling
A. Blood glucose levels B. osmotic gradient
270. Blood appears in a person’s urine.Which 275. The cells in walls of the pct have
of the following could contribute to this A. microvilli
happening? I. Very high blood pressureII.
B. many mitochondria
Damage to the Bowman’s capsuleIII. Dam-
age to the proximal coiled tubule C. basal invaginations
A. I and II only D. all of these adaptations
276. A muscular organ that pumps blood 281. Fish release their nitrogen waste as:
through arteries, veins, & capillaries. A. Ammonia
C. Glomerulus, Bowman’s Capsule, dis- 292. Organs that create movement by con-
tal convoluted duct, proximal convoluted tracting or relaxing.
duct, loop of Henle, collecting ducts A. muscle
D. Glomerulus, Bowman’s Capsule, proxi- B. skeleton
mal convoluted duct, loop of Henle, distal
convoluted duct, collecting ducts C. digestion
D. bladder
287. What is this years theme?
A. Kidney Disease and Obesity 293. To enter the Bowman’s capsule, fluid
from the blood crosses (in the correct or-
B. Kidneys for Life der)
C. Kidney Health for Everyone Every- A. epithelium of Bowman’s capsule, base-
where ment membrane, capillary endothelium
D. Protect your Kidneys B. capillary endothelium, epithelium of
Bowman’s capsule, basement membrane
288. Which of the following CANNOT be fil-
tered out of the blood? C. arteriole endothelium, basement
membrane, epithelium of Bowman’s cap-
A. glucose sule
B. amino acids D. capillary endothelium, basement mem-
C. proteins brane, epithelium of Bowman’s capsule
D. urea 294. What is World Kidney Day mostly
289. Most common site of metastasis in RCC
A. Raise Awareness towards our Kidneys
A. Liver
B. Kidney Transplants
B. Lungs
C. Promoting Chronic Kidney Disease
C. Bones
D. Helping Others
D. Brain
295. How many golds does Simone Biles cur-
290. When is World Kidney Day 2019? rently have?
A. June 17 A. 4
B. April 21 B. 3
C. October 4 C. 2
D. March 14 D. 6
291. What carries urine from the bladder to 296. The part of the kidney that filters the
outside the body? blood is the
A. Urethra A. artery
B. Ureter B. ureter
C. Renal Vein C. nephron
D. Capillaries D. urethra
309. What is the most likely complication as- B. Struvite
sociated with kidney transplant?
C. Calcium stones
A. Surgery risk
D. Cystine
B. Post-operative infection
315. What is the shape of the kidney?
C. Finding a donor
A. Oval shaped
D. Rejection by the immune system
B. Rectangle shaped
310. What structure in the nephron surrounds C. Bean shaped
the glomerulus?
D. Round shaped
A. Bowman’s capsule
B. bladder 316. What is the outer part of the kidney that
contains arterioles and venules that carry
C. renal pelvis blood to and from nephrons?
D. hilum A. Renal artery
311. Kidneys are located-where in you body? B. Renal vein
A. Upper back of thorax C. Renal cortex
B. Above your diaphragm D. Renal medulla
C. Lower dorsal abdomen 317. The central section of the kidney is called
D. Ventral thorax A. The medusa
312. The internal structure of vertebrate ani- B. The moderna
mals, composed of bone or cartilage, that C. The medulla
supports the body & protects the vital or-
D. none of above
A. skeleton 318. NaCl is isotonic to red blood cells. Which
of these describes what will happen if a
B. skull
technician misplaces a decimal point and
C. muscles makes 9.0% NaCl solution instead and ad-
D. kidney ministers it to a patient?
A. The cells exposed to the solution will
313. What type of membrane separates a pa- burst.
tients blood from the dialysis fluid and
will allow small molecules to diffuse down B. The cells exposed to the solution will
their concentration gradient but not blood shrink.
cells or large molecules? C. The cells will remain the same size.
D. The cells exposed to the solution will 324. How is the lining of the PCT adapted for
expand but not burst. selective reabsorption?
329. Doctors recommend you drink about A. diffusion and active transport
Ltrs of water a day to stay healthy ? B. facilitated diffusion and active trans-
A. 1 Ltr port
B. 2 Ltrs C. osmosis and active transport
C. 4 Ltrs D. facilitated diffusion and passive trans-
D. 6 Ltrs port
330. What day was Simone Biles rushed to the 335. Components of human blood plasma
hospital? which enter the Bowman’s capsule and
A. October 36 form the glomerular filtrate are
348. A group of organs that work together to A. A larger volume of fluid can be filtered
turn food into usable energy so your body out of the blood per minute.
can grow.
B. Small molecules are allowed through
A. digestion but not large ones.
B. esophagus C. Higher blood pressures can be toler-
C. liver ated without damage to the capillaries.
D. stomach D. Phagocytes are able to escape from
the capillaries and prevent kidney infec-
349. When matching a kidney for transplant tions
what actually needs to be matched?
A. DNA 354. During osmosis
352. What is the outermost layer of the kid- B. Blood circulation throughout the kid-
neys? ney
1.17 Ureters
1. Chemical that results from the breakdown C. eat sugary foods.
of proteins D. drink lots of water.
A. Urine
7. The female gonads are the:
B. Urea
A. Ovaries
C. Pee
B. Fallopian tubes
D. Nephron
C. Follicles
2. What does honey-colored urine indicate?
D. Mammary glands
A. You are dehydrated
B. You are fine 8. Helps maintain the pH of the blood
C. You are dying A. Secretion of hydrogen ions from the
blood to nephrons
D. You ate too much honey
B. Reabsorption of water
3. Which is the correct order that urine trav-
C. Filtration red blood cells
els through the body?
D. Diffusion
A. Kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra
B. Kidneys, urethra, bladder, ureters 9. Kidneys maintain homeostasis by regulat-
C. Bladder, kidneys, urethra, ureters ing levels
12. This lies in the anterior corner of the 18. Narrow tubes that carry urine from each
trigone of the bladder. kidney to the bladder
13. What is this structure? 19. If you could see the inside lining of any
empty bladder, what would you see?
A. 1
A. villi
B. 3
B. lacteals
C. 5
C. rugae
D. 2
D. cilia
14. Involuntary Urination:
20. The process that the body breaks food into
A. Polyuria nutrients.
B. Incontinence A. Elimination
C. Uremia B. Digestion
D. Dysuria C. Absorption
D. none of above
15. The majority of glomeruli are located in the
A. renal pelvis 21. is the movement of water, small so-
lutes, & ions across a filtration mem-
B. renal cortex brane out of the glomerular capillary blood
C. renal medulla plasma into capsular space.
D. vasa recta A. Net filtration pressure
B. Colloidal osmotic pressure
16. is the funnel shaped structure in the
center of the kidney. C. Glomelular filtration
A. Renal pelvis D. none of above
B. Renal cortex 22. What is the rhythmic wavelike motion
C. Renal medulla of the involuntary muscle of the ureters
D. Urinary bladder
A. Urea
17. Blood enters the kidney through which of B. Contraction
the following structures?
C. Peristalsis
A. Renal artery
D. Undulation
B. Thoracic artery
23. The is a muscle that prevents urine
C. Pulmonary artery from exiting the bladder until you’re ready
D. Carotid artery to pee.
A. diabetes caused by inflammation or painful swelling
B. kidney infection of some of the glomeruli .
A. Nephritis
C. anemia
B. Tendonitis
D. renal failure
C. Osteoarthritis
25. The renal corpuscle functions to filter D. Bronchitis
A. water 31. The chemical waste created by muscular
B. blood plasma metabolism is
A. urea
C. urine
B. uric acid
D. none of above
C. creatinine
26. Dark yellow urine would be a symptom of D. glucose
A. hematuria 32. The kidneys help maintain homeostasis on
B. overhydration all of these factors EXCEPT:
A. Blood volume
C. cystitis
B. Blood pH
D. dehydration
C. Blood glucose
27. Blood vessels, nerves and the renal pelvis D. Blood sodium
enter/exit the kidney at the
33. Another name for the uterine lining is
A. Hilum
A. endometrial tissue/endometrium
B. Corticomedullary junction B. a fallopian tube
C. Ureter C. urethral lining
D. Renal sinus D. urethra
28. What structure in the bladder senses that 34. Internally, the kidney is divided into 2 sec-
it is full? tions. The outer layer, , and the inner
A. Cortex
A. Sheath, Pulp
B. Trigone B. Wall, Cushion
C. Sphincter C. Sclera, Dermal
D. Rugae D. Cortex, Medulla
45. The two components of a nephron are the 51. A diuretic does
A. increases the absorption of nutrients
A. Renal tubule and vasa recta B. decreases the absorption of nutrients
B. Renal corpuscle and renal tubule C. causes the kidneys to increase water
C. Glomerulus and renal tubule levels in the blood and to increase urine
D. Renal corpuscle and glomerulus output
D. causes the kidneys to decrease water
46. Inflammation of the bladder in the blood and increase urine output
A. nephritis
52. What does dark honey-colored urine indi-
B. cystitis cate?
C. sinusitis A. You are dehydrated
D. renalitis B. You are fine
47. The removal of metabolic wastes from the C. You are dying
body as a result of cellular activities D. You ate too much honey
A. Respiration
53. What would cause a positive Pap smear?
B. Inhalation
A. Herpes
C. Exhalation
B. Endometriosis
D. Excretion
C. Cervical cancer
48. What is considered a normal component of D. Breast cancer
A. bacteria 54. Where is urea created?
69. A 65 year old healthy male begins to have ions
difficulty starting to urinate, urinary fre-
C. increase reabsorption of salts
quency, and nocturia. What MOST LIKELY
is the cause? D. increases reabsorption of water
A. Prostatic hypertrophy
75. Which of the following factors affect GFR
B. Testicular cancer (glomerular filtration rate)?
C. Epididymitis A. autoregulation
D. Orchitis B. hormonal regulation
70. Another name for the nephron loop is the: C. autonomic regulation
A. Loop of Bowman D. enzymatic regulation
B. Loop of Henle
76. the pathway of urine formation is
C. Bowman’s Capsule
A. kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra
D. Glomerular Loop
B. bladder, kidney, ureter, urethra
71. The order in which urine flows through the C. ureter, kidney, urethra, bladder
excretory system is
D. urethra, bladder, kidney, ureter
A. nephron, ureter, bladder, urethra
B. ureter, nephron, urethra, bladder 77. Located at the end of your esophagus, has
C. nephron, urethra, bladder, ureter three layers of muscle and can hold food
for around 3 hours.
D. bladder, urethra, nephron, ureter
A. Small Intestine
72. Urea recycling can cause a build up of urea B. Stomach
in the
C. Esophagus
A. Renal medulla
D. Mouth
B. Loop of Henle
C. Ascending tubule 78. What is reabsorbed along the descending
D. Renal Pelvis loop of Henle?
A. NaCl
73. Where in the male reproductive system is
testosterone produced? B. Water
A. Ejaculatory duts C. Amino acids
B. Seminal vesicles D. Drugs
79. Most nephrons are located within the re- 84. When does a woman experience lacta-
nal tion?
A. During fertilization
90. Amber-colored urine could be a sign of: 96. involuntary urination is known as
A. Dehydration A. continence
B. Incontinence B. anuria
C. Dysuria C. incontinence
D. Protenuria D. uremia
91. Which is cleaner, urine or saliva? 97. What is the other term for Urinary Sys-
A. urine
A. Endocrine system
B. saliva
B. Renal System
C. both are equally filthy C. Cardiovascular system
D. none of above D. Integumentary System
92. Which of the following means small 98. Why do women experience cystitis more
amount of urine? frequently than men?
A. hematuria A. because of the length of the urethra
B. anuria B. because they urinate more frequently
C. oliguria than males
C. because their bladder is smaller
D. dysuria
D. because the uterus takes up space in
93. Where does filtration take place? the pelvis
A. Loop of Henle 99. The yellow fluid that remains after the
B. Proximal Tubule nephrons have cleaned the blood is called
C. Glomerulus A. ADH.
D. Collecting duct B. urine.
C. caffeine.
94. Which of the following hormones increase
reabsorption of water in the collecting D. urea.
ducts? 100. It is the hormone made by the kidneys,
A. ADH needed for absorption of calcium phos-
phate, the active form of vitamin D.
B. renin
A. Erythropoietin
C. aldosterone
B. Creatinine
D. insulin
C. Calcitriol
95. a tube that carries urine out of body D. Calcium
A. urethera
101. Before the kidney filters it out, where
B. ureter does urea and uric acid exist?
C. bladder A. In your intestines
D. kidney B. In your liver
113. The three interrelated processes of urine D. calcaneous
formation are
119. A hollow muscular sac that holds up to
A. filtration, secretion, and excretion
500 mL of urine:
B. secretion, reabsorption, and micturi-
A. Bladder
B. Kidney
C. excretion, storage, and micturition
C. Ureter
D. filtration, reabsorption, and secretion
D. Urethra
114. What would you find inside the glomeru-
lus? 120. This is the formation of a new glucose
A. Urea
A. gluconeogenesis
B. Urine
B. glycolysis
C. Blood
C. glucosamine
D. Lymph
D. glucagon
115. The two narrow tubes that urine flows
through from the kidneys to the bladder 121. Which of the following correctly lists the
are the order of structures through which urine
flows after its formation in the nephron?
A. urethras
A. calyx, renal pelvis, ureter, urinary blad-
B. kidneys der, urethra
C. esophagus B. renal pelvis, calyx, ureter, urinary
D. ureters bladder, urethra
C. renal pelvis, calyx, urethra, ureter, uri-
116. What makes the saliva?
nary bladder
A. Stomach
D. renal pelvis, calyx, urinary bladder,
B. Salivary Gland ureter, urethra
C. Rectum
122. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
D. Peristalsis can be prevented by:
117. Urine is expelled from the urinary blad- A. A vaccine
der by B. Antibiotics
A. excretion C. Diet and exercise
B. defecation D. Avoiding risky behavior
123. The juxtaglomerular apparatus 129. The functional units of the kidneys are:
A. Helps reabsorb water from the collect- A. Nephrons
135. What are the main excretory organs? C. The peritubular capillaries
A. bladder D. The vasa recta
B. kidneys 141. How many kidneys does a person nor-
C. ureters mally have?
D. urethra A. one
to the vulva; the place where semen is de- C. three
D. four
A. vagina
142. Which of the following are characteristics
B. uterus
of urine?
C. cervix
A. normal color is somewhat yellow
D. ovary
B. pH is around 7.5
137. Approximately L of filtrate enters the C. pH is around 6
nephrons each day; of that volume %
D. It is sterile.
is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule.
A. 180 L and 65% 143. Skin, liver and kidney are examples of
B. 240 L and 85% A. Excretion
C. 80 L and 35% B. Digestion
D. 280 L and 99% C. Respiration
138. The main waste filtered from the blood in D. All the above
the kidneys is: 144. The main functions of the urinary system
A. carbon dioxide are
B. urine A. Removal of waste and storage of nutri-
C. urea ents
146. The materials filtered out of the blood are 152. What stores the Bile.
picked up by the
A. The enzymes.
157. Which kidney function in replaced by 163. Tubular secretion involves the movement
hemodialysis? of substances
A. Reabsorption A. From capillary blood to tubular blood
B. Elimination B. From proximal convoluted tubule to
C. Secretion glomerulus
D. Filtration C. From proximal convoluted tubule to
distal convoluted tubule
158. The blood vessel that carries blood out of
D. From tubular fluid to capillary blood
the kidney is the
A. Renal Artery 164. Which statement below is incorrect about
the function of the kidneys:
B. Renal Vein
A. The kidneys eliminate waste from the
C. Hepatic vein blood.
D. Nephrons B. They control the volume of water in the
159. Renal Arteries body.
A. Takes blood from the kidney to heart C. They regulate pH and osmolality.
B. Transports blood to the kidney D. They make the hormones adrenaline
and progesterone.
C. Takes nutrients from small intestine
D. Transports blood from body cells to 165. Filtration of the blood in nephrons allows
hear blood plasma to pass through without
A. blood cells and proteins
160. Which of these conditions refers to a lack
of voluntary control over urination? B. macro molecules
A. Nocturia C. Glucose
B. Incontinence D. Ammonia
C. Retention 166. What is another term for urinate?
D. Dysuria A. eructate
161. Starting with the stomach, what are the B. sweat
next three steps in the digestion process? C. defecate
A. small intestine, large intestine, anus D. void
B. esophagus, large intestine, small in- 167. What organs compose the Urinary Sys-
testine tem?
C. liver, large intestine, anus A. Two kidneys, two urethrae, a ureter,
D. none of above and a urinary bladder
162. The reabsorption process occurs in B. Two kidneys, a ureter, a urinary blad-
der, and a urethra
A. glomerulus
C. Two kidneys, two ureters, a urinary
B. proximal convoluted tubules bladder, and a urethra
C. Bowman’s capsule D. Two kidneys, two ureters, two ure-
D. None of them thrae, and a urinary bladder
179. The is a sac-like muscular organ that 185. The process of artificially filtering the
stores urine until it is released from the blood to remove waste is known as
body. A. kidney failure
A. ureters B. kidney stones
B. kidneys C. lithotrypsy
C. bladder
D. dialysis
D. urethra
186. A woman who is NOT sexually active
180. What is the most common cause of a uri- could still develop:
nary tract infection?
A. Endometriosis
A. Strep
B. Chlamydia
B. Staph
C. Gonorrhea
C. E-coli
D. Syphillis
D. Virus
181. How many urethras do we have? URINARY SYSTEM(MORE THAN 1 AN-
A. 1 SWER)
C. 4 B. SKIN
D. 10 C. LUNG
182. Blood vessels and the renal calices are lo- D. RENAL ARTERY
cated in the E. URETHRA
A. Renal hilum 188. pus in the urine
B. Renal pelvis
A. pyuria
C. Renal capsule
B. polyuria
D. Renal sinus
C. olguria
183. The functional unit of the kidney is the D. dysuria
A. nephron
189. Which therapeutic measure uses an arti-
B. alveolus ficial kidney machine?
C. corpuscle A. catheterization
D. medulla B. lithotripsy
184. What is the external opening of the ure- C. hemodialysis
thra called? D. peritoneal dialysis
A. Urinary meatus
190. Urine is transported from the urinary
B. Urinary follicle bladder to the outside of the body by the
C. Urinary calculus
D. Urinary hole A. urethra
202. are specialized epithelial cells of the 207. This muscle surrounds the bladder and
distal convoluted tubule. These cells sense controls the release of liquid waste.
sodium chloride concentration in the tubule,
A. Sphincter Muscle
which in turn reflects the systemic blood
pressure. B. Bladder Muscle
A. Podocytes C. Speedy Muscle
B. Juxtaglomerular cells D. Ureter Muscle
C. Mesangial cells
208. This is the mechanical process of remov-
D. Macula densa ing waste products from the blood when
the kidneys can no longer perform this
203. The outer portion of the kidney is called function at an optimal level.
the ?
A. Urodynamics
A. medulla
B. Dialysis
B. calyx
C. Filtration
C. cortex
D. Ventilation
D. papilla
204. The sac that holds the urine is known as 209. What is the order of Urine moving
the? through the body
205. Why are urinary tract infections more 210. What is the correct order of urinary sys-
common in women than men? tem organs
A. women’s urethras are shorter than A. Ureters, bladder, kidneys, urethra
men’s B. Urethra, bladder, ureters, kidneys
B. women’s ureters are shorter than C. Kidneys, urethra, bladder, ureters
D. Kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra
C. men’s ureters are shorter than
women’s 211. Elevated levels of urea in the urine may
D. men’s ureters are shorter than cause
women’s A. urinary incontinence
206. Which organ produces egg cells? B. decreased kidney function
A. The vagina C. dehydration
B. The fallopian Tubes D. high blood pressure
223. The watery fluid produced by the kidneys 229. Point of exit for the ureters from the kid-
is neys
A. urea A. hilum
B. urine
B. cortex
C. solid waste
C. medulla
D. diarrhea
D. nephron
224. Which of the following is one of the pro-
cesses in urine formation?
230. Another name for the Urinary System is
A. Filtration from afferent arteriole the
B. Tubular secretion A. Excretory System
C. Glomerular resorption
B. Exitory System
D. Urine synthesis
C. Digestive System
225. How many sperm are able to fertilize an
egg? D. Circulatory System
A. 1
231. The renal blood vessels enter and leave
B. 2 the kidney at the:
C. 3
A. cortex
D. it depends
B. renal papilla
226. How many sections are there in a
nephrons network of convoluted tubules C. medulla
A. 1 D. hilum
B. 2
232. A “ball of capillaries” within each
C. 3
nephron is called the
D. 4
A. ureter
227. Where does fertilization of an ovum usu-
ally take place? B. urethra
A. in the ovary C. glomerulus
B. in the cervix D. hilum
C. in the uterus
D. in the fallopian tube 233. What structure contains muscular tissue
that contracts during ejaculation to aid in
228. The inner region of the kidneys that con- the expulsion of semen?
tains the dense network of nephrons
A. Prostate gland
A. cortex
B. Barthom’s gland
B. medulla
C. glomerulus C. Epididymis
D. Bowman’s capsule D. Testes
234. What are the fingerlike projections on 240. Which of the following organs is not con-
the inside wall of the small intestine sidered a main organ of the Urinary Sys-
that absorb nutrients into the bloodstream tem?
adrenaline release? breathing rate » pulse
A. is a chemical substance, produced
rate » pupil
by a gland and carried in the bloodstream,
A. decreases »increases »widens which alters the activity of specific target
B. increases » decreases » widens organs.
C. increases » increases» narrows B. mechanism is an important type of
D. increases » increases» widens control that is found in homeostasis. It re-
sponds when conditions change from the
2. What are effects of adrenaline? ideal or set point and returns conditions to
A. Bronchioles widen this set point. There is a continuous cycle
of events in this.
B. Liver breaks down some of the stored
glycogen C. is produced by the thyroid gland,
which stimulates the basal metabolic rate.
C. Faster heart beat
It controls the speed at which oxygen and
D. All of the above food products react to release energy for
3. What is the definition of Thyroxine? the body to use.
A. is a chemical substance, produced D. is produced by the adrenal glands
by a gland and carried in the bloodstream, in times of fear or stress. It targets vi-
which alters the activity of specific target tal organs, increases the heart rate and
organs. boosts the delivery of oxygen and glucose
to the brain and muscles.
B. mechanism is an important type of
control that is found in homeostasis. It re- 5. Aldosterone functions to:
sponds when conditions change from the
ideal or set point and returns conditions to A. increase salt levels in the blood
this set point. There is a continuous cycle B. decrease salt levels in the blood
of events in this.
C. increase salt levels in the cells
C. is produced by the thyroid gland,
which stimulates the basal metabolic rate. D. decrease salt levels in the liver
It controls the speed at which oxygen and
food products react to release energy for 6. Gravitropism is the
the body to use. A. growth of a plant in response to light
D. is produced by the adrenal glands B. growth of a plant in response to touch
in times of fear or stress. It targets vi-
C. growth of a plant in response to water
tal organs, increases the heart rate and
boosts the delivery of oxygen and glucose D. growth of a plant in response to grav-
to the brain and muscles. ity
B. high blood salt levels 22. The adrenal glands are located:
C. low blood glucose levels A. in the throat
D. low blood calcium levels B. in the brain
C. inferior to the uterus
17. Who discovered the Adrenal Glands?
D. on top of the kidneys
A. Tom Brady
B. William Shakesspeare 23. A shoot tip grows in the direction of the
light. This is referred to as
C. Victor Skyscraper
A. Positive gravitropism
D. Baron George Cuvier
B. Negative gravitropism
18. Adrenaline can increase the rate of ATP
C. Positive phototropism
production by:
D. Negative phototropism
A. decreasing blood flow to all cells
B. increasing blood flow, therefore de- 24. A root tip grows in the direction of gravity.
creasing the amount of glucose delivered This is referred to as
to the cells A. Negative gravitropism
C. decreasing how much calcium is taken B. Positive gravitropism
in by the bones
C. Negative phototropism
D. increasing blood flow to all cells, there-
D. Positive phototropism
fore delivering glucose faster
25. What is the definition of Negative feed-
19. In times of stress, the adrenal glands re- back?
A. is a chemical substance, produced
A. adrenaline by a gland and carried in the bloodstream,
B. glucagon which alters the activity of specific target
C. aldosterone organs.
1.19 Prostate
11. the male reproductive organs that produce 17. Which of the following secretes mucous?
sperm and testosterone.
A. Bulbourethral gland
A. Testicles
B. Seminal vesicle
B. Ovaries
C. Leydig cells
C. Vas deferens
D. Scrotum
D. Prostate gland
18. A developing fetus will grow here.
12. Which of the following is not a secondary
sex characteristic in male? A. Uterus
A. deeper voice B. Vagina
B. broader sholders C. Cervix
C. wider hips D. Endometrium
D. facial hair
19. A weakened or torn spot in the muscular
13. The urethra belongs to which reproductive wall holding the small intestines in.
system? A. Testicular torsion
A. Male B. prostate cancer
B. Female
C. inguinal hernia
C. Both
D. testicular cancer
D. none of above
20. The path a sperm travels through the male
14. What cells secrete testosterone? reproductive system is..
A. Sertoli cells A. Testicles, Epididymis, Vas Deferens,
B. Spermatocytes Seminal Vesicle, Urethra, Prostate, Cow-
C. Spermatids per’s gland, Penis
D. Leydig cells B. Testicles, Vas Deferens, Seminal
Vesicle, Epididymis, Prostate, Cowper’s
15. When a male baby is born, the end of the Glands, Urethra, Penis
penis is covered by:
C. Penis, Urethra, Testicles, Epididymis,
A. seminal fluid Seminal Vesicle, Vas Deferens, Prostate,
B. scrotum Cowper’s gland
C. foreskin D. Testicles, Epididymis, Vas Deferens,
Seminal Vesicle, Prostate, Cowper’s
D. testes
gland, Penis, Urethra
16. A major male sex organ that produces
sperm. 21. Where the embryo develops
A. Prostate Gland A. Testes
B. Testicle B. Ovum
C. Ovary C. Uterus
D. Vas deferens D. Puberty
22. The prostate gland is approximately the 28. Which gland provides fluid that neutralizes
size of a: acid and lubricates the urethra
34. the sex cells that are made by males and 40. Primary female sex organs
that are needed to fertilize eggs.
A. testicles
A. Sperm
B. Ovary/ovaries
B. Egg
C. Gametes
C. Fallopian Tube
D. Testes/testicles
D. Vas deferens
41. Name the structure that produces a thin
35. Sperm + fluids from seminal vesicle and milky fluid that aids in sperm motility and
prostate gland contributes to about 30% of overall se-
A. semen men volume.
B. testes or testicles A. testis
C. scrotum B. seminal vesicle
D. none of above C. prostate gland
45. What part of male reproductive system 51. What makes sperm and testosterone, the
that function as a sac that holds the testes male hormone?
at temperature below 37?
56. The shedding of the lining of the uterus 62. The external organs of the male reproduc-
along with some blood once a month. Also tive system are the:
called a monthly period.
A. testes and penis
A. Gestation
B. scrotum and penis
B. Conception
C. foreskin and testes
C. Menstruation
D. None of the above D. testes and urethra
57. The beginning of menstruation is called 63. Which of the following is not a structure
A. Menopause in the male reproductive system?
71. Which type of cell division split into two 77. Sperm and testosterone are produced
identical cells here.
A. Meiosis A. Testes
B. Inheritance B. Prostate Gland
C. Mitosis C. Vas Deferens
D. none of above D. Bladder
72. When do males start to produce sperm 78. A major male sex organ that produces and
cell? stores sperm.
A. At birth A. Prostate Gland
B. Circumventing D. Transport mature sperm to the ure-
C. Circumcision
D. Circumcircular 85. What is a long muscular tube that carries
sperm from epididymis to the urethra?
80. What is inside the scrotum (bag) A. Scrotum
A. scrotum B. Prostate Gland
B. testes C. Vas deferens
C. penis D. Seminal Vesicle
D. foreskin 86. Choose the parts of the male reproductive
organs (select 3 for points).
81. The reproductive organs that produce
sperm and testosterone A. scrotum
C. Semen C. Testes
D. Urethra D. Vas Deferens
B. Bladder C. Urethra
C. Prostate Gland D. Seminal Vesicles
D. Urethra 98. The skin covered sac that surround the
testes is the
93. Which of the following is a correct se-
quence of cells in spermatogenesis? A. Scrotum
A. spermatogonium → secondary sper- B. Prostate gland
matocyte → primary spermatocyte
C. Cowper’s gland
B. primary spermatocyte → spermatogo-
D. Seminal vesicles
nium → secondary spermatocyte
C. spermatogonium → primary sperma- 99. Which of the following secretes alkaline
tocyte → secondary spermatocyte fluid?
D. none of the above A. Seminal vesicle
94. The male reproductive organ. B. Seminiferous tubule
A. Cervix C. Prostate gland
B. Penis D. Bulbourethral gland
testes/epididymis to the penis: C. Seminal Vesicle
A. urethra D. Vas Deferens
B. vas deferens
107. This produces a fluid that keeps sperm
C. bladder
D. glans
A. Bladder
102. ( ) is the male sex hormone.
B. Scrotum
A. Testosterone
C. Seminal Vesicle
B. Estrogen
D. Urethra
C. Adrenaline
D. Insulin 108. The portion of erectile tissue that sur-
rounds the urethra is the
103. In human males, sperm cells are sus-
pended in a fluid medium. The main advan- A. prepuce
tage gained from this adaptation is that
the fluid B. glans
A. Estrogen/Progesterone C. FSH
B. testosterone D. GnRH
122. about how many sperm are ejaculated un- 127. A sex cell that contains an individual’s ge-
der normal circumstances netic material
A. Millions A. Sperm
B. Hundreds B. Ovum
C. Hundred thousands C. Gamete
D. Thousands D. Chromosomes
123. What is a possible consequence of a
and enzymes to break up the semen clot
blockage in the Vas Deferens?
during intercourse?
A. the seminal fluid won’t be expelled
A. Leydig cells
B. sperm won’t be produced B. Prostate gland
C. Fertilization won’t occur C. Bulbourethral gland
D. mature sperm will not be transported D. Seminiferous tubule
to the urethra in preparation for ejacula-
E. Seminal vesicle
129. This connects the ovary to the uterus.
124. The testicles are located outside of the
male body because: A. Penis
B. Fallopian tube
A. the sperm have a shorter distance to
travel during intercourse. C. A and D
B. more sperm can be created. D. Uterus
C. there is no room to fit the testicles in- 130. The erectile tissue that is located on the
side the body. dorsal surface of the penis is the
D. production of sperm best takes place A. corpora cavernosa
at a temperature lower then body temper- B. corpus spongiosum
C. penile urethra
125. Testosterone is produced by the D. membranous urethra
A. ovaries
131. Which male reproductive structure con-
B. hypothalamus nects with the testes and also stores
C. anterior pituitary gland
A. epididymis
D. testicles
B. scrotum
126. Which structure is correctly paired with C. seminal vesicles
its function?
D. testicle
A. ovary-provides milk for newborns
132. the organ that removes urine from the
B. testis-development of sperm
male body and that can deliver sperm to
C. placenta-storage of released eggs the female reproductive system
D. uterus-produces estrogen A. Penis
B. Vagina C. seminal
C. Urethra D. epididymal
B. Cowper’s Gland
146. A major male sex organ that stores
sperm. C. Anus
A. Prostate Gland D. Ejaculatory Duct
B. Testicle
152. The sac that holds the testicles is
C. Epididymis
A. Testes
D. Vas deferens
B. Epididymis
147. What body part secretes the pre-
ejaculate that helps protect sperm from C. Ovaries
the acidic environment of the urethra? D. Scrotum
A. Ejaculatory Duct
153. In which organ does sperm production
B. Seminal Vesicle
take place?
C. Prostate Gland
A. Testes
D. Cowper’s Gland
B. Penis
148. In the embryo, where are the testes
C. Prostate
A. in the scrotum D. Vas deferens
stored while they mature:
vides sperm with a source of energy to
A. seminal vesicle help them move.
B. epididymis
175. What hormone is released by the anterior
C. urethra pituitary to stimulate division of spermato-
D. bladder gonia?
A. gnRH
170. Which of the following is a viral infection
of the T cells? B. FSH
B. Herpes D. testosterone
C. Gonnorhea 176. This structure helps to force semen out of
D. Chlamydia the body
190. What fluid contains millions of sperms 196. The primary function of the human male
that is produced by the sex organs of reproductivesystem is to
A. provide a site for fertilization
A. Testosterone
B. produce and transport gametes
B. Semen
C. protect and nourish the embryo
C. Urine
D. prevent urine from leaving the body
D. Estrogen
197. When the spermatic cord becomes
191. What are the male gametes?
twisted around a testicle causing severe
A. testes pain and even sterility
B. spermatozoa A. Testicular torsion
C. seminiferous tubules B. prostate cancer
D. prostate glands C. inguinal hernia
192. After meiosis.. D. testicular cancer
A. 4 dipolid cells are formed 198. What is the function of the protective
B. 2 aploid cells are formed pouch that covers the testicles?
C. 2 diploid cells are formed A. Scrotum
D. 4 aploid cells are formed B. used to regulate the temperature in
the testes
193. Adds fluid to sperm to nourish and pro-
tect it C. testes
A. penis D. produces sperm cells and semen
B. prostate gland & seminal vesicle 199. The male reproductive organ that stores
C. semen maturing sperm is the
D. none of above A. Epididymis
201. How long can a sperm live inside the ure- 207. The male gland that adds a nutrient filled
thra of the female? fluid to the sperm.
203. When semen is pushed through and out 209. Which of the following is not a secondary
of a males body through the urethra is a male sex characteristic?
process called A. Increased facial/body hair
A. Ejaculation B. Lower voice
B. Erection C. Thinner skin
C. Menstruation D. Thickening & lengthening of bones
D. Transportation
210. Which parent determines the gender of
204. This is a common site of cancer in men. offspring
A. Prostate A. Mother
B. Vas Deferens B. Father
C. Epididiymis C. Both
D. Urethra D. Fate
205. This structure is used for both excretion 211. The primary male hormone is
(urination) and reproductive funtions.
A. testosterone
A. Urethra
B. estrogen
B. Endometrium
C. Cowper’s Gland C. progesterone
D. Scrotum D. FSH
206. (? ? ) is the male sex hormone. 212. The skin around the testes
A. Testosterone A. urethra
B. Estrogen B. scrotum
C. Androgen C. semen
D. Androsterone D. none of above
213. A cancer occurs in a man’s organ, a small 216. The organ that contains the urethra
walnut-shaped gland that produces semi- where urine and semen leave the body.
nal fluid. A. scrotum
A. testes or testicles
B. penis
B. penis
C. semen
C. prostate gland
D. none of above
D. none of above
217. A muscular tube that transports sperm-
214. The pair of endocrine glands that produce filled semen.
sperm are the?
A. Vas deferens
A. Adreanal
B. Fallopian tube
B. pancreas
C. Scrotum
C. Ovaries
D. Testes D. Penis
215. The beginning of sexual maturation. 218. The male reproductive cell is called
A. puberty A. sperm
B. testosterone B. ovum/egg
C. glans C. semen
D. estrogen D. mitochondria
1.20 Urethra
1. Which sequence represents the correct 3. The procedure to remove waste from the
pathway for the removal of urine from the blood when the kidneys do not function
human body? properly.
A. kidney → ureter → urinary bladder A. homeostasis
→ urethra B. dialysis
B. kidney → urethra → urinary bladder C. electrolytes
→ ureter
D. dysuria
C. ureter → kidney → urinary bladder
→ urethra 4. Which of the following is the functional
unit of a kidney that is responsible for fil-
D. urethra → kidney → urinary bladder tering the blood?
→ ureter
A. nephron
2. What does the bladder do? B. Bladder
A. Holds the urine C. Urethra
B. Make you pee D. Ureters
C. Hep you drink milkshakes 5. The parts of excretory system are
D. hold the blood A. colon, rectum, anus
B. colon, rectum, kidneys 11. Which process is used to remove urea from
C. colon, kidneys, skin the blood?
16. What Is The Main Function Of The Excre- 22. What stores the urine?
tory System? A. Lungs
A. Help You Make Urine B. Bladder
B. Eat Popcorn In The Movie Theater C. Urethra
C. To Remove Waste D. Kidneys
D. Make Waste
23. Which of the following parts of the urinary
17. which one is helpful for your kidneys? system is the tube allowing urine to pass
A. eat candy outside the body?
B. laze around A. ureters
C. DON’T smoke B. urethra
D. DO not drive C. urea
D. urinary bladder
18. Which organ helps the excretory system
by eliminating water and some chemical 24. The science word for removal of the body’s
wastes in perspiration (sweat)? wastes (solid, liquid, & gaseous) is called:
A. lungs A. gas exchange.
B. skin B. respiration.
C. liver C. excretion.
D. kidneys D. filtration.
19. What process is used to return water to 25. The job of the skin is to
the capillaries? A. remove harmful gases such as carbon
A. filtration dioxide
B. reabosrption B. filter liquid waste out of your blood
C. secretion C. removes dead cells, salt, and unused
D. excretion water from your body through sweating
D. pumps blood throughout the body
20. Which body system removes nitrogenous
wastes from the blood? 26. Which excretory organ breaks down pro-
A. nervous tein and produces urea?
B. digestive A. Liver
C. excretory B. Kidney
D. circulatory C. Bladder
D. Galbladder
21. is a waste gas that is made when your
cells make energy. 27. What do the nephrons do in the kidneys?
A. oxygen A. cells that pump blood to the body
B. nitrogen B. they are not in the kidneys
C. carbon monoxide C. they make water in the kidneys
D. carbon dioxide D. special cells that filter the blood
D. The organs that filter waste out of our 45. Which Kidney is slightly bigger?
blood A. Up Kidney
39. In addition to water, the principal compo- B. Down Kidney
nents of urine are
C. Left KIdney
A. amino acids and fatty acids
D. Right Kidney
B. urea and salts
46. What do the lungs push out when you ex-
C. ammonia and bile
D. hydrochloric acid and bases
A. Air
40. How do the kidneys clean the blood? B. Oxygen
A. Reabsorption-Excretion-Filteration
C. Stale Air
B. Excretion-Reabsorption-Filteration
D. Blood
C. Excretion-Filteration-Reabsorption
47. The ureter is the size of what?
D. Filteration-Reabsorption-Excretion
A. A ruler
41. List the organs of the excretory system
B. Spaghetti noodle
A. bladder, kidneys, ureters
C. Yardstick
B. skin, liver, bladder, kidneys, lungs,
ureters, urethra D. Breadstick
C. Kidney, Bladder, Liver, lungs, Heart 48. Where does the nitrogenous waste come
D. all organs from that you need filtered from your
42. When does skin take part in excretion?
A. from cellular respiration
A. Nothing the skin does nothing
B. urea
B. you pee from your skin
C. from hormone production
C. sweat
D. the break down of proteins
D. cools down the body
49. After reabsorption in nephrons is com-
43. The presence of what condition would in-
pleted, the fluid that is left in the tubules
dicate the urgent need for a kidney trans-
is transported to the
plant or dialysis?
A. Bowman’s capsule
A. kidney stones
B. kidney failure B. circulatory system
51. Organs of excretion that maintain home- 52. What Organ Filters Liquid Waste From
ostasis include the kidneys, skin, liver, and Your Blood?
C. interlobar arteries, arcuate arteries 15. THE BLADDER HAS THESE INSIDE ON THE
D. arcuate arteries, interlobar arteries MUCOUS MEMBRANES THAT ALLOW IT
10. Suffix for surgical fixation? A. DIVERTICULUM
A. pyel/o B. NEPRONS
B. -pexy C. RUGAE
D. -lysis 16. What is the term for the creation of an arti-
ficial opening between the urinary bladder
11. Urine is stored here until you’re ready to and the exterior of the body?
urinate: A. nephrostomy
A. Ureters B. urethrotomy
B. Bladder C. cystostomy
C. Urethra D. pyelotomy
D. Kidneys 17. What comes second?
A. Ureter
12. Which one of the following is NOT one of
the major roles of the kidneys in normal B. Bladder
healthy adults? C. Kidneys
A. conversion of ammonia to bicarbonate D. none of above
18. Which term means the increased excretion
B. maintenance of electrolyte balance of of urine?
the blood
A. anuria
C. ensuring proper blood pH B. diuresis
D. maintenance of water balance of the C. dysuria
D. none of above
13. What is the medical word element that 19. What are the functions of the kidneys?
means renal pelvis? Mark all that apply
A. olgi/o A. Regulate volume of urine
B. py/o B. Regulate composition of urine
C. pyel/o C. Regulate pH of body fluids
D. ureter/o D. Remove metabolic wastes from blood
20. What is the medical term for absence of
14. What is 95% of urine composition?
urine production or output?
A. Water A. bladder neck obstruction
B. Acids B. anuria
C. Urea C. cystocele
D. Hormones D. dysuria
D. blood A. POLYURIA
25. What takes out the urine(pee)?
A. Ureter
B. Kidneys
C. Bladder 31. What is the term meaning abnormal soft-
D. Urethra ening of the kidney?
A. nephroplasty
26. polycystic kidneys
B. cystoplasty
A. cysts gradually replace normal renal
tissue, can result in renal failure C. nephromalacia
B. inflammation of the bladder D. esophagorrhexis
C. 6
33. is secreted when blood pressure de- D. 8
crease and triggers angiotensin II to vaso-
constrict the efferent arterioles to increase 39. A decrease in blood concentration results
filtration rate in which of these?
A. aldosterone A. increased ADH secretion
B. erythropoietin B. increased permeability of the collect-
C. renin ing ducts
43. AS FILTERED MATERIALS PASS THROUGH 48. What is the term meaning suturing of the
54. Where are kidneys located:Check all that C. external opening of the urethra where
apply urine exits the body
A. 1/2 under the rib cage D. none of above
B. Anterior wall of the abdominal cavity
60. Which one of the following terms de-
C. Behind the major organs of the abdom- scribes the location of the kidneys?
inal cavity
A. retroperitoneal
D. Posterior wall of the abdominal cavity
B. retroperineal
55. The secretes renin. C. intraperitoneal
A. juxtaglomerular cells D. suprarenal
B. macula densa
61. A surgical incision into the renal pelvis is-
C. podocytes
A. nephrotomy
D. fenestrations
B. nephroplasty
56. The medial indentation where the ureter,
blood vessels, and nerves are connected C. pyeloplasty
to the kidney is called the D. pyelotomy
A. renal hilum
62. What is the term meaning abnormal hard-
B. renal pyramid ening of the kidney?
C. renal capsule A. arthrosclerosis
D. renal column B. nephrosclerosis
57. Where does filtration happen? C. nephrostenosis
A. Nephron D. cystostenosis
B. Glomerulus
63. uremia
C. Proximal Tubule
A. accumulation of waste products in the
D. Collecting duct blood
58. Juxtaglomerular cells are involved in the B. surgical fixation of the bladder to the
secretion of abdominal wall
A. ADH C. pertaining to the bladder
B. oxytocin D. none of above
C. renin
64. Extracellular fluid
D. aldosterone
A. tends to be higher in sodium and chlo-
E. atrial natriuretic factor ride than intracellular fluid
59. urine B. includes interstitial fluid and plasma
A. waste products combined with water C. has a fairly consistent composition
B. millions of these are in each kidney to throughout the body
filter unwanted materials from blood D. all of the above
77. Word part for hernia, tumor, or cyst? 82. Block plasma proteins from entering the
A. cyst/o
A. juxtaglomerular cells
B. lith/o
B. macula densa
C. -cele
C. podocytes
D. nephr/o
D. fenestrations
78. Given these structures:Bowman’s capsule 83. Which term means excessive urination?
collecting duct distal tubule loop of Henle
proximal tubule Choose the arrangement A. anuria
that lists the structures in order as filtrate B. oliguria
leaves the glomerulus and travels to the C. polyuria
renal calyx
D. none of above
A. 1, 5, 4, 3, 2
84. Word part for urethra?
B. 4, 1, 2, 3, 5
A. urethr/o
C. 1, 3, 4, 5, 2
B. ureter/o
D. 2, 5, 3, 4, 1
C. -uria
79. The urinary bladder is composed of ep- D. -ectasis
85. The urinary bladder
A. transitional
A. has walls composed of skeletal muscle
B. simple squamous B. is lined with simple columnar epithe-
C. stratified squamous lium
D. pseudostratified columnar C. is connected to the outside of the body
by ureters
80. Inflammation of the kidney: D. is located in the pelvic cavity
A. Nephritis 86. This organ removes urea from the blood
B. Urinary tract infections and regulate concentrations of most of the
substances in the body fluids
C. Renal failure
A. liver
D. Diabetes mellitus
B. kidney
81. intravenous pyelogram C. urinary bladder
A. an x-ray of the kidneys and ureters D. ureter
following administration of a contrast
medium to improve visibility 87. INNER SECTION OF THE KIDNEY THAT
B. process of visually examining the blad- TUBULES WHICH CARRY THE URINE
C. x-ray of the urinary tract A. MEDULLA
D. none of above B. CORTEX
A. Bladder B. Proctologist
C. Urologist
B. Kidney
D. Nephrologist
C. Urethra
D. none of above 95. Inside the bladder where the ureters and
the urethra openings are is called the
90. The Collecting ducts is where takes A. trigone
B. macula densa
A. re-absorption
C. juxtaglomerular apparatus
B. filtration
D. fenstration
C. liquidation
96. At which of these sites is the osmotic pres-
D. measurements
sure lowest? (least concentrated filtrate)
91. What are the processes the kidneys go A. glomerular capillary
through to create and rid the body of B. proximal tubule
urine? Mark all that apply
C. bottom of the loop of Henle
A. Filtration
D. first part of the distal tubule
B. Reabsoption
E. collecting duct
C. Secretion
97. The greatest volume of water is reab-
D. Voiding
sorbed by the
92. Increased aldosterone causes A. proximal tubule
A. decreased reabsorption of sodium B. loop of Henle
B. decreased secretion of potassium C. distal tubule
C. decreased reabsorption of chloride D. collecting duct
D. increased permeability of the distal 98. This vessel carries “clean” blood out of the
tubule to water kidneys back to the blood stream
E. decreased volume of urine A. urethra
D. Kidneys
B. liver
C. kidney 105. in-
C. urethra. C. filtration
D. bladder. D. cotransport with sodium ions
121. The urinary system consists of a pair of C. Urethra
D. Kidneys
A. pancreas
B. urethras 127. What is the medical term when there is
abnormal dilation of the renal pelvis and
C. urinary bladders calyces due to pressure from accumulated
D. kidneys urine that cannot flow
A. Edema C. -uria
B. Cystitis D. -ectasis
C. Anuria 130. Which term means a disorder character-
D. Dysuria ized by the presence of kidney stones?
A. nephrolithiasis
125. The glomerulus & renal tubule are found
in B. nephrolithotomy
A. The Bowman’s Capsule C. nephrolysis
B. Medulla D. none of above
131. TOXIC CONDITION THAT OCCURS WHEN 136. Filtrate that is turned into urine leaves
KIDNEYS FAIL AND URINARY WASTE the body through the process of
142. Given these vessels:arcuate artery inter- 147. At the you have urine
lobar artery interlobular artery Choose the
A. proximal tubule
path an erythrocyte takes as it passes
from the renal artery to the afferent ar- B. loop of henle
teriole C. distal tubule
A. 1, 2, 3 D. collecting duct
B. 2, 1, 3
148. Word root for glomerulus?
C. 2, 3, 1
A. nephr/o
D. 3, 2, 1
B. lith/o
143. What is the process of artificially filtering C. cyst/o
waste products from the patients blood?
D. glomerul/o
A. hydroureter
B. homeostasis
C. diuresis
D. hemodialysis
144. If your pee is light or pale yellow, it
means that:
A. You’re hydrated 150. incontinence
B. You’re dehydrated A. no control over excretory functions
such as urination or feces
C. You aren’t getting enough sun
B. inflammation of the bladder
D. You don’t have enough yellow food dye
in your diet C. pus in the urine
D. none of above
145. Which condition causes red blood cells
and proteins to leak into the urine? 151. to much urine is
A. glomerulonephritis A. oliguria
B. nephropyosis B. polyuria
C. pyelonephritis C. pyuria
D. none of above D. hematuria
146. this blood vessels carries “dirty” blood 152. Which term means abnormally high con-
into the kidney centrations of protein in the urine?
A. ureter A. hyperlipidemia
B. renal artery B. hyperproteinuria
C. urethra C. hypoproteinemia
D. renal vein D. none of above
filter unwanted materials from blood
A. Oligouria
C. a long, narrow tube extending from the
B. Anuria
kidney for the passage of urine
C. Dysuria
D. none of above
D. Polyuria
171. Word part meaning stone, calculus?
166. What is the medical word element that
means kidney? A. lith/o
A. nephr/o B. nephr/o
B. meat/o C. cyst/o
C. lith/o D. -cele
D. keton/o
172. What is the term meaning excessive uri-
167. dialysis nation?
A. mechanical replacement of kidney A. incontinence
function when the kidney is not working
B. polyuria
B. process of cutting into the urinary mea-
tus to widen it C. anuria
C. an x-ray of the kidneys and ureters D. dysuria
following administration of a contrast
medium to improve visibility 173. Most reabsorption takes place in the
D. none of above A. proximal tubule
168. What structure projects into the minor ca- B. loop of henle
lyx? C. distal tubule
A. Papillae D. collecting duct
B. Pyramid
174. Which of the following structures takes
C. Medulla
blood AWAY from the glomerulus?
D. Cortex
A. Renal tubule
169. What is the loss of bladder control which
B. Renal artery
leads to leaking urine or urinating when
you don”t want to? C. Afferent arteriole
A. anuria D. Efferent arteriole
175. Infection of the urinary tract (kidneys, 181. What is the abbreviation for intravenous
ureters, bladder, urethra) by microorgan- pyelogram?
isms. A. IP
179. Which term describes the prolapse or 185. Which combining form represents the nar-
drooping of a kidney? row tubes that transport urine from the
kidney to the bladder?
A. nephroptosis
A. urethr/o
B. nephropathy
B. nephr/o
C. nephrolysis C. ureter/o
D. none of above D. none of above
180. Prefix for complete, thorough? 186. CLUSTER OF CAPILLARIES IN NEPHRON
A. -ectasis A. CORTEX
B. dia- B. NEPHRON
D. urethr/o D. GLOMERULUS
188. This hormone is involved in increasing the C. CPY
reabsorption of water. What is the hor- D. CTY
mone called?
A. ADHD 194. Word part for urination?
B. Aldosterone A. -ectasis
C. ADH B. ureter/o
D. Secretion C. -uria
D. dia
189. What is the term for the surgical incision
into the kidney? 195. kidney
A. nephrotomy A. filters waste products from the blood
B. urethrotomy B. a long, narrow tube extending from the
kidney for the passage of urine
C. cystotomy
C. the dilated top portion of the ureter
D. pyelostomy
D. none of above
190. Kidney function is accomplished by which
of these mechanisms? 196. Afferent arterioles constrict causing de-
crease in filtration due to
A. secretion
A. lack of blood
B. filtration
B. blood backing up into glomerulus
C. reabsorption
C. protein concentrations
D. all of the above
D. none of above
191. urination
197. Which term means a hernia of the blad-
A. emptying the urinary bladder
B. displacement of the bladder against
A. cystalgia
the vaginal wall
B. cystitis
C. surgical fixation of the bladder to the
abdominal wall C. cystocele
D. none of above D. none of above
192. Word part meaning to crush? 198. makes the distal convoluted tubule
permeable to water, allowing the reab-
A. -lysis sorption of sodium and secretion of potas-
B. -ptosis sium.
200. What is the medical word element that C. Production of large amount of urine
means bladder? D. Kidney failure
A. glomerul/o 206. What is another word for stone?
B. cyst/o A. Calculus
C. keton/o B. Geometry
D. lith/o C. Algebra
201. What is the name of an expandable, hol- D. Calcium
low organ that acts as a temporary reser-
voir for urine? 207. What is the term meaning the complete
stopping of urine formation by the kid-
A. renal cortex
B. renal medulla
A. nocturia
C. urinary bladder
B. polyuria
D. hilum
C. oliguria
202. What test is performed to determine re- D. anuria
peated bladder infections or stress incon-
tinence and to identify congenital or ac- 208. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS THE MED-
quired structural abnormalities of the blad- ICAL TERM FOR INFLAMMATION OF THE
der and urethra? URINARY BLADDER
B. nuclear scan B. PYELONEPHRITIS
C. ultrasound C. URETHRITIS
WATER C. tiny ball of arteries located between
the afferent & efferent arterioles
D. tiny ball of veins located between the
afferent & efferent arterioles
216. Which term describes the involuntary dis-
charge of urine?
211. What should be in urine? A. Polyuria
A. Proteins B. Enuresis
B. Metabolic waste C. Nocturia
C. Glucose D. Anuria
D. Blood cells 217. Which one of the following is NOT a sub-
212. Urine gets its normal yellow-amber or stance reabsorbed by the tubules?
straw color from the pigment known as? A. urea
A. bilirubin B. water
B. albumin C. glucose
C. urochrome D. amino acids
D. hemoglobin 218. The function of the renal pelvis is?
213. A stone in the urinary bladder is known A. Urine is excreted
as a? B. Urine is stored
A. Uretolith C. Urine drains out to kidneys
B. Cystolith D. The location of the kidneys
C. Choelith
219. ureter
D. Nephrolith
A. a long, narrow tube extending from the
214. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS NOT kidney for the passage of urine
FILTERED OUT OF THE BLOOD IN THE B. filters waste products from the blood
GLOMERULUS? C. external opening of the urethra where
A. WATER urine exits the body
B. PROTEIN D. none of above
231. What is the suffix meaning “surgical 237. Cells produce waste that can become
crushing”? if they build up.
A. -megaly A. toxic
B. -tripsy B. nutritious
C. -osis C. beneficial
D. -ptosis D. none of above
232. Water leaves the nephron by 238. The is under skeletal muscle control
A. active transport A. detrusor
B. filtration into the capillary network B. internal urethral sphincter
C. osmosis C. external urethral sphincter
D. facilitated diffusion D. none of above
233. Condition in which body tissues contain 239. The hormone released to prevent exces-
an excessive amount of tissue fluid. sive water loss in the urine is
A. Cystitis A. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
B. Nephritis B. Angiotensin II
C. Kidney stones
C. Atrial Natruiretic Peptide
D. Edema
D. Aldosterone
234. What is the outer layer of the kidney?
A. glomerulus
B. renal cortex
C. meatus
D. urethra
235. The condition of having a stone in the kid-
ney is- 241. Eat to keep the urinary system
A. ureterolithiasis
A. cranberries
B. cystolithiasis
B. peaches
C. nephrolithiasis
C. grapes
D. ureterolithiasis
D. veggies
236. Sodium & Potassium are
242. The average adult urinary bladder is mod-
A. major nitrogenous waste
erately full with of urine within it.
B. electrolytes regulated by kidney so
A. 500 mL
that a proper concentration is maintained
within blood B. 1 L
C. microscopic tube C. 1 Gallon
D. hormone D. 2 L
243. Word part for kidney? 249. Which of these structures contain blood?
A. nephr/o A. glomerulus
255. What is the kidney cortex? 261. Which of these causes increased blood
A. another name for nephron sodium levels?
262. The kidneys help control the rate of red
A. ANURIA blood cell formation by secreting
B. OLIGURIA A. aldosterone
C. POLYURIA B. erythropoietin
D. NOCTURIA C. renin
257. What is the average pH in urine? D. antidiuretic hormone
A. 4.5 263. What is the correct spelling of the term
B. 7.5 meaning the surgical incision for the re-
moval of a stone from the bladder?
C. 6.0
A. lithostomy
D. 8.0
B. lithectomy
258. In which of these conditions is sugar in C. lithotomy
the urine?
D. none of above
A. Hematuria
264. The structural and functional units of the
B. Dysuria
kidney are called
C. Glycosuria
A. nephrons
D. Pyuria
B. pyramids
259. What does ADH do? C. renal papillae
A. Makes us thirsty D. renal columns
B. Increases our urine 265. What is the portion of a nephron that is
C. Allows us to retain water active in filtering urine?
D. Causes polyuria A. urethra
B. ureter
260. What classification of drug would be used
to treat bacterial infections of the urinary C. glomerulus
tract? D. renal cortex
A. antispasmodics
266. What is the major waste product of pro-
B. diuretics tein metabolism?
C. antibiotics A. urea
D. potassium supplements B. oliguria
A. renal artery C. Nephrons
B. hepatic artery D. Urethra
C. renal vein
285. The Bowman’s Capsule and Loop of Henle
D. glomerulus are parts of the:
280. What is the name for the area of the kid- A. Bladder
ney where the renal artery enters and the
B. Urethra
renal vein exits?
A. hilum C. Renal Pelvis
B. cortex D. Nephron
C. medulla
D. nephron
287. Which is organ system is not made up of
D. VALVES the excretory system?
282. Which body system’s main functions are A. Urinary system
to filter the blood and eliminate metabolic
waste? B. Integumentary system
1.22 Uterus
1. In males, what is the loose pouch-like sac 5. The proliferation phase occurs during
of skin that hangs behind and below the A. the first week of the menstrual cycle
B. the second week of the menstrual cy-
A. scrotum cle
B. testicles C. the last two weeks of the menstral cy-
C. urethra cle
D. none of above D. menopause
2. Females produce one mature egg cell each 6. Where does the embryo implant and de-
month during a process called velop into a fetus?
A. Toxic Shock Syndrome A. Cervix
B. Menstrual Cycle B. Ovary
C. Ovulation C. Uterus
D. Estrogen D. Fallopian tube
3. What structure of the female reproductive 7. What are the 3 primary hormones in the
system surrounds the vagina and is made male reproductive system?
up of fat deposits? A. testosterone
A. perineum B. estrogen
B. ovary C. luteinizing hormone
C. labia majora D. follicle-stimulating hormone
D. uterus E. progesterone
4. The structure that draws the mature egg 8. In females, what structure contains sweat
into the Fallopian tube is the and oil-secreting glands?
A. fimbriae A. Labia majora
B. cervix B. Labia minora
C. vagina C. Bartholin’s glands
D. corpus luteum D. Clitoris
C. Luteal
B. Uterus
D. none of above
C. Vagina
10. Passage that leads from the uterus to the
D. Ovaries
outside of the body.
E. Cervix
A. Cervix
B. Ovary 16. For this to occur a sperm cell must come
into direct contact with an egg cell.
C. Uterus
A. Fallopian tube
D. Vagina
B. Menstruation
11. The release of a mature egg cell from the C. Fertilization
D. Ovulation
A. Fertilization
B. Ovulation 17. Where does fertilization occur in the fe-
male reproductive system?
C. Menstruation
A. Fallopian tube
D. Ovaries
B. Ovary
12. What structure produces estrogen and pro- C. Uterus
D. Vagina
A. Uterus
18. What hormones are releases by the Pitu-
B. Ovary
itary Gland?
C. Cervix
A. FSH, Oestrogen, LH and Progesterone
D. Vagina
B. FSH, Oestrogen, and Progesterone
13. The egg cells of a female. They lie dormant C. FSH, LH and Progesterone
until puberty.
D. FSH and LH
A. Ova or ovum
19. What happens during labor?
B. Sperm
A. Strong muscular contractions push the
C. Vagina baby out.
D. Hymen B. The fetus develops a heartbeat.
14. What is another term that is used for an C. The umbilical cord is tied and cut.
Egg in the Female Reproduction System? D. Strong muscular contractions of the
A. Ovum uterus cause the cervix to enlarge.
32. During which phase of the menstrual cycle
does the dominant follicle releases its egg C. uterus
from the ovary and captured in the fallop- D. ovary
ian tubes?
38. The structure that hold and nurture the fe-
A. Follicular
tus (developing baby) is the
B. Ovulatory
A. fallopian tube
C. Luteal
B. vagina
D. none of above
C. uterus
33. The tube that carries sperm from the testi- D. ovary
A. Urethra 39. The egg cells is released from the ovary
into the
B. Testicles
A. Fallopian tube
C. Penis
D. Vas Deferens B. Uterus
C. Cervix
34. What are the hormones that the ovaries
produce? D. Vagina
A. Testosterone and estrogen 40. What term is used to describe when a ma-
B. Estrogen and FSH tured egg has been released into the Fal-
lopian Tube?
C. FSH and LH
A. Menstruation
D. Estrogen and progesterone
B. Fertilized Egg
35. Either of 2 tubes through which an egg
travels each month on its way to the C. Ovulation
uterus. D. Ejaculation
A. Uterus
41. The female reproductive structure that
B. Fallopian Tubes serves as a passageway for the ova to the
C. Cervix uterus is the:
D. Ovary A. fallopian tube
B. perineum
36. What 2 hormones are needed to maintain
the lining of the endometrium? C. vaginal canal
A. FSH and LH D. ureter
42. Pear shaped organ where the fetus grows 48. In day 1 of the ovarian cycle women are
and develops until birth in which phase?
C. Estrogen C. Fertilization
D. Progesterone D. Vagina
46. What do we call a fertilized egg? 52. The muscle layer of the uterus is the:
A. Sperm A. endomenses
B. Testosterone B. endometrium
C. Zygote C. myomenses
D. Egg D. myometrium
54. The female sex organ through which a 59. Oogenesis results in the formation of:
baby passes during birth.
A. 1 ovum; 2 polar bodies
A. Uterus
B. 2 ova; 2 polar bodies
B. Fallopian Tube
C. 1 ovum; 3 secondary oocytes
C. Vagina
D. 4 ova
D. Ovaries
60. The lower portion of the uterus which ex-
55. The hollow, tunnel-like structure through
which menstrual blood and babies leave tends into the vagina is the:
the body. A. cervix
A. Uterus B. vulva
B. Vagina
C. ovary
C. Ovaries
D. none of above
D. Hymen
61. When an egg has not been fertilized, it
56. In females, what structure is the canal that
leaves the body with the lining of the
joins the cervix. It is also known as the
uterus. This is known as
birth canal.
A. menstruation
A. Uterus
B. Ovaries B. ovulation
C. Vagina C. fertilization
D. Clitoris D. none of above
57. What is the name of the Endocrine Gland 62. Which male reproductive structure is re-
that is present inside of the Female Repro- sponsible for making testosterone and pro-
ductive System? ducing sperm cells?
A. Pituitary Gland A. vas deferens
B. Uterus B. testicles
C. Ovaries
C. scrotum
D. Testes
D. prostate gland
58. The passageways for the eggs as they
make their way toward the uterus and the 63. What structures secrete progesterone and
place where the egg may be fertilized are estrogen, and release an egg (ovum) once
called the a month during a womans menstrual cy-
A. Fallopian Tubes
B. Uterus A. uterus
D. Anaphase B. ureters
C. urethra
76. On what day of the cycle is ovulation?
D. colon
A. Day 4
B. Day 8 82. Which area of the Female Reproduction
C. Day 14 System is responsible for nourishing and
protecting a fertilized egg?
D. Day 28
A. Ovary
77. Which of the following hormones is se-
B. Fallopian Tube
creted by the ovaries?
C. Uterus
A. estrogen
B. melatonin D. Vagina
86. During which phase of the menstrual cy- 91. The passageways for the eggs as they
cle if an egg is not fertilized, it passes make their way toward the uterus and the
through the uterus and the lining of the place where the egg may be fertilized.
96. What is the main role of FSH? 101. The physiological purpose of the vagina
A. Stimulates follicle to burst and release
the ovum A. fetal development
B. Stimulates rebuilding of the uterus B. maturation of the ovum
wall C. digestion
C. Stimulates one egg cell to develop (be- D. to receive the sperm from the male
come follicle)
102. What female internal structure produce
D. Completes development of uterus wall, eggs and hormones? These are small,
promotes glycogen storage oval-shaped glands.
97. the lining of the uterus that thickens as an A. Ovaries
egg matures B. Fallopian tubes
A. cervix C. Uterus
B. endometrium D. none of above
C. uterus 103. How many premature egg cells is a fe-
D. none of above male baby born with?
A. About 2 million
98. If fertilization does not occur, the uterine B. About 400, 000
lining will be shed and removed through
the C. About 2, 000
A. Ovaries C. Cervix
D. Ovary
B. Uterus
C. Menstruation 105. The two hormones that maintain the lin-
ing of the uterus are:
D. Fallopian Tubes
A. FSH and estrogen
100. This occurs about two weeks after ovula- B. LH and estrogen
tion and normally lasts three to five days.
C. estrogen
A. Fallopian Tubes D. Progesterone and estrogen
B. Menstruation
106. The part of the female reproductive sys-
C. Fertilization tem where fertilization takes place
D. Ovum A. Uterus
C. mastectomy A. 1 day
D. episiotomy B. 1 hour
C. 1 week
3. What part regulates the temperature of
the testes? D. 1 month
A. embryo 9. A fertilized egg is called a(n)
B. epididymis A. primary oocyte
C. scrotum B. secondary oocyte
D. none of above
C. zygote
4. The “hood” which covers the clitoris is D. embryo
called the
10. Which hormone causes the ovary to actu-
A. labia minora
ally release the egg
B. labia majora
C. prepuce
B. estrogen
D. uterus
5. Which hormone controls the development
D. progesterone
of male secondary sexual charecteristics.
A. testosterone 11. Which organ produces sperm cells?
B. oestrogen A. testes
C. testes B. epididymis
D. ovaries C. ovary
14. Before a vaginal birth, the cervix dilates 20. In both males and females, urine is stored
how many centimeters? in the ?
15. What part sweeps the mature egg from 21. Testosterone directly affects the
the ovaries? A. formation of a zygote
A. ovum B. production of sperm cells
B. fallopian tubes C. changes within an ovary
C. fimbria D. development of a placenta
D. uterine lining
22. How many weeks is considered full term
16. The fluid ejaculated from the penis is pregnancy?
A. sperm A. 36 weeks
B. semen B. 42 weeks
C. urine C. 40 weeks
D. none of above D. none of above
17. The principle “reward” neurotransmitter 23. What is the only 100% fool-proof method
in humans is called to keep from contracting an STD or becom-
A. norepinephrine ing a parent before you are ready?
27. Which hormone “maintains” endometrium D. scrotum
A. estrogen 33. Folds of tissue over the vaginal opening
B. FSH A. Vulva
C. Luteal B. Labia
D. progesterone C. Clitoris
28. What is the life expectancy of the sperm D. Vaginal opening
cell inside the female reproductive tract? 34. Narrow end of the uerus that opens into
A. 24 hours the vagina; it stretches and allows a baby
B. 48 hours to be born.
C. 72 hours A. Uterus
B. Vagina
D. 92 hours
C. Cervix
29. If a female leaves a tampon in too long a
D. Ovary
rare but sometimes fatal bacterial illness
could occur. This illness is known as 35. How long is the ovum in the fallopian
A. Chicken pox tubes?
B. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) A. 1 day
38. Where can the sperm cell find and fertilise 44. What is the correct sequence for human re-
an egg cell inside a woman’s body? production?
A. endometrium A. 3 days
B. ovaries B. up to 5 days
C. ova C. 2 days
D. fallopian tubes D. only 1 day 24 hours
49. Which reproductive structure is correctly 54. stage of development when reproductive
paired withits function? organs mature and the person becomes
able to reproduce.
A. uterus-usual site of fertilization
A. Infancy
B. testis-usual location for egg develop-
ment B. Puberty
55. What is a hormone produced by the fe-
50. Essential materials needed for develop- male’s ovaries?
ment are transported to a human fetus
through the: A. Estrogen
B. Endometrium
A. reproductive hormones
C. Hygiene
B. egg cell
D. Frimbria
C. ovaries
56. An organ that nourishes a fetus is called
D. placenta
51. What is the purpose of the fimbriae? A. ovary
A. guide the egg from the ovary into the B. uterus
Fallopian tube C. placenta
B. release a hormone to stimulate the fol- D. fallopian tube
57. During this phase progesterone is released
C. guide the egg through the Fallopian preparing for implantation, if fertilization
tube into the uterus did not occur you move back into menstru-
D. none of the above ation.
A. Ovulation
52. Which of the following is the least mature
B. Follicular phase
form of “egg”?
C. luteal phase
A. primary oocyte
D. none of the above
B. secondary oocyte
58. The is a hollow, muscular organ that
C. ovum
nourishes and protects a developing fetus.
D. oogonia A. cervix
53. sperm is nourished by a sugary fluid from B. ovulation
the C. uterus
A. seminal vesicle D. vagina
B. cowper’s gland 59. What is also called the birth canal?
C. prostate gland A. Uterus
D. none of above B. vagina
B. follicular
pear-shaped organ that receives and hold
C. ovulation
fertilized egg cell
D. luteal
A. cervix
72. Another name for the elastic, muscular B. fallopian tubes
tube, which is the organ of intercourse for C. ovaries
a female is
D. uterus
A. The vagina
B. The birth canal 78. The female gonads are the
C. Both A. ovaries
B. testes
D. none of above
C. vaginas
73. Which of the following is the male sex
D. fallopian tubes
gland listed with the appropriate sex hor-
mone and sex cell. 79. On about what day of the menstrual cycle
A. Ovary, estrogen, egg does ovulation occur?
B. Ovary, testosterone, egg A. 1
C. Testes, testosterone, sperm B. 6
D. a. Testes, estrogen, sperm C. 14
D. 28
74. The first two months (up to 8 weeks) of
development in the uterus is called 80. If an egg that has been fertilized by a
A. fetus sperm splits into two while it is in the fal-
lopian tube, the beginning of two babies
B. embryo can start to grow. These are known as
C. eggs A. identical twins
D. ovum B. fraternal twins
75. Where are sperm cells collected and con- C. triplets
tinue to mature? D. none of above
A. Epididymis
81. What is the purpose of cilia?
B. Penis A. guide the egg into the fallopian tube
C. Bladder B. they are released to cause the follicles
D. Foreskin to enlarge
C. guide the egg through the Fallopian 88. What is it called when an fertilized egg im-
tube into the uterus plants on the Fallopian tube instead of the
D. Brain C. semen
B. embryo B. vulva
C. blastula C. uterus
D. oogonia D. peritoneum
93. The opening to the uterus is the 99. A female is born with
A. cervix A. all of her eggs
B. vagina B. none of her eggs
C. ovary C. 1, 000 eggs
D. fallopian tube D. with half of her eggs
94. The testes can produce how many sperm a 100. Another term for sexual intercourse is
A. one A. coitus
B. one hundred B. erection
C. one thousand C. contraception
95. The is the opening of the uterus 101. The process of a mature egg being re-
leased into the fallopian tube is
A. cervix
A. pregnancy
B. vagina
B. menstruation
C. ovulation
C. ovulation
D. uterus
D. none of above
96. The female gamete is the
102. Fertilization usually occurs in the
A. sperm
A. ovaries
B. zygote B. vagina
C. embryo C. uterus
D. ovum D. fallopian tubes
97. Which structures help to “sweep” the 103. The shedding of the uterine lining is called
oocyte into the fallopian tube?
A. fimbriae A. cervix
B. cilia B. menstruation
C. flagella C. ovulation
D. phospholipids D. uterus
98. How long does an egg live inside the Fal- 104. Reproductive organ that provides a place
lopian tube? to support a developing human.
A. 12-24 hours A. fallopian tube
B. 3 days B. vagina
C. up to 5 days C. bladder
D. one month D. uterus
105. A pap smear is used to test for precancer- 110. What is released when a woman men-
ous cells on the females struates?
106. Which is true about all of the ova (egg 111. What does STD stand for?
cells) in an individual female? A. Standard transmitted disease
A. they have half the number of chromo- B. Sexually targeted diseases
somes as her body cells, and a different
C. Sexually transmitted diseases
genetic sequesnce from one anaother
D. Severely targeted diseases
B. They have half the number of chromo-
somes as her body cells, and the exact 112. An unborn baby’s heart begins to beat
same genetic sequence as each other. how long after fertilization?
C. They have the same number of chromo- A. 3-4 months
somes as her body cells, and a different
B. 18-28 days
genetic sequence than one another.
C. 5-6 months
D. They have the same number of chro-
mosomes as her body cells, and the exact D. none of above
same genetic
113. The most common site of cancer in older
107. What is an ovum? men is
A. An ovary A. The prostate gland
B. A mature egg B. The cowper’s gland
C. A fertilized egg C. The testicles
D. A sunny-side-up egg D. The penis
108. Uncontrolled ejaculation during sleep is 114. Which is the route that sperm takes to
called leave the male body?
A. orgasm A. Testes, vas deferens, seminal vesicles,
B. erection
B. Testes, epididymus, seminal vesicles,
C. ejaculation
D. nocturnal emissions C. Testes, epididymus, urethra, penis
109. What is the name of the process for re- D. Testes, epididymus, vas deferens, ure-
leasing a mature egg from the ovaries? thra
A. Ovulation 115. Which structure secretes the hormones
B. Menopause estrogen, progesterone and inhibin?
C. Menstration A. corpus luteum
D. Puberty B. hypothalamus
C. anterior pituitary 121. An egg cell leaves the and goes into
D. ovaries the fallopian tube.
A. Testicle
116. How many days each month is a woman B. Ovary
able to get pregnant?
C. Uterus
A. 1
D. Scrotum
B. 3
122. How often are female eggs created?
C. 8
A. Every month
D. 30
B. Every other month
117. The surgical removal of the uterus is C. All at birth
called a(n) D. None of the above
A. hysterectomy
123. Once an ovum is released from an ovary
B. mastectomy
C. vasectomy A. zygote forms
D. episiotomy B. menstruation starts
C. it enters the fallopian tubes
118. The phase in which lining rebuilds, cervi-
cal mucus thinsand Follicles enlarge is: D. ovarian cysts form
138. Which structure in the male reproductive 144. which is not a part of a female reproduc-
system produces the sperm cells? tive system
A. epididymis A. cervix
B. vas deferens B. epididymis
C. seminal vesicles C. fallopian tube
D. seminiferous tubules D. uterus
145. Sperm is ejected from the male body
139. The small hair-like projection found inside
the Fallopian tubes are called what? through the
A. fimbriae A. semen
B. testes
B. cervix
C. scrotum
C. cilia
D. penis
D. gametes
146. Identify the part being described:a loose,
140. A reproductive disorder in which uterine pouch-like sac that protects and supports
tissue migrates and grows in the ovaries the testes and sperm
or fallopian tubes is called
A. scrotum
A. vaginitis
B. vas deferens
B. pelvic inflammatory disease
C. epididymis
C. endometriosis D. testes
D. toxic shock syndrome
147. In the first stage of birthing, the cervix
141. How many sperm does it take to fertilize must reach in order to begin “push-
an egg? ing”.
A. 1 A. 10 cm
B. 21 B. 1 cm
C. 100, 000, 000 C. 10 mm
D. 500, 000, 000 D. 1 inch
142. How about the route an egg takes? 148. After the egg leaves the fallopian tube, it
enters the
A. Ovaries, epididymus, urethra
A. vagina
B. Ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix
B. uterus
C. Ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus C. ovaries
D. Ovaries, uterus, clitoris D. ovum
143. The male reproductive organ is the 149. Fertilization occurs within the
A. penis A. fallopian tube
B. testicle B. vagina
C. sperm C. uterus
D. epididymis D. anus
150. Sperm travels through these vesicles to C. Where the eggs come from
the seminal gland to make semen. D. Sensory organ
D. dopamine A. penis
B. scrotum
152. Two small glands that secrete testos-
terone and produce sperm are the C. semen
D. testes
A. scrotum
B. semen 156. The hormone “inhibin” is important be-
cause it
C. testes
A. prevents more follicles from maturing
D. testosterone
and ovulating
153. What is the uterus B. dialates the cervix
A. The womb where the baby grows C. increases the levels of LH and FSH
B. Part of the brain D. causes ovulation to occur
1.24 Arteries
1. Gas, nutrient, and waste exchange occur 3. Why is it important arteries have alot of
between the and the tissues of the muscle and elastic tissue?
body. A. To expand and contract around the
A. veins pulse to maintain blood pressure
B. arteries B. To expand under high pressure
C. capillaries C. To expand under high pressure and re-
D. legs coil to maintain the blood pressure
D. So blood flow can be stopped if needed
2. Vessels with narrow lumens
A. arteries 4. center of drainage
B. capillaries A. right atrium
C. veins B. arch of the aorta
D. none of above C. left atrium
D. none of above
6. Vessels that branch into arterolies
12. The sinoatrial node is often referred to as
A. arteries the:
B. capillaries
A. semi lunar valve
C. veins
B. the heart muscle
D. none of above
C. pacemaker of the heart
7. What is a ligament? D. conductor of the heart
A. join bone to bone
13. lies posterior to the medial border of the
B. join muscle to bone belly of the biceps brachii muscle
C. reduce friction between bones
A. anatomical guide for brachial artery
D. none of above
B. anatomical guide for ulnar artery
8. What is another name for chest leads? C. anatomical guide for radial artery
A. augmented leads D. none of above
B. unipolar leads
14. Tissue fluid re-enters capillaries due to
C. precordial leads
A. diffusion
D. bipolar leads
B. osmosis
9. both of these arteries must be injected.
C. pressure filtration
Usually used in autopsy care where
carotids have been pulled up inside neck D. none of above
and cannot be found
15. These carry blood to the heart:
A. facial artery
A. arteries
B. ulnar artery
B. veins
C. subclavian artery
C. capillaries
D. none of above
D. arterioles
10. What is the space between the structure
of a blood vessel? 16. First branch of the aortic arch.
A. Artery A. Thoracic aorta
B. Lumen B. Ascending aorta
C. Gap C. Abdominal aorta
D. Loomen D. Brachiocephalic
17. This artery supplies blood to the front part 23. Occlusion of this artery will manifest as
of the ear extreme sinus bradycardia on EKG
A. Artery A. arteries
B. Vein B. capillaries
C. Arterioles C. veins
D. Venules D. none of above
22. I have a small lumen, I have thick muscular 28. This artery supplies blood to the anterior
walls. wall of the left ventricle
A. Artery A. LCx
B. Vein B. LAD
C. Capillary C. RCA
D. Arteriole D. LMCA
29. How many leads are there on a standard 35. What is one difference between plasma
electrocardiogram? and tissue fluid?
A. 3 A. protein in plasma but not tissue fluid
B. 5 B. protein in tissue fluid but not plasma
C. 10 C. glucose in tissue fluid but not plasma
D. 12 D. glucose in plasma but not tissue fluid
36. Which component of the ECG cycle shows
30. Supply the heart.
ventricular depolarization?
A. Phrenic arteries
A. P
B. Thoracic aorta
C. Aortic arch
C. T
D. Coronary arteries D. U
31. Vessels that carry deoxygenated blood 37. This artery supplies blood to the brain,
(except for pulmonary circulation) eyes, eyelids, forehead, nose and internal
A. arteries ear.
B. capillaries A. Internal carotid artery
C. veins B. Inferior labial artery
D. none of above C. parietal artery
D. Occipital artery
32. Which substances would diffuse from the
cells to the tissue fluid? (choose all cor- 38. Blood removal site.
rect) A. Inferior vena cava
A. glucose B. Superior vena cava
B. oxygen C. Brachial vein
C. carbon dioxide D. Median cubital vein
D. urea (waste) 39. Which blood vessel is being described?
33. What carries oxygen around the body? Thick wall with elastic and smooth muscle
A. Plasma
A. artery
B. Red Blood Cells
B. capillary
C. Platelets C. vein
D. White Blood Cells D. none of above
34. One small square is equivalent to 40. This artery supplies blood to the temples
A. 0.01mV A. Middle temporal artery
B. 0.1mV B. Superior labial artery
C. 0.10mV C. Occipital artery
D. 0.100mV D. Infraorbital artery
41. Blood consists of: These veins are found under the skin and
A. the heart and the veins have an extra job besides returning blood
to the heart. These veins help in ther-
43. The atrioventricular bundle or bundle of his 47. This artery supplies blood to the skin and
divides into this. masseter
A. Bundle Branches A. Angular artery
B. AV nodes B. Transverse facial artery
C. purkinje fibers C. Occipital artery
D. systole D. Anterior auricular artery
44. Valves in veins 48. Longest veins in the human body.
A. support them A. Iliac veins
B. protect them B. Great saphenous veins
C. prevent the backward movement in- C. Tibial veins
side them
D. External jugular veins
D. provide them elesticity
49. Which blood vessel is being described?
45. What does blood consist of?
Smooth muscle relaxes for vasodilation.
A. plasma, red blood cells, white blood
A. artery
cells, platelets
B. capillary
B. hormones, oxygen, nutrients, water
C. red blood cells C. vein
51. Vessels that receive blood from arterioles 57. Arches to the left after leaving the heart.
A. arteries A. Phrenic arteries
B. capillaries B. Thoracic aorta
C. veins C. Aortic arch
D. none of above D. Coronary arteries
52. Supply the esophagus.
58. Vessels that drain blood into venules
A. Common hepatic artery
A. arteries
B. Left subclavian artery
B. capillaries
C. Left common carotid artery
C. veins
D. Esophageal arteries
D. none of above
53. The thickest and strongest blood vessel is
the 59. Vessels that allow gas exchange
A. vein A. arteries
B. artery B. capillaries
C. capillary C. veins
D. both veins and capillaries D. none of above
54. What are capillaries? 60. Click all of the structures which make up
A. Thick tubes that are connected to the arteries.
A. Lumen
B. A larger division of veins
B. Endothelium
C. Largest Blood vessels
C. Thin smooth muscle layer
D. Blood vessels that connect arteries to
the veins D. Elastic fibres
E. Thick smooth muscule layer
55. This artery supplies blood to the muscles
of the eye 61. Drains the pelvis.
A. Occipital artery A. Iliac veins
B. Anterior auricular artery B. Great saphenous veins
C. Infraorbital artery
C. Tibial veins
D. Superior labial artery
D. External jugular veins
56. This artery supplies blood to the SA and
AV nodes. 62. Vessels that drain into the heart
A. RCA A. arteries
B. LCx B. capillaries
C. LAD C. veins
D. LMCA D. none of above
63. Rank the following blood vessels in order 67. This artery supplies blood to the chin and
of their average pressure, from highest lower lip
to lowest:artery, vein, arteriole, venule, A. Angular artery
64. The left main coronary artery subdivides 69. This artery supplies blood to the upper
into the: eyelids and forehead
A. Posterior auricular artery
A. left anterior ascending and descend-
ing arteries B. Submental artery
C. Middle temporal artery
B. left anterior descending and circum-
flex arteries D. Supraorbital artery
C. left posterior ascending and circum- 70. Which substances would diffuse from the
flex arteries. tissue fluid to the cells? (choose all cor-
D. right coronary and left posterior de-
scending arteries A. glucose
B. oxygen
65. Small vessels that carry blood from arte- C. carbon dioxide
rioles and to small vessels called venules
which then empty into veins D. urea (waste)
73. One small box on ECG paper is equivalent C. reduce friction between bones
to how much time?
D. none of above
A. 0.004 seconds
B. 0.4 seconds 79. Which blood vessel is being described?
Contain valves.
C. 0.04 seconds
A. artery
D. 4 seconds
B. capillary
74. This artery supplies blood to the side of
the nose C. vein
84. Which blood vessel is being described? Al- 89. The horizontal lines on ECG paper are also
low exchange of materials between blood know as the
and tissue fluid.
95. Which blood vessel is being described? 101. Middle most layer of blood vessels.
Stretch and recoil with each heart beat. Made of smooth muscle.
A. artery A. Tunica Intima
B. capillary B. Tunica Externa
C. vein C. Tunica Media
D. none of above
D. none of above
96. This artery supplies blood to the AV node
102. The arteries that are the main source of
A. Right Coronary Artery blood supply to the head, face and neck.
B. Atrioventricular Artery They are located on either side of the neck,
C. Left Anterior Descending and each one is divided into an internal and
external branch.
D. Sinoatrial Artery
A. common carotid
97. from center of base of axillary space to
B. internal jugular
center of forearm just below bend of el-
bow. C. facial
A. linear guide for brachial artery D. middle temporal
B. linear guide for radial artery
103. This artery is short and bifurcates into
C. linear guide for ulnar artery two additional branches.
D. none of above A. RCA
98. What causes the filtration of plasma out B. LCx
of the capillaries into the tissues?
A. high pressure in venules
B. osmosis
C. diffusion 104. Inner layer of blood vessels. Made of ep-
D. high pressure in aterioles ithelial tissue that protects the vessels and
keeps it from rupturing.
99. Drains the arm. A. Tunica intima
A. Inferior vena cava
B. Tunica Media
B. Superior vena cava
C. Tunica Externa
C. Brachial vein
D. none of above
D. Median cubital vein
105. This artery supplies blood to the forehead
100. Which vein brings the blood from the
and upper eyelids
lower half of the body?
A. Inferior vena cava A. Submental artery
106. Which is the largest vein? 112. Which blood vessel is being described?
A. Hemiazygos vein Contain blood at very low pressure.
118. The sequence of blood vessels flow advise him to maintain healthy bones and
through after leaving the heart is joints?
A. artery, vein, capillary, venule, arteri- A. Exercise regularly
ole B. Balanced diet with sufficient calcium
B. vein, venule, capillary, arteriole, and vitamin D
artery C. All of the above
C. artery, arteriole, capillary, venule, D. none of above
124. Drains the kidneys.
D. arteriole, capillary, artery, venule,
vein A. Renal veins
B. Great saphenous veins
119. Human blood vessels are
C. Tibial veins
A. artries, capillaries, and atria
D. External jugular veins
B. ventricles, atria and pulmonary veins
125. These have muscular walls:
C. capillaries, artries, and veins
A. capillaries
D. veins, artries, and aorta
B. veins
120. What does blood transport? C. venules
A. Nutrients D. arteries
B. Oxygen
126. Leads that are both positive and negative
C. Carbon Dioxide are referred to as
D. All of the above A. Augmented leads
133. This artery is also known as the widow 138. These have valves that prevent backflow
maker. of blood
A. LCx A. arteries
B. RCA B. veins
C. LMCA C. arterioles
D. LAD D. capillaries
134. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are trans- 139. The vertical lines on ECG paper is also
ported between the blood and alveoli by known as
way of
A. the X-axis
A. exocytosis and endocytosis by en-
B. the Y-axis
dothelial cells
B. diffusion from areas of higher concen- C. the V-axis
tration to lower concentration D. the A-axis
140. Supplies the liver. 146. Drains blood from skin and muscles of the
A. Common hepatic artery
A. Iliac veins
B. Left subclavian artery
B. Great saphenous veins
C. Left common carotid artery
C. Tibial veins
D. Esophageal arteries
D. External jugular veins
141. Occlusion of this artery results in high-
147. Which of the following is false about
degree heart blocks on the EKG.
A. LAD A. Carry blood back to the heart
B. Sinoatrial Artery B. Thin layer of muscle
C. RCA C. Narrow lumen
D. Atrioventricular Artery D. Carry blood at low pressure
142. This artery supplies blood to the lower lip E. Contain valves to prevent backflow
A. Transverse facial artery 148. Supply the muscles of the thorax wall.
B. Inferior labial artery A. Intercostal arteries
1.25 Veins
1. Placement of the vein can determine B. another phlebotomist
A. what size needle to use C. feel
B. the needle angle and direction D. having the patient make a fist
C. how long it will take to draw 3. When feeling a vein, you should assess:
D. which tubes to fill first A. thickness
2. Which of the following should not be used B. movement
to help find a vein? C. bounce
A. a tourniquet D. all of the above
1.26 Nerves
1. Which nerve is sensory & motor and 5. Nerve used in swallowing
responsible for tongue movement and A. Trigeminal
B. Trochlear
A. glossopharyngeal (IX)
C. Glossopharyngeal
B. facial (VII)
D. vagus
C. trochlear (IV)
6. This nerve supplies impulses to the skin of
D. hypoglossal (XII)
the inner side of leg and foot
2. Shrugs the shoulders A. saphenous
A. Accessory B. sciatic
B. Vestibulocochlear C. radial
C. Abducens D. sural
D. Trigeminal 7. conducts impulses to the muscles of the
3. What does anxiety do? shoulders
19. What is known as a quick, automatic re- 25. What nerve supplies motor fibers to four
sponse to a stimulus? of the six muscles that direct the eyeball,
A. Reaction the eyelid, and control lens shape and pupil
B. Reflex
A. Optic
C. Procedural Memory
B. Trochlear
D. After-image
C. Occulomotor
20. Cranial nerves that respond to pressure, D. Abducens
vibration and itch are called
26. Which of these cranial nerves are purely
A. Photoreceptors sensory?
B. Mechanoreceptors A. Olfactory
C. Nociceptors B. Optic
D. Thermoreceptors C. Vestibulocochlear
21. Nerves have tiny ends, like , so they D. All are Purely sensory
can reach everywhere in our body.
27. the most superficial layer of the meninges
A. cells is the mater and the deepest layer of
B. cords the meninges is the mater
C. vertebrae A. pia, dura
D. threads B. pia, arachnoid
C. arachnoid, dura
22. Receptors in internal viscera (organs) are
D. dura, pia
A. Exteroreceptor
28. What is NOT a way to help with anxiety?
B. Interoceptor
A. take a deep breath
C. Chemoreceptor
B. think positive
D. Propioceptors
C. exercise
23. Which cranial nerve allows you to have D. stay up all night
sensation in mouth and teeth?
A. trigeminal 29. Which cranial nerve controls facial expres-
B. hypoglossal
A. olfactory
C. vagus
B. optic
D. glossopharyngeal
C. facial
24. There are pairs of cranial nerves D. abducens
A. 10
30. Which cranial nerve stimulates peristalsis
B. 12 of your digestive tract?
C. 31 A. Vagus
D. 14 B. Trochlear
C. Brain
42. Taste sensation on the anterior 2/3 of the D. none of above
A. facial 48. Mass of cell bodies of sensory neurons
near the spinal cord
B. trigeminal
A. Dorsal Root Ganglion
C. glossopharngeal
B. Ventral Root Ganglion
D. hypoglossal
C. Efferent Neuron
43. Which nerve is sensory and controls your D. Afferent Neuron
ability to smell?
A. olfactory (I) 49. What is an inquiry?
B. Meninges A. Trigeminal
C. Doing a lumbar puncture 63. Sensory neurons entering the spinal cord
D. Identifying the cervical plexus A. enter through the dorsal horn.
B. have their cell bodies in the dorsal root 68. Which nerve is motor and responsible for
ganglia tongue movement?
C. travel through a spinal nerve. A. hypoglossal (XII)
D. all of the above B. facial (VII)
C. olfactory (I)
64. What is the name given to the gap be-
D. trigeminal (V)
tween 2 neurones?
69. What can you do when you are sad?
A. myelin sheath
A. talk to a friend
B. axon
B. talk to a teacher
C. threshold
C. think positive
D. synapse
D. all of the above
65. Which nerve is sensory & motor and 70. Which part of a reflex arc carries out an
responsible for facial movements and action that responds to the stimulus?
A. Effector
A. facial (VII)
B. Receptor
B. olfactory (I) C. Integrating Center
C. vagus (X) D. Motor Neuron
D. trochlear (IV)
71. Which spinal nerve root contains a mass of
cell bodies outside the spinal cord?
66. Sensory Neurons
A. Dorsal
A. Site where the neuron communicates
with another cell. B. Ventral
C. Efferent
B. Controls the bodily functions not con-
sciously directed. D. Ascending
C. They deliver information from sensory 72. Impulse conduction is fastest in neurons
receptors to the CNS. that are:
D. nerve fiber, is a long, slender projec- A. myelinated
tion of a nerve cell B. unmyelinated
E. Substance released by the nerve fiber C. sensory
by a nerve impulse.
D. motor
67. Pressure, pain, and temperature receptors E. cerebral
in the skin are
73. When the electrical impulse reaches the
A. interoceptors end of the nerve, small vesicles containing
B. proprioceptors chemical neurotransmitters are released
by the nerve and rapidly interact with the
C. exteroceptors nerve’s target. This process is called:
D. mechanoreceptors A. the neurotransmission cycle
85. A single bone in the spine is called a 91. Which tracts carry sensory information?
A. neuron A. Ascending
B. vertebra B. Descending
C. tissue C. Corticospinal
D. bundle D. Efferent
86. Responds to light 92. Area of white matter on the front of the
spinal cord
A. Nociceptors
A. Anterior Column
B. Mechanoreceptors
B. Posterior Column
C. Propioceptors
C. Ventral Horn
D. Photoreceptors
D. Dorsal Horn
87. Balance
93. Sight
A. Optic
A. olfactory
B. Trigeminal
B. optic
C. Vestibulocochlear
C. trigeminal
D. Vagus
D. vagus
88. Which cranial nerve is assessed by asking
94. Moves eyes laterally away from the nose
the patient to smile, frown, and puff their
cheeks? A. abducens
A. Olfactory B. facial
B. Trigeminal C. trigeminal
C. Acoustic D. accessory
D. Facial 95. Describe what the structure of gray mat-
ter in the spinal cord looks like.
89. A network of spinal nerves
A. The letter H
A. roots
B. A tree
B. plexus
C. Surrounds the outer border
C. cauda equina
D. Round Masses
96. Part of a nerve cell along which impulses
90. name the structure that serves as the link are conducted from the cell body to other
between the brain and the PNS cells.
A. spinal ganglion A. Axon Tip
B. spinal cord B. Axon
C. cauda equina C. Never
D. arachnoid mater D. always
99. This nerve is found in the face and is made C. your heart beats slower
up of three parts D. you feel fine
A. Trochlear 105. Responsible for hearing
B. Trigeminal A. optic
C. Facial B. vestibulocochlear
D. Vagus C. olfactory
100. Which cranial nerve functions in the abil- D. Trigeminal
ity to see?
106. Network of nerves that supplies the up-
A. I per limbs
B. II A. Brachial Plexus
C. III B. Cervical Plexus
D. IV C. Sacral Plexus
D. Lumbar Plexus
101. What is the cauda equina?
A. Extension of spinal nerves beyond the 107. Which nerve is motor and responsible for
end of the spinal cord lateral eye movement?
B. A network of nerves supplying the A. abducens (VI)
lower limbs B. optic (II)
C. A network of nerves supplying the up- C. accessory (XI)
per limbs
D. facial (VII)
D. The root of a spinal nerve that carries
motor impulses 108. Which nerve is sensory & motor and re-
sponsible for facial sensation and chew-
102. Our is protected inside our skull. ing?
A. nerves A. trigeminal (V)
B. spinal cord B. olfactory (I)
C. Anterior Column
D. Posterior Column C. Vestibulocochlear
D. Accessory
110. Which nerve is sensory and responsible
for our ability to see? 116. Which part of a reflex arc conducts the
A. optic (II) impulse to the CNS?
B. oculomotor (III) A. Sensory Neuron
C. accessory (XI) B. Integrating Center
D. trigeminal (V) C. Effector
D. Motor Neuron
111. These type of nerves work with our mus-
cles to make movement possible. 117. identify the regions of the spinal cord. se-
A. motor nerves lect all that apply
B. sensory nerves A. lumbar
A. loss of motor control. 118. The neuron processes that normally re-
ceive incoming stimuli are called:
B. loss of parasympathetic function
A. axons
C. loss of sensory input.
B. dendrites
D. both A and B
C. neurolemmas
113. The nerves in the PNS are myelinated by
D. Schwann cells
A. Schwann cells
E. satellite cells
B. Oligodendrocytes
119. Which nerve is motor and responsible for
C. ependymal movement of the larynx, soft palate, and
D. astrocytes shoulder shrugging?
114. The spinal cord in the adult ends inferiorly A. accessory (XI)
at the level of: B. trigeminal (V)
A. L. 3 C. vestibulocochlear (VIII)
B. S. 2-3 D. vagus (X)
cyx by the filum terminale.
D. Gray matter is superficial to the white B. Warning
matter of the spinal cord. C. Pleasure
132. Sensory neurons carry nerve impulses D. All of them
from receptors to
138. These neurons transmit information from
A. peripheral nervous system (PNS) the central nervous system to the muscles
B. central nervous system (CNS) and glands
C. muscles A. sensory
D. sense organs B. relay
and abdominal cavity moving eye to look at the nose?
C. concerned with vision A. trochlear (IV)
D. governs sensory branches B. abducens (VI)
C. facial (VII)
155. Which one of the following is the cor-
D. glossopharyngeal (IX)
rect sequence of events:the membrane be-
comes depolarizedsodium channels open 160. The substance that is released at axonal
and sodium ions diffuse inthe mem- endings to propagate a nervous impulse is
brane become repolarizedpotassium chan- called:
nels open and potassium ions diffuse in- A. an ion
ward while sodium is actively transported
B. nerve glue
out of the cell
C. a neurotransmitter
A. 3, 2, 4, 1
D. the sodium-potassium pump
B. 2, 1, 4, 3
E. an action potential
C. 2, 1, 3, 4
161. Which of the following nerves is a sen-
D. 1, 2, 4, 3 sory nerve?
E. 4, 1, 3, 2 A. Olfactory (I)
B. Trigeminal (V)
156. Sensory-motor that, with its branches,
supplies the arm and hand C. Vestibulocochlear (X)
D. Hypoglossal (XII)
A. median
B. common peroneal nerve 162. Bell’s Palsy
A. Trigeminal
C. deep peroneal nerve
B. Facial
D. ulnar
C. Olfactory
157. Without these nerves you would not be D. Vagus
able to feel the soft fur of a kitten or hear
your favorite music. 163. What is the neuron found only in the
spinal cord?
A. cranial nerves
A. Relay
B. motor nerves B. Sensory
C. sciatic nerve C. Motor
D. sensory nerves D. Reflex
175. Oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens
nerves (3, 4, 6) D. vertebral mater
A. concerned with vision E. arachnoid mater
B. regulates voluntary movements of eye-
lid/eyeball/pupil constriction 181. Learn Nerve
C. pain of the eye; blinking A. II
D. governs swallowing B. IV
185. There is an imbalance in the ions on the 190. Supplies impulses to the skin and toes on
inside of the nerve and the outside of top of the foot.
the nerve resulting in a negative electri-
A. Neuron D. Glossopharyngeal
B. vestibulocochlear (VIII)
your shoulders?
C. hypoglossal (XII)
A. Accessory
D. olfactory (I)
B. Vestibulocochlear
C. Abducens 200. Moves the tongue
D. Trigeminal A. Trigeminal
1.27 Peritoneum
1. There are recesses related to 3. Peritoneal cavity is In Male and in
dudoneum female
A. 4 A. closed, open
B. 5 B. open, open
C. 3 C. open, closed
D. none of above D. none of above
2. The retroduodenal recess lies behind the 4. The greater omentum contains
A. first and second part of dudoneum A. 2 gastric arteries
B. third and forth part of dudoneum B. 2 gastro-epiploic arteries
C. only the forth part C. non of the above
D. none of above D. none of above
15. Which of these are found in the dorsal cav- 21. contains the stomach, small intestines,
ity? most of large intestines, appendix, liver,
A. thoracic gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen
A. abdominal
B. spinal
B. pelvic
C. abdominopelvic
C. thoracic
D. ventral
D. dorsal
E. cranial
22. back side of body
16. Which of these cavities contains the parts A. inferior
that form the nose?
B. midline
A. Nasal
C. distal
B. Ventral D. posterior
C. Oral
23. The ventral body cavity is divided into two
D. Orbital subdivisions
27. A neurosurgeon orders a spinal tap for a 33. one who studies and and practices
patient. Into what body cavity will the A. -logy
needle be inserted?
C. Cranial D. -orrhexis
D. Pelvic 34. What system is the body’s way of fighting
E. Dorsal off pathogens that would make it sick?
39. Toward the front of the body 45. is a disorder of structure or function in
A. Visceral a human, animal, or plant, especially one
that produces specific symptoms.
B. Anterior
A. Health
C. Posterior B. Disease
D. Dorsal C. Cavity
40. In which cavity is your Pancreas located? D. Micro-organism
A. Thoracic cavity 46. Neck Area
B. Cranial cavity A. Cephalic
C. Abdominal cavity B. Calcaneal
C. Cervical
D. Pelvic cavity
D. Popliteal
41. What are the two sub-cavities of the dor-
sal body cavity? 47. A patient presents with meningitis, which
is an infection of the fluid in the central ner-
A. Cranial & Vertebral (spinal) vous system. Which cavity’s fluid would
B. Brain & Spinal cord you check?
C. Thoracic & Abdominopelvic A. Ventral
B. Pleural
D. Pleural & Pericardial
C. Dorsal
42. Which is the opposite of “anterior? ” D. Abdominal
A. Ventral
48. What structure is found in the caudal area
B. Proximal of the human body?
C. Distal A. Arm
D. Posterior B. Coccyx
C. Mouth
43. Which of these cavities contains the lungs
and the heart? D. Umbilicus
51. An autopsy photo shows the dorsal side 57. Body parts in front of the frontal plane are
of the victim. What could you see in the called
63. The main purpose of the system is to 69. sagittal body plane
produce hormones for the body. A. lengthwise or longitudinal
A. excretory B. divides into anterior or posterior parts
B. digestive C. horizontal, also called a cross section
C. reproductive D. none of above
D. endocrine 70. The dorsal body cavity contains which of
the following?
64. back of the body
A. Cranial cavity
A. dorsal
B. Ventral Cavity
B. ventral
C. Thoracic Cavity
C. nasal
D. Abdominopelvic Cavity
D. viscera
E. Vertebral Cavity
65. The thoracic cavity includes which or-
71. Which body cavity contains organs includ-
ing the stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder,
A. Heart, stomach, and lung and pancreas?
B. Stomach, heart, and lung A. abdominal
C. Stomach, intestines, liver B. pelvic
D. Heart, lung, large blood vessels C. thoracic
D. none of above
66. Which of these cavities contains the teeth
and tongue in the mouth? 72. This plane divides the body into superior
A. Cranial & inferior portions
B. Nasal A. Oblique
B. Frontal
C. Oral
C. Transverse
D. none of above
D. Midsagittal
67. The bladder is located in the region.
73. The liver is to the heart
A. epigastric
A. medial
B. hypogastric
B. lateral
C. left iliac
C. superficial
D. umbilical D. inferior
68. Along (or toward) the vertebral surface of 74. The appendix is located in which abdomi-
the body nal quadrant?
A. Superior A. right upper
B. Dorsal B. left upper
C. Ventral C. right lower
D. Parietal D. left lower
C. Deltoid C. thoracic
D. diaphragm
D. Acrominal
82. What is responsible for delivering oxy-
76. The brain is located where? gen and removing carbon dioxide from the
A. Cranial cavity body?
B. Dorsal Cavity A. cell nucleus
87. Which is the opposite of “distal? ” 93. The metatarsals are to the patella.
A. Proximal A. Inferior
B. Medial B. Superior
C. Coronal C. Posterior
D. Superior D. Medial
88. lateral means 94. The pelvic cavity primarily contains viscera
(organs) of which 2 systems
A. farther from the body midline.
A. digestive
B. more superficial
B. reproductive
C. towards the body midline
C. urinary
D. closer to the attachment point of a limb
D. muscular
89. close, toward trunk E. skeletal
A. proximal 95. You are an attending physician at an ER
B. anterior and a patient is en route suffering from
a pericardial contusion (bruise). Which or-
C. posterior
gan has mostly likely been injured?
D. medial
A. lung
90. Which body cavity is located above the B. brain
diaphragm and is surrounded by the rib
C. heart
D. kidney
A. abdominal
B. pelvic 96. George has a cramp in the posterior part
of his leg. Where is the cramp?
C. thoracic
A. Ankle
D. none of above
B. Calf
91. Anterior means C. Knee
A. on the backside of the body/dorsal D. Heel
B. on the frontside of the body/ventral 97. Large intestines, guts, small intestines
C. to the midline of the body A. diaphragm
D. none of above B. Abdominal
92. Pain in the lower left side would be de- C. Abdominal pelvic
scribed as: D. Dorsal
A. LLQ pain
98. All of the following are examples of ab-
B. LUQ pain dominal regions except
C. RUQ pain A. right hypochondriac
D. RLQ pain B. umbilical
111. back of the pelvis and contains reproduc- 117. Where is the spinal cord located
tive organs and bladder A. Dorsal
A. mediastinum B. Spinal
B. abdominopelvic C. Thoracic
C. abdominal D. Abdominal
D. pelvic 118. The frontal plane is sometimes called the
112. Which cavity encompasses the abdominal, A. Medial
pelvic, and thoracic cavities? B. Lateral
A. ventral C. Coronal Plane
B. dorsal D. Inferior
C. cranial
119. Which of these planes divides the body
D. abdominopelvic into anterior and posterior sections?
113. List the cavities of the dorsal side of the A. Frontal
human body. B. Midsagittal
A. Cranial, vertebral canal C. Transverse
B. Cranial, vertebral canal, thoracic, ab- D. none of above
120. Both the pleural and pericardial cavities
C. Cranial, vertebral canal, thoracic, di- are located within the cavity.
aphragm, abdominal, pelvic
A. spinal
D. None of these
B. cranial
114. What structure is proximal to the thigh? C. abdominal
A. Ankle D. thoracic
B. Elbow
121. Which statement is not true
C. Knee
A. All cavities are separated and not con-
D. Thumb nected to any other cavity
115. vertebra, contains the spinal cord B. Cavities help protect the organs they
A. cranial
C. Cavities allow organs to change shape
B. spinal and size
C. thoracic D. Cavities can be separated into 2 main
D. diaphragm groups
122. The separates the two sections of the 128. What does the suffix ‘ectomy’ mean?
ventral cavity A. Removal
126. The urinary bladder lives in 132. Serous membrane covering the outer sur-
face of the heart.
A. Cranial cavity
A. visceral pleura
B. Spinal cavity
B. parietal pleura
C. Thoracic cavity
D. Pelvic cavity C. visceral pericardium
134. In which cavity are the lungs found? 140. Posterior means
A. Thoracic cavity A. toward the front
B. Abdominal cavity B. toward the back
C. Pelvic cavity C. toward the middle
D. Mediastinum D. toward the side
135. The abdominal are is commonly subdi- 141. The brain is located in the
vided in 2 ways. A. vertebral canal
A. Nine regions only B. cranial cavity
B. Nine regions and quadrants C. mediastinum
C. Just names on a tic tac board D. umbilical region
D. Quadrants only 142. What is the function of the Muscular Sys-
136. What does the Thoracic Cavity contain? tem?
150. This body position requires palms out, 156. The liver lives in
facing forward, toes and head facing for- A. Cranial cavity
ward. B. Spinal cavity
A. Decubitus Position C. Thoracic cavity
B. Knee-Chest D. Pelvic cavity
C. Fowler Position E. Abdominal cavity
D. Anatomical Position
157. Planes is known as the midline and di-
151. What term means “further from the point vides the body into equal right & left
of reference/origin”? halves?
A. Proximal A. Frontal
C. Right Hypochondriac Region 165. What is inferior to the Forehead?
D. Left Hypochondriac Region A. Hair
159. Which organ separates the thoracic cav- B. Eyebrows
ity from the abdominopelvic? C. Eyes
A. Liver D. All of the above
B. Lungs
166. Front aspect of the body.
C. Diaphragm
A. Ventral
D. Stomach
B. Dorsal
160. What are the two major body cavities?
C. Lateral
A. Cranial & Vertebral
D. Posterior
B. Dorsal & Ventral
C. Thoracic & Abdominopelvic 167. If you are standing straight with your
hands at your sides, where are your arms
D. Serous & Peritoneum
located inrelation to your body?
161. study of A. Caudal
A. -logy B. Lateral
B. -meters
C. Superior
C. -rraphy
D. Ventral
D. -itis
168. This is inferior to the umbilical region.
162. If pain is diffuse it is said to be
A. Epigastric
A. chronic
B. Hypo-gastric
B. acute
C. Right iliac regions
C. widespread
D. localized D. Hypochondriac region
163. What is the inferior region of the abdom- 169. The heart is found in which of these cavi-
inal cavity on the right? ties?
A. right hypochondriac region A. dorsal
B. right iliac region B. pelvic
C. umbilical region C. cranial
D. left epigastric region D. thoracic
170. The cavity for the mouth is the 176. Which term means “front of the body? ”
A. cranial A. anterior
182. Which of the following cavities holds the 188. Sole of Foot
heart AND lungs? A. Paterllar
A. pleural B. Popiteal
B. pericardial C. Plantar
C. thoracic D. Tarsal
D. abdominal
189. The Thoracic Cavity is to the Abdomi-
183. contains brain nal cavity
A. cranial A. Superior
B. Medial
B. spinal
C. Lateral
C. orbital
D. Inferior
D. thoracic
190. the lungs are to the heart
184. The plueral cavity contains the:
A. lateral
A. heart
B. inferior
B. brain
C. superior
C. thymus
D. deep
D. lungs
191. The horizontal plane that divides the
185. Which body cavity ranges from the di- body into a top half and a bottom half is
aphragm to the top of the pelvic girdle? the
A. abdominal A. transverse
B. pelvic B. midsagittal
C. throacic C. frontal
D. none of above D. coronal
186. The ventral body cavity contains: 192. In the transverse plane, which means
“above or toward the head? ”
A. The brain and spinal cord
A. Superior
B. Thoracic and diaphragm
B. Inferior
C. Thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities C. Posterior
D. Thoracic and pelvic D. Anterior
187. The majority of the digestive organs are 193. If a physician writes that the patient has
located in this body cavity: RUQ pain, what might be causing it?
A. Abdominal A. Arthritis in the hip
B. Pelvic B. Fractured rib
C. Thoracic C. Dislocated shoulder
D. Dorsal D. Head injury
194. Which of the following viscera would 200. Back aspect of the body/body part.
NOT be found in the mediastinum cavity? A. Ventral
B. RLQ C. ventral
D. inferior
D. LUQ 202. Which of these cavities contain the stom-
196. joint cavities A. Thoracic
A. orbital B. Abdominal
B. oral C. Pelvic
C. middle ear D. Spinal
D. synovial 203. The thoracic cavity and the ab-
dominopelvic cavity are both contained
197. The head is to the heart. within the cavity.
A. superior A. dorsal
B. inferior B. ventral
C. posterior C. cranial
D. lateral D. spinal
198. What is the nasal cavity? 204. The cavity that contains the heart, lungs,
and large blood vessels is the
A. The nose area
A. abdominal
B. The chin
B. thoracic
C. The reproductive organs
C. pelvic
D. The chest
D. orbital
199. Anatomical terms that apply to the back- 205. If the body were cut in a transverse
side of the body in the anatomical position plane, what organ would NOT be in the
include same half as theother three?
A. Ventral and anterior A. Bladder
B. Back and rear B. Brain
C. Posterior and dorsal C. Heart
D. Head and lateral D. Lungs
206. The umbilicus is found in the: 212. Looking from the side of the body.
A. Umbilical Region A. Anterior
B. Epigastric Region B. Posterior
C. Hypogastric Region C. Lateral
called the?
rounded by ribs
A. Pericardial Serous Membrane
A. cranial
B. Pleural Serous Membrane
B. spinal
C. Peritoneal Serous Membrane
C. thoracic
D. None of the above
D. diaphragm
214. Body parts that are away from the mid-
208. What is the study of blood called? sagittal or median plane are called?
A. Oncology A. Lateral
B. Hematology B. Medial
C. Cardiology C. Proximal
D. physiology D. Distal
218. A neurosurgeon orders a lumbar puncture 223. Further away from the point of attach-
(spine) for a patient. Into what body cav- ment/origin
ity will the needle be inserted?
B. ventral C. Integumentary System
C. abdominal D. Endocrine System
D. throacic 235. The stomach is found in the cavity.
230. The brain is found in which of these cavi- A. dorsal
ties? B. abdominal
A. spinal C. thoracic
B. ventral D. cranial
C. cranial 236. The thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavi-
D. pelvic ties together make up
C. hyopgastric C. thoracic
D. pelvic D. none of above
252. divides the body into anterior and poste- 258. What body parts are distal to the hand?
rior sections A. Eyes
A. Anterior B. Fingers
B. Transverse plane C. Lungs
C. Imaginary line D. Ribs
D. Frontal plane
259. How many cavities are in a Dorsal Cavity
253. The skin is to the muscles A. 3
A. deep B. 2
B. superficial C. 7
C. medial D. 4
D. anterior 260. Lower posterior region of the head
B. Esophagus & trachea 269. Which sagittal plane divides the body
C. Lungs into EQUAL right and left sides?
275. Which of the following is the center of 281. Which of the following would not be
the 9 abdominal regions? found in the pelvic cavity?
A. epigastric A. appendix
B. umbilical B. uterus
C. bladder
C. hyopgastric
D. urethra
D. pelvic
E. spleen
276. The heart is to the breastbone. 282. The body plane that divides the body into
A. lateral right and left sides is the
B. ventral A. transverse
C. anterior B. midsagittal
C. frontal
D. posterior
D. coronal
277. A portion of the liver is found in the:
283. a Body plane is an drawn through the
A. Right Hypochondriac Region body which
B. Left Iliac Region A. Sagittal plane
C. Left Hypochondriac B. Frontal plane
C. MIdline
D. Umbilical Region
D. imaginary line, separates it into sec-
278. separates thoracic from abdominal tions
A. cranial 284. Which body cavity is surrounded by the
B. spinal hips?
A. abdominal
C. thoracic
B. pelvic
D. diaphragm
C. thoracic
279. The appendix is located in the lower right D. none of above
abdominal region known as the:
285. What cavity would a surgeon enter to re-
A. Right lumbar region pair a heart defect?
B. Right hypogastric region A. Abdominal
C. Right iliac region B. Dorsal
D. Right umbilical region C. Pelvic
D. Thoracic
280. What is the sole of the foot named?
286. Toward the top of the body
A. Instep of the foot
A. Cephalad
B. Sternal B. Superior
C. Plantar C. Inferior
D. none of above D. Lateral
287. Which of these body cavities on the front 293. The cavity that contains the eyes is the
side of the body?
A. buccal
B. Transverse A. superior
C. Coronal B. inferior
D. Sagittal C. superficial
D. deep
291. Which of the following planes divides the
body into anterior and posterior sections? 297. The heart is to the stomach
A. transverse
A. superficial
B. frontal
B. deep
C. mid-sagittal
C. superior
D. sagittal
D. inferior
292. The system directs the body to inner
and outer changes. 298. -scope
A. digestive A. instrument for examination
B. circulatory B. study of something
C. nervous C. visual examination
D. skeletal D. process of recording
299. Toward the trunk; the elbow is to the 305. What term means “closer to the point of
shoulder. reference/origin”?
A. Lateral A. Proximal
B. Medial B. Distal
C. Proximal C. Inferior
D. Distal D. Dorsal
306. The lungs live in
300. divides the body into superior and infe-
rior portions A. Cranial cavity
A. Transverse plane, above and below B. Spinal cavity
B. Coronal plane, front and back C. Thoracic cavity
311. Which of these body cavities is a long, 317. The is the main organ of the nervous
continous cavity located on the back of the system.
323. What is the muscle that separates the 329. The colon is found in the:
thoracic and abdominal cavities called? A. Left Hypochondriac Region
A. peritoneum
B. Hypogastric Region
B. oral
C. Right Iliac Region
C. diaphragm
D. Right Lumbar Region
D. pleura
330. The membrane that lines the thoracic cav-
324. The umbilicus (aka navel) is to the hip ity and surrounds each lung
A. cutaneous
A. Medial
B. peritoneum
B. Lateral
C. pleural
C. Inferior
D. Proximal D. visceral
D. brain D. Anterior
335. The contains the trachea, esophagus, 339. Where is the Femur located
and large blood vessels such as the aorta A. The thigh
B. abdominopelvic B. heart
C. dorsal C. lungs
D. Thoracic D. thymus gland
338. Where are your lungs found? 342. Going away from the midline of the body.
A. Cranial cavity A. Visceral
B. Thoracic cavity B. Posterior
C. Abdominal cavity C. Lateral
D. Pelvic cavity D. Inferior
1.29 Perineum
1. What structure forms the floor of the lat- C. internal shame
eral recess of the isqioanal fossa? D. deep dorsal of the penis
A. membrana perineal
3. What kind of product do you use for your
B. levator ani muscle perineal hygiene?
C. urogenital diaphragm A. common scented soap
D. sacrotuberous ligament B. Intimate soap
C. Vinegar solution + warm water
2. What vein enters the pelvis through the
space between the perineal membrane and D. other
the symphysis pubis?
4. What structure superficially covers the
A. superficial ridge of the penis greater vestibular gland?
B. external shame A. membrana perineal
B. Nursing technician. A. To avoid infections and promote pa-
tient comfort.
C. Graduate in Nursing.
B. To provide convenience and comfort to
D. None the patient.