Module 2
Module 2
Module 2
• 2. Velocity of circulation:- Money supply is influenced by velocity of circulation higher the velocity of circulation
higher is the money supply and vice versa the velocity of circulation as influenced by savings, price level,
payment habits etc.
• 3. Rate of interest:- Higher the interest rate less money will be held in cash and vice versa.
• 4. Monetary policy:- Monetary policy of the central bank plays an important role in credit creation and
therefore in money supply.
• 5. Fiscal policy:- Public authorities can also influence money supply through changes in public expenditure and
taxation policy. Deficit financing and public borrowing (reduces the money supply as it’s used for repaying
debts) also influences money supply.
Velocity of circulation of money
• To know money supply over a period of time we should multiply the stock of money (M) by the velocity of circulation of
money (V). Velocity of money is further classified as-
• A. Transaction Velocity:-
• It is the ratio of annual volume of transaction to the stock of money.
• For example, suppose the total supply of currency and demand deposits in a given period is Rs.5000 crores and the
transactions conducted are of rupees 1,00,000 crores, then the transaction velocity is 20. Thus, a given unit of money, say,
rupees 1 performs the function of rupees 20 - this indicates the average speed of a unit of money.
• Deficit Financing An increase in money supply also takes place when the
government resorts to deficit financing to meet the public expenditure. Deficit
financing undertaken for unproductive expenditure becomes purely inflationary.
Even when it is used on productive activities, prices would still increase during the
gestation period. Modern governments incur huge expenditure on social security
measures. Besides deficit finance is incurred for promoting economic growth.
Heavy expenditure is also incurred during the war time resulting in increase in
money supply.
1. Monetary measure:
The central bank can increase bank rate, cash reserve ratio and statutory liquidity ratio so as
that overall money supply comes down and with that the inflation comes down. The central
bank also make use of qualitative methods to reduce credit creation for particular purposes
and sectors in economy.
2. Fiscal measures:
Increase in taxation will reduce disposable income in hands of public, which reduces
consumption expenditure and thereby will reduce demand; and thus with reduction in
demand, prices of goods and services will come down, therefore inflation will be controlled.
3. Direct Measures:
When inflation is very high govt can import those commodities or can sell it at lower price
through Public Distribution System which operates in the country through the channels of
ration shops, thus inflation can be controlled for essential commodities in the country.
Monetary policy: Objectives and instruments
• What is Monetary Policy?
• Monetary policy is an economic policy that manages the size
and growth rate of the money supply in an economy. It is a
powerful tool to regulate macroeconomic variables such
as inflation and unemployment.
• These policies are implemented through different tools,
including the adjustment of the interest rates, purchase or
sale of government securities, and changing the amount of
cash circulating in the economy. The central bank or a similar
regulatory organization is responsible for formulating these
Objectives of Monetary Policy
• The primary objectives of monetary policies are the management of inflation or unemployment, and
maintenance of currency exchange rates.
• 1. Inflation
• Monetary policies can target inflation levels. A low level of inflation is considered to be healthy for the
economy. If inflation is high, a contractionary policy can address this issue.
• 2. Unemployment
• Monetary policies can influence the level of unemployment in the economy. For example, an expansionary
monetary policy generally decreases unemployment because the higher money supply stimulates business
activities that lead to the expansion of the job market.
• 3. Currency exchange rates
• With the help of fiscal authority, a central bank can regulate the exchange rates between domestic and foreign
currencies. For example, the central bank may increase the money supply by issuing more currency. In such a
case, the domestic currency becomes cheaper relative to its foreign counterparts.
• 4. Balance of Payment (BoP) Equilibrium: if monetary equilibrium is maintained that is there is no surplus or
deficit then BoP equilibrium will be maintained
• 5. Economic Growth: A suitable Monetary Policy would help with the proper utilization of natural and human
resources, more capital formation, more employment, increase in national and per capita income along with
an increase in the standard of living.
Quantitative Tools/instruments of Monetary
Central banks use various tools to implement monetary policies. The widely utilized policy tools include:
• 1. Interest rate adjustment
• A central bank can influence interest rates by changing the discount rate. The discount rate (base rate) is an interest rate charged by a central bank to
banks for short-term loans. For example, if a central bank increases the discount rate, the cost of borrowing for the banks increases. Subsequently, the
banks will increase the interest rate they charge their customers. Thus, the cost of borrowing in the economy will increase, and the money supply will
• 2. Change reserve requirements Central banks usually set up the minimum amount of reserves that must be held by a commercial bank in form of
CRR and SLR. By changing the required amount, the central bank can influence the money supply in the economy. If monetary authorities increase the
required reserve amount, commercial banks find less money available to lend to their clients and thus, money supply decreases.
• Commercial banks can’t use the reserves to make loans or fund investments into new businesses. Since it constitutes a lost opportunity for the
commercial banks, central banks pay them interest on the reserves. The interest is known as IOR or IORR (interest on reserves or interest on required
• 3. Open market operations The central bank can either purchase or sell securities issued by the government to affect the money supply. For example,
central banks can purchase government bonds. As a result, banks will obtain more money to increase the lending and money supply in the economy.
4. Depending on its objectives, monetary policies can be expansionary or contractionary.
• Expansionary Monetary Policy
This is a monetary policy that aims to increase the money supply in the economy by decreasing interest rates, purchasing government securities by central
banks, and lowering the reserve requirements for banks. An expansionary policy lowers unemployment and stimulates business activities and consumer
spending. The overall goal of the expansionary monetary policy is to fuel economic growth. However, it can also possibly lead to higher inflation.
• Contractionary Monetary Policy The goal of a contractionary monetary policy is to decrease the money supply in the economy. It can be achieved by
raising interest rates, selling government bonds, and increasing the reserve requirements for banks. The contractionary policy is utilized when the
government wants to control inflation levels.
Qualitative tools of the Monetary policy
are given in the following:
1. Margin Requirements: the banks gives us loan against the Mortgage of any kind of
property and asset of us , if margin is greater than lesser will be the loan sanctioned and
vice versa.
2. Consumer credit control : under this RBI give the direction to the commercial banks that
they have to increase repayment amount with less no. of installments from the customer -
discouraging the demand for money or decrease the repayment amount with greater no. of
installments from the customer - encouraging the demand for money.
3. Direct action : RBI takes the direct action on the customers for flow of the money in the
4. Moral suasion: under this RBI verbally request the commercial banks for decrease or
increase the interest rates
• 5 Rationing of Credit
RBI fixes a credit amount to be granted for commercial banks. Credit is given by limiting the
amount available for each commercial bank. For certain purposes, the upper credit limit can be
fixed, and banks have to stick to that limit. This helps in lowering the bank's credit exposure to
unwanted sectors. This instrument also controls the bill rediscounting.
• 6 Directives: The central bank can issue written or oral directives to banks to follow certain lines of
Inflation Targeting
• Inflation targeting is basically a monetary policy system wherein the central bank of a country (RBI in India) has a specific target inflation
rate for the medium-term and publicises this rate.As per the new framework, the central government, in consultation with RBI sets: (i) an
inflation target, and (ii) an upper and lower tolerance level for retail inflation. The target has been set at 4%, with an upper tolerance limit of
6% and a lower tolerance limit of 2%.
• How is Inflation Targeting done?
• A central bank seeks to readjust its monetary policy by doing inflation targeting. This is done by raising or lowering interest rates based on above-target or
below-target inflation, respectively. The conventional wisdom is that raising interest rates usually cools the economy to control inflation; lowering interest rates
usually accelerates the economy, thereby boosting inflation. The first three countries to implement fully-fledged inflation targeting were New Zealand, Canada and
the United Kingdom in the early 1990s, although Germany had adopted many elements of inflation targeting earlier.
• What are the benefits and drawbacks of Inflation Targeting?
• Like all monetary policy instruments, inflation targeting comes with its fair share of benefits and drawbacks, they are the following:
• Benefits
• Inflation targeting allows monetary policy to “focus on domestic considerations and to respond to shocks to the domestic economy”, which is not possible under a
fixed-exchange-rate system.
• Transparency is another key benefit of inflation targeting. Central banks in developed countries that have successfully implemented inflation targeting tend to
“maintain regular channels of communication with the public”.
• An explicit numerical inflation target increases a central bank’s accountability, and thus it is less likely that the central bank falls prey to the time-inconsistency trap.
This accountability is especially significant because even countries with weak institutions can build public support for an independent central bank.
• Inflation Targeting Drawbacks
• There is a propensity of inflation targeting to neglect output shocks by focusing solely on the price level.
• Leading economists argue that inflation targeting would be restoring the balance missing from a monetary policy based solely on the goal of price stability, thus
neglecting other factors of an economy as well.
Nature of inflation in developing economy
• Both types of inflation plays role, while
only one exerts more than other at Cost push factors
times. Rather it is the by product of the 1. Inelastic supply
development process. 2. Backward agricultural sector
3. Supply shocks
• Demand pull inflation: 4. Change in exchange rate
1. Increase in income 5. Increase in wages
6. Infrastructure bottleneck
2. Huge expenditure 7. Inefficient public sector
3. Gestation period 8. Inefficient and dishonest administration
4. Increasing population
5. Unproductive expenditure
6. Foreign aid capital
Keynes’ Theory of Demand for Money
•Keynes’ approach to the demand for money is based
•on two important functions-
•1. Medium of exchange
•2. Store of value
•Keynes explained the theory of demand for money
•with following questions-
•1. Why do people prefer liquidity?
•2. What are the determinants of liquidity preference?
Motives for Liquidity Preference
•The Transactions Demand for Money-People require money to carry out day-to-day
transactions but most of them receive income once in a month- Individuals hold cash in order
“to bridge the interval between the receipt of income and its expenditure”.
•Keynes holds that the transaction and precautionary motives are relatively interest inelastic,
but are highly income elastic.
•The amount of money held under these two motives (M1) is a function (L1) of the level of
income (Y) and is expressed as M1 = L1 (Y)
•Speculative Demand for Money- The cash held under this motive is used, to make
speculative gains by dealing in bonds whose prices fluctuate.
•According to Keynes, the higher the rate of interest, the lower the speculative demand for
money, and lower the rate of interest, the higher the speculative demand for money.
Algebraically, the speculative demand for money is:
•M2 = L2 (r)
•Where, L2 is the speculative demand for money, and r is the rate of interest.
Liquidity Preference Curve/liquidity trap (Cont…)