New Sites Fibre Handbook - 9.4
New Sites Fibre Handbook - 9.4
New Sites Fibre Handbook - 9.4
a fibre network
Developer Guide
Version 9.4 • February 2021
Openreach: Developer Guide
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
01 Internal equipment 04
02 Home wiring 05
03 Developer self-install 10
07 Commercial units 23
08 Duct laying 26
Openreach: Developer Guide
1 Internal equipment
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Internal equipment
82mm 82mm
Please note
The 1+0 ONTs no longer contain a telephony port. Telephony over fibre is now the responsibility
of the communication provider, and the home owner may need to plug their telephone into the
communication provider’s router.
Homeowners should speak to their chosen service provider about the specifics of voice over fibre
when ordering their broadband service.
Openreach: Developer Guide
2 Home wiring
Please note
All internal wires and sockets beyond the
ONT are the responsibility of the developer/
future homeowner. Please note
If any part of the single ended internal fibre All installations of an Openreach ONT
cable (ezbend) is found to be damaged at require at least 1 power socket to be
commissioning, it is the developer’s installed/available in the same location.
responsibility to replace it.
An additional socket is recommended if not
If the homeowner experiences a lack of provided RJ45 network ports throughout
service or poor service, due to a fault the home, as this will be required by the CP
within the internal installation of wiring, router.
which requires Openreach to rectify, the
homeowner will be charged.
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Home wiring
Optional ceiling
mounted wireless
access point to improve
in-home Wi-Fi signal
Openreach: Developer Guide
Home wiring
Optional ceiling
Living mounted wireless
Bedroom Kitchen access point to improve
in-home Wi-Fi signal
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Home wiring
Optional ceiling
mounted wireless
Bedroom Kitchen access point to improve
in-home Wi-Fi signal
Home wiring – patch panel router
Homeowner switch
Openreach: Developer Guide
Home wiring
Please note
If single ended internal fibre cable (ezbend) is damaged by developers during installation
then an internal Splice Point may be required to be fitted to complete installation. This
will be undertaken at commissioning stage by Openreach.
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
3 Developer self-install
ONT position
40mm 40mm
Openreach: Developer Guide
Developer self-install
More information about how to use these cleaning products is available on the Resources
page of the stickler website.
type=howto - can we do a friendlier URL for this?
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Developer self-install
• Connect
the ethernet cable to
the PORT port on the ONT.
The other end of this cable
will be connected to the
CP router or internal data
cabling port.
• Connect
the mains
adaptor to the ONT and
plug into the mains
Next steps
• Once the plot is complete contact your Openreach FBC as
each plot is ready for connection (i.e. front door on; power on,
ONT area decorated).
• Your Openreach FBC will then raise a job with the Openreach
teams to commission the plot(s).
Openreach: Developer Guide
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Complying with
building regulations
Even where you are not working with 12mm diameter service
hole for internal fibre
Openreach or another infrastructure company
to provide a functioning broadband and
phone infrastructure to the home, the Part R
regulations require the provision of duct in
the default position discussed below so that
infrastructure can be installed in the future.
Please note
All internal wires and sockets beyond
the ONT are the responsibility of the
developer/future homeowner. Any faults
Completed external or defects resulting in an Openreach visit
presentation with capping may incur a charge.
Openreach: Developer Guide
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Interconnecting voice lead (Item Code 077004) will be provided free of charge by Openreach.
It provides connectivity from the ONT to a co-located voice socket/patch panel. On installation
it becomes the property of the homeowner. Alternatively, the developer may choose to
hardwire directly into a voice socket using a 431A Plug.
Openreach: Developer Guide
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
single ended
internal fibre
cable (ezbend)
single ended
internal fibre
cable (ezbend)
(1 per plot)
Footway box
Openreach: Developer Guide
Duct 56
From Network
Footway box
If internal duct feed to SDU plots is provided then The only current solution is to provide two
under no circumstance should a section of duct separate capping and covers side-by-side.
feed directly from the underground jointing Depending on the distance between the two
chamber to the inside of the house. cappings the fibre cable will be partly exposed
on the outside wall of the house.
This is due to the risk of gas passing from the
underground network directly into the house. We are working closely with industry in regards
Instead, Openreach will only support internal to Modular and Passive Homes to ensure our
duct feeds where there is a separate duct section installation methods comply with the building
from the underground jointing chamber to the standards and methods being employed.
exterior of the house and then a secondary If you are building houses of this type then
separate duct which feeds under and then we will develop a solution as part of the site
inside the house. design if our standard installation methods
are not suitable.
The two duct mouths on the external house
should be located as close to each other as
practically possible. Currently, Openreach
does not have a double duct capping and
cover solution, but we are trialling some
designs with industry.
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Openreach will create a fibre layout based on Our fibre box/splitter needs to be installed at
your Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) drawings a minimum height of 200mm and a maximum
(on larger MDUs) of the MDU. The design will of 1500mm. Your FBC will agree the location
calculate the materials required to build the with you. Connectorised internal fibre cable
network. Your FBC is on hand to guide you needs to be run from each plot to the fibre DP
through the ordering process to make sure the location or basement box, depending on MDU
equipment is available when you need it. The layout. A minimum of 3m of coiled cable needs
incoming Duct 54 and fibre cable will terminate to be left at the fibre DP, with 1m left at the
in the communications intake room or riser plot end. On most MDUs a tail cable may be
cupboard. This needs to be a secure and safe required to be run from the floor DP down the
location with access for installation and any riser to the basement box. A wayleave may be
future maintenance visits. required from the building owner prior to
installing apparatus in common areas.
Small MDUs
Floor DP
fibre cable
Footway box
Openreach: Developer Guide
Connectorised fibre
cable option for
installing fibre in
Floor DP
Fibre cable
Incoming Fibre
Joint Box
Footway box
there may be a
requirement to
install multiple fibre
boxes and splitters. These boxes/splitters will be connected with fibre
cable commonly housed within the riser space.
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Your FBC will advise of all cable marking/ labelling and Conduit or trunking must not be used to carry external
will check for this when ‘calling off’ the work. fibre cables beyond 2 metres from the building entry
point. Your FBC can provide more guidance if needed.
IET wiring regulations must be followed.
Internal fibre cable must not be bent beyond its
External cables can run to a maximum of 2m from the minimum radius. If it has been damaged or there is
internal building entry point. evidence of kinking it shall be discarded. Your FBC will
advise on replacement of the cable.
From this point onwards, all external cables must be
terminated or transitioned to internal fibre cables to Care should be taken to avoid stretching cable/tubes
comply with Fire Safety Regulation BS7671. through installation. If cables are damaged this way
you will be required to replace them.
Openreach: Developer Guide
7 Commercial units
single ended
internal fibre
cable (ezbend)
Please note
The ONT position within
the building is to be agreed
between the FBC and the
developer on site.
fibre cable
Footway box
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Commercial units
Floor DP
Fibre cable
Incoming Fibre
Joint Box
Footway box
Openreach: Developer Guide
Commercial units
single ended
internal fibre
cable (ezbend)
fibre cable
Footway box
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
8 Duct laying
Footpath Footpath
450mm 450mm
Openreach 90mm PVC duct
Openreach: Developer Guide
Duct laying
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Duct laying
Recommend depth
of utility apparatus
1 2 3 4 5
Footpath Carriageway
Openreach: Developer Guide
Duct laying
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Openreach: Developer Guide
Cable brackets and steps (where required) are supplied in a bagged kit and easily slot into purpose
designed pockets in the chamber. The brackets and steps drop into preformed slots.
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Duct entries
Duct entries can be cut as and where required
using a hole saw mounted on a cordless drill.
The chambers incorporate guides which
identify drilling points to ensure correct
duct spacing.
A maximum of 4 duct entries can be made
into a single wall of the Quadbox™.
Camber Adjustment
If the frame requires levelling to the ground
surface, or to a newly raised surface level,
rising frame units (as shown) are available
as an option. These should be used in
conjunction with mortar to build the frame
up to the required level. Where levels mean
that the cover needs raised by more than
the 50mm allowable mortar bed, bricks,
quarry tiles etc. should not be used to
adjust the height of the cover.
A further Quadbox section should be
cut horizontally (minimum depth to be a
40mm wall section), with the voids of the
cut chamber filled with C32/C40 concrete
or mortar.
Openreach: Developer Guide
Footway (JBF104/106)
Joint box designs and specifications may vary • J BF106(D): 1310mm(L) x 610(W) x 900(D)
depending on the duct layout and whether the minimum depth for boxes either side of
multi-way ducts or major road crossings need road crossings.
to be incorporated into the network design. • A
ll backfill material to be class 6N type.
Full technical drawings and specifications • W
orkmanship, materials and method of
are available at construction are to comply with all current
propertydevelopments relevant contract documents, British
Standards and codes of practice for the
Materials construction industry.
• Bricks: BS EN771-1. Stretcher Bond. • C
oncrete to be grade C32/40 with a water
cement ratio 0.4 minimum. Cement content
• Cement: BS EN197-1:2000 ordinary mix.
380kg/m3. Aggregate maximum size 20mm.
Three parts sand to one part cement.
All in accordance with BS8500.
Specifications • A
ll ducts shown are based on maximum
recommended values for Duct Type 54D.
• Base: 150mm concrete, clean and level.
• E
nd ducts to be inline.
• Brickwork: Keyed in at the corners
and pointed. • D
ucts to be positioned not less than 75mm
from a side wall.
• F
rame and cover: Set on a mortar bed and
fitted squarely to the box structure. You can • M
esh to be grade B500B or B500C conforming
purchase lifting keys for the covers from TW to BS4483.
Engineering Co Ltd at • S
hort lengths of Duct 54D 90mm to be used
(tel: 0115 932 3223). on non-ducted routes. Appropriate duct to be
• D
uct entries: Must not enter through used on ducted routes.
corners and be no less than 75mm from the • W
here instructed to do so drill one set of
side wall. They shall enter wall at a minimum three holes using a 12mm masonry drill
depth of 250mm from the top of the frame, bit to a depth of 80mm for future fitting of
cut flush and clear the base by a minimum equipment mounting bracket.
of 100mm.
• F or details and specs on using corbelling
• B
olts: Must be fitted in each box to allow visit the link at the top of this page.
ironwork to be installed by the developer.
• Step(s): One step is required in all boxes
deeper than 700mm.
• J BF104(C): 915mm(L) x 445mm(W) x
750mm(D). Please note
• J BF104(D): 915mm(L) x 445mm(W) x At no time must minimum box depth
900mm(D) the minimum depth for boxes be compromised. Consult your FBC if the
either side of road crossings. minimum depth cannot be achieved.
• JBF106(C): 1310mm(L) x 610(W) x 750(D).
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Openreach: Developer Guide
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Carriageway JBC4
Box design and specifications may vary. This will be determined by the duct lay-out and whether
multi-way ducts or major road crossings need to be incorporated into the design.
For use with carriageway no.4
frame and cover
Openreach: Developer Guide
Please note
Where there’s evidence or high risk of
vehicles using the soft verge e.g. as an
undertaking area opposite a T-Junction,
a passing point on a narrow road or a
parking area, it will be necessary to install
a ‘carriageway chamber, frame and cover’.
There is also an optional ‘recessed frame
and cover’.
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
All frames and covers shall be levelled to the final running surface.
Where a box is located within grass, soft or unmade surfaces, the frame shall be
surrounded with a 100mm wide strip of minimum grade C25/30 concrete, to the full
depth of the frame, finished level with the top edge of the frame and the outside edge.
It must be straight and parallel to the frame.
Openreach: Developer Guide
Openreach maintains that all reasonable care In the event of a discrepancy between the
and skill has been used in the compilation of this contents of this document and the contract,
publication. However, Openreach shall not be the terms and conditions shall take precedence.
under any liability for loss or damage (including This is a living document and will be subject
consequential loss) whatsoever or howsoever to update and change. The information within
arising as a result of the use of this publication this document is provided for information
by the reader, his servants, agents or any purposes only. The Contract and Price List
third party. takes precedence.
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
This guidance is a practical aid for designers and site workers on what to eliminate,
avoid and consider when working on the Openreach network on your site.
The advice is not exhaustive so speak to your Field Based Co-Ordinator (FBC) if you need
further information.
Red lists
Hazardous procedures, products and processes that should
be eliminated from the project where possible
Openreach: Developer Guide
Amber lists
Products, processes and procedures to be eliminated or reduced as far as possible
and only specified or allowed if unavoidable. Including amber items would
always lead to the provision of information to the principal contract or contractor
where only one contractor has been appointed.
1.5 lists
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
To help make sure your site network is built to a high quality standard, we’ve produced
a checklist for each phase of the build. Your FBC will complete an online version of this
checklist at each stage, this list can be used as a reference.
Any subsequent changes to the site plan Any re-work as a result of an out of date site
after stages have been signed off must be plan could cause delivery delay and incur you
communicated and agreed with your FBC as costs in time related charges.
soon as possible.
Reinforced base cast correctly for Joint Box Carriageway JBC (N). Joint Box
Bearers and brackets fitted. Steps fitted where appropriate. Joint Box
Bolts fitted and positioned correctly during construction of boxes. Joint Box
Ducts properly trimmed and keyed when set in walls. Joint Box
Openreach: Developer Guide
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
The property has been designed to accommodate voice and data wiring
in a convenient place for home owners to use FTTP services.
A permanent 240 volt supply is required for FTTP. Developer has been
informed that no orders can be made or taken via a communications
provider until all installation works of Openreach equipment into each
plot has been completed and tested.
Openreach: Developer Guide
All tubes or cables presented as per schematic diagram and capped. Multi dwelling unit
Location of unit entry suitable for FTTP equipment. Multi dwelling unit
If self install but Openreach completed all internal work then SOD
Multi dwelling unit
payment for self install is not applied.
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
1 10
Address Address
2 11
Address Address
3 12
Address Address
4 13
Address Address
5 14
Address Address
6 15
Address Address
7 16
Address Address
8 17
Address Address
9 18
Address Address
Openreach: Developer Guide
19 28
Address Address
20 29
Address Address
21 30
Address Address
22 31
Address Address
23 32
Address Address
24 33
Address Address
25 34
Address Address
26 35
Address Address
27 36
Address Address
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
37 47
Address Address
38 48
Address Address
39 49
Address Address
40 50
Address Address
41 51
Address Address
42 52
Address Address
43 53
Address Address
45 54
Address Address
46 55
Address Address
Openreach: Developer Guide
Address Address
Address Address
Address Address
Address Address
Address Address
Address Address
Address Address
Address Address
Address Address
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Address Address
Address Address
Address Address
Address Address
Address Address
Address Address
Address Address
Address Address
Address Address
Openreach: Developer Guide
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
Openreach: Developer Guide
How to build a Fibre network – version 9.3
The telecommunications services described in this publication are subject to availability and may be
modified from time to time. Services and equipment are provided subject to British Telecommunications
plc’s respective standard conditions of contract. Nothing in this publication forms any part of any contract.
Openreach and the Openreach logo are trademarks of British Telecommunications plc.
© British Telecommunications plc 2021. Openreach Limited.
Registered office: Kelvin House, 123 Judd Street, London WCIH 9NP.
Registered in England and Wales no. 10690039. Produced by Openreach.
Designed by
PHME 86727