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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 10

Content Standard: The learner Grade & Section: Grade 10 Lapu-Lapu

demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and
weight management to promote societal

Performance Standard: The learner Duration: 1 Hour

maintains an active lifestyle to influence the
physical activity participation of the
community and society practices healthy
eating habits that support an active lifestyle.

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. identify the different cheer motions;
2. appreciate the importance of cheerdance in maintaining an active lifestyle ;
3. demonstrate the basic cheer motions

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Cheerdance
Sub topic: Basic Cheer Motions
Reference: Physical Education Fourth Quarter - Module 1
Materials: Television, Laptop, Blackboard, Chalk, Visual aids

III. Procedure/Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities

● Prayer

Everybody stand up.

Let’s bow our heads and feel the
presence of our Lord. Our almighty and heavenly Father.
We want to thank you first, for giving us
another day to live and learn. We pray for
guidance from you as we begin this brand-
new day of learning.
Continually lead us. Give us a humble and
teachable heart. Grant us the compassion and
love to care for one another. Please keep an
eye out for all of our professors, classmates,
and families. Forgive us from all of our sins,
Lord. We ask all of this in Jesus Christ's
most precious and powerful name, Amen.

● Greetings
Good afternoon class! Good afternoon ma’am

● Classroom Management
Before you take your seats, kindly
pick up all the pieces of paper
under your chairs.
Let me also remind you about our
classroom rules. First, raise your
hand if you want to answer.
Second, do not use your cell phones
during our class. Last, Yes ma’am.
show respect to everyone.

● Checking of Attendance
Now, let’s check your
Group 1, do we have absentee/s in
your group? None ma’am.

Great. How about in group 2? We’re all present ma’am.

Very good. Group 3 is there any

absentee/s from your group? None ma’am

Good job. How about group 4? There’s no absentee in our group ma’am.

That’s impressive, I'm glad that

you’re all present in our class.

B. Drill/ Developmental Activities

Let’s have an energizer. It is called

“Stretchy Stretch!” Everyone, kindly
stand straight and follow me while
demonstrating the stretching exercises. Yes ma’am.
“The students will follow and perform the
stretching exercises.”
Well done, you may now take your

C. Review
Class, let’s have a quick review about
our previous lesson.

“Crumpled ball of questions”

What was our previous lesson all

about? Cheerleader’s Nutritional Needs

What are the foods that cheerleaders

must acquire? Cheerleaders require a variety of foods,
including carbohydrates, protein, fats,
minerals, and vitamins in order to maintain
their ideal body composition and have
enough energy to support training and

What are the kinds of food that

cheerleaders must avoid? Cheerleaders should stay away from foods
high in fat, carbonated beverages, and high-
fiber because it will take longer to digest,
create gastrointestinal discomfort, and
possibly not give them enough energy for
practice or competition.

D. Motivation
We will watch a video, but before that,
I want you to read these guide
questions and answer them after Dancing
watching the video. Cheerdance

1. What is the video all about?

The movements of the dancer are not hard to
2. What do you observe about the The movements look basic.
movements of the dancer in the
Movements of Cheerdance.

What do you think is our topic for


E. Lesson Proper
Our topic for today is Basic Cheer
Motions. But before we discuss that,
let’s learn these unfamiliar words.

Unlocking of difficulties
1. Calf - refers to the posterior
portion of the lower leg.
2. Parallel - extending in the same
3. Stance - the way in which
someone stands, a person's
posture. Yes ma’am

Class, have you ever experience doing I enjoyed it ma’am, although i got body
cheerdance? pains because of its routine and i am the one
who’s being thrown up in the air
How was your experience?

Wow, that’s great. I’ve also been into

cheerdance before, and we have the
same role, flyer. I’ve become more flexible than before. It
Since you already experienced it, what also helps me to be physically active.
are the benefits that you get from
participating in cheerdance?

I’m impressed to hear that.

Before we proceed on discussing
cheerdance, I want you to get a ¼ sheet
of paper and in your own Yes ma’am.
understanding, define what cheerdance
Are you all done?

Let’s see if you got it right.

Cheering for one's team as a sign of

support is known as cheerdancing. It
can be performed for competition,
audience entertainment, or to energize
sports teams.
Cheerleading, which is the execution of
a routine usually dominated by
gymnastic feats including jumps,
tumbling skills, lifts, and throws
combined with shouting of cheers and
yells to urge the crowd to chant for a
certain team during a game or sporting
event, gave rise to cheerdancing.
By participating in cheerdance, it won’t just
Next, we have the health benefits of make our body flexible and healthy but it
cheerdance. will help ourselves to develop values which
are essential in our lives.

That’s great.

When performing cheerdance there are

unexpected things that can happen, so
for our safety we can use some
equipment like mats and we should
make sure that our body is physically
fit by doing proper warm up and cool-
down every time we practice for our
These are some of the terminologies
that you may not know.

They are the ones being thrown in the air.

Do you have any idea what a flyer is? They hold the flyers.
That’s correct, how about a base?

Yes, it’s true. And they also control the They support the flyers to prevent them from
throw of the flyers. falling.
Do you have any idea about the

We will now proceed to the 12 basic
cheer motions. These are the basic hand
movements and positions in
First, we have the Beginning Stance. Ma’am, this is what the beginning stance
Based on the definition, how do you looks like. Close your feet and put your
think the beginning stance should be hands on your sides.

High V is when you put your both hands

Very good! upward.
Second, we have a High V.
It’s similar to High V, the main difference is
your both hands are extended downwards.
Good job. Third, we have Low V.
“The students will perform Beginning stance,
High V, and Low V.”
Correct. Let’s do it now!
“Clap, clap, clap
Birigud, birigud, birigud!”
Let’s give them an “aling dionisia”
Your one arm is extended in your hands and
the other arm is extended upwards.
Next, we have L Motion.
Clasp is like you’re praying but your hands
That’s good. How about the Clasp? are intertwined or holding each other.

One arm will be put upward and the other

Very good. Sixth, we have Diagonal. arm is downward.

“The students will perform L Motion, Clasp,

Correct. Let’s do it now! and Diagonal.”

“Clap, clap, clap

Let’s give yourselves an “aling dionisia Birigud, birigud, birigud!”
Both arms are extended outside just like the
Our seventh cheer motion is T Motion. letter T.

Your elbows are bent and your fists are in

Very good. Next is Tabletop. front of your shoulders.

It’s like you're doing archery.

Great. Bow and Arrow is our ninth
cheer motion.
“The students will perform the T Motion,
That’s good. Let’s now do the seven up Tabletop, and Bow and Arrow.”
to nine cheer motions.
“Clap, clap, clap
Let’s give yourselves an “aling dionisia Birigud, birigud, birigud!”
It is also the same with clasp, but your hands
Our tenth cheer motion is Clap. are not holding each other, it’s only like
you’re doing a high five or in a praying hand.

Similar to T Motion but your elbow should

That’s great. Next, Half T. be bent and your fists are in front of your

Your one leg is placed in front and bent.

Good. Last is Front Lunge. Your other leg will stay straight behind.

“The students will perform the Clap, Half T,

and Front Lunge.”
Very good. Let’s now do the last three
cheer motions. “Clap, clap, clap
Birigud, birigud, birigud!”
Let’s give everyone an “aling dionisia

We’re already done discussing the

Basic Cheer Motions in Cheerdance,
let’s now do this word puzzle.

I have a word puzzle, all you have to
do is read and analyze the letters to
form words related to basic cheer
If you find one, just raise your hand
and encircle it. You need to
demonstrate the word that you find. For
example, I found the Beginning Stance, Yes ma’am.
then I will show you how to do it.

Is it clear?
Let’s start!

Key to correction:
Horizontal Vertical Diagonal

-Beginning -Clap -Bow and

Stance -High V Arrow
-Diagonal -Tabletop -Clasp
-Low V -T Motion -Half T
-Lunge Yes ma’am.
-L Motion
The basic cheer motions in cheerdance.
F. Generalization
Did you enjoy our discussion?
What have you learned in our lesson

How many basic cheer motions of By participating in cheerdance, there are

cheerdance do we have? foods that we need to avoid for us to perform
our best. And by following it, our body will
benefit from it because it helps us to stay
How does participating in cheerdance healthy.
help you in maintaining an active It also helps our body to be active and strong.

G. Application
Let’s have a group activity. I’ll group Group 1 - Beginning Stance, High V, Low V
you into four. Each group will perform Group 2 - L Motion, Clasp, Diagonal
3 basic cheer motions. Group 3 - T Motion, Tabletop, Bow and
We will draw lots to see what cheer Arrow
motions you will be doing. Group 4 - Clap, Haft T, Front Lunge

I’ll give you 10 minutes to practice,

and after that you will perform it with a
Here is the rubric for your
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Identify the following statements described in each item. Choose the
correct answer from the box. Write your answers in a ¼ sheet of paper.

Tabletop High V T Motion Clasp

Beginning Stance Clap Front Lunge L Motion

Diagonal Low V Bow and Arrow Half T

1. Arms extended down forming a “V”.

2. Hands in blades at the chin, elbows in.
3. Lead leg bent with the knee over the ankle, back leg straight, feet perpendicular to
each other.
4. One arm extended in a high “V” and the other arm extended in a low “V”.
5. One arm extended to the side, the other arm bent at the elbow in a half “T”

Key to correction:
1. Low V
2. Clap
3. Front Lunge
4. Diagonal
5. Bow and Arrow

V. Assignment
A. Directions: Watch the NU Pep Squad's full routine in the UAAP Season 85
Cheerdance Competition and list down the basic cheer motions you observed.
Write your answer in your notebook.

Link: https://youtu.be/v75ZLbdOzHQ

Key to correction:
1. Beginning Stance
2. High V
3. T Motion
4. L Motion
5. Half T

B. Read and study ahead on the next topic in PE Quarter 4, Cheer Stunts and
Cheerleading Moves.

Prepared by:

Student Teacher, MAPEH

Checked and Inspected by:

Cooperating Teacher in MAPEH

Head Teacher I, Cooperating Teacher in MAPEH

Noted by:

School Principal III

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