Hygroscopic Photoelastic
Hygroscopic Photoelastic
Hygroscopic Photoelastic
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The present work proposes an experimental optical methodology able to measure the transient swelling
Received 31 July 2014 stresses induced by the water uptake ageing of polymers. In particular, the work describes the imple-
Received in revised form mentation of a Photoelastic technique to quantify internal stresses arising during the hydrothermal
21 October 2014
ageing of cast epoxy samples. The material investigated is a model DGEBA/DDS epoxy system. Curing and
Accepted 24 October 2014
Available online 31 October 2014
post-curing cycles have been optimised in order to obtain a fully cured, high Tg, and completely stress
free initial condition. Rectangular beam samples were then left in a hydrothermal bath at 90 C, and
regularly monitored by gravimetric and photoelastic analyses. The quantitative evolution of stresses
Hydrothermal ageing
induced by water ingress was obtained by a Photoelastic Stress Analysis technique applied during water
Swelling stresses absorption, and successive desorption in controlled conditions. The evolution of stresses is correlated
Photoelastic stress analysis with gravimetric data, allowing to gain a new insight to investigate the complex swelling and diffusion
Thermosetting resin kinetics of water ingress into thermoset polymer networks.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0141-3910/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
56 G. Pitarresi et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 111 (2015) 55e63
and the swelling induced deformation field (investigated by both fundamental for the implementation of transmission Photo-
experimental evaluations [6,22e27] and numerical simulations elasticity (see Section 3). The curing and post-curing specifications
[28e31]). have been optimised after preliminary DSC and DMTA analyses,
One difficulty associated with a full comprehension of ageing by here not reported, of the curing degree under various conditions.
solvent uptake is the coexistence of different phenomena, which The chosen thermal conditioning resulted in two curing steps. The
are closely interconnected and which require a multi-physics first one consisted of a temperature gradient of 2 C/min from room
approach to be effectively correlated. One example is the forma- temperature to 180 C, resting at this temperature for 2 h, and
tion of free and bonded water, which strongly depends on the cooling at the same rate to room temperature. The post-curing step
amount of free volume made available by the network structure was performed at 200 C for 2 h, followed by a slow cooling to room
[9,20,32], and the presence and accessibility of hydrophilic and temperature in 24 h. This last treatment was applied on beam
polar groups to form hydrogen bonds with water molecules samples (nominal dimensions of about 30 10 3 mm3) cut from
[33e35]. Many works have suggested that only bonded water is the cured plaques by using a high speed milling cutter.
responsible for swelling [32,36], through a mechanism that The glass transition temperature, Tg, of the unaged material has
weakens the inter-chain connections by breaking the hydrophilic been determined by Dynamical Mechanical Thermal Analysis
groups and bonding them to water. Very few works though have (DMTA) by means of a Rheometrics DMTA V in a single cantilever
fully clarified these mechanisms, and their mutual consequences beam arrangement at a heating rate of di 5 C/min, frequency of
on the changing network structure and further diffusion behaviour 1.8 Hz and elongation of 0.02%. In these experimental conditions
(diffusion-reaction dynamics). the value of Tg, derived as the temperature corresponding to tan d
From a mechanical characterisation perspective, the contribu- peak, was about 250 C.
tion has been even poorer, due to the difficulty to implement
sensitive and real time full field stress and strain measurement 2.2. Hydrothermal conditioning and gravimetric analysis
techniques. Few works are available, attempting to measure
swelling strain fields by either direct local [37] or full-field [24] Gravimetric and Photoelastic data were collected throughout
deformation measurements. Many of such works have usually the entire conditioning history, at shorter intervals during the
measured only bulk strain components on fully saturated samples. initial stages of absorption and desorption. Hydrothermal ageing
Very little information is then available on the local and transitory was performed in a temperature controlled bath of distilled water,
evolution of stresses and strains induced by swelling. More which was maintained at 90 C. Desorption was carried out in
recently, Digital Image Correlation (DIC) has emerged and proposed controlled room and moisture conditions, keeping the samples in a
to acquire the full field strain evolution [25e27]. The technique sealed container with a calcium chloride salt to obtain a desiccated
though has some limitations in sensitivity and is not fully effective low moisture airborne. In both cases the samples were occasionally
for measuring water uptake induced stresses/strains. taken out of the conditioning environment, for the weighting and
The present paper proposes the implementation of a Photoe- acquiring of the photoelastic images. In particular all samples were
lastic Stress Analysis (PSA) technique which has allowed the weighted on a 0.01 mg resolution electronic balance. During water
quantitative and full field measurement of stresses induced by sorption the sample surface was gently wiped out of superficial
swelling during the transitory hydrothermal sorption and desorp- water before testing.
tion of rectangular beam samples, made of a model DGEBA/4,40 DDS
system. The hygro/hydro-thermal ageing of this chosen combina- 2.3. Photoelastic acquisitions
tion of monomer and curing agent have been widely investigated in
the literature [9,17], and this has allowed to evaluate the repro- Photoelasticity is a well known full field stress analysis tech-
ducibility of some typical features of the absorption behaviour. The nique based on the optical properties of transparent birefringent
optical transparency of samples, achievable by opportune materials [38]. In this work Transmission Photoelasticity is imple-
manufacturing, has allowed the implementation of transmission mented, with Photoelastic maps obtained by placing samples in a
photoelasticity [38]. The material has shown a marked sensitivity to circular polariscope with a monochromatic 589 nm light source
this technique, allowing the quantitative evaluation of the small (see Fig. 1 left). In particular four optical filters composed the
residual internal stresses arising during the various ageing stages. polariscope used in this work: two polarised plates called Polariser
It is believed that the quality and nature of the information (P) and Analyser (A), and two quarter wave plates, called RP and RA.
measured by the proposed technique, has the potential to allow a The orientation of these optical plates can be changed (see Fig. 1
new insight into the investigation of the complex swelling and right), allowing to obtain different information on the stress field
diffusion phenomena associated to water ingress into ageing glassy of the photoelastic component [38]. Due to the analogy with the
thermoset polymers. residual stress analysis of the glasses, the water absorption stresses
can be evaluated by the techniques proposed in Refs. [39e47]. In
2. Experimental procedure particular a simplified phase-shifting method, based on the set-up
of the Tardy Compensator (briefly called Tardy Phase-Shifting
2.1. Material and sample preparation Method), was used in this work (see Section 3.2) [43].
A RGB camera connected to a PC with a digital acquisition board
A model epoxy system has been selected, obtained by a mono- was used to acquire bitmapped images. The optimised optical setup
mer base 2,2-bis[4-(glycidyloxy)phenyl]propane (DGEBA), epoxide of the camera was achieved after placing a reference beam sample
equivalent weight 172e176, and a 4,40 diamino-diphenyl sulfone at a certain distance from the camera lens, and was used
(DDS) curing agent, both supplied by Sigma Aldrich. The two com- throughout the ageing monitoring by placing samples always in the
ponents where blended by mixing a stoichiometric amount of DDS same reference position.
to the DGEBA monomer at 80 C, and fully dissolved after me-
chanical stirring for 30 min at 130 C. The resin blend was cast into 3. Photoelastic stress analysis
an aluminium open mould flat plate, having a smooth finish. This
allowed the manufacturing of small rectangular plaques with a good Stresses in a component may arise by externally applied loads or
thickness control, smooth surfaces and adequate transparency, by internal loads (e.g. residual stresses due to physical-mechanical
G. Pitarresi et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 111 (2015) 55e63 57
Fig. 1. (Left) Lay-out of the polariscope: S: light source, P: polariser, A: analyser, RP: polariser quarter wave plate, RA: analyser quarter wave plate, C: photoelastic component, O:
observer; (right) general orientation of plates axes and principal stresses directions.
treatments, or stresses induced by constrained thermal or hygro- usually called dark field circular polariscope, and the emerging in-
scopic deformation). In the case studied in this paper, the load is tensity (eq. (2)) becomes:
due to the non-uniform swelling induced by the water adsorbed by
the material in the transitory preceding saturation. This stress I0
I ¼ If þ ð1 cos 2pdÞ; (3)
mechanism is somewhat similar to the case of thermal tempering 2
treatment of glasses, where a non-uniform distribution of residual
where the emerging intensity I is now uniquely related to the
stresses is generated, induced by the reciprocal restrain of defor-
relative retardation d.
mation between the external parts of the component (in
The sample shown in Fig. 2 is a rectangular beam of dimensions
compression) and the internal parts (in tension) [39]. In the case of
75 15 3.2 mm3, made of the same material system studied in
water absorption, the external part is initially absorbing a higher
this work, and loaded in four point bending with the purpose to
amount of water, which determines a volume swelling restrained
measure the Photoelastic constant of the material (see also Section
by the inner part, and thus generating a non-uniform compression-
3.3). The dark lines of Fig. 2 are called isochromatic fringes and the
tension stress distribution from the outer to the inner material.
points of this lines present constant and entire values of retardation
3.1. The photoelastic effect
Photoelastic Stress Analysis techniques are in general able to 3.2. Implementation of TPSM e Tardy Phase-Shifting Method
evaluate two parameters of the stress field: the relative retardation
d, and the orientation a of the principal stress s1 with respect the In this work the Tardy Phase-Shifting Method (TPSM) is proposed
horizontal axis. Usually a is determined by unwrapping the isoclinic for the quantitative stress analysis [43]. This method requires the
parameter q, directly determined by photoelastic methods, that is acquisition of three images with three different values of bA. During
the orientation of the closer principal stress to the x horizontal axis the time required for the images acquisition, the sample is removed
(see. Fig. 1 right). from the thermal bath only for few minutes. During this short time
The relative retardation d is related to the principal stress the stress field can be considered as frozen, and the sample sorp-
quantities s1 and s2 by the well-known relationship: tion/desorption kinetics little affected.
The rectangular shape of the samples and the full-immersion in
Cd water determines a symmetric stress field distribution, were the
d¼ ðs s2 Þ (1)
l 1 sample geometric axes are also the axes of symmetry for stresses
(see Fig. 3 and Section 4.2). By considering the points along the
where C is the photoelastic constant of the material, d is the symmetry x and y axes (with x aligned with the longer length of the
thickness of the bi-dimensional photoelastic component, and l is
the wavelength of the monochromatic light source.
Both quantities d and q can be determined by opportunely
combining the light intensities emerging from different set-ups of
the polariscope. For example the emerging light intensity I from the
polariscope configuration described by Fig. 1 right, called Tardy
compensator setup, using the Jones matrix calculus [48], is given
I ¼ If þ ð1 cos 2pd cos 2bA þ sin 2pd sin 2bA cos 2 aÞ (2)
Fig. 3. (Up) Full field isochromatic map acquired in white light circular polariscope after 48 h of immersion in the thermal bath; (down) Schematic representation of the beam
rectangular sample, with qualitative interpretation of principal stresses along the symmetry axes.
beam sample, and with the polariscope reference axis), the isoclinic 3.3. Determination of stresses from the photoelastic data
parameter q is null (no tangential stresses arise along the symmetry
axes, which are then principal stress directions). The quantitative Once the relative retardation d has been determined by eq. (7),
analysis by the TPSM method is in particular conducted only along the stress term (s1s2) can be calculated by eq. (1). Specifically,
the y-axis of symmetry. Here q ¼ 0 and a is either 0 or 90 , application of eq. (1) requires the use of the photoelastic constant C.
depending if the higher principal stress s1 is aligned with x or y- Because of the peculiar characteristics of the used epoxy-resin
axis. Hence, equation (2) simplifies and three unknowns If, I0, and system, the photoelastic C constant cannot be reliably taken from
d are present, even if the only one quantity of interest is d. To the literature. In the present work C is obtained by a calibration
determine the unknowns, at least three images have to be acquired. procedure, by using the 4-point bending loaded sample shown in
The TPSM allows the user to determine the retardation d by Fig. 2.
acquiring three different images, setting bA1 ¼ 0 , bA2 ¼ 45 and In particular the beam sample for calibration was cut from the
bA3 ¼ 90 [43]. From equation (2), the light intensities emerging same plaque used to obtain the aged samples, in order to guar-
from the polariscope are: antee the same curing conditions. Then the calibration beam was
post-cured together with the samples destined to ageing, and
tested immediately after extraction from the oven, to ensure no
I1 ¼ If þ ð1 cos 2pdÞ; (4) significant air humidity uptake. The initial photoelastic image of
the unloaded sample confirmed the absence of any residual
stresses at this stage. The image in Fig. 2 in particular has been
I0 acquired by using a dark-field circular polariscope using a mono-
I2 ¼ If þ ð1±sin 2pdÞ; (5) chromatic light source provided by yellow sodium lamps with
l ¼ 589 nm wavelength. The sample section height was
h ¼ 14.96 mm high and had a constant thickness d of 3.2 mm. The
I0 applied bending moment was B ¼ 0.4655 Nm. From equation (1),
I3 ¼ If þ ð1 þ cos 2pdÞ; (6)
2 the photoelastic constant C has been determined by the following
where the upper sign in eq. (5) is for a ¼ 0 and the lower sign is for
a ¼ 90 .
The retardation d is obtained by the following relationship: lh3 jDNj
C¼ (8)
12B jDyj
I1 þ I3 ±2I2
tan 2pd ¼ ; (7) being jDyj the vertical distance between two points selected along
I3 I1
the symmetry y-axis and jDNj the absolute fringe-order difference
where the same sign convention of eq. (5) applies. between these points (considering for the calculation negative
However, due to the periodicity of the tangent function, eq. (7) fringe order for the points selected in the tensile zone, and vice
provides the fractional retardation df, which is defined in the versa). It is noticed that, using this calibration procedure, the
range ±0.5 fringe orders. Unwrapping procedure can be success- photoelastic constant C does not depend on the thickness d of the
fully applied to determine the retardation d, provided that the sample.
proper retardation value in one point is supplied by the user. The photoelastic constant C was:
The presented TPSM data reduction scheme is not the only
applicable photoelastic stress analysis technique [43e47], but for .
the present case it is believed to provide fewer errors than other C ¼ 76:95 Br≡7:695$105 mm2 N : (9)
digital photoelastic methods, and is fast and easy in terms of both
experimental implementation and image analysis [43,47].
G. Pitarresi et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 111 (2015) 55e63 59
Wt Wi
relative mass change : 100 (10)
Mt Wt Wi
normalised water content : ¼ (11)
Minf Winf Wi
Fig. 7. Stresses along the symmetry y-axis during absorption (position normalised by Fig. 9. Full field isochromatic map acquired in white light circular polariscope after
the sample height H). 338 h from initiation of desorption at controlled room conditions.
62 G. Pitarresi et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 111 (2015) 55e63
5. Conclusion
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