Sas 11
Sas 11
Sas 11
Productivity Tip:
Plan when you're going to study.
Successful students schedule specific times throughout the week when they are going to study -- and then they stick with their
schedule. Students who study sporadically and whimsically typically do not perform as well as students who have a set study
schedule. Even if you're all caught up with your studies, creating a weekly routine, where you set aside a period of time a few days a
week, to review your courses will ensure you develop habits that will enable you to succeed in your education long term.
1) Introduction (2 mins)
As effective readers and writers, one must have a wide range of vocabulary. The greater number of words
you know, the more you can interpret ideas from others, and express your own ideas. This boosts your
power of persuasion. Having a rich vocabulary will help you communicate in a more engaging way… start
your Day 11 now and become more effective in reading and writing.
Test your knowledge about our lesson for today. Complete each sentence below.
1. A __________________________ comes after a basic word and can change the part of
speech or tense of the entire word.
2. A _______________________ is a basic word or linguistic unit that has its own meaning.
3. A _______________________ can be added to the beginning of a basic word.
1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins) Read and underline keywords. You may also write important notes.
Root words provide the basic structure and meaning to words. English root words and their meanings are
commonly derived from Greek and Latin roots. For example, the root soph is derived from the Greek root sophos
meaning wise. Learning and recognizing these common roots can help you decipher meaning. For example, if you were
unfamiliar with the word sophisticated but knew the root word soph, you could gather some sort of meaning for the word
from the root meaning, wise.
Many English words are formed by taking basic words and adding combinations of prefixes and suffixes to
them. A basic word to which affixes (prefixes and suffixes) are added is called a root word because it forms the basis of
a new word. The root word is also a word in its own right. For example, the word lovely consists of the word love and the
suffix -ly.
In contrast, a root is the basis of a new word, but it does not typically form a stand-alone word on its own. For
example, the word reject is made up of the prefix re- and the Latin root ject, which is not a stand-alone word.
One method of understanding the meanings of new words is to analyze the different parts of the word and the
meanings of those parts. Many new words are formed by adding an affix to the beginning or end of a Latin or Greek root
or root word. When affixes are added to the beginning of roots or root words, they are called prefixes For example, the
most common prefix is un-, which meant not oropposite of. If you add un- to the word happy, the new word becomes
unhappy, which means not happy. When affixes are added to the end of roots or root words, they are called suffixes.
The most common suffixes are -s and -es, which mean more than one (or the plural) of the word. Adding -es to wish,
changes the meaning o the word to more than one wish.
2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)
It is now your turn to start practicing your skill in identifying the point of view in the story. Read and analyze.
Provide the correct suffix or prefix in the given sentences below. Write your answer in the space provided. Choices are provided
inside the box.
Test 1. Below are words coming from rootwords that are formed by adding affixes. Pick the best meaning of these words. You c an
use a dictionary if you want! Encircle the best answer.
Test 2. Choose the correct word which most nearly matches the definition.
4. (v.) To spread out or scatter, to disseminate; (adj.) Wordy, tending to use more words than are necessary
{The teacher writes 2-3 Questions with Answers that they anticipate students would ask about the topic. FAQs help make-up for
decreased opportunity for students to ask for clarifications or explore related topics.}
A prefix is a group of letters (or an affix) that's added to the beginning of a word, and a suffix is an affix that's added
to the end of a word. Prefixes modify the meaning of a word. They can make a word negative, show repetition, or
indicate opinion. Some suffixes add to or change a word's meaning.
2. Which suffix can you not add to the root word box to make a new word ?
Which suffix can you not add to the root word box to make a new word? The correct answer is: A. You can make the words boxing
and boxes but the suffix 'ful' does not make a real word
COR 002: Reading and Writing Skills
Teachers’ Guide Module #11
Activity 3
1. Mis 5. Ment 9. Ers
2. With 6. Y 10. Ish
3. Re 7. Ness
4. Ness 8. Ians
Test 2
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. C