Alternative Medicine Magazine - February 2024
Alternative Medicine Magazine - February 2024
Alternative Medicine Magazine - February 2024
FOR 2024
These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Web exclusive
In the Know
Want to know everything that’s hot this month? Well, look no further!
Here is what you need to know as we surf the busy winter season.
In the News
Harvest a
large, fresh
salad every.
Let our AI
do the growing
for you.
Produce that’s
50% more
nutritious than
On the Cover
In this issue
Bharat B. Aggarwal, PhD; Timothy Birdsall, ND; Andrew Campbell, MD; Alan M. Dattner,
MD; James Dillard, MD, DC; Mark Hyman, MD; David Katz, MD; Kathi Kemper, MD; Vasant
Lad; Susan Lark, MD; Marcus Laux, ND; Nancy Lonsdorf, MD; Holly Lucille, ND, RN; Victoria
Maizes, MD; Pamela Miles; Robert Newman, PhD; David Perlmutter, MD; Joseph Pizzorno,
ND; Beth Reardon, RD; Mary Saunders, LAc; David Scrimgeour, LAc; Bernie Siegel, MD;
Stephen Sinatra, MD; Jacob Teitelbaum, MD; Kathy Thorpe, CHom; Julian Whitaker, MD
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Ne w Y e a r !
S etting a New Year’s resolution is an incredibly common practice, especially in the
United States. A PLOS One study from 2020 states that for three consecutive years,
polls indicated that 44% of respondents were either likely or very likely to make a resolution
for the upcoming year. Interestingly, the study found the practice of resolution setting may
be more common in the U.S. than other countries. Similar polls in Sweden
found that just 12% to 14% of people set goals for the new year.
U.S. adults specifically are also ambitious when it comes to New Year’s resolutions.
A separate survey revealed that while nearly two in five respondents had a goal in mind
for the upcoming year, 18% reported having multiple goals. The survey polled 1,005 U.S. adults,
making note of their age to see exactly which age group makes the most resolutions.
While resolutions are made by individuals across the board, a few groups are more likely
than others to set their sights on a specific goal for the 2021 New Year.
For example, those who live at home and have kids are more likely to set
New Year’s resolutions than those who don’t have kids.
Healthier Get in Shape
This is usually an extension of
the previous resolution. Switching Losing weight is the top resolution for most Americans. It appears in
to a healthier diet can be incredibly a couple different forms, like “exercise more” or “stay fit and healthy,”
tricky when we are surrounded by but it is something that over a third of the U.S. population wishes to
unhealthy junk food. However, with achieve. It’s easy enough to start an exercise and diet program, but the
a good amount of determination trick is to find a decent one that will give you steady results and will be
and some basic tips, you can slowly easy to stick to in the long run.
develop nutritious eating habits.
3 Be More Active
Learn to control emotional eating,
be aware of your diet, and try some
healthier recipes. Reduce the amount
of processed food you consume, as it
contains added sugars and sodium.
Swap processed food for whole-grain Some people don’t have weight loss goals, and lots get exercise a few
food and fresh produce to make times a week. But, that said, majority of workplace settings are sedentary,
meals more nutritious. and humans weren’t meant to sit for hours a day every day. This can have
a negative effect on posture and health. If the sedentary lifestyle applies to
you, try to find ways to move around more throughout the day instead of
staying hunched over the computer, such as pacing around your room or
taking a walk to go get food instead of getting it delivered to you. It’s even
more fun if you share your activity with friends and family.
5 Learn to Be
Even people who are in decent shape, make a
good living, and have stress under control can
still be unhappy. It takes time and patience to
learn how to find joy in the little things and not
let problems bring you down. Becoming present
and showing gratitude can be a great way to
build happiness. Try starting a gratitude journal
to help you focus on the good things in life. At
the end of each day, write down three things
you are grateful for that day.
5 Get More
Quality Sleep
With big TVs, computers,
smartphones, tablets, and all sorts
of gadgets with glowing lights and
beeping alerts, it can be hard to
get the right amount of sleep and
make the sleep good quality. You
should get sufficient, quality sleep
by setting those gadgets aside at
least an hour before bed. The blue
light emitted from these devices
tricks the brain into thinking it
is more awake than it is. Putting
these devices away will let your
mind slip into bedtime mode and
make it much easier to fall asleep
and get good quality sleep.
STICK TO THE HEALTHY mention is that all the positive changes good habits you have adopted until
HABITS YOU’VE DEVELOPED! you make must be permanent when they just become a natural part of who
you begin New Year’s resolutions. You you are. That is how you achieve true
The last and most important point to will need to work on sticking with the self-improvement.
Boost Immunity
INGREDIENTS (for two cups):
• 1½ tsp. fresh turmeric, grated.
• 1 tsp. fresh ginger, grated.
• 2 cinnamon sticks.
• 3 cups of water.
his sweet and spicy tea is made Along with its ability to fight off
with ginger, cinnamon, and viruses and calm inflammation,
turmeric, and it helps recharge cinnamon helps keep blood sugar INSTRUCTIONS:
your immune system, fight off illness, under control — a must when the 1. Put turmeric, ginger, cinnamon
balance your blood sugar, and keep you cold weather has you craving more sticks, and water in uncovered
going all winter long. carbs. Clinical trials show that medium saucepan.
Ginger adds numerous healing cinnamon lowers fasting blood sugar 2. Bring to a boil, then reduce
powers to this warming brew. Studies and improves insulin response in heat and simmer for 20–30 minutes
confirm ginger’s effectiveness against a people with diabetes and prediabetes. (flavors intensify with more time).
long list of diseases, including: Best known for its bright golden 3. Strain tea into two cups and
• Viral and bacterial infections color, turmeric contains curcumin, enjoy.
• Arthritis one of the world’s most studied
• Diabetes natural compounds. Packed with To find more
• Dementia antioxidants and anti-inflammatory healing tea recipes visit
• High cholesterol properties, this Indian spice offers
• Migraines substantial immune protection,
Plans start at just $20/month.
Gra p ef ru it
nyone missing the sun in January should go snack on
some grapefruit – while it may not be the same dose of
vitamins, it is definitely immune-boosting and bright
and tangy enough to remind you of warmer days. Grapefruit
segments are excellent in salads with dark leafy greens and
roasted root vegetables.
Grapefruit looks sweet and friendly, but you might have heard
it possesses powers far beyond those of ordinary produce.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, half a
medium grapefruit has only 41 calories and nearly half a day's
recommended supply of vitamin C.
"In addition, it's a reasonable source of potassium," which
is important for maintaining healthy blood pressure, said
Karen Collins, a registered dietitian in western New York who
specializes in cancer prevention and heart health.
Grapefruit also is laden with natural plant compounds called
phytochemicals, specifically flavonoids, which studies show
can help fight stroke and heart disease. Pink and red grapefruit
are good sources of beta carotene (a source of vitamin A) and
Fruit Cocktail Salad
lycopene, an antioxidant "cousin" to beta carotene that has been
INGREDIENTS: in half and remove seeds. Cut rind
linked to lower stroke risk. One cup of red or pink grapefruit
• 1 cantaloupe off of cantaloupe, then cut fruit
sections has as much lycopene as a medium 4-ounce tomato.
• 2 mangos into 1 inch chunks.
The classic way to enjoy grapefruit – splitting it and eating
• 2 grapefruits 4. Peel mango, then cut it into 1
with a spoon – is OK, (Be sure to rinse it before you cut:
Otherwise, the knife might push bacteria on the skin through • 4 oranges inch chunks.
the entire fruit.) • 2 cups grapes 5. Peel the citrus fruits and
But if you peel it like an orange and eat it by the section, you • 2 cups orange remove the white skin of the
get added benefits from the membranes. Those membranes are juice fruit. Using a very sharp knife,
rich in a type of dietary fiber called pectin, which is what we remove the segment by passing
INSTRUCTIONS: the blade on each side of the fruit
would call a viscous fiber. And that is the type of fiber that can
help lower (bad) LDL cholesterol and seems to be what they call 1. Prepare the fruit membrane.
a prebiotic that helps to nurture the healthy bacteria in our gut. by rinsing it off first. 6. Cut the grapes in half.
Looking for a delicious, healthy sweet treat to always have on 2. Cut the 7. Place all the fruit in a large
hand? Give this easy to make Long Lasting Fruit Cocktail Salad pineapple and bowl.
a try! A combination of citrus fruits with the addition of grapes remove the core and 8. Pour the orange juice on top
will last for up to a week in your refrigerator. Make a batch of rind. Then, cut fruit of fruit and mix gently.
the fruit salad over the weekend and enjoy it all week long when into 1 inch chunks. 9. Cover and refrigerate until
you are craving a low calorie dessert! 3. Slice cantaloupe ready to eat.
E p so m s a l t s
16 | FEBRUARY 2024 • Alternative Medicine
psom salt, or magnesium
WHAT IS EPSOM SALT? used to treat different health issues pain and inflammation. It is fantastic
like constipation, fibromyalgia and for recovering athletes and those who
Magnesium sulfate is a chemical insomnia. Many reported benefits of suffer from achy joints. It also aids with
compound made up of oxygen, Epsom salt are attributed to magnesium, cold and flu recovery as bath salts, helps
magnesium, and sulfur. It comes in a mineral that a lot of people do not boost your immune system and recover
rock-like formations and resembles regularly get enough of. The magnesium from sickness faster. Soaking in the bath
table salt. But despite its name, Epsom from Epsom salt is absorbed through is also wonderful for your skin, helping
salt is a different compound from table the skin, and this is how Epsom salts are with bug bites, poison ivy, and sunburns.
salt. It is believed that Epsom salt was most commonly used. Epsom salts have It assists with exfoliation and acne but
called “salt” because of its chemical a limited number of uses when taken make sure you use the right amount of
structure and is often dissolved in baths, internally. They can cause significant salt as your skin can dry out if used too
which is why it is also called “bath salt.” discomfort when taken internally so talk often or burn if you bathe with open
Despite their similarities, Epsom salt is to your doctor before consuming. cuts.
very bitter and unpalatable, not salty. The biggest benefits of Epsom salts While Epsom salt is considered
It is named after the town of Epsom are released in a relaxing bath. Run a generally safe to use, you may
in Surrey, England, where it was first bath with a comfortable temperature of experience some adverse effects if you
discovered in the 17th century. It was warm/hot water and while the bath is use it incorrectly. Note that Epsom
once the most popular medicinal filling up poor 1-2 cups of bath salts into salt has a laxative effect due to the
treatment in England. Locals noticed the bath. Make sure that you are pouring magnesium sulfate in it and consuming
that cows and other animals visited a the Epsom salts right under the tub it may result in bloating, diarrhea, or
certain spring and miraculously, their spout, where the water is coming from, an upset stomach. When using Epsom
wounds healed more quickly. News as this will make sure the Epsom fully salt as a laxative, always drink plenty of
eventually spread and people traveled dissolves. water to reduce digestive discomfort. Do
from all corners of the country seeking not take more than the recommended
relief from their ailments. BENEFITS dosage without talking to your doctor.
Epsom salt has been traditionally There are some reported cases of
Use Epsom salt if you’re looking for magnesium overdose wherein people
a natural remedy that can help you get have consumed too much Epsom
some sleep at night. The magnesium in salt. Symptoms include flushed skin,
Epsom salts boosts the production of headache, lightheadedness and nausea.
serotonin, which facilitates relaxation So, please use the salts with caution.
and sleeping. Magnesium may also Epsom salts are a fantastic way to relax
help your body produce melatonin, a and have many physical and mental
hormone that promotes sleep. health benefits, like relieving anxiety,
Other extensive health benefits of cold and flu symptoms, and helping
Epsom salts include stress relief and you sleep. When taking a hot bath,
mood stabilization. Salts are supposed dissolve some Epsom salts in your water
to reduce anxiety and depression while to de-stress and unwind. Be sure to
releasing serotonin, the happy chemical! use the right amount of salts to ensure
As well as emotional benefits, soaking maximum comfortability whether that
in an Epsom salt bath can aid muscle be in the bath or for consumption.
Supe r H e a l t h y
A lternative Medicine
reached out to Ms. Alexis
to share her thoughts
and feelings about leading
a healthy lifestyle
in today’s world.
and had no idea my career would take for a better future. is. How do I feel? Am I doing the right
off the way it did. The book was written thing, or how can I fix it? I go through
that daily quite a bit.
about healthy choices.
Alternative Medicine: Who
encouraged you to do that. Alternative Medicine: Of all the roads
you've traveled, supermodel, actor,
Ms. Alexis: My mom and dad have spokeswoman, athlete, and author,
always been there and raised me and my what stands out the most to you?
sister to believe that you can do anything Ms. Alexis: When I wrote the book it
you put your mind to, and it was okay was about how to be discovered and be Ms. Alexis: Mother. You forgot mother.
to try new things. When I was growing a model for a better future. The book Mother's the legacy that I feel I'm most
up, my sister and I got to experience a was written about healthy choices. If proud of. Just to be able to spend so
lot of different things from our classes to you had to break it down it would be much time with my three sons, and
playing in the band, swimming, sports, that we are in situations daily, whether really give them the basis and the
music, and art. We were just all over the it's at work or dealing with groups or groundwork for being great kids. My
place. organizations that you are involved grandfather said to my dad you can
with. There's always conflict and never be jealous of your own children.
Alternative Medicine: In A Model for personality clashes. As we see right You want them to do better than you.
a Better Future, you share convictions now, there are major conflicts going You want them to succeed, and just be
you developed as a supermodel, on throughout the world. So how do their best selves. It’s fun watching them.
to clean your body.
what it could do and
how beneficial
Alternative Medicine: Looking back it was.
about 30 years ago on another topic,
as a spokesperson you helped launch a
dietary supplement ingredient called
CitriMax®, an appetite suppressant,
which is still around today and found You must remember this publicity
in numerous product formulations. was created just before the Internet
Any thoughts about being a and World Wide Web were launched
spokesperson today in the health and into the public domain. Supplement
wellness industry? manufacturers were literally forced to
add CitriMax® to their products. So yes,
Ms. Alexis: I had just given birth to my it was truly an interesting time.
first child and was trying to lose a little I love touring and talking about health
weight and get back into the public eye. and fitness. That's just where my little
And as they say, I was in the right place sweet spot is and where I love to be.
at the right time when InterHealth, So, being a spokesperson for the right
the CitriMax® developer contacted me. product today would be of interest.
It was quite unique to represent an
ingredient vs. a retail product. There's Alternative Medicine: You might
not a lot of people who just represented find this interesting, today, one
ingredients, and yes, CitriMax® can can purchase a vintage CitriMax®
still be found in hundreds of different promotion advertorial on eBay touting
products. The launch was initially “Kim's Natural Diet” along with your
photo for $9.95. So today, are you a
supplement user?
C a u s e s , R i s k s ,
and Management
Since the beginning of the twentieth
century, heart disease has been the United
States number one killer, a position it still
holds today. It’s responsible for killing one
in every four Americans (26 percent), and
the disease cost over $316 billion. Once
mistakenly thought to primarily affect
men, half of all deaths caused by heart
disease each year are among women.
Fortunately for us, research has uncovered
much information about this silent killer.
It’s found that most of the nearly one
million deaths are preventable, and in most
cases, so is heart disease itself. They key to
preventing heart disease lies in knowing
what causes it, knowing your risks for
developing it, and then doing all you can
to reduce those risks. As an added bonus,
these same steps have also been shown to
be highly successful for reversing heart
disease, too.
Alzh e i m e r ’ s D i s e a s e
“Never too early, never too late,” a motto from Alzheimer’s Disease International, points to the importance
of Alzheimer’s disease risk education and risk prevention methods to promote ways for healthy cognitive
function and aging. It is crucial to identify risk factors and cognitive decline during the aging process.
One in 3 senior citizens dies with Alzheimer's or another dementia, killing more than breast cancer and
prostate cancer combined. Studies show that about 40% of dementia cases can be prevented or delayed
with lifestyle changes that address modifiable risk factors, including high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes,
depression, hearing loss, and physical inactivity.
Alzheimer’s is a progressive form of dementia that starts with the loss of synapses and ultimately leads to
damage and the destruction of nerve cells in the brain. Over time, the disease leads to a gradual loss of brain
functions, including the ability to remember, reason, use language, and recognize familiar places. The growing
number of aging adults led experts to predict that there will be 13 million people with Alzheimer’s by 2050.
A N e w D i e t !
Full of processed foods, added sugar, and saturated fats,
the typical Western diet is far from healthy. Rising obesity
and other health concerns, such as heart disease, type 2
diabetes, cognitive impairment, and others, seem to be
spurred by the unhealthy eating pattern of the Western
diet. Research also finds that dementia risk, mental illness,
gut health, and immune function are all connected to your
diet. So, whether you are considering how your body feels
today or how it will feel later in life, you are placing your
health at risk by loading your grocery cart with bagels,
chips, sugary drinks, and premade meals. More people are
aware of the problem of an unhealthy diet, but what is the
solution? What does it mean to follow a healthy diet? And
is it feasible for the average American to resist the aisles
of processed foods and endless variety of sit-down and
fast-food restaurants?
Biking is a low impact sport and is
another great option for those who have
joint problems or suffer from injuries.
It is great for those with arthritis, as it
increases joint fluid and blood supply
and helps with coordination and
balance. Stationary biking does not
require excessive upper body movement,
making it perfect for those who suffer
from concussion symptoms. Cycling is
great for an indoor or outdoor sport, but
if you decide to bike outside, remember
to use proper safety equipment, like your healthy habits throughout the SAFETY TIPS
reflective safety vests and helmets. day, such as eating healthier meals and When beginning the workout process
boosting your mood. Working out in there are always things to keep in mind
BEST TIME OF DAY TO the afternoon can be beneficial as well to ensure that you stay injury free.
EXERCISE because this is when our body produces
The time of day you exercise isn’t the most heat and your reaction time is • Make sure that you warm up
essential to your progress, although the fastest. Both times of the day work completely.
earlier in the morning or mid-afternoon great for different reasons, but the main • Listen to your body. If you are tired or
usually works the best. Ideal workout goal is for the workout to fit into your feeling sick, take a day off and rest.
times are around 7am or between lifestyle and for your lifestyle to not • Make sure you are doing exercise
2-6pm. Working out in the morning completely change around your workout movements correctly.
usually encourages you to keep up as then it isn’t practical or realistic. • If you are just starting to exercise
again, take it slow and gradually
TIPS FOR WINTER make your workouts harder.
INDOOR EXERCISE • Hydrate! Watch for signs of
Working out can get much harder dehydration and overheating.
in the cold months, especially if you
live in frigid, snowy places. This drives Exercise can be such a rewarding
many people indoors for their workouts, experience that provides you with so
but this can get cramped or expensive. many benefits besides being in shape.
Luckily, there are plenty of options Whatever kind of exercise you like
for keeping up your workout routine and works best with your lifestyle
indoors, such as: and habits can encourage you to take
control of your life and have more
• A home workout circuit ownership over your habits. Most who
• Dancing exercise have better mental health and,
• Rock climbing overall, a better quality of life. Exercise
• Indoor swimming makes you happier, relieves stress and
• Mall walking anxiety, as well as builds confidence.
• Bowling Whatever exercise journey you decide
• Roller skating to embark on will hopefully be a
• Yoga or other fun group classes rewarding experience.
at your local gym, studio, or
community center Olivia Salzwedel Assistant Editor
Gut Health
48 | FEBRUARY 2024 • Alternative Medicine
the food changes and alters the properties
of the ingredients which affects the body.
Eating highly processed pre-packaged
Refined sugars are one of the worst
food often leads to obesity and other
things you can put in your body
health conditions like irritable bowel
when it comes to gut health. These
syndrome, depression, and heart
sugars kill the good bacteria in your
gut and feed the bad bacteria which
When doing your grocery shopping
allows it to grow and multiply. Refined
stay away from pre-packaged foods
sugars mostly come from corn, cane
like hot dogs, frozen dinners,
sugar, and beets which are heavily
cookies, chips, cold cuts, and any
processed to isolate the sugars. It is
microwaveable foods. These items are
often difficult to stay away from these
process. Instead of these buzzwords filled with preservatives, additives,
sugars because they are often added
look for identifying markers on labels colorings, and sugars that harm your
into many foods to make them taste
like “grass fed,” “certified humane gut. Instead seek out fresh fruits,
better. When purchasing groceries read
raised and handled,” and “USDA vegetables, meats, and if you have a
the labels closely. If you see sucrose,
organic” for beef and dairy products. sweet tooth, make your own cookies.
or high fructose corn syrup in the
Remember, pre-packaged foods offer
ingredients put the item back and find
ALCOHOL little nutritional value and do more
a healthier option. While no sugar
harm than good in the long run.
is healthy the better options include
fructose, found in fruits, galactose Many studies exist, and are ever
which is in dairy and glucose which is changing, about the health aspects
found in potatoes, fruit and honey. of alcohol. However, if you tend to
overindulge, alcohol can disrupt the
FACTORY FARMED MEAT balance of the bacteria in your gut
leading to digestive issues. Alcohol
You might be asking yourself, disrupts the digestion of sugars in your
“Aren’t all meats factory farmed?” The system and leads to a shift in the gut’s
answer is no. Factory farms churn out fungal levels, causing an overgrowth of
mass-produced low-quality meats that a yeast called candida. These changes in
can have a major impact on your gut your gut, due to alcohol consumption
health. These farms may keep costs low increases gas production and bloating.
on items such as chicken, eggs, and Furthermore, heavy alcohol use can
dairy, but be wary of these products. lead to gastritis, an inflammation of the
The animals on factory farms stomach lining, ulcers, diarrhea, and
are often fed cheap grain and feed dehydration. If you consume alcohol
containing byproducts like corn, and do so in moderation to prevent these
issues from occurring. If you are noticing your gut is a bit
potato waste instead of natural feed
more bubbly than usual or you are
like grass and alfalfa. These byproducts
get into the animal’s system which PRE-PACKAGED FOODS experiencing bloating, cramps or other
issues, it may be due to your diet.
results in them getting into your food.
Quick meals are easy to make and Staying away from the above foods will
The animals' bad diet becomes your
less time consuming than traditional help boost your gut health leading to
bad diet. In most cases factory farmed
cooking. It is easy to come home after a a happier life. As with all diet changes
meats result in less nutritious meats
long day and pop a pre-packaged meal always speak to your physician before
and animal products.
in the microwave for dinner. However, making any drastic changes.
When purchasing dairy, eggs,
and meats look for anything labeled when it comes to your gut health, these
certified humane and local. Stay away meals are harming your gut biome.
Pre-packaged meals are highly processed Author:
from the buzzwords marketing firms
with many additives that can change Brittany Conley is the founder
use like “pasture raised,” and “free
the bacteria in your gut, resulting in of Better with Brit. Conley has been a
range.” The word organic is also tossed
poor health. These foods often contain professional in the health and wellness
around freely, but be aware that just
high amounts of sugar, fat, salt, and industry for more than two decades and
because organic seems like a good
preservatives to make them shelf friendly. has helped thousands of individuals
thing, it doesn’t mean that chemicals
During the processing the structure of reach their health goals.
are not being used in the production
Making time for meals together can have a Poached Egg Tostadas
positive impact on the well-being of families, with Avocado-Tomatillo Salsa
including children and adolescents. In fact,
regular meals at home can help reduce stress Servings: 4 (1 egg and DIRECTIONS:
and boost self-esteem, according to research 1/2 cup salsa per serving) 1. Preheat oven to 400 F. Line baking sheet
published in “Canadian Family Physician.” with aluminum foil. Lightly spray foil with nonstick
INGREDIENTS: cooking spray.
Mealtime conversations are also a perfect • 4 corn tortillas (6 inches 2. Arrange tortillas in single layer on foil. Lightly
opportunity to connect with your loved ones. each) spray tortillas with nonstick cooking spray. Using
A study published in “New Directions for • 4 cups water
fork, pierce tortillas to prevent from filling with
Child and Adolescent Development” showed • 1 tablespoon white vinegar
air. Bake 5-6 minutes on each side, or until golden
these conversations help improve children’s • 4 large eggs
brown. Transfer to serving plates.
vocabularies more than being read aloud to. • Nonstick cooking spray
3. In large skillet over high heat, bring water and
Making time for meals together shouldn’t Salsa: vinegar to boil.
require spending all night in the kitchen, • 1 medium avocado, diced 4. Once water is boiling, reduce heat and
however. A simple-to-prepare ingredient like • 1 medium Anaheim or simmer. Break egg into cup then carefully slip
eggs can help you spend less time cooking poblano pepper, seeds and egg into simmering water. Repeat with remaining
and more time with family. ribs discarded, diced eggs, avoiding eggs touching in water. Simmer 3-5
• 1 medium tomatillo, minutes, or until egg whites are completely set and
For example, these heart-healthy recipes
papery husk discarded, yolks are beginning to set but aren’t hard. Using
for Poached Egg Tostadas with Avocado- slotted spoon, drain eggs. Place each egg on tostada.
washed and diced
Tomatillo Salsa, Sweet Potato Hash with 5. To make salsa: In medium bowl, gently stir
• 1/2 medium tomato, diced
Eggs and Poblano Frittata from the Healthy • 1/4 cup diced red onion together avocado, pepper, tomatillo, tomato, red
for Good Eat Smart initiative, nationally • 1/4 cup chopped fresh onion, cilantro, lime juice, garlic and salt. Serve with
supported by Eggland’s Best, are ready in 15 cilantro tostadas.
minutes or less. They include a wide variety • 2 tablespoons fresh lime 6. Nutritional information per serving:
of vegetables, fruit, whole grains and healthy juice 185 calories; 11 g total fat; 2.5 g saturated fat; 3 g
protein sources, which are recommended • 1 medium garlic clove, polyunsaturated fat; 5 g monounsaturated fat; 186
by the American Heart Association to help minced mg cholesterol; 169 mg sodium; 15 g carbohydrates;
prevent heart disease and stroke. • 1/8 teaspoon salt 3 g fiber; 2 g total sugars; 9 g protein.
O li v e s a n d O li v e O il
Much of the Mediterranean diet is quite tasty and delicious as well as good for you.
One of the most popular Mediterranean snacks is olives. Whether you like to eat
green or black olives, or just cook with olive oil, most all types and forms of olives
help decrease inflammation, risk of heart disease and may help fight cancer.
a Plant-B a s e d L i f e s t y l e
For many Americans, the last four years especially have been a catalyst for positive
lifest yle changes. Many are striving to lead healthier lives by consuming more wholesome
and nat ural foods to benefit their overall health. They have also developed a new
yearning to read labels and understand ingredients. On this path toward more conscious
consumpt ion, more individuals are contemplat ing adopt ing a plant-based lifest yle – the
pract ice of consuming all or mostly plants. However, before jumping into a new diet, it’s
important to understand the benefits of plant-based eat ing, your personal needs, and the
diet opt ions available to make an informed decision.
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W a r r i o r
At h le te s
The term “weekend warrior” has long held a somewhat negative connotation. It’s meant to describe someone
who exercises only on weekends. If you play golf on Saturdays, hit the gym on Sundays and remained
chained to your desk for the rest of the week, you could fall into this category.
Historically, it was thought that exercising only on weekends could increase the risk of pain, strains and even
life-threatening issues like heart attacks, but research shows the opposite is true. Those who exercise twice
per week have longevity benefits compared to people who skip exercise altogether. If your weekdays are
jam-packed, you can become a safe weekend warrior by implementing these seven strategies:
Eat a healthy diet. Exercise requires demand shoes with side-to-side ankle every time you exercise, you run the
energy and the best way to fuel your stabilization. risk of developing an overuse injury.
body is with a healthy diet. Eat plenty of Maximize your workouts by focusing on
fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean Warm up and cool down. Stretching different muscles each day and giving
protein to supply your body with the before and after a workout helps your other muscle groups a break.
nutrients it needs to. prevent overuse injuries. Tight tendons
and muscles are more likely to strain Know your limits. You have to listen
Stay hydrated. While exercising, and snap if they’re not warm. After to your body. If your workout is causing
you lose water faster than your brain your workout, cool down with gentle pain, dial it down. You may be mentally
realizes. Drink too little fluid and stretches to relax worked muscles while ready to run a half marathon, but your
your performance may take a hit. But your heart rate recovers. body may need time to get up to speed
you don’t have to rely on liquid alone. physically.
Water-rich fruits and vegetables such Do supplemental activities. The
as watermelon, grapes, berries, and key to weekend warrior success is If you work out too hard and too
cucumbers can help you reach your keeping muscles conditioned and supple soon, you run the risk of pulled muscles,
daily needs. throughout the week, even if that doesn’t cramps, serious sports injuries and even
include a standard 30-minute workout. heart attacks. Use the RICE method
Wear proper footwear. Don’t try Just ten to 15 minutes of stretching or for treating sore muscles: rest, ice,
to run a 10K on last year’s overused strengthening can help prime your body compression and elevation. Pay attention
sneakers. In the same way running for weekend activities. to how the soreness feels and how long
requires extra cushioning, court sports it lasts. If it doesn’t dissipate – or if it
like basketball, tennis and racquetball Mix it up. If you do the same activities worsens – you should see a doctor.
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USES: The Inogen Portable Oxygen Concentrator provides a high concentration of supplemental oxygen to patients requiring respiratory therapy on a prescriptive basis. It may be used in home, institution, vehicle, and various mobile
environments. DO NOT USE IF: This device is not intended to be used in any way other than described in the indications for use. Do not use in parallel or series with other oxygen concentrators or oxygen therapy devices. This device is to be
used as an oxygen supplement and is not intended to be life sustaining or life supporting. ONLY use this product if the patient is capable of spontaneous breath, able to inhale and exhale without the use of a machine. The conserving, or
pulse dose, oxygen delivery technique used by this device is contraindicated in persons whose breathing during normal resting would be unable to trigger the device. Proper device triggering, setup and operation must be confirmed
by an experienced clinician or other respiratory professional. Not for pediatric use. Not for use by tracheotomized patients. WARNINGS: The device produces enriched oxygen gas, which accelerates combustion. Do not allow smoking
or open flames within 2m (6.56ft) of this device while in use. If you feel ill or uncomfortable, or if the concentrator does not signal an oxygen pulse and you are unable to hear and/or feel the oxygen pulse, consult your equipment provider
and/or your physician immediately. If you are unable to communicate discomfort, you may require additional monitoring and or a distributed alarm system to convey the information about the discomfort and or the medical urgency
to your responsible caregiver to avoid harm. Use only spare parts recommended by the manufacturer to ensure proper function and to avoid the risk of fire and burns. To avoid danger of choking or strangulation hazard, keep cords
away from children and pets. TALK TO YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER: The oxygen flow setting must be determined and recorded for each patient individually by the prescriber, including the configuration of the device, its parts, and the
accessories. It is the responsibility of the patient to periodically reassess the setting(s) of the therapy for effectiveness. The proper placement and positioning of the prongs of the nasal cannula in the nose is critical for oxygen to be delivered.
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