The Void Chakra (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahaja Yoga)
The Void Chakra (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahaja Yoga)
The Void Chakra (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sahaja Yoga)
The Void
‘Now here Mother has
given me the Spirit and I
have my own Guru which
is the Spirit. I am master
of my own. Let there be
no abandonment, let
there be dignity in my
With profound love and gratitude
to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
the Guru of all Gurus
All quotes are from Shri Mataji’s talks, unless otherwise noted.
Other materials assembled with help from the Sahaja Yoga collective and the Nirmala Vidya Mantra Book.
This booklet was compiled for a presentation at the Australian National Easter Seminar, Balmoral 2014.
Download latest version of booklet (April 2014) at:
The Void – the Guru Principle ............................................................................................... 1
‘Ten Gurus are incarnated. They tell us about the dharma.’ ................................................... 3
The 10 Primordial Masters (Adi Gurus) .................................................................................. 6
‘Perhaps you are very unique people that have a Guru who is a Mother.’ ..............................11
‘Where is your attention, is the point. If you are the Guru, where is your attention?’ .............18
‘Promise that you will be a Guru, worthy of your Mother’. ....................................................19
The Void – the Guru Principle
“All these great saints came on this earth to tell us
how to keep in the centre, how to keep our
sustenance, how to be human beings.”
Ten great Masters have taken their births, in “Now in this area, as you see the greenish area,
order to help establish righteousness and what we call as the Void in Sahaja Yoga, resides
exemplify good conduct. These incarnations are these ten valances, the religion, the inner religion,
the navigators who help chart the journey for not the outer one.”
those who are desiring to cross the turbulent
waters of the Ocean of Illusion.
The Creation of the Primordial Master
♥ “So these three formed the three channels ♥ “So today we are here to know that within us,
within us: the first of the desire; second of the all these incarnations exist and the force that
action; and third of the evolution, or the really brought forth, really manifested, who live
sustenance, or the dharma, the religion. So the like human beings and work like gurus, that force
religion, as you see, it’s the valency; means our which existed in this area, which created religion
quality. …And these prophets are the people who within us. Religion as we understand, organised
are made out of the innocence, the innocence of religion is not the religion. But the religion means
these three aspects of Him. The innocence of your sustaining power. You are a human being
these three aspects of God is made into a because there are ten sustaining powers within
personality called Dattatreya or the Primordial you. So they came to sustain us and to give us full
Master. He comes on this earth again and again. idea about these ten powers and to establish us
Specially ten are the main, in our religion as a human
main incarnations. So He being. So these gurus who
comes again and again on lived in that area worked out
this earth to tell people the sustenance and helped
about their dharma, their us, and this is one of the
religion, their capacity, their greatest forces we have got,
quality. That’s their job. which resides within us. And
That’s why Moses did not whatever they have said has
talk of an ascent. But that a very great meaning.”
doesn’t mean Moses does
not play any part. But one ♥ “You must know that your
can ask the question that, Guru has been the Mother of
why, why the balance? Why very great people. The
did He talk of the balance? thought of them itself should
Why did He talk of the Ten establish your Guru Tattwa
Commandments? For (principle). What tremendous
what? I mean, every Sons I have had, what great
intelligent man must ask. Personalities. No words can
Every Jew must ask, “For describe them, and so many
what?” Because without balance you cannot of them, one after another. And you are in the
ascend. I mean, even an aeroplane have to be a same tradition, my disciples. Keep them as your
balanced thing to ascend. Anything, I mean even ideals. Try to follow them. Read about them,
if we are walking, we have to have a balance. So understand them, what they have said, how they
to establish the balance within us, these people have achieved such heights. Recognise them,
came again and again, these ten primordial beings, respect them. You will establish your Guru Tattwa.
we say. Some on the left hand side, some on the Imbibe all the Statutes within you, and be proud
right hand side. It’s very symbolic. The whole thing about it. Don't be misguided by what people are
is so wonderful.” talking, multitudes are talking. We are going to
pull the whole multitude towards ourselves. First
♥ “So these Gurus first started under the of all let us establish our weight, the gravity. As
Primordial Master Himself, He was called as Mother Earth keeps everybody pulling towards
Dattatreya. And this Dattatreya is the one who is Earth, we'll be pulling all of them to ourselves."
comprising all these forces. The existence force
and the evolutionary force and the creative force,
all of them, in its innocence.”
‘Ten Gurus are incarnated. They tell us about
the dharma.’
♥ “They are the same people. There are ten of
them born like that. They are the same people
born again and again. And they are the people ...
if you accept them in only one incarnation, they are
not going to accept it. You have to accept them in
all their incarnations.”
♥ “Guru Tattwa, is the principle of master, ♥ “Whatever They touched, They could create
primordial masters. The principle is born again water out of it. Water is the life, life force which
and again. …all these great principles of Gurus sustains us; without water we cannot live, is the
were born. They had one job to do is to establish sustenance. But, They actually are symbolized in
your dharma (righteousness). Their job was not to an ocean, in the ocean, because They give us the
give you Realisation, you must understand, salt, the salt of life, which gives us the sustenance.
everyone has one's own job. See Mine is a horrible If you see the salt, if we do not have salt in our
job because I have to do everybody's jobs. But body, we'll have no sustenance.”
their job was just to establish your dharma. They
came at that time, in those places where it was ♥ “At the time of Janaka, who was the father in
needed the most. So these ten principles as I told law of Shri Rama, it is mentioned that Nachiketha
you, they established. They are created in the got Realisation, one person. Now that time, one
Void, as you see here the Void part, this part is person all right on the tree of life, there are few
made out of the water element. So whatever flowers at the beginning, but as the blossom time
miracles they did, had something to do with comes there are so many flowers and all these
water, like they could create water anywhere they flowers are to become the fruits”.
wanted to.”
♥ “the Principle of Shri Mahalakshmi is very close
♥ “So these masters who are born on this Earth are with a guru...a relation of plenty of love and
innocence at its best, all integrated together. purity. Now if we see from the beginning with all
These masters have incarnated on this Earth the Adi Gurus, She was born to them as a daughter
mainly ten times, but there have been many or as a sister.”
others incarnations also, there have been
repetitions just to correct themselves.”
should not be taken, he's very clearly said it.
Abraham said the same thing, that drinks are not
good. Why all these prophets talk about it
because they are all born in that green patch of
ours; they are all placed in this green patch where
we get our sustenance, which is ten. We have got
ten sustenances within us - like the gold has a
sustenance that it does not tarnish, in the same
way human beings have got ten sustenances; and
these ten sustenances are represented by great
The 10 Primordial Masters (Adi Gurus)
Raja Janaka 5000 BC, Mithila, India
Janaka was the king of Mithila and the father of Shri Sita, the wife of Shri Rama. He
was brave and virtuous and well-versed in the shastras and Vedas. According to the
epic Ramayana, Janaka proposed a test of strength in which suitors vying for his
daughter’s hand in marriage would have to string the great bow of Shri Shiva. Shri
Rama passed this test, and married Shri Sita (also referred to as Janaki). Despite the
responsibilities and trappings of his kingship, King Janaka was completely detached
and on one occasion remained in meditation by the river while his house burned
down. This made a lasting impression on his only disciple, Nachiketa.
‘When you live in the realm of the divine power, the Brahma, that looks after you’
Raja Janaka
Lao-Tse (Lao-Zi) 6th century BC, China
Author of Tao Te Ching. Chinese philosopher and founder of the school of Taoism.
His writings teach the philosophy of the Tao or the Way – the universal truth that
transcends the physical universe of man. The Tao is to be found by experiencing the
oneness of all things, by being one with nature and one with the inner Self.
‘Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.’ Lao-Tse
Evolution: first was innocence, then seeking
that gap we have to cover. Once we cover that gap
we have finished with our evolution and we are
there where we have to be. We have found out
our use, we have found out our meaning, we
become that.”
The Ocean of Illusion
within this Bhavasagara within us, which are to be
awakened and to be brought to light, to be
manifested. As you can see that the limits of this
principle are done by the movement of the
Swadhistan chakra. Swadisthan is the chakra
which gives you first and foremost thing is the
creativity. A person who is a Guru has to be
creative by nature, if you are not a creative person
you cannot become a Guru.”
‘Ocean represents the incarnation of Shri Adi
Guru Dattatreya.’
completely the Mother Earth, where there is
snow all over, on the Alps - is complete purity.
These are too subtle things for people who are not
seeking, but I'm talking to seekers. You have to be
subtler people to understand the beauty of the
sea, it's poetry of a guru. When it roars, the roaring
of the sea challenges you: ‘Come up my child, come
up my disciple, come up, come along’.
‘You must know about your Guru entirely.’
freedom to do it, complete freedom. I'll play with
you in such a manner that you'll be forgetting
every moment that I'm your Guru, every moment.
‘I hope you'll understand as a Guru what you
have to do.’
should have a personality, a character and a
temperament that people would see that you are
a personality who doesn't get dissolved into
worldly things, a personality which doesn't get
ruined by the skirmishes of life. Is the personality
of a Guru which sits down deep into his - into his
being and is not easily disturbed or dissolved by
any solvent whatsoever. This is the first principle
of the Guru, is the gravity. As I told you it is
something which cannot be dissolved into
anything. It settles very deep down into your
personality. So it doesn't float in the water.”
‘In the left Void all those destructive forces
human beings who were born and tried to assert
their ego went into egoistical processes and
thought that they can control people, they can
have their domain over all the human beings, they
can overpower the whole world. All such people
form a very powerful institutions in the history.
And today also there are many such forces coming
into existence. These forces are building and
destroying every moment: they are building into
our Void area and then they are destroyed. These
people when they come from the right side, from
the right Void, we call them as supra-conscious;
and those who come from the left side, we call
them as the subconscious entities. All these
entities do exist. As human beings are in the
image of God, as in the collective subconscious of
God Almighty and also in the supra-conscious of
God Almighty, these forces still remain till they go
to hell. In the same way in us also, in human
beings also these forces exist, and they try to
overpower us.”
(See: ‘Advice on Ekadesha Rudra’, London, UK, 4 Sep 1981; Ekadesha Rudra puja, New York, USA, 17 Sep 1983)
Gurur Brahmā, Gurur Vishnu (The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu)
Gurur devo Maheshwarah (The Guru is the great Lord Shiva)
Gurur sākshāt Parabrahma (The Guru is truly the Supreme Spirit)
Shrī Mātājī Nirmalā Mā (Immaculate Mother Shri Mataji)
Tasmai Shrī Gurave namah (To You, our true Guru, we bow)
♥ “You all know the meaning of this: Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwara.
The Guru is the creator, Guru is the protector, and Guru is the existence and the destroyer.
Guru is the embodiment of the Parabrahma, it's the 'beyond-state'. And to such a Guru we bow.”
‘You are like diamonds, thrown into dust.’
boundaries is difficult when you have two
problems: one is the ego, another is the
‘Where is your attention, is the point. If you
are the Guru, where is your attention?’
from within yourself, from your heart, enjoying
your humility, then this ego can run away. You
have to ask yourself now what are you angry for?
Again, I come back to the same point -
introspection. Because you are not here just to
carry on some jobs, but you are here to become
saints. Then this ego should be made into a great
instrument of love and joy - you can, it is not
difficult. This one is what is ego is reactions to
things. You can react to things in a sweet way or
you can react to things in a deadly way. Then the
humour comes in.
‘Promise that you will be a Guru, worthy of
your Mother’.
♥ "You all have to be the gurus. I know, first thing Sahasrara you give integration, but with the
you learn is to be very, great hard taskmasters, to principle of guru you give them dharma.”
begin with. That you should not do. You have to
be hard taskmaster with yourself. And then, as ♥ "On this day of Guru Puja, this Guru is supposed
your Mother, who is your Guru, is very sweet and to tell something to his disciples about correcting
tolerant, very kind, extremely patient. You have to themselves. In My own sweet way I have said it to
deal with people like that.” you, which you shouldn't mind, I don't mean to
condemn you by any chance but to give you a
♥ “Now the time has come for us to reap the fruits proper sense of introspection. A proper sense of
of all these incarnations and these saints and all introspection by which you all get your gurupada.
these people who worked it out, the blossom time My only, I shouldn't say desire - because I don't
when the flowers become the fruits without much have desire - so My only vision is, that I should see
difficulty.” all the Sahaja Yogis drenched in the power of love,
enjoying each other’s love, enjoying each other’s
♥ “So the technique of Sahaja Yoga is like this. It's relationships, and improving relationships. I know
not anger, it's not repulsion, it's not hatred, but the there are problematic people, I know they are
technique is such by which you suggest your love. problematic, but if you cannot solve a problem
This is how one has to understand the difference what's the use of your becoming masters?
between a Sahaja yogi guru and other gurus.”
So, I leave it to you to solve your own problems,
♥ “So all those people who try to deviate, even which you are facing, and introspection with love
after Realisation, are corrected by the principle of and compassion, not by condemning yourself - I'm
guru only. With the principle of Agnya, you give sure you can manage it.
Realisation, enlightenment. With the principle of
May God bless you."
Knowledge of the Void
♥ "All of you must know Sahaja Yoga full well. Very few people really know about kundalini, really know
about vibrations, they do not know where is the Void. There should be a regular class even for grown-up
Sahaja yogis. Where is the Void on the feet, where are the chakras on the feet? When I tell them to rub My
feet, they don't know where it is. …You must have full education of Sahaja Yoga; only giving realisation is
not the work, you must have, so others must know you are knowledgeable. The amount of education you
have had nobody had before, no saint had it. So now take full advantage. …Just to enjoy Sahaja Yoga is not
the point, you must also know.”
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The 108 holy names of Shri Adi Guru Dattatreya
Aum twameva sākshāt Shrī Ādi Guru Dattātreya sākshāt
Shrī Ādi Shakti Mātājī Shrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namah
O Divine Mother, You are verily Shri Adi Guru Dattatreya. Salutations to You!
Kāmajita ..........................................The one who has conquered desire, lust and passion
Shuchir-bhūta .................................Most auspicious and pure
Tyāga-kārana-tyāg’ātmā ...............The essence and cause of renunciation
Mano-buddhi-vihīn’ātmā ..............The one who is the pure Spirit having given up the mind, desires and intellect
Mān’ātmā .......................................The essence of pure desire
Chetanā-vigata ............................... Beyond sense awareness
Akshara-mukta ............................... The liberating bliss of divine words
Parākrama .......................................Valiant and heroic
Tyāgārtha-sampanna..................... The one who thrives through perfect renunciation
Tyāga-vigraha .................................The embodiment of renunciation
Tyāga-kārana ..................................The cause of renunciation
Shraddh’ārthī..................................The one who pursues the goal with faith and devotion
Gosākshī ..........................................Witnessing the sense organs
Ādi Nātha ........................................The Primordial Master
Vishuddh’ottama-gaurava ............The highest untainted honour of the guru
Nirāhāri ...........................................The one who abstains from food
Nitya-bodha ....................................Eternal awakening
Purāna-prabhu ............................... The ancient almighty Lord
Sattva-bhṛuta..................................The supporter of truth
Bhūta-shankara .............................. Auspicious and beneficent to all beings
Haoṅsa-sākshī.................................The witness, pure and swan-like in discrimination
Sattva-vida ......................................The one who knows the essence of existence (on the Sattwa guna)
Vidyāvāna........................................The embodiment of all knowledge
Ātmānubhava-sampanna..............The one who thrives on experience of the Self
Vishāl’āksha ....................................The one with large eyes
Dharma-vardhana .......................... He who strengthens dharma
Bhoktā .............................................The enjoyer
Bhogya.............................................The one who should be enjoyed
Sākshāt Shrī Ādi Shakti Mātājī - Shrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namah
The Six Enemies of the Soul
Kama (desire/lust)
Affecting: Mooladhara, whole Left side, heart, superego/back Agnya.
Remedy: establish dharmic relations with people; regard people, other than your spouse, as your
brothers or sisters.
3. Aum twameva sākshāt Shri Nirlobhā sākshāt
Shrī Ādi Shakti Mātājī Shrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namah
Shri Mataji, by Your grace please take us beyond matter and materialism.
Please make us balanced, peaceful and satisfied, and let us see the beauty of the Spirit in everything.
Lobha (greed/covetousness/materialism)
Affecting: Nabhi/Void, Vishuddhi.
Remedy: to replace interest in money with appreciation of whatever is handmade, and the beauty of
Shri Mataji, by Your grace please make us free from all attachments.
Please establish the Spirit within us.
Moha (attachment/illusion)
Affecting: Heart, Sahasrara.
Remedy: always put global needs before any personal need.
Use ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ when talking.
Shri Mataji, by Your grace please remove all our jealousies and competitiveness.
Please make us a part and parcel of the whole.
Matsara (envy/jealousy)
Affecting: Vishuddhi, Nabhi.
Remedy: who can share the most? Who can be the most kind? Who can talk the most sweetly?
Shri Mataji, by Your grace please dissolve all our petty pride.
Please let us be surrendered and ego-less.