FC Notes
FC Notes
FC Notes
Fundamentals of Computer
Define computer.
Computer is derived from the Latin word ‘Computare’ which means ‘calculate’.
A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own
memory, that can accept data (input), process the data according to specified rules (process), produce
results (output), and store the results (storage) for future use.
Computers process data into information. Data is a collection of unprocessed items, which can include
text, numbers, images, audio, and video. Information conveys meaning and is useful to people. During
the output operation, the information that has been created is put into some form, such as a printed
report, or it can be stored on the computer for future use.
Computers are electronic devices that process, store, and retrieve data. Computers have several
characteristics that make them powerful and versatile tools.
Word length A digital computer operates on binary digits – 0 and 1.
It can understand information only in binary digits (bits).
The number of bits that a computer can process at a time in parallel is called
word length.
Commonly used word lengths are 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits.
Word length is the measure of the computing power of a computer.
Speed Computers are very fast at processing data. They can perform millions of
instructions per second, which is much faster than humans can work.
Accuracy Computers perform calculations with 100% accuracy. Errors may occur due to
data inconsistency or inaccuracy.
Diligence A computer can perform millions of tasks or calculations with the same
consistency and accuracy. It doesn’t feel any fatigue or lack of concentration.
Versatility Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to perform different kinds of
works with same accuracy and efficiency.
Reliability A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for similar set of data i.e., if
we give same set of input any number of times
Automation Computer performs all the tasks automatically i.e. it performs tasks without
manual intervention.
Storage Large volumes of data and information can be stored in the computer and also
Capacity retrieved whenever required. Secondary storage devices like floppy disk and
compact disk can store a large amount of data permanently
Characteristics: Examples
First Generation Used vacuum tubes ENIAC (Electronic Numerical
(1940-1956) Slow and bulky Integrator and Computer)
Limited memory UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic
Expensive Computer I)
IBM 701
Until the development of first-generation computers based on vacuum tubes, there had been several
developments in computing technology related to mechanical computing devices.
Abacus Calculating Machines ABACUS was the first mechanical calculating device for
counting of large numbers.
The word ABACUS means calculating board.
It consists of bars in horizontal positions on which sets of beads are inserted.
The horizontal bars have 10 beads each, representing units, tens, hundreds, etc.
Napier’s Bones Napier’s Bones was a mechanical device built for the purpose of multiplication
in 1617 ad. by an English mathematician John Napier.
Slide Rule Slide Rule was developed by an English mathematician Edmund Gunter in the
16th century.
Using the slide rule, one could perform operations like addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.
It was used extensively till late 1970s.
Blaise Pascal Pascal’s Adding and Subtraction Machine was developed by Blaise Pascal.
It could add and subtract. The machine consisted of wheels, gears and
Punch Cards Punch Card System was developed by Jacquard to control the power loom in
He invented the punched card reader that could recognize the presence of hole
in the punched card as binary one and the absence of the hole as binary zero.
The 0s and 1s are the basis of the modern digital computer.
1. Supercomputers: Supercomputers are the most powerful computers in the world. They are used
for scientific research, engineering simulations, and other computationally intensive tasks.
Supercomputers are typically very large and expensive, and they are often housed in specialized
2. Mainframe computers: Mainframe computers are large, powerful computers that are used by
businesses and organizations to process large amounts of data. They are typically very reliable and
can handle many users simultaneously. Mainframe computers are often used for applications such
as financial transactions, airline reservation systems, and customer relationship management.
3. Mini Computer: These are also a general purpose computer, smaller than mainframe computer.
Medium sized computer, occupying approximately 10 sq ft of area. They have slower operating
speed, smaller backup storage, limited hardware and less memory than mainframes.
Minicomputers are well adapted for functions such as accounting, word processing, database
management, statistical packages for social sciences. More than 50 terminals and large storage
capacity device than microcomputers but smaller than mainframe computers. E.g. Prime 9755
4. Minicomputers: Minicomputers are smaller and less powerful than mainframe computers, but
they are still more powerful than personal computers. They are typically used by businesses and
organizations that need a powerful computer that can support a moderate number of users.
Minicomputers are often used for applications such as accounting, inventory management, and
manufacturing control.
5. Analog computers: Analog computers represent data using physical quantities, such as electrical
voltage or mechanical displacement. They are used for applications where speed and accuracy are
not critical, such as measuring temperature or pressure.
6. Digital computers: Digital computers represent data using discrete values, such as 0 and 1. They
are used for a wide variety of applications, including personal computing, business, and science.
Input Unit: The input unit is responsible for taking data from the outside world and converting it into
a format that the computer can understand. This data can come in many forms, such as
text, numbers, images, or sound. Common input devices include keyboards, mice, touchscreens, and
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Fundamentals of Computer
Output Unit: The output unit is responsible for taking data from the computer and converting it into a
format that the user can understand. This data can be displayed on a screen, printed on paper, or played
through speakers. Common output devices include monitors, printers, and speakers.
Processing Unit: The processing unit, also known as the central processing unit (CPU), is the "brain"
of the computer. It is responsible for performing calculations, making decisions, and controlling the
overall operation of the computer. The CPU consists of two main components:
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): The ALU performs arithmetic and logical operations.
Control Unit (CU): The CU fetches instructions from memory, decodes them, and controls the
execution of those instructions.
Additionally, CPU also has a set of Registers for temporary storage of data, instructions,
addresses and intermediate results of calculation.
Memory Unit: The memory unit stores data and instructions that the computer needs to access. It is
typically divided into two main types:
Primary Memory (RAM): Random-access memory (RAM) is volatile memory, which means
that it loses its contents when the computer is turned off. RAM is used to store data and
instructions that the computer needs to access quickly.
Secondary Memory (Storage): Secondary storage is non-volatile memory, which means that it
retains its contents even when the computer is turned off.
Secondary storage is used to store data that does not need to be accessed as quickly as data in
RAM. Common secondary storage devices include hard drives, solid-state drives (SSDs), and
optical discs
Numeric data(0,1,…,,9)
Alphabetic data (A,B,…..,Z)
Alphanumeric data- Combination of any symbols-(0,1,…,,9), (A,B,…..,Z) or special
The number systems that are commonly used in the computer are-
Decimal number system range(0 to 9)
Binary number system range (0 to 1)
Octal number system range (0 to 7)
Hexadecimal number system range (0 to F)
Divide the given integer part of decimal number by base successively and write down all the
remainders till the quotient is zero.
Write all the remainders starting with the MSB (Most Significant Bit) i.e. from bottom to LSB
(Least Significant Bit) i.e. top.
Note: If fractional part does not become zero then, result has been taken up to 6 places.
Converting from any base to decimal is done by multiplying each digit by its corresponding positional
weights and summing.
Binary to Decimal
Octal to Decimal
Hexadecimal to Decimal
Binary to Octal: As 8 = 23, for binary to octal conversion groups of 3 binary bits each are formed in
the binary number. After forming groups, each group of three binary bits is converted to its octal
For integer part of the binary number, the group of three bits is formed from right to left. In the
binary fraction the group of three bits is formed from left to right. If there are not 3 bits available at
last, just stuff ‘0’ to make 3 bits group.
Binary to Hexadecimal: As 16 = 24, for binary to hexadecimal conversion groups of 4 binary bits
each are formed in the binary number. After forming groups, each group of four binary bits is
converted to its hexadecimal equivalent.
For integer part of the binary number, the group of four bits is formed from right to left. In the
binary fraction the group of four bits is formed from left to right. If there are not 4 bits available at
last, just stuff ‘0’ to make 4 bits group.
Octal to Binary: To convert Octal number to its Binary equivalent, each digit of given octal number is
directly converted to its 3-bit binary equivalent.
Hexadecimal to Binary
To convert Hexadecimal number to its Binary equivalent, each digit of given hexadecimal number
is converted to its 4-bit binary equivalent.
0 0000
1 0001
2 0010
3 0011
4 0100
5 0101
7 0111
8 1000
9 1001
Gray code
Gray code is a way to represent binary numbers in which only one bit changes between any two
consecutive codes. This is in contrast to binary code, in which the number of bits that change between
any two consecutive codes can be any number from 0 to n.
0 0000 0000
1 0001 0001
2 0010 0011
3 0011 0111
4 0100 1111
5 0101 1101
6 0110 1001
7 0111 1001
8 1000 0001
9 1001 0010
10 1010 0100
11 1011 0110
12 1100 1000
13 1101 1010
14 1110 0010
15 1111 0100
· The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is widely used in computers of
all types.
· ASCII codes are of two types—ASCII−7 and ASCII−8.
ASCII-7 is a 7-bit standard ASCII code. In ASCII-7, the first 3 bits are the zone bits and the
next 4 bits are for the digits. ASCII-7 allows 27 = 128 combinations. 128 unique symbols are
represented using ASCII-7. ASCII-7 has been modified by IBM to ASCII-8.
ASCII-8 is an extended version of ASCII-7. ASCII-8 is an 8-bit code having 4 bits for zone
and 4 bits for the digit. ASCII-8 allows 28 = 256 combinations. ASCII-8 represents 256
unique symbols. ASCII is used widely to represent data in computers.
· The ASCII-8 code represents 256 symbols.
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Fundamentals of Computer
Codes 0 to 31 represent control characters (non−printable), because they are used for actions
like, Carriage return (CR), Bell (BEL), etc.
Codes 48 to 57 stand for numeric 0−9.
Codes 65 to 90 stand for uppercase letters A−Z.
Codes 97 to 122 stand for lowercase letters a−z.
Codes 128 to 255 are the extended ASCII codes.
Unicode is a universal character encoding standard for the representation of text which includes
letters, numbers and symbols in multi−lingual environments. Unicode uses 32 bits to represent
a symbol in the data.
Unicode allows 232= 4164895296 (~ 4 billion) combinations.
Unicode can uniquely represent any character or symbol present in any language like Chinese,
Japanese, etc. In addition to the letters; mathematical and scientific symbols are also represented
in Unicode codes.
An advantage of Unicode is that it is compatible with the ASCII−8 codes. The first 256 codes in
Unicode are identical to the ASCII-8 codes.
Note that the Boolean Expression for a two input AND gate can be written as: A.B or just
simply AB without the decimal point.
The NAND and the NOR Gates are a combination of the AND and OR Gates respectively with that of
a NOT Gate (inverter).
As well as the standard logic gates there are also two special types of logic gate function called
an Exclusive-OR Gate and an Exclusive-NOR Gate. The Boolean expression to indicate an Exclusive-
OR or Exclusive-NOR function is to a symbol with a plus sign inside a circle, ( ⊕ ).
The switching actions of both of these types of gates can be created using the above standard logic
gates. However, as they are widely used functions they are now available in standard IC form and have
been included here as reference.
Define Software
Software is a collection of instructions, data, or computer programs that are used to run machines and
carry out particular activities.
1. System Software: System software manages the computer hardware and provides a platform for
application software to run on. It includes:
Operating Systems (OS): The core software that manages hardware resources, provides a user
interface, and allows other software to run. Examples: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS
Device Drivers: Software programs that enable communication between the computer and
specific hardware devices, such as printers, scanners, and network adapters.
Utility Software: Programs that perform specific tasks related to system maintenance,
optimization, and troubleshooting. Examples: Antivirus software, disk defragmenters, file
compression tools
2. Application Software: Application software is designed to perform specific tasks or solve specific
problems for users. It can be categorized into:
General-Purpose Software: Programs that can be used for a wide range of tasks by a variety of
users. Examples: Word processors, spreadsheets, presentation software, web browsers, email
Special-Purpose Software: Programs designed for specific tasks or industries. Examples:
Accounting software, CAD software, medical imaging software, engineering simulation software
Enterprise Software: Software designed to manage business processes and operations within
organizations. Examples: CRM software, ERP software, supply chain management software
Computer languages are a set of instructions that a computer can understand and execute. They are
used to create software programs that perf
orm various tasks, from managing computer hardware to
solving complex problems.
Machine Language (low level language): These languages are closest to machine code, the
binary language that computers understand directly. They are difficult to read and write for
humans, but they provide more control over the computer hardware. Examples: machine code
Assembler An assembler is a type of translator program that translates assembly language code
into machine code. Assembly language is a low-level programming language that is specific to a
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Fundamentals of Computer
particular computer architecture. It is written in mnemonics, which are symbolic representations of
machine code instructions. The assembler converts the mnemonics into machine code instructions
that the computer can understand. Machine code is the native language of the computer and
consists of binary code, which is a series of 0s and 1s.
Step1: Start
Step 2 : Get the number from the user.
Step 3: If the number is 0, then the factorial is 1.
Otherwise, the factorial is the number times the factorial of the number minus 1.
Step 4: print factorial
Step 5: End
Define Flow char tand explain the various symbols.
Flowcharts are diagrams that represent a workflow or process. They use a variety of symbols, such as
rectangles, diamonds, and arrows, to illustrate the steps involved in a process and the decisions that
need to be made.
Pseudocode typically uses keywords like "if," "else," "while," "for," and "function" to define the
control flow and structure of the algorithm. It also uses variables, data types, and basic operations to
represent the data manipulation and processing steps.
if number == 0:
return 1
return number * factorial(number - 1)
number = get_number()
factorial = factorial(number)
def get_number():
number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
return number
Enter a number: 5
Computers are electronic devices that process, store, and retrieve data. Computers have several
characteristics that make them powerful and versatile tools.
Word length A digital computer operates on binary digits – 0 and 1.
It can understand information only in binary digits (bits).
The number of bits that a computer can process at a time in parallel is called
word length.
Commonly used word lengths are 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits.
Word length is the measure of the computing power of a computer.
Speed Computers are very fast at processing data. They can perform millions of
instructions per second, which is much faster than humans can work.
Accuracy Computers perform calculations with 100% accuracy. Errors may occur due to
data inconsistency or inaccuracy.
Diligence A computer can perform millions of tasks or calculations with the same
consistency and accuracy. It doesn’t feel any fatigue or lack of concentration.
Versatility Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to perform different kinds of
works with same accuracy and efficiency.
Reliability A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for similar set of data i.e., if
we give same set of input any number of times
Automation Computer performs all the tasks automatically i.e. it performs tasks without
manual intervention.
Storage Large volumes of data and information can be stored in the computer and also
Capacity retrieved whenever required. Secondary storage devices like floppy disk and
compact disk can store a large amount of data permanently
Computers can be categorized into two main types based on how they process information:
digital and analog
Digital Computers: Data representation: Use discrete values (0s and 1s) to represent information.
Signal type: Process information using discrete signals that change abruptly between states.
Examples: Smartphones, laptops, personal computers, tablets, servers, etc.
Advantages Disadvantages
Simple design Low accuracy and precision
Efficient for solving specific types of problems Limited memory capacity
involving continuous functions Special-purpose - designed for specific tasks
Real-time operation Not programmable
representation Discrete (0s and 1s) Continuous physical quantities
High accuracy, large memory, versatile, Simple design, efficient for specific
Strengths general-purpose tasks, real-time operation
Examples of microcomputers:
Desktop computers: These are the traditional form of microcomputers, typically consisting of a
separate monitor, keyboard, mouse, and central processing unit.
Laptops: These are portable versions of desktop computers, offering a smaller form factor and
integrated keyboard and trackpad.
Tablets: These are touch-screen devices with a smaller screen size than laptops, designed for
mobile computing and entertainment.
Smartphones: These are powerful mobile devices that combine the functionality of a phone with
features like web browsing, gaming, and multimedia playback.
Embedded systems: Microprocessors are also used in a wide range of embedded systems, such as
medical devices, household appliances, and industrial automation systems.
Examples of minicomputers:
HP 3000: Popular in business applications for its reliability and ease of use.
Data General Nova: A powerful minicomputer used in scientific and engineering applications.
IBM System/3: Aimed at small businesses and departments within larger organizations.
What is Mainframes?
Mainframes, often nicknamed "big iron," are powerful, high-performance computers designed for
critical applications requiring massive data processing, high availability, and unwavering security.
Types of supercomputers:
Vector processors: These excel at processing large amounts of data in a single instruction,
making them ideal for scientific simulations and weather forecasting.
Massively parallel processors (MPPs): These utilize thousands or even millions of processors
working together on smaller tasks, making them suitable for complex problems requiring massive
parallel processing power.
Central Processing Unit (CPU): Considered the "brain" of the computer, the CPU executes
instructions and performs calculations. It consists of two main parts:
Control Unit (CU): Decodes instructions and controls the flow of data within the computer.
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): Performs arithmetic and logical operations on data.
Memory: Stores data and instructions temporarily. There are two main types:
Random Access Memory (RAM): Volatile memory that holds data and programs currently in
use. Loses data when the computer is turned off.
Read-Only Memory (ROM): Non-volatile memory that stores permanent data and instructions.
Input Devices: Allow users to communicate with the computer and enter data. Examples include
keyboard, mouse, scanner, microphone, etc.
Output Devices: Present processed information to users. Examples include monitor, printer,
speaker, etc.
Storage Devices: Store data permanently. Examples include hard disk drive (HDD), solid-state
drive (SSD), USB flash drive, etc.
Motherboard: Connects all the hardware components together and acts as the central
communication hub.
Power Supply Unit (PSU): Provides power to all the hardware components.
Operating System (OS): Manages the hardware resources and provides a platform for other
software to run. Examples include Windows, macOS, Linux, etc.
Applications: Programs that perform specific tasks, such as word processing, web browsing,
gaming, etc.
Drivers: Software that allows the operating system to communicate with specific hardware
Additional Components:
Network Interface Card (NIC): Allows the computer to connect to a network.
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): Handles graphics processing tasks, especially useful for
gaming and video editing.
Sound Card: Processes audio inputs and outputs.
Functions & Components of a Computer
1. Input/Output (I/O) Unit,
2. Central Processing Unit (CPU), and
3. Memory Unit.
Input Unit: The input unit is responsible for taking data from the outside world and converting it into
a format that the computer can understand. This data can come in many forms, such as
text, numbers, images, or sound. Common input devices include keyboards, mice, touchscreens, and
Output Unit: The output unit is responsible for taking data from the computer and converting it into a
format that the user can understand. This data can be displayed on a screen, printed on paper, or played
through speakers. Common output devices include monitors, printers, and speakers.
Processing Unit: The processing unit, also known as the central processing unit (CPU), is the "brain"
of the computer. It is responsible for performing calculations, making decisions, and controlling the
overall operation of the computer. The CPU consists of two main components:
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): The ALU performs arithmetic and logical operations.
Control Unit (CU): The CU fetches instructions from memory, decodes them, and controls the
execution of those instructions.
Additionally, CPU also has a set of Registers for temporary storage of data, instructions,
addresses and intermediate results of calculation.
Memory Unit: The memory unit stores data and instructions that the computer needs to access. It is
typically divided into two main types:
Primary Memory (RAM): Random-access memory (RAM) is volatile memory, which means
that it loses its contents when the computer is turned off. RAM is used to store data and
instructions that the computer needs to access quickly.
Secondary Memory (Storage): Secondary storage is non-volatile memory, which means that it
retains its contents even when the computer is turned off. Secondary storage is used to store data
that does not need to be accessed as quickly as data in RAM. Common secondary storage devices
include hard drives, solid-state drives (SSDs), and optical discs
Define microprocessor.
Microprocess sometimes called a central processing unit (CPU), is the brain of a computer. It's a
complex integrated circuit (IC) that contains millions of transistors and other components
working together to execute instructions and process information. Microprocessors are essential
for all modern electronic devices, from smartphones and laptops to cars and medical equipment.
Memory is an essential component of any digital computer. It is storing device. It stores programs and
data, which is required by the CPU, and the results generated after processing.The storage capacity of
a computer is measured in terms of Bytes
Primary Memory
The Primary memory is the main memory of the computer.
It stores the programs and data, which are currently needed by the CPU.
The size of the main memory is comparatively much smaller than that of the secondary memory
because of its high cost.
The CPU communicates directly only with the main memory.
As the CPU works at very high speed, its matching memory must be very fast.
Only primary memory devices can provide the matching speed.
RAM and ROM’s are used as the main memory of the computer.
PROM (Programmable ROM): It is a memory on which data can be written only once. A
variation of the PROM chip that is not burnt at the manufacturing time, but can be programmed
using PROM programmer or a PROM burner.
EPROM (Erasable Programmable ROM): Erasable Programmable ROM: The information can
erased and re-programmed using a special PROM – programmer. AN EPROM differs from a
PROM in that PROM can be written only once and cannot be erased. But an ultraviolet light is
used to erase the contents of EPROM.
EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM ): This is equivalent to EPROM, but
does not require ultraviolet light to erase its content. It can be erased by exposing it to an electrical
Flash Memory EPROM: Flash EPROM has become a popular user-programmable memory chip.
and for good reasons. First, the erasure of the entire contents takes less than a second, or one
might say in a flash, hence its name, Flash memory.
It stores instructions and data, which are to be immediately executed. It is used to reduce the average
access time reading data, which normally stored in the main memory. The cache memory increases the
operating speed of the system. But it is much costlier than main memory. There are two levels of cache
memory L1 and L2. L1 cache memory will present inside the CPU, whereas L2 cache will be present
on the motherboard.
Hard disk drives (HDDs): Traditional storage devices with rotating magnetic platters, offering
large storage capacity at an affordable price.
Solid-state drives (SSDs): Faster and more reliable than HDDs, use flash memory chips for
storing data, offering faster access times and higher durability.
Optical discs: CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs are used for long-term archival storage of data like
media files and backups.
Tape drives: Offer the highest storage capacity but are the slowest and least used type of
secondary storage due to their limited accessibility.
Cloud storage: Remote servers store your data on the internet, allowing access from any device
with an internet connection.
Here are some of the most common types of input devices and their uses:
Keyboard: The most widely used input device, allowing us to enter text, numbers, and special
characters. It is crucial for communication, document creation, and various other tasks.
Mouse: Used to point and click on objects on the screen, allowing us to navigate through menus,
select items, and interact with software interfaces.
Touchscreen: A display screen that responds to touch, allowing users to interact with applications
and devices directly on the screen. Touchscreen technology is increasingly common in
smartphones, tablets, and laptops.
Scanner: Converts physical documents and images into digital formats that can be stored and
manipulated by computers. Scanners are essential for document management, archiving, and
image editing.
Microphone: Captures sound and converts it into digital signals, enabling us to communicate
through voice chat, record audio, and use voice commands.
Webcam: A small camera that captures video and transmits it to a computer, allowing for video
conferencing, online streaming, and video recording.
Joystick, gamepad, and controller: Used to control movement and actions in video games,
providing a more immersive and interactive gaming experience.
Light pen: A pointing device shaped like a pen that emits light, used to draw, write, and select
objects on a computer screen.
Optical character recognition (OCR): Software that converts scanned text images into editable
text format, allowing for easier editing and manipulation.
Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR): Technology used to read special characters
printed with magnetic ink, commonly used for processing checks and other financial documents.
Barcode reader: Scans and reads barcodes, which are printed codes containing product
information, for inventory management, point-of-sale systems, and other applications.
Biometric input devices: These devices capture and recognize unique biological characteristics
like fingerprints, iris patterns, and facial features for user identification and security purposes.
Here are some of the most common types of output devices and their functions:
Monitor: Displays information visually on a screen, allowing us to view text, images, videos, and
other content. Monitors are essential for interacting with software, accessing information, and
experiencing entertainment.
Printer: Produces physical copies of documents, images, and other digital content on paper or
other media. Printers are ideal for creating hard copies of documents, preserving information, and
sharing physical copies.
Speakers: Convert digital audio signals into sound waves, enabling us to hear music, sound
effects, and other audio content. Speakers are crucial for entertainment, communication, and
accessing information through audio channels.
Headphones: Similar to speakers but provide individual audio output for each ear, offering a
more immersive and personalized listening experience. Headphones are ideal for private listening,
gaming, and reducing noise pollution.
Projector: Projects images and videos onto a larger surface, like a wall or screen, suitable for
presentations, lectures, and home entertainment. Projectors offer a large display area, making them
suitable for group viewing and presentations.
Monitors are essential components of any computer system, providing the visual interface through
which we interact with the digital world. They come in various shapes, sizes, and technologies, each
offering unique benefits and drawbacks depending on your specific needs.
Impact printers: were the dominant printing technology for decades, offering reliable and affordable
printing solutions. While their popularity has waned in favor of non-impact technologies like inkjet
and laser, impact printers still hold a niche in specific applications.
1. Dot-matrix printers: A matrix of pins strikes an inked ribbon, forming characters and images dot
by dot.
2. Daisy wheel printers: A rotating wheel with pre-formed characters presses against an inked
ribbon, transferring the character onto paper.
3. Line printers: A chain or band with raised characters hammers against an inked ribbon, printing
entire lines at once.
Non-Impact Printers: Non-impact printers have revolutionized the printing landscape, offering a
clean, quiet, and efficient alternative to their mechanical predecessors. Unlike impact printers, which
rely on physical contact to create characters on paper, these printers employ various technologies to
achieve high-quality printing without the noise and limitations.
4. Inkjet printers: Tiny nozzles spray ink droplets onto the paper, forming precise characters and
5. Laser printers: A laser beam creates an electrostatic image on a drum, which attracts toner
powder and transfers it onto the paper.
6. Thermal printers: Heat is applied to heat-sensitive paper, causing it to change color, creating text
and images.
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Fundamentals of Computer
How CPU and Memory works.
The CPU fetches an instruction from memory.
The instruction is decoded by the CU and sent to the ALU for execution.
The ALU performs the necessary calculations or operations.
The results are stored back in memory.
This process repeats continuously as the CPU executes various instructions.
Illustrative Examples:
Example 1: Printing "Hello, world!"
Operating System Fundamentals
Advantages Disadvantages
1. It is very difficult to guess or know the time required by 1. The computer operators should be
any job to complete. Processors of the batch systems well known with batch systems
know how long the job would be when it is in queue 2. Batch systems are hard to debug
2. Multiple users can share the batch systems 3. It is sometime costly
3. The idle time for batch system is very less 4. The other jobs will have to wait for
4. It is easy to manage large work repeatedly in batch an unknown time if any job fails
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
1. With resource sharing facility, a user at one site may be 1. Implementation is complex
able to use the resources available at another. 2. Required memory and
2. Speedup the exchange of data with one another via resource management and
electronic mail.
3. Failure of one site in a distributed system doesn’t affect
the others; the remaining sites can potentially continue
4. Better service to the customers.
5. Reduction of the load on the host computer.
6. Reduction of delays in data processing.
Hard Real-Time Systems: These OSs are meant for the applications where time constraints are very
strict and even the shortest possible delay is not acceptable. These systems are built for saving life like
automatic parachutes or air bags which are required to be readily available in case of any accident.
Virtual memory is almost never found in these systems.
Soft Real-Time Systems: These OSs are for applications where for time-constraint is less strict.
Explain Utilities.
Utilities, often overshadowed by flashier applications, are the unsung heroes of the software world.
These small but essential programs are designed to perform specific tasks that enhance the
functionality and efficiency of your computer or device.
Types of Utilities:
Disk Management: Defragment disks, manage partitions, format drives.
Backup and Recovery: Backup important data, recover lost files.
Performance Optimization: Optimize system settings, clean up
System Utilities: temporary files, boost memory.
Security and Privacy: Antivirus software, firewalls, anti-malware tools.
File Management: File compression tools, PDF readers, archive
Driver Management: Update and manage device drivers.
Printer Management: Configure printers, troubleshoot printing issues.
Device Management:
Network Management: Configure network settings, troubleshoot
connectivity problems.
Screen Capture Tools: Capture screenshots and screen recordings.
Password Managers: Securely store and manage passwords.
Media Converters: Convert audio or video formats.
Specialized Utilities: Virtualization Software: Run multiple operating systems on a single
Remote Access Tools: Access your computer remotely from another
Benefits of Unix:
Portability: Runs on various hardware platforms due to its reliance on C programming.
Flexibility: Open-source nature allows for customization and modification.
Security: Robust security features protect against unauthorized access and data breaches.
Stability: Highly reliable and resistant to crashes.
Performance: Efficiently utilizes system resources for smooth operation.
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Explain the Basic Unix Commands
2. Warm Boot: This is a restart of the system without completely powering it off. It is often used to
recover from minor system errors or to restart the operating system without losing unsaved data.
Step Description
Power On Self-Test
(POST) The computer checks all of its hardware to make sure it is working properly.
The computer looks for a bootable device, such as a hard disk, solid-state drive,
Boot Device Selection or optical drive, that contains the operating system.
Loading the The bootloader is a small program that is loaded from the boot device. It is
Bootloader responsible for loading the operating system kernel into memory.
Loading the
Operating System The kernel is the core of the operating system. It is responsible for managing
Kernel the computer's resources and providing services to applications.
Initializing System The kernel initializes essential system services, such as memory management,
Services device drivers, and process management.
The kernel loads the user space, which is the environment where user
Loading User Space applications run. The kernel also loads any applications that are configured to
and Applications start automatically when the computer boots.
The login screen is displayed, allowing users to log in and begin using the
Login Screen computer.
Define Database.
A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically
in a computer system.
Define DBMS.
DBMS stands for Database Management System. It's the software that manages the creation, access,
and overall operation of a database. Essentially, it serves as the intermediary between users and the
actual data stored in the database.
What is a field?
Each column is identified by a distinct header called attribute or filed.
What is a record?
A single entry in a table is called a record or row. A record in a table represents set of related data.
Records are also called the tuple.
What is an entity?
An Entity can be any object, place, person or class. In E-R Diagram, an entity is represented using
Why Databases
Databases are fundamental to modern technology and play a crucial role in various aspects of our lives.
Organize and manage Databases provide a structured way to store and manage vast datasets,
large amounts of data: making them easily searchable and accessible.
Improve data efficiency Improve data efficiency and accuracy: Databases offer efficient data
and accuracy: storage and retrieval mechanisms
Ensure data integrity and Databases implement various security measures, such as access control,
security: data encryption, and audit trails, to protect valuable information from
unauthorized access, modification, or loss.
Facilitate data sharing Databases enable multiple users to access and share information
and collaboration: simultaneously.
Enable data analysis and Databases provide a foundation for data analysis and reporting tools.
Support critical Databases are the backbone of numerous critical applications, including
applications: banking systems, e-commerce platforms, healthcare records, and
government services.
Scalability and future- Databases are designed to scale with your data needs.
Data integration and Databases facilitate data integration and interoperability by providing a
interoperability: standardized way to store and exchange data between different systems
and applications.
Automation and Databases automate routine tasks like data backup, recovery, and
optimization: optimization, freeing up valuable time and resources for other crucial
Improved decision- By providing access to organized and reliable data, databases empower
making users to make informed and data-driven decisions.
What is SQL?
SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is a powerful and widely used language for accessing
and manipulating data stored in relational databases. These databases organize data into tables, where
each table contains rows and columns.
1. Data Definition Language (DDL): Defines and manages the structure of the database, including
tables, columns, and data types.
2. Data Manipulation Language (DML): Manipulates data within existing tables.
3. Data Control Language (DCL): Controls user access and permissions to the database and its
4. Transaction Control Language (TCL): Manages transactions, which are groups of operations
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treated as a single unit.
5. Data Query Language (DQL): Retrieves data from existing tables.
Create command is use to create table and user
The SQL CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a new table.
Creating a basic table involves naming the table and defining its columns and each column's data type.
ALTER Statement:
The table can be modified or changed by using the ALTER command.
The SQL DROP TABLE statement is used to remove a table definition and all data, indexes, triggers,
constraints, and permission specifications for that table.
The SQL INSERT INTO Statement is used to add new rows of data to a table in the database.
SQL provides the ability to change data through UPDATE command.
The UPDATE command used to modify or update an already existing row or rows of a table
DELETE command:
In SQL, an already existing row or rows are removed from tables through the use of DELETE
SELECT:These commands retrieve data from the "users" table. The first one selects all columns for all
users, while the second one selects users whose usernames contain the string "John".
Example: SELECT user_id, username, email FROM users;
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username LIKE '%John%';
REVOKE:This command revokes the permission to SELECT data from the "users" table from the
"user_name" user.
Example: REVOKE SELECT ON users FROM user_name;
COMMIT:This code snippet begins a transaction, updates the username of the user with ID 1, and then
commits the changes to the database.
UPDATE users SET username = 'updated_username' WHERE user_id = 1;
ROLLBACK:This code snippet begins a transaction, attempts to delete the user with ID 2, but then
rolls back the changes if there is an error.
DELETE FROM users WHERE user_id = 2;
Internet Basics
Define Internet
The internet is a vast network of interconnected computers and other devices that allows us to
communicate, share information, and access a wealth of resources.
2. Instant messaging:
Instant messaging is a service that allows users to communicate with each other in
real time. It is a popular way to stay in touch with friends and family, and it is also
used by businesses for communication with customers and employees.
6. File sharing:
File sharing is a service that allows users to share files with each other. It is a
popular way to share music, movies, and other content.
7. Streaming media:
Streaming media is a service that allows users to watch or listen to audio or video
content without having to download it first. It is a popular way to watch movies,
TV shows, and music videos.
8. Online gaming:
Online gaming is a service that allows users to play games with each other over the
internet. It is a popular way to socialize and compete with others.
What is ISP
Internet service provider (ISP), company that provides Internet connections and services to individuals
and organizations. ISPs may also provide software packages (such as browsers), e-mail accounts, and a
personal website or home page. ISPs can host websites for businesses and can also build the websites
themselves. ISPs are all connected to each other through network access points, public network
facilities on the Internet backbone.
The domain name is the most prominent part of a web address.
Typically, different pages on the same site will continue to use the same domain name.
What is a web ?
The World Wide Web—commonly referred to as WWW, W3, or the Web—is a system of
interconnected public webpages accessible through the Internet. The Web is not the same as the
Internet: the Web is one of many applications built on top of the Internet.
What is webpage?
A web page is a document written in hypertext (also known as HTML) that you can see online, using a
web browser. Most web pages include text, photos or videos, and links to other web pages. A group of
many web pages managed by one person or company is a website.
What is a website ?
A website is a collection of files accessed through a web address, covering a particular theme or
subject, and managed by a particular person or organization. Its opening page is called a home page.