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@ ‘As par ofthe fight test, Designated Flight Test Examiner. The requited knowledge level that must be dremel isin Exercise 2 of the Fight Text Guise Pp. 7-10 and Exercise 234 (Preflight Planning), p22, a8 well as Exercise 29 {Emergency Procedures Malfunctions), Frama Mrnatio willbe reviewed with you todsye te, ‘will nt be spoonfed the 'nformatio - your success on the ight {est goundwork is dependent on your owe Freaanen ind knowledge — we can tell you the requrea knowledge level and where the information i Ifyou have any furher question oe et ‘reas, you should ask your ‘nsiuctor aswell prior to doing the preflight text ‘Atthe preflight and actual fight test, you must be abe to. ‘demonstrate the following: * Documents & Airworthiness: iim nan Est ut the required documents — what are the ‘Cinimum insurance requirements; when isan arcane licence ‘equired on board an sieraft? stampa GePs the C of A valid isthe plane airworthy fom a ‘maintenance standpoint? i nee RY Outstanding or deferred snags on the seers ‘When is its? ‘due and how many hours are there tll that * Aeroplane Performance: ] RoAmust know ffom memory the following speeds: + best angle of climb speed + best rate of climb speed + manoeuvering speed { Zeushould also know the stall speed of the aircraft pont oul ls know operational speeds or be ale to find them in the Pou know definitions of speeds above + calculate cross wind ~ know cross wind limit ofthe sirerat ‘You must come tothe Might test having already calculated "ake offand landing distance to clear a 30M oben© Welght & Balance iuht Bales come tothe fight test having already calculated a weight and Noite for takeoff and for landing using actual numbers fr the intend Fight = or calculating purposes, use standard winter male om be AP i teplot the weight and balance into both th moment and inches af of datum envelopes of the POH _- Baplain how to correct a situation where the weight and balance 0% epi the envelope and explain changed in aireraft performance + Preflight Planning. gh Tre wll review their prepared navigation log which is to comprise iP DF Boundary Bay to Chilliwack, Chilliwack to Penticton by the most ogeal route have winds available for review «Peel be asked to identify several map symbols from memory = You Wil then be asked to provide the DFTE with a weather briefing for the intended flight ‘+ Preflight Inspection etna be asked to identify vasious parts ofthe aircra inc wii yon ras, viaual engine components and aircraft controls, pitot static system, fuel quantity and fuel grade must provide a passenger briefing | TRE URIT be asked to give two emergency procedures from memory (= Exercise 29 —p. 26 for the list) ‘Agu it i impstant to recognize thatthe gh test involves not only hg D8 ‘Astin i ur fe ground component aa well and doce require = em\iei ‘amount of| component pe succesful, Ifyou do nt obtain high marks on the oun Wo, seadying 0 be sation forthe Might test onthe student pilots pat. You Anat HP all rem of poo Pion required todo the ground portion ofthe Private Pilot Flight Tet@ henge esponsibility to ensure tha all documentation required be onboard and valid for the Hight documents: (ground up pg 109) airworthiness, isued by, stamped and signed by transport Canada, states thatthe picraftconforms to transport Canada design standards and sft and sate for Hight Providing all other requirements are met, keep this valid {inspection (maintenance 100 hr) S snags, none in joumey log P pre light inspection E eligibility stamp and signature |W weight and balance (in limits) © operated in accordance with POL 2B Biaation. is prof of ownership and registration, no arrat except hang gliders, Siam in Canad, unless they are registered. registers aircraft wit transport Coad Sean us show, nationality and epson numbers clearly Is vad unl change of some ox airesM is tecommissonat Uses chenge af essraghip yor manners {a35 10 snd in the forms: top to regional TC offic, middle stays with area. is good for 3 months, bottom goes to Onawa TC office. radio station licens (aireraR (or radio operators certficate??) does not need to be carried as long as the plane is operated in Canada or the US. B,POH, | must be cared on board so the pilot can refer 0 it should an emergency arse. Pilot should know the POH inside out. Ret and balance, must be done For every Might, tbe sure the weight and eof is in limits forthe ype of flight. I, iterept orders, must be carried on board at allies, explains signals and what odo inthe event that you are intercepted by military sircraf. Hanigabity insurance, every private aircraft operated in Canada must be insured against liability and carry proof of insurance with the aiteraf. Logbook, the journey log must be caried on land ata destinato A. license, all pilot and crew licenses must be on board for every Might. Physically: Aircraft walk-around: (POH PG 4-4 10 4.6) Take out POH tur to pg 4-4,Aircraft Documentation A ~Contiticate of Nirwvrthiness R- R= Raciic Operators License O = Pilot Operstine Handbook (P.O.H) W ~ Weight & Balance T= touey Log T= tinercept Orders L = Licenses (Medical, One of ~ Student Pilot Permit, PPL, CPL) L = Liability insurance HALT Check H ~1ieisht (Recover by 2000" AGL) A ~ Aircrati Gauges, ‘Switches, Fuel, Mixture, Carb Heat, Doors, Bags, Belts —!ocurion (Practice Area ~ Glen Valley, Pitt) {Lookout tor other aircraft - 180° Turn MMMM 04k 2x 10°Radio Frequencies >> Boundary Bay Airport ~ CZBB AIIS Phone: Auvomnred Store flowing in phonepagans —— pane Teac @ Seale center_ pl igh plans | 1100992 703, Us nghtsersicr 167226 — Boundary bay cosons [1681236 7279 "PEMERGNCY ONLY NUMBERS Tooadag hay ower | TOBE GODTT Tbe s30 9447 [Pit Meadows oe Ts s65 9725 = ‘Abotfond tomer 08855 Tom Viera tower 25055 2866 = [same ae Fiat wing US Fgh pa mr ‘Wi appronch — = 1 0 4 Sean eater Seale appaneh [| Tess [rom seats 10 1 [away bay ——] Ground PTH Tie Tener tog [1 iat Outer toner [6 1 [ais ss a 9 Tangiey Pia Meadows Grsind [| eran [Tower [119.0 [~[ tower [12633 ‘i Tas Ae rE L — —t [aie way King Gore [rete Ta rate iar Tor a Kanioops Tae Ta | Tre Ta — - — CWANCOUVER AREA A7IS AT wer — atl #S most Be 0) Rewhar Bases . ver Feel suey 7 By, Phire-~ ev. Radio Operations Out Bound: '.) Ground “Bay Ground, Cessna ‘axi — local east, one “Bay Tower, Uniform Uniform Yankee is with ‘you through 800” In Bound: «omen e approaching tsand five hundred — inbound for landing with information Delta”@ Takeoff / Landing / Crew Briefings Note: These are general briefings and may be altered within reason Passenger. “All passengers, we are preparing for (Takeoff / Landing) please ensure your seatbelts are fastened, doors are locked, seats in there upright and locked Position, and any personal belongings stowed safely below your seat.” Crew: “This will be a Normal Takeoff, once cleared for takeoff we'll center the runway and apply full power, call gauges green, airspeed alive, rotate at 55 kts and climb for 67” Crew Emergency: “Our Go / No Go point will be (“Abeam Tower” for RWY 12 /“Taxiway Bravo” for 25) Should we not be air born by this point, we will reject the takeoff by calling reject. takeoff. We'll go throttle to Idle, Apply brakes, and call tower with our intensions” In the event of an engine fire or failure below 500", we will lower the nose for (152.= 60 kts) (172 = 65 kts) and attempt to land on any available surface ahead and declare an emergency” In the event of an engine fire or failure above 500°, we will lower the nose for (152 = 60 kts) (172 = 65 kts) and attempt to land on any available surface ensuring ro tums greater than 30° and declare an emergency” Any Questions?@ Rolling Instrument Che While Taxing Tum to the Left ~ Look Left Instrument Referring _ nounce Verbally | Turn Coordinator — A/C ‘Turn Coordinator ~ Ball Heading Indicator Altimeter Vertical Speed Indicator Compass “Needle Len” “Ball Right” “Decreasing” “Steady” “Steady” “Compass Free and Swinging” Tum to the Right ~ Look Right rument Referring Turn Coordinator — A/C Tum Ceordinator ~ Ball Heading Indicator Altimeter Verte: Speed Indicator Compass Announce Verbally “Needle Right” “Ball Left” “Increasing” “Steady” “Steady” | “Compass Free and Swinging”® FLIGHT TEST QUESTION Crew Licenses (required on board) PPL endorses all single engine, single pilot, non-high performance land aircrafts. © High performance = Une greater chan 250 kts and ar Vso Greater than 90 xnot: Tagued for lite (oust be kept current as per CAR’s and must be validated with current medical certifical = wedicat” "rey = Cat a valid for ~ S years if under 40 = 2 years if over 40 = year Lf under 40 CPL ~ cat 1 valid tor = G months Lf over 40 Pitot Tube and static Port 1. Eetecta of complet SSP pitot blockage E fead in clind = ALT ~ unaffected > vat ~ Unaffected tie blockage read in cl mb read in descent 2. Effects of complete ai + AST var ADF Sense vor S Trinponder ‘ADF Loop ok or combination Loop and Sease KER, BEnconFLIGHT TEST QUESTION IN AIRCRAFT PART OF THE TEST Passenger Briefing SExits / Door operation. < Uge of seat belts. : ‘Gxtinguisher and how to use At + ASSESS eeee. avay from controls. 1 BBERSn oe the First aid kit sera er OF ELT and how Eo switch it on. Kie'siek bags. Engine start Saat use the CHECK LIST. Anetiiary controls SFhow and whan to use &he ohgxtare 2 Camp heat I Aip’vents / neater acting power / speed = rower / S284 ride (pull control coluen back when using brakes) 2 BESKS* ind inpuca (Turn into / dive Away) = angie of Bank = climbing Turn ~ Gentle turns only slow ELight, SMALE check 7 HALT Hack ver ig added to maintain altitude MUST say “we are now iP Slow flighty ~ maintain 7 Turns / Flaps seat = HALT check c Entry > fower OFF = Fower ow 2 eitSbing 2 Seacending 2 furieg Hinpiag eurn Recognition Regn power OFF and Power oN )FLIGHT TEST QUESTION spine = HALT check = Entry = Recovery = Ineipieat spin ‘Spiral Dive = Recegntt ion = Recovery Slipping stceatsp © slipping turn = forured’slip < Insteugent Error Take-off / Approach € Landing =" Noemat Crosswind / Max denonatrate Crosswind component Short ele1d Sore tleia obstacie Oversnost = controited = Uneontrol ted 5 Aleteades Precautionary owns cnack. 2 High Tevet inspection 1000" act z Egy devel inspection 3007 ach 70 Ke and 10 degress flaps = Count ‘the fleld, one second = 100 "Feat Forced Approach ate Heat ow = Slide speed pest glide) = Flea (Bers) = Approach’ 2 Cate check = NO'stares = communication <"121.3 Mayday X 3 75508 > Passenger Beieting > on tinal ~"Shut down (2 fuel, 2 electeter ~"Phck landmark (unere you are) . Z Bray fea hand line on nap from landmark :o destination, Measure distance Reading. Else requiced. ermine fuel required.FLIGHT TEST QUESTION . Navigation tion ag tne cross-country ~_ Flight log preparation Tiftacher (time of issue, validity! = Em 2 seran car in 2 orans, 2, rater the canada Flight supplement (CFS) for appropriate airport Reformation and frequencies. / 5. paw a track 1ine on the chart from the departure point to the cee rake (sie) to the intended destination A. record teue track (T.7.) between points. 5, Mark every 10 nm along the track Line. arte Line 6. Mark 10 degre 4, necord distances: a. departure point > set heading point. Br SSBRSuaing point > "destination point 1 Betwean checkpoints a. Record magnetic variation. necord magnetic track, (MT) eA ti= magnetic variation MEaue > subtract / west > add) Lo. cateulate the magnetic Reading (Mt) (wind coreaction ~ HCA). a Pope wen or M2 TH 1/2 magnetic variation 11 Select crutsing altitude oct cruising, ot ighest elevation along track, airspace feateictions. = Eonsider VER cruising Order i 3Se yea on agnecie crack 7 Baad on "95° wots oad thousand + 509 feet, 7 Seok aco ‘389 “Wiis even thousand + 500 feet 1 tea etfect ae 3000°"AGL and above. 1a. select power setting sod dateraine correaponding BHP, KTAS and GPH- 1a, calculate for calibrated airspeed (HCAS) and indicated airspeed TRIAS! « 14, Calculate around speed. 15, calculate tine required for start, cun-up, taxi and ctrcuits. 16. calculate fual_consunpt ten oSgeare, cun-up and taxi CAECUNES i caments (day YR = 30 ain, / nighE VER > 45 ain @@ FLIGHT TEST QUESTION 17, calculate and record totals Distance 2 time + tel 18. Record compass heading, distances, en-route tines in the en-route section of the Nav log. Inetrunente s"Pitot-static system = AST, ALT, and VSI ~ suction
elecirical HB and 1c tnergencien Engine tire Electrical tire fing fire Cabin tire Over oF under voltage Communication, Failtra Tighe signal = 7600" eeansponder code ~ Energmetes 3°7700" transponder code mu hour and for 5 seconds. "these's'min of each 2 -S'to insure ELT is not set off. - after each’ elight Listen to 131 > when sist it”be on Board. “when flying over 23 nm avay from hoe base& 0 on onooan n 9000 UNOFFICIAL CHECKLIST FOR FLIGHT TESTS igneesteation and cme cence, SPP. MC “ester of Recommendation ign Test Fee £58 or ight computer, Penis, pen te Weawter METARS: Depar, enroute destination TAF! Depart caroute destination Gora SIGMET. ainMET, vA GB NOTAM: “Depar. coroute, destination We eect ee at CCunrene Char Prepared (Current Canada Flight Supplement Nav Log (Cross Wing Landing Chart Documents (List) (FR Hood Altera Z Ful onboard (or ordered) = ot Windows cleaned 088 Couney Depart Stop 1 Dest ersons on Betra: Vale Female Chile Teme vearen© Dover Flying Club NAVIGATION PLANNING Vvvvay ll materi (Chars (curent) Fler Provactor Calculator POH Fight Computer 2 Select a routing Consiser: Recommended VFR route ‘TerrarvObstacios Most direct ine Glicng cistance from shore Altemate aiporssorvices Distr landmarks Ease of navigation Higher Atituse: Can see further ahoad Better Fuel Economy Lower Altitude: Consider: Can see landmarks clearly [Not as much fuel used in km Weather Fue! consumption ‘Airspace restictions ‘TerraryObstacles (Orygen requirements, var Canada Fight Supplement (Current) Nav Log Forms Fight pian forms Pencils and eraser Weather information Notas Weather conitons Airspace ‘esticionstoquirements Most populated route Precautionaryorced landing areas Faster Tue Airspeed Burn moe fuel cimeing Higher fuel burn in cruise Lower nue airspeed Ging distance Cruising alitude orders “Teaching the world to fly...tor over 35 years’Desc Flying Club 4, Select a set heading point Consider: > Distintlandmark Does not conti with other 7 Visible s00n attr take off trate > In deocton of destination 5, Dra track line 6. Measure distances: -mark on nav log 8. cl int Conse: > Highly dstngushabe > Nottoo lage (2. act > Ideally a road intersection woe ™ 9. Fill out navlog > Atte > Magnetic Track 2 Temperature > Magnetic Heading > True Arspeed 2 Groundspeed 2 indicated Airspeed (CET) > Distance a > Time 2 True Tack 2 Fuel Consumption 2 Wind 2 Fosfor TexiT.OJeircits Wind Correction Angle > Fuel Reserve 2 True Heading > Vasiaten 10. Com te. 11. Complete aerodrome data box using Canada Flight Si (CFS) 12, Calculate take off roll and ground roll 13, Get another weather briefing-Has anything changed? 14, File a flight plan ) “Teaching the world to fly...or over 35 years”© Flight Preparation Pre Flight: Day(s) Prior: 1. AIC & Instructor Booked 2. Hours Remaining 3. Current Maps & Docs 4, Route Details 5. Frequency Log 6. Trip Request Complete 7. Nav Logs Prepped to 100% minus wind calculations / Fuel Burn / G/S - Top of Climb - Top of Descent - Aerodrome Call up Points 8. Wheels up time 9. Cancel if Wx not ok for flight Day of Flight: 1. Complete Wx Package - METARS / TAFS - GFA - Wx / Cloud / Turb / Icing (FZ levels) -FD's - ATIS (f applicable) - NOTAMSs for Entire Route including alternates - AIRMETS / SIGMETS / PIREPS ~ Night (OP Spread) / Sundown / Official Night - Call FSS 2. AIC Prep - Fuel / Oil (spare if needed) / Snags - Hours Remaining - Walk Around (keep tied down until you leave) - Deice - Clean Windscreen- Survival Kit / Life Jackets / Tie Downs / Cargo Net / Extra Clothing e 3. Briefing Room -W&B - Journey Log = All docs in pouch - Takeoff / Landing Calculations ~ Finish Nav log (winds / fuel burn / G/S) - CFS pages tabbed - Maps labled and organized - Signout sheet complete - Trip Request Complete - Flight Plan Filed 4 Night starts al - Time to land - (15 min prior to end of bkg) 8 Length of flight - Time to be wheels up - Time to walk out to the a/c -. D rrote Flying Club @ CONSIDERATIONS: Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Poor Performance ‘Much tke a computer, garbage in = garbage out. The accuracy of your cross country avigation is drect linked tothe effor put into peetight planning. A detailed weather breting, and thorough review of Notams ise fst step m planning any cross county fight. Care must also be made in assessing the destinaton aerodrome. Is the runway long ‘enough? Are there obstacles on the approach? Do they hava the fuel | need? Do they carry the ol | need? Are there te down faites? Is there a phona atthe arpert? Is there a taxi at the airport? Faiure to consider these items can lead to a potentially dangerous or costly situation. 12 Priorcermissionrequred (Some private mutary) 3 Rurmay sutace gras or gravel must be approved ty CF 2 Runway length 2 Winter martonance 2 Elevaion 2 Cheuthegnt (2 Ce drecton (non standard are sted n CFS) 2 Radiotreqercies 2 Weaiterirtomation avaiaoe 2 Notam te (where Notams fr ts seracre il be sted) A Pubitacites avalate 2 Customs avaiable 2 Semvicas avaabie te downs, hangars te.) 2 Cone tue andl avaiable 2 Fuel service hous of operation 2 Aerodtome Procedures (non-standard arocrameprocedtres) Cautionary ntes (potenti azar) Noise sersitve areas “Taking the care to propety plan your cross-county tight ul ead to less work inthe air, anda ) ‘move enjoyable fight wih few unexpected surprises Teaching the world to fly...or over 35 yearsi) Pacific Flying Schoo! FLIGHT QUESTIONS ovurenato ‘You willbe iin command nf tay’ igh, what will you dw ensue the erat you ate aking tery What document ail at be anid om Bod the ital? How lng isthe Co Ava? How cam you prove thatthe Co is fr tis ira Besides th annul srt impection ep, what he inspections must be ‘Ged ton priate icra? sommercal aa?) What are te eifenses Between 50nd 100 our ipetions? (Can you tl me when the ge inspection must be cid out on this ier? Whatisthedtlerencebetneen ainime and lig ime? ‘Fine two previous mentioned tines, which ane isthe nspestins tated on? Cam you prove to ne tat he inspections have Been completed om his aitatt? ‘at information appears onthe C of RP How long isthe Cot R valid for? ‘What happens tothe C of R when he sicraf sold? What happens w te copies of the CoF R ding he selling ofthe stra? May someone be aie o rent privately owned iat? What does take trenew he adi sation seme? What must acompiny you pilot ens inorder w vasa ie? What are you pislegs asa Prat pilot? Commer? What would it take or yout Fy anata over 12500 Bb? ‘What would tke fo you My a mali-engine sic? What are the requirements fa night ting? What must one do inorder w stay creat Kr cnying pasenger at igh? ‘What must you inode ty fot pare? What mst you huneim de 4 petite thea ie ita rng she restricted radvtcepbne operat usm go? Why mune he POH He cred om Ba he aia?9 Pacific Flying School Does an sia have fo be -eighed iit just had pit job? What procedure foe followed when he journey og fl” 12 Wen mie ney obec ines? Vn. whadocunntt engi eps we oh ination ne on? A Whatton nd ae our expen ee re ethane ‘owen mas hecompsbe sg? ‘How en ms ELT erent 7. Homage te ates ofthe ELE gx? AURCRAET PERFORMANCE: ‘a Whatisthe- normal spend? @ Weal deen sed? eam pet Sere ea ‘Sigel ag? pretty eit pee eee saint Vast 1p ata nam of pu pe? 10 What esaneratingite 41. teaser i sat? 2. gad rs sr ne, ine 413. wna ane diteene betwen deren mits i 18 Cantse noise mite? {Swng ead mal tbe ee bef ee ican be ned? de want eel? 11ers same e» Pacific Flying School What isthe tiny damper wed foe? How ae the raion coved? What the maximum demoted sowing vmponent of your aia? Calculate uke ott divanes? Calculate Lng distance? Catetate W & Bor bak? EMERGENCIES ‘What procedures ar 1 be lowed ifan elec fre osu eer on he ground in he ie? ss 55. What procedures ret he followed ifa wing were on fein he aie? $6, What does one dof stuit breaker “pops”? 57. What does his men? 58. Whatean one do there ap fare? 59, What does alow tading onthe amp, mete low volo light indeste? 60, What can one da fx this problem? 61, What would you dit ring your light you inadvertently encountered icing conitons? 62. estas you lifted of, you noticed your le man te wen at, What would you ‘to inorder and hs acral? AIRMANSHI 3. Describe the symptoms of carbie? 64, When should arb teat be wed? 65. What does he ptotiae measure? (96, What does he static pre messi? 67. How would yu cette he obstacle clearance approach speed ithe icf ‘mania wast sable? (8, Whats standard temperate 15°C, dstessing 2C for every 1 ee Koww how 40 gtpresueatade when you ar given Aimee eng. {o compte denny alttade wih ight tmpeter do time. dite and el pes blems with igh compte. tone Kaha. We winds tru mag GA, Meta FEAF ED. FSS, Tue) Pacific Flying School KNOW DIFFERENT RADIO FREQUENCIES. ‘what are Unc fequenies? hari EmengensyFequencies? ‘Wha frequencies do you monitor ia uncon ape? { Aiteds where hee is mo ManaoryFequency or ground Slaton what requeney do youuse? TYPICAL FLIGHT TEST QUESTIONS: 20. 2. 5 n. * 19. a ‘har ithe fuel consumption t A000 feet with 63% power) anand temperate? What isthe take ofan t maximum gross weight at ea level, temperature 20 Cesins? Zero wing? hats ak of iatince from a gras strip clear 3 obstacle at 088 weight “fia sir cleaton,} DC snd ata OKT heading? hats he landing distance vera SOubstate at 201, winds light? Your airport sa 200 ware the peoceies fr sor fel takeoff sp sot eld take-os an andings? (with oF without sls. tr he emperatre i 1 0'C and pressure ate 1000 witha TAS of 1 OD kts what is your IAS? Whats meant by aa factor? How she toad facr affected na turn ata constant aioe? [What does the “ceate of gravity” meant you? How do you cause the moment”? What is the maximum soe fr lowering the Maps? What is the horsepoaerof your aireraft? Isthis icra 12V of 24V system? What does maneusring peed mean? How do ye know theres water ithe fuel on sul inpetion? [Whats the mavimu laps deletion in depres. for your icra? [wha the tanta weight fora mal ad female in the winter the summer? Tryoudont know thie where would you ind? Ar yur pt te beame ke in igh how wuld your apes red iy tated 9 ib? How ul youre yur all arin onthe rn? Wat does special ER mean? Hove ed ou na sis?e Desctc Flying School 59, What des VD mean? 0 When is suse? Sunrise? Ontca Duk? Tight? 91, When shld yuan ase he Fishing Beason? 92, When can yous gasline to lean windshield? 93. Waatdo you wee cesna propeller? 4, Whats the maciewm baggage to be ced inthe baggage compartment? 95, Dating a take otf rom a el abe 300 hat sold he done? 96, Whats use a can windshield? 97. Why would you pla propeller though hefore tating incold weather? 98, How are he Maps operate? Wp, What RPMdo youcamry out magneto heck? 100, While doing may check, you do ot get drop in RPM, ths may bean indication of what? 101, Describe se fuel stem on your scett 124, What des he 40nd 47 mean in 807 fue? 125, nat octane fel doe use here? 126. Esplin sranspoder codes 120, 1400, 700, 7600, 700. 121, Cana NORDO AVC entra contol zone? Why? Why nor 128, Where cama pila the exact magaetic Beating of aewy? 129, Cana VER plo ly slong a VOR airway? 150, Whatis she weathe minimal slogan aiay fr VER wat? 131. ANORDO AC ards at a uncontroled aerodrome hat has only apy phone andthe plot has po money, how can he cove Ms Mh plan? 192, Whatdoes ARCAL sand for? 133, Explain the aitfirence between an ATF and an MF. 134, A pilot wisest) 6 Lae LAB. How diese determine which VNC to use? 195. Foe igh planning purposes hats PPR? 18, Hos do you terme distance oma mip without wing sale pater 197, spline totene between VER. FR. and MVR.D Pacific Flying School 1x, Whar peblem ae expected when using higher tae ues fr un extended peri fie? 199, What VER weather minima for conte airspace? 10, Whats VFR weather minima for uncntaledainpace? 41, What the cost fantom serves at Canaan septs? 142, Explain he ferences between movement area, maneuering fea, and pro at rps, 143, Explain she iferenvesberneen 2) inde ate by prewore asad Sh tive akiade deri alte 144, the raer pep od bots are damaged or ten what would be the consequence? HS, Howdo ou determine if your VNC isthe atest eiton? 146, Where isthe higestelevation ona VNC given? 42, CRXPI.and ASC manufactured in 1965, has just hee epanted. What must now Be done with ihe plane? 1s, What isa Might permit? 149, Income airspace, musta night VER A/C have functioning nding igh? 150, Must the A/C in question SB havea 2-way aio? 151. What the maximen {AS of «A/C in controlled sinspace below 3OOUAGL within NM of contol airport? 152 Onabsingle VER fight plan with stops in Deer Lake, Stephenie, and destination Sydney. which port) wil ented of your mpending eval by FSS? 153, What isthe dtferene between light plan. Might aoicaon, and Might itinerary? 154, Ihe enroute atte requted on a VER Might plan? 155, How fr ack fom an port with conto zoe shoul intial radio contact be made? 156, Whatisa EVER might? 157, Most legally maintain a personal fngbook? 158 Whatis VORTAC? 159, May anings be made amity seroomes in Canada? Wi) May placa ated aerodrome? 162, What willing ptids ling cane? ©Desc Flying School 166, Aeraft Questions ~ Know this information v6 169 170, m1 mn, bn ) v5 16, im. 79, 2, ss, Hs, When van the LET he sevked serviceability? What isthe positon ofthe master sitchen using external power? Whats the purpose he fel seo” What ithe MANOT? |e the magneto part of thee or iition system the alreraft you are fying om the test What's the masimam ross weight inthe normal sategry? ‘Whats the maximum gross weight in the tty category? Whats heii oad acto inthe noema category? ‘What ste iit a Factor in thew caegoey? What requency deste ELT transmit on? ‘wnat colour is 0 LLavgas Explhin the procede or dealing with alten ile, What do youd i you lose ful pressure if your ira has fel pump) Explain (in dai procedure for engine per ls in gh How many degreesof ac do the wingtip lights provide projection though? ‘Wha airspeed cola withthe bitom lowest spe ofthe green are? How many te-dowacings are there? Where ate hey located? ‘Besides maximum weight what the citeria must be assed to comply with the tity categny? Wy do we have to ground the sircra rie w refuting? Where i the intake aie lose? Gine tive advere aes hat would te gh performance with cet of gravity beyond the rearwaed Under which wing ite pt ube hated? Do you glide ind aang? Do you glide faterat goss eight rd ou lle farther a gher weit? A pilots remote sith: ate inside he scp pol a he ‘inerzen) kat ramamiter to he mld nie he bin. Wha ithe Stich reed best hile light? nw i your at noe equipped9 Pacific Flying School 190, 195, 196, ro 19 200. 20. 205 206. Can we wean exer power outer? ho if our aft equipped) Wy shouldnt you as eh the carburetor heat yeh im the "ON" positon? Wat he sd a Might vompuer, Mow can we ceube ure aisped while ia Might? Comer 69 depres Fobrennet wo degrees Celis What does a US. galn of fuel weigh at 0 degrees Celsius? ‘You visually inspes the fel tanks and note tat bod tanks ar lle atop Su mice one ofthe fuel gauges saysemply. tok 1 uke oF? How many degrees ithe ose whee abet ter OUR? [What are the light signals inthe aie and onthe round? Give examples ofthe places where we could find the serial number. Why is thee a dows laa ofthe tailplane during straight and lve igh? Explain ifs montane and advange re fel and oil inched inthe Ficened art empty weight “he ant-colision phi requied to project ceria numberof degrees above tnd below the Boron, Exact} how many? ‘You aon the grou t Boundary. Ground contl gives you a cent timeter Noting of 30 2 whish yu then sein the KOLLSMAN WINDOW. Thesimeter needle says you ate ISDASL. Is there anything wrong here? Whats he purpose of he “five magneto check" during shutiown? pin he procere for dealing with an ope door in gh ‘Your atemotoe has led in light, id you are on tatery power. How lng. on average wilt st? Aug just placed head Gest int the pitt abe opening. What ndetion wil, ou gel om the speed instr ducing a descent? As compared to clinbing ina no-wind vndion: what wil change while “imbing no a hearind the ete of climb or angle or imb? xpi he shot field ake of procedure with a obstacle, Would he disunce rors decrease while taking lf Wom wet $385? “ny ohec the pole for nics or rach? What would happenin Might wih chipped prpeler? ‘wna should you doi you don get any presse within 30 sends fer startup? Wheres he ll wiring indicatrsems ate? How many
sherson fight fom Half to Debt would you put he traf in Might for enduanse or 1 Ensure hat jo brow the cotet procedure for wovking out weight an balan? ‘onthe si main instruments ined tow for your VC what source operates each instrument? ast sirspeed inate fe tum coorinae ALT Serer Ar adeno a eading indicator vst rte speed incor what he aie snd ongitude ofthe highest elevation nthe Vancouver VNC? ‘What the height ASL and AGL? ‘Wha time period is your rio ence usually valid for? How many days thom the date ofa ststactory medical re-examination by designated medal examiner eel cena jour media until sve ofa ew licence validation cxtiste? How many natal wiles ae tere inane degree of aie? Should the technica og for an aeraf eg BIU be cried oa Board DIU in the event you are moving your be stopertions? nen he teter“Y" reeds tation identifier eg. YQM. YUL. YYZ, YFC) ‘Whar ats significance? Hw many pounds te thee i US gallon? Alt applicants forthe Private and Commercial censes MUST READ Transport Ciins Pop Test Gude: Emphases must be given procedures which will ‘Se tved andthe performances expected he Mh et When stig coure athe beginning of cos county. eure your set cou ot icin hay iemiiable landmark apd far enough aay trom fhe departure Pept enble yout each using attade bee eng couse, Your fist heckpoit boul ls Be a prominent land fate hen snbating 4 walk sound nam tf pine 0 Mighty ul ease the bund brik pth ra ick Weare ei fe may ED ‘he pte are eng [hat are te ust petation fir te snl twee at CY WL Wilms Laker?e ss 2 . Desc Flying School From he shir tts the eight he unto zone or CYED Nanaimo in ASL and AGE? ow te diferent y bus for, VOR, VORDME, VORTAC and TACAN, (onthe Vancouver VNC repsding Campbell River VBL the nkmationsomtine inthe revtngl sith regan tothe Beason DOAN. 125 27 3W what ise significance of he ie unseneth 203? FeCampbel River Rin walsble on 128.7? How do you kao his? Whats he prselure for parti poer loss hat hen power remains sbove power reuied for max cemdurance? Whatfin he pata power ls, te power goes beiow the poet requled for mak emia? How oftenare GFACNS, TAFS. and METARSS. nd FCN’ sued and what re hee vality pis? InGEA's when are winds and ibid inthe forest? ln an FDCN atthe 3000 Level, what des 9900 mea? ach candidate it epected to btn and know how 0 read ad interpret GFN, “TAPS. NEARS, sod FD asthe felt othe route of Sour planed cross County fhe fiphrtest Al NOTAMs leant to yout planned route must be ‘Sbisned rie 0 your ound work, When on a ros our fom CZ3.YQX. you experience coe au just \usileCande conto zone. What do you do? The answers 10 he above questions should he undersiood by al Pest and Commercial students in pepuation for grou work prio the Tightest. These ‘quntoneare only gid. This mot format of every posible gestion tht ‘may be asked bya Designated Fight Test Examiner,CHECKLIST FOR SPP AND PPL STUDENT PILOT PERMIT: Instructor's Signature 2copies Valid Passporv Binh Certificate/Citizenship Card Photocopy of Valid Medical Presolo Examination corrected to 100% Presolo Examination signed by student & instructor All Presolo Aix Exercises Completed & Intilled in PTR PRIVATE PILOT LICENCINt 'PTR Dual & Solo hours balance to Licencing Application & Logbook 3hours Dual Cross Country hours Solo Cross Country Shours Instrument Time ‘At Least 2 Hours Instrument Time In Aircraft 12 Hours Solo All Air Exercises Demonstrated - Check Hlusions “Application for Flight Crew Licence Completed Photocopy of Written Examination Results ‘Application Signed by Student in Part A & Part D (8) ‘Groundschool entered in PTR Each page of PTR signed by Student & Instructor Original Medical & Student Pilot PermitPilot Information How is air traffic control different with the Pitt Meadows and Langley control zone airspace as Class C? ‘When the control tower is open, VER flights require a clearance from the tower to enter the contrat zone. What happens to the Class C control zone when the tower is closed? Airspace classified as Class C becomes Class E airspace when the tower is notin ‘operation. When the airspace is Class E, a transponder is not required. At Pitt Meadows ‘and Langiey, Mandatory Frequency (MF) communications are in effect when the tower is closed. What equipment is needed to fly n the Class C contro! zone? ‘A person operating an aircraft under VFR in Class C airspace shall ensure the aircraft is ‘equipped with a trensponder with automatic pressure altitude reporting (Mode C) and a radio capable of two-way communication with the tower. What if my radio fails when in the control zone? Where there is a two-way radio communication failure between the tower and a VFR aircraft while operating in the Class C control zone, the pilot shall set the transponder ‘code to 7600 and land at the airport following NORDO procedures and as directed by the light signals provided by the tower (Steady green light = Cleared to land. Steady red light = Give way to other aircraft and continue circling. Series of green flashes = Retum for landing.) What if my radio fails outside the control zone while inbound for landing? If itis not practicable to land at an alternate uncontrolled aerodrome, the pilot should set the transponder code to 7600 and if able call the tower by cell phone using the ‘emergency numbe: for the tower published in the CFS (As published October 2007, CYPK - (604) 465-8723, CYNU - (604) 534-9443). Otherwise, the pilot should land at the airport following NORDO procedures and as directed by the light signals provided by the tower. What if my aircraft is not equipped with a transponder? Class C is designated transponder airspace and Its required by regulation that the aircrafts suitably equipped. Limited options are available as detailed below for a non- {unetioning transponder. What if my transponder falls when in the control zone? Ifthe aircraft's transponder fails, the pilot can choose to land at the airport or proceed to an alternate aerodrome that is notin transponder airspace for repairs. What if my transponder fails when outside the control zone? If airbome and the transponder fails, the pilot may request a clearance into the zone for landing with the control tower. Permission to enter the zone may be granted, controller workload permitting Ifthe transponder is unserviceable prior to departure, the pilot must contact the tower by phone for permission to enter the zone.From THE Tower Ways to hep improve'the procass: 4) On initial contact, say everything you need to say in your first call and bo concie, We need to know who you are, where you are and what you want. For xample “Cessna 172 GAMG af the trestie 1500 landing with Echo.” or “Cossna 172 GMAT at Montair taxd for flight plan to Chilliwack with Bravo.” If you are going south or west addin your planned alitude so we know whether to Switch YOU 0 tower or terminal fier departure. 2) Make your position reports as accurate as possible. if you are 2 of 3 miles: back from the tresiie don't say you are over it Other aircraft that may be over the trestle will start to look for you and we will waste time radar identifying and passing trafic that may not be necessary. 3) Dont call too far away - trestle, Point Roberts or any point that is not more than 8 oF so miles from the airport. 4) Familiarize yourself with the published arrival/departure routes; they were implemented to aid in separating aircraft. I's not a good idea to report aver the ‘restie inbound when we are using it as the outbound route. 5) Dont report clear of the control zone. We can see on radar when you are Clear. This wil help reduce frequency congestion. 6) Ifyou are on a fight plan you must advise the ground controller (not the, port controller) when you taxi. We don't receive any information from Flight ‘Service on fight plans and so won't know you are on a plan unless you tell us - we willbe happy to open, close or revise your plan on request. 7) When you land and exit the runway, make sure you taxi well off the runway. There may be other aircraft close behind you who will also need to exit. This is especially important on twiway Bravo. 8) Maintain a continuous listening watch on the frequency. This is a busy ‘airport and the circuit is usually kept fairly ight lo accommodate arrivals and ‘dopartures. if we need you to do something and can't raise you on the radio, you a1 incmenianing everyone ise in the cra and may be eoparczng your own safety. 9) Boundary Bay control zone is surrounded by class C airspace. Make ‘yourself familiar with the surrounding airspace and altitudes and conduct your ‘light accordingly. That means either contact the appropriate agency (usually terminal) or avoid the airspace,‘Compliance with that instruction. i you then do not comply you or other aircraft may be inconvenienced or put at risk . 11) Pease remember ou neighbours at Delta Airpark. The minimum albus tree Data is 1000 f. When you are clear of Delta's airspace you may descanc to circuit altitude.FAA.P-A740-9 ArO.000 ON LANDINGS PART IFOREWORD The purpose ofthis series of publications isto provide the fying public with safety information ‘hat is andy and easy (0 review. Many of the publications ia his series tune and @ coined in EAA Geert estan Acide Preston Prone aie fama aera Each of the three “On Landings” handouts (Pat I, Part Il, and Pat il), contre intended to supplement the "On Landioge” suio-isual presentation, Comments regarding these publications should be rected to the Department of Transporta- lion, Federal Aviation Administration, General Aviation and Commercial Division, Accident Prevention Program Branch, AFO-810, 800 Independence Avenue, 'S.W., Washington D.C. 20591, Acknowledgement Handout preparation “thanks” go to William K. Kershner, technical advisor, Drew Steketee and Cassandra John, writing and editing, James Gross, illustrations and graphics, layout and design. Gary S, Livack, overall project coordinator, and Ken Johnson, executive producer Additional copies of this handout are available from any FAA Flight Standards District Office, 4 Cooperative Project by the: AVCO Lycoming Willamsport Oivision Sederal Aviation Administration @ererai Aviation Manutacturers Association Transport CanadaON LANDINGS Partl feng a safe pilot means combining your working knowledge of aviation with curses chil ed ‘experience tempered by yood jugs (One iemportant phase of ving sil Is the landing, Landing phase accilents ate tesponsibe for neeniy hall ofall general aviation accidents By loruhiey, your Knowledge of the "whys" and “whevelores Seproach and landiag accidents, you can Secorve saler plot. In this handout wellook at undershooting and cross: Accidents which eas haps tumay. M80. wel fol at ndings, porpoising, and lowe of drecconal control probleme encount THE UNDERSHOOT AM one tlme oF another every one of us has mis «calculated an approach and sarted fo undersheot tee uoway. Ws hard to forget that “sing” fechng fad hen jou fst telced that the seplone eae the runway. @ Poor pattern techniques such a¥ My patern on downwind, a snaking’ leg are frequent causes undershootiey Tomine 8 rer and conant dance from the runway for al airports by placing tne sage rateline ats specific point on the es Juing (low wing aiplane) or m point along the sie Ugh wing aiplane). Vu may even put k cradk ae Pec of tape atthe proper sing strut poston hey is raat Tweainpont OVER Twene?nw Jo you svvid underahowta? A ood pattern helps, When ati ant actor, tam Base when the poi oA nen i uchuwn se 5 Jegees behind the win At a familiar airport. you may be able to ws the Maer tamilor landmarks to determine proper Tey joints, Butt sofamallar alos you Wom" ME En hometown’ references. The 15 degree technique wil work at any airport. hen there is other trae in the pattern, you can nee ee avon problem ofthe “ever lengthening Frere ey marin your tara to base just oer the soe yatre fllowing tutes fal and passes bebind sielan yesming that sat using auch slower weproae speed than Yours Experienced pilots ten se Emkives om approach. These sire eat ann in determing wheter Your Pe Boia eihia the ested horzatal and vertical “ON FINAL” LW The fir window sould be encountered just afer tur ing Anak There are vbstacles between yout imaginary window od the runway, either raise the "windows" oF movewll be in ateance. They catetate the aircraft's lanulag weight then took the walt “elerence speed. se Vere The kere V-te. ato silent om ainostecory ‘haved on the plane's stil sped Wits estimated lnding weight Added (0 Vee bythe pilot ational siespeed rex wired to saimtain an adequate salety masse hie maneuvering inthe pattern sll a4 additonal eeed to compensace for wind Gusts turbulence se wind shear, EXTRA AIRSPEED FOR BANKING AND MANEUVERING “Approach, weament alespeeds.” hased om V-rel. as: "jus the vight amount rove Vee sure thatthe sires entra speed imag th Vere tables. Some fecomenented ape sitet Smaller airerat do net come manufacturers: howe, Broach speeds corresponding to ailenn erg, Such tables can be developed andi is sugested that ou prepare and use your mun, We tecouacied (iat You use the format In ihe fllrwing (able, a beat {ou lil mo suggest that you see Part lof Sole Ganlings" wid vead the accompanying Randeat he Par UW eaetly, ' ' V-SPEEDS ! ' 1 ————_ ' i ' ' PRE PAT LER, 1 | BOWNwIND 1 i) ' hiya ! Po snore riya 1 ----- elle --4 here are cules thumb, however: On downaind. Ay tate than the “tpl the a "perating range nd no slower than LV uae ie fcalbrated sal speed for your auplane strata lasing weight or Lb Veo. (There ee nga +0 please read Pat ih) in am atspeed no lower than 1.4 Vs wnt uc lina 4. Then. on inal let your airspeed decay to .3 Vso an sou neat the runway. 4. sou encounter any turbulence, wind gusts of wind shear, compensate with uldivional siesncea va ach Segment ofthe approseh the Stabilled VER Approach FLYING A StABiLizeo apPoacH 27” MEANS “ON GUIDE parw Make your normal pattern enty ing dear om ound, app ine ‘ended landing point. reduce your power to the pie etmined value that works best for yout anglers hile holding altude with pitch, stow the ae Jowa in preparation fr turning bose partial aps, if you haven't alteady done so reduced power propery, you con hu tan fat and set up 9 escent, Hegin your tain to base when the pot of touchdown 15 15 Jeatees behind the wing, Taen base, thek ta Keeping al bake 10 JD deyrova or eve“bate wes ae pai yo aged pee AMfondaenta hey tt tale apenas A fone of ate and Powe atin, ion at ny targeted airspeed any conan ee ie ane pat we ts tore pone sal ‘hacing power all TT ANY TARGETED AIRSPEED Mone POWER GLIDE PATH a ‘SHALLOWER Less POWER ..GLIDE PATH P STEEPER “Tn nter-telaionship means that any, changes (2 Ta rene capprowch rauatin’ wast De £05, SENG for by austiments in the other ade path hae heen selected: dhe ea of sey your targeted espe puch and power So, ster Sting on stand a Javng te gelveved by sulustd together perience pots kro he pot es or 1 eave ren lamang wea dag contra socal stent descent for their planes Tr ahewe pts nv oy ake min aes a veri pintain the sekected aide each wspeed Marl ft 2 seeped Be nae and neve Ht he ane reetacate selected he ath the sicany eve, nove Te yours tbat the vost ate atie at og tal os bad gin ft ‘Doe hnal point all aps should he wed forall exenal (ro final oie te mannatacturersagests otherwise ae epems have bean extended. ‘hey should ot aa peed Thats why tis always good practice rot {Sty he fp sein you rng The Stabilized IFR Approach he same baste concepts apply 10 the IFR. approach. The same atom te aplane tothe approach const: Fie ati, slow te arplane ad eri i Do thie a eat ow ntescept the ive slope, unless (ale iow requires otheruise, Some pilots extend thele landing gear to help ther Fe eet en aad laps ater the airspeed Srops to Soe racing range, the gear has not oiceady teen used for spe the gear 38 500 been os nade slope oe reach the final proach inte eal power may be necessary with #Be Beat “taps extended. Be sure toe “ow ainsreeD™ yn tg ue fe Bs A tse ta arsed eel sed fantny sous «xt a Le seer a stn ui te Fee eee ays alot gw uly ise se to alleA RULE.OF. IUMB_[0 CALCULATE RATE-OF-DESC Spe Fst © od ged Yo = |Ling sets 9p a ane of stall esi weit aetna and any the cay te A pealat way 09 sucker yuri int his 0 at, tw aroacth specially ut unstable Th density tad conus “Srectioe Patt. Anos power necuction POWER i i ‘\ NOT ere. "owen “owen Power avorlable to stop the sink ate What if Things go Wrong on the Approach? this case the only thing you can do to save ‘Thuatiom ough avi i) ist ease the none Over speed ad chim capably if you've Wf tack of obstacles ahead (0 jnaslees the importance of using oper combination of power and pitch thvoush- fading approach. ‘You should be interested to know that accidents in weeianetMfershouts are ssually much more serious TRRNading Tong, Obviousty, the energy levels i (oad iunterthsot accidents ate much higher. yubt about making the runway. add HAVING TO TAXI THE LAST HUNDRED. safe Landing, And of cours. YARDS TO THE RUNWAY IS CONSIDERED aaa icing mame LEOOR PRACTICE nity ove poet ever you'te in ‘though power 1 ans Most wlershoots? What's the Cause » Cte the pilot unconscionsty aving to hol altitude Sestake dhe runway using elevator alone tiever allow yoursell 0 fppniach speed for exch weyoent fhe pp Fly che proper slide pat Add poster nptine yw thank you're too Low or MAYBE IF I CAN MOVE ‘Slow: and het ie aalD DOWN FAST EnOUGH T NONT HAVE Hemet the teractions venom pt io POWER noe é THE ALM POINT. Se Mt a{he sim pots woue nayisary bullseye on the rune stay. cam be Beton td lela swe nhereve, of the ten pint in Yom ain ‘hings ave ht on on \ consranr PATH ference pont at the ond of your selected tt the actual touchdown point abe aim point appears to be moving away from yon 1s sure Sign of to anderson, *S. n4 TOTAL Canoe o1stance ‘snouNo FAR TREE ted fa suplane will weertvat that pone Select ale path th situation hat ake sure Isteles ad for ee works best foe 9 particular lows for eloseanes ot all stleweatton Mans provides Jard and 90n-stands or sc iy Directory pro, Ap or andar ale Turbulence also cesull one Pans aisrapted by nearby wood ‘font Aationally wre the Acgonautle — angars oF sda (MP Cana 1D TURBULENCE CAN HE GLIDE PATH de path can be fect oul Wind shear Is a major variation i sin Tponzontal ayers of a erated VASIS its from sielow het sport stuetures. ‘ a (wind Wind, [ep ie yin Af SUR Cena) onc a ont FOME} (Nove ror! speed and port served by Hasse Pet Stay the wake spares eum tie 10 He eae ed inthe Aieman’s Information eee abana ler poston THE CROSS-CONTROL STALL tanAdda distraction uch as conflting aie oF a probe {em inthe cockpit and you's a the potential fora ow you'll need 1p" levator hee ‘combination uf inside ruler and lown the nove drop. back you slow dowa and. bang, there's @ Stall and a snap toll toward the lowe, las, ing: Making that tun t9 teal, you don’t want 10 make a Steep Banked tien because you know that the “Speed increases with ane angle #..CE ECO Ea Inctead. you ty to increase the en owe al the whe be X SN This situation can be avoided by good planning ine ‘ding a properly Noun pattem, proper nispeeds. and a timely go-around ten things dont fee right Some a 1 much of your “belove landing” check: lat as possible belore entering the pat ook outside the cockpit for help indietions of ‘end Mays. smoke, and ponds fr examgle. foe UMICOM and NFS ade-2D LANDINGS & LUsS UF DIRECTIONAL CONTROL, ing phase de, ince deectional conteatn ellut. These ove Alter tishaps like the crosscoatrol stall nd the Sotshuot, but they, too, geval substantial damaye tnard landings cause 2 ry damage 1 aeplanes ach 9 feats yew frm several cause’ yet a's lee point where the wont svete, omverstion is limited only matters concerning ‘icra operations I's a rule you may want (0 adopt. atoning ace cus hr ia : \ , ? SSS ES | This often results fom excess airspeed combined with poor fae technue, (Yacking hack on the controls Fetore touchdown con pur you several stories above the ranway with atspeed Uecaying 1p) IF thisbappens. ease the nose over gently and add power M necessary. Remember, tom, fl po beat Set to avond a haed round may be your ling ter Saloon Loss if perspective can also edhe result of Scanning during Mave and wuchdown FRemenniner to kok outside And dont hurt tose yo Ip samethion you learned tect nl ision wel yack in pes 10 [ides your attention ahead of the airplane Haud landings are als the resit of distractions Ayonher care of etek nfnal syproach by sing weet Agu lense oa wernt tate stakes these «ditnaany of jou think you've headed foe a nding Md power (0 test the sink rate: — Keep your wings level Hf you decide ta make 4 und, make the deci WELL. HE PUT IT ON THE NUMBERS awrway! ‘tion of trey palots Keep discover tgs. "ain ea fst ence the aime, es Seng i tnd dives Ihe problem is improper stcrat attitude ot tou own, sometimes caused by inattention hy ot hoon, ‘sheve the round is. by msteimanuna, He by te the vunway laa che cause, the ‘ected immediately. Ground efct, actor om the surface to a helght at out half the plane's wing span, decreases clersioy the flr required i REDUCTION I INDUCED ORAG ‘eer "secret {0a good landing s proper itcratattitule {ouchdown, For tweycle gear planes, ir unde that assures that the main wheels wall touch before the nose whvel. You'll need to develop a fel foe {his attitude in Your particular vera and stay poe cient ati. You'll aso need to know what it cele ‘combinations of wenght and CO. by improper auspewd Wan approach ts 180 ost the plane tesa the plot nes to lorce ton the tens shen the sgplane sll wanes tay{sind bonop oie tumeay, ever a fit eat all send the acratt sot ga (eam # a a » Ge: =i) GREASED ON Loss of Directional Control v1 push the nose over. Eose it aver and 12 fan elding the peoper pitt acitude wtih Sin touches down. Add Dack re tine ntcrft slows suring the Mare Engineers also thought tricycle landing gear would Fimate dvectional contsol problems and yrour tooping. Not 30. cob Biome, * wr \ ‘ TANNER TOAGGRAVATE The SITUATION “Too many atplanes have been pranged because palo desive 10 putt 8 eaesruind may be the answer in some peisina. Fo avoid porpoisiog ieays tm the airplane for 2 stabilized approach: —awnid excess aespeed and “fata lar with this nemesis, & TYPE TENDS, (or those who arent fa isan often volent— uRecognize pve ue ot ‘Get ght sn rosswimts cam be real problem, Remember. in 4 cossuind ta ‘sis ofthe sitplane must remain garg “AY centerline as must the Hight pach ot Loncrruowal axis PROPERLY ALieNED 2 back pres © soveraheek back stck puts more weight o er divetional contro Laur parn snouLo ats0 BUT NOT THIS...) = = sa = 0 \fyou don't do both strong side foals may be exert othe landing eae, and a grown In cul ety. (tesalting in even higher sie ton. you yet in tm ii\, Neo | reper crossuind teclinuqve sa mst. the case of a he let wing must he lowered ina the tered wil right raOne of the worst eyo braies tees tp cleae she ey before tyes to leat in is ewen sre of» problem in sm owewind conditions. Simply flowing the yell sat Tee tay lend 1938 sapped cross-country. A anuch beter techni utptannes the runway centerine unl you've lowest own fo axl speed. principal cause for loss of Face 4. there's only on Ps‘not only lack of ‘irectional contol ple knowledge of the "basics outed oon, sess, fatigue, of Just belng on & Saental Bolly. Use tne sterile cockpit rte.on sourset, Think ahead ag ths tune on every approach Comtoue 12 fy the oltre me oer touchdown nd Hay profient freeze, Remember the saying on the Worst ofall depot but donot freeze.” Stay on top ofthe sit Danie cam also result in a tev ns teyung to steer the irra sown te ry ath the contol whee. That nein teering om the around and \aviead ta loss of contro Tro summarise, dlvectional contol accidents can be Te rnguced i as plots, we follow these sine Maintain proficiency stay ahead ofthe airplane: — avoid wheetbarowing by holding back-pressure om the conta dating cor out: ur fight path and longitudinal axis parallel ~ fo he runway cen — Double check wind conditions on short fal: Say within the demonstrated crosswind 3p Slike for oth you nd the aiplane: —-Stow he sinplane down before taxing Test: ey your thoughts on the Ting, that is. "tb Hitrdted, and final Keep cool but Jo not freeze mar area marae amram ara eM eens NY Vseceeommatciens | \ slice one ea \ ee { } Venere ewww nnn?
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From Everand
Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
Chris Voss
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (909)
The Glass Castle: A Memoir
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The Glass Castle: A Memoir
Jeannette Walls
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1741)
Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
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Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
Jesmyn Ward
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1245)
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
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Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
Angela Duckworth
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (628)
Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
From Everand
Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
Margot Lee Shetterly
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (937)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2121)
Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Phil Knight
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (547)
The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (358)
Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
Ashlee Vance
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (479)
Bad Feminist: Essays
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1062)
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (275)
Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (814)
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (444)
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2281)
The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1954)
The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (99)
Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1961)
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (273)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4264)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (233)
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (235)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (805)
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (139)
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
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Physics 11 Cheat Sheet
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Physics 11 Cheat Sheet
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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Cessna 100 Series 1962 and Prior MM D138-1-13
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ICAO Airlines
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ICAO Aircraft
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ICAO Aircraft
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Sector File Provider Descriptor
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
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