Data Fundamentals

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Data Fundamentals (DP-900)

Self-study Notes by Neil bagchi

Describe core data concepts (25–30%)

Describe ways to represent data
• describe features of structured data
• describe features of semi-structured
• describe features of unstructured data
Identify options for data storage
• describe common formats for data files
• describe types of databases
Describe common data workloads
• describe features of transactional workloads
• describe features of analytical workloads
Identify roles and responsibilities for data workloads
• describe responsibilities for database administrators
• describe responsibilities for data engineers
• describe responsibilities for data analysts

Core Data Concepts

Data is a collection of facts such as numbers, descriptions, and observations used to
record information. Data structures in which this data is organized often
represent entities that are important to an organization (such as customers, products,
sales orders, and so on). Each entity type has one or more attributes, or characteristics
(for example, a customer might have a name, an address, a phone number, and so on).
You can classify data as structured, semi-structured, or unstructured.

1. Structured Data
Structured data is data that adheres to a
fixed schema, so all of the data has the
same fields or properties. Most

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 1

commonly, the schema for structured
data entities is tabular - in other words,
the data is represented in one or more
tables that consist of rows to represent
each instance of a data entity, and
columns to represent attributes of the

2. Semi-Structured Data
Semi-structured data is information that has some structure but allows for some
variation between entity instances. For example, while most customers may have an
email address, some might have multiple email addresses, and some might have none
at all.
One common format for semi-structured data is JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). The
example shows a pair of JSON documents that represent customer information. JSON
is just one of many ways in which semi-structured data can be represented.

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3. Unstructured Data
Documents, images, audio, and video data, and binary files might not have a specific
structure. This kind of data is referred to as unstructured data.

Data Storage
There are two broad categories of data storage in common use:

A. File stores
Delimited The most common format for delimited data is comma-separated
text files values (CSV) in which fields are separated by commas, and rows are
terminated by a return/newline.

Other common formats include tab-separated values (TSV) and

space-delimited (in which tabs or spaces are used to separate fields),

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 3

and fixed-width data in which each field is allocated a fixed number of

JavaScript JSON is a ubiquitous format in which a hierarchical document

Object schema is used to define data entities (objects) that have multiple
Notation attributes. Each attribute might be an object (or a collection of
(JSON) objects); making JSON a flexible format that's good for both
structured and semi-structured data.

Extensible XML is a human-readable data format that was popular in the 1990s
Markup and 2000s. It's primarily been superseded by the less verbose JSON
Language format, but there are still some systems that use XML to represent
(XML) data. XML uses tags
enclosed in angle brackets (<../>) to define elements and attributes.

Binary Large Technically, all files are stored as binary data (1's and 0's), but in the
Object human-readable formats discussed above, the bytes of binary data
(BLOB) are mapped to printable characters (typically through a character
encoding scheme such as ASCII or Unicode).

Some file formats, however, particularly for unstructured data, store

the data as a raw binary that must be interpreted by applications and
rendered such as images, video, audio, and application-specific

Optimized file formats

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 4

While human-readable formats for structured and semi-structured data can be useful,
they're typically not optimized for storage space or processing. Over time, some
specialized file formats that enable compression, indexing, and efficient storage and
processing have been developed.

Some common optimized file formats you might see include Avro, ORC, and Parquet:

Avro is a row-based format. It was created by Apache. Each record contains a

header that describes the structure of the data in the record. This header is stored
as JSON. The data is stored as binary information. An application uses the
information in the header to parse the binary data and extract the fields it contains.
Avro is a good format for compressing data and minimizing storage and network
bandwidth requirements.

ORC (Optimized Row Columnar format) organizes data into columns rather than
rows. It was developed by HortonWorks for optimizing read and write operations in
Apache Hive (Hive is a data warehouse system that supports fast data
summarization and querying over large datasets). An ORC file contains stripes of
data. Each stripe holds the data for a column or set of columns. A stripe contains an
index into the rows in the stripe, the data for each row, and a footer that holds
statistical information (count, sum, max, min, and so on) for each column.

Parquet is another columnar data format. It was created by Cloudera and Twitter.
A Parquet file contains row groups. Data for each column is stored together in the
same row group. Each row group contains one or more chunks of data. A Parquet
file includes metadata that describes the set of rows found in each chunk. An
application can use this metadata to quickly locate the correct chunk for a given set
of rows, and retrieve the data in the specified columns for these rows. Parquet
specializes in storing and processing nested data types efficiently. It supports very
efficient compression and encoding schemes.

B. Databases
A database is used to define a central system in which data can be stored and queried.

Relational databases are commonly used to store and query

structured data. The data is stored in tables that represent entities.
Database Each instance of an entity is assigned a primary key that uniquely
identifies it, and these keys are used to reference the entity instance

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in other tables. The use of keys to reference data entities enables a
relational database to be normalized; which in part means the
elimination of duplicate data values. The tables are managed and
queried using Structured Query Language (SQL)

Non-relational databases are data management systems that don’t

Non- apply a relational schema to the data. Non-relational databases are
Relational often referred to as NoSQL databases, even though some support a
variant of the SQL language.
There are four common types of Non-relational databases commonly

Key-value databases in which each record consists of a unique

key and an associated value, which can be in any format.

Document databases are a specific form of key-value database

in which the value is a JSON document (which the system is
optimized to parse and query)

Column family databases, store tabular data comprising rows

and columns, but you can divide the columns into groups known
as column families. Each column family holds a set of columns
that are logically related together.

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Graph databases store entities as nodes with links to define
relationships between them.

Transactional Data Processing

A transactional system records transactions that encapsulate specific events that the
organization wants to track. A transaction could be financial, such as the movement of
money between accounts in a banking system, or it might be part of a retail system,
tracking payments for goods and services from customers.
Transactional systems are often high-volume, sometimes handling many millions of
transactions in a single day. The data being processed has to be accessible very
quickly. The work performed by transactional systems is often referred to as Online
Transactional Processing (OLTP).
OLTP solutions rely on a database system in which data storage is optimized for both
reading and write operations in order to support transactional workloads in which data
records are created, retrieved, updated, and deleted (often referred to
as CRUD operations). These operations are applied transactionally, in a way that
ensures the integrity of the data stored in the database. To accomplish this, OLTP
systems enforce transactions that support so-called ACID semantics:

Atomicity – each transaction is treated as a single unit, which succeeds completely

or fails completely. For example, a transaction that involved debiting funds from one

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account and crediting the same amount to another account must complete both
actions. If either action can't be completed, then the other action must fail.

Consistency – transactions can only take the data in the database from one valid
state to another. To continue the debit and credit example above, the completed
state of the transaction must reflect the transfer of funds from one account to the

Isolation – concurrent transactions cannot interfere with one another and must
result in a consistent database state. For example, while the transaction to transfer
funds from one account to another is in process, another transaction that checks the
balance of these accounts must return consistent results - the balance-checking
transaction can't retrieve a value for one account that reflects the
balance before the transfer, and a value for the other account that reflects the
balance after the transfer.

Durability – when a transaction has been committed, it will remain committed. After
the account transfer transaction has been completed, the revised account balances
are persisted so that even if the database system were to be switched off, the
committed transaction would be reflected when it is switched on again.

Analytical Data Processing

Analytical data processing typically uses read-only (or read-mostly) systems that store
vast volumes of historical data or business metrics. Analytics can be based on a
snapshot of the data at a given point in time or a series of snapshots.

1. Data files may be stored in a central data lake for analysis.

2. An extract, transform, and load (ETL) process copies data from files and OLTP
databases into a data warehouse that is optimized for reading activity. Commonly, a
data warehouse schema is based on fact tables that contain numeric values you
want to analyze (for example, sales amounts), with related dimension tables that
represent the entities by which you want to measure them (for example, customer
or product),

3. Data in the data warehouse may be aggregated and loaded into an online analytical
processing (OLAP) model, or cube. Aggregated numeric values (measures) from
fact tables are calculated for intersections of dimensions from dimension tables. For
example, sales revenue might be totaled by date, customer, and product.

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4. The data in the data lake, data warehouse, and analytical model can be queried to
produce reports, visualizations, and dashboards.

Data lakes are common in modern data analytical processing scenarios, where a large
volume of file-based data must be collected and analyzed.
Data warehouses are an established way to store data in a relational schema that is
optimized for reading operations – primarily queries to support reporting and data
visualization. The data warehouse schema may require some denormalization of data in
an OLTP data source (introducing some duplication to make queries perform faster).
An OLAP model is an aggregated type of data storage that is optimized for analytical
workloads. Data aggregations are across dimensions at different levels, enabling you
to drill up/down to view aggregations at multiple hierarchical levels

Job Roles
The three key job roles that deal with data in most organizations are:

Database administrators manage databases, assign permissions to users, store

backup copies of data and restore data in the event of a failure.

Data engineers manage infrastructure and processes for data integration across
the organization, applying data cleaning routines, identifying data governance rules,
and implementing pipelines to transfer and transform data between systems.

Data analysts explore and analyze data to create visualizations and charts that
enable organizations to make informed decisions.

There are additional data-related roles not mentioned here, such as data
scientist and data architect; and there are other technical professionals that work with
data, including application developers and software engineers.

Azure Data Services

Some of the most commonly used cloud services for data are described below.

Service Group Service Name Description

Azure SQL a fully managed platform-as-a-service (PaaS) database

Azure SQL
Database hosted in Azure

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 9

Service Group Service Name Description

a hosted instance of SQL Server (PaaS) with

Azure SQL
automated maintenance, which allows a more flexible
configuration than Azure SQL DB but with more
administrative responsibility for the owner.

a virtual machine with an installation of SQL Server

Azure SQL VM (IaaS), allowing maximum configurability with full
management responsibility.
A SQL engine that is optimized for Internet-of-things
Azure SQL Edge (IoT) scenarios that need to work with streaming time-
series data.
a simple-to-use open-source database management
system that is commonly used
Azure Service for in Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP) stack
open-source Azure Database apps. Azure Database for MySQL has two deployment
relational for MySQL options: Single Server and Flexible Server. Flexible
databases Server provides more granular control and flexibility
over database management functions and configuration
a newer database management system, created by the
original developers of MySQL. The database engine
Azure Database
has since been rewritten and optimized to improve
for MariaDB
performance. MariaDB offers compatibility with Oracle

a hybrid relational-object database. You can store data

in relational tables, but a PostgreSQL database also
enables you to store custom data types, with their own
non-relational properties. Azure Database for
Azure Database
PostgreSQL has three deployment options: Single
for PostgreSQL
Server, Flexible Server, and Hyperscale. Hyperscale
(Citus) is a deployment option that scales queries
across multiple server nodes to support large database
Azure Cosmos DB is a global-scale non-relational
(NoSQL) database system that supports multiple
Azure Cosmos
application programming interfaces (APIs), enabling
you to store and manage data as JSON documents,
key-value pairs, column families, and graphs.

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 10

Service Group Service Name Description

Azure Storage Blob containers scalable, cost-effective storage for binary files

network file shares such as you typically find in

(Non-Relational) File shares
corporate networks

key-value storage for applications that need to read and

write data values quickly
Azure service that enables you to define and schedule
data pipelines to transfer and transform data. You can
integrate your pipelines with other Azure services,
enabling you to ingest data from cloud data stores,
Azure Data process the data using cloud-based compute, and
Factory persist the results in another data store. Azure Data
Factory is used by data engineers to build extract,
transform, and load (ETL) solutions that populate
analytical data stores with data from transactional
systems across the organization.
Azure Synapse
Pipelines based on the same technology as Azure Data Factory.
unified data
analytics solution
that provides a a highly scalable SQL database engine, optimized for
single service data warehouse workloads
interface for
multiple analytical
an open-source distributed data processing system that
Apache Spark supports multiple programming languages and APIs,
including Java, Scala, Python, and SQL
a high-performance data analytics solution that is
Azure Synapse
optimized for real-time querying of log and telemetry
Data Explorer
data using Kusto Query Language (KQL)

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 11

Service Group Service Name Description

Azure-integrated version of the popular Databricks

platform, which combines the Apache Spark data
processing platform with SQL database semantics and
Azure Databricks an integrated management interface to enable large-
scale data analytics. Data engineers can use existing
Databricks and Spark skills to create analytical data
stores in Azure Databricks.

a distributed data processing system that supports

Azure HDInsight Apache Spark multiple programming languages and APIs, including
Java, Scala, Python, and SQL
Azure service that
provides Azure- a distributed system that uses MapReduce jobs to
hosted clusters for process large volumes of data efficiently across multiple
popular Apache Apache Hadoop cluster nodes. MapReduce jobs can be written in Java
open-source big or abstracted by interfaces such as Apache Hive - a
data processing SQL-based API that runs on Hadoop
an open-source system for large-scale NoSQL data
Apache HBase
storage and querying.
Apache Kafka a message broker for data stream processing

an open-source system for real-time data processing

Apache Storm
through a topology of spouts and bolts

real-time stream processing engine that captures a

stream of data from an input, applies a query to extract
Azure Stream
and manipulate data from the input stream, and writes
the results to an output for analysis or further
standalone service that offers the same high-
Azure Data performance querying of log and telemetry data as the
Explorer Azure Synapse Data Explorer runtime in Azure
Synapse Analytics.

solution for enterprise-wide data governance and

discoverability. You can use Microsoft Purview to create
Microsoft Purview a map of your data and track data lineage across
multiple data sources and systems, enabling you to find
trustworthy data for analysis and reporting

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Service Group Service Name Description

platform for analytical data modeling and reporting that

Microsoft Power
data analysts can use to create and share interactive
data visualizations

Identify considerations for relational data on Azure (20–

Describe relational concepts
• identify features of relational data
• describe normalization and why it is used
• identify common structured query language (SQL) statements
• identify common database objects

Describe relational Azure data services

• describe the Azure SQL family of products including Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL
• Managed Instance, and SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines
• identify Azure database services for open-source database system

Relational Data in Azure

In a relational database, you model collections of entities from the real world as tables.
An entity can be anything for which you want to record information. A table contains
rows, and each row represents a single instance of an entity. Each column stores data
of a specific datatype. For example, An Email column in a Customer table would likely
be defined to store character-based (text) data (which might be fixed or variable in
length), a Price column in a Product table might be defined to store decimal numeric
data, while a Quantity column in an Order table might be constrained to integer
numeric values; and an OrderDate column in the same Order table would be defined to
store date/time values. The available datatypes that you can use when defining a table
depend on the database system you are using; though there are standard datatypes
defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) that are supported by most
database systems.


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Normalization is a term used by database professionals for a schema design process
that minimizes data duplication and enforces data integrity.
While there are many complex rules that define the process of refactoring data into
various levels (or forms) of normalization, a simple definition for practical purposes is:

1. Separate each entity into its own table.

2. Separate each discrete attribute into its own column.

3. Uniquely identify each entity instance (row) using a primary key.

4. Use foreign key columns to link related entities.

SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is used to communicate with a
relational database. It's the standard language for relational database management
systems. SQL statements are used to perform tasks such as updating data in a
database or retrieving data from a database. Some standard relational database
management systems that use SQL include Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL,
PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and Oracle.

Some popular dialects of SQL include:

Transact-SQL (T-SQL). This version of SQL is used by Microsoft SQL Server and
Azure SQL services.

pgSQL. This is the dialect, with extensions implemented in PostgreSQL.

PL/SQL. This is the dialect used by Oracle. PL/SQL stands for Procedural

SQL statements are grouped into three main logical groups:

Data Definition Language (DDL) [Create, Alter, Drop, Rename]

Data Control Language (DCL) [Grant, Deny, Revoke]

Data Manipulation Language (DML) [Select, Insert, Update, Delete]

A view is a virtual table based on the
results of a SELECT query. You can think CREATE VIEW Deliveries

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 14

SELECT o.OrderNo, o.OrderDate,
of a view as a window on specified rows
c.FirstName, c.LastName, c.Addres
in one or more underlying tables. s, c.City
FROM Order AS o JOIN Customer AS c
ON o.CustomerID = c.ID;

Stored Procedure
A stored procedure defines SQL
statements that can be run on command. CREATE PROCEDURE RenameProduct
@ProductID INT,
Stored procedures are used to @NewName VARCHAR(20)
encapsulate programmatic logic in a AS
UPDATE Product
database for actions that applications SET Name = @NewName
need to perform when working with data. WHERE ID = @ProductID;

You can define a stored procedure with EXEC RenameProduct 201, 'Spanner';

parameters to create a flexible solution

for common actions that might need to be
applied to data based on a specific key or

An index helps you search for data in a table. When you create an index in a database,
you specify a column from the table, and the index contains a copy of this data in sorted
order, with pointers to the corresponding rows in the table. When the user runs a query
that specifies this column in the WHERE clause, the database management system can
use this index to fetch the data more quickly than if it had to scan through the entire
table row by row.

CREATE INDEX idx_ProductName

ON Product(Name);

For a table containing few rows, using the

index is probably not any more efficient
than simply reading the entire table

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Consider Azure SQL Managed Instance if you want to lift-and-shift an on-premises
SQL Server instance and all its databases to the cloud, without incurring the
management overhead of running SQL Server on a virtual machine. Azure SQL
Managed Instance provides features not available in Azure SQL Database (discussed
below). Suppose your system uses features such as linked servers, Service Broker (a
message processing system that can be used to distribute work across servers), or
Database Mail (which enables your database to send email messages to users). In that
case, you should use managed instance. To check compatibility with an existing on-
premises system, you can install Data Migration Assistant (DMA). This tool analyzes
your databases on SQL Server and reports any issues that could block migration to a
managed instance.

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Azure SQL Database is available as a Single Database or an Elastic Pool. Azure SQL
Database gives you the best option for low cost with minimal administration. It isn't fully
compatible with on-premises SQL Server installations.

Single Database Elastic Pool

This option enables you to quickly set up This option is similar to Single Database,
and run a single SQL Server database. except that by default multiple databases
You create and run a database server in can share the same resources, such as
the cloud, and you access your database memory, data storage space, and
through this server. Microsoft manages processing power through multiple-
the server, so all you have to do is tenancy. The resources are referred to as
configure the database, create your a pool. You create the pool, and only your
tables, and populate them with your data. databases can use the pool. This model
You can scale the database if you need is useful if you have databases with
more storage space, memory, or resource requirements that vary over
processing power. By default, resources time, and can help you to reduce costs.
are pre-allocated, and you're charged per For example, your payroll database might
hour for the resources you've requested. require plenty of CPU power at the end of
You can also specify each month as you handle payroll
a serverless configuration. In this processing, but at other times the
configuration, Microsoft creates its own database might become much less
server, which might be shared by active. You might have another database
databases belonging to other Azure that is used for running reports. This
subscribers. Microsoft ensures the database might become active for
privacy of your database. Your database several days in the middle of the month
automatically scales and resources are as management reports are generated,
allocated or deallocated as required. but with a lighter load at other times.
Elastic Pool enables you to use the
resources available in the pool, and then
release the resources once processing
has been completed.

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 17

Describe considerations for working with non-relational
data on Azure (15–20%)
Describe capabilities of Azure storage
• describe Azure Blob storage
• describe Azure File storage
• describe Azure Table storage
Describe capabilities and features of Azure Cosmos DB
• identify use cases for Azure Cosmos DB
• describe Azure Cosmos DB APIs

Non-Relational Data in Azure

Blob Storage
Blobs are an efficient way to store data files in a format that is optimized for cloud-based
storage, and applications can read and write them by using the Azure blob storage API.
You store blobs in containers. A container provides a convenient way of grouping
related blobs together. You control who can read and write blobs inside a container at
the container level.

Within a container, you can organize

blobs in a hierarchy of virtual folders,
similar to files in a file system on a disk.
However, by default, these folders are
simply a way of using a "/" character in a
blob name to organize the blobs into
namespaces. The folders are purely
virtual, and you can't perform folder-
level operations to control access or
perform bulk operations.

Azure Blob Storage supports three different types of blob:

Block blobs. A block blob is handled as a set of blocks. Each block can vary in
size, up to 100 MB. A block blob can contain up to 50,000 blocks, giving a
maximum size of over 4.7 TB. The block is the smallest amount of data that can

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be read or written as an individual unit. Block blobs are best used to store
discrete, large, binary objects that change infrequently.

Page blobs. A page blob is organized as a collection of fixed-size 512-byte pages.

A page blob is optimized to support random read and write operations; you can
fetch and store data for a single page if necessary. A page blob can hold up to 8 TB
of data. Azure uses page blobs to implement virtual disk storage for virtual

Append blobs. An append blob is a block blob optimized to support append

operations. You can only add blocks to the end of an append blob; updating or
deleting existing blocks isn't supported. Each block can vary in size, up to 4
MB. The maximum size of an append blob is just over 195 GB.

You can create lifecycle management policies for blobs in a storage account. A
lifecycle management policy can automatically move a blob from Hot to Cool, and then
to the Archive tier, as it ages and is used less frequently (policy is based on the
number of days since modification). A lifecycle management policy can also arrange
to delete outdated blobs.

Azure DataLake Storage Gen2

Azure Data Lake Storage is integrated into Azure Storage; enabling you to take
advantage of the scalability of blob storage and the cost-control of storage tiers,
combined with the hierarchical file system capabilities and compatibility with major
analytics systems of Azure Data Lake Store.

Systems like Hadoop in Azure HDInsight,

Azure Databricks, and Azure Synapse
Analytics can mount a distributed file
system hosted in Azure Data Lake Store
Gen2 and use it to process huge volumes
of data.

To create an Azure Data Lake Store Gen2 files system, you must enable
the Hierarchical Namespace option of an Azure Storage account. You can do this
when initially creating the storage account, or you can upgrade an existing Azure

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Storage account to support Data Lake Gen2. Be aware however that upgrading is a
one-way process – after upgrading a storage account to support a hierarchical
namespace for blob storage, you can’t revert it to a flat namespace.

Azure Files
A file share enables you to store a file on
one computer, and grant access to that
file to users and applications running on
other computers. This strategy can work
well for computers in the same local area
network, but doesn't scale well as the
number of users increases, or if users are
located at different sites. Azure Files is
essentially a way to create cloud-based
network shares, such as you typically find
in on-premises organizations to make
documents and other files available to
multiple users.

Azure Files enables you to share up to 100 TB of data in a single storage account.
This data can be distributed across any number of file shares in the account. The
maximum size of a single file is 1 TB, but you can set quotas to limit the size of each
share below this figure. Currently, Azure File Storage supports up to 2000 concurrent
connections per shared file. Azure File Storage offers two performance tiers. The
Standard tier uses hard disk-based hardware in a data center, and the Premium tier
uses solid-state disks
Azure Files supports two common network file sharing protocols:

Server Message Block (SMB) file-sharing is commonly used across multiple

operating systems (Windows, Linux, macOS).

Network File System (NFS) shares are used by some Linux and macOS versions.
To create an NFS share, you must use a premium tier storage account and create
and configure a virtual network through which access to the share can be

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Azure Tables
Azure Table Storage is a NoSQL storage solution that makes use of tables
containing key/value data items. Each item is represented by a row that contains
columns for the data fields that need to be stored.
However, don't be misled into thinking that an Azure Table Storage table is like a table in
a relational database. An Azure Table enables you to store semi-structured data. All
rows in a table must have a unique key (composed of a partition key and a row
key), and when you modify data in a table, a timestamp column records the date and
time the modification was made; but other than that, the columns in each row can vary.
Azure Table Storage tables have no concept of foreign keys, relationships, stored
procedures, views, or other objects you might find in a relational database. Data
in Azure Table storage is usually denormalized, with each row holding the entire data
for a logical entity.

To help ensure fast access, Azure Table Storage splits a table into partitions.
Partitioning is a mechanism for grouping related rows, based on common property or
partition key. Rows that share the same partition key will be stored together. Partitioning
not only helps to organize data, but it can also improve scalability and performance in
the following ways:

Partitions are independent of each other and can grow or shrink as rows are added
to, or removed from, a partition. A table can contain any number of partitions.

When you search for data, you can include the partition key in the search criteria.
This helps to narrow down the volume of data to be examined and improves

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performance by reducing the amount of I/O (input and output operations,
or reads and writes) needed to locate the data.

Cosmos DB
Azure Cosmos DB is a highly scalable cloud database service for NoSQL data.

Azure Cosmos DB supports multiple

application programming interfaces (APIs) that
enable developers to use the programming
semantics of many common kinds of data store
to work with data in a Cosmos DB database.
The internal data structure is abstracted,
enabling developers to use Cosmos DB to
store and query data using APIs with which
they're already familiar. Cosmos DB uses
indexes and partitioning to provide fast read
and write performance and can scale to
massive volumes of data.

Cosmos DB is a highly scalable database management system. Cosmos DB

automatically allocates space in a container for your partitions, and each partition can
grow up to 10 GB in size. Indexes are created and maintained automatically. There's
virtually no administrative overhead.
When you provision a new Cosmos DB instance, you select the API that you want
to use. The choice of API depends on many factors including, the type of data to be
stored, the need to support existing applications, and the API skills of the developers
who will work with the data store.

Core (SQL) API

The native API in Cosmos DB manages data in JSON document format, and despite
being a NoSQL data storage solution, uses SQL syntax to work with the data.

Input (SQL)
FROM customers c
WHERE = ""

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 22

Output (JSON)
"id": "",
"name": "Joe Jones",
"address": {
"street": "1 Main St.",
"city": "Seattle"

MongoDB is a popular open-source database in which data is stored in Binary JSON
(BSON) format. MongoDB Query Language (MQL) uses a compact, object-oriented
syntax in which developers use objects to call methods. For example, the following
query uses the find method to query the products collection in the db object:

Input (Javascript)
db.products.find({id: 123})

Output (BSON)
"id": 123,
"name": "Hammer",
"price": 2.99}

Table API
The Table API is used to work with data in key-value tables, similar to Azure Table
Storage. The Azure Cosmos DB Table API offers greater scalability and performance
than Azure Table Storage.


Cassandra API
The Cassandra API is compatible with Apache Cassandra, which is a popular open-
source database that uses a column-family storage structure. Column families are
tables, similar to those in a relational database, with the exception that it's not

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 23

mandatory for every row to have the same columns. Cassandra supports a syntax
based on SQL.

Gremlin API
The Gremlin API is used with data in a graph
structure; in which entities are defined
as vertices that form nodes in a connected graph.
Nodes are connected by edges that represent
relationships, like this:

The example in the image shows two kinds of vertex (employee and department) and
edges that connect them (employee "Ben" reports to employee "Sue", and both
employees work in the "Hardware" department).
Gremlin syntax includes functions to operate on vertices and edges, enabling you to
insert, update, delete, and query data in the graph. For example, you could use the
following code to add a new employee named Alice who reports to the employee with
ID 1 (Sue)

g.addV('employee').property('id', '3').property('firstName', 'Alice')

g.V('3').addE('reports to').to(g.V('1'))

Describe an analytics workload on Azure (25–30%)

Describe common elements of a modern data warehouse
• describe considerations for data ingestion and processing
• describe options for analytical data stores
• describe Azure services for data warehousing, including Azure Synapse Analytics,
Azure Databricks, Azure HDInsight, and Azure Data Factory
Describe consideration for real-time data analytics
• describe the difference between batch and streaming data
• describe technologies for real-time analytics including Azure Stream Analytics, Azure
Synapse Data Explorer, and Spark structured streaming

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 24

Describe data visualization in Microsoft Power BI
• identify capabilities of Power BI
• describe features of data models in Power BI
• identify appropriate visualizations for data

Data Analytics In Azure

Data Warehousing

1. Data ingestion and processing – data from one or more transactional data stores,
files, real-time streams, or other sources is loaded into a data lake or a relational
data warehouse. The load operation usually involves an extract, transform, and
load (ETL) or extract, load, and transform (ELT) process in which the data is
cleaned, filtered, and restructured for analysis. The data processing is often
performed by distributed systems that can process high volumes of data in parallel
using multi-node clusters. Data ingestion includes both batch processing of static
data and real-time processing of streaming data.
On Azure, large-scale data ingestion is best implemented by creating pipelines that
orchestrate ETL processes. You can create and run pipelines using Azure Data
Factory, or you can use the same pipeline engine in Azure Synapse Analytics if
you want to manage all of the components of your data warehousing solution in a
unified workspace.

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 25

2. Analytical data store – data stores for large-scale analytics include relational data
warehouses, file-system-based data lakes, and hybrid architectures that combine
features of data warehouses and data lakes (sometimes called data
lakehouses or lake databases).

3. Analytical data model – while data analysts and data scientists can work with the
data directly in the analytical data store, it’s common to create one or more data
models that pre-aggregate the data to make it easier to produce reports,
dashboards, and interactive visualizations. Often these data models are
described as cubes, in which numeric data values are aggregated across one or

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 26

more dimensions (for example, to determine total sales by product and region). The
model encapsulates the relationships between data values and dimensional entities
to support "drill-up/drill-down" analysis.

4. Data visualization – data analysts consume data from analytical models, and
directly from analytical stores to create reports, dashboards, and other
visualizations. Additionally, users in an organization who may not be technology
professionals might perform self-service data analysis and report. The visualizations
from the data show trends, comparisons, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for
a business or other organization, and can take the form of printed reports, graphs,
and charts in documents or PowerPoint presentations, web-based dashboards, and
interactive environments in which users can explore data visually.

Data Warehouse
A data warehouse is a relational database in which the data is stored in a schema that
is optimized for data analytics rather than transactional workloads. Commonly, the data
from a transactional store is denormalized into a schema in which numeric values are
stored in central fact tables, which are related to one or more dimension tables that
represent entities by which the data can be aggregated. This kind of fact and dimension
table schema is called a star schema; though it's often extended into a snowflake
schema by adding additional tables related to the dimension tables to represent
dimensional hierarchies.

Data Lakes
A data lake is a file store, usually on a distributed file system for high-performance data
access. Technologies like Spark or Hadoop are often used to process queries on the
stored files and return data for reporting and analytics. These systems often apply
a schema-on-read approach to define tabular schemas on semi-structured data files at
the point where the data is read for analysis, without applying constraints when it's

Hybrid approaches
You can use a hybrid approach that combines features of data lakes and data
warehouses in a lake database or data lakehouse. The raw data is stored as files in a
data lake, and a relational storage layer abstracts the underlying files and exposes them
as tables, which can be queried using SQL. SQL pools in Azure Synapse Analytics

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 27

include PolyBase, which enables you to define external tables based on files in a data
lake (and other sources) and query them using SQL.
Synapse Analytics also supports a Lake Database approach in which you can use
database templates to define the relational schema of your data warehouse while
storing the underlying data in data lake storage – separating the storage and compute
for your data warehousing solution. Data lakehouses are a relatively new approach in
Spark-based systems, and are enabled through technologies like Delta Lake; which
adds relational storage capabilities to Spark, so you can define tables that enforce
schemas and transactional consistency, support batch-loaded and streaming data
sources, and provide a SQL API for querying.

Azure Synapse Analytics is a unified, end-to-end solution for large-scale data

analytics. It brings together multiple technologies and capabilities, enabling you to
combine the data integrity and reliability of a scalable, high-performance SQL Server-
based relational data warehouse with the flexibility of a data lake and open-source
Apache Spark.
Azure Databricks is an Azure implementation of the popular Databricks platform.
Databricks is a comprehensive data analytics solution built on Apache Spark and offers
native SQL capabilities as well as workload-optimized Spark clusters for data analytics
and data science. Databricks provides an interactive user interface through which the
system can be managed and data can be explored in interactive notebooks.
Azure HDInsight is an Azure service that supports multiple open-source data analytics
cluster types. Although not as user-friendly as Azure Synapse Analytics and Azure
Databricks, it can be a suitable option if your analytics solution relies on multiple open-
source frameworks or if you need to migrate an existing on-premises Hadoop-based
solution to the cloud.

Real-time Analytics
Data processing is simply the conversion of raw data to meaningful information through
a process. There are two general ways to process data:

Batch processing, in which multiple data records are collected and stored before
being processed together in a single operation.

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 28

Stream processing, in which a source of data is constantly monitored and
processed in real-time as new data events occur.

Apart from the way in which batch processing and streaming processing handle data,
there are other differences:

Data scope: Batch processing can process all the data in the dataset. Stream
processing typically only has access to the most recent data received, or within a
rolling time window (the last 30 seconds, for example).

Data size: Batch processing is suitable for handling large datasets efficiently.
Stream processing is intended for individual records or micro-batches consisting of
few records.

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 29

Performance: Latency is the time taken for the data to be received and processed.
The latency for batch processing is typically a few hours. Stream processing
typically occurs immediately, with latency in the order of seconds or milliseconds.

Analysis: You typically use batch processing to perform complex analytics. Stream
processing is used for simple response functions, aggregates, or calculations such
as rolling averages.

The following diagram shows some ways in which batch and stream processing can be
combined in a large-scale data analytics architecture.

1. Data events from a streaming data source are captured in real-time.

2. Data from other sources are ingested into a data store (often a data lake) for batch

3. If real-time analytics is not required, the captured streaming data is written to the
data store for subsequent batch processing.

4. When real-time analytics is required, a stream processing technology is used to

prepare the streaming data for real-time analysis or visualization; often by filtering or
aggregating the data over temporal windows.

5. The non-streaming data is periodically batch processed to prepare it for analysis,

and the results are persisted in an analytical data store (often referred to as a data
warehouse) for historical analysis.

6. The results of stream processing may also be persisted in the analytical data store
to support historical analysis.

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 30

7. Analytical and visualization tools are used to present and explore real-time and
historical data.

Stream Processing
At its simplest, a high-level architecture for stream processing looks like this:

1. An event generates some data. This might be a signal being emitted by a sensor, a
social media message being posted, a log file entry being written, or any other
occurrence that results in some digital data.

2. The generated data is captured in a streaming source for processing. In simple

cases, the source may be a folder in a cloud data store or a table in a database. In
more robust streaming solutions, the source may be a "queue" that encapsulates
logic to ensure that event data is processed in order and that each event is
processed only once.

3. The event data is processed, often by a perpetual query that operates on the event
data to select data for specific types of events, project data values, or aggregate
data values over temporal (time-based) periods (or windows) - for example, by
counting the number of sensor emissions per minute.

4. The results of the stream processing operation are written to an output (or sink),
which may be a file, a database table, a real-time visual dashboard, or another
queue for further processing by a subsequent downstream query.

Real-time analytics in Azure

Microsoft Azure supports multiple technologies that you can use to implement real-time
analytics of streaming data, including:

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 31

Azure Stream Analytics: A platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solution that you can use
to define streaming jobs that ingest data from a streaming source, apply a perpetual
query, and write the results to output.

Spark Structured Streaming: An open-source library that enables you to develop

complex streaming solutions on Apache Spark-based services, including Azure
Synapse Analytics, Azure Databricks, and Azure HDInsight.

Azure Data Explorer: A high-performance database and analytics service that is

optimized for ingesting and querying batch or streaming data with a time-series
element, and which can be used as a standalone Azure service or as an Azure
Synapse Data Explorer runtime in an Azure Synapse Analytics workspace.

Sources for stream processing

The following services are commonly used to ingest data for stream processing on

Azure Event Hubs: A data ingestion service that you can use to manage queues of
event data, ensuring that each event is processed in order, exactly once.

Azure IoT Hub: A data ingestion service that is similar to Azure Event Hubs, but
which is optimized for managing event data from Internet-of-things (IoT) devices.

Azure Data Lake Store Gen 2: A highly scalable storage service that is often used
in batch processing scenarios, but which can also be used as a source of streaming

Apache Kafka: An open-source data ingestion solution that is commonly used

together with Apache Spark. You can use Azure HDInsight to create a Kafka cluster.

Sinks for stream processing

The output from stream processing is often sent to the following services:

Azure Event Hubs: Used to queue the processed data for further downstream

Azure Data Lake Store Gen 2 or Azure blob storage: Used to persist the
processed results as a file.

Azure SQL Database or Azure Synapse Analytics, or Azure Databricks: Used to

persist the processed results in a database table for querying and analysis.

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 32

Microsoft Power BI: Used to generate real-time data visualizations in reports and

Azure Stream Analytics

Azure Stream Analytics is a service for complex event processing and analysis of
streaming data. Stream Analytics is used to:

Ingest data from an input, such as an Azure event hub, Azure IoT Hub, or Azure
Storage blob container.

Process the data by using a query to select, project, and aggregate data values.

Write the results to an output, such as Azure Data Lake Gen 2, Azure SQL
Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Functions, Azure event hub, Microsoft
Power BI, or others.

Once started, a Stream Analytics query will run perpetually, processing new data as it
arrives in the input and storing results in the output.
Azure Stream Analytics is a great technology choice when you need to continually
capture data from a streaming source, filter or aggregate it, and send the results to a
data store or downstream process for analysis and reporting.

Apache Spark on Azure

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 33

Apache Spark is a distributed processing framework for large-scale data analytics. You
can use Spark on Microsoft Azure in the following services:

Azure Synapse Analytics

Azure Databricks

Azure HDInsight

Spark can be used to run code (usually written in Python, Scala, or Java) in parallel
across multiple cluster nodes, enabling it to process very large volumes of data
efficiently. Spark can be used for both batch processing and stream processing.

Spark Structured Streaming

To process streaming data on Spark, you can use the Spark Structured
Streaming library, which provides an application programming interface (API) for
ingesting, processing, and outputting results from perpetual streams of data.
Spark Structured Streaming is built on a ubiquitous structure in Spark called
a dataframe, which encapsulates a table of data. You use the Spark Structured
Streaming API to read data from a real-time data source, such as a Kafka hub, a file
store, or a network port, into a "boundless" dataframe that is continually populated with
new data from the stream. You then define a query on the dataframe that selects,
projects, or aggregates the data - often in temporal windows. The results of the query
generate another dataframe, which can be persisted for analysis or further processing.

Delta Lake
Delta Lake is an open-source storage layer that adds support for transactional
consistency, schema enforcement, and other common data warehousing features to
data lake storage. It also unifies storage for streaming and batch data, and can be used
in Spark to define relational tables for both batch and stream processing. When used for
stream processing, a Delta Lake table can be used as a streaming source for queries
against real-time data, or as a sink to which a stream of data is written.

The Spark runtimes in Azure Synapse Analytics and Azure Databricks include support
for Delta Lake.

Azure Data Explorer

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 34

Azure Data Explorer is a standalone Azure service for efficiently analyzing data. You
can use the service as the output for analyzing large volumes of diverse data from data
sources such as websites, applications, IoT devices, and more. For example, by
outputting Azure Stream Analytics logs to Azure Data Explorer, you can complement
Stream Analytics low latency alert handling with Data Explorer's deep investigation
capabilities. The service is also encapsulated as a runtime in Azure Synapse Analytics,
where it is referred to as Azure Synapse Data Explorer; enabling you to build and
manage analytical solutions that combine SQL, Spark, and Data Explorer analytics in a
single workspace.

Azure Data Explorer is a great choice of technology when you need to:

Capture and analyze real-time or batch data that includes a time-series element;
such as log telemetry or values emitted by Internet-of-things (IoT) devices.

Explore, filter, and aggregate data quickly by using the intuitive and powerful Kusto
Query Language (KQL)

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 35

Data Visualization (Read more from Learn)
Data modeling and visualization is at the
heart of business intelligence (BI)
workloads that are supported by modern
data analytics solutions. Essentially, data
visualization powers reporting and
decision-making that helps organizations
succeed. Microsoft Power BI is a suite of
tools and services that data analysts can
use to build interactive data visualizations
for business users to consume.

Concept of Data Modeling

Analytical models enable you to structure data to
support analysis. Models are based on related
tables of data and define the numeric values that
you want to analyze or report (known as measures)
and the entities by which you want to aggregate

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 36

them (known as dimensions). For example, a model
might include a table containing numeric measures
for sales (such as revenue or quantity) and
dimensions for products, customers, and time. This
would enable you aggregate sale measures across
one or more dimensions (for example, to identify
total revenue by customer, or total items sold by-
product per month). Conceptually, the model forms a
multidimensional structure, which is commonly
referred to as a cube, in which any point where the
dimensions intersect represents an aggregated
measure for those dimensions.

Data Fundamentals (DP-900) 37

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