Introducton of Circuit Assignment

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American International University- Bangladesh (AIUB)

Faculty of Engineering

Course Name: Introduction to Electrical Circuits Course Code: COE 2101

Semester: Spring 2023-24 Term: Mid
Total Marks: 20 Submission Date: 21-10-2023
Faculty Name: Mr. Rethwan Faiz Assignment: M01

Course Outcome Mapping with Questions

Item COs POIs K P A Marks
Q1 CO2 P.a.2.C3 K2 10
Q2 CO1 P.a.2.C3 K2 10
Total: 20

Student Information:
Student Name: Easa Islam Junayet Student ID:23-54533-3

Section:T Department: CSE

Marking Rubrics (to be filled by Faculty):

Excellent Proficient Good Acceptable Unacceptable No Response
[5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
Detailed Response with no Response Partial Unable to No
unique apparent errors shows problem is clarify the Response/(Copied/identical
response and the answer is understanding solved; understanding submissions will be graded
explaining correct, but of the problem, response of the problem as 0 for all parties
Problem # the concept explanation is not but the final indicates part and method of concerned)
properly adequate/unique. answer may of the the problem
and answer not be correct problem was solving was not
is correct not correct
with all understood
works clearly.

Comments Total marks (20)

1. Compute the voltage Vo, using superposition for the following electrical network of Fig. 1. [5]

Fig. 1: Circuit diagram for Question 1.

2. At 25C, 60 J electrical energy is converted into heat in a resistor (which is made by copper) within 30 s. If at
the same temperature the current passing through the resistor is 100 mA, calculate (i) the voltage drop across
the resistor, and (ii) the value of resistor at 60C. (Inferred absolute temperature of copper is |𝑇 | = 234.5C).

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