LG Corp Discussion Material Eng
LG Corp Discussion Material Eng
LG Corp Discussion Material Eng
March 2021
LG Corp.(the “Company”) is pursuing a spin-off of five subsidiaries, including LG International, etc. and the shareholders will
get to vote on the Spin-off plan through AGM on 26 March 2021. The Spin-off is strategically essential for the advancement of
current business portfolio and the efficiency of resource management. After considering various transaction options, we have
concluded that a horizontal spin-off is the most efficient transaction structure to accomplish such goals. Through this Spin-off,
the Company will be able to increase corporate value and shareholder profits, which will enable efficient allocation of the
Company’s capital and allow for active return of the profits to the shareholders. Furthermore, we would like to explain certain
issues that a minority shareholder have raised with respect to the Spin-off and the Company’s governance structure through
a separate set of Q&As.
Table of Contents
Appendix 12
1. Restructuring LG’s Portfolio Based on Business Characteristics (Cont’d)
Since the managerial change in 2018, LG Corp. has continued to execute the long-term strategy to increase the
competitiveness of its flagship businesses and find new growth engines. The criteria used for classifying and restructuring
LG’s business portfolio are as follows.
Business Value Disposal and Withdrawal
Enhancement LG Electronics’ disposal of its water
CNS’s business cooperation with a treatment business
financial investor LG Chem’s disposal of its LCD
LG Electronics’ announcement of polarizer business
establishing a JV with Magna LG Uplus’ disposal of its PG business
International for e-Powertrain
S&I’s disposal of its MRO business
Growth Low Strategic Priority
Potential & High Growth Potential
Intensive Management
Independent(1) & International
Chem’s battery business split-off Responsible Management Hausys
High MMA
1. Independent from LG Corp
1. Restructuring LG’s Portfolio Based on Business Characteristics
As a result of the Spin-off, the new holding company will be able to implement an independent management and
decision-making structure tailored to the characteristics and needs of each spun-off subsidiary. Each spun-off subsidiary
will be able to deepen their business expertise to expand beyond the captive market, which will enhance the overall
corporate and shareholder value.
LG Pantos
MMA (50.0%) LG Display LG H&H LG CNS
Electronics (51.0%)(1)
2. Expected Impacts of the Spin-off (Cont’d)
1 2 3 4
Portfolio Optimization Based on Opportunity to Unlock the Maintenance of Partnership NAV Discount Alleviation
Business Characteristics Hidden Value
• Independent management • By having the Newco to focus and • Spun-off entities can unlock new • We expect to alleviate the NAV
overseeing the spun-off subsidiaries specialize in their flagship businesses, business initiatives under discount issue as strategic
and segregation of businesses will we expect to obtain unattained independent management(1), while initiatives continue and the spin-
enhance management efficiency value and reach full growth potential NewCo is continuing its partnership off aims to diversify investment
and lead to tailored strategies to with LG risks and promote business-
maximize value potential specific expertise.
1. Independent from LG Corp
1 Portfolio Optimization Based on Business Characteristics (Details)
Businesses with similar characteristics will be managed independently to enhance management efficiency and
implement tailored strategies to maximize the potential value.
LG Corp. NewCo
No. 1 construction
materials in Korea
• Capital intensive businesses requiring stable long-term • Relatively smaller scale businesses with ample growth
investments and resource allocation potential to be unlocked
• Global top-tier businesses with proven • Large room for business diversification and global
competitiveness and brand awareness expansion
• Stable cash flow generation and huge upside • Feasible to adapt to change of market by
potential from new technology development implementation of streamlined decision making
(AI, Big Data, 5G, Electric Vehicle) process under independent management(1)
1. Independent from LG Corp
2 Opportunity to Unlock the Hidden Value (Details)
With Newco’s board of directors specialized in their flagship businesses, we expect to attain inherent value and reach full
growth potential going forward.
[ Board of Directors ]
Former CEO, LG Semiconductor Domestic
Koo, Former CEO, LG-Philips LCD MMA Market
Bon Joon Former CEO, LG Electronics
Former Vice Chairman, LG Corp. KRW 1Tn
COO Former CEO, LG International
Chi Ho Domestic Global
Construction Palm Oil Market
Park, Former Finance Manager, LG Chem
CFO Materials Market
Jang Soo Former Finance VP, LG Corp. KRW 58Tn
* The BOD consists of total 7 directors(3 inside and 4 outside).
KRW 19Tn Unlocking the
Hidden Value
Global 3PL Market
Display-IC Market
KRW 1,265Tn
International Silicon Works Hausys MMA
(24.7%) (33.1%) (33.5%) (50.0%)
1. Forecasted market size for 2025 except for domestic MMA market, which is based on the current market. Converted from USD with foreign exchange rate of 1 USD = 1,114.6 KRW (As of January 29, 2021, Seoul Money Brokerage Services)
3 Maintenance of Partnership (Details)
Spun-off entities can unlock new business initiatives under independent management(1), while NewCo will maintain its
partnership with LG Corp.
LG Corp. NewCo
1. Independent from LG Corp
4 NAV Discount Alleviation (Details, Cont’d)
The market has responded positively to LG’s past strategic initiatives, as proved by greater total shareholder return
compared to the peers. The spin-off, as another strategic decision to move forward, is expected to further uplift the
shareholder value.
LG Corp’s Strategic Initiatives and Annual TSR(1) Comparison(2) Market Cap. vs. NAV
TSR (%) KRW Tn
LG Corp. spin-off
Acquisition of Disposal of MRO Business cooperation
automotive headlight business with a financial investor
manufacturer Disposal of water Disposal of LCD
treatment business polarizer business
Disposal of PG business Battery business spin-off
Ample Headroom
(16.9%) for Value Uplift
(21.0%) (Improve NAV
LG Corp Other HoldCo Avg. Discount)
Source: Company Filings, S&P Capital IQ, Bloomberg
1. Annual TSR (Total Shareholder Return) = {[(Closing price on last day of year + annual total dividend per share) / Closing price on first day of year] – 1} x 100
2. Compared to other HoldCos, which include: SK Holdings, Hyundai Heavy Industries Holdings, GS Holdings, LS, and CJ
4 NAV Discount Alleviation (Details)
This spin-off aims to diversify investment risks and promote business-specific expertise by restructuring LG Corp.’s business
portfolio, which will ultimately alleviate the Company's NAV discount issue and enhance the corporate value going
(1) Dependence on subsidiary dividend cash flow Subsidiary dividend gradually increasing
(2) Indirect holding of equity in blue-chip subsidiaries More shareholder options through spin-off
(3) Risk of pursuing new business Diversify investment risk through spin-off
3. LG Corp.’s Capital Allocation Plan Following the Spin-off
Dividend Policy(1)
• Investment in high growth businesses within the
• LG Corp’s dividend policy is to distribute 50% or same verticals to enhance LG’s value chain
more its net income (excluding non-recurring
• Maximize growth (both organic and inorganic)
income) on a stand-alone basis, which is within
through investments and M&A
the range of the company’s dividend income
1. As announced by LG Corp in a public disclosure on February 13, 2020
1 Shareholder Return (Details)
Compelling shareholder return in the form of dividends has been LG Corp’s priority and will continue to be the primary
1.61% 1.60% 1.46%
1.53% 1.56%
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
1. Dividend per share and dividend yield for common shares
2 Growth Investment (Details)
LG Corp. and its subsidiaries will enhance corporate value and accelerate business growth through implementing growth
investment strategies.
Business Area
Appendix #1. Spin-off Ratio / Revenue Breakdown
1. Spin-off Ratio
2. Revenue Breakdown
LG Corp. (Prior to Spin-off) (Unit : KRW bn)
Appendix #2: Spin-off Timeline and Key Terms
Spin-off Timeline
Nov. 26, 2020 Dec. 31, 2020 Mar. 11, 2021 Mar. 26, 2021 May 1, 2021 End of May, 2021
Spin-off Record Date for General Notice for General General Shareholders’ Date of Spin-off Amended Listing of
Announcement Shareholders’ Meeting Shareholders’ Meeting Meeting to Approve LG Corp. & Relisting
Spin-off Plan and New Listing of
Key Terms
Entity Company Major Subsidiaries Spin-Off Ratio Capital Face Value Total No. of Shares
• LG Electronics
Common: 157,300,993
SurvivingCo LG Corp. • LG Chem 0.9115879 KRW 801.6 BN KRW 5,000
Preferred: 3,021,620
• LG Uplus
• International
• Pantos
Common: 76,280,690
NewCo LG NewCo(1) • Silicon Works 0.0884121 KRW 77.8 BN KRW 1,000
Preferred: 1,465,285
• Hausys
Appendix #3: Efficient Restructuring through Horizontal Spin-off
In order to reorganize the portfolio, multiple transaction structures were reviewed from various angles(strategy, finance, legal, tax,
certainty of deal closing, and so on). In order to achieve the objective of restructuring our business portfolio and considering the
expected impacts, horizontal spin-off has been determined as the most appropriate option.
• Strategic relationships have been • As the newly established holding • It is easy to establish an independent
formed with major subsidiaries or company becomes a wholly-owned management system, so it is suitable
business partners in the form of value subsidiary of the surviving holding for advancing business portfolio
chains or joint ventures, and the company, it is difficult to secure through expert management.
dependence on intercompany independent management operation
transactions is high, making it difficult and expeditious decision-making • Independent management operation
to obtain a fair valuation in a third process due to the equity relationship. and decision-making efficiency and
party sale. expeditiousness can be secured
• The financial risks of a new holding • After the spin-off, both the surviving
• Opposition of executives and company and an existing holding company and the newly established
employees due to change in control company are still shared. company's stocks are to be listed,
and decrease in employment stability, expanding shareholders' options.
possibly result in decreased • Pantos will be converted from a
productivity and corporate value. grandchild company to a great- • Less discount effect compared to
grandchild company, resulting in vertical spin-off.
• Possibility of increased external additional burdens and costs for LG
outflows compared to other options International, e.g., having to secure • In terms of strategic relationship and
exists. 100% of the stake or sell the entire growth potential, it is more
stake in accordance with the Monopoly advantageous to spin off the
Regulation And Fair Trade Act . company and maintain the
relationship through internal holdings
rather than 3rd party sale.
Legal Disclaimer
This presentation and the information contained herein are for information purposes only and is not intended as an offer
or solicitation of the purchase of securities.
Neither this presentation nor any contents contained herein shall constitute an offer or solicitation of proxy, consent or
vote. Any such solicitation shall be made only by formal documents filed publicly, which shall include, among others, a
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This document contains forward-looking statements based on current assumptions and beliefs. The information in this
presentation is not intended to predict actual results, and no assurances are given with respect thereto as it involves a
number of factors that could cause actual results to differ materially.
The contents of this document are subject to change without notice and may also change in case the assumptions or
standards on which such contents are based are different. The company is not obligated to change, amend or correct
the contents of this document.
Please note that in no event shall the company and its employees provide warranty or be responsible for any damages
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made at one’s own individual judgement & responsibility.