32(1), 46-54
Previous studies have pointed to the benefits of involving students’ everyday life experiences in lessons and in contextualizing the science
content to enhance learning and positive attitudes toward school science. However, most of these investigations have been conducted
as intervention studies. By contrast, the present study explored how teachers, in authentic situations and without interventions, related
the school science context to other contexts. We analyzed a total of 490 min of lesson introductions in Swedish Grade 9 classes. The
results revealed that teachers employed contextualization at the intersection of science content and the everyday life context, the school
context, and the language context. Furthermore, it appeared that contextualization was created in the moment, as a way of explicating
the scientific content. Compared to intervention studies, the present study shows that occasions of contextualization are rare. It is
possible to conclude that the use of contextualization in science learning situations could be viewed as a teacher competence and must
be explicit in teacher education and professional development to achieve the benefits of enhanced student interest and learning shown
in the mentioned intervention studies.
INTRODUCTION 2000) and about science related to societal issues and everyday
life (Cerini et al., 2003). To incorporate more context-based
or the last few decades, a major challenge in Western
teaching, many scholars have advocated the inclusion of
countries has been enhancing young people’s interest in
socioscientific issues (SSIs) in science instruction (Zeidler
science and technology. As far back as 1975, Ormerod
et al., 2005; Ratcliffe and Grace, 2003), wherein teaching also
and Duckworth (1975) concluded that the “swing from
includes everyday problems that can be described as complex,
science” had begun; it was grounded in a declining interest
often interdisciplinary, and including social aspects, scientific
in the science subjects. In 2014, Potvin and Hasni concluded
knowledge, and sometimes conflicting values. According
in a review that the problem of students’ lack of interest in
to Zeidler et al. (2009), the SSI framework may comprise
science persists. They also noted that the interest in science and
discrepant scientific, social, or moral viewpoints, which may
technology decreases as school years progress and identified
be in conflict with students’ own beliefs.
a large gap between school science offerings and students’
preferences. Other studies have reached similar conclusions, Holbrook and Rannikmae (2010) argued that introducing
stating that school science is not communicated in a personally science in a familiar context provides possibilities to enhance
relevant way and does not allow for discussion (Osborne and students’ interest in and intrinsic motivation for learning
Collins, 2001; Barmby et al., 2008; Christadou, 2011). Several science. Consequently, teachers must also consider contexts
large-scale studies (OECD, 2013) have identified a lack of other than that of school science as a resource for science
interest and negative attitudes toward learning science. This learning. Many studies have focused on implementing different
is also true for students in countries that achieve high results teaching methods and strategies in the science classroom,
on international large-scale science tests such as Program for and thereafter evaluating aspects such as students’ learning
International Student Assessment and Trends in International outcomes or students’ experienced engagements (Crawford,
Mathematics and Science Study. Therefore, while students may 2000; Wierdsman et al., 2016). However, not many teachers
achieve high results on these kinds of tests, they may also find and science classrooms have the possibility to take advantage
school science generally irrelevant or uninteresting (Hofstein of the collaborative work between teachers and researchers
et al., 2011). However, several studies have shown that the that comes through setting up intervention studies. Therefore,
issue of interest is actually more complex, as students express we are interested in increasing our understanding of how
negative attitudes toward school science and are positive about teachers use contextualization in teaching situations without
popular science in a practical context (Häussler and Hoffman, interventions. Few studies have explored teachers’ in-action
approaches to scientific content, contextualization and how it is de-contextualization, and re-contextualization. They argued
communicated in the classroom. Consequently, what happens that initiating science teaching in a contextual frame that
in the science classroom in terms of how contextualization is students are familiar with could enhance the students’ interest
outlined without intervention has been seldom scrutinized and in and intrinsic motivation to learn science. Their approach
discussed. This is valuable knowledge in terms of, for example, suggested introducing science topics by including social
how to approach and plan future professional development contexts that involve science, to highlight relevance and
and available learning resources at governmental platforms create a need to learn more science. The de-contextualized
to reach broader groups of teachers. mode focuses on structuring scientific knowledge and learning
scientific skills, while re-contextualization comprises drawing
The present study explored how teachers employ and relate
conclusions on the contextual frame based on new scientific
other contexts to that of school science to facilitate negotiation
knowledge. Similarly, Feierabend and Eilks (2010) suggested
of the presented scientific content. We aimed to identify
a model for instruction that emphasizes movement among
how contextualization was outlined and framed without
different teaching contexts. This model involves problem
interventions in authentic situations. Contextualization is
analysis from an everyday context, clarification of the scientific
understood here as the use of additional contexts in relation
content, refocusing on the socioscientific dilemma, negotiation
to school science to explicate and negotiate the discussed
in role-playing tasks, and a meta-reflective activity involving
scientific content. the underlying scientific issues. These kinds of concrete
teaching models offer support for more actively and explicitly
BACKGROUND moving between the scientific and everyday context in teaching
Framing Science Education through Contextualization situations. Wierdsma et al. (2016) suggested another method
As argued above, the socioscientific approach to science of re-contextualization, wherein instruction in an upper-
instruction has been promoted as a way of enhancing students’ secondary science classroom focused on a storyline with
interest and motivation for learning science. One fundamental embedded crucial concepts, as well as episodes contextualizing
idea for using SSIs involves putting science content, scientific concepts in societal practices. Their results suggested that the
explanations, and theories into a wider context, thereby strategy of re-contextualization is a fruitful way of enhancing
enhancing the relevance of science education to students students’ learning behavior and of distinguishing among a
(Zeidler et al., 2005; Ratcliffe and Grace, 2003). According to preparation phase, a re-contextualizing phase, a reflection-on-
Wierdsma et al. (2016), a context is defined as a representation re-contextualizing phase, and a test phase.
of a social practice constructed for educational purposes. Another way to consider this movement between contexts
Several studies have highlighted that involving a broader is to acknowledge the issue of hybridity. Early studies of
context in science lessons increases students’ engagement hybridity often captured the translation struggle of differences
and interest and may contribute to making science personally in language use and in contexts on borderlands (Arteaga,
relevant for the students. For example, Feierabend and Eilks 1994; Valle and Torres, 1995). Such translations can occur,
(2010) explored students’ perceived relevance of a teaching for example, in learning situations wherein people try to
sequence involving authentic and controversial issues. The make sense of new notions in relation to their previous
students responded positively to the cooperative learning conceptual and contextual understanding. Wallace (2004)
methods, the relevance of the topics, and how the presented argued that hybridity theory emphasizes how people in any
dilemmas corresponded to their personal interests. In a recent given community draw upon multiple resources to make
study by Schmidt et al. (2019), students reported that science sense of the world, and that being “in-between” different
lessons generally had low relevance to them. However, when funds of knowledge or discourses may be both constraining
teachers employed frequent relevance statements, students also and productive in both social and cultural settings such as a
tended to report higher personal relevance of science lessons. science classroom. According to Wallace (2004), hybridity can
One way of exploring how students engage meaningfully be related to third spaces, which are hybrid spaces in which
in scientific practices was suggested in a framework of various contexts and funds of knowledge are brought together.
epistemologies in practice provided by Berland et al. (2016),
Science Learning and Language Learning
in which students’ epistemic ideas are a combination of
Lemke (2000) emphasized that science teaching and learning
ideas and actions. The authors argued that it is impossible to
is a linguistic activity, given that an important feature of
assume that practices that enable progress toward the goals
learning science is to learn the language of it. Lemke continued
of the scientific community are experienced as meaningful to
by linking learning the language of science to the fact that
learners. The authors referred to meaningful activities such as
science and science education is a human social activity
those focused on students’ perceptions regarding reasons for
that occurs within institutional and cultural frameworks. In
completing a specific activity.
so doing, Lemke emphasized not only social interactions
As a way of theorizing the approach of implementing various between humans but also the cultural setting in which science
contexts, Holbrook and Rannikmae (2010) suggested adopting education takes place. According to Gutiérrez et al. (1999),
a teaching cycle of contextualization; that is, contextualization, learning contexts are immanently hybrid, which means that
they are polycontextual, multivoiced, and multiscripted; this, of representations, such as demonstrations, student activities,
in turn, means that learning spaces entail conflicts, tensions, and analogies, to convince the students of a correct scientific
and diversity. However, rather than viewing hybridity as explanation for a phenomenon. The third strategy was to
problematic, the authors argued that it provides important confront students with alternative, non-scientific conceptions.
cultural resources for students’ knowledge development.
Karthigeyan (2014) investigated student teachers’ ideas
Kamberelis and Wehunt (2012) used the notion of hybrid regarding how they design their teaching. The results indicated
discourse practice as a way of describing how students import that the student teachers mainly emphasized interactivity,
knowledge and discursive strategies from popular culture and lectures, and visualization. Karthigeyan argued that the student
media to accomplish complex school tasks and assignments. teachers tended to disregard their pupils’ prior knowledge and
Students create a heterogeneous form of discourse that involves experiences when framing various cognitive activities. Based
different forms of talk, social interaction, and material practices on the above examples of studies, the issue of contextualization
(using artefacts) from various social and cultural contexts, or movement between different contexts does not seem to
thereby generating interactional and communicative spaces. be an important part of the involved teachers’ strategies.
According to the authors, hybrid discourse practices involve Yet, most studies dealing with teaching strategies appear to
the interplay of at least three key elements: Lamination of have focused on various kinds of interventions in relation
multiple cultural frames, shifting relations between people to teaching strategies or teachers’ epistemological beliefs
and their discourse, and shifting power relations among (Wierdsma et al., 2016). A common approach has been to
people. From empirical data, the authors found that hybrid explore interventions through inquiry-based instruction. For
discourse practices help students engage in and understand example, Crawford (2000) examined the beliefs and practices
science content and connect their out-of-school knowledge of secondary teachers who developed inquiry-based science
and personal interests to the subject being taught. Furthermore, instruction and how student–teacher interactions developed.
Nygård Larsson and Jakobsson (2019) concluded that students The results suggested a need for a collaborative inquiry model
who can use hybrid discourses and move between everyday for teaching and learning, where the development of conceptual
and scientific languages benefit from this exchange, while understanding is a shared learning experience. Williams and
students who only use colloquial language or relate the content Clement (2015) also explored various kinds of discussion-
to everyday experiences become disadvantaged in learning based strategies in science instruction. They identified both
situations. macro- and micro-level strategies for enhancing students’
science learning. It seems that some interventions may have
The above is in line with the discussion of Krajcik and a greater impact on students’ achievements than others.
Sutherland (2010). They reviewed approaches for developing According to a meta-analysis by Schroeder et al. (2007),
student literacy in science and their point of departure was that interventions focusing on enhanced context strategies have
literacy is defined as the understanding of science content and the highest impact on students’ achievement in science. The
scientific practices and the ability to use that knowledge to interventions in this category consist of teachers referring
participate in decision-making processes, and also the ability to students’ prior experiences or engaging students’ interest
to critique the quality of evidence about science (National when considering the school’s environment or setting.
Research Council, 1986). Krajcik and Sutherland (2010) Interventions that had less impact on students’ achievements
suggested five curricular features: Linking new ideas to prior were collaborative learning strategies, followed by questioning
knowledge and experiences, anchoring learning in questions strategies, and finally inquiry strategies. The results of the
that are meaningful in the lives of students, connecting multiple meta-analysis comprised studies that aimed to intervene in
representations, providing opportunities for students to use ongoing teaching and learning practices; thus, the question
science ideas, and supporting students’ engagement with the remains how uninfluenced science teaching considers the
discourse of science. possibility of creating enhanced contexts.
Teaching Strategies and Contextualization
According to the above discussion, learning settings can be METHODOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS
considered as hybrid spaces (Wallace, 2004) or as movements Many previous studies have argued that science instruction
between different teaching contexts (Feierabend and Eilks, should be contextualized and made personally relevant to
2010), but how do teachers acknowledge and deal with students. Therefore, our interest in the present study was in
this movement during instruction? Several studies have exploring how teachers employ school science and relate it to
investigated teaching approaches and how teachers consider other societal contexts. One possible approach is to explore
their own strategies of teaching in the science classroom. For how SSI is employed in science classrooms. The use of SSI in
example, Hashweh (1996) asked teachers to describe their teaching situations explicitly involves working with dilemmas
own strategies for teaching science and found that they mainly or societal problems, which focuses on argumentation and
referred to three categories of teaching. The first strategy providing different points of view in relation to scientific
emphasized scientific concepts through the teachers’ own facts (Zeidler, 2014). By contrast, the present study aims to
explanations. The second strategy involved different forms investigate how teachers use contextualization to emphasize
and make relevance of the scientific content. In this way, analyzed, with the focus on identifying situations where
contextualization provides an opportunity to use various teachers not only refer to the science but also use other
resources to explicate a specific phenomenon, serving as a resources or contexts to make relevance of lesson topics.
bridge between the school science context and other familiar The topics taught could presumably impact on the extent to
contexts. As argued in the previous section, most studies that which the teachers employed multiple contexts. However, the
focus on context strategies or different ways to approach quantity of the data material may compensate for the fact that
the scientific content in school are intervention studies, some specific topics could be more difficult to contextualize
in which researchers actively affect the science teaching in some lessons.
situations and evaluate the impacts. The present study
The data analysis was thematic (Braun and Clarke, 2008) and
asks how contextualization is constituted in real, authentic
consisted of three phases. The first overall approach aimed to
classroom situations. Therefore, we explored the nature of
reveal situations in which the teachers related school science to
contextualization without any interventions in authentic
other contexts for explicating the presented scientific content.
situations. Our research question was:
This meant that the analysis included identifying all attempts
• In what ways is contextualization constituted in authentic from the teachers to highlight links to another context. This
situations by science teachers when introducing science phase could be considered as deductive or theoretically driven,
lessons? with the focus of research decided in advance. A total of 75
This study was a part of a larger project that had the overarching situations were identified as containing both scientific and
goal of exploring teachers’ and students’ use of multiple additional contexts. Several lesson introductions contained more
contexts and use of language in Swedish science classrooms. than one situation of contextualization, while others identified
To approach this goal, six different schools were chosen to no additional contexts other than the school science. The second
represent city schools, urban schools, and small-town schools. phase of the analysis involved suggesting different thematic
In all, 195 students and their 14 science teachers participated in patterns into which the different contexts could be categorized.
the study. The data collection consisted of video observations Thus, this analytic phase was inductive and data-driven because
from all science lessons (15-year-old students) during a there was no pre-existing classification. Furthermore, the aim
teaching period of 2–3 weeks. Participation was voluntary and here was a semantic approach, which departs from description
an informed consent was signed. It was possible to withdraw and evolves into an interpretation of the patterns’ significance
this at any time during the data collection. While the topics and their implications (Braun and Clarke, 2008). This phase was
taught varied, all were related to the curriculum for compulsory conducted independently by two different coders. In the third
school and to the learning goals of the syllabus. In all, the data phase of the analysis, the different categories were negotiated,
comprised approximately 200 h of video. confirmed, and finally summarized into three main categories.
This included the authors reviewing the themes and defining
For this study, we concentrated on the lesson introductions and classifying instances to the three different main categories
as an approach for analyzing the data from the perspective of everyday life context, the school context, and the language
of exploring teachers’ ways of contextualizing the science context. While the authors agreed on the categorization for most
content. This meant that the analytic focus was on the teachers situations, a few were renegotiated and finally decided upon as
and did not involve students’ reactions or responses to teachers’ belonging to one of the three categories.
efforts to contextualize the science content. We assumed that
the start of a lesson would be an occasion that was expected The first category is broad and, as the name implies, involves
to relate the scientific content to other, perhaps more familiar a wide range of situations that could emerge in everyday life.
contexts and, in that way, negotiate the scientific content. As seen in the results description, the situations comprise
While it is most likely that teachers employed various contexts (a) relating scientific phenomena to everyday occurrences,
in situations other than during lesson introductions, this was (b) references to movies/media, or (c) short stories related
not our focus. In this study, a lesson introduction refers to the to popular science. Segments (a)–(c) were considered as
occasion on which the teacher starts the lesson and ends when subcategories to the everyday life context. The second
a new activity begins. Examples of this activity could include category involved a broad school context where references
collaborative work, a student experiment or students working to other school subjects constituted the main part. Finally,
on their own. On some occasions, the teacher continued the language context concerns different linguistic references,
holding a lecture, which made it difficult to identify the end of such as (a) relating words to other languages or (b) relating
the lesson introduction. Even though these cases could not only scientific words to everyday words; these were considered as
be considered as introductions, we used the same definition subcategories to the language context.
for ending our analysis; that is, when a new activity replaced
the introduction. Five lesson introductions lasted for more RESULTS
than 20 min. On average, the introductions lasted for 11 min.
From the data material, we found 75 situations in which the
We analyzed all lesson introductions in all whole-class teachers involved contexts other than only school science, thus
situations. A total of 44 introductions, totaling 490 min, were creating possibilities for contextualization. These situations are
described here as contextualization occurring at the intersection moving the core, he highlights how the magnetic field switches
between school science context and three different areas: The and power is generated. To emphasize the connection between
everyday life context, the school context, and the language his experiment and everyday life, he refers to the wall switches
context. Regarding the everyday life context, three different in the room, showing the importance of communicating the
subcategories were found: Connecting scientific and everyday relevance of this scientific phenomenon. The students do not
phenomena, media references and telling a short story. Within respond or comment on the teacher’s statement.
the category of language context, two subcategories were
Excerpt 2 shows another way of contextualizing at the
identified: Connecting scientific and everyday words and
intersection between the science content and everyday life.
derivation of words from other languages. The results from the
In this case, the teacher tells a story to highlight the scientific
categorization are found in Table 1. In all, 38 situations were
content. The teacher relates the discussed topic to popular
considered to belong to the everyday life context, six to a wider
science by sharing a short anecdote that involves how
school context and, 31 could refer to as to contextualization
knowledge in science could be used in another science area.
in relation to the language area.
In so doing, the teacher introduces the concept of isotopes
Contextualization at the Intersection between School and relates it to how it is possible to determine the age of
Science and Everyday Life archaeological artefacts. In all, 12 situations were considered
All of the teachers connected school science to the everyday to belong to this category.
life context and nearly all did so through connecting scientific • Excerpt 2
and everyday phenomena, which is the first sub-category in Teacher: [The teacher draws three atomic models of hydrogen
the everyday life context. The following excerpt (Excerpt 1) isotopes: Protium, deuterium, tritium, on the whiteboard]…
constitutes a typical example of contextualization found in it’s still hydrogen. Hydrogen, mmmm, they have a special
the data material: name, it’s still hydrogen, but it is different isotopes. Different
• Excerpt 1 isotopes of hydrogen.
Teacher: [Shows an experiment using an iron core, a coil, a Student: What are isotopes?
magnet and an ampere meter] What does it mean when it tilts Teacher: There are different kinds of hydrogen with different
back and forth like this [shows with his arm how the magnetic numbers of neutrons. All atoms have variations of different
field switches]? We have the north end always in one direction isotopes, but one isotope is more common. There is an isotope
[pointing to the drawn coil on the whiteboard]. that has been found. All life contains that isotope. That’s great
[…] because you can do research on it. For example, if I died, and
someone dug me up in about a thousand years from now, then
Teacher: Then, it becomes like this. When it is like this, the
they could check one thing, and measure one thing, and then
iron core is extended [showing on the coil on his desk], and we
see that this guy, he died a thousand years ago.
have the north end there and the south end there. Then [turns
the magnet], the south end moves there and the north end there. Student: How can you see that?
The magnetic field in this moves back and forth, and then arises Teacher: How can you see that?
a phenomenon that creates power; it creates current. It moves Student: Carbon … [inaudible]
here [to the measuring instrument], which is why it gives Teacher: Something with carbon, yes. Carbon-14 method,
motion. And because of that, it switches back and forth, so it like.
is alternating current. That is what we have in our wall switch Student: We have heard about it.
[points toward the wall switch]. We get alternating current Teacher: Yes, Carbon-14 is a carbon isotope. It is a kind of
of this phenomenon. With the help of magnets, we create carbon has 14 in mass numbers.
power, named induction. It is named induction. By induction,
Excerpt 2 highlights how the teacher explains the chemical
we have power in our wall switches. A simple generator has
concept of isotope and starts by listing the three isotopes of
manufactured power through using induction.
hydrogen. However, a student asks, “what are isotopes?”
In Excerpt 1, the teacher explains to the students how and the teacher answers by telling a short story. He does not
alternating current is created using an iron core and a coil. By really explain the concept and instead becomes engaged in
Table 1: Contextualization described as the intersection between school science and the everyday life context, school
context, or language context
Context Everyday life context School context Language context
Sub‑context Connecting scientific and Media; mass‑media Tell a story/example Reference to other Connects scientific Derivation of words
everyday phenomena and movies school subjects and everyday words from other languages
Number of 21 5 12 6 26 5
an anecdote of what use there could be for knowing about of the coded situations are related to a teaching sequence about
isotopes in a context other than a chemical one. One student organic chemistry and translations of the names of organic
also confirms that this is something the student has heard. This acids into everyday names.
indicates to the teacher that the students connect the discussed
The following example (Excerpt 4) illustrates how the
scientific content − in this case, the concept of isotopes − to
teacher involves a language context when explaining why the
an everyday life context. Furthermore, it is likely that this
resistance is named “ohm”/Ω, while developing the notion
contextualization is created in the moment as the teacher uses
of omega and its relation to other languages. In all, the data
the opportunity of a student’s question to tell the short story.
comprises five situations in which the derivation of words
Contextualization at the Intersection between School from other languages is used to enhance the scientific content.
Science and Other School Subjects • Excerpt 4
The second category found in this study concerned
contextualization at the intersection between school science Teacher: [Writes Ω on the white board] This is the letter
and other school subjects. At this intersection, the teacher made omega, and in the physics context, it means ohm... Omega,
the science content relevant to the students by involving what what letter is that?
is studied in other school subjects and referring to different Student 1: O.
angles of the same or similar phenomena. Considering the Teacher: In what alphabet?
school context, one might expect that this intersection could Student 1: The Greek.
be a common approach. However, we only identified six Teacher: The Greek. There is the block capital Omega.
situations during the lesson introductions; Excerpt 3 provides There is uppercase. There is an expression in Swedish from
an example of this: A to …?
• Excerpt 3 Student 2: O.
Student 3: Ö [OE]
Teacher: Earth is our planet, like our address as well. And
we’ve read quite a lot about the Earth in different contexts. Teacher: From A to Ö [OE] and it is from the beginning to
You have read about it in physics about gravity, forces, and so the end, and it came from the Greek [alphabet] because the
on. You’ve read a lot about it in geography; everything is about last letter in the Greek alphabet is omega, O. Therefore, we
Earth then. In biology, we have read about certain things, and say originally from A to O then, but it has changed. Think,
when I talked about space, I talked about some parts and you in Danish, what would you say if it would take from A to Z,
have probably talked even more about this in primary school. which is the Danish?
[The teacher shows a collage of images related to astronomy Student 4: A to Ö.
on a PowerPoint slide.] Here are some pictures that you were Teacher: No. Do you know what the last letter in the Danish
taught. What do we see? alphabet is?
In Excerpt 3, the teacher emphasizes that learning about Earth Student 3: Å [AA].
in biology is related to learning about Earth in other school Teacher: It is called Å. They say X, Y, Z, Ä, Ö, Å, [X, Y,
subjects, such as physics and geography. When the teacher Z, AE, OE, AA].
says “physics,” the teacher specifies and highlights that this In Excerpt 4, the teacher involves a short discussion about the
could concern forces and gravity. The other school contexts origin of Omega and its meaning in the context of science and
are further enhanced through the images that are shown on the physics and in other contexts. It is likely the teacher aims to
screen. It is likely that the teacher aimed to describe the content create a wider understanding of the sign omega and that the
as one part of a larger domain and, in so doing, contextualize letter is used in contexts other than physics. The teacher also
the science content through other school subjects. No students involves a third language, Danish, to emphasize the notion of
reacted to this statement. “from A to O” or “from the beginning to the end”. By engaging
Contextualization at the Intersection between School the students in this discussion, the teacher contextualizes the
scientific content by emphasizing a language perspective.
Science and Language Perspectives
The final category of contextualization from lesson The final example also concerns the school science content in
introductions found in this study considers how teachers use relation to a language perspective but connects scientific words
language perspectives or explanations related to a language and everyday words. This means that the teacher highlights
domain to emphasize the scientific content. This approach a scientific concept and refers to a synonym or an alternative
comprises various ways of explaining the notion or derivation explanation to consolidate the concept. In all, 26 situations
of words. The data material consists of 31 situations in which were found in the data material where the teachers explained
the teachers emphasize the language context in relation to concepts with synonyms or alternative explanations. In
science. As stated earlier, the content taught could have an Excerpt 5, the teacher focuses on concepts related to optics and
impact on how teachers tend to use contextualizations. This is uses different available resources to explicate the phenomenon
somewhat evident in this category as approximately one-third of converging rays:
at the compulsory level (Lärarförbundet, 2013), the average after the introductions and during the lessons are not analyzed.
amount of experienced preparation and follow-up time per Since the focus is on the teachers, a third limitation is the
week was 5 h, which is equivalent to approximately 15 min difficulty to draw any conclusions regarding differences among
per lesson. When it comes to tools, the above-mentioned urban, city and rural schools. The data material of fourteen
reports (Skolverket, 2017; Lärarförbundet, 2013) and other teachers is too small. A focus on the students’ activities could
reports (OECD, 2017) point to the importance of professional highlight possible differences.
development to enhance teaching and to provide and implement
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